Book 30           NR.  2020 – 2133

received by  Bertha Dudde  between 8.8.1941 and 29.10.1941

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BD 2020                received  08.08.1941

Inner voice ....
Thought ....
Deed ....

Anything a person’s innermost feeling objects to does not comply with God’s will either, providing his willingness to serve God determines his thoughts and actions. He is exposed to the most varied temptations from the adversary’s side. Every weakness of will is used by him in order to cause him harm. Yet an earthly child devoted to God also feels the most subtle impulses directed against it, and therefore everything the human being affirms in his innermost heart will be right, and that which fills it with discomfort will be wrong. Even that which benefits the comfort of his body will make him feel slightly uneasy if it does not comply with divine will but corresponds to the adversary’s will instead, for this reason the human being should pay attention to the gentle voice in his heart and always follow it. Each action originates from a thought and the thought is the influence of a good or evil power on the person. The thought is the spiritual flow of the power the human being hands himself over to. And the thought is followed by the deed with the use of God’s strength .... If a positive thought comes to a person, that is, if he receives the mediation of good spiritual beings, he cannot do anything but execute these thoughts by availing himself of the indwelling strength and activating his will. The more unresisting good spiritual forces find a person, the more diligently he performs his occupation, the more he utilises his thoughts, and this is tireless work, it is constant activity. And if the human being lets the good thoughts take effect in him, if he listens to the good spiritual beings, he can only carry out good deeds. However, unscrupulous people also accept the transfers by evil forces and also activate their will by committing bad deeds. Yet they will not be prevented from doing so. If they do not heed the inner voice then all efforts by the good beings are in vain, their influence is minimal, consequently they withdraw from people until they look for God again of their own accord and thus He allows Himself to be found by them. If a person’s striving for perfection is great, he will also recognise whether the inner voice gives him the right advice and he will also feel what he should reject, for God gives the striving person the right understanding, and he should only pay attention to his innermost voice, for he will be guided right at all times ....


BD 2033                received  17.08.1941

Catastrophe ....
Fulfilment of the Scriptures ....
God’s love for humanity ....

Only a few people turn their attention to the signs of the time, yet these few know that the time has come which Jesus revealed, for it is coming to pass as it is written, and they realise that every period of time has been preordained for eternity .... There is no doubt that that a terrible catastrophe is about to befall earth .... God’s love is infinite and so is His mercy, and whatever will come upon earth is only based on His love. For without this happening humanity would be doomed. God knows of the many misguided people, of their wrong will, of their heartlessness; He knows that humankind is in a state far removed from God, and He takes pity on their spiritual hardship. He has no other objective but to change this pitiable state of humanity, to remedy it, to save people from utmost distress. And He foresaw humanity’s adversity and, during the time He lived on earth, announced what His love and mercy would bestow upon people in order to save them. Yet humanity cannot and does not want to believe, for it no longer recognises God, it laughs and scoffs instead of taking stock of itself and continues on the path which is leading to disaster. And the hour will come when the extent of adversity will be immense, when the elements of nature will rage such that people will be incapable of thinking and taking actions, yet there is no other possibility for people to recognise their weakness; there is no way which could persuade humankind to turn to God without such suffering, and if it is not to go entirely astray it must accept this event which has been predetermined for eternity and will come to pass as the Lord proclaimed ....


BD 2034                received  18.08.1941

Teaching of predestination ....

The teaching of predestination has to be clarified most decisively if people are not to be pushed into wrong thinking and completely mislead. It is a genuine danger to people who accept what is offered to them as a religious dogma without seriously reflecting on it. This teaching destroys every impulse in the human being; by suppressing the aspiration to ascend, the human being becomes inactive and completely surrenders himself to the actions of forces which now have power over him. The person does nothing to resolve this obvious inertia because he believes that God’s grace will reveal itself to him when He so pleases. This assumption is proof of his missing faith in God’s infinite love and mercy, it is an assessment of the Eternal Deity in accordance with human understanding, because it infers that God’s love depends on the worth or worthlessness of the person.

God’s mercy includes all human beings; and divine love is only ineffective where human will offers resistance, but it is always concerned with turning this will towards itself. God is certainly pleased when people ask for Him, whose will thus enables the bestowing of grace. But His care and love is always concerned with those who do not yet want to be seized by His love. However, it would be completely wrong to assume that God’s gift of grace is given arbitrarily, that receiving it can neither be prevented nor encouraged by the human being; it would be completely wrong to use human limitations in respect to the giving of God’s love, i.e. by assuming that it depends on God’s pleasure in the person. In that case the human being would be a lamentable creature, because he is in an imperfect state of maturity which would have to exclude God’s benevolence; he is still sinful, i.e. his will is still striving towards God. God’s benevolence is not aroused until the will turns towards God and this motivates God in giving His grace in abundance to the human being. But God will never impart His grace to the human being whose inner will is still in opposition to God. A person can indeed openly oppose God but his soul can nevertheless desire God, in which case the forces of the underworld are strongly influencing him to revolt against God, and then divine grace will help him to achieve victory over these forces. This is undeniably caused by divine grace, it has helped the person whose heart had desired God. A human being who would receive divine grace without his will or in opposition to his will would be a predestined being, he would have to mature by means of grace. But such maturity excludes free will and would therefore never result in perfection ....


