ThemeBooklet 054

The Good Shepherd

An access to the currently translated complete work of Bertha Dudde – 1891-1965 – including her autobiography, an introduction to the work, lots of hints and clarification, all the downloads (in various languages), with offers of writings by different publishers (printed books, theme booklets etc.), and printable PDF-versions of all texts (revelations) You find here, a selective list with all her books You find here.

BD 6845                received  04.06.1957

The good Shepherd ....

The parable of the good Shepherd illustrates My relationship to you; it shows you that I confer My loving care on all My living creations and that all those who listen to My call belong to My flock which I protect from the adversary’s onslaughts. All of you need a Shepherd, a Guide, Who shows you the right ways, who escorts you and is always ready to shield you from all dangers, because during your earthly life you resemble dependent babes which constantly require protection. Like a flock of lambs you are scattered all over the place, frequently entering paths leading down into the abyss .... Sometimes you scale heights where you are at risk of falling very low indeed, you also often enter unknown regions and run the danger of getting caught and killed, occasionally you let yourselves be pushed away and separated from My flock and, were I not to keep a watchful eye on you, you would be lost. But I Am the good Shepherd Who even sacrifices His life for His sheep .... I will not allow anyone .... belonging to My small flock .... to be unlawfully abducted. I will not allow the wolf to break in and rob Me of My little sheep. And if one of My sheep goes astray I will coax and call so that it will find its way back into its stable. Only a good shepherd gives his life for his sheep, and My relationship with you is truly that of a good shepherd. You are incapable of understanding My love for you because, in your present state, you are still unaware, you can only follow My call and faithfully crowd around Me, you can only recognise My love for you from My call but you cannot grasp its depth, just as a little sheep can only feel that it finds refuge with its shepherd in every danger but is unaware of how much love the shepherd feels for his flock. I Am and remain the good Shepherd, and I feed My sheep a good pasture. I will give them what they need and I don’t want anything else but that they should feel My love and join Me ever more closely, so that the enemy cannot interfere with them and cause them harm. Nevertheless, My sheep can move freely, I guide them and coax and call but I do not keep them tied on a string, they are allowed to roam freely because I do not love constraint .... I do not want to hold on to My flock with force, instead, they shall feel their shepherd’s love and desire it and therefore follow Me in complete freedom when My call rings out .... And My call will ring out time after time, I will speak to people with all kindness, I will warn and admonish them, I will always help them when they are in danger, I will take account of their every weakness and fault and give them strength .... I will truly look after My flock like a good shepherd so that none of My sheep will die .... I will constantly let My voice ring out so that all those who once left Me will come back to Me again, who followed a deceptive voice but who shall return to Me again one day, in order to remain with Me and to experience My infinite love for all eternity ....


BD 7455                received  13.11.1959

Jesus, the good shepherd ....

I will send people your way to whom you shall proclaim the Gospel, yet there will only ever be few who will listen to you and take your words to heart. It is just a small flock which will follow Me, their shepherd, and I will keep this small flock together and won’t allow My sheep’s pen to be broken into and My sheep stolen, for I Am a good shepherd, Who will sacrifice His life for His sheep. All of you who listen to My call as soon as it is voiced belong to My flock ....

And My call is always My Word by which I Myself speak to you from above .... My call is the coaxing call of a good shepherd Who does not want to lose even one small sheep from His flock, and Who speaks Words of love to you in order to hold on to you, in order to warn and admonish you that you will not get entangled in the snares of the one who wants to steal you from Me. I will indeed let you have free will, and if you roam over wide pastures you will be able to go wherever you want but a good shepherd will follow his flock and look for those who have gone astray, who have left the right path and got stuck in ravines or on heights. A good shepherd will coax and call to let them find their way back to him, so that they will take refuge by pushing close to him and return home with him, where peace and tranquillity will await them at the end of the day and after the long walks through the pastures.

