Book 64 NR. 5859 – 5962 received by Bertha Dudde between 22.1.1954 and 20.5.1954 An access to the currently translated complete work of Bertha Dudde – 1891-1965 – including her autobiography, an introduction to the work, lots of hints and clarification, all the downloads (in various languages), with offers of writings by different publishers (printed books, theme booklets etc.), and printable PDF-versions of all texts (revelations) You find here, a selective list with all her books You find here. BD 5860 received 23.01.1954
Prevalence of sin .... When sin gets out of hand, when there is no more faith in God’s justice among people, when people irresponsibly live their lives to the full and give their instincts free reign, when no love whatsoever is found among humanity, when all desires purely concern the world and its possessions, then the end will have come and the Scripture will come to pass, the prophesies of the seers, having always announced the end on God’s instruction, will come true .... And if you humans look around yourselves, if you keep your eyes open and observe everything that happens on earth, then you will know, providing you are of good will, which hour you live in .... You will recognise that these are all signs of the near end, that humanity itself gives rise to the end because it lives in sin and pays no more attention to God .... As yet there are still people who are not entirely corrupted, who as yet do not belong to the adversary completely but who have no faith either and therefore thoughtlessly go on living .... nevertheless, the closer it gets to the end there will also be increasingly fewer of these people .... They will partly descend further and become subject to the adversary’s power and partly be recalled from this life into the kingdom of the beyond .... The number of depraved and evil people will increase, and only a few will remain faithful to God and live on earth as it is His will. They will have to suffer greatly under the former, because they will be hated and persecuted on account of their faith .... And as soon as open actions are taken against all those who profess God in Jesus Christ, the end is imminent for you humans. This, too, was announced to you humans a long time in advance so that you will have to justify yourselves and be judged for the sake of Jesus’ name .... So as soon as all spiritual aspiration is treated with hostility, as soon as God’s servants are prevented from working for the kingdom of God, as soon as they are ridiculed and laughed at because of their faith, the time will have come when satanic forces are at work which, at the end, will rage against everything that points to God. And all those who are weak and not entirely evil will be recalled from earth, so that they will not fall into the hands of God’s adversary when the final days dawn, when the believers are treated in such a way that only people with strong faith and absolute trust in God will stand firm, because their faith will give them strength and because they can be manifestly helped by God on account of their faith. Then Satan’s activity will reveal itself, for he will embody himself in all people who belong to him as a result of their disposition .... And the works done by each one of them will scream for retribution .... And retribution will come .... The day will come which will put an end to this activity, when God’s righteousness will come to the fore and every person’s actions will be revealed .... The Day of Judgment will come as it is written .... when everyone will receive the reward he deserves .... when the Word of God will come to pass because it is the eternal Truth .... Amen BD 5861 received 24.01.1954 False Christ’s and false prophets .... And I keep telling you: The signs and miracles from My adversary’s as well as from My servants’ side on earth will increase, for many false Christ’s and prophets will arise on behalf of the prince of darkness in order to refute the teachings of My rightful servants .... in order to cast doubt on their miracles and prophesies and to plunge people into ever greater darkness .... Yet the false prophets’ miracles will only aim to increase earthly power and wealth, they will not perform deeds of love. Works will develop which are claimed to have been accomplished with supernatural strength, although they can only be described as an accumulation of material goods, thus they also betray the one who is lord over matter .... True miracles, however, are works of compassion for suffering and frail humanity .... True miracles are obvious effects of strength from above .... And true miracles can only be performed by those who work as rightful messengers of My Word on earth, who profess Me and My name before the world and try to awaken and revive the belief in Me .... Those who proclaim to people in My name what is about to happen to them are indeed true prophets. And I have chosen them because they combine the proclamation of the Word with evidence of the strength of faith in order to make people aware which strength and which spirit works through My representatives .... For many false prophets will arise in the end and try to confuse people by performing miracles .... My adversary will use the same methods, and he will find it easy to mislead people because he does not announce a decline but only ever promises earthly good living standards and earthly progress. And his miracles will consist of emphasising this earthly progress, since his miracles will be humanly fascinating material developments and because his prophesy will be of a future of affluence, honour and earthly success, a world of economic development and earthly perfection. Every such prophesy receives attention, thereby diverting humanity’s attention ever further from what is genuine and true, which is proclaimed to them by My representatives on earth .... that people are approaching the end, that no amount of material possessions can save them from the downfall they will indisputably approach if they do not believe My Words but rather believe those who are influenced by the prince of darkness .... who indeed also perform miracles with his strength .... who are powerful on earth because they have subjected themselves to him, but whose works can always be recognised .... For they do not express love, no help for needy fellow human beings can be recognised therein, even though they also use My Words, even though they hide behind My name in order to be accepted as true prophets .... Where love does not prevail My spirit cannot be found, and neither will there be miracles performed nor prophetic Words spoken, but My adversary’s activity will be clearly noticeable who, in the last days, will try anything to disperse My small flock and gain it for himself .... The time of the end has come, therefore take notice of everything I tell you so that you will learn to differentiate between genuine and false, between light and works of deception, between truth and untruth .... so that you will not fall into the hands of the one who wants to corrupt you .... Amen BD 5862 received 25.01.1954 Divine guidance .... I will lead you all by My hand if you don’t resist Me and allow yourselves to be led .... Thus anyone who wants Me to be his companion, who does not oppose My will, can also rest assured that he will be guided right by Me, that he will not take the wrong path and that he will safely reach his goal. I expect nothing else from you but your submission to Me, that you want to be My Own, that you acknowledge Me as your God and Father and are willing to do what is right before My eyes. This will alone is enough for Me to lead you by the hand until you have reached the end of your earthly life, until you enter the spiritual kingdom in order to live in eternity. I want to give you eternal life .... And you will only be able to live if you are permeated by the strength of My love .... My strength of love takes hold of everything that offers no resistance .... And thus you will also understand why I expect your submission to Me, for then My strength of love can flow into you and awaken you to life. You cannot be spiritually dead anymore when you are permeated by My strength of love .... And you cannot be without the strength of My love if you hand yourselves over to Me, that is, if you join Me voluntarily .... The will to unite with Me is the guarantee that I will take possession of you and never let go of you again ..... For this will once turned away from Me and caused your fall into the abyss, your loss of light and strength .... If you now grant Me your will again it will also assuredly give you light and strength again. And everyone wanting to come to Me will reach his goal, whichever path he takes .... I value your resolve and will also walk next to you, forever taking care that you will enter into eternal life. But anyone directing his will to Me also perceives his own inadequacy which lets him become humble...He senses His distance from Me and would want to overcome it .... he makes an effort to do My will, he tries to shape himself according to My will because he realises that his imperfection prevents him from reaching Me, from uniting himself with Me forever .... And because he feels that he is too weak he appeals to Me for strength .... And I give, because My love always wants to give itself and because such will demonstrated by My earthly child