Book 70 NR. 6505 – 6589 received by Bertha Dudde between 19.3.1956 and 7.7.1956 An access to the currently translated complete work of Bertha Dudde – 1891-1965 – including her autobiography, an introduction to the work, lots of hints and clarification, all the downloads (in various languages), with offers of writings by different publishers (printed books, theme booklets etc.), and printable PDF-versions of all texts (revelations) You find here, a selective list with all her books You find here. BD 6508 received 22.03.1956
Surrender to Jesus .... Your burden of sin due to your past apostasy from Me has turned you into imperfect and therefore unhappy beings which can only be completely happy again when they are released from their great guilt of sin, when they have atoned it themselves as far as it was possible during the time prior to their embodiment, and when they subsequently allow themselves to be redeemed by Jesus Christ, that I therefore can erase all guilt because they have handed themselves over to the divine Redeem Jesus Christ, in Whom I embodied Myself on earth .... For then they will return to Me again, from Whom they once had distanced themselves .... Then they will voluntarily acknowledge Me as their God and Father of eternity .... And then they will also be infinitely happy as they were in the beginning .... Hence I require you to surrender to Jesus Christ, for your dedication to Him also demonstrates your will to return to Me. But do you humans serious about taking refuge under the cross and receiving forgiveness for your sins? Are you approaching Him, Who is your Saviour, your Redeemer and your Brother, with absolute faith? Do you in all honesty want to make use of His grace which He had acquired for you on the cross? Do you speak words in spirit and in truth? Or are they just empty phrases when you profess Him? He is truly your Saviour and Physician, He is the Redeemer from sin and death, He is the vessel which carried Me, and thus His might and strength was limitless .... And this man Jesus is and will remain the Eternal Deity, for I chose Him to enable Me becoming a visible God for you since I Am but Spirit from everlasting to everlasting. And if you call upon Him you call upon Me .... And I listen and will grant your request, since I gave you the promise through Jesus Christ ‘Whatever you will ask in My name, that will I do ....’ Trust these Words with complete faith and don’t hesitate to commend yourselves to your Saviour and Redeemer, so that I can give you the evidence that I will keep My Word .... You must always remember that I give you the occasion for every prayer in spirit and in truth Myself, that I want you to come to Me in every adversity of body and soul .... And thus take this step to Me, consider My Words, let them penetrate them deeply into your heart and believe without doubt, for My promises are truth, but you determine their fulfilment yourselves. I carried all your sins on your behalf, I took upon Myself all suffering and adversity which you would have had to carry as penance for your original sin .... And every person’s life can be free of worry and suffering if he hands his sin over to Me Myself, that I might also have carried his guilt on his behalf. Yet he must pray with absolute faith, he must know that I don’t want people to suffer .... but that I cannot avert his suffering contrary to My eternal order if his faith is still so feeble that his call won’t reach My ear, if he still doubts My love or My might .... I can help all people and want to help all people. And if your faith is a living one then make use of My assurance and hand yourselves over to Me .... You first requirement is a living faith in My act of Salvation, you have to be convinced that I have carried all your sins, that I have taken all your suffering upon Myself and died on the cross so that you can be free of them. Only then will all your doubt disappear, only then will you entrust yourselves to Me with complete faith, and only then can I take your suffering from you and redeem you from sin and death. For only then will you have accomplished your return to Me, only then will you acknowledge Me in spirit and in truth .... Amen BD 6509 received 23.03.1956
The soul, a miniature creation .... The world carries countless living creations which are all on the path of ascent and need the most diverse creations which suit their state of maturity .... Hence the earthly-material creations are the abode of untold soul-substances which belong to a once fallen original spirit but which exists in such a variety of external forms that effectively every work of creation carries a tiny particle of a once fallen original soul and which will come together again one day .... but then this original soul incorporates everything that exists in the whole of creation. In the final stage of its developing process this original soul embodies itself in a human being, in the earthly external form which is suitable to enable the soul to pass its final test of will, in order to then enter into the spiritual realm as a spirit of light again and to be inconceivably happy in its original state full of light and strength .... However, since the soul carries all creatures within itself it is, in its state of perfection, naturally also interested in all these creations, because it now has recollection and can experience its process of development retrospectively and assist the still struggling spiritual substances within the same forms to release themselves by fulfilling the divine will, because these spiritual substances accomplish their assigned activity in the law of compulsion. The perfect soul is extraordinarily happy in the contemplation of its countless components, because it beholds the entire creation and can, in a manner of speaking, participate in its emergence and preservation. However, it takes an infinitely long time until an original soul has attained this perfection and yet, it is aware of its countless previous forms, and in the process of contemplating itself it is filled by inconceivable bliss of knowing itself as a creator of countless forms, which it is allowed to recreate after the image within itself in order to help the still unredeemed tiny particles of other original souls take the path of ascent .... In order to be able to perform this creative activity it has to be brightly enlightened and receive unlimited strength, but the bliss of creating in conformity with divine will stirs a perfected soul into constant activity, and God assigns this task to such souls in order to make them happy. However, it always has to have within itself whatever it intends to create .... The immense number of fallen original spirits will still need earthly and spiritual creations for eternities, and the will to help all these fallen spirits attain beatitude delights every perfect being and inspires it to such versatile activity as works of creations exist .... because everything that exists in the universe is also present in every soul. Therefore it cannot but keep looking back at the individual phases of development, in order to then, with ever increasing happiness, be creatively active. And what once had been agonising and insufferable is now recognised by the soul to be beneficial and necessary, and although it now places immature spiritual substances into such creations it does so with profound love for God and the still unredeemed original spirit, looking after the individual tiny particles with untiring patience and love and guiding them step by step on the path of ascent .... This is God’s plan in which perfect beings participate .... No being evades this task because every being is permeated by love for God and the still unredeemed spirits and because love always wants to confer pleasure, to the still unredeemed as well as to God, Whose beatitude rests in the return of all spirits to Him .... Nevertheless, it will take eternities and time and again new creations. And all these creations are God’s will implemented by the beings of light which are able to do so because they know everything, because every being of light is a perfected creation, because all of God’s ideas are present in every enlightened soul .... and because in its God-inclined will it is also capable of being creative thanks to the abundant strength at its disposal. Countless celestial worlds are thus creatively supported by the beings of light to whom these worlds are entrusted, but always according to divine will, on account of which different life forms exist on every work of creation, depending on the spirits’ degree of maturity, but nothing exists in the whole of Creation which is not present within a perfected soul. And thus the human being is in fact already a miniature creation of the great universal man; it is a matchless wonder for a soul with spiritual vision, which will never cease contemplating itself .... Therefore it will also constantly work and create in eternity, because it is inspired by the forms it beholds within itself to create them again in order to animate them with the countless tiny particles which still need to be redeemed .... However, this redemptive work can only be accomplished by a perfect being, but it is so incomparably enjoyable that for this reason alone a complete redemption of all once fallen spirits will take place, because the further the process of redemption advances the more souls will carry out this redemptive work. Even so, it will still take eternities .... which is explained by the number of fallen original spirits and their often infinitely long time of resistance, since time and again free will is the decisive factor, which must not be forgotten. However, for the blessed beings time is no longer of the essence, with the Lord a thousand years are as one day .... it is only an infinitely long time for the imperfect spiritual being, but even this soul will reach the state of light and beatitude one day .... And then the retrospection of its path of development will only be a wonderful surprise, an admiration of all that which the soul had to go through .... Then it will no longer know suffering and agony but only praise and gratitude for the might and love and glory of God, its Creator and Father of eternity .... Amen BD 6513 received 30.03.1956 Atonement of guilt through Jesus Christ .... Taking humanity’s suffering upon Myself was indescribably difficult .... There was not one bad deed which did not have to have an effect on people, and you would have had to suffer immeasurably if you yourselves had to remove every sin weighing heavily on you. The sin of the former rebellion against God was so immense by itself that you would have been unable to atone it, neither in your constrained nor in the human state .... For this reason I took all your guilt upon Myself, I collected the result of every evil deed and burdened My human body with it, which then atoned your guilt by suffering an extremely painful death on the cross .... I was moved by My love to help you .... And all the spirits of light, all first created entities who remained loyal to Me, were filled by the same love for you .... Love, however, will never let anything go astray, love will not leave anything in darkness, distress and agony .... Love offered Itself for the deliverance, for the redemption of the immense guilt .... Love Itself descended to earth in an entity filled with light and love .... But the forthcoming events on earth had to take place in a human form; Love had to take on a human garment, I had to embody Myself in the flesh and therefore took abode in the human being Jesus, Who was nevertheless so pure and without sin that I was able to manifest Myself in Him .... And this human being Jesus made amends for your guilt, the man Jesus took humanity’s enormous burden of sin upon his shoulders and walked with it to the cross ..... Even if the inhuman suffering were described to you many times, you are unable to comprehend its profundity because your nature’s imperfection will prevent it .... His suffering was incomparably severe, and He knew of this well in advance since He was filled by My spirit, because I Myself had taken abode in Him. Consequently He knew everything, He knew about His mission as well as His crucifixion. His soul trembled and shook because He was a human being, and although the Divinity He had achieved due to His love certainly gave Him strength, it did not diminish the extent of suffering .... A human being walked to the cross Who wanted to suffer on behalf of His fellow human beings in order to help them. Because this human being knew about the immense suffering of those who were held captive in the abyss by My adversary .... Jesus knew that a sacrifice had to be made in order to purchase the souls from this opponent .... He knew that the immense guilt of sin had to be atoned to satisfy the Father’s justice, Who could not admit any child burdened by guilt into the parental home .... He wanted to return My children to Me, He wanted to pay the purchase price