Book 71 NR. 6590 – 6672 received by Bertha Dudde between 8.7.1956 and 17.10.1956 An access to the currently translated complete work of Bertha Dudde – 1891-1965 – including her autobiography, an introduction to the work, lots of hints and clarification, all the downloads (in various languages), with offers of writings by different publishers (printed books, theme booklets etc.), and printable PDF-versions of all texts (revelations) You find here, a selective list with all her books You find here. BD 6590 received 08.07.1956
World event .... Bear everything with patience and don’t allow your faith to waver .... Many a time I will still have to exclaim this to you for you will have to suffer for the sake of your faith, although you are as yet unable to understand this. Up to now you still enjoy a certain freedom of thought; your fellow human beings still pay little attention to the spiritual life of those who want to remain loyal to Me. Nor are you as yet prevented by the authorities from carrying out your spiritual work .... But the time will come when you will no longer be free regarding spiritual matters, the time will come when fellow human beings as well as earthly powers will be hostile especially towards those who think correctly, who take their psychological development seriously, who speak truthfully and want to help their fellow human beings’ souls to salvation .... And it is precisely them who will be put under extraordinary pressure while the advocates of misguided teachings will still be tolerated and even supported rather than hindered in their work. And then you will also often ask yourselves why I allow this to happen, slight doubts will arise in you and you will weaken because you have to suffer .... And therefore I keep calling out to you: Endure everything and remain strong in faith, for you will walk away with the crown of victory .... Precisely these Words are still barely believable to you, for so far there are no signs at all of this difficult time. Yet suddenly a change will occur, because a worldly event causing people a tremendous shock will provoke open rebellion against the One Who, as God and Creator, lets something happen that has devastating effects on people .... And therefore they will deny this God and Creator all acknowledgment, every belief in Him will be discarded as unfounded, and all who defend the belief in Me contrary to this opinion, all who confess Me and also want to inform their fellow human beings for the better, will be treated with hostility. Time and again I have announced that I will express Myself through the forces of nature in order to awaken the sleepers and the lethargic .... And a few of them will indeed wake up but, in contrast, many more will lose their still feeble faith in the face of the widespread destruction and the great human cost of this event. And then the most diverse opinions will be voiced, and many people will hatefully deny a God and Creator and be hostile towards anyone who doesn’t share their point of view. And then My adversary will work with great cunning to incite this hatred, and he will be successful, for the earthly loss suffered by people as a result of this natural event will embitter them and impel them to make unfair demands and to exploit defenceless fellow human beings. People’s heartlessness is increasing and whatever they embark on clearly betrays the adversary, the Antichrist, on whom they depend. And laws and decrees will be issued which will severely affect especially My Own who have to suffer on account of their faith and are barely able to comprehend the severity of their fate. And then I will shorten the days for the sake of My Own .... so that they will not lose heart, so that they will not fall by the wayside .... so that they will become blessed .... Just hold on to My Word that you will be delivered from utmost adversity, and await the fulfilment of this Word, for I will come Myself and rescue you, I will also manifest Myself extraordinarily beforehand in order to strengthen you if you are in danger of weakening .... You don’t have to be afraid as long as you put your trust in Me, as long as you make contact with Me in prayer, for then you will also always receive the strength to offer resistance .... And always remember that the enemies might well be able to kill your body but not your soul .... remember the reality of eternal life and that every human being’s life on this earth will soon come to an end .... Then your fear will vanish, then you will be filled by the strength of faith and you will persevere and only ever bear witness for Me and My name .... Firmly commit these, My Words, to your memory and they will comfort and strengthen you in the forthcoming time .... Secure your strength in advance, accumulate it, for there will still be some time before I will express Myself through the natural event .... And if you use this time well in order to strengthen your faith then the subsequent battle of faith will not frighten you, it will find you armed, and the earthly adversity will hardly touch you, because then you will expect My coming with certainty, because your faith will have grown so strong that neither threats nor proceedings against you will be able to shake it .... Then you will be good fighters for Me and My name and all the powers of hell will not be able to conquer you, for I Myself will fight with you and I will truly lead you to victory .... Amen BD 6591 received 09.07.1956 Knowledge about the process of pre-development .... The knowledge about your soul’s process before its embodiment as a human being is appropriate during the last days before the end for all people who go through life indifferently and are unaware of their responsibility towards their soul. Although such people will not want to accept this knowledge it can nevertheless reveal to them a new point of view regarding their existence .... It can explain much which was hitherto unknown to them, it can encourage them to think and also unsettle them as they consider their future life, which they will no longer be able to doubt if the knowledge corresponds to the truth. A thinking person will not be able to reject it offhand but only few will be willing to accept it; yet it could still bring many people to their senses before the end and prompt them to change their attitude towards God .... Imparting this knowledge by allowing people to gain an insight into His plan of eternity is also one of the means still used by God in His love because the end of this period of Salvation will also close the gates to the kingdom of the beyond and there will only be the two options for continued existence .... namely, as a human being on the new earth or as dissolved spiritual substances banished anew in the creations. This knowledge was previously not essential because the immature souls were still able to gain maturity in the kingdom of the beyond and thus had enough time for their development, but people in the last days lack this opportunity and thus God still wants to help them by other means to achieve the degree of maturity which will prevent their banishment into hard matter. Spiritual aspirants have indeed always been granted insight into God’s plan of Salvation, yet mainly for the sake of their own development or in order to teach people with a particular thirst for knowledge, whose appeal for clarification was granted by God .... In the last days, however, this knowledge shall be distributed amongst people as admonition and warning, for although people’s past memory had been taken away from them, their belief in the soul’s previous infinitely long path will nevertheless awaken a certain sense of responsibility, and even an unbeliever can get second thoughts about his way of life and these can surface time and again like silent admonitions so that he will nevertheless consider them. And occasionally such explanations can also fill gaps in people’s knowledge and are then more likely to be accepted because the meaning and purpose of creation become obvious .... yet only ever for thinking people who want logical reasons in order to be able to believe. Such people are thrown a lifeline by God which can draw them onto safe ground .... And He will also let them find ways to find knowledge, He will convey the knowledge of the plan of Salvation and the infinitely long process of the soul’s development to where it will be needed, even though not all people will need to know about it .... Yet God knows every individual person’s thoughts and considerations and wants to answer their questions or dispel doubts .... But nothing He undertakes will be without meaning and purpose, and whatever He conveys to earth in the form of knowledge He, in His wisdom, has also recognised to be appropriate .... Amen BD 6592 received 10. - 11.7.1956 Explanation of this remarkable gift of grace .... My direct communication with human beings is an undeserved grace because a person only rarely achieves a degree of maturity on earth which brings him close enough to lead to a direct illumination of love from Me. However, in the final days before the end I speak to all human beings in a way that they can hear Me, even though it may not be direct. To this end I need a human form which allows My direct work on itself .... which is willing to submit itself to Me .... and I use this willingness in a remarkable way because people are in urgent need of help. Although I can only choose a form as My instrument if it has already achieved a certain maturity of soul, but this maturity would not suffice for the kind of illumination which is the share of a true child of God .... of a human being who will leave this earth completely spiritualised to be received by Me as My child, who will now receive all the privileges of a child and thus can also closely relate to Me as a child to its Father .... You have to understand that such a degree of maturity is the primary prerequisite for the emanation of My love’s strength to touch another being directly in order to then be transmitted by numerous recipients of light to wherever there is a desire for it. Hence I call it an undeserved grace when I use a less mature human form to send this emanation of My love’s strength directly to people. In view of the approaching end the flow of mercy has to be increased in order to help people .... what otherwise would be impossible can still be achieved with an extraordinary input of strength .... For this reason I Am prepared to accept a person’s mere sincere will to be of service to Me .... providing he has met the requirement which allows My spirit to work within him. Because this is My promise: ‘I will send you the comforter, the spirit of truth, who will teach you everything and remind you of everything which I tell you ....’ Thus My spirit works in every human being who, as a result of his love, has shaped himself into a receptacle of My spirit .... It leads him to the right knowledge, it enlightens his thoughts, it provides him with insights, and thus the human being will live in truth, the light will be within him and he will also be able to impart his knowledge to other people .... He will be filled by My spirit and be entitled to speak of My presence within himself. And this working of My spirit in a person requires a certain degree of love which every person of good will can achieve on earth. However, this degree of love can be continually increased and lead to a unity with Me which will become close enough for Me to seize My child with all the fervour of My love, so that, with indescribable happiness, it will be able to hear My voice and be filled with such strength of love that it will long to pass it on .... However, this degree of love is rarely found on earth .... But My direct communication has a tremendous effect .... an effect, which no human being on earth could endure. For this reason I can only use a very small amount of strength when I take care of people, when I want to help them, but it still has an incredible effect on people while their degree of maturity is still low .... In fact, when I use a human being to speak to them I also speak to them directly .... but the strength which compels people to believe in Me is reduced, in as much as My communication will always be the language of the person I use .... whether I speak to them directly through this person or whether they hear the Words which this person has received directly from Me .... the people will always feel that the spiritual values were ‘passed on’ to them, they will always first hear the words of the human being acting as mediator, and, depending on their degree of love, will become aware of Myself and My love .... so that, in fact, something extraordinarily important will be given to human beings which can be of real help, but which will never affect them in its fullness of strength, because they would not be able to bear it .... And likewise the mediator .... the form I use to express Myself .... will be affected by this, in accordance with his degree of love, because he too will only be able to hear the sound of My voice after he has achieved a higher degree of maturity, so that he will receive clear evidence of My presence .... But for the most part he will merely hear My message, the working of My spirit in him, in his thoughts. Although in that case he indeed serves Me as a mediator, I can reveal Myself through him to all human beings, but the flow of My love’s strength will affect him just as little as the people to whom I speak through him .... because he too has to walk the earthly path with complete freedom of will .... which would be prevented by any extraordinary communication on My part. Nevertheless, amongst the people who offer themselves to serve as My instrument I can only choose those who can meet the specific conditions .... Because I offer people a tremendous gift of grace even before the end, and it takes strong faith and willpower to place oneself at My disposal as a mediator for this gift of grace, which will have only become that strong by virtue of a life of love .... (11.7.1956) Love and faith are indispensable for a mission, which constitutes a service to Me as well as a service to other people, to be a mediator between Me and the people. The person must be completely convinced that I can and want to communicate in order to help people .... and this conviction of faith has to be obtained by a life of love. Only then can I mould this person into an instrument and let My emission of grace flow towards all people .... which will, in fact, result in a state of bliss for their souls but which will not be experienced as unusual by the people themselves. However, if My strength of love also touched the person’s mind he would no longer be calm enough to hear and record My spirit’s pronouncement, then he would only be affected by My illumination of love himself. Imparting it to other people, however, would be impossible .... Nevertheless I want to use him to talk to all people, and that requires an instrument which will completely submit to My will, which will only want to be My instrument for the purpose of a mission .... And thus it can only receive its reward in the spiritual kingdom, whilst