BD 2039a                received  21.08.1941

Mental activity ....

A purely spiritual exchange produces purely spiritual results, thus the will to accept spiritual knowledge has to precede the transfer of such by the giving forces. This is therefore a request for beneficial spiritual strength, consciously or unconsciously .... consciously through prayer for enlightenment, unconsciously through questions posted by a person which touch upon spiritual matters and which are consequently answered by knowledgeable spiritual beings. If, however, the human being is more in contact with the earth, that is, if he desires clarification about purely earthly things, he can give himself the answer in a solely intellectual way. The intellect is likewise a gift of God but it cannot be compared to spiritual activity by the forces in the beyond, which are in a state of perfection and merely pass on God’s flow of strength, for what they pass on is profound realisation and the knowledge of spiritual things which the intellect as such would never be able to ascertain. Earthly questions, however, can be fully solved, as then the strength of God becomes active, which flows to every living being and which even that person who has no spiritual questions at all to settle, may possess. Consequently, the mental knowledge of every earthly striving person can be very extensive and yet need not signify light for him. For this knowledge will be extinguished at the moment of death, whereas the transmissions from the spiritual kingdom remain the property of every soul, for it is everlasting knowledge, thus purest spiritual strength, which is sent by God through mediators to earth. The best evidence for this is the fact that such wisdom is offered to people without mental activity, whilst earthly solutions without exception necessitate mental work, thus using the energy of life from God ....


BD 2039b                received  21.08.1941

Mental activity ....

The human being cannot be compelled to get in touch with spiritual forces, but it is a deliberate act of free of will. Consequently, he must also have the opportunity to be mentally active if he does not establish a connection with knowledgeable forces, only in that case is his activity limited insofar as he can only solve earthly questions. Then only his physical organism will be active; he will use the energy of life which flows to him entirely independently from support from the beyond, as long as he does not appeal to these forces for it. The thoughts the person is now thinking have no spiritual value at all, thus no value for eternity, they are not spiritual but earthly, i.e. transient knowledge. However, mental activity can also touch upon problems which lie beyond worldly things, but the human being, due to his will and his attitude towards God, resists the influence of knowledgeable beings from the beyond with the result that his thoughts will utterly contradict the truth .... Hence, only those spiritual forces will express themselves which are requested by the human being’s will .... But at all times spiritual forces are at work as soon as spiritual questions are raised, whereas earthly question only need the vitality which flows to him, even though the person believes that his intellectual thinking always solves every problem. Ignorant or lying forces will certainly let the person believe that he has gained the result by purely intellectual means, since it is their intention to deny all spiritual activity, in order to also destroy the belief in divine working. Consequently, the human being considers himself the originator of every thought, and the forces supporting him will encourage this opinion, and only a person aspiring towards God understands the nature of thought. He feels the currents which flow to him from the kingdom of light. He willingly allows himself to be influenced by the good spiritual forces. And therefore, only the person aspiring towards God will know the truth, for that which flows to him in the form of thoughts is from God .... purest truth will be imparted according to His will through bearers of light to the human being, because God is the Truth Himself ....


BD 2044                received  26.08.1941

God’s permission ....
Human free will ....

Human free will is the reason for everything people inflict on each other, which so often results in unspeakable suffering and yet is permitted by God. Although His almighty power could indeed prevent it but it would be a restriction of free will if the human being was prevented to carry out what he wants to do. If God took his free will away the human being would be forced back into a state of compulsion. It would be impossible for him to test his free will during his period of life on earth. A human being has to be able to accomplish what he intends to do, only then can it be said that he has the means of self determination during life on earth. Only when the effect of free will, in a bad sense, is directed against people who are consciously connected with God and who pray to Him for protection, will God prevent the latter from being harmed by bad will, but then the bad will is judged as an accomplished act.

At the moment an endless number of people are subjected to the same ill will, thus they also share responsibility for the suffering of the time .... if they approve of actions which result from it. They will not be free from guilt until they reject acts of evil. Condoning an act of evil makes them partly responsible for the suffering that results from it. However, what countless many people consider right, although it is the greatest wrong, will not be reversed by God because people need to understand their wrongdoings themselves or they will always do the same again without recognising their wrong as such. Nevertheless, this does not mean that God’s justice will not intervene when humanity’s activity becomes so extensive that humanity itself is in danger. But even this intervention is merely to let people’s free will become active again and, in view of the huge suffering, turn towards good .... so that the human being now, of his own free will, strives to make up for what he, due to his previous approval, either directly or indirectly has caused himself. God must permit humanity’s actions, He does not want to determine the will of a human being before making his own free decision. However, when he has finally decided, God will reduce the effects where necessary and permissible without interfering with the free will of the human being ....


