ThemeBooklet 070a

Return to God - Part 1

An access to the currently translated complete work of Bertha Dudde – 1891-1965 – including her autobiography, an introduction to the work, lots of hints and clarification, all the downloads (in various languages), with offers of writings by different publishers (printed books, theme booklets etc.), and printable PDF-versions of all texts (revelations) You find here, a selective list with all her books You find here.

From the first spiritual creation to the human being

BD 1047                received  10.08.1939

The messages are given in a specified order ....
Teaching ....

Listen to the Lord’s will: The messages from above are given with specific regularity and succession and were therefore transmitted in a specific order. But you will only discover this succession when you have achieved complete knowledge because the messages of wisdom were given to people consecutively, apparently without any correlation to each other, thus all gifts from above are unique messages of wisdom in themselves and yet absolutely essential to make subsequent messages understandable. Everything just serves to stimulate the human being’s activity of thought and to become more aware of the spirit which surrounds you.

Therefore the teachings have to be offered in a way that the human being can gain insight into all subjects and reflect on them. The revelations also have to be comprehensible so that the recipient can understand everything of this nature and that the creation as well as the activity of spiritual beings in the beyond is, in a manner of speaking, figuratively portrayed to them. This happens in carefully prepared teachings, which in turn follow one another so that people can perceive in their thoughts an understanding of what is offered to them.

Therefore the messages are at times seemingly without connection .... first one subject, then another is chosen for detailed consideration because the spiritual teachers always recognise the necessity of this and constantly supplement missing knowledge when it is required. Repetitions have to be offered time and again until the earthly child has completely understood and become aware of the significance and importance of the given spiritual principles. A single lesson and presentation could not lead to the kind of knowledge that is essential for the recipient to teach in turn .... and likewise every spiritual question has to be answered with extreme clarity and certainty for the divine teaching to be accepted by human beings, and that requires the greatest and most extensive knowledge ....

For this reason you often receive revelations which you believe were given to you before. This is necessary so that anyone who wants an explanation of the divine Word can be clearly and plainly taught by you one day. Only the greatest attention and willingness to learn can result in a particular maturity within a short time, for this reason every message is wisely considered and given to you in accordance with the Lord’s will ....


BD 8712                received  31.12.1963

Spiritual low level ....
Lovelessness ....
Selfish love ....

The greatest evidence of humanity’s spiritual low level is lovelessness, which is evident amongst people everywhere. Selfish love has steadily increased and hardly anyone is practicing neighbourly love anymore, hence there also has to be a profane state on earth, a state of activity by evil forces, where God’s adversary always has the upper hand and people are his willing subjects. The spiritual darkness is getting increasingly worse, rays of light are only seldom recognisable and even frequently feigned by deceptive lights without strength of radiance .... Judging by people’s degree of love the time of the end has clearly arrived ....

An obvious decline can be detected, people are firmly attached to matter, they only value their body and its comfort, earthly success and an increase of earthly commodities. They do not believe the fact that their souls are suffering extreme hardship since they do not believe in the soul’s life after death, indeed, they frequently even deny having a soul. They cannot be forced into a different mode of thinking, their free will has to be respected, but accordingly they also prepare their own fate after their death.

And anyone who observes what is happening in the world, in his immediate neighbourhood, also knows that this state cannot continue forever because it is getting worse from day to day, because people’s greed for matter continues to grow, because no spiritual aspiration can be noticed and because every situation will eventually come to an end if it does not correspond to divine order.

People no longer serve each other, everyone wants to rule instead and be served at the same time, everyone wants from the other what he enjoys but no-one is willing to do the same in return .... There is no love, people’s hearts are hardened, and there are only ever a few people willing to help in times of need .... And this is the small flock, for once the will to love becomes active it will establish the bond with Eternal Love. And This will not leave a person again, who voluntarily performs labours of love.

You humans do not know the blessings of loving deeds .... you do not know how much easier you could travel your earthly path if only you would practice love and thereby receive consistently more for your soul, but also receive what you need for earthly life. But heartless humanity lacks this knowledge, everyone just looks after himself, and everyone tries to get whatever he can out of life and forgets that his hour of death is unknown to him, that he can pass away at any time and take nothing he owns into the beyond, but that he will arrive bare and miserable on the other side. For he has nothing to show for his soul which he had starved in earthly life but which is all he has left now and which enters the spiritual kingdom in desperate poverty. And this heartless state of people cannot result in the slightest spiritual progress. However, since the soul only lives on earth as a human being for the purpose of maturing, but this purpose is not fulfilled, a powerful intervention by God has to take place, a sharp reprimand and reminder, so that a few people will reconsider the purpose of their earthly life and change themselves before the earth’s last stage begins which will not last long until the end.

People take no notice of God’s gentle voice through strokes of fate, disasters and all kinds of accidents, through the Word of God from above, and thus they have to be spoken to with a louder voice, and blessed, who wants to hear God’s voice and takes it to heart, for even then there will be many people who don’t want to recognise Him when he speaks to them through the elements of nature with tremendous strength .... They, too, will not be forced but able to make a decision of free will, nevertheless they will be spared the worst, the recurrent banishment into hard matter, if they still find and take the path to God, if they still acknowledge Him and call upon Him for mercy ....

But then the end will have come, for the earth will no longer fulfil its purpose, it will no longer be used by the souls as a place to mature, it will merely be utilized for the body, and everyone will elevate himself to a ruler of the world and cause the greatest destructions himself in the belief to control all laws of nature and thus also to experiment with impunity, which then will lead to the final destruction of earth.

But this is what people themselves want, and thus it will come to pass as it is proclaimed in Word and Scripture: a new heaven and a new earth will arise and divine order will be re-established, so that the return of the souls to God can continue, as it is intended in His eternal plan of Salvation ....


Reason for the New Revelation

BD 8054                received  03.12.1961

Is the Bible completed ....

How misguided you are to assume that with the Scriptures, the Book of the Fathers, My Word has come to an end .... that I Myself have set a limit in so far as that I now do not communicate anymore, that I do not speak to people any longer .... Who gives you the authority to make such an assumption? .... Who will deny Me to speak time and again as Father to My children? Who gives you the right to make the assertion that the Bible is sufficient on its own, that you humans need no other Word? ....

Those of you who reject every new revelation are still confined in the darkness of spirit .... And in this darkness you will not understand the Bible either, thus it is still a closed book for you because you do not understand the spiritual meaning of the letters, or you would also find the references concerning My continuous revelations in this book and the working of My spirit would be comprehensible to you .... But as long as your spirit is still unenlightened you cannot grasp the meaning of the Word which I Myself spoke to My disciples while I lived on earth .... You humans would be unfortunate if you had to content yourselves with a book which can no longer be checked by you yourselves for changes in its contents .... if you were not repeatedly offered the pure truth from above as a guiding principle as to whether you yourselves are living in truth ....

Those of you who only accept the Book of the Fathers have not yet penetrated ‘the Word’ yourselves, you have only read it intellectually but not allowed the spirit within you to speak, who instructs you and explains to you the spiritual meaning of the Word .... You adhere to the letter and do not understand its meaning .... And when I Myself want to guide you into truth you deny My activity, and you suspect My servants of associating with My adversary .... you question My will and the power to speak to those who devoutly offer their service to Me and who are thus also able to hear My voice within themselves ....

And you stubbornly hold on to your opinion that My Word is concluded with the Scriptures, which you acknowledge as the only book through which I have revealed Myself .... And that is your loss, because by rejecting My Word from above you prove yourselves to be mere dead Christians, because living Christianity is an ‘activity of love’, and this would result in your spiritual enlightenment and thus also in an understanding for My exceptional help in times of spiritual hardship ....

Then you would also comprehend the Bible words, the promises, which I Myself gave to you and which point out that I will reveal Myself to those who keep My commandments .... So how do you intend to interpret My promises, if you deny every ‘New Revelation’? .... Do you want to call Me a liar when I announce My ‘comforter’ to you who will ‘guide you into every truth ....’ How do you understand these Words which have to come to pass, because every promise I gave to people during My life on earth fulfils itself .... And why do you not want to believe? Because your spirit is arrogant, because you lack inner life, spiritual awakening, and thus you believe that you are able to determine and limit Me and My activity as it suits you .... But you are mistaken, even if you believe that you have acquired knowledge through your studies which entitles you to reject My Word from above .... You are spiritually arrogant and therefore you can never receive a revelation from Me yourselves, because I only bestow My grace to the humble, and you are lacking this humility .... And thus you still walk in darkness, and you will not be able to penetrate it since you avoid the light which could give you insight if you wanted to step into its radiance ....

My love for My living beings will never end, and hence I will never fail to speak to you humans wherever the conditions to do so are met. And My Word will always sound in those who are of good will, to whom the Father can speak like to His children and who have a living faith in Me. And to them I will give evidence of Myself, and My Own will recognise My voice because I can be present with them .... I can reveal Myself to them as I have promised ....


BD 5710                received  28.06.1953

Book of Books ....
God’s Word ....

The Scriptures, which testify of Me, would fully suffice to proclaim My will to people, it would also guide them to the light, to enlightenment, if My will were done, and they would attain beatitude. Yet this book, the Book of the Fathers, has lost its value for many people; it is no longer the book which imparts My Word to them because their unbelief also concerns the origin of the Scriptures, they cannot believe that My spirit was working in My disciples, that this spirit motivated them to write down what I Myself did and taught while I lived on earth. And therefore they no longer appraise this Word of Mine as it should be appraised .... as the proclamation of My will which requires people to fulfil the commandments .... of love for God and their neighbour ....