The characteristic of a good shepherd rests in the fact that he will not leave his sheep to their fate when the night sets in .... For so many a small sheep will go astray, it will digress from the right path and get stuck on the heights, it will venture into unfamiliar fields where it can be caught and killed, it will leave the path and lose its flock and the shepherd .... And then a good shepherd will follow and call until he has found it .... And joyfully he will bend down lifting the small sheep onto his arms in order to carry it back to the flock and drive them towards the home enclosure. And thus I, too, will follow all people who had left Me as their good shepherd, who are taking their own paths, who have gone astray in the world and intend to go up in the world ..... They are all small sheep who have gone astray, who are particularly close to My heart and whom I dearly want to win back for Myself again, whom I would like to count as My Own and whom I therefore continue to coax and call with My Word, that they will comply with it and lovingly approach Me again, from Whom they had distanced themselves. And therefore My Word will sound from above time and again, and whoever receives it shall pass it on in the world, for people urgently require My Word, My loving appeal which is intended to call them back home ....

And I truly know who will need My Word, and these are the ones I will send to you so that you will be able to carry out your vineyard work on them, so that you will be able to do labours of love for Me as the good shepherd and also be able to return the little sheep to Me again, which had left the flock and yet shall come back to Me once more because they will not be able to become blessed without Me.

There will not be many more who will be impressed by My Word, rather, most people will refuse listening to you, for My flock has scattered and has been driven away by the enemy who unlawfully takes what refuses to surrender of its own free will .... And yet the good shepherd’s coaxing call shall sound time and again, for as soon as they voluntarily turn to Me once more I will also be able to fetch them back and lead them to their home enclosure.

Therefore you, too, shall coax and call when you spread My Gospel throughout the world. Tell people about the good shepherd Who is continually searching for His sheep and wants to place them under His faithful protection .... Tell people that a God of love exists Who is only waiting for them to come to Him in every adversity, Who, like a good shepherd, wants to lift every small sheep onto His arms, Who is offering refuge and protection to it in His presence, so that all human beings will be safe and secure with Him ....


BD 4295                received  10.05.1948

The good Shepherd ....
‘My Own recognise My voice ....’

I know My Own and My Own know Me .... And if I call them, they will abide by Me, for they recognise the voice of the Father Who loves them and Whom they want to obey. But soon My call will go out to you, My Own, and I tell you so in advance because you feel safe, because you do not believe that the end is near. However, I need you and therefore I inform you of the fact that you will soon hear My voice, the voice of the good shepherd, who calls His sheep .... I need faithful guards for My flock, leaders who will guide My Own upwards across stony paths and cliffs, who will constantly look after My Own and draw their attention to the near end. These guides and guards will receive the truth from Me directly and convey it to you, they will emerge from the ranks of My Own and impart My Word from above to people; they will be in direct contact with Me, thus they belong to My Own themselves, so when they hear the call, they will know that the hour of their work for Me and My kingdom has come. Then they will establish such heartfelt contact with Me that regression can no longer be possible for a soul which serves Me, that it will never be left without strength, that within a very short time it will be able to speak from Me Myself and then it will fulfil its mission on earth, which is its purpose and goal of earthly life. Then it will only work for Me and gladly spread and advocate My Word, because it will be fully convinced that I Myself speak to it and therefore attach utmost significance to every Word. And the human being will receive strength in abundance. All feeling of weakness will fall away, every spiritual gift will be fully utilised and employed, and his work amongst people will be successful and richly blessed. And this activity of yours will start shortly. I Am aware of your will and your weakness of faith, but I also know the change that will occur to you shortly, I know about the adversity and the suffering of the forthcoming time, but I also know your willingness of having faith and the strength of your faith. And, accordingly, I will provide you with strength and never leave you on your own, regardless of what might happen. Therefore, always abide by My Word, draw from it the strength with which I blessed it, become My children in truth who trustingly hand themselves over to the Father and believe that He will assuredly save you if you suffer adversity. For anyone who recognises My voice is My child and his life is My concern; anyone who believes in Me will also be able to hear My voice; yet anyone who questions the sound of My voice is not My child even if he believes that he is united with Me. The sheep recognise the voice of their shepherd and will follow him when he calls them. I, however, Am the good Shepherd who will not rest until He has found His sheep ....


