Book 32           NR.  2275 – 2419

received by  Bertha Dudde  between 25.3.1942 and 22.7.1942

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BD 2284                received  01.04.1942

Heavenly glory ....
Spiritual vision ....

God has withheld the knowledge about the glory of eternal life from people because it would influence their actions and thoughts insofar as that the human being would be unable to be anything else but good in order to attain the eternal glory for himself. In that case, however, he would never be able to become perfect, for perfection presupposes a good way of life of one’s own accord but not for the sake of reward. If a person is good of his own accord, that is, if he shapes himself into love, the knowledge of the eternal glory will indeed be revealed to him on earth already, depending on his soul’s degree of maturity. His ability to conceive things in the spiritual domain will be awakened, and figurative impressions will be imparted to him which his spirit will pass on to the soul. This is the spiritual vision which presupposes a certain degree of psychological maturity. Then these people will not be harmed by the knowledge of the eternal glory, i.e., it is only the consequence of their correct way of life before God. Even if a person is informed of the fact that life after death is incomparably beautiful and full of delight for a human being who shapes himself into love, this reference is nevertheless not coercion, because it is up to the person to believe it or not. And then again, it will only be believed by a person who makes an effort to live according to God’s will, whereas the other one lacks faith. Consequently, spiritual vision can only be attained by a profoundly faithful person living up to God’s will, for the glories of eternity will only be revealed to him. But this vision, which is proof of his soul’s maturity, will always be granted to a person shortly before the completion of his physical life, for he will not be required to stay much longer on earth since he will have fulfilled his purpose and established a heartfelt relationship with God. Only for the sake of humanity does God not call Him to Himself, so that it will be offered a small testimony of the truthfulness of the divine Word ‘Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor have entered into the heart of man the things which I have prepared for those who love Me ....’ For earthly eyes cannot behold such things; the spiritual eye, however, can only receive these impressions when a specific degree of perfection has been reached. What the spiritual eye then beholds is difficult for a person to describe because it exceeds the earthly human being’s comprehension and Words cannot even roughly explain it. Even so, the imparted impressions should be enough for his fellow human beings to become profoundly faithful and encourage them to live a God-pleasing way of life. However, if a human being opposes this with his will, not even the most glorious description of the eternal bliss would manage to change it, for the realisation and the knowledge of life in the beyond in a state of perfection is the result of a God-inclined will. But God does not change this will by force; instead, He will allow it to remain free ....


BD 2292                received  08.04.1942

Christianity ....
Formalities ....
Fight against schools of thought permitted ....

That which you believe to own must first be acquired, because you cannot call something your own as long as you are satisfied with the formality. The teaching of Christ has been forced to become a formality, and this formality is now incorrectly called Christianity. Consequently, people who comply with this formality call themselves Christians. They presume to possess the teaching proclaimed by Christ, they believe to be followers of the church of Christ and yet they can be a long way from it if they do not live in accordance with the teaching of Christ. Now then, if you want to be true Christians you have to make an effort to delve deeply into the divine teaching of love which Jesus Christ has proclaimed on earth. Only then will it become your possession, then you will own something wonderful, and only then may you call yourselves Christians.

Today’s Christendom is not widespread because there are only few people left on this earth who live in harmony with Christ’s teaching, and they are found everywhere, i.e. in every denomination and school of thought are people to whom the divine teaching of love has become the guiding principle for their earthly way of life. And these are the true Christians, they neither observe external appearances nor do they depend on specific organisations created by people, which claim to have been founded by God. Spiritual attachment is indeed very beneficial for the soul’s development, whereas a formal unification is rather more a hindrance since it incorporates the danger that the formal unification will be more observed than the teaching, which should constitute the core of every spiritual endeavour. And for this reason the very formality, i.e. the structure, which has developed as a shell to enclose the core, will become rotten and collapse ....

Everything built by people in the course of time will vanish, and then it remains to be seen who can claim the right knowledge, profound faith and the pure teaching of Christ as his own .... The human being now has to prove the depth of his Christianity and to what extent he has become dependent on the formalities which are mere human work and therefore cannot continue to exist either. Because everything made by human beings does not last, and only what is of God will remain .... But God through Jesus Christ gave the divine teaching of love in a pure and unaltered form to humanity, and it will also remain as such. However, anything which was added or changed by people is approaching its disintegration. And thus no school of thought which deviates from the teaching of Christ will continue to exist. For this reason God permits the fight against the different schools of thought even though it is not His will that everything revealing spiritual endeavour on earth should be fought against. But His eternally true Word will be sent to earth with all the more clarity, it will be made accessible to people time and again as the pure teaching of Christ, so that they can make it their spiritual possession and then shape themselves into real Christians if they live in accordance with this teaching ....


BD 2301                received  13.04.1942

Battle for spiritual supremacy ....

Fateful is the battle for spiritual supremacy which will flare up to an extent not experienced by the world before. Evil spirits want to forcefully displace the virtuous ones and this is indeed a course of action which divine love no longer wants to watch passively and decisively will end the battle Itself. All attempts aim to cause the spiritual aspirants such severe difficulties that they discontinue their striving, that they turn towards the world so that the world can then claim victory, so to speak. If the world would succeed to eradicate the belief in an existing Deity and in the divine Saviour Jesus Christ then it would have gained victory over the other believers, and the outcome of such a victory would be grave, because then all of humanity would be heading for disaster since all further spiritual development would be out of the question.

This battle has been fought many times before yet never in such relentless way as it is now planned. Because the adversary himself is at work now, and he stops at nothing to assume control over humanity and will find willing agents, i.e. people who are willing to do anything, and thus believers will experience tremendous difficulties. Harshest measures will be taken for no reason at all against those who in their heart still believe in God and the divine Saviour, by attempting to make their lives unbearable. For they are superior to the unbelievers and scorners and can contradict every contention, and since God wants to use these willing people who are exposed to the particular onslaught by the worldly power during the coming time, He will not permit that His servants shall be tormented to the point that they will surrender their faith .... on the contrary, He will endow them with great strength and reinforce their faith, and they, for their part, will now enter the battle, they will fight for the name of God and both camps will find their supporters. And then the battle will erupt with full intensity, the virtuous spiritual world will struggle for supremacy over the bad elements and the world apparently wins because it succeeds to intimidate people into parting with their faith because they do not believe that they can endure the events. And during this hardship God’s love is consistently concerned for the human race. He will closely guard His small flock and not permit that it should fall victim to the powers who are so obviously fighting against God ....


BD 2302                received  14.04.1942

Emotional and intellectual thinking ....
Truth ....