for the souls .... And since the guilt was enormous, the sacrifice also had to be exceptionally momentous .... And for this reason the man Jesus knowingly accepted the suffering, for this reason He allowed what was done to Him and what no other human being except Him could have endured .... He consciously walked the path to the cross and suffered indescribable torment which ultimately ended with the most painful death on the cross .... You humans are still unable to appreciate the magnitude of this act of compassion but you should always remember that He was completely innocent and suffered on behalf of you, who could never have returned to the Father from the abyss without His act of Salvation .... I Myself was within the human being Jesus, He was full of love because He could never have done this task without it. However, I had to remain silent during the most painful hours of His path of suffering because a human being had to suffer and die, since the Divinity within Him could not suffer, but according to divine justice the Divinity within Him could not redeem any guilt without atonement either .... One day you will be able to understand the full depth of what is still inconceivable to you, and then you, too, will be able to participate in this greatest act of mercy. Due to His human existence the man Jesus lived in your realm and His soul, having descended from the kingdom of light, suffered terribly because it had looked into the deepest darkness and was besieged by the forces of hell .... Thus the human being Jesus not only suffered physically but endured the most intense torments of soul which increased His suffering a thousand fold .... However, He brought you humans salvation from sin and death .... Amen BD 6514 received 31.03.1956 Resurrection into life .... People shall arise from the dead into life .... They shall emerge from their graves and ascend to the light, they shall escape death and then become capable of being powerfully active, i.e., ‘of living’ .... I died on the cross for you humans and with My resurrection on the third day gave you the evidence that I had overcome death, that there need not be eternal death, that you therefore can also arise from the dead into eternal life if you live your earthly life like Me, if you live a life of love .... Then you will defeat the one who brought death into the world, then you will constantly draw God’s strength of love to yourselves and no longer experience a state in which you lack strength and light, then the body can perish and the soul will step out of its shell into radiant light, it will arise from its grave and live forever .... I walked a bitter path of suffering on earth and was often afflicted by fear that I might fail, for I knew about My mission which made Me descend to earth as the spirit of an angel .... The human shell weighed heavily upon Me and often caused Me to doubt the power of My will and My strength .... The human shell made me fearful and disheartened, nor was I spared inner conflicts and suffering, even before I already suffered unspeakably as a result of these occasionally emerging fears that I might not be able to cope with My mission .... Yet My love for My fellow human beings grew and so did the strength. I knew that I had to struggle as a human being and had to be victorious were I to help people become free from the adversary’s control since I, after all, expect them to take the same path so that they will be able to arise from the dead into life, but that they would never have been able to take the path of a God in their encumbering sinful nature .... Therefore I was indeed without sin, i.e., My soul came from above, but My body was of the same substance as that of My fellow human beings and thus I also had to fight against all cravings, weaknesses and oppressing states for which there was only one antidote: love .... For this reason you humans can likewise emerge as victors from this earthly life, if you live a life of love like Me, for love is the strength which achieves everything, which cannot be resisted by anything .... And I demonstrated this strength to you by My resurrection on the third day .... My soul emerged from the tomb and took all spiritualised substances of the body along .... which is a process every soul goes through, only that this process, because it is purely spiritual, cannot be seen by people on earth .... this is why I Myself let this resurrection proceed visibly in order to provide you humans with the evidence of a resurrection into eternal life after death. Therefore no person needs to fear his body’s death, for only the shell passes away but the essence continues to exist .... The soul escapes from the body and enters into eternal life, providing it takes the path of following Me, the path of love .... My resurrection on the third day was the crowning glory of My act of love and mercy on earth which was indeed tremendously difficult for Me as a human being, but the human part of Me had thereby achieved complete unity with the Divine .... which is everyone’s goal in earthly life but which you would never have been able to achieve without My help. I exemplified the right kind of life for you and .... because you were too weak to implement it .... through My crucifixion acquired for you the blessings for strengthening your will, of which all of you can avail yourselves in order to reach your goal with certainty .... You need not fear death, for you will arise again just as I arose on the third day .... And you will be able to enter a life of glory, yet you must have the will .... otherwise the night of death can still keep you captive for a long time .... Your Saviour and Redeemer Jesus Christ, however, will lift you out of your graves as soon as you call upon Him .... Amen BD 6527 received 20.04.1956 The adversary’s attempts to slip in .... Don’t let any kind of anxiety take hold of you, for this is the working of My adversary who will make use of all means to separate you from Me. Everything that gives you a feeling of being distant from Me is his work, but you can eliminate this yourselves by joining Me ever more closely. Believe Me, I will always be with you as long as your will applies to Me .... Believe Me that he will not be able to get anywhere and that all his efforts will be in vain because I Myself will render them ineffective .... Your anxiety is therefore entirely unfounded, he is, after all, not stronger than I Am, and I promise you My protection in every earthly and spiritual adversity. Nevertheless he will keep trying and you yourselves offer this opportunity to him as soon as he knows you to be weak and fearful. Whereas he will instantly slacken if you take refuge in Me with complete confidence in My help. I have often drawn your attention to the fact that he is lurking around you in order to avenge himself, to incapacitate your work for Me and My kingdom .... For this reason you must overcome your weakness and appeal to Me for strength and you will receive it .... Nevertheless, the decisive factor is your faith whose intensity can dispel him instantly but he makes use of its weakness for his own benefit. He will not be able to dominate you, since you belong to Me on account of your will, but he can still intimidate and pester you, and then you must fight him by taking refuge in Me and requesting My special protection, which he cannot bear up to. But neither will I prevent his course of action, after all, I want your faith to become increasingly stronger until the adversary finally finds no further target, until he must realise that his temptations are to no avail. You can truly be far stronger than him because you have an immeasurable amount of strength from Me at your disposal, but you must also recognise him, regardless in which shape he approaches you .... Everything that gives rise to unrest, everything which disruptively intrudes between yourselves and Me, which wants to prevent your work for Me and My kingdom .... every doubt, all fear and each lapse .... are My adversary’s methods, they are unmistakable efforts on his part to pull you down, to distance you from Me, to shake your faith and to extinguish the light from above. And he will not slacken, time and again he will try to slip in and wreak havoc .... But time and again I will also be willing to protect you, I will never leave you to him without a fight. You, however, can gain much and every temptation by him can strengthen your faith until you are no longer a target for him, until the strength of your faith no longer permits him to slip in .... You humans are all subject to his influence but as long as you don’t belong to Me you don’t think his influence is bad and willingly give in to him, for he is still your master whom you do not resist .... But anyone who already belongs to My Own experiences everything coming from him as harassment, and thus it should be a sign for you to beware if you become anxious or are pursued by troublesome thoughts .... Then you will know that he is at work, then you should very seriously take the path to Me and these harassments will stop very quickly. Your earthly life need not be painful and difficult; you can spend every day in happy joyfulness if only you join Me with all your heart and hand every problem over to Me with complete trust .... Then I will take care of you and guide you safely and soundly on the path to ascent, for then you will have totally handed yourselves over to Me and My adversary will have no more claim over you .... Amen BD 6529 received 22.04.1956 Spiritual and earthly change close at hand .... You are approaching a spiritual turning point which, however, also causes a total earthly transformation, for people will not strive for and accomplish it themselves, instead I have to reshape the earth Myself, I first have to disintegrate all earthly creations or it would be impossible to create a spiritual state on earth again which is in complete contrast to the existing one. It can no longer be expected that people will acquire a higher state of maturity on earth, that the utterly unspiritual human race will so change that one can speak of a spiritual revival on this earth. At this present time people are aiming more and more towards the abyss and only a few strive to ascend, who are on a spiritually different level by having recognised their actual purpose of life and trying to attain it. The majority, however, are still infinitely far-away from everything of a spiritual nature and will not get any closer to it on this earth anymore. In any case, this low spiritual level cannot carry on because it signifies a darkness which will only result in utter disaster, both spiritually as well as physically .... This is why I set a limit and decided on a complete transformation from the start, since I have always foreseen this low spiritual level .... People’s present way of life on earth is without meaning and purpose because they derive no benefit from it for the soul, since the real life in the spiritual kingdom is never even taken into consideration, although it is the reason why you humans were given your earthly life. A total transformation of the earth’s surface, a reshaping of all earthly creations and a new embodiment of all spiritual beings into external forms suitable for their degree of maturity has become imperative, and then people’s spiritual state will be an elevated one again because the new human race will consist of spiritually mature people who have overcome the great distance from Me and will be so close to Me that I can dwell amongst them on this earth. Then a true spiritual change will have taken place, then the earth will have a different appearance and all living creations .... human beings and animals, .... will live in peace and harmony on this earth .... It will truly be a paradise on earth, a new period will begin in happiness and bliss, but a new banishment will also be imposed upon the spiritual essence which will have descended into the abyss again and thus failed its last test of will on earth .... All of you are facing this spiritual change .... And each one of you can still improve himself in this short time until the turning point, each one of you can overcome his low spiritual level and develop a degree of maturity which can still qualify him to become a fellow inhabitant of the new earth .... All options are still open to everyone, because I still lovingly and mercifully draw everyone out of the abyss who longingly stretches his hands out to Me .... But this opportunity will soon end, when the end has come the gate to the kingdom of the beyond will be closed, when the reshaping of the earth’s surface takes place, when the spiritual change occurs just as the earthly change happens through the disintegration of the earthly creations, through the liberation of all bound and the banishment of all free spirits .... Then the separation of the spirits will have taken place and all spiritual substances will have been ‘judged’ .... i.e. placed into a form which corresponds to their state of maturity. The spiritual change is near and an earthly change is therefore inevitable; but a blissful time will be granted to all those who are and want to remain My Own, who prove themselves during the last battle on this earth and despite suffering and adversity remain faithful to Me until the end .... Amen BD 6531 received 25.04.1956
