Book 93           NR.  8812 – 8928

received by  Bertha Dudde  between 15.6.1964 and 8.2.1965

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BD 8814                received  18.06.1964

Exposure of misguided teachings is God’s will ....

It is My will that you should spread the truth, including the exposure of misguided teachings that have crept into My Word. This can only be done by confrontation with the pure truth. You must always ask yourselves who guarantees that My teachings, which are submitted to you, are the truth. You cannot simply accept human words as truth since you know that they can also be influenced by My adversary who is always interested in plunging humanity into confusion. If you really want to know the truth you will definitely receive the right answer providing you don’t want to live in error and request the answer from Me which I certainly won’t deny you. And first I will tell you that you have free will which may never be compelled .... I will point out to you that it may not be forced by either side, neither by good nor by evil influences, and that you are responsible as to how you have made use of this will. Hence every teaching which you are required to accept .... as a dogma .... is against My will. You have the freedom to determine for yourselves what you want to believe and no human being can limit your religious freedom. You also have the right to evaluate different directions of faith and take what you agree with from all schools of thought ....

Therefore I will always speak to those people who want the pure truth because all others are not interested, they are indifferent whether truth is presented to them or not. They are satisfied with teachings which have been added to My Gospel by people but which could be recognised as completely absurd if people cared to investigate them. My adversary has tied a solid knot by forcing people into ‘obedience’ which has eliminated every personal religious opinion because no one dares to have their own point of view or believes it to be a great sin .... And here God’s will should come first .... Therefore I draw your attention to free will which you would have to dispute if you submit yourselves to human law ....

The ‘working of the spirit’ in the human being, the only means of receiving pure truth, is also unknown to you. You do not believe that ‘I Myself will guide you into truth’, and you reject all knowledge gained this way. But this alone is the truth and exposes many misguided teachings. However, as long as you bow to Satan’s commandment that you may not freely accept a teaching which you have recognised as right, as long as you cannot liberate yourselves from something that I Myself will never demand of you .... you will be slaves, completely without freedom. I Myself will force no human being to accept the truth who does not recognise it as such since I have given the human being free will.

You so often raise the objection that human beings have to be educated in one direction of thought .... In that case you should just keep to the two commandments which I Myself have taught people on earth .... Just teach them the commandments of love and you will indeed be doing whatever human beings need to attain maturity of soul .... Because now it will show who has the sincere will to live in love. And then he will experience the working of My Spirit within himself too, he will be introduced to truth, to the knowledge of the meaning and purpose of creation, to the knowledge of the meaning and purpose of life on earth, and above all to the motivation and significance of the act of Salvation by Jesus Christ without Whom no human being can achieve blissfulness.

You, however, are not living Christians .... Christians, who are successors of Jesus and completely convinced of the strength of the Salvation work .... Christians, who belong to My Church, whose founder I Am Myself .... otherwise you would also hear the voice of My spirit who would inform you of the many misguided teachings which find acceptance in the world and which I will always and ever fight against .... (19.6.1964) because only truth will lead you to Me, and only through truth can you become blessed. And hence I will convey the truth to My helpers on earth again and again and at the same time give them the task to spread the truth in the world because the human being must live in truth if he wants to become happy ....


BD 8815                received  19.06.1964

Forerunner ....

I shall also clarify this question, as it is essential that you, who are receiving My Word, will not fall into error, for there are many who believe to be the long awaited forerunner who will announce My coming .... But I keep telling you that he will come at the time of the Antichrist, that his appearance will coincide with that of the former, and that you will then also recognise him .... He will not be there for long and will appear when people need him most, when they need comfort and strength .... Thus you may expect him only when the final phase has begun .... when the natural disaster is over, when a ruler has seated himself on the throne whom you will clearly recognise as the Antichrist and who will cause the battle of faith to erupt. Then this messenger will come forward and clearly testify to Me and My kingdom ....

But don’t assume that he will appear right now, for he is not yet aware of his mission .... However, when he does appear, everyone will recognise him by the power of his voice and his words. He will then not have the desire to be acknowledged as the ‘voice in the wilderness’ .... but that is who he is .... And he will speak impelled by the spirit within himself, for his desire to bear witness of Me, to announce My coming and to motivate people to change direction will be so great that he will disregard all caution and speak in the midst of enemies intending to kill him .... But remember that the time of the end has not yet come, that there is still time to speak freely which, however, will soon change after My intervention has taken place, when the suffering of mankind has become so great that someone will offer his help to control this great adversity .... But then My messenger’s time will also have come, for he is the last of the prophets, and anyone who will listen to him will receive tremendous strength. Yet you have been repeatedly told that he will be an inconspicuous man of whom you would not assume to have such power of speech while he lives his humble life.

But suddenly there will be a breakthrough in him .... all of a sudden he will realise his mission, and he will become a mighty orator on behalf of God .... who will proclaim My name throughout the world and not be afraid to argue in favour of My name. He will portray Me as the Saviour of mankind and fight for Me and My kingdom .... And you will recognise him by the fact that he will acknowledge Me as the Word that became flesh .... that he will distinctly emphasise My human manifestation in Jesus Christ, that he will not allow for any difference between Myself and Jesus, and that he will acknowledge that Jesus is God ....

And his words will fully concur with the teaching I conveyed to you from above. And that shows that he is ‘John the Baptist, the voice of one crying in the wilderness’, My forerunner, who has returned to announce Me, Who soon shall follow in order to fetch My Own when their souls are in utmost distress .... Time and time again there will be people imagining to be the embodiment of John .... Time and again I will enlighten them and tell them that he will make himself known to them in an unusual way, and that he is not to be sought in the ranks of those who feel themselves called .... He will appear where you will least expect him. And this shall suffice you, who anticipate him prematurely, for the time has not yet come. However, it will not be long now, and then everything will happen in quick succession, for he will not have a long lifespan. He will pay for his work on earth with death as it is proclaimed in Word and Scripture ....


BD 8816                received  21.06.1964

Faith comes alive through love ....

All I can say to you is that you will only gain a strong and unwavering faith through a life of love, for love unites you with Me and subsequently will convince you of My strength which is at your disposal to use in accordance with your will. And thus you are constantly admonished by Me to shape yourselves to love so that you will once again adapt your nature to Mine, then all your abilities will return to you as well, which are merely buried within you waiting to break through again, depending on the degree of love you develop .... However, if you make use of My strength in the belief that this strength of Mine lets you cope with everything then your soul’s degree of maturity is already high, and then it becomes evident what you can achieve, for I do not deny you My strength .... after all, I want to give you everything so as to help you become perfect and I take pity on you in your weakness. Nevertheless, I cannot work in you contrary to My eternal order .... This working simply requires a living faith which only comes alive through love. And this is the faith you need in order to cope with the onslaughts of the last battle, for only then will you prove whether you support Me or fall away when you are put under pressure ....

Even so, I will make sure that My Own will rely on Me, that their strength of faith will keep growing, that they will be able to draw strength from Me, Who will be so close to them that they can sense Me and no longer do anything without My instruction .... And then the strength of faith will reveal itself .... they shall receive what they need, be it earthly food that is denied to them by hostile forces .... or be it My Word which will strengthen them in abundance. Then their faith will be strong enough to profess Me before the world .... and thus they will also prove themselves in the last battle of faith, so that they will belong to the flock of those who will be lifted away, who believe that everything is possible which proves My existence. This is why they are not astounded by the process of the rapture, for their faith accepts everything that is beyond the law of nature, that is miraculous, and thus also the new earth with all the creations which did not exist on the old earth, whose magnificence and glory is incomparable.

Hence I have great expectations of those who want to be My Own: with the help of My Word they will still have to fortify their faith to a point that enables them to stand firm, for never before has a battle like this taken place on earth, and it will require much strength in order to endure it .... But I want to help you by speaking to you Myself and revealing My infinite love which only seeks to attract your reciprocation in order to provide you with the strength to remain steadfast. And the reward I promise you in return will be a life in the paradise of the new earth, a life in association with Me, Who can always be present where love exists since only love can be the foundation of a living faith .... This is why the first and last commandment will only ever be ‘Love God above all else and your neighbour as yourself ....’ Then you fulfil your earthly task and one day will be able to enter the kingdom of light and beatitude, and you will be able to behold God ....


BD 8818                received  22.06.1964

Battle against error ....

You will have to fight hard against error for it has already infiltrated the whole world, and it could not be any different since God’s adversary rules and endows a person’s intellect in accordance with his own will. But since his thinking is already turned away from God he can be influenced by Satan who will always do so in order to spread darkness amongst people .... in order to extinguish the light of truth wherever he succeeds. It would be so easy to live within pure truth if all people let themselves be taught by God Himself, if He had access to all of them, in which case there would also be unity in people’s thinking .... But as things stand there is great confusion, people are not aware that the purpose of their earthly life concerns the maturing of their soul. And all concepts have become confused .... There are only a few who can be offered the truth by God Himself so that their thinking is enlightened and they know the purpose of their earthly life ....

However, they are unable to get their message through and enlighten their fellow human being by offering them the pure truth from God and exposing the many misconceptions which darken their spirit. And not just there is the pure truth no longer recognisable .... Even in circles which want to serve God the adversary works, where possible, through people who still harbour traits similar to his own nature. They all strive for truth as well but do not approach God directly, they try to obtain it by indirect means .... they associate with beings in the universe which also still belong to the adversary and they lead people in the wrong direction again .... As long as God does not convey the truth to earth Himself, which can also happen through beings of light possessing full knowledge and God’s consent to teach, the pure truth cannot be offered to people and time and again they will have to come to terms with misguided teachings.

Darkness fights against the light, and due to people’s low spiritual level the darkness will triumph, for the end will be the new banishment .... Yet as long as God still speaks to people he also instructs the recipients to work for Him and the distribution of truth and to convey His Word to all who accept it .... You need not be afraid even if you meet with hostility, for He Himself is with you, He will guide you such that you impart the light to all those who urgently need it and want to know the pure truth. You, who are taught by God and receive the spiritual knowledge either directly or through His messengers, are fully aware of the spoilt teaching which no longer corresponds to the Words of Jesus Christ .... you were given the reasons why erroneous thinking has crept in .... But now you shall also pass on the pure teaching as it was imparted to you .... for the truth must establish itself .... anyone who receives it must also spread it and do everything possible to expose the error as the work of God’s adversary. You will be helped in every way, for since it is His will, He will direct your thoughts in a way that people will receive what they need for the benefit of their soul. For error does not lead to Him and even if people entertain misguided thoughts .... even if they are good and do not sin consciously .... they will not gain beatitude in the beyond until they have recognised the pure truth and freed themselves from error and lies, for God Himself is eternal truth and He can only be found through truth. Error and falsehood can never ever lead a person to the goal .... to union with Him, to glorious everlasting life ....


BD 8819                received  24.06.1964

Who believes in the long path before human existence ....

Since your apostasy from Me eons of years have gone by .... this concept of time is incomprehensible to you but you can put an end to it now if you have the will to return to Me for good. You travelled this path dissolved into minutely tiny particles, and all creations first had to arise for you, which required an incredibly long time, until all particles came together again as the former original spirit that you were when you came forth from Me .... Every stage of your development included untold preliminary periods, no stage could be left out .... every flower, every animal had to be passed through, for you cannot see anything that hasn’t taken on shape in your soul already .... Yet who will believe this? Who believes that you have covered an infinitely long time before your existence as a human being, and who lives up to the consequence of handing his entire will over to Me during this last stretch of the way of return into the Father’s house and finally brings the long time of his development to an end?

You can only believe it all, but then you will do your utmost in order to reach the end .... the release from the form. Yet who can disprove what you learn from Me directly? Who can better explain the meaning and purpose of earthly life? And why do you believe the one who presents life as an end in itself? Because you are shrouded in spiritual darkness which is My adversary’s doing who instigated your apostasy from Me .... And this spiritual darkness can only be lifted if I give you the right explanation, but in order to respect your free will I leave it to you as to whether you accept it. And if I put it to you that you will be banished again into hard matter, if I warn and admonish you to seek release from the last shackle then it should indeed prove My love for you, since I want to win all of you, My children, back again .... But you don’t believe it; you would rather believe that you will completely cease to exist after your physical death .... You will indeed pass away but not in your spiritual substance, instead your consciousness will be taken away from you again but your soul will travel the very painful path of higher development once more ....

Oh, if only you believed, if only you realised that you are immortal and that everything will be placed again where it belongs according to its degree of maturity, that you can liberate yourselves from every physical form and at last .... after an infinitely long time .... return into your Father’s house again, that you only have to apply your will during the short lifetime on earth for your soul’s final purification. Then you would truly do whatever it takes, for the glories waiting for you in the kingdom of the beyond are without equal .... But what makes you so certain that everything will be over with this life? Who can prove this to you? You counteract My revelations with your own reasoning. Your intellect, however, is subject to My adversary’s influence if your thinking does not strive towards Me. Hence there is great spiritual darkness for he will keep you spiritually blind so as not to let you find the path to Me. And I can only be noticed by you through unusual events which have an adverse effect on you, and blessed is he who will then still come to believe in Me, who wants to find out the truth. I will reveal Myself to him and help him gain realisation. For I take pity on all My living creations who would be able to liberate themselves from their bondage but, due to their weak will, My adversary will not set them free and they cannot release themselves without the flow of strength from Me .... which, however, I cannot give to them as long as their will opposes Me ....


BD 8821                received  26.06.1964

Addressing the vineyard labourers ....
Urgency of spreading the Word ....

Every day you grant Me by undertaking spiritual work will be blessed, and your reward will truly not be small .... Yet you should not work for Me for the sake of reward, instead, your love for Me and your fellow human being should inwardly impel you to do so. You are unable to assess the immense spiritual adversity, but it is known to Me and I will guide you to wherever I still know there is a person who would be touched by receiving My Word so that you can inform them of My love, wisdom and power, of My longing for them and My constant willingness to help .... You should eagerly support Me, and even if only a few listen to you .... but each one of them will speak on My behalf and mention My Words again. For he will be knowledgeable, he will kindle a light within him and understand and will no longer want to miss My Word .... And these people will live in truth .... But they will also know that it is the truth which they receive from Me through you. For this reason only rarely will one of them fall away because they were serious about receiving the truth. But I do know where My pure Gospel can be conveyed to, who will accept it with a grateful heart .... And with My Word I Myself Am with everyone who receives it. Since I Myself will then be able to address him Myself through you, I can also answer every question they inwardly ask which will brightly enlighten their thinking and the origin of their mental knowledge, along with My Word, will become their innermost conviction .... they will no longer doubt and gratefully accept everything from My hand. And believe that no work will be done in vain .... for countless souls in the kingdom of the beyond can join in wherever My Word is read .... A circle of souls gathers around every person and they are all offered the bread of Heaven so that they will be able to nourish themselves with the food I Myself have in store for them. And thus you can also work in this kingdom where countless souls derive strength from this nourishment. Hence all those of you who take part in distributing these writings are doing redemptive work, and every labourer will receive his reward .... However, you must not tire, for the distribution of My Word will become increasingly more urgent the closer it gets to the end. And your task will become increasingly more difficult. As a result of the ever-increasing lack of faith .... fewer people will be willing to listen to you. Yet this should not dishearten you, for each individual soul is a gain for Me, therefore you should seek to attract them with all your love, try to deliver them from spiritual darkness and constantly request strength from Me. Truth can achieve a lot, no person can close himself to the truth .... providing he is still of good will, providing he still accepts Me and wants to know the truth about Me .... You are in possession of the truth from Me .... Distribute it wherever you can and don’t let failures discourage you .... I want to bless you on earth already and later in eternity, where all work for Me will find its reward ....


BD 8822                received  27.06.1964

Correction of misguided teachings ....

Truth does not remain pure once it is spread amongst imperfect humanity, which I had foreseen and therefore spoke the Words ‘I will guide you into truth ....’, although merely a firm will would suffice to keep it pure. But people do not muster this will .... And especially divine gifts will be devalued by the adversary’s influence. It can always be safely assumed that My revelations will not remain unchanged either, especially when worldly interests are involved, when people do not exclusively serve these revelations with the firm intention to protect them against adverse influences. And thus My pure Word can be sent to earth time and again, it will not remain pure, because there are too few spiritual helpers, and if My divine Word gets into the hands of worldly minded people it can be expected to be contaminated again. Therefore it is always necessary to convey the pure truth to earth again ....

And for this I choose the right vessels, people who prepare themselves for the reception of My flow of spirit, who give Me the assurance that they will accept the truth without resistance .... who do not oppose it with their own opinions and who fulfil their task correctly .... and who are also distributors of My divine truth. They will also have the gift to recognise error which, as a work of My adversary .... thus under the cover of piety, is given to people as truth in the same way.

I cannot contradict Myself, and neither can I make use of a person who denies My act of Salvation and My human manifestation in Jesus, who thus allegedly speaks to a person as ‘Jesus’ being an ‘ascended master’ .... A misguided doctrine is being fostered in all these human beings, which does not correspond to My divine teaching. But My chosen vessel recognises all correlations and cannot be deceived. And since the beings of light, who work on My instruction, will only teach you what is My will .... since they impart the same flow of strength and light which emanates from Me Myself, their spiritual information has to be the same too, or you would have to doubt its authenticity.

I will always and forever expound the divine teaching of love, as I did on earth, and explain to people the consequences of a life of love as well as the disadvantages of non-compliance with My commandments, because this is the meaning and purpose of earthly life after all .... And time and again you will be told about the cause of your earthly existence .... The knowledge of all correlations is all-inclusive and explains everything, you will recognise therein My love, wisdom and might, and will be able to strive towards a unity with Me. That is all I ask for.

The fact that My pure Word was repeatedly spoiled forces Me to repeatedly pronounce My will too, yet its truth is guaranteed as long as I can still use a vessel serving Me voluntarily and as long as servants assist Me to spread the pure truth. And while this is so, misguided doctrines, which are always close at hand and endanger the pure truth, can be refuted.

I will always bless the will of those who strive for pure truth, I will enlighten their thoughts so that they will recognise the truth .... but it is also essential that they take the path to Me. They must not entrust themselves to beings they call upon for help, for they don’t know whether these are authorised by Me to teach you. Thus they do not know whether they are being taught the truth.

The act of Salvation and its reason is evidence that you have found the right source, but if this is only mentioned in passing, if it is not the essence of a message from above, you should have misgivings, for I gave you the criterion Myself ‘Test the spirits whether they are of God .... a spirit who confesses that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is of God ....’ And this teaching is the most important, this is what matters: that you find salvation through Jesus Christ, only He can take the original sin from you .... For He and I are one, you have to acknowledge Him as your God and Creator in order to unite with Me eternally ....


BD 8824                received  1. - 2.7.1964

Other religions’ attitude towards Jesus Christ ....

Time and again you will ask yourselves why I don’t convey the knowledge of Jesus and His act of Salvation to those who seriously strive for perfection but belong to other schools of thought? Why they don’t accept the belief in His mission and yet their striving to achieve perfection in this life already cannot be denied .... They recognise a supremely wise, loving and powerful entity above themselves and seek to gain its favour through self denial, through asceticism and labours of love for their fellow human beings; they are also willing to accept a most arduous earthly life for the sake of their perfection, yet they generally isolate themselves from people. They, too, have knowledge of Jesus, if only at first of the man Jesus, Who had to sacrifice His life on the cross, therefore it is not a matter of lack of knowledge .... It should be their duty to investigate Him, especially if they want to present themselves as teachers of other people when they, due to their knowledge, occupy a position of superiority. For they also know the process the man Jesus Christ had to endure purely as a human being.

When a being of light without original sin incarnates on earth .... for the purpose of a mission .... it will also know of Him. People who are interested in self-redemption should give serious thought to this problem as well .... I will always support them in this since they have already relinquished all opposition to Me. Their original sin can only be redeemed by Jesus Christ, but anyone with a genuine desire for Me will not find it difficult to come to this realisation, since I Am, after all, solely concerned with conveying the purest truth to people ....

Thus I speak of those with a reputation of wisdom and whom people should use as an example .... who can be clairvoyant at will and who have the gift to move about outside their body .... but who could also recognise the mission of the man Jesus Christ if they wanted to .... for I will always let them become aware of the truth. But in spite of their desire to achieve utmost perfection they do not want to know this particular truth. Consequently, Christianity will find little support even there and My human manifestation in Jesus will not be acknowledged either: However, beings of light are also embodied everywhere, especially during the last days before the end .... And they can be informed by My spirit about the significance of Jesus Christ’s act of Salvation .... For they bring the Gospel to people and make them aware of the strength of love, the true succession of Jesus, Who had to go through love and suffering before He accomplished the act of Salvation .... And corresponding to their love people will be assessed .... And people who live in love will easily awake to the truth, and they will acknowledge Me in the kingdom of the beyond, when they have left the valley of earth and then appeal to Me for forgiveness of their original sin ....


BD 8825                received  04.07.1964

Addition to Yogi - message ....

It is inconceivable to you that a being of light embodied on earth might not be able to fulfil the mission for which it lived on earth .... Every being has its own free will which I do not compel by any means. And thus, the being of light will also be able to study the doctrines of its religion even if they vastly contradict the truth, which it receives through its own illumination although it is by no means forced to accept these insights .... The being of light came to earth as a human being, and as a human being it has to struggle with existing misguided teachings too, which it could certainly recognise as such, but its free will has to be respected if it refuses to do so. For precisely because these humans are highly educated, because they even know the mysteries of creation but believe that they had acquired their knowledge themselves, they feel entitled to indisputable acknowledgment by those who want to be instructed by them ....

However, since they represent a completely different school of thought which rejects the belief in Jesus Christ, it is not unusual for these beings of light to fail on this specific point .... they can indeed initiate their students into everything they accept themselves but they do not fulfil the task of proclaiming Jesus Christ’s act of Salvation .... apart from a few who completely detached themselves from their school of thought and through inner experiences then received the grace to become completely convinced of Jesus’ Divinity. The earthly progress of those beings of light did not result in ultimate perfection, nevertheless, a being of light cannot fall again but it can offer to repeat the earthly path time and again. In addition, incarnated beings of light on earth are without past memory .... thus they believe to be on earth for the first time, or they accept a repeated embodiment as consequence of their religion, which may well be justified .... but they adamantly reject the thought of salvation, they believe in self-redemption through their own will and own strength. This attitude prevents them from speaking on behalf of Jesus Christ and My human manifestation in Him. However, their will is free and with it the spiritual knowledge they pass on and .... since it encourages the human being’s own effort as well as his self-denial, his struggle against himself .... it can also be beneficial, but it ignores the most important problem .... the redemption through Jesus Christ.

Nevertheless, there is a danger that people with knowledge of Jesus Christ adopt their ideas .... that they sacrifice their own knowledge in favour of mentors from other countries .... that they forfeit what they owned, that they even allow themselves to be instructed by ‘spirit guides’ who passed over into the beyond in ignorance. For even in the beyond their will remains free as long as they inwardly reject the thought that Jesus occupied a special position, that He sheltered Me Myself within Himself .... But this happens very seldom, since the beings of light rather quickly gain the true knowledge ....

However, anyone who makes himself known as an ‘ascended master’ is merely using this name to deceive you, because I will only instruct you through the spirit which conveys purest truth to you. Teachers who instruct you on My behalf are not authorised by Me to impart their names to you, the others, however, only pass on their knowledge to people in a state without willpower, in a state of mediumship, which does not offer any guarantee that you are controlled by good spirits .... Time and again your attention is drawn to the fact that only My spirit teaches the truth and that it will not let you go astray, and the evidence for this is Jesus’ act of Salvation and My human manifestation in Him. Only that is your guarantee for truth ....