Every human being deems himself as living in a state of realisation if he advocates an opinion he formed intellectually. Nevertheless, this opinion need not always correspond to truth. God gave the human being intellect and free will, but He also gave him a heart .... As long as the intellect wants to find a solution for a spiritual question without the heart, he will hardly come close to the truth, for the truth comes forth from God and can only be received by the spirit and not from the body which is, after all, of matter. Intellectual thought is merely a function of the body .... but the heart is the seat of all emotions, the heart also shelters the divine spark of love and therefore the spirit, which is a part of God. A thought born in the heart, thus originating from the divine spiritual spark, can therefore always claim to be based on truth, for the spirit only imparts purest truth .... But whether the thought was born in the heart or is merely a product of rational thinking depends on the heart’s ability to love. The more deeply the human being is able to love, that is, the more he strives for unity with God through loving activity, the clearer the thoughts will arise from his heart and enter the person’s consciousness. For these thoughts are spiritual strength which flows forth from beings united with God and into the heart of someone who likewise unites with God through his activity of love. Whereas intellectual thinking is merely the function of physical organs, thus the utilisation of the human being’s received vital energy, which can also be used by the person who exists without love, i.e. whose heart has little ability to love. Intellectual and emotional thinking should thus be separated. The latter will always arrive at the truth, whereas intellectual thinking need not always be the truth, even if one can speak of well developed reasoning power.

Only love is decisive, i.e. determinant of the truth. The human being has little information about the nature of thought, and therefore the difference is not clear to him. The thought born in the heart only has one thing in common with intellectually gained spiritual knowledge, both have to reach the brain in order to penetrate into the person’s consciousness, and this makes the human being assume that every thought originates in the brain, that it therefore was intellectually achieved. Nevertheless, the mental knowledge of a loving person, hence a person whose life is a constant activity of love, has to be entirely differently judged than the purely intellectual thinking of someone with little capacity to love. The former will come close to the truth, whereas the latter offers no guarantee for truth and knowledge. For God reserves the truth for Himself and only distributes it to those who acknowledge Him, desire Him and demonstrate this through activity of love. Consequently, that which flows forth from a loving heart can be accepted as truth without hesitation, for such thoughts are subject to a certain surveillance through knowledgeable spiritual beings, whose responsibility is the transfer of thoughts and which therefore diligently watch that the person will think correctly. For through his activity of love the human being acquires the right and the claim for the light beings assistance, which now guard the person from thoughts which contradict the truth ....


BD 2304                received  16.04.1942

Philosophy of life with Jesus Christ ....

Only a philosophy of life affirmed by Jesus Christ and therefore based on the divine doctrine of love will be a blessing for a nation and guarantee its spiritual as well as earthly flourishing. A nation which adopts such a philosophy of life remains profoundly united with the One proclaiming the divine doctrine of love, it will mature spiritually and not be subjected to such great afflictions since it makes every effort to live according to God’s will and therefore does not require much suffering in order to change. A population which models itself on the divine Redeemer, which acknowledges Him and thus has an affirmative attitude towards Him, does not merely live a worldly life and will therefore not only be interested in material goods but also strive for spiritual possessions, it will live an inner life and strive towards ascent for, due to its faith, it is more knowledgeable, because faith requires loving activity and the latter leads to knowledge. And knowledgeable people consciously live their lives with God, that is, they will never turn away from Him and pay tribute to the world. Hence they will have conquered matter already because, having been seized by the love of God, they see their goal of life in the union with Him. Consequently, a nation which has released itself from matter is highly evolved but will never try to assert itself against other nations. It is peaceful and willing to help, it won’t seek to increase its power or try to make an impression, it lives its life quietly and in seclusion, hence, it will have little esteem in the world yet be held in high regard by God. Such a nation will never be able to understand that a different way of thinking could ever establish itself which negates everything of divine origin, which therefore also excludes the divine doctrine of love and wants to replace it with human teachings. Yet the latter will not last long and the nation which adhered to the latter will go under, for nothing will remain that is not of divine origin, which must also include a philosophy of life without Jesus Christ. And even if people wage a battle against Him, they will never be able to destroy His teaching, the divine teaching of love, and a worldview without Christ will destroy itself, just as a nation having adopted this point of view will sooner or later cause its own downfall ....


BD 2321                received  03.05.1942

Disposition ....
Instincts of preliminary stages ....

The human being’s disposition does not release him from having to justify himself for his actions and thinking. For every person has strength and grace at his disposal to overcome every bad inclination if only he wants to do so. Besides, the soul brought characteristics into its human embodiment which it certainly could have discarded during its previous forms and as a human being is now allotted tasks which correspond to its present disposition, i.e., which offer the soul the opportunity to emerge victorious from its battle against this disposition. Yet in order to succeed free will always has to become active and this, too, will be strengthened by God in accordance with its attitude towards Him. If a person musters the will to appeal to God for help in his battle against himself, against his own weaknesses and faults, then the strength to release himself from them will indeed flow to the person. Admittedly, this requires a considerable struggle but it cannot be spared to him, because during its preliminary stages the soul had exceeded its designated limits .... i.e., the spiritual substance which stayed in already less restricting forms used this lack of restriction to the absolute limit. It effectively developed its instincts to the highest degree which it then, in the embodiment as a human being, has to reduce again and this requires greater willpower. Likewise, the spiritual substance can have tempered itself during the preliminary stages, hence made not full use of its designated limits, with the result that it now has a less difficult battle of higher development on earth. But the disposition has at all times been taken into account through the living condition in which the being, according to its inclination, also has the opportunity to master them. Indeed, many a person seemingly has to fight harden, yet nothing impossible will ever be expected of him since unmeasured strength and grace is always at his disposal, but it has to be requested by him himself, because the soul had used its previously granted freedom in the wrong way and this does not relieve it from its responsibility ....


BD 2340                received  19.05.1942

Divine justice ....
Intervention ....
Disaster ....

Divine justice will become apparent by the very event which is destined to humanity in the forthcoming time, for the countries whose leaders start the blaze that will extend all across earth will be severely struck. The blame of these countries shall be revealed by the approaching event which human will can neither avoid nor lessen. All people on earth shall recognise that God’s justice leaves nothing without punishment and that He intervenes once the measure of injustice has been reached.

God gave people free will which is now so abused that it requires retribution, so that righteously thinking and behaving people recognise the hand of God and despise what is sanctioned by the former. The conflict of nations will have spread wide and far and the fire will not be easily extinguished. As a result, God will end this blaze Himself by removing people’s opportunity of continuing the struggle through a natural event of unimaginable extent. He will render powerless what previously was strong and mighty, and He will prove that His will and His might are stronger. And anyone who is not yet completely enslaved by God’s adversary will also recognise where he has gone wrong and make an effort to lead a righteous way of life ....


