Book 60           NR.  5405 – 5509

received by  Bertha Dudde  between 2.6.1952 and 16.10.1952

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BD 5405                received  24.06.1952

The narrow path ....

I want to dwell in you, I want to reign in your hearts, yet with a love that shall fill you with joy. I want to be inside you .... This presence of Mine also makes you My children, then I will have come to My Own and they will have accepted Me .... All My love belongs to you who live on this earth as My living creations, it cares for you and leads you onto paths which, admittedly, are often stony and laborious to walk. I lead you, and yet again I stand at the goal and wait for you. Thus you have My everlasting assistance and no-one can say they have never experienced My help. However, if he does not follow My kind-hearted urging and loving call he will stay behind, and those who follow Me will make considerable progress .... and they will reach the goal .... I Myself draw them to My Fatherly heart and lead them into My house .... the child has found its way home to the Father from Whom it was separated for an infinitely long time due to its own fault .... It finally has found its way back because it entered the only path that leads to Me .... the path of love .... Yet it is not easy to cover this path, it offers no enticements, no feast for the eyes, it is not smooth and cannot be effortlessly walked but has to be scaled step by step because it leads steeply upwards and many obstacles will first have to be removed before it becomes passable .... But it is passable because a guide constantly walks by your side, supporting and protecting you, providing you with strength when you want to give up. He speaks to you full of love, He takes the burden off you which you have to carry, He carefully leads you across dangerous cliffs and is your constant companion .... Thus you are able to reach the goal, proving you have the will to do so .... But now you are also able to turn your sights to the wide path, and this wide path can easily appear desirable to you, for it is lined by all kinds of joys and pleasures. The loveliest images entice the pilgrim into daring the jump from the narrow, not easily passable path onto the wide beckoning road where many people gather to enjoy worldly delights .... The temptation is very great and many a person cannot resist it .... He leaves the laborious path, and he will always receive help in getting onto the wide path .... For figures are standing everywhere who beckon to him and offer their hand, who rejoice that they can entice the pilgrim away from the narrow path. The wide path, however, will not lead to the same goal .... it leads downwards, as sure as the narrow path leads to ascent.

This depiction makes it clear to you that the final goal can only be reached through effort, that it takes a certain struggle with oneself and with the difficulties which stand in his way. Thus, the human being can only reach the final goal if he takes it seriously, if he ignores all difficulties, if he only directs his eyes upwards where I beckon to him as a most glorious goal .... Then I Myself will carry his feet across the obstacles, then he will not see them but keep his bright gaze on Me as I extend My hand for him to hold on to, which lead him to the end of the path .... But how different is the life of those who walk along other paths .... How many joys and worldly pleasure can one person show, and how much deprivation, affliction and tribulation the other .... One person’s days are shaped full of variety, whilst the other only sees his and other people’s hardship and apart from his own he also carries his fellow human being’s burden because he is impelled to do so by love.

Yet the day of reckoning will come sooner or later, and this will turn out to be as the human being wanted it himself and how he demonstrated his desire .... He who strove spiritually, who did not forget about Me despite all tribulations but tirelessly walked towards Me, will receive spiritual possessions. But those who walked along the wide path will suddenly realise that it ends in the abyss .... The abyss will welcome all of them, for they constantly walked the path downwards, which certainly started with the best of intentions but they were soon abandoned, because the temptations dispelled all second thoughts, because sin becomes rife where My adversary is able to influence people’s souls. And the wide path has been laid out by him with the objective of ruining people. And thus you humans are enticed by two powers, and you can make your own decision, you can choose yourselves whom you want to strive for. You can become My children, but you can also remain his children ....

This is the decisions you humans have to take on earth. It is an extremely responsible decision, for it determines your whole eternity. This is why each of the two ruling powers sends out his messengers. There will be no-one walking the wide path who will not encounter people who warn and admonish him, for they stand by the wayside, they know the Lord Who alone can offer Salvation, and this realisation stimulates them to also inform their fellow human beings and to lure them away from the extremely dangerous wide path .... Influencing these travellers such that they will leave the wide path and join the pilgrims on the narrow path is rarely successful. The latter, however, are seized by My love and mercy and I make their ascent easy for them because they rose above themselves. And a glorious crown is beckoning to the victors .... they will be the first because they possess My whole Fatherly love, which I also wanted to give to the others but had to experience their rejection .... For anyone who walked the wide path walks without Me .... because the love of the world smothered all love for Me and other people and the gulf cannot be bridged without Me .... Walk love’s path to the cross .... love and suffer and bear your earthly burden with humility and submission and know that you thereby substantially shorten the path to Me, that your soul becomes increasingly brighter and more translucent the higher you rise .... Know that you will get ahead of the souls which did not emulate you, and that one day in the spiritual kingdom you will be able to affect those who stayed behind in their spiritual development, that you then should and will be able to help them so that they, too, will reach the light. For I cannot arbitrarily place those into the kingdom of light who failed in their earthly life, who did not live according to My will but allowed themselves to be controlled by the one who is My adversary .... Yet they shall not be lost forever .... And one day it will be your mission to save the souls from the darkness, to help them achieve beatitude, even though they will never reach the degree of light which is the result of a right path on earth ....


BD 5424                received  29.06.1952

Attribute of truth: Emanation of light ....

You will always be permeated by My spirit if you appeal to Me for it. Therefore you will also always think and act correctly if you request enlightenment through the spirit first, for I will grant every spiritual prayer .... I will not let you take the wrong path if it is your will to take the right one, otherwise you could doubt My love, but it is constantly concerned that you will not go astray .... Thus it is My will to guide the spiritual beings, which distanced themselves, back to Me. And anyone whose work is conducive to this process of return works for Me and in My will. However, the return of the fallen spiritual being, which is embodied as a human being on earth, can only take place through spreading the truth, for no being will ever be able to reach Me on a path leading away from Me .... But error and untruth can never be the path to Me, since I Am the eternal Truth. And thus understand that I Am sending the truth to Earth because it is the only path to eternal life .... And this truth shall be spread .... The knowledge about meaning and purpose of life on earth, about the purpose of Creation, about My eternal plan of Salvation .... about My teaching of love, which is effectively the key to eternal beatitude. You must be taught by the eternal Truth Itself if you want to know the truth and thereby enter the right path, which leads upwards. However, it is now also a fact that much is being circulated on earth as truth which completely deviates from the teachings which a servant, who is permeated by My spirit, directly receives from Me .... You humans must therefore be careful and only accept that which is consistent with the Word conveyed to you from above .... You must test it and keep what is good .... and appeal to Me for spiritual enlightenment before every examination, then you will clearly recognise what originated from Me and what came from My adversary. For My adversary, too, seemingly gives you light, he disguises himself with the aim of outdoing My bearers of light who receive purest truth from Me. I have given you free will and will certainly respect it, but I also gave you intelligence, and your will and intellect must now be used for examination.

Nevertheless, a criterion for purest truth exists which highlights every error: The truth disseminates light .... a bright and clear understanding of spiritual correlations. It provides logical explanations and solves difficult problems; it can be addressed as most profound knowledge which comprises all fields .... Truth is not patchwork, it is not a conjecture, it is conviction; it does not merely assume but maintains, it makes no concessions but is unchanging and definite .... Consequently, anyone who receives the truth from Me can provide information in My name, for he will speak on My behalf, he will know about My teaching of love .... he has heard the Gospel directly from Me and thus can also distribute it to the world .... He is a bearer of light because I give him light and instructed him to fulfil a mission of spreading the light throughout the world .... spreading the light .... Understand this .... your fellow human beings should not just be admonished or warned but be instructed; realisation shall be imparted to them, although they will only accept it if they fulfil My commandments of love .... But precisely in this respect they shall be given a light, that they cannot find the path to Me without love, that they live in the dark without love, that they can receive light but that they are not receptive without love. People must be instructed in the truth which comes forth from Me .... And by its emanation of light .... by the effect of the light .... you will always be able to recognise whether I Myself reveal the right knowledge to you, whether that which you shall spread has come forth from Me Myself .... Whether the path is brightly and clearly visible, whether all obstacles can be recognised so that they can be avoided, whether the path ascends and whether the cross is to be found when the traveller is in doubt as to which way to turn .... A right light does not allow darkness to arise anymore; a right light can only emanate truth, because the truth comes forth from Me Myself, as I Am the light of eternity ....