Therefore I caution you against accepting information from those who undeniably have utmost intellectual knowledge and can enlighten you about mysteries of creation, if they do not have knowledge about Jesus and His act of Salvation. Then you, who had knowledge and surrendered it on their account, will regress. They are too absorbed in their religion but their will is free and I do not force them either, although they descended to earth for a purpose of a mission: to spread the truth .... However, they will discover this truth as soon as they pass away from this earth and then they will also be able to convey it from above ....


BD 8826                received  06.07.1964

Spiritual messages must profess Jesus Christ as redeemer of the world ....

Believe Me that I will not let you live in error if only you are willing to accept the pure truth. This is of utmost importance, especially at this time, because almost no-one thinks correctly anymore, because everything diverts from the truth no matter what people are teaching. And even if you can only impart My spiritual knowledge to a few .... it will shine like a light in a dark night, and people who are addressed by Me directly or through messengers will feel happy in its radiance. And thus few people live in this pure truth and they will also believe you. They will know that it could only have been received through the working of the spirit, that a direct connection exists from Me to you and that they can fully endorse the results. But contacts also exist to the spiritual world which you should regard with caution .... The human being’s resolve to investigate supernatural things can easily put people at risk of receiving information from this supernatural world which will no longer enable them to make a distinction between truth and error.

And time and again I say to you: if you are not educated by My spirit, which will guide you into truth, then don’t believe every spirit who speaks to you .... I indicated to you in the Book of Books that I will reveal Myself to you .... I told you that you all have to be educated by God, Who will then guarantee you the purest truth! But where is it written that I will choose different paths in order to convey the pure truth to you? Even if I let you take the path via spiritual beings who are meant to convince you of the immortality of your soul, they, too, will time and again refer you to the working of My spirit in the human being and first try to motivate you into establishing a heartfelt bond with Me, so that your God and Father Himself will be able to teach you .... And He will guide you into truth .... As to whether this will subsequently happen directly or through His messengers of light does not affect the knowledge which I impart to you Myself. And there is always a danger if instructions from the world of the beyond are given to you which are impossible for you to confirm, for this world is still governed by My adversary who tries to spread error to the same extent, wherever it is possible for him .... And you cannot apply any other guideline but the attitude demonstrated by this spirit towards Jesus Christ. You can give credence to those who profess Him as Redeemer of the world, in Whom I embodied Myself, in which case you are being addressed by one of My appointed servants from the kingdom of the beyond whom I will then send to you if you are still unaware of the ‘working of My spirit within the human being’ .... But he will undeniably inform you of it, so that you can enter into contact with Me with an awakened spirit in order to be further instructed by Me.

If such a circle has therefore come together with the sincere desire for truth, then people will also be taught by guides from the beyond, yet first of all they will be presented with Jesus Christ’s act of Salvation, He Himself will be described as ‘God of eternity’ and then you will also recognise this spirit as a bearer of truth and comply with its instruction to consciously establish contact with Me. I would definitely not place an aversion against these ‘spiritual guides’ into the heart of those of you .... who want to be My Own .... if they worked in accordance with My will too, if they did not spread error. There is such intense counter activity apparent, but it will only ever affect those who do not harbour the strong desire for truth in them, who are content with a communication from the spiritual world but who do not think of the One Who accomplished the salvation sacrifice on your behalf and they therefore can also be misled. If only all of you would believe in Him, in His crucifixion and My human manifestation in Him, then your thinking would be enlightened and nothing wrong would be able to come to you from the beyond. But, instead, people content themselves with wrong reports which are of no value to them.

What I ask of people consists of just a few words: Love for Me and for their neighbour .... For then they will awaken their spirit to life, then they will sincerely unite with Me, and then I will also be able to guide them into more profound knowledge .... into the knowledge of their origin and apostasy from Me, into the knowledge of My plan of return. And then the realisation they had lost due to their sin of apostasy will be revealed to them .... They will discover the great error which is prevalent in the world and its correction which, however, can only be received if I Am able to express Myself through the spirit .... Hence you should first strive to awaken the life of the spirit, and it will guide you into truth .... rivers of living water will flow out of your belly .... you will all be taught by God and all the promises will fulfil themselves, which will remain incomprehensible to you as long as you are spiritually still unawakened ....


BD 8828                received  11.07.1964

Scrutiny of spiritual knowledge presupposes bond with God ....

Only that which originates from Me can lay claim to be the purest truth. Nevertheless, it is certainly difficult to establish as to what has originated from Me if you solely rely on your intellect, even if you strive spiritually and want what is right .... But why do you accept the spiritual knowledge of those who cannot be verified by you, when a clear answer from above is conveyed to you? Make contact with your God and Creator, sincerely appeal to Him for the truth and, truly, you will not remain without a reply .... However, I must demand this sincere will to appeal to Me for support every time you scrutinise spiritual knowledge. You can receive My answer in the most simple way, you need not mull it over and do research or adopt other researchers’ points of view who gain their results by intellectual means. A connection exists between the spiritual kingdom and Earth which you should use by requesting clarification from Me. And I Myself will give you the answer or send it to you through a being of light which is instructed by Me to educate you .... thus, the answer will always be from Me Myself. However, I do not contradict Myself, My Word will forever remain without alteration, on account of which one can construe that opposing sources are at work as soon as a contradiction is found. But one thing is certain: I only judge the human being according to the degree of love he attains on earth .... Then everyone will instantaneously gain realisation on his departure to the spiritual kingdom, if he has not found it on earth as yet. The right kind of love could well have given him light on earth, yet he lacked faith that the Being Which had created him would speak .... Hence he did not listen within .... But people’s way of life could have been so much easier had they been enlightened, had they simply kept to My Word, which would have explained to them all events in the spiritual kingdom, and thus they would also have been able to understand the reason and significance of Jesus Christ’s act of Salvation .... For this doctrine is the most important, it cannot be portrayed as insignificant, for the whole of eternity depends on it .... But how far people have distanced themselves from it already, how unimportant it is for them and the paths they are taking in order to provide themselves with a different solution .... how gladly they accept the teachings of other schools of thought in order to forget the ‘thought of redemption’ .... how willingly they try to describe the ‘human being Jesus’ as an accomplished master only because they don’t want to associate Him with the ‘idea of God’, is indeed worrying in itself, after all, it prevents many people from regarding Him as the divine Redeemer, without Whom no human being can become blessed. Each individual person’s striving, who makes an effort to liberate himself from all negative characteristics, who, for the sake of a higher goal, fights against himself, who therefore strives towards ‘self-redemption’, should certainly be acknowledged; however, he is still burdened by the original sin from which he can only be released by Jesus Christ. Yet I solely judge the human being according to his degree of love, and thus he will also suddenly gain realisation at his departure from earth, if he previously had no opportunity to be informed of the teaching of Christ .... Then he will place himself under His cross and accept Him, therefore, no person needs to be lost who did not find Him on earth if only he lives a life of love, which will grant him sudden realisation. No person who lives in love can go astray .... Even so, it is far better if he still accepts the truth on earth, which shows him the path and explains the meaning and purpose of earthly life to him, because a great battle is being waged on earth between light and darkness, and this signifies a danger for a weak person and I want to help him by imparting My Word to him. And everyone who takes it seriously will also recognise Me as the Giver of the spiritual information which enlightens you about your origin and your goal, about all secrets of creation and My eternal plan of Salvation ....


BD 8829                received  13.07.1964

Pretended worship ....

The importance of enlightening you regarding the contamination of the doctrine supposed to be from Me is shown by the fact that people who mainly observe human additions are ignoring My teaching. Time and again I have to stress that only the doctrine of love is the essence of My Gospel. As soon as you realise that the sole purpose of your earthly life is your transformation to love, you will understand the significance of My teaching of love and liberate yourselves from all ceremony which, in My eyes, is nothing but ceremony, worthless formality. How much time people spend with pretended worship, performing everything from habit, displaying their undeniable spiritual decline, not making the least effort to practice love .... the only commandment I taught humanity as I walked across the earth. And the reason for this is that love has grown cold amongst people ....

What, then, is the use of such ‘divine service’ where you fulfil duties which I cannot value? And you believe you can make up for all your heartless actions by more eager church going and fulfilment of performances invented by men. You believe to think and act righteously, and yet you are mistaken, for there is no one among you who listens to the voice of the spirit. This is the case because you are exposed to adverse influences causing you to refrain from forming your own opinion, thus preventing you from finding the truth .... and thus you, who describe yourselves as leaders of people, are preventing them from allowing the spirit to work within them. For what the spirit would teach a person is quite contrary to your system, and you call him a heretic whilst, in fact, he is My disciple, called to bring the truth to people and chosen by Me as a vessel for the reception of My spirit in order to reveal this truth to you.

You humans should only turn towards love, you should fight the love of self and always just practice the love for your neighbour .... Then you will experience a blessing that is supreme .... Your thinking will be right, your spirit will teach you from within and you will free yourselves from all wrong doctrines. You will seek solitude more often and receive a richer blessing than by the ‘divine service’ in which you now participate. However, he who has love will also recognise the error as human work, except he believes in it so profoundly and lively that I shall not destroy such faith .... which will bring him so close to Me that he will want to do everything he believes to be good before My eyes. But then I will judge such people according to the degree of their love and will give them sudden enlightenment as they depart from this earth.

However, such people are scarce, most merely observe customs while their faith is dead .... It cannot come alive because they lack love, which quickens faith. Although I keep preaching love from above, humanity has become so unspiritual that they do not listen to what I have to say to them. And thus they will perish on Judgment Day, for no one can attain beatitude without love ....


BD 8830                received  16.07.1964

God wants His Word understood differently ....

When you compare the pure truth, which is conveyed to you from above, with those teachings which until now were known as My Word, then you must notice the immense error you live in. It is your duty to openly declare your position in regards to it. You cannot agree that one can look upon something in this and that way, instead, My Word will always have the same meaning and will also correspond to the Word from above, people merely interpret it differently. My adversary took possession of the human intellect and caused confusion, for intellectually all interpretations were possible. But I have given you a spiritual interpretation and was only able to convey it to a spiritually awakened person, but who is wholeheartedly in tune as to how My Word is to be understood and who shall also make an effort in order to combat wrong interpretations. He shall make people aware of them and instruct them in the same meaning as I have done and still continue to do, so that they will live in truth, which alone leads to beatitude. Their attention shall be drawn to the fact that I want everything to be understood differently, that people shall understand My Words spiritually and also fulfil them spiritually. They shall let themselves be nourished and refreshed by Me Myself, and this absolutely necessitates love for Me and their neighbour, otherwise they will be unable to experience the grace of My address, otherwise they will not be able to hear My Word as a ‘sign of My presence’ .... Hence external signs and traditions are of no use to you in order to be certain of My presence in you. Only love must be in you, for only through love will My being there be certain. In that case, however, you will also receive My Word and thus be nourished with My bread from heaven, with the water of life, with My flesh and My blood. And if you spend thought on this interpretation, you will not find any contradiction with the Word I have spoken when I lived on earth .... I handed the bread and the wine to My disciples, but they knew that I wanted it to be understood as My Word which they were meant to hand out to their fellow human beings .... But My adversary tried to confuse people by sneaking a different interpretation in which they diligently heeded and thus gradually diverted from the actual meaning of My Word. And therefore you must attempt to explain all My Words in a spiritual way .... You do not understand one Word as I want it to be understood .... because My adversary has been very successful in confusing people’s mind, but My Own were taught by Me at all times and always knew the truth. And anyone who followed them belonged to the church founded by Me .... The interpretation of My Words has led to the most varied means of ’sanctification’ .... to the sacraments which are to result in all people’s sanctification. But how can this come about if people are lacking love? The human being only lives on earth for the purpose of changing his nature into love .... How can a person, through the act of baptism alone, be delivered from the hereditary sin, which requires a life lived in love on earth? How can a human being be released from all kinds of sins through paying external lip service, if the most profound love for God does not wrench this confession from him? And how can someone released from his guilt through such sanctification means enter the kingdom of the beyond who is only judged according to his degree of love? .... All misguided teachings are disclosed through My Word, through the instructions from above, and you can form your own opinion about them. For you must have the certainty that you receive the purest truth from one side and that I Myself Am the source of this truth, that I can also explain to you how I want My Word to be understood, but that I will also grasp every opportunity to do so where possible, for My adversary has successfully managed to draw you all under his spell. And you do not defend yourselves through your own will for truth, you accept everything presented to you without hesitation and not even once turn to the One Who is the source of all knowledge, not once do you turn to the highest Authority with an appeal for truth, which It would certainly not deny, for I only wait for this call so that I can distribute the truth in its purest form and guide people out of this net of errors into truth. For although I do not infringe upon people’s free will they can use it to help them push the adversary away providing they only desire the pure truth ....


BD 8832                received  19.07.1964

The task of fighting misguided teachings ....

It is your task to counteract misguided teachings, and I Am giving you the proclamations in a way that they are clearly understandable to everyone so that they recognise for themselves the absurdity of what has been presented to them, as long as they are willing. I Am concerned for those who have slight doubts already and want to convey the truth to them.

But those who do not want to let go of their church can be given the purest truth and will not recognise it because they have no desire for truth. Even so, it is good if they get to know your opinion that nothing will benefit their soul’s maturity if it is not based on the principle of love. And while you still have the freedom of speech you should use it and speak quite openly .... you should voice your opinion about wrong teachings and always know that I Am the Giver (of truth) Myself, that you work with My knowledge which gives you every right to support it. For you work with a gift from above which already has the inherent strength to bestow realisation on a person who does not resist it, even if you only succeed in informing a person of the error, for the knowledge of it can still stimulate doubts. For once their belief is shaken much will have been gained already.

Pure truth gives brightest illumination to someone who seriously desires it .... but only to him; and he will not reject these explanations either, and thus I intend to help those who are receptive to it. And there are many who are not content with the traditional spiritual knowledge they are being offered but who are aware of a Deity Who gave them life and Who also takes care that people will reach the goal set for them during earthly life .... who also know that there can only be one truth and that this must therefore come forth from the One Who is the Eternal Truth Itself. As soon as they realise this it will be easy to convey the information to them for they won’t resist long in accepting it because they will recognise that it originates from the relevant Authority. Hence you should frankly expose every error since it cannot lead people to beatitude; on the contrary, nothing good can come from it because .... if the opportunity were offered to them .... they would reject the pure truth. Consequently, what you receive from Me is intended for distribution but how and in what form you offer the spiritual knowledge shall be left up to you since every person reacts differently, yet whatever you do in order to guide people into truth will be blessed by Me ....


BD 8835                received  02.08.1964

About speaking in tongues ....

You should educate your fellow human beings in all truthfulness, and therefore you first have to receive the truth from Me Myself. I told you many times already that the truth will bring you enlightenment, that you will not stay in the dark, that you will be able to understand everything. And thus you are given an explanation about the various ‘gifts of the spirit’, which you can even notice yourselves in those who possess them. You will have to admit that unusual abilities exist when a person has the gift of healing the sick .... you will not be able to deny the gift of prophesy either .... just as remarkable knowledge will be obvious to you too .... They are all things which are unusual in people, powers are manifesting themselves in a person which are undeniably divine activities for the benefit of the souls. But you ask Me in particular about the ‘gift of speaking in tongues’ .... You have already received the simple explanation from Me that this gift is a special sign of a most heartfelt bond with Me, explained such that I speak through a person who talks to people of different nations and they hear him in their native tongue, so that everyone believes that he speaks to them in their own language. This gift is a most obvious sign of My working .... just like the ‘outpouring of My spirit’ upon My disciples .... when all people present heard them speak in their mother tongue .... Thus they were speaking in ‘foreign tongues’ .... and not that a person speaks an incomprehensible language and then believes to be permeated by ‘My spirit’ .... This is a complete misinterpretation of the Scriptures which certainly speak of the blessed feeling of an inner bond with Me which motivates a person to praise My Being, but it takes place in quiet prayer uttered by the tongue .... and not by the mouth.

I ask you in all seriousness: what point would there be in a prayer articulated with the mouth in an incomprehensible language, if it needs interpreting? .... Am I Myself not able to speak to you in a clearly intelligible way? I want to give you light .... why should I use an interpreter who first has to be enlightened by My Spirit too in order to be able to give you light. I Am an unambiguous and true God, and I really have no reason to offer you a muddle of words which needs to be translated by another person. Especially this portrayal of speaking in tongues encouraged people to seek this gift desperately, and thus sects arose whose members assemble as Pentecostal community in order to acquire this gift due to wrong understanding .... Whenever I speak to people I will always give them light, but I do not speak to those who express themselves confusingly and need an interpreter, who is equally incapable of spreading light. I ask you, why should I speak to you in a language you don’t understand? You misunderstand the words in the Scriptures, as far as they can be regarded as My Word .... for even the ‘letter’ added to My Gospel contains errors. Words have been added which were (are) not ‘My Word’ and even those are misinterpreted by you, and thus you cannot escape from error. But precisely these words form the basic teachings of those supposedly permeated by the ‘spirit of Pentecost’ .... And they confuse people because they do not rely on the pure truth which I Myself convey to earth, in fact, they are hostile to it .... They do not accept this pure teaching and this, in itself, should already be evidence for you that they have built on wrong principles. Anyone who is so convinced to be permeated by My spirit that he speaks in ‘foreign tongues’ also has to be able to translate it himself in spirit and in truth, since it is not My will to confuse people’s spirit but to enlighten it. And this translation has to agree with the spiritual knowledge which I convey to earth from above, or you can reject it as error. I will give light to all of you, and you should not resist this light, for the gift of grace offered to you from above is immeasurable, and yet the error is equally enormous so that I have to be active Myself in order to help you become enlightened again .... And blessed is he who accepts the light that shines for him ....


BD 8836                received  04.08.1964

Acts 7, 55-56 ....

Why do you not keep to My simple explanation that I Am not visible to you humans in My fundamental nature, which would consume you if I were to illuminate you with the abundance of My strength of love? Why are you not satisfied with the explanation that I created a form for Myself in Jesus in order to be visible to you? You will, however, fight in vain against those who want to believe that Jesus and I are separate beings, who rely on information they don’t understand due to their unenlightened spirit. No-one can see God .... without ceasing to exist .... In Jesus I Am visible to a person. Where people allegedly have seen Me and Jesus, the error is obvious too, since this can never ever be possible. Even the disciples could not comprehend this enigma apart from a few, and thus reports appeared which did not correspond to truth .... which should always be questioned whenever people speak of a Deity separately from Jesus.

Stephen certainly saw heaven opened and he also saw Jesus in radiating brightness, he saw Him as God, but the people with him associated his vision with purely human concepts. The sentence ‘the Son of man sitting on the right hand of God’ was added by people .... since it is not possible because Jesus and God are the same .... I Am an immensely bright fire Which cannot become visible to you, which you cannot see in your imperfection and which even in the state of perfection would affect you to such an extent that you would want to pass away. Thus, anyone who states that he saw ‘Me and Jesus at My right hand’ is still bound to the Scriptures, which he himself is unable to understand, which speaks to him in images, but the words of the Scriptures do not reflect what Stephen exclaimed during his spiritual vision.

And the same applies to the basic doctrines of the church which state ‘that Jesus is sitting on the right hand of God’. These developed due to a misguided perception .... The reason for the apostasy from God was that the beings were unable to see Him, He did not reveal Himself as Entity .... and therefore He created a form for Himself into which He radiated Himself ....

Thus I became as one with this form Jesus .... This also applies to the teachings of the Mormons who are equally unable to understand the human manifestation of God in Jesus and therefore endorse the doctrine of three Gods. And this is what I want to say to them: You believe that you cannot let go of this doctrine but you should know that it is no longer taught to you as it once emerged from Me .... Because you, too, received My Word in all truthfulness, but what have you done to it?

Anything that originates from Me is purest truth, but it is no longer known to you. You have turned it into a misguided teaching which deviates from the truth in many ways, and now you attempt to pass these misguided teachings on to those whom I instruct Myself ....

Yet time and again I will choose a suitable vessel for Myself into which I can pour My spirit, and this can carry bright light into the darkness of spirit .... it can enlighten you about those problems which arise from controversial issues .... And you will benefit from this, because only truth takes you to the goal. I constantly seek to transmit it to earth so that no-one who desires the truth can say that He was not approached by Me. You only need to desire it sincerely, otherwise it cannot be given to you, since this is My condition which I cannot revoke. Then the truth will surely be given to you and you will also reach your goal with certainty .... you will become blessed for eternity ....


BD 8838                received  07.08.1964

Are the creations of a spiritual or material kind ....
Diversity of stars ....

You are requesting clarification about the creations in the universe, and I want to provide it for you as far as you are able to understand it. The creations are partly of a spiritual and partly of a material kind, but these cannot be regarded as earthly-material, for My creative will is incredibly versatile and you should never assume that other stars have the same composition as earth. However, you have to consider that it is not just earth which is sheltering solidified spiritual substance, that the innumerable stars visible to your eyes were called into being by Me to help the ascent of all human souls which have not yet reached the degree of maturity in order to continue their development in the creations of the beyond.

The whole of creation is My emanated strength, and the earth is the most miserable creation because it consists of coarse matter. Thus anyone covering the process through its creations would be able to completely spiritualise what as ‘soul’ gives life to the human being. Yet the attained degrees of maturity in which the soul departs from earth after the death of its body are very different .... And thus it will be received by other creations which, as far as it is concerned, certainly also exist in the ‘beyond’ but which by no means can be called purely spiritual creations, since their substances are likewise solidified spiritual essence .... strength, which once emerged from Me as a being and failed to become active in accordance with My will. However, this matter is far lighter and more compliant, so that the souls staying there are impelled into eager activity and mutual helpfulness, thus they continue to progress ever more. Thus it can be said that this matter is easily dissolvable and yet it also shelters spiritual substance which once had become unfaithful to Me but which does not suffer to the extent as is the case on earth .... which gladly is of service to facilitate the souls’ further development, which (this matter) therefore will disintegrate again as soon as it has fulfilled its task.

The creations on these stars are inhabited by beings .... which can also be called human beings .... who likewise have a (the) task to support these souls’ further development, consequently material creations have to exist as well, yet they should not be imagined such like those on earth. The beings (souls) are now in a world which offers them incredible things and yet it is a tangible world, because everything is permeated by My spiritual strength and it will remain a tangible world until the complete spiritualisation of all beings has taken place, which then will no longer require a material world.

But since this shall yet take eternities and the stars on the firmament are thus visible to you humans, you are instructed to the effect that all these worlds are My will having taken on shape, that I have emanated strength which more or less was deeply fallen spiritual essence, that this strength manifested itself, thus it is and remains visible for the respective inhabitants of these stars, who merely possess different degrees of realisation and are thus also able to admit inhabitants from earth in order to help them further their development. Then you humans will exist ‘beyond’ earth and yet in My kingdom, and depending on your maturity you will change your abode in order to enter ever more spiritualised creations.

Yet whatever your eyes behold as heavenly bodies in the firmament are creations which were brought into being by My will; and these creations are the original spirits which had once deserted Me, they were given a task by Me that they now fulfil, hence they more or less acknowledge Me again, consequently, they didn’t descend quite so low but nevertheless require material creations in order to fulfil their task therein .... Yet it cannot be said that it is earthly matter, since this spiritual essence had fallen into the deepest abyss which the human being on earth has to overcome over an infinitely long period of time, rather, those material creations were given to people for their happiness and to delight in them .... For a visible star must also exhibit visible creations which should illustrate to the already more mature spirits their Creator’s magnitude and might and also offer the spiritual substances still in need of maturing the opportunity to be of service. This problem is not easy to explain to you because you only understand what exists on your earth, and even here your knowledge is limited, but how other stars have an effect on your thoughts will remain hidden to you as long as you are incapable of seeing spiritually. Then, however, will this realm be open to you and you won’t be able to stop marvelling at the creations on the individual stars. Yet all My works have their reason and demonstrate My love and wisdom and might .... And whatever seems inexplicable to you will become known to you the more your soul’s maturity advances, then there will be no more questions which could not be answered to you .... And this wealth of knowledge will make you very happy, even if it is at the moment still concealed from you ....