They would only need to acknowledge that these two commandments were given to people by Me and if they endeavoured to live on earth in accordance with these two commandments they would very soon learn to appreciate the accuracy and truth of all other teachings which My disciples recorded on My behalf for all people .... But they do not live with love, and therefore they also lack understanding for everything contained in the Scriptures. As a result, they also doubt the origin, they do not recognise Me as the source of the Word that testifies of Me. However, they nevertheless should be informed of My Word, they nevertheless should know My will and thus made directly aware of the One Who manifests Himself in many ways ....

They should know that it is possible for Me to convey My Word to earth at any time, that I instruct people through the spirit at all times just as I taught My apostles when I no longer lived amongst them in the flesh. They should know that the pouring out of the spirit was not a unique occurrence which only happened to My disciples, but that time and again I pour My spirit into an open vessel, that I instruct people in the same way as I once instructed My disciples and thus convey My Word to them, which again only reveals My will to live within love, and as a result of their compliance with My will to then guide the person into truth, to explain to him the correlation between the creation and its creator, the destiny and goal of everything that is visible, thus to bestow comprehensive knowledge to him which denotes brightest light to the soul and enables it to find the path to eternal life ....

By transmitting My Word I only intend to achieve the possibility for the human being to shape himself into love .... The Scriptures, too, only ever teach love, thus its origin has to be from Me Myself, Who is eternal love. But since love has grown cold amongst humanity, people are no longer able to recognise the deeper value of what is written, they are spiritually blind and lack all judgment. Therefore they shall be confronted again by living representatives of My Word who, although they will not bring them anything new, they will nevertheless be able to advocate the old Word with conviction and demonstrate it anew .... namely, that love is the first commandment I expect to be fulfilled, and that all additional knowledge, the higher awareness of truth, only arises from love .... My Word shall be widely spread again, for once again I say to My chosen disciples ‘Go into the world and teach all nations ....’ For people have to hear My Gospel, they have to know that the Scriptures may not be dismissed, that it comprises the truth which I Myself proclaimed to My disciples through the spirit .... They should know that I will always and forever transmit the same Word to earth and that My Word will remain even when heaven and earth pass away ....


BD 8251                received  25.08.1962

Doubting divine revelations ....

Time and again people will doubt My divine revelations because they do not have enough living faith, otherwise they could easily understand My actions during the final time before the end. Living faith demands a life of love, which most people disregard because they only want to love themselves, and in this misguided love they cannot find Me, they cannot recognise Me as their God and Creator, Who also wants to be their Father. Their faith is a mere formality, an acquired knowledge of faith, which could not yet become alive in them and therefore they cannot understand the ‘outpouring of My spirit’ either, which I have promised to all of those who ‘believe in Me and keep My commandments ....’ because it is to those whom I want to reveal Myself. And the more they adhere to this formal faith the more they reject My revelations which, however, I will continue to send to earth because I consider it necessary for people to be informed of the whole truth and not seek the purpose of life in distorted doctrines .... by believing what is far removed from the truth and not being able to recognise the plain, simple truth from Me any longer ....

In fact, it is far easier to introduce the pure truth to a completely sceptical person than to convince those who overzealously study the Book of Books, who attempt to explain every letter intellectually and who reject My simple communication as the work of demons. My adversary has already spread dense darkness, and even uses this book to confuse people’s logical thought and to prevent the people from gaining a clear understanding. He is succeeding because their bond with Me is not deep enough for My strength of love to flow into a human heart which would enable it to receive the light and to distinguish truth from error.

However, human beings would be in dire trouble if I did not have compassion on them and try to strengthen them remarkably, if I did not, by way of direct communication with them, give them proof of Me and My presence and even speak to My children like a Father .... You humans are still seeking Me in the distance .... even if you believe in Me you cannot believe that the Father speaks to His children .... that He Himself bends down to persuade His children to submit themselves to Him trustingly, asking Him to guide them through their earthly lives. You forever think of Me as the strict God Who gives commandments, Who demands obedience and punishes those people who are disobedient .... You should know that I never ‘punish’ My living creations, but that they create every painful state for themselves, that they themselves also ventured towards the depth, that I do not condemn them but forever attempt to lead them back again, that I help them to ascend from the abyss and entice and call on them not to go astray or to fall prey to My adversary ....

And how better can I show My love for My living creations than by My direct communication, by revelations which explain Me and My Being and which, being divine truth, can only be experienced by the human soul as extremely effective and strengthens it for its earthly pilgrimage. Because I Am motivated by My love towards My living creations who live on earth as human beings in order to return to Me and who can only reach that goal when I Myself give them the strength to do so, when I nourish them with the bread from heaven and the water of life .... with My Word ....

And people refuse to understand this act of love and hence also decline My valuable gift of grace .... They are not alive and also remain faithful to the lifeless form of Christianity, because they lack the strength of faith for as long as they lack love, which would provide them with the right concept of Me, of My Being, which is love, wisdom and power .... And love will give itself time and again, and it will give to those who are weak but of good will everything they need to successfully complete their pilgrimage on earth .... Time and again My love will show itself because it also wants to be loved by those who originated from My love and who have to unite with Me again forever ....


BD 6038                received  30.08.1954

New Revelations ....
Reason ....
Bible ....

It is very dangerous when My Word gets wrongly interpreted, when the meaning of My Word becomes distorted and this misinterpretation is then used as a foundation again. For then My adversary will have easy access by confusing people’s thoughts more than ever and distance them ever further from the truth. No-one will ever be able to quote a Word from the Scriptures which proves that the Father will never speak to His children again because He has already declared His will in the Scriptures .... There is no Word which could give people the right to deny new Words of love by God .... there is no Word which would support the opponents of My New Revelations, for I would never have spoken such a Word, because only I know that My living creations on earth will require My Word time and again in order to reach the objective of becoming My children ....

I speak to people in different ways indeed, and therefore not every human being needs to hear My voice directly; yet if I didn’t speak to people time and again only few would, in fact, reach their goal .... For without the working of My spirit people would be unable to think correctly, to separate truth from error and even to understand the Scriptures correctly .... Thus I also address people when I teach them to think correctly and establish the right goal for their feelings, but whatever a person thinks who is guided by My spirit he will also be able to voice it, and this communication through a human mouth is then likewise a revelation from Me, for then it is My Word which was imparted to the human being by My spirit. For I want to speak to people, and if someone willingly places himself at My disposal by wanting to proclaim My Word to people .... then My Word will be voiced through this person’s mouth .... Every true messenger of My Word offers Me the opportunity of revealing Myself anew ....

And likewise, I can voice My Word when someone is willing to listen to Me .... when a person attentively listens within himself and desires to be addressed by Me .... Would a loving Father stay quiet when His child desires to hear Him? .... Does My love limit itself? Am I not a Lord of infinite riches which I Am constantly willing to bestow? Do you humans want to impose restrictions on Me or deny Me to speak when and to whom I want?

If you believe that I can be present with you, then you also have to believe that I will reveal Myself when I Am with you, and yet you want to argue that I speak to people who want to hear Me .... But I have promised you My presence with the Words ‘Whenever two or three of you come together in My name I Am there with you ....’ And what will you talk about then? Will you discuss worldly affairs?

No, you will make Me the subject of your conversation, you will speak righteously, and you will say what I put into your mouth, for I Myself will speak through you so that you recognise My presence .... And thus I Myself will be wherever people unite to hear My Word .... wherever I Am allowed to speak, wherever My spirit can work, and you humans will always receive the same Word since it is your desire to hear Me ....

I know how much people need My Word, and therefore I will never stop conveying My Word to you, and I will enlighten people about error and misinterpretation of the Scriptures; I will impart My pure Gospel Myself to those who open themselves to Me, thereby wanting to be of service to Me and their fellow human beings .... for I will bless every good will and every desire for truth, and My blessing consists of speaking to them Myself just as I once spoke to My disciples, and I will give all those who are able to hear Me the task to spread My pure Gospel, for I speak through them to everyone who wants to hear Me ....


The nature of God

BD 6852                received  15.06.1957

‘In the beginning was the Word ....’

In the beginning was the Word and the Word will exist for all eternity. The Word is the emanation of My love; it is My connection with every creation which, being conscious of its identity, desires to unite with Me .... Because only this desire, the will to hear Me, will result in a being’s ability to feel touched by the Word’s inherent strength of love. The Word provides the being with evidence of another being, Which thus speaks to it .... The Word emanated from Me when essence of being from within Myself entered into life. I gave the essence of being the ability to perceive something within itself which penetrated it as Word .... as a formulated thought .... and which demonstrated the presence of a second being wishing to communicate ....

Only the ‘created’ being needed My Word and therefore it is said ‘In the beginning was the Word’ .... I Myself exist eternally, but as long as no other spiritual being but Myself existed it was not necessary to pronounce My Word: however, I intended to speak to the created spiritual being in order to intensify its bliss. It was unable to see Me but I wanted it to hear Me, it should be able to share My thoughts, which therefore sounded as ‘Words’ within itself and which, in turn, stimulated the spiritual being itself to think, to freely use its mental capacity and its will .... because I had externalised the being to be independent, but it should also be able to stay in constant contact with Me through the exchange of thoughts, which expressed themselves through ‘the Word’. I was filled with love beyond description when I created beings in the image of Myself and the urge to impart Myself to these beings motivated Me to speak to them and tell them of My love for them. In so doing they themselves also felt the bond with the Being, Which loved them in abundance .... Thus My love flowed into these beings in the form of My Word, and they too were able to respond to My love for they were the products of My love, therefore they were ‘love’ themselves in their fundamental nature .... They could also understand and reply to My Word. They were equally capable of communicating with each other by way of the Word .... but this always consisted of the thoughts which first flowed from Me to them in form of My Word .... For the Word came forth from Me, since I Myself Am the Word of eternity .... the all-creative strength, Which is love in Itself.