it will not receive any particular privileges during its earthly life apart from those which I have promised to all labourers in My vineyard: that I will look after them spiritually and physically, that they are under My protection and will be constantly directed and guided by My care. They should not be prompted to surrender to Me due to an unusual feeling of blissfulness which would be synonymous with a force of will, but they should be prepared to serve Me and other people of their own free will and unconditionally believe that their dedication can be a service to Me .... This kind of faith and will is blessed by Me, and My blessing will help the soul to mature. Thus, people can receive an undeserved grace during the final days, an unimaginably effective emission of grace which, if it is used correctly, can help them to ascend, yet without being spiritually compelled to do so. My direct message can be heard in a manner which is endurable for people because the illumination by the light of My love will occur in disguise, which the said human form shall facilitate .... Consequently, people will receive an amount of strength which will benefit their maturity of soul but which can be increased at any time depending on how My gift of grace is used .... by way of which I still want to save people during the final days before the end .... Amen BD 6598 received 18.07.1956 Beatitude or renewed banishment depends on free will .... Whatever you may desire on earth, your wishes shall be granted .... For you will receive whatever you desire once your life on earth is over. If you desired spiritual possessions, the spiritual kingdom will provide them to you in abundance, if earthly commodities had been your wish then the earth will accommodate you again .... the matter you aspired to will become your cover once more as it had been an incredibly long time ago .... But you will always have created the fate yourselves which is granted to you after your passing away .... If, however, the grace is bestowed upon you to be recalled before the end of this earth, then a short time will still be granted to you during which you can still discard earthly desires, during which spiritual wealth is offered to you once again which you need only seize in order take possession of it for the sake of your salvation. Yet once again it depends on your free will whether you still make use of these final blessings or let them pass you by unused in order to then be embodied into earthly creations once more because you asked for it. But you can only be blissfully happy in possession of spiritual wealth .... This is My constant admonition and call for caution which applies to all people as long as they still live on earth .... You will all have to bear the consequences of your earthly life, for it is the law of divine order which cannot be revoked by My love and I cannot, for the sake of ‘grace’, bestow beatitudes upon those who live their lives on earth contrary to My will, contrary to My eternal order .... who are merely the servants of the world and therefore deprive themselves of the expectation of a blissful spiritual kingdom .... As long as this earth continues to exist My flow of divine grace is still open both on earth as well as in the beyond, and all wrongly thinking and living souls will be offered blessings but they shall all keep their free will .... . However, as yet there is still the possibility of a change of will, all those who are misguided .... be it on earth or in the beyond .... still receive kind-hearted advice to consider their actual task; as yet the spiritual world eagerly endeavours to gain access to people’s thoughts on earth, just as beings of light approach the souls on the other side, and they all only strive to direct their thoughts correctly, to turn their eyes towards Me and to awaken a desire for light in them, so that they will not walk past the fountain of grace where it opens itself, from which they can draw to benefit their souls. But even this time of grace will come to an end and then the day will come without fail when every soul receives what it desires .... And anyone who never paid attention to spiritual wealth will be left empty-handed and will have to accept a dreadful fate .... Then the period of Salvation will have come to an end, then an infinitely long night will start for the souls whose will was wrongly directed .... But inconceivable bliss will be granted to those who made an effort to reach Me and learned to despise earthly commodities .... The kingdom of the beyond, however, will likewise be only a kingdom of bliss, for all wretched souls will have to go through the excruciatingly painful process of development again, but only in order to one day attain the freedom again which they had misused in this earthly life. Sooner or later all beings will be able to make a free decision again and it will depend on them whether they prolong their time of agony or enter into beatitude again within a short time .... But all will receive help to reach the goal, for I pour out My blessings without limitation, and anyone who makes use of the blessing will be relieved from all adversity and pain .... Amen BD 6599 received 19.07.1956 ‘God breathed a living soul into him ....’ My eternal plan of Salvation intends to bring about the deification of your souls, which indeed had once been divine and perfect beings yet they forfeited this perfection of their own free will .... You humans should know that I did not externalise you from Me as imperfectly as you are now, that I undeniably created the human form, but the soul, which animates this human form, had already spent an infinitely long time of changing its voluntarily fashioned, completely wrong state to such an extent that it was able to dwell in the human form in order to attain complete deification again. You must know that I did not create you imperfectly to then demand of you as human beings to perfect yourselves .... because nothing imperfect can emerge from Me .... Once you are in possession of this knowledge you will also consider your earthly existence from a different point of view .... You will realise that it is not an end in itself but the means to an end .... However, as long as you are lacking this knowledge you justifiably believe that you may use your earthly life purely for the sake of improving your physical well-being .... You believe that you may use your energy of life purely physically, even if you aspire to the goal that every individual person should improve himself ethically in order to achieve a better human race .... But you don’t understand the spiritual task of the individual yet .... The human being himself is not the final goal, the existence as a human being is merely the final opportunity on this earth to reach the highest goal. And the teaching that I ‘created man so that he should love Me, be of service to Me, in order to thereby enter Heaven’ is only justified if the human existence is looked upon as a limited stage for the soul which once became imperfect, otherwise this teaching will lead to wrong ideas, such as the one that something ‘imperfect’ .... the soul .... was joined to the human being at birth, that thus something imperfect was brought to life by Me .... This not only confuses the image of My nature, which is supremely perfect, but also people’s train of thought, who do not grasp their actual task on earth and will therefore be increasingly more worldly orientated because a wrong concept is being developed in them. Although through love for Me and selfless service the human being could indeed be able to attain the right realisation and subsequently beatitude .... it will nevertheless prevent love being kindled towards a Being which uses its creative strength for the emergence of imperfect creations; and even selfless service lacks the right motivation if people are unaware of the perfect spirits’ former apostasy from Me, which consisted of the fact that they wanted to rule with arrogance .... hence they discarded the principle of love .... Their imperfection was caused by the beings themselves .... However, the fact that you are imperfect as a human being cannot be doubted, and therefore you must first try to ascertain the reason for your imperfection and not be satisfied with the explanation that I created you the way you are on earth now .... But the latter is endorsed by all those who portray the act of creation of the human being such that a ‘soul’ is ‘created’ at the same time for this human being .... which they deem they can justify on account of the Words ‘God breathed a living soul into him ....’ The fact that this living soul is a formerly fallen original spirit is not known to them .... but this knowledge could be discovered by every individual person if only he seriously questioned the meaning and purpose of earthly life and his task on earth. And even a misguided teaching could make a person question, if only he wanted to gain clarification .... And especially the teachers who guide people should first attain clarification themselves, which they can receive at any time by merely turning to Me Myself if slight doubts, which everyone can feel arise within himself during deliberation, would make them turn to the right source, where purest trust will refresh anyone who desires it. The reason why there is so much darkness amongst people that misguided teachings were able to spread is due to people’s indifference towards the truth, for it is available and within reach for everyone who seriously desires the truth. Yet only a few try to penetrate My eternal plan of Salvation .... but for them everything is obvious and they are brightly enlightened because the Light of eternity Itself kindles it in all those who want to escape the darkness .... Amen BD 6600 received 20.07.1956 The crucifixion started a period of Salvation .... My crucifixion concluded a period of redemption in a spiritual sense .... A hitherto hopeless state had come to an end, for until My crucifixion entering the kingdom of light had been impossible and even with the best of will people only attained a degree of purification; yet eternities would not have sufficed in order to completely remove the sin of the past rebellion against Me .... Thus, the weight of this guilt of sin forced them to stay under My adversary’s control, so that the tormented souls in realising their adversity cried for a Saviour. However, from the moment I gave up My life for humanity’s immense sin My adversary’s power was broken, and thus a new time began .... The first entirely redeemed souls were able to leave their place of abode and enter through the gates to bliss, which I had opened .... This possibility remains as time and again souls will be able to release themselves from His power, time and again souls will liberate themselves from all shackles. The period of ‘salvation’ therefore began when I gave up my life, although the development through the creations and life on earth have been necessary for complete salvation and were only ever brought about to create the prerequisites which would then result in the complete return. And therefore one can indeed speak of a new time since the accomplishment of My act of Salvation, for only from then onwards was it possible to grant the souls the eternal happiness in which they were once permitted to live in light and strength .... Nevertheless, people are not aware of the fact that they are able to attain the most beautiful state, precisely because I Myself died on the cross for them in order to build a bridge from the realm of darkness into the kingdom of light .... They are not aware of the fact that they voluntarily hand themselves over to My adversary’s control again if they don’t acknowledge My act of Salvation .... that they cannot expect any other fate than that which was granted to the souls of people before My crucifixion: bondage and darkness, weakness and torments, which are the share of the unredeemed over which My adversary still has power. The Saviour came from above and was only recognised by a few .... But the act of Salvation has been accomplished .... the gate into the kingdom of light was opened, and for this reason a new period of Salvation began with My crucifixion, even though Earth as such did not show any particular manifestations .... For it was only possible to change the hopeless state at the time through the acknowledgment of Jesus Christ and the act of Salvation, through a conscious inclination towards Him, through the acceptance of the sacrifice of love and thereby the redemption of the guilt of sin .... And once again people were granted a period of time during which, with good will, they were able to achieve complete redemption .... But this time has now expired, the incredible grace people were granted is not and will no longer be utilised .... People remain bound to the adversary’s world because they make no attempt to release themselves and because their own free will must strive for this liberation. And thus a limit has to be set again; a new period needs to start, where the act of Salvation is highly valued again, where redemption can take place on a large scale, because the effect of the act of Salvation remains unchanged if only the will of people allows for this effect. However, those who are unwilling must once again feel the shackle of their captivity severely, so that even in these beings the desire for freedom, for blissful happiness awakens one day .... And My adversary must be deprived of this power over these beings which he keeps in such darkness that they can’t see the light of the cross either .... And again, a new period will begin, for higher development of the spirits continues to progress constantly, and new souls will keep coming into this world, which are granted the opportunity to allow themselves to be liberated by Jesus Christ .... Time and again I pour the blessings of My act of Salvation upon these souls, and time and again such souls will also return to Me as My children .... For the act of Salvation has been accomplished for all once fallen spirits, and it did and will take effect on all people, past, present and future, until the day redemption has been completely achieved .... Amen BD 6601 received 21.07.1956 Natural disaster before the end .... The end of this earth and of all living creatures upon it is inevitable .... No creations on earth will remain, people and animals will lose their lives apart from the small flock of those who will be raptured in the flesh. This last act of My will has been planned from the beginning, time and again it has been proclaimed to people by seers and prophets, and is now announced to people again with all urgency as being close at hand, because it will be so enormous and no-one shall experience the end without having been informed of it. Yet the proclamations find no credence .... An event is approaching people, the enormity of which cannot possibly be imagined .... and yet it is dismissed as implausible and the admonitions and warnings are futile, for no-one prepares himself for this enormous happening. People don’t believe in an end .... And thus I will proceed with My final exhortation .... I will