Book 85 NR. 8041 – 8108 received by Bertha Dudde between 16.11.1961 and 22.2.1962 An access to the currently translated complete work of Bertha Dudde – 1891-1965 – including her autobiography, an introduction to the work, lots of hints and clarification, all the downloads (in various languages), with offers of writings by different publishers (printed books, theme booklets etc.), and printable PDF-versions of all texts (revelations) You find here, a selective list with all her books You find here. BD 8041 received 16.11.1961 Requested clarification regarding food .... I want to enlighten your spirit if you ask Me for it: The soul’s actual task during its life on earth is to attain full maturity, for at the beginning of its earthly existence its substances are still more or less immature. It still has to tackle many instincts which it brought along from its previous embodiments and will always have the opportunity during its earthly life to master them, providing its will is good and directed towards Me. Nevertheless, it is passing through the satanic realm, which means that it has to wage a constant battle which lasts as long as it lives on earth. Time and again it will come into contact with spiritually immature substances, which it also consumes in the form of food in order to keep the body fit, and these substances must be spiritualised by the soul too, that is, it has to try to bring everything into the right order. Hence these spiritual substances will join the body; they serve the growth and preservation of that which was given to the soul as an external cover, in which the soul itself should attain full maturity. The spirits, the substances contained in food, are therefore of service and thereby slowly ascend as well .... irrespective of whether they come from the plant or animal kingdom .... The nourishment needed by the body as sustenance is spiritual substance in the process of maturity too, which has achieved various degrees of development .... The body can also consume something unhealthy, that is, nourishment which still contains too many immature spiritual substances .... which then might not only bother the body but also the soul .... and manifest itself in the form of diseases .... However, a strong soul is able to put these immature substances in order but it must already have achieved a high degree of spiritual maturity to be able to exert a redeeming influence on the still immature spiritual substance. The correct preparation of food can therefore promote faster maturing by eliminating virulent spiritual substances before it comes into contact with the human body. For all spiritual substances still constrained in creation have a low degree of maturity but they can be redeemed faster if they willingly serve the human being. Then their path can be shortened, which is the case when the body submits to the soul’s will, when the body does not prevent a soul’s conscious striving towards attaining perfection and when these spiritual substances also support the soul by subordinating themselves to the body and thus let themselves become spiritualised too .... But this only happens if the food the body consumes is pure, healthy and beneficial for the body’s continuation. For once the soul succeeds in making the body compliant by submitting itself to the soul’s will, the body’s spiritualisation will soon take place, providing the soul has united itself with the spirit within itself .... thus consciously strives towards spiritual perfection .... . If, however, the soul has no bond at all with its spirit then it will allow itself to be determined by its body .... i.e., all unspiritual substances of its external cover will strongly predominate and control the soul; in that case its thoughts and intentions will only aim to increase its physical well-being and then a high intake of food and drink will also prevent its spiritual development .... The body will consume an excess of unspiritual substances which pull body and soul down, for then everything of a satanic nature will push itself into the forefront and find no resistance .... thus endangering higher development if not preventing it altogether. And once again it follows that the prayer for blessing of all nourishment is the best means to avoid this danger .... I can and will transform everything that is detrimental for your soul if only you always think of Me before you eat your food, which will always contain more or less immature spiritual substances, because everything passing through the works of creation is still earth-bound whatever degree of development it may have achieved. Your will to attain perfection on earth is valued by Me, and a prayer for blessing everything you consume always proves your will to Me and I shall always comply with it. However, that which serves the maintenance and growth of the body fulfils its actual task .... it is of service .... And in this way you must always look at the consumption of food .... The fact that a certain moderation has to be observed, that you must not merely satisfy your physical cravings, speaks for itself, for then you will avoid the danger of your body being harassed by harmful spiritual substances .... You don’t need any special clarification as to which foods are useful and which are detrimental to you, for your will to live in My eternal order will also give you the right feeling in the choice of your meals .... and each one can be of use to you, just as each one can harm you if you don’t keep to the right amount or if base cravings incite you into satisfying them .... For you must know that only your free will determines to what extent you resist the temptations of the adversary, of your soul’s enemy. And he will always make use of everything that can become a danger to you. He will arouse cravings in you, he will use the body to influence your soul and put it under pressure wherever it is possible for him. He himself is incapable of forcing you, just as he has no direct influence on the spiritual substance which is still bound in matter; but he can incline your will towards him if you accept the thoughts he transmits to you through cravings and you comply with them yourselves .... by either satisfying these craving or by being careless in the choice as well as the amount of your food or even consciously sin against My order which you, however, know full well and can also observe with good will. Hence in a sense you contribute towards the redemption of immature substances within matter by consuming the right amount of food and drink, because the maturing process of these small spiritual particles involves their being of service, and as soon as you enable them to ‘serve’ you are helping them to mature. I Myself assigned this serving function or duty of service to every work of creation, and if the human being himself lives within divine order he will never prevent the spirits’ higher development, in whatever form they are still bound .... For I also created the human being with all his needs, and it is up to him to always observe moderation and to make use of that which I assigned to him in love and wisdom. And anyone who does not consciously want to sin will also make use of all creations I designated for him, on whatever spiritual level they may be, according to My intended order .... And in unity with Me he will always appeal for My blessing and then also contribute towards the fact that his body’s still immature spiritual substances as well as those the body consumes for its upkeep will be guided into the right order .... that they will mature during earthly life according to My will .... Amen BD 8050 received 28.11.1961 Doubting the transfer of pure truth .... Anyone who wants to fulfil My will, will also only ever work according to My will. Nevertheless, it is a matter of sincere resolve, for I Am not satisfied with words which do not arise from the heart, which are only voiced by the mouth or which flow forth from the intellect .... For the will must utterly belong to Me, then the human being will have completely submitted himself to My will and will no longer be able to think and want anything other than that which corresponds to My will. However, the adversary will always attempt to gain this will of yours for himself, he will constantly try to tempt you anew by means of the world, he will try to loosen your bond with Me, in which case there is a risk that he will intervene in your thoughts .... which, however, will impel Me to send My angels so that they will build a wall around you, so that they will mentally influence you and assuredly push him aside because your innermost intention applies to Me. I Am aware of every human being’s attitude and therefore also know who so totally hands himself over to Me so that I can trust him with an extraordinarily important task in the end time: to accept the truth from Me and to spread it .... Truth can only come forth from Me, and it can only be conveyed into pure vessels, because everything of an impure nature would prevent the working of My spirit in the person and because the truth from Me can only be conveyed through My spirit to earth. Therefore, understand that the receiving vessel must be clean and that the human being must voluntarily be willing to be of service to Me .... Don’t you believe that it is possible for Me to recognise a person’s state of soul and to know who is capable of such a task? Do you think I would arbitrarily work in a person who cannot show the preconditions which make the transfer of the pure truth from above possible? If it is My will to bring the truth to you humans because you urgently require it, should it not be possible for Me to choose an appropriate tool which serves Me according to My will? Why do you deny Me the power to protect this tool from error? A tool to which I assign the task to receive the pure truth from Me and to spread it? .... Do you think I would keep urgently calling for the spreading of that which is conveyed from above to earth were it not the guaranteed pure truth which My last disciples shall carry into the world? The fact that people I have not chosen also appoint themselves makes your objections understandable; nevertheless, you should make clear whom you accept as true ‘Word recipients’ .... Indeed, you are entitled to conduct this examination if you carry it out with My support solely with the intention of serving the pure truth .... In that case, however, you will also recognise the true tools I have chosen for Myself, for anyone who desires the truth may receive it, he will identify where the truth is which originates from Me. Yet don’t believe that you can accuse every tool of ‘influx of error’, for every such suspicion merely proves to Me that you doubt My love, wisdom or power .... Have I Myself not given you the promise to ‘guide you into truth ....’ And should that not be possible for Me in your opinion?! When I recognise the necessity to convey the pure truth to humanity, then I also truly know the right ways and means, and I know the right hearts which completely hand themselves over to Me and My will, which I can choose for this task of being mediators between Me and people .... so that those who desire light shall become enlightened. Believe that everything is possible for Me .... Believe that Love wants to help you come out of darkness into light, and believe that I know how this can happen .... and accept with complete faith what you are offered by My love, wisdom and power .... Amen BD 8054 received 03.12.1961 Is the Bible completed .... How misguided you are to assume that with the Scriptures, the Book of the Fathers, My Word has come to an end .... that I Myself have set a limit in so far as that I now do not communicate anymore, that I do not speak to people any longer .... Who gives you the authority to make such an assumption? .... Who will deny Me to speak time and again as Father to My children? Who gives you the right to make the assertion that the Bible is sufficient on its own, that you humans need no other Word? .... Those of you who reject every new revelation are still confined in the darkness of spirit .... And in this darkness you will not understand the Bible either, thus it is still a closed book for you because you do not understand the spiritual meaning of the letters, or you would also find the references concerning My continuous revelations in this book and the working of My spirit would be comprehensible to you .... But as long as your spirit is still unenlightened you cannot grasp the meaning of the Word which I Myself spoke to My disciples while I lived on earth .... You humans would be unfortunate if you had to content yourselves with a book which can no longer be checked by you yourselves for changes in its contents .... if you were not repeatedly offered the pure truth from above as a guiding principle as to whether you yourselves are living in truth .... Those of you who only accept the Book of the Fathers have not yet penetrated ‘the Word’ yourselves, you have only read it intellectually but not allowed the spirit within you to speak, who instructs you and explains to you the spiritual meaning of the Word .... You adhere to the letter and do not understand its meaning .... And when I Myself want to guide you into truth you deny My activity, and you suspect My servants of associating with My adversary .... you question My will and the power to speak to those who devoutly offer their service to Me and who are thus also able to hear My voice within themselves .... And you stubbornly hold on to your opinion that My Word is concluded with the Scriptures, which you acknowledge as the only book through which I have revealed Myself .... And that is your loss, because by rejecting My Word from above you prove yourselves to be mere dead Christians, because living Christianity is an ‘activity of love’, and this would result in your spiritual enlightenment and thus also in an understanding for My exceptional help in times of spiritual hardship .... Then you would also comprehend the Bible words, the promises, which I Myself gave to you and which point out that I will reveal Myself to those who keep My commandments .... So how do you intend to interpret My promises, if you deny every ‘New Revelation’? .... Do you want to call Me a liar when I announce My ‘comforter’ to you who will ‘guide you into every truth ....’ How do you understand these Words which have to come to pass, because every promise I gave to people during My life on earth fulfils itself .... And why do you not want to believe? Because your spirit is arrogant, because you lack inner life, spiritual awakening, and thus you believe that you are able to determine and limit Me and My activity as it suits you .... But you are mistaken, even if you believe that you have acquired knowledge through your studies which entitles you to reject My Word from above .... You are spiritually arrogant and therefore you can never receive a revelation from Me yourselves, because I only bestow My grace to the humble, and you are lacking this humility .... And thus you still walk in darkness, and you will not be able to penetrate it since you avoid the light which could give you insight if you wanted to step into its radiance .... My love for My living beings will never end, and hence I will never fail to speak to you humans wherever the conditions to do so are met. And My Word will always sound in those who are of good will, to whom the Father can speak like to His children and who have a living faith in Me. And to them I will give evidence of Myself, and My Own will recognise My voice because I can be present with them .... I can reveal Myself to them as I have promised .... Amen BD 8059 received 09.12.1961 Belief in the soul’s continuation of life .... If only people would believe that their soul .... their actual Self .... is immortal, if only they would believe that the soul as a human being on this earth is preparing its own fate in the kingdom of the beyond when it leaves its earthly body .... One day people will bitterly regret their indifference to their later fate, for one day they will realise what they had neglected to do in their earthly life, what they could have achieved had they believed the warnings and admonitions which were constantly given to them on earth. The indifference to their future fate is the great evil which threatens to pull many people into the abyss .... And therefore they shall only ever be informed of the fact that there is a continuation of life after death, that they cannot cease to exist even if they have to shed their earthly body .... their thoughts shall be directed towards this time which will come as certain as one day will follow the other .... If only they were able to gain the belief in a continuation of life after death they would also live more responsibly. This, too, cannot be proven to them, they can only believe it .... but they can gain a convinced faith if they think about it and question their actual purpose of earthly life .... Just a spiritually directed thought would suffice for a person to mentally receive an answer from the kingdom which is the soul’s true home .... Yet such questioning thoughts have to be sent out by the human being of his own free will, for he cannot be forcibly urged into such spiritual thinking. But the smallest impulses are enough for him to question himself, and it will definitely only have beneficial results. Hence the human being will often have to suffer severe losses which can affect everything he loves .... earthly commodities or even people dear to him, the loss of which can motivate him to such thoughts .... And then even harsh strokes of fate will have become a blessing for him if they lead the person into a spiritual train of thought and thus enable spiritual powers to intervene, trying to instruct him. And if a person is asked whether he assuredly believes in the soul’s continuation of life he will usually doubt it, even if he is religiously instructed in such a way, because he has not yet openly contradicted it. But he lacks the inner conviction and this makes him indifferent in his conduct, which should be aimed towards this life in the spiritual kingdom. But time and again the human being will have to deal with experiences which can and should direct his thoughts to the end which is certain for him and yet will not denote an end for his soul. And frequently he will also receive instructions by way of conversations or as printed material, although he can accept or reject them of his own free will .... And even the loss of earthly goods can make the human being think and wonder whether owning these is the real purpose of earthly existence .... Then it is possible that he will change his way of thinking; then it is possible that he will not regard a continuation of life after death to be out of the question and afterwards he will lead a conscious way of life, because he believes that he will have to be answerable for it one day. And then the certainty that his body’s death is not the end will steadily grow, for wherever there is the slightest will to live expediently on earth the human being will also receive help and he will not go astray .... Amen BD 8060 received 11.12.1961 Promise: ‘The outpouring of the spirit ....’ I have promised that I shall pour out My spirit upon all flesh, and servants and handmaidens shall prophesy .... And all My promises will come to pass because My Word is truth .... Hence you humans should not deem it unusual that I express Myself through the spirit, that I manifest Myself to you .... For it is the time of the end and it is necessary that I give evidence of Myself to you, although you are not forced to look upon these expressions through the spirit as proof of Myself .... It is your own free choice; nevertheless, you will find it easier to gain faith if you accept what is revealed to you through the outpouring of My spirit. I want to help you because you are too weak on your own, for you lack the strength which arises from love .... And love has grown cold amongst people .... Only love will bring your faith to life .... And therefore you shall be instructed by Me directly about the necessity of a life of love, because your fellow human beings’ advice to comply with the commandments of love is not taken seriously by you. But there is no other path to faith and thus also to salvation than love .... which expresses itself in selfless neighbourly love. And in order to inform you of what you have to do .... in order to inform you of My will, I reveal Myself to you through the spirit .... I pour out My spirit upon all flesh .... I Myself speak to you, insofar as that My Father-Spirit addresses the spiritual spark within you, which will subsequently guide you into truth, which will explain everything you are expected to believe, so that you will then affirm the knowledge which, although it cannot be proven, will nevertheless no longer seem doubtful to you, because I Myself convey it to you through the working of My spirit within you. And thus My promise is coming true. My obvious activity has become necessary in the last days because people are completely without faith. If they therefore make an effort to fulfil My will .... if they make an effort to live a life of love according to My divine commandments, they will soon be able to believe, since the spirit within them will come alive and will teach them from within, so that they will also be convinced that what is revealed to them through the working of the spirit is true. And since this promise is included in the Scriptures, it should not be implausible to people that I reveal Myself .... And yet, My Word is not being recognised as the fulfilment of the said promise and is rejected and attacked especially by those who draw upon the Book of Books .... For they take a negative view of the New Revelations because their spirit has not yet come alive and they are still spiritually unenlightened. Nevertheless, My Word shall not pass away, My promises will come true, and time and again I will reveal Myself to those who desire to hear My voice and who, through love, bring the spirit within them to life, who, through a life of love according to My will, also make heartfelt contact with Me, so that My eternal Father-Spirit can express itself to the spiritual spark .... And they will have a living faith, everything imparted to them through My spirit will become their conviction, for they know they only receive truth from Me, that I illuminate their hearts and that they are permeated by My spirit of love which dispels all spiritual darkness .... And thus I will help you find your way out of the spiritual night, I will help all people to realise My will and will also give you the strength to fulfil it .... And then you will be able to believe, nothing will frighten you anymore, for with unwavering faith in Me and My power you will entrust yourselves to Me and I will have won you over for time and eternity .... Amen BD 8064 received 16.12.1961 Introspection .... You too, My loyal servants, have to be admonished by Me to improve your souls more eagerly, for as long as you live on earth you all still carry immature substances within yourselves. You all more or less still have to fight against inclinations, longings and all kinds of weaknesses, and you should always remember that you ought to spiritualise these substances during your earthly life. A constant struggle will have to take place, and you should overcome them, you should try to influence the unspiritual substances with much love to let go of you, to join the desire of the spirit within you, to stop pestering your soul so that it will be able to ascend to the pinnacle with ever greater ease and without being held back. I want to make the path to happiness easier for all of you, but you also have to work on yourselves, you seriously have to examine yourselves as to what weaknesses and faults are still burdening you; you have to question yourselves whether your soul is still constrained by any cravings .... you have to fight against every impure impulse, suppress each irate motion, you must not send out any ignoble thoughts and deny any human being your love .... you have to try to put right every injustice you have inflicted on a fellow human being .... Your thinking shall always be noble and pure, which excludes every thought of hatred and vengeance .... You should avoid every unkind word and always remember that you expect love, compassion and forgiveness from Me, thus you should also grant the same to your fellow human being .... In everything you think or say you should know that I know it too, and you should ask yourselves whether you are behaving correctly in My presence? .... I know that you are all still weak, that the battle which you should wage against yourselves is indeed the most difficult .... But My strength is always at your disposal and you only need to send a pleading thought to Me and, truly, I will give you the strength and you will be victorious .... You will be able to pacify the evil spirits within yourselves. They will leave you progressively more alone, they will become modest and also comply with the soul’s desire to calm down and make use of the strength for their own purification .... For they have this possibility to reach maturity themselves within the earthly body and to join the soul, because it will take all fully matured spiritual substances along into the kingdom of the beyond when it has to leave its earthly body. The soul itself still has various instincts within itself from its previous embodiments, which it is supposed to change for the better .... And it is also pestered by the body of flesh, because that is shaped from unspiritual substances .... But the human being also has the possibility to exercise a redeeming influence on these evil spirits .... if he tries to change all negative qualities to the contrary until he has become humble, gentle, peaceful, compassionate and just .... until he has become love himself, which includes all those virtues, and then the human being will also be able to enter the spiritual kingdom fully matured. And therefore you should seriously examine yourselves as to what virtues you are still missing .... investigate, whether you have changed your nature completely already .... check, what you still need and seriously work at improving yourselves .... And you most certainly will be successful if only you have the serious intention and appeal to Me to give you strength because you are too weak on your own. Call upon Me in Jesus so that I will strengthen your will, so that you will lose your weakness of will, so that I will forgive you when you have become sinful, and truly, My help is assured to you, for it is My own will that your souls shall mature, and I Am truly pleased in those who take changing their nature into love seriously .... For as soon as you are full of love all unspiritual substances within you will also become spiritualised, because they cannot resist the strength of love. But wherever these evil spirits are still active, love is not yet profound enough, in other words, I Am as yet not able to work in all fullness within you and you will have to fight to become pure so that I can take abode in you .... And then you will also have been redeemingly active within yourselves .... Amen BD 8066 received 21.12.1961