BD 7129                received  24.05.1958

Call daily upon the name of Jesus ....

With Me and in My name you shall start every day, deal with every undertaking and thus fulfil your daily tasks, and you can also be certain that your work will be blessed, be it earthly or spiritual activity. But as soon as you walk alone, that is, without having asked for My assistance, you will do a lot of pointless work, you will have to struggle with difficulties or it will not always be successful. Just a heartfelt thought of Me will already assure My assistance, and if you consciously call upon Me for My blessing and support then everything will turn out just right by itself, and you will be able to calmly carry out your day’s work. You should always know that you are besieged by dark forces which are able to access you if you fail to surround yourselves with a protective wall by calling upon My name, by appealing to Me for blessing your work. And once they have gained access to you it will be far more difficult to repel them again than it would be if you had refused access to them from the start. For they weaken you will, which can only catch up with what it had neglected to do by summoning all its strength: by calling to Me for help.

The battle for your souls is constantly fought, and your victory is often made difficult by these dark forces, but this is frequently up to yourselves, because you can request unlimited strength and should always do this through heartfelt prayer for My guidance, My protection and My blessing .... This is why you should never start your daily work without Me, you should call My name in your heart, appeal for reinforcement of your will and completely hand yourselves over to Me .... Then I can protect you from your souls’ enemy, then you will be surrounded by countless beings of light who will refuse to admit him, then you will cheerfully and free of worry carry out your daily work in the awareness of strength and inner peace. And then nothing will be able to upset you anymore because you know that I Am always present and arrange everything.

The inner bond with Me is the best guarantee for bringing all your plans to fruition, be they earthly or spiritual affairs, for then I Myself can always influence you and your thoughts and direct your actions such as is right and beneficial for you. Yet as soon as you isolate yourselves from Me, as soon as you loosen the connection, different thoughts transmitted by My adversary will begin to dominate you and deprive you of your inner calm, they will worry you and leave you open to bad forces which will continue the work of inner disintegration and discord, so that even your daily work will not be blessed and your soul will be at risk of being captured by him.

And again, you can only release yourselves from this danger if you take refuge in Me, for I Am ready to help you in your spiritual difficulty at all times. But without Me you cannot free yourselves from him and his influence, without Me you are too weak and therefore at his mercy. However, you can avoid all such pressures if you hand yourselves over to Me and My protection time and again, if you always appeal for My blessing, if you commend your physical and spiritual wellbeing to Me and never neglect to call upon My name .... and thereby openly acknowledge Me in Jesus Christ .... Then you will be erecting a wall which My adversary will not be able to pull down, for he will take flight from Me and My name, and thus he will also let go of you if you just faithfully speak My name in every adversity and danger ....


BD 7356                received  06.05.1959

Constantly calling upon Jesus ensures His presence ....