And the Word will exist eternally .... I Am eternal .... The Word had a beginning but it will remain forever because My created spiritual essence cannot cease to exist. Hence I will eternally speak to and thereby delight this spiritual being, just as the strength of My love will flow to the spiritual being thereby touching and delighting it in form of My Word. I Myself Am the Word, and I give evidence of Myself to My living creations by way of the Word. They can hear Me even if they are unable to see Me, and they can feel that I Myself speak to them .... their God and Creator of eternity, Whose infinite Fatherly love expresses itself in a way which verifies a link between the Creator and the creation, between the Father and His child. And the Word will sound for all eternity because the love for the creation cannot cease, and consequently the creation will also always experience this love ....

I will always speak to My children, I will pronounce My Word throughout infinity, I will not just speak to the spiritual beings of light but I will also speak to people on earth, who know little as yet about the infinite love of the Father for His children .... In that case I will make use of a person who joins Me voluntarily and therefore serves Me as an instrument .... For all people shall know that I exist, and they shall also have proof of it in form of My Word, the outstanding divine emanation of love .... However, whether they allow themselves to be addressed by Me, whether My Word touches their hearts, is only ever the result of good will, which I do not want to gain by force .... But anyone of good will shall also recognise Me Myself in the Word, and anyone consciously allowing himself to be addressed by Me has also received My illumination of love which will never be without effect .... And blessed is he who consciously allows himself to be spoken to by Me .... For he will enter the sphere of My love voluntarily, and then My love will constantly flow to him, and he will achieve the state again when he will hear Me always and forever because he has sincerely united with Me once again ....


BD 8082                received  19.01.1962

God is love ....

Everything arose from God’s strength of love .... He Himself is the primary source of strength, His fundamental element is love, thus He is love Himself .... And yet He is a Being Which works and creates with wise judgment .... He is a Being Which puts Its thoughts into effect, Which constantly brings forth new creations that radiate His strength of love into infinity. This, however, always serves its purpose, it is not arbitrarily effective but its result is determined by God’s wisdom and might .... God is love .... You humans will not understand this statement as long as you are unable to comprehend the nature of love, which necessitates shaping yourselves into love. For you will always look at love as a characteristic which you confer to the highest and most perfect being. But that this Being is love Itself will remain incomprehensible to you as long as you live on earth as a human being.

And you all emerged from this love, you are emanated strength, you yourselves are love in your fundamental nature .... but likewise you are beings with the ability of thought and will .... the evidence of an ‘entity’ .... Hence, nothing arose and will continue to arise haphazardly .... Everything is very wisely considered; all things are the thoughts of a supremely perfect Being Which you humans call ‘God’ .... And this Being reproduced Itself .... It brought forth the same beings from within Itself, It emanated Its strength of love and gave it forms .... It created .... Everything created by God is and remains love in its fundamental substance. It is and remains strength which shall become effective in accordance with divine will .... If, however, it is prevented from being effective then divine order will be changed .... The principle of love will be turned into the opposite. The Being Which is love, wisdom and might Itself .... thus ‘God’ .... will be resisted, which the beings He had brought to life could indeed accomplish because He had also endowed them with free will as His images .... But in that case the being will leave its lawful order .... it will turn itself into the opposite .... it will certainly carry on existing, but it will no longer allow the strength of love to become effective and that will signify solidification, it will signify a standstill, it will signify the death of what once radiated as ‘life’ from God ....

The human being’s fundamental substance is love, yet on the whole he is still in opposition to the One Who had emanated him as a being .... And therefore he does not recognise what love is .... For this reason the nature of God, Who is love Himself, is also incomprehensible to him. For love is simultaneously light, Which, however, provides little enlightenment for the human being while his love is still feeble. Hence he is also unable to recognise God’s nature, he can only believe the information he receives regarding it, but as soon as such reports accord to the truth they will also enlighten him, for then he will endeavour to change his nature into love, and he will also turn to the Being Which is supremely perfect and begin to recognise It as the ‘Eternal Love’ ....

But he will never be able to fathom God’s nature, for He is the eternal centre of strength, whereas all created beings are emanated but very tiny sparks of strength which would never be able to behold the primal fire without ceasing to exist .... A person would be able to perceive the love, wisdom and might of a perceptible God on earth already if he is of good will and opens his heart for the illumination of love again by the Being he originated from .... For this supremely perfect Being reveals Itself to His living creations ....

And the greatest evidence of love of the One, Who is love Himself, is that He reveals Himself, that He provides His created beings with information about Himself as far as they are able to grasp it .... and that He thereby wants to re-ignite their love to make it effective again in line with the fundamental element .... so that His living creations will re-enter the eternal order in order to create and work as it was in the beginning ....


BD 8622                received  21.09.1963

Inscrutability of the Deity ....

You should believe that you humans will eternally be unable to fathom My fundamental nature. It is not possible to make you understand what I Am in essence, for your thinking is still limited, and thus you are incapable of comprehending the infinite. Infinite, however, is the spirit for Whom you created the term ‘God’. And what this spirit is in Itself again cannot be explained to you either, because He has no form and you always imagine everything in existence as a form .... especially when it is of substance, thus when it possesses a thinking will. I, however, certainly exist but Am not conceivable in any shape .... I Am unlimited strength Which works without limitation .... And thus this strength permeates the entire universe, It permeates every physical and spiritual creation. And It always and forever works in lawful order .... For a thinking will directs this spiritual strength according to a plan in love and wisdom. This ‘thinking will’ entitles you to imagine a Being, you just may not give this Being a form but have to regard everything that is visible to you and all spiritual creations as imbued by My strength of love .... by My spirit .... with Which, however, you are able to make mental contact, because I Myself Am a thinking Being.

My fundamental nature, My spirit, My love, My strength .... everything is the same. The all-pervading strength is God .... love in itself is God .... The spirit is God. And yet God is a Being, for a thinking will determines how the love, the strength, the spirit expresses itself, it determines My every reign and activity. And though the strength of love dispersed itself into countless tiny sparks .... each tiny spark is again the same as I Myself: a spirit with the same characteristics as I Myself, only extremely small .... and yet powerful, for it is a carrier of the eternal Deity Itself again or it could not continue to exist if it were not permeated by My strength of love. And thus the human being can indeed liken himself to Me Myself, because you all are images of Me. Nevertheless you are finite beings, you are a part of Me which has to be looked upon as finite as long as you are still imperfect. Once you become perfect again, as you were in the beginning, then the fusion with Me will take place again too, and then it will be easier for you to form a concept of the Deity, albeit I Am and will remain inscrutable to you in My innermost nature. But then you will no longer apply limited standards as you do as human beings and which is the reason for your frequently misguided reasoning.

I Am a spirit, that Is, I Am a Being Which is not perceptible to your human senses but Which nevertheless exists .... Which, however, is a Being because you can recognise meaning and purpose in everything I brought into existence and thus arrive at the logical conclusion of a Might capable of thought and will. Therefore you should contact this Might Which cannot be denied by you. For only this connection, the union, makes you realise that you are the same in your fundamental nature .... And when this Might speaks to you, then it does not address your external shell .... the body .... but what is inside of this shell, which characterises you as a divine image: your spirit, which thus emerged from Me (was given to you) and is part of Me .... which you once rejected and which was given to you again as a tiny spark for your existence as a human being, with other words: I speak to the eternally immortal part in you, I speak to what belongs to Me Myself, which emanated from Me Myself as a minute spark and shelters in your human cover, which is only evidence again that I Myself wanted to find Myself again in you, My living creations, and thus you will also stay inseparably connected to Me, because My spirit is undividable .... Because My strength of love assures your existence, because you can never again cease to exist, for you are My emanated strength which, according to eternal law, has to return to the source of strength again.

You will only understand all this in the state of perfection, your thinking will no longer be limited but you will also know that I Am a Being to Whom all your love belongs, you will know that I Am love Myself, and you will understand why you were unable to grasp all this as a human being. For as long as I Myself .... My spirit .... My love, cannot take full possession of you because you are still imperfect I cannot permeate you such that you are radiantly enlightened either. Yet I Am active in you, as far as this is possible, as far as your degree of maturity permits it .... bestowing ever more light upon you, so that one day you will reach perfection ....


BD 7828                received  17.02.1961

God is a spirit Who has manifested Himself in Jesus ....

You should not imagine your God and Creator as a strictly limited Being, you should not try to associate Him with a form, for then your idea would always be wrong, because something defined can never correspond to My nature, which is utterly perfect, thus infinite. For I Am a spirit Who fills and permeates everything. In My nature I will be eternally unfathomable for My living creations, for although My living creations were externalised by Me in supreme perfection they are nevertheless only sparks of love, emanated by the fire of My Eternal Love and externalised as individual beings who, however, would be unable to behold the eternal source of light and strength if I showed Myself to them in My full abundance of brilliance, since they would perish if they faced the radiating light ....

Yet you need not visualise Me in any other way than as the divine Redeemer Jesus Christ .... In Him I became the ‘visible’ God for you, in Him the eternal, infinite spirit has manifested Itself, in Him you see Me and are able to behold Him face to face .... Thus I gave Myself a form for you, whom I had externalised from My love and My strength as My living creations .... The Eternal Spirit Who fills all of infinity permeated this form with light and became a visible God for you .... And yet I reign and work throughout all of infinity and thus My Being cannot be limited either, I can only have become a conceivable idea in the form of Jesus Christ for you, who are still finite yourselves, who have not yet attained the highest perfection, for I have to give to you what corresponds to your state, which is still far from perfection.

However, I Am and remain also inscrutable in My nature for the spirits of highest perfection, which, however, is a cause of increased beatitude, because My children constantly strive towards Me, are constantly delighted by Me through My fulfilling of their desire yet never able to reach Me .... and on the other hand may behold Me from face to face in Jesus Christ .... This, too, will remain an enigma to you, and only in the state of enlightenment will you begin to comprehend and yet eternally unable to fathom My nature. To you I appear infinitely far away and yet I Am as close to you as only a father can get to his child. But this awareness makes you immensely happy, and your love for Me increases constantly and is also the cause of bliss, because it always meets with fulfilment.

