Book 68           NR.  6285 – 6422

received by  Bertha Dudde  between 15.6.1955 and 11.12.1955

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BD 6286                received  16.06.1955

Fight against longings and passions ....

Deaden your every longing and you will mature in the shortest possible time .... If you have the will to become perfect everything that is still pulling you down into the abyss has to be overcome .... and this concerns all longings and passions which still adhere to you from the time of your preliminary development .... and which still cause you so much trouble because My adversary influences you through these instincts and longings and thereby intends to prevent your return to Me .... But these instincts and longings are an obstacle for your union with Me, because they are ungodly attributes which a perfect being cannot have .... and which therefore first have to be overcome before the union with Me can take place.

The human being has to fight against every craving for material things, for this always involves a greed to own something which belongs to My adversary’s realm, which therefore merely serves to satisfy the senses .... regardless of what it is .... As soon as a person’s physical senses delight in it they are longings which find earthly fulfilment .... This includes everything that provides the person with a sense of physical well-being, if it is actively pursued by the person himself and therefore lacks the foundation for spiritual endeavour: the realisation that all earthly things are transient.

I will also endow people with earthly possessions and their earthly life, too, will be blessed and offer them everything, and that in abundance, as soon as I recognise their spiritual aspiration, as soon as their love applies to Me and I Am their first goal .... Then My love will give to them abundantly, and even their earthly life will be blessed and offer them everything because it will no longer harm them, since it will not captivate their senses. However, as soon as a human being still has a powerful desire for earthly pleasures, possessions and stimulation he has to fight it, for these longings are My adversary’s weapon which frequently help him to be victorious. Nevertheless, the human being will not become unfit for life on this earth, his strength will grow but he will utilise it differently .... He will want to work spiritually and only find satisfaction therein .... yet instantly slow down if he sets his sights on the world again and sees something that he desires to own ....

This is why ‘the kingdom of heaven suffers violence and the violent take it by force ....’ Earth is the kingdom of the fallen spirits, it is My adversary’s realm .... Anyone who seriously thinks about this will also know that everything desirable in the material world always requires the payment of tribute to him and that everyone who pays this tribute also belongs to him .... He will also know that there cannot be any compromises between Myself and him, that I want you completely and that a human being who still has his eye on My adversary’s kingdom will hardly reach Me ....

You should not allow yourselves to be captivated by the world, you have to exercise self-control with the things that still appear desirable to you, and you then seriously have to suppress your cravings for them, you ought not to give into them, but you may enjoy without reservations what I bestow upon you Myself .... You may be pleased with what you receive without having greedily aspired for it .... what My love gives to you because you belong to Me, because you have recognised the purpose of earthly life and are now willing to be of service to Me ....

But be content with it and stifle every arising craving and always recognise in it a trap set by My adversary to win you back for himself .... Without an inner struggle you will not be victorious over him, but if your endeavour applies to Me then you need not fight any longer, then the world will no longer attract you, then your yearning will aim towards heaven .... then matter will have lost its power over you, then you will learn to despise it .... it will have to be of service to you because you will have become its master ....


BD 6287                received  18.06.1955

Scrutiny of spiritual knowledge advisable ....

You are being educated by the spirit within you and this cannot convey anything but the purest truth to you .... If you therefore encounter contradictions brought to you from external sources, then you must first investigate whether this spiritual knowledge was produced by a person’s own intellectual activity or by the working of the spirit .... And you will always come to the conclusion that My spirit has not been at work where a contradiction is present. For the spirit from Me does not err, the spirit from Me always imparts the same to a person: the pure truth .... Admittedly, it is difficult for you humans to conduct an examination like this as long as you are still spiritually unawakened, but precisely because of this you should not accept everything, especially if teachings are imparted to you which do not include My Gospel, which can be found in the Scriptures .... if it concerns teachings which are in addition to My Gospel, the pure teaching of love I proclaimed on earth. In that case you must always exercise greatest caution, for that knowledge which is additionally conveyed to a spiritually awakened person as profound spiritual wisdom .... the knowledge which reveals My eternal plan of Salvation to you humans, can only be conveyed to you through My spirit; however, it will be undermined by My adversary through wrong doctrines, erroneous portrayals or entirely new teachings, which could already be recognised to be incorrect by the fact that such knowledge does not promote maturity of soul .... For this is precisely how he works, he wants to do the same as I do .... he presents error to people in the same way as I distribute truth .... His activity consists of educating servants who pretend to do the same: to address people on divine instruction .... It is not easy for you humans to recognise what is right and what is wrong as long as your desire for unusual supernatural knowledge predominates, as long as you don’t appeal to Me in a childlike, humble manner for the pure truth, as long as you seek out ‘people’ in order to be taught by them without having commended yourselves to Me first, so that I will guide you right and only let you take the path of truth. You must do everything .... absolutely everything .... with Me, then you will not go astray, you will not make wrong judgments, you will learn to distinguish error from truth .... You can truly believe that the serious will for truth is your most certain protection, then the feeling of rejection will predominate in you towards all misguided teachings, and this feeling is My working in you because you request the truth .... Intellectual products are easy to refute if they contradict the truth .... But it requires an awakened spirit in order to judge planned messages from above, for only the spiritually awakened human being can see through the machinations of the adversary of truth, the prince of darkness .... He recognises the contradiction and can also substantiate it, but he will only ever find credence with those who have a strong desire for truth, because they already experience the same feeling, which I will grant anyone who is serious about the truth .... who has already accepted Me in his heart through kind-hearted activity. Anyone who is united with Me through loving actions or heartfelt prayer will instinctively reject anything which contradicts the pure truth, because the Eternal Truth protects him from being led astray and is indeed able to do so on account of the sincere union and the desire for truth .... Those of you who are devoted to Me and strive to fulfil My will should therefore not be afraid of being led astray .... I will guide your thinking in the right direction and you will always be able to differentiate between truth and error ....


BD 6289                received  20.06.1955

Controller of fate ....
God of love ....

You should know that I want to win you for Myself and therefore your whole earthly life unfolds such that I will achieve My goal as long as you don’t oppose Me .... Although it is always up to you as to whether you make use of earthly life, whether you allow your souls to be affected by everything that concerns you in this earthly life, whether everything contributes towards the fact that you take the path to Me .... for you are also able to resist and rebel against your fate which I only imposed on you in order to achieve your beatitude .... You can defy and resent the Controller of your destiny, but then you will never take the path to Him and submit yourselves voluntarily to Him .... Then you will turn again to the one from whom I want to liberate you.

You first must learn to believe in a God of love .... Then you will also understand His reign and activity, you will understand that He only ever intends to make you happy .... The knowledge to be guided by a God of love will enable you to bear every burden he inflicts upon you, since you then will also trust this God of love that He only means well with you. And you can easily believe that I Am a God of love by just observing creation surrounding you .... by just contemplating the fact that everything was only created for you humans after all, to enable you to live and enjoy the natural creations .... The fact that you humans often experience difficult conditions should not make you doubt the love and wisdom of a Creator but only ever question why you get into such situations ....

Everything in nature is so wisely arranged that one thing serves the other for its development, that everything arises and exists according to wise law as long as the natural order is not disturbed through human interference. Hence you also have to come to the conclusion that you yourselves are not living in the God-intended order .... that you yourselves are the cause of suffering and adversities which affect you .... Consequently, you also have to trustingly appeal to a God of love, Who has created everything surrounding you as well as you yourselves, to help you restore order again ....

You humans, who feel unable to do that, merely lack humility .... You are too arrogant to subordinate yourselves to a strong Power, you revolt against It and therefore have to come into situations where you learn to recognise your own weakness .... Only the humble person takes the path to Me, because he feels too weak and incapable to improve his situation by himself .... Faith in a God of love and wisdom also necessitates humility .... The arrogant person cannot believe because he does not want to believe, because he does not want to acknowledge a Power above himself to Which he should submit himself ....

Earthly life with all its fateful experiences could indeed provide him with the evidence that he is helpless against the will of a stronger Power, and every human being could derive a benefit for his soul from it .... Yet his will remains free .... and his resistance to Me will only let him sink ever lower, whereas subordination will let him rise higher .... and for this purpose earthly life was given to you .... I want to win you for Myself in order to make you blissfully happy .... For far away from Me you will remain in misery, darkness and pain ....


BD 6290                received  21.06.1955

Strokes of fate ....
Remedies ....

The wounds I have to inflict on you if I don’t want you to fall into everlasting death are truly not an expression of wrath, of lack of love, nor are they indications of just punishments for your transgressions .... They are merely remedies to remove ailments which you have caused yourselves and which are needed in order to restore the health of your soul .... It was your own fault that you left the eternal order or your fate would be one of pure happiness and beatitude. Believe Me, I would much rather grant you blissful happiness but you yourselves make it impossible for Me as soon as you leave My order .... however, I will use everything to lead you back into divine order again so that I can make you abundantly happy once more. The more hardship and sorrow, misery and illness are evident on earth the greater are the offences against My order, and by looking at this adversity you humans can see how low you have fallen, for I would truly rather make humanity happy than let unfounded tribulations befall them in order to restore My eternal order again .... And although the individual person believes himself to be a lesser sinner than the misfortune he has encountered .... you humans don’t know the correlations or the extent of a misfortune’s effect .... nor do you know who will be helped to mature in turn as a result of the individual person’s fate .... You also don’t know what you have voluntarily offered to endure before your incarnation as a human being .... I, however, know everything, and I truly will not impose upon you a greater burden than you are able to bear ....

Furthermore, I offer Myself as a cross bearer if your cross seems too heavy for you .... Unfortunately you don’t very often take advantage of My help, and thus you complain about your burden and frequently protest its weight .... You were motivated by love to offer yourselves to bear a burden of the cross .... But in earthly life you don’t know why you, who believe to belong to Me due to your will, have to suffer .... Yet I want you to travel your path silently and without complaining even without knowing the cause, I want you to humbly accept your cross, I want that you always submit to My will in the recognition that the One to Whom you submit yourselves is a God of love and that everything you receive from Him will be a blessing for you ....

Therefore, don’t object to your destiny whatever comes your way .... don’t complain and grumble if you want to belong to Me but always rest assured that it is only for your benefit .... that it always signifies help and a restoration of My eternal order .... rest assured that one day you will realise it and be grateful to Me that I allowed you to take this arduous earthly path with its misfortunes but also with My love, which is the reason for everything that affects you, because it only ever wants you to become blessed ....


BD 6295                received  26.06.1955

Development of earth and human being ....

You can come to Me with complete truth and ask My any question that moves you, for I will always answer it such that it will help you. However, you can only grasp a limited amount of knowledge .... yet what I impart to you is sufficient in order to grant you an insight into My eternal plan of Salvation .... it is also sufficient for you in order to explain it to and teach other people .... and in order to reveal to you My love, wisdom and omnipotence. And I will add to this knowledge the more you progress yourselves, the more receptive you become to My light and strength .... for it is My aim that you shall become as perfect as you were in the very beginning, and this also involves profound realisation .... the comprehensive knowledge about My reign and activity, about My Nature and your goal ....

It took an infinitely long time for you humans to advance from the abyss to the point which permits human existence .... This infinitely long time until the development up to the human being had occurred was necessary because everything can only develop in lawful order .... no phases of development can be left out at will, hence these phases of development had to take place in accordance with My eternal plan of Salvation and thus appropriate creations were also required for this development .... which as ‘pre-historic’ has become a concept to you. Although the human need for research certainly attempts to calculate the duration of this pre-historic time yet only with very limited success, for the slow advancement of the spiritual substances .... as well as the emergence of creation .... which you are now able to behold as human beings, has taken eternities; they were infinitely long periods of time for which the word ‘eternities’ is certainly the right word .... The concept of time, however, only began when the living creation ‘Man’ was called into being by Me, for prior to that the living beings were not rational enough as to enable them to think and reason independently, as to enable them to live consciously and to grasp the concepts of ‘past - present and future’.

Only the being endowed with common sense and free will can be called ‘a human being’, which was sufficiently capable of thinking in order to acquire a certain amount of realisation and live accordingly .... Hence from this time onwards one can speak of the conscious development towards ascent, where the once fallen spirits were given the opportunity to return to Me for good .... The creation of the first human being was the beginning of a period of Salvation where free will became the crucial factor and not My will, as was the case in pre-historic times, where everything took place under the law of compulsion which irrevocably had to result in higher development .... And now you wonder how long the ‘human being’ has populated the earth already .... whereby you only ever mean the rational human being who is capable of making his own free decisions and as whose descendants you regard yourselves ....

The first human being capable of accepting responsibility for his actions and thoughts was Adam .... even though human-like beings already existed before Adam in all parts of the world who instinctively carried out much of which is assumed was human thinking but who nevertheless were impelled by spiritual intelligences, who thus served ascending spiritual substances as a shell and in the law of compulsion carried out what was needed for the development of the creation of Earth .... to become a dwelling place for future human beings. They were human species whose instincts and compulsive impulses broke through incredibly strongly but who nevertheless could not be held responsible because they, too, contributed towards the fact that spiritual substances were constantly released and able to embody themselves anew .... because everything just served to prepare an area for the human being which was suitable to pass their last test of will .... These human-like beings were therefore physically already very akin to the form I had prepared for the human being Adam when the time for the fallen original spirits had come to have their free will returned in order to then be able to liberate themselves from the form altogether. Time and again pre-historic creations released spiritual substances, and the development of what to a certain extent had advanced the whole emergence of earth in its bound state continued to progress .... and thus the time eventually came for this spiritual substance to make a free decision ....

And this was the beginning of the epoch of Salvation which is of significance for you because it enabled the being to use its free will and intellect and thus live a conscious life .... However, the beginning of this epoch is so infinitely far in the past that you humans are unable to make any relevant calculations .... yet due to My will the most important periods and their events remain known to you, and although you also divide them into well ordered time-spans .... it is entirely irrelevant for your own development. Yet the endless number of fallen spirits necessitates an infinitely long time of higher development .... therefore you are no longer capable of estimating the duration of the pre-historic time .... just as the embodiment as a human being will have to take place on such a large scale that it will take eternities .... It will not be possible for you humans to determine the beginning of this epoch scientifically, yet you will always believe otherwise, because it is in the human being’s nature while he is still imperfect that he mentally limits everything that is in the past .... but never wants to acknowledge that there is a limit for the time ahead of him .... consequently he does not reject a beginning .... but an end seems impossible to him. The former, however, is irrelevant whereas the latter is so extremely important that the human being should direct his whole attention only to what lies ahead of him .... that one period of Salvation will come to an end, as did so many before .... but that My eternal plan of Salvation will remain .... that there will never be an end as far as the act of Salvation is concerned .... that an endless number of fallen spirits also require an infinitely long time for their return and that time and again I will give these spirits the opportunity to ascend from the deepest abyss to the light .... to Me, from Whom they once came ....