2 Peter 3:10 .... The day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night .... the day when I will reveal Myself to humanity with a voice of thunder which will be heard by everyone and which no human being will be able to avoid .... For sooner or later the act of transforming the earth will have to take place, sooner or later order must be established once again; the earth must again become a place of education for the souls which should mature fully and reach perfection. And this day has been planned for eternity, My plan is based on the fact that a transformation like that will occur one day because the human race itself will provide the reason for it .... which was certainly recognised by My wisdom .... And thus My power will also implement the plan and you can expect this day with certainty .... it will bring one period of Salvation to an end and a new one will start, as it is proclaimed in Word and Scripture .... Time and again I point this out to you, but since you humans don’t believe, since you don’t take My Words seriously, it will take you by surprise, for even if My adversary reigns on Earth in the last days, even if he brings people so completely under his control that they lose all faith and in the end are true devils which oppress My Own and cause them utmost distress, they will nevertheless be equally horrified when My Own are lifted up before their eyes and they realise that they cannot be saved anymore, that they will fall prey to an act of destruction themselves, that there is no way out anymore and that the earth will devour them .... For there is no other way to purify the earth; all living creations will have to be dissolved and the spiritual substances within be placed into new forms .... a comprehensive cleansing work has to take place so as to re-establish order, which will also guarantee progression for the spiritual beings and which will completely exclude My adversary’s activity for a period of time, on account of which he and his followers will be constrained for a long time. This day of the end is proclaimed to you humans over and over again, yet only a few believe in it and even these few have no idea how close it is .... yet I will repeat My admonitions and warnings until the end, until the end I will address everyone and draw your attention to it, and until the end every one of you will still have the opportunity to avoid the horror of this end .... And therefore don’t pity those who leave you, whom I take from this life prematurely .... don’t pity them, for their fate is better than yours who live until the end and don’t believe .... They still have the opportunity to attain light in the beyond, but the former continue to descend ever deeper, for I know that they would also choose the path to the abyss in the kingdom of the beyond, that they would not make use of the blessings of an early death; after all, I know the state of every soul and accordingly also shape its earthly destiny. And even if it is difficult to believe in an end of this earth, people will nevertheless have no excuse for they should only live righteously, then their end will not result in their banishment into hard matter, then they will either belong to My Own, whom I will return to the new earth, or they will still be recalled before and then they will not go astray either .... But it is better that they prepare themselves for an approaching end, that they take the possibility into account of being suddenly faced by an act of destruction from which there will be no more escape .... Anyone who reflects on these thoughts just once will certainly also find the path to Me, to the Creator of heaven and earth, Who brought everything forth from Him and therefore can also destroy everything again .... And I would like to rescue all of you from ruin; consequently I will bring the final work of destruction on earth home to you time and again .... And anyone who believes will not have to fear this day either, for he will prepare himself, and even if he is still weak and not perfect, he will nevertheless find a merciful Judge Who will not condemn him but help him attain eternal life .... Amen BD 8068 received 24.12.1961 The Eternal Light descended to Earth .... I gave you what you needed in the darkness of night when I descended to Earth: a light, which should illuminate for you the path back to Me into your Father’s house. Î sent My Son to earth, a soul of light, which shone brightly and took the path across the earth as a human being, which started its earthly path as the infant Jesus and ended on the cross, so that you humans would be able to attain bliss. A soul of light descended into My adversary’s dark domain, and I embodied Myself in this soul of light, because the human being Jesus drew Me, the Eternal Love, to Himself with all His might, because He accepted Me Myself in His heart, which was full of love for Me and for His fellow human beings. A soul of light was sheltered in the infant Jesus which indeed gave up its light because it had to stay as the human being Jesus in the midst of human beings, but He was full of love as well and did not let go of this love but increased it within Himself ..... so that He, with an abundance of strength of love, thus performed miracles and taught in all wisdom on earth. He was a human being, for the mission of Jesus, the man, consisted of showing His fellow human beings the path which leads back to Me, to the Father, and to walk this path ahead of them, to live a life of love Himself, which alone brings people close to Me again, as I Am Love Itself .... But this happened in lawful order, a human body was animated by a soul .... yet His soul was a soul of light. Nevertheless, as a human being it was as subjected to the same temptations as every other person. But since Jesus, the soul, was full of love, this love also gave it the strength to resist the temptations .... It had relinquished the light, that is, at the start of His life on earth Jesus, the human being, was without knowledge like every other person, but the love within Him very quickly illuminated His spirit, the love within Him soon emanated bright light so that Jesus recognised humanity’s great adversity as well as its origin, which had been caused by the original sin of the human race .... Jesus constantly increased in wisdom and strength because love filled Him ever more, because He was in most intimate contact with Me and thus enabled My light of love to permeate Him completely .... And then He emanated light in turn, He instructed people with wisdom, He performed miracles by virtue of His power which was based on His great love .... The man Jesus spiritualised Himself during His life on earth, because His love achieved that the body willingly submitted itself to the soul’s wishes, because body and soul always had the same aim: to help people in their adversity, to take redemptive actions, spiritually and earthly .... He healed the sick since He also wanted to demonstrate the strength of love to people and first expressed this in a perceptible earthly way in order to win them over to Himself, so that they would accept His divine teaching of love and make an effort to follow Him on the path of love. But people were still subject to My adversary’s power, who had no intention of setting them free and who weakened their will in every conceivable way .... And the man Jesus wanted to break this power, He wanted to defeat him with My strength .... for the love in Him was overwhelmingly powerful, and through this love He forced Me increasingly more to express My love, He drew Me, the ‘Eternal Love’ to Himself, and thus I was in Him and in this most heartfelt unity with Me the man Jesus accomplished the act of Salvation .... that is, as a human being He endured the greatest suffering and torment because the Love in Him .... I Myself .... gave Him the strength to accomplish this act of Salvation. Thus, He waged battle against My adversary as a human being, and through His death on the cross He achieved victory over him and over death .... That which previously had been impossible for people, to release themselves from his control, became possible for them after the act of Salvation .... The Saviour Who had descended to earth brought help to humanity in this immense adversity, yet this was only possible through ‘love’, and I Myself was this love .... The fact that ‘Love’ had chosen a human form for Itself was necessary on account of people, for they were meant to recognise Jesus as the One in Whom the Divine had manifested Itself in abundance, because I Myself was unable to be visible to people and therefore had to avail Myself of a human shell .... And that only a soul of light was able to offer this shell to Me is likewise understandable, because I would have been unable to take abode in an impure soul .... Besides, the human shell was meant to lead the way for people which I opened up to them in Jesus .... Consequently, as a human being He had to be of the same kind as every human being, otherwise people would have been unable to follow Him .... Yet, He Himself, the divine Redeemer Jesus Christ, will always be at people’s side as a Helper .... while the man Jesus only used the strength of love, but this permeated Him fully and completely, so that therefore ‘love’ accomplished the act which signified redemption from sin and death for humanity. Time and again I try to reveal this mystery to you humans, yet you will only be able to grasp its full depth when you have changed yourselves into love .... Then there will also be light in you, then the divine light of love will permeate you again as it was in the beginning and you will be very happy .... Amen BD 8069 received 26.12.1961
Teaching ministry .... You can only correctly administer a teaching ministry if you possess the correct teaching material which corresponds to the truth. And precisely this teaching material should be seriously scrutinised by you if you want to educate your fellow human beings, because only that which came forth from Me as pure truth is a blessing. Yet this scrutiny is usually omitted, people accept unhesitatingly and as a matter of course what they receive as truth and even take care to spread it without having established the origin, without being firmly convinced themselves of having received the truth. But a teacher’s position is a responsible one, for he can bestow great blessings but also poisonously influence people’s hearts because only truth benefits the soul, while error is genuine poison. And anyone who wants to teach can clarify for himself whether he represents pure truth, providing he has the serious will to stand up for it and appeals to Me Myself for assistance to enlighten His thoughts and not to let him go astray. He will certainly find My support and I Myself will guide him into truth. For this is My promise to you and it will come true because My Word is truth. And you must know the truth, for then you will walk with Me, whereas error will time and again result im My adversary’s company, who only wants to cause you damage and therefore prevents you from attaining the light of truth. For this reason, every teacher has a great responsibility if he spreads something that does not correspond to the truth. And you humans believe that you can acquire truthful knowledge through study .... you believe, that you can attain spiritual knowledge by intellectual means and only pay attention to those people who thus have adopted ample intellectual knowledge, and are also willing to acknowledge it as truth. But I will ‘destroy the wisdom of the wise, and will bring to nothing the understanding of the prudent ....’ Do you now understand the meaning of these Words? You will never come into possession of the pure truth if you don’t come to Me yourselves and desire the truth from Me .... For I have reserved it for Myself to guide you into truth, because I alone know who is receptive for it, who has the spiritual maturity in order to recognise the truth as such .... And the spiritual maturity, in turn, depends on the human being’s serious will to live according to My will. Contact in spirit and in truth must have been established with Me first, so that My flow of love can pour into the person, and this flow of love is the transfer of My Word, of the truth, in the form of thoughts or the audibly conveyed Word .... Then the person will be guaranteed to know the truth, his thinking will be right, and he need not fear to fall prey to error, for the heartfelt bond with Me and the desire for truth will protect him from it .... But where can such desire be found among the teachers, who believe themselves to know the truth .... who have not yet understood the spiritual correlations, who do not know which prerequisites need to be fulfilled in order to be deemed worthy by Me to receive the truth? .... Spiritual knowledge is indifferently adopted through tradition and taught, and people accept it again without thinking it through, and thus enter into spiritual darkness or they cannot find their way out of the darkness they are in .... For misguided teachings cannot enlighten anyone, instead, they only increase the darkness and cause spiritual hardship to souls, because they need light in order to take the right path which leads to higher spheres. And all this must also make the urgency of My revelations understandable for you humans, for the time left is only short, and if people are to find and take the right path they will need light to illuminate the path for them. Light, however, can only come from above, and everyone administering a teaching position should first make contact with the light of eternity in order to be illuminated by this light himself, and truly, the spiritual hardship would not be as great if the truth were accepted by people .... And whatever can still be done by Me will certainly happen, for only truth sets people free, only truth guides people back to Me, and only through truth can you humans become blissfully happy .... Amen BD 8071 received 01.01.1962 The earth’s last hour .... And the last hour of the world’s clock comes constantly closer .... These Words don’t mean much to you humans for you don’t believe that you are so close to the end .... And for your sake I cannot give you compelling evidence of this for your fear