still give the unbelieving human race a last sign in the shape of a natural disaster .... the scale of which will also be huge but it will only affect the earth to a limited extent, so that they will no longer think it impossible and seriously take account of themselves as to whether and how they can be justified before Me at the end. Great events are often foreshadowed .... The natural event, which will be followed by the end shortly afterwards, is intended to be a final admonition, for it will cost many human lives, countless people will fall prey to the elements of nature, or little impression on the hardened hearts can be expected which, however, shall still be saved prior to the destruction .... I have always spoken though the mouths of prophets and even now I keep speaking through My devoted servants .... Yet people do not listen to this language apart from a few who believe My Words and are therefore willing to influence their fellow human beings according to My will .... But now they shall clearly hear My voice and not be able to close their ears, for humanity’s indifference motivates Me to disturb them and shake them out of their tranquillity, their worldly spirit .... so that no one will be able to claim that he received no warning. But even this warning will not result in turning to Me completely, because people don’t want to recognise My voice and because I do not use force which impels people to come to Me .... Then the end will sweep everything which remains in opposition to Me away, for every human being still remains in opposition who does not turn to Me in view of the previous immense destruction .... which demonstrates My might .... Everyone still remains in opposition who thinks that an end of this earth is impossible, for he is spiritually unenlightened, which betrays his affiliation to My adversary .... I still try to break this opposition by all possible means without using force. And this final intervention will truly appear to be a cruel method yet I use it for the sake of your salvation, because My Words are not being believed and because the end is near to which they will then inevitably fall prey, and then their spiritual state will be the decisive factor as to what fate awaits them on the day of Judgment. And time and again I say to My servants that they cannot mention the end and the preceding natural event diligently enough, that they should not be afraid to draw people’s attention to the fact that they will not have much time left, that they should unhesitatingly speak about My eternal plan and that they therefore should also spread My Gospel, so that people know what I expect of them as not to descend into darkness as a victim of the forthcoming event .... I only ask for a loving heart which is willing to make sacrifices .... Then they will be able to wait for the coming events without fear, then they will belong to those who will emerge unscathed even if everything around them threatens to disappear .... However, dreadful things will be in store for those who do not want to believe .... And then I will have mercy on everyone who calls upon Me in his adversity, for I only want to rescue people and not let them fall prey to ruin .... For the end will come without fail, and then everyone will be judged in accordance with law and justice .... Amen BD 6610 received 31.07.1956 Proclaiming Jesus’ teaching of love is urgently needed .... My Gospel shall be spread throughout the world .... I gave this instruction to My disciples while I still lived on earth, and I give My disciples of the last days the same instruction today, for it has become more necessary than ever to convey to people My Gospel, the Gospel of love, which is unfamiliar or no longer taken seriously by everyone, even though it is well known. People have distanced themselves from Me because they no longer live in love, thus I cannot be with them either. And a life without love will result in certain death for you .... Hence it has become imperative that people be informed, that My teaching of love is proclaimed to them again, that the danger they are in is brought home to them if they fail to live according to My commandments of love, and what they will achieve if they shape themselves into love .... My teaching of love has to be proclaimed to all nations of this earth, and therefore I send My disciples into the world again .... The teaching material I give to them and which they shall distribute is exquisite, so that people can once again be taught in the same way which I preached on earth as the man Jesus in order to bring salvation to people from their lifeless and constrained condition. More than ever it has become necessary to emphasise the divine teaching of love, for it is observed far too little. What should be normal for people such as loving each other like brothers and doing for each other what is customary amongst brothers is no longer known to them, everyone just thinks of himself, and everyone regards his fellow human being as his enemy rather than his brother .... There is no community which unites with love, unselfish neighbourly love has almost disappeared but selfish love has grown ever stronger, and therefore people are at great risk of delivering themselves to death and having to linger in this sleep of death for eternities again .... but which they can escape if only love is kindled and practised in their hearts once more. For this reason I repeatedly prioritise love, I Myself constantly preach love; the essence of My Word, which is transmitted to you directly from above, only ever consists of love which motivates Me to help you, and which has to be practised by you, too, if you want to remedy your soul’s hardship, if you want to wake up to life and not ever lose this life again. And I awaken servants for Myself everywhere .... disciples, which I instruct again as during the time of My life on earth, disciples, to whom I proclaim My pure Gospel with the instruction to pass it on, because I know that people have to be informed of the Gospel of love, of their earthly task to deliver themselves from their bondage and darkness through unselfish love. For although people know My commandments of love they nevertheless speak of them thoughtlessly, they don’t consider them in their hearts and act accordingly .... And therefore their attention needs to be drawn to them again, time and again they have to be spoken to and stimulated to act with love, they have to be told that they can only become blessed through love because only through love can they come closer to and establish the unity with Me, which has to take place without fail in order to be happy. And thus there is no other mission more urgent than this: to proclaim My teaching of love or to revive it again with reference to the One Who suffered for love and died on the cross. For all people have to be informed of Him Who exemplified to them a life of love, Who was motivated by love to endure utmost suffering and an excruciating death in order to save humanity from the night of death .... People shall only be taught to look after their fellow human beings with unselfish love, to approach them like brothers and to treat them like brothers .... Only that guarantees their own salvation, but a heartless way of life inevitably drives people into My adversary’s hands, who is devoid of all love. Yet until the very last day of this earth My messengers will still preach love, until the last day they, as My disciples of the end time, will proclaim the Gospel of love, for only the person who accepts it will escape the end and experience My love and mercy to the same extent as he has practised it himself .... Amen BD 6611 received 01.08.1956 About ‘Baptism’ .... You cannot appreciate the immense grace of receiving My Word, since all your questions are answered by Me and any doubts are expelled whenever you turn to Me for an explanation. I answer such questions mentally too, but you are frequently unsure as to whether you have received these thoughts from Me and thus your doubts are not dispelled, whereas the Word you receive makes you happy as soon as you make use of the grace bestowed upon you by receiving the Word. Many more questions are on your mind and simply a trusting prayer to Me would suffice to receive an explanation from Me, but you far too seldom turn to Me with such requests and thus you are not yet fully aware of the immense grace at your disposal: Every human soul requires a thorough cleansing, a bath, which removes all its impurities, which refreshes and revives it and makes it suitable for the work it has to carry out on earth. And every human soul has to be willing to undertake this purification or to submit to it in the knowledge that prior to this it is not as I want it to be, as it has to be in order to approach Me and to stay with Me eternally. But such a purifying bath is not to be understood purely externally, it is an act which has to take place internally, which only becomes outwardly recognisable by a change in a person’s character, thus giving the person himself the certainty to have worked himself out of a morass, to have had a refreshing bath and to then leave it completely cleansed. However, clear water with a refreshing effect cannot be stagnant, it has to be a flowing, living stream, the kind of water that has the strength to purify and revive. Hence you require ‘living water’ .... and you also know what is to be understood by ‘living water’ .... Time and again I invite you to come to the source from whence the living water flows, time and again I want you to enter into the sea of My love, to immerse yourselves, to allow yourselves to be ‘baptised’ by Me Myself with My Word, which alone has the strength to effect a change in you, which purifies and revives your soul and gives it true life .... Thus when I said to My disciples ‘Baptise them in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost’ .... it is meant that they were to bring My Word to people in My name, the living water which originates from Me .... that people have to go to the source. Love Itself .... the Father .... offers you humans the Word which enables you to reach profound wisdom if you live accordingly and thereby awaken the spirit within you which will give you complete enlightenment .... Your soul needs this Word which alone has the same effect as pure water on your body: that it leaves the bath strengthened and suitable for every task it will be required to do .... And thus My disciples were supposed to carry My Word to all people, who were meant to receive something precious with love which was to kindle their love in turn and bring the spirit within them to life .... Living water, however, only originates from Me. I Myself Am the source from whence living water flows, and every human being must have descended into the well of My love in order to receive divine wisdom and to recognise it through his spirit. This is the baptism which every person must have received in order to become a member of the church of Christ .... the church I Myself founded on earth .... Consequently your will is required first, which has to make the free decision to descend into the stream of My love, to accept My living Word and thereby purge its soul, which then makes My presence possible. My Words are only ever to be understood in a spiritual sense, and no outward process will ever achieve the inner transformation of a being, the purification of a soul. Therefore you should always endeavour to discover the spiritual meaning of My Words which, however, will become quite clear to you when you ask Me Myself in your heart for clarification, because if you genuinely desire it you cannot do anything else but think correctly .... But then you will also accept My Word without resistance when it is given to you by My disciples, and then you will enter into My divine abundance of love .... you will receive baptism .... My love will permeate you with My spirit and guide you into truth .... love, wisdom and strength will then be the soul’s share .... The Father, Son and Holy Ghost will then be constant companions of the souls who let themselves be baptised with the water of life and love .... Amen BD 6615 received 07.08.1956 God speaks as a Father to His child .... Just as I spoke to My disciples when I lived on earth I still speak today to all those who want to hear Me .... Wherever someone exists who believes in this and opens himself to Me that is where My voice will be heard. However, I only rarely find this faith and therefore Am only rarely able to speak to a person directly, even if all other conditions are being fulfilled, if the person so shaped himself that I can be present to him, if he has purified his heart and prepared it as an abode for Me .... But the belief to be able to hear Me directly nevertheless does not exist and therefore the person fails to do what is most important: to carefully listen within for My voice, for the manifestation of My love, for the sign of My presence, for My Word .... The fact that belief in this has gone astray, that they think it implausible to hear Me directly, is a particular attribute of people’s spiritual state, it is the evidence that the ‘working of My spirit’ is no longer a right concept for them and that they no longer understand the Words of the Scriptures either. Furthermore, it is proof that the striving for the ‘gifts of the spirit’ is omitted, that they are therefore ignorant of the results of a life of love, of a righteous life before Me .... otherwise people would certainly make an effort to attain spiritual gifts and subsequently also penetrate this information regarding the strength of the spirit. It is indeed very worrying that people no longer see the Father in Me but only their God and Creator, providing they still believe in Me .... The relationship of a child with its Father is unheard of by them and thus they also deem the most natural thing to be impossible, namely the fact that the Father speaks to His child .... This faith only rarely exists and yet every person should be filled by it, only then would every person also make an effort to be addressed by Me and to comply with all required conditions for it. For I Am unable to manifest Myself if conscious attentive listening has not taken place first so as not to impose a coercion of will, but occasionally I will also let My voice be heard by those whose hearts are striving to reach Me, who are devoted to Me in love .... so that they will more often attentively listen to Me within and give Me the opportunity to speak .... But anyone who lacks this faith has not established the right relationship with Me as yet, even if he deems himself called to work for Me and My kingdom. For as long as he still doubts My direct speech his faith will not be alive enough to turn to Me like a child to its Father and desire to hear His voice. However, the fact that people are still so distant from Me even though I would like to be present to all of them .... is a shortcoming which also testifies to the spiritual adversity experienced by humanity during the last days before the end .... Amen BD 6616 received 08.08.1956 Fear of death .... Death is just the passageway into a life