BD 6296                received  27.06.1955

Sluggish thinking ....

The more captivated a person is by the world the more indifferent he is to the truth, the less he desires it, and he thoughtlessly either accepts .... or rejects everything that is presented to him as truth .... For his heart has no desire to know the truth. And once again you can therefore recognise that the world is a great danger for you soul, because without truth you do not live expediently, you have no idea about the meaning and purpose of your earthly life because you don’t receive the right explanation, consequently you don’t live consciously either but always chase after earthly possessions although you know that they are transient, that you cannot take anything along with you once your earthly life is over .... But neither do you believe in a continuation of life after death .... and again because you don’t care, because you don’t want to know anything about it and on account of this very indifference you can never reach the inner conviction that your life is not over after the death of your body .... God’s servants on earth would find far more acceptance if the desire for truth were present in fellow human beings, yet everything else is more interesting to them than that which is most important: to gain the right knowledge and to then live their earthly lives accordingly. This is why everything which increases people’s indifference has to be condemned .... it has to be condemned when they are taught that they need not spend any thought on what they are demanded to believe .... that they may only accept what they are offered by a specific side, and that they are relieved from every responsibility as long as they trust and subordinate themselves to God’s alleged representatives. All such teachings contribute towards tempting the human being into sluggish thinking; they contribute towards allowing other people to do the thinking for him and not to feel responsible themselves ....And if the thinking of such a person is not changed through acts of love he will remain ignorant and caught up in error for the rest of his life .... However, only truth leads to God .... Hence, he will continue to be very far removed from God when he departs from earth. If people had a greater desire for truth, the spiritual darkness among them would truly not be so immense, for their thinking would be guided into the right direction because of a desire for truth .... And a correctly thinking person will then also live according to God’s will and thereby come ever closer to Him .... But people only want to increase their knowledge regarding earthly things, because spiritual knowledge does not result in earthly success, but through earthly knowledge they can improve their physical well-being and therefore remain unreceptive to anything else, even if it is offered to them as a special gift of grace .... And therefore, Earth will remain shrouded in darkness, for light only establishes itself where it is desired but never where its illumination is rejected ....


BD 6301                received  02.07.1955

The congregation of Jesus Christ ....

It is My will that My small congregation should firmly remain united, so that one supports the other spiritually and earthly .... All shall gather around the font of life and refresh themselves, they shall draw the strength from it which they will need more than ever the closer it gets to the end .... And the fact that the end is coming will be known and believed by everyone who allows himself to be permeated by My living water, for then he will have deeper insight and know why the end is approaching .... And it is My will that many people shall receive this knowledge, I want the elixir of life offered to all who cross your path .... And then it will be left to every person as to whether he wants to stay with you or turn away again from the source that My love has opened up for you .... Share the living water that flowed forth from My font with everyone .... Spread My Word which comes from above and is imparted to you .... and help to constantly increase the circle of those to whom I can impart strength through My Word because I know how urgently everyone will need this strength in the forthcoming time. Whatever can be done in order to spread My Gospel throughout the world shall be done by you, and I will bless everyone, for I alone know that ailing souls can still be saved by taking refuge in the healing font and recover through the delectable living water ....

All of you, who receive My Word directly or through My servants on earth, belong to My small flock which is protected by its shepherd .... You all belong to My church which I founded when I lived on earth .... You are all My apostles of the last days whom I send into the world with the instruction to proclaim My Gospel to people .... Know, that I Am with everyone of you who wants to work for Me and My kingdom .... know, that I will lead you to those whom you shall refresh in turn with nourishment and drink; know, that every person can render vineyard work who offers himself to Me for service .... But also believe that I need every one of you because a lot more work needs to be done until the end and because this work can only be undertaken by people who are willing to do My will, who thus accept instructions from Me Myself .... Believe, that I certainly know what will help erring souls in order to become enlightened and that I will always hand you the means which will beneficially affect them .... that I will always speak to them the right Words through you, on account of which My Words are imparted to you, so that I can address every person directly, and My Words can truly not fail to make an impression as long as their will is good and I still see an opportunity to save the human being .... Work together with combined strength and rest assured that I will stay within your midst, that I Myself invite people to come to the font of love and to allow themselves to become refreshed and invigorated .... Rest assured that I will bless every person’s services for Me and My kingdom, spiritually and earthly, and therefore be diligently active in My vineyard, for the time of harvest has come and I need many reapers, because there is not much time left until the end ....


BD 6305                received  07.07.1955

Work and be active for the eternity

It is your task on earth to be active and to work for the eternity and, if you comply with this task, your temporal lot is secure as well, even though on earth you will still have battles to stand up against so that you don’t get tired in the striving for the spiritual destination. However, if you visualize your Father in Me and now make an effort for the proper child ship, you are thus also in fatherly care and therefore your earthly life is to go on in the way the father sees fit for His children.

Now, one’s trust into the love and care of the Father sets the child free of all fear and worry, for the one is full of confidence that one’s God and Creator, one’s Father from eternity, carries out everything just right. And thus the one may work and keep busy for the eternity, for the love towards Me indwells the one which also expresses itself towards the neighbor; and the one now carries out everything with a look upwards, fully aware is the one who strives towards Me and directs one’s way of life according to My will.

To every human is given the chance to recognize one’s belonging to Me, because they are able to ponder about one’s self and one’s origin and the one is intellectually lead to a recognition, if sincerely wanting to. Hence every human can decide for a working for the eternity, but nobody is forced to do so. Every human may require My directing and guidance; but as the one may also separate in a sense of one’s own strength and power, but then just to be standing alone, isolated, incapable of a climb, even though not opposed to it. Then the one faces Me, being estranged internally, having a sense of not being My child and not seeing the Father in Me, Who asks for His child’s love. And then the one won’t be working for the eternity but only see the world with its goods and will have a desire for those like minded.

Now, at the beginning the burden of life will certainly weigh heavily upon the one because I want to lead the one’s thoughts towards Me, but the load will become increasingly lighter because an other one (the opponent) takes it away and supplies everything to the one, as being strived for, but who also demands the one’s soul in exchange for it!

Work and be active for the eternity and do not pay so much attention to the earthly life, but accept it with all the burdens and troubles, for those are truly just for your best, as everything that happens to you indeed just serves you for your perfection, you who have dedicated yourselves to Me, who are striving for uniting with Me - for My presence .... who are dedicating yourselves to Me, to be taken care of by Me .... You have truly picked the best part even though you are poor on earthly pleasures, yet you will be rewarded in My kingdom and receive so ample you will be wanting to again pass it on; and you will be able to do so, to your own bliss.

Don’t forget, your earthly life is just given to you for the purpose of finding access to My kingdom, but which you have to sincerely look for. It’s for the sake of not forgetting your task and (possibly) get stuck in the mire of the world, so that you don’t succumb to the temptations of My opponent, who is trying to keep you away from the proper destination .... Be aware that an arduous path is the right path but it’s always I, Myself, who will meet you on this path; that I will take over your guidance and lead you safely to where your home country is ....


BD 6312                received  15.07.1955

Reunion in the beyond ....

There will be a reunion in the spiritual world, you humans can be certain of that .... But whether a reunion with your loved ones can be granted right after your departure from this earth depends on your soul’s degree of maturity as well as on your loved ones souls; if this maturity is not yet sufficiently developed to enable spiritual vision it has to be acquired first, which could take a long time. Not until the soul has achieved a certain degree of maturity can it assimilate spiritual impressions. Hence the soul has to be enlightened to see who is approaching and although a less mature soul also knows itself to be surrounded by beings, it cannot recognise them as long as it lacks spiritual vision. After all, the beings’ happiness consists of their ability to communicate with those who were close to them on earth .... The souls which are already enlightened as a result of their maturity will therefore always approach their loved ones, either to interact with equally mature spiritual beings or to assist the weaker souls to achieve maturity too ....

Consequently, the more mature souls have the ability to recognise the weaker souls but not vice versa .... because weaker souls should be inspired to strive and not be compelled on account of proof .... since it would always be proof if they were approached by a soul of light which it recognises as one with whom it had been linked on earth .... And thus the joy of reunion once again is a gift of mercy and the share of the mature spirit, who feels unspeakably happy as a result and in turn does everything to help the immature souls to the same happiness .... They support them in the most loving way and never tire to encourage them .... yet always unknown by them because they approach them in the same cover, in the same garment. The longing for the souls who were near to them on earth draws them closer indeed and can be an enormous advance, and when the moment of recognition comes the souls are infinitely grateful and happy .... And only then do they realize the care which had been given to them and in turn attend in the same manner to the souls which still languish in darkness .... they now help them to ascend because every soul longs for those who were once close to them on earth.

There will be a reunion, but the time when this is possible is up to you .... If you have already gained this certain knowledge on earth you will do whatever it takes to at least achieve the degree of maturity on earth which allows you to enter the realms of light where you will be welcomed by those you love and who can instantly recognise you; or where you can, without being known, begin your work of deliverance on these souls .... Just take care that you don’t pass to the other side without knowledge .... take care, that you have already found God in Jesus Christ so that you .... redeemed by Him .... can enter the spiritual realm .... Then this entry will give you much happiness because of the joy of reunion .... However, if you have not attained maturity on earth you may have to wait a long time .... because everything can only take place in accordance with law, your freedom of will has to be observed even in the spiritual realm so that you too may be greatly blessed one day ....


BD 6313                received  16.07.1955

Cosmic phenomena ....

Very soon you will know for certain that something is taking shape in the cosmos, for unusual events will worry you humans because you will be unable to find an explanation for them. Many speculations will surface, many opinions will meet with conflicting notions, yet only those people’s points of view come close to the truth who suspect a connection between that which was proclaimed in Word and Scripture, which people were told by seers and prophets at all time .... Anyone with spiritual vision can find an explanation for all events, for everything has a spiritual meaning and is intended to fulfil a spiritual purpose: to draw people’s attention to their actual purpose of life so that they prepare themselves for the imminent Judgment ....

And science, too, will support this, for it will discover the unusual changes in nature first, the cosmic happenings, which will confound them, and the significant appearances which they will not be able to explain due to lack of knowledge. They will observe and marvel but they will not accept the only true answer that the earth will be shaken to its foundations, which could indeed be caused by these phenomena. They won’t want to believe it and will therefore always argue against it if the Scriptures, the ancient prophecies, are pointed out to them, if they hear the opinion of the believers or if the messengers of My Word proclaim to them the approaching end ....

And therefore it will be difficult to make the intervention on My part plausible to worldly people, because an attempt will be made to explain everything in a purely scientific way. And only a few will become aware of these unusual phenomena and therefore ever more assuredly draw people’s attention to the end. And I will so evidently support their words of admonition and warning that even the scientists will apprehensively admit their lack of knowledge .... And they will discover a star which will come constantly closer to the vicinity of earth and which will apparently take an irregular course .... By observing its path their attention is drawn to ever new peculiarities .... And they will recognise it as a danger to earth .... and at the same time they won’t want to believe in its destruction because it will never before have been experienced .... But I will allow it to happen, because My eternal plan of Salvation necessitates something extraordinary which still intends to benefit humanity .... and because it shall be an warning sign of the work of destruction which will follow soon afterwards and which will bring this period of Salvation to conclusion ....

The more the end approaches, the greater will be the irregularities which people will experience, because they are meant to take notice and begin to wonder about the correspondence with that which is quoted by the believers as the Word of God, as predictions by seers and prophets, and endorsed as truth .... And now My spirit also proclaims through My servants on earth the near end again and My loudly resounding voice of thunder before this event .... and these very phenomena will bear witness of the truth of My Word .... Pay attention you humans, and just look at everything as indications of the end, which I give to all of you so that you do not fall prey to ruin, for everything that happens is so important that it would be able to convince you if you were of good will .... The time is fulfilled and the end is near ....


BD 6315                received  18.07.1955

‘Descent into hell ....’

When humanity’s hour of salvation struck, the previously departed spiritual beings .... the souls of people before the birth of Christ .... dwelled in an intermediate realm, neither on earth nor in the kingdom of light and bliss, and waited for their hour of salvation .... This is only comprehensible for you humans if you know about the original sin and the reason for the act of Salvation, if you know about the infinitely wide chasm between the once fallen spirits and God .... The human being’s earthly life was unable to bridge this gulf, even if it was lived according to divine will, for the original sin had not been redeemed as yet and the human being would never have been able to redeem it during one life on earth .... the redemption through Jesus Christ, however, applied to all spiritual beings, the act of Salvation was accomplished for all people, past, present and future .... For Jesus’ crucifixion opened the gate into the kingdom of light, so the souls in the intermediate realm were also able to enter as soon as they acknowledged the divine Redeemer Jesus Christ ....

This plan of Salvation through Jesus Christ regarding the return of the spirits to God was decided from the start, and from the time of the first forefathers the coming of the Redeemer was repeatedly announced through seers and prophets .... And all people who professed God, who made an effort to live according to His will, were told about the Messiah Who was meant to bring salvation to people .... Yet not all lived to see Him, many generations before Him were called back from earth, and their souls would now have to linger for their Saviour.

This is why Jesus descended to hell after His death .... He wanted to bring them deliverance from Satan’s shackles as well, since the latter was still able to keep them enslaved because the guilt of sin had not been fully redeemed as yet. For God’s adversary would never ever have released these souls to which he was entitled in view of the fact that they had followed him voluntarily into the abyss. However, in hell, too, existed many obstinate souls which only regarded the divine Redeemer, like everyone else, as a human being akin to themselves and did not believe in the redemption through Him from sin and death .... Their free will to decide also had to be respected, therefore Jesus did not enter this realm of spirits in His radiant state but as Jesus, the man, Who had died on the cross ....

Yet many knew that He was the Messiah Who was repeatedly announced to them .... All souls could have found this faith in Him, because God’s messengers of light had constantly informed them of the events taking place on earth .... and because the forefathers devoted to God in that realm did not stop informing them of the prospect of the divine Redeemer’s coming .... For they acted on the Lord’s instruction, so that His descent into hell would be expected and He was thus able to bring redemption to countless souls and open the gate to beatitude for them as well ....