Descent into hell .... It is true that I descended into hell after My death on the cross and that I also brought redemption to those who had not yet entered the gate to eternal bliss, because this gate first had to be opened by My death on the cross .... Countless souls had awaited the hour of their salvation and I appeared to them as the human being Jesus, and I described to them My suffering and death because they too had to voluntarily acknowledge Me as Son of God and Saviour of the world. But I was also accepted by those who had lived a good life on earth; I was not rejected by all, nevertheless, countless souls resisted Me and rejected the gift of grace, My Salvation .... My adversary’s influence on these souls was so strong that they only saw Me as the human being who had revolted against earthly rulers and hence was sentenced to death .... The freedom of will had to be upheld for all these souls. Therefore I could not appear in power and glory .... I had to come amongst them just as I had walked amongst the people on earth .... as a human being Who only by means of the Word tried to convince them of His mission and the accomplished act of Salvation. But My adversary did not want to let go of the souls, nevertheless, for the first time he realised the consequence of My act of Salvation .... he could not hold on to the souls who acknowledged Me, who voluntarily wanted to follow Me through the gate which had been opened by Me for them .... They were released from his power, they burst the chains with the strength they received from Me, because I Myself had loosened their chains .... Hence My adversary raged even more amongst his followers, and now the battle of light against darkness (the battle of darkness against light) began in earnest and has never ceased, and thus rages on earth and in the spiritual kingdom .... I had descended into hell to bring salvation to all those whose earthly life had ended before I came to earth .... to all those who, in spite of a right way of life, were still subject to My adversary who even fought against Me Myself and against whom I fought on earth for every soul he was keeping in chains .... And he lost a large proportion of his followers .... I had died for all those souls and all could have liberated themselves from him. But his fury was never-ending when he saw himself deprived of his followers .... when he had to realise that I had gained a victory, but which was entirely achieved by love. He too could have submitted himself to love, yet his power, his ownership, was still too large and he resisted the strength of My love, and hence it could not take effect on him either. But the moment had come when he had to realise that his power was defeated .... He had to accept that he had found his master in the human being Jesus, Whose love had achieved the unification with Me .... And thus his hate grew ever stronger because the divine Saviour Jesus Christ had now become a serious opponent Who could take his followers away by virtue of His love. But My adversary still found a helpful solution in the fact that this depends on every being’s free will and constantly tries to influence his victim’s will, be it on earth or even in the spiritual kingdom. But I descended into hell after My death on the cross, and I continue to descend into hell to bring salvation to all those who want to liberate themselves from him, and he will not be able to stop Me, he will never be able to forcibly retain the souls who want to follow My call .... His power has been defeated by My death on the cross, but even this crucifixion could not break his resistance, his hatred and his will are unyielding, his actions are evil, and his essence is entirely without love .... For this reason he lacks the strength to give life to the dead. His remaining strength will only ever be used for negative actions, and thus positive strength has to weaken his activity ever more .... love has to attract and draw to itself everything which is lifeless and then revive it again .... With My descent into hell the return of the once fallen beings to Me had started, the awakening of the dead into life had commenced, for love has proven that it is stronger than hate, love has made amends on the cross for the guilt which had resulted in the death of the beings. And thus life has been bought for them, he who had put the beings into the state of death had been defeated .... Amen BD 6538 received 03.05.1956
Battle of faith .... I want to bless you so that you will be My firm supporters when the edifice of faith which, for My Own, is the essence of the church of Christ, is being shaken .... when they shake what I have erected Myself and what I keep teaching people time and again through My Word. The time is approaching when not only the representatives of misguided teachings will treat you with hostility, but when all faith per se is intended to be rooted out, regardless of whether it is misguided or corresponds to the truth, because then My adversary will be determined to use his sharpest weapon: to displace all knowledge and belief in Me and My act of Salvation and replace it with materialistic points of view and plans. And this will be the dawning of a period which you as yet consider impossible, for My adversary will embody himself within a worldly ruler and start his work so cunningly that at first he will only be recognised by few people as to who he really is .... And so he will win many over who will subsequently follow and obey him blindly as he inconspicuously changes his plans .... For in the beginning he will only proceed against individual denominations and will be supported in this by others who will be only too willing to help him when it concerns removing their opponents. And this is why you will at first believe that you are only subject to hostilities by those who only fight the pure truth because they are representatives of errors and lies themselves. And then you will have to be careful as not to endanger yourselves deliberately. Not long afterwards they will be treated with the same hostility, and then the Antichrist’s activity becomes obvious .... And even then he will still be followed by many, because they will already be under his control and he will have an easy game with them. Not much time will pass anymore before the first signs become apparent .... The battle of faith will not start with an act of violence, for My adversary will proceed cunningly and even deceive many believers, who will consequently follow him and, at a later time, become his welcome servants. Yet he will be unable to deceive you, who are spiritually awake, for I will open your eyes and guide your thoughts into the right direction .... For then it will be time to arm yourselves for the final battle, which will be waged with inconceivable brutality. But I will bless you .... I will be with you Myself and leave no one defending Me and My name without protection. For this battle will be decisive since it will, after all, separate the sheep from the goats and be the work of My adversary which will condemn him .... As soon as he fights Me Myself, as soon as he wants to stop the distribution of knowledge about Me and My act of Salvation he will have passed his own judgment, he will be bound and deprived of his every power without fail. But a clear separation must nevertheless take place, because far too many people are still neither fish nor fowl .... because far too many deem themselves devout and first have to pass this test and regretfully fail because they are not living in truth, because they have little love and therefore can neither receive nor recognise the truth for what it is .... This is why you, My servants, still have to be incredibly active, for then many opportunities will still present themselves where you can enlighten those who then .... beset by doubts .... will be incapable of discernment and desire advice. And you will indeed succeed in helping those who are weak of faith into becoming strong believers; you will succeed in drawing a few over into your camp, you will be able to give them clear and intelligible information and present Me as a loving God and Father Who only requires firm faith in order to also be able to help them in utmost adversity and to grant them the strength to persevere until the end .... Amen BD 6541 received 06.05.1956
The sleep of the soul .... It is extremely wrong to deem the souls of the departed as being in an eternal sleep until the arrival of Judgment day .... This idea proves total ignorance of the soul’s process of development, furthermore, it proves a wrong attitude towards Me or a person could not think so wrongly .... and it proves that there is no belief in the soul’s life after death, for an eternal sleep of death, as presumed by people, cannot be described as ‘life after death’. But this misguided thought is also a great disadvantage for the departed souls, because prayers will not be offered for them and thus they will not receive the help which they need so badly. But people who adopted this doctrine and were taught wrongly will not accept being taught otherwise, and yet they hold on to the error as if it was gospel truth. Here, too, My adversary’s work is obvious, who particularly wants to stop people from praying for the souls, because such prayer could help to set them free, which he tries to prevent. But even when these misguided teachings are confronted by the truth, people will not take the only path which could provide them with clarification .... They need only ask Me for an explanation, if they do not want to believe those who would like to correct their error .... they need only approach Me Myself. But they won’t take this path, and therefore they are beyond help and refuse to let go of their error. However, these departed souls suffer immense hardship if they are not remembered in prayer. And people on earth cannot receive instructions for the better from the spiritual kingdom either, because they do not believe in a connection between the world of light and people on earth and therefore do not make themselves mentally available to the knowing powers. They are only concerned about their earthly life as human beings until death. Their idea of an ‘eternal sleep of the soul’ until ‘Judgment day’ only proves that they lack all knowledge about the spirits’ process of redemption, about My fundamental nature, which is love, wisdom and omnipotence, and about Jesus’ act of Salvation .... Their knowledge is very limited and does not correspond to the truth in the slightest, and when truth is brought to them they resist it. And yet they try to prove their point of view with the Word of God, with the Scriptures, but it is not their ‘awakened spirit’ that finds those references, rather, My adversary himself makes use of My Word when he wants to cause confusion .... But he is only successful when a person merely uses his intellect and does not ask Me Myself for enlightenment through the spirit when he asks for an explanation. The letter kills, only the spirit gives life .... Anyone who does not entrust himself to Me first, so that I can guide his thoughts correctly, will truly be killed by the letter, since My adversary can use the letter too but will interpret its meaning completely differently and thereby make the biggest error seem acceptable to people .... The doctrine about the soul’s sleep of death is a truly dubious teaching .... a teaching which also causes great indignation in the needy souls of the beyond, who ‘live’ and yet are so weak that they would be grateful for every gift of strength a loving prayer could impart on them. People should frequently remember those souls in their prayers, whose family members on earth believe this misguided teaching .... so that they can gather strength, ascend and mentally help them in turn. Although a life of love on earth will soon provide the souls with clear understanding, they first have to let go of erroneous teachings before they can be assigned to a field of activity themselves .... since every activity in the spiritual kingdom consists of spreading the pure truth. Hence, a soul that lived a life of love on earth is blessed indeed, it will easily detach itself from misguided attitudes and wrong spiritual knowledge. The others, however, will find themselves in utmost adversity, because every misguided teaching has damaging effects on the soul, but especially the teaching about the eternal sleep of death, since it can actually lead to a kind of darkness similar to death, and at the same time reduce the opportunities for help due to the belief that prayers are futile .... However, anyone who sincerely turns to Me Myself will