makes Me extremely happy for it signifies the final return to Me. As soon as the thought of his own inadequacy has awakened in the human being I will also help him to reform himself, and as soon as he joins Me voluntarily by handing himself over to Me, My strength of love will take effect on him and lead to success. And this is why everyone will reach his goal who strives towards Me, everyone who allows himself to be led without resistance will take the right path and need never fear to go wrong, for anyone who entrusts himself to Me builds on a firm foundation .... Amen BD 5864 received 28.01.1954 The spirit of God works where He wants .... The spirit of God works where He wants .... Only God knows where His spirit can express itself without resistance, only God knows where His revelations are accepted and obediently made use of, and only God knows whose inclinations allow the working of His spirit .... It is His will that truth shall find its way to people, and that erroneous beliefs and lies are brought to light so that the human being can identify them as such. It is His will that human beings find their way to happiness, which is always the way of the truth. And thus He is forever concerned to bring the truth to people because He has only one goal: the happiness of his living creations. On earth, which is ruled by His adversary, the truth will constantly be disputed and polluted by his influence; it will constantly be infiltrated by lies and errors, because it is God’s adversary’s aim to withhold the truth from people in order to prevent their realisation and aspiration towards God .... And thus the pure truth repeatedly has to be sent to earth from above, which can only happen by the working of the spirit .... by the outpouring of the spirit into a human being. And this person is chosen by God Himself .... His spirit works where He wants .... The working of the spirit can only happen in a state of free will, God will never choose a human being and compel him to receive the pure truth .... It is entirely a matter of free will, and a will thus devoted to God is well known to Him .... hence such a will opens the human heart to receive the flow of God’s spirit. But then it also guarantees an unblemished flow of spirit into the human being, since the fulfilment of God’s requirements to send the pure truth to someone also raises a spiritual shield against impure, lightless influences; because a human being who has completely surrendered his will to God is now inside of God’s sphere of light which may not be entered by the beings of darkness. It is God’s will that the truth shall be sent to earth, and therefore it is reasonable that this can only happen through someone whose will has completely merged with God’s will because it prevents the adversary slipping in .... because God Himself can now provide a guard, to which the person himself gives Him the right as a result of his devoted will. Because the working of His spirit results in the manifestation of a bright light within the human heart from which all beings of darkness take flight .... God’s constant transmission of truth to earth is due to His love for His living creations whom He wants to guide towards happiness; and there should be no doubt that He now puts His will into action .... Hence He chooses people for Himself who are suitable to receive the truth from above, and for the sake of truth He will also protect them from accepting misleading notions, otherwise it would be impossible to impart the pure truth to humanity .... But it has to be emphasized that only the transmission of spiritual values can be called an outpouring of the spirit .... that the transmission of the pure truth through the working of the spirit only relates to the knowledge of spiritual issues .... to divine-spiritual knowledge .... God can and will also instruct people mentally about earthly matters although the accuracy of their thoughts once again depends on the person’s state of mind .... but the process of the outpouring of the spirit cannot be associated with earthly knowledge .... For this reason earthly and spiritual knowledge always have to be separated. They cannot both be included in the concept of ‘transmission of divine truth’ although the thoughts of a human being who makes an effort to live within the divine order can also be enlightened by the spirit and thus be truthful .... But verbal revelations intended to transmit the truth to earth have to be considered differently .... As soon as you exclude all worldliness and make the spiritual kingdom the only goal of your desire, as soon as you intend to broaden your spiritual knowledge, as soon as you aim to improve the state of your soul by only accepting what helps your soul, in other words, as soon as you only focus on matters which ensure its eternal life and disregard the life of your body on this earth will you be striving towards the spirit. Then you will truly be guided by the spirit within you, it will communicate with you and instruct you from within to further the higher development of your soul. And then you can also receive divine revelations according to your soul’s maturity, but they will only ever cast a light on the spiritual kingdom, on spiritual correlations, on the spiritual origin and objective of creation .... on everything your intellect could not work out by itself and which cannot be proven to you either for as long as you live on earth. However, you can solve worldly problems by virtue of your intellect - even though a truthful result is in fact also the result of enlightened thinking - when the human being’s right and God-pleasing way of life strives to achieve this. But the difference should be observed that the substance of divine revelations concerns the life of the soul, the spiritual development of the human being and the knowledge of origin and final goal, the knowledge of God’s plan of Salvation since eternity .... The closer the human being is connected to God the more he will feel His influence, the more enlightened he becomes in his thinking, and the more assuredly he can also answer earthly questions, because he permits the working of the spirit within himself which directs and guides him even in his earthly life .... Human beings are intended to receive divine-spiritual knowledge which can only arise by way of direct transmission from God to the human being, consequently the requirements have to be met to permit such a direct transmission. It is a divine plan, and the means to accomplishing it can only be known by God, and He chooses a useful instrument for Himself when it is necessary to transmit the pure truth in order to encourage and enable humanity to strive for higher development. Only God knows the human hearts, hence only God knows which earthly child meets the requirements to receive divine-spiritual knowledge. And this is whom He chooses .... The spirit of God moves where He wants .... His spirit certainly flows into an appropriate vessel because it concerns an extremely significant rescue mission .... to penetrate the spiritual darkness with rays of light which emanate from God Himself .... This is a process which can still save many people from spiritual death .... it shows a path which leads away from the world of matter into the kingdom of light .... it offers people of good will the option to return by taking hold of the Fathers extended hand, Who does not want His children to get lost for an infinitely long time .... And for this reason every recipient of divine revelations enjoys God’s special protection to complete His work .... so that the light of truth can enlighten the earth at a time of deepest spiritual darkness, to make the best of the short time left to the people until the end .... Amen BD 5873 received 09.02.1954 Fulfilling the commandments of love .... Simply live in love .... I ask nothing else of you, but thereby you will reach an as yet inscrutable goal, a level of perfection which subsequently signifies brightest realisation for you, because then your soul will be able to attain spiritual vision and gain insight into My kingdom with all its splendours. I only require you to love because love is the key to realisation, to strength and to supreme happiness. Any person can be good, but whether he wants to be it, whether he follows the gentle urging within himself is a decisive factor in the achievement of his goal on earth. And this is why he constantly has to be encouraged to practice love, time and again he has to be reminded to do deeds of love and cautioned not to act heartlessly .... This is why he was given the commandments of love by Me, so that he will not forget what alone is important in earthly life .... so that he will use his common sense to help him when the urging of his heart has already become too feeble .... Then he should remember that My will only expects the fulfilment of My commandments of love and rationally try to ascertain why I gave these commandments .... He should consider the Words ‘He who remains in love remains in Me and I in him ....’, consequently, if he desires contact with Me he will have to live a life of love .... In that case, however, his spiritual ascent will be assured, then he will fulfil the purpose of his earthly life. Love is Supreme .... Love is the strength without which no human being can live, which has to be understood as the life of the soul, which is