BD 8840                received  16.08.1964

Unidentified flying objects ....

What you are told about unidentified flying objects can be flatly dismissed by you as error (lie), for it is mere fanciful wishful thinking of those who thereby hand themselves over to the adversary because they do not have the bond with Me Who could explain it to them .... The need of worldly people who refuse to acknowledge a definitely approaching end is great and they look for ways to escape it. All this fits in with the signs of the last days, that they hope for rescue by other worlds without considering that there is no connection between the earth and the inhabitants of those worlds. It is certain that people claiming to have seen such objects to some extent link up with the powers of the underworld, that they become captivated by the remaining power of the prince of darkness which he uses more than ever during the last days and focus on him.

He manifests himself in the form of appearances which can be described in minute detail, which is also a sign of people’s attitude towards Me .... Profoundly devout people will not experience such appearances, for they believe in the rapture of My Own before the end which, however, will not take place by sending My messengers to earth but I Myself will come in the clouds, as I have told you. Those supposed representatives are forces of darkness who have great power indeed at the end by assembling visible illusions which, however, vanish as swiftly as they appear .... and which can only be sighted by people who are already subject to the adversary or who have not yet found the right kind of relationship with Me. For anyone who holds on to Me is taught by My spirit, and that in all truthfulness indeed .... But what do you humans expect from those appearances?

You also believe the mediumistic promises you receive and thus more than ever live in darkness .... What you believe to see are no visible creations from Me but mere illusions by the one who takes advantage of the wishes and desires of people who want to preserve their lives and with this desire strengthen his power. And the occupants of these ‘visible’ objects which briefly materialise themselves only to vanish again are also from his world. The adversary has great power at the end .... You are told this time and again by Me Myself .... And in view of the end he will also use this power to entice those who do not firmly hold on to Me and as a result of their will are easily influenced. Yet you will hear no such messages from circles belonging to Me, for the adversary has no access where I Myself let My light shine.

However, anyone who is already on his territory will be able to cite ever more ‘evidence’ which is all but deception and illusion. Accept My Word that no connections exist between the inhabitants of different worlds and that .... when the end has come .... no-one will be able to escape it but will either be bodily lifted to heaven by Me Myself or fall prey to banishment once more. But for this I truly do not need messengers from another world or you, who should spread the truth across the world, would also receive the relevant information .... Hence, abide by what I tell you and do not allow yourselves to be deterred, for My adversary is your enemy too, who tries to ruin you but will not succeed with those who are faithful to Me, whom I will rescue from all adversity on the day of Judgment ....


BD 8842                received  21.08.1964

Study does not guarantee spiritual knowledge ....

It is a broad field which is opened up to you through My Word from above. You are penetrating unfamiliar territory, you receive vast and extensive knowledge and can extraordinarily enrich yourselves with spiritual knowledge. Yet this also obliges you to pass it on, for the spiritual knowledge shall brightly shine wherever there are receptive hearts. For that which you receive is truth, even if it will time and again cause offence with those who value their intellect more than spiritual transmissions. However, as long as people are incapable of liberating themselves from traditionally-adopted spiritual information they will not be able to recognise the pure truth either. For whatever is gained by study is dead knowledge if the spirit of people acquiring such knowledge is not awakened. And therefore you will experience the biggest rejection where only the intellect was involved, where I Myself was unable to speak, because I speak to the human being’s spirit which maintains the bond with the eternal Father-Spirit. You will only rarely meet with understanding there but that should not stop you from speaking on behalf of the only truth, for no human being will be able to disprove it because I Myself convey this truth to earth and no-one will actually be able to contest My arguments. The fact that people interpret passages of the bible at their own discretion only reveals their error consistently more clearly, they just don’t want to admit to it due to their years of study. Yet of what use is this without the awakening of the spirit. And how much misconception has it already achieved .... And your task is to refute it, to expose all error and offer people the plain truth which they then are indeed more likely to accept than spiritual knowledge which can lay claim to ‘truth’. Hence, whatever you undertake in order to convey the information from above to people has My blessing and will certainly achieve its purpose, for many people object to the distorted doctrine and will be happy to have found an agreeable explanation.

Yet people who persist in holding on to the knowledge they gained through study will become your enemies, precisely because they lack an awakened spirit. Nevertheless, don’t let it disturb you for you are working on My instructions .... You proclaim the truth which alone originates from Me .... and you will truly surpass their knowledge, for you will be able to explain all those things which preceded the creation of the world and of the human being .... And this is really very significant, and you cannot be disproved. They can only reject it as implausible but they will be unable to offer a better explanation and reason for their existence on this earth. They will have to admit that they did not learn anything about this even through study .... but it was explained to people by Me Myself. You humans can’t possibly imagine that you .... who are highly educated .... are more privileged than people who are less intelligent when it concerns the achievement of maturity of soul .... You cannot possibly depend the ‘maturity of soul’ on your sharpness of intellect just because you were able to ‘study’ .... if you don’t awaken your spirit first, in which case, however, it would have pointed the error out to you. On the other hand, an uneducated mind can achieve spiritual awakening because it only requires love and this has to be put into practice in order to awaken the spirit to life. And anyone who lives this love cannot agree with misguided teachings .... He will know precisely where error has crept in and will wholeheartedly support the eradication of these misguided teachings. Whether you belong to this or that school of thought .... unless you first come spiritually alive your knowledge will remain dead knowledge which cannot emanate strength to the listeners .... This has to be said to all of those who reject My revelations on the basis of their worldly knowledge, which I cannot call otherwise because it was gained by way of study but which does not guarantee truth, which can only be obtained from Me .... from the primary source of truth ....


BD 8843                received  22.08.1964

Giving account ....
Urgency of distribution ....

I can only every admonish you to remain steadfast if you are held accountable for the sake of My teaching. You will still be heavily attacked because no-one wants to listen to the pure truth. For this reason you should request much strength from Me now, so that you will be able to cope with all onslaughts. Admittedly, you cannot be swayed by any counterarguments because you are convinced that you have received the truth. Nevertheless, your opponents are clever, they will try to make you waver and it will truly require firm faith and much confidence in My strength in order to confront them. Then I will still gain a few people over for Me who find the pure truth more agreeable than the distorted teachings which you must denounce. Only My Word from above is the pure truth, and you can also endorse it as such without having to fear that you would be acting against My will if you also enlighten your fellow human beings as to what I Myself expect them to believe. Time and again I conveyed the knowledge of this to people, yet as long as they still felt committed to a school of thought, they still held too deeply rooted opinions and the acceptance of teachings which blatantly opposed their ideas met with resistance .... But now I have been offered the opportunity by a tool, which is entirely devoid of personal opinions, to permeate it by My spirit and this truly instructs it correctly. And the urgency of My doctrine’s truthful portrayal is indeed very obvious, since people are lukewarm and do not comply with My divine commandments of love at all, apart from a few exceptions which will be judged according to their degree of love and not according to external appearances, which are an abomination before My eyes. It is the time of the end .... And this alone should make the conveyance of the pure truth understandable to you, for no-one shall be able to say that they have not been informed of the truth .... I will shake all those up who are capable of receiving the truth and induce them to think about it .... but whether they are willing to receive it is their own decision, but they will also have to give account for their will. For this reason I have referred to the time when My Gospel will require purification, which consequently necessitated a vessel which submissively opened itself to Me in order to let a powerful light shine in, which offered no resistance and thus gave Me the opportunity to express Myself and to reiterate My teaching as I wanted them to be understood .... If only you humans would believe that I solely judge the degree of love when you depart from earthly life .... Then you would also make an effort purely to fulfil these two commandments, you would thereby receive everything I promised while I was living on earth .... You would receive an abundance of strength and grace and would not have to worry about earthly things, for then you would truly only take care of your soul and live your life according to My will. You would recognise and acknowledge Jesus Christ as the Son of God and Redeemer of the world .... You would recognise Me Myself in Him, for all this knowledge would be conveyed to you if you lived a life of love, which would awaken the spirit in you. But those of you who want to serve Me shall stand firm and draw your strength from the wealth of knowledge which will always flow to you when you make contact with Me through kind-hearted activity and heartfelt prayer ....


BD 8844                received  22.08.1964

Racial questions ....
Doctrine of re-incarnation ....

These questions are not so easily answered, because you regard everything from the point of view that you humans only advance in earthly life. You are repeatedly told that this earthly life is the only path to attain childship to God .... that you are thus able to achieve it with good will .... Yet only very few people will be able to achieve it, especially during the last days when love has grown completely cold. However, you don’t consider that the development continues in the kingdom of the beyond, that I have ‘many schoolhouses’ where .... once again with good will .... the soul can continue what it had neglected to do on earth, although the goal of achieving childship to God can no longer be attained .... but where the being can also descend into the abyss again and then My merciful love, requested by your prayer of intercession, will come to its aid. You always have to take infinitely long periods of time into account if the redemption through Jesus Christ was not possible to take place .... But to Me a thousand years are like a day .... And if you now raise the question whether a possibility for recompense exists for those who due to My will were incarnated as a Negro I will counter with another question:

Do you know whether a white human being will not abuse his incarnation for God-opposing actions? Of what use is it to him that his knowledge is far above the former if he spends his life entirely without faith and love, whereas the former can be kind natured and thus be far above the other. Unbelief is the greatest evil that can adhere to a person, for then he will still be severely shackled by the one who pulls him down. And such people cannot be saved in one earth period either; yet they will not return to earth as a human being, instead they will be banished into matter just like the souls in the beyond who have descended into the abyss because the work of redemption was unsuccessful with them. In that case one period of Salvation will not suffice .... just as the so-called ‘indigenous’ races of people experience their first incarnation on this earth which .... if they do not strive towards further development in the beyond .... will likewise descend and be banished again. This banishment, therefore, will always take place at the disintegration of earth for the purpose of establishing Divine Order again .... However, it is not a re-incarnation as you humans imagine it, that you can arbitrarily wish for it and then have your wish fulfilled .... You imagine everything as being limited, both regarding the time as well as the location to where you will be placed ....

You fail to take the concepts of eternity into account, which have such serious consequences for you humans .... And you are facing one such concept of eternity when the transformation work of earth takes place .... Then all human beings will have to start the process of development from the beginning again, but not as you would wish by returning to earth yet again to complete your perfection. It is possible to become perfect on this earth but it requires all your will and utter commitment .... The fact that this is no longer endeavoured is explained by people themselves, for they are heartless and completely without all faith. However, where Jesus Christ is still sincerely called upon in spirit and in truth .... where He is still recognised and acknowledged as Redeemer, there is also love, and this also guarantees that the human being will ‘become perfect as his Father in heaven is perfect’. When a still immature soul departs it will be joined by countless helpers in the beyond and safely guided to ascent .... If, however, it is unwilling then it will descend but even then it can still find redemption .... and if all efforts by the world of light fail then it will be banished again in the end .... If you thus know that the degree of love determines the degree of the soul’s realisation when it departs from this world, then you will also understand that all schools of thought which endeavour to develop love will also result in recognising Jesus Christ before or after its passing away. And they, too, will find redemption as soon as they recognise Him .... Hence it would not be necessary for them to incarnate on earth again in order to find faith in Him.

However, one thing to be considered is the fact that these schools of thought already know about the divine Redeemer and that it is up to them to appeal to Me for help in giving them the correct explanations .... For this demand of Mine is justified that people must approach Me Myself in regards to problems which only I can explain .... and that I also instruct those who have the sincere will to know the truth. And as long as they don’t fail to do so they will also be aspirants of the childship to God, for they will .... where possible .... also spread their knowledge. Hence there is no need for a another incarnation on this earth in any case, whereas the beings in the world of light appeal for another incarnation for the purpose of a mission, which can only be fulfilled by a being of light on this earth, but by which the being can also gain childship to God, although it is without knowledge and only suspects it due to the mission with which it was instructed ....


BD 8845                received  26.08.1964

Interpretation of the divine Word ....

The ‘Word of God’ has been subjected to many amendments, and it is still amended, so that My Words were not in vain when I said: I will guide you into truth .... Because I knew that My Word would not remain unchanged and thus I promised to send My spirit to those who kept seeking the pure truth and made it possible that I could reveal Myself to them .... But as far as possible I have always protected ‘My Word’ from amendments so that the deep significance of My teachings could be retained ....

Yet My Word was interpreted such that this resulted in misguided teachings .... which I consistently fight against by conveying the correct explanation to people .... And hence it will no longer matter whether and to what extent the writers of the Gospels were commissioned by Me, but solely what you humans have made of the Words that where written with the best intentions and with the will to serve Me. Even My scribe John could not prevent that the original text was changed by people, that the translations were not flawless and therefore were often interpreted differently. Hence it was possible to give My Words, which were preserved in the original text, a completely different interpretation, because they were mainly spoken to My disciples and therefore intended to be passed on .... but they understood the spiritual meaning of My Word. They did not convert it into worldly instructions but in the course of time these replaced the true meaning of My Word ....

Therefore, in view of the many translations that were carried out during this time, it was not possible to preserve the Gospels in their original form. And if a spiritually awakened person had pointed out the error as soon as he recognised it, he would have been sharply denounced as a heretic. Where My adversary had succeeded in even spoiling the prayer that I Myself had taught you, by portraying My essence incorrectly without people even noticing it, he has made good use of their spiritual ignorance and blindness .... And thus even today the concept of the ‘working of My spirit within the human being’ has not yet been sufficiently clarified, in as much as My ‘representatives’ on earth are arguing as to whether the words I spoke to My disciples were meant only for My disciples or whether they were meant for all people .... thus whether everyone should heed them.

But I continue to transmit the pure truth to earth, therefore it is of no significance whether everything has been preserved unaltered, because I knew what the amendments would be, and because I kept giving clarification where necessary .... where the divisions of the churches occurred, which were always based on differences of opinion .... The division of schools of thought always happened when My representatives on earth disagreed, when each one believed to understand My Word correctly and a dispute ensued as a result. They could not twist My Word but they succeeded in changing its meaning. And thus a number of fundamental words of Mine were misunderstood, which resulted in one division after another and finally in the commencement of many sects, each with their different problems, but with not one of their followers knowing anything about the ‘working of My Spirit’, or he would have taken the path to Me for clarification as a matter of course.

And if I want to bring clarity again and inform people of My will I need to find a vessel which puts itself at My disposal .... to which I may speak Myself and through which I tell people how I want My Word to be understood. Because today the confusion is greater than ever, and every person interprets the Word for himself as it suits him .... And if humanity is to be given a light it can only happen by way of inner enlightenment, so that people can be taught by Me directly, but then they can also convincingly present their knowledge to other people. But then every question will also be answered and every problem will be solved, then you will be guided into truth, as I promised you ....


BD 8846                received  27.08.1964

The working of the spirit exceeds a scholar’s knowledge ....

Anyone who truthfully wants to serve Me must also endorse the truth to his fellow human beings .... for he receives it through the voice of the spirit. This is a privilege he cannot value enough, since he is thereby in possession of the pure truth which no-one can take away from him. And to know the truth means to be so illuminated that the darkness is unable to harm him. What could be more pleasing on earth than to partake in the light, to be illuminated by the light of mercy which bestows brightest realisation upon a person? .... And it is his task to share this with fellow human beings, to kindle a bright light in them as well and also to dispel the darkness they are burdened with. Yet you will also encounter resistance all over the place, for only those people who request the truth from Me themselves are willing to accept it, whom I can therefore approach and speak to through you. And I know their hearts, I know that they yearn for the truth, and come to meet all those who will not reject you. Nevertheless, only a few will possess the full truth, for spiritual arrogance is far too obvious in the world. The kind of education that you experience will only rarely find credence. Instead, people think that they will only discover the mysteries through study, and thus they will be granted more credence; and the problem all over the world consists of the fact that only those who have far less knowledge than you feel called to educate their fellow human beings because they don’t draw their knowledge from the source. The purest form of truth can only come forth from Me Myself .... And neither have I ever required the study of spiritual issues. Everything concerning your spiritual life comes under My jurisdiction and I distribute the pure truth to those who appeal to Me Myself in their desire to receive it, and they will be taught correctly and their knowledge will far surpass that of a ‘scholar’. However, if I instruct a bearer of truth to use his spiritual knowledge and educate his fellow human beings, then I will also make sure that you will meet those you are intended to instruct and you will find willing listeners in them .... Consequently, your mission is of greatest importance and you must not allow yourselves to be held back by those who are unappointed, because I consider those ‘unappointed’ who do not believe in your task, who oppose such obvious proof of My working with their unbelief, but who assume a teaching task for themselves which they are not entitled to as long as they have not received the truth from Me Myself, which always necessitates a life of love. Only then will they also become enlightened, but in that case they will no longer oppose you, they will only ever find additional information which clarifies their knowledge and will accept what you offer to them, for then they will recognise the divine origin and be delighted with an explanation where they hitherto were still unable to see clearly, and they will be grateful that they, too, can refresh themselves at the source of the truth .... that they, too, may draw from the living water and that this source has opened itself for them ....


BD 8848                received  30.08.1964

Strength of faith ....
Nourishing the believers ....

Believe Me that you will still have to suffer hard times which will discourage you if you don’t have an unwavering faith, a faith of such intensity that you can contact Me at any time and take complete strength from this relationship, that you can endure whatever happens to you in the knowledge that I know of it and will not give you more than you can bear. Because then it is essential that you prove yourselves by requesting strength from Me in order to resist those who will take action against you with the intention of stopping you and your work for Me .... But then you will also triumphantly succeed, since they too are open to instructions, you can inform them about the purpose and goal of earthly life. You will be able to make them understand the meaning of their existence on this earth and a few will listen to you, thus you will have gained those already, because I Myself will support you. During this time many things will still happen that will make them think, and world events will not pass them by without leaving an impression either ....

But the achievement of your strong faith will not go unnoticed by those who will treat you with hostility, and anyone who is not yet completely committed to Satan will be impressed by the strength of faith. The effect of a strong faith will be clearly evident to them when they confiscate every necessity of life from you and then have to witness that you live in spite of it, that you don’t suffer poverty and that even the laws of nature can’t harm you, that you are not nourished by people yet nevertheless live, that you receive the strength from above, which you need only request in your prayer .... And this strength of faith has to be requested by you now, because if this faith is not strong enough you will hardly use the opportunity to pray sincerely and with complete trust at the time of hardship. Thus make use of this time and constantly pray for the strengthening of your faith, for assistance during the time when you will be scared and can hardly think of yourselves .... Then it will suffice to send a brief thought to Me, a call from the heart, and I Myself will be with you and protect My own during all hardship and danger .... Because this is what I promised you and now promise you again, that you who labour and are heavily burdened should come unto Me ....

And you will have to suffer a lot of hardship but it should not alarm you, because your helper is ready at all times to protect you, and people will not be able to harm you as long as you are in close contact with Me. And it is certain that you will remain close to Me because everything will take on such dimensions that only One can help you .... And you will take the path to the One because you are already in such close contact with Me that you cannot forget Me anymore .... And for the sake of My Own I will shorten the time since, beyond doubt, the world will be full of devils and every one of them will try to kill you .... But in the same way My angels will surround you and protect you from them .... Because My might will finally triumph over My adversary and his followers, and your time of suffering will be over, you will be allowed to experience the new earth, and all hardship will have come to an end ....


BD 8849                received  02.09.1964

The latter-day Saints ....

How often have I revealed Myself to people before now and told them My will, if only people had kept to My Word all resulting misguided teachings would have been instantly recognised as being in opposition to My will .... But each school of thought has its followers and thus whole communities developed who supported the truth of their teaching .... who regard themselves as ‘latter-day Saints’ and defend their belief such that hardly anyone can stand up for themselves against them. But now I Am clearly manifesting Myself by denouncing all teachings which contradict My Word given to you from above, and there are quite a few of these .... It is of such great significance to be spoken to directly from above and to hear My Word that, in view of it, any misguided teaching truly has to disappear into thin air, that it has no further right to continue as truth. Because I Myself Am the source of truth, the eternal truth, Which cannot ever lead you into error, Which will not impose a misguided doctrine on you, Which eternally is and remains pure and sincere .... Consequently there can only ever be one truth, and this may not contradict itself ....

As long as you humans still abide by formalities, as long as you rely on these to achieve psychological maturity, you are lacking the foundation of truth .... And as long as you do not know the reason for your embodiment on this earth you will not take the right path which leads you to the goal you are meant to reach .... You humans should seriously consider to what extent each school of thought supported by you corresponds to My Word sent to you from above .... And try to find a person among you who has the grace and maturity from above to serve Me as a vessel .... In that case you will hardly find a teaching which contradicts the other, for they are all taught by the spirit, they are taught by Myself, and this in all truth indeed. And My Word will penetrate everywhere .... even those still living in error will be spoken to but they have to voluntarily accept My gifts of grace, they cannot be forced to do so. Hence time and again there have to be people who, having been taught by My messengers, shall now labour in the vineyard by passing it on again ....

However, nothing happens without a struggle, no one will be willing to abandon the error, you will have to speak as My labourers and request My grace for this. But be aware, bringing pure truth to people who are already too enslaved by error is not an easy undertaking. Because every school of thought insists on its spiritual knowledge and can only be convinced if the human being has much love. Then the spirit is awakened and enlightens him from within. Then he accepts whatever you tell him and is grateful to you for the light by which he can now recognise and understand all correlations .... All schools of thought .... no matter what they call themselves .... need only ever be asked the question whether ‘My spirit is working’ in their group of people, which then expresses itself in a way that a person receives important knowledge without his own action .... knowledge, which enlightens him about his origin and his final goal .... That is where the pure truth from Me will be, because I can only ever say the same, since eternal truth never changes and thus continues to exist eternally. If only people would take the right path, the path to Me and ask Me for clarification .... Truly, they would all be filled by the spirit and no person could become enslaved by misguided teachings. But this is a matter of free will, and people do not utilize their will but rather listen to what equally unenlightened people tell them. And for that reason the error grows immensely, for that reason it will not be recognised, and for that reason countless people support misguided teachings which, however, they could recognise as error if they would apply their will to do so. And that is the great spiritual hardship on account of which I need many workers in My vineyard .... But only a few will let themselves be taught by them, only a few accept as truth what they are offered from above .... But I will bless everyone who supports Me in My work, who informs people, thus helping to reduce the great spiritual hardship ....


BD 8850                received  06.09.1964

Free will must accept the truth ....

You can endorse everything I say to you before the world; for it needs the truth, with error and lies it will never find the path to Me. You humans might wonder why I allowed the error to become so widespread and I can only ever respond with the same answer, that your free will alone is the crucial factor as to whether or not you live in truth or in error. The fact that large congregations formed which continuously advocated their misguided opinions is also only based on their founder’s free will, and the fact that untold people followed him again without forming their own opinion, without thinking about the responsibility of their attitude, must likewise be based on their free will .... Free will may neither be infringed upon by Me nor My adversary, yet My adversary has a far greater number of followers, because people don’t think but leave this to the leaders whom they follow blindly. Yet they alone will not have to bear the responsibility for all their followers will also be accountable, and only the degree of love each person carries will decide which fate they will have to endure one day. And wherever it may be, time and again I will send a spark of light which can ignite again. My spirit will become effective everywhere, because people will also repeatedly attain a high degree of love again which will subsequently also offer Me the opportunity to reveal Myself, so that the pure truth can be conveyed to people over and over again. But who will accept it? Every person who portrays Me to his fellow human beings differently than they imagine Me to be is rejected, and therefore it is rarely possible to convey the truth to them. And no matter how clearly and unmistakably My Word is given to them .... people reject it .... because they are influenced by My adversary, who will always fight against the truth and has great power due to the fact that only a very few live a life of love according to My will and thus are no longer exposed to his interventions. And that is where My Word .... the pure truth .... will be accepted, they will recognise it as truth without their will being compelled .... But since the truth is offered to everyone, those people who did not accept it will have to accept responsibility for that, for they could just as easily have believed My Words as they did with error, because they possess free will.

