ThemeBooklet 053

The Human Being's True Home

An access to the currently translated complete work of Bertha Dudde – 1891-1965 – including her autobiography, an introduction to the work, lots of hints and clarification, all the downloads (in various languages), with offers of writings by different publishers (printed books, theme booklets etc.), and printable PDF-versions of all texts (revelations) You find here, a selective list with all her books You find here.

BD 7634                received  27.06.1960

The true home ....

The spiritual realm is certainly an entirely dissimilar region to the earthly realm and it requires a strong will to strive for the former realm while the human being still lives in the midst of the world .... They are two entirely different kingdoms and one kingdom totally seems to exclude the other. However, the more seriously a person wants to enter and stay in the spiritual kingdom, the more real it will become to him and the stronger he will feel that the spiritual kingdom is his actual home, that the earth is merely something transient which the human being simply has to pass through in order to reach his true home. But on the whole the spiritual region will seem unreal to a person and time and again he will have to fight, he will have to exert force in order to mentally escape the world for a short time and to drift over into the spiritual world. Nevertheless, he will succeed if this is his serious will. Yet one thing must be present in him: the desire for God and, as a result of this, a life of love .... In that case the human being’s soul will already be grounded in the spiritual kingdom, for the right kind of love comes from God and leads back to Him, Whose kingdom is not of this world. However, the human being must possess the right kind of love, the love for God and his fellow human beings .... As long as the human being is still dominated by selfish love, he will be more in touch with the earthly realm and a ‘spiritual’ world will seem implausible to him, this spiritual world will be distant to him and also cannot entice him to seek contact with it. Hence, the degree of love will be the decisive factor as to how real the spiritual kingdom seems to a person, to what extent it dominates him and how strongly it will influence his thoughts .... But he can become convinced of it, he can live more in the spiritual realm than in this world if his love for God and his fellow human being has been kindled in him. Then the human being will also convincingly advocate this spiritual kingdom to other people because he will be utterly convinced of it himself, and he will also always mention what he inwardly feels .... He will portray the spiritual kingdom as the only kingdom worth striving for and try to motivate his fellow human beings to likewise strive for this kingdom and to relegate the secular world as worthless into second place .... always regarding this secular world as transient and paying more attention to that which is everlasting. A person who remains in contact with the spiritual kingdom and makes it the goal of his endeavour on earth is far more likely to find inner peace .... The human being will never find complete happiness in the earthly world, for he will also discover the transience of this world and his life will remain unsatisfied if he only ever longs for earthly possessions and is content with fulfilling his earthly wishes, because his soul feels that it needs something different in order to be happy. His soul will not content itself with what the world can offer .... It will only be able to feel truly happy when it is offered possessions from the spiritual kingdom. Only then will it have entered the region of the spiritual kingdom, only then will it have found its true home, only then will it acknowledge the spiritual kingdom as its home and only then will it know that this kingdom is real and that it cannot be taken away from the soul again once it has arrived at home, once it has found its way back to the Father’s house from which it once had originated ....


BD 7680                received  22.08.1960

The bliss of return ....