which will last forever. You humans would not have to fear death if your life on earth corresponded to My will .... if you had travelled this earthly path in divine order, for then you would not feel terror-stricken in view of death, because then your soul would just rejoice at being able to escape the body in order to return to its home where the earthly body is utterly superfluous, where ceasing to exist cannot be spoken of but where a free life in an abundance of light and strength will await the soul. Jesus Christ arose from the grave on the third day .... He demonstrated to you that there is no such thing as ceasing to exist after the body’s demise, he has provided you with the evidence that a correct way of life merely results in the change of the earthly into a spiritual body, that the human being continues to exist, that only his shell has experienced a transformation, which is absolutely necessary for staying in the spiritual kingdom .... And you all are able to accomplish this change yourselves, and death would then truly have lost its sting. But since you humans do not believe in life after death, you neglect to prepare yourselves for a stay in the spiritual kingdom, and since your soul has therefore no prospect whatsoever to clothe itself after physical death in a radiantly bright spiritual garment you fear death, and rightly so, for you cannot cease to exist but earthly heaviness can still cling to you, and your awakening after the body’s death will not be a happy one .... But you will awaken, regardless of how imperfectly your soul is shaped .... it will find out that it has not and cannot cease to exist .... And this fate is unconsciously dreaded by you humans who fear death. Yet you ought to remember the One Who has overcome death .... Jesus Christ wants to awaken you to life, He wants to give you an eternally-indestructible life which you shall never lose again. Accept his gift of grace, remember Him during fearful hours and commend your soul to Him, and appeal to Him not to let it fall prey to death, but to have mercy on it and to help it attain life .... And, truly, you will not have sent your appeal to Him in vain .... Your fear will disappear to be replaced by blissful calm, a calm which only Jesus Christ can bestow upon the soul. The living faith in Jesus Christ dispels all dread of death, for the human being knows that he will rise again, just as Jesus Christ arose on the third day. But anyone without this faith in Him will fear death or believe that he will cease to exist, that he will return into oblivion from where he imagines himself to have emerged .... And he, as well as all others who lived on earth without Christ, will have a rude awakening .... And it will take a long time until they are convinced that they have not perished, but that they can only escape their lifeless state if they call upon the One Whom they refused to acknowledge on earth, but Who alone can give them life again .... Death need only be the transition into a new and immortal life .... It need not worry people on any account, because Jesus Christ has prevailed over it, because He accomplished the act of Salvation in order to deliver people from a condition which had been brought into the world by His adversary .... But Jesus’ act of Salvation and resurrection are not properly valued by people .... Many know of them and yet do not believe, and therefore they are also unable to derive the benefit from the effects of the act of Salvation and resurrection .... But the living faith gives people firm confidence and therefore also removes their every fear of death .... And these will blissfully fall asleep in the Lord and joyfully awaken with Him in the kingdom of light and beatitude .... For they will eternally not taste death again, they will only ever have eternal life .... Amen BD 6619 received 11.08.1956
Justification before a court .... Step forward, My servants, when it concerns defending Me and My teaching, for you will be pushed into situations when you publicly have to acknowledge Me. The circumstances surrounding the act of Salvation will be more and more publicly discussed .... The life of the man Jesus and His earthly fate, His humiliating end, will certainly be deemed possible, but a divine mission of this human being will never be acknowledged, and therefore the belief in Him as humanity’s Redeemer will be rejected and ridiculed in every respect in order to establish a matter-of-fact and non-religious way of thinking in people. And that is the time when you shall come forward .... And anyone permeated by My spirit won’t be able to help himself but to take a stand on behalf of Me and My name, since his inner conviction will let him speak and counteract eagerly and also try to convince his fellow human beings. Hence I prepare suitable instruments for Myself, hence I convey to them the truth and with it also the power of perception, for then it will become necessary that they come forward with their knowledge in order to fight the opponents with the sword of their mouth. Wherever Jesus Christ is demeaned, wherever His mission is doubted and this doubt is openly voiced, you, My representatives on earth, shall recognise and accomplish your task .... You are able to do so because you are informed of My plan of Salvation, because all correlations are clear to you and because you firmly and confidently believe in Him, Who has delivered you from bondage .... Only confident objections such as you are able to voice due to your knowledge can silence your opponents or make them think .... And even if you do not succeed in convincing these opponents you will nevertheless still gain a few people who were affected by it and start to think. Then you will have to speak boldly and without hesitation, for I will put the words into your mouth and the obvious wisdom of your words will astonish those who are not yet entirely under My adversary’s control. Admittedly, your opponents will scorn and ridicule you, yet for the sake of My name you will have to accept this, as it has often been foretold that you will be judged because you are My representatives on earth. This time will come as certainly as one day will follow the other .... Even if it seems to you at the moment as if the number of avowers is constantly growing .... it concerns the living testimony of Jesus Christ which My adversary seeks to prevent ever more .... His influence is such that people will combine everything .... even religious life .... with the world, that they themselves will finally turn it into something secular but rarely, if ever, establish heartfelt contact with Me, depending on how much influence he is able to exert on the individual person. Only rarely can true, living Christian faith be recognised, which consists of people cultivating love between each other, of living in the spirit of My divine teaching of love, of their every thought and action being determined by love and thus also being My will. And this is why affirmation before the world becomes ever more necessary, because everyone is anxiously trying to hide their inner attitude if it is good, that is, directed towards Me, whereas campaigns against Me and My teachings are openly coming to the fore. People will always frankly admit their rejection of My Word and Myself, yet fearfully try to conceal their walking in unity with Me. And fellow human beings, still being weak, are unable to get the strength they need and shall also receive by people who eagerly acknowledge Me .... This is why I demand that you will manifestly stand up for Me and My kingdom when this declaration is demanded of you .... For you will only be able to counteract and undermine My adversary’s influence by publicly testifying about Me. Anyone who honestly confesses Me before the world will be able to do so due to his inner conviction, and he will be successful with his fellow human beings and strengthen their faith .... But as soon as fearful silence is kept, those of little faith will not find the courage to admit to their faith either. The outspoken declaration, however, will release all inhibitions and take away fear, for I Myself will give you strength in abundance if you openly want to bear witness to Me. And then you will also confidently face those who sit in judgment over you. Admittedly, they will spit poison and bile at you but it will hardly touch you, for then the strength of faith and the strength of the Word, with which I Myself will address them through you, will demonstrate themselves .... They will be unable to answer and merely try to pursue you with helpless fury but be unable to get anywhere against My might and strength. But anyone anxiously trying to hide his attitude towards Me will grow increasing weaker, for I will be unable to support him until he acknowledges Me. Hence I keep admonishing you and time and again remind you of My Words ‘Whosoever shall confess Me before the world, him will I confess also before My Father Who is in heaven ....’ Remember this when the time comes that you have to make this decision, and remember that it will not be to your disadvantage, because I alone can give and take, and that you therefore shall first consider My will, My demands, before you comply with the requirements of earthly powers .... if they are aimed against Me and My name .... Confidently bear whatever threatens you if you want to remain faithful to Me, for I can and will avert everything from you if you openly acknowledge Me, and then My might and glory will reveal itself .... Then you will find out what the strength of faith is capable of doing .... Amen BD 6621 received 14.08.1956 Enforced actions are worthless for eternity .... What you accomplish under duress does not lead to bliss. Regardless of what you do, it has to arise from a degree of love in you, you must do it voluntarily for love if it is to result in a spiritual blessing for you, if it is to lead you towards perfection. This is why the fulfilment of a commandment can never help you attain higher development unless the commandment of love is fulfilled, which I Myself have given you as the most important and exclusive commandment but which cannot be counted as a lawful commandment, precisely because love is something that is free which does not abide compulsion. Thus you must indeed live in love in order to become blessed .... This is what I want to achieve through My commandment .... However, acts which are accomplished without love are hardly the ‘fulfilment of My commandments of love’. For I did not command you to accomplish acts but to practise love, and love cannot be forcibly demanded, love must be a matter of free will and arise from the heart. And thus I can count everything that is done under compulsion as worthless for eternity, even if they are actually good works which .... were they based on the right love .... could provide the soul with supreme possessions. If, however, the accomplishment of good works without love is already worthless for eternity, how much more worthless is the fulfilment of laws given to you by people. Only what you freely do of your own accord is valued by Me according to your degree of love, but I will never look at what you do in order to comply with the duties expected of you unless you also do it because of love for Me and not because you are obeying an order. You must always make this difference and know that the value of every deed and every thought rests in love alone, but that everything else is worthless if it lacks love. If you therefore seriously examine your thoughts and actions you will soon find out whether you have gathered riches for yourselves or whether have you so far remained poor .... And you will also recognise that I could never have been the originator of commandments which should be complied with as a matter of duty and whose fulfilment is strictly observed .... You will also recognise the invalidity of requirements I cannot have demanded because they signify a certain coercion for the human being which, however, does never correspond to My will. I only value what is done by free will, for I only gave free will back to you in the stage of a human being because you are meant to put it into practice. You shall determine your fate in eternity yourselves, and in order for you to use your will correctly you must also be instructed correctly .... The latter is the only task I asked of My disciples when I lived on earth, and which I have always asked My representatives on earth to do: to teach and to proclaim My will to people .... However, at no time ever did I give the order to establish laws and, under threat of temporal or eternal punishments, force people to keep them .... The consequences of a true life of love as well as heartless conduct should certainly be presented to people, but that should be more than enough .... But people should not be frightened with threats of eternal punishment into conscientiously doing everything that is demanded of them and thereby more likely stifle than arouse the love in them. All spiritual compulsion is to be condemned for it prevents people from making a free decision. The soul’s life in eternity can only be gained through love alone; love, however, does not abide coercion otherwise it cannot be called ‘love’. This is why every person should pass judgment on himself as to whether his thoughts and actions are determined by love or whether they merely comply with laws which were supposedly decreed by Me .... I require nothing else from you other than love for Me and your neighbour .... but which you must grant Me of your own free will .... Only then will you fulfil My commandment and can become eternally blessed .... Amen BD 6622 received 15.08.1956 High value of correct prayer .... Everything will be beneficial for you if you appeal to Me for My blessing. If you come to Me like children to the Father with a request, I will not close My ears but grant you what you ask for. You should be firmly convinced that I will hear you, that I will always lend you My ear and take pleasure in the words of trust spoken by your heart, even if your mouth remains silent. And thus I will guide you on every path you take and will always arrange everything so that it will be a blessing for you .... You are unaware of the rich blessings your heartfelt contact with Me results in, which you establish with Me through a prayer in spirit and in truth. This sincere bond enables My strength of love to flow into you, which will provide the soul with tremendous impetus, it will further its development like a refreshing jet of water turns a bud into a flower .... The soul needs this influx of strength but it cannot receive it if the door to the heart is locked .... which is always the case as long as the human being remains isolated from Me. He must open himself up voluntarily and this happens precisely through his connection with Me in prayer. Every heartfelt prayer signifies a union with Me, because I pay attention to every such prayer .... But if the prayer concerns a spiritual request, My flow of grace will pour out over My child in abundance, and the soul will have taken a large step up. For My strength will not remain ineffective, even if this effect