would render you incapable of fulfilling your earthly task. And thus you may or may not believe it, and your nature will be in accordance with this unbelief when the hour has come. For My plan has been determined for eternity, and profound love for My living creations made Me decide on this plan in all wisdom and will also determine Me to bring it to fruition because the time is fulfilled. My Nature is forever unchanging, and what I once foresaw as being necessary and successful for the beings which are still separated from Me I will also carry out and not allow people to make Me change My plan, since it was based on humanity’s will which I have eternally foreseen as no longer capable of change on this earth. I do not plan and act arbitrarily but immeasurable love and wisdom determine Me in everything that happens. Hence there is no reason why I should refrain from implementing My eternal plan of Salvation, for I can see every situation clearly and therefore know that nothing will be gained by changing or deferring My plan of Salvation. You humans must bear in mind that you truly have had enough time at your disposal and yet those of you who do not believe in Me have not changed .....Even if you had far more time at your disposal you would still not change, hence a postponement of the end would be completely ineffective and pointless and would even put My Own at risk of falling prey to My adversary as well if I do not constrain him as it is intended .... You really ought to grant Me supreme wisdom and profoundest love, then you will no longer appeal to Me for preventing the end of this earth, then you will expect the coming time with complete trust in My love which shall protect everyone who wants to belong to Me and which will truly also use its might when My Own need help in any adversity. Even if you humans don’t want to believe that your time is nearing its end you should at least consider the possibility that you suddenly will be recalled from earth; for you know that you cannot prolong your own life and that you don’t know when your last day will come. Just consider that you cannot stop death and think what will happen to your soul, which is immortal, which is your real Self whose fate you decide yourself during your earthly life .... But you do not even believe in your soul’s continuing existence, and as a result of your unbelief you are in serious trouble for it will not stop Me from carrying out what is proclaimed in Word and Scripture .... For the time is fulfilled and everyday is still a blessing which you can use if only you are of good will. However, don’t put your hope in false prophets who deny an end, who believe that they can change My mind, for they do not speak in My name but are the instruments of the one who wants to keep you in spiritual darkness and who therefore wants people to believe that they have unlimited time .... People would rather believe these false prophets and only ever seek fulfilment by enjoying a good life but fail to consider their souls whose existence they doubt or deny. And it will come to pass as it was foretold .... I Myself will come in the clouds in order to fetch My Own before the work of destruction of the old earth begins .... Not one stone will remain on the other, for the earth will have to be renewed. A new earth will arise, a paradise-like creation which will accept all immature spiritual beings again which were released at the destruction of the old earth and require new forms once more in order to continue to mature fully. And this new earth will be inhabited by those who had remained true to Me until the end .... For they will have reached the degree of maturity which allows them to enter the sphere of light and therefore they will also be allowed to inhabit the paradise which will truly be the same state of beatitude for them as if they had entered My spiritual kingdom without their physical shell. Yet they shall serve Me as the root of the new human race .... A new period of Salvation can only start with spiritually mature human beings who will also help all still constrained spirits within their environment to speedily achieve maturity, who have such a heartfelt bond with Me that they will also teach love to their children and children’s children and bear witness to their God and Creator’s glory, and thus the release from the form can progress quickly because I will dwell amongst them in the living Jesus .... Because all people who will then inhabit the new earth will also entrust themselves to their divine Saviour and Redeemer Jesus Christ and in awareness of the original sin also consciously take the path to Him and therefore all resistance will have been broken, for then every person will consciously take the path of return to Me so that I Myself can be present to him since his great love for Me will allow it. Hence this will be the thousand-year kingdom in which the victory over Satan will be evident, for he cannot and will not oppress anyone anymore since all have entirely freed themselves from him and achieved the return to Me, leaving him unable to enter My kingdom until even this blissful time will gradually change again .... until people once again show an inclination towards matter and thereby release the chains of My adversary .... who is lord over matter .... and his influence markedly manifests itself again .... Yet before this time comes to pass many souls will have entered My kingdom in a completely redeemed state .... I will have been able to reap a good harvest, and then the battle with My adversary for the souls will start again .... Yet I will be victorious and time and again wrest souls from him and reduce his follows who represent his power. And time and again he will contribute towards the fact that the redemption of the fallen spiritual will continue. For I will never surrender what is Mine, even if it takes eternities .... one day it will return to Me and then remain united with Me forever .... Amen BD 8072 received 05.01.1962 The near end demands increased vineyard work .... Every one of you is reminded to consider the gravity of the time .... No-one among you should take it easy, no-one should believe themselves to have much time left, each one of you who wants to do so shall still work diligently in My vineyard, for everyone’s work is needed since it can still result in the salvation of a soul if it is carried out with a loving will to help. I see the many unhappy souls which still linger so far away from Me because they live without faith and only make use of their life on earth in a purely material way .... And I will guide you to wherever I can still see an opportunity to win them over through My Word, that is, I will guide your thoughts and actions such that they will obtain possession of My gift of grace, of My Word, which flows to you from above. Rest assured that you can still greatly contribute towards the redemption of erring souls, you just should not let yourselves become discouraged; you must constantly work and I shall truly give you the strength so that you will be able to work according to My will. And you should also take note of the fact that you will be able to discover a greater will to live and increased self-indulgence the closer it gets to the end .... For people don’t believe in an end and thus will uninhibitedly satisfy their wishes and cravings. And it will be just like it was at the time of the Flood: they ate, they drank, they married wives, they were given in marriage .... they will live in an exuberant lust for life and the floodgates will be wide open for sin. For My adversary will have predominance and will certainly make use of it .... . And this is the time you are approaching, and everyone who fails to remember Me and does not appeal for My protection and help will be at risk. However, anyone who believes in Me will also turn to Me and he will not go astray .... And anyone who wants to be of service to Me may also experience My special grace .... yet he shall also pay attention to My instructions which will only ever consist of doing redeeming work. And you can do this constantly by referring the people around you to the coming event, by admonishing and warning them, by conveying My Word to them wherever possible. Every such activity will be blessed even if the success is not immediately obvious .... So don’t get discouraged if you come across all kinds of opposition; don’t stop in your willingness to be a helpful co-worker for Me; consider the great spiritual hardship and carry out redemption work by distributing My Gospel, by spreading My Word, which is greatly effective and can touch those souls which are not yet entirely hardened belong to My adversary. And very soon you will realise the truth of My Word, since you are approaching the end with giant strides .... For the time is fulfilled and it will come to pass as it is proclaimed in Word and Scripture .... Amen BD 8073 received 06.01.1962
Granting prayers .... Oh, why don’t you recognise your Father’s love Who only wants the best for you .... Let yourselves be stopped on the path which leads into ruin, listen to the coaxing calls of your shepherd and turn around .... Return to Me and let yourselves be guided by Me, for if you stay away from Me you will be at the mercy of the enemy who ruthlessly pulls you into the abyss, who scatters My flock and with the greatest of ease leads it into his domain if it does not take refuge in Me, where he cannot follow. And you humans should know that he constantly lies in wait for you, that he will not miss any opportunity to pull you into his trap and that he is very successful because you rely on your own strength when, in fact, you can only be victorious with My support. And I see your fate, I see the danger you are in and even if I want to help you .... you don’t accept My help because you turn away from Me in view of the fact that your will is not directed towards Me as yet. Your thinking cannot forcibly be changed, a voluntary transformation towards Me has to take place, only then will I be able to take you by your hand, only then will you be able to receive My evident help. And in order to achieve this voluntary focus on Me I have to let adversity come upon you, and you will find it difficult again to believe in a God of love, but the adversity intends to encourage you to take the path to Me and to appeal to Me for help .... All I want to achieve is for you to find the path to Me, that you listen to your shepherd’s coaxing call, that you take refuge in Him when you are in difficulty .... And you will truly find help; however, your call to Me must come from your heart .... You are often surprised at the fact that your prayers are not answered, yet you do not give account to yourselves as to what kind of prayer you send to Me .... If I don’t feel that your heartfelt prayer was sent to Me in spirit and in truth I do not hear you, for such prayers rise up to Me every day a thousand fold, but they are soullessly recited, they are formal prayers which I cannot grant because they don’t yet testify to the bond, to the relationship of an appealing child to its Father, Who then will certainly help with anything .... for nothing is impossible for Me .... If, however, a prayer lacks depth of feeling it will not reach My ear and then it will not be granted either .... not due to insufficient love on My part but due to insufficient lack of childlike trust in Me, which is the assured guarantee that every request will be granted .... If only you were able to believe in My inconceivable love for you .... which only ever wants to give itself away, which does not want to let you suffer. Yet your conduct forces Me to use means which make you question My love .... And yet, I only want to help you .... And blessed is he who lays claim to these final means of help, who still finds the path to Me and calls upon Me in his distress .... For he will truly receive My help and may visibly experience Me, and he will believe in Me and not go astray .... Amen BD 8074 received 07.01.1962 Are you living in truth? .... The will to attain truth also guarantees its receipt .... however, such genuine will is rarely to be found .... People unreservedly accept whatever is presented to them as truth and accordingly adjust their outlook, i.e. depending on the information conveyed to them they either live within light or within darkness .... For only light can grant pure truth .... whereas error will always darken the spirit. This concerns spiritual knowledge and not earthly information which can be substantiated by evidence but which has no influence on the inner life of a human being who was given his earthly existence for the purpose of attaining full maturity of soul. Aspire only to pure truth and you will receive it with absolute certainty .... Yet what you are presently offered as truth .... who gives you the guarantee that it can lay claim to be the truth? .... Time and again you should ask yourselves this question. You should know that many schools of thought advocate their spiritual knowledge as truth, that all teach something different but that there can only be one truth .... Thus you should not ‘unreservedly’ believe either one or the other but always turn to the highest Authority .... to the Eternal Truth Himself .... you should turn to the One Who is in charge of everything, Who has created everything, Who is supremely perfect, Who knows all and Who is Love Himself .... Who therefore also wants to give light to you, His living creations, because He loves you .... Who truly did not create the beings in spiritual darkness but did not prevent them from striving towards the darkness of their own accord by following the prince of darkness .... Lucifer .... into his realm. But He Who gave you life does not want you to remain in darkness; He wants to give you light which you can accept from His hand at all times, He is always