You should know that no greater bliss exists for Me than to watch you, My living creations, develop into children who recognise their Father and wish to be united with Him .... This bliss is inconceivable for you because you were not able to assess My immense love when I created you and this love will never diminish until it has found final union with you once more, that is, until you have returned to Me again of your own free incentive .... Love is My fundamental substance, love is the strength which created everything, it is love which assures your continued existence and infinite love wants to make you blissfully happy for all eternity .... Hence you emerged from love as perfect creatures, since everything I created could only be perfect. And yet you were ‘created’ beings which could not have been anything else but perfect when they came forth from My hand. However, I was not satisfied with this degree of perfection. I wanted children next to Me which voluntarily would strive towards ultimate perfection, but in that case they could also shape themselves into imperfect beings if this is what they wanted. And countless beings misshaped themselves into this imperfection when they deliberately distanced themselves from Me and reversed all divine characteristics into the opposite. This was not My will, nevertheless it happened with My permission, because I knew that the retransformation into perfection was possible for the beings and that this regeneration will be accomplished one day, if only after an infinitely long time .... But the beings which manage to achieve this act of regeneration become what I Myself was unable to achieve with My power: their Father’s true children, who thus become as perfect as their Father in Heaven is perfect .... who voluntarily strive back to Me and make Me extremely happy when I can draw them to My heart as My true children, when they have and will remain united with Me for all eternity .... It is an exceedingly happy state for Me to watch these children of Mine take a step at a time towards the goal of unification with Me .... even if this return to Me necessitates an infinitely long time .... I know that one day it will come to an end, that no being will remain distant from Me .... I know that the work, which started with the beings’ act of apostasy, will continue with absolute certainty, even if the being’s free will occasionally makes it fall back .... even if eternities pass by until this free will changes and longs for Me. Nevertheless, My love will not stop helping the being to come up from below .... Time and again My love will come to meet the creature and My yearning for union will constantly increase and will indeed find fulfilment one day, just as the creature will long for Me one day and strive for unification. But then the being will be eternally happy .... Therefore it is of little significance for Me as to when this union will take place, because for Me a thousand years are like a day .... but I know for a fact that it will take place one day and I only seek to shorten the time of return to Me for My living creation’s sake, but I will not precipitate it if the being’s will is still opposed to Me. However, once My children feel the bliss which results from our union they will be incapable of understanding why they opposed Me for so long, for their love for Me will also come fully aglow and the being will never want to separate itself from Me again. Only then will the beings grasp what love is .... then they will know that nothing that emerged from Me can disappear and that everything must indeed be of highest perfection in order to be permanently united with Me, in order to endure My presence, in order to create and shape beside Me, as I have planned from the very beginning .... And the Creator will be blissfully happy with His living creation .... the Father will be inconceivably blissful with His child ....


BD 8400                received  02.02.1963

The soul’s entry into the kingdom of light ....

Every spiritual request shall be granted to you .... I have given you this promise because My love will fulfil everything that will benefit your soul. And thus you can also rest assured that you will enter the kingdom of light and bliss after your physical death if you have lived your life on earth in accordance with My will, if you have demonstrated your love for Me through your activity of unselfish neighbourly love .... if you have lived your life on earth with Me by having allowed Me to be your constant companion on earth ....

‘He that believeth on Me hath everlasting life ....’ And anyone who lives a life of love also believes in Me with a true, living faith, and he will therefore be granted a blissful life in the spiritual kingdom .... And realisation will indeed come to him in a flash, he will move within (true) truthful thinking and his (its) happiness is such that the soul with its light, by which it is permeated, will also be able to delight the souls which still linger in darkness and long for light .... by making others happy it will find its own happiness, and so it has to have a bright light shining within itself first ....

You humans cannot possibly imagine this beatitude nor the nature of the activity, but you may well believe that these souls will no longer desire to return to earth .... especially since they know that no human being will remain on earth and every soul will soon meet its loved ones again. Therefore they should not grieve either but only ever strive to achieve a high degree of love which will facilitate their spiritual vision, because this degree is necessary for souls to meet again immediately after their passing away from this world .... otherwise the souls will first have to strive for and attain this degree in the beyond.

Yet the fact that people will meet again one day is absolute truth, and it will be an exceptionally joyful moment when the union takes place in the spiritual kingdom. You humans, who are affected by harsh strokes of fate, should always bear in mind that whatever happens to you in earthly life is only founded on My love and wisdom .... Stay mindful of the fact that I don’t want to cause you suffering but greater beatitudes, which you often gain through suffering .... And you should not doubt it but humbly accept everything and, truly, the blessing will not fail to materialise itself. And if, one day, you look back on your earthly existence, you will be filled by profound gratitude and love for Me, Whom you recognise as your Father, Who only has His children’s fate at heart, which will await them in the kingdom of the beyond ....