BD 5427                received  03.07.1952

Satan’s disguise where light is conveyed to Earth ....

Satan works with much cunning and trickery and disguises himself so that he is difficult to recognise, for he often works in the same way as My chosen people in order to undermine My working. His constant effort consists of rendering ineffective the glow of light which I give, to extinguish it or to prevent My light from affecting you humans .... For truth is a danger to him to be recognised as My adversary, this is why he will often make use of the same means in order to then gain followers for himself who will no longer pay attention to My soft light. He only ever intends to undermine My influence on people, he puts himself in the forefront and wants to be acknowledged as being divine, because he believes himself to have won his gamble if he can dethrone Me and occupy My place in people’s hearts. And he will also be very successful as soon as people deprive themselves of their realisation by merely possessing one of My adversary’s faults, as soon as they are spiritually arrogant and therefore don’t come to meet Me with profound humility which then will also protect them from ungodly influence. My adversary often confuses people’s thoughts, showering them with praise and words of approval which dispel all humility, and anyone who lays claim to such words will already have been defeated by him, he will have fallen into his hands and become a welcome object for his plan of endangering the pure truth, the light from above, by seemingly working similarly which, however, does not originate from Me but will be feigned by My adversary as such in order to confuse people and with this working simultaneously also reject the working of My spirit, which is the pure truth. Thus you will also understand My warnings about false prophets .... For wherever true prophets exist there will also at all times be false prophets who appear or become apparent, who always come forward in similar ways and yet have not been sent by Me. And the certain sign of recognition for My adversary is the fact that he will always turn up where a great spiritual action has been initiated, that is, where the world of light clearly makes contact with the earth and where divine activity is undeniably recognisable.

This is where the adversary will take up room, namely by entering the circle of those who strive towards Me and effectively laying claim to the divine gifts of grace himself, in order to continue and slowly but surely work against it until he has succeeded in repressing the truth and placing his work in the forefront .... The truth certainly asserts itself yet does not compel acceptance where the will is only weak and therefore allows itself to be captivated again. Free will, which is respected by Me, makes it indeed possible for My adversary to spread himself because he meets with no resistance, but I will never let My children on earth be deceived by a deceptive light which they can recognise because it does not emanate real light .... However, I have always and forever warned you about false Christ’s and false prophets, therefore pay attention to this, for thereby I Myself have also confirmed them .... They will come and have already arrived .... and in the last days you will still hear often about them; yet wherever false ones exist there also have to be true ones, and therefore you must check them. And again I say to you: Use the abundance of light of what you are offered as divine truth as a criterion .... if you verifiably receive something which conveys to you understanding, thus light, then it originates from Me and the prophets are genuine, i.e. work on My instructions .... but if you are offered indistinct concepts, which is an illusive light which in fact appears to be the same but on closer inspection turns out to be a work of deception, you should reject it as My adversary’s work of deception, who in the last days will try to influence all those he fears to lose with increased vigour. For he takes advantage of every opportunity which enables him to displace Me from people’s hearts, but he can be recognised ..... for he lacks wisdom, and therefore everything which he ignites lacks wisdom as a deceptive light due to the will of people who are still enslaved by him because they still share his characteristics .... spiritual arrogance, worldly mindedness and selfish love, and who therefore wear a mask under which My adversary can conceal himself ....


BD 5428                received  04.07.1952

‘Forgive us our trespasses ....’

Forgive each other as I forgive you .... You humans still let enmity reign far too often, you are still unable to love your enemies and forgive their sin, you are still angry with them and don’t wish them well, even if you wish them no evil you don’t exercise patience and are quick-tempered if you are being offended .... and are therefore still far from living as followers of Jesus .... Love has not yet become powerful enough in you as to leave no further room for hostile thoughts .... You don’t see the brother in your neighbour otherwise you would forgive him and not take the offence quite so seriously. And yet I Am supposed to forgive you your trespasses .... after all, you act just as hostile towards Me otherwise you would be without guilt .... My love for you is greater than great, and your sincere prayer for forgiveness of your sin will release you from it. And yet, if you want to achieve My forgiveness, I require you to fulfil the condition that you, too, will forgive those who trespass against you .... I expect this because you should, after all, firmly resolve not to sin again .... and in order to make this resolve you must also love your neighbour who has sinned against you ....

You should love your neighbour as yourself .... You should not hold any sin against him, for every hostile thought is unsuitable to awaken reciprocated love, whereas the love you give to your enemy will also awaken positive feelings in him .... Every unpleasant thought towards a person is picked up by evil forces and transferred onto the latter, and this cannot have any good results because evil only ever begets evil and therefore only evil will be returned, which rapidly increases the strength of evil and thus has a negative effect. You, however, should meet evil with kindness in order to weaken and change evil into good .... You should transmit positive thoughts and wish even to your enemies only good because thereby you disperse evil forces, because good thoughts have a redeeming effect, thus they pacify resentment and hatred, awaken positive feelings in turn and are even capable of changing an enemy into a friend, because strength of love always has a positive effect. Therefore you shall only find My forgiveness if you have also forgiven your debtors, for how can I possibly show you clemency if you still judge harshly and have enemies because you maintain the enmity yourselves? If My love forgives you your trespasses then your love should also make allowances .... Think kindly of your enemies, forgive those who have offended you, and always let the love in you be the judge, and this will surely want to forgive, for wherever love exists no feelings of hatred and vengeance can prevail, where love exists that is where I Am Myself and I truly don’t judge unkindly, I forgive you your trespasses as you forgive those who trespass against you ....


BD 5432                received  08.07.1952

Thinking and acting righteously ....
Love your enemy ....

You ought to think and act righteously. This includes meeting all people with love and not excluding anyone, for all people are My children, who should love each other .... thus you should not deny your love to any person while granting it to another, because you should not make judgments if one of your brothers has done wrong but leave the judgment to Me, as I Am truly a righteous Judge. It is certainly difficult for you to feel the same love for all people, but if you consider that you all have only one Father, if you consider that His love created all of you and that His love always and forever belongs to His living creations, even if they don’t want to know Him .... if you are aware yourselves of being seized by the Father’s love and feel constantly sheltered by His loving care, then you should not curtail your Father’s love, but this is what you would be doing if you acted and thought unkindly of your fellow human beings who are, after all, My children too whom I love .... Even those people you think you can’t love have a soul, although it is frequently pitiable because it lingers in profound spiritual hardship .... precisely because the human being is bad and thus does not awaken love in you. Were you, however, able to see the hardship of such a soul you would, if you only had one spark of love in you, want to help it with deepest compassion and would not rest until you have reduced this soul’s suffering. Then you would only see the soul, the human being as such would no longer seem detestable to you but you would support him like a completely blind person and forget whatever he has done to you. And you should always remember a fellow human being’s soul if he cannot awaken love in you .... The soul’s torments are inconceivable, and I have mercy upon every soul and would like to help it .... Nevertheless, I cannot infringe upon its free will, I must allow it to take its own path .... you, however, can grant it love and thus so influence a person that he, too, can ignite love in him and thereby reduce his soul’s spiritual hardship. Hence, you can help where I Am effectively powerless as not to endanger the person’s free will. And you will only think righteously if you help a fellow human being, who is still bound in sin, to attain the level which you have climbed already, for you were helped by My grace when you were still weak and My grace also wants to help those who are still below yet held captive by My adversary .... And you should help to loosen the shackles, you should lovingly bring the children who have gone astray back to Me, the eternal Father, you should help them to find the same that you have found through My love and My grace ....


BD 5441                received  18.07.1952

Descriptions of the beyond only illustrative and comparative ....