is not obvious to you as a human being. People could so easily change their nature through the right kind of prayer .... A prayer in spirit and in truth is the direct path to Me which gives a person what he is in dire need of: My strength of love .... Then he will be able to meet all requirements I expect of him so that he will become fully mature, he will be able to accomplish the work of improving his soul and need not fear any weakness, for through prayer he can repeatedly receive a new influx of strength and will not fall by the wayside but instead safely reach the goal. But who seriously shapes his soul such that I can accept it into My kingdom? So that it can stay close to Me in order to be indescribably happy? Only a person who sincerely prays to Me .... Few prayers rise up to Me and thus only few people will reach their goal on earth .... The fact that you may pray to Me, that you may approach Me like children to the Father and can also appeal to Him for help, is a gift of grace you humans value far too little; indeed, you often even disregard it .... For you would be able to dispose of all weaknesses through prayer. If you thus have the serious will to reach higher spheres, to attain Me, then prayer is the best guarantee that you will reach your goal, for every request pertaining to your spiritual well-being will be granted, because it is what I want to hear from you: the desire for Me .... However, I will also help you in earthly adversity, for I have promised this as well if you believe firmly and without doubt .... Therefore you may avail yourselves of the grace of prayer at all times, I will always be open for you as soon as you pray in spirit and in truth, as soon as you trustingly present your needs and problems to Me. And you will never have to wait in vain for the fulfilment of your prayers, since a Father Who loves His children will grant their desires providing it does not harm their soul’s salvation. For I will never disappoint a child which trusts Me implicitly .... Amen BD 6624 received 17.08.1956 Calling upon Jesus Christ from the darkness .... It is not My will that shall determine your fate in eternity, but rather you yourselves, through your will, shall make it either glorious or dreadful; but you can change an appalling situation and, if you want to do this, will always receive My support. And regardless of how dark you are, light will be made accessible to you, and if you desire light then you will always be able to remain therein, you won’t have to return to the darkness, for your will shall always be complied with even in the spiritual kingdom. Don’t reject those who want to make you happy by giving you light. You will feel better than in the dark regions from which everything shall ascend to the light one day, although it has to happen voluntarily .... All of you who dwell in dark regions, be they on earth or in the kingdom of the beyond, are unhappy living creations without peace, without light and without strength .... These are the effects of sin with which you have been burdened for eternity and which you have even increased during your earthly life as a result of your heartless way of living .... As long as you are not released from this guilt of sin your state cannot improve either. But you can want to have the guilt taken from you so that you can arrive at light and blissfulness. First decide to become free from a restraint which burdens and tortures you .... Resolve to entrust yourselves to the One Who can set you free, and appeal to Him to help you. You all know of the One Who sacrificed Himself on the cross for the guilt of your sins .... You all know of Jesus Christ, but not all of you believe in Him and His act of Salvation. And yet He is the only One Who can help you in your distressing situation, Who can lift you up from the abyss, Who can and wants to grant you light and life .... but Whom you have to call upon yourselves and appeal for help. Anyone who does not believe in Him will not turn to Him either and will remain in darkness forever, since there is no other way to happiness without Him. But time and again you will be referred to the One, time and again a light will be offered to you, a gleam of hope, which you should heed. Turning your eyes to the gleam of light a cross will always shine for you, if you are not entirely obstinate, for in His great mercy He will come to meet you in order to save you .... But you may also rest assured that He will save you if only you want it yourselves .... And thus I repeat that I do not condemn you, that it is not My will which has determined the fate which makes you feel unhappy, but rather you created it yourselves and you can also change it yourselves if you take refuge in the One Who can release you .... in Jesus Christ, with Whom I Myself have become as one, Who thus is your God and Father of eternity. Irrespective of whether you are still living on earth or whether you have had to shed your earthly cover already .... light will only be within and around you when you have found Jesus Christ .... but without Him you will be living in darkness, without Him you will also be distant from Me, Who had embodied Himself in the man Jesus Christ in order to die on your behalf on the cross for the atonement of your guilt of sin .... Only when a person hands his guilt over to Me with complete faith will he get released from it, and that is entirely up to your own will .... My love cannot do anymore but to keep sending you bearers of light proclaiming My will, who will also kindle a light in you .... Allow yourselves to become illuminated, change and come to Me in Jesus Christ .... and the darkness will recede, bright light will appear and all torments of darkness will fall away from you, you will be able to rise into spheres of light and be and forever remain blissfully happy .... Amen BD 6625 received 18.08.1956 Consider the time after death .... One day you all will have to lay down your earthly body and your soul will be assigned another abode .... Not one of you will escape his fate, everyone can expect his physical death with certainty. Thus you know that your life on earth is limited and that no-one can prevent his body’s death when his hour has come .... Yet in spite of this certainty you live your life on earth as if it would never end. You always plan and work for the future without knowing whether you will still experience it. You don’t take this into account but it is a fact; you only create and work for your short life on earth which does not last. You yourselves, however, will not perish, your soul stays alive even after your body’s death, and your soul is your real Self .... Hence there is, in fact, no death for you, only a change of location .... If you think about this very seriously then you will act prudently by taking care that this said later location will make you happy. Then your concern will include the time when you no longer live on this earth but continue your life in the kingdom of the beyond which, however, is created corresponding to your conduct on earth. You would all be more diligent if you believed this. The more you worry about the upkeep of your body, the less you believe that you will go on living. You cannot receive evidence for this because your earthly life must not be determined by fear which, however, would be triggered in you, who do not strive to ascend voluntarily, by the certainty of a continuation of life after death. Voluntary aspirants are indeed certain of it, they believe .... but precisely because they strive to ascend. And a striving born out of fear will not lead to perfection. Therefore it cannot be proven to you humans that there is life after death. But everyone can awaken the belief in it himself simply by seriously considering it and wanting to do what is right. People’s attention will therefore be ever more obviously drawn to the fleeting nature of what they value too highly. People are snatched away in the midst of their lives, and from this everyone could learn to regard his life, too, as a gift that could be taken away from him any day .... And he would only have to pursue the thoughts arising in him in the event of a fellow human being’s sudden death .... He would only have to pursue the departed soul into infinity .... He would only have to think more often of him, who did not cease to exist but merely changed his abode .... And truly, hands would extend to him from the spiritual realm to draw him up. Yet even if the human being lacks the certainty of life after death he should nevertheless expect the possibility and time and again visualise this possibility when other people die and question what his own fate might be if he were to be called away suddenly. For as long as the human being cannot prove that there is no continuation of life after death .... which will never be possible .... he should always make provisions. And he will never regret if he, on earth, not only considers his body but also his soul, if he gathers a few spiritual treasures on earth which then will help him to advance in the spiritual kingdom. Then the soul will reap what the person has sown on earth, and blessed is the soul which has made provisions on earth for eternity .... Amen BD 6627 received 21.08.1956
Different schools of thought .... All spiritual disagreements could be resolved if each supporter approached Me Myself with his opinion and awaited My explanations .... Then there would truly be no conflicts, then all people concerned would have to re-unite because they would all simply receive the same answer from Me. The fact that so many divisions have occurred, that so many schools of thought have been formed, is certain proof that this path to Me had not been not taken, that people had only used their intellectual thought and this can never produce the same results, because My adversary can all too easily intervene and confuse the intellect where I Myself Am not called upon in order to enlighten it. A few advocates of their point of view have done this, and therefore their opinion will more likely correspond to the truth, but it is not accepted by those who have ignored Me. And thus the law, the truth, will repeatedly shine through but too little attention is given to its light and conflicts are not resolved. They will always surface because intellect is more highly rated and intellect can alter the worst distortions such that they are deemed to be wise and are then endorsed again. If you humans now considered the many different religious doctrines and schools of thought, then this itself should make you doubt the truth of what everyone supports, since there can only be one truth .... Thus .... if the truth really was amongst the various schools of thought .... all others would have to be wrong. But which one is true? .... Each one claims to have the truth and yet it cannot be recognised or it could not be doubted and abandoned in favour of another. Do consider this .... Do consider that the truth belongs to Me, do consider that you are My children, whom I love .... Thus I will not withhold the truth from you .... thus it will also have to be recognisable. Therefore, as long as you humans do not know but merely assume that you live in truth you will not possess it. However, this does not apply to those of blind faith who have never formed an opinion of what they are expected to believe, rather I address the leaders, the representatives of individual denominations or schools of thought who in turn seek to convince their followers of the truth of what they represent. I speak to those who use their intellect and come forward in order that their still undecided fellow human beings should join them. I speak to those who certainly would be mentally capable of recognising the pure truth if they let their heart speak at the same time, if they offered the spirit within themselves the opportunity to express itself but have so far refrained from doing and are thus misguided in spite of having a highly developed intellect. All these would be surprised to get the same results if they followed the right path to Him Who is truth within Himself and can and will only ever give the truth .... The many denominations and different schools of thought provide alarming evidence that the ‘working of the spirit’ is alien to all those in charge at the top, who do not work together because they represent conflicting opinions .... And if they were to permit the working of the spirit they would soon realise that there is no need for an external organisation, that the human being has to look for the truth within himself and that everyone will recognise the truth who allows himself to be taught by his spirit, who takes the path to Me, abides by My will and listens to Me .... But then he can claim the right that his ‘faith’ has become ‘certainty’, and then he will also convincingly support the religious doctrines. And all those of the same spirit will also be taught the same by their spirit and thus know that pure truth can only be found in Me Myself, that it makes everyone indescribably happy who has found it and that all disagreements will be resolved when it is explained by the only One in authority to do so .... Amen BD 6629 received 27.08.1956