BD 2344                received  24.05.1942

The soul - Carrier of all works of creation ....

The substances of soul demonstrate in their composition an extreme finely constructed formation that would strike the human being as enchanting if he could see it. There is nothing that is not present in this creation .... Everything in creation can be found in miniature in the soul because the individual substances had animated every work of creation and therefore also retained the shape of these previous forms, who multiply by continuous association and therefore constantly change and perfect the overall image. A human being’s comprehension would not suffice to imagine all these works of creation, yet one day he will, overwhelmed by the wisdom and omnipotence of the Creator, behold the image that reveals to him the most amazing magnificence. The least and most insignificant work of creation holds again thousands of miniature creations within itself which in turn also exhibit everything that is represented in God’s great work of creation. The human soul, however, is carrier of all these creations, i.e. it is composed of countless substances, each one has already fulfilled its task in creation and hence was permitted to unite for the last and greatest task .... to complete the infinitely long earthly progress as a human soul. No other work of wonder in all of God’s great creation is so extraordinary beautifully shaped as the human soul .... And it is proof of its perfection when the soul can behold itself as in a mirror and perceive its own glory, i.e. when it sees itself in the most radiant light in many thousand-fold shapes and formations, and thus the contemplation of itself causes it unimaginable happiness because the vision of the entire work of creation is an overwhelmingly beautiful experience for the soul. And the soul’s contemplations will never end because the image reshapes itself time and again; constantly more enchanting works of creation emerge since God’s wonders are endless and so is what His love provides to His living creations who are perfect and thus enlightened .... They always and ever feel His love and as a result experience ever increasing happiness .... There will be no conclusion, no limit of what the spiritual eye may behold .... And nothing remains unchanged, which denotes a state of bliss for the being which progressively increases and therefore requires constant transformation of the being’s spiritual vision ....


BD 2345                received  24.05.1942

Jesus Christ was dedicated to God body and soul ....

Jesus Christ’s body no longer opposed its soul; it demanded nothing for itself than the soul wanted, which had completely united with the spirit .... This was the state of Jesus, the man, when He had accomplished His act .... It was a state of utter dedication to God and total renouncement of everything belonging to the world .... His body, being entirely spiritualised, was totally independent from the earth and its laws, i.e. the spiritual substances of His human body had merged with those of the soul and effectively subordinated themselves to the spirit’s will, which was most closely united with the Father-Spirit, and thus the earthly body together with the soul became one with the eternal Deity .... This fusion was so extraordinarily significant and entails such far-reaching consequences which the soul is incapable of understanding as long as it hasn’t found the union with God itself. It was an act of immense self-denial, profoundest love and boundless dedication to God .... The soul of Jesus, the man, simultaneously drew its external shell, the body, into the sphere of God’s emanation of love, and both His soul and His body were permeated by God’s spirit of love, by His strength and His light .... Jesus, the man, was full of strength and light .... He was powerful and wise, and every creature obeyed Him, the whole of Creation complied with Him, for God was in Him in all fullness since neither the soul nor the body offered Him resistance any longer, and this boundless dedication also resulted in God’s boundless activity .... Now it was God Himself Who manifested Himself in everything Jesus did and said. God’s love takes hold of everything that hands itself over to Him, it permeates every creation as soon as its inherent spirit does not offer any resistance to the divine love .... Wherever this resistance is removed there can only be the love of God, therefore .... since God is love .... God can only be where He finds no opposition resisting Him .... Everything of God is divine as long as it offers no resistance. Only resistance turns God’s creation into something external to Him until it relinquishes its resistance of its own accord .... Jesus, the man, was utterly devoted to God and thus no longer external to God but fused with Him, thus One with God .... and therefore totally transfigured, because the union with God is a state of bright light .... And when Jesus Christ passed away from this world He took His body along with His soul into eternity, for nothing adhered to Him anymore which required further development, both body and soul were perfect; every spiritual substance was so inclined towards God that it was permeated by God’s light and love, that it was like God, because it had completely united with the eternal Deity ....


BD 2348                received  27.05.1942

Hour of death ....

The soul’s separation from the body is usually a painful experience for the body because a certain degree of maturity is necessary for a painless separation, which is rarely achieved by the person. The human being’s hour of death will always make him aware that he no longer will be able to strive, that he no longer will be able to achieve anything by himself when he has left the human shell. And depending on the state of his soul the hour of death will then become more or less difficult for him. As long as the human being is on earth he still has the choice to purify himself, and the soul in the beyond will thank its Creator for having been given this opportunity before its departure that it will not have to suffer as much in the beyond. Since God is righteous the soul has to accept its fate in the beyond and needs far greater suffering to attain the degree of maturity. Nevertheless it is not possible to enter the spheres of light without it, consequently this higher degree of maturity has to be achieved through suffering and pain and thus a long struggle before death should always be viewed as an ascent. It is true that people only see the state of suffering, which contributes towards their fear of death since the hour of death seems unbearable to them, and yet it is only bestowed upon the human being by the greatest love to provide for him a brighter light in the beyond.

And this love is the foundation of everything .... God only sends suffering and pain to earth for the purpose of removing a person’s physical desires, that he then will pay more attention to his soul and attempt to perfect it. Every suffering which results in this is blessed by God .... Time on earth passes quickly and with good will can be used to abandon everything worldly, then the soul shapes itself in accordance to God’s will and at the end of its earthly life requires no further exceptional suffering to enter the kingdom of light. However, suffering always contributes towards higher maturity and is therefore a blessing for the human being who otherwise would have to dispose of his errors and failings in the beyond which would also be rather wretched .... thus his suffering cannot be prevented even though the hour of death apparently proceeds silently and without pain. God knows every human being’s state of soul and his willingness to fight all impurities; hence He complies with the human being by offering him the opportunity to accomplish his goal .... by allowing the hour of death to be his last opportunity for arriving in eternity purged and purified ....


BD 2353                received  31.05.1942

False Christ’s ....
Signs and miracles ....