Everything above and beyond your earthly life will remain a mystery to you, even if it is revealed to you by your Heavenly Father’s love and kindness, for it can only ever be explained to you such that you can understand it while you are living on earth. Despite explanations you can only form an impression as far as it correspond to your intellectual capacity and knowledge, and you also try to apply this knowledge to the sphere which is still closed to you .... Yet you fail to consider that your knowledge is indescribably limited and that even the earth you inhabit is incredibly small and poor compared to the splendours of many other creations in God’s kingdom. You don’t consider that you are lacking all means of comparison in order to give you humans full understanding for this supernatural world .... Thus it is also impossible to give you an explanation which totally corresponds to the truth .... You can only receive comparative descriptions from which you can see that, just like on earth, laws have to be complied with, that the divine order in the spiritual kingdom must categorically be observed if the higher development is to continue in the beyond. Furthermore, it is impossible to convey spiritual impressions to people on earth or even approximately explain them .... No words can describe to you humans the state of the beings in the beyond and how they feel ....

These emotions are the effect of what they experience, what they behold and how they feel in view of the indescribable creations, irrespective of whether these are of a blessed or wretched kind .... Trying to explain this to you humans is only possible by using analogies, thus earthly concepts are given to you which indeed allow you to recognise the meaning and purpose but which are not the reality. The death of the body is not the end; the soul continues to live in spheres which it has created for itself as a result of its earthly life. Its fate can be a happy or a wretched one .... but be it as it may .... it can only ever be figuratively brought home to you humans, and every such explanation, every description, is only ever a faint attempt to solve a problem with concepts that are known to you .... in order to increase your sense of responsibility towards the soul, whose fate in the beyond is shaped by you humans on earth ....

The knowledge of otherworldly things is withheld from humanity, and neither will it ever be able to penetrate an area which may only be entered when a human being’s spiritual development has reached the degree which enables his spiritual vision .... But even then it will still not be possible for him to intelligibly describe his impressions and emotions to his fellow human beings, because the earthly kingdom and the spiritual kingdom are two entirely separate regions where one is no longer responsible for the other .... thus where the applicable laws in one world are completely revoked in the other .... Even so, the spiritual kingdom is a reality, and everyone will be able to realise it himself when he discards his earthly shell and enters this kingdom, and then he will understand that the people on this earth could not have received an explanation which totally complies with the truth ....


BD 5446                received  02.12.1952

Spiritual compulsion ....
Doctrines ....
Truth ....

Spiritual freedom must be maintained, the human being may not be forced to think in this or that direction, he must remain at liberty to join any school of thought, only then is My will being complied with, for it concerns the free decision of will, which every person must make by himself without having been influenced in a compelling way. For this reason I will never ever sanction compulsory faith which expresses itself through dogma, which inhibits people’s thinking and denies them any possibility of testing and of choosing .... The human being is thereby being impelled to think in a specific way and comes to completely wrong conclusions if the preconditions are wrong .... He can hardly find the truth which is only gained by a person who seriously desires it. The truth is made accessible to a person in earthly life because he is capable of thinking and only his will makes the decision as to whether he thinks correctly. He might well think correctly but he must always be active himself, that is, he must form his own opinion about everything that is presented to him from outside, and that requires his own intellectual activity and, even more important, his desire for truth, i.e. the will to only accept the right information. This will is absolutely respected by Me, it is always complied with because I, being Truth Itself, also want to make Myself accessible to My living creations. But I can never convey the truth to a person who does not want it, who only ever accepts what he receives from external sources. Every person must examine these for himself, for error might just as well have been presented to him as truth, and the person is responsible as to what he decides to accept. It is a mistaken objection to say that the majority of people are incapable of scrutinising .... The intellect alone is not decisive but the will to think correctly certainly is, in which case the person’s intellect will also form a positive or negative opinion, because I Myself will intervene if he desires to know the truth. By comparison, highly developed intellectual thinking can easily fall prey to error if the intellect is only inclined towards the pure truth without involving the heart and will ....

Consequently, it is wrong to accept knowledge without examining it, to acknowledge teachings and to decide on a spiritual direction without scrutiny .... which already follows from the fact that not only one school of thought exists, but that ever new offshoots verify that an examination must take place as to in which school of thought the truth can be found. Forevery advocate of his school of thought has used his intellect to choose it but has no guarantee that it is the truth if he does not seriously deliberate on it and calls upon Me for support through My spirit .... Anyone who chooses this path can be certain that the pure truth will be conveyed to him, and he will also be able to endorse it as such with inner conviction. However, every individual soul is responsible for its decision, and the result is dependent on its will .... But as long as people are pushed into a specific direction of thought, as long as individuals deem themselves called to present knowledge to their fellow human beings which they want to be accepted as truth but which they themselves would reject were they seriously to examine it .... people will be in a dreadful state for so long, for only truth helps the souls to mature fully, they can only find their way to Me through truth and only through truth can they be released from sin and its consequences, for the truth comes from Me and leads back to Me again. But that which is not from Me, that which can be recognised as error with proper scrutiny, comes from My adversary, and he will really not help you to gain beatitude, he will not guide you to Me, he tries to push you aside, to darken your spirit and to make you dependent on himself .... Only truth will make you happy, and you only receive the truth if you appeal to Me Myself for it, if you are serious about receiving the truth from Me .... But this always presupposes your own action and no-one can bear the responsibility for you, no-one can relieve you of the decision which you must make yourselves for the sake of your soul’s salvation ....


BD 5449                received  26.07.1952

‘In My Father’s house are many mansions ....’

In My Father’s house are many mansions .... Can you understand the meaning of My Words? That I promise you a dwelling in My Father’s house but at the same time want you to know that a suitable abode is prepared to accommodate every one of My living creations .... that I want to tell you, that what you have not yet achieved on earth you can still strive to achieve in My kingdom, because I have countless possibilities to improve your development in the spiritual kingdom. I have not just the earth at My disposal, but all My creations are places to attain full maturity for the still imperfect soul until it has finally developed to the point that, in heavenly bliss, it will be able to take possession of the most magnificent spiritual creations, for wherever it stays is in ‘My Father’s house’, in the sphere of My infinite love, and it will always stay where the Father has prepared a dwelling place which corresponds to its degree of love and its ability to reign and work in the realm to which it was assigned by Me.

In My Father’s house are many mansions .... No being is homeless, the eternal home accepts all souls, yet this home has many different aspects .... it can exhibit the most magnificent flower gardens and wonderful palaces, but it can also include infinitely vast barren regions which take ages to wander through .... yet even in these barren regions paths branch off which lead to areas full of flowers, and it just depends on whether the ramblers pay attention to these paths, whether they attentively try to find a way out from this barren region and also take this way out .... Everyone will be accepted in My eternal home, and everyone has the right to take ownership of a dwelling. But what it consists of is entirely subject to their will.

And therefore I say: In My Father’s house are many mansions .... For every human being, every being, prepares its own place of abode depending on the degree of its perfection. Yet no matter how poor his dwelling is .... through his will and his work it can really quickly be transformed, and the most delightful homesteads can arise if only the soul has the desire for it and diligently strives for fulfilment. In that case it will be supported by countless helpers who will create and work with the soul, and it can become a paradise-like dwelling place where previously was a barren and bleak region .... One day every soul will return to its true home, but as long as it is still imperfect it will feel homeless, although it will have already entered the kingdom from whence it once had come. However, I have many schoolhouses, and higher development will advance for sure, even if it often requires a long time .... One day the lost son will return home and reside in the mansion he once owned, he will stay in the Father’s house where all children are gathered around the Father, he will be lovingly received by the Eternal Love, Which will give him a seat next to Himself ....

Yet infinite times will still pass by until all My children have found home again, until they can take up residence in My house; infinite times will still pass by, yet I will not abandon any one of My children .... The Father’s love attracts them, and not one of My children will be able to resist this love forever ....


BD 5456                received  04.08.1952

The only beatifying church ....

There is no ‘only beatifying church’ if an organisation is meant by this. Anyone belonging to the church founded by Me on earth will become blessed, because his eternal bliss is already guaranteed by the fact that he is a member of My church, that he therefore lives in a faith which has become a living faith through love. It is not the ‘church’ that ensures a person’s beatitude but faith and love .... which might well be entirely missing in spite of belonging to a church supposedly founded by Me but established by people as the ‘only beatifying’ church. Indeed, true members of My church can emerge from every church or school of thought as this is solely determined by faith and love, but no human being can ever belong to this church of Mine who cannot demonstrate its characteristics .... the working of My spirit, which is based on faith and love. My kingdom is not of this world and although My Words were undeniably spoken to the people of this world they nevertheless had a spiritual meaning, because they were meant to help establish My spiritual kingdom, they referred to the kingdom outside of this world, which is everlasting. What I demanded of people was to guarantee their eternal life in the spiritual kingdom, My demands should in fact be fulfilled on earth but not with earthly actions in which the soul could stay detached .... rather the soul has to comply with My will ....