And thus you, who want to serve Me, need only ever confront them with the pure truth, and every single person will have to form an opinion of it. If he is seriously interested in the pure truth he will reflect on it, and then he will no longer be unreceptive to My revelations. This is why the spreading of My doctrine is the most important thing for which I require you as servants in My vineyard, for love must pass it on, it must be offered with love, and thus it will also appeal to every person who likewise practices love and therefore is receptive to the truth. This battle between light and darkness will continue until the end, the adversary will become increasingly more powerful because people’s free will allows it .... But I will also convey the truth to earth until the end, and this will highlight his activity and expose him, but it will only ever be obvious to those who are open-minded for the pure truth, whereas the others will hold on to their error and defend him. Even so, every soul you save from My adversary’s trap is won for eternity. And the fact that in the kingdom of the beyond only that person is enlightened who knows the truth should impel you into increased vineyard work .... Consequently, anyone who does not let go of his error here, will take it along into eternity and be unable to attain bliss until he abandons his erroneous thinking. And again, it only depends on his degree of love whether realisation will come to him with lightening speed on entering the spiritual realm, so that he will let go of the error .... Therefore never forget to put the commandment of love first .... never forget to encourage people to live a life of love if they care about their souls’ salvation .... Then a person will already have quiet doubts about his hitherto advocated truth. And then it will also be easier to bring him the truth, he will accept it without opposition and yet without infringing against his free will ....


BD 8855                received  19.09.1964

Importance of the missionary work ....
Making use of the knowledge ....

Time and again you need to be told that your task solely consists of searching for Me so that I can let Myself be found by you, because I want to be the object of your love, and what you search for is what you desire, what you love .... I only want to gain your love and then you will have accomplished your purpose in life. Then I will be able to return your lost realisation to you while you are still on earth and you will enter an enlightened state, all darkness will have been overcome, you can let all abilities in you break through again, your earthly life will result in visible progress because you will have established a heartfelt bond with Me which gives you light and strength in abundance. And if you are therefore instructed by Me Myself about your original state, about the purpose and goal of earthly life, you need not fear any decline anymore, for this realisation will stay with you forever. Your only task remains to let your fellow human beings partake in this realisation of yours, even though it is up to them whether or not they want to accept this. You, however, possess the knowledge, and this can no longer be taken away from you .... However, as long as you still live on earth you must also make use of this knowledge, you cannot use it just for yourselves, it is connected to the task of passing this knowledge on to your fellow human beings who are still completely ignorant and who will react to it entirely differently. That which seems perfectly natural to you is incomprehensible to them as long as they are not seekers themselves and have an open ear for your disclosures. So this is the work you should do for Me, because it is My will that a bright light shall shine in all places, because I want to counteract My enemy and because I want you to participate in this battle. For he has done an excellent job by covering humanity with impenetrable darkness .... he has done everything in his power in order to undermine the pure truth from Me. And he has succeeded, for only a few people know their purpose in earthly life, only a few people keep My two commandments which I gave people as a basic prerequisite in order to gain the knowledge again. Love is indeed necessary in order to understand the offered information, without love it will remain dark in them, and without love they cannot establish contact with Me which would give an understanding of the knowledge to them. And therefore I can only ever tell you again: inform people of My commandments of love and, depending on their attitude towards them, the knowledge they are offered will either appeal to them or not. But you must not fail to constantly draw their attention to My love and explain to them that I do not implement anything which is not based on My love .... For people cannot understand that all kinds of misfortunes shall only ever impel them to turn to Me, to appeal to Me for advice and help, and I will truly help them as well, but this cannot happen if they don’t believe in Me .... Hence you must teach them to believe in a God of love, wisdom and power .... Once they have gained this faith they will take the path to Me by themselves, and then your help will become evident, then they will also accept the knowledge and it will bring them peace and joy, just as you yourselves have received. I want to draw close to all people, I want to lead all people to the light, each one of them is dear to Me and I want to gain their love. Nevertheless, My adversary’s activity will continue until the end and he will still win many victims for himself. For this reason you should class yourselves as My fighters who fight by My side for the salvation of souls. Even if only a few listen to you, every single soul is a gain for Me and it will be eternally grateful to you that you protected it from the fate of a renewed banishment. Always listen to what I have to say to you and don’t think that I don’t require your help .... I Am always willing to speak to you and to constantly increase your knowledge, and thus I want to continue instructing you because I still have much to say .... The time is approaching its end and you cannot be nourished often enough with My Word, for with My Word you also constantly receive strength, which is urgently needed by all of you for the work in My vineyard ....


BD 8857                received  21.11.1964

Israel ....
(meaning of the name)

I am going to answer all your questions, as soon as you can draw a benefit from it for your soul... For what helps you to the maturity of your souls is the receiving of the answer that bridges the knowledge, which must be an expansion of your cognition, it must fill a space in your knowledge. It should not only assuage a curiosity, therefore, it cannot be a worldly question.

Your thinking to this extent is correct in that each name has its meaning, but you are not capable to fathom this, only then, when you bring one of your own names in connection with the name of a people, whose name I Myself gave.

Then, first you have to become aware of what I Myself have placed into this name. That I chose a people, to introduce Myself amidst of a people to the world as their God and Creator...that I chose a people to embody Myself in. Therefore, I am speaking of the people of Israel, the people, who recognized only one God, and that is why I abided with them. I was not talking about for whom I was not the Saviour Jesus Christ...but I spoke of those instead of them, who acknowledged me, who could call themselves true Israelites, because I was a true Israelite and could rightfully take on this name Myself, because I arose out of the tribe of David, the ancient father of those that believed in Me and therefore followed Me.

Though everyone called themselves Jew, but were more or less without belief, their belief was - because they had no love - not a living one, and although in the temple they taught the faith in one God, but they themselves were without faith... And therefore will the People of Israel not consist of those whom you term Jews, on the contrary, to be understood as those who have a living faith and acknowledge Me; I Who appeared as Jew, because I was a real Israelite. And now again the people who, with all zeal, represent Me, who are taught directly by Me, who promote one spiritual well being and therefore, as well belong to My Israelites, to the people of Israel, who in Me recognize their Saviour and Redeemer, who feel connected to Me, who I can speak to at all times. Although it may not happen directly, yet they hear me indirectly. Therefore, they belong to My messengers who carry the gospel into the world. Consequently, I still speak to My People of Israel and denote those, who confess in their acceptance one God, who acknowledge only one God, Who embodied Himself in Jesus.

For it is the works of redemption in which you people must believe, in order to also find deliverance. For this, the one God descended to earth and took on flesh. Yet, He had to prevail against all attacks. For He came unto His own world, and His own did not except him. He suffered and died for the people, and they did not recognized Him because their minds were darkened and did not want to let go of their temple statutes, against which He fought in the fields. And once again we have come this far that He is not being recognized. Again the darkness is so great that it is hard to find the right faith in Me, because the hatred is increasing against the Jews, the closer we come to the end. And everyone who represents Me before the world I will bless, and speak to My people in whichever form it may be.


BD 8858                received  23.09.1964

Correction of a big error ....
(After reading: Lucifer’s Fall) (Lorber - Lutz)

In the beginning only perfection emanated from Me .... Hence you can object when I Am described to you as a Creator who has created ‘unclean’ spirits .... I Myself Am the Creator of all beings because there is no strength apart from Me which could create beings. And thus the first spirit of light whom I externalized was enlightened by My strength, and only perfection could emanate from our mutual will of love and strength .... And this is precisely what you have to understand, that I cannot act in opposition to My order of eternity, that I could not have externalized imperfect beings from within Myself either, who did not decide to abandon Me voluntarily until after an infinitely long time, who were not influenced by Me in any way to infringe against the divine order but who acted with completely free will. Only in view of that can you can understand My eternal plan, that My objective is their deification, and in view of that you can also understand why Lucifer .... the light bearer .... became My direct opposite ....

When you are given an entirely impossible description concerning the creation of beings you will doubt My perfection, and you will also doubt My love for every creation which, ‘according to My will’ was (supposed to be) ‘faulty’ from the start. In that case you cannot comprehend the process which was intrinsic to the rejection of My strength of love, and I have to make the truth available to you, because one error is followed by another .... That such an error could have crept into divine revelation is always the result of intellectual thought, which is used by My adversary to cause confusion, which in turn is the reason why I have to reveal Myself again and again, and (in order to) lead you into the truth in all purity ....

Eternities had elapsed before the apostasy from Me occurred .... thus My love was able to continuously enlighten the beings and they were in a constant state of abundant blissfulness. And even the being which I had created as My first vessel for the emanation of My love had been receiving the flow of My love’s strength for eternities before it detached itself from Me out of free will, which it possessed as a divine living creation. However, if I had created an ‘unclean’ being, I Myself could have been accused of having given life to such a being, but this cannot eternally be the case because I Am perfection Itself. I have no imperfections, I Am pure love, and This does not create anything unclean, but It will do everything to lead whatever has become unclean back to purification ....

Yet how wrongly the act of creation is depicted to you .... And what consequences will result from this .... And time and again I bring you the absolute truth, because without it you cannot know Me properly, because your idea of Me questions My perfection, and because of this you cannot love this Being, Whose perfection you doubt, either. Because you, too, have emanated from Me in complete perfection, even though you have taken the path through the abyss to once again become what you were in the beginning. You will understand that I cannot explain all spiritual reasons in view of your lack of awareness which you are now experiencing due to the sin of rebellion against Me, nevertheless everything you are told relating to it has to correlate, and you can safely dismiss any blatant contradiction and explain it to yourselves by the fact that human intelligence, which can be influenced by the adversary, played a part in it.

Only My plan of deifying My created beings has caused Me not to oppose the apostasy of the beings, but this occurred in free will from the position of utmost perfection into the deepest abyss .... and only the certainty that I will regain all these beings prevented Me from stopping them, but this does not refute the fact that they had been created in absolute perfection just like their lord who, as the light bearer, was the first to fall away. However, I had not created him in a manner that he had to do so but free will was the cause of the fall, just as free will has to seek to ascend again in order to become what it was in the beginning ....


BD 8859                received  24.09.1964

Correction of a big error ....
(Continuation of no. 8858)

When your belief in My perfection is taken from you, when you doubt it, then you are subject to a misguided doctrine which can entirely destroy your faith, because you then have no guarantee that I Am telling you the absolute truth, which can only be given to you by a supremely perfect Being .... And in that case your former will would not have been quite so grave, because if you had been ‘created imperfectly’ you could also find a reason therein for having fallen .... and such misguided teaching has to be most decisively rebutted .... You must know that you were fully enlightened at the time of your fall .... that you were not surrounded by the least amount of twilight or darkness at the moment of your apostasy from Me and that you, like Myself, had been supremely perfect .... i.e. beings of light .... whose fall would simply have been incomprehensible if you had not been in possession of free will as the sign of your divinity.

The fact that the first created original spirit was endowed with the same abundance of light and need not have fallen, that he voluntarily changed himself into the opposite, was not My will, it was not My doing, it was entirely the result of his free will which, nevertheless, could not dispute My perfection. Neither had it been determined since eternity that the first created spirit had to fall, although I had known since eternity how he was going to direct his will. But if his fall had been planned, as you erroneously assume, he would not have had free will, and I would not be a perfect Being if I had transmitted My will onto him ....

Surely this has to make sense to those of you who question My perfection, who allow yourselves to be influenced by descriptions offered to you by a human lack of common sense in order to undermine Me and the pure truth. I cannot counter the errors often enough which slip into My Word time and again, although I protect My messengers who receive it directly from Me. But as soon as the desire for pure truth was not predominant My adversary was also able to interfere and cause confusion by first questioning My perfection, and thus misguided teachings arose which I constantly have to correct if I want people to receive the truth. This is extremely important before the end because My Being should be accurately described to enable the emergence of love which I expect of My living creations, and this love can only be given to a supremely perfect Being, Which in Itself does not have the least imperfection .... Only I alone know that and why My first created spirit has fallen, but it has been explained to you as far as you are able to understand it .... But if you associate this with My will, Which wants everyone to achieve utmost bliss, then it is a most blatantly misguided doctrine, which could only have been fashioned by an unenlightened spirit .... a purely intellectual thought process .... Because My will is good, it will never initiate something contrary to this, it can only ever express itself in accordance with My love, thus it could not have determined the fall of the first being itself, while at the same time allowing every being its free will, irrespective of how it is used ....

For I have known thereof since eternity and thus have also been able to establish My plan of salvation accordingly .... because I foresaw with what hatred he is opposing Me, he has now become My direct opposite who, however, nevertheless contributes towards helping Me redeem vast numbers of My beings, albeit involuntarily. Because one thing I could not do: I could not create children for Myself, because the free will of the being itself has to become active .... And that has been My intention from the start, but it did not necessitate My first being’s fall into the abyss because, truly, I still have many options to achieve the goal I have set Myself .... And thus I Myself would not have wanted something which was (would be) a sin against Myself for which I then would (have) let the beings walk an eternally long path in agony in order to become what they were in the beginning. Such a description of My fundamental essence, Which could only create and plan with supreme perfection, is wrong and will have to be denounced time and again as wrong, because from within My power I have created everything in existence with deepest love, with superlative wisdom. And all of this proves My perfection to you, because I do not bring something into being without meaning and reason and thus also want to be recognised and loved as supremely perfect ....


BD 8860                received  25.09.1964

Correction of a big error ....
(Continuation of nos. 8858 and 8859)

I cannot let you, who have accepted the task of spreading and supporting the truth, live in error, and therefore you first need to know where error has crept in. You will see that all doctrines will be pulled to pieces and that you will then have to stand firm, which you will be able to do if you are in possession of the truth. Then you will succeed in disproving every objection, for I Myself will place the words into your mouth, but I can only do so when I recognise that you only want to advocate the purest truth, in which case you need not fear anyone who wants to shake your faith. For this reason I instruct you to the very last detail and draw your attention to where error has crept in, always bearing in mind that one day you will have to voice your opinion, and then you should be able to maintain it .... You should not let yourselves be intimidated but always defeat the adversary with My Word when you come across contradictions, for I will not leave you without help, I know every question and will answer it for you so that you will never be at a loss for a reply. And you should always ask people whether they desire nothing but the pure truth .... for only this is decisive .... People still have far too little desire for truth, they do not appeal for protection against all errors sincerely enough, on account of which the one they need to guard against is able to intervene .... But all people believe that they desire the truth .... In that case, however, they would be unable to make mistakes, for I truly protect everyone who wants to serve Me in the spreading of the truth! However, you, who possess the right desire for truth, will become suspicious as soon as you discover a misguided teaching, and then you need only make contact with Me and I will always enlighten you as to how such misguided teaching had come about and what it consisted of .... This is why the process of Creation was explained to you in such a way that your God and Creator’s love, wisdom and power was its reason, so that you can no longer doubt His perfection either .... Everything has been explained to you with greater than great love which is boundless and gives itself to all created beings, even those which had once fallen away from Me .... For love cannot perish, it follows those who are lost in the abyss and tries to motivate them to return. For this reason I portrayed the act of creation such that I also embraced the first being with boundless love, that I delighted in its bliss and that I would never ever have withdrawn My love had the being not rejected it voluntarily. But I have also explained to you what free will entailed .... that the being was able to change itself and had left the eternal order .... and that, because it possessed free will, it could not be prevented from distancing itself from My law of eternal order .... The sin consisted of leaving My law, but at no time ever did I cause a being to do so, since this would contradict My love ....

I Myself Am fundamentally good, nothing exists in Me which disagrees with the law, nor can I hate any being, I will always pursue it with My love .... I merely cannot make a being blissfully happy if it has transgressed against Me .... And neither can I say that it was My will that the first being should fall .... You do not know Me in My immense love and mercy which speaks no harsh Words, regardless of how guilty you are .... I merely state what corresponds to facts, nevertheless, without getting angry, for My love is greater than My wrath, and whatever I implement according to My eternal plan of Salvation only ever happens for love, which is intended for you for all eternity .... Anyone who therefore believes that Lucifer had to fall in order to be a welcome tool for Me, thus, in order to serve Me as a direct opposite, confuses the knowledge of his will, which was known to Me from the start, with a purpose for the being. For this will was .... because it was free .... opposed to Me, so that I was able to build My plan of Salvation on it. The fact that a being, which was created in all perfection, was able to turn into the opposite .... that it could feel such depth of hate towards Me, cannot be attributed to Me, as I Am Love Itself and did not withdraw My love from this being either, because hatred is an ungodly quality which can never find room in Me but which .... since free will was able to distance itself from Me so vastly, was also able to turn into intense hate .... But that does not mean that hatred is present in Me, that I incorporate everything .... good as well as evil. Everything that exists in Me is in divine order, only that which is outside of Me is also outside of the eternal order. You humans must understand that it is incorrect for you to believe that you can discover even the slightest wrong order in Me, since then I would not be perfect, which only good in its highest perfection can be. The fact that My infinite love is also accompanied by justice is certainly the cause for all kinds of suffering and adversities affecting you humans, but I would only too gladly keep them at bay if your right inclination of will would allow for it. And thus the distance of My first-created being has become so vast because he himself caused this distance from Me which, for the sake of justice, I cannot reduce arbitrarily. Instead, he will remain My direct opposite for Me and My plan of Salvation until he, too, can finally be redeemed. Therefore I explained the act of Creation to you such that you won’t follow a wrong line of thought which will make you doubt My supremely perfect nature Which externalised everything in most profound love .... And where love is present no evil thought can ever determine the fall of a being .... a thought, which can never be from Me because I Am supremely perfect.


BD 8861                received  28.09.1964

Correction of a big error ....
(Continuation of nos. 8858, 8859 and 8860)

Hand your every trouble over to Me and I will grant you comfort and inner calm, because with Me nothing is impossible. Neither is it impossible for Me to give you the right explanation as to why I did not prevent the occurrence of errors in such important questions such as the ‘fall of the spirits, which presents Me and My act of Creation differently to the clarification I have given to you .... The question of where ‘evil’ originated from has always been asked .... whether all good and evil qualities are incorporated in Me, and this question always involved far too much human thought .... since people have always judged Me and My nature by their own standards but in so doing they failed to appeal for receiving the pure truth, instead they provided themselves with an explanation about My nature and this started My adversary’s activity. And thus you already have the explanation for what supposedly has also been ‘My revelation’ .... the reason why error entered ‘divine revelations’ .... As soon as protection from misguided thinking is appealed for such inaccuracy cannot happen, because I Am incapable of lying, but as the spirit of lies more likely corresponds to human thinking, he has instant access to people’s intellect. I cannot contradict Myself. And since I now have the guarantee that an appeal for protection from error always precedes these writings .... since it is also the time of the end when I have sent a spirit of light to earth in order to inform people in all truthfulness of My reign and activity .... there only remains the rejection of these writings .... as being contrary to the erroneous description .... or their complete acceptance. You humans can use your own discretion as to whether you want to acknowledge Me as supremely perfect or whether you imagine Me with flaws, thus also with evil qualities. It is up to you humans what you want to acknowledge, because error only happened in a few instances, therefore test all things and keep what is good. But the fact that mistakes have occurred is certain, and therefore a great desire for truth must predominate again amongst people in order to recognise what corresponds to truth.

And again, only a small number of people desire the purest truth, but they will know where human intellect was more involved so that it drowned out the inner voice .... Added to this came the ‘human implementation’ when intellectual thought intervened once more and devalued the ‘divine revelation’, but which only ever requires the desire for truth so as to be able to recognise it as error. For this reason I made My prophesies come true and, time and again, every century rectified what required clarification .... Therefore two directions will also emerge once again, and yet again it will involve ‘conformists’ or those who are interested in the pure truth .... It only ever concerns the fact that everything which leaves My eternal order no longer corresponds to My nature, that everything turns into the opposite, but that I Myself can only ever move within the eternal order .... Hence, the person who is ruled by his intellect alone is already outside My law and grants influence to the one who likewise stands outside the eternal order. And therefore you have no idea how highly I value your appeal to protect you from error, for this request truly guarantees you the greatest spiritual success .... This problem, too, had to be discussed sooner or later, and therefore nothing is ‘coincidence’, everything is predetermined in order to provide the necessary information, because every error is a danger for the human being’s spiritual state. However, anyone who desires the truth will object to this doctrine, he will discard it as wrong, he will test it and keep what is good .... Even so, I cannot force any person to make an appeal which he himself must send up to Me from within: the appeal for protection from error. But where this desire for truth is so embedded in the heart, the guarantee for truth is also given. And this truth shall be spread, because the time of the end has come ....


BD 8862                received  30.09.1964

What can be regarded as divine revelation? ....

The great quantity of that which is accepted by people as ‘divine revelation’ is also a sign of satanic activity, for he seeks to undermine My pure Word in the same way by availing himself of My Words in order to confuse people. However, the comment ‘I shall pour out My spirit over all flesh’ must not be understood such that everyone believes themselves to hear My speech, but the thoughts of those who desire to be instructed in the truth are guided by Me accordingly. And where two or three are together, I Am in the midst of them, so that they, too, will know themselves to be guided by My spirit if I Myself Am the subject of their conversation .... Everyone will certainly be able to hear Me within himself if he appeals to Me for guidance on the right path .... And thus the working of My spirit will be observable in every person who preaches love for Me and in turn motivates other people to love. I will also speak through him but always in his usual manner of speaking, so that a hearing of the ‘inner Word’ cannot be spoken of .... For this is only recognisable by the fact that I emanate a light of such radiance at the same time that it illuminates the darkness and provides people with the right clarification about all questions posed by the spiritual seekers .... for they shall receive light in order to pass it on. For this reason I have, very wisely, announced such bearers of light for every era whom I enlighten time and again about the actual purpose of life and the human being’s task .... about the reason of embodiment and the final goal .... in short, about everything that humanity lost as a result of their lack of faith and their ever increasing distance from Me .... Hence, the fact that bearers of light exist in the truest sense of the word cannot be denied, however, they are not often to be found and therefore I announced them as returning ‘in every era’ .... From this alone it is evident that such Word-recipients are unique .... and that they can be granted utter credibility. But once a person is so intimately in contact with Me and listens within during this contact then he will indeed be able to hear Me, for I promised you that I will be with everyone who unites with Me in prayer.

Nevertheless, you humans must not forget that the adversary is able to express himself in the same way if your thoughts digress and you enter into his sphere, and that he will then speak to you under the guise of piety as soon as you allow him to influence you. For this reason you must be extremely careful, you must withdraw into your closet if you want to hear Me, you must not believe that I speak through you to people directly but that you, if you communicate with people, speak in your usual manner .... Then I will certainly be able to guide your thoughts correctly so that they voice what is right but you will always express yourselves in your normal manner of speaking. You must make the distinction that you can indeed speak as I want, that your thoughts will be guided by My, but that you will never hear Me Myself such that you can say: I Myself Am speaking through you .... and the same applies to ‘where two or three are gathered together in My name ....’ or ‘I shall put the Words in your mouth’ so that you will then speak according to My will. However, the Words people write down, the Words they hear in the silence of their heart, can certainly be endorsed by them as My direct speech, but where I Myself Am supposed to speak through a person to a congregations, so that they therefore believe they are hearing Me Myself, that they no longer speak in their normal manner of speaking, I will not express Myself even if they want to verify it with the name of Jesus .... For this gift of the audible Word is so rare and requires such a high degree of maturity that it is almost impossible to find a suitable vessel for it .... And those who audibly hear My Word within themselves will only hear it occasionally, in great adversity or danger or when a person is embraced by My great love .... But then it will only be moments when a person can state that he has clearly heard Me .... Yet the saying ‘I will pour out My spirit upon all flesh; and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions ....’ is generally interpreted according to wishful thinking, so that everyone believes himself to hear the Father’s Words which, however, can only be received in seclusion and which then can indeed motivate a person to truthfully point out the forthcoming Judgment to people .... For it is the time of the end which makes it necessary for Me to let such prophets and seers appear and to speak according to My will, as I have promised ....