willing to illuminate your thinking and provide you with clear insight regarding all questions you might have .... regarding the reason and purpose of your existence .... And if you are taught by the ‘Eternal Truth’ Itself It cannot impart anything but the purest truth to you, and then you will also be able to believe with conviction, you will know that you live in truth. You can be absolutely certain that the truth will be granted to you providing you earnestly desire it .... This is the first requirement, for if a person acknowledges God as the Eternal Truth he will also approach Him directly and appeal to Him for providing him with the truth .... Thus he consciously opens himself to the ray of light .... he establishes the bond which is the purpose and goal of earthly life .... which once was voluntarily interrupted and thus resulted in the being’s fall into the abyss, into darkness .... The fact that the human being consciously opens himself to be illuminated by God’s love also means that his lightless state changes into a state of light .... and then the human being will receive the kind of knowledge which hitherto had been concealed from him .... You humans can be assured that this process is possible and does happen .... you may also believe that everyone is able to experience it .... but not everyone can meet the necessary requirements which, however, only limits the direct receipt of truth and not the indirect supply of pure truth .... For truly, everyone who desires the truth will receive it .... Yet everyone can also shape himself such that he can receive the pure truth directly by merely living a life of unselfish love whereby he awakens the spirit within himself which, being part of God, lies dormant in every person and also knows everything and thus can teach a person from within. Take the path to the higher Authority; don’t be satisfied with what people offer you even if they likewise believe it to represent the ‘truth’ .... There would not be so much darkness on earth if the truth had established itself amongst people. But it is obvious that dense darkness prevails or earth would be in a state of harmony and peace, when in fact the opposite is the case .... Amen BD 8075 received 08.01.1962 Every being fell and ascends voluntarily .... I certainly knew the direction of your will when I created you, I knew that you would make the wrong decision of your own free will .... Yet this did not prevent Me from completing My plan of Creation because I also foresaw the final goal which will result in unlimited bliss for the created beings once again. Besides, those beings really fell entirely of their own free choice .... Since every being enjoyed an immense abundance of light it also knew what it was doing when it distanced itself from Me .... thus it was fully responsible and cannot blame any other being .... not even Lucifer, its maker. For I would never have allowed a being’s will to be determined .... it was able to freely want and act by itself and so, accordingly, was its guilt which kept it chained to the abyss. Yet on the other hand, each one of these fallen beings had the opportunity to shape itself into a godlike being again. For the process that took place from the moment it fell into the abyss was a plan of Salvation based on love and wisdom which made this retransformation into perfection possible. The beings were by no means lost to My adversary forever, although they had followed him voluntarily .... Yet I, too, was entitled to these beings because they had emerged from My strength of love .... And I will not allow anyone to deny Me this right. Nevertheless, neither I nor My adversary will ever force the being to make a decision for Me or for him, instead, it is left up to its free will to choose its lord. I know that the final decision will sooner or later be in My favour but the being itself determines the time it takes for this final decision. But the goal motivated Me not to prevent the beings’ fall .... which I certainly could have done but, in My wisdom, recognised as wrong in view of the goal, which only an act of complete freedom of will can achieve. The fact that I knew every individual being’s decision in advance did not influence the act of creation insofar as I might have created the beings differently according to their direction of will ....Supreme perfection adorned all My living creations given that nothing flawed, imperfect, could have emerged from Me. And their free will especially demonstrated their divinity, even if it was aimed in the wrong direction and thus the being changed within itself into the opposite .... But retransformation is such an immense task for the being, something so enormous, that the goal motivated Me to nurture it with greatest love, wisdom and might. Reshaping the fallen beings into all kinds of creations was an act which gave Me much happiness, something which you humans cannot imagine .... It was My strength, which once inexorably poured out of the Primary Source, which now took on forms according to My will .... And since every created spiritual being was My once-emanated strength which did not fulfil its actual purpose, it was now diverted into those forms, giving them life and performing tasks .... because all strength coming forth from Me must become active according to My will .... However, the once fallen spirits are no longer self-aware, instead, disintegrated into innumerable tiny particles, they carry out a designated task in the law of compulsion .... They must yield to My will in order to attain the state in which self-awareness and free will can be returned to them... This process of development of the once fallen spirits is My plan of Salvation, which was designed with profound love and unsurpassed wisdom and which, with certainty, will return all once fallen beings to Me in supreme perfection .... which can only be achieved by the free will of the being itself and not by virtue of My power. But the fact that everything has to take place according to My law of eternal order may also prolong the process of return indefinitely, for I cannot intervene against the being’s will when it has to pass its final test as a human .... I must let love and justice prevail and cannot bestow bliss upon a being which is still burdened by the guilt of the original sin .... For this reason I must demand the acknowledgement of Jesus and His act of Salvation on earth, and the person must take his original sin to Him under the cross and appeal to Him for forgiveness .... Then he will have passed the final test of will, he will have acknowledged Me Myself again in Jesus, in Whom I became a visible God for him and can now provide him with supreme bliss again in My kingdom, in which he will stay united with Me for all eternity .... Amen BD 8077 received 11.01.1962 God’s Spirit does not contradict Itself .... You can safely advocate My Word as the pure truth and I will guide your thoughts such that you will always recognise where My adversary pushes forward, intending to confuse people’s thinking. After all, I gave you the pure truth so that people shall gain access to it. And anyone who can receive this truth from Me directly will also be qualified to work as a teacher and will always be able to refute every objection posed to him by his fellow human beings. It is My will that the truth shall penetrate, that there shall be light, that the darkness shall be dispelled, that is, that people will learn to think correctly. However, since this requires people’s free will it is not easy to counteract error. It is the human being’s own responsibility as to whether he lives in truth or in error, since from My side he will truly be given light which he only needs to accept if he seriously wants to achieve maturity of soul .... And thus you shall receive the assertion that you need never fear that My spirit will contradict itself. Whether or not it is My spirit which expresses itself can easily be established by anyone who sincerely wants the truth .... For he will also receive the ability to differentiate from Me and he will feel himself addressed by Me. Nevertheless, he must accept My Word with his heart and not only with his intellect. A biased person attempting an examination is no longer able to form a correct opinion .... for his intellect will prevail and drown out the emotions of his heart .... I, however, Am only able to speak to a person through his heart. Therefore, open your hearts if you want Me to speak to you, be it directly or through My servants’ impartation .... Want to be addressed by Me and, truly, your thinking will be enlightened, you will understand what was previously incomprehensible to you, you will also be able to make clear judgments, and you will be happy to hear your Father’s voice Who wants to speak to all His children who merely desire to hear Him .... Amen BD 8081 received 17.01.1962
Forerunner .... People on earth will not change anymore, there is no further spiritual progress, only individual people will still find Me since they are determined to fulfil the purpose of their earthly life. Whatever can still be done on My part in order to increase the number of the latter will truly be done, and My love will also find ways and means to touch the hearts of a few so that they will open themselves without inner resistance and accept My Word .... Yet they are not many and thus it can be said: The time is fulfilled .... For humanity’s low spiritual level determines the end itself, and this truly has descended to a point where a transformation of humanity is out of the question .... My adversary reigns over the spiritual essence which takes the last path across earth as a human being and in an entirely negative sense influences those who are enslaved by him and comply with his will. Hence they have made their final decision of will already and have chosen the kingdom of darkness again .... they will return to matter again, which enslaved them on earth and from which they can no longer detach themselves. And matter will receive the soul once more .... . However, until the end I will still offer people the opportunity to turn towards their God and Creator, for the steadfastness of My Own might yet change their mind and let them ask questions which I Myself would certainly answer, because I want to spare these individual souls a renewed banishment, a repeated process through the creations of the new earth. And My spirit will so evidently be with My Own that even the disbelievers would begin to wonder .... I will reveal Myself to them through the visible help that I will grant to My Own .... and the disbelievers would be able to believe if they wanted to release themselves from My adversary who keeps them enchained .... For I will seize even the faintest thought they might have about Me and never let go of them again .... because I will let Myself be found even in the last hour wherever there is the will to experience Me .... My Own, however, will recognize how the adversary keeps their fellow human beings enchained .... My Own will be subject to his onslaughts as well, yet My strength will clearly be at their disposal, for I Myself will help them in the battle and they will emerge victoriously .... For truly, My strength is stronger than his, and he will flee from the light you shine on him because he recognises Me Myself therein. And in order for My Own to remain strong they will receive active help; I Myself will be with them in the Word, I will send them bearers of light which will radiate so brightly that they will dispel all shadows and also repel the enemies intending to oppress My Own .... I will delight people with My presence and fortify them in their resistance against the enemy .... And individual people will be able to behold Me and draw tremendous strength from this and also transmit this strength to their brothers .... And then you will hear of the one who shall announce My arrival, who will appear again as the voice in the wilderness and whose light will shine for all of you, and you will recognise him as My forerunner at the time of the end .... I won’t abandon you, who want to be and remain My Own, in your physical and spiritual hardship, you are truly not alone and forsaken even if it worldly seems like that to you .... I Myself Am with you and you will also sense My presence and have unwavering faith in Me and My arrival on the day of Judgment .... And for the sake of My Own I will shorten the days so that they will persevere until the end .... For there will be no spiritual change on this earth anymore; yet a spiritual turning point will have to come, the earth will have to be of service again for the spirits’ higher development .... And the spirits having failed their last test of will must be bound again .... Amen BD 8082 received 19.01.1962 God is love .... Everything arose from God’s strength of love .... He Himself is the primary source of strength, His fundamental element is love, thus He is love Himself .... And yet He is a Being Which works and creates with wise judgment .... He is a Being Which puts Its thoughts into effect, Which constantly brings forth new creations that radiate His strength of love into infinity. This, however, always serves its purpose, it is not arbitrarily effective but its result is determined by God’s wisdom and might .... God is love .... You humans will not understand this statement as long as you are unable to comprehend the nature of love, which necessitates shaping yourselves into love. For you will always look at love as a characteristic which you confer to the highest and most perfect being. But that this Being is love Itself will remain incomprehensible to you as long as you live on earth as a human being. And you all emerged from this love, you are emanated strength, you yourselves are love in your fundamental nature .... but likewise you are beings with the ability of thought and