Rest assured that I will not abandon those of you who want to be My Own. Many trials will still come upon you but I Am aware of them and will always stand by your side as protection. Nevertheless, you should do everything in your power in order to stand up to these trials. My adversary is entitled to prove himself on you, because he will only govern this world for a short time longer and will try to hold on to his followers by any means. And he will also notice My Own who had withdrawn themselves from his power and will put them to the test with increased strength. However, you need not be afraid of him, for I will not let My Own be snatched from Me, I will protect My Own from him and his power. You have a reliable means of repelling him by only ever calling upon Me Myself, by voicing My name with profound faith in My help; even if it is just a thought .... But you must always turn to Me Myself, and you will liberate yourselves from him. He has not much power over My Own anymore, because your love for Me repels everything, no matter what he does to you. However, he frequently uses means which will cause you great difficulties, and yet you need not fear them either if you always bear Me in mind Who, on the cross, carried everything for you that burdened you as guilt of sin. I have redeemed you, I have liberated you from his control, and thus you only need your own will to accept My sacrifice on the cross, to regard it as having been accomplished for you and believe that My adversary will have no more power over you once you have voluntarily handed yourselves over to Me. Remember Me at all hours and you will induce Me to always be present with you .... What can possibly happen to you when I Am close to you? .... You need not be afraid of anything and anyone, for even the usually powerful adversary is powerless once I Am by your side, and the fact that I will remain by your side is entirely determined by your will not to exclude Me from your thoughts, to call upon Me in every adversity and distress and to utter My name in confidence of receiving My assistance, which I promise you at all times. Just let your faith come alive through constant kind-hearted activity and you will no longer be exposed to any adversity, for a living faith banishes every spiritual and earthly adversity, a living faith knows no fear and no failure, a living faith is united work with Me Myself, Who can’t be matched by any opponent, Who is victorious over the greatest enemy and to Whom you should therefore completely hand yourselves over, because then you will be and remain My Own and will never ever have to fear anything again .... For My love belonged to you from the very start and My love will never stop .... And so the Father will also protect His child from all danger threatened by the enemy, He will walk by its side and spread out His hands protectively, and the child’s every path will be smooth so that it will safely reach the goal ....


BD 7191                received  19.10.1958

The strength of Jesus’ name ....

You need only voice My name with profound faith .... and you will experience its strength, you will be aware of My presence and find help when you are in trouble. But how often does the world still stand between you and Me, how often is its influence still so strong that you are barely able to detach yourselves from it in order to turn to Me with all your heart, to take the leap from the earthly into the spiritual kingdom, so to speak .... I Am not realistic to you as yet, but nevertheless I can only manifestly help you if you wholeheartedly give yourselves to Me, if you take refuge in My heart and voice My name as being utterly present to Me. You can feel this presence of Mine in your heart, but then you will never ask in vain, your request will have been granted and the strength of My name will have taken effect there and then, and you will know what it means to call upon Me with complete faith .... You will understand what unquestionable faith means. And regardless of how much the world besieges you, you will always be able to make such heartfelt contact with Me that it will isolate you from the world, that My strength can flow to you. You need not be afraid that I will leave you without help as long as you always turn your eyes to Me, as long as you simply want to belong to Me. This innermost wish is the decisive factor in order for Me to draw you up and never let go of you again. But you also need to struggle, for you shall grow and develop, you shall not come to a halt and get tired and half-hearted in your striving, and therefore you shall call like children to the Father time and again, and the more heartfelt your call is, the sooner it will be granted, and you will experience the strength of My name .... I want to possess you completely but you must come to Me of your own free will, because I only possess the child’s love when it hands itself over to Me and faithfully voices My name as that of its God and Father of eternity ....


BD 6169                received  19.01.1955

Jesus’ name defeats the demon ....

You can charge the demon in My name to leave and you will be free of him .... You have a safe means in the name of your Lord and Saviour which, if it is voiced with utter faith, is extremely powerful against all evil forces besieging you on the instructions of the one who is My adversary. They will have to leave you if you confront them with the strength of My name, for they avoid it so as not to be destroyed .... Hence you need only ever hand yourselves over to the divine Saviour and Redeemer Jesus Christ .... you need only ever call upon Me or want Me to be present with you and protect you against evil and nothing bad will be able to encroach upon you, because My will repels all forces which intend to harm you .... however, always providing that you want to be My Own, that you have the sincere will to attain Me Myself and My favour .... that you therefore consciously strive towards Me .... Admittedly, in that case My adversary will attack you even more fiercely, he will try to push you away from Me by using any means at his disposal and portray his kingdom as worth striving for .... he will approach you under a mask and present what he expects of you as palatable as possible in order to confuse your mind, so that you will believe that it cannot harm you. He will always find the right meant to entice you, yet you will assuredly recognise him as well as his game of deceit as long as you seek a connection with Me .... You should always call upon Me, you should always pronounce the name of Jesus with heartfelt sincerity if you are in doubt or feel threatened by My adversary .... Just don’t eliminate Me from your heart, for then My adversary will have an easy game and you will succumb to his wishes ....On your own you are often too weak to resist Him, for this reason you should call for help upon the One Who knows Him and Who is his Lord .... A heartfelt call will liberate you from him, the name of Jesus works wonders if it is voiced with profound faith .... for thereby you call upon Me Myself, your God and Father of eternity, Who will truly not let you fall prey to the one against whom He fights for your souls, if your souls want to attain Me of their own accord ....