become clearly aware how misguided this teaching is .... Amen BD 6543 received 10.05.1956 Descent into hell .... On your own you will never succeed in transforming your nature, for you lack the strength to do so. However, there is One who has acquired this strength for you .... The human being Jesus managed to achieve something on your behalf to remedy your state of weakness which was the consequence of your past rebellion against God .... Thus He took the consequences of this guilt of yours upon Himself, He paid for your guilt with His death on the cross and thereby made it possible for you to receive strength again .... He has acquired the strength for you and dispenses it as a gift of grace .... providing you avail yourselves of the blessings, for which your acknowledgement of Jesus Christ as Son of God and Redeemer of the world is a prerequisite, which also includes the acknowledgement of Jesus’ divinity. But what previously was impossible, that a person could change himself again into the being of light he had originally been, became possible through Jesus’ crucifixion, and so the return to God will with certainty have taken place if only the human being abides by Jesus Christ, if he appeals to Him for help on the path to perfection. The strength he subsequently receives is sufficient to liberate himself from the control of the one who had pulled him into the abyss and mercilessly kept him captive there, because without the help of Jesus Christ the being has no strength of its own to resist. Jesus Christ, therefore, also descended to hell to bring help to those who had already lost their earthly life before the act of Salvation and were still controlled by God’s adversary. They did not succeed in liberating themselves during their earthly life, for they were very weak willed and thus succumbed to the former and remained enslaved by him until the Saviour Jesus Christ arrived Whom they were allowed to follow unhindered, because He had also paid the purchase price with His blood for their souls. Yet even these souls’ free will had to be observed .... but which was subsequently strengthened if the soul was not entirely hostile .... However, the descent into hell is not being understood properly if only the willing souls are being mentioned .... Jesus, the Crucified, also showed himself in the slough of total depravity, He dared to venture into His adversary’s, His fallen brother’s, realm .... He stood before Him with His wounds and showed Him what love was able to achieve .... He faced him like a brother, but even this immense sacrifice was unable to soften the latter’s heart of stone .... Scornfully the prince of hell turned away and with him a large crowd of most evil spirits .... Love did not find the way to their hearts for their hatred was greater and their will was free. God certainly knew that this would not be successful; nevertheless, the inhabitants of hell were offered the treasure of grace too, for love does not stop, not even for the most abject creature, but it does not compel its surrender .... Yet the act of love by Jesus, the man, could not overcome the hatred and opposition, nevertheless, it was offered to the beings of darkness as well, for Jesus’ love applied to all living creations and the descent into hell was a final attempt to persuade God’s adversary to turn around, to give him the final opportunity to change and to shorten the time of redemption for the fallen beings .... But even this greatest act of love, which God Himself accomplished in Jesus, the man, did not succeed in changing Lucifer’s arrogance and heartlessness, in fact, the latter regarded Jesus’ crucifixion as a triumph of his power and strength .... He considered himself the winner who had succeeded in delivering a divine being to his servants .... who certainly recognised in the Being that had descended to hell the One Who had ‘died’ but not the One Who was ‘resurrected’ .... Lucifer did not surrender, which the Deity had foreseen from the start .... and thus was able to base on this the work of guiding the fallen beings back which, however, will also return this prodigal son into the Father’s house one day when he recognises his weakness, but this will still take eternities until all those having been seduced by him have been completely redeemed .... Amen BD 6547 received 15.05.1956 Mere conformists will be unsuccessful .... You will be unable to demonstrate any noteworthy success at the end of your earthly life if you have travelled the broad road, if you have joined other travellers without first having asked where the path of the masses is leading to .... For then you will be mere conformists who believe that they can shift their responsibility onto other people, onto those who lead the crowds. Each individual person will come upon crossroads during his life on earth, and each time some of his companions will turn off, and then the human being will have to decide for himself which direction he wants to take .... For as long as he merely remains a conformist for the rest of his life he will have gained nothing for the salvation of his soul. This is why church organisations can never guarantee that their members will reach beatitude, for this has to be pursued and attained by every person himself, and although he can indeed be appropriately instructed every person nevertheless has to do the work of improving his soul himself .... that is, everyone will then have to take his own path of ascent. It is a big mistake for a person to think that he can pass the responsibility for his soul on to alleged leaders, to only ever comply with the requests of these leaders and to believe that this is ‘conscious psychological work’ .... And it is an even bigger mistake to believe that people should not scrutinise these leaders’ requests, that they should unconditionally accept or believe everything that those in authority portray as truth .... And even if it is the truth, every human being should form his own opinion of it, for only then will he be able to recognise when error creeps in and guard against it. But anyone who entirely relies on what definitely must be scrutinised should not assume that his omission will be excused, he should not assume that he can transfer his blame onto those who have guided him wrongly, for everyone can see the paths branching off and can take these just as easily as the trodden one, but he always needs to ask himself where the different paths will lead to and then make a conscious choice. However, anyone who keeps his eyes to the ground and thoughtlessly follows the crowds can miss the crossroads, and then it will be his fault as well, for he is supposed to be watchful himself, he is not meant to walk blindly since he was given the gift of sight .... And he is supposed to think, because this is why he was given intellect, which he should use for attaining his salvation. And you also should know that the path of the masses will never be the right path .... For the masses are led by God’s adversary and the truth will never be found there. If only you humans would bear in mind that the adversary dominates on earth and that far more people belong to him than to God .... If only people’s wickedness, heartlessness and spiritual low level would make you realise much power he has over the human race .... Then, if you were seriously striving to reach your salvation, you would not move with the crowds, you would separate yourselves and find a path which leads in a different direction .... You would pay attention to the messengers who lead the way with a light in order to illuminate the path .... you would not be satisfied; you would think for yourselves and become ever more enlightened. Shake off your indifference where it concerns your souls’ salvation .... Don’t let others take care of you for your soul is your own responsibility, of which no one can relieve you. Try to contact God Himself, choose Him as your Leader, liberate yourselves from those who want to be His representatives on earth, for His true representatives will only ever advise you to establish your own connection with God, but false representatives want to relieve you of your responsibility and just demand blind obedience from you and the fulfilment of their own commandments .... If you want to attain bliss then you will have to take the paths which lead to beatitude yourselves; you have to appeal to God to show you the right paths and to give you the strength to take them, even if they lead uphill .... And God will also send the right guides to meet you, He will draw you to Himself, and you will safely reach the right goal .... Amen BD 6549 received 17.05.1956 The path to the eternal home .... The way home can be long and comfortable but also short and arduous, depending on how serious you are of reaching your goal .... But you can also quite easily walk a completely wrong way if you don’t care where you go to .... A difficult path will never lead into the abyss, for the one who wants to entice you to descend shows you ways which are appealing to walk .... He will never lure you to himself with a difficult path. This is why it should always give you cause for concern if your earthly path is far too easy and full of joy; then you should always ask yourselves whether you are on the right path, whether it is the path to your eternal home. But you are generally satisfied as long as your earthly life gives to you what you desire, and then you will rarely consider the life of your soul after death .... But you should be concerned .... If you want to reach higher spheres then your ascent must require strength, it will never be possible to cover it effortlessly unless you completely hand yourselves over to Me and let Me be your guide. In that case you will not feel the effort of ascending quite so much and yet your path will lead upwards .... Therefore, take notice of the fact that an even path can never lead to the goal .... and humbly accept all adversities and difficulties, for they guarantee you a path of ascent, to Me, Who should never be searched for below but only ever above. And also beware that you do not divert from these ascending paths onto the wide and comfortable road again, for you can change your goal at any time, the opportunity will always be offered to you to change from the broad path onto the narrow path which cannot be effortlessly walked; just as the reverse is always possible, for My adversary will never stop enticing you and time and again will show you appealing regions to prompt you to direct your steps to where he wants you to go .... An all too easy earthly life with all kinds of earthly joys and pleasures is such a wide and easily passable path, which certainly can still be exchanged before the end of your life on earth with the steep path towards ascent, but although the achievement of the goal can still be possible it is nevertheless very doubtful, for no person knows when his earthly life will be over and whether he will still have the opportunity at the end to turn onto the narrow path towards ascent. No-one knows whether he can ever catch up on the missed time or whether he will still be able to change the direction of his goal in his earthly life .... This is why you should not be envious of any fellow human being who lives a carefree earthly life which constantly seems full of joy .... He is not on the right path yet, he is still too much taken care of by the one who wants to lure him into the abyss .... And yet, guided by My hand, you too can enjoy your earthly life, but your joys and wishes will be different ones than those which you observe with your fellow human beings. For the gifts distributed by Me are of a different kind but they can make the person far happier than material possessions .... And at the same time they give you the necessary strength you need for the path of ascent .... And you will truly not make a bad choice if you decide quite early to turn off the broad way onto the narrow and seemingly impassable path towards ascent .... For then you will no longer desire what you have left behind .... You will look upwards and follow the light, and you will safely reach the goal, to Me in your Father’s house .... Amen BD 6551 received 20.05.1956