will .... the evidence of an ‘entity’ .... Hence, nothing arose and will continue to arise haphazardly .... Everything is very wisely considered; all things are the thoughts of a supremely perfect Being Which you humans call ‘God’ .... And this Being reproduced Itself .... It brought forth the same beings from within Itself, It emanated Its strength of love and gave it forms .... It created .... Everything created by God is and remains love in its fundamental substance. It is and remains strength which shall become effective in accordance with divine will .... If, however, it is prevented from being effective then divine order will be changed .... The principle of love will be turned into the opposite. The Being Which is love, wisdom and might Itself .... thus ‘God’ .... will be resisted, which the beings He had brought to life could indeed accomplish because He had also endowed them with free will as His images .... But in that case the being will leave its lawful order .... it will turn itself into the opposite .... it will certainly carry on existing, but it will no longer allow the strength of love to become effective and that will signify solidification, it will signify a standstill, it will signify the death of what once radiated as ‘life’ from God .... The human being’s fundamental substance is love, yet on the whole he is still in opposition to the One Who had emanated him as a being .... And therefore he does not recognise what love is .... For this reason the nature of God, Who is love Himself, is also incomprehensible to him. For love is simultaneously light, Which, however, provides little enlightenment for the human being while his love is still feeble. Hence he is also unable to recognise God’s nature, he can only believe the information he receives regarding it, but as soon as such reports accord to the truth they will also enlighten him, for then he will endeavour to change his nature into love, and he will also turn to the Being Which is supremely perfect and begin to recognise It as the ‘Eternal Love’ .... But he will never be able to fathom God’s nature, for He is the eternal centre of strength, whereas all created beings are emanated but very tiny sparks of strength which would never be able to behold the primal fire without ceasing to exist .... A person would be able to perceive the love, wisdom and might of a perceptible God on earth already if he is of good will and opens his heart for the illumination of love again by the Being he originated from .... For this supremely perfect Being reveals Itself to His living creations .... And the greatest evidence of love of the One, Who is love Himself, is that He reveals Himself, that He provides His created beings with information about Himself as far as they are able to grasp it .... and that He thereby wants to re-ignite their love to make it effective again in line with the fundamental element .... so that His living creations will re-enter the eternal order in order to create and work as it was in the beginning .... Amen BD 8085 received 22.01.1962 Predetermined intervals of time as periods of Salvation .... To Me a thousand years are like a day .... to Me it is truly irrelevant when you return to Me, how long you remain distant from Me, for I know that you will return to Me one day for sure and then be united with Me forever .... But you yourselves will suffer immeasurably during this time of separation, for only the union with Me is beatitude .... And I love you and therefore would like to shorten your time of wretchedness for your own sakes .... I don’t want you to suffer; nevertheless, in My wisdom I recognise the blessing of suffering for you, because it can encourage you to hasten your return to Me, because it can change your attitude and your will. Yet I shall do everything within My power to shorten the duration of your resistance without, however, affecting your free will. For your will itself determines the duration of your distance from Me, and I shall not compel it .... Therefore, although time is irrelevant to Me, the intervals of time in My plan of Salvation which were designated for the development of the souls are nevertheless determined .... that is, the timing of My plan of Salvation is fixed and will be upheld according to My love and wisdom .... Periods of Salvation are planned which are limited, thus time and again new opportunities of development present themselves .... in wise anticipation that the ever new resistance on part of the fallen spiritual world in some respect will also necessitate a new Judgment .... or, that the lawful order, which the opposing spirits totally disregard and thereby prevent all higher development, will need to be restored again from time to time .... These fixed intervals of time are thus ‘periods of Salvation’, which irrevocably will be observed by Me and therefore signify the end of an old and the beginning of a new developmental period, the time of which cannot be ascertained by you humans but which nevertheless can be irrefutably expected by people in times when spiritual progress is no longer discernible. But it is also part of My eternal plan of Salvation that such knowledge is and will remain unverifiable for people .... For the beginning and end of the various ‘periods’ are so far apart that people lack all knowledge and only the spiritually awakened accept such information as credible .... To Me a thousand years are like a day .... But you humans experience this time as immeasurably long, and you could shorten it for yourselves if only you would seriously strive for your deliverance from the form, which you are indeed able to achieve in your earthly life as a human being .... For all means of help are truly at your disposal, only your will cannot be forced to change your nature into love .... Yet this change into love must be carried out, and you only need a very short time to achieve it .... If a developmental period comes to an end without you having reached your goal, then your fate can be an infinite extension of your state of being distant from God, which is indeed extremely agonising for you but only motivates Me to create ever new possibilities for you .... for the still God-opposing souls .... in order to further your development .... For I know that I will achieve My goal one day, and a concept of time does not exist for Me .... everything is the present for Me .... even the past and the future .... You won’t be able to understand this as long as your thinking is still limited. But one day you will understand it and will even find it incomprehensible yourselves that you had resisted Me for so long .... For the unification will irrevocably take place one day, and that also means immeasurable beatitude, in which all past suffering has faded away, in which you only recognise My love with praise and gratitude which pursued you even into the deepest abyss and did not rest until it had reached its goal .... Amen BD 8088 received 27.01.1962 Knowledge of the eternal plan of Salvation .... You are instructed by Me in everything you need to know in order to benefit your soul’s salvation .... And this includes the fact that those of you who shall teach, who shall proclaim My Gospel, whom I send into the world as My end time disciples .... will also be initiated into My eternal plan of Salvation. For you should know all correlations so that you can confidently pass on the knowledge you receive from Me. This is why the spirit imparts extensive knowledge to you, in other words: I instruct you Myself so that you will know the truth. I have always mentioned the fact that the end is imminent and explained to you the fact that and the reason why a period of salvation will end and a new one will start again .... I have outlined to you My plan of Salvation and also given you the reason for your human existence .... I have given you the explanation about your origin and your goal and also provided you with the correct image of Me Myself, of My nature, in order to encourage you to seek contact with Me directly and to strive towards your perfection .... I also clarified the fact that your fundamental nature was different than it is now .... but that you should attain the original state again .... which is the purpose and goal of your life on earth .... Hence, it is My constant endeavour to inform all of you about My plan of Salvation, yet only a few are able and willing to accept the information. However, those who are serious about their perfection shall be truthfully instructed and this is only possible through the ‘working of the spirit’ .... so that your indwelling spiritual spark will make contact with the eternal Father-Spirit so that the human being can be taught from within about everything he needs to know in order to become blissfully happy again, as he was in the beginning. But this conveyance of knowledge cannot be forced upon a human being, a person’s free will must decide what he wants to accept or reject, for only on condition of free will is it possible to attain perfection on earth. My servants on earth can therefore only provide their fellow human beings with this knowledge, My pure Gospel, they can only ever make sure that people will receive the information about their eternal God and Creator’s unusual working, Who wants to bestow upon humanity the knowledge which will help them attain beatitude .... This is what the vineyard labour consists of for which people place themselves at My disposal because they want to be of service to Me as faithful servants during the last days .... Distributing the Gospel is so important during the last time before the end that I will bless every person who makes himself available to Me for this, because people should know what will happen to them, they should be made aware of the fact that a period of salvation will come to an end and that they should do their utmost in order to fulfil their task on earth. Nevertheless, only those who desire the truth will accept it, for they are able to recognise the truth when it is brought to them. People’s free will decides their future fate, so if people are truthfully informed it will be possible for their will to make the right decision, for the truth is strength .... after all, it comes forth from Me and cannot be ineffective .... But it does not compel their acceptance; instead, it will merely impress upon a person if he is of good will .... And I want to lead you to him and, time and again, open doors for you through which you can enter and proclaim My Gospel .... Time is running out and people urgently require the truth .... a light in which they can recognise the path which leads to higher spheres. Therefore they shall receive such light from above because darkness prevails on earth and the light from above must penetrate if the darkness is to be dispelled and enable people to still step into the light of day before the end. This is why I still take such obvious care of people and, if they don’t openly oppose Me, they will so soon feel the soothing effect of the light of truth and desire it, in which case they need not fear a near end either, for they will take the path of ascent into the light .... that is, the truth will lead them back to Me, from Whom they once originated .... Amen BD 8090 received 29.01.1962
Battle of faith .... And My adversary’s followers will persecute you because they will proceed against everyone who believes in Me and the divine Redeemer Jesus Christ .... I inform you of this beforehand so that you will not become scared and waver in your faith. For they will be unable to harm you because I Am with you as your refuge and protection and know how to help everyone as long as he turns to Me as soon as he suffers earthly or spiritual adversity .... It has to happen this way because the end is near, because a separation of the spirits still has to take place, because My Own will have to profess Me before the world when this confession is demanded of them. Hence you will have nothing to fear, you, who count yourselves among My Own, who have living faith in My love and might and are so closely united with Me that you take no step without Me .... who always feel Me with you and are therefore at peace in My presence, not even fearing your enemies, who will certainly feel severely harassed but whose faith cannot be shaken. I Am informing you of this already .... Not much time is ahead of you until it will happen, nevertheless, I will keep the day and hour secret from you because it would not benefit your soul if you knew it. But neither will I stop proclaiming the end to you and drawing your attention to everything that will still take place before the end. For thereby you shall recognise which hour has struck on the world’s clock, and you shall calmly expect the end. At present you can still do your vineyard work, you can still spread My Gospel throughout the world .... You still have a certain amount of freedom which you should and are able to use .... Yet the time will pass by quickly, and then you will no longer be able to openly work for Me and My kingdom. Then you will no longer be allowed to be spiritually active, you will be forced to withdraw and only able to work secretly, but I will constantly provide you with strength, for you will continue to hear My Word and through you it will also reach your fellow human beings, because I protect My servants and show them the ways they have to go in order to let Me Myself speak to their fellow human beings. And then you should only ever rely on Me, don’t take any path without Me, you should always and forever commend yourselves to My protection and confidently await My help if you require it. For I will shorten the days for the sake of My Own .... The battle against you, against the believers, will only last for a short time because it will be waged with all brutality and therefore I will put an end to it Myself when the time is