The descent into hell resulted in the return of the first fallen spirits to God, for whom the human being Jesus had paid the purchase price through His crucifixion, and thus, from then on the actual process of return began; the first spirits having been bound by Lucifer found their freedom for good, even though their previous life had already prepared the path for these souls up to the gate, which was still closed but which Jesus had opened and thereby cleared the path into the Father’s house for every soul which wants to walk with Jesus Christ ....


BD 6317                received  21.07.1955

Renewed captivity ....

What will happen to you humans if you don’t change cannot be described to you pessimistically enough, for it will exceed your worst imagination .... It is most dreadful for you, because you will have to give up your already attained degree of freedom, because you will be constrained and for infinitely long periods of time find yourselves in captivity again, until one day you will meet the same fate of living as a human being on earth once more .... But irrespective of how shockingly your fate is described to you, you don’t allow yourselves to be affected by it and yet, you would still be able to avoid this fate if only you would take it to heart and change your ways .... For I only require you to change your nature, I only require you humans to change your attitude towards each other, that you help rather than fight and antagonise each other, that one will make the other happy and offer kindness instead of being mutually nasty and intensify the hatred in yourselves. I only require every individual to make an effort in cultivating unselfish neighbourly love, then his whole nature will change and then the person will make contact with Me Myself, and the danger of a new banishment after the end of this earth will no longer exist for him ....

And even if you don’t want to believe what awaits you, you should nevertheless try to improve yourselves, for a life of love would still only have beneficial effects on earth, because then you will have the energy at your disposal which a heartlessly thinking and behaving person is lacking .... The forthcoming fate can only ever be portrayed to you as a horrible experience to which you will fall prey yourselves .... And you should only ever be encouraged into loving activity if you want to evade this dreadful outcome .... If you find it difficult to believe .... you can nevertheless still live a life of love, and you will soon know for certain what you don’t want to believe, for then your spirit will become enlightened by love and you will clearly recognise the inevitable consequence of a violation against the law of order .... because then you will be able to observe cause and effect in every event and experience .... Yet anyone who remains indifferent to these admonitions and warnings will experience what he could have avoided .... and he himself will be the victim of his life without love. For all his strength will be taken away from him and the utterly weak substance of his soul will harden again, the most solid matter will confine the being again and the release from it will take infinitely long periods of time .... in order to finally arrive at the same level you are at the moment .... An infinite cycle, which will repeat itself until you exclude yourselves through conscious endeavour and a conscious connection to Me .... Only then will the process through matter be over and the path into the spiritual realm assured for you ....

You could already achieve this now if only you would put My will into practise: that you release yourselves from all restraints through loving activity, that you believe in Me and seek contact with Me .... and that you establish this contact precisely through this loving activity .... You are able to do this while you still live on earth and the energy of life is at your disposal, but you only have very little time left .... Use it well, believe My Words, believe that an appalling fate awaits you, and consciously avoid this fate by just striving to live correctly and honourably and practising neighbourly love. It is an urgent exhortation which I proclaim to you with a loving heart: Change yourselves before it is too late .... Remember Me and remember your neighbour with kindness, so that you become free and don’t have to fear what is approaching you ....


BD 6320                received  27.07.1955

Voluntarily being of service ....
Selfish love ....

Anyone who knows the spirits’ process of development, who is informed of Creation’s meaning and purpose, also knows that the human being as the most perfect work of creation forms the closing stage of an infinitely long process of development which has taken place on this earth. He knows that this will irrevocably be followed by his stay in the kingdom of the beyond where material creations no longer exist, where development can certainly continue under incredibly difficult conditions yet in an entirely different way than in the material world .... if the process of development on earth has not been completed to a point that the soul will be able to enter the kingdom of light. But only the least people on earth realise this, for it first requires the will to know this in order to be able to understand and believe it and this is only rarely present in people. In contrast, people’s will is extremely strongly inclined to utilise the works of creation such that they will benefit their physical life .... Admittedly, by doing so people unconsciously help the bound spiritual substances in the creations to progress, because it is of service to them, although in the law of compulsion .... A great deal of matter is being dissolved through human will, it is reshaped into constantly new creations all of which are assigned useful functions, which necessarily results in the spirits’ progress .... Yet the human being himself can thereby also come to a standstill or even regress in his development if he is not helpful himself at the same time, since he is no longer subject to the law of compulsion and therefore has to push his own higher development forward .... As soon as he does everything consciously, always with the intention of helping his fellow human being, his earthly work can derive inconceivable blessings for his soul .... even if he has no idea about the spirits’ process of development, even if he is without all knowledge about the meaning and purpose of earthly life and the creations of this Earth .... He does not need to know it if only he voluntarily helps with love .... Yet usually he is indeed impelled by love to work but only by the love for himself .... In that case his activity can also have a detrimental effect on his fellow human beings, for the less he considers his fellow human being the more his selfish love will be satisfied .... But selfish love also has an unfavourable effect on the works of creations which were assigned to the person’s field of activity, insofar as that the spirit’s development in such works of creation will often be prematurely interrupted for the sake of his own advantage, because selfish love contradicts divine order and thus the person’s conduct is also totally contradictory to divine order .... Even if such people knew the meaning and purpose of the creation and of earthly life they would not stop their wrong way of life and their actions against the divine order, because they are utterly controlled by selfish love and completely unapproachable by other ideas. And these humans enter the spiritual kingdom in an absolutely dreadful state, for they can no longer satisfy their selfish love like on earth, and the path to the right love, to love for their neighbour, is infinitely far away and often cannot be found at all ....

Hence, a person who only loves himself takes his love for matter along into the other world, and release from it is extremely difficult, for things he desired with all his senses constantly appear before his eyes which are acutely tempting to him only to instantly disappear when he wants to satisfy his cravings .... inciting his cravings even more, and these are dreadful torments which the soul has to suffer until it starts to fight its craving with the result that the temptations gradually weaken. People have no idea of the benefits they create for themselves in the beyond if they try to overcome matter while they are still on earth, if they become its master and not its slave .... The human being can make use of everything on earth for his advantage, for the purpose of all creations is to serve the human being as well as every creature .... because being of service signifies redemption for the bound spirits within .... Consequently, the human being himself contributes a lot towards this if he offers matter the opportunity to help, if he creates things for himself which fulfil a useful purpose, in which he can certainly take pleasure again as a gift from God, yet he should always remember the spiritual purpose of material things and not tie himself to it such that all his thoughts and intentions apply to the gain of material goods in order to create a comfortable life for himself and to descend increasingly lower than things which are far less developed than him .... which signifies spiritual regression for him .... The development must always be a progressive one, and the human being’s goal in earthly life is the complete release from the material shell, the rise above the latter, for then the soul will be able to leave the physical body as a free and unburdened being and soar into higher spheres .... Then it will not be held back by matter and forced to remain in earthly spheres although it no longer lives on earth .... You humans don’t know how grateful a soul is which can detach itself from these spheres, but take it for granted that that which you strive for on earth with all your senses is your biggest enemy ..... For your bliss rests in freedom, but you remain enslaved for as long as matter still holds you captive, and it will hold you captive for as long as you are still governed by selfish love, as long as you don’t liberate yourselves through helpful love .... Only the one who is of service will be liberated .... And your existence as a human being constantly provides you with the opportunity to be of loving service ....

However, you have free will and, unlike in your preliminary stage of development, are not forced to be of service. Love must impel you to do so, and helpful love will only be practiced by a person who suppresses his selfish love, who does not want to take but to give. He will indeed learn to despise matter; he will detach himself from it and liberate himself completely .... His process of development on earth will be successfully concluded with the complete spiritualisation of his soul, which subsequently will be able to be active in the spiritual kingdom with an abundance of light and strength and in helpful love take care of those souls which still linger in slavery and darkness and require help in order to finally be able to also let go of their chains ....


BD 6321                received  29.07.1955

Means of grace ....
Prayer ....

You humans make too little use of the blessings which flow to you. For I constantly approach you with gifts of grace, I offer them to you but you walk past them .... Why don’t you call upon Me when you are in trouble .... why don’t you use the prayer .... and why do you keep My Word unheeded which is conveyed to you from above through My servants on earth? .... You should believe that all adversity is merely a means I use in order to help you .... thus a grace from Me. You should believe that even the prayer is an unmerited grace, that I listen to you when you speak to Me, and that My Word is the most valuable gift of grace because it signifies the greatest help for you if you listen to what I have to say to you and to what helps you attain everlasting bliss .... Every means I use in order to help you from the abyss to the light is a gift of grace for you, because your negative attitude towards Me does not merit that My love permanently cares for you .... During the last days gifts of grace truly flow to you in abundance and no-one needs to go without, everyone can take as much as he likes, and he only needs to want to be helped in spiritual adversity and he will certainly receive help. Yet no gift of grace works without your willingness to make use of it .... Therefore I cannot change you, instead you must do this yourselves, your resolve must strive for spiritual progress and helpful steps will become visible everywhere which you can use in order to climb up. But you humans have a wrong concept of the word ‘grace‘ .... You believe that these ‘means’ can already give you possession of strength and maturity of soul, you believe that formal traditions are ‘means of grace’ and are unaware of the actual meaning of grace .....

I love all people, even those who are still distant from Me, and I want to help all people to reach higher spheres .... This is why My care first concerns those who are entirely without contact to Me .... so that they will first of all speak to Me .... And therefore I will bring them into situations in which they should call upon Me in their adversity and suffering .... because this call will have a beneficial effect. Thus My love constantly creates new means in order to turn My apostatised living creations back to Me. And all means which are suitable to establish the bond between the human being and Me are means of grace, because they are undeserved gifts. And as soon as a person takes refuge in prayer he is asking for My grace, and then he will receive it without limit .... I will so evidently manifest Myself in his life that he will be able to gain a convinced faith, for through his prayer he has demonstrated his willingness to make use of My blessings, in which case they can also abundantly flow to him and be effective .... which always requires the person’s free will .... And during the last days everyone can find the path to Me providing he wants to .... during the last days all people will be so evidently referred to their God and Creator, to a Guide and Helper .... And everyone can turn to this God and Helper of his own accord .... Every person can make contact with Me directly and derive incredible benefit from it .... yet he must be willing to do so, otherwise all gifts of grace remain ineffective and then the person will be hopelessly lost when the last day has come ....


BD 6323                received  31.07.1955

Separation of the planets ....

Vast distances separate the creations which you behold as stars in the firmament .... distances, which you humans cannot estimate and therefore not conquer either, because every single star is a world in its own right and these worlds are hermetically sealed in so far as that they have entirely different atmospheres which are always appropriate to the consistency of the planet itself as well as to their inhabitants. You humans should not believe that My creative spirit could not create and design versatile enough .... You should not believe that you will find the same living conditions as on the earth you inhabit on other celestial bodies again .... and you should even less believe that these celestial bodies could offer you the same living facilities that are necessary for your survival .... if you ever reach the vicinity of such a star .... Yet it would be a futile venture, you will never even succeed in establishing contact with other celestial bodies unless it happens on a spiritual level via thought transmissions from these worlds which will always only serve your spiritual progress but never concern humanly intended worldly research ....

You humans can indeed develop considerable abilities, you can productively create and design on earth, you can ascertain the forces of nature and utilise them in every conceivable way; by virtue of your intellect you can deeply penetrate the laws of nature and then become prominent with all your knowledge .... Yet your sphere of activity is and always will remain the earth, and if you then try to utilise your intellectual findings for the benefit of your fellow human beings My blessing will also support your work, your activity, for then My law of eternal order will be upheld .... But you also have to stay within this order, you have to observe the laws I Myself have decreed and which are distinctly recognisable in all works of creation .... And this also includes the cosmic distance of celestial bodies from your earth; it includes the isolation of every single star from the other which is characterised by a vacuum, by the stratosphere, which makes it impossible to support human life in this space and therefore should also make it distinctly obvious to you that I have isolated you Myself ....

For even if you believe that you can overcome such ‘obstacles’ .... these attempts will fail, you will perish if you dare to enter regions which were closed to you by Me .... Thereby you only prove that you are spiritually very arrogant in believing that you can render divine natural laws ineffective, you prove that you neither acknowledge these laws nor the Lawmaker, and you prove that you humans are ready for the total transformation of this earth because you lack the most important realisation: that Someone is above you Who has the last Word .... that you do not recognise this One or you would not undertake something that you, as inhabitants of this earth, are not entitled to do: to make other worlds the goal of your research, which are and will always remain totally inaccessible to you, because every star serves to mature the spiritual beings whose degrees of maturity are so different that they all need different creations .... Creations, in which you humans cannot survive, and therefore there can never be contact between two worlds .... My creative spirit and My creative will has truly done nothing without wisdom, but you humans will never be able to ascertain what exists outside your earthly sphere other than that the existence of countless celestial bodies and planets will be established by you with certainty, because this evidence is not harmful to your souls .... but any further knowledge can only be spiritually disclosed to you ....


BD 6324                received  03.08.1955

Approach of a star ....

Open your hearts wide, be ready to receive My light of love from above and listen to Me: A sure sign of the approaching end is the visible appearance of a star which will move into the direction of your earth and yet takes a peculiar course .... it will often withdraw from your sight and then suddenly appear again, because it will be accompanied by impenetrable nebulae which every now and then will disperse only to condense anew ....

You humans will experience something previously unknown to you as the effect of this star upon your earth is such that you will become alarmed because you fear that the earth could fall victim to this unknown star which will cause perceptible disturbances on earth which are, however, inexplicable to you. Some people on earth won’t allow themselves to be shocked by anything that happens to them .... but who will now lose their composure because they can see themselves as well as the whole earth at the mercy of natural forces which they fear because they are unable to defy them.

And for the sake of these people ‘are the powers of heaven moving ....’ I particularly want to address these people in order to achieve that they will entrust themselves to a God and Creator as soon as they realise that they are completely helpless .... What human will initiates .... no matter how dreadful its effect .... does not upset such people, yet they will become small and weak when they see themselves at the mercy of natural forces. And then it is possible that they will take refuge to Him, Who is Lord of all creation .... then it is possible that in their greatest need they will find Me .... This natural spectacle will cause enormous turmoil amongst people and the fear will not be unjustified either because, regardless of the strange phenomena accompanying the star, it will steadily move closer to earth and a collision will appear inevitable according to the calculations of those who discovered and followed its course. But I predicted long ago that ‘I will send you an enemy from the sky ....’, that a natural disaster of immense proportions lies ahead of you which will precede the final end .... i.e. the complete transformation of the earth’s surface .... and which will result in countless victims .... Time after time I draw your attention to it, and My Word is truth and will come to pass .... Yet you are informed of it beforehand so that you humans may become aware of My will and My power .... because you should know that nothing can take place without My will and that nothing happens without meaning and purpose .... that My thoughts are with those who are entirely without faith but whom I nevertheless don’t want to lose to My adversary ....