BD 2075                received  17.09.1941

Souls of the deceased close to earth ....

As long as the souls of the deceased still think of and desire earthly possessions and pleasures they will stay within the proximity of earth. Through their longing they are connected with everything they desire and will always stay close to it. Even in the beyond they cannot easily detach themselves from what they loved on earth, with the result that they find it difficult to strive to ascend in the beyond. Spiritual maturing becomes questionable while earthly desire is still captivating the soul, for desire generally excludes giving until the soul desires spiritual nourishment. Receiving this will also awaken or increase its urge to give. But if it is not yet receptive for spiritual sustenance it will not be offered to the soul either, for then it has not yet completely separated itself from earth and would never recognise the value of what is desired in the spiritual kingdom as the most precious possession. However, the desire for earthly possession is a lack of maturity of soul, and thus earth is surrounded by numerous souls in an inadequate state of maturity, which cannot detach themselves from what seemed dear and desirable to them in earthly life. Such souls can only be helped by prayer, for a loving prayer lets them feel something which they haven’t felt until then .... they receive a flow of spiritual strength, which triggers in them something entirely different than the fulfilment of earthly longing. This influx of strength makes them feel extremely happy and they gradually turn away from the goals they had sought after until then. And thus a human being on earth can bestow upon the deceased immense help and a tremendous labour of love if he often forwards a prayer to them, which initiates a detachment from earth and its formerly loved surroundings. All earthly things are a hindrance to higher development, only when the longing for it is fought will spiritual matters step into the forefront, and only then will the ascending progress in the beyond begin, and the sooner the spiritual endeavour starts in the beyond the less will the soul have to fight, for the earthly longing will constantly lessen, the soul will distance itself from earth ever more, and it will only have overcome matter when it feels the desire for spiritual possessions .... Then it will not just desire but also want to give, and this is the beginning of the ascent to the pinnacle ....


BD 2083                received  22.09.1941

Misuse of the gifts which distinguish the human being from the animal ....

Unadulterated pleasure in life is the goal and endeavour of every person who still lives in darkest spiritual night on earth. And as soon as he achieves it he will enjoy his life to the full and only live for his body while his soul goes without, and if the human being is satisfied with purely physical pleasures his state can be called exceedingly imperfect. It testifies to a purely materialistic attitude, for then the human beings will merely be an empty shell, he cannot be deemed any more, that is, more highly advanced than a creature which lacks intellect and free will, for the latter is not being used or is used in a completely wrong way by the person. The gifts which distinguish the human being from the animal are intended to achieve the soul’s higher development; their use shall merely manage to achieve the soul’s transformation. The human being, however, only uses these gifts to enhance his body’s well-being, and thus he is misusing them. In this case the circumstances of the individual person are not important, for the striving for the pleasures of life in itself is a misuse of his received energy of life and the gifts bestowed upon him by God’s love. As to whether he will find fulfilment in his life does not change the fact that his desire worsens the darkness of soul, for his thoughts and intentions impede the soul’s actual task. Hence the person’s life can remain empty and deprived of earthly pleasure and still not gain him psychological higher development because his desire is orientated towards earthly pleasure. Fulfilment is often denied to them in order to redirect their thoughts and intentions towards spiritual experiences, and yet they fail to find the path into the spiritual kingdom. Their highest goal is and remains earthly happiness .... And such an attitude will not reduce their distance from God, thus it is the cause of a deficiency which will have far-reaching consequences at the end of their earthly life, and this deficiency can no longer be rectified once the soul has left its earthly body.

On the other hand, a short time on earth can suffice to make up for what had been neglected if the human being takes the shaping of his soul seriously. This is why ever more opportunities will approach the human being in his latter years of life which he only needs to make use of and which, if he is willing, can bring him incomparable blessings, for God will not leave misguided souls without help even if the human being does not acknowledge Him, i.e., even if through his attitude towards worldly pleasures and earthly possessions he turns towards God’s adversary. He struggles for his soul until his death. Time and again He is willing to help and guides him such that his thoughts will be turned to spiritual spheres. And time and again his will is given an opportunity to make a decision. For divine love is such that it will not let go of whatever wants to withdraw from Him. Even so, God will never decisively intervene in the human being’s will but so evidently bring those people together who can complement each other, i.e., He brings badly informed people in contact with those who can serve them in a giving and instructive way. This task is often difficult as long as the world is still alluring, which weakens the will for the acceptance of spiritual truths. Yet occasionally just slight attempts will suffice to make a human being receptive to them .... namely, when the world gives him very little .... Unfulfilled desire can also lead to overcoming the desire, in which case it was richly blessed. Then the person’s struggle with himself, against his own craving, was made easy for him by denying him the satisfaction. And this, too, is God’s grace, which can lead to the right decision of the free will. One day people will thank God for what they so bitterly and harshly condemn, if it was successful .... or they will suffer bitter regret if their will ignored this grace as well ....