False Christ’s will arise and perform signs and miracles in My name .... This is what I announced to you ahead of time and My Words are true. Yet you try to explain these Words wrongly if you assume that the same power dwells within an evil force, an emissary of Satan, which made Me work signs and miracles during My life on earth. Heaven and Earth are at all times subject to My will, they are governed by My will, and this will of Mine upholds every creation, because a will that is contrary to Mine would signify the decline of everything I let arise if I granted him power over it. And yet, signs and miracles will be performed, but they only ever appear as such to those people who are his followers, for they are spiritually blind, they don’t know the true correlation of all things, and they will consider everything as signs and miracles which seems extraordinary to them but which every human being would be able to accomplish by mustering all his willpower. You are all in possession of abilities which you need only develop in order to accomplish many things. Yet your weakness of will prevents you from developing your abilities, and therefore something seems to you a miracle which, however, is within the scope of possibility for every single person .... And thus all signs and miracles, which I mentioned to you, will be understandable to every enlightened person, yet those who still live in spiritual darkness will conclude that it is supernatural strength. And they will grant divine strength to those who are My opponents yet appear in My name in order to deceive humanity. The darker the spiritual night is which enshrouds people, the easier it will be to make them believe in miracles, they will accept every extraordinary activity by evil forces as such, yet the extraordinary working of light .... of people whose will is inclined towards God .... will not be acknowledged by them, and this alone is already a sign that people are under the spell of the one who seeks to fight against God. And yet they will make use of My name .... that is, they will proclaim themselves as Messiah, they will promise people deliverance from every adversity through them and their teachings, for they will only try to win them over by describing themselves as representatives of the One Who has all power over Heaven and Earth. And everyone is a false Christ who preaches a wrong teaching in My name .... and who tries to confirm this teaching through extraordinary working which, however, can never be looked upon as a miracle ....


BD 2360                received  07.06.1942

Spiritual rebirth ....

The turning point in life is the rebirth of the spirit .... it is the moment when you become conscious of the spiritual strength flowing to you through My love. As soon as you feel yourselves inseparably united with Me, as soon as you become conscious of the fact that you cannot exist without Me, as soon as you feel My presence and this consciousness determines your whole life, the spiritual spark in you strives towards its Father-Spirit and you have woken up to the real life, you are reborn in spirit .... And from now on you strive towards Me consciously, your intentions and thoughts are inclined towards Me, your actions correspond to My will. And I take hold of you and draw you up to Me .... I won’t let you go anywhere on your own anymore, I will go with you wherever you go, I Am around you and pay attention to every thought looking for Me .... I hear your heart’s every question, every appeal for help, every sigh for My love and I will help you, even if you don’t feel it instantly .... My love for you is boundless and My care never-ending, and thus I won’t leave any one of My living creations without help. And I particularly take care of My children, for they are My children who have found Me and confide in Me of their own accord .... They have all My love .... Spiritual rebirth is like the rising sun .... it appears increasingly more radiant in the firmament until it is in the sky in full splendour, permeating My works of creation with light and warmth, giving life to new creations and keeping them alive .... Standstill no longer exists for a spiritually reborn person. He will become increasingly brighter and shining since he is, after all, permeated by My strength of love, by My spirit .... And thus he gains ever more light and strength and likewise illuminates everything in his surroundings.

Spiritual rebirth is the awakening to eternal life, and the spiritually reborn person will likewise be able to awaken the lifeless to life, for wherever his light is shining it penetrates the darkness with its bright radiance, and where there is light there is life .... where there is light I Myself Am present, and I bring life to all those who desire it, who consciously want it from Me, who likewise turn to Me with yearning, thus, who acknowledge Me. I give you My Word and thereby the visible sign of My love, I give you strength, which will manifest itself in increased longing for Me again, for this longing is the sign that My Father-Spirit draws the spiritual spark in you to Himself .... and thus you shall be happy when you yearn for Me, for My spirit strives towards you in the same way. And your hearts cannot let go of Me again, for I do not let them do so once they have given themselves to Me .... I Am the Spirit of Truth, I Am Life, I Am Love and the Primary Origin of everything in existence. Whomever I grant My love will exist from eternity to eternity .... He will live and know the full truth; there is no deception and illusion where he is; he will be what I Am .... a spirit, full of power and strength from Me .... He will radiate love and be incredibly happy for being able to impart My spirit to the living creations again, for being able to bring what was once lifeless to life .... He will resemble Me in everything, for My spirit permeates him and thus he cannot be any different than I Am, a being full of love, strength, wisdom and power .... And thus you will be the most blissfully happy creatures in eternity, united with one another and always near to Me .... And you will receive what you desire, for you will only ever desire My love, and this will permeate you continually, so that you can work for your own infinite happiness in My kingdom, which everyone who unites with Me in time and eternity can share ....


BD 2361                received  06.06.1942

Ending the struggle between the nations ....

An immense conflict between the nations will find its end according to divine decree. This will by no means correspond to the nations’ wishes; in fact, they will be horrified when they realise the outcome which entirely opposes their expectations. Yet human will is powerless wherever God expresses His will. And every day prior to this still signifies a gift for people if they use these days for the salvation of their soul by turning away from the world and towards God before God manifestly reveals Himself. People have already been affected by indescribably harsh suffering and yet it only brought a few closer to the Deity, for humanity pays no attention to that which is given to them by God but only to that which it is offered by the world .... Thus it does not make use of God’s grace; instead it constantly tries to increase its earthly possessions. And even where people’s belongings are destroyed they will only wholeheartedly strive to regain what they lost. And thus their struggle against each other becomes more and more bitter and can no longer be resolved in an earthly manner but has to be brought to an end by God if it is not to lead to a complete breakdown and utter godlessness.

For people lack faith in a just and wise God, otherwise they would already see by the world event to what extent humanity has distanced itself from God and why God permitted such a world event to take place. For God’s will does not prevent people’s will from accomplishing that which they precipitated by their heartlessness. However, the forthcoming event will raise great doubt about the existence of a Deity Which Itself destroys that which it created with Its Might .... But these doubts will only surface in people who do not act with love .... whereas the loving person will be enlightened and know that nothing can happen without God’s will, thus he will recognise that God had sent the event .... And he will know that nothing will come upon the earth without purpose and reason and that everything can benefit the soul in some way or other. He, too, will be severely shocked by the scale of the event but he will also realise that the human race must be shaken out of its faithless existence so that it will take stock of itself and give its way of life a different direction in order to come closer to God. And blessed is he who will still derive a benefit for his soul from this forthcoming event, for he will lose nothing but only gain, even if his earthly possessions have been destroyed .... He will have found God through it and gained infinitely more than he had lost ....


BD 2363                received  09.06.1942

Thinking apparatus ....
Influx of good or evil strength ....