BD 7195                received  27.10.1958

Taking refuge in Jesus ....

No soul can go astray if it abides by Jesus Christ, if it asks the divine Redeemer for help against its enemy. For this soul accepts Jesus Christ and He will wrest it from the adversary by strengthening the soul’s will, so that it will turn to Him and detach itself from the adversary time and again. But in order for a person to take the path to Jesus Christ he must know about the work of mercy Jesus Christ, the man, had accomplished .... he must know about his original sin and its consequences and about the necessity of acknowledging Jesus Christ as God and Redeemer .... On the whole, people will indeed have this knowledge but not all of them have formed an opinion about it yet. And the latter is needed if the human being is to consciously take the path to the cross. For as long as it only remains formal knowledge, as long as the human being himself has not spent any thought on what it means to confess Jesus Christ, he will remain enchained to the adversary’s power, he will still be unredeemed, because the divine Redeemer Jesus Christ will still be a meaningless concept to him, He will just be a name but not a living Saviour for his soul. But every person may take comfort in the fact that he need only hand himself over to Jesus Christ, that he need only appeal to him to save him from the enemy’s power .... and that this request will indeed be granted because it will testify to the person’s will to escape the latter and to return to God, for which the human being alone would be too weak were Jesus Christ not to grant him His help. However, this help must be consciously requested. And that necessitates the conscious acknowledgment of Jesus as the Son of God and Redeemer of the world, in Whom God Himself descended to earth in order to redeem humanity. Hence all people must take notice of Him, and thus He must be proclaimed all over the world .... His progress on earth, His life of love, His bitter path of suffering and His excruciating pain and death on the cross must become livingly imprinted in people’s hearts, for the dead knowledge of it alone is not enough if a person does not allow it to come alive in his thoughts in order to assess the magnitude of his own guilt, to atone for which Jesus endured dreadful suffering .... The human being must realise his own immense guilt and desire to be released from it, only then will he voluntarily take the path to Him and remorsefully pray for forgiveness, he will appeal to Him to take care of His weakness and to release him from the power of the one who once caused his downfall .... And he will not appeal in vain, for He came into the world in order to redeem the fallen, in order to save the wretched, which are too weak to release themselves on their own and therefore require Jesus Christ’s help ....


BD 7398                received  26.08.1959

Jesus Christ is the gate into the kingdom of light ....

Every person who has found Jesus Christ, who has a living relationship with him, who is a truly active Christian and not a Christian who merely observes formalities, will enter through the gate of light. This is why the thought of being united with Jesus Christ makes every person happy, because then he will be assured of the kingdom of light, he will not need to fear death and the time awaiting him in the afterlife. But a heartfelt bond is meant by this, a bond which makes the person realise that he belongs to those who Jesus Christ died for on the cross. And this bond can always be found where a person lives a life of love and thereby already takes the path of following Jesus .... This person will be spiritually brightly enlightened through love, the significance of the act of Salvation will be known to him, he will recognise Jesus’ mission on earth correctly and will therefore also want to partake of the act of mercy which Jesus, the human being, accomplished on earth as the shell of the eternal divine Spirit ..... For anyone who knows about this immense work of redemption and its reasons cannot do anything but commit himself wholeheartedly to Jesus Christ and closely adhere to him for time and eternity .... However, it requires enlightenment through the spirit, it requires a life of love which makes this enlightenment possible in the first place, and it requires the will to live on earth according to its purpose and goal .... it requires the resolve for good, which always initiates the connection with God in Jesus Christ .... Yet a person can consider himself fortunate if he feels this heartfelt love for Jesus Christ, if he has joined Him with all his heart and professes Him to people until he dies .... for he will enter the kingdom which Jesus Christ Himself opened to him through His crucifixion .... The living bond with Him presupposes profound faith, and such faith presupposes love again .... a life of selfless neighbourly love, which faith awakens to life and provides the human being with ‘certainty’ where he had previously still questioned and doubted .... Anyone who can call such faith his own can truly already consider himself privileged on earth; he is like a rock, and the true church of Christ is built on such faith, that is, only someone in possession of such firm faith that came alive through love belongs to the church which was founded by Jesus. But then a person having attained this depth of faith will already be in a state of bliss, for nothing on earth will frighten him anymore because he will be aware of being embraced by the One Who had died for him on the cross and he will feel sheltered in His arms. Even death will not frighten him anymore; he will merely discard his external shell and enter a different kingdom, a kingdom of light and bliss, which is the fate of every person who has a living faith in Jesus Christ ....