everlasting but can succumb to spiritual death if it lacks love, the strength which gives true life in the first place. Anyone who wants to live in eternity must give love to all those who approach him, to all those who want his love .... only then will he be able to create in strength and light, and only then can he be blissfully happy. However, without love the soul is in darkness and weak, for even the body’s life does not signify life for the soul without love, although it can temporarily use the body’s life, yet without love always in the wrong direction which thereby merely thickens the layers surrounding it, so that at the end of its earthly life it will enter the spiritual kingdom totally devoid of strength and light, where it is no longer granted the privilege that the body can change its state, for it has not utilised the body’s energy of life for itself, it had not given in to the gentle urges and made the body accomplish deeds of love .... For as long as it lived on earth its thoughts and intentions determined the body’s activities, the use of vitality, and its wrong intentions and thoughts subsequently also caused its state of death in the spiritual kingdom .... Time and again you are admonished to love, you humans are confronted by so much adversity and helplessness and are so often approached for help that you would be constantly able to carry out deeds of love, for you have the ability to do so, yet whether you have the will shall one day determine your soul’s state after death. Actions of love in accordance with My will can never cause you adverse effects, for whatever you give with love will be returned to you in various ways both spiritually and earthly. It will never damage you, for the share you gain by fulfilling My commandments will be unlimited, because when I give I know no limitation where love motivates Me to express My love .... Act with love .... don’t be calculating in giving but let your heart impel you into wanting to share and give pleasure .... Then your love will have been kindled in you and its fire will dissolve all impurities which still cling to your soul. By way of love the soul becomes bright and clear, and My strength of love can permeate it, it will live eternally and know all, it will realise that only love can achieve the unity with Me, that only through love can it attain eternal beatitude .... Amen BD 5877 received 15.02.1954 The short phase of earthly life decides the fate in the beyond .... Your earthly existence as a human being is one of infinitely many phases of your higher development, for even if you fully mature on earth so that you can enter the kingdom of light your development will nevertheless continue, because once a soul has attained realisation it will never cease going forward .... because it will always and forever strive towards God and thereby try to come closer to Him in order to become blissfully happy in complete union with Him. Consequently, the time on earth as a human being is just like a brief moment compared to eternity, compared to the infinitely long process of development through the material creation, and yet, this brief moment is crucial for the soul’s fate, it is crucial for the further process of development in the spiritual kingdom. For there is a difference whether the soul has already achieved a degree of maturity on earth or whether it will not achieve realisation until it is in the kingdom of the beyond .... The latter will indeed ascend as well, but they have to make an extremely laborious effort to acquire what was abundantly at their disposal on earth and what could have enabled them to reach the degree of light .... To pass the test of will on earth already denotes a state of light and strength in abundance on entering eternity, it denotes a constant supply of light and strength, because the moment the soul departs from earth as a recipient of strength it also imparts strength, and the more it passes on the more it will receive in return .... Thus it ascends extremely quickly now, for it joins equally mature spirits and works in accordance with divine will and on divine instruction .... It receives all strength from God and uses it on behalf of God, whereas souls having failed their test of will on earth are indeed also able to achieve realisation in the beyond but they first have to shape themselves with the help of other beings such that they can become enlightened, that they can receive the emanations of light and subsequently utilise them according to God’s will. These souls, too, have to desire the supply of light and strength of their own accord, only then will they receive, and only then will their higher development begin with the work which they, in turn, carry out on the souls in darkness .... It is effectively a laborious path, a step by step ascent with utmost effort of strength and will .... No effort remains without reward, the soul will definitely progress, but because it is still very weak and has little strength as its disposal it has to exert all its will and find much support from the world of light or through human intercession until it has become a recipient of light and strength itself, so that it can distribute in turn and then receive ever more strength. The short earthly life decides the fate in eternity, for the entry into the spiritual kingdom can already be supreme bliss which will never end, if the time on earth was used correctly. But it can also be wasted, and the soul has to suffer the consequences .... it has to carry on struggling and fighting if it doesn’t want to descend. And its life in the spiritual kingdom can in many ways still be likened to the struggle on earth, yet it is never hopeless if the soul itself wants to attain light and strength. Only its will is decisive .... if the will is already directed towards God in earthly life, then the soul will constantly pursue its objective of coming closer to Him, which it will soon achieve .... But while the will is still turned away from God it means darkness and weakness, and the soul enters the spiritual kingdom in this state, whereas the former is permeated by light and nothing ties it to the earthly realm except its love for those it left behind and to whom it now offers help in every way; the latter, however, will still need help for a long time although they have escaped earth, yet they will still remain in the vicinity of earth until they, too, can receive enough light and strength in order to be active themselves in the spiritual kingdom. And every activity only consists of influencing the will of those who still aim into the wrong direction, in order to protect them from the same fate, from a laborious ascent in the spiritual realm which is the result of a wrongly directed will on earth .... Amen BD 5879 received 17.02.1954 The raging of natural forces .... You will hear My voice loudly and powerfully, and all of you who don’t want to comply with My gentle call will be terrified when it resounds, when the raging of the natural forces reminds you of Me, Whom you have constantly opposed and Whom you nevertheless have to acknowledge in view of the expression of the elements of nature. Admittedly, you won’t accept that there is a relationship between this and your activities in the world .... Yet only the latter prompts Me to express Myself visibly, for your activities demonstrate that you don’t acknowledge Me as your God and Creator to Whom you will have to be answerable one day. You don’t believe it and therefore don’t live your earthly life according to My will .... And that is why My voice will resound, so that you will consider Me and change, so that you will recognise Me and accept My will as your own .... I speak to you, admonishing you at first gently and full of love to turn around .... in order to then raise My voice increasingly until it worries and frightens you because you will then fear for your lives. And many will lose their earthly life, yet if they still find Me in the last hour their physical death will be no loss for them .... it is merely a blessing, for they were in danger of descending completely, and then I can recall them the instant they recognise Me Myself, the instant of the awakening of faith, which facilitates the entry into the kingdom of the beyond and is the beginning of the soul’s path of ascent. I want to make Myself distinctly recognisable through the fury of nature .... Where human will is active faith in Me is only rarely to be expected, but where people are hopelessly exposed to the natural elements they are more inclined to remember their Creator and call upon Him .... And there is still hope that souls will be saved from the darkness of unbelief, that they acknowledge Me and then allow themselves to be guided by Me on earth as well as in the kingdom of the beyond. What earthly happenings cannot achieve can still be accomplished by a natural disaster on a huge scale .... that the God and Creator of eternity will be remembered and that a human being’s heart will establish the connection with Him by way of sincerely appealing to Him for salvation from utmost adversity. And what is apparently an enormous work of destruction can signify a rescue mission for many souls which thereby escape eternal ruin and awaken to life, even if they suffer physical death. I will do whatever it takes to save those who still close their ears to My gentle and loving Words and