Striving for spiritual gifts .... You should diligently endeavour to attain the gifts of the spirit, for they cannot be given to you; you will have to acquire them by preparing yourselves such that My spirit will be able to work in you. Don’t think that you can receive them if you failed to do the work of improving your soul, if your nature has not sufficiently changed that it has become love .... Your soul must have reached a specific degree of maturity before My spirit can work in you, and this degree of maturity requires your firm will to live entirely in keeping with My commandments on earth, it requires self-denial, selflessly helping your neighbour, a complete turning towards Me .... Only then will I be able to pour out My spirit over you, and then will the human being be able to receive the gifts of the spirit for which he is particularly qualified and which will determine his future work for Me and My kingdom. All of you can partake in the gifts of the spirit, for all of you are called to diligently co-operate in the work for the kingdom of God .... But only a few are chosen .... Only a few fulfil the conditions which is followed by the working of My spirit, only a few take the work of improving their souls so seriously that they shape themselves into a receiving vessel for My spirit, and therefore I can endow only a few with the gifts of the spirit .... But anyone who is in possession of it is already blissfully happy on earth, for he knows himself to be in heartfelt contact with Me, he knows I Myself Am working in him and he will successfully work for My kingdom. However, you humans cannot prove your affiliation to the church of Christ .... to the church I Myself established on earth .... in any other way but through the possession of a spiritual gift, for this is the characteristic of My church. Various gifts testify to the working of My spirit; but a seemingly extraordinary strength will always become evident, an ability will surface in the human being which he has not acquired through application or study or physical exertion but which was clearly ‘given’ to him .... be it, that he performs miracles, heals the sick, teaches with wisdom or has the gift of prophesy .... They all prove their membership to the church of Christ by their living faith which had arisen from love and thus they are in heartfelt contact with Me Myself, so that I can work through My spirit as I consider beneficial for their and their fellow human being’s salvation of soul. Hence you humans need only seriously strive to attain a living faith .... and therefore live a life of love .... Then you will do whatever it takes to gain your soul’s degree of maturity and also become aware of My presence in you and, as a result of this awareness, also have remarkable strength at your disposal which I allocate to you such that it will be conducive to you and your vicinity .... And anyone who thus has acquired an unusual gift of the spirit will also be a loyal labourer in My vineyard, for he will work with this gift in order to lead his fellow human beings into a living faith in Me in Jesus Christ .... For every person enlightened by My spirit will always testify to the divine Redeemer, because redemption through Him must have preceded before My spirit will be able to work, before the gifts of the spirit can be distributed .... and because only a person redeemed by Jesus’ blood also has the strength to so work at improving his soul that it will attain the required degree of maturity to receive gifts of the spirit .... With the help of Jesus Christ all people can and will succeed .... And for that reason every spiritually-awakened person will proclaim the One Who promised His spirit .... And every person who can exhibit a spiritual gift bears witness to the fact that he found salvation through Jesus Christ from the night of death, for My strength is working in him, My light shines within him, I Myself Am in him and work through My spirit .... Amen BD 6554 received 24.05.1956 Jesus’ forerunner .... The higher development of the soul is the human being’s task on earth .... Yet only few are aware of it, only few question the purpose and goal of their existence .... The majority only strive for prosperity, for everything that provides the body with a sense of well-being. But all people have the gift of intellect, all people would be able to question themselves about the purpose and goal of earthly life, and all people would also receive an answer .... for it is the first step of ascent. However, since people think no further than their death, since they seldom believe in their soul’s life after death, the question of their earthly welfare is more important to them and they consider their earthly activity and work a priority .... They lack faith .... for even if they had just a little faith they would not find inner peace regardless of their earthly comfort .... The more the end approaches the less faith can be found amongst people .... This is why unusually devout people will arise in the last days who can also carry out unusual feats and draw people’s attention to themselves, for God will truly still try everything so as to help those who just require such unusual stimulation in order to become aware of the purpose of their lives. These people are beings of light who are embodied on earth for the purpose of a mission, who want to remedy people’s adversity and therefore live on earth in the flesh without realising their origin. Their strong bond with God which they, however, establish voluntarily as human beings just like all their fellow humans would be able to do, gives them extraordinary strength .... For they have a loving nature and thus their belief is so alive that it expresses itself in unusual activity .... by proclaiming Jesus Christ with a living faith and in practical help of body and soul in His name .... On account of such people many can still come to believe, for they clearly demonstrate a strength which cannot be explained in an earthly way. People shall be helped to find faith and simultaneously shown the path to God for which, in view of the entirely incredulous human race, unusual means must be used which nevertheless will not force them to believe. More and more awakened people will prove their strength of faith the nearer it is to the end .... Until a bright light begins to shine .... Until someone appears who announces the imminent arrival of the Lord and prepares the way for Him again .... His light will shine brightly in all directions .... For his appearance will soon become known, and although he will be a source of strength and comfort to many people, the majority will nevertheless meet him with hostility since they belong to God’s adversary and on his instruction take action against everything of a divinely-spiritual nature and particularly persecute those who speak in Jesus’ name and proclaim the near end .... Yet precisely because God’s adversary will proceed with extraordinary brutality during the last battle on this earth, the extraordinary light will be sent to earth .... once again a spirit of light will embody itself on this earth as it is written .... Once again he will precede the Lord and proclaim His coming, and once again he will make himself known as a ‘voice in the wilderness’ .... And he will know who he is yet unassumingly live his earthly life, which will also be sealed with his death again. But all people faithful to God will draw strength from him and time and again be lifted up when the adversity of the time seems to knock them down .... For he speaks on God’s instructions .... God Himself speaks through him to people. They will also realise the important mission of Jesus Christ’s forerunner and therefore fully consciously expect the Lord’s arrival and won’t doubt that they will be delivered from greatest distress. By the time the former appears the time will have come which has been constantly announced by seers and prophets, for when he comes the adversary’s activity, which affects the believers so extraordinarily, will be so obvious that they will also need extraordinary help .... For he will let his light shine, sending its rays far and wide .... People everywhere will hear about him and the believers will know who hides behind this light, and thus they will also know which hour has struck. Yet despite hostility and a ban on speaking Jesus Christ’s forerunner will continue steadfastly along his course .... He speaks on God’s instructions and recognises no other Lord than the One he serves .... And his speeches will ignite hearts; they will strengthen the weak to muster the courage to die for their belief .... However, every human life rests in God’s hand .... He alone knows when the hour of deliverance will strike, when His coming to earth and the removal of His Own will take place .... And His forerunner, too, knows his end but even his death will still be a service to his Lord .... For he will bring the work of glorification to completion, as a result of his death God’s might and glory will be revealed .... For only One rules over life and death and this One will prove Himself as Lord, as victor over His adversary when the last day comes .... He will give life to those who believe in Him .... and all who are enslaved by His adversary will fall prey to death .... Amen BD 6556 received 28.05.1956 The world poses great dangers .... You will still have to experience the world very bitterly if you don’t learn to despise it of your own accord, for as long as you love the world it will be of great danger to you .... And if I want to save you from this danger then I will have to ensure that you will loose your love for the world. I have to cause you suffering and pain by using the world itself so as to make you aware of the fact that it is not helping but controlling you, so that you will experience its dominance painfully and withdraw from it by yourselves. Much is yet to happen that will make you understand My Words, for that which you presently consider an increased enjoyment of life will so get out of hand that you would gladly forgo the pleasures in order to be relieved from the great physical risks .... You will have no more security, since people’s lust for life who are enslaved by My adversary will escalate to a point that it will override all thoughtful concern for others, that everyone will only consider himself at the expense of his neighbour and frequently place the latter into a position of danger which he can no longer evade. That which you strive for with all your senses will become your downfall. And for as long as you make this world and its commodities your sole purpose of life you will not want to loose your mortal life either and try to prolong it in every possible way .... Nevertheless it will still encumber you such that you will yearn for an end .... But only those who do not completely belong to My adversary as yet will find life burdensome and frightening. And that which I announce in advance will happen for their sake, so that their lust for the world will diminish and they will reflect on themselves, for these last few will need strong means of help otherwise they, too, will completely fall prey to the world, otherwise they will become the ‘hammer’ themselves who before had been the ‘anvil’ .... People should consider themselves lucky to suffer damage ‘by means of the world‘, for they are the people I want to save from the world. But anyone who has fallen prey to it already will ruthlessly and recklessly only assert himself .... An era is dawning such as has never been experienced on this earth before .... human life counts for nothing anymore, the laws of humanity are no longer sacred to anyone who committed himself to the world, thus to My adversary. The belongings of fellow human beings will not be respected and as a result people will unscrupulously experiment, exploit and enjoy anything that will give them an advantage regardless of whether it will cause damage to another person’s body or possessions. And I will allow it to happen, because My concern does not apply to the body but to the human being’s soul .... and if it can be saved by these means then it will thank Me for it one day, even if it had to suffer excessively on earth. People cannot be spared this suffering in the last days, for as long as there is still an available means to release the souls from the adversary’s nets I will also use this means or allow it to happen, albeit it is effectively My adversary’s activity on people who already belong to him .... And if people think that they are advanced then the great destructions which will be triggered will prove the opposite to them .... Yet he who is blind sees nothing and does not want to see anything either, however, the hour on the clock of the world will be obvious to him who can see .... Amen BD 6559 received 31.05.1956