Spiritual knowledge ceaselessly flows to you from the spiritual kingdom which you need only accept in order to possess it. Your will is decisive as to what kind of spiritual knowledge you take hold of, for you can make the spiritual transmission of light as well as that of darkness your possession, depending on your will. The human being’s thinking apparatus is so delicately constructed that it is being activated by every emanation, i.e. as soon as thoughts surround him like waves it becomes active by accepting what he agrees to, which is thus favoured by the person’s will. For this makes the decision .... it effectively accepts part of it whilst rejecting everything else, depending on its attitude towards that which is good and divine or towards the power which is hostile to God. For the influx of thoughts from both powers, from the illuminated or spiritually dark forces, are either beneficially or unpleasantly experienced by the person, who therefore accepts the one and rejects the other. Hence, it depends on his basic attitude towards God which mental information the human being’s will allows to take effect in himself, for once his thinking apparatus has received it, it will constantly remain at his disposal, for it will always rise to the surface as soon as the person wants to deal with it. If, therefore, the human being’s will is directed towards God, the mental knowledge will be accordingly so, i.e. it will only consist of such communications which flow to him from the realm of light, which thus do not contradict the divine will.

The human being will predominantly concern himself with spiritual things and disregard worldly matters, he will feel a spiritual hunger and thus accept from the spiritual transmissions that which corresponds to his desire while disregarding everything else. And so every person forms his own mental knowledge; it will be imparted to him from all sides, that is, good and evil forces endeavour to open their world of thought to the human being and make him inclined to accept their offer. If the human being unites himself with God in thoughts or in prayer he will, understandably, also accept the mental information given to him by forces which are united with God, and these forces will prevent the opposing power from influencing him, and this, once again, is expressed through the human being’s will, through its affirmative or negative attitude regarding the offered mental knowledge. This is why someone with the desire for God can be assured that he thinks correctly, for through his desire for God he makes himself receptive to the spiritual influx of good forces and feels that the mental information given by the opposing power is wrong and merits its rejection. The virtuous spiritual forces diligently train his power of judgment and watch out that the willing human being shall not fall prey to evil influences ....


BD 2372                received  17.06.1942

Misguided teachings are barriers for the seeker of God ....

The spiritually seeking human being experiences a certain lack of freedom as long as he cannot intellectually free himself from human teachings which don’t correspond to the truth. Such doctrines prevent him from cognition and thus he thereby erects his own limitation of knowledge because pure truth cannot be given to him until he has liberated himself or .... if it is given to him he does not recognise it as such. Although God moves indeed towards the seeking human being, He wants to be unreservedly accepted.

Misguided opinions, however, are barriers erected by the human being which, in a manner of speaking, still signify a partition between God and the person. Every false doctrine that the human being won’t give up is such a barrier which still separates the person from God. God will now stimulate the human being to pull the barrier down, i.e. other people will shake his convictions by unfavourably criticising his misguided teachings and the person will thus become inclined to quash these. If he does, he will soon gain insight because now he is taught by God Himself Who will send him the right thoughts, which the human being readily accepts. But as long as he holds on to his misguided opinions he cannot become enlightened. He finds no connection, and therefore his knowledge is patchwork and not sufficient to teach other people either, for someone can only give that what he owns himself and not what he is lacking. However, the more willing a human being is to walk the right path, i.e. to live in accordance with divine will, the more certainly God will guide him towards cognition, it just takes a long time to remove those obstructions which make it impossible to achieve cognition.

One must try with great patience to disprove another person’s false opinions. The love of a fellow human being can achieve this as long as he knows the truth and thus can also impart the truth. The human being is always victorious when truth is on his side because the truth is of God and God cannot be defeated. Anyone seeking God will find Him without fail because He makes Himself known to anyone who sincerely endeavours to find Him ....


BD 2375                received  19.06.1942

The wisdom of the wise will be destroyed ....’

The weapon of the worldly scholar is the presentation of evidence, and by using this weapon he will always be able to assert himself in the world, that is, his wisdom will be irrefutable as soon as he can provide the evidence for the knowledge he has gained. By comparison, spiritual knowledge cannot be substantiated with proof, it cannot be scientifically gained nor systematically conveyed to people, for spiritual knowledge is not the product of a person’s intellectual thought but the product of a loving heart. Spiritual knowledge has therefore nothing in common with earthly wisdom and can therefore not be judged by worldly scholars either, for spiritual knowledge is entirely alien to them; they are completely incapable of all criticism as long as they have not been accepted into the circle of knowledgeable people as a result of their wholehearted activity of love. And thus the worldly scholar will not be able to use his wisdom as evidence in order to disprove spiritual truths. For he will have to admit a shortcoming, he will have to admit that his worldly knowledge is not sufficient in order to penetrate spiritual areas. However, the spiritual knowledge gained through activity of love will revoke earthly wisdom as soon as this wisdom refers to areas which lie beyond the earth. Spiritual knowledge will yield different results than those gained by worldly scholars; consequently, the spiritually knowledgeable person will bypass and regard all presentation of evidence as unreliable and similarly regard people’s reasoning power as untrustworthy; and thus people who have penetrated spiritual knowledge do not hold worldly knowledge in high esteem. They consider it unsound since it does not contribute in the slightest to leading people into realisation and because divine wisdom can never ever be gained through it. But, moreover, despite the presentation of evidence the wisdom of the worldly wise will turn out to be wrong. For people who have never paid attention to the divine spirit, whose thoughts were therefore never spiritually inclined, will have to realise that people without worldly education have superior knowledge to them, and thus they will also have to acknowledge the truth of what contradicts their researches and subsequent results .....

They will have to realise that intellectual activity alone is no guarantee for correct wisdom .... ’I will destroy the wisdom of the wise, and will bring the understanding of the prudent to nothing ....’ And this is in accordance with the worldly researcher’s spiritual attitude towards God, since no person can know the truth without spiritual enlightenment; and without acknowledging and striving towards God a person cannot become enlightened, since the latter is a flow of strength from God, which can only happen to vessels which are open for this influx, otherwise the flow of strength cannot find a receptacle. All spiritual products for which the spiritual strength from God was not requested or used are worthless, and they will time and again be superseded or dismissed, for intellectual thought does not stop after one result because it is never completely convinced of its truth. In contrast, spiritual results developed in unison with the divine spirit always and forever remain unchangeable because they correspond to truth and are also recognised as such by people who sincerely struggle for truth. A purely intellectual person remains far from the truth, he neither desires it nor does he recognise it when it is offered to him, and thus he will become neither wise nor truth loving. Therefore his weapon, the presentation of evidence, will be taken out of his hand, for his presentation of evidence cannot prevail against spiritual results, which are God’s direct emanation, since his opponents fight with a weapon he does not possess ..... What has been announced through the working of the spirit will visibly manifest itself and thereby provide the evidence that truth only exists where the spirit of God is desired, and that this truth far surpasses the knowledge of the worldly wise, so that people realise that wisdom does not depend on human intellect but solely on the right attitude towards God and a corresponding way of life ..... For only then will the strength from God, His spirit, be desired and also be able to take effect ....