right. And during this time the spirits will conclusively separate, for then every person will acknowledge his lord, the lord to whom he feels he belongs. Regardless of the objections you humans might time after time raise against these indications .... they will turn into reality and you will all have to make the decision: for Me or for him, who once again will plunge you into the abyss .... Yet whatever can still be done for your deliverance will be done, and I will leave no stone unturned in order to release anyone from his control who accepts My help .... Yet the person’s free will is decisive, and I do not compel it .... But I demand great strength of faith from My Own so that they will endure until the end .... Nevertheless, their will to belong to My Own will also give them remarkable strength, and the greater their adversity is the more firmly they will join Me and the stronger will be their faith, which I certainly shall not disappoint. And once the time comes when you can no longer work openly for Me and My kingdom then the last phase on this earth will have started, for then everything will quickly happen one after the other, the battle of faith will begin openly, the final decision will be demanded of people, and the adversary’s followers will outshine each other with their undignified onslaughts against the believers .... Then you, who belong to Me, can also daily expect My coming, for I will rescue you from your adversity of body and soul, I will lead you away from this earth, and it will come to pass as it is proclaimed, because then the time will have been fulfilled .... Amen BD 8091 received 30.01.1962 Human manifestation in Jesus .... I will truly convey to you everything that contributes towards your spiritual enlightenment, because you humans need light and those of you who want to serve Me shall pave the way for your fellow human beings as bearers of light by illuminating the path which leads to Me and eternal life. And I know where people require clarification; I know where their thoughts are still misguided and thus I also know that they require light, because every wrong thought merely causes confusion, spiritual darkness. Time and again I will let a light illuminate the darkness and thereby show you the right path you should take during your life on earth. And since you must take the path to the cross on earth .... since you must recognise and acknowledge Jesus as Son of God and Redeemer if you want to enter the kingdom of light, you must also be truthfully instructed about My human manifestation in Jesus, otherwise you will be unable to acknowledge Me Myself in Jesus .... And precisely this human manifestation problem is difficult for you to solve, for you cannot envisage that I .... the greatest and most perfect Spirit in eternity .... manifested Myself in a human being. You cannot envisage that it was impossible for Me to be personified in any other way than in Jesus, Whose external cover sheltered the divine Creator within .... Who was certainly human in His outer form, yet entirely permeated by My divine spirit of love .... His whole nature was and remained as ‘God’ in order to become visible for you, My living creations. You must never visualise the ‘Eternal Deity’ as a personified Being, Which would therefore be limited .... I permeate the whole of infinity, for this infinity is infused with My strength which takes unlimited effect .... I Myself Am the primary centre of this emanation of strength and therefore not imaginable as a limited Being .... Nevertheless, I was able to totally permeate a form, to so illuminate it that it was nothing else but My fundamental substance, that it was the same as I Myself, merely in a conceivable shape for you humans .... And this external form was Jesus, the human being, Who became My shell because My living creations wanted to behold something that was spatially-defined and because the act of Salvation was also intended to take place visibly for you and this required a humanly observable process that was meant to liberate people from sin and death if they believed in it .... if they believed in My human manifestation in Jesus, in the act of love and compassion which was accomplished for the sake of the sinful human race by a human being Who sheltered Me in all fullness within Himself. Other than in Jesus I Am inconceivable to you. In Jesus, God .... the greatest spirit of infinity .... became a human being, and Jesus Himself was God, for even His human external frame spiritualised itself and was totally permeated by My spirit of love .... Jesus was only human until He had spiritualised Himself through His life of love .... However, the external form had to endure all suffering and pain and finally the most bitter death on the cross because Jesus wanted to absolve His fellow human beings from the immense guilt of sin, and the act of Salvation was only accomplished with the crucifixion, which I Myself .... the Eternal Love .... therefore accomplished in Jesus and consequently I Myself must be acknowledged in Jesus. All of you, as My once emanated beings, are love in your fundamental substance .... as was Jesus, Who remained with Me when you voluntarily detached yourselves from Me .... He, too, was emanated by Me, hence My Son .... And I sent this Son of Mine to earth in order to redeem you, in order to open the path of return again. Even as a human being His great love upheld the connection with Me, He only ever desired My love and I did not deny it to Him .... Thus I was able to permeate Him entirely, I was able to illuminate Him and take complete possession of Him. And since His external shape was human, I therefore became ‘human’ and Jesus became ‘God’. No separation existed between us anymore, He had totally merged with Me, He was as one with Me. So now My living creations can behold Me Myself face to face in Jesus when they enter the kingdom of light in a ‘redeemed’ state, where they will be eternally happy .... Amen BD 8093 received 02.02.1962 Ultimate goal is union with God .... The perfection of all things is their unity with Me .... for everything in existence, everything that is visible to you humans, from hard matter up to the human being, is My once-emanated strength which were shaped into beings according to My will but which distanced themselves from the primary source of strength, thereby becoming incapable of any kind of activity which necessitated strength, and which therefore were reshaped by Me into creations of the most varied kinds .... And all these creations also sheltered spiritual substance which had fallen away from Me and gradually helped it towards perfection .... Even matter itself takes this process of higher development .... thus everything strives towards perfection. All beings’ perfection guarantees their unification with Me, their eternal God and Creator .... The strength, having flowed forth from Me, returns to the primary source of strength again, every being unites with Me and finds supreme bliss in this unification .... Anyone who knows about this process which extends over eternities, anyone who is initiated in My eternal plan of Salvation, is indeed already close to perfection, because this information already proves that he is illuminated by My light of love which was once voluntarily rejected by the being. In the state of imperfection, in the state of distance from Me, the self-aware being .... the human being .... is still unable to perceive this light of realisation, for only My illumination will give him this light, and this illumination can only be conveyed to a person who voluntarily opens his heart, thus, who desires light from Me. And opening the heart presupposes the will to approach Me again, thus the human being is already on the path of return to Me, from Whom he once separated of his own free will. Then there will be a conscious striving for perfection, for the person will make an effort to live according to My will, he will subordinate himself to My will and that means that his nature will adapt itself increasingly more to My fundamental nature, that it will change into love again, because it will constantly open itself to My ray of love and will want to receive it .... All resistance in the being will have been broken and nothing will stand in the way of unity with Me .... it will be moving towards perfection. And in this state it must also gain realisation .... the human being will be initiated into My eternal plan of Salvation, he will once again penetrate the most profound knowledge which the being possessed in the beginning, and it will be able to delight other people with this knowledge if they are willing to accept it. And thus you humans can understand that a light which grants you knowledge about your beginning and your whole process of higher development after the apostasy from Me can only be kindled in you by Me Myself, for only I know all secrets and only I can reveal most profound wisdom to you .... I Myself Am the light Which illuminates you when you are being initiated into the truth, and I truly know to what degree My ray of love, that intends to lead you to perfection, can strike you. Yet you can rejoice and cheer that the knowledge at your disposal was directly conveyed to you by My love .... you can be glad that you received spiritual wealth imparted to you by Me Myself through My dormant indwelling spirit .... My infinite love even pursued you when you were still vastly distant from Me .... without self-awareness, disintegrated and struggling through endless pain to come higher .... However, once you reached the stage of self-awareness again, you were seized by My love and it took possession of you .... You were given a tiny spark of love to accompany you, which was able to enter into contact with Me providing it was your will .... which, as part of Me, was able to take effect in you as soon as you allowed for it .... This spark love is not effective against your will, but the fact that it is in you in the state of a human being also provides you with the guarantee that you can completely unite yourselves with Me again .... And this part of Me in you bestows bright light upon you, It instructs you in all truthfulness as soon as you merely allow It to take effect. Then you may delve ever deeper into the truth, brightest realisation will be granted to you once more and you can emanate the light again which enlightens you from within. For you consciously established the relationship with Me, otherwise I would be unable to take effect in you, because I do not enforce My influence upon a person but expect his complete devotion until I reveal Myself to him .... However, in that case the spiritual communion will have taken place .... I distribute food and drink as nourishment for your soul .... I give you the bread of heaven, the water of life .... I will speak to you and My Word will come alive in you .... the soul will perfect itself and be as one with Me for time and eternity .... Amen BD 8096 received 07.02.1962 The work of changing into love and faith .... I want to introduce you to My kingdom of light and glory .... because I love you and want to be and remain united with you for all eternity. Yet this union can only happen with beings which have adapted themselves to My fundamental nature, which have shaped themselves again as they were in the beginning when they came forth from Me in all perfection, which also meant, that they were pure light and love. Thus they must turn into light and love again, for they voluntarily reversed their previously perfect state into the opposite. Nevertheless, this reshaping into love, the transformation into perfection, is a work of My living creations’ free will, consequently, it can take an infinitely long time until it has been accomplished .... But since My boundless love always accompanies the being and provides it with all opportunities it will certainly reach the goal one day .... Sooner or later the work of transformation will be accomplished and the being will be admitted into My kingdom of light and glory where eternal beatitude will be its fate. You humans who live on earth in order to finalise this very work of transformation into love should believe that I love you, then you will want to come closer to Me and desire My illumination of love .... You should know that you are the recipients of My fiery flow of love, that it only depends on your will as to whether you feel its effectiveness .... And you should know that I will not rest until you, too, immerse yourselves in the ocean of My love and unite with Me forever .... You should believe this, for you may only experience the proof when you have achieved your goal. Thus faith shall impel you in earthly life to conduct yourselves according to My will .... to first endeavour to live a life of love as you are taught by My commandments so that through fulfilling My commandments you will come to realise that what you believe is the truth .... For you can gain the conviction yourselves by living a life of selfless neighbourly love, which will truly make knowledge accessible to you that will make you happy. You can certainly be informed of the glories in My kingdom to make you strive towards them .... however, you will only attain the right kind of faith when you live up to My commandments of love. Then you will feel My love in yourselves and be able to recognise Me Myself as a God of love. I long for the love of My living creations and want that they, like children, long for the Father, in order to be able to seize them and make them blissfully happy with My love. If you realised the rich blessings every work of selfless love results in, you would truly change and shape yourselves into love within a short time, then you would have fulfilled your purpose of earthly life .... Yet all this has to be done by your free will .... For this reason My love constantly endeavours to motivate you