And thus your love for Jesus Christ will blaze ever more ardently, in Whom you have recognised your Father of eternity and in Whom I bestow unlimited bliss upon you .... For in Him I Am now able to be close to My children, even though I Am not bound to the form, even though I fill all of infinity with My light and My strength, with My Being, which is and remains inscrutable. But you, My living creations, shall look for and find Me in Jesus, for I have chosen Him as the form which received Me; and this once human external form completely spiritualised itself and yet remained visible to every being which attained the state of maturity of spiritual vision ....

Thus you see My eternal spirit when you see Jesus, for He and I are one, you see the Father when you see Jesus, because I wanted to be visible to you, My created beings, in order to gain all your love. Yet you will never be able to behold Me in My infinite abundance of strength and light without ceasing to exist .... But I want to be able to create and work with My children and thus also reveal Myself to them in order to heighten their beatitude .... And I want to experience their love Myself and therefore will always be close to My children ....


The first spiritual creation and the apostasy from God

BD 5612                received  28.02.1953

First created being ....
Light bearer ....
Apostasy from God ....

Your human intellect is only able to understand profound truth to a certain degree, because pure spirituality is only spiritually explainable. This explanation will be accepted by the spirit within you and indeed also passed on via the soul to the intellect, but the intellect is still too earthly minded and therefore cannot delve so deeply into spiritual knowledge to understand everything. Nevertheless, My spirit expresses itself through the spiritual spark within you, and anyone who has love will also understand the meaning of what I say to him:

My creative will was immense, My strength inexhaustible, and I found My bliss in the implementation of My thoughts and plans. And this bliss wanted to express itself, My love wanted to give itself, I wanted another being beside Me to also enjoy what made Me indescribably happy. I experienced My solitude as a lack which I could change any time if I wanted to .... And I wanted to re-discover Myself in a being that should be closely united with Me, which I wanted to shape as a mirror of Myself, as My own image, to be able to bestow it with unlimited bliss and thereby increase My bliss too. I wanted to create such a being and this will sufficed, because My will was strength and always proceeded with love and wisdom. The entity I externalised from within Myself was indeed My image yet it could not see Me, had it been able to see Me it would have ceased to exist due to its beatitude, since no being could endure to behold Me. For every being, even the most perfect image of Myself, is always just a product of My strength of love, whereas I Am the strength of love Myself and enlighten everything with incomparable intensity but, as a result, I could not be endured by the being I had externalised. Yet by creating this being I had a vessel into which the strength of My love could flow continually, and thus it also received My creative will, My strength, My wisdom and My love beyond measure with this constant influx of strength from Me. As a result, it was now able to experience the same bliss, it was able to use its strength in accordance with its own will, it could be creatively active for its own pleasure and thus constantly increase My bliss, because it was My strength which enabled the being to do so and I took pleasure in its happiness ....

And now countless other beings of the same nature emerged from this being .... They all were children of My love in radiating light, in utmost perfection, because from the image I created of Myself and My infinite love could only ever emerge utmost perfection, because we shared the same will. Both our love found itself again in the created beings, because nothing imperfect existed as long as My will and My love worked through this first created being. It was an enlightened world of spirits, there were a great number of originally created spirits .... The strength from Me flowed unrestricted to the being which I had chosen for Myself as the bearer of light and strength .... And the entity itself was more than blissfully happy .... Yet I wanted to increase this bliss even more; I did not want it to be tied to My will but it should be active of its own will which .... if the being was perfect and remained so .... was My will. For the being, having been created by Me, was incapable of having any other will. But I wanted it to be able to act independently .... because the only characteristic of a divine being is that love is so powerful within itself that it is the decisive factor for the same direction of will as mine. I wanted to receive this love from My first created being which, however, was intended to result in its ultimate perfection at the same time, so that it was no longer active as a created being in accordance with My will but should enjoy unlimited bliss by merging with My will for love of Me ....

But in order to pass this test of love and will it had to have complete freedom of will. It did not see Me but it recognised Me because it was enlightened .... However, it saw the countless beings created by its will, and it felt itself as their creator in spite of knowing that it had received its strength from Me .... And the entity was envious of My strength .... Although it was visible to the beings it had created, it was nevertheless conscious of its origin from Me, but it claimed the right to rule these beings for itself by presenting itself to them as the source of strength, as the only power able to create .... It more than less denied to love Me in order to rule .... You humans cannot understand the process by which a self-aware being could transgress into completely wrong reasoning but this is explained by free will which, in order to become active, must also be able but does not have to make a negative choice.

The bearer of light and strength saw on the one side the evidence of strength conveyed through him, yet he did not see the source of strength itself. Thus he declared himself ruler over his created spirits and also tried to portray Me as non-existent to them. He tried to transfer his now opposing will on to them .... And now the moment of decision, of proving their perfection, also came for the beings who had been created by the bearer of light with the use of My strength .... My strength was inherent in all these beings, they were fully enlightened and aglow with love for Me, Whom they could not see but nevertheless recognise. But they also loved their creator, because the strength that had created them was love which had emanated from the first created being and enabled it to create. This love now had to make a choice, and it divided itself ....

Terrible confusion occurred amongst the spirits who felt urged to make a decision. But .... since My strength of love was effectively light .... it was understandable that the urge towards the primary source of strength was stronger in many beings, that their love diminished for the one who separated from Me and pushed towards Me with increased force .... For the light within them was the realisation that I was Eternal Love. Every being had this knowledge indeed, but it also had free will which did not depend on knowledge, or it would not have been free. And the spiritual world divided itself .... The externalised being had its followers just as I had Mine, even though I was not visible. But the effect of My strength was so powerful that many beings turned away from the one who wanted to oppose Me .... Their will remained in the right direction, whereas the bearer of light and his followers directed their will wrongly, thus they volitionally separated from Me and this caused their fall into the abyss ....

Thus the light bearer, the fully illuminated being externalised by Me, became My adversary, whereas everything that had emerged from him, that was created by both our love, partly turned towards Me and partly towards him, depending on the glow of love by which it was permeated. As soon as the bearer of light separated from Me the beings experienced an undefined desire for a definite pole. Free will began to unfold itself .... neither I nor My adversary influenced them forcefully, they were merely exposed to both our emanation of strength which wanted to gain every being for itself. The flow of My strength was pure love and affected the beings so intensely that they recognised Me without seeing Me, but they could also recognise the first created beings’ change of will. However, because they could see this entity many followed it, i.e. they subordinated themselves to its will and thus distanced themselves from Me. Yet other originally created beings felt themselves as My children and voluntarily remained loyal to Me, only they were far less in number. These were the first created beings who arose from My light bearer’s most blissful creative will and My immense influx of strength of love. And this strength of love was inherent in these beings too and persistently pushed them towards Me, for they recognised their creator’s present will as wrong and therefore turned away from him. The other beings could have come to this realisation too yet they blindly followed the one they could see, and their will was respected and in no way influenced by Me, because this decision of will had to take place in order to shape the created beings to independent perfection. The being which left Me drew a large number of followers into the abyss, for to distance oneself from Me means to strive towards the abyss, to aim towards a completely opposite state, which thus signifies darkness and weakness, loss of knowledge and strength. Whereas My children blissfully remained in the most radiant light and immense strength, in beatitude.

After the fall of Lucifer, the light bearer, his strength was defeated ..... He could no longer actively create and shape although I did not withdraw the strength from him because he was My living creation. His power and strength rested in his followers, whom he now dominated as prince of darkness. But they are also the products of My love which I will not leave to My adversary forever. As long as these beings still share his will they belong to him; but as soon as I succeed in turning their will towards Me he has lost them, and thus his strength diminishes at the same rate as I release his prisoners from his control which, however, always presupposes the being’s free will.

And this is the purpose of My eternal plan of Salvation, which is eagerly and most lovingly supported by all inhabitants of the kingdom of light, by My angels and archangels, for they all are My helpers who endeavour to bring bliss again to their fallen brothers, who once voluntarily threw it away .... And this work of liberation will succeed, even if it takes an infinitely long time before the last once-fallen spirit returns to Me, until even the first created being that came forth from My love draws closer to Me again in its longing for My love .... until this too repentantly returns to the Father’s house, which it once left voluntarily ....


BD 7082                received  03.04.1958

Fall of the spirits ....
Faculty of thought ....
Lucifer’s fall ....

It is far easier to familiarise you with the spiritual correlations which explain your own existence than to impart the right understanding to you about spiritual events which took place when I gave life to all of you as spiritual beings. The foundation of My plan of Salvation was only the outcome of prior events in the kingdom of the spirits .... And to comprehend this occurrence requires an abundance of light first which you do not yet possess as human beings on earth, even if you endeavour to live in accordance with My will .... Yet these spiritual events were essential for the free decision of will, which all beings that emerged from My love had to pass in order to attain highest perfection: as free-working beings to be independent of My will and yet to think, want and act with the same will as My own. And this free decision of will also required the necessary prerequisites .... The being had to be able to fall into the abyss, just as, alternatively, it had to be able to reach the highest pinnacle .... As soon as an upper or lower limit had been set for the being, its was no longer free either. And thus this freely evolving will was, in turn, the result of thinking .... the thought, however, was an expression of strength by Me which I transmitted to the being .... which then stimulated the being into forming its own opinion about it.

Hence, the being’s own ‘faculty of thought’ consisted of processing a received mental illumination, thus to more or less deliberate the thought, or the being would have remained merely My ‘work’ if My thought inevitably had caused it to think the same .... But I wanted to externalise completely free living beings and therefore endowed them with the ability to make their own judgment which, however, had the potential to evolve in different directions.