BD 2381                received  24.06.1942

Needy souls beg for prayers ....

Listen to the pleas of the dead .... Do not refuse them your intercession when they remind you of themselves, and know that without your help they have to suffer indescribably. The fate of an unredeemed soul is extremely sad, and you don’t know whether a soul is redeemed or whether it is suffering in this painful state and requires your help. You can only help these poor souls with prayer because then they feel your love and this gives them the strength to improve their own fate. They change their will, and this is first and foremost necessary to initiate a transformation of their sad situation. The souls are grateful for even the least amount of support because they completely depend on you or on the mercy of the souls who have already attained a higher degree of maturity. But these are only permitted to help them when the souls’ will requests a change of their present situation .... However, the will of such souls is weak if not completely inactive and therefore they often have to languish for an infinite length of time if they do not receive support by means of intercession which gives them the strength to change their will, i.e. to activate their will. If you could understand such souls’ suffering you would not let them ask in vain .... because every thought of a deceased is their way of bringing themselves to your attention and a call for help in need.

Humanity is very unkind to each other and without belief in life after death. That is why it does not remember its deceased and thus they suffer greatly. Time and again they push themselves into the thoughts of the human being to induce him to pray for them. There is immense hardship in the beyond and even the souls of unknown deceased come close to those who compassionately remember the poor souls .... because they experience every gift of prayer as beneficial, as an increase of strength and will to ascend. Deeply compassionate people on earth are always surrounded by needy souls who are hoping for their help. Even the resolve to help such souls is a gift of strength to them and every loving thought which includes them strengthens their will. And then helpful beings in the beyond can come to aid these souls by conveying the strength which is necessary to lessen their overwhelming suffering. Human beings do not really know how to value prayer as a gift of mercy. They can achieve everything by right prayer because God Himself has offered this blessing to them and imposes no restrictions. However, the soul cannot help itself in the beyond but depends on help. And you should give them this love and help to save them from the most painful condition and to facilitate the start of their self-deliverance .... Once the soul has overcome the point of weakness then its aspiration only strives upwards and its greatest need is remedied. However, it has to receive the strength for this by means of loving intercession because only the action of love leads to the redemption of the soul. If the soul itself is too weak to do works of love the human being should lovingly support it so that it receives the strength which it needs for its progress. For that reason you should not forget the needy souls .... because they implore you to help them ....


BD 2383a                received  25.06.1942

Infallibility of the head of church ....

Every religious doctrine should be examined before it is accepted. God demands this from you in order to reduce the adversary’s influence, because then you will also understand how he works yourselves. His objective is to infiltrate the divine truth with inaccuracies, but the human being can certainly become aware of it if he seriously examines what he is offered with the desire only to accept the divine, the truth. The opponent uses human will, i.e. he influences people to arbitrarily add other teachings to the divine teaching and to pass them on as God-given teachings. But human work is not without error and consequently the pure divine teaching is spoilt too, and even more so the less people scrutinise and think for themselves. And once again it is the opponent’s doing that human doctrines inherently prevent their scrutiny and contemplation .... that people are therefore required to accept each religious doctrine unconditionally and scrutiny of it is made out to be wrong. This furthers the activity of the prince of lies very much indeed. But God requires people to have a living faith, i.e. a faith of heart, a faith which affirms with full conviction what it is taught. Anyone who seriously thinks about it will be able to affirm every divine truth wholeheartedly, however, he will never be able to accept the action of Satan. He will soon recognise it as human work and, having found it to be worthless, thus abandon it with an easy heart. Examine everything and hold on to the best ....

And because scrutiny inevitably has to entail the recognition and rejection of every error, the adversary knew how to prevent the examination of religious dogma by establishing a teaching which was intended to eliminate human thought and which thus has resulted in very nasty consequences .... This concerns the teaching of infallibility of the head of church, which apparently relieves the human being of every responsibility yet leads him into deep spiritual darkness if it is accepted and regarded as divine truth. Because any misguided teaching could then be added as divine truth without permitting criticism or rejection. And thus the door was opened to every error .... a field had been made available to the adversary’s activity on which he could scatter his seed widely ....


BD 2383b                received  25.06.1942

Infallibility of the head of church ....

People’s obligation to believe the teaching of infallibility of the head of church means that every additional teaching or rule set up by the head of church has to be approved or accepted without criticism, and thus the human being’s thought and choice are eliminated, even though they are indispensable if the human being is to give account of his relationship to God one day. Every person has to answer for himself, consequently he has to make his own decision with complete freedom of will .... However, in order to make a decision he has to be able to examine and consider what he should decide on .... It should not be the case that an individual person decides and this person then demands of thousands and thousands of people to follow his decision, subsequently expressing this demand in the form of a commandment .... (a doctrine) .... which is undeniably the case if every church commandment were to be acknowledged as in accordance with God’s will, because its foundation is the (alleged) infallibility of the head of church. These teachings are now unreservedly accepted without the human being clarifying their meaning and purpose, resulting in routine actions which are unrelated to free decision, profound faith and deeply felt closeness to God ....

A church service evolved which, in reality, is not a service to God. Customs were introduced which are more or less formalities .... The adversary’s actions succeeded in alienating people from the truth under the guise of piety, to stop them from using their own thoughts and thus their free decision too, since all this is suppressed by God’s adversary due to the dogma of infallibility. Because once this teaching has been made plausible to a person he will no longer need to have an opinion about it. Thus he accepts without scrutiny, he need not make a decision because someone else has already made a decision on his behalf and free will is not utilized. Instead, the person has to believe what is given to him as religious dogma if he does not want to come into conflict with the particular religious dogma, which the church makes out to be so very important, that the head of church can never err or take wrong measures when he makes a decision concerning the church.

God only values free decision-making, but this has to be made by the person himself and thus the pros and cons of religious dogma have to be considered by him. Only what he can affirm in his heart can be called faith, and not what he finds himself compelled to affirm .... Because religious dogma intended by God will bear up to every scrutiny and will be even more convincingly accepted the more the human being delves into it .... However, anything that is not of God does not stand up to scrutiny and will be rejected by every person who seriously struggles for knowledge ....


BD 2388a                received  28.06.1942

Forthcoming event ....
God’s intervention ....
Time of adversity ....