Correct proclamation of the Word .... The work for Me and My kingdom has to be carried out diligently since time is pressing and many shall still be won before the end .... And world events also contribute to the fact that people could become reflective and listen to My Gospel, providing a living sermon is given by those who are spiritually awake. In fact, only such people can be successful during the last days, lifeless preachers are more likely to achieve a reduction in faith than an awakening of their listeners .... Because they do not even preach on My behalf, but they have anointed themselves as ‘servants of the Lord’, which they cannot be as long as My spirit does not work in them, as long as they have not let My spirit awaken them, which, however, demands a life of love. Only the evidence of life can produce life again .... And My Word has to be given to people as a living sermon in order to revive them, it has to be offered to them such that they feel the strength of the Word and thus feel motivated to comply with it. They have to feel addressed by Me Myself and this is only possible if I Myself can speak to them through the mouth of an awakened servant .... And this is incomprehensible and unknown to those who pretend to be My representatives on earth and yet proclaim a rigidly lifeless Gospel to people .... who merely use the words which I once spoke to the people, but which are thoroughly without life because they are without the spirit which will bring them to life first. Only a few of them speak effectively when they live a true life of love and by doing so also achieve illumination of thought .... And if these people allowed themselves to be wholly embraced by Me they too could become true representatives of My teaching on earth .... But they have problems finding the path to Me, which must lead directly from the heart to Me, and not through an elaborately devised structure which they call ‘church’ .... You humans don’t want to hear the truth, but once you have sincerely and trustingly taken this direct path to Me you will never need to regret it .... Yet I can only give this advice to those who have abundant love, because only then can I speak to them, because then My spirit will descend and then they can also be My true representatives .... There is a lot of work still to be done, and I keep urging this vineyard labour to be done, time and again I seek to attract labourers willing to serve Me faithfully .... And I will also tell them what qualities are required by those who are needed to work in this vineyard ....They must have a living faith which was brought alive by love. For I Myself have to be able to work in them otherwise their work will be in vain .... Speaking My Words is of no avail if the life reviving strength does not flow from them at the same time, and life can only be given by God, Who is life Himself .... Thus every messenger of My Gospel has to allow and enable Me to speak through him Myself. He has to unite with Me so sincerely though love so that I will then be present in him and speak through him when he opens his mouth to preach My Word .... He should not assume that My presence is a matter of course if he merely uses My Words which, without My spirit, are just empty letters .... He has to ask for My spirit beforehand by consciously uniting with Me and then facilitating My presence through unselfish works of love .... And an inconceivable blessing will emanate to all who listen to him, because then they will hear Me Myself and can be touched by the strength of My Word so that they come alive themselves ....And then they will no longer be in danger of getting lost, because whatever has become alive on this earth cannot lose its life again .... whatever has escaped death has escaped the one who had once subjected it to death .... But then it will live forever .... Amen BD 6569 received 11.06.1956
Granting prayers .... The strength of your prayer will also guarantee your requests to be granted. For I Am true to My Word: Ask, and it shall be given to you; knock, and it shall be opened unto you ....’ You should always remember that My Word is truth, that I do not give you a promise without fulfilling it. You should also bear in mind that it is always possible for Me to grant your prayers, and that My love for you gladly complies with your wishes .... but that you may only rely on the granting of your prayers if you firmly believe, if you don’t let any doubt arise in My love or My power. But the slightest doubt prevents Me from proving My love and power to you, in that case you are, as yet, not united with Me closely enough, you don’t see the Father in Me as yet but only ever the distant God Who will not push Himself to the fore as long as your childlike love does not draw Me, your Father, to you .... which, however, a firm faith will do. For this reason so many of My earthly children’s prayers remain unheard, and this increases their doubts in the power of prayer even more. And yet, only the missing strength of faith is to blame that you often wait for the granting of your prayer in vain .... Come to Me like children to your Father and speak to Him with true humility and childlike love, and then tell Me your wishes in firm trust that I will hear you, understand your problem and avert it from you .... And you can rest assured that I will not ignore you but I will comply with your prayers ..... For I want to draw you ever more firmly towards Me and therefore will not disappoint someone with a firm faith either. And a true child will certainly only appeal for things which will not damage the soul; a true child leaves it up to Me and I direct its thoughts so that it realises and rejects every desire which hampers its spiritual development. The right relationship of a child with its Father also guarantees you enlightened thinking, an enlightened spirit .... It is My will that you should entrust yourselves to Me in every adversity of body and soul, and I will help you, as I have promised, as soon as you believe in Me with a living faith. However, I cannot give you a living faith, you have to acquire it yourselves through love .... And thus you know why so many prayers remain unheard: insufficient love is the explanation for a weak faith, because no person may ever expect the complete evidence of My love from Me who has insufficient love himself and therefore also prevents My activity of love .... My Word is truth, but My promises also require compliance with the conditions .... Then every promise will come true for you. Therefore strive to strengthen your faith, let it come alive through kind-hearted activity .... Then you will also have strength of faith and My love and might will manifest itself to you .... Amen BD 6570 received 12.06.1956 ‘My sheep recognise My voice ....’ The Words you receive from Me are spirit and life .... Therefore they must also speak to every person’s spirit and give it life. He will feel the strength of My Word providing he opens his heart and allows Me to enter, providing he gratefully accepts the gift he is offered by Me Myself. And anyone who loves Me and who also offers love to his neighbour will always feel touched by My Word, because due to his love he will already have a connection with Me and will also recognise My voice as the voice of the Father Who wants to make His child happy. ‘My sheep recognise My voice ....’ And My voice will only ever be heard if I Myself Am able to speak to people .... You cannot describe the empty word as the ‘voice of the Father’ which can certainly be used by those people who do not allow Me to be present with them as yet, who are still spiritually unenlightened, who indeed claim to preach in My name but of whom I cannot as yet avail Myself in order to speak through them to all who listen to them. The recognition of My voice requires such a conscious connection with Me that I Myself will be able to speak .... And this bond must be established both by the preacher as well as by the listener of the Word .... Then the good shepherd Himself will coax His sheep and they will willingly follow .... My sheep recognise My voice .... Does this not presuppose that I speak to people time and again? I emphasise the fact that My sheep recognise My voice .... Hence I make a distinction with those who hear Me, for not all people can count themselves as My Own and therefore not all will recognise Me in the Word .... But I will always speak to My Own Myself so that My promise will come true: that they will hear and consequently also recognise My voice as evidence of the presence of the One to Whom they have surrendered. Hence with these Words I also referred to the fact that I will always and forever speak to you humans, that I did no mean the written Word alone which can also be devoid of spirit and life if I don’t bring it to life Myself, if My spirit does not give it life. However, I also knew that My Word would only be recognised as My direct communication if a life of love had resulted in the awakening of the spirit within the human being, and therefore I spoke about ‘My Own’, for love is the bond which unites Me with them and enables My direct working within them and for them. The Word can certainly be heard by everyone, but My voice requires My presence .... Thus I also assured you of My presence, and I provide the evidence of it by My voice .... And My Own will recognise it as the ‘Father’s voice’. But it is only a small flock which hears their shepherd’s coaxing call and follows Him, there are only a few who listen to His voice, because people increasingly allow themselves more often to be deceived by fine words which resound loudly but lack all spirit and life. And those do not count to My Own, they do not share My spirit, they are without love and therefore they don’t strive towards Me either. And if I speak to them they turn away from Me and go to places where My cleverly camouflaged adversary speaks, and they are satisfied with the empty shell from which they cannot derive any strength. But My Word is strength which will give life to all those who allow themselves to be addressed by Me Myself, who yearn for My voice and who, as My children, shall also experience the Father’s love .... Amen BD 6573 received 15.06.1956 God reveals Himself in the Word .... In My love and mercy I draw near to you in My Word so that you will learn to recognise and love Me. The connection between Me and you can only be proven to you if you listen to My speech which is intended to convince you of a Being Which you indeed are unable to behold but Which nevertheless can be present to you if you yourselves allow It to be present. If I Myself address you, you will no longer be able to deny Me .... But if you don’t want to hear My Words then it will not be proof of Me either even if you hear them anyway. Yet first of all I consider those who listen to Me voluntarily and who let My Words penetrate their hearts .... Hence I want to draw close to them in order to win their love, and therefore I must also inform them of My nature, My will and My love .... I must reveal Myself to them, for this revelation can also kindle the love in them, which is the purpose and goal of conveying My Word to earth when I Myself speak through the mouth of a person. Every person who considers that such communication is possible, who opens his ears and heart when he hears My Word, can already be counted among My Own, for by listening to Me he proves that he has relinquished his opposition to Me. In My Word I Myself come to people on this earth, I instruct them, I admonish and warn them, I explain to them the consequences of their way of life and I bring them the good news of the salvation from sin and death .... This, however, can only be conveyed to you by the One Who is the eternal Word Himself, Whose knowledge, light and truth is supreme and Who alone can also enlighten you about His nature. The ‘Word of God’ is the greatest gift of love, for it must have come forth from Me directly, it must give evidence of Me Myself .... And once I have addressed you, you will no longer be able to deny Me .... And yet, innumerable people walk past the most delectable offer they will receive in earthly life because they don’t want to be addressed by a God. I cannot reveal Myself to someone who does not recognise anything above himself, who does not want to know anything about Me, who rejects all knowledge because his nature rebels against the thought of having to be subject to a Power Which has created him. He is still so filled by the satanic spirit that it is impossible to reveal Myself to him .... He will never believe that a ‘God’ will manifest Himself to people .... And yet the Word sounds from above and enters the human hearts which open themselves .... For only through My Word can I influence those who shall take their test of free will .... My Word does not compel, it does, however, impart great strength to a willing person, My Word can turn the will in the right direction without compulsion, and My Word can kindle love for Me .... because it is My direct emanation of love. Since I Myself Am therefore the Word of eternity I can also descend to people, talk to them and time and again try to turn their thoughts to Me .... I can constantly nourish those who have recognised Me, who love Me, with My Word, which is the right food for the soul with the most obvious effect of strength .... And thus I will talk to people time and again for as long as the earth exists, and over and over they will hear the same Word .... time after time the Gospel will be proclaimed to them which I preached to people when I lived on earth. People will repeatedly be offered this Gospel in its purest form, so that My Word will come to pass: Heaven and earth shall pass away: but my Words shall not pass away .... For I Myself will never ever change, the truth will always and forever remain unchanged, and My Word is the outpouring of Myself and therefore always and forever has to be the same. And in order to remain pure it must come forth from Me Myself, and that also necessitates that I continue to speak to people on earth directly, that I Myself must come to people in the Word and bring to them what they need in order to find their path back to Me .... I must reveal Myself in order to be recognised and loved by My living creations .... Amen BD 6575 received 17.06.1956