BD 8863                received  02.10.1964

How did evil arise? ....

As soon as you humans see your God and Creator in Me, as soon as you have established the right relationship with Me .... the relationship of a child with its Father .... you will also have the right contact with Me, that is, you will be filled by profound humility and expect to hear My Word, which I will not deny to anyone of you who prays to Me in the right way .... which requires absolute humility without fail. For I bestow My grace upon the humble .... But you humans have to be receptive to My Words, you must recognise every thought arising in you after heartfelt prayer as a reply from Me, for then it will be impossible for you to think differently than it is My will, because I have given you the promise that you will only have to pray correctly to Me .... i.e. in spirit and in truth .... so that I will listen to and grant your prayer. Nevertheless you need not expect unusual results .... such as audibly hearing My voice .... but every thought arising in you after a heartfelt prayer is My answer, and then you will truly only have benevolent thoughts which cannot have emerged from any other source but from Me. You must always bear in mind that I know when you think of Me, and that you then cannot be affected by adverse thoughts.

You ought to know that this attitude of yours towards Me is pleasing to Me and that I can then give to you what suits your maturity of soul .... that I can express Myself audibly which, however, is only rarely possible. But if I Am able to express Myself audibly then it will exclude all error, for then it will sound in you like a delicate little bell, you will be overjoyed if you can hear My voice like this. And then I will be able to convey revelations of profound wisdom to you and you can unhesitatingly believe such revelations .... Only one thing has to be remembered, that the human being’s intellectual considerations of such problems can lead him onto the wrong path which provides the adversary with an opportunity to intervene, in which case he will in fact also hear a voice but it will not make him happy, instead it will trigger a mild sense of unease in him. And this voice will then solve the problem according to the human being’s will. Therefore questions of this kind make it particularly necessary to first send an appeal for ‘protection from error’ up to Me above, because this appeal will protect him from the adversary’s activity. Then he will make himself receptive to the answer which can be imparted to him from Me directly, because his appeal displaces the adversary ....

And especially the question as to whether evil also came forth from Me is still occupying you humans today as much as at the time of these revelations .... But I can only ever tell you that I cannot have an evil thought within Me, that everything that emerged from Me can only be good. How, then, did ‘evil’ come into the world? .... The explanation rests in the being’s ‘thinking ability’ .... For this was free, thus it was able to voluntarily change the good thought transmitted by Me to the being. And free will signifies the ability to develop in either direction .... Hence evil was born out of free will, it did not previously exist but is a product of free will, it is .... since its thinking ability did not impose any barriers on the being .... a product of creation by the one who declared his power in opposition to Me and My will, who therefore .... since he was creatively inclined .... also ‘created’ evil .... that it was his responsibility for bringing it into the world and thereby became a deceitful being. You always want to accuse Me, the most perfect Being, of evil, which could never have found room in Me. But you do not comprehend the fact that My adversary himself was the origin of evil, that he changed his faculty of thought into evil because he distanced himself from the circuit of My flow of love and that this was therefore a ‘departure’ from My eternal order ....

The fact that he, like I Myself, was an independent being who was capable of changing and had changed the good thoughts I transmitted to him into the opposite of his own free will was the beginning of the sin against Me, for I had given free will to all beings, I had endowed all beings with the faculty of thought .... How else could it be that not all beings used their free will and their thinking ability in the same way? .... He himself brought evil forth from himself which started because he felt the wrong kind of love, because he was envious of My strength and from this emerged everything bad but which originated within himself because he used his thinking ability wrongly and which I was unable to change due to his freedom of will. Yet he did not receive any wrong thoughts from Me. You must always consider that this being .... Lucifer or the bearer of light .... differed from the beings which our combined strength and will created .... that I created an image of Myself in him, a being whose nature was exactly like My own and to which I also gave the greatest power of creation .... and which was also exceedingly good. But the profusion of our mutually produced beings made him arrogant, and this arrogance temporarily clouded his faculty of thought, which was already a slight hint of selfish love that opposed My nature.

And therefore I say: whatever existed outside of Me no longer existed in My order. And this being .... Lucifer .... disassociated himself from Me and everything in him changed into an arch-evil being, he produced all characteristics and brought them into the open himself. You can only ever state that he, being a power like Myself .... brought evil into the world, but not that evil is in Me as well and that I had transferred it onto these beings. For the fact that non-fallen beings existed should convince you that the ‘faculty of thought’ did not have to lead to the fall but that My adversary had many means at his disposal in order to make his followers fall as well. Just the fact that I, as the highest Being, was not visible to them but that he shone in an abundance of light and they acknowledged him as their God even though they were brightly enlightened. For the apostasy took place over an infinitely long period of time, thus he could not have been created by Me as a deceitful spirit, and all these evil attributes were gradually able to evolve, yet they never originated in Me but in the one who was as powerful as Me and merely had a beginning, which he knew full well. And thus evil, too, has had a beginning with the start of the spirits’ apostasy from Me ....

Until then, however, everything was perfect and therefore he also emerged in all perfection from Me which, however, did not exclude that he used his gifts differently than I had intended them to be used .... And this was subsequently achieved by his ‘thinking ability’ which, however, was not determined by Me, in fact only good thoughts flowed to him from Me .... And time and again I draw your attention to the myriad of non-fallen beings which likewise had the faculty of thought but which discovered Lucifer’s abuse of strength, who brought evil into the world and then accused Me Myself that I have evil within Me, and thus he will also always lead those people astray who are receptive to this ....


BD 8864                received  08.10.1964

God cannot ‘excuse’ the sins ....

My love is truly so great that I would like to cancel all your guilt, for you came forth from My love and this love will never change. Yet I would no longer be perfect were I to violate My eternal law of order by evading righteousness which, after all, requires atonement for every sin. And besides, a human being had to pay the purchase price for your souls, for you equally belonged to My adversary and I did not want to deny him his right over you. He would never have set you free had a human being not defeated him with love so that he was no longer able to keep hold of the soul which wanted to detach itself from him. For the immense guilt tied the souls to My adversary and he did not loosen the restraint until the human being Jesus wrested it from his hands with his act of Salvation, but then it was up to every person himself to make use of His help. Now, during life on earth .... in the state of free will .... it is a matter of making the decision of acknowledging the rescue mission by the human being Jesus and accepting salvation from Satan’s fetters. Yet he will not release his own without a fight, since they willingly followed him into the abyss. They are his followers, his power, whom he will not release of his own free will. And therefore it also required a greater than great act of love, an act of compassion, which only an angel-spirit was able to accomplish, because no human being on earth was capable of such love, since they were entirely without love. The fallen beings had distanced themselves too much as to feel love and therefore a prayer for redemption from their past guilt was entirely out of the question. ‘Love’ had to sacrifice Itself and thus also carry out the act of Salvation in the human being Jesus, Who took upon Himself the most appalling suffering and pain for the sake of love, against which My adversary was powerless and therefore had to release the souls who accepted the act of Salvation, which gained them a stronger will .... for I died on the cross purely for this strengthening of will, since due to the sin of apostasy the will was utterly weakened and no being would have been able to rise up against its prison guard.

This path of the cross was essential, for then the adversary recognised the power and strength of love which was capable of such an act of compassion and he had to surrender to this love, for it was greater than his hatred, it reclaims all souls from him if they want to be released from him .... he cannot hold on to them because they now also recognise the magnitude of their guilt and with their appeal for forgiveness demonstrate that they want to return to the One Who created them .... But also the fact that I wanted to become a visible God for you motivated Me to embody Myself in the human being Jesus, Who loved His fallen brothers to such an extent that He took the hardest path of suffering on earth and concluded it with His death on the cross .... This human manifestation in Jesus was also the motive for His inconceivable suffering, for the beings’ were previously unable to behold Me, which was the reason for their apostasy from Me .... Therefore I chose a perceptible form for people as to be visible to them, but this form also had to have overcome the deepest abyss due to love, which included the suffering and dying on the cross, in order to completely spiritualise itself so that it would be able to accept My love completely, in order to become a visible God for the souls of people Whom they would be able to behold face to face when they themselves have become one with Me through love and found unity with Me .... You humans will never ever be able to visualise Me because I Am an eternal fire Which would completely consume you. And that was also known by the bearer of light .... Lucifer .... and yet he desired to behold Me. He was utterly illuminated and therefore presented himself as ‘Creator’ from whom the beings had emerged .... And the beings, too, knew that he had a beginning and yet they followed him into the abyss. And the Redeemer Jesus Christ can liberate you from this guilt .... against better knowledge .... He alone was able to pay the price of atonement to the adversary for all souls who want to be released from him. For I Myself was in Jesus as the eternal love, I sacrificed Myself for humanity’s sins .... and became a visible God in the perceptible shell of the human being Jesus .... And at the same time the human being Jesus rendered the atonement for My justice, for no guilt can remain unatoned if I don’t want to violate the law of My eternal order. But since ‘Love’ paid for it everyone can become free from his guilt, for essentially I accomplished the ‘act of Salvation’ Myself, I merely made use of a human form which sheltered the fullness of Myself within itself but which redeemed humanity with suffering and pain from the one who has the same right to these souls in view of the fact that they had voluntarily followed him ....


BD 8865                received  10.10.1964

Comforting Fatherly Words ....

If only you trusted Me wholeheartedly then nothing in your earthly life would be able to worry you, because your destiny is in My hands and depending on your trust in Me I can give you what you need. Little faith, however, prevents Me from considering you in a way I would like .... Therefore you should let everything approach you and not do anything of your own will, for especially you who want to be of service to Me can rest assured that I will smooth your every path if only you always commend yourselves to My love and grace, for truly, all means are at My disposal and I guide your destiny such that it will benefit you and the vineyard work you shall still carry out for Me. After all, it should be obvious to you that I Myself wouldn’t want you to disrupt the work .... You can imagine that nothing is unknown to Me that will help you, and therefore you will also be led wherever and however My will decides. And I will make the decision easy for you, for all of you will be of one mind. And then you will also know that I Am involved, that you should hold on to My hand and believe that I will keep helping you .... For I still want a great deal of work to be done and you should place your efforts at My disposal for it involves exposing further errors and confronting them, which you can only do with My support ....

And thus I also need loyal servants who, on the one hand, are willing to accept the spiritual knowledge, and on the other to distribute it, for the spiritual crisis is getting increasingly worse and people are in urgent need of explanations, because they instinctively reject the misguided teachings and, alongside these, also the right ones and are therefore lacking all faith .... And the fact that I need you for this service should already suffice to make My care of you and your earthly requirements understandable to you. For one day you will find out how richly blessed this work of yours has been, even though it does not compel but leaves every individual person free to believe. Yet your work is visible as rays of light in the beyond, thus everyone following the light can come to realise the truth, and there are not just a few who help themselves to strength and light, even if it seems to you that your effort on earth is often in vain. And therefore believe that I guide My servants on earth through all dangers of body and soul and never take My hand away from them, and only wish you to hold on and faithfully place your trust in Me .... Then every problem, every unpleasant situation will resolve itself so self-evidently that you will only ever recognise the obvious protection of My kind Fatherly hand which does not allow you to be harmed. And the more you trust Me the more evident will also be My help, which then will be without limitation ....


BD 8866                received  11.10.1964

Acknowledgment of Jesus ....
Final decision of faith ....

It depends on your free decision of will as to whether the gate into the eternity of light after the death of your body will be open for you, it depends on whether you establish such a close bond with Me that you acknowledge your God and Redeemer, that you recognise Me as the Saviour from sin and death and completely hand yourselves over to Me .... and thus can no longer separate Me from Jesus, that you bring all your guilt to Me under the cross and appeal to Me for forgiveness of this guilt .... I really don’t ask much of you in order to then receive you into the kingdom that is permeated by light .... I only want your acknowledgment of Jesus, who descended to earth as the Son of God and became My external shell so as to enable Me to become visible to you .... I don’t ask for much and yet you find it so difficult to acquire the heavenly kingdom because you have to fight against pride, selfishness and all bad habits which are the signs that you still belong to My adversary, who transferred all these vices and bad habits onto you so that you became like-minded and distanced yourselves from Me abysmally. And for the most part these bad habits still exist in you when you live as a human being on earth, but with the help of Jesus you can easily discard them, for he has acquired a stronger will on your behalf, thus it is not impossible for you to free yourselves from these bad habits.

But then again it depends on to whom you grant your will, and this alone shall determine your fate in eternity. The knowledge about the Salvation through Jesus Christ is only very weak these days, only a few believe in the act of Salvation and completely hand themselves over to Me in Him, who make use of the blessings acquired on the cross and want to liberate themselves from all guilt .... But they are certain to find redemption and will be able to enter in brightly radiating light through the gates into My kingdom. Time and again I speak to people and explain to them what is most important, what they have to know .... about Jesus Christ’s act of Salvation .... However, the fact that most people keep their ears closed, that hardly a single spiritual Word can be spoken to them, is My adversary’s doing, who in the last days will make every effort in order to still seduce those of weak faith, presenting everything to them as a myth which no-one believes anymore.

And again, I can only admonish you to establish a heartfelt bond with Me, your God and Creator, and to look for the light inside yourselves which I will kindle in every one of you if only you have the sincere desire to get to the bottom of the truth. Then you will also receive enlightenment about Jesus Christ and His act of Salvation and no longer be unbelievers. But try to obtain this enlightenment before the battles of faith begins, for then you will be required to make the decision for or against Me. Then you will have to stand firm and must have acquired so much knowledge about it already that you will not need to fear any contradictions, that you can stand up for Him and His act of Salvation with full conviction .... Yet this time ought to be feared by all those whose faith is still so weak that it will only take a small push to surrender it completely .... And that will be the last decision of faith which nevertheless has to be taken before the end .... And then it will become evident how many will forsake their faith and how many people will be lost and have to approach a new banishment because there is no way out anymore. Therefore I can only ever speak to, let you know in advance what fate awaits you and admonish all people to establish a more heartfelt bond with Me, who have not yet entirely abandoned Me and also know about the divine Redeemer even though they lack faith .... But it is My serious endeavour to guide them into faith, to describe the blessings of the act of Salvation to them and to admonish them to obtain a true light in regards to it, which I will gladly kindle in them so that they, too, will find redemption from sin and death ....


BD 8868                received  14.10.1964

Different status of the created beings ....

Believe Me that I still have to correct many misconceptions if you are to live in truth and defend it. You have a completely wrong concept of My creative strength, which is unlimited and endowed the created beings with infinite abundance of strength. Thus they, like Me, were also able to constantly and without knowledge of limitation externalise creations into the universe .... Hence there are no different degrees of creative power in the beings who remained faithful to Me, who did not voluntarily move into a different sphere from Mine, where I Myself amid My hosts have the domain of My creativeness .... All beings were created perfect, and that means that no being is subject to any restriction, but that every being is given a task which it conscientiously fulfils. But one task is no more important than another, and thus there is no difference of status either .... all those beings’ love culminates in their love for Me, and they indeed always aspire towards Me in order to become even more blissfully happy through the response of My love, which you humans cannot measure by any standard. Merely the degree of love can differ in beings who overcame the abyss without having achieved childship to God on earth but who nevertheless achieved a degree of love and constantly seek to increase it. Their happiness, that they escaped the abyss and had to walk the path of evolution, knows no limits. They are conscious of their present beatitude, and their eternal life is a constant singing of praises and thankfulness .... They, too, are allowed to create and give life to the universe but always in accordance with their abundance of light, which constantly increases.

Thus everything perfect knows no limit, consequently there cannot be any beings who take precedence, and your idea of dividing these beings into groups of more or less able beings is wrong, since perfection renders this null and void. These are always human concepts, because you are more or less inadequately shaped and thus also want to transfer these attributes to the absolutely perfectly shaped beings. Whether the smallest or the largest being is created .... it takes the same creative strength, because it is the same work of wonder in My creation. And the supreme perfection of the beings rests in the fact that one helps the other, that not one wants to take precedence before another and therefore neither the expression ‘angel’ nor ‘archangel’ is justified, but all beings belong to My vast host of created original spirits, only you humans imagine the world of spirits to be status orientated, just as you create different positions on earth for yourselves. As long as you still have a low degree of maturity the degree of love will differ too, and you cannot create in strength and might. You have to aim to increase this degree of love until you attain your original condition again, from which your fall into the abyss took place. In addition, you also have to acquire the childship to God on earth, and for this purpose a being of light can return to earth for a mission, if it had previously failed on earth but achieved a degree of light in the beyond which sanctions a repeated embodiment. Just as every non-fallen spirit may take this path through the abyss in order to test its free will, although it can never descent further, rather the original spirit’s urge for creation becomes ever more powerful. Then it will make constantly greater demands on My strength of love and aspire towards Me and thus create with My strength, which completely permeates this spirit. Perfection, however, is unlimited .... or, what is perfect knows no limits. It is as powerful as I Myself and can make and shape the largest as well as the smallest creations, for it will always help and assist the wretched to attain beatitude ....

You can only understand this when you know what ‘love’ is in its fundamental essence, and therefore I assess everything by the degree of love. But this assessment ends as soon as the being is perfect .... because to be perfect means to be infinitely blessed, then every being’s love is only intended for Me as the utmost perfect Being, Which will always gratify its longing for love and yet it will never end ....


BD 8869                received  17.10.1964

The path through Satan’s world ....

The world is Satan’s domain and yet you have to pass through it because all of you are more or less still attached to the lord of this world, since you have not yet completed the last work of spiritualising yourselves in this world .... you are still imperfect and therefore not entirely free from his control .... However, you are all aware of My will which only ever asks you to selflessly love your neighbour. Hence you know what will bring you closer to perfection and therefore you shall only ever endeavour to release yourselves from selfish love and turn it into love for your neighbour. Then you will detach yourselves more and more from his world, you will pass through this world and it will no longer hold on to you, but has to release you if you want to carry out this will of Mine. Then your earthly life will only be a short stage on the path to your eternal home, you will remove your fetters with My help, for then you have surrendered to Me, and wherever your goal is, there is also your heart .... Your longing applies to Me and this world has nothing else to offer you, it can no longer stop you on your path of ascent .... However, if you don’t carry out this change from selfish love into unselfish neighbourly love you will take your last short path across the earth in vain .... then you will remain attached to the one who wants to pull you into the abyss again.

Yet I cannot force your will, you have to strive for this change entirely of your own accord so that you will be able to gain immeasurable happiness. For this reason you cannot be given absolute proof of what will await you in eternal life if you strive towards Me, or what will happen to you if you deliver yourselves to My adversary .... or you would be compelled to believe which, however, cannot be valued as ‘faith’. Even so, My Word explains everything to you and besides, you have within yourselves the still small voice of conscience which warns and admonishes you .... You, however, drown out this voice in you with the world and ignore it, but there is not a single human being whose attention is not somehow drawn to the consequences of his way of life .... And therefore no-one can evade the hour of responsibility when he stands at the gate to eternity .... I approach people time and again trying to inform them of My will, which requires nothing other than shaping themselves into love, and by means of strokes of fate try to bring Myself to their attention so that they will call upon Me in their distress, when I shall truly be willing to help; yet I cannot reveal Myself more distinctly than through My direct speech from above so as not to compel anyone’s will.

But you lack faith and don’t value My Word from above as a truly significant blessing which is to help you in your lack of resolve .... If only you would get used to the idea that My Word might be true so that you could arrange your life accordingly, then much would be gained already, for I look at the slightest will concerning Me and will help you find Me completely .... so that you no longer attach too much importance to the world, that you detach yourselves from it and thus also from its master. Just your will to free yourselves from his bondage is seen by Me as your first step of return to Me, and I will bless all further effort and give you the strength to accomplish what will lead to your release from him. Nevertheless, you must take the path through the world, for it is the last opportunity to liberate yourselves from the one who is lord of this world, and you must pass this last test of will if you want to enter the kingdom of beatitude ....


BD 8872                received  23.10.1964

‘I will guide you into truth ....’

Truth cannot long keep as pure as it is when it comes forth from Me, therefore I already told you during My lifetime ‘I will guide you into truth ....’ because I knew that My Word, which I brought to you Myself, would not remain pure either .... And this will always be the case as soon as it is studied by human inadequacy, as soon as the pure Word enters the region of imperfect human beings who look at it from an entirely intellectual point of view. Hence I kept sending My pure Word from above to earth but it has always been spoilt again. You humans have no guarantee that the Book of Books is protected from change, because I do not interfere with people’s free will and can only ever safeguard a presenter of My Word if he commends himself to Me and asks Me to protect him from error. However, you humans are not at risk from misguided thoughts if you spiritually and in truth ask Me to enlighten your spirit, then you will also know where error has crept in ....

But the claim that I Myself protect My pure Word from becoming spoilt is incorrect, because this would question the free will of human beings, who can do whatever they want with My spiritual information. And thus you also need to consider with regards to the Book of Books that changes were made in the course of time which I could not prevent .... precisely because of human free will .... Consequently, the necessity for a new revelation constantly arose again which had to clarify the existing misconception. Hence you humans only have to want the truth, but you should not feel certain to have the truth because you can obtain it from the Book of Books .... otherwise I would not have needed to tell you so clearly and precisely that ‘I will guide you into truth ....’ Furthermore, you also have to take into account that the working of My spirit is always of a spiritual nature .... that I Am concerned with the salvation of the soul which I want to win for Myself through My Word .... that every Word from Me merely intends to achieve your spiritual perfection.

And these spiritual instructions have often been combined with human supplements which later proved themselves to be wrong and gave rise to doubt .... just as My divine Words of love were frequently combined with human additions, but people hold on to these and refuse to let go of this human product. Hence concepts applicable at the time were included in My ‘divine’ Word such as, for instance, ‘that women shall not teach’ .... This is not My commandment at all, instead allowances were made for that period of time but it had no right to be regarded as ‘divine Word’, as is apparent from My Words ‘that I will pour out My spirit on all flesh; servants and maidens will prophesy ....’ Consequently, what I deemed necessary to correct was repeatedly done through new revelations .... which, however, could not retain their purity either but also had to be corrected again ....But I gave you the promise that I will guide you into truth, and therefore you may rest assured that every person asking for truth will also receive it .... Because I will not let anyone walk in error who does not want to fall victim to the adversary .... who desires the pure truth with all his heart .... But this is only possible by means of a new revelation, in view of their freedom of will I cannot prevent people from distorting My initially transmitted Word, and that this has happened is due to people’s low spiritual level which does not offer the adversary any resistance .... But I will always make sure that the light of truth will nevertheless shine for you who desire it ....


BD 8876                received  29.10.1964

Renewed reference to the end ....

How often has the near end been pointed out to you already, how often have you been admonished not to live your life on earth complacently and to eagerly work at improving your soul, yet you do nothing in order to avoid the dreadful fate of a renewed banishment .... You don’t believe these references until one day it will come upon you with force and then you will no longer be able to change your thinking and intentions. For the time I determined for it will be adhered to and the last day will come like a thief in the night .... Yet beforehand you will still be seriously shaken out of your sleep .... for all great events cast their shadows before them .... And this, too, will seem inconceivable to you, for the elements of nature will so violently manifest themselves that it will take many people’s lives and cause great lamentation .... And yet, this natural event will only result in the fact that people will acknowledge it as the reign of a higher Power less then ever, that it will only add to their doubt in this Power because a God of love cannot be recognised in an event where countless people will have to sacrifice themselves .... But how shall I give you a sign of My power and might? You, who are unable to believe in this Power although you are at Its mercy? If I speak quietly to you, you don’t listen to Me, for you close your ears and eyes and are unable to see the gentle light shining for you .... And since you don’t pay attention to My quiet voice I must speak louder .... so loud that no-one can deny this voice anymore. Yet you will all make up excuses so as not to have to admit that you are being addressed by God for your own good. But those who recognise this wake-up call, who recognise Me Myself in the raging of the natural elements and take refuge in Me will indeed be saved, for even if they lose their earthly life they will nevertheless enter into eternity with the realisation of a God and will be able to continue their ascent.