Only the soul has to change itself, and if it genuinely strives to do so it will already be a member of My church, because then the person also has faith and his inner impulse for willing pursuit is My spirit, My voice, to which he will listen and strive to follow. And this working of spirit is proof of membership to My church .... which will later result in blissfulness .... I brought the pure Gospel to people, I enlightened people about everything required to enter My kingdom which is not of this world .... I taught them to love and thus showed them the way which leads into the kingdom of bliss, I gathered around Me all those who so far had been taught wrongly, and thus I was their preacher representing His church and wanting to give its beatifying effect to the people who listened to Him .... Therefore I founded the true church while I lived on earth, and I admitted everyone into it .... Jews, Gentiles, tax collectors and sinners .... and to those who believed in Me, who accepted My teaching and lived accordingly, I sent My spirit after My death, the attribute of My church, which cannot be overcome by the gates of hell ....

But where is the working of the spirit in the church which calls itself the ‘only beatifying church’? My spirit can certainly express itself even there, as long as a connection with My church has been established first, because I alone pour out My spirit and only where the conditions are met which result in a working of My spirit. And that is where the true church of Christ can also be recognised, because no matter what is done to its people, they cannot be defeated or driven away even if hell itself takes action against them .... My church is invincible because it is My work .... it is the only spiritual church which leads to beatitude. No self-righteous Christians can be found in it because they exclude themselves from the community of believers and are therefore not true followers of Christ and neither are they devout representatives of My name when they are put to the test. And this test of faith will be demanded of them, it will be demanded of all who call themselves believers, and then it will be proven who belongs to the true church, the church which I founded Myself. Then the working of My spirit will be proven as well as the strength it can give to those who come under attack for My name’s sake but who gladly acknowledge Me before the world when the decision is demanded.

And then it will also be proven how little the church, which calls itself the only beatifying church, lives up to its promises .... how all its members will leave who did not belong to My church, who then recognise its weakness but not the spiritual value of the church which was built on faith as strong as Peter’s .... Because every one of My Words was and is to be understood spiritually and can only be understood as such when My spirit can work within a person. But then he has a living faith and he will only strive for the kingdom which is not of this world ....


BD 5457                received  07.08.1952

Wave of awakenings during the last days ....

A large wave of spiritual awakenings is moving across the earth, for the end is near and during the last days many souls shall still be won for the spiritual kingdom. The love of God is infinite and helps wherever people are without strength because they live without love. God’s outpouring of grace flows constantly to people, and where a heart merely opens to receive this flow of grace God’s strength becomes evident and the human being testifies to Jesus Christ, the Son of God and Redeemer of the world .... For that reason God’s Word is proclaimed everywhere, but it can only take effect on people if it is preached by someone filled by the spirit of God, who will give life to the Words and therefore also affect the listeners. And during the last days such preachers filled by the spirit of God will arise ever more, and thus they will have been awakened .... The Lord of Heaven and Earth reveals Himself in every way, he speaks through the mouths of many people, yet only if a spiritual awakening has preceded. But then the spirit within the person will impel him to be eagerly active on behalf of God and His kingdom .... But God’s adversary also works to the same extent, and his endeavour is the same: to let people speak on his behalf so that darkness will be spread and that God shall lose his power. The human race lives in confused thinking, it no longer has the gift of discernment, it accepts and rejects entirely arbitrarily, for it is incapable of recognising truth as truth and error as error. And this inability is used by God’s opponent by trying to intersperse the truth with errors .... Where divine revelations are conveyed to earth, where the spirit of God can work in a person, that is where the pure truth exists, and this will also be protected by the One Who wants to reveal Himself through it. The adversary can only exert his influence where the desire for truth is not predominant, where therefore God, the eternal Truth Himself, does not assume first place or where still earthbound thoughts emerge, so that the spirit of God has no unrestricted reign in the person .... Then it recedes and the hostile power gains influence over a person’s thoughts although he believes himself to be instructed by the spirit of God. In that case, however, one cannot speak of a spiritual awakening either, the will might have been present yet he failed to do what is necessary in order to give life to the spirit within himself .... Many people want to hear God speaking and God is also lovingly inclined towards those who desire to hear His Word. Yet whether they will be able to hear His voice depends on the shape of the soul, which is the spiritual ear for God’s voice. But the will to hear God’s Word can also inspire the intellect to form divine Words, which is not to be condemned since the human will does not think anything anti-divine .... Nevertheless, it is not God’s Word which is delivered by the human intellect .... On the other hand, however, a person can deeply desire God’s Word and, filled by this desire, hear Him without being aware that it is God Himself Who speaks through Him .... In that case, he is unconsciously of service to the Lord as someone who is spiritually awakened .... and he speaks the truth, because his desire for it is, at the same time, also a desire for God, which He always grants ....

The awakenings during the last days before the end will particularly emerge where the proclamation of the Gospel is felt as an inner need. That is where the spirit in the person is already working, and then it will clearly express itself insofar as that an unusual talent will come to light, yet only during his service for God and His kingdom. Then a person without any special oratory gift will be able to make good speeches, a person without any special previous knowledge will be able to offer informative clarifications; he will have fluent answers to questions about spiritual things .... The spirit of God will visibly take effect, the person will belong to those who are awakened, who vividly stand up for the Word of God because they will be inwardly impelled by the spirit which continually strives towards the Father-Spirit, which always reveals the divine will to the person and urges him to implement it. This kind of awakening will particularly emerge in congregations where the desire to hear God’s Word predominates, and where God therefore speaks to the congregation through a person .... And the congregation will listen to this person, because the working of God in him will be obvious. But he will speak in his own words, nothing abnormal will come to light, even though he will show talents which he otherwise does not possess. Yet he will not speak in a psychic state, he will not speak automatically, hence he will not be forced to speak such that his mouth forms words uninfluenced by his intellect .... Such proclaiming can also take place but it is not to be regarded as an awakening of the spirit, it is more likely the taking possession of the human will by a being which wants to express itself. In the right kind of awakening the spirit illuminates the human being’s intellect at the same time, it corrects his thinking, thereby enabling the person to speak spiritedly to his listeners, not like an automaton, which brings forth one word after another and betrays a strange power speaking through him .... If this power is evil it can cause tremendous damage; if it is good, the spiritual results can also be good yet they must never be judged to be the same as the working of God’s spirit in a person, which is such a bright illumination of divine strength of love that it is recognisable through increased knowledge and great diligence for God and His kingdom. Hence this applies to the proclamation of the divine Gospel in the congregation, which needs to be paid special attention to during the time of the end. But the spirit of God can also express itself in solitude, it can educate an individual person and impart knowledge to him for a purpose .... Then the spirit of God within a person has equally been awakened through the person himself. And this kind of awakening is also associated with a mission .... the knowledge which is subsequently received by the person shall be passed on, for the Gospel shall be spread in all purity with divine support .... God Himself takes care of people who received the Gospel in a spoilt form and who therefore no longer have the right kind of faith; he will, however, give it back to them by imparting the pure truth to them. To these spiritually enlightened people is God speaking directly, they hear His speech within themselves like clear mental Words, they receive impressive instructions with the purpose of passing them on to people .... Thus God speaks through these people, yet again not in a way that the human being serves God in the form of a speaker but that he, after having received the divine Word, has to activate his own will to pass the divine Word on. This working of the spirit is insofar significant as that it establishes a foundation again, so that people can be introduced to the fundamental truth, so that God Himself can instruct the human race and thereby every doubt can be refuted, every error exposed and every wrong interpretation corrected .... so that the pure Gospel can therefore be proclaimed by God Himself, received through a person in whom His spirit can be active, and recorded by his will to be of service to God and to people. Spiritually awakened people will always serve God with enthusiasm and conviction, and that in different ways .... Thus the spirit of God is always active in them, which guides their thinking and intentions correctly, which provides them with unusual strength to seriously work for the kingdom of God .... And such awakenings will happen frequently during the last days, yet where this is possible the spirit of God manifests itself unusually, because His love and wisdom recognise what is beneficial for the salvation of the human race. He knows His servants and assigns to them the work they are capable of doing. He works in public like in solitude; according to His wise Judgment He appoints positions to those who are capable of administering them well .... And thus the tasks he gives to His servants are different; yet they all work for His kingdom and are of service to Him, and the work of every individual person will be blessed ....