Union of the spiritual spark with the Father-Spirit .... Once the spirit awakens to life in the human being the connection with Me will be established, for the spirit within a person is a spark of My divine Father-Spirit, it is a part of Me and thus the same as I Myself, so then you will also be able to rightfully say ‘God is within me ....’ For the spirit within you only awakens to life when you practise love, and then I, as the Eternal Love, can be within you Myself. However, although you all carry this divine spark inside of you it can nevertheless be buried due to your own will, due to your way of life, and remain so until your death .... In that case you went through life ‘without God‘ .... because you lived without love and thereby made every contact with Me impossible .... Even so, you have lived your earthly life and thus left a great blessing unused; you failed to live up to the purpose of your incarnation as a human being: You did not unite with Me but remained in the isolation you once entered as a result of your apostasy from Me. In order to facilitate the unity I helped you with a great act of grace: First I placed a tiny spark of My divine spirit inside of you and then constantly stimulated you to kindle this tiny spark by placing you into situations through destiny where you, with good will, would be able to accomplish labours of love .... It often was and is possible for you humans to let the spark of love within you ignite into a flame. You truly don’t lack opportunities but it is an act of free will, and thus you can also neglect being lovingly active and the spirit within you remains dormant and cannot express itself, thus you have not established a connection with Me and are dead although you believe yourself to be alive .... And your earthly life is at a standstill, because a life ‘without God’ can never lead to advancement but attests to the connection with My adversary. Thus I Myself cannot be within you because through your heartless nature you yourselves deny Me entry. This state amongst people can be observed far more than people’s heartfelt unity with Me by living a life of love and allowing themselves to be guided by My spirit .... And this state can always be recognised when people no longer have faith in Jesus Christ Who, through His death on the cross, intended to help them strengthen their weak will of releasing themselves from My adversary. The divine teaching of love which the man Jesus preached on earth was meant to show people the path of uniting the spiritual spark within them with the eternal Father-Spirit. This is why Jesus exemplified a life of love to His fellow human beings and also demonstrated the effects of such a way of life: the complete unification with Me, which showed itself in His Words and activity on earth .... What was impossible to achieve before Jesus’ sacrificial death, due to people’s weakness of will who were still burdened by the original sin, was possible for people to achieve after his crucifixion, because they were granted the strength if they acknowledged Jesus Christ as the Son of God and Redeemer of the world and laid claim to His help. And then it also became possible for them to establish unity with Me by awakening the spiritual spark within them through activity of love and thus enabling Me Myself to take effect in them. However, without Jesus Christ no person’s spirit can be awakened, for I Myself cannot be in someone who rejects Me, who does not believe that I redeemed him from sin and death .... Although My tiny spiritual sparks lays dormant in every person’s soul only love will awaken it to life, love, however, recognises Jesus Christ, it recognises Me in Him and unites itself with Me .... or in other words: Love is the divine spark which wants to unite itself with the fire of eternal love .... Then, however, you will be alive even if you lose your mortal life .... You have already been resurrected from death as soon as the spirit within you comes alive, and thus you cannot lose this life again because you have returned to Me and with Me death can never ever happen again .... Amen BD 6579 received 21.06.1956 ‘No one comes to the Father ....’ No one comes to the Father except through Me .... The extreme importance of these words also explains the necessity of leading to the faith in Jesus Christ those people who are not yet believers, or to advocate a living faith where the knowledge of Jesus Christ is already present. For no one can come to Me who does not recognise Me Myself in Jesus Christ .... Because there are people who indeed say that they believe in ‘God’, since He gives evidence of Himself in everything which surrounds the human being, but who do not want to accept Jesus Christ as Son of God and Saviour of the world although they do not consider themselves unbelievers. But these people are still very distant from their God and Creator, they have not yet come into closer contact with Me and hence their thoughts cannot become enlightened. They are still burdened with the sin of the former apostasy from Me, and this sin ties them to My adversary, they will not get away from him without Jesus Christ. But not many people know about this sin of the past apostasy from Me, consequently they are not aware of the significance of Jesus and His act of Salvation either. Providing people know the teachings of the Gospel, providing they know the words spoken by Jesus on earth, they could also reflect on the words ‘No one comes to the Father except through Me ....’ And if only they would seriously want more information about this, they would certainly receive it, and the thought of these words would certainly never leave them again .... The only way to Me is through Jesus Christ, since the redemption of the guilt of sin has to come first in order to be accepted by Me .... No being who had voluntarily become sinful can approach Me before salvation through Jesus Christ. This is a law which even My infinite love cannot reverse. And no human being will really feel completely confident in his heart about God either, Whom he may well acknowledge with words or superficial thoughts, because on serious reflection he would know that he does not have the right relationship with his eternal God and Creator .... He will never confide in Me like a child to his father, he will only believe that God exists but not establish a close connection with Me, which requires love .... Because love also enlightens his spirit, love would improve his spiritual vision .... Love would make him question but not make an erroneous statement. Every person will feel slightly uneasy when he contemplates spiritual thoughts and has not yet made contact with Jesus Christ .... The course of suffering and crucifixion will not remain unknown to him, time and again he will enter into conversations with other people or be reminded by them of Jesus Christ because I constantly guide his thought to the human being Jesus, Who lived on earth and experienced a painful end .... Even if he does not yet acknowledge Him he does know of Jesus’ earthly life, and I Myself will remind him of Me in Jesus Christ. And corresponding to the human being’s degree of love will be his acceptance or rejection .... Wherever there is love I take hold of the person Myself, and his resistance will steadily lessen, until he finally will see the human being Jesus in an entirely different light than at the beginning, when He was still defensively opposed to Him. However, if he does not want to learn, if his will is still hostile at the hour of his death, he cannot expect blissfulness in the spiritual kingdom, in spite of a right way of life he can only be accepted into the realm where all deniers of Christ dwell, because he refused to be redeemed on earth, and he enters the spiritual kingdom in a constrained state .... But even there he can still find his divine Saviour and Redeemer .... And again, it is a great mercy on My part that I will meet all those in the spiritual kingdom who so far had rejected Me, that I will hear every appeal sent to Me as the Redeemer, and that I will then take hold of the caller’s hand and lead him from that realm into My divine region .... Because I still retrieve the souls from the abyss providing I Am acknowledged .... providing a soul has found the way to Jesus Christ, Whom it had rejected on earth but without Whom it cannot reach its goal. The kingdom of light is closed to every soul as long as Jesus Christ does not open the gate for it, but this necessitates that He is acknowledged as Son of God and Redeemer of the world. For this reason the human being Jesus said the words ‘No one comes to the Father except through Me.’ Because I Myself spoke through the human being Jesus, I Myself wanted to be acknowledged in Him, Who merely served as a cover for Me during the earthly life .... but which I kept even in the spiritual kingdom so that I could be a visible God to all My living creations, since I was an eternal spirit after all .... and as such could not be seen by the created beings. I chose a form for Myself in order to become a visible God for you humans, and in this form I accomplished the act of Salvation. Consequently, you also have to acknowledge the form in which I had dwelled, and then you have already taken the right path to Me, your Father of eternity .... However, without Jesus Christ you will not ever be able to come to Me, because without Jesus Christ My adversary will not release you, since you still belong to him as a result of your will .... Amen BD 6582 received 28.06.1956 Intercession for fellow human beings .... To live in darkness of spirit in this world is the fate of all those who are still bound by God’s adversary, who have not yet found salvation through Jesus Christ .... who therefore travel their earthly path in ignorance and weakness, spiritually blind and without the strength to detach themselves from this very adversary. The souls of these people are surrounded by very dense layers, and no ray of light can penetrate and enlighten the soul. It has occupied its body of flesh with the determination to reach full maturity therein, yet from the beginning of its incarnation it always relented to its physical body, which became a welcome tool for the adversary to prevent the soul from maturing .... The soul, the spiritual being within the human being, is thus living a pitiful life in its body, for regardless of what this body undertakes it keeps increasing the density of the soul’s layer and makes it impossible for the soul to step into the light unless it is granted help. And if the human being purely lives for his body and thus no change can be expected from his side, help has to come from outside .... the soul has to be freed from the control which had seized the body .... And people already having found redemption shall participate in this work of liberation .... which can only ever take place by commending the said soul to Jesus Christ, Who alone is able to deliver it from its adversity, Who is able to release it from His adversary’s domination. Introducing the human being to the divine Redeemer Jesus Christ is the quickest way of deliverance for such souls, by informing him of Jesus’ teaching of love the human being can change himself and take the path to Him, which will be truly successful for the soul since Jesus Christ will then take care of it Himself .... If, however, the person is fully under Satan’s control, he will not want to accept any teaching about the Salvation through Jesus Christ, he will be hostile towards the divine teaching of love since the adversary has knowingly cultivated his selfish love, and thus he will not help his soul in the slightest by trying to dissolve the layers, because this can only happen through deeds of love from which he is prevented by his selfish love. And then his fellow human being will have to take pity on such a soul and support it by providing it with the love which it is denied by its own body .... It can only be delivered through love, and every kind thought will make it feel good, it experiences it like a spark of light, like a flow of strength, and occasionally it also succeeds to influence its physical cover in a positive sense .... Every soul can be saved if it is lovingly supported .... This should make all you humans think, for you all can play a redeeming part if only your hearts are able and willing to love. Admittedly, your love will be unable to accept the guilt of such souls and make amends for it, yet it can impart the strength to change their will and take the path to Jesus Christ, to the cross, where they will find salvation. The soul is the thinking, feeling and wanting part in the