It would never ever have been possible for Lucifer to desert Me had he not possessed this faculty. In that case, however, he would not have been a free spirit either but always just a puppet and entirely subject to My will. Thus I had to completely isolate this as well as all subsequent beings from Me, they had to be able to enjoy utter freedom and not be restricted in any way. Consequently, they also had to be able to evaluate the transmitted thoughts positively or negatively .... that is, the being itself was able to carry out what these thoughts motivated it to do in full agreement with Me, thus with the same will as Mine .... But likewise it was able to ‘think differently’, thus by virtue of its faculty of thought also able to come to different conclusions. This, however, only happened when it no longer considered this ‘faculty of thought’ as a gift from Me but as its own product, and this erroneous self-confidence resulted in clouding its realisation. Every spiritual being was indeed externalised by Me as an independent entity but its fundamental nature was love, and thus this love also had to look for the bond with Me, because love strives towards love .... And for that time its will also completely concurred with Mine. But any easing of the bond with Me also showed itself in the deviation of the being’s will from Mine, and this, in turn, resulted in using the faculty of thought in the wrong direction, because it has to be able to ponder every thought in all directions or the will would not be free .... which is not to say that a wrong thought flowed from Me Myself to the being ....

The first being, Lucifer, was brightly illuminated .... and he was able to communicate with Me but also able to direct his thoughts wrongly; nevertheless, he would always have had the opportunity to submit his wrong thoughts to Me so that I could have been able to answer him. But it was precisely these wrong thoughts he believed he could hide from Me, which was already a lessening of his love and thus resulted in a lessening of light too. And thus, one of his first wrong thoughts also included doubts about My power because he was unable to see Me .... The realisation that he himself would have ceased to exist in the face of My excessively brightly radiating primal light did not stop his desire. He refused to accept this awareness and found his own explanation for it in My ‘powerlessness’ .... which in turn was a thought which already demonstrated that he had considerably loosened his bond with Me by the time this thought emerged in him. To the same extent as he began to doubt My power his own consciousness of strength grew, and then one wrong thought followed another .... his will no longer agreed with Mine, his love began to wane, and he increasingly closed himself to the flow of My love’s strength .... because by now he had also lost the realisation of the fact that he, too, had to be nourished by My strength first in order to be creatively active.

Yet for the sake of My intended goal: - to guide the beings which had emerged from him and Me into highest beatitude .... I did not stop any of the beings, not even My first-created bearer of light, from using their will incorrectly .... I did not stop any being from using the faculty of thought wrongly. For I externalised all of them as free beings, and the beings’ greatest beatitude also consists of creating and working in utmost freedom. And that also necessitates absolute alignment to My will without any coercion. But if no being had been able to think and want other than in accordance with My will, then the being would not have had free will either which, however, irrevocably belonged to a divinely perfected being .... And I can only speak of My living creations as ‘My children’ when they have completely voluntarily entered into My will, and only then are they granted beatitude which presupposes highest perfection. And this perfection could not be bestowed upon My beings by Me but it has to be acquired by every created being of its own free will ....


BD 8672                received  13.11.1963

Cause of Lucifer’s apostasy from God ....

When I called miniatures of Myself into being I was motivated to do so by My infinite love which wanted to give itself away, which wanted to create vessels for itself in order to flow into them .... My love demonstrates itself as strength, and this strength wanted to be creatively active, and thus My creations .... because My strength flowed into these vessels .... likewise had to be creatively active again, for these beings, as images of Myself, had the same intrinsic creative urge which impelled the constantly inflowing strength into activity again, because the strength which emanated from Me as the primary source of strength constantly created life. And thus you will understand that all beings which had come forth from Me were in a state where they knew no restriction in the creation of manifold works, which made them blissfully happy .... but that they, like Me, were not subjected to any restriction either, for My love was infinite, and thus My strength of love flowed into all beings in order to give them pleasure.

Neither did the being’s creative activity ever come to a standstill, because My strength had no limitation, it will never spend itself, it will always and forever flow, and thus new creations will eternally arise, just as all My once emanated beings will receive My unlimited strength for creating and shaping as long as they open themselves to Me, i.e., as long as they do not resist My illumination of love. And this blissful state truly would never have needed to end because I, for My part, would never have imposed a restriction on the beings and thus they never needed to fear a lessening of strength either. And yet a change occurred in the beings’ greater than blissful state .... caused by a situation which the beings considered to be imperfect: the fact that I Myself, their God and Creator, was not visible to them as a being like themselves, that they indeed knew of Me as their Father from Whom they had originated, but because I did not visibly present Myself to them they looked at it as a limitation of My perfection. They began to entertain wrong thoughts since they did not openly raise this question with Me Myself, which I would have answered so that they could have realised and corrected their wrong notion ....

But they believed they could conceal these inner doubts about My perfection, and yet I knew of them .... However, I did not use coercion but gave their thoughts free rein which they nevertheless misused .... For they also recognised the same doubts about My perfection in the first being I had externalised and whose beauty radiated in supreme brilliance .... For eternities this being had given Me all its love indeed, and in this love it was exceedingly happy and shared My will .... even though its will was also free.

Yet now and then small doubts arose even in this brightly radiating being because it could not see Me either. Nevertheless, time and again its great love for Me suppressed the emerging doubts, and it gave itself to Me finding its beatitude in constantly creating same-natured beings by means of its will and the use of My strength. Yet this doubt about Me kept emerging and he, too, did not put it to Me, which he could have done .... He nourished the doubt so that it became increasingly stronger and reduced his love for Me .... But thereby he also weakened himself since his reduced love for Me also lessened My flow of love and thus restricted his creative activity as well.

Had he been able to see Me it would not have been possible for him to turn away from Me, yet the fire of My love would have consumed him, for no created being is able to look into the primal fire of My love without ceasing to exist .... He knew it, too, because he possessed supremely enlightened awareness, yet he played with the thought to be greater than Me because he radiated in brightest light and supremely perfected beauty .... He could not imagine any being to exceed him in light and beauty, and therefore he also claimed the right to rule over all created beings, whom he undoubtedly had created but the strength to do so he had received from Me. He now saw his power in the host of the spiritual beings and therefore believed himself able to do without My strength, he believed that he had withdrawn it from Me through the creation of the countless beings, and the fact that I did not visibly present Myself to him was regarded by him as evidence of My powerlessness ....

And I did not disillusion him because I had externalised him as a completely free being which I will never ever compel into changing its will and its thinking .... even if he keeps his distance from Me for eternities. Now My strength met with opposition and resistance, and consequently it remained completely ineffective. And now this, My first-created being, is no longer capable of generating any works of creation, yet it believes itself great and powerful because it looks upon the immense number of spiritual beings as his possession, who, like him, had revolted against Me and rejected My illumination of love .... They, too, are incapable of any activity, because they also moved infinitely far away from Me. But it was their free will, which I respect and thus they will remain distant from Me until they voluntarily approach Me again and appeal to Me for My illumination of love .... Even the first-created being .... My present adversary .... will take the path of return to Me one day, sooner or later he, too, will long for My illumination of love again and voluntarily accept it from Me, because one day he will give up his resistance, even if it takes an eternity .... Yet everything that was once emanated by Me as strength will inevitably return to the eternal source of strength again ....


BD 8910                received  12.01.1965

Good and evil ....
Eternal law ....

I also want to give you an explanation regarding this, for even the smallest doubt will prevent you from correcting the notion that evil was placed into the being by Me. I did not create evil but I have known since eternity that evil would prevail in the world of the fallen spirits .... I have known since eternity that I would be regarded as the source of evil because I have always known what lies My adversary would use in the fight against Me in order to prevent the return to Me .... But time and again I will give people the information which will enlighten them about My nature. And time and again bearers of light from above will also descend to earth in order to clarify precisely this notion ....

My nature is eternally good, It is incapable of ever transferring an evil thought onto Its created beings. This has to be said first of all, so that you yourselves will not assume that you were created by Me with all bad characteristic and longings. You were very intimately connected to Me for an endlessly long time and in this state did not know anything anti-divine, you were with Me in heart and soul (of the same will), which enabled you to receive My strength of love unimpeded and thereby you were infinitely happy.

But when My first-created spirit .... Lucifer or the bearer of light .... fell away from Me and thus all of you had to take the test of will and choose which Lord to follow .... when you had to make the right decision of your own free will .... you also had to be able to choose between good and evil, you had to know that evil came from My adversary, whereas only good thoughts could flow from Me to you. Hence I gave you light .... the ability to differentiate between good and evil, and in this bright light you could have recognised the source of evil. I indeed put up with evil because it was necessary for your test of will, but I never approved of it .... Consequently, the being also had to be able to satisfy a longing if it wanted it albeit it was an evil one .... just as longing had to be inside the being for the purpose of being good, which has to be understood such that any longing can evolve, otherwise a decision could not be possible.

But the fact that the fallen beings only wanted to satisfy evil longings was not because they possessed this longing from the start, rather My present adversary had first transferred this longing onto his followers. Thus the being had to be able to experience every feeling, it must be able to arouse longings within itself, yet these longings need not have originated from Me .... which is always the case when these longings are bad .... just as every non-fallen being has a longing which only turns towards good ....

Thus use the word ‘desire’ instead of ‘longing’ .... which is in fact the same, and you will understand that every feeling within the being originates from Me but that the direction it takes is determined by every being itself .... Therefore you should come to Me with every doubt, with every question, and I will not leave your soul in distress, I will enlighten you, so that you, who should uphold the truth given to you from above, will also be convinced of the truth yourselves .... For it is essential to rectify many more misconceptions even if you believe to have the truth, for nothing that is given to still imperfect human beings stays unchanged, no matter how pure it originated from above ....

Therefore I reveal Myself time and again anew in order to send the pure truth to earth, and therefore you can also accept everything without hesitation if you seriously examine it, for the pure truth from Me has to have the effect that it will be recognised by those who receive it in the sincere desire for truth ....