BD 5460                received  12.08.1952

God-inclined will is the passed test on earth ....

Those of you who looked for and found Me will never ever lose Me again. Admittedly, as long as you live on earth you are exposed to My adversary’s influence, yet once a person’s will has turned to Me I will have taken hold of him and prevent his relapse into the abyss. However, I Am talking about a serious person’s will who strives to Me in a fully conscious state .... Where this seriousness is not yet present My adversary can certainly still succeed in pushing him away from Me, for there are people who, through upbringing or discussions with others, have more or less become followers, who thus join their fellow human beings but not because of the inner desire to hasten towards the Father they recognised in Me. But where this inner desire has awoken in a person My Fatherly love becomes active .... I constantly coax and call this person, I take hold of him and never let go of him again. He is already released from Satan’s chain even though the latter will not stop in his efforts to win him back until I recall the person into My kingdom. A will which is seriously inclined towards Me is the most certain guarantee that a person will gain Me and My kingdom .... For I give him strength because I long for My child Myself and his will has already passed the test on earth. It is merely a matter of decision for Me or for My adversary .... The serious will is the decision, precisely because this will had turned away from Me in the past and the return to Me must therefore be accomplished willingly .... I judge the will and not mere words which are not serious but most certainly recognisable by Me as mere words, which are voiced by the mouth or are thought but which the heart is unaware of .... Nevertheless, once the will for Me has awakened the human being will incessantly strive towards higher spheres. For as soon as he receives My strength as a result of his change of will he will use it for spiritual striving. He will have effectively joined Me already, I will be walking next to him, I will just not be recognised by him as long as he is still weak in love .... But once the love in him grows stronger My image will become increasingly clearer until he has accepted Me Myself through the love in him and then he will also recognise that he can no longer descend into the abyss, because I do not relinquish what belongs to Me and voluntarily has become My Own. You will never ever be able to separate yourselves from Me again if you passed the test of earthly life, insofar as that your will has chosen Me. Then earthly life can only contribute towards a higher maturity of soul, you will be consciously of service to Me and faithful to Me until I recall you into My kingdom when your hour has come ....


BD 5461a                received  14.08.1952

The inner Word ....
Light ....
Truth ....

The divine spirit instructs you correctly and if you allow it to speak you cannot live in error, for then God Himself will reveal the pure truth to you through His spirit, He will give to you what you ask for or what you need .... For He gives with love and wisdom as it benefits each person’s soul. Consequently, wherever God’s love and wisdom is working you humans only receive that which helps to advance your soul’s maturity. And at the same time the attribute of divine activity is shown, if it helps the soul to progress, if it therefore has an educational value so that it helps a person to attain perfection. You can use this as a guideline if you are in doubt as to whether you should accept something as divine activity .... Everything that helps a person to become psychologically mature is good and should therefore be acknowledged as being imparted to a person through God’s spirit. Nevertheless, it still has to be scrutinised in which way God’s spirit has affected the person who wants this spiritual information to be acknowledged as divine revelation. God’s spirit puts thoughts into order, in a manner of speaking, it enlightens a person’s thinking, and thus he can’t help himself but to think and speak as is right. His intellect starts to function in the right way, and one can therefore speak of virtuous thinking which is in accordance to God’s will, which can result in many blessings for fellow human beings, because the former will never speak anything but good and on behalf of God and is therefore also especially blessed. And God will always guide his thoughts correctly if he wants to speak on His behalf and His kingdom .... Hence, the divine spirit certainly works in every person yet not so conspicuously that God expresses Himself through a person’s mouth .... that therefore the divine voice Itself speaks in a person, who indeed speaks on behalf of God and His kingdom, yet not as an obvious instrument which is consciously of service to Him ....


BD 5461b                received  15.08.1952

The inner Word ....
Light ....
Truth ....

I certainly speak mentally with many people who desire to hear Me, and they can indeed consider themselves addressed by Me, yet there are also instances when I manifest Myself in extraordinary ways for the sake of a special mission .... But these extraordinary instances do not infer that all mental knowledge of a person, even it corresponds to My will, was imparted to him through the ‘inner Word’ .... It concerns the transference of the pure truth to earth .... This requires a state which excludes all error; hence a person, who receives the pure truth from Me through the inner Word, must first have shaped himself such that he is able to hear the Word, audibly or mentally .... Time and again I have to emphasise the fact that I know a person’s heart and can only assign a mission to him if he is capable of accomplishing it. And I only rarely find this ability because people’s willingness to love is only small and only love can develop the ability in a person to accept spiritual messages. In the last days it has become urgently necessary that the truth should be conveyed to people because almost every religious dogma has been distorted. To convey truth therefore means: to correct misguided teachings and to explain the correlation of everything in existence; to bring people the truth means to provide people with a right concept of their Creator and Father so that they will believe in Him and be able to love Him ....

Through the transference of truth it is intended that people learn to think and conduct themselves correctly and to comply with their purpose of earthly life.

The truth is something so hotly disputed that it is truly not easy to give it to all people, for as long as people don’t desire it seriously or if they fail to recognise it, it will therefore be rejected by those who think wrongly because they live entirely without love. For love and truth cannot be separated because they are the eternal Deity’s concepts .... Hence, it should be understandable to you that the transference of the pure truth to a person requires very special abilities, that not everyone is suitable for it, although I would like to impart the truth to every person I cannot do so by means of My direct speech, because not every person is able to hear Me since his soul is not shaped such that it can perceive spiritual sounds with its spiritual ear. Only few people are capable of this and of these few only some individuals offer their services, and this mission of receiving the truth form Me and spreading it on My instructions is only possible in free will. And again I reiterate that light is meant to be spread .... that the spiritual darkness on earth motivates Me to send light to people, but light always signifies knowledge of the pure truth .... I want to illuminate people’s spiritual state, hence I must convey the kind of information to them which corresponds to the truth. And this is only possible by revealing Myself through My direct communication to a person who is suitable to accept it. But merely the will to be of service to Me is not enough, it also requires the faculty of hearing .... not everyone who has the will is suitable, just as, vice versa, the soul’s ability to understand My Word is not decisive if the will to be of service to Me is lacking. Therefore it follows that I have only a few servants and handmaidens who are able to achieve this mission, but that I take particular care of these few and won’t allow them to be prevented from implementing their mission, because this is urgently required during the last days before the end, when only the pure truth can guard against the fall into the abyss, and therefore the pure truth has to be conveyed by Me to earth so that all those of good will can still be saved ....


BD 5465                received  19.08.1952

Spiritual hardship can only remedied by spreading the pure Gospel ....

Only the concern for people’s spiritual state must be taken seriously, for this concern has to be remedied by people themselves. By no means can pressure be exercised but instead the human being’s free will has to decide to actively work for the soul’s maturity, and this free will can indeed be influenced, but never be forced. But in the last days the human being completely submits himself of his own free will to his adversary; this is why the souls’ state of maturity is particularly dismal and My love accomplishes little, the end comes ever closer and the earthly world with all its attractions and goods will perish; and only the souls will remain, which are in such dreadful shape that they cannot be admitted into My kingdom since due to their attitude they are part of My adversary and therefore Satan’s servants. Only a few have reached the degree of maturity because their will had turned to Me of its own accord and therefore people also recognise Me. Their souls’ became receptive to light, they recognised the importance of their earthly task and lived their life on earth accordingly. The general public, however, lives superficially and does not consider the soul’s life after death because it does not believe in it. And that is the great hardship which motivates Me to send a light amongst people everywhere, to instruct My messengers everywhere to proclaim My Gospel and to lead people back to faith, which is absolutely essential so that people will be able to turn to Me when they are in trouble.