human being .... If the soul is thus provided with strength through selfless love, then it will also influence the human being from within to think and want what is right, then the spark of love will penetrate the darkness within, it will realise the wrong direction of its will and begin to judge itself .... The human being will start to reflect on his life, and the more love he receives from his fellow human beings the more assured will be his change, for love is strength which will never remain ineffective. This is why loving intercession will never be futile, and no human being can ever go astray if loving thoughts will follow him, if he is included in prayer and entrusted to the divine Redeemer Jesus Christ .... What no amount of discussions can humanly achieve can nevertheless be achieved through heartfelt prayer, if love for the weak and darkened soul is the driving force to provide it with light and strength .... And no human being will need to go astray if only one of his fellow human being’s love would take pity on him .... Amen BD 6585 received 01.07.1956 Voice of conscience .... Everyone shelters a silent admonisher inside himself which imperceptibly urges or warns him but manifests itself so gently that it can easily be ignored if the human being pays no attention to it. This inner admonisher is a grace of God too, it is a means of help used by God’s love, a gift which is given to every person but which has to be paid attention to in order to be of use. As long as the human being wants to live a right and just life he will always pay heed to his inner voice, he will feel impeded if he is on the verge of doing wrong, and he will sense a gentle inner urge where it is necessary to do good deeds, for the inner admonisher is able to express itself in people who are of good will. Yet the ‘voice of conscience’ can also very easily be suppressed or drowned out by temptations which are louder and therefore more likely to be heard but which will never benefit the soul. In that case the human being becomes insensitive; he becomes indifferent to whether his actions are good or bad .... He abides by all suggestions promising worldly benefits and takes no more notice of the voice of conscience if it wants to manifest itself. However, this insensibility for the advice of conscience is his own fault, for the silent admonisher exists in every human heart but it can be displaced or consciously blocked from expressing itself, and that happens if a person acts contrary to the inner admonition or warning and thereby silences this gentle voice .... For God does not use coercion of will, and it would be a coercion of will if the inner voice ever more loudly came to the fore and thereby inhibited the person’s will and actions. Every gift of grace from God must voluntarily be used if they are not to be ineffective .... However, the greatest success can be achieved if the human being allows himself to be completely guided from within .... If, before his every action, he first spends serious thought on it, if he, by always wanting to do what is right, appeals to God for His guidance and subsequently allows himself to be guided by Him .... Then the voice will speak ever more clearly and understandably to him, then the voice of the world will no longer be able to drown it out .... Then the human being will consciously submit himself to the guidance of the spirit, for he will recognise its working in him and know that it is the voice of God which now guides and directs him, which educates him and stands by his side with advice .... Thus the human being’s inner admonisher, the voice of conscience, can be motivated by the person himself to speak louder if he is always willing to listen and to comply with its suggestions, but this only happens to people who live a life of love .... Then no further obstacles to express itself exist for the spiritual spark anymore, then it can emerge and openly influence the person, it no longer signifies a coercion of will, since the will readily submits itself to the divine-spiritual guidance of its own accord .... And when this happens the human being will be leading an inner life, he will constantly communicate with his inner guide and know that it is God’s voice which speaks to him, which warns and admonishes him and guides him wherever he goes .... Subsequently, his way of life will also comply with God’s will, because the spirit within himself only ever influences him according to God’s will. No person need ever go through earthly life without the voice of conscience which admonishes and warns him, for it will address all people as long as they can still be guided, as long as they are still undecided as to whether to act good or evil .... Yet as soon as the will is more inclined towards evil the voice grows ever more silent and can finally completely fade away unless a sudden change occurs. But for as long as the human being is alive God will keep trying to inwardly speak to him and to touch his conscience .... Nevertheless, He will never exert any force whatsoever on his will, He will always allow him to keep his freedom .... Amen BD 6587 received 03.07.1956
Prophetic gift .... The prophetic gift is indeed a gift of the spirit too, nevertheless it is not a happiness-inducing state for a person because God only bestows this gift on someone with the purpose of drawing his fellow human beings’ attention to forthcoming judgments and their consequences and to seriously admonish and warn them .... For it only ever concerns people‘s spiritual welfare, their salvation of soul, which they ought to gain but often neglect due to lethargy and take paths which lead to disaster. However, all wrong thinking and every bad deed affects the soul and a life in opposition to divine order will always result in degeneration .... And according to law every sin will, sooner or later, have an unfavourable effect and thus the whole of humanity’s sinfully darkened state will also have such effects and result in judgments which intend to restore divine order again .... People do not consider this in their blindness, hence their attention has to be drawn to it and they must be reprimanded to change their way of life .... The consequences of their wrong attitude have to be made clear to them and thus they must receive warnings .... And the task of seers and prophets is to announce forthcoming judgments, to predict to people all that which will come to pass according to divine will and what they themselves can only know as a result of spiritual enlightenment, as a result of foreseeing the future but which only refers to humanity’s spiritual development, or as a result of God’s revelations which they hear through the inner voice. To announce such events to people is not a happiness-inducing mission but a very necessary one, for which a person requires God’s commission and subsequently must also comply with it if he wants to be of service to God and help his fellow human beings for the salvation of their souls. God will not let any judgment come upon humanity without informing them first so that they will still have time to change themselves .... For this reason many seers and prophets will still arise during the last days who clearly see the approach of the coming Judgment before their spiritual eyes and who feel committed to inform their fellow human beings of what is awaiting them. They know that they will have to speak about it because they realise that it was shown to them for the sake of those who will have to fear such judgment. And although he will not be listened to gladly he will nevertheless not fail to loudly proclaim what he knows in order to warn and admonish people. He himself derives no benefit at all from this gift, he is merely an instrument in the hands of God Who avails Himself of him in order to still influence people without forcing their will, Who is able to speak through him to people Himself so that they will all still be able to prepare themselves if they are of good will. However, the prophets of the end time will find little credence with people and yet they will keep proclaiming what they know. The will often be ridiculed as false prophets or be treated with hostility, for God’s adversary will appear at the same time but he proclaims to people the opposite. He offers them hope for progress, he promises people a glorious time and a change for the better .... And he tries to benefit from it himself .... False prophets are not unselfish, they can be recognised by the fact that they allow themselves to be paid for their service, and they speak from their intellect. However, God’s spirit can only work in people who are utterly devoted to God and want to serve Him unselfishly .... Therefore you humans are able to assess every prophet yourselves, for a genuine prophet has the salvation of people’s souls at heart and only warns and admonishes them to bear the events in mind which he is meant to proclaim according to God’s will. And you ought to listen to them, for they speak on God’s instructions and in view of the near end .... Amen BD 6588 received 04.07.1956 Logical reasons for world events .... It is difficult for worldly people to believe what you, My servants on earth, proclaim to them on My instruction .... It seems so unreal to them that they would much rather portray you as fantasists than to take your words to heart and to count on their likelihood. For what you are telling them does not fit into the plans they make for themselves in their earthly life .... The belief of it requires a complete change of thinking from one area to another .... and they don’t see the need for it. They live and want to enjoy their life. And therefore they first fulfil their selfish love and a dark spiritual state is the result. They grow increasingly darker within themselves and My kingdom moves ever further away from them instead of being taken by them as their possession. And yet, I cannot leave them to their fate, time and again I approach them and also inform them increasingly more often through seers and prophets what will await them .... And thus their calls of admonition and forewarning are even heard in the midst of the world in order to direct people’s attention to an area which they would otherwise not enter. Nothing else can be done for their deliverance but to address them Myself through My servants, since this is the most natural way of revealing Myself as it will not compel them to believe and yet it is occasionally successful. The indications of the end and the natural catastrophe preceding the end will be repeatedly made known to people in various ways, both in relation to proclaiming My Gospel as well as to the world events which should make those people think who avoid the messengers of My Gospel but who shall also be addressed. Where My Word is still heard the connection with Me still exists or is not yet broken, and it is easier to make the coming events believable to them, because My Word has always indicated an end of this earth and referred to the signs which announce such an end .... But it is difficult to approach people who have disassociated themselves from religious organisations and let the world or earthly success become their only purpose in life. I would also like to address those, and where I Am unsuccessful through My instruments on earth I can only let worldly events speak to them: accidents, disasters and natural destructions can still influence their thoughts, and then it is possible that they will also try to relate such thoughts to the announcements of a near end, which they will also hear about even if they are servants to the world. And in the forthcoming time there will be no shortage of voices who intend to arouse people from their sleep on My behalf. I also still want to win those who completely stand apart but who are not interested in religious doctrines .... yet nevertheless willingly listen to a clear explanation about the meaning and purpose of creation as well as the human being’s task in life .... and who therefore have to be given a logical reason if they are to be lead to believe in a higher Power Which rules the universe with wisdom and love .... My means and ways are manifold, and thus I also need servants on earth with various dispositions who therefore can be called upon to carry out various tasks in My vineyard. And I truly place all labourers in the right place where they can work successfully .... But they all just have the one purpose: to inform people of the approaching end, for believers and unbelievers alike shall know that they live in the last days of grace, which they should and could use well so that they need not fear the end. And they all shall also be informed of what I want to achieve through various worldly events, through exceptionally sorrowful happenings, through illness and adversities .... For it is only My love which allows this to happen to people so that they will still mature fully or find Me before the end .... Amen |
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