But the end will come soon after this intervention .... no matter how implausible it seems to you .... This end has been planned from the start and nothing will persuade Me to stop it, for I do not only consider the human being who fails his last test of will but all creations are close to My heart whose development is still below the human stage but which are also My beings to whom I grant My mercy and whom I want to lead to ascent. And for this purpose the earth will have to renew itself, the earth’s surface must go through a total transformation, and the day is firmly predetermined. And you humans have to be told that you should pay attention to the sign of the times .... that I said to you ‘it will be just like it was at the time of the Flood ....’ People will enjoy life to the fullest, they will not be able to stop sinning anymore because they will only love themselves, and this wrong love will allow them to do whatever they like .... And this will result in confused thinking, for no-one will pay attention to the divine Word any longer which clearly points His will out to them .... And then only the short time of the battle of faith lies ahead of you, which is the last phase before the destruction, it is the time when My Own will have to prove themselves, when they must profess Me as their Lord and God, as their Redeemer .... in order to then be able to enter the paradise of the new earth .... The hour of Judgment is very near and, yet, people refuse to listen, they continue to live their life on earth with indifference and unscrupulousness, and regardless of how many people mention it, they are lacking faith and without faith they won’t change their way of life .... But the day will come like a thief in the night, and blessed are those who give credence to My Words and live in such a way that this day cannot frighten them .... who will therefore also prevail until the end ....


BD 8877                received  30.10.1964

Spoilt spiritual knowledge has to be corrected ....

You humans will not succeed in refuting the pure truth, you can always rely on what you received through My spirit. For even if the Word was mentally transmitted to you it is and will always remain My Word which you would be unable to hear had you not first shaped yourselves such that ‘My spirit’ can pour into you. For then your thoughts will be guided by Me as well, you will be unable to have wrong thoughts if you hand yourselves over to Me first and appeal to Me to receive the truth .... However, it is a different situation if a person does not fulfil the prerequisites which allow the working of My spirit within him .... In that case he cannot be certain as to whether his thinking is misguided, as to whether his thoughts are going astray. Thus it is essential for you humans to check first as to if and to what extent one can speak of spiritual activity .... which can be easily established when hitherto unknown knowledge was conveyed to a person .... knowledge which reveals the secrets of creation and explains the meaning and purpose of his earthly existence to him ....

If, however, this information was gained from books .... if a person studies existing spiritual knowledge .... if he thus analyses knowledge, he cannot claim to be ‘filled by My spirit’. His thinking can certainly be correct if he had acquired the necessary prerequisites, but then the spiritual knowledge, which came to earth through the working of My spirit, will not be changed either. But if such changes had taken place and I correct them Myself, then time and again the question has to be asked ‘Who is enlightened by God’s spirit?’ I don’t educate bearers of truth for Myself without imparting the pure truth to them. And once I called someone to stand up for the truth I also gave him the task of accepting knowledge from Me and of considering himself a recipient of the pure truth. For I truly know where error has crept in and will always correct a misguided teaching. Yet one thing is certain .... My adversary has succeeded in plunging you back into darkness, he has succeeded in deceiving you .... who believe to live in truth because you accepted it from one of My devoted servants .... and to present his own ideas to you which you now eagerly advocate and thereby make it difficult for Me to bring you the pure truth again ....

Error will not lead you to the goal .... and if you do not wholeheartedly desire the truth you will not be able to detach yourselves from erroneous thoughts either. Your vision is clouded, it did not remain a matter of the simple spreading of My Word through a spiritually awakened servant .... so many unenlightened co-workers played a part in it. They wilfully added explanations or changed the original text and thereby did not help but harm the work .... And due to their free will I was unable to prevent them from doing so. The simple, clear Word which was intended to make people happy lost its value as soon as people started to change the original texts and brought them into line with common linguistic usage .... You humans should take the length of time into consideration and the fact that My adversary’s work during the last days will always relate to the amendment of My Word. Consider that he avails himself of the worldly spirit in order to captivate people .... consider that only the spiritually awakened were able to guard this knowledge and that protection from above was only guaranteed to these servants .... who would then have kept to the truth .... but that no such guarantee existed with worldly co-workers who therefore still had worldly interests and also turned these new revelations into a ‘worldly issue’.

This is why I always chose people who had withdrawn from the world to whom I could reveal Myself, because rising above the world is the fundamental requirement in order to be able to convey My revelations to earth. And they never had to worry about their earthly needs. If a person is so devoted to Me that he supports the spreading of these revelations they will be his last resort as a source of income because he knows that I take care of him Myself .... And as long as a ‘vessel of My spirit’ has this attitude it will also distribute purest truth, for since it is spiritually awake itself it will reject every misguided teaching .... Yet how long will spiritual knowledge stay pure once it passes through human hands again which are not as pure and as willing to serve Me? Therefore I have to pour My spirit time and again into a clean vessel so that errors are exposed which I have to correct again. And if I now tell you that even the Book of Books is no longer pure and unadulterated you can also count on the fact that new revelations will not stay so pure that they would not need any correction. And if the error consists of the fact that My perfection is questionable, then My adversary’s influence can be clearly recognised who, in the last days, will make every effort to stifle people’s love for Me, which alone unites you with Me now and forever ....


BD 8880                received  08.11.1964

Rejecting the strength of love was the ‘sin’ ....

If you are spoken to from above it is a sign of My never-ending love which takes pity upon humanity and wants to come to their aid .... And this love will always and forever apply to you, for you are also part of Me, even though you followed My adversary into the abyss of your own free will. Nevertheless, your fundamental nature is love. And I will not rest until you have changed yourselves into your fundamental nature again. So if you are now spoken to from above you will also recognise by My address that it can only be the work of a good power, for I only ever endeavour to cultivate love in you and to refer you to Jesus Christ and His act of Salvation, since then you will travel the right path which results in your change while you are still on this earth. Hence you should not doubt the origin of that which comes to you from above .... Its content cannot be anything but good, and thus it must be free from error .... For you are taught by the Eternal Truth Itself and can be completely confident that It will not offer you misguided teachings. But during the last days this assurance is absolutely essential, for it is even intended to make My light bearers doubt the truthfulness of their messages. Yet let it be sufficient for you to know that I Myself protect My bearers of light from all errors. For who else can give you the guarantee for pure truth if not I Myself, Who knows their will and their desire for truth? Time and again I say to you that the adversary’s working is especially aimed at those of you who want to spread the light .... that he intends to prevent this and therefore avails himself of all means in order to cast doubts into people’s hearts regarding the truthfulness of these proclamations .... Yet My influence, too, will become more and more evident. I will ever more obviously highlight the error he has pushed you into, for his aim is to prevent you from knowing the truth .... although he will not succeed with those who genuinely desire the truth. And thus everyone must seriously scrutinise himself as to whether he desires the pure truth .... in that case he cannot be misled anymore; he will recognise it and liberate himself from error. The moment of creation was an act of incomparable bliss for Myself as well as for My bearer of light, for the products of his will and My strength of love were so extraordinarily magnificently shaped that they made both of us indescribably happy so that the light bearer’s love for Me flared up ever brighter. For the same creative power was inherent in them .... they were able to take pleasure in it and likewise actively fashion spiritual creations, thereby raising their blissful happiness beyond measure. If I therefore state the fact that these created beings did not lack anything, that they were all externalised in My image and that they were able to work and be creatively active as long as they were permeated by My light of love .... then it must also be obvious to you that they forfeited their activity when they rejected this flow of My strength of love .... that they thereby lost their light, their realisation, so that their thinking became confused and they were no longer capable of being active .... that they hardened but were nevertheless My once emanated strength which I therefore reshaped into creations of the most varied kinds ....

This process has been described to you so often already and you can accept this as the purest truth, you can unhesitatingly accept that only the rejection of My strength of love was the sin against Me, since the brightest light was kindled in them in which they were entirely aware of the implications of their rebellion. Consequently, I will also highlight the misguided notion of any portrayal that I determined or caused the fall of the bearer of light as well as the fallen beings. All beings acted according to My will until they rejected the flow of My strength of love. But this also resulted in the hardening of the spiritual substance .... and the strength I once emanated as a being had to become active in different ways, which happened through the dissolution of the substance into tiny particles and thus Creation emerged from these. Only from then on did the being have to fight against all kinds of obstacles, since it had to overcome them in order to develop higher again. The activity of the non-fallen beings consisted of using the strength flowing from Me to them .... but these beings were in a state of brightest enlightenment .... hence in a state of realisation .... and therefore these beings used nothing else but what was according to My will .... As long as the being remained faithful to Me it worked and created in My will. But when it turned away from Me it lost the strength for creating and shaping. It hardened and remained inactive .... which then resulted in the emergence of Creation. I certainly knew from the very beginning that Lucifer and the beings would fall and, for sake of his free will, I did not stop him. Nevertheless, I took no part in it because I had granted the bearer of light .... Lucifer .... the same power, and neither did I limit it, so that he was able to do anything he wanted to do .... And so it was possible for him to persuade the beings to fall away from Me in order to create a second world, in a manner of speaking, a world in complete opposition to Me .... Yet all this was only possible by closing himself .... and afterwards also his followers .... to the flow of My strength of love .... So the rejection of My strength of love was the actual sin, for it was aimed against Me Myself, since the beings were utterly enlightened regarding their past origin from Me. The fact that the beings’ thinking ability expressed itself in a completely opposite will to Mine, that it gave rise to something utterly adverse to God, did not originate from Me, however, the rejection of My strength of love resulted in this wrong direction of will because it signified spiritual darkness, spiritual blindness. From then on Lucifer became My direct opposite who was able to transfer all evil thoughts .... which originated from himself .... onto the beings. For from the moment they consciously rejected My love he gained full control over these beings and kept it until I let Creation arise in order to snatch them from his power and to inaugurate the process of return.

But then the beings had to travel a painful path until they .... in the stage of self-awareness and free will as a human being .... were able to dispel all their wrong thoughts, completely change their will and utterly deify themselves again. Thus they must discard everything of a satanic nature and, of their own free will, strive towards the divine. This alone already proves that evil cannot originate from Me or I could not be called divine, since only good can be understood by it .... that light and darkness cannot exist at the same time, that I do not incorporate love and hate .... in short, all opposites within Myself. The free will was indeed able to choose between Me or My adversary, but he was already evil when he became My adversary .... and then also created everything that was in opposition to Me .... as he was a power like I Myself was .... with the exception that he had a beginning. The worst deception used by My adversary is to make you believe that everything of an evil nature originates from Me as well. This is why I repeatedly draw your attention to the fact that the actual sin was .... the rejection of My strength of love, because this caused the state of confusion in the beings .... the state in which they refused every kind of activity according to My will and therefore were dissolved and bound in all kinds of creations. For it is the law of eternity that My emanated strength must become active .... that this strength must voluntarily be requested again in order to enable the re-transformation into a perfect being. That these implanted thoughts in the being originate from Lucifer and thus must be fought against during the time of embodiment as a human being has, through My love, become the process which is intended to turn the ‘creatures’ into God’s true ‘children’. And thus Lucifer unwittingly takes an active part in this process of return, which I certainly foresaw from the beginning but I Myself have not destined him to become My direct opposite, because he, too, was a free being which came forth from Me in all perfection ....


BD 8881                received  11.11.1964

The end time disciples’ task ....

Those of you are My end time disciples who want to serve Me by taking care of the distribution, because error has increased to an alarming extent, because this is the final weapon in the battle against the light which the adversary diligently strives to extinguish. It is your task to take direct action against the error, to expose My adversary and to always stand up for the pure truth which you receive from Me directly. And even if you make enemies .... you must accept it if you want to be of service to Me, for there is only one truth and you receive it directly from Me. For this reason I use an empty vessel, which had not accepted any kind of prior knowledge, in order to be able to pour in My spirit without the resistance which already existing knowledge would have caused. Thus I was able to instruct a person, I was able to place him into a state of realisation, I was able to present My eternal plan of Salvation to him and explain to him the meaning and purpose of existence .... This vessel had to be completely empty, uncommitted to religious teachings, free from all ideas and so devoted to Me that I was able to fill it, that it accepted everything the ‘Eternal Truth’ presented to it without opposition. Thus a person was introduced to knowledge which he previously did not possess, in a manner of speaking, a region was opened to him which he never before had entered, which was alien to him until I Myself allowed him to gain an insight into this region. And the fact that this happened in all truthfulness cannot be denied, for My promise is as follows ‘I will guide you into all truth ....’ If I therefore recognise that all preconditions are in place which are required for the fulfilment of My promise, then you must not doubt, for I keep My Word, but you must also support ‘My Word’ before the world. For you are in possession of the pure truth from Me .... And thus you also received the information about My reign and activity, of the creation of the spirits, of their apostasy, of the emergence of Creation and of My plan of return .... And you possess the knowledge of your beginning and your final goal .... All those of you who take note of this knowledge will thereby attain a degree of realisation which already signifies advancement, a certain maturity of soul, which I indeed intend to achieve by conveying this knowledge. For only the truth can achieve this. This is why you, My end time disciples, are instructed to stand up for the truth of the knowledge I have conveyed to you. And all those of you who were introduced to this knowledge through My bearers of light are My disciples, for I do not convey My Word to earth for one person but through one for all those who accept it and they, too, can regard themselves as disciples of the last days .... They will be able to observe strong counter activity on part of the one who once caused your fall. In his eyes you are bearers of light and he tries to extinguish it .... He fights against you with cunning and trickery and his sole purpose is to draw you under his spell, to undermine the pure truth, to extinguish the light and to plunge you into darkness again .... But he will not succeed, for where I Myself Am at work through My spirit there is bright light and the truth enlightens .... it exposes him and his activity and cannot be obscured again because it originates from Me, because a spirit of light is at My disposal which likewise keeps itself closed to My adversary’s activity. You humans must always bear in mind that, at the time of the end, messengers will descend from above who will not succumb to his artful temptations, who are only receptive for the pure truth from above, which would never give in to his whisperings and thereby make themselves unsuitable for the receipt of the pure truth .... And thus you can safely grant credence to the Words, for it is a great gift of grace that I look after those people who do not want to fall prey to error, who only ever want to live according to My will and whom I therefore will also protect from the adversary’s influence .... But he will try to take action against the light until the end and, where people are willing, he will also be successful. Therefore pay attention to the end time disciples and accept My gift of grace, for as soon as they stand up for the Word they have received from Me directly, you may grant them credence and you will not regret it, for soon the end will come and with it the last Judgment, the day of decision over life and death .... Then those of you who have kept to My Word can consider yourselves blessed .... for you will enter into eternal life ....


BD 8882                received  14.11.1964

Regarding the question of the origin of evil ....

I want to help all of you in every spiritual adversity, for you will suffer spiritual adversity if you endorse the pure truth and yet don’t know yourselves as to whether you think correctly .... Just like you, My servant once approached Me with the same question. But this question was preceded by a long debate which considered this thought; consequently, an opinion had already been formed before the question was presented to Me .... And the answer to this question was such as human intellect had devised, and since this was an extremely important question on whose reply depended even the last and most profound mystery .... namely My perfection .... it was easy for My adversary to respond to them in his way. And every time this question was discussed he was able to intervene, for then I Myself was no longer able to speak through My servant, instead he voluntarily handed himself over to the adversary, which I was unable to prevent since his free will gave precedence to My opponent .... It is difficult to give credence to this account because My servant had completely placed himself at My disposal, but he should not have first discussed a question with associates who were still open to My adversary .... Hence the answer had already been given through them, whereas My answer sounded gently in his heart but was rejected by him, for the idea that I was also the ‘origin of evil’ was far closer to him than the fact that the adversary himself had brought evil into the world. A person with the right desire for truth would have instantly recognised the flimsiness of what appeared to be My servant’s spiritual product .... For the absurdity that the origin of lies and truth, hatred and love .... thus all opposites, are in Me should have made every thinking person doubt that these revelations are of divine origin .... This merely applies to the revelations about the origin of evil. They must always be associated with people’s train of thoughts who reflected on these problems. But the fact that eventually many changes occurred as well cannot be denied, therefore I repeatedly need to implement a cleansing process, since these had also resulted in a change of meaning .... which, however, cannot be blamed on My servant since they happened in due course. And if I keep telling you that it is and will remain My adversary’s goal to call My perfection into question in order to prevent you from granting Me all your love .... then you can also understand that, in order to reach this goal, he will avail himself of any half-hearted and complacent person with a casual approach to truth. And time and again such unsuitable people offer their cooperation. However, when it concerns questions which lead you humans astray then I must intervene and choose people again who will serve Me with loyalty and conscientiousness, thus I must present My nature to them as it really is, so that they can also love Me with all their heart and soul .... Then I must also rectify dangerous mistakes, since no error remains without consequences. And someone who gets caught up in error will hardly be able to cope, he will not know what to believe and finally lose all faith. But I gave you the promise that I would guide you into all truth .... And thus you will receive clarification if you sincerely appeal for it and take the path to Me, since only I can grant you the truth which will unite you with Me for all eternity ....


BD 8883                received  18.11.1964

Regarding the question of the origin of evil ....

No matter what might weigh you down .... bring all your worries to Me, for only I can help you and I will help you, as soon as you entrust yourselves to Me. However, I expect a firm faith of you in the truth of what you hear through My spirit. For only your strength of faith enables your unreserved trust that I cannot offer you anything but the pure truth .... But once you have recognised the truth it is also your duty to distribute it, for nothing is more dangerous than to tolerate an error which will inevitably result in an even greater error. For error is used by the adversary to draw you into darkness .... But it is My will that the pure truth shall prevail and I therefore only ever instruct My messengers to stand up for this recognised truth in order to eradicate every error, for only truth leads to perfection .... And the truth is and will remain that you all emerged from My love .... and therefore also in all perfection .... but that you left the order and thereby became sinful .... Time and time again I say to you that My adversary .... who, as My image, was once externalised as a highest spirit of light .... on account of his apostasy from Me brought sin into the world in the first place, that therefore Lucifer, as My image, was endowed with the same creative power and by virtue of this gave birth to sin, that it did not exist in any being before and that it is therefore utterly erroneous that I Myself include many opposites .... In that case I would not be perfect and would never have been able to create perfect beings either. Just as My inherent qualities were only good, only divine, just as love was the first principle .... Lucifer had evil in him after his fall into sin. His whole nature turned around, he became fundamentally evil and was driven by hatred, his nature was pure falsehood and the complete opposite of truth .... You can never ever assume that untruth and truth, darkness and light, hatred and love .... thus every opposing quality, are in Me, for this would not correspond to a perfect Being Whose fundamental substance is love .... Indeed, all of these characteristics cling to the human being but these are the consequences of rejecting My strength of love .... If I create a perfect being then it means that it completely moves within My eternal order, and it would never have had to revoke this order either. But a second power was at work which used its power negatively to the same extent and also transferred this negative strength onto the beings which fell away .... which thus rejected My illumination of love and thereby acknowledged this power which transferred all evil characteristics upon these beings. These were all the after-effects of the apostasy from Me for which Lucifer is responsible, since no opposites exist in Me or I could not be called a God of love, if hatred was within Me already .... Nor would I be a God of truth if lies existed in Me at the same time ....

You humans must really think clearly, your statements do not correspond to the image that I Am and will remain a supremely perfect Being from eternity to eternity Which was able to work and create in all perfection, Which shelters no imperfections, Whose love will never end and will also include the fallen beings for all eternity. The fact that My likewise powerful adversary would so abuse his power in order to create a world which conflicted with the world of the pure spirits was indeed possible, because his free will aspired towards all characteristics which contradicted My perfect nature and then he transferred these characteristics upon the host of fallen spirits. Consequently, where I Am pure truth he opposes it with untruth .... Where I grant love he brings forth hatred .... Where I provide light he spreads darkness. He changes all noble characteristics embodied in the Divine into evil ones, and the more the beings rejected My illumination of love the stronger became his influence. Everything evil emerged from him and humanity is more or less afflicted by his ingrained failings, the whole earthly world is a world of opposition to Me but which one day will be broken by My infinite love .... For you ought to know that Lucifer was once the most blissfully happy being, created in all perfection and also remained in this bliss for an infinitely long time .... but that he, by rejecting the strength of love, created evil himself by virtue of his power and became My direct opposite .... And all those who followed him adopted the evil characteristics and opposed Me. For the rejection of My strength of love resulted in their solidification, so that they had to be reshaped as Creation and must cover the infinitely long process through the creations in order to then fight as a human being against all ungodly characteristics which Lucifer transferred upon the fallen beings .... And now it depends on whether they will accept the illumination of love of their own free will again, for My love is omnipotent and one day it will achieve a situation in which every being opens itself and desires My love, but then it will also be a most blissfully happy being which has reached the goal of having become My child and will never leave Me again, it will have joined Me again and will be as perfect as it was in the beginning.


BD 8884                received  20.11.1964

Regarding the question of the origin of evil ....
(Continuation of no 8883)

I cannot tolerate any error, yet a suitable vessel must always place itself at My disposal through which I can convey the pure truth to earth. For this reason I Am also subject to laws, for My adversary demands the same right to entangle you humans in error, and although I Am in charge of him I do not use My power .... I leave it up to the human being to form his own opinion about misleading notions but I will always induce him to deal with them. For he should scrutinise every religious value, he should reflect on everything but not blindly accept everything that is presented to him as ‘truth from Me’. For My adversary intervenes wherever the opportunity presents itself .... It is not I Who leads you into wrong thinking .... I will grant truth to anyone who seriously desires it. However, I cannot prevent you from listening to his suggestions. And so I was unable to prevent him from portraying My real nature completely wrongly .... and you accepted it because you often had asked yourselves this question already and thus answered it mentally yourselves. And since it was My adversary’s intention to lead your thinking astray, precisely this most important question of the origin of evil was answered to you such as you wanted it yourselves .... yet far removed from the truth. First I had to fill a pure vessel and explain to you all processes of creation in detail, I had to try to make you understand that I want to be recognised as a supremely perfect Being, I had to prove to you humans that I address you again in order to correct this error now which portrays an inaccurate image of Me .... an image, which portrays My nature as humanly limited, with human weaknesses and flaws .... and thus as imperfect. Yet this correction will only again be accepted by that person whose will sincerely desires the truth .... But on the whole people are sure that no error occurred because My servant was totally devoted to Me. And yet it was easy for the adversary to influence the intellect, which had already devised an explanation beforehand and did not approach Me seriously enough for the answer of this extraordinarily important question and distorted the concept of the Deity’s nature in a way which subsequently made it difficult to believe in My perfection .... And it is indeed left up to every individual person to create an image of Me according to his will .... Nevertheless, his attention shall be drawn to an error which will lead to entirely wrong thoughts. He cannot demand the evidence but he will believe it if he is faithfully devoted to Me and only ever strives for truth ....


BD 8887                received  25.11.1964

When and why did the perfect beings become imperfect? ....