And for that reason you humans should know what lies ahead of you so that you may find faith easier when in your great need you think of Him, Who is Lord of heaven and earth .... of all stars and worlds and to Whose will everything is subordinate .... You receive knowledge of this in advance because it can help you find faith if you are of good will .... A disaster will come over you .... but for every one of you it can also be a blessing if he gains life for his soul in that way, even if he should meet with earthly death .... if he calls upon Me in his need ....


BD 6325                received  04.08.1955

Life on earth is but a passageway back home ....

Just consider yourselves as passers-by on this earth, who merely live here temporarily but never permanently because your true home is the spiritual realm, which you can only reach in freedom by way of crossing this earth. That way you also experience your earthly life with different thoughts because when you are sure of a specific destination, you should also aspire to reach it. Consequently, everything you find on earth shall neither burden you nor tie you down, just think of everything on earth as transient, as if it was merely on loan to you or as if it only momentarily obstructed your way .... you should always remember that one day the hour will arrive when you have passed through this earthly vale and you must leave .... that now the return to your true home will take place ....

Now make sure that you return to that realm fully laden with treasures which you can use again. Then you won’t enter your home poor and miserable but radiant with light and richly blessed with spiritual possessions .... Because you can acquire all these things during your earthly life. No matter how and where you walk on earth you can always increase your spiritual wealth with deeds of love if you don’t allow yourselves to be tied to worldly possessions and always keep in mind that they are transient and that you cannot take them with you into the realm on the other side. But you can acquire many spiritual possessions during your time on earth because people are in great need and you can always ease their suffering, spiritually as well as materially .... What you give in earthly life you will regain as spiritual wealth .... and therefore you should give, help wherever your help is asked for .... And you should also ease suffering without being asked and where it is evident and you will be richly blessed after your physical death because ‘as you give you will receive again ....’

However, anyone who believes himself to be master of the earth, who believes to be entitled to the possessions of this earth and who is sure of his ownership without considering the poverty of his fellow human beings, will appear at the threshold of death completely destitute; he will enter a realm where he will experience bitter poverty because he has to leave everything he owns behind and has no spiritual values to offer, as he did not consider himself a passer-by but a permanent master on this earth. He didn’t consider his true home and therefore will find it in very poor condition ....


BD 6329                received  09.08.1955

Striving towards the goal ....
God’s help ....

Everything shall serve you towards maturing, and thus every day can enable you to ascend in your development, providing you always remember that God directs your destiny, and that everything happens as is best for your soul. Admittedly, the body will often have to suffer; your life will often seem troubled, worries will often oppress you and you will become hesitant and disheartened .... Yet nothing happens to you by chance, and your Father in heaven knows everything and therefore also knows your situation, because He has predetermined it Himself to help you to progress. But you can improve or worsen your situation yourselves, for you only need to take the right path in order to find help, just as resentfulness and aversion on your part will always make your situation feel worse and you will suffer twice as much because you will grumble ....

Yet there is One Who is always waiting for your call because He wants to help you, but first He wants to hear your call in order to then demonstrate His love for you .... This One wants to help and can help you, but He expects you to believe in His love and His power. You should always acknowledge Him as a God of love, even if you have to suffer or if His love for you is not obviously recognisable .... Only love moves Him into action .... and only love motivates Him to treat people harshly at times, so that they do not go astray again for eternities. But anyone who entrusts himself to His greater than great love will soon be led out of affliction, since God asks for no more than a person’s utter devotion to Him .... Then he will very soon be free from all worries and suffering, since God’s love will remove them from him again once he has established or strengthened the right relationship with God .... Then their purpose will have been achieved and another level will have been reached; then the soul will have moved a step up again, and then a period of peace will ensue to serve the human being for inner reflection .... for he should constantly strive to ascend, he must not tire, he must steadfastly keep his eyes on the goal, the achievement of which is his earth task ....

And if his striving comes to a halt then discord will instantly come about which will be to remind him of his earthly task .... Yet irrespective of what happens to you, it is certainly only for the best for your soul, and you will be able to overcome everything with the help of the One, Who carried the cross on your behalf, Who died for you on the cross .... Call upon Him in every spiritual and earthly affliction .... He knows about your suffering, he knows about all human failings and adversities and is willing to help you at all times, and through your call upon Jesus Christ you will be connected with Him again, you will walk the path to Jesus and with Him .... and this path will safely lead you to your goal ....


BD 6330                received  10.08.1955

Explanation about strokes of fate ....

The struggle in the spiritual world for people’s souls is becoming increasingly more fierce. The world of light is incessantly active to influence people’s will, but the forces of darkness do the same and the human being is far more inclined to comply with the latter’s will, because their tendency for matter is strong and these dark powers exert their influence through material goods and pleasures. Whatever can be done in order to detach people’s mind from matter is done by the beings of light .... often much at the expense of people’s suffering but nevertheless in a spirit of love, only in order to help people .... The end, which will disintegrate all material things that people possess, comes ever closer, and then they will have to relinquish everything and will be unable to retain anything .... Yet they do not want to believe in the ultimate destruction of earthly possessions, consequently prior to it they must experience time and again the transience of what they strive for with all senses. The beings of light find little access to people’s thoughts and their suggestions are not listened to .... that is, people don’t spend any time on such thoughts as to be able to be mentally instructed by the beings of light. For this reason, they must be subjected to forcible interventions, so that they start to think about the transience of earthly possessions. And only in this way can you humans explain to yourselves the many strokes of fate which entail the loss of earthly-material goods or of human lives as well .... in catastrophes or accidents, in all kinds of destructions .... All these are merely means which are used by the spiritual world according to divine will, they simply express, in a more profound way, the struggle for the souls which are in grave danger of losing themselves to God’s adversary, because they have completely lost themselves to matter, which is their downfall. There is not much time left until the end. Hence, there will also have to be an alarming increase of such strokes of fate which still offer a small probability that they will encourage people to deliberate on them .... The battle in the spiritual world is exceptionally fierce, yet the world of light does not fight against the world of darkness, instead, both fight for people’s souls .... the human being himself is the object of dispute, the human being himself must decide the battle, and each world uses the means through which it hopes to succeed .... All suffering and hardships, all events which have a serious impact on you humans are means used by the world of light, which only has your best interests at heart, whose love for you only ever does what denotes certain help for you if you don’t resist it .... Yet a good lifestyle and affluence, earthly joys and worldly pleasures are only every the adversary’s means, and you should avoid these and don’t delight in their possession .... For your lifetime on earth is but short, and then you will have overcome all difficulties, you will be compensated for your arduous life if it resulted in spiritual success for you, so that you voluntarily detached yourselves from matter and your soul acquired spiritual possessions .... Don’t desire that which very soon will be taken away from you, but gather spiritual possessions which no-one can take away from you and which will follow you into eternity ....


BD 6333                received  15.08.1955

Jesus Christ means everything ....

No-one can become blessed without Jesus Christ .... And yet, countless people reject Him because they have no idea about the significance of His act of Salvation, for even those people who profess Him with their mouth must be counted to the former, for the right understanding of the act of love and mercy by the divine Redeemer would make them follow Him on the path leading to beatitude. Even if preaching takes place all over the world, even if people are told time and again that His name is the only life line .... only a very small fraction of them know what Jesus, the human being, had done for his fellow human beings and why He had done it .... Jesus has only become a Saviour from sin and death for a very few people on earth who, being spiritually enlightened, are aware of the significance of the act of Salvation and who therefore also recognise the immense hardship on earth, who know how distant humanity is from the One Who alone can bestow upon them a life of beatitude .... Jesus Christ is preached throughout the whole world .... Many people are being addressed by Him directly when He is speaking to them through the mouth of an awakened preacher .... But only a few allow themselves to be captivated by His Words so that they will not leave Him anymore and likewise dedicate their life to proclaiming the name of Jesus .... however, most of them forget just as quickly as they get excited .... like a passing fancy which flares up brightly but quickly burns down again .... For Jesus Christ does not come alive in them, He does not find admission into their hearts because they don’t live in love .... Only love gives life to faith in Him, without love the knowledge about Jesus Christ and His act of Salvation is nothing more than worldly knowledge which has no effect in eternity. For this reason, only a few will feel themselves so affected that they will subsequently become true followers of Jesus, that they will find deliverance from sin and death .... even though the divine Redeemer will not exclude anyone in order to attract him under His cross. He speaks to countless people and will continue to speak to them and admonish them to work at improving their soul, time and again He will proclaim His teaching of love .... Yet He can only come alive in their hearts if they accept His teaching of love and live up to it .... Only then will they understand His act of love and know how much hardship there is on earth .... For death is granted to every person, but death without Jesus Christ signifies a dreadful fate in the beyond, a fate which can only be improved through the divine Redeemer again, otherwise the soul will have to vegetate in darkness, in wretchedness, for an infinitely long time .... Jesus Christ means everything .... but extremely little to humanity, for it does not make much use of His act of mercy .... because it does not recognise Him .... And it cannot recognise Him because it is incapable of doing so as long it is lacking love .... and this has grown cold among people. Consequently, love must be preached continuously, the One Who was full of love Himself and sacrificed Himself for His fellow human beings must be referred to. If the human being then makes an effort to fulfil the commandments of love he will also become enlightened as to why Jesus died for the human race .... and he will take refuge under the cross and call upon the only One Who can redeem him from sin and death ....


BD 6336                received  19.08.1955

The plan of deifying the beings ....

My plan of Salvation covers infinitely long times .... the plan of redeeming the fallen spirits, the deification of the created beings which once made a wrong decision of will and which therefore require an infinitely long time in order to align their will correctly because they completely changed their nature into something entirely opposite to Me and yet shall nevertheless become My image again one day .... The process of this transformation or regeneration necessitates an infinitely long time, because it must take place in lawful order, otherwise it would result in unavoidable chaos and the ultimate goal would never be reached. The fundamental law of My eternal order is and will remain love .... Hence, a return to Me can only be achieved if I give all fallen spirits, all those which had become imperfect, the opportunity to practise love .... And practising love means being of service .... Consequently, I first had to create the opportunities in which the fallen spirits were able to serve actively .... I had to create something which enabled these fallen spirits to contribute towards its emergence and maintenance .... in every possible way .... And so I conceived Creation as appropriate for this purpose .... In a manner of speaking, I let the spiritual substances take active part in its emergence, however, I had to enforce this, according to My will they had to enter specific external shapes and carry out their assigned activity .... The whole of Creation is governed by the principle of being of service, because My will governs, which is only ever the expression of My greater than great love. Compulsory service was therefore necessary at first, because no being would have chosen to serve .... to express love .... of its own accord, but the return or re-transformation of the fallen being is and will remain My goal.

Nevertheless, even service in a state of compulsion achieved a change, although it required an infinitely long time .... But once the re-transformation has advanced to a point that the original opposition to Me has weakened, the being can receive a certain amount of freedom again so that it is no longer forced into being active but voluntarily continues doing the same instead: to serve, for which, however, it must first kindle love in itself. The purpose and goal of the whole process of development is .... that its will shall take the right direction now, that its thoughts, intentions and actions are only determined by the principle of love .... that the re-transformation into love is proven and thus the being’s deification takes place .... that the goal I set the externalised spiritual being has been accomplished .... that the created being has voluntarily shaped itself into My image, into My child .... Yet during this infinitely long period of development the being passes through countless phases which one day it will be able to look back upon when, in a state of light, it is capable of grasping the sheer magnitude of My plan of Salvation .... And every individual phase will disclose to it the suffering and agonies, which only then will show the immense extent of its fall into the abyss, the distance from the One Who, in the beginning, had created it in all perfection .... Only then will My love, wisdom and omnipotence be revealed to the beings, and only then will the upsurge of their love for Me engulf them and they will become completely immersed in My flow of love .... They will praise and glorify Me without end and have no other desire but to serve and help Me to achieve My goal one day .... the deification of all created beings .... They are constantly active with love and comply with their original purpose: to work and create according to My will which now is their own will as well because they are perfect ....


BD 6338                received  22.08.1955

God’s constant care for the human being ....

How often do I come close to you humans, how often do I speak to you, how often do I pull you back from danger and offer you My guidance on your path of life .... But rarely do you recognise Me. My obvious guidance is regarded by you as mere coincidence and My Words do not reach your hearts, you are unable to recognise Me because you have set you sights beyond Me towards the world. Yet My care pursues you. And even if you live within in the midst of worldly commotion I will nevertheless not leave your side, I will just wait for the moment when you notice Me so that you voluntarily place yourselves under My protection .... so that, amid the joys of the world, you still feel your hardship and look for the One Who pursues you and Who can help you. I will not stop revealing Myself to people .... Even if success is very slight, if it is scarcely perceptible .... I take notice of the faintest willingness to approach Me, and then I will never ever leave his side again ....

My love motivates Me into not abandoning you, even if you spend your earthly life in utmost indifference and don’t try to find a bond with Me. Yet I do not force your willingness to hear Me, and this is why My Words are so soft and unobtrusive that you can easily not hear them if you don’t take any notice of Me. They don’t sound as loud as the voice of the world which therefore finds your full attention. And because your will shall turn to Me of its own accord I will never show Myself conspicuously but neither will I leave you without small contacts, I gently push you onto paths where you, lonely and weak, look around for help in order to then be able to emerge and offer My help to you .... I do not exclude anyone of you humans as long as he has not yet found and recognised Me, and since there is not much time left until the end people will have to cover shorter paths and these are far more arduous and laborious, because I want them to need and request My guidance.

Strokes of fate will increase; people will still have to endure much adversity and misery because they are further removed from Me than ever, even if I pursue them wherever they go .... Until the end of their life I will not abandon them, and My blows will become ever more severe in order to shake them out of their indifference, yet their reactions are not determined by Me, nevertheless, one day they will determine their fate in the spiritual kingdom .... For their will is and shall remain free, and even My greater than great love does not determine a resolve which chooses death although it would have been able to acquire eternal life ....


BD 6340                received  27.08.1955

Means of grace ....
Walking with God ....