BD 8760                received  22.02.1964

Information about God’s plan of Salvation ....

I want you to gain a little insight into My eternal plan of Salvation, and therefore I Am trying to inform you of it in relation to your degree of maturity. I aim to impart this knowledge to you through My spirit so that you will live in complete truth and you can also be certain of this truth yourselves. For only by way of the spirit is it possible to convey the pure truth to you. You shall know about all things so that you will be able to refute misguided teachings which hinder your return to Me, which thus shall be achieved through My plan of Salvation one day. You shall know where you came from and what caused your apostasy from Me .... You shall know about the fate you prepared for yourselves through your apostasy from Me. And you shall know the fact that and the reason why I consequently prepared a plan to ensure your gradual path of return to Me .... You shall also be informed about this plan, because only then will you understand your human existence on earth and live accordingly ....

You will learn to recognise and love the One Who brought the entire creation into existence for the sake of your beatitude, Who used His might with infinite love and wisdom to bring creations of the most marvellous kind to life, which all correspond to their specific purpose and only serve to accommodate the once-fallen spiritual substance in order to bring it to final maturity one day .... so that one day it will return to Me, Who has been the origin of its existence and Who will be eternally connected with My created beings because I love them ....

You humans must know of My infinite love since this is the explanation for everything, or I could have destroyed what I had created when it opposed Me .... But My love prevented Me from doing so, yet My love also wants to give joy to the created beings, because love cannot bestow anything but happiness. Therefore a return of what has fallen away from Me must inevitably take place, and the only objective of My eternal plan of Salvation is the final return of all fallen spirits. The fact that I now give you such detailed information is only due to the last days, which necessitate a final act of help for you humans. You should know what it is all about and that you do not have much time left to achieve this return to Me .... You should not spend your days thoughtlessly but try to establish a close relationship with Me in order to be guided through the chaos by Me, which will still befall humanity before the end, and for which you thus shall receive the truthful explanation.

If, however, you are kept in error, if you constantly hope for an earthly renaissance for everyone, for earthly progress, because you do not know the meaning and purpose of all events which concern you, your earthly life will have been futile for your soul, which is your real Self and does not cease to exist after the death of your body. And I would like to protect it from the fate which then awaits the soul. I would like to prepare you for a state of bliss because I love you, and therefore I repeatedly transmit the truth to earth which you need only accept in order to be saved from the terrible fate of new banishment into the creations of earth ....

Anyone who knows My eternal plan of Salvation already lives his earthly life with a certain amount of happiness, because he has recognised its meaning and purpose and thus lives consciously and always aspires to fulfil My will ....

But a person who is not familiar with this information does not know a purpose of existence either, and he will only accept worldly and never spiritual values, because the area of spirituality is completely unknown to him .... And then again, only a person who has already established a relationship with Me due to his loving actions will muster the understanding for My eternal plan of Salvation, for his spirit has already come alive, whereas the person without faith in Me will think and act unkindly and never be accessible for such knowledge .... Thus he goes through life in dense spiritual darkness and due to his blindness does not find the right way either.

But I want to offer all people the knowledge that they once originated from Me, that they voluntarily turned away from Me, plunged into the abyss and were helped by My love to ascend from this abyss again, because My love for all created beings is greater than great and this love will never change either .... And therefore I will not rest until I have regained what has fallen away from Me, until it voluntarily strives towards Me again .... For this purpose it passes through creation, which I once brought into existence for its return to Me .... Time and again I will impart this information to people who want to unite with Me again and want to know the truth about the cause, meaning and purpose of their existence on this earth .... And you will be instructed of it in all truthfulness, because only truth will set you free and lead you back to Me again ....


Emergence of matter as consequence of Lucifer's apostasy

BD 8613                received  11.09.1963

Creation is God’s work ....

My works of creation demonstrate My infinite love for you, My supreme wisdom and My omnipotence .... because they solely originated for the sake of salvation, for returning the once fallen spirits. Thus the entire work of creation is the expression of My infinite love because it was especially intended for the spiritual beings which opposed Me, which therefore rejected My love and likewise were no longer worthy of My love .... And yet, precisely these opposing spirits motivated Me to bring forth works of creation so that they might give up their resistance and return to Me again.

Hence love paid no attention to the resistance at first but imprisoned the fallen beings, i.e. My wisdom and might disintegrated the beings into countless tiny particles and the strength of My love encased them .... it reshaped the once emanated strength of beings into works of creation and My wisdom assigned them their purpose again .... Love, wisdom and power were constantly at work for the emergence of a work of creation; consequently, the creation was and is, in the true sense of the word, divine work which testifies of My fundamental nature and should appear to you humans as the greatest miracle, if you seriously think about it. And this creation will remain a miracle, for the works are not lifeless things but change constantly. The functions of the individual works of creation provide every thinking human being with the evidence of a living God full of wisdom, Whose strength of will and love is inexhaustible, Whose power is limitless .... Who constantly creates forms containing minute particles which are of service within the works of creation through the law of compulsion .... Since I withdrew these fallen spirits from My adversary’s power, from the power of the spirit who once had caused their downfall, whom they once had followed voluntarily .... even though they belonged to him, precisely because they had followed him voluntarily .... he was deprived of his power over the spirits which My strength of love had turned into matter .... These beings were removed from the adversary’s influence and are now subject to My law .... They were no longer free, since they had given up their freedom, but for their own sake I placed them into My law of service in a constrained state ....

All of creation is a work of My love for this fallen, unhappy spiritual substance which travels the path through the creation in great agony .... But once the previously fallen being has made its way through the creation and then lives on earth as a human being he will also recognise the work of creation to a limited extent and can rejoice in it, since his state of agony is over. Before him he will see the works of creation in all their glory, which will give evidence to him of the Creator’s love, wisdom and power as soon as he begins to abandon his last resistance to Me. He himself is indeed free to some extent but now he is subject to My adversary’s influence again, who previously had no power at all over the being. The human being still belongs to My adversary until he has voluntarily detached himself from him ....

And thus you have to understand correctly: Creation can and will please you humans because it is My work, but I used the strength which emanated from Me in the shape of spiritual beings for its origin .... I simply reshaped them into My love and wisdom’s most diverse creations .... but they are nevertheless the fallen spirits in substance, thus part of My adversary, and they will remain so until they, entirely redeemed, return to Me again. You humans do not see the fallen spirit in creation but only see the works of My love, and you may enjoy them, you may recognise Me Myself therein and consider yourselves fortunate to have covered the path through My creations already and are nearing your perfection. But you should also remember that the real world is a spiritual world which can only be seen by someone with spiritual vision .... that everything visible to you humans is but a pale reflection of this real spiritual world .... You should remember that all matter is hardened spiritual substance and that this solidification was again only the result of the resistance to Me, the rejection of My strength of love .... Then you will also understand that the material world in its substance is spirit in opposition to Me .... which My love and wisdom merely oblige to be of service in order to break its resistance and to return it to its original state once again.

Hence the solidification of spiritual substance was caused by the beings’ apostasy from Me, and therefore the hardened spirit substance still belongs to My adversary until it is spiritualised once more. However, this does not prevent Me from removing his power over this spirit substance and reshaping it into all kinds of creations for the purpose of its final, voluntary withdrawal from him and return to Me. And thus creation always remains divine work, a work of My infinite love and wisdom which only I Myself, Who possesses all power and strength and Who can implement anything His love and wisdom wants and has recognised to be successful, was able to bring into existence ....


BD 8575                received  30. - 31.7.1963

Explanation of matter and its task ....

All matter is solidified spirit .... And thus the whole earthly-material world consists of My once emanated spiritual strength which initially did not fulfil its purpose since it was not forced to do so but which, according to eternal law, should become active and therefore was reshaped into manifold kinds of creation whose function was subject to natural law and had to be fulfilled in the law of compulsion. Through its lawful completion of activity the spiritual substance acquires a continually higher degree of development, and thus creation is fundamentally spiritual substance in the most varied degrees of development .... The development proceeds from the hardest rock, as plant or animal up to the human being and is guaranteed by the constantly serving function of every single work of creation. Time after time matter will be dissolved again, that is, the spiritual substance constantly changes its external form and receives another, more advanced form and thus gradually matures until the last stage, when it may embody itself as a human being in order to release itself, again by means of useful activity, from the final form on this earth.

Physical shells or external forms will always shelter more mature spiritual substances within themselves and serve them to mature .... The shells themselves will always be dissolved again, and the spiritual substances within will likewise unite with equally mature substances and accept their next forms until all the strength, which was originally emanated as a ‘being’, has gathered again and exists in its original composition again yet devoid of all love, which it once no longer wanted to accept from Me. This love is then added by Me as a gift of grace in the form of a tiny spark to the original spirit who then walks across earth as the human being’s soul, and then he will be able to attain perfection again, he will be able to become as perfect again as he was when he first originated from Me, and then the ultimate goal I had in mind when I created the beings will have been achieved ....