BD 2086                received  25.09.1941

Purpose of natural disasters ....

It can be unhesitatingly stated that the earth will be afflicted by powerful natural disasters; indeed, these catastrophes should even be mentioned so that people will know that the respective events are not determined by coincidences. There is no such thing as a coincidence, everything is predetermined, and everything takes the path of higher development. And the forthcoming natural disaster will release countless beings and provide them with opportunities for new forms. At the same time, however the disasters are intended to affect people such that they will look for a connection with God. People only consider the latter very rarely now, this is why God wants to bring Himself closer to them again if only by means which cause fear and terror in people; but if events are proclaimed in advance a person will recognise the correlations and then entrust himself to the Power Which is able to help him. The forces of nature are the only means which can even shake up the most unbelieving person and lead him back to faith. Yet they never last long and likewise the will to believe only lasts for as long as a person is in danger of losing his life.

However, the eternal Deity will never intervene with anyone such that a person is forced to believe .... Even in greatest physical adversity He will allow him his freedom. He certainly fights for the still imperfect souls but He does not force them. And therefore natural disasters will also have to occur within some conformity to law, they just happen more or less violently depending on the necessity for those endangered people who lack correct realisation. And for that reason they shall be informed of the forthcoming events .... Humankind shall become utterly helpless and with childlike trust call upon God for assistance; prior to this it shall already be informed of the dreadful time it is approaching, and if it is only of weak faith all announcements will accepted with indifference since it will most likely assume that the announced event will not happen. And yet, people will remember it if their body and soul is in peril. And this intended, for as horrendous the effects of a natural disaster might be it always entails a shock to human thinking and this can also have a beneficial effect on people’s faith, providing they had received the knowledge beforehand. For the whole of humanity is facing a turning point of life. And blessed is he who recognises God’s will in everything sent. Then he will truly not be able to behave differently than according to His will and only ever see the great adversity of his fellow human beings and look at the disaster as a means which can ease this hardship .... And this disaster is imminent .... it will come like a thief in the night .... And is just as quickly over again, yet the result will be inconceivable ....


BD 2091                received  30.09.1941

Danger of accepting established traditions ....
Examination ....

It is incomprehensible when a person supports a traditionally adopted teaching which would barely stand up to serious scrutiny. Only someone hungry for truth scrutinises every teaching and will indeed be successful insofar as that he will be able to differentiate between misguided teachings and the truth and correspondingly decide for or against existing doctrines. He will accept what he recognises as truth and retain it as a precious possession. But he will also disassociate himself easily from that which seems untrue to him, he will consider it worthless and thus he will not hesitate to give it up, to reject it. And only then will he value the doctrine and be imbued by it. And since it came alive in him he will stand up for this teaching, whereas traditionally adopted teachings are lifeless possessions, for they are accepted and kept due to some sense of duty. The person dare not voice his own opinion and strictly adheres to the teaching people imparted to him. Such a doctrine cannot lead to spiritual maturity in a person, for only that which he recognises as truth refines his nature. But in order to recognise the truth of a teaching the person must weigh up all pros and cons. If this is his serious will, he will recognise the truth and his work will begin .... to enlighten his fellow human beings as well. However, a person can only endorse that teaching which he himself regards to be true. Hence he must have examined it first before he can pass a teaching on. A certain sign of the value of a teaching is when it can be imparted to a fellow human being with complete confidence. If a person is so penetrated by it that he is capable of imparting a teaching understandably and acceptably then it can also be assumed that he has seriously examined it himself, for he cannot explain something that is still unclear to him, nor would it stand up to serious scrutiny and would therefore be discarded by himself as worthless. Thus, when it is being discussed, the battle of words will be won by that person who had formed an opinion about a doctrine and thought about it himself. He will find it easy to inform his fellow human being because he will have mastered the content of what he wants to pass on, whereas an adopted doctrine becomes more a game of words, because it cannot stand up to closer inspection and is therefore not suitable to be passed on. In that case people can only ever adhere to the wording of a teaching; however, the meaning of the wording causes confusion among people, just as, vice versa, the imparting of a teaching which was recognised to be true will lead to bright light and realisation in a fellow human being. This is why the acceptance of traditional religious doctrines must be warned against time and again, for they offer little or nothing at all to people. But something that should make people happy must be equally acceptable for all people, provided they are permeated by the desire for truth and see in it a mission to pass on what is imparted to them. They are fully capable of differentiating between truth and lies, thus a thoughtless acceptance of established traditions will be out of the question ....