The nations will rage against each other without mercy and inflict the greatest possible damage on themselves. People will be gravely affected by this and suffering and grief will be their constant companions. People’s heartlessness is immense and will even keep growing, and thus they will draw divine intervention ever closer to themselves. There is not much time left before it comes to pass what God has revealed to people through his spirit, and yet, people will be taken by surprise, for in their unbelief they don’t believe that they will be affected by it themselves. They don’t believe that their spiritual hardship is such that it will necessitate this intervention and that the time for it has come. For they don’t try to understand each other, everyone just wants to achieve his own advantage and harm his fellow human being. And this is the beginning of an unimaginably meagre time .... Ideals will be lost which can never be replaced again .... The time has come of which the Lord has spoken on earth, and the said intervention will result in such appalling suffering that people will believe they are incapable of enduring this forthcoming time.

And yet, no-one will be able to escape but, in fear of their life, everyone will hear Gods voice speaking loudly and clearly to humanity. The extent of the destruction will make many people equally poor, great demands will be made on people’s love, for only active neighbourly love will be able to handle this misery while raising the spiritual low at the same time. For a loving person will not leave his fellow human being without help and this activity of love will lead to spiritual growth. Every day until then shall be valued, and there will not be many more of them .... The day will come surprisingly soon which will signify a major change in many ways .... And despite their inner upheaval only devout people will remain calm and recognise the real state of affairs. And in their awareness of humanity’s spiritual hardship they will try to also lead their fellow human beings to have faith. For the event will happen for the sake of their souls, and if a person then cares for his soul God’s intervention will also have borne fruit. Yet again, there will only be a few, for their spiritual blindness will prevent people from realising ....


BD 2388b                received  29.06.1942

Forthcoming event ....
God’s intervention ....
Time of adversity ....

Only a few people will derive benefit for their souls from this event which will repeat itself three times in short intervals. It will deprive people of their thinking ability for it will be so huge that all considerations will fall by the wayside and everything will turn into chaotic confusion. Only His children will be manifestly protected by the Lord, for He will later need them to work for Him. Those who trustfully pray to Him in advance for strength and support will also receive strength and support from Him if they require it. And even if it looks as if everything is lost .... He will direct all events and will know why He allows such a disaster to befall humanity, and He will also put a stop to it when the time is right. The strength of faith shall demonstrate itself in the aftermath. For this event will signify to the devout a confirmation of the divine Word, and then they will support the faith with utter assurance and conviction, and they will be invincible. The less people are burdened by earthly possessions the more receptive they will be for the divine Word, and therefore God will destroy anything that impedes their path of ascent. Afterwards there will be inconceivable misery amongst people, and yet they would be able to lessen it for themselves if they were willing to help each other.

And God will bless all active neighbourly love, and He will help people to endure the earthly hardship. For whatever God takes away He can also replace again if the human being needs it. Yet his heart ought to detach itself therefrom, he should not consider earthly possessions the most important things on earth but realise that they are unimportant and transient and that the bond with God is the only strength and comfort-giving means in order to endure even the greatest suffering. This event has been destined since eternity, it shall, after all, be the last opportunity for salvation for countless people on the wrong path, who only live for earthly things and therefore need to be shaken up in order to seriously reflect on the purpose and goal of earthly life. Yet only a small fraction will derive benefit from it, while the others will re-establish the old living conditions with increased vigour, and they will use any means to acquire earthly possessions again. And this is the time when the new beginning shall be opposed by God’s Word, when people will separate into those who will give up everything just to be able to remain loyal to God and those who will reject everything of a spiritual nature and instead desire the world and its possessions with increased longing. And then the forces of light will clearly be fighting against the powers of darkness ....


BD 2401                received  08.07.1942

Contact with the deceased ....
Souls close to Earth ....

Countless souls are close to earth whose state of maturity is still very low and who therefore still harbour the desire for earth because the higher spheres are still inaccessible to them. These souls are often still unaware of the fact that they no longer belong to earth, that is, they still don’t know that their physical life on earth has come to an end, and therefore they still remain in their old environment and want to talk to people without, however, being heard by them. Sometimes it can take a long time until they realise that they have nothing to do with the Earth anymore. It takes a long time until they find themselves in their new environment and finally stay away from Earth. This stage of ignorance is not very satisfactory for the soul, for it finds no understanding and help anywhere because it turns to people who cannot help in the way it desires to be helped. Only the realisation that it has passed away from earth for good and that people can only offer their help through prayer motivates the soul to reflect on its present state and to consider the possibility that it might be able to change this state itself. Then it will pay attention to every opportunity which raises its degree of maturity. Only then will it take stock of itself and try to hold itself to account, which will often result in bitter remorse that it did not use earthly life in accordance with God’s will. And during this remorseful mood it is often visited by beings of light which approach it under a cover so as not to be recognised as beings of light. These draw the soul’s attention to the suffering of other souls and try to awaken its compassion for them. Then it will depend on its inner attitude as to whether the beings of light will provide it with strength or leave it to its fate again until its compassion for the needy souls outweighs its own suffering and the beings of light continue their influence anew, and then with successful results. Earth is surrounded by countless souls which, in a manner of speaking, still live on earth, but unknown to those people who define everything they cannot see and touch as non-existent, and who therefore refuse to believe that the souls of the deceased surround the people who stay behind. For they can only be seen with spiritual eyes, however, the physical eye is blind, consequently the souls are unable to make themselves known by any means, because people do not react to them, since they are dependent on the divine natural laws in which God Himself has placed them. They only see and hear with physical organs, but the souls of the deceased require spiritual vision.

And so there is no connection between the souls of the deceased and people on earth, in a purely worldly sense; only an entirely spiritual connection exists, and this can only be established if the human being on earth is willing to harmonise with the souls, that is, if the human being on earth believes in the soul’s life after death and as a result of this belief tries to communicate with these souls. Consciously getting in touch with the spiritual world is the prerequisite so that contact can be established between people and the souls in the beyond, which makes a mutual understanding possible. And then it depends on who is more knowledgeable, the human being or the soul in the beyond. For the informed participant shall instruct the uninformed one. If the soul in the beyond is in a very immature stage, then the human being can convey his knowledge to it by speaking to the soul, which the souls can understand and hear very well. But, if a human being lacks knowledge, he will be instructed by knowledgeable spiritual beings once his will desires this instruction. And thus you humans on earth can very beneficially influence the souls which are close to earth, since the state of their maturity is usually inadequate, with little knowledge and therefore not much strength. By transmitting the knowledge with loving thoughts they can be helped insofar as it enables the souls to detach themselves more easily from earth and at the same time turn their attention to equally suffering souls in the beyond. This can awaken love in them and they will subsequently be introduced to further knowledge by the beings of light, which recognise the souls’ change of heart, and then, on their part, helpfully support the souls ....


BD 2409                received  15.07.1942

Why prayer is necessary ....