whom I nevertheless don’t want to let fall .... I want to call to them with a loud voice again and blessed are those who then will remember Me, blessed are those from whose hearts I have not yet been completely displaced and who call upon Me before it is too late .... Amen BD 5889 received 27.02.1954 Healing the sick in the name of Jesus .... Lay your hands on the sick and bless them .... and the strength of your faith will heal them, because you entrust the sick person to Me Myself and My strength is unlimited and therefore can also work without restriction as soon as you believe it .... Whatever you do in unity with Me has to succeed .... But do you really feel closely united with Me? .... I must ask you this question because on this alone depends your strength for healing the sick, because it depends on you yourselves as to whether you enable your fellow beings’ recovery, because your faith has to be so strong that you can feel My living presence beside you and thus work in unity with Me when you pronounce My name as you bless the sick person in My name .... I have become such a distant God to humanity that it can no longer understand how a human being can be so intimately united with Me as to use My strength according to his will, and even My believers only rarely muster such strength of faith that they won’t doubt for a minute that I will support them if they want to help their fellow human beings .... Hence there are only a few with the gift of healing the sick at their disposal, precisely because they use Me and My strength when they need it .... And faith in Me during the last days has become so weak and small amongst humanity that a profoundly devout person with extraordinary strength at his disposal will also attract extraordinary attention, so that he then will either achieve much spiritual success by leading people back to believing in Me and the strength of My name or be treated with hostility by those who lack all strength of faith yet claim the sole right for themselves to proclaim My name to people. And the latter are more to blame than the complete non-believers, for they know and acknowledge Me and yet lack living faith in Me, they merely uphold words which have not yet come sufficiently alive in them to demonstrate their effects. They haven’t put them to the test, which a living faith is able to do .... and if someone sets an example for them they attack him because they sense his spiritual superiority and enviously recognise My assistance which they have not yet laid claim to themselves. In the last days before the end the number of people will increase in whom the gifts of the spirit will take effect, people, who will be in such heartfelt contact with Me that everything they do will be done with Me, in My will and by calling upon My name .... And they will prove themselves in various ways as My messengers, for whatever a person who is permeated by My spirit subsequently thinks, speaks or does will point to Me and My kingdom .... and everything betrays a special strength which is only at his disposal because he allows Me to work through him, because his faith in Me and the strength of My love is so strong that it flows to him unimpeded, and thus he can also help his fellow human beings in a supernatural way .... For he is full of love for them and this love provides him with strength from Me directly .... and thus it will also be possible for him to carry out whatever he wants .... Amen BD 5897 received 07.03.1954 Earthly life is the path but not the goal .... The world was given to you for the testing of your will, i.e. you had to be placed into a sphere of activity which should stimulate you to use your will in one direction. This world cannot be avoided but has to be overcome by the person who wants to reach his goal. The final embodiment of the soul, the spiritual essence in you, as a human being on this earth is absolutely necessary because an opportunity had to be created for you to exercise your free will which, until then, had been constrained due to your past apostasy from Me. A soul trying to avoid this last embodiment will not be able to come into possession of free will, for its considerable opposition to Me would not allow for it. Only when it is willing to take the path of helpful love on earth will it receive the grace of embodiment, for this willingness testifies of its degree of maturity which is necessary for the last test of will. And every soul prior to its embodiment is indeed willing to take this final path because it can result in its total release from the form, and it has the will to become free. But it loses all recollection, it enters earth completely without knowledge and then slowly starts to develop .... it learns to use its will, it gets educated and taught until its will begins to make its own decisions, and then it will be offered by Me every kind of assistance to recognise what is right and good and to voluntarily also do both. I on My part will do everything to promote a right decision of will .... And yet the human being maintains his freedom of will, and then the whole of earthly life will effectively affect him like an object which he can select or reject .... For the human being should experience everything in order to reach Me in My kingdom .... but he should not get drawn into it .... he should not get caught up in captivity again when his final freedom beckons. Earthly life is a path he has to take but not the goal itself .... And if he keeps his eyes on the pinnacle then he will follow his path determinedly and without fail, but if his eyes stay glued to the ground he will only see what happens around him and risk being held fast to the ground so that his flight of ascent cannot take place .... He has to muster the will and the strength to liberate himself from everything he finds desirable on earth, then he will be victorious, he will travel the earthly path as a necessary final phase of his higher development and pass his test of will. His will is and shall remain directed towards Me in spite of My adversary’s artful temptations, who equally fights for his soul, for his will .... He has become a conqueror of this world and an aspirant for My kingdom which is not of this world .... Amen BD 5901 received 12.03.1954
Bringing the Gospel to souls in the beyond .... Convey the Gospel to the souls in the beyond, remind them of My commandments of love which also have to be fulfilled in the kingdom of the beyond if the soul wants to ascend. Inform them of My will, which only ever requires them to turn to Me and which has to be heeded in order to be seized by My love .... What is applicable for earth also applies to the kingdom of the beyond .... the transformation of the being’s will, which at first is opposing Me and therefore has to be changed, and that can only ever happen through love, for an unselfish act of love is the first step towards Me and gives the being strength. Helpless souls in the beyond lack love .... and you have to explain to them that they can only expect help if they are willing to give love to those who are as poor and as wretched as themselves. Without love their thinking is wrong and, just like on earth, they can be approached by beings instructing them wrongly, without being able to recognise the error .... Only a helpful soul will recognise the truth, subsequently you first have to bring My commandments of love to the souls and draw their attention to the fact that they were only given so that people will establish the connection with Me by fulfilling these commandments of love .... since deeds of love will provide them with strength and always help them to ascend further. You can instruct the souls over and over again .... they will not believe or understand you if they are unwilling to love, and if you want to help them then you first and foremost will have to take care to motivate them into lovingly supporting other distressed souls which turn to them for help. Only this willingness to love will open their spiritual eyes and ears, and then they will be able to understand everything you present to them. My Gospel is just the teaching of love, for everything else will fall into place if this teaching of love is complied with. It is not enough only to convey knowledge to the soul in the beyond for it will not understand it as long it is unwilling to carry out works of love, which have to and can be carried out in the kingdom of the beyond just as on earth but which always necessitate the willingness to do so, otherwise the soul will be without strength. As long as the soul is mentally only involved with itself and its sad fate there is no possibility to provide it with help or to convey strength .... It first has to look at its surroundings or .... if it is alone in a barren region, it has to remember people on earth whom it could have helped but neglected to do so .... It has to regret this and wish to make amends, in that case it will be joined by beings in serious need, and as soon as it is willing to help it will instantly receive the strength to accomplish its intentions. First love has to be kindled within itself, which can often take a very long time, but it is possible with loving support from a human being if he explains to the soul what it is lacking and tries to educate it, always being prompted by a loving will to help .... Love achieves everything, love prevails over