Final rescue attempts .... And even if an angel descended from heaven bringing the Gospel to people, they would not believe it .... for their wilful rejection is so strong in the last days, My adversary’s power over humanity and their distance from Me is so great, that they will be unable to feel or perceive anything Divine; because they are so earth-bound that they are incapable of moving into spiritual spheres and thus everything of a spiritual nature will either be declined or disputed. This is such a distinct sign of the approaching end, and precisely because of this attitude I will bring about the end, since no further development is possible on this earth anymore given that people won’t change, instead they are growing ever more worldly and ever more unsuitable for spiritual emanations. Consequently, it becomes increasingly more difficult to proclaim My Gospel to people, it becomes increasingly more difficult to change their way of thinking and to open their hearts for My Word, since they don’t recognise it as My Word and thus close their ears .... but they thereby also reject the means by which they could be helped and raised from below. Only very rarely will someone listen, and only very rarely will the Word be accepted by a heart and also recognised as a divine gift .... And for the sake of these few I will not intervene earlier but wait for the day that has been determined since eternity, although humanity has already reached the degree of low level which calls for an end .... But every individual soul that I can still gain is worth this delay, I will helpfully stand by every individual soul of good will and let it find the path to the messengers of My Word. But there will just be a few, and the time will soon be fulfilled, the signs pointing to the end will soon increase, and the hour of Judgment will soon strike for all people .... At a time when My adversary gives the orders, because people have joined him, My servants’ work on earth will be particularly difficult and even often unsuccessful, and yet it has to be done, for no-one shall be able to say that they didn’t receive any blessings from Me .... Every person shall sooner or later have been addressed by Me, and every person’s path will be crossed by one of My messengers, only that this messenger can either be entirely ignored or his gifts declined .... but this is always determined by the person’s own will. And this will has to be offered possibilities to be tested, which thus also includes the presentation of My Word, which can never be forcibly imparted to a person. And likewise, hard-hearted people will often still be affected by alarming events, and even then they often will still be able to soften their hearts, for I will continue to attempt to bring deliverance to people until the very last day. I will not let anyone fall before the end but I will be unable to delay the end beyond the time determined by My plan of eternity as not to let the souls of the lost fall even lower, in order to spare them an even more painful fate than the renewed banishment into the creations of the new earth, which therefore has to take place at the designated time. And I truly know what benefits people’s souls, and I also know how to protect them from the worst .... My servants on earth, however, will receive the strength from Me so that they, despite an apparent lack of success, will nevertheless work diligently in My vineyard, for no work will ever be done in vain; and one day they will also recognise it themselves and be happy that their work to improve the souls has contributed towards the souls’ redemption, because My blessing rests on all work which is gladly and joyfully done for Me and My kingdom .... Amen BD 6633 received 01.09.1956 Earthly limitations can be exceeded by spiritual means .... The limitations you imagine yourselves to have were not imposed on you by Me, you are not as limited as you believe yourselves to be, because you can always achieve by spiritual means what appears to be unattainable in an earthly manner. But you have to take this spiritual path of your own free will; it is closed to those who are unable to muster the will to establish spiritual contact with Me .... Thus, they are restricted, both in regards to their knowledge as well as their strength .... yet, again, they were not created by Me as they are at present, instead they placed themselves into this imperfect state, which is therefore also a state of limitation. No person should ever say such words as ‘No-one can know that ....’ or ‘No person will ever be able to fathom that ....’ For these words merely prove that he has not established a heartfelt bond with Me, they demonstrate that the spiritual state of such people is still low .... that they have not done anything yet in order to attain light, to attain realisation. As long as the human being is still living in sin on earth, as long as he has not been redeemed by Jesus Christ from the original sin which caused his darkness of spirit, he cannot become enlightened .... But once the redemption through Jesus Christ has taken place My spirit’s working in the person becomes possible and then all boundaries fall away .... Then My spirit will provide him with the knowledge which his intellect alone cannot give to him. But he can also achieve greater things than his still worldly fellow human beings .... he can indeed possess strength in abundance and contrary to his humanly-natural ability achieve feats which likewise demonstrate that the ‘limitations’ can be exceeded .... Yet only a few people acquire light and strength by spiritual means, only a few people exceed the natural boundaries even though all people would be able to do so. For the limited state is merely the state of imperfection which, however, could be changed by people at any time were they willing to do so. The fact that so little true knowledge can be found on earth, that people speak so absolutely convinced of the limitation of their knowledge and the limitation of their strength, merely proves the degree of their imperfection again .... Did I not say ‘Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in Heaven is perfect ....’? Hence you are also able to do it, and then you would also be able to know and accomplish everything, like your Father in Heaven. These Words alone should encourage you to strive towards perfection, and then the state of limitation would no longer exist for you .... Instead, you even doubt the truth of what you are told by those who have exceeded the limits, who take the spiritual path and have established such intimate contact with Me that I Myself can reveal the knowledge to them which concerns that which exists beyond earthly things .... which cannot be fathomed by your intellect alone as long as you are not released from the original sin, which makes a ‘working of the spirit’ impossible .... Hence the act of Salvation first has to be accomplished in you, the guilt has to redeemed which once obscured your spirit; but then you will be able to become enlightened again and limitations will no longer exist for you, since this boundary had been erected by the guilt of the original sin. However, it can be removed at any time again as soon as the original sin no longer exists, as soon as it is redeemed through Jesus Christ .... as soon as the person can be enlightened again by My spirit and the relationship with Me has been established again as it was in the beginning. The fact that people have no knowledge of this demonstrates their state, it demonstrates that they are not yet redeemed from their original sin, it also demonstrates the lifeless faith people live in although they proclaim to be Christians, who constantly speak My name and yet live their earthly life in complete spiritual blindness. And it is difficult to guide such people into a living faith in the strength of the spirit, which wants to reveal itself and yet is only able to manifest itself in a few people. It is difficult because people have not ignited love within themselves and therefore cannot understand My great love which accomplished the act of Salvation in the man Jesus .... And as long as the act of Salvation is not fully consciously made use of people will remain in darkness, and the limitations cannot be exceeded by them .... Amen BD 6636 received 05.09.1956
Guardian spirit .... A loyal spiritual guide accompanies you throughout your earthly life wherever you might go .... You are never without spiritual protection, and if this guide, as well as the beings of light surrounding you, were permitted to work unrestrictedly, your full maturing on this earth would be guaranteed, since their love for you leads them to do whatever will help you to ascend. But they are not allowed to affect you unreservedly because your will itself is imposing restrictions on them .... They, too, are only able to influence you according to this will, and you humans often prevent the activity of the beings which guide you due to your opposing will. Nevertheless, your guides will not abandon you and will keep trying to exert their influence until you die. Hence you are constantly surrounded by guardian spirits, and you can always turn to them for help, yet they are only permitted to help if you have established the bond with Me first, for it is the law that the beings of light only ever implement My will, that they only ever act in accordance with My will. Thus a God-loving-person can live a truly carefree earthly life .... because he will always be granted much loving support if he, after heartfelt prayer to Me, hands himself over to My helpers and also asks for their protection and support. These guardian spirits and guides are permeated by light and strength; consequently it is easily possible for them to shape your earthly existence such that it will be bearable for you .... They are able to resolve adversities which confront you on an earthly level or which arise through the influence of evil forces .... These spiritual guardians are instructed by Me to take care of you as soon as you have established your bond with Me through your will, through your attitude, through labours of love and through prayer. Thus a person devoted to Me can always rest assured that he is protected by Me directly, and My heavenly servants merely implement My will .... And My will always has your well-being at heart, since you have already given yourselves to Me and desire My protection. And thus you know that you are never alone, regardless of how lonely or abandoned by the world you believe yourselves to be .... You are surrounded by a host of helpful spiritual beings which, instructed by your spiritual guardian, take care of you and protect you from physical and spiritual harm. But it would be wrong if you only made contact with these beings due to a certain sense of superstition, if you saw in them anything else but My servants who are only allowed to help you once you have established the connection with Me .... For as soon as you call upon spiritual beings for help without faith in Me and without love for Me you will call upon adverse forces and place yourselves under their control .... For these adverse forces, too, are in your vicinity and only waiting for the opportunity to take possession of you, and this opportunity always presents itself when I Am excluded from your thoughts, when you live and act without Me on this earth .... In that case even your spiritual guide will be unable to take precedence, since your will does not allow for it. And then the adverse forces will be especially busy, which you are just as able to feel around you as the good beings which work on My behalf. But you will invariably fall prey to these evil forces since they are very powerful and they will use this power because your will is giving them the right to do so .... However, you need never fear these evil forces if your will only ever applies to Me and you commend yourselves to My protection. In that case I have numerous helpers at My side wanting to be of service to you. And then the path of your earthly life will always be under the protection of your spiritual guide, whom I placed by your side Myself from the time of your birth until your death .... Amen BD 6637 received 06.09.1956
Fear of dying .... Spiritual death is far more dreadful than physical death. And it is spiritual death which people unconsciously fear if they are frightened to die, for they fear what will happen to them after the death of the body .... this fear can befall the very person who does not believe in a continuation of life after death .... The soul feels that it is in a wretched state, and it transmits this awareness as fear onto the body, which therefore fights death as long as possible. Fear of death is an involuntary confession of psychological immaturity, for the person lacks all realisation and therefore also confidence in God’s mercy, in hope for help, which it certainly would always receive if it would call for help. The soul is in utter darkness and unconsciously fears to approach an even darker night. A fully matured soul expects its final hour with complete calm, it longs for deliverance from its bodily shell, it hands itself over to the One in Whom it believes, and commends itself to Him and His grace. And often such souls are allowed to take a glance into the kingdom that awaits them and can radiantly happy open their eyes, in order to then close them forever and to escape from their body into the kingdom they beheld. Fear of death is a distinct indication of the soul’s state, and such souls must be given much help by their fellow human beings so that they will still awaken in the last minute and turn to the One Who wants to help and is able to help them .... Anyone who witnesses the death struggle and fear of a soul will be able to send a quiet, heartfelt prayer to Jesus Christ if he wants to help this soul to find inner peace .... For the soul will feel this help and reach out for the last rescue anchor, and it will be carried by the fellow human being’s love when it leaves the body .... to Jesus Christ, Who will not close His ear to a sincere prayer for help. For this reason people should take especially good care of those who are afraid of dying and who thereby admit that they are still far from the light, from the right realisation and therefore also from God .... Fear of death confirms that they need help or they would be permeated by blissful calm when they feel that the hour of their departure from this earth is approaching. And it is an act of utmost mercy and love to support a fearful soul, when nothing else can be done but to call upon Jesus Christ Himself that He may have mercy on this soul. This loving appeal will be heard and can save the soul so that it will be spared the darkest night .... Amen BD 6638 received 07.09.1956
The concept of ‘hell’ .... Even the most depraved living creation is a child of My love. Therefore it also has My unabated care to return to Me one day, even though it will have to travel a far longer path in order to bring itself into line with Me and My fundamental nature. But I will not let it fall, and whatever can be done on My part will be done by Me in order to help the creature to recognise and change itself. However, the distance is often so vast that the opposing force has greater influence and My illumination of love remains ineffective. For this reason it may also take eternities until it comes a little closer to Me but I will never abandon it .... However, when we talk about hell this relates to an accumulation of such depraved living creations in the beyond, which had already passed through earthly life with negative results and which continued to descend ever further in the beyond because they submitted themselves to My adversary anew .... Therefore, before a renewed banishment of the creations on earth takes place, which always signifies the beginning of a new era of Salvation, these adherents of Satan move within spheres where they can indulge in their most evil passions, where they inflict all kinds of evil deeds on each other and where constant fighting and arguing prevail and where they always try to draw weaker beings into their domain .... hence where they, on instructions of My adversary, act such that they will sink ever deeper. These places have no boundaries; hell is, in a manner of speaking, wherever such deeply fallen beings congregate, where they rage against each other .... on account of which one can also speak of on earth of hell and of states of hell when evil-minded people are hostile towards each other and wreak all kinds of havoc. All these beings are nevertheless My living creations on whom I take pity and whom I would like to release from their sin and their bondage to My adversary, for they are still wholly under the influence of the one who rose up against Me and who also incited all of his created beings to revolt against Me so that they, too, apostatised and became wretched. But they had also been My children because they emerged from My strength which permeated My adversary without limitation and which enabled him to create these beings in the first place. Therefore My love also belongs to these beings no matter how deep they have sunk .... which will now also explain to you humans why a new creation of earth will have to take place. For I Am just as concerned about these unhappy creatures in the deepest abyss as I Am about the people on earth .... I also want to prepare a path again for those which have already languished under My adversary’s control for an infinitely long time; I want to wrest them away from him and constrain them once more in solid matter so that their path will go upwards again, so that the immense resistance they still offer Me will slowly wane .... My love for those having descended remains unchanged and will never diminish either, but there is no other way to demonstrate My love than through a renewed banishment into earthly creations, there is no other way to achieve success or their return, therefore it follows that a transformation of earth is necessary, as I always and forever proclaimed to you. Only love determines My every activity and reign throughout the universe, even if you humans are unable to detect love therein .... Sooner or later you will understand My plan of Salvation and give thanks and sing your praises to the One Who also guided you out of darkness and death, Who wants to give happiness to all beings which emerged from Him .... and Who, with invariable love, also considers those which require His love most urgently because His adversary is keeping them enslaved .... Amen BD 6639 received 08.09.1956