BD 7404                received  04.09.1959

Kingdom of light ....
Jesus Christ ....

Anyone having entered through the gate into the kingdom of light will rejoice and be glad and eternally thankful to Me, Who had lead him such to reach his goal. Anyone who is able to enter the kingdom of light is thus redeemed from sin and death, for both signify darkness, and an unredeemed soul will never be able to enter the kingdom of light .... It first must have found the only One Who is the gate into the kingdom of light: Jesus Christ, the divine Redeemer. And holding on to His hand the soul will also enter this kingdom, for He will deliver it from its burden of sin, because He has died on the cross on behalf of all souls which were in darkness, thus in sin and death .... He has made amends for the burden of sin on behalf of you humans; He has made the sacrifice of atonement on your behalf to clear the path for you into the kingdom of light, so that you will be able to enter into eternal beatitude. Beatitude only exists where light can be found, and light can only be found where sin and death don’t exist anymore. The sin, however, will be cancelled by Jesus Christ Himself as soon as He is asked to do so, as soon as you humans appeal to Him for forgiveness ....

Consequently, there is also salvation for the souls in the kingdom of the beyond, a change from darkness into light, because even the soul in the beyond may still call upon Him, for as soon as it calls upon Jesus Christ it will call upon Me Myself, and for the sake of Jesus Christ I will then be able to forgive its guilt of sin which had kept it separate from Me for an infinitely long time .... The sacrifice on the cross was made for all humankind, and any unredeemed soul only needs to take the path to the cross in order to be delivered from its guilt of sin. And to be delivered from sin means unity with Me and thus unlimited happiness.

But absolute truth is also part of it .... Hence a soul will not yet be able to enjoy supreme blissfulness as long as it is still far removed from the truth, for the truth and I are one, otherwise one could not speak of light. Light is realisation, the correct knowledge of everything, and as long as a soul is still ignorant in the kingdom of the beyond it is not yet staying in the kingdom of light, for as soon as it is permeated by light it will also instantly experience profound realisation.

If a soul therefore refuses to accept the truth when it is offered same, then its state of bliss will still be imperfect too, in that case it will not have recognised Jesus Christ properly as yet, and the whole redemption has not yet taken place which, however, would have been the result of a heartfelt appeal to Jesus Christ .... And for this reason countless souls still exist in twilight, they are not wretched but they cannot be called blessed for a long time yet. Their attitude towards Jesus Christ is not how it should be to enable Him opening the gate into the kingdom of light for them, and these souls will still need many instructions as well as intercession in order to gain the right kind of understanding for it.

As long as they are unable to let go of wrong ideas, of all kinds of misguided teachings, they cannot expect to become completely permeated by light either; but their own will decides the state they are in. People who consistently rejected Him on earth will also time and again let their will of rejection come to the fore in the beyond, when it would simply suffice to sincerely appeal to Jesus Christ for help .... For this shall certainly be granted to them as soon as their appeal in spirit and in truth will reach Him .... Then all darkness will fade away, the light will so clearly and brightly set the soul aglow that all spiritual darkness will disappear, that the soul will experience brightest realisation and never ever be able to lose this knowledge of the most profound correlations again ....