Everything that came forth from Me had to be perfect because I was simply incapable of creating something imperfect, since My love, wisdom and power would not allow for any flaws in the creations which My will externalised from Me .... This, therefore, happened ‘in the beginning’ .... when it pleased Me to create a being for Myself and endowed it with the same creative power in order to provide this being with the pleasure of externalising similar beings through its will and with the use of My strength .... But to deny Me this perfection is only possible for those people who are in a state of imperfection themselves, who, due to their intellectual limitation, cannot imagine that, in a state of perfection, it would be impossible to create something imperfect. However, if only perfection could have come forth from Me, when did the perfect beings change to become imperfect? This question is difficult and yet, at the same time, also easy to answer .... The fact that My supremely perfect creation was able to change itself into the opposite will forever remain incomprehensible to you .... but the fact that free will allowed for distancing itself from divine order must be understandable to you. For free will was able to leave the divine order, it was able to revoke the divine order, hence it was able to turn the initially perfect being into the opposite, into a state of ungodliness which totally contradicted My perfect nature. And My first-created spirit, having been endowed with the same creative power, created this state for itself by virtue of its faculty of thought .... In My perfection I was unable to harbour a wrong thought .... but he was able to do so because he had free will and used it wrongly. Thinking wrongly would have been impossible for Me, but it was possible for him due to his thinking ability which was otherwise inclined on account of his free will .... As human beings your thinking is limited, you try to find your own explanation in My nature that evil also came from Me but you fail to consider that the fall of the spirits would have to be attributable to Me Myself had I not externalised the beings in a perfect state .... But you do not want to accept the fact that you can thank him for the apostasy, instead, you try to blame the most supremely perfect Being Which truly could only have created you such as it was possible: in highest perfection .... The fact that you want to see all opposing qualities embedded in Me as well is only the evidence that My fundamental nature is alien to you. I certainly know what is in opposition to Me, because I was able to observe My adversary’s wrong thinking and was aware that his sin consisted of the fact that he rebelled against Me, that he begrudged Me My strength and thus slowly grew to hate Me .... And I also knew where his attitude would take him, but I did not stop his fall, nor the beings who wanted to follow him .... even though they also emerged from Me in all perfection. But since I had furnished the beings with free will I could not deny them accepting the thoughts of the one who secretly opposed Me, and these thoughts also led to the beings’ fall, since he transferred all thoughts of hatred onto them which caused their apostasy. They rebelled against Me, no longer recognised Me and rejected My strength of love. But how wrong it is, wanting to see all opposing qualities in Me, can be seen from the fact that you could doubt My love, which thus created you in My image, that you could doubt My wisdom, which thus supports your fall and that you could also doubt My omnipotence, which can only ever create highest perfection. Therefore I refute this doctrine as a misguided teaching which will always prevent you from recognising Me correctly in My fundamental nature and deny Me the love I desire from you ....


BD 8889                received  29.11.1964

The darkness thickens ....

All your thinking has to correspond to the truth as soon as you put yourselves completely at My disposal, as soon as you only want to serve Me and entirely hand yourselves over to My direction and guidance. Then you no longer need to worry that you will fall into My adversary’s hands, that he can use you for his own ends, for then I Myself, the eternal Essence of light, will stand between you and him. And then you will also be My true servants who speak in My name and advocate the truth. Yet you should know that there are still many errors amongst people .... that wrong ideas had asserted themselves for decades and centuries which simply could not be removed because they were too firmly anchored and which could only have been rectified if I had directly revealed Myself from above, and then such revelations would have had to be believed. However, due to your freedom of will I was unable to do this and the tools I used were condemned as servants of Satan, for dignitaries of the church had also deliberated on problems and no-one was allowed to contradict them without endangering their life. And since they maintained that I Myself decide which people would gain beatitude or be condemned, no ordinary human being, through whom My spirit was able to work, would have been listened to, if only because the process of the ‘working of the spirit within the human being’ was unknown to them .... For if a person supported such a wrong doctrine, his thinking had to be completely mistaken, thus he would have been without love which could have enlightened his spirit. And they also presented My nature such that people received a totally distorted image of Me and were unable to love Me but only able to fear Me and My might.

And so they distanced themselves constantly further from Me, because they did not recognise a loving Father in Me and searching for the truth by themselves was forbidden, or they would have confided in Me and I would have revealed Myself to them. Yet time and again I have spoken to those who wanted to hear Me through their spirit and have revealed secrets of creation to them which only I as the eternal Creator was able to impart to them, and I informed them about the meaning and purpose of creation and their earthly existence .... But only a few ever accepted this knowledge since it was decried as misguided teaching and no-one wanted to acknowledge its divine influence. And so many misguided teachings were spread that in the end every thinking person lost faith and together with the misguided teachings also rejected the right teachings, so that he soon lost all religious contact, unless he was a thinker who pondered about himself and his existence and thereby enabled Me to enlighten his thoughts .... Nevertheless, My adversary’s influence greatly contributed towards the fact that the number of those who desired light kept decreasing, that there are only a few individuals to whom I can reveal Myself, and these individuals will have great difficulty in rectifying the widespread error which was accepted by the broad masses ....

If humanity knew the truth, conditions in the world would never be what they are now. Harmony and peace would reign, since they are the results of truth. However, the light does not force its way and therefore it is also a misguided opinion that the light will suddenly break through and light up the entire darkness, for the darkness will get even thicker until the end, and only isolated sparks of light will shine forth and enlighten the hearts of those who desire it. Until, at the end of the days, the Eternal Light Itself will shine upon the earth, but only visible to those who are and want to remain My Own, while the others will descend into the darkness, for light cannot exist where it is resisted .... The world, however, is full of resistance and, therefore, engulfed by densest darkness. Yet the light will shine brightly on the new earth .... Then the adversary’s power will have been crushed, he will be bound again for a long time and during this time there will be truth on earth, presented by My angels who will be in constant contact with the people on the new earth. Then the light will have penetrated and dispelled all shadows, but it cannot happen on this earth anymore while the adversary is still active and people won’t oppose him. But anyone who is already enlightened here on earth will also retain it, for the light from above cannot be extinguished anymore once it has broken through somewhere .... This is why I admonish all bearers of light to continue drawing into their midst all those who are willing, who do not resist the light when it shines for them. For the time draws to a close and anyone who doesn’t find the light here anymore will irrevocably be devoured by the darkness. He will meet with the same fate as My adversary, he will be bound again for an infinitely long time ....


BD 8890                received  05.12.1964

How long did Christ’s doctrine remain pure? ....

I draw those of you close to Me who want to be addressed by Me, who have questions bothering you which only I can answer for you. Many a time one question has been asked: how long did Christ’s doctrine remain pure and what caused it to become contaminated? And I have always taught you such that it remained pure for as long as a direct working of My spirit was possible .... however, when people of unawakened spirit took the lead .... people who could not be taught by Me directly, in whom My spirit simply could not work any longer, then, understandably, it had to change .... The first disciples, as well as their successors, were still in close contact with Me, they were still influenced by My crucifixion, for although quite some time had passed afterwards it was nevertheless a powerful event to which My first disciples testified, so that they found numerous followers who adopted the divine doctrine of love and also endeavoured to live a life of love .... who thereby accepted the faith in the divine Redeemer and also attained the awakening of their spirit .... While this was the case My doctrine remained pure, their faith was alive and My first disciples were able to keep educating apostles and sending them out into the world with the task of proclaiming the Gospel of love. And every messenger was under My direct influence, he only ever passed on what the voice of the spirit within him told him, what he had to say because he was filled with the ‘spirit of God’. The dilution of My teaching did not suddenly take place either, one thing followed another as someone or other was unsuited for a ministry but appointed himself to fill it or was elected by those who were also spiritually unawakened. In due course, the initially small communities grew into larger organizations which, in turn, were answerable to someone more powerful who elevated himself to this position because he possessed knowledge which other brothers lacked, but which could not be called spiritual knowledge. Thus a structure began to appear which, in the beginning, was still managed by good people but which took on ever worldlier forms, who certainly saw their task in spreading the Gospel but simultaneously also pursued earthly objectives, for they no longer possessed the characteristic of My church .... inner enlightenment through the spirit .... so that they eventually only observed the dead letter but were no longer able to demonstrate a living faith.

The church which I Myself founded on earth has not changed, even today it is still made up of those who believe in Me with a living faith and in whom My spirit can be active .... whom I can therefore guide in their thoughts so that their thinking is always right and they have a living bond with Me. This church has weathered all times, it survived in the midst of large organizations because its members were from all confessions and they were alive in their thoughts, determination and actions. Therefore, no time can be specified as to how long it remained pure .... For time and again I say to you that I only consider those people to be members of My church who know themselves to be close to Me, who live in constant union with Me, who believe in Me and with whom I can therefore speak through the spirit .... And everywhere, in all denominations, there have been people who were very close to Me, I was able to reveal Myself far and wide and guide them into profound knowledge .... Yet whether they were acknowledged as true vessels for divine revelations depended upon the spiritual state of those who considered themselves leaders and who were already considerably distant from the truth. The number of My true disciples has also shrunk considerably, and even today I send them out to preach the Gospel to the nations, the Gospel of love, because only through love can people prove that they belong to Me, to My church, because then My spirit will be able to be active within them, which is the surest sign of it. But only they will acquire the kingdom of heaven, only to them can I convey the truth and reveal My plan of eternity .... For far more important things are at stake than just the observance of church traditions and performances which are of no value whatsoever for the progress of the human soul .... It concerns the life of the soul which it can only achieve through loving actions and a living faith .... To make this known to their fellow human beings was the only task I gave to My first disciples. And I accepted everyone into My church who observed these commandments, and even today the same commandment is still valid: ‘Love God above all else and your neighbour as yourself ....’


BD 8892                received  10.12.1964

The day of the end will be adhered to ....

All those who work for Me are under My guaranteed protection, yet the work must constantly be done because you cannot work freely for much longer. Your task consists of informing your fellow human beings of the gift of grace which is at the disposal of those who want to take advantage of it .... who feel affected by My Word and want to be addressed by Me as well. I cannot perceptibly speak to them because people are not prepared for the reception of My Word. But I can speak to them through you and provide them with clarification about their purpose of life on earth. This is where you should speak to them where it is appropriate .... yet wherever you are not welcome shake the dust off your feet and move on. You only have a short time at your disposal, as you will soon be prevented and only able to work in seclusion, yet every person who has made use of the gift of grace beforehand will also know that he is protected by Me and will calmly bear the approaching time. But you, My servants, can still acquire many spiritual treasures for yourselves, for your activity is highly valued since it concerns, after all, the redemption of straying souls which you should save from the fate of a renewed banishment. For this reason you should also know that you are being guided, nothing will arbitrarily approach you, everything is predetermined by Me so that you will only take action in accordance with My will. For the end is coming closer with giant strides .... And it will take all of you by surprise, for the day I designated for the end of this earth will be adhered to. And regardless of whether people want to doubt it .... regardless of how much homage they pay to the world .... they will have to forego everything and only their state of soul will decide their future fate. This is why people should strive to improve their soul’s state and this necessitates My Word which informs them of My will. By merely mustering the slightest determination of living according to My will they will also receive the strength to do so and also draw this from My Word. Then their state of maturity will already be ensured, for their will being inclined towards Me is the passed test of will, which is the purpose and goal of earthly existence. So as soon as you, My servants, are able to stimulate your fellow human beings into believing in Me, as soon as you can persuade them to practise unselfish neighbourly love in order to awaken this faith in Me to life, you will actually have carried out true vineyard work and your reward in the spiritual kingdom will not fail to materialise .... I will still send souls to cross your path which require your vineyard work, which are willing to accept the Word I offer them through you and which will also become capable of living up to it. And so you are spreading the light which enlightens you, which can never ever be extinguished again and which will make all of you infinitely happy but which you must not put it under a bushel, i.e. so that it will not serve the purpose of being spread, for which I convey it to earth. All those of you who offered your service to Me are also called to distribute My Word, even if My adversary wants to prevent you from doing so .... He is unable to counteract My Word as soon as you want to do this work ....For My Word is light and emanates light and he takes flight from the light because it is My emanation .... Hence he will never be able to extinguish the light from above as long as you are faithfully devoted to Me. But he will put you under pressure to do his will and then you must resist him and always be aware of the fact that you want to be of service to Me, then he will withdraw because he cannot break this will of yours. And thus, I will lovingly seize every person who wants to be of service to Me and guide him through all impediments. For he will have openly declared his position and will therefore also experience My obvious care. For you are My end time disciples through whom I still want to take effect until the very last hour ....


BD 8899                received  24.12.1964

Reply to Habermann (Time of printing) (Print and distribution of the messages)

You have already been told several times that the spreading of the truth is extremely important, because people’s eternal life depends on their attitude towards the truth, and therefore everything should be done to present them with the truth. But I know every human heart, I know who is receptive, and I also know the ways to reach those human beings who are still able to receive, whose heart is willing to love and who thus can also understand the Word which is given to them from above. And I let them have this knowledge by making the most unusual connections and sending My Word to wherever it will be received with a grateful heart. And there it will be passed on again, although only infrequently because worldly people have no desire for it and there are only few who can be approached. But do not forget that My Word needs to be offered with love in order to become effective, and that it requires a loving heart to receive it. Therefore any work which is performed to this end is blessed ....

And now you can understand that every small effort pleases Me if I can speak to the heart of every person Myself and My direct communication is also felt as such, just as I bless every contributor who unselfishly adds towards the circulation of My Word .... Because I truly care for everyone who works for Me, I look after him like a good caretaker so that he can pass on My Word in the same way as he has received it himself: as a gift of love .... Moreover, My Word is not merchandise, but which it will always become when unenlightened people handle it, who can neither appreciate its value nor muster the necessary understanding for it and turn it into a mass-produced commodity .... which only devalues the Word and again only reaches those who similarly do not appreciate it as My message. The circle of those who can still be impressed by it is very small and will certainly be reached by Me. Every now and then you will find a few souls but then they are also completely convinced of My love and mercy. But intending to appeal to the crowds with it is a pointless undertaking .... since people will be ever more captivated by the world and will prefer to listen to the voice of the world ....

Every spiritually enlightened human being knows how difficult it is to persuade other people to accept Words from above .... he knows that the adversary’s actions are so clearly obvious that they have no desire for a gift of love offered by My hand .... And you should also consider that it merely adds to the many publications, which are also of a spiritual nature but do not originate from Me Myself, which requires spiritual awakening in order to recognise it as ‘My Word’, but this awakening is hardly ever found any longer .... I Myself, however, know the souls to whom I can send My Word. It would not benefit your souls to know the length of time you still have at your disposal but you would be horrified to know how close you are to the end. For that reason I constantly urge the workers in My vineyard to work diligently .... each one should do his utmost, he should not tire, because everything which was and shall still be offered to people will one day follow him into eternity as rich treasure or give him comfort and strength in times of severe spiritual hardship, which is yet to come. But I Myself will be with all those who serve Me and bless their work, for it is extremely important and intended for all of those who are caught up in misleading notions and desire the truth with all their heart ....


BD 8900                received  25.12.1964

God’s address to souls in the beyond ....

I want to speak to all those who want to hear Me, be it on earth or in the beyond, who should know that the Saviour came to earth for all people in order to redeem them. For none of you can become blissfully happy if you don’t appeal to Me for forgiveness of your sin, and therefore you will first have to acknowledge Me as the Son of God, in Whom God Himself became a human being in order to accomplish this act of Salvation. You need to receive this knowledge while you are still on earth so that the gates to the kingdom of light can be opened for you .... If you enter the realm of the beyond still burdened by your guilt then you will need to learn over there why you should acknowledge Me in Jesus Christ, for without Him you will wander about in spiritual darkness, without Him you will be unable to see any light, without Him the gates to beatitude will remain closed for you. Compared to eternity your existence on earth is but short, and yet this time fully suffices for you to attain the light of realisation, nevertheless, you have to believe and the belief, in turn, depends on love, then you will easily gain the knowledge of why you must acknowledge Jesus Christ, you will learn to understand the reason and significance of His act of Salvation and then enter the kingdom of the beyond brightly enlightened .... Yet you humans lack love as well as faith with the result that only ever a few are able to enter the kingdom of light, whereas the gate remains closed to the others until they have recognised and accepted Him, until they turn to Him for the forgiveness of their sin, which is weighing them down and prevents them from ascending. Listen to Me, I Am bringing you the joyful good news that not one of you is lost as yet, but I must demand your faith in Me and My act of Salvation if you ever want to attain the feat of beholding the vision of God .... Listen to Me when I tell you that you once were created beings which fell away from Me but which shall return to Me again as long as you don’t resist it, in which case My adversary will have no more power over you .... I came to earth in order to break his power .... and to pay the purchase price for your souls, since you once followed him of your own free will. My greater than great love defeated the adversary, and all of you shall derive the benefit from My act of Salvation .... But you yourselves must want to belong to those for whom I sacrificed My life on the cross, for I cannot redeem you against your will from his slavery, since he has the same right to you because you once followed him voluntarily.

However, you are able to release yourselves, and time and again I try to inform you of how very significant My act of Salvation is for all of you, that you have to believe in it and that you can release yourselves from the darkness in which you humans on earth as well as you souls in the beyond find yourselves in .... And you will become enlightened; just spend some time thinking about the greatest benefactor the earth has ever carried .... Consider Him and don’t reject Him, for He alone can bring you deliverance, He alone takes your guilt of sin upon Himself if you appeal to Him for it .... Yet without Him you will never ever find redemption .... For even if My love for you never changes, it nevertheless cannot accept you in the kingdom of light and bliss if you are burdened by sin, because righteousness likewise belongs to perfection and this must first be satisfied in order to establish the law of eternal order again, in which every being has to exist if it wants to unite itself with Me again for eternity .... Therefore, ponder all these thought in your heart and let yourselves be taught and enlightened .... Don’t walk past a source from which you can draw a refreshing drink .... Listen to what I want to say to all those who are not unwilling to pay attention, and desire more information .... and every question that moves you will be answered. Only do not reject Me, Who alone can bring you salvation, Who can change your present state into an exceedingly happy one if only you acknowledge Me Myself as the Redeemer of the world Who died for your sins too .... For I do not want you to remain wretched, it is not My will that you should suffer, I want to give you eternal life which you can never ever lose again .... However, I cannot revoke My law of eternal order, which requires you to acknowledge Me Myself in Jesus, because your past sin consisted of the fact that you denied Me this acknowledgment, and that you must therefore completely voluntarily profess Me again, Who became a visible God for you in the human being Jesus .... and Who will remain so for all eternity ....


BD 8908                received  09.01.1965

Task ....

You still have to accomplish an important task before My intervention occurs, on account of which you will be placed into entirely different circumstances which will make your work for My kingdom more difficult. Yet, prior to this, souls which do not oppose My Word shall still be reached .... they shall learn what is about to happen to humanity even if they doubt it .... the huge event will very soon convince them that you have told the truth. Therefore make it known it to everyone, inform them of this intervention which is coming ever closer and will affect everyone, although the affected country will still remain hidden to you .... I appeal to you to tell all people, to whom you take My Word, about the indication of the immense natural disaster .... It will be necessary for them to all think about it for once, for them to feel directly spoken to and, depending on their attitude, to be able to draw comfort and strength in the forthcoming time of need. Wherever My Word is proclaimed people shall be informed of it, people everywhere shall be told what is about to happen to them, even if they find it difficult to believe .....

But when the said event takes place, which will come from above .... from the cosmos, which therefore will not have been caused by human will, then they will also believe in the closely following end. For I want to speak to people just once more through this disaster, I want to awaken them from their sleep of death and direct their eyes towards Me, towards the One Whom they can reach through heartfelt prayer .... I want to speak with a loud voice because they pay no attention to My gentle Words .... But I will also take care of those who then still find Me .... And even if they fall victim to the disaster, yet their souls will be saved if they still call upon Me and acknowledge Me as the Power to Which they are subject and have to bow down to. I call on all of you to mention My Words and not to fear that you might worry people, for it is of no avail if they walk blindly into the disaster, which will then take them by surprise and they will be unable to find an explanation for it .... If, however, you tell them in advance what I intend to achieve by it .... if you announce it as certain, then some of them will feel affected by it and .... even if they don’t believe it .... will not forget about it. And then they will already know that it is an event which was sent by My will over humanity, and they will know that My Word is truth and thus also believe in the end .... Every attempt has to be made to lead people to believe. And this huge natural disaster, too, can still awaken faith in people who are otherwise no longer approachable and whom I nevertheless still want to win over for Me, even if it is in connection with a great calamity.

However, you are facing the danger of renewed banishment, and if I can still pull souls away from it they will be eternally grateful to Me, for the fate of renewed banishment is far more horrendous .... it will last for eternities, whereas the natural disaster will be over within a night; and although it will be followed by enormous misery every one of you will nevertheless be able to change it into a bearable situation, if only you muster faith in Me. For I Am Lord over life and death, I can also give to you what you need .... just as I can take from you what you are unwilling to surrender voluntarily. And therefore, don’t fail to inform your fellow human beings about the forthcoming event, for no one shall say that he didn’t know of it .... Only, people will not believe that they are so close to the end, otherwise they would also be able to gather from the Scriptures that a catastrophic event will befall humanity .... But they believe that the time has not yet come when what is written will be fulfilled .... Yet one day the future will become the present, one day the announcements will come true, and this time is close at hand ....


BD 8909                received  10.01.1965

Lorber ....

You need not doubt the spiritual knowledge which you receive from Me, for I do not content Myself by merely making statements to you but I substantiate everything, and that also has to convince you that you are taught the truth. Yet I know that you will meet with resistance and this will persuade Me to provide you with proof, as I have done before (Gottfried Mayerhofer) by referring you to a different explanation which concerns the same problem. And through this scribe of Mine you will receive illumination .... (Secrets of Creation, page 91). Precisely because you are living in the last days I Am giving you the purest truth, which you can pass on without hesitation, pointing out that nothing will remain unchanged once it comes into possession of people who are not yet perfect themselves .... And you can believe that this work (J. Lorber) has also gone through changes and therefore has no longer remained pure .... Besides, My servant J. Lorber, too, was just a human being who was able to err and has erred whenever his intellect tried to solve a problem by itself, for then My adversary was able to influence his mind .... Admittedly, he enjoyed My protection, and he truly left the kind of knowledge to the world which certainly entitles him to be called the greatest seer and prophet .... yet I had to leave him his free will, which was the only reason why the adversary was able to interfere .... otherwise an obvious contradiction such as the description of My Nature, that all opposites are present within Me .... could not have happened. Yet I will not deny My protection to any Word-recipient who genuinely struggles to gain the right understanding, who only ever wants to know and spread the pure truth. And that should suffice you and strengthen you in the battle against error, for I will walk with you and also still let you find the evidence of your correct thinking ....


BD 8910                received  12.01.1965

Good and evil ....
Eternal law ....

I also want to give you an explanation regarding this, for even the smallest doubt will prevent you from correcting the notion that evil was placed into the being by Me. I did not create evil but I have known since eternity that evil would prevail in the world of the fallen spirits .... I have known since eternity that I would be regarded as the source of evil because I have always known what lies My adversary would use in the fight against Me in order to prevent the return to Me .... But time and again I will give people the information which will enlighten them about My nature. And time and again bearers of light from above will also descend to earth in order to clarify precisely this notion ....

My nature is eternally good, It is incapable of ever transferring an evil thought onto Its created beings. This has to be said first of all, so that you yourselves will not assume that you were created by Me with all bad characteristic and longings. You were very intimately connected to Me for an endlessly long time and in this state did not know anything anti-divine, you were with Me in heart and soul (of the same will), which enabled you to receive My strength of love unimpeded and thereby you were infinitely happy.

But when My first-created spirit .... Lucifer or the bearer of light .... fell away from Me and thus all of you had to take the test of will and choose which Lord to follow .... when you had to make the right decision of your own free will .... you also had to be able to choose between good and evil, you had to know that evil came from My adversary, whereas only good thoughts could flow from Me to you. Hence I gave you light .... the ability to differentiate between good and evil, and in this bright light you could have recognised the source of evil. I indeed put up with evil because it was necessary for your test of will, but I never approved of it .... Consequently, the being also had to be able to satisfy a longing if it wanted it albeit it was an evil one .... just as longing had to be inside the being for the purpose of being good, which has to be understood such that any longing can evolve, otherwise a decision could not be possible.