As yet it is still a time of grace .... I still try to persuade you humans by various means to turn around or to lead you into perfection .... only your will must not be entirely in opposition to Mine. If you humans rebel against Me, against your destiny and everything that is still intended to benefit your soul, then My means of grace will be ineffective, and then your life will also be at risk .... the life of the soul .... for then it will succumb to spiritual death. You humans ought to fit in with My will, you ought to realise that you are powerless by yourselves and passively surrender to the One Who rules over heaven and earth .... Only through such passive devotion will you improve your earthly life .... and then also allow the means of grace take effect and achieve progress for your soul .... It is the time of the end and therefore a time of great adversity because I still want to help people turn around or achieve perfection .... It truly would not be love on My part were I to leave you to your destiny and thus provide you with an unrestrained, carefree earthly life without misery and tribulation, for then your souls would definitely go astray, since the inner drive for ascent is only present in very few people .... I must support you because I love you, but I can only grant My support in a way which I regard as a blessing for your soul .... by being strict with you in order to bring you to your senses, since you are close to the end and haste is essential ....

Yet every person can improve his earthly fate himself by walking his earthly path in unison with Me, by joining Me more closely and thereby making every downfall impossible .... And then I will also guide him such that his earthly life will be more bearable .... For then he will no longer need harsh means of help because I will have won him over for Myself .... Yet as long as the human being still resists Me he only feels the burden and not My help .... However, My love also applies to him and tries to win him over, only it uses different means which are nevertheless means of grace, because they only intend to achieve My living creations’ return to Me .... But how insignificant are these sufferings and adversities compared to the torments of a renewed banishment into solid matter .... which, however, will irrevocably happen to you humans if you don’t bow down to My will in these last days before the end .... Through suffering and adversities I want to achieve nothing other than your return to Me, Who can and will help you at all times ....

You labour and are heavily laden .... Yet you know One Who calls you to Himself .... Follow His call ‘Come unto Me, all ye that labour, and are heavily laden, and I will give you rest ....’ And there is nothing I will not give you if only it benefits your soul. Join the group of My children, don’t keep apart in wilfulness or defiance but come to Me as well, you who are still distant from Me, and relinquish your resistance. For travelling the path with Me is truly easier and more pleasant since I will guide you such that you will effortlessly reach your goal .... but My path leads away from the world .... For My kingdom is not of this world .... yet it is your true home which will receive you when you have to leave the earth one day .... Only a short stretch of the path is still ahead of you but it is enough for you to reach the right goal .... But if you hand yourselves over to Me and My guidance without resistance you will not regret that you followed the One Who is the Father of all of you, Who wants to guide His children to eternal beatitude ....


BD 6344                received  01.09.1955

The creations’ lack of self-awareness ....

Nothing you can see around yourselves is without spirit. Everything visible to you shelters spiritual substance which once emerged from Me as a spiritual being but which, dissolved in countless minute particles, has lost its self-awareness .... and will continue to pass through the visible creation without this self-awareness until all particles have found each other and united again and now constitute this created original spirit once more which, embodied as a human being .... is given self-awareness again .... Consequently, the human being is an original spirit concealed within a material shell, whereas all other works of creation, from hard matter up to the animal, are likewise animated by tiny particles belonging to an original spirit which, however, is unable to recognise itself as a being because it lost this realisation due to its past apostasy from Me .... But Creation could not exist were it not animated by substance .... in other words: In the very beginning I created beings which I externalised in My image. The material creation, however, consists of these, My created beings, and only arose for the purpose of enabling the constrained spiritual substance within to return to Me, from Whom it had voluntarily separated. Every creation of Mine is emanated strength .... It is not lifeless because nothing dead can emerge from Me ....

Everything that testifies to life is something substantial, the effect of its strength can merely express itself differently .... but it will always prove to be strength, it will perform a function which may well remain concealed to the human eyes if it is minor yet it cannot be denied because nothing remains as it is but will always show a change. The more evidently an activity can be observed the more life is betrayed by the work of creation, and only its lack of self-awareness gives rise to doubt the spiritual substance within everything that is surrounding you .... But it will only become an independent entity again once it has regained its self-awareness, although the life giving substance - within the human being as well as within every work of creation - is the same: strength which once emerged from Me as a being .... That which betrays life already shelters this strength to a greater extent than apparently dead matter .... and yet the latter could not exist were it not spiritual substance itself since, in the final analysis, everything is strength which flows forth from Me which, like Me, must also be spiritual substance .... There is, however, a difference of perfection of the beings which once came forth from Me .... And this difference determines their respective activity .... which can consist of creating and populating worlds but also of a minimal service by the imperfect beings towards equally imperfect beings .... a service which will nevertheless constantly increase and steadily lead to activity which can also be observed by you humans .... which demonstrates life .... For everything shall attain that level of perfection again in which it was originally created so as to be able to use the strength, which constantly flows to it from Me, as a self-aware individual being according to My will ....


BD 6352                received  02.10.1962

Paradisiacal condition on the new Earth.

I will again make the Earth into a place of Peace where Love alone reigns, where there is no enemy, where all creatures live together in harmony and happiness, where the Love of mankind shines out to touch the still bound spirituality. There men will help their fellowmen, physically and spiritually, and I Myself as Eternal Love can dwell among them. Nothing that is negative can obscure My presence.

It is My Will that the Earth serves to bring mankind to the highest maturity. Many will leave this Earth fulfilled because they have become closely united with Me and are no longer burdened by original sin. If they are redeemed through Jesus Christ on Earth they can be placed on the new Earth. Their being removed from the old Earth be fore the days of judgment will be a proof that they belong to Me. They found union with Me on the old Earth, be- coming free of all burdens and desires, so that I can place them on the new Earth.

A new redemption period will begin which will at first bring many souls to maturity because My opponent is bound and cannot oppress these souls. They have willingly surrendered their resistance and have become My Own. They will live on this new Earth for the sake of the succeeding generations, because they can witness to My Power and Majesty. They will be able to speak of their own experiences, about the situations on the old Earth. They will be able to speak about My Love to their descendants. Their children and children’s children will also be filled with Love. Thus their soul will not be far from their original state. They will be conceived in pure unselfish Love, because My opponent has no influence on those who live on the new Earth.

Love is the power, which can truly speed up the maturing of souls. It can help bound spirituality out of its form, so that it will give up its resistance and advance according to My Will. This condition will continue for a long time. In this period many of the fallen spirits will return completed, to Me. In that day I will win many children. Then, their happiness as well as My own will know no bounds, because I know that all who have fallen will return to Me. My Everlasting plan of salvation shall be successful.

Yet this condition on the new Earth will change again. More and more souls, who have gone through the Earth creation, will be incarnated, and the tendency for the material will break through again. At first only scarcely but later it will increase more and more, and the desire of people for material things will loosen the chains of My opponent, because men will not resist him. But My Love will still help those spirituals continually. There will again be a struggle for souls, and the free will of men must decide which master will be victorious over them.

That generation will also be told about Jesus Christ, the Divine Redeemer. They will therefore not be left helplessly to My opponent, but will surrender their resistance because their faith in Me, as God and Creator is still strong enough. I will also exert My influence on them through the voice of conscience.

However, it will not be that paradise-like situation anymore. There will be an inner battle for man, and the temptations of My opponent will not fall to come. The struggle for existence will increase. It will be more tolerable for those who remain faithful to Me and develop their Love. Then, My messengers of Light will also support them, partly influencing men spiritually, partly incarnated as man among them, if they will only yield and stay constantly in contact with Me.

As long as Love reigns people will make progress in their maturity. As long as Love rules My influence on people will be strong. Then backsliding to the depths need not be feared. For My opponent the fight against Love is in vain.


BD 6357                received  17.09.1955

The law of order is love ....

I address all of My children because I want to reveal Myself to them, I want to convince them of My love, wisdom and might .... I speak to them as a Father so that they feel the Father’s love in My Word and that love for Me is thus likewise kindled in their hearts .... and causes My children to fulfil My will .... And I make My will known to them through My Word. I convey My divine teaching of love to them .... Only one thing is important in life, the fact that the human being should shape himself into love .... I expect nothing else from My living creations other than to live a life of selfless neighbourly love. This alone is My will, but for them the fulfilment of My commandment of love also means that the human being will possess everything, achieve everything and be eternally blessed. For everything comes forth from love, love is the law of My eternal order; anyone who lives without love leaves My order and is therefore wretched, even if you humans on earth seem to live in well-ordered circumstances, even if you feel comfortable on earth and are able to provide everything for the body which serves its well-being .... Your soul is nevertheless in a wretched state, and one day you will bitterly and painfully experience this wretchedness when your earthly life has ended .... Then the soul will be disfigured, weak and in agonising darkness, for as a being which left the order it cannot be blissfully happy until it has integrated itself into My law of eternal order, until it has become love. It can certainly still achieve this in the kingdom of the beyond but under painful circumstances, if it strives for it at all .... and after an infinitely long time .... whereas it can extremely easily achieve it on earth, because it is constantly offered the opportunity to practise love, and because every selfless deed of love provides it with increasingly more strength and raises its will to be lovingly active. Then the human being will enter My order again and eternal bliss will be his fate .... All this I reveal to you through My Word because I love you, because you are My living creations and through love shall become My children, whom I, as a Father, can and will make truly happy .... For My love always belongs to you, even if you turn away from Me, even if you have left My eternal order .... And I will pursue those of you who are distant from Me, who have not accepted Me into your heart, with My love and speak to you time and again .... If you listen to Me it will not be to your disadvantage; if you turn away from Me indignantly, then you will have to continue the path as before but it will not lead you to a happy fate as long as you live without love .... Let yourselves be seized by My love, don’t offer Me resistance and don’t defend yourselves but open your heart and ear for Me so that I Myself can take abode in you, and you will truly not regret it .... You would feel My love as strength, if only you submitted your will to Mine and kept My commandments, which only ever demand love .... because without love no-one can become blessed ....


BD 6359                received  19.09.1955

The narrow and the broad path ....

The path you travel on earth can be glorious, comfortable and full of joy .... but also laborious and difficult for you, and as a rule you choose the easy, even path and enjoy all the joys and pleasures this path offers to you .... You shrink back from the laborious narrow path and don’t ask where the path you are taking will lead you. You are satisfied for the moment with being able to relish the luxuries promised to you by the broad path but fail to consider where it will lead to. Yet time and again narrow paths branch off from it and at these junctions there are always messengers who call you and advise you to take these paths, even though they are not even but require you to climb upwards, on account of which must exert strength in order to accomplish the ascent .... However, the messengers also promise you a glorious goal, they assure you that you will not go through the laboriousness of the path in vain, that the goal will richly reward you for all hardship and sacrifices demanded of you by the narrow path. Time and again you will have the opportunity to leave the wide road for you will repeatedly meet these messengers who caution you not to continue your path and who try to entice you onto the path leading uphill. You ought to pay attention to them, you must seriously consider that you are in danger if you continue to steadfastly follow the path which can never lead upwards, because it does not require any effort of you if it is seemingly even but steadily leads downwards.

You should become suspicious yourselves if your earthly life always results in the fulfilment of your desires, for you ought to admit that you only ever desire and grant yourselves worldly pleasures .... pleasures which fade away like figments of dreams of which nothing of value remains, instead they are more likely to leave you with a stale and uneasy feeling if you take serious stock of yourselves .... The road you are taking is indeed lined with richly flowering hedges and you feel comfortable in this environment but it is nothing real, they are just deceptions and disguises which intend to cover what lies behind, and you would be horrified were you able to see through it and discover the mire these flowering hedges are intended to hide. Upwards leading paths, however, necessitate the surmounting of unevenness, it is not easy to cover such paths yet at the top a glorious goal beckons the traveller, the light he sees shining above himself permeates him incomparably pleasantly and lets him forget all hardship .... And the traveller knows that it is not a deceptive light, he knows that his true home is waiting for him and will then offer him all glories. And he will gladly and joyfully cover the arduous path, he will pay no attention to the difficulties, for he constantly receives strength from above and will therefore also safely reach his goal .... He will return into the Father’s house in order to be and forever remain happy ....


BD 6360                received  20.09.1955

Social contributions ....

How often do you humans rely on the fact that you will receive help, and how often is it possible for you to offer it in turn, for no-one can rely on himself alone, everyone needs the help of his fellow human beings, just as everyone gets into situations to help another person. Yet people endeavour to achieve complete independence from their neighbours and also to rid themselves from giving help .... They try to lawfully regulate what should be a voluntary service of help, and everyone tries to derive the greatest possible benefit for himself again from this regulation .... What would be extremely highly valued for every individual person’s soul as unselfish neighbourly love is changed into an involuntary duty, and there is no benefit for the soul as long as all voluntary activity of love is excluded.

According to human estimation all earthly hardship could be averted from people in this way, and this is no doubt also the intention of those who feel responsible for people’s serious difficulties since they cannot be concealed and burden the latter .... And as long as unkindness prevails amongst humanity even these endeavours are a blessing in as much as people will not perish in misery .... Nevertheless, it cannot solve people’s spiritually low level, for this requires activity of unselfish neighbourly love .... People have to be touched by other people’s hardship to kindle the love in them .... There has to be the kind of adversity amongst people that will stimulate a kind-hearted person into actions of love .... Help can be rendered in every respect to a fellow human being through words of comfort, through caring sympathy, through active assistance .... Yet human life, above all, relates to the overcoming of matter .... the transformation of selfish love into selfless neighbourly love.

The human being should let go of what is desirable to himself in order to give it to a fellow human being who is in need of it .... This is why wealth is unevenly distributed, precisely in order to motivate this will to give, since a person can learn to overcome matter at the same time and thereby make the greatest gift to himself by detaching himself from material possessions in order to alleviate a fellow human being’s hardship .... Only what is voluntarily relinquished will reap a rich reward for a person, for only free will demonstrates love, whereas all other contributions a person has to make are entirely devoid of love, indeed, they are more likely to harden a person’s heart as he suppresses in himself the will to give in the belief of having done enough for other people’s well-being. Yet no matter how much people try to ease economic poverty in this way .... the human being will still be affected by hardship in other ways, on the one hand for his own benefit, but on the other hand in order to move a fellow human being’s heart into providing help .... in order to touch it, so that the spark of love ignites, so that love will not grow completely cold amongst people ....

And precisely those people with very hardened hearts are frequently affected by non-material problems, so that they have to take a different path if they are to be helped: their pleasure of earthly possessions will be taken from them .... what they did not want to give to alleviate other people’s hardship they will then no longer be able to enjoy themselves .... Material belongings will now lose their value, and blessed is the person who deals with this in the right way .... who now voluntarily relinquishes it in order to give it to needy fellow human beings .... Blessed is the person who ultimately acquires his fellow human beings’ love as a result of good deeds, which alone will follow him into eternity .... Then his hardship will not have been unsuccessful for his soul ....