Be aware of the fact that you won’t stay much longer on this earth, and that you therefore will have to accept a greater amount of suffering in order to reach the goal of voluntarily uniting yourselves with Me. And every prayer you send to Me will come from the bottom of your heart and therefore will also be answered by Me .... You will often send your thoughts into the kingdom which is your true home, and will also be allowed to receive currents of light and strength from this realm, you will keep in constant contact with those who merely went ahead of you and who .... if your possess a high degree of maturity and light .... will support you to also achieve your goal while you are still on earth .... For a soul which is already permitted to spread light will also be able to transmit the light to you humans, and that means that you will then live within utter truth, for where light exists no error will be able to sustain itself because it will be recognised as such, and the path of anyone living in truth must lead to the goal without fail.

And believe that I know every thought in your heart, and thus I also know what you still need and take care that it will be imparted to you .... And even if I occasionally use painful means they will nevertheless liberate the souls from their physical constraints and they will merely exchange earthly life with a far more beautiful life in the spiritual kingdom, where they will be of loving service to Me and therefore also enjoy beatitudes which earthly life cannot offer .... For they have entered the eternal truth from whence they once originated ....


BD 5617                received  09.03.1953

The Father’s house and beatitude ....

You shall enter into My paternal house, you shall dwell in eternity where I once placed you to be most blissfully active. But then you will be able to behold your God and Father of eternity in Jesus Christ, I Myself will be amongst you and your bliss will be and remain without bounds, for in eternity the glory of My kingdom has no end. That which you can achieve on earth is so inconceivable and overwhelming that you would no longer strive for anything else on earth were you able to imagine this glory .... But you must strive for My kingdom without this knowledge, you must return to your Father’s house of your own free will, because beatitude will only be your fate on condition that the being has voluntarily attained perfection. One day this beatitude is destined for you, nevertheless, it is left up to yourselves as to how long you still want to delay your home-coming into your Father’s house, the time is determined by yourselves, and when your body dies it can already be over and have gained you perfection on this earth. I await all of you and have prepared the mansion for you .... Allow these Words of Mine to take effect in you, let yourselves be motivated to seriously strive towards coming to Me in My kingdom, imagine the most glorious fate and you will not come anywhere near the true idea of that which I have prepared for My Own, for those who love Me with all their heart and soul .... And you can attain all this by merely keeping My commandment of loving Me and your fellow human being .... Through unselfish love you shall shape yourselves such that you can be accepted into the spiritual kingdom with all its light without fading away. Then you will be able to enter into your Father’s house, then I Myself will come to meet you and guide all of you towards the glories and in My presence, permeated by My love, you will be and remain indescribably happy for all eternity ....


BD 5666                received  03.05.1953

Bliss in the kingdom of light ....
Pleasures and delights ....

A blissfully happy life awaits My Own in the spiritual kingdom when they depart from this earth, when they have concluded their course of life and are able to shed the earthly form for good. Everything that had weighed them down will fall away from them, they will feel free and light and be received into the kingdom of light whose occupants will come to meet them in order to guide them into their own sphere .... It is impossible to describe to you humans the delights they will experience and how the kingdom they now inhabit is designed .... It entails extrasensory shapes and concepts, it is an entirely different sphere for which nothing on earth could be used as a comparison and yet the souls quickly find their way around, they know that it is their true home, for the soul will have received its past awareness again and will be abundantly happy because it will recognise the infinite love and grace with which I had guided it from beginning until it has reached the goal. A person on earth cannot feel these beatitudes which await him there, being still earthbound he only has limited feelings and he would die were the soul able to behold these glories while it is still on earth, but now he can enjoy them ceaselessly without fading away. However, through love for Me and his fellow human being the human being on earth makes himself more or less receptive for the emanations of light, in which he then can constantly move in the spiritual realm and experience immense happiness. It is the happiness of reciprocated love which, however, always impels loving activity as well, because the soul now wants to give as it receives, because it cannot help itself but to provide happiness to those who are still unhappy .... A person’s will on earth guarantees the souls ascent, nevertheless, it must be serious, it must turn to Me deep within the heart, it must not merely express itself with empty words which I always recognise as empty, which are not spoken in spirit and in truth and which are not felt either if the mouth does not voice them. But anyone who has a serious intention will reach his goal. And the promised beatitudes awaiting him shall also make him humbly bear the suffering, for this only raises the degree of beatitude in the spiritual kingdom, otherwise the soul will still have to go through dark spheres and will require a long time before it can enter the kingdom of light. And no being which longs for Me and My love need truly do without Me .... I will illuminate it and place it in a state of supreme bliss, I will change all suffering and misery into pleasure and delight, I will recompense a thousand fold what a person takes upon himself because He loves Me, and I will royally reward those who fight for Me and My kingdom on this earth .... I have prepared a fate for them in the house of the Father which will make them eternally happy ....