People’s endeavour at present only applies to matter, and this means a standstill of spiritual development. There is a danger that the human being will regress if he will not come to recognise his state of poverty, for God’s adversary is trying to pull the souls down in order to win them for himself completely. And the more he succeeds the harder it becomes to escape from him again and turn towards higher spheres. The human being’s will is weakened and can only change with God’s help, which categorically requires calling upon Him for help. And this makes prayer therefore the first and most important requirement .... As long as the human being is still able to pray he is not hopelessly lost, since every call for strength in spiritual adversity will be answered, and if the human being can no longer recognise the spiritual adversity he is in, which is also due to the adversary’s influence, and thus ignores the blessing of prayer, he will then be led by God into situations which will make him realise his own helplessness in earthly difficulties, so that he will then take his refuge in prayer and call upon God in his adversity. He is always ready to help, He will not deny His support to any petitioner, He gives strength to the weak and alleviates every adversity, but He wants that His help shall be consciously desired; He wants the human being come to Him as a petitioner, because this is the admission of his lack of power and strength, which God has to demand of the being which had once, in arrogance, in conscious awareness of its power, turned away from the One from Whom it had received its strength.

The being shall become a recipient of strength again as it had been in the very beginning, nevertheless it shall work with and not in opposition to God, and therefore it first has to realise that it is an utterly weak being without God’s love, in order to motivate it to join God again, from Whom it had voluntarily distanced itself. Therefore the unity with God has to take place in free will again, and therefore the being cannot be given strength against its will. But it is expressing its will through prayer, through the desire to be given strength, which God will always fulfil. For He only wants to be acknowledged as the Giver of strength and that the being abandons its former resistance through prayer and willingly seeks to unite with God again, so that it then can be permeated by God’s strength and thus become a recipient of strength once more, as it was originally destined to be ....


BD 2412                received  17.07.1942

Spiritual coercion ....
Human commandments ....
Fighting the teaching of Christ ....

All spiritual coercion has to be condemned because the human being’s action resulting from it cannot be valued by God.

Only complete freedom of will determines the value of people’s actions. Therefore they should be informed of Christ’s teaching, but they should not be duty bound to lead a specific lifestyle as a result of rules and regulations, which they will then dutifully and habitually observe. People should certainly be educated to think and behave correctly, but they should only ever be shown the rights or wrongs of their actions. They have to be advised to practise love but they should never be urged into actions by rules which do not match their inner will. Only the commandment of love should be observed and therefore also taught .... because anyone who fulfils the commandment of love shapes his heart such that it will want to carry out of its own accord those things which correspond to God’s will. However, commandments which oblige a person to conduct his life in a certain way, even though a failure to comply with them does not demonstrate heartlessness towards other people, are not given by God, i.e. they are outside of Christ’s teaching, because this teaching only preaches love which, however, does not aim to achieve the fulfilment of divine commandments by means of external force.

The human being has to be able to shape himself in utmost freedom of will if this transformation of thought is to be of value for eternity. Freedom of will, however, is restricted as soon as a dutiful transformation is demanded. Every good deed which does not arise from the heart, i.e. which is not accomplished by the inner urge to carry out an action of love, will only be valued for what it is in reality .... an implementation of duty without warmth of heart. And there is great danger that the human being will give too little account to himself about his thoughts and actions because he believes to have done what he was meant to do on earth, and this belief has its foundation in the commandments which people had added to the teaching of Christ. Only the divine teaching of love is to be understood as the teaching of Christ, but never humanly decreed commandments which aim to achieve something else than just true actions of love ....

Where love is taught love also has to be practised, and actions of love should be understood to be everything that is beneficial to other people. Thus the human being is merely expected to do good to his fellow human being, and therefore the divine teaching of love will only expect people to fulfil those requirements which protect their fellow human beings from damage or are of benefit to him. When the human being considers the wellbeing of his fellow human being he is living within love, because it is urging him to help other people. This is the true activity of love which is required from people by God and which was constantly practised by Jesus Christ on earth. However, if people are demanded to do something, even though failing to comply by no means damages or injures other people, then this is due to humanly decreed laws which should not be confused with the teaching of Christ.

Nevertheless, there is great danger that the commandments of love will be ignored in favour of these humanly added commandments and that the significance of Christ’s teaching of love will not be recognised, which is evidenced by the fact that humanity, ignorant of its true value, wants to replace Christ’s teaching of love completely. Because it pays more attention to commandments which more or less enslave the human being because they represent spiritual coercion to him. The world takes offence to this and is now attempting to fight against and replace everything, including the pure teaching of Christ, which is only preaching love. Everything added by people to the divine teaching of love was only done to infiltrate the pure teaching of Christ with error, because it is deviating from what Jesus Christ has left to people as His Work. However, only what is of God will remain .... but human work will pass away ....


BD 2415                received  19.07.1942

‘Eye has not seen ....’

Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor have entered into the heart of man the things which God has prepared for those who love Him .... God has withheld the knowledge of this from people, He merely expects their faith in the glories of the beyond, in fact it cannot be shown to them as long as they live on earth, because what God has in store for His children is nothing of an earthly nature, it cannot be perceived with earthly eyes and felt with earthly senses. Nevertheless, His Word is truth .... and thus the soul can expect an exceedingly happy state in which it can see and experience the most wonderful things. Nothing on earth exists which could be used as a comparison and even roughly correspond to the truth. It is a state of blissful happiness; it is a continuous view in the spiritual world whose inconceivable diversity reveals itself to the spiritual eye. All spiritual beings are united with each other in utter harmony and equilibrium; there is constant activity of love, a coming together and complementing of each other, a continuous service to God and reception of spiritual strength, a continuous giving of happiness and increase of strength of love .... It is an indescribable bliss, merely one look at this glory would prompt humanity to live a completely different way of life, yet this would not be judged in the same way as a right way of life before God without knowing the reward. The human being shall be good of his own innermost accord if he wants to partake in these joys in the beyond. Nevertheless, God made this promise to people, and as soon as a human being accepts it as truth, as soon as he believes, the knowledge about this blissful state in the beyond will no longer be a danger to him, for then he will be so united with God that he will strive to be good of his own accord and will not feel obliged to live a good way of life because of promises. For God has prepared these glories for those who love Him. Love for God is the condition, but this must be born in the innermost heart and only the degree of love will be judged, not a deed which is accomplished for the sake of reward. But where love is present, the reward is not thought of .... Where love is present, there must also be happiness and bliss, for God Himself is love, and God’s presence is the most wonderful and happiest state for the soul, love is the fulfilment; God’s love is the epitome of heavenly beatitude ....


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