BD 8091                received  30.01.1962

Human manifestation in Jesus ....

I will truly convey to you everything that contributes towards your spiritual enlightenment, because you humans need light and those of you who want to serve Me shall pave the way for your fellow human beings as bearers of light by illuminating the path which leads to Me and eternal life. And I know where people require clarification; I know where their thoughts are still misguided and thus I also know that they require light, because every wrong thought merely causes confusion, spiritual darkness. Time and again I will let a light illuminate the darkness and thereby show you the right path you should take during your life on earth. And since you must take the path to the cross on earth .... since you must recognise and acknowledge Jesus as Son of God and Redeemer if you want to enter the kingdom of light, you must also be truthfully instructed about My human manifestation in Jesus, otherwise you will be unable to acknowledge Me Myself in Jesus .... And precisely this human manifestation problem is difficult for you to solve, for you cannot envisage that I .... the greatest and most perfect Spirit in eternity .... manifested Myself in a human being. You cannot envisage that it was impossible for Me to be personified in any other way than in Jesus, Whose external cover sheltered the divine Creator within .... Who was certainly human in His outer form, yet entirely permeated by My divine spirit of love .... His whole nature was and remained as ‘God’ in order to become visible for you, My living creations. You must never visualise the ‘Eternal Deity’ as a personified Being, Which would therefore be limited .... I permeate the whole of infinity, for this infinity is infused with My strength which takes unlimited effect .... I Myself Am the primary centre of this emanation of strength and therefore not imaginable as a limited Being .... Nevertheless, I was able to totally permeate a form, to so illuminate it that it was nothing else but My fundamental substance, that it was the same as I Myself, merely in a conceivable shape for you humans .... And this external form was Jesus, the human being, Who became My shell because My living creations wanted to behold something that was spatially-defined and because the act of Salvation was also intended to take place visibly for you and this required a humanly observable process that was meant to liberate people from sin and death if they believed in it .... if they believed in My human manifestation in Jesus, in the act of love and compassion which was accomplished for the sake of the sinful human race by a human being Who sheltered Me in all fullness within Himself. Other than in Jesus I Am inconceivable to you. In Jesus, God .... the greatest spirit of infinity .... became a human being, and Jesus Himself was God, for even His human external frame spiritualised itself and was totally permeated by My spirit of love .... Jesus was only human until He had spiritualised Himself through His life of love .... However, the external form had to endure all suffering and pain and finally the most bitter death on the cross because Jesus wanted to absolve His fellow human beings from the immense guilt of sin, and the act of Salvation was only accomplished with the crucifixion, which I Myself .... the Eternal Love .... therefore accomplished in Jesus and consequently I Myself must be acknowledged in Jesus. All of you, as My once emanated beings, are love in your fundamental substance .... as was Jesus, Who remained with Me when you voluntarily detached yourselves from Me .... He, too, was emanated by Me, hence My Son .... And I sent this Son of Mine to earth in order to redeem you, in order to open the path of return again. Even as a human being His great love upheld the connection with Me, He only ever desired My love and I did not deny it to Him .... Thus I was able to permeate Him entirely, I was able to illuminate Him and take complete possession of Him. And since His external shape was human, I therefore became ‘human’ and Jesus became ‘God’. No separation existed between us anymore, He had totally merged with Me, He was as one with Me. So now My living creations can behold Me Myself face to face in Jesus when they enter the kingdom of light in a ‘redeemed’ state, where they will be eternally happy ....


BD 7085                received  06.04.1958

‘Jesus, my Redeemer lives ....’