BD 0977                received  23.06.1939

State of light ....

Life in the beyond in a state of light is likewise inconceivable to people. It exceeds all earthly joys a thousand-fold; nevertheless, it differs entirely from the kind of earthly joys and, therefore, imparts happiness and bliss beyond all measure. And no amount of the human being’s imagination would be able to even roughly paint a picture that corresponds to the truth, for the heavenly pleasures awaiting a perfect being in these spheres are incomparable to anything on earth. In a state of light the being’s sensitive faculty equally surpasses all earthly feelings, for this reason no-one on earth will ever be able to understand the degree of pleasure which is granted to these beings. During the time on earth it must also remain inconceivable for the being, so that the human being will strive of his own accord towards perfection and not for the sake of reward. Yet the knowledge of this immeasurable happiness in the beyond would make all people strive for it with greatest zeal; nevertheless, in order to be truly prefect good must be done for the sake of good, and the reward should not come first. And therefore the heavenly Father has wisely arranged to leave humanity in ignorance about that which He has prepared for those who love Him .... He wants to possess the earthly children’s love, He wants to be their Father and reward their love in a Father’s way .... by giving the child everything that belongs to Him .... Therefore strive to become true children of God, so that you can partake in all heavenly delights .... and you will be blissfully happy beyond measure for all eternity.


BD 4578                received  02.03.1949

Bliss in the spiritual kingdom ....

The bliss of those who discard their physical shell and are allowed to enter the kingdom of light, their eternal home, is beyond your grasp. Having left all sorrows behind, they are no longer weighed down by difficulties nor plagued by enemies. Fear and sadness are unknown to them; their eyes only see beauty, exceptionally charming surroundings, magnificent formations of My creative will, and figures of light approaching them in order to introduce them to the kingdom of peace and beatitude. And in this environment they may stay and occupy themselves according to their own will. Their bliss rests in this freedom after a state during which their souls were still constrained and surrounded by earthly matter. Their hearts are able and willing to love and they are so aglow with love that this alone makes them happy already, for they find constant fulfilment. They join souls which resemble themselves, that is, which possess the same degree of maturity, and these associations increase their bliss, because unity out of love also increases the individual being’s strength as well as the urge to be active which results in joint kind-hearted activity which makes them exceedingly happy since the activation of strength results in increasingly more strength. The influx of strength, however, is a feeling of utmost delight, for it is the evidence of being close to God .... My living creations feel Me and, depending on their degree of maturity which enables the permeation of light, also get to see Me Myself in a way which is endurable for them. Their inner bliss intensifies, for their longing for Me increases constantly and is always granted .... No-one on earth can understand what that means, because earthly love is just a pale reflection of spiritual love and already the most desirable on earth, in the spiritual realm, however, it surpasses all other glories the soul is offered, because it signifies the constant influx of light and strength and therefore also the constant nearness of God. However, once My living creations have entered the kingdom of light, I Am the epitome of bliss for them and they will never ever abandon Me again. Then everyone will receive the reward for the love he showed Me on earth .... I constantly increase their happiness, I permeate the soul with My love and provide it with constantly new delights .... because ‘what no eye has seen and no ear has heard, that is what I have prepared for those who love Me ....’


BD 7963                received  10.08.1961

‘Eye has not seen ....’