BD 6363                received  23.09.1955

Contact with Jesus Christ in every adversity ....

You humans must be in heartfelt contact with Jesus Christ if you want to release yourselves from all flaws and weaknesses, from vices and cravings, from all kinds of bad habits .... if you want to become perfect. He alone can help you achieve it, and He will do so if you appeal for it and thereby testify to your faith in Him as the divine Redeemer. Therefore, as soon as you have to struggle, as soon as you are inwardly dissatisfied with yourselves, turn only to Him, for He fully understands every human weakness, because He lived on earth Himself as the human being Jesus .... But He also has the means to help you .... He strengthens your will and gives you the necessary strength for it from His treasure of grace, which He acquired through His death on the cross .... You will not take the path to Him in vain, you will definitely receive help if only you desire help .... And thus you should always take care to establish and maintain the connection with Him. No-one else can grant you help, He alone can and also wants to do so, because it is His Own will that you should become free from all shackles which pull you down, it is His Own will that you should regain your past perfection, so that He can admit you into His kingdom when you must leave this earth. He wants you to return into your Father’s house to become as happy again as you were in the beginning .... For this reason He will do everything in His power to make this return possible for you, and He will not hold back His gifts of grace, for He descended to earth in order to help you, because you were no longer capable of ascending to the light on your own .... He died for you humans on the cross and does not want to have made this sacrifice in vain, it is His will that all people shall partake in the blessings of the sacrifice on the cross .... that they will all reach the goal for which He sacrificed Himself ....

However, you must come to Him yourselves, you must entrust yourselves to Him in your distress and appeal for His help and it will be given to you. For this reason you should always become conscious of His presence .... You need only call Him to your side with a thought and He will walk beside you wherever you go .... The mental contact with Him will assure His presence, and if Jesus Christ is close to you, you will speak to Him like a brother and confide in Him; tell Him everything that bothers you, but let your requests be more of a spiritual nature, even though you will also receive His full support in earthly adversities .... But first consider the state of your soul and, if you discover imperfections, approach Jesus Christ trustingly with the plea to release you from every shackle, from every evil which separates you from Him. Treat Jesus Christ with the same familiarity as you treat your brother, and don’t be shy to reveal even your most secret faults and sins to Him. His love is infinite and He will forgive them and help you achieve complete freedom because you acknowledge Him, because you believe in Him and His act of Salvation. Yet no-one who excludes Him from his life, who does not acknowledge Jesus’ act of Salvation and God’s human manifestation in Him, can cope with his faults and vices by himself, for he will lack all strength and his resolve to seriously tackle the work of changing his nature will be weak .... He will not be able to achieve anything until he has entrusted himself to the divine Redeemer .... for every person who wants to be released from the control of God’s adversary must call upon Jesus Christ and hand himself over to Him with complete trust .... Only then can he be saved, only then will he have the strength to change himself in order to enter the spiritual kingdom in a redeemed state, in order to return into the Father’s house for good ....


BD 6364                received  25.09.1955

Beings from other worlds? ....

There is spiritual contact between the earth and other worlds as long as it concerns beings of light which influence you on My behalf into taking the right path that leads to Me. The world of light constantly endeavours to influence you in a helpful sense .... But the forces of darkness, too, use every opportunity to mislead you, to keep you from the path of truth in order to confuse your thoughts. And much will happen, especially during the last days before the end, which you humans will not be able to explain .... Yet always remember that people have to take the path to Me without force, that My side will never use phenomena to compel people into believing, even when people experience utmost spiritual distress. Always remember that the world of light works on My instruction, thus it would never do anything of its own accord which does not comply with My will and My wisdom.

Therefore, if ‘beings of light’ consider helping you they will never choose an appearance which will cause doubt, confusion and questionable results in human beings, but they will always express themselves to people in all clarity .... and always such that they can be recognised as sources of light. And then they will always express themselves to those who want to establish spiritual contact for the purpose of spiritual ascent .... But they will never exert a disturbing influence by using inexplicable means, for they want to drive out ambiguity, they want to give light and not increase the darkness which is spread by every unnatural phenomenon .... Countless beings of light are concerned for your spiritual wellbeing .... Countless spiritual beings want to help you to still find the light before the end .... For the end will come without fail .... because My love and wisdom also considers the spiritual substances bound in hard matter which one day shall also be released from the solid form .... You humans willingly interfere with My natural laws and will thus cause the final work of destruction on this earth yourselves .... Nor would the presentation of those who know dissuade you from your intention, even if the angels from heaven came down to warn you .... otherwise I would not constantly have referred to the end through seers and prophets if I had detected even the slightest change of will ....

Thus, your intention can no longer be prevented, the end will come without fail .... And therefore the concern of the spiritual world only ever applies to your soul .... And this is attempted by good as well as by evil forces, only in completely different ways .... The world of light only ever appeals to your spirit, whereas the world of darkness appeals to your senses .... The world of light reveals itself to you in various ways but always through mediators who, due to their spiritual maturity, are in contact with the beings of light, so that they are then able to pass these revelations on to their fellow human beings .... In contrast, the world of darkness expresses itself directly .... It addresses people at random, it finds belief with its own followers and causes confusion with others, and no positive results will come to light .... No definite divine manifestation of strength will be recognisable but constant questioning, constant ambiguity can be observed wherever evil powers are at work .... But whatever comes from above, whatever originates from Me or the world of light on My orders will always spread light .... And only by the light will you humans be able to recognise the working of the light, but then you will no longer question but know ....


BD 6365                received  26.09.1955

Poverty does not prevent activity of love ....

Even the poorest of the poor can acquire the kingdom of heaven .... For it is possible for every human being to fulfil My will .... My will is unselfish activity of love .... And no matter how poor the person is in respect of earthly goods, he can still practise neighbourly love because it does not merely consists of giving material goods. Even the most underprivileged person can ignite the flame of love within himself, precisely because of his poverty he is able to assess the situation of a fellow human being’s hardship, and the sincere will to help alone is love which strives to become active. Love is not measured by the material value of what it gives, it is the degree of love which is decisive, and then even the smallest gift can be extremely highly valued .... But a heart full of love can also communicate itself to people in other ways and always for their benefit, because it awakens mutual love .... Every kind word, every interest in his fellow human being’s fate, every kind glance or active help can penetrate a hardened heart and soften it .... The other person can be more touched by it than material help can achieve since precisely the giver’s poverty convinces him of his genuine love which then will also be reciprocated, and a ray of love has ignited .... And if a person living in poverty still passes on even the little he owns then he will acquire substantial treasures for eternity .... But he will also receive material help, and his poverty will also provide him with the greatest blessing, because his longing for material possessions will die down the more helpful he is towards his fellow human being, and thus he will much sooner learn to overcome matter than a person who lives in the midst of earthly wealth.

Heartfelt love does not depend on the quantity of earthly possessions. Love is a feeling within a person’s heart which constantly wants to be active and will also always find some kind of occupation. If only in the fact that a person will take care of his fellow human being, that he will not indifferently pass him by, that he will make him aware of dangers or help him find the right path .... The human being is able to express his love in every way and his love will always be felt with gratitude and awaken love in return .... Therefore no person will be able to say that he was prevented from loving activity as a result of poverty .... Love has nothing whatsoever to do with material wealth, for even the most underprivileged person can implore Me from the bottom of his loving heart to take care of and help his unhappy neighbour because he himself is incapable of doing so .... But a prayer like that first requires love in the person’s heart, and only then will it be effective .... For I will see his good will and for the sake of his love I Am gladly willing to help .... Unselfish love could relieve so much hardship; yet it is lacking in humanity and everyone just thinks of himself and ignores his fellow human being’s adversity .... People who offset their earthly poverty will acquire great treasures which they will be allowed to take along into the kingdom of the beyond as everlasting possessions .... They will be wealthy over there because they also considered the poor even though they did not live in abundance themselves ....


BD 6374                received  10.10.1955

‘Whatever you ask the Father in My name ....’

And you will truly receive whatever you ask for in My name .... You have to call upon Me in Jesus Christ .... Only someone who acknowledges Me, the divine Redeemer Jesus Christ, who recognises his God and Father in Him and thus prays to the ‘Father’, will find his request granted, for he will be guided by My spirit to the One from Whom he once originated .... Whoever does not acknowledge Jesus, the Son of Man, as the heavenly Father’s representative .... whoever does not believe that I embodied Myself in Jesus the human being, will not send a prayer to Me in complete trust either .... even if he doesn’t deny a ‘God’, but instead his belief in a God and Creator was purely acquired and did not come alive in him .... For a living faith is the result of love, but love also acknowledges Jesus Christ as God’s Son and Redeemer of the world, Who merged with His Father of eternity .... Thus he will no longer separate the Redeemer Jesus Christ from the Eternal Deity, he will have been enlightened by his spirit that He and I are one .... And his prayer will always be granted, for he will only ever request something I can give to him without damaging his soul .....

You humans will only be able to understand the true meaning of My Words if My spirit can work in you .... My spirit, however, can only work in you if you allow it to do so, if you, through a life of love, provide it with the opportunity to express itself to you .... But then you will accept My Word as if it was directly spoken to you, for then I will address My children and with My Word will also simultaneously give them the understanding for it .... And then you will be able to consider yourselves blessed, for your soul will receive light .... it will begin to understand, it will mature, for then you will also do everything I ask of you. You will comply with My will and shape yourselves increasingly more into love, and your soul will perfect itself while it is still on earth ....

Call upon Me in Jesus Christ and first of all pray to achieve this perfection on earth .... And truly, you will not make this prayer to Me in vain .... For hearing a spiritual request is most pleasing to Me, a spiritual request will be fulfilled, because the Father won’t deny His child anything and because the human being already demonstrates his childship by appealing to Me for help to become perfect .... And always pray that you become and stay aware of My presence .... Then you will constantly walk your earthly path in company with your eternal Father, then you can never go wrong, then you will mentally dwell increasingly more in spiritual spheres and your progress will be assured. You could achieve so much if you remember My Word and conduct yourselves in accordance with My Words .... if you ‘ask the Father in My name ....’

Earthly and spiritually you cannot make an inappropriate request, I will always grant your wishes, for I made this promise to you and I keep My Word. Call upon the divine Redeemer with Whom the Father united Himself .... Call to God in Jesus Christ .... Then you, too, will belong to the redeemed, then you will have penetrated the mystery of God’s human manifestation .... For unredeemed people completely lack the belief that I embodied Myself in the human being Jesus .... But you demonstrate this belief when you ask ‘the Father in My name’ ....


BD 6375                received  11.10.1955

Mental activity ....

What is a thought? .... This question can never be answered scientifically as long as the researchers do not penetrate spiritual knowledge themselves, as long as they merely try to solve it intellectually, for the origin of thought is the spiritual realm .... Thoughts are emanations from the spiritual realm which encircle you humans like waves in order to be either accepted or rejected depending on your will .... They are emanations which affect and activate your thinking organs if you are willing, i.e. if you deliberately make contact with the beings which emanate these thoughts to you. This is an exchange and a process by forces .... but it is brought about by two sides; nevertheless, it is left up to the human being’s will as to which side he establishes contact with .... You ought to know that you were created such that all organs have to carry out a specific activity, and particular organs exist for every function which work according to a person’s will, partly still subject to natural law because they have a life-preserving function. Furthermore, you should know that you are granted a certain amount of freedom for the duration of your earthly life .... which shows itself in the fact that the function of specific organs depends on you will, because it shall test and prove itself during earthly life .... And this also requires your intellectual activity, which you can develop yourselves by using the thinking ability that was given to you for that purpose. But this ability to think does not consist of the fact that you generate the thoughts yourselves, but you must, by virtue of your thinking ability, allow something that flows to you, something spiritual, which constantly surrounds you like waves, to take effect in you .... You must accept the thoughts flowing to you and process them with your intellect; however, it is up to you as to whether you pick these thoughts up or which thoughts you pick up, yet the will and the choice are crucial for your higher psychological development .... Thoughts are spiritual emanations of strength which originate in an inconceivable abundance of light from God Himself .... they are first received by beings of light which, in turn, seek to impart happiness with their gift and this means that they constantly pass it on to all entities, to all who are capable of thinking. However, the prince of darkness, as he is now, had once also been a recipient of light and strength. He, too, transmits emanations from himself to the created beings .... And thus the human being, as a cogitative entity, is able to receive thought currents from both sides, the emanations of good and evil forces will always express themselves as thought waves; the human being will always accept those thoughts which correspond to his will, thoughts will never exert a forcible influence but merely come to the fore or be rejected according to a person’s will and nature ....

The human being, however, can never be the originator of his thoughts himself .... he does not have the ability to produce these thoughts himself, even though he is frequently convinced of the fact that everything he gained through his intellectual activity is his own spiritual product .... He merely avails himself of the thought currents surrounding him .... and, by virtue of his thinking ability bestowed upon him by the Creator, is also able to use them to an exceptionally high degree .... And time and again enlightened thoughts will emerge in a person who is more inclined towards dark thought currents .... Yet thoughts, regardless from which direction, will never take root in the thinking organs against a person’s will .... And that is his own function, to choose which thought he wants to attend to .... Thinking ability has to be understood as being able to deal with the currents which touch a person as ‘thoughts’, to understand their meaning, to put them into logical order .... thus to make use of all thoughts flowing to him .... But this first requires the will .... For the human being is not forced to become receptive to the thought waves flowing to him, thus he can reject the thoughts if he is mentally somewhat sluggish .... just as, on the other hand, he can pick up the thoughts coming from below, which are bad and worthless in substance .... His will always determines the direction of thoughts as well as their origin .... Thought currents from the world of light have, if the human being’s will is prepared to accept them, an effect of strength at the same time, which sharpens and refines the person’s thinking ability .... Thus, a person occupying himself with spiritual questions accepts these questions from beings in the realm of light too, the thought waves trigger a desire in his soul to receive an explanation. This desire is picked up by the thinking organs and only from this moment on does the person’s intellect become aware of it. Then contact has been established with the being which sent him the emanation .... which carries out its task on God’s instruction or on the instruction of His adversary: to spread light or darkness. Every thought is the expression of a being which is either of service to God or to His adversary .... yet never the human being’s product, for even in a state of perfection one day in the spiritual kingdom the being will only ever emanate that which it receives from the source .... from God Himself .... as strength of love, which incorporates supreme wisdom ....