But it takes an infinitely long time for the former being to travel the path through the creations of earth, for what is visible to you as matter needed long periods of time for its transformation already, since the initially hard matter, the world of rocks, does not easily let go of the spiritual substances. If lawful natural influences did not cause a dissolution of the hard external shape it could take eternities until a slight loosening occurs, until the world of rocks shows a small flicker of life in so far as that it changes within itself or falls apart and releases the constrained spiritual substance, which will then be bound again in a lighter form. And thus the form will be ever easier to dissolve, and all works of creation provide the spiritual substances with the opportunity to mature in them thereby gradually bringing this initially completely hardened, lifeless spirit to life .... The succession of external shapes proceeds ever more rapidly, and a continuous cycle of life and death, of development and disintegration can be observed throughout creation .... Yet the spirit’s process of development takes an infinitely long time which comes to an end as a human being on earth. The fact that every external form is spiritual substance at the beginning of its development, and the fact that every external form, in turn, shelters spiritual substances within itself which have already acquired a higher degree of maturity and are meant to mature further within the form, has to be kept apart .... And thus the external shell need never be rated as highly as the spiritual substance that shelters within it, the dissolution of the external form will always be an act of liberation for the captive spirit therein and simultaneously signify a degree of higher development for the matter which, as external form, envelopes the substances of soul. These covers still need a long time until they, too, complete their final earthly progress as part of a soul. Yet the more willingly such a shell carries out its ‘service’ the faster it will progress, but always within lawful order. And thus, even the final external cover .... the human body .... has a very significant task, the fulfilment of which can also enable the body’s own intrinsic spiritual substances to rapidly progress in their development .... if the body totally complies with the soul’s demands it can thus also be spiritualised during its earthly life, which could mean a shortened earthly progress for a fallen original spirit, whose body’s exceptional service and suffering contributes towards the original spirit’s return to Me, when he travels the path across earth as a human being and no longer needs to fear a new descent into the abyss because these already matured substances assure him certain completion .... The knowledge of this can motivate you to fully consciously strive for the body’s spiritualisation during its earthly life and thus lead a way of life which completely corresponds to the commandments of love, for love is the way which leads to complete spiritualisation of the body ....


BD 5610                received  24. - 26.2.1953

Satan’s nature ....
Fall and redemption ....

The extremely vast distance from Me by the one who once rebelled against Me, the all enlivening strength, has also tremendously reduced the effect of strength, and thus the spiritual substance, which was once full of life and strength, deprived itself of strength and finally turned into the hardest substance, because even spiritual substance hardens if it is so infinitely far away from Me that it is no longer affected by My strength of love. The process of hardening of spiritual substance is synonymous with the emergence of earthly matter which, due to My will, took on shape. Thus all of creation is fundamentally such hardened substance, My once emanated spiritual strength which nevertheless originated from Me as something supremely perfected in essence .... This perfect spiritual substance was constantly permeated by My strength of love and thereby able to create and work without limitation like Me.

I Am the original source of strength and everything in existence depends on this source of strength. Nothing apart from Me exists with independent strength at its disposal, and thus a detachment from Me and My strength also means complete disintegration, since it would not be possible to receive a flow of strength from anywhere else. However, a separation from Me is not possible either, because My strength cannot cease for eternity and is eternally indivisible too; but what emerged from My strength is able to distance itself infinitely far away, and distance means that the strength loses its effect, thus the far-removed substance remains motionless and compacts into solid substance, into matter, which thus is hardened spiritual substance without the ability to be active because it has left the emanation field of My strength of love.

This, therefore, is the fate of the fallen spiritual substance which is furthest away from Me and yet will eternally not cease to exist .... Fundamentally, however, it is nevertheless something of substance which once was intelligent to the highest degree, possessed awareness and free will and yet, due to its fall, lost all evidence of its divinity. Through My will these spiritual beings dissolved into countless minute particles in order to gradually come together again after they have achieved a certain degree of maturity or purification by means of a healing process which I recognised as successful .... Thus I bound the once free spirits which had been created by My first-created being and the use of My strength .... But what has become of this first-created being?

Since its fall this being has been wandering about to and fro as a spark of strength trying to use its remaining strength to illuminate everything My will has taken away from it .... not to enliven it but to increase its own strength in order to surpass Me Myself, that is, My strength .... The spiritual substance constrained by My will does not react to this illumination simply because it is not giving it life .... But as soon as it becomes the entity again after the infinitely long path through creation, when the individual minute particles have gathered again and as a unit embodies itself in the human form and thereby regains its self-awareness, it will respond again to the endeavours of the first-created being, My opposing spirit. It allows itself to be blinded by the spark, for this spark does not illuminate, it is just a deceptive light that dazzles the eye in order to obscure its view completely .... just as his strength became ineffective due to the apostasy, due to the infinitely vast distance from Me. But his essence remains, he has not lost his self-awareness, and therefore he is still able to influence equally self-aware beings, thus his essence can thoroughly permeate the human being without, however, thereby being limited to just one human being.

Hence he is able to exercise his influence wherever people intentionally turn to him due to their disposition and who thus increase his strength through unison with him .... He only uses his remaining strength to work against Me, he constantly tries to elevate himself with the help of people who submit themselves to him. Thus, this opposing spirit is indeed quite obviously active, he is also able to quite obviously dominate a person, yet only as long as the person is to take his test of will on earth ....

If he has achieved his aim to win people over for himself then he nevertheless has merely aided the hardening of spiritual substance again and forfeited his strength, so that he himself will also be completely lifeless as soon as he is no longer able to cling to people who provide him with their energy of life .... And this is the case when a period of Salvation approaches its end, when he has drawn the majority of people into the abyss and the others are completely devoted to Me. Then he himself will be completely deprived of his strength, then he, too, will be in a constrained state, he will be chained .... until he is able to tempt people in the same manner once more, until people themselves get to the state again that they increase his strength, until they more or less loosen his chains themselves all over again as a result of their wrong will for matter, which submits to My adversary’s will and thus raises his position of power once more, which becomes ever more evident in every period of Salvation the closer it gets to the end. For this reason every period of Salvation will start in peaceful harmony as a true paradise on earth and end with satanic activity until even the last spiritual being has been taken away from My adversary, until he himself is so weak that he will ask for strength from Me .... until he himself will return to Me into his Father’s house .... which he once had left of his own free will.



BD 7942                received  15.07.1961

Origin of the creation work ‘earth’ ....

The path of the spirits across the earth will extend into eternity .... For the spirits themselves became the matter which earth and all its creations consist of .... God’s will turned solidified spiritual substance into matter, thus the whole of the creation work earth .... as well as all creations in the entire universe .... is God’s once emanated strength which He externalised as a ‘being’ but which so changed itself that it finally became mere hardened substance, which was then transformed into creations of all kinds.

This took place over an infinitely long period of time, because the ‘transformation’ also occurred in lawful order, the rise of what is now visible as ‘inhabited earth’ happened during countless phases of development .... it was not an instantly externalised work of God’s creative power .... since even the slow development served its purpose .... Time and again minutely disintegrated spiritual particles were captured and reshaped, the process took an inconceivably long time before earth had formed itself into a work of creation which could serve as an abode and sustain physical life for the constantly maturing spiritual substance, as it was designated by God’s eternal plan of Salvation. And even this spiritual substance took an endless time before it reached the degree when it was allowed to live as a human being on earth for the purpose of its final perfection.

This last earthly progress as a human being is but a moment in time compared with the infinitely long period of the earth’s preliminary development .... Although the creation of every form was indeed the work of an instant for God, because His will and His strength externalised every thought as an existing work .... yet the resistance of the once fallen spirits determined the length of time until their physical transformation. For God did not force this spiritual substance but His strength of love captured it until its resistance had somewhat subsided in order to then encase it in accordance with His plan, to then shape it into various forms where it would perform some kind of activity which was so minimal that, again, an infinitely long time passed before these forms could gradually disintegrate and change ....

The development of earth took ages until it could be inhabited by living beings, and these, in turn, prepared the earth for yet another inconceivably long time to become suitable for serving human beings as a last place of development .... The tiny individual particles of the human soul, however, had passed through all creations ..... The fall from the highest pinnacle into the abyss had taken so long that thus an equally long time had been necessary to ascend from the abyss to the point when the being could receive its self-awareness again, that this final perfection then made it possible to travel the last path of ascent. But for the time being the creation had emerged, and this incorporates the innumerable fallen spirits whose return to God will subsequently also take an infinitely long time, hence an end of creation cannot be foreseen as yet ....

Nevertheless, the ‘creations’ exist and everything will take its lawful course .... They are brought to life by ever new minute particles of spirit whose higher development takes place by way of constantly changing their outer form, and thus a continuous developing and disintegrating of every material creation can be observed .... All works of creation repeatedly renew themselves in this manner and thus serve the inherent spirit to achieve maturity, just as they serve humanity’s continued development by safeguarding their physical life an earth. As long as the spirits bound in the creations do not have free will their path of higher development proceeds in accordance with God’s will .... the constrained spiritual substance serves in some form or other and thereby matures gradually .... But as soon as the spirit lives on earth as a human being it is once again in possession of free will and then it is able .... instead of continuing to ascend .... to stop its development or to regress again. During the final period of its process of development it is able to fail .... And this regression can lead to the result that the spirit in the human being .... the ‘soul’ or the once ‘fallen original spirit’ .... will harden again as before. The outcome will be a disintegration of the soul into countless minute particles again which will have to take the path through the material creations once more .... And this process, which has now become necessary again, also requires the disintegration and transformation of all works of creation .... which can be described as the end of one earthly period and the start of a new one.

And thus you humans should try to explain it to yourselves, that such periodically enforced processes of transformation concerning the creation work earth will take place in accordance with God’s will. They are always based on God’s love and wisdom and only ever serve the redemption of the once fallen spirits .... And you need to also be prepared for such interventions by God when people no longer recognise the true purpose of their existence, when they thus do not use their earthly life for the maturing of their souls, for their final perfection. For the sole purpose of every work of creation is to bring the human soul into maturity, to help it become what it once was in the beginning .... a supremely perfect being, which originated from God’s love but voluntarily apostatised from Him .... It shall return to Him again, and God Himself has provided it with the path of return through all the creations on earth ....


BD 7800                received  21.01.1961

Process of development on earth ....

When earth came into existence, countless spiritual substances were able to embody themselves in its works of creation and gradually ascended during their evolutionary process, because the creations corresponded to the spiritual substances’ inherent resistance, which was still unbroken but of different intensity. The works of creation were more or less hard matter, because even earth itself gradually evolved into a work of creation which was to shelter people one day .... the spiritual essence which had already covered the process of development to the point when all substances of a fallen original spirit had gathered once again and regained their self-awareness and free will ....