Nevertheless, whoever wants to spread light must have received it from Me Myself first .... I can only use those people for the distribution of the Gospel who have light themselves, who let themselves be permeated by Me with the light of eternal life, with the one and only Truth. I cannot send everyone into the world, for even if there is good will to work for Me, only the spreading of the truth is useful and that can only be received from Me Myself, i.e. a human being can only realise the truth if My spirit is able to work in him, and this working of the spirit necessitates the fulfilment of conditions. However, everyone who is willing to fulfil these conditions is accepted by Me as a labourer in My vineyard. For there is great hardship on earth, and I only want to control this hardship through My faithful servants on earth, time and again I want to awaken people who receive My Word directly and pass it on to those who are willing to listen to it. People’s souls are in great danger, they are completely immature and soon will have to depart from this earth .... Their state of maturity, however, determines their fate in eternity. Only My pure Gospel can still save people and raise their state of maturity. For it originates from Me, it harbours spiritual strength and can have a revitalising effect on the souls, providing the human being willingly allows himself to be affected by the strength of the divine Word .... He will bless the hour when My Word was made accessible to him, for only My Word can save the soul from eternal death ....


BD 5467                received  21.08.1952

Satan rages with increased power ....
Last days ....

The signs pointing to the end will grow .... And Satan’s activity will emerge ever more distinctly, for all those who are striving towards Me will get to feel his hostile actions. He will try to plunge them into doubt and confusion, and often not without success. Even so, I will protect My Own and highlight his activity so that it will be evident to anyone who seriously aims towards Me. They are the signs of the time, for the forces of darkness work incessantly because the end is approaching .... Therefore I say to you: watch and pray and simply turn to Me at all times, then he will not be able to harm you. Light and darkness fight each other because the darkness hates the light and will therefore always manifest itself as a shadow where a bright light is shining. But I also have the power to dispel such shadows, and the light will shine brighter than ever. Yet you may never enjoy harmony, it will remain a constant battle with My adversary for as long as you live on earth. Up to the end he will make an effort to harm you because he knows that he has lost you, and because he believes he can regain you again. Hostilities on the part of his enslaved followers will mount ever more the brighter you shine, which he can see full well. Nevertheless, he hates the light because he hates the truth, and as a result he fights the truth .... Therefore, for as long as your effort on earth is to spread the truth, to carry My Word to your fellow human beings, he will also pursue you as an enemy and will try to corrupt you. And he will publicly attack the truth, he will try to defame you all, who support the truth, he will portray you as imposters in order to also undermine the spiritual information you advocate .... and yet, he will not succeed against you because I Myself stand behind you and the truth. However, he will succeed in scattering you, My representatives, he will succeed in isolating you because cooperation is not to his liking since he expects to be more successful by fighting the individual. Yet even then I will still protect the light, the pure truth, which he will not be able to invalidate. However, you should watch and pray .... for you are always at risk of weakening if you don’t call upon Me for protection against all hostilities by the adversary. For the end is near, and even if he rages with increased power .... his time has come to be bound, as it is written. And the truth will prevail and help everyone towards beatitude who listens and accepts the light which I let shine in order to help them escape the spiritual darkness, the night of death, to attain light, to attain life and, through the truth, become blissfully happy ....


BD 5469                received  23.08.1952

Everyone can hear God’s speech ....
in form of thoughts ....

I impart to you the Word of love, of comfort and of encouragement, and wherever you lack knowledge I will always enlighten you, but you must establish a connection with Me yourselves otherwise I cannot speak to you .... However, My speech will not always be heard by you, rather, your thoughts will noticeably shape themselves in such a way as I want to speak to you, providing you pay attention to it and wait until My communication has been received by you. For this much I want to say to you: As soon as you merely think of Me, speak to Me in prayer or call upon Me for help My love will already be with you .... You will not speak in vain, but I hear all your thoughts and will also answer you. However, only few people wait for My answer, only few people are so profoundly devout that they are convinced of My reply, therefore I can only seldom make Myself known to a person so that he can recognise My clear answer in his feelings and thoughts .... Not a single word you speak to Me in deep devotion goes astray, and not a single word will be left unanswered by Me ....

Even so, your soul very often disregards something which would make it extremely happy. You have not developed your spiritual ear as yet and therefore don’t perceive the response of My love .... All those of you who make contact with Me in heartfelt prayer can consider yourselves addressed by Me .... but if you also want to understand My speech, which you all yearn to hear, then you must train your spiritual ear, for you all should strive to achieve this task, because it would make your earthly life considerably easier since it is truly blissful to be able to hear My speech which, without exception, applies to all those of you who enter into heartfelt communication with Me. You would all draw much strength and comfort from My speech, which will only ever be perceived by you in the form of feelings and thoughts, which could provide you with inner serenity and the feeling of security, hence you would truly be comforted and strengthened by My Fatherly love which constantly applies to all of His children. Consequently you should, after you have prayed to Me in spirit and in truth, wait and remain in thought of Me and you will sense My presence, and your soul will receive the gift of My Fatherly love .... For I draw all those towards Me who call upon Me, who enter into heartfelt conversation with Me, and I want to give to them whatever makes them happy ....


BD 5478                received  02.09.1952

The blood of Christ ....
Guilt of sin ....

For you, My children on earth, I shed My blood; for you I took the most difficult path because I wanted to help you ascend from the abyss which you could never have left by yourselves .... for you I died on the cross .... The sacrifice I had wanted to offer God-Father was accepted, it was offered for you .... Thus you humans on earth shall gain from it; what I had begged from God and for which I made the sacrifice should benefit you earthly children, because in the state you were at the time I descended to earth you urgently needed help. But I also knew that not just the people during My life time on earth were in need; I knew that, as long as the earth exists, human beings could not fulfil their earthly task because they were too weak and I took pity on the whole of humanity, even those of the past and in the future, and I included all human beings in My act of Salvation, I gained unlimited blessings for all people, which they now can use in order to reach their goal on earth. Sacrificing My life was an act of utmost compassion, I had accepted a state of suffering entirely consciously and voluntarily, which I would have been unable to bear without the divine strength of love, but I took pity on humanity’s awful distress and was willing to endure anything in order to help.

Although I knew that this act of Salvation would culminate in My Being’s complete deification it was not the reason for My action. I was purely moved by My love for the suffering spirit which had deserted God, which was so very distant from God and therefore unhappy. Love filled Me with such might that I was able to find the strength therein for the act of mercy, that I suffered and died for humanity in excruciating physical pain. I sacrificed My life on the cross for My unhappy brothers who, like Me, had formerly come forth from God but who had left the path of their destiny. I knew the bliss of God’s nearness and had mercy with the fallen wretched spirit .... But I also knew of God’s love for all His living creations and wanted to bring back to Him what had voluntarily distanced itself from Him .... My love for God, as well as the love for everything which had emerged from Him, was overwhelming. Only because of this love had God accepted My sacrifice .... And My love asked God for forgiveness of the guilt which clung to the fallen and could not be redeemed in any other way, since it consisted of heartlessness.

Hence only love could make this sacrifice, and therefore it was not the death on the cross as such but the love for humanity which was proven by this death which was accepted by God as atonement .... I shed My blood for you humans and thus made amends for your actions, I took your sin upon Myself and suffered for it .... But you also have to do your part, you have to be willing to become redeemed by My crucifixion. You have to want that this act of grace was also achieved for you, you have to make use of the blessings by acknowledging Me and My act of Salvation and willingly join those for whom I have died on the cross. Without this acknowledgment and your will, you are and remain blemished by this guilt of sin and chained to him who has caused your fall. I have indeed accomplished the act of Salvation for all of you but only your own will can bring it into effect for you because you cannot be redeemed against your will from a sin which you voluntarily committed. You have to step beneath the cross of Christ, you have to acknowledge Me and call to Me, you have to confess your guilt to Me and request that I carry it on your behalf and remove it with My blood .... And all your guilt will be forgiven for the sake of My love ....


BD 5481                received  06.09.1952

God ....
Father ....

Don’t let Me be the distant God for you, to Whom you only pray for help at a specific time when humanly decreed instructions require you to do so, but call Me to you at any time, always let Me be close to you .... regard Me as the Father Who longs for His children with tender love, and speak to Me like a child speaks to its father .... fearlessly, trustingly and simple, so that My heart will take pleasure in the children’s stammering. Only when you humans stop searching for Me in the distance, only when you sense My presence, will the right bond with Me have been established with the result .... that My love will take effect in you, who are My children and who should also avail yourselves of your childship. Then you will no longer walk alone on earth, then you will have the most loyal friend and helper by your side, then you will learn to think correctly and also make correct use of your earthly life, because then I will give you instructions which you will receive mentally and you will also act accordingly, for a true child carries out what its Father asks it to do ....