But the fact that the fallen beings only wanted to satisfy evil longings was not because they possessed this longing from the start, rather My present adversary had first transferred this longing onto his followers. Thus the being had to be able to experience every feeling, it must be able to arouse longings within itself, yet these longings need not have originated from Me .... which is always the case when these longings are bad .... just as every non-fallen being has a longing which only turns towards good ....

Thus use the word ‘desire’ instead of ‘longing’ .... which is in fact the same, and you will understand that every feeling within the being originates from Me but that the direction it takes is determined by every being itself .... Therefore you should come to Me with every doubt, with every question, and I will not leave your soul in distress, I will enlighten you, so that you, who should uphold the truth given to you from above, will also be convinced of the truth yourselves .... For it is essential to rectify many more misconceptions even if you believe to have the truth, for nothing that is given to still imperfect human beings stays unchanged, no matter how pure it originated from above ....

Therefore I reveal Myself time and again anew in order to send the pure truth to earth, and therefore you can also accept everything without hesitation if you seriously examine it, for the pure truth from Me has to have the effect that it will be recognised by those who receive it in the sincere desire for truth ....


BD 8913                received  16.01.1965

About the origin of evil ....

Surely you don’t believe that I will instruct you wrongly if you so sincerely appeal to Me for truth. Remember My Words ‘If you, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children .... how much more shall I give My spirit to them that ask Me? ....’ Hence you do not write down your own thoughts but they are given to you by My spirit, and always in a way so that you can also understand the meaning, so that you need not fear that you are being misled. The information you receive from above has to be clear and understandable for everyone, it must not include contradictions and completely openly describe My nature so that not even the slightest doubt will arise in you .... You, who live on earth as a human being, are the spiritual beings which once fell away from Me .... Your thinking became confused due to your apostasy from Me, you accepted all evil characteristics from My adversary .... Your nature became ungodly, thus it was in contradiction to Mine .... These ungodly qualities had to be eliminated from you again, which was achieved by the infinitely long path through the creations. Hence you had already attained a certain degree of maturity when you were allowed to incarnate on earth. But then, in your state of awareness, you also realised .... with good will .... your great distance from Me and therefore had to overcome your bad characteristics yourselves which, however, I Myself had not implanted in you but which, as a result of your apostasy from Me through My adversary’s influence, were still inherent in you .... you had to bear the consequences since you voluntarily accepted that which is evil from My adversary .... This truth will irrevocably remain .... I Myself certainly created you such that you were able to feel what was good and what was bad .... I Myself created you such that you were able to desire good as well as bad .... But I did not compel you to accept evil within yourselves, nevertheless you desired it with the result that you still incorporate all evil instincts within yourselves in earthly life which My adversary once transferred onto you, and that you have to fight against and finally prevail over them .... You cannot assume that I Myself was the origin of evil, otherwise you would have to regard the whole plan of Salvation as a defective piece of work although it was, in fact, a work of supreme perfection. At no time ever can something originate from Me which I classify as a sin against Me. Consequently, if you have sinned you must have violated My law of eternal order and you must .... as far it is possible for you .... atone for your sin in earthly life yourselves. But you can never say that I Myself created you the way you are now as a human being .... if you refer to the flaws and vices you have to fight against. This contradiction is so obvious that you should have recognised it as such and rejected it. Indeed, I created the human being but the essence is the soul which was already able to repel many ungodly qualities during the infinitely long process before. It is the once fallen original spirit which still has to bear the consequences of its apostasy until it is redeemed from its original sin, but which nevertheless has to deal with the cravings My adversary implanted in it in order to completely unite itself with Me, its Father of eternity, from Whom it once emerged in a supremely perfect state .... My Word from above is truly given to you such that it is comprehensible to you, and nothing else is expected of you other than that you accept it as truth .... Yet I wisely left the scribe in ignorance of the Scriptures so as not to cloud his perception and only to transcribe that which I consider of great significant in view of the end, because precisely these questions will be the cause of heated discussions. However, it should not be underestimated that people rather choose to believe in a supremely perfect God and that every virtuous person feels repulsed to imagine God as the bearer of evil too.

The point is that I don’t want to gain worldly scholars but those who are of good will. But how can the many quotations be explained from which the reader derives the impression that I Myself can be compared with evil .... This is a satanic question and an opportunity where he can most easily slip in .... and the human being’s will only too gladly fits in with his will .... No one else is better suited to being of assistance to him than My John when Satan asked him the same question .... (Bishop Martin, chapter 197-198) And thus My John will now get to work by igniting a bright light for you which no-one will be able to extinguish. He will explain the contradiction to you which, however, is no contradiction .... All His beings emerged from God, therefore he did too, the greatest and most powerful spirit, whom He created for Himself in order to possess a mirror image of Himself into which He was able to constantly radiate His strength of love and which was also returned. Hence He created an image of Himself which He endowed with all abilities so that there was no difference between Him and the created work other than the fact that He Himself was the source of strength but His creation was the recipient of strength. Therefore the first-created spirit .... Lucifer or the bearer of light .... was also ‘emanated strength’ which was externalised by God as the first visible being and which afterwards also remained visible for all successive beings until his fall. However, it was not yet God’s opposite pole, for it neither possessed anti-divine characteristics nor anti-divine feelings, instead it was aglow with burning love for Him sharing the same will as God’s will. Here, too, satanic cunning is instantly recognizable: the fact that he transfers the moment of apostasy from God to the act of creation in order to portray God as being responsible and himself as being ‘created in this way’. After all, think about this seriously: How can an opposite spirit to God .... hence one which is different from God Himself .... not be called anti-divine? In other words, how can a true opposite .... thus being different than God Himself .... not be called ungodly? Lucifer only became His opposing spirit after an incredibly long time .... when, motivated by the host of created original spirits, he began to change his will and thinking capacity.

Yet this infinitely long act of beatitude preceded his apostasy and these ungodly characteristics emerged out of him, and it was not that God had placed them into the created being, which could only have been created as God’s mirror image .... This advice, too, was necessary in order to provide utter clarification that it was not God Who was the source of sin and that, without any doubt whatsoever, His works emerged from His love and therefore could not have been anything else but perfect .... i.e. good in supreme perfection. You must be able to understand the revelations from above, or you must assume that you are already externally influenced if something incomprehensible is offered to you. For God conveys His Word to Earth in order to enlighten you, and only where you really receive light will you also be able to recognise God Himself as the source, but then you will also know for certain that you are living in truth .... because He will not leave those in spiritual darkness who entrust themselves to Him and appeal to Him to receive the truth ....


BD 8915                received  22.01.1965

The vineyard labourers’ duty is to take action against error ....

Your task is to stand up for the truth you receive from Me. If I inform you of things which are erroneously presented otherwise you are duty bound to support the imparted spiritual knowledge and not quietly tolerate it if you are being opposed by misconceptions. I emanate the light of truth to earth precisely because I want to invalidate falsehood and error, since they are a danger to people if they continue to be ignored and thus exist side by side with the truth. Try to understand that it is not irrelevant whether the truth is bestowed upon you or not, try to understand that you cannot find the path to Me with an error and that you will have to discard it .... if not on earth then in the kingdom of the beyond .... and as long as you do not know the complete truth there cannot be any bliss for you. Therefore I also require fighters who always highlight the truth, who do not shy away from informing their fellow human beings of their knowledge, so that everyone can chose between error and truth .... You don’t know how much error exists in the world, but I know and therefore cannot tacitly tolerate it. But since I do not compel any person into accepting the truth I can only educate fighters for Myself who will speak on My behalf and also fight against error where it becomes distinctly evident .... For as a rule it hides behind a mask which conceals My adversary ....

The greatest evil consists of the fact that he works in the same way in order to extinguish Me and My light .... This is why it cannot be fought rigorously enough, and anyone who knows himself to own the pure truth should always uphold it, because he receives a most important gift of grace which makes his battle considerably easier, for he can substantiate everything and need not be afraid that My adversary will be superior to him, for faced by the light he will always give up the struggle. And I give you light in abundance so that you can easily recognise the origin of the spiritual knowledge which opposes the light from above. And thus you must not tacitly tolerate it, for that which opposes the truth is a lie, and I declare war on untruth. People don’t know in what mass of misguided spiritual information they live. And anyone who cannot free himself from it on the basis of the pure truth conveyed to him will be burdened by it on entering the kingdom of the beyond, unless his degree of love will assure him instant realisation, yet in that case he will already be able to recognise the error in his earthly life and dismiss everything that does not correspond to the truth. For love enlightens him and he will instinctively refuse to accept wrong spiritual knowledge. The closer it gets to the end the more supposed ‘Word-recipients’ will show up, and they will all want to spread their wrong messages, and then it is important to differentiate between the spirits, for they will include truly satanic messengers who work on instruction of the one who wants to corrupt the world and tries to completely prevent people’s path of return to Me. But you, who want to serve Me, will recognise them and know what to make of these messages. You should never accept these messages for the sake of tolerance, for anyone who does not fight against falsehood allows himself to be ensnared by it, it will confuse his thinking and he will no longer be able to recognise the pure truth. And it is My adversary’s intention to also create spiritual confusion in those who want to separate themselves from him in order to get control over them again .... For no means is too evil and no cunning too despicable if he is to reach his goal ....


BD 8917                received  24.01.1965

God’s Word intends to attract people’s love ....

You, who continuously receive the gifts of My grace and thereby constantly enjoy the evidence of My presence, possess an abundance of wealth which cannot be taken away from you again. You are guided into extraordinary knowledge which no one can refute, for such knowledge can only be given to you by the One Who knows everything, but Who wants to impart it to every person who sincerely desires it and appeals to Me for it. And the fact that I know far more than you are capable of comprehending shall only encourage you to become ever more mature in soul, for you will be immeasurably happy the deeper you penetrate My eternal plan of Salvation, the more information is given to you about My reign and activity .... And all the possessions of the world will not be able to tempt you anymore once you have penetrated the secrets of creation and can understand all happenings. For then you will have attained the state of realisation again, then you will be enlightened and approach the original state again, in which you were profusely happy.

Then your existence as a human being will soon come to an end, you will be able to discard your physical shell and return into My kingdom which is your true home .... Therefore strive to increase your maturity of soul, don’t tire in your endeavours but believe that unimaginable splendours are waiting for you in My kingdom which is not of this world .... Your endeavour shall be to join Me forever more, not to exclude Me from your thoughts any longer, I want to be with you and be able to illuminate you with My love again, with the result that you will become enlightened and able to hear My voice clearly and distinctly, so that you will no longer doubt that I Am speaking to you and teaching you ....

The fact that My love always and forever applies to you ought to be recognised by you in My seeking to attract your love .... I followed you into the abyss and helped you to ascend from the depth until you were able to embody yourselves as human beings. And even now My love will not cease, it grants you blessings in abundance and is always ready to help .... it appeals for your love by speaking to you and giving you strength, which you only need to use correctly in order to continue your ascent to the pinnacle, in order to finally be able to enter My kingdom. For My love wants to welcome you as My children, it wants to grant you supreme blissfulness, which you cannot possibly imagine. And by speaking to you I intend for you to become convinced of My presence so that you will then also respond to My love, that you will open your heart and let the ray of My love enter it, so that the unity with Me can take place in love, which is an integral part of bliss.

And you will eternally glorify Me, you will sing My praises and give thanks to Me forever, for then you will have become perfect again, as you were in the beginning, as your Father in Heaven is perfect ....


BD 8919                received  28.01.1965

What is the world? ....

Thus you can look at the world with all its creations as a kingdom belonging to My opponent, for it shelters all fallen spiritual substances, it is just that he is deprived of them during the time when they embody one form after another. And yet the world was created by My love, wisdom and might and My adversary has no part in it, despite the fact that it belongs to him he has no control over his world .... And it has arisen in all its beauty, sheltering the most marvellous creations of all kinds .... My love, wisdom and might can be noticed everywhere .... and although I constrained the rebellious spiritual substances within these creations the act of creation was a happy one for Me which enabled My once emanated strength to become active again, because the strength I externalised as a ‘being’ refused to be active and by rejecting My strength of love also rendered itself incapable of it.

And thus I gave this strength a task again .... by bringing a world into existence with all its innumerable creations .... but also with participation of the beings that had remained faithful to Me for they, too, had the power to create. They knew My thoughts, My plan of Salvation and experienced their working with Me as exceptional happiness. Their love concerned their fallen brothers whom they wanted to help lift out of the abyss. The fact that this process required an infinitely long time from a human point of view did not bother them, for they were perfect and therefore lacked all concept of time .... Nor did the concept of time exist before the stage of the human being. It only started when the human being entered the creation as a self-aware being and it will not lose this concept of time and space again until he becomes perfect once more .... And this concept of time can be seen in all creations, where every form .... be it in the mineral, plant or animal world .... always has a limited time span at its disposal and thus higher development always depends on certain periods .... which thus also explain the perpetual changes which constantly can be observed in nature and which subsequently also determine the perpetual return of the seasons, of spring, summer, autumn and winter ....

Everything took place in unsurpassed wisdom, which always and forever will remain unchanged as long as creation exists, for everything proceeds according to divine law. And the various different worlds are subject to different laws again .... Yet each one contributes towards higher development, and each one takes the already achieved degree of maturity into account. This is why I look upon My creation with pleasure because I don’t see in it the fallen spirits but only the means for their ascent, and I consider all means as an expression of My love and wisdom which one day will accomplish the return of the fallen spirits to Me. And you humans may take pleasure in My creation, for it offers you works of wonder which you are unable to create yourselves. You can only ever see and marvel, but you carelessly take no notice of what testifies to your Creator’s wisdom, love and might. And yet this whole world only came into being because of you, and you are its crowning glory, you are the once fallen spirits which are on the last short path of return .... Everything you can see around you served to achieve your degree of maturity; you have merely overcome all these forms already.

But in the last stage as a human being My adversary has power over you again which I cannot deny him but which you can take away from him yourselves by directing your will towards Me .... And once more all beings of light will stand by you in order to support you in your battle against him, for they all want you to become free from him .... who alone was the cause of the origin of the earthly world because he had pulled you down into the abyss. You, however, must decide for yourselves which lord you want to join, and this decision alone determines your fate in eternity ....


BD 8923                 received  01.02.1965

God corrects a big error ....

I want to give you a very important explanation which should enlighten those of you who are still convinced that evil is inherent in Me too, and that I have hence supposedly created beings with all their bad instincts and attributes .... You, who have to fight against all these instincts in order to regain your original condition, did not emerge from Me like that, because if that were the case I would have created a spirit world which could not be deemed to be in My image. Everything emerged from Me in absolute perfection and has remained perfect for an infinity. Therefore, if they were in My image, in accordance with your opinion I Myself would have to have all kinds of evil attributes within Myself, hence I would have to be a God of duality, Who created good as well as evil simultaneously .... In this case, however, the beings could not be considered to be guilty, because they would have detached themselves from Me as a result of their inclination .... But then the act of Salvation by Jesus Christ would not have been necessary either, because a ‘sin’ is an offence against Me which, however, the being was unable to commit since it was not created in any other way .... hence, I Myself would have been the cause of this alleged sin ....

If you believe that all opposites are inherent in the most perfect Being then you are contradicting yourselves, because perfection has to be good, it cannot be associated with all evil attributes because then it would not be perfect any longer .... But every fallen spirit is burdened with the original sin which it cannot eternally redeem of its own accord .... Hence you can see from this the enormity and gravity of this sin against Me, so Am I supposed to have been the cause of it Myself? Of a sin which demanded an act of mercy such as the human being Jesus has accomplished? .... Who realised that this very sin had to be redeemed one day for the sake of justice ....

One of the purest angel beings volunteered for this act of atonement in the knowledge that the sin of apostasy from God was the ultimate offence against His love .... And was I supposed to have supported this sin Myself by creating beings with ‘all opposites’? In order to then, because of My induced sin, make them walk an excruciatingly painful path through matter, which would thus once again imply an utterly evil Being but not the boundless love a of supremely perfect God and Creator Who wants to be Father to you all.

Everything that has resulted from the original sin is on account of My adversary’s doing, who has been the cause himself, who has implanted you with all evil instincts and who was able to do so the moment you rejected My emission of love and thus had no further strength to resist him. As long as you support this misguided teaching you still have a very obscured concept of Me .... as long as you look for the origin of evil in Me you do not yet understand Christ’s act of Salvation properly .... Because you can only speak of the original sin when you are fully responsible for it .... and this would not be the case if I had created you with the tendency of sin already within yourselves. However, since you are burdened with the original sin, from which you can only be redeemed by Jesus Christ, but cannot accuse Me of any injustice, it is clearly self-evident that the sin against Me was committed by you yourselves, that My adversary has induced you to commit this sin, which you committed voluntarily and therefore you are also fully responsible for it .... that you therefore brought about all past torments and suffering yourselves and Jesus Christ will help you to become free of this guilt ....

To you, who want to serve Me by spreading the truth, the act of creation has been extensively explained, as far as you are able to grasp it .... And from all this follows that the spirit world was originally created in complete perfection, and that I was extremely happy with the host of the first created spirits for an eternity .... But I have also known about My first externalized spirit’s antagonism for an eternity, I’ve known about his opposition and the confusion he would cause amongst My earliest spirits .... I knew of their apostasy from Me, but I had externalized him as My image with the same creative power and creative strength .... and I did not stop him when he misused this power and transferred all of his bad attributes on to those who followed him voluntarily, because I had allowed the will of all beings to be free .... And this explained the fall into the abyss, only it occurred voluntarily and was particularly grave because the beings were still within the light of awareness and yet they have accepted all evil attributes which My adversary has imbued in them, but for which I Myself cannot be held responsible ....


BD 8925                received  03.02.1965

God Himself substantiates the revelations with the near end ....

You received the knowledge about the reasons for creating the spirit world, you were taught about all events .... as far as you were able to understand them .... which gave you a clear idea about the apostasy of the spirits .... I have explained Mine and your fundamental nature which, in itself, is the same .... All knowledge was given to you so comprehensibly that, with good will, you can truly recognise My infinite love. I gave you a bright light so that you may now live in its radiance, so that you brightly and clearly recognise your actual existence, your beginning and your goal. Anyone who adopts this knowledge, who accepts it with a will which strives towards Me, can also be certain that he will reach the last goal on earth .... I want to instruct you in all clarity, knowledge which is unknown to millions of people shall be easily comprehensible to you, because they don’t wish to know what is revealed to you, who desire truth. I was able to transmit it to earth in such detail because I made use of a vessel which did not allow its intellect to interfere, which did not offer Me the slightest resistance, to which I was therefore able to impart the truth in the most understandable way, so that all correlations could be explained by Me and your most important questions were answered .... This is necessary during the last days before the end, because people shall be informed once more of all processes relating to My reign and activity in the whole of the universe .... because they shall form a right concept of My Nature and also let go of all errors which, due to intellectual thoughts, were time and again also able to creep into My revelations, if thereby My spirit was prevented from working. However, I know that error is dangerous, I also know who wants to release himself from it and therefore convey to him My pure Word again and give to him according to his desire. For this reason I will also send the knowledge of it to wherever it is willingly and gratefully accepted .... I know how to prevent that spiritual knowledge, which originated from Me in all purity, gets into the wrong hands, for there is only a short time left until the end and I Myself determine which route the spiritual knowledge takes, and I will also always choose the right workers who will leave it unchanged and whose sacred awe prevents them from implementing changes which are not My will. This is why My constant protection is assured you, My servants on earth, so that you can unimpededly accomplish your task of spreading My Word in all its purity, of passing it on to those who desire it .... Nevertheless, you should not distribute it arbitrarily but always take care that they willingly listen to it or don’t reject it if you offer it to them. For the world is not interested in the pure truth, and to offer it to worldly people will yield little success, even though you should also mention it to them, but the determination to reject it will always be stronger than the resolve to accept it ....

Each person must make his own decision, yet the consequences of this choice will differ considerably .... it can grant people a glorious life in eternity but also lead to renewed banishment. The fact that I repeatedly send the pure truth to earth is an act of grace of momentous significance; it shall be the evidence of My presence for My Own, so that they will not doubt its truth but advocate it wholeheartedly even if they are confronted by the harshest objections .... I truly know why I must reveal Myself once more before the end, I know that My adversary’s influence will continue until the end and I want to protect those people from him who want to be My Own .... but this is only possible if the full truth is conveyed to them. Therefore, don’t be afraid if people want to hold you to account .... What you receive from above can be rightfully endorsed by you, for then you will only ever state what I put into your mouth. Yet even then you will still win, for people won’t know how to respond to you. As yet you can still pass on the spiritual knowledge you possess without being prevented from doing so and you should use this time well, for one day you will have to bow to the power and be unable to speak publicly when My adversary .... the Antichrist .... comes to power and fights against everything of a spiritual nature .... By that time you shall have scattered many seeds which can take root in silence and will truly give you the strength to persevere until the end ....


BD 8928                received  07.02.1965

God’s merciful guidance of the vineyard labourers ....

You should pay attention to My will, which I shall always place into your heart when you appeal to Me for advice and help. Then you will feel it as an inner urge which you should comply with. The prerequisite is, however, that you establish contact with Me in prayer first, that it is your own will to receive My instructions, because you cannot assume that every thought originates from Me but must also take into account that My adversary intervenes in your thoughts if he feels that you pray half-heartedly, that not your heart but only you mouth is speaking. Therefore you should constantly observe yourselves, but always trustingly come to Me with every request and appeal to Me for support. You should always know that you will be guided by Me as soon as you want to be active for Me, for this activity of yours is wanted by Me and can therefore never be wrong if it is your serious will to thereby be of service to Me. For countless beings of light are protecting you by fending off all incorrect thoughts so that you can therefore accomplish your spiritual task with complete peace of mind and need not be afraid of being used by the adversary .... And you must be certain of this, because you should stand up for your spiritual knowledge and will only be able to do so if you are sure of My protection. Consequently, you need not worry that you would ever lose My love, for I Am aware of your struggle and know every doubt arising in you, yet I also know that you will quell these doubts yourselves because you will receive the strength for this from Me. However, you must remain firmly connected with Me so that I will be able to affect you directly. For the adversary will also try to prevail, but he will be unsuccessful if you always long for Me and My presence, for he will take flight from the light and thus from Me Myself, Who kindles a light in you .... Time and again you will notice My merciful guidance if only you pay attention to how I direct everything, if you keep your eyes and ears open, if you take notice of how everything falls into place and always shows My care .... because as long as you are ready for Me, I Am also willing to smooth your every path. For all this is the result of your will to serve Me selflessly, which I rate as proof of your love for Me. And therefore you are being presented with knowledge which only ever serves to enlighten you, which proves My immense love for you and from which you can conclude that I do not just want to be your God and Creator but that you should recognise your Father in Me instead. This is why I convey to you the information which enables you to infer to a supremely perfect Being Which bows down in Its infinite love to let you partake in that which My sphere of love has to offer .... For all the glories in My kingdom were created by the Father for His children in order to make them infinitely happy. However, you must know about it .... And this knowledge must be conveyed to you by those I was able to initiate in My plan of Creation, who willingly open themselves to rays of light. And if you now consider how little light can shine among the human race, then you will also understand that I will repeatedly assure those of My care who want to comply with the task of introducing this knowledge to their fellow human beings, for although their mission is an exceptionally beneficial one, it is also a difficult task, because not many people can be found who question the purpose of their life on earth and who are therefore also willing to accept instructions. But My blessing will forever be with those who work for Me and My kingdom, because the only important thing is that they enlighten their fellow human beings about the meaning and purpose of life on earth, about My will and that they also spread the knowledge of the significance of the act of Salvation, for this information is essential if people want to become blessed ....


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