From the diversity of people’s thinking it is clear that innumerably different degrees of knowledge distinguish the spiritual beings but that they all have access to the human being, because he can protect himself through his will from error or imperfect spiritual knowledge and because God also grants His adversary the same right to influence a person .... on account of the decision of will, which is the purpose and goal of earthly life as a human being .... A person’s thinking ability can also weigh up various thoughts against each other .... The person can reach a conclusion and only on account of this conclusion can his will change its initial direction, and as soon as he is of good will his intellect will defend itself against untrue mental knowledge .... For the light beings’ effort, which live in absolute truth, will never cease to send the right thoughts to people in their care, and they conscientiously comply with their mission to spread light and truth and to dispel the darkness .... And a heart which opens itself, a person who desires the truth, may receive a wealth of thoughts to which he will respond .... The emanations from the kingdom of light will also kindle a bright light in himself, the person will believe to have reached the conclusions through his own thinking which, however, is only insofar correct as that he has made use of his thinking ability in order to take possession of the spiritual information which previously flowed to him .... but which will now remain with him, which he will also be able to emanate again if he is allowed to carry out a blissful activity in the spiritual kingdom ....


BD 6376                received  13.10.1955

Seriously striving for the kingdom of God ....

All of you strive far too little for the kingdom of God and its glories .... even if you believe that you will enter this kingdom one day .... even if it is your will that this kingdom shall be your home sooner or later .... Nevertheless, you are still not serious enough about your transformation into love, without which you will never be able to take possession of God’s kingdom .... You are still very weak-willed and do not call often enough upon the only One Who can sufficiently strengthen your will. As long as the world still attracts you, you will not be entirely devoted to the One Who alone can make His kingdom with all its glories accessible to you. In that case you still want to serve two masters, or, in other words: The control of one master is still too powerful to let you break free of him and hand yourselves over completely to the other master .... for it is not possible to serve both masters at the same time, because their demands on you are of an entirely opposite nature .... However, if you want to acquire God’s kingdom with all its glory, you must separate yourselves from the world and its enticements .... You must exert all your strength of will and only consciously strive for this kingdom, otherwise you will run the risk of being held captive by the world and thereby completely depriving yourselves of the kingdom of God. You must make your decision in all seriousness, you must become aware of the fact that only a strong will can reach the goal, and you must appeal for this strong will if you still feel too weak to resist the enticements of the world .... The world can offer you very little compared to the glories of the kingdom which is not of this world .... and for the sake of enjoying minutes or hours of happiness you sacrifice the whole of eternity .... Nor should you defer your intention to seriously deal with the goal .... You do not know how much time you have left, you do not know when your last hour will come and whether it will take you by surprise so that you will no longer be able to do anything for the salvation of your soul .... For the indifference of someone who knows is worse than a worldly person’s complete lack of knowledge .... Yet they are both still impressed by the world; consequently, it is most advisable to fight such temptations and cravings .... None of you grasp the seriousness of the time. However, many of you would be able to release yourselves from the world, those who are faithful when they call upon Jesus Christ for help, for reinforcement of will, for the strength to withstand temptations .... You humans are weak-willed and God’s adversary will do anything to take advantage of that. God’s adversary will always lay his hands on you where you are still vulnerable .... However, you can release yourselves from him, for whatever your strength cannot manage to do, will be done by the One Who died for you on the cross in order to purchase the blessings of a stronger will on your behalf .... Call upon Him when your soul is in need of help .... when God’s adversary uses his artful trickery, when he uses the pleasures of the world to attract you; and you will suddenly realise how empty and shallow what he presents to your eyes is. You will turn away from him and follow the call of the One who wants to open His kingdom for you, Who one day would like to provide you with all beatitudes in His kingdom ....


BD 6381                received  20.10.1955

Voluntarily turning to God ....
Bond of love ....

A bond is tied which forever connects Me with My living creation if it turns to Me of its own free will, if it, in a manner of speaking, absorbs the ray of love that draws the creature towards Me and never allows it to fall. This bond is indissoluble and, once the human being has taken hold of it, it will also hold on to him and he will never be able to detach himself from it .... But I only speak about those who seriously turn their eyes to Me and not about those who merely profess Me formally, who have not yet made Me the subject of their desire, their thoughts and aspiration. For I only speak of a person’s innermost feelings, of his private thoughts, of that which motivates his soul. I speak of the person’s will, which sought and found Me of its own accord. I speak of the will which cannot be compelled by anyone, which cannot be externally influenced but arises from the soul and may turn in any direction of its choosing. A person is born anew the moment he finds Me and catches My ray of love with which I chain him to Me for all eternity. Regardless of the path he takes .... one day it will lead to Me for certain, even if the human being still has to endure errors and confusions and it appears as if he has distanced himself from Me again .... I will never ever let go of anyone again who comes to Me voluntarily, even if, on account of his weakness as a result of his imperfection, he is often in danger of leaving the right path. I even walk beside him on misguided paths and time and again push him back onto the right path, for he gave Me the right to do so when he turned to Me voluntarily which also assured him My continuous help. I know that precisely these people are especially strongly influenced by My adversary and know how to prevent him from gaining control over them. Only I know whose will has voluntarily turned to Me of its own accord, and so you humans are unable to judge as to whose will already belongs to Me and who is still far-away from Me, for appearances are deceptive .... but you can rest assured that I will help anyone to ascend who seriously strives for Me.

For I cannot be deceived; I know the state of every individual person’s soul, I know every reason for their actions and thoughts and truly make the right judgment, I convey every conceivable help to each person when I recognise the sincerity of their striving. However, you humans often let yourselves be deceived by fine words, you judge your fellow human being by external appearances and are often willing to make rash judgments, you are satisfied with assurances or pious gestures in order for you to believe that your fellow human being is on the right path to Me .... And yet he can still be very distant from Me and barely progress one step until he decides to look within himself and catch My ray of love as well, in order to unite with Me for all eternity. I Am only ever waiting for this moment of conscious desire for Me which I, however, will never let pass, for only then will you have escaped the danger of going astray from Me again for infinitely long times. Nevertheless, even then your struggle will still be difficult but you will safely reach your goal, since you can always hold on to My bond of love which will draw you up increasingly more and which you will not let go either because you will be happy to have found Me to hold on to in your life on earth .... But this decision must be made by every person himself .... No-one can be told or persuaded to make this decision because I only judge what arises from within his heart .... Nevertheless, a person’s attention can be drawn to Me by presenting Me to him as a loving Father Who longs for His children .... then the child can try to establish the right relationship and will feel the Father’s love and willingly hand itself over to Him .... And I Am waiting for this moment which returns My children to Me .... From this hour on I will watch over them and no matter what their future way of life will be .... it will lead to the goal, because My love will not let anything fall back once it has found Me voluntarily ....


BD 6385                received  25.10.1955

Eternal order is love ....
Satan’s activity ....

Only that which corresponds to the principle of love is pleasing to God, and thus only that person whose thinking and actions are determined by love is living within divine order. Keeping within divine order therefore only ever means kind-hearted activity towards other people, which also expresses love for God. But living within divine order will also always result in an orderly earthly life for the person in question himself, although everything around him might have become disordered because the divine order was revoked by his neighbourhood, which thus lives entirely without love. Such a way of life must result in a chaotic state, peace and harmony will never be able to reign where life is lived in opposition to divine order, where love is completely ignored because it is dominated by God’s adversary, who is devoid of all love .... And no matter how well people arrange their luxurious life on earth .... it certainly can temporarily obscure the disorder in such people’s hearts .... it will not provide them with inner calm and peace, for the more the human being succumbs to the adversary the more he will stoke him up .... And the person will act increasingly more heartless, he will treat his fellow human being increasingly more harshly and with coldness, he might perhaps conceal himself under a mask but his true face can always be recognised. God’s order is love .... someone who lives without love is separated from God, and that signifies his alliance to His adversary. Yet he knows how to conceal everything under a veil, he knows how to camouflage the characteristics of a violation against the eternal order, for that reason nothing is obvious so as not to lose his followers .... Instead, he will give everything to those who devoted themselves to him because of their attitude, their unkindness and coldness of heart .... They receive whatever they want but will only ever be able to obtain earthly goods .... which, however, entirely satisfies them .... This explains why the adversary has so many followers, for by and large people try to find earthly fulfilment and get it through unkind thinking and conduct.

Hence the state on earth cannot be any different than it is now, where the human race no longer observes the divine order, where it no longer attaches importance to God’s will .... where it completely ignores His commandments of love and where people allow themselves to be used as tools by the adversary. The chaos on earth is steadily increasing and only a few people live according to divine order, only a few people allow the principle of love to reign and unite with God, the eternal Love. And they need not be worried if things happen according to law which are only ever the result of an unlawful way of life. Their unification with God through loving activity will provide them with protection and strength when the time comes for divine order to be re-established again. Then what it means to be close to God will be demonstrated, for satanic force and satanic activity will remain ineffective in the person who has always lived according to divine order, who cultivates love and always remains in contact with the eternal Love .... He will certainly see everything disappear around himself, but he himself is full of strength and light and fortitude .... He knows that he is united with God and waits for his Creator and Father of eternity .... For living his life in divine order made him knowledgeable and therefore he doesn’t fear anything that originates from the adversary’s realm .... He himself lives in the sphere of divine peace, because his love within excludes everything that is contrary to divine order and because he is now protected against all dark forces which still oppose God and the eternal order ....


BD 6388                received  30.10.1955

Indication of natural events ....

I send My Word everywhere, and I also know the right ways and means so that willing people will gain possession of spiritual knowledge which originates from Me. For I know who is willing to listen to Me and truly, everything is possible for Me, even that I address them Myself in a way that is beneficial for them. But I also consider those who are completely devoid, who have not yet felt the desire for My Word, who go along without thinking of Me, who only see the world and its commodities .... I convey My Word to them as well, they, too, are addressed by Me time and again, yet so unobtrusively that they indeed can but do not have to hear Me .... First their will has to be aroused to hear something from different spheres than their own; but time and again such incentives occur through conversations, books, world events or personal adversity and misfortunes. Then the human being will be able to turn his thoughts into the right direction, into infinity, towards Me, into spiritual spheres .... and depending on his will he shall also be nourished ....

Thus do not believe that I will deny My loving help to anyone, do not believe that any human being will have to survive without My gift of grace. I take care of everyone, yet the result is the affair of the human being’s own free will. But My Word will be heard all over the world, since I only ever need a willing earthly child with an open heart which can receive the truth directly from Me .... And then it will also pass this truth on, because I know which people are receptive and will bring My earthly children together wherever a small improvement can be expected. And messengers of light will always distribute the truth wherever they are .... And they will all proclaim the same truth because they are My missionaries who will appear everywhere and in all nations during the last days. No famished soul will have to remain without strength and no longing heart will need to stay empty .... And I direct everything, I govern heaven and earth after My will, and I take care of every single living creation and provide it with every possibility to become happy .... I awaken true preachers everywhere to whom My spirit imparts what to say and who are so sincerely devoted to Me that I Am also able to work through My spirit .... Success can be noted everywhere but there will also be people everywhere who will deny every access to their hearts, who will indeed also hear My Words but reject them completely and will therefore be unable to experience any effect.

Yet they, too, have been addressed and will continue to be addressed until the end of their life, because I will try until their hour of death that their souls shall still find Me during their earthly life. Indeed, countless people are still distant from Me and won’t try to reduce this distance either, yet I love and care for them to the same extent, because I want to regain all My living creations and thus won’t give up on any of them until their last hour has come .... Yet I will not infringe upon their freedom of will .... Nevertheless, what My gentle efforts cannot achieve, what My Word is unable to accomplish, can still be possible through unusual natural events, where people will have no other option but to give themselves up or to take refuge in a Power which is so great that it can help .... The acknowledgement of this Power is already a step forward, and the call of a person in need will be heard by Me and he will be saved from eternal ruin .... My voice rings out everywhere, it can be heard gently and aloud, and everyone can feel himself addressed by Me, everyone can receive blessings and awaken to life by just being willing and taking notice of My voice .... For My love wants to redeem, it wants to give itself away and bestow life on all who are still subject to death ....


BD 6391                received  04.11.1955

Spiritual information without material gain ....

The gifts of grace imparted to you only serve to help the soul in you attain perfection .... It is spiritual information which has no economic earthly effect whatsoever, since all striving towards ascent would be invalid were this spiritual knowledge received or passed on for the sake of earthly advantage. Someone will only be a true servant to Me if he .... devoid of all material desires .... commits himself to pass it on to his fellow human beings. For pure spirituality may not be combined with earthly desires because this signifies a demeaning of the spirit. Redemptive work shall be carried out with love .... a loving heart shall receive spiritual knowledge and a loving will to help shall pass it on, only then will it have an effect on people. Any material connection with spiritual knowledge will have a negative effect, for something that comes from above is not compatible with material ambition, because it materialises the former. But remember that I know what you humans are lacking and that I will truly not let anyone live in want who selflessly works for Me .... And thus I will also always helpfully intervene if material help is needed in order to convey spiritual thoughts to fellow human beings .... Yet this should not be your but only ever My concern .... Therefore you will be able to work unimpeded as long as it is your will to only be of service to Me and to redemption work. Then you will always take the right paths, you will always embark upon the right kind of work, then you can safely rely on your thoughts which will be guided according to your diligence to work. I can only make use of unselfish people who renounce worldly things where it concerns receiving My Word from above and distributing it .... Every material thought in connection with it endangers this work, but absolute trust in My help supports it and also ensures you a carefree earthly existence, because I Myself can offer this to you as a result of your complete trust.

You should know that your will to love is an extremely powerful factor which removes all obstacles .... You should know that your spiritual work can achieve something which even the greatest of material treasures is unable to do .... And this is why fearful considerations regarding your earthly support should not weaken this will to love on which so incredibly much depends in a spiritual respect. After all, this short earthly life is insignificant compared to the beings’ dreadful agonies which you can bring to an end .... You would gladly and joyfully make sacrifices were you able to see the state of these beings and their pleading gestures for help. You would even endure the poorest life on earth and only ever want to be supportive and helpful. And you can help them with your love and thereby give Me pleasure, for which I will truly reward you .... For only love is the means of release, love for Me imparts light and strength to you, and love for the unredeemed spiritual being passes light and strength on and also draws countless souls up from the abyss .... You perform conscious redemptive work which will therefore never remain unsuccessful .... This certainty should make you happy and impel you to work ever more eagerly, you should let go of all earthly worries and never expect earthly success as a result of your spiritual work .... Whatever you need I will give you .... But the fact that I convey unlimited spiritual knowledge to you shall also be your evidence that you are in need of it .... because you should work with it again for the benefit of those who departed into the kingdom of the beyond in an unredeemed state .... Make use of what you own and don’t worry about what you are missing, for everything you need for body and soul is given to you by Me ....