into loving activity through My Word, to spur you into living up to love .... by sending you My end-time disciples to proclaim the Gospel of love to you .... For nothing else can take the place of love .... Every person must of his own free will kindle love in himself and fan it into a bright flame. And this love will unite with Me, the Eternal Love, for love cannot help itself but strive towards Me. And as soon as I can illuminate the person again as it was in the beginning, the being will also have changed itself into its original state again, it will have become love again and thus united with Me for all eternity .... Amen BD 8098 received 09.02.1962 God reveals Himself in times of spiritual hardship .... Every thought you send to Me in spirit and in truth is received by Me, and I really seek to answer your questions truthfully. But you, too, must try to accept this answer without prejudice .... You should feel like empty vessels which I want to fill with the correct contents that can only be beneficial for all of you .... And you should know that My love for you is limitless, that It will therefore use every means to help you, who are so close to perfection, to achieve this final goal, for which there is not much time left. You should also know that My adversary has immense power during the period before the end, which is granted to him by people who do not seriously strive for their final perfection themselves .... and that he will also succeed to achieve many people’s downfall again, whose earthly progress will then have been in vain. Since I know everything, even the fact that many still undecided souls are too weak to resist his shameful actions .... and since My love is infinite and I truly want to liberate all people from his hands yet cannot contravene the law of eternal order, I will act within the framework of eternal order by helping all those who will merely raise their thoughts to Me, whose will is not against Me, even if they have not yet openly decided for Me .... But I want to help them make the right decision. Thus I have to give them light and strength so that they can learn to recognise Me one day and then also muster the strength to resist My adversary and to strive towards Me. I Am by no means a God Who could not be reached by you .... I Am love, and love is never distant from Its living creations, It always and forever pursues them, even if they are still extremely remote from Me. First you have to learn to recognise this God Who, as Father, takes a personal interest in the fate of every individual human being and for Whom you therefore should never search in the distance. One heartfelt thought from My child calls Me to him, and I will be and remain near to him, for the child’s love does not allow a separation again .... And I will reveal Myself to him .... And this is My great help, which I bestow on humanity in the last days, who suffer utmost spiritual hardship .... I will speak to people Myself, and all people who merely open their hearts to hear Me speak from above may hear My Words .... I will impart light and strength to them through My Word, which they need for their perfection. And thus I Am at work Myself .... your eternal God and Father .... to lessen My adversary’s activity, to offer people a rescue anchor which enables them to escape the danger of yielding to his activity. I speak to people Myself, and use for this a willing instrument which serves me knowingly and allows My direct action on and within him .... because I do not impose My will on humanity but it should freely decide whether to accept My Word or not .... But I Myself speak to all people .... because I Am motivated by My infinite love which will never end and which is always willing to help. And you humans should believe that the spiritual hardship is vast, because you are approaching the end. You should also know that the end is the result of My love .... For I know what needs to be done, I know when the time has come that I have to restore lawful order again so as to continue with the work of return for the fallen spirits. But I also know where and how help can still be given, and I truly use every opportunity to open people’s eyes while they are still on earth in order to reveal Myself to them .... My sheep recognise the voice of their shepherd .... and they follow it. However, My voice will sound in the universe too, for My Word is also heard in infinity, it speaks to all self-aware spirits and permeates them with light and strength .... Thus you will not be able to say that you cannot or may not hear Me Myself .... For then My love or My might would be limited .... And even if I Am and remain unattainable for My living creations I Am nevertheless intimately united with them through love, and so close that every living creation can hear Me if he loves Me too and thus has established the unity again, as it was in the beginning .... For in the beginning all beings could hear My Word, and this was their beatitude, and one day it will be their beatitude again when the light of My love will permeate the beings once more as before .... Amen BD 8103 received 16.02.1962
Taking refuge in Jesus .... My adversary seeks to extinguish the light which shines brightly down to Earth .... And all of you will still experience his activity, for he does not shy away from anything if he believes he can reach his goal with it. And the light shines brightly already and places those people who accept it and allow it to shine into their hearts into a state of realisation. The light, however, exposes My adversary, and people try to detach themselves from him, for they see the cross of Christ light up and turn to the divine Redeemer for help to release them from the enemy of their souls .... For this reason he leaves no stone unturned to extinguish the light from Me .... Yet he will have little success, for those who belong to Me are also capable of offering him resistance .... And they also receive the strength from Me to take their path as bearers of light, they protect the light themselves, because they are faithfully devoted to Me and thus the adversary has no power over them. It is the time of the end where My adversary’s activity emerges ever more fiercely, but I, too, will reveal Myself remarkably and My Own will recognise Me and remain loyal to Me, precisely because they are enlightened, because they know about the battle between darkness and light. And every individual person will have to battle it out with the adversary as well, however, I will stand by anyone’s side who wants to belong to Me and he will be victorious, he will recognise where shadows spread across the light and leave this situation as long as the adversary works in it .... Yet a person can consider himself fortunate if he has entered the flow of love which comes to you in the form of My Words .... The darkness can no longer scare him and neither need he fear that his light will be taken away from him and that he will descend into darkness again .... But he must voluntarily have entered the kingdom of My light, he must accept My Word, which is conveyed to earth from above, in his heart and thus open it of his own accord, so that the light from above can shine in and brightly illuminate him from within .... Then he truly need no longer fear My adversary’s game of deceit, then he will ward off the adversary himself through the light, which the latter avoids .... And if you fear that you don’t have enough strength to fend him off when he beleaguers you, then take the path to the cross, call upon Jesus and appeal to Him for strength, and your desire for Jesus will be a certain means of defence against the enemy, for Jesus once faced him in battle and defeated him. And thus his power was broken, he will never be able to rise against Jesus, he will never succeed in snatching a human being back from Jesus again, for He protectively holds His hand over the one whose soul He bought back from His adversary with His blood .... Jesus Christ is the divine Redeemer Who was merely My shell in which I embodied Myself in order to give you humans your freedom again if it is your will to liberate yourselves from his control .... And once you have turned to Me in Jesus again, he can truly no longer snatch you from Me because his power will have been broken .... And anyone who has taken the path to the cross, to Jesus, lives in light as well .... This is why My adversary’s spends the greatest effort to extinguish every light which might illuminate the path to the cross for people .... Yet he is incapable of achieving anything if the human being himself doesn’t want it .... You should always bear in mind that you need only desire the light for it to shine for you .... that you should only have Jesus as your goal and that you will safely reach this goal, for only your will decides whether you live in light or in darkness. My side will always kindle a light for you, My side will impart the truth to you and in its bright radiance you will also find the right path .... I Myself radiate the light to earth by sounding My Word, I Myself speak to you and that also signifies the illumination of your hearts with My light of love .... And then only your will determines the degree of realisation, for My Word is instructive and informs you of My will. If you comply with it, the light will become increasingly brighter and you will recognise My adversary’s activity and offer him resistance .... And he will leave you alone, because he avoids the area of light you occupy now because you have become My Own .... Amen BD 8104 received 17.02.1962 Reason for the catastrophe .... In the last days before the end I pour a large measure of grace upon humanity .... For I know of their weakness, of their spiritual darkness and their inclination for the earthly world, their craving for earthly possessions, honour and fame .... I know that they are held captive by My adversary and in their weakness are incapable of releasing themselves from his power. And I try to help people in various ways since everyone requires support in his spiritual hardship. And I also know what each person needs and therefore consider everyone according to his attitude towards life itself or towards Me. For I want to win every single person for Myself. But people don’t know that My adversary keeps them imprisoned when they desire earthly possessions, since they are oblivious to the true purpose of their earthly existence. Consequently they don’t try to escape his control either. And people who cling to material possessions with heart and mind have to be helped by Me in a special way which, however, is not recognised by them as help .... I have to deprive them of their belongings, I have to let them get into situations where they learn to recognise the fleeting nature of all earthly things, I must make them realise their own vulnerability so that they will remember Me in their helplessness and consciously approach Me for help .... For I want them to find Me, Whom they have not found in the world and will hardly be able to find either .... This is a manifestation of Myself which affects people painfully but they cannot be aroused from their indifference in any other way .... And yet, even this manifestation is a blessing in the last days, for a heartfelt prayer to Me and its fulfilment can direct the human being towards Me so that he will not leave Me again, so that he will ask for My guidance from that moment on and hand himself over to Me .... And then I have won him over and saved him from the adversary, who has lost his power over him. You humans will only ever see the destruction in every kind of natural disaster and make thoughtless judgments as long as you are not affected by them yourselves .... Yet nothing happens without My will or permission, and you should always bear this in mind when you hear about unexpected events threatening people’s life and property, when people are powerless and only able to help according to their meagre strength .... But I know every individual person’s will and also the possibility of leading erring souls onto the right path to Me .... And truly, I will take care of every individual who prays to Me in spirit and in truth and appeals for My help .... And the time of the end justifies such events which human will is unable to prevent if they had been taken into account by My will .... You humans will often still be subject to the fury of natural forces and only rarely recognise therein My loving care for those whose souls are at risk .... I only want to help you release yourselves from My adversary which initially happens when you send a heartfelt appeal to Me and thus acknowledge Me as your God and Creator .... and then recognise the transience of things which still belong to My adversary. Try to let go of your desire for earthly matter, for all sorts of possessions .... For you will always receive whatever you need when you join Me and recognise your real earthly task and aim to comply with it .... But don’t let yourselves be shackled by My adversary who so temptingly portrays worldly goods to you that I have to intervene Myself by showing you that you can lose them at any time if this is My will. These interventions are painful but they can be a blessing for you .... And the One Who takes away from you can also always give to you. And He will help anyone in distress if he hands himself over to Him in complete faith and appeals for His help .... But always recognise My will in every natural event, for My will is truly determined by love and wisdom and thus everything is a blessing for you as long as you find the right attitude towards Me and realise the true purpose of earthly life .... then you will come ever closer to Me and know that everything I allow to befall humanity is a gift of grace .... For it is the time of the end .... Amen |
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