everything, love itself is the strength which helps the soul to salvation. As long as the soul only considers itself it can hardly be released from its unpleasant situation, but it can become tender and loving if it gets touched by small rays of light, because these are just sparks of love intended to touch and kindle its heart .... Every soul which experiences darkness as torment will be soothingly affected by such rays of light, and it stands a good chance that it will pursue the light .... that it thus will also be willing to take other souls to the light. And these souls should only ever be preached the love which found its culmination in Jesus Christ and His act of Salvation .... No other information is necessary for such souls at first, yet they have to know the reason for their hardship and also how to remedy it .... And only when they have this understanding will their progress be assured, only when they want to carry out loving actions themselves will they receive strength and be able to work with love in order to receive ever more strength and enter into increasing brighter light. Light makes the souls tremendously happy, and in this happiness their willingness to love will constantly grow, hence a single soul in the beyond is able to carry out a most extensive amount of redemption work. For as soon as it understands, it will also impart its realisation to other souls and try to encourage them to the same loving endeavour ..... For just as on earth there is only one applicable commandment in the spiritual kingdom: Love God above all else and your neighbour as yourself .... Amen BD 5904 received 16.03.1954 Blessing of suffering .... Sooner or later you all will realise why you had to suffer on earth, and you will be grateful to Me if it brought you the success that you would never have achieved without suffering .... I would truly not let you suffer without reason, yet My love recognises the effect of suffering on you and thus makes use of it, even if you are often incapable of recognising My loving care. But believe that every stirring of your heart is known to Me, and that I therefore handle especially My Own seemingly harshly, because I want to give them even more blessings in My kingdom, which they are guaranteed to inhabit when their physical end has come. On earth you cannot imagine the beatitude I want to provide for you .... But I know how a soul has to be in order to endure this beatitude, only I know how it can attain this quality, and only I know the right means and therefore also use them .... and I do this because I love you and know that your will strives towards Me. But also bear in mind that the soul in the human stage is not yet crystallised enough, that it would not endure the abundance of My emanation of love, that it therefore still has to go through suffering in order to become totally purged .... You should know that the soul’s layers were not the fault of your earthly way of life, but that it came to earth already surrounded by thick covers, the dissolution of which is now every human being’s task .... Doing deeds of love to a large degree will considerably aid the removal of the soul’s impurities, and profound suffering helps where the strength of love is not yet powerful enough .... But you will feel inexpressibly happy when your soul is able to rise freely and permeated by light into the spiritual kingdom after your earthly death .... Then you will have overcome all difficulties, all earthly suffering, and an eternity of supreme happiness lays ahead of you .... Although every day of suffering seems long to you, and yet it is but a moment in time compared to eternity. At times you deem your suffering to be unbearable, and yet I give you no more to carry than you can endure .... and you can always turn to Me, to Jesus Christ, the bearer of the cross, with an appeal for help when your burden seems too much to bear for you .... Take up your cross and follow Me .... Would I, as the man Jesus, have spoken these Words if it were impossible for you to endure the cross placed upon you? But He Himself also offered you His help with the Words ‘Come to Me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest ....’ And true to His Word He will always give you strength .... For your Saviour Jesus Christ knows you, He also knows that you are willing to follow Him, and He will grant you strength and grace as long as you live on earth .... Amen BD 5905 received 17.03.1954 ‘The measure you give ....’ The measure you give will be the measure you receive .... You should not anxiously calculate what you think you ought to give, you should hand out what you are inwardly urged to, for only that which you give out of love will be judged, and if you love, you won’t be calculating but giving generously. By doing so you will not become poorer as you will be amply rewarded, you will never go without for I will truly abundantly return it to you, I will bestow the same love upon you, and that truly to a far greater extent. This promise of Mine is applicable spiritually and earthly, for you should alleviate people’s hardship everywhere, you should give to your fellow human being what he requires .... And the spiritual hardship is far greater still than the earthly one, this is why the spiritual care of the poor has been entrusted to you, especially to those of you with spiritual riches at their disposal and who shall always share this wealth. All those who have possessions themselves should share their possessions. Yet their wealth will not diminish, for the more they share the more they will receive. I can only grant spiritual wealth - and thus also give the assurance that I will not let them go without - to people if they comply with My request to consider their fellow human beings, because they lack what they need to help them attain beatitude .... Anyone who shares earthly possessions acquires spiritual wealth and, at the same time, also receives earthly possessions according to requirement .... And the more wealthy he is the more generous he can and should become, for it will be a blessing for him as well as for the needy, love will flare up brightly, because every expression of love awakens love in return and because .... where love is kindled .... I Myself can be and thus distribute My gift without limitation. Love must flare up in the human heart, then receiving and giving can take place without measure; yet without love every gift is mere calculation or formality which is not judged by Me as a gift of love. Let your fellow human beings’ hardship speak to you. Spiritual as well as earthly suffering should awaken your sympathy, then your heart will be involved, then every gift will trigger joy in the giver as well in the recipient, and then I will also be able to give because your love motivates Me to do so, and then your wealth will increase .... you will be endowed in a spiritual and earthly way and will never again have to go short, for My love and grace will flow to you without measure .... you may receive without measure according to My promise ‘the measure you give will be the measure you receive ....’ Amen BD 5913 received 24.03.1954 Fighting or helping .... Don’t forget that you will have to fight or be of service .... Yet the battle should not be against your fellow human being, against those who are weak and defenceless, nor should one tackle the other in order to defeat him for the sake of worldly success. The battle should be against yourselves, against faults and bad habits, vices and cravings .... This battle is not easy and requires all your strength; yet if you are victorious in this battle you will have achieved a marvellous success .... However, you can also choose a different path in order to attain this success .... the path of helpful neighbourly love. As soon as you are helping you are likewise overcoming yourself, for you voluntarily change your nature. You acquire the strength you need in order to discard all faults and bad habits through your actions of love and receive an abundant measure of grace .... if you serve with love .... In that case you will have overcome arrogance first; you will have become humble and can subsequently receive an unlimited amount of blessings .... You no longer need to wage battle against yourselves once you serve with love. Being of service with love is merely a different form of battle against oneself yet it likewise succeeds in becoming victorious over everything degrading, over all cravings, over heartlessness. A person’s change of character takes place either through fighting or helping, however, helping is far easier than fighting, and anyone who is always a helpful brother to his fellow human beings will meet with far less opposition than someone whose goal consists of systematic self-denial, for his fellow human beings will not offer him the patience and love which the former gains through his conduct with other people. This is why it says: fighting or helping .... because a helpful person will be spared the difficult inner battles which the other person often has to endure. A battle with the weapons of love is always promising, and truly, someone who helps with humility is the stronger, for he reaches his goal faster, because he will always receive grace and strength in abundance .... which someone who fights will in fact have to appeal for as well or he will be defeated in his battle against