BD 2099                received  05.10.1941

God’s call to service ....
Inner voice ....

You should subordinate yourselves to the Lord in every respect, that is, you should always be willing to do that which is pleasing to God. You should only ever accept His will and whatever the inner voice then advises you to do will be right, for God Himself manifests His will to you through the inner voice. Thus, you carry out your will, so to speak, and yet it goes hand in hand with God’s will. In that case, you no longer need to worry, for you then you will live on earth under the protection of your spiritual friends who will mentally inform you of divine will. And spiritual striving will always be first required of you, although your earthly work ought not to be neglected, yet if you offer your services to God it is His will that you are at all times at His disposal, that you serve Him when He calls you to do so .... And you hear His call when you listen within. To be of service to God means to be ready for Him at all times and to follow His call. However, the call from above sounds gently and subtly in your heart, and in order to hear it you must practise humility, love, gentleness and peacefulness. Thereby you shape the heart’s ear which will perceive the most subtle call and you will always know when the Lord is in need of you .... Then He will no longer call you in vain, for then you will hear His voice and hurry to be of service to Him ....


BD 2100                received  05.10.1941

Creation of the beings ....
Wrong will ....

Bear in mind that you are the living creations of the one who opposed God, that you were called into existence by the will of the God opposing power and that you are therefore children of sin .... God did not withhold His strength from this spirit who once emerged from His strength as a perfect being, hence he made use of God’s strength and, by drawing on divine strength, let countless beings arise from his will, and this was your beginning .... You are the products of a wrong will and yet of divine origin, since only God’s strength made you become what God’s adversary wanted. And this is why you are subject to him as long as your will still strives for the same .... separation from God .... for this was the fundamental idea, the motive for the apostasy from God .... to be free from His power .... to be free and to rule over the beings. And thus the most illuminated being created by God descended into the deepest abyss .... it rebelled against God and tried to instigate all beings having emerged from his will to also rebel against God .... And his created beings succumbed to his will although they were able to freely decide which lord to acknowledge. The beings were in his power because they surrendered their will to him, which was subsequently abused by God’s adversary by binding it and thereby enslaving the originally free living creations .... However, everything that emerges from God’s strength has the urge for freedom, and in order to return this freedom to the beings God seized the beings from their maker’s power .... He placed them in a free state into the spiritual world and gave them the right of self-determination .... The beings, however, also abused their freedom and also became sinful by taking the opponent’s side. But divine strength is the fundamental substance of the beings, and divine strength must flow back to God without fail. And thus God wrestles for these fallen-away beings so that they will find the path to Him and offer Him their will ....

Human intellect cannot comprehend that nothing can ever be lost which emerges from God; it cannot understand what an enormous task it is to lead that which had distanced itself close to God again .... Nor can human intellect accept that the power of God’s adversary was so great as to create beings, and that divine strength did not intervene to change his will, so that he would have had to acknowledge God as Lord above himself and also order his products to approach God and comply with His will .... Human intellect cannot comprehend that infinite times pass by before the transformation of these living creations’ thinking takes place and they recognise God .... And therefore God informs people through spiritual channels of the knowledge of which power was active during the creation of the beings who are now experiencing their embodiment on earth .... These beings voluntarily aspired to be in opposition to God and would never ever return to God again had they been left in the state of free will; and since they had been created by the wrong will, the wrong will was also within them and this consequently had to strive contrary to God, for they did not know the power which was responsible for their aspiration. And thus the beings were subject to their creator, they were something imperfect, enslaved and therefore alienated from God, which could not correspond to His will and nature.

God, as the most perfect Being, could not tolerate anything near Him which did not correspond to this state of perfection. Nevertheless, it was not the beings’ own fault because they did not recognise the light as yet since they had emerged from darkness. God’s love helped these beings and informed them of the light .... He gave them freedom of will by removing His adversary’s power over the beings and thus freed the beings from his control. The imperfectly created beings, however, could not be changed by divine will to become perfect but had to decide for themselves, they had to strive towards God’s presence of their own accord and distance themselves from the adversary. Due to their freedom of will they had been placed into a position to decide since they now knew about both powers. Yet their wrong will predominated and the beings turned towards their maker again and lost themselves to the darkness .... And God took pity on them, for the state of those without light was painful. His love wanted the beings in a happy state. And so He removed the beings’ will and let them take an infinitely long path in a state without willpower which should lead them into perfection. And for this purpose God let the creation arise .... God shaped forms which were designed to shelter the passive beings .... Thus God created heaven and earth .... a spiritual and an earthly world, which was destined to be an abode for the imperfect beings until they had become perfect .... Now the beings were forced to discard their arrogance and bow down to divine will. They had to endure a state which represented a constraint for the spiritual being which formerly enjoyed its freedom. It was deprived of its freedom because it had abused it .... However, the path through the works of creation will bring it closer again to its previous freedom until it finally receives its freedom again when it is a human being, in order to then pass the test as to whether it will use its free will in the right way. There is indeed a great risk that the being will not pass the test, yet such a test has to take place because the return to God is only of full value in free will .... thus it signifies that the being will come closer to God. The strength from God which was once used by the adversary for the creation of the beings will have flowed back to its origin, and at the same time the God-opposing will have changed into a God-resembling will, thus the being has become perfect as soon as it shares the same will as God .... The being, which had no knowledge of God when it was created, only recognised God’s adversary as its lord; but now it has freed itself from his power and found the path home to its Father, from Whose strength it emerged ....