I have no other goal but to make you happy, to bestow the glories of My kingdom upon you, to let you see what no eye has ever seen, to give you infinite pleasure .... and to draw you to My heart as My children, because My love for you is beyond measure .... And one day I will certainly achieve this goal. Nevertheless, infinitely long periods of time can still pass by, because it is necessary .... that you, too, grant Me your love, that you voluntarily desire to return to Me from Whom you once originated .... And therefore I constantly seek to attract your love as well, I try to inform you of My nature, which is profoundly perfect, so that I will also gain your love when you recognise My nature correctly .... This is why I reveal Myself to you .... I provide you with the evidence that I exist, and I give you an explanation about My nature, My reign and activity, My eternal plan of Salvation .... I unveil a picture before your eyes which you can, and indeed will, love if only you open your eyes and accept this image in your heart .... And so that you can recognise Me correctly, I speak to you .... You humans are still spiritually blind and therefore unable to form an accurate concept of Me, your God and Creator, Who wants to be your Father .... As a result of your past fall from Me into the abyss you lost all realisation and at the start of your human existence you are still in this dark spiritual state .... So if I want to gain your love I must enlighten your spirit, I must grant you a small light which illuminates the image of your God and Creator for you, so that you will learn to recognise Me .... I must give you an explanation about your creation, your origin from a supremely perfect Being Which, although you were unable to behold It, nevertheless made you immensely happy .... I must inform you of what you had been, what you are and what you shall become again .... This knowledge shall therefore contribute that you will learn to recognise and love Me, that you will strive towards Me and would like to be united with Me again .... The goal during your life on earth is to exchange your state of darkness with a state of brightest light, in which the spirit in you, being a part of Me, can speak to you and enlighten you ever more brightly .... Then you will come ever closer to your God and Creator and will be able to attain the goal during your lifetime on earth: total unification with Me and thus also the bliss, which I want to bestow upon you in the abundance of My love .... In that case your final return has taken place; My courtship for your love was successful and My love can now make you happy, and you will be able to behold Me face to face .... For now I have become a visible God in Jesus Christ for you and your desire, which once persuaded you to turn away from Me to the one whom you acknowledged as a visible God but who became My adversary because he revolted against Me, has been granted. Due to your apostasy from Me you were separated from Me for an infinitely long time in a state of wretchedness .... But now you can behold Me Myself in all power and glory, for in Jesus Christ I became a visible God for you .... And your bliss will be without end, you will constantly yearn for Me and My presence and your desire will always be granted .... And what no eye has seen and no ear has heard, that is what I have prepared for those who love Me .... because My infinite love is for you, My children, for all eternity ....


BD 2415                received  19.07.1942

‘Eye has not seen ....’

Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor have entered into the heart of man the things which God has prepared for those who love Him .... God has withheld the knowledge of this from people, He merely expects their faith in the glories of the beyond, in fact it cannot be shown to them as long as they live on earth, because what God has in store for His children is nothing of an earthly nature, it cannot be perceived with earthly eyes and felt with earthly senses. Nevertheless, His Word is truth .... and thus the soul can expect an exceedingly happy state in which it can see and experience the most wonderful things. Nothing on earth exists which could be used as a comparison and even roughly correspond to the truth. It is a state of blissful happiness; it is a continuous view in the spiritual world whose inconceivable diversity reveals itself to the spiritual eye. All spiritual beings are united with each other in utter harmony and equilibrium; there is constant activity of love, a coming together and complementing of each other, a continuous service to God and reception of spiritual strength, a continuous giving of happiness and increase of strength of love .... It is an indescribable bliss, merely one look at this glory would prompt humanity to live a completely different way of life, yet this would not be judged in the same way as a right way of life before God without knowing the reward. The human being shall be good of his own innermost accord if he wants to partake in these joys in the beyond. Nevertheless, God made this promise to people, and as soon as a human being accepts it as truth, as soon as he believes, the knowledge about this blissful state in the beyond will no longer be a danger to him, for then he will be so united with God that he will strive to be good of his own accord and will not feel obliged to live a good way of life because of promises. For God has prepared these glories for those who love Him. Love for God is the condition, but this must be born in the innermost heart and only the degree of love will be judged, not a deed which is accomplished for the sake of reward. But where love is present, the reward is not thought of .... Where love is present, there must also be happiness and bliss, for God Himself is love, and God’s presence is the most wonderful and happiest state for the soul, love is the fulfilment; God’s love is the epitome of heavenly beatitude ....