But an infinitely long time had passed before the spiritual substance could reach this stage because earth needed this time in order to produce all the creations required by the spirit for its higher development. And the human being should know that he has already spent infinite periods of time on this earth, that the stage of human being is the conclusion of an evolutionary process which his will can now bring to an end. He should also know that one day this infinite path will be shown to him in retrospect, but that this memory has to be removed from him as a human being, since his task as a human being concerns his voluntary return to God. However, when he contemplates the countless wonders of divine creations surrounding him he should seriously ask himself what purpose they have to fulfil, and then he will receive clarification in his heart .... He will feel it, if the knowledge is not yet made accessible to him. And he should try to grasp the Creator’s fundamental nature, i.e. request clarification about his relationship to Him. And this, too, will be given to him, since the goal of earthly life rests in the person re-establishing his relationship with God, which he once voluntarily had severed. For that was the ‘fall of the spirits’, they had separated from God of their own free will .... And thus .... during the last stage of their return to God .... they have to voluntarily restore their relationship with Him again and the purpose of their earthly progress will be fulfilled.

The fact that creation has largely contributed in returning the fallen being again can only be understood by you humans when you have achieved this return, because you would never have been able to reach the ascent if the divine Creator had not taken you away from His adversary’s power who had caused your fall into the abyss .... if He had not removed you from his influence during the infinitely long time when you were integrated in the works of creation as tiniest particles of soul. His adversary had no control over you during this time, nevertheless you still belonged to him because you once followed him of your own accord into the abyss. But since you were completely without strength and light as a result of your apostasy from God, your path of return to God would have been impossible for you. For this reason God Himself provided you with this path of return through His works of creation which, in supreme wisdom and infinite love, were shaped to give the spiritual substance the opportunity of service in some form or other and thus, through service, reach ever higher levels of maturity. The spiritual particles which once belonged to an original spirit gathered again and, having achieved a certain level of maturity, commenced their last transformation .... For a brief period of time they were allowed to live on earth as a human being and had to be of service again .... but of their own free will and with love .... The purpose of earthly life for every soul embodied in a human being is to liberate itself from every cover by way of loving service, to return to the spiritual kingdom again, when its earthly life has ended, as the free spiritual being it had been in the beginning.

However, it cannot achieve this spiritualisation without help because it is burdened by the original sin which repeatedly pushes it down again .... i.e. during its earthly life God’s adversary has the right to exercise his influence again, since the spirits once followed him voluntarily. And the fallen original spirit .... the human being .... would succumb to his influence once more were it not for the offer of guaranteed help: redemption through Jesus Christ Whom God embodied Himself to redeem the guilt of sin for all fallen spirits through His sacrificial death on the cross .... This help by Jesus Christ, the complete redemption and forgiveness of his sin, is assured to him providing he wants it himself, providing he acknowledges Jesus Christ and His act of Salvation and he acknowledges Jesus as God Himself, Whom the original spirit once denied acknowledgment ....

And thus you humans are given a brief explanation concerning the cause and significance of the act of Salvation. You have to know this in order to fulfil the purpose of your earthly life, in order to understand the divine plan of Salvation too, which only ever aims to guide the spirit essence back to God and which will be carried out with love and wisdom, since He has every power at His command to one day achieve the goal He had set Himself when He created all spiritual beings ....


The path through the creations of earth

BD 8770                received  04.03.1964

The process of creation has taken eternities ....

The process of creation was not the work of a moment, even though it truly would have been within My power .... but then creation would have missed its purpose, since it was intended to ensure a gradual development from the abyss to the pinnacle and therefore continued for an infinitely long time. Hence you humans should understand that the description in the Scriptures, in the Book of the Fathers, only informs you of this act of creation in a pictorial manner, because people who still lack deeper awareness would be unable to understand the true process, and it is only intended to teach them that creation once came forth from My hand, that it was and is the work of My will and My might ....

Anyone who wants to delve deeper will also come to a more profound understanding. At first it is only necessary to know of a Power Which brought everything into existence the human being can see around himself, as well as the creations he is unable to see. Before the far-reaching correlations can be explained to him he has to know about the original beginning of what My strength of love emanated as independent beings .... And he has to know about these beings’ apostasy from Me and the immense original sin with which the beings were then burdened. Only then can the emergence of creation and the process of return through creation be explained to him. But anyone with an unenlightened spirit will hold on to the letter and will never clearly understand it since he is not open to instructions by spiritually enlightened people either.

Every work of creation required an infinitely long time of preliminary development which, however, always related to the spiritual substance which should progress within a work of creation .... It had fallen so low that it also needed an endless length of time in order to ascend again within the various kinds of creations .... from the most primitive to the most beautifully formed works brought into existence by My will in order to shelter the spiritual substance and enable its path of ascent .... And therefore the creation work Earth, too, was, in the beginning, a mere cluster of utterly immature spirits whose substances gradually condensed to form a mass which could not yet be described as hard matter but had to be understood as basic elements, without form but with tremendous effect of strength, for they contained totally uncontrolled spiritual substances. Yet My wisdom distributed everything in the right measure and used every element for My creative work, so that separate forms arose which had to comply with their destined purpose; and thus began the slow construction of the visible works of creation which continued for an endless time until the earth started to show vegetation and increasingly more mature spiritual substances were able to occupy those creations to travel the path of higher development in this plant world. Then followed the first living beings .... creations, which could already perform a certain, albeit very small, task imposed on them by natural law.

And, again, an infinitely long time of development passed from these minute living beings to the world of animals which included ever larger and stronger forms, in which many spiritual substances had already come together and united in order to keep fulfilling the task of cultivating the earth for the final crowning work of divine creation .... for the human being .... who had to pass through all those preliminary stages and whose soul now is the composition of all those tiny particles which belonged to a once fallen original spirit and which, in a dissolved state, had to go through all works of creation in order to gradually evolve again in this way.

Consequently, the human being could not have been created at the time of ‘creating the world’ .... just as all works of creation have never been My instant work, precisely because the slow advancement had to proceed first or the whole of the creation work would have been meaningless and without purpose, for it did not come into being for My sake but for the sake of My fallen living creations and thus was also meant to fulfil the purpose of leading the fallen spirits back to Me again. And yet, every work of creation was My externalised thought which was always implemented when the spiritual substance had reached a certain degree of maturity and required a new form in order to continue its path of development. And thus different creations arose periodically. The plant world only became necessary when the world of rocks released the spiritual substance which then required a new and lighter form .... And likewise small and minute living creations arose after the creation of the plant world .... And only I knew when one was necessary for the other, and I also knew how much time the larger living creations, the animals up to the Pre-Adamites, would need to mature their embodied soul-substances. Hence I also knew when the time had come that the individual tiny particles of the spiritual being had merged again in order to embody itself as ‘soul’ in the last form. Then I externalised a work of creation again .... the human being, whose external shape is so skilfully created that a maturing to final perfection will be possible. And this creation of the human being also occurred an infinitely long time ago, which you humans cannot establish since your concept of time is still limited, but My work of return has already lasted for an eternity. And although eternities had passed before the appearance of the human being, before the earth with all its works of creation was ready for the human being to take possession of it for the purpose of his final maturing, this point in time is also very remote, because time and again periodical immense upheavals and changes occur on earth which make it impossible to calculate the duration of time since the beginning of earth and of the human being.

But this is certain, you humans will only be able to gain a real insight into My eternal plan of Salvation when you have attained the appropriate degree of enlightenment yourselves .... For until then you will be intellectually incapable to envision the length of time for which the concept of ‘eternities’ could be applied .... And for as long as your spirit is still unenlightened it has to be explained to you in an illustrative manner .... Only an awakened spirit will be able to gain deeper insight, yet ultimate wisdom will only become explicable when it enters the kingdom of light where everything can be revealed because everything will then also be comprehensible ....


BD 7571                received  07.04.1960

Development of the soul ....
Original spirit ....

Spiritual substance matures during every developmental period, and one period can in fact suffice for the spiritual substance to progress through the creations to the point that it is able to embody itself as a human being and successfully pass its last test of will .... But several such periods may be needed for this spiritualisation of hardened soul-substances if resistance is so strong that its higher development is too slow and the existence as a human being carries an added risk of the soul descending into the abyss again. For free will, which is tested during the stage as a human being, is decisive.

But prior to this, free will is constrained .... Although the hardened spiritual substance is no longer subject to God’s adversary’s will due to this process of development through the creations of earth .... the individual substances are nevertheless unable to use free will, instead they are controlled by God’s will, that is, their process of development takes place in a state of compulsion, they are subject to God’s will, Who assigns a task to all spiritual substances within the works of creation. By accomplishing this task within the law of compulsion they gradually progress, i.e. their resistance lessens; they carry out a helpful function and are able to slowly reach the state when their free will can be returned to them. And this process of development requires constant changes of the external shape .... it is a slow ascent, it is an integration with the laws of nature and therefore a submission to God’s will, if only due to a certain amount of coercion which, however, only helps to relieve the being and one day is meant to provide it with the freedom to think, want and act using its own will again.

And this process through the works of creation cannot be avoided if the spiritual being is to return to God again, from Whom it had distanced itself to such an infinite extent as a result of its apostasy that it would never be able to overcome this distance of its own strength, and would never be released by God’s adversary to return either if God did not remove the spiritual substance from him for the very purpose of banishing it into matter, into the creations on this earth. God’s adversary is entitled to the fallen spirits because they had voluntarily followed him into the abyss .... But God has the same right because the beings emerged from His strength. Hence God is justified in removing them from the adversary’s control, but in return the latter was given the right to influence the soul again when it lives on earth in the stage as a human being. And to this end the spiritual substance must have attained a degree of maturity again when it is able to use its will in order to freely decide which lord to choose.

But God cannot place the spiritual substance into this