himself. It will also be conveyed to him by God after his prayer so that he can achieve his transformation of character, yet it will only have been completed when he also helps with love, when, after a tough battle, his selfish love has become selfless neighbourly love .... and then he will also receive strength and grace through loving activity .... Amen BD 5920 received 01.04.1954 God’s love can also be found in suffering .... Whichever way your earthly lives will shape themselves, you must never doubt My love and care for you which only ever intends what is best for you. Yet only I know what serves you best .... but I also know what dangers are threatening you and how they can be averted. If you were able to judge My love for each one of you earthly children you would truly feel reassured and live your earthly life without worry, for then you would trust your heavenly Father to arrange everything so that it will be bearable for you and you would never be without help, if you just turn to Him .... The strength of My love would truly explain your earthly destiny to you, since it only wants what is best and most beneficial for you and not burden you with pointless sorrow and adversity, which weigh you down and make you doubt Me. You should only believe these My Words and wait quietly .... that is, humbly entrust yourselves to Me and My help will not fail to materialise. And you will also achieve progress for your soul, which you would hardly gain without suffering. As yet I still ask for the individual person’s love and will, as yet people have not completely decided for Me .... as yet My adversary is also making an effort to gain your souls, and there is a considerable risk that he will be victorious. And for that reason I often make it impossible for people to follow him impulsively .... I first motivate them to consider what he has to offer and what he is asking in return .... I draw the person’s attention on himself in order to distract him from what the adversary alluringly presents to him .... I send illness and adversity, sorrow and suffering, for these will then only be a blessing for the human being, even if he doesn’t recognise it himself. But I love him and don’t want to lose him to the one who is devoid of all love .... who only gives you illusive possessions, who wants to deceive you and plans to corrupt you. His only true objective is to keep you distant from Me, because is without love. But you humans don’t know him and allow yourselves to be deceived by him when he entices you with earthly possessions but demands your soul in return. I, too, want to shower you with possessions, but they are everlasting and you don’t recognise their worth. But a good father will not give something harmful to his child, even if the child eyes it greedily .... Instead, he will stop the child if it asks for it despite the warning .... And thus I, too, often have to stop you if you endanger your lives through misguided intentions .... If your goal is threatening to become an other one but Me .... For I love you and want to possess you and therefore I will do whatever it takes in order not to lose you .... Amen BD 5922 received 05.04.1954
The Word from above .... You are receiving My Word from above, and this is the obvious proof of My spirit’s activity within you .... It is not something supernatural but a completely natural process which only requires your full devotion to Me so that I will be able to pour My spirit into an opened receptacle which has shaped itself suitably through a life of love. The outpouring of My spirit is an entirely natural process .... Yet whether you humans live a life of love as a matter of course and therefore meet the requirements first is often far more questionable, for you are still too far removed from your original nature to practise love as if it were the most natural thing in the world. For this reason the outpouring of My spirit has become an incomprehensible concept for you .... Yet you are surprised once you get to know the effect of a rightful life of love .... I Am and forever remain that which I was from the beginning .... your Father, Who wants to speak to you, Who wants to reveal all His thoughts to you and remain in contact with you; My love will truly not hold back but impart to you everything you need in order to become blessed .... Consequently I will have to speak to you and thus transmit My Word. But although I speak to all of you, only a few are able to hear My speech. My spirit can only take effect in those who submit themselves to Me without resistance, because the least opposition renders the working of My spirit ineffective. Hence it is not up to Me but purely up to yourselves as to whether My spirit will overshadow you, as to whether you will receive inconceivable gifts .... as to whether you receive the evidence of My presence and My working within you. First you must shape yourselves such that My spirit is able to flow into you; you yourselves must have the will to be endowed by Me with blessings and strength and light .... You must believe that I Am so close to you that My strength will work through you .... And you must live a life of love .... For only love unites you with Me, only love achieves the unification with Me which will result in My spirit’s working within you without fail .... It is not a supernatural state but the original state you were in before your apostasy from Me. Try to attain this again and, like gods, you will be able to accomplish things which you can only accomplish in union with Me due to having shaped yourselves into My image .... Become as perfect as your Father in heaven is perfect .... For it is your goal that you should deify yourselves, which only a life of love can accomplish .... But then you will also be full of strength, because love is strength, it is My fundamental substance and must enable you to achieve anything if you make use of this strength of Mine. I Myself will truly not impose any restrictions. Yet you limit yourselves as soon as your love and faith are too weak .... But this is why I address you Myself, because I want to help you attain strong faith .... and because I also show you the ways and means which let you reach the goal .... so that My spirit will work within you, as I have promised you .... Amen BD 5923 received 06.04.1954
The church of Christ .... Only a living faith makes you members of My church, which I Myself established on earth. Regardless of which denomination you belong to .... you have to demonstrate a faith like Peter’s, for the church is only based on such faith .... on faith which has come alive through love .... And you can gain this living faith in every denomination if the instructions you receive stimulate you into kind-hearted activity and your subsequently eager work is always based on love. Then you will have a living faith, then you will consciously establish the connection with Me .... Then I will, in a manner of speaking, live in and next to you, and you will also consciously live your earthly life, you will strive towards a goal and everything you start will be aimed towards this goal .... you will strive for Me. And surely you can understand that every human being is able to strive for Me, irrespective of which denomination he belongs to. His mere belief in Me, Who lived on earth as the man Jesus in order to redeem people, is also the cornerstone for My church, and this will be as indestructible as a rock once this belief has become unwavering through love .... Then he can be shaken by the most violent storms, he will prevail, and only faith like that can be the foundation of ‘My church’, which lasts for all eternity. Anyone with a right and living faith, which is the result of a life of love, will also know the truth, because the fire of love emanates the light of truth .... And he will also discern between divine and human teachings .... he will more and more let the divine teachings become the principle of his life and ignore the human teachings .... he will feel what My will consists of even if he is humanly obliged to perform actions which are never ever based on My will .... He stands on the rock which carries My church and will no longer step onto ground which threatens to submerge him. He will only endorse the pure truth, because life is in him and therefore he also strives for life and flees from death .... he will avoid everything which belongs to death, which is unsuitable for the awakening of true life .... He rejects error and falsehood because the truth clearly brings them to light. A living faith is the rock on which My church is built .... This, however, presupposes a life of unselfish neighbourly love .... Wherever this is practised is where the gates are open which lead into My church, and all are able to enter it, I accept all who only sincerely strive to belong to Me and My church, which I Myself founded on earth .... Amen BD 5927 received 12.04.1954