BD 2233                received  12.02.1942

Heavenly bliss ....

Any comparison intended to illustrate the beatitudes of Heaven to people would be inappropriate, for nothing on earth can even roughly describe these joys, nothing can be likened to them should an attempt be made to reveal a picture of them to people. The souls’ infinite happiness in eternity is not caused by something tangible, this is why a person cannot imagine anything either, instead, he must content himself with the Lord’s promise ‘Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor have entered into the heart of man the things which I have prepared for those who love Me ....’ The knowledge of the delights of eternal life would, in fact, be extremely disadvantageous for the souls’ maturing, because the human being shall become prefect and thus he must be good of his own inner accord and not for the sake of reward. What a perfect being can expect in eternity will make it so incomparably happy, that the human being would do anything as well as suffer anything were he to know the degree of bliss; were he to know what this bliss consists of. He can only be informed of the fact that the feeling of love is decisive in the beyond, that no happiness is thinkable without it, that love connects everything and that this creates a state of bliss which is inconceivable for people on earth. For there is vanishingly little love on earth, compared to the light beings’ degree of love in the beyond; consequently, the human being cannot imagine that love is the epitome of bliss, even though love on earth, that is, the kind-hearted activity and the feeling of love, is already experienced and desired as something delightful on earth, once it is known to the human being, for only divine love causes happiness, the love which is giving, hence unselfish. Desiring love only brings happiness if the object of the desire is God and His love .... because this desiring love simultaneously results in fulfilment, since divine love flows to every person desiring it. If love for God already causes happiness on earth, how much happier will the being be in eternity if God, in His infinite love, comes close to it and satisfies its burning desire .... The delights of this fulfilled longing are indescribable and cannot be expressed in words since it is a purely spiritual process providing the being finds union with God and receives His emanation of love. Consequently, no human being can imagine what eternal bliss is like as long as he still lives on earth, for God keeps this knowledge concealed from him until he has gained the spiritual maturity in order to gain an insight into the spiritual kingdom which will reveal the eternal glory to him if it is God’s will ....


BD 1792                received  28.01.1941

Heavenly bliss ....
Eternal glory ....

Staying in bright surroundings makes the being indescribably happy; everything of a depressing and burdensome nature has been removed, it is no longer subject to any aggravation by immature spiritual beings, no shadows or dark states exist which could frighten it. Joy, harmony and brightly shining light abound everywhere. And heartfelt love and gratitude permeate the being which feels close to God, even if it has not yet entirely merged with God. Nevertheless, it may receive light and strength from Him, and thus it is already partaking in the eternal glory. It may accomplish a pleasing occupation; it may be active according to divine will by passing on to other beings what it receives itself. The beings constantly require the divine gift of strength for their higher development, and the beings of light are such stations of strength by constantly passing the strength from God on and thereby creating an inconceivable state of bliss for themselves. No human being on earth can either understand the light beings’ activity nor the process of re-directing the strength to the beings in need of strength and has therefore no idea about it; consequently, the thought of an eternity in blissful happiness is a fantasy to him that he would like to dismiss and thus he refuses to accept it as real. He measures everything with the yardstick that can be applied to earthly processes, but does not bear in mind that other laws apply outside of earth, that processes take place which cannot be grasped in a worldly way. After all, Earth is one of the most insignificant works of Creation and thus its inhabitants cannot imagine anything else but what they find on earth, for people’s imagination cannot go beyond this. And in order to even roughly imagine the kingdom of light, people must be very far advanced already, yet even then they will barely be able to grasp the truthful description since completely new knowledge must be revealed to them, and the human being is rarely receptive for this. This is why these realms can only ever be described as eternal glory, for they are glorious and lovely to look at beyond all measure and place the being in a state which can be called highest bliss and, yet, the human being cannot imagine what it really is. The words ‘heavenly bliss’ and ‘eternal glory’ will therefore always cause serious doubt in people as to the truthfulness of such words, because they don’t want to accept something as truth which is not understandable and explainable to them. On the other hand, however, it is impossible to initiate them and to allow them to gain an insight into the kingdom of light until they do their best in order to become bearers of light and strength themselves. They can certainly still achieve this on earth, yet it requires strong will and profound love for God, but then it will be much easier for them to understand these spheres which shall be their abode one day, for then they will have become brightly enlightened themselves ....