Soft light .... Due to the fact that people are moving increasingly further away from the truth their spiritual adversity is steadily increasing. They are no longer capable of discernment, error and lies seem more believable to them than pure truth so that conveying truth to them is becoming ever more difficult, precisely because their thoughts are confused due to the influence of the one who opposes the truth, because he opposes God and thus will do anything to keep people’s thoughts confused. You can truly call it spiritual chaos, and if truth is to prevail again it can only be brought about by people who receive the light of truth from God and thus, as bearers of light, try to pass it on. But even these bearers of light will find it difficult to be accepted, because the places where they want to work are particularly besieged by opposing elements, who more or less counteract them such that they apparently represent the same, in order to confuse even those who are willing to accept the truth. You humans have no idea about the battle of darkness against light during the last days before the end. Yet people would not need to fall victim to this battle, for anyone who desires truth from the bottom of his heart truly need not fear wrong thinking, and he will always notice when the adversary has infiltrated the spiritual knowledge that is offered to people. Thus he will also recognise where truth is to be found, and he will join the bearers of light and gladly accept the truth of God from them. The truth is glowing but it is not a deceptive light .... and a deceptive light is anything that affects the eye as dazzling as lightening, rendering it unable to recognise the true light, which only emits a soft light that is soothing to the eye ..... If you now consider Christ’s plain and simple teaching and the powerful effect of the pure Word of God .... and compare them with the restlessness, tension and sensationalism people are subjected to through reports, which pretend to be of spiritual origin but make a person insensitive to Christ’s simple teaching, so that he only ever wants to see the unusual, exciting .... then you also know what is meant by ‘deceptive lights’ and that they cannot benefit your soul. If you turn to God you will also be looked after by God .... but if you turn to the powers in the universe whose actions you are unable to judge, you can also expect flashing deceptive lights from the universe, and then you humans will become confused, which is to be expected, since God’s adversary has found a suitable ground where he can establish himself. As long as people are offered alternative nourishment to the ‘divine Word’, which appeals more to the senses than to the heart .... as long as activities of the spiritual world are associated with appearances of a mysterious nature .... thus, as long as ‘sensations’ are sought or feigned which, however, do not result in any ennobling influence on people’s souls, it is not God Who is at work but His adversary in disguise, in order to gain people for himself, in order to destroy their appreciation for the light from above, for the pure Word of God. And he is succeeding at this to an alarming degree as long as a person’s mind does not exclusively belong to God, as long as the world is not entirely overcome by those who believe that they have been called to improve the world and its people .... who are not satisfied with the soft shine of the divine light of love but prefer the dazzling glare of lightening and become blinded by it .... Amen BD 6642 received 11.09.1956 Jesus’ soul .... Everything conveyed to you by My spirit will concur in its meaning .... It is certainly left up to people’s own will to assign a different meaning to the Words My spirit reveals to you, in which case such a person is not spiritually enlightened, nevertheless, it cannot be claimed that contradictory spiritual knowledge was conveyed to you by Me. For the ‘Spirit of God’ does not err .... And where an apparent contradiction appears to be present clarification needs to be requested; I Myself must be approached for an explanation: .... The soul of the human being Jesus came from above .... A spirit of light descended to Earth, a being which had come forth from Me and remained with Me entirely of its own free will when a large host of created spirits fell away from Me and plunged into the abyss .... But this spirit of light had to fulfil a mission as a human being, He had to descend into an unenlightened region, thus he had to leave his abundance of light behind to begin with, which merely would have had a disastrous effect since the people on earth were incapable of accepting such a light from above, thus they would have perished in its radiance. A human being had to accomplish the mission .... the act of Salvation for humanity .... And this person had to be in the same environment as his fellow human beings, for the point was to show them a path, to exemplify a way of life to them which they should follow .... Consequently, Jesus, the human being, had to be just as human as they were .... And so He was, despite the fact that the soul had descended from the kingdom of light .... The soul, which sheltered in the body of the infant Jesus, was just as influenced in its thinking, wanting and feeling by its earthly shell like any other human being .... Thus, due to its surrounding environment as well as its external shell, the same passions and cravings had to be awakened, for to live earthly life as a ‘human being’ also meant having to fight against the same instinct from within and outside .... After all, the point was to strive towards spiritualising the soul, to achieve the unity of the soul with its spirit, which is the purpose and goal of every person’s earthly life .... It was necessary to provide people with the proof that it was possible to achieve this spiritualisation on earth .... And so Jesus, the human being, fought and struggled in the same way .... which therefore necessitated a similar natured soul .... which had nevertheless descended from the kingdom of light in order to be able to serve God Himself as an abode, Who would never ever have been able to manifest Himself in a sinful soul .... For Jesus’ soul was without sin, but this does not mean that it was entirely devoid of instincts and passions, for no matter how strong these weaknesses and passions of His were, no matter how strong the temptations approaching Him were, He resisted and was able to resist them because His love was also strong and this gave Him the strength for resistance. The soul of Jesus, the human being, left the light behind and entered the darkness .... And countless earthbound souls adhered to this soul, thus they besieged it in the same way that every human soul is besieged by dark forces .... Since Jesus had to travel the path as a human being, the soul was unable to push these beings away, instead it had to try to overcome them by means of a demanding battle, it had to muster the will not to give in when it was tempted. It was able to muster this will by virtue of the love it had not left behind, which was and remained its share because it was divine strength, with the help of which Jesus, the man, was intended and able to accomplish His mission .... but which would also enable every person to be victorious if only he would kindle and nourish the love in himself .... Time and again it must be stressed that the act of Salvation had to be accomplished by a human being, that Jesus at first should only be regarded as a human being, Who succeeded in spiritualising Himself on earth .... and that this human being had therefore entirely subordinated himself to natural law, that His physical body was like that of every other human being and that His soul was not allowed to defend itself either when impure spirits took possession of it .... However, at no time did He allow these spirits to gain the upper hand, because His will prevented this and because through love He also managed to find the necessary strength. Nevertheless, He had to struggle like every other person, for He should and wanted to be a shining example to them, He wanted to show them the path which they, too, could take in order to spiritualise themselves while still being on Earth. For only that which was also humanly possible could be expected of people .... If Jesus would have had strength at His disposal which was entirely impossible for people to acquire, He would never have been able to say: ‘Follow Me ....’ Yet this never excludes the fact that His soul came from above, that it had been a soul of light, in which God Himself took abode and was able to do so because it was pure and without sin, since love gave it strength to resist all temptations .... Amen BD 6647 received 17.09.1956 What is the soul .... There is still a complete lack of clarity about problems which cannot be solved by human intelligence alone and where God’s spirit has to work even though its working is rarely acknowledged. But only He is able to give a clear answer to questions that concern unsolved problems. However, even the results of such working of the spirit are doubted although they alone correspond to the truth. Irrespective of what question is asked, only the answer given to people by God Himself through His spirit will always be correct .... However, ‘spirit’ should not be confused with ‘intellect’ because intellect can just as well reason in the wrong direction .... There is no guarantee that intellectual results correspond to truth or so many different opinions and points of view would not exist, all claiming to be truth but all merely gained by means of intellect .... The ‘spirit’, however, is the radiance emanated by the Eternal Truth Itself which gives light, i.e. knowledge which is simply accepted by the intellect, for which there is no evidence. But the ‘spirit of God’ provides absolute innermost conviction, it provides comprehensive clarification even without making special use of the intellect: .... The concept of ‘soul’ cannot be tangibly explained to someone unless he has already acquired a certain amount of ‘spiritual knowledge’ because the soul is something spiritual, it has no earthly-physical quality and can therefore only be explained spiritually. The soul is the fluid essence which gives life to the body, to the physical form .... The soul is the actual life, the human being’s true ego, which is sheltered in a physical external frame, which cannot be seen but is always present as long as energy expresses itself in this external frame. Without the soul the human being would not be a self-aware being. The soul is God’s once emanated strength which He externalised as a spiritual being to whom He gave an independent life. And this being was endowed with free will and the ability to think .... The fact that and why this spiritual being .... the soul .... shelters within the human body during its earthly life is a separate knowledge; first it should be explained that it is the soul which thus enables the human being to think, feel and want. It should be emphasized that the soul is the animator of all organs, that every physical activity, every prompting of will and feeling is the expression of soul within the body .... which is indeed something spiritual that cannot be seen by the human eye and which .... if it could be seen .... would fully resemble its human external frame. It is the soul which continues to live after the death of the body and which then can also be seen by other souls whose degree of maturity enables their spiritual vision. The soul can therefore never be explained as some kind of physical substance .... it is and remains spiritual substance, thus God’s spiritual emanation, which is intended to fulfil a purpose on earth .... It is indestructible and immortal but can differentiate itself from other souls by its emission of light, and the purpose of its earthly life consists of increasing the degree of light which it once had darkened of its own will .... It is not possible for anyone to explain the essence of soul purely scientifically because the soul is nothing tangible nor explicable with human senses but strength from God’s strength, Whose essence is and remains equally inexplicable but Who cannot be denied by thinking people. Just as the soul is the true Self of the human being which cannot be defined either, which exists yet cannot be proven, which certainly controls the functions of the physical organs but can also exist without the body, whereas the body without the soul is completely lifeless matter even if all organs are still unchanged .... But the life is missing as soon as the soul leaves the body .... something is missing that activates the body, which triggers the organs’ functions, which decisively influences the brain voluntarily and which arouses the stirring of every will in a person .... And this thinking, wanting and feeling something .... the soul .... now exists in other spheres but always as the same being which previously inhabited the body. And therefore it can also be recognised in the realm of the beyond which, however, requires a certain degree of maturity .... Amen BD 6649 received 20.09.1956