BD 2104                received  09.10.1941

Innermost feeling guiding principle for way of life ....

The human being’s innermost feeling is the guiding principle for his way of life. As long as a person asks questions he neither negates nor affirms anything, and then his inner voice speaks to him to which he only needs to pay attention in order to be on the right path. Being able to affirm is often very difficult as long as faith is lacking, yet only the will makes the decision. If it is good, then the human being will unhesitatingly accept what he is told by his innermost feeling, for with his questioning he opened his heart to the influence of friends in the beyond. But a person whose will is still subject to the adversary’s control keeps his heart closed to these suggestions. Thus he opposes and rejects them, that is, he negates. Paying attention to the voice of his heart will only ever be done be a person who is willing to do what is right. For he asks questions and waits for an answer. An unwilling person lives without asking questions relating to spiritual knowledge, because he negates everything of a spiritual nature, i.e., a life beyond the earthly life. And someone who does not ask questions cannot receive a reply. A person’s thinking mostly revolves around earthly things, and he considers the time spent on spiritual research a waste of time. In that case, however, he is still so materialistically inclined that he lacks the sentiment for the gentle voice within himself. Therefore he will not pay attention to his innermost feelings either. Thus is inner voice will predominantly sound where the love for the world, the sense for all earthly things, for matter, begins to diminish .... Only then will a person occupy himself with deeper thoughts with the results that he will often question himself .... so that he then, in a manner of speaking, will also give himself the answer which, however, was actually mentally transmitted to him by spiritual friends .... For as soon as his will is good and does not reject God he will receive the truth mentally and he can confidently believe his inner voice .... hence his innermost sentiment .... and subsequently do what he is impelled to do. Only the will must aspire towards that which is good .... he must want to do what is right then he will invariably also be shown the path which he should take ....


BD 2105                received  09.10.1941

Process of transmission is an act of spiritual emanation of strength ....

Spiritual contact can always and forever be established, yet rarely in such obvious ways that the working of spiritual forces is clearly recognisable. If such a contact from the beyond to earth happens then it is also for a purpose and this, in turn, explains that the contents of the proclamations which are conveyed to people from above are carefully watched over. All reservations regarding their credibility must be put aside, for that which is intended for the whole human race and not just for an individual human being is not being arbitrarily or indiscriminately imparted to a person. The least contradiction in the contents would cause people to reject it. And since it is God’s will to offer them a pure teaching He will also prevent that the information from above to be interspersed with errors. The giving forces are not arbitrarily permitted to teach; they receive their instructions from God and cannot add to it of their own will, for they only carry out the divine will. They are living in truth themselves and, understandably, will not distribute untruth. Ignorant beings, however, are powerless .... They are certainly able to harass the thoughts of people which are on the same level of imperfection as they are but they lack the ability to dictate correct manuscripts .... For worldly abilities are excluded in the beyond as soon as the state of maturity is imperfect .... The process of transmitting spiritual proclamations in this way is an act of spiritual transference of strength .... However, only a being of light is able to distribute spiritual strength, because it is also a recipient and bearer of strength. But ignorant beings or beings with inadequate knowledge also lack strength, consequently, such transcripts cannot take place because they are, after all, the outcome of emanation of spiritual strength in the first place. People’s allocated vitality is not enough in order to produce documents of spiritual content in such a short space of time.