BD 2284                received  01.04.1942

Heavenly glory ....
Spiritual vision ....

God has withheld the knowledge about the glory of eternal life from people because it would influence their actions and thoughts insofar as that the human being would be unable to be anything else but good in order to attain the eternal glory for himself. In that case, however, he would never be able to become perfect, for perfection presupposes a good way of life of one’s own accord but not for the sake of reward. If a person is good of his own accord, that is, if he shapes himself into love, the knowledge of the eternal glory will indeed be revealed to him on earth already, depending on his soul’s degree of maturity. His ability to conceive things in the spiritual domain will be awakened, and figurative impressions will be imparted to him which his spirit will pass on to the soul. This is the spiritual vision which presupposes a certain degree of psychological maturity. Then these people will not be harmed by the knowledge of the eternal glory, i.e., it is only the consequence of their correct way of life before God. Even if a person is informed of the fact that life after death is incomparably beautiful and full of delight for a human being who shapes himself into love, this reference is nevertheless not coercion, because it is up to the person to believe it or not. And then again, it will only be believed by a person who makes an effort to live according to God’s will, whereas the other one lacks faith. Consequently, spiritual vision can only be attained by a profoundly faithful person living up to God’s will, for the glories of eternity will only be revealed to him. But this vision, which is proof of his soul’s maturity, will always be granted to a person shortly before the completion of his physical life, for he will not be required to stay much longer on earth since he will have fulfilled his purpose and established a heartfelt relationship with God. Only for the sake of humanity does God not call Him to Himself, so that it will be offered a small testimony of the truthfulness of the divine Word ‘Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor have entered into the heart of man the things which I have prepared for those who love Me ....’ For earthly eyes cannot behold such things; the spiritual eye, however, can only receive these impressions when a specific degree of perfection has been reached. What the spiritual eye then beholds is difficult for a person to describe because it exceeds the earthly human being’s comprehension and Words cannot even roughly explain it. Even so, the imparted impressions should be enough for his fellow human beings to become profoundly faithful and encourage them to live a God-pleasing way of life. However, if a human being opposes this with his will, not even the most glorious description of the eternal bliss would manage to change it, for the realisation and the knowledge of life in the beyond in a state of perfection is the result of a God-inclined will. But God does not change this will by force; instead, He will allow it to remain free ....


Bertha Dudde short biography

Who was Bertha Dudde?

Bertha Dudde was born on 1. April 1891, as the second oldest daughter of a painter, in Liegnitz, Silesia. She became a dressmaker and began to receive pronouncements from God through the ‘Inner Word’ on 15. June 1937.

“In a clear dream I was moved to write down my thoughts after devout prayer. Understandably this often gave way to doubt and inner conflicts until I was convinced that I was, myself, by no means the initiator of these exquisitely gracious words; but instead it was the spirit within me, in other words, the love of the Heavenly Father was obviously responsible for them and introduced me to the truth”.

“I was given knowledge of the spiritual world which far exceeded my elementary school education. I received and receive this knowledge as a dictation in a state of complete consciousness; I write down everything I am told in shorthand, in order to then transfer it word for word to clean copy. The procedure does not take place in a state of compulsion, for example in a state of trance or ecstasy, but in an absolutely level-headed frame of mind. However, I have to want it to happen and then I can receive these dictations voluntarily; they are neither bound by time nor place.

“Now I only have one wish, which is to be able to make these gifts of grace accessible to many more people and in accordance with the will of God Himself to be allowed to do much more work in His vineyard.”

(Quotations from an autobiography from 1959).

Bertha Dudde died on 18. September 1965 in Leverkusen, Germany.

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