Following Jesus .... You all should take My conduct on this earth, My life, as an example, which was purely a life of selfless neighbourly love .... Try to follow Me and only ever try to live a life of love too, then you will take the same path and surely reach the goal. I descended to earth because people were taking the wrong paths which never led upwards but only ever took them further down. And for this reason I showed you the right path and called upon all people to follow Me on this path .... And I instructed people because they failed to realise why a life of love would enable them to ascend, why they were weak and without strength and how they could remedy this weakness .... I informed them about the strength of love and gave them the evidence of truth about My teaching by proving My strength and thereby also the result of a way of life in love, as I exemplified it on earth .... I knew about people’s great spiritual hardship but I also knew the means to remedy it, and thus I made a constant effort of persuading people to apply these means .... The hardship of the last days is the same, and so are the means whose use will guarantee that the human being can ascend from the abyss .... Yet people ignore what I taught them .... they don’t follow Me because they don’t believe in Me and My teaching. They are leading an earthly way of life which is far apart from Mine; they completely ignore love and are therefore not taking the path of ascent .... For without love there is no connection, without love there is a broad gulf between you humans and your God and Father of eternity .... Only love bridges the gulf, only love is the path to the Father’s heart, and only love is the strength which lets you take the ascending path that requires strength and effort. Anyone who refuses to take the path of love will never be able to lift himself out of the abyss, and My hand cannot take hold of him to pull him up either, for he would never take hold of it as long as he is without love .... He has to follow Me of his own free will, for I do not exert any coercion if a person still resists Me. Love tolerates no compulsion yet it redeems those who are held captive .... I can only instruct you humans and strongly admonish you to practise neighbourly love, showing that you want to be able to emulate Me, so that I can help you because you have the will to follow Me. This is why you should always bear My way of life in mind and make every effort to be like Me, and then you will surely experience My help, for anyone who keeps his eyes on Me will also receive the strength to take the path of following Jesus .... and he will indeed reach the goal of being united with Me .... Amen BD 5934 received Easter 18.4.1954 Resurrection .... Be glad and rejoice for He has risen from the dead ....’ These were the words of My Own and they believed in Me that I was Jesus Christ, the Anointed of the Lord, that I was really and truly God and had redeemed the world through My crucifixion. I had risen from the dead .... Thereby I had given them the evidence of the truth of My Words: ‘Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up ....’ I had broken the power of death .... However, My resurrection was only meant to be the evidence for people that life does not end with the death of the body .... They should learn to believe in life after death, and therefore I allowed people to witness what every single soul will have to expect after its earthly demise. For everyone lacked this faith, even the priests and scribes referred to the prophets’ death as evidence that even the most pious people will ultimately fall prey to death .... For they had no idea about the consequences of people’s conduct, they doubted the resurrection of the soul, and therefore the teachings of the man Jesus were incomprehensible and inconvenient for them. And I wanted to clearly show people the spiritual consequences of following My teachings .... I was Lord over life and death .... During My life on earth I raised the dead and yet, people didn’t believe that I had power over life and death .... And so I proved it to them, using Myself, that I was also Lord over death .... that life cannot be taken from that person who has already gained it spiritually, even if his earthly life is taken away from him .... But I also raised the physical body as a sign that nothing earthly adhered to it anymore, that it was also spiritualised and thereby had the inherent strength to arise in spiritual form .... Nothing earthly clung to My body anymore, as it had purged itself completely through appalling pain, because everything of an earthly nature had changed itself into spirit and this spirit was subsequently able to arise fully alive .... For this reason the body was able to emerge from the grave, for nothing kept it on earth .... The whole of humanity was intended to be informed of this process that, as well as why, it was possible to come back to life after physical death, for on this information .... on this faith in My resurrection .... also depends the faith in My divinity, the faith in My mission on earth as the Son of God, and, as a result of fulfilling this mission, they would attain complete union with God .... I have really and truly arisen from the dead and visibly showed Myself to My Own .... and thereby I proved to people that I had conquered death as a human being, that the one who had brought death into the world did not have the power to keep My body on earth, which, through the act of Salvation, was already clothed in a spiritual garment .... And this act of Salvation was made for the whole of humanity .... Consequently, no soul can be kept back by My adversary which - having been redeemed by My crucifixion - has escaped his power .... It need not fear death; it will arise to eternal life and can be jubilant and rejoice, for it knows that its Redeemer is alive and that He will give life to everyone who believes in Him and His resurrection .... Amen BD 5941 received 25.04.1954
Faith in Jesus Christ .... Only your faith in Jesus Christ can lead you humans towards consciously working at improving yourselves, for only when you believe in Him will you also accept His teaching of love and make an effort to live in accordance with this teaching .... Consequently, anything that is done in order to lead people to faith in Jesus Christ will have My total approval and is blessed by Me .... Jesus must be proclaimed, His act of Salvation must be clearly emphasised so that people will find the path through Jesus Christ to their God and Father of eternity. The end is near and humankind is far, far removed from the One Who sacrificed His life on the cross for everyone in order to save them from ruin .... Anyone who does not unite himself with Him will go astray, that is, the prince of darkness will retain his power over him and the heavenly kingdom will remain closed to him, for Jesus Christ is the gateway to eternal beatitude .... The end is near and countless people still don’t know Him or refuse to acknowledge him .... Only I know what this means for the vast number of souls who live thoughtlessly without Him and who die without him and perish .... it is no longer possible by natural means to lead them to Jesus Christ. Hence I would have to let My living creations go astray were I to leave it to natural processes which make absolutely no impression whatsoever on people. But I know the few who belong to Me and stand up for Me and My name before the world; I know that a small circle of people recognise Me in Jesus Christ who I now use as tools for the strength and power of the One Who people refuse to recognise. I let them preach the Word of the Lord .... I let them proclaim the doctrine of Jesus Christ and confirm their Words with extraordinary deeds so that they will be believed. But for this the proclaimers require extremely strong faith and the kind of love which will provide them with the strength in order to also work miracles in My name .... It is always I Myself Who performs these miracles, nevertheless through My servants, because it is My will that people shall take notice again of their Saviour and physician Jesus Christ, so that they will remember and learn to believe in His act of Salvation, His crucifixion and His resurrection .... The fact that I will reveal Myself once more before the end through My devout servants on earth is an act of love and mercy by Me; people shall be helped once more to find faith in Him because then they will also have found faith in Me in order to never lose it again. Even if their faith has not brought forth the right fruits as yet, because it can only become a living faith through a life of love, the knowledge of Jesus Christ will nevertheless have reached a degree which will allow for further progress, even if the soul is prematurely recalled without having found total redemption on earth as yet .... It knows Him and calls upon Him in its adversity, and since it calls upon Me Myself in Jesus Christ I will also be able to help the soul .... Nevertheless, it is incomparably more valuable if a person has found faith in Me in Jesus Christ through My Word .... if he believes it and does not require miracles in order to be convinced of the truth of My Word .... Blessed are those who have not seen, and yet believe .... But I also helped the doubting Thomas to attain faith. And so I also help the many unbelievers today if they are not ill-willed, and I prove Myself to them as God as soon as a person stands up with fiery zeal for Me and My teaching, in order to increase the number of believers before the end and in order to also gain those people to whom the act of Salvation is still insignificant and who are therefore in great danger that the gates to the kingdom of light will remain closed to them for an infinitely long time .... I take pity upon their fate and accept