Thus spiritual forces are undeniably at work, and other forces apart from the knowledgeable ones are incapable of given something they don’t possess themselves. Knowledgeable forces, however, are united with God, that is, their will is God’s will, and whatever they undertake is done on God’s instructions. Were they able to do so, ignorant forces would spread error all over the world in this way and the spiritual chaos would be incalculable. Immature beings are certainly able to mentally influence likewise immature people which results in completely a wrong way of thinking, a completely wrong attitude amongst humanity, but this has always been achieved through deliberation. However, people who receive transmissions without deliberation are remote effects of spiritual strength, that is, spiritual beings with extraordinary strength at their disposal pass these on to a receptive earthly child which only offers its will, i.e. which keeps itself open as a receiving terminal. This process is visibly recognisable, because the results exist .... they came into being without any means of help, they cannot be explained as a product of human intelligence, for intelligent thought is unable to produce such content within during such a brief time span. Consequently it has to be the working of a force which originates from outside the earthly sphere. And if a force is being acknowledged then only good beings can be the givers, for they alone can distribute and forward strength because they are permeated by strength themselves, since they are recipients of strength from God, thus they also share God’s will. The fact that the process is extraordinary is very soon ignored and the contents is most harshly criticised .... This, however, cannot be refuted and that itself should be enough to infer a giver who cannot be found in the realm of evil. The adversary truly makes us of other means than to refer humanity to that which is good and noble .... He does not preach love but hatred .... he does not try to bring enlightenment but intends to confuse people’s thinking. But here are clearly and understandably wisdoms presented to people which only informed forces are able to convey, and all knowledgeable beings work on instruction of God ....


BD 2107                received  10.10.1941

Where two or three are gathered together in My name ....’

Where two or three are gathered together in My name, there Am I in the midst of them ....’ What promise lies within these Words of the Lord! He announces His presence to those who meet in the name of Jesus. Thus it is His will that people should come together and remember the Lord .... It is His will that they should encourage each other to believe, that they help each other and speak about Him, that they therefore carry Him in their hearts and always mention His name. Then He will want to be with them, if only invisibly .... He wants them to be aware of His presence although they cannot see Him .... And therefore it is divine will that people should congregate in small circles in order to hear the divine Word. Yet He adds to this .... two or three .... People should consider that the Lord did not accidentally speak these Words .... they should consider that even in these Words rests a profound meaning. Communal prayers with many people cannot be God’s will, for something that should be a deeply inner experience turns into a mechanical action. For no formalities take place where only a few people are gathered, and these penetrate the divine Word ever deeper because they discuss each other’s points of view and also make a serious effort to live according to this Word. And this good will already draws God to them; this is why He gladdens the believers with His presence. But during large communal prayer meetings an exchange of thoughts is impossible. Each person is involved with his own thoughts and they don’t always relate to the spiritual kingdom. People don’t always deal with questions of eternity; often they are also very earthly-minded .... God will therefore never be amongst these for He is only present where He is most sincerely aspired to. And there will only be a few in such a community who have the earnest will to be good and therefore appeal to God for the strength to be able to live up to their will. These will be gladdened by the Lord. But there are not many of them .... Most people merely fulfil a duty and their belief is more a formality and the divine promise can never be granted to them. This is why people should abide by the divine Word, they should meet in small circles and draw strength from God’s Word, but they should never ever believe that it is pleasing to God when such gatherings are demanded as a matter of duty, since this excludes the profoundly heartfelt bond with the Lord unless his will is so exceptionally strong that the human being disregards all external impressions affecting him. Then the Lord will be with him too. Yet someone who complies with mere formalities has no living faith, thus he will not assign to these Words the significance which are actually inherent in these Words ....


BD 2110                received  12.10.1941

Violation of free will by fellow human beings ....

The human being’s resolve determines his actions and thoughts. He can certainly be opposed by another person’s will and he can be prevented from implementing his own will, but then two equal forces will be fighting each other and the stronger resolve will be victorious; but this does not deny freedom of will. So therefore the human being himself inhibits his fellow human being, and this is in accordance with God’s will as soon as the human will prevents his fellow human being from implementing heartless actions. In that case a strong will is a blessing for a fellow human being. Vice versa, however, it is very wrong to misuse a strong will by preventing a fellow human being from carrying out kind-hearted activities and spiritual striving and curtailing his own resolve. Such a battle against each other is based on heartlessness and can never be in accordance with God’s will. The motive impelling a person’s will into action is therefore always the decisive factor. The will remains free even if it is prevented from being implemented, this is why the will is judged and not always the deed .... if a person’s will had no intention to accomplish a deed but was forced by his fellow human being into doing so. No human being on Earth should elevate himself for the sake of dominating his fellow human being, for this contradicts the right relationship between people in the eyes of God. Even those with great earthly power at their disposal should treat their subordinates like brothers; they should use their will by using their ruling power with love, by only ever striving towards that which is good and thus also trying to persuade their fellow human beings to make correct use of their will, that is, to only do deeds which are pleasing to God. But as soon as a ruling power forces people into carrying out deeds which contradict the commandment of love, it also binds their will, i.e. it makes it impossible for them to use their free will and thus it must also bear the responsibility for all forcibly undertaken deeds. Hence, free will, in an earthly respect, is not curtailed by God, instead, only people disable each other’s freedom of will. Yet a violation of will is only possible in an earthly way. In a spiritual respect no power on earth is able to influence freedom of will. No power on earth can force the human will into a specific attitude towards God, no power on earth can prevent its inclination towards God but neither can any power incline it towards Him if it is still in opposition to Him. The human being must use his own will to form his opinion of God and what he decides to do is entirely up to him. The will’s apparent lack of freedom in an earthly respect can occasionally have a favourable effect on his opinion about God, for where he considers his freedom to be inhibited a person often looks for a spiritual balance .... He activates his free will where it cannot be prevented, and thus an external coercion can still be of benefit to him, since the actual purpose of life merely consists of the decision of will for or against God which, however, will never exclude the fact that it is wrong to use the strength of will between people to inhibit another person’s will. Were the commandments of love observed, every person would want that which would benefit his fellow human being and all intentions of dominating another person would be eliminated. Unkindness, however, impels people into taking ever more severe measures against each other .... The strong person will always use his will and override the will of the weak which, in a manner of speaking, is the influence of the power that once misused its free will for the apostasy from God ....