An hour of Christianity .... Only few people find the way to My heart, and only few people are willing to walk that way even though they claim to be faithful Christians, even though they outwardly belong to those who have joined clerical organisations and are therefore called religious. All these have indeed followed this path but have stopped before they reached My heart. You humans can understand this when you take a closer look at your earthly life which gives priority to the world, to the physical welfare, and when you give serious account of how little time you spend thinking of Me and your actual purpose in life. And for the most part you only give Me the traditionally designated time .... a short morning, noon and evening prayer or the hour of the official church service. Only rarely do your thoughts search for Me of their own free will, only rarely do you speak to Me of your own accord, only rarely do you desire to come into heartfelt contact with Me .... your thinking will always be completely occupied with earthly worries, earthly plans and earthly pleasures. I Am not the main subject of your thoughts, even if you believe in Me as your Creator and preserver you are still a long way from seeing the Father in Me to Whom you are drawn by your love .... And therefore you only rarely take the way to My heart, that you speak to Me like children to their Father, that you let Him be with you in every situation in life, that you more than less live your life in close contact with Me. Then you would also talk about Me more often, your conversations would take other directions in that case, because hardly anyone mentions Me in daily life and those who do are smiled at contemptuously, they are not taken seriously .... This is how you humans are in reality, only seldom can I be present with you because you don’t remember Me and even less often come together in My name .... Only seldom do you sacrifice Me an hour due to actual inner need .... and therefore I say, only few people walk the way to My heart, only few allow Me to be their constant companion on this earth. And their hour of Christianity cannot result in spiritual progress, as long as it only consists of the traditional visit to the church service and the performance of its rites it is not a voluntary relationship with Me .... Only the living relationship, the inner urge of your free will, can help you humans to perfection, and the desire to hear My Word and to offer food to the soul will be considered as longing for Me and will be fulfilled. And the human being should give account to himself about his innermost feelings for Me and to what extend he simply observes the traditional requirements which he was taught, and whether he merely observes them traditionally too .... I look into the hearts and no one can deceive Me but I also long for those hearts and Am not satisfied to be only in second or third place. And as long as the world and its demands are still in first place you belong to the ‘dead Christians’ because living Christianity expresses itself differently .... It consists of an unceasing activity of love, i.e. an activity with Me. And the human being with whom I can be present because of love will always remember Me too, he puts Me before all worldly matters and starts nothing without sincerely uniting with Me first .... But there are only few and yet, many people believe to live the right way because they live in accordance with clerical demands. And all these will not stand firm at the time of the last decision, for they will lack the strength which they have to receive directly from Me and therefore they need the heartfelt inner union with Me .... You should know that the time will come when the last decision will be demanded of you and you will then experience serious difficulties if you don’t possess living faith which, however, requires that you have to find the way to My heart and proceed on it .... Because only I can give you strength but I have to be present with you, and therefore you have to unite with Me in love .... Amen BD 6652 received 24.09.1956 Right assessment of life on earth .... You cannot comprehend the bliss the spiritual kingdom will give you if you transform your being during your life on earth in such a way that you can take possession of the realm of light. Nor can it be illustrated to you, because you would then live your life on earth to some extend with an attitude of coercion and thus the purpose of your life would be completely lost. And although it is presented to you as truth there is no proof because it would endanger your freedom of will. But this much can be said, that the most difficult life on earth in hardship and distress, in sickness and despair, will be compensated a thousand times by this state of happiness, and in retrospect you can’t understand the difficulties you experienced when you had to make sacrifices. Because then the time on earth appears to you like a fleeting moment and the whole eternity of bliss is ahead of you .... You humans place too much importance on your earthly life, in a worldly sense .... Spiritually it is indeed significant for you because a rightly lived earthly existence can result in said eternity of happiness. But what this earthly life gives you in a worldly sense it entirely useless and merely offers a temporary sense of well-being compared to eternity. You should always consider that one day you won’t understand how you could have enjoyed things that were of no spiritual value .... and you will be grateful to every soul who showed you the worthlessness of such things and guided your vision towards other goals. But as long as you humans live on earth you don’t appreciate such advice and therefore Jesus said ‘the kingdom of heaven suffers violence, and only the violent take it for themselves ....’ If you would try to imagine the endless long time that your soul has already walked on this earth and that eternity is ahead of you then you could better evaluate the short lifetime on earth. You would know that it is really just a moment and gladly give up the pleasures of this moment in view of the blissful happiness which you acquire by making an effort. This is exactly your test of will: that you don’t strive after the share of God’s opponent but that you strive towards God as your goal .... And when you humans receive such evident help by being given the knowledge about the purpose of your earthly life, when your eyes are being opened to enable you to see what the blind person doesn’t see, then the goal should entice you too because earthly life won’t last forever and for the individual it can even end tomorrow .... Your earthly existence is questionable because you cannot be certain to enjoy it for long .... however, every one of you can be certain of the spiritual life, it just can turn out very differently. And that is something you determine yourselves with your attitude in earthly life. Yet you nevertheless have the right and the duty to take the place that was assigned to you in your earthly life. Consequently, the pleasures of life are not denied to you and God does not expect you to become hermits, no complete retreat from the world .... But you should not let the world dominate you, you should be master of the world, you should make the world serve you, as it is God’s will .... but remember that the meaning and purpose of existence in this world is always spiritual development, which you can indeed achieve during your earthly life .... ‘The world’ should not completely occupy the human being’s thoughts but spiritual thoughts should dominate, then the world is no longer a danger even though the human being is completely in the world. And the human being should always be aware that earthly life is not an end in itself but only the means to an end .... Whoever accepts these thoughts for himself will not be satisfied with the offerings of the world .... He searches and strives for higher goals and the world is no longer a danger to him, he will no longer find fulfilment in the world because he has recognized its real worth, or worthlessness. More over, God gave the human being with his creation many gifts which the human being may safely enjoy, just as He leaves it to the human being to take rightful pleasure in all things as long as only God Himself is and remains the most important goal for the human being .... Amen BD 6662 received 05.10.1956 Redeeming work in the beyond .... And you will be able to participate in the work of salvation, for this will be your activity in the kingdom of the beyond when you are sufficiently mature enough to be assigned an activity. You will bring light into the darkness, because you have experienced yourselves how agonising it is to live in darkness and how much happiness the light has given you. No redeemed soul will be inactive, and therefore every soul will be integrated into the host of those who carry out redemption work .... For they all are motivated by their love to help those who are wretched in returning to God, for Whom they are now tirelessly active and work because they share His will and are full of love for Him. And thus the deliverance of all souls is guaranteed, even if infinitely long times will still pass by until all spirits have found their way back to God, from Whom they once separated of their own free will. But this free decision will also determine how long the salvation process will take for each individual soul .... The soul is also able to offer resistance and delay its return to God for an endless time, but already redeemed souls will always take care of them, therefore no human being on earth and no soul in the kingdom of the beyond will be completely without help, which also explains the fact that time and again they will be offered the opportunity to enter the path of return to God, because it will be shown to them. If, however, a human being adamantly rejects every incentive to enter the spiritual path during his earthly life, then small openings of light will repeatedly be provided to the souls in the beyond which will make the path visible to them, because the soul of light takes pity on the souls which wander around in profound darkness .... And thus begins the redeemed beings’ activity of helping these poor souls achieve salvation too. Hence no soul is without a sphere of activity, just as no dark soul is without guidance, only the free will of the latter determines the success. But once the work of redemption has been successfully achieved on just one soul, then another redeeming power will have been gained again to help the dark world, which in turn can and will accomplish inconceivable work, since it is now full of love and, due to its gratitude, willing to render the greatest possible help. And every soul has its adherents with whom it will work particularly diligently, even if it will meet with resistance for a long time .... But its love will not diminish, and love will always liberate, because no being will be able to resist love forever. Indeed, it would be possible for complete salvation to take place on earth already, because Jesus Christ has suffered and died on the cross so that people are able to receive strength, that they are able to partake in the graces of the act of Salvation if they want to .... But Jesus Christ has not compelled people’s will either, and it is up to the will to either make use of the act of Salvation or to ignore it .... But whatever was neglected on earth can be continued in the beyond, because redemption work is carried out there as well, and even then an appeal for His grace and mercy can still be sent to Jesus Christ .... And every soul having found Him itself, having been redeemed by Him from sin and death, will also draw attention to Him, it will inform every unredeemed soul of His love, it will direct their thoughts to the great act of compassion by the human being Jesus and thus try to lead every as yet unredeemed soul to the divine Redeemer Jesus Christ .... And its steadily growing love will also be successful, for love will achieve everything, and love can’t help but participate in the act of Salvation, which began with Jesus’ crucifixion and will not end until all still unredeemed souls are delivered from every constraint and thus have also attained life and beatitude, until the complete return to God has been accomplished, until all spirits that have emerged from God have returned home into their Father’s house .... Amen BD 6663 received 06.10.1956 The strength of Jesus’ name .... When you speak My name with deep devotion you accrue an abundance of spiritual strength for yourselves, for you thereby proclaim your faith in Me, your reverence and love, which you bestow upon your divine Redeemer Jesus Christ, and this faith can be rewarded by Me with a flow of strength which you all urgently require. And if you then come together in My name you will all be permeated by strength and your soul will feel My presence, for then I will dwell within your midst because your devout thoughts allow Me to be present with you .... And you will find yourselves in a developmental stage which guarantees deliverance as soon as you confess Me in Jesus Christ .... Ever since My crucifixion your salvation is therefore dependent on whether you acknowledge My act of Salvation by the man Jesus, whether you believe that your God and Creator descended to earth in order to accomplish the act of Salvation in the human being Jesus on your behalf .... Hence you have to confirm this belief of yours, and you do so by devoutly uttering My name, by acknowledging your God and Father in Jesus Christ and thus expressing it by mentioning My name. I will always hear and grant the call you send to Me in Jesus Christ and it will allow Me to be present with you. And every meeting in My name will be blessed by Me .... I want to guide your thoughts and enlighten your spirit; I want to speak to you Myself and I Am indeed able to do so because I can be amongst you, because you believe in Me. And therefore you should frequently get together, and where two or three are gathered together in My name, there Am I in the midst of them .... I can therefore at any time partake in your conversations, in your thoughts, I can impart to you everything you need at that time; I can enlighten you where doubts remain, and I can advise and help you, for you all are in need of My advice and My help, you all still resemble weak little children who must be led by the hand towards the right goal. But as soon as you just speak My name with a faithful heart you will enable such guidance. And this is why people won’t be able to claim ‘Here is Christ .... there is Christ ....’ for I cannot be searched for in any locality, I Am only present where a believing human heart allows Me to be present through kind-hearted activity and where, in small circles, My name is devoutly uttered in living faith of My act of Salvation .... For only faith that has come alive through love recognises and professes Me as the Redeemer Jesus Christ and allows for My presence. And thus I can indeed be proclaimed everywhere yet I can only take abode in a few human hearts, precisely because My name is only voiced by a few people with the absolute conviction that I brought them salvation through My death on the cross, and because only for a few people My name has the strength to penetrate their soul and truly bring it to life .... And these will noticeably feel My blessing, they will feel very intimately united with Me and thus associate with Me like a child with its Father, they will be conscious of My presence and harmony and inner peace will be their share, because .... where I Am .... there is peace and bliss. Amen |
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