Learn to recognise the Father in Me .... For I want to be loved by you and not just feared as God .... Then you will also pray such that I can grant your prayer, because thereby you will be expressing your love and faith ....However, you will never speak as intimately and trustingly to God as you will be able to speak to the Father. For then you will only speak the words you learned traditionally, as laid down by ecclesiastical faith which can only too easily remain a formality, a prayer which is not sent up to Me in spirit and in truth. I do not grant lip-prayers, I want to be addressed as Father by My children, I want to hear your heart speaking, then I will also lovingly draw close to it and grant its prayer. Admittedly, you humans first have to learn to recognise a God and Creator of eternity in order to awaken faith in you, but then this faith must come alive through love .... you must learn to love God as your Father, then the relationship between us will not be a dead or formal one, then you will establish a heartfelt bond with Me, which I expect of you so that I will be able to embrace you with all My love. Then you will have taken a big step forward on the path to perfection, and then I will never ever let go of you again and My devoted Fatherly love will guide you towards the goal .... You will enter the eternal home, your Father’s house, as My true children .... you will come into the Father’s inheritance .... You will be able to work and create in light and strength like Me and in accordance with My will, and you will be indescribably happy ....


BD 5482                received  08.09.1952

Fatherly Words of blessing ....

You, My children, have My blessing. A bond of love shall embrace you, now and forever. No matter what earthly hardship still approaches you, submissively endure it in My will. Lift your eyes up to Me, from where help will always come. And let the spirit speak in you, it will always convey Words of love and solace from Me and you will sense that you are never alone, that I spread My hands upon you, that I take hold of you in love and lead you to the goal .... Yet also speak to your fellow human beings in favour of Me .... Remember that they suffer great hardship as long as they don’t possess Me Myself and help them to attain Me, help them to gain faith in Me, so that they, too, will trustingly look up to Me in every adversity. For I want to help all people, I want to pull all of them to My heart, I want to be the good Father Who guides and protects everyone, Who draws close to them as soon as a mere silent appeal penetrates through to Him. Promote Me and My kingdom amongst your fellow human beings, impart to them the Words you receive from Me and establish a faithful community together, become members of the church which I Myself founded on Earth, which is based on a firm and unwavering faith. Such a community will bring about many blessings because I Myself dwell in the midst of you if you remember Me with love, if you, by calling upon My name, let Me stay among you, as I have promised you with the Words: Where two or three are gathered together in My name, there Am I in the midst of them. And My Word is truth and therefore always assures you of My presence when your thoughts are with Me, when you speak to Me or about Me, when you long for Me with a loving heart. Then I will be with you and will place My hands upon your heads with a blessing .... My blessing follows you wherever you may go and My love grants you strength and grace ....


BD 5487                received  15.09.1952

Desire for light in the beyond ....
Spiritual conversations ....

The desire for light in the beyond is very strong in those who have recognised that the degree of bliss depends on a certain extent of awareness which they, however, are lacking. These are beings which cannot be denied having possessed some integrity on earth, which had made an effort to do what is right and fair yet did not believe in a higher Power, in the continuation of the soul’s life, in a spiritual kingdom. This unbelief also made them unreceptive for spiritual knowledge on earth, they lacked the will to believe. As a result they considered everything of a spiritual nature that was presented to them by believers as unreal and untrue. They lacked the will to learn something about it because of their unbelief, but also because earthly life appeared so extraordinarily important to them that they only worked and achieved for it .... In the kingdom of the beyond, however, they gradually begin to realise the reality of the spiritual realm and yet they are unable to clearly recognise their own existence and situation.

They don’t know what is real and what is unreal, they see vague images which they don’t understand, they are stimulated to think and yet cannot cope on their own .... And they long for light, for clarification and are grateful if it is given to them .... But their lack of faith makes it more difficult for the teachers in the spiritual kingdom to be believed, because everything seems unacceptable to them due to the attitude they had on earth. Nevertheless, they constantly strive for clarification, they want to know the truth and therefore it will also be conveyed to them. Thus they concede that the kingdom of the beyond is real, because the knowledge of earthly life had not been entirely taken away from them. They are already convinced of a life after death and this conviction impels them to untiringly look for what they are missing .... for light .... and they linger wherever the information can be given to them .... And yet they can only be given light once they are stimulated by love to work with it .... The reason why so many a soul is without light, without knowledge, for an indescribably long time despite its desire for it is due to the fact that it has no sympathy for equally suffering souls .... because it only wants light for selfish reasons and therefore it cannot be provided with it as yet.

But people who had endeavoured to be of service to their fellow human beings on earth, be it through inventions, advice or instructions will also want to do the same in the kingdom of the beyond and therefore can often be very quickly informed of the right knowledge, because then they will also want to be of service and be able to work for the benefit of uninformed souls. Yet knowledge will not be forcibly imparted to any being, it has to be sincerely desired and keenly sought after .... Then it will still be up to the soul to form its own opinion about the imparted light; but this will not fail to have the desired effect if the soul has the sincere will to use it correctly .... The teachings of people on earth can therefore result in great blessings if they always remember that numerous souls are present and take part during every spiritual conversation, that the instructions should therefore also be conducted in the spirit of love which affects these souls as well and removes all wilful rejection from them .... Anyone in possession of true spiritual knowledge shall also pass it on to all who are in need of it .... and often consider the souls in the beyond which are sometimes more willing to accept it than people on earth, who, in their illusive life, still would like to reject everything that relates to a life in the beyond. Good and bad conversations are echoed in the kingdom of the beyond .... Always remember this and constantly try to think and speak such that the souls in the beyond will be able to learn, that they will gladly listen to you and always derive a benefit for themselves, and you will always be surrounded by souls who also want to be of service to you, their strength permitting .... You can spread light in every way, and you will always find grateful students in the light-hungry souls of the beyond, and your work for the kingdom of God will be blessed ....


BD 5490                received  18.09.1952

The human being’s task on earth ....
Childship to God ....

You humans are given a task on earth but you do not consider this and do not feel accountable as to whether you make correct use of your life on earth, that is, whether you live according to God’s will. But you only have a short time and once you have finished your life on earth, you will have no opportunity anymore to accomplish your set task. With immense effort you can certainly still ascend in the kingdom of the beyond, yet you will never be able to attain what you could easily have attained on earth .... the childship to God, which makes you the most blissfully happy being in the spiritual kingdom. You can receive an excessive abundance of light on earth and, after physical death, enter the spiritual kingdom as beings of light; for God offers you such an extent of grace that you can lose all weakness and work full of strength, providing it is your will. Attaining the degree of light is not impossible for anyone, and the fact that it need not be difficult is Jesus Christ’s gift of grace, Who acquired it for the human race on the cross. Thus anyone can request strength from Him, and every person calling upon Jesus Christ will irrevocably reach the goal. But which one of you humans lends his ear to the messengers of God when you are informed of this; which one of you humans strives consciously towards attaining childship to God on this earth? It only requires you to shape yourselves into love, for which the strength will be conveyed to you humans if you seriously want it and appeal to Jesus Christ for His support. Very little is expected of you humans but an incredible amount is offered to you and, yet, only a few strive for this degree which results in a life of supreme beatitude. You should become children of God, desire the Father with all your love, you should adapt yourselves to His fundamental nature, that is, become love as well. However, your nature is still governed by too much selfish love, and this only considers earthly life but not life after death. You don’t ask yourselves why you live on earth, you don’t try to ascertain the reason, instead, you look at life as an end in itself when, in fact, it is merely the means to an end. For this reason you let your time on earth pass by unused, you use your vitality wrongly, i.e. you only use it to attain earthly possessions which are transient. But you do not think of your life after death, of the soul’s intransience and one day will have to pay a bitter price when you realise that you have irretrievably lost something that you could easily have won .... However, God respects your will, He neither determines nor forces you, but He always warns and admonishes you. Through His servants on earth He constantly informs you of the purpose for your existence, He sends messengers to cross your path who shall proclaim His will, He confronts you Himself in the form of suffering and adversities and shows you the fleeting nature of earthly things .... He leaves no stone unturned in order to lead you into realisation, yet He allows you to keep your freedom of choice .... And precisely because of this you will have to justify yourselves to Him, for you would be able to reach your goal were you to use your will correctly ....