BD 6402                received  15.11.1955

Church buildings? ....

It does not correspond to My will that ostentatious and splendid buildings get erected for Me at a time when it is particularly important for people to look within themselves and not towards things which still belong to the world and which do not encourage striving for My kingdom with its magnificence and glory .... Everything that captivates your eyes or appeals to your senses prevents you from introspection, from the contemplation of your inner self, which is so essential for you because the end is not far .... Time and again I have to remind you that ‘My kingdom is not of this world ....’ Why do you think that you must honour Me with magnificent buildings, why do you always externalise everything instead of working on improving your souls more eagerly? .... You humans still don’t understand that I cannot be found where you want to place Me .... You all have the means to let Me be present within you .... You have the place within yourselves where I want to be. I Am as close to each one of you as you would like Me to be, and each one of you has the power to draw Me to himself by simply fulfilling My only request of shaping his heart into love .... For ‘whoever remains in love remains in Me and I in him ....’ Only love guarantees you My presence .... but I can never be where you look for Me if your heart is not burning with love. And therefore it is foolish for you to want to build houses for Me which serve no other purpose than to periodically assemble people who live according to wrong concepts ....

Those who want to speak to Me can do so in their hearts and wherever they are .... they truly need no assembly halls which so appeal to the eye that they make all deep reflection impossible .... Wherever My Word is imparted to you, wherever you can hear sermons which your heart longs for, that is where I Am and that is where I Myself speak through the proclaimer of My Word to people who want to listen Me .... To hear My Word is the only important thing for you humans who are so close to the end and yet still so infinitely far away from Me .... Only what is suitable to awaken the soul from its sleep meets My approval and My blessing. But how can your soul awaken to life through external events, through worldly pomp and splendour, through constant feasts for your eyes and ears .... through everything that affects a person’s external senses but cannot give life to the soul .... It can only wake up and heal through love, and thus love must take precedence over all other things .... Love must be preached and practised, and you will always have the opportunity for that. A soul which receives the kind of love that inspires reciprocated love can find God much sooner ....

Do good to your neighbour, ease his burden, try to help in every possible way .... care for and give to your fellow human being what he spiritually and earthly is in need of .... but don’t erect dead structures whose production does not comply with My will, especially since the physical hardship on earth is so great that it would be far more pleasing to Me if you would lessen this adversity .... What good do you think you are doing to Me? All the riches in the world belong to Me, but they urgently need to be released from My adversary’s bondage. You, however, banish them even more firmly, you want to erect buildings which shall last forever, and you believe that thereby you honour Me? If My love had no mercy with this unredeemed spiritual substance as well, its suffering would be inconceivably prolonged by people’s will who have so far failed to grasp the meaning of life but who deem themselves their fellow human beings’ spiritual leaders .... You are close to the end and therefore My Words sound particularly admonishing and warningly, since you, who support or recommend this, contribute towards the fact that countless souls continue their sleep of death from which they can only be aroused by My living Word which teaches love .... Love shall be preached and practised .... and you all know where activity of love is necessary, for you see hardship and misery all around you which first has to be remedied before I can bless your actions ....


BD 6405                received  18.11.1955

Changes in the constellations ....

You will experience a series of events at short intervals which will greatly disturb you since you will be unable to explain them, and hence you will fear powers against which you cannot defend yourselves. Nor will you be able to find a correct explanation because it is My will that each one of you shall take all eventualities into account and adopt an appropriate attitude .... because I want each one of you to still derive a benefit for yourselves, that is, for your soul .... Where faith is entirely absent people will be particularly apprehensive, whereas the believers will more or less abide by Me and know that they are protected in My care.

Nevertheless, the cosmically generated phenomena will lead to much public debate so that every person will spend some thought on them himself and also discuss it with other people. At times worldly interests will be less important, yet once these appearances have passed worldly people will enjoy the pleasures of the world even more eagerly and only a few will retain impressions which will result in reflection and even to a change of attitude .... until the same cosmic events repeat themselves and trigger new anxiety .... For the scientific community fears a serious threat to planet earth .... since the mysterious changes in the galaxy have never been observed before and may pose a considerable risk to earth. And people’s opinion regarding the assessment of effects will vary considerably ....People will carelessly brush it aside and, without a second thought, enjoy their lives; others will take entirely futile precautions, while others still will withdraw within themselves and mentally come to terms with their God and Creator .... And I allow everyone his free will, I only ever try to encourage people to think correctly, to pay attention to the human being’s true purpose .... so that they will find peace in Me and then can be led by Me for the salvation of their souls ....

But what will happen? .... The zodiac will change .... Stars will be moved into other orbits with new positions in relation to earth .... and thereby stars never observed before will become visible, one of which will emerge as a direct threat to earth as a crossing with the earth’s orbit will be feared .... No-one will want to believe that this will happen, and no-one will believe that natural laws can change, but you humans are facing the end .... You yourselves are preparing something that will have even worse effects, for what you undertake will endanger the whole earth ....

What happens due to My will is, however, just a sign of the end, it is a serious warning for you and I only grant you such obvious signs of a higher Power’s existence so that you can turn to it and thereby also avert a real danger if you, that is your soul, make correct use of it. But what follows afterwards will affect the whole earth and everything living on it ....

And this is why I will manifest Myself in advance in an unusual way yet without forcing you to acknowledge Me as the Initiator of what will have a huge outcome, yet will not affect the whole earth. For I know all natural laws and their effects, I also know how to avert any happening or lessen its effect .... But what I allow to happen will always serve your deliverance, it is intended to drive you to Me, it is intended to let you humans recognise a ‘God’ in Whom you should take refuge because He is your Father .... It is the last sign before the end .... It is the final attempt by My love and mercy to save what can still be saved ....


BD 6417                received  04.12.1955

The spiritual low level has been reached ....

People on earth will not change anymore for they are devoted to the world with body and soul and therefore also to the one who is master of this world .... All warnings are useless; a few will indeed still detach themselves from the crowd and recognise their true destiny, yet most remain unimpressed by it. And whatever happens, they will only ever look at it through the eyes of the world, a spiritual cause will never be seen or assumed, and thus people will not change, neither in their thoughts nor in their actions .... Their stay on earth has become completely meaningless and has to be brought to an end. People have become prematurely ready for the downfall, for the day of the end is determined since eternity and will be upheld, although the spiritual low has already been reached before this time. Nevertheless, everything will still be done for the sake of the few who will still choose God just before the end, and for their sake the day of the end has been set for a later time.

For the struggle to gain these last souls is extremely difficult and requires perseverance but it is not hopeless, as God already foresaw since eternity. However, every soul is precious to Him and thus he will do everything to gain it before the end. This is why His servants on earth should be diligent; every servant should remember that each soul he tries to gain could be one of the last few whose deliverance had caused God to delay the end until the work of redemption is accomplished. Hence they should not tire in their vineyard work, they should know that God has the interest of every soul at heart and His love for same motivates Him to be patient and longsuffering. The last days will bring the godlessness ever more to the fore, and at times it will appear as if the earth was only populated by devils so that the work for the kingdom of God appears like a performance by feeble-minded people ....

Nevertheless it shall be done diligently for it will not be without benefit. Even people who are called away from earth before the end will be able to reach the light sooner in the beyond due to the work of the Lord’s servants on earth, and in turn help their loved ones on earth to a change of heart .... Only very few people can still be gained and yet the end will be delayed for their sake .... And this is why the activity of God’s adversary will become quite openly visible, for he will not find resistance in people anymore, they all belong to him, they allow themselves to be held captive by the world which is his kingdom .... He is truly reaping a great harvest yet it will not be beneficial for him because he will lose everyone he believes to have gained when the earth will arise anew .... because they all will be snatched from his power and banished again, which will weaken his power considerably, and he himself will also be bound for a long time.

He is still on top and celebrates his triumph over the people he has dragged into the abyss, yet he will not be victorious at the end of the earth for there is One Who is stronger than he is, Who will indeed let him have his time and not stop his activity until the hour has come as it is written .... but which will then confine him and with him all God-resisting souls .... And then the end of the earth and its inhabitants has come .... and a new era will begin in peace and happiness for people who remain faithful to God until the end ....


BD 6419                received  08.12.1955

Possession ....

Time and again the human being has to envisage himself as being influenced by good and by evil forces, both of which want to win his soul. However, you have to take account of being influenced by spiritual forces if your thoughts are directed towards the truth .... The human being’s will is free .... and yet the said influence can be extraordinarily strong if the person’s characteristics resemble those of the being influencing him ....

You have to understand it like this: every person is more or less encumbered by instincts or characteristics from his previous embodiment .... and thus he more or less has to fight against them, because he can overcome or discard them if he seriously wants to do so .... But these burdening human inclinations can also offer similar spiritual beings the opportunity to slip in; then such a spiritual force will be able to control the human being’s soul, which you humans describe as possession .... However, if this succeeds, the soul will be relieved of its responsibility as it more or less makes it impossible for the soul to use its free will, for the former will is stronger and determines the person’s action, which need not be the soul’s will. In that case ‘free will’ is thus seemingly cancelled out even though it has not been removed from the being, it just cannot be used in the stage which is to serve the soul’s test of will. Hence the will of a being which cannot be held responsible in an earthly way because it is inaccessible has to be taken into account .... The person himself, however, is not responsible either since he is being ‘controlled’ .....

Why and to what purpose this is permitted cannot be made understandable to you humans in a few words, for even in the kingdom of the lower spirits there are laws which are always adhered to and which are also based on free will .... Yet against My will or My permission these beings would be unable to make use of a human being’s body, and occasionally their redemption even depends on it, because these forces, too, can improve themselves if they are willing to do so .... just as very special reasons can justify such a permission on My part .... And then the actual human soul understandably cannot be held responsible, but it will be offered the opportunity to make up for the time it was deprived of to test its free will .... in many cases even still during its earthly life if it is possible to dispel this spirit, which is certainly possible with the right attitude towards Me and true faith in Me. But then people will have to assist, for these spiritual beings don’t easily relinquish their domination over the body, but they can be induced to do so with the solemn call upon Jesus Christ .... the name of the One Who defeated My adversary can certainly accomplish the act of salvation but it has to be spoken in absolute faith, so that I can then command this spirit to leave its human shell.

The forces from below will be manifestly active during the last days, and they will take possession of many bodies, but only if the previous time of development has passed without having gained the soul sufficient maturity so that it is unable to defend itself against this possession, because it does not offer the necessary traits which permit evil forces to enter them .... But their time is fulfilled .... Even the soul’s lack of maturity allows for an embodiment as a human being, to still offer either him or even such a spiritual force an opportunity to be redeemed before the end .... The soul itself will hardly reach the goal, yet it is not impossible if fellow human beings take care of such a soul and help deliver it from its tormentor .... this is why a mission can also be recognised here, an act of help in which people will be able to take part and which, as a compassionate act of neighbourly love, will result in considerable blessings.

Where a person’s will is more or less bound, the will of fellow human beings has to extremely strongly endeavour to achieve his deliverance, and if this happens in merciful love it will also be successful .... Love will achieve much with people like that, because either the demon will be favourably affected by it and change its will or its stay in the human form will become so uncomfortable that it will leave, because it shuns love. Love is the only strength capable of redeeming both a person like that as well as a demon sheltering within him, for love will always be victorious ....


BD 6421                received  10.12.1955

Heartfelt contact with God ....
Inner voice ....

You should listen to your inner voice after a heartfelt prayer to Me, then you can also be certain that you are on the right path, for then it is My voice which will be speaking to you, advising and guiding you as is right for you. Someone who contacts Me more frequently, who won’t do anything without having commended himself to Me, who always enters into dialogue with Me and asks for My blessing, will also do what is right, because I then will guide him Myself and always convey the right thoughts to him, so that his way of life consequently complies with My will too.

Yet this is questionable when you exclude Me from your thoughts, when you deem yourselves able to do everything yourselves, when you live your life without God .... then I often have to let you fail, so that you will take the path to Me again because you realise your weakness .... Irrespective of how powerful you seem to be, how abundantly you are endowed with earthly abilities, it will not influence your earthly life, instead it will take place according to My wise judgment, and therefore you will often find yourselves in situations where your own abilities will not get you anywhere, where you have to take refuge with Me in order to overcome them ..... Although even then you can still refuse but you would do well to take the path to Me ..... For I Myself thereby entice you to contact Me, Whom you would otherwise forget ....

And thus there will still be many difficulties in store for you, and you all should ask yourselves why your God and Creator allows this to happen to people .... You should not believe that only people’s actions alone create conditions which appear almost unbearable .... You should also think of the One Who is Lord over heaven and earth .... and Who allows this to happen. And you should ask yourselves why I allow such things to come over you .... I could divert at any time what is caused by human will, or by virtue of My might reverse its effect .... I could and also will do so where I Am called upon with sincere faith for help in this adversity .... But I nevertheless allow people to experience great hardship because they should take the path to Me, which they haven’t walked for a long time already .... Without Me they will lapse into utter weakness, but with Me they will be able to overcome even the most difficult situation, and this is what people should experience .... My Own as well as those who make the attempt to appeal to Me in utmost distress. For they will be helped, often miraculously ....

But the former, too, will realise that they are completely without strength because they rely on themselves and don’t believe they need Me .... I want to reveal Myself to people, for their benefit but also for their downfall .... For anyone who even then doesn’t want to recognise Me will be lost for an infinite time .... Don’t rely on your own strength, it will not suffice for what will come your way; turn to Me beforehand already and appeal to Me to give you strength .... I will not deny it to anyone who thinks of Me in the hour of need. But blessed are those who always carry Me in their heart .... They will not need to fear the approaching time of hardship, for I will protectively keep My hands over them, and no matter where they go, they will be escorted by guides guarding them and smoothing their every path ....

But there will be a storm .... which will devastate everything, it will awaken many sleepers and fearfully make them wonder whether they will be able to escape it. Yet whatever happens .... it is My will or My permission in order to give those on the wrong path a last opportunity of return .... They all can still turn to Me in the last hour, and they will truly never need to regret it .... For I accept everyone who tries to approach Me. I will extend My hands to him which he only needs to grasp for Me to be able to draw him to My Fatherly heart .... For you cannot become blessed without Me .... That is why you should take the path to Me, Who wants to provide you with everlasting beatitude ....


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