BD 2113                received  14.10.1941

Belief in a continuation of life ....
Consequences of earthly life in the beyond ....

Caring for the salvation of the soul is not being taken seriously and yet it should be the most important, for this is the human being’s only purpose of life. Nevertheless, the human being cannot be forced to do so, it can only ever be presented to him again that he will have to accept the consequences of his activity on earth after his earthly life, that he, if he neglects his soul, will have to endure a far more meagre and agonising existence than the most impoverished and excruciatingly painful earthly life can be. The human being is only living for the present, and he believes that this present will be over with his physical death. And therefore he won’t make any provisions for the future. And yet he is only on earth for the sake of this future ....

The belief in a continuation of life after death cannot be forcibly conveyed to him, consequently he cannot be offered any obvious evidence from the beyond as not to restrict his freedom of faith. But if the human being would just have the good will to know the truth, the spiritual world would make itself perceptible to him, then he would heed the smallest sign, and the belief in a beyond would come alive in him. But the human being is generally not at all interested to know anything about an ‘afterwards’. He lives on earth and is satisfied with this certainty, always providing that he won’t know or feel anything anymore after his physical death. And he doesn’t consider that only the external form has become lifeless, because the spirit .... the true life .... has escaped from it. He fails to consider that it is unable to die, that it is immortal, that it only leaves its external cover behind on earth in order to enter its true home. And he fails to consider that he is shaping on earth the spiritual kingdom for himself .... that it will correspond to his earthly life .... that it can be a dark, unfriendly and depressing or a radiantly bright and joyful environment for the human being’s soul. He doesn’t consider that he will remember his unused earthly life with severe unbearable regret .... since he will never be able to say that the knowledge of it wasn’t communicated to him.

Every person will receive instructions in this regard, yet not everyone will accept these instructions because he is unwilling, and the will cannot be compelled. Then they will only tend to their body, they will only pay attention to its well-being, whereas the soul remains ignored. Humanity’s adversity is immense, and consequently the physical adversity has to be extensive too, so that the human being will look within himself and become aware of the irrelevance of all earthly things and also of his body, so that he then will send his questions into infinity after all and as a result be guided into thinking differently ....


BD 2117                received  16.10.1941

Divine providence ....
Misguided will ....

The events in the life of a human being do not happen by coincidence, instead everything is divine providence and has been predetermined since eternity. Every person’s life has been outlined in detail, and if it appears as if human will is playing a part, then only because God has known the human will since eternity and therefore He also knows how the person is using his freedom of will. And in accordance with this will God had shaped human life even before it began. Thus the individual cannot change his life in a completely different way than that which God has determined, just as, on the other hand, no coincidences play any part in the planning of earthly life. Therefore, irrespective of whether changes in life are favourable or unfavourable, everything should be accepted with gratitude and submission, because they only intend to achieve the soul’s higher development, they are only more opportunities for its maturing.

It is completely misguided to assume that a person’s will or action might have been able to prevent this or that. Irrespective of how the human being’s will decides, the results always correspond to God’s eternal plan, although this does not absolve the human being from his responsibility if he uses his will wrongly. God has already taken this person’s misguided will into account, i.e. the consequences of this turn into opportunities for ascent again. This sequence, however, does not relate to the person’s misguided will, i.e. a person’s misguided will can certainly accomplish a deed, the effect of this deed, however, is not decided by him but by God .... And thus God co-ordinates every event, He lets the occurrences follow each other in such a way that they benefit the person’s soul, and a human being cannot do anything to prevent the plan that God devised once and for all. There is no such thing as chance, no matter how miraculous events appear to be, the course of every single person’s life is always God’s will .... Because God will always allow for the person’s free will, and as He has known this since eternity He has shaped his life in accordance with this free will ....


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