BD 5491                received  20.09.1952

Earthly adversity should result in contacting God ....

Everything on earth is given to you for your perfection .... You can mature in every situation, but you can also obstinately and with bitterness regress in your development because you have free will, which will never be compelled by external influences to adopt a specific attitude. You have to want to ascend from the bottom of your heart, then everything will also serve you to become perfect. For then you will be seized by God’s will to love, Which only ever creates opportunities for you to shape yourselves, and to Whom you merely have to give yourselves in order to be raised up. You all are granted a measure of grace; how can you possibly fall or relapse in your spiritual development if you make use of this grace? For the blessings are reliably effective means of help, they are a special kind of help which only aim upwards, for whatever is offered to you by God’s love will also lead to Him.

Divine gifts of grace contain exceptional strength and therefore should not be spurned. Hence every earthly adversity should also be considered as a blessing, because it can lead to progress if it is considered as such, if the adversity makes the human being aware that he ought to direct his gaze upwards in order to appeal for help from the One, Who can and always wants to help. With this prayer you establish contact with God, which always signifies another step upwards, for the turning to Him in itself is already demonstrating your will, which is being tested by God in your earthly life. But it is worse for you humans if earthly hardship will not result in contact with God .... Then you will often also receive help, but from the one to whom you, due to your will, still belong, whom you have not turned away from. Then God will not be able help you, but you will always receive help, as it were, from the one whom you willingly serve due to your attitude. God wants to be recognised, and He will often come to you in the shape of suffering and adversity .... But as soon as you take flight to Him, as soon as your thoughts turn towards Him, you can also be absolutely certain that He will help you, that He will not leave you on your own if you are in serious difficulties. No thought fades away, no call remains unheeded, for the slightest thought affects Him and motivates Him to help you. And everything He does is only determined by His love, which applies to you and your perfection. There is no adversity which could not be resolved, for nothing is impossible for Him, yet He shapes everything in a way that it will help you achieve perfection, if only you always think of Him and commend yourselves to His grace ....


BD 5503                received  10.10.1952

Loss of earthly possessions can result in spiritual treasures ....

You will find ample spiritual compensation for everything that is taken from or denied to you if you only strive for spiritual perfection. You will never make a spiritually inappropriate request, for every spiritually directed thought is pleasing to God and therefore always successful. The more you humans are involved with matter, the less spiritually minded you are, and therefore it first has to be taken from you in order to change your thoughts. Hence it should only ever be considered a means for perfection if you are forced to forgo material possessions. Yet you will never have to go without, because you are able to receive spiritual possessions all the more if only you want them. You may certainly possess earthly matter but it must never be your master, you must always be able to sacrifice it, which only comes easily when the value of spiritual possessions is recognised. And you humans will only recognise this when you experience earthly hardship, when human help is not available but spiritual help always has to be requested in order to then also be felt as extremely invigorating.

Whatever earthly goods you own can be taken from you, but you never need to fear the loss of spiritual possessions if you care to own them. The request for spiritual goods will always be fulfilled yet there is no guarantee that earthly goods will remain your own, only if you use them well, that is, in accordance with God’s will, and thus are active and work for the benefit of your fellow human beings will God also bless and increase them for you. In that case, however, you will have already detached yourselves from matter, you will no longer desire it with every fibre of your being but work with it for the benefit of your fellow human beings. But you won’t complain when earthly goods are taken from you, for God knows why He allows it, and even the loss of such belongings is beneficial for you. For then he will shower you with spiritual gifts of grace, and your will only has to be willing to use them for your own and your fellow human beings’ perfection. Consequently, never grieve over material possessions which were taken from you, they are of no value in eternity; yet their loss can bring you possessions of lasting value which are able to make you very happy on earth and one day in the spiritual kingdom. What you create and amass spiritually will stay with you and signify a wealth which is everlasting; but gladly and joyfully let go of the earthly material goods you own and exchange them for spiritual possessions, for the time will come when only these goods will be useful to you, when everything you still own today will disappear ....


BD 5507                received  14.10.1952

Every day is a gift ....

Every day is still a gift for you which you should use wisely, for you will never be able again to catch up on that which you neglect to do on earth, even if it is still possible for you to continue your higher development in the spiritual kingdom. However, you can achieve far more on earth because you have strength at your disposal which you will lack in the spiritual realm if you have failed on earth. It will be a completely different situation for your soul once it has left the body if it has no spiritual strength to take along, which it is certainly able to acquire here on earth and which will signify an incredible wealth for the soul in the spiritual kingdom. Here on earth it can be active and gather spiritual possessions every hour and every day .... but in the beyond it requires support from loving beings in order to receive just a small gift of strength, and ruefully it will remember the time it wasted on earth the moment it realises what it had neglected to do. Every day you still live on earth is a gift from God, where you can be freely active and able to acquire much for yourselves, yet you will only gain spiritual possessions by using this time in keeping with God’s will, hence you are always admonished accordingly, because every day will be irrevocably lost if you don’t live with eternity in mind, if you only use it to meet worldly requirements, since you only attain earthly possessions which are transient.

The end will come to each one of you before long, only a few will live to see the final end, but the majority will already be recalled before they descend into the abyss. For the last days will make great demands on a person’s free will who should work for his soul but only takes cares of and works for the body. Only few people will avail themselves of the last days as is necessary to be able to enter the realm of light, however, most people fail to consider their soul, they don’t listen to the admonitions and warnings which God’s love and mercy still sends to them, they do not believe .... and that will be their downfall .... And God’s mercy will prematurely remove those from earth where the possibility still exists that they will be able to ascend on the other side, if only under far more difficult conditions than on earth. Yet where this prospect is no longer given people will keep their physical life until the end in order to then approach a dreadful fate due to their total failure .... to be engendered into material creations again for the purpose of advancing again from the abyss to the pinnacle .... Every day is still a gift for you humans which you should use to the best of your ability .... Live life according to God’s will and only be active and work for the life of your soul, for the earth will disappear and with it everything that exists on it ....


BD 5508                received  15.10.1952

‘Come unto Me ....’

All of you who labour and are heavily laden can take refuge in My arms .... For My love wants to embrace all of you and nobody who comes to Me in his distress and appeals to Me for help will be pushed back by Me .... I want to comfort and give strength, I want to heal wounds and fortify the weak, I want to awaken hope and confidence in all hearts, I want to bestow My blessings upon everyone, because no one’s soul can recover without grace. ‘Come unto Me, all ye that labour and are heavily laden .... I will give you rest ....’ However, someone who is weak in faith might well hear these Words but he will not accept them as being spoken to him too .... he will continue to carry his burden, which I would gladly take from him if he handed it over to Me. Come to Me .... your own will must impel you to Me, for I only placed the burden upon your shoulders so that you should find the path to Me .... Every adversity is a coaxing call from your heavenly Father Who, in His love, longs for your love, for your coming to Him, in order to be able to please you. And thus, psychological distress shall also lead you to Me, you should entrust everything to Me, for it is My will that you should let Me know what troubles you .... Admittedly, I know all your afflictions and problems, yet I can only help you when you present them to Me, because it is My will that you conduct yourselves like children to the Father, it is My will that you always take the path which all good children take .... the path to the Father Who, in His love, wants to relieve them from every worry and support them with help and advice in order to make them happy now and forever. Take refuge in My arms at all times, they will shield you protectively, carry you across cliffs and stony lanes, they will take loving care of you as long as you live on earth. Put your trust in Me always and forever, for I will push no-one away from Me, even if they are sinful .... I want to release you from sin and guilt, just come unto Me, all ye that labour and are heavily laden .... Call upon My mercy and I will answer your prayer, I will extend My hands to you to make your path to Me easy, for I want to help and heal you, I want to please the sick and weak who can no longer help themselves on their own, and you all shall recognise in Me the One Who has redeemed you because of His boundless love for you ....


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