The spiritual world is rejoicing and glad about My act of Salvation, for that which had taken place on earth is repeatedly revealed anew to all beings of light and they praise and glorify Me as their Saviour from sin and death Who opened the gate into the kingdom of light for them .... They realise the spiritual significance of My suffering and dying, of the crucifixion and the resurrection on the third day .... They know that a ‘resurrection’ is assured to the human race as a result of this greatest act of mercy, that it is not doomed to eternal death and that one day the hour of redemption will strike for all people after an infinitely long time of harshest captivity. And so their gratitude, their jubilation and their love for Me is immeasurable and increases as soon as they participate in the act of Salvation, which they may repeatedly experience again as happening now because in the kingdom of light no time limit exists, and thus they also experience all past and future events as happening in the present. And if people on earth would likewise try to associate with the process of the crucifixion and resurrection, they, too, would derive the greatest blessing from it, and joy and profound gratitude would enter their hearts in view of the fact that I Myself in Jesus Christ delivered you humans from sin and death. For this was a unique process, no human being has ever taken such immense suffering upon himself, and no human being has ever travelled in complete innocence the most bitter path to the cross which ended with His death on the cross, even though people very often come into situations in which the cruelty of fellow human beings presents them with a seemingly unbearable fate. Yet the spiritual processes which also played a part in Jesus Christ’s act of mercy intensified His physical suffering many times over, because the soul was profoundly enlightened and therefore able to understand everything .... both the spiritual adversity, which all people had fallen prey to, as well as the spiritual state of those who tormented Him and carried out this abominable work on Him, who abused his pure body for their appalling cravings and evil instincts, and who He experienced as emissaries from hell. However, He persevered until His death .... And on the third day He arose again in all glory from the grave which was unable to keep Him imprisoned .... And so His resurrection was the culmination of His act of Salvation, for all those who want to let themselves be redeemed through Jesus Christ can rest assured that they, too, will arise from the dead to eternal life .... Although prior to this people’s lives had not come to an end with their physical death either, because the soul cannot die, it exists forever. But whether the state of the soul will then be a state of life or of death entirely depends on the divine Redeemer Jesus Christ .... Only He can give life to the soul, and only He is the gate to life in beatitude .... Therefore, a soul can also enter the kingdom of the beyond in a state of death and will indeed remain in this state until it calls upon Jesus Christ, appealing to Him for life .... ‘And whosoever liveth and believeth in Me shall never die ...’ The hour of physical death can already be the hour of resurrection for every person, no-one needs to fear his hour of death, because One has conquered death and this One promises life to every person who believes in Him .... And so, even people on earth would be able to rejoice and be glad were they to grasp the whole significance of Jesus Christ’s act of Salvation and take part in it .... Then death would have lost its sting for all people .... and all people could join the light beings’ song of praise ‘He has truly risen .... Jesus, my Redeemer lives ....’


Bertha Dudde short biography

Who was Bertha Dudde?

Bertha Dudde was born on 1. April 1891, as the second oldest daughter of a painter, in Liegnitz, Silesia. She became a dressmaker and began to receive pronouncements from God through the ‘Inner Word’ on 15. June 1937.

“In a clear dream I was moved to write down my thoughts after devout prayer. Understandably this often gave way to doubt and inner conflicts until I was convinced that I was, myself, by no means the initiator of these exquisitely gracious words; but instead it was the spirit within me, in other words, the love of the Heavenly Father was obviously responsible for them and introduced me to the truth”.

“I was given knowledge of the spiritual world which far exceeded my elementary school education. I received and receive this knowledge as a dictation in a state of complete consciousness; I write down everything I am told in shorthand, in order to then transfer it word for word to clean copy. The procedure does not take place in a state of compulsion, for example in a state of trance or ecstasy, but in an absolutely level-headed frame of mind. However, I have to want it to happen and then I can receive these dictations voluntarily; they are neither bound by time nor place.

“Now I only have one wish, which is to be able to make these gifts of grace accessible to many more people and in accordance with the will of God Himself to be allowed to do much more work in His vineyard.”

(Quotations from an autobiography from 1959).

Bertha Dudde died on 18. September 1965 in Leverkusen, Germany.

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