the will and love of those who want to help their neighbour, and I bless their intentions by granting them the strength of healing and of performing miracles in My name .... For it is My will that My name shall be revealed and the blessings of My act of Salvation shall clearly manifest themselves. It is My will that people shall voice the name of Jesus Christ with profound faith so that I can enter into contact with them .... in order to let My Word be effective again and to make people realise the tremendous importance of acknowledging Jesus Christ as the Son of God and Redeemer of the world, in Whom I manifested Myself so that I can be a visible God for you .... I want to save you humans for eternity, and therefore I Myself will still come to meet you in the final hour .... For the end will soon be here .... Amen BD 5950 received 06.05.1954 God does not condemn, people condemn themselves .... It is not Me Who condemns people, but they who condemn themselves .... They will not get anything other than what they wanted for themselves, and for this reason their will either leads them to life or death. I Myself want to give life to all people, yet if they choose death themselves then they shall receive according to their will. The eternal law of order, however, will remain in place, and this law corresponds to My nature, i.e. My love. Hence, people who fit in with this law of eternal order will let love reign and therefore choose life, because through love they receive the strength which guarantees a life in beatitude, whilst heartless people are without strength and therefore stand outside the law of eternity .... and consequently condemn themselves to death. For death is a state without strength which all people or their souls have to expect who live without love and have therefore left My eternal order. Nevertheless, every person has the option to choose his fate, and therefore every person will also sentence himself. But I constantly warn those people who still live outside of My eternal order of the Judgment, so that they will change their mind and enter it, so that they will shape their destiny such that they will be awakened to life when the hour arrives which gives everyone what he deserves; I warn them because I take pity upon them, because I love all people and know the dreadful fate they are approaching. Even so, I cannot give anything else to them aside from that which My justice allows for, I respect every human being’s will but Am always willing to stand helpfully by his side if he wants to join My eternal order again. For it is My will that people shall awaken to life on the Day of Judgment, that they will not fall prey to death .... It is My will that they become strong and constantly accept strength from Me .... but this is only possible if they enter the circuit of My flow of love again, that is, if they transform themselves into love and thereafter receive light and strength in abundance .... All people are at liberty to let Me illuminate them, yet anyone moving outside the circuit of My flow of love is unable to absorb My emanation of love, he remains weak and will eventually succumb to death, yet through his own fault. And therefore he condemns himself. Only a life within My order, a life of love, assures a person the strength for his soul to live in eternity, and anyone who lives like this will not fear the last Judgment either, for he cannot be expelled again, he has already gained life and will never ever lose it again .... Amen BD 5951 received 07.05.1954 The end time disciples’ faith without proof .... I expect you, My end time disciples, to possess strong faith, a faith which convincingly professes Me before the world. This can only be done by people who are in heartfelt contact with Me, because only this contact will result in strengthening their faith to the necessary degree, whereas other people will easily abandon Me because they will find it difficult to have faith at a time which is so far removed from My lifetime on earth that only very little positive evidence can be produced about My life and death, about My life on earth and My path of suffering .... Hence a person must have particularly strong faith if he wants to profess Me before the world. My disciples, at the time of My life on earth, saw Me, they lived with Me and witnessed countless miraculous works; they were able to hear Me every day and were taught by Me; they were enlightened about everything so it was easy for them to believe in Me and My mission .... Yet, despite the obvious evidence of My Divinity, they also failed occasionally .... However, after My death they were so permeated by My spirit that they were able to fulfil their task of carrying the Gospel into the world and therefore also advocated Me with conviction .... But what is the situation with My end time disciples? They were unable to see and experience anything, they do not witness My visible presence, they must simply believe what they were told about Me .... Nevertheless, My end time disciples are not without strength and they, too, recognise My working, I also reveal Myself to them in spirit .... which precisely presupposes the heartfelt bond with Me .... I consider them to an exceptional degree because I expect an exceptional faith from them and take the fact into account that their only foundation was imparted knowledge in order to arrive at a convinced faith and that they therefore require exceptional support if they want to accomplish their assigned mission .... of proclaiming My Gospel to people during the last days before the end. I expect much of these last disciples of Mine, for they must solely believe in the Word, they must bear up to all counterarguments which portray My life on earth and My mission as implausible .... They must only believe .... But I bless them for this and tell them again: The last will be the first .... for their mission is a significant one, since it is, after all, essential to still save souls before the end, to introduce these to Jesus Christ as well, so that they will not pass away from this earth unredeemed .... They must stand up for Me, for their Father and Redeemer, they must profess Me before the world when Satan runs against the bastion of faith with all his might .... Then they must prove themselves and their faith in Me, then they must loudly profess My name in public, because this name alone is the power to eliminate Satan’s activity and to render him harmless .... I expect a strong faith from these last disciples of Mine, yet they are not alone in the battle against the enemy .... I Myself will be with them, because their faith allows Me to be present and thus they will be victorious .... and all those who follow My disciples and likewise profess My name before the world .... Amen BD 5961 received 19.05.1954 God’s bond of love .... Allow yourselves to get captured by My love and you will be free from him who is entirely without love, and who therefore also tries to deprive you of My love when you are his slaves. My love certainly will wrap a solid band around you, it will tightly tie you to Me, so to speak, and yet you will endure this bond with joy and happiness and will not want to loosen it again .... You will submit yourselves to Me as your God and Lord but you will also recognise the Father in Me, Whom you voluntarily hasten to meet in order to show your love for Me as well. Although the bond of My love does not compel you, you will certainly never leave Me again, but you are nevertheless completely free living creations, you are My children who take up the Father’s inheritance and thus work and create with Me in blissful happiness. Because I do not wrap My bond of love around you against your will, I wait until you allow yourselves to be bound, until you push towards Me yourselves so that I can take hold of you and never let go of you again .... But in order for you to want to connect and stay connected to Me I talk to you, because I want that you learn to recognise Me as your God and Father, Whose love belongs to you since the beginning, so that you also recognise Me Myself as love .... Because you first have to recognise Me in order to strive towards Me .... And I give you light because it is still dark in you .... I Am still so veiled before your eyes that you are unable to recognise Me and thus have no desire to unite with Me .... until your eyes perceive a gentle shine coming from Me which soothingly enters your heart. And then you will open the door of your heart to Me and you want Me to enter .... Then you already desire My closeness, and then you will also do everything to hold on to Me, and then My love will embrace you and keep you captive, and you will be happy and never want to let go of Me again .... Allow yourselves to be seized by My love, and you will already be blissful beings on earth .... Enter consciously into unity with Me and you will become free from the enemy of your souls who cannot follow you when you seek My closeness .... Remember that the mere longing for Me will liberate you because I will then be able to approach you Myself, and where I Am My adversary takes flight. You throw away an oppressive chain and gladly submit to My might, you voluntarily allow yourselves to be bound and are pleased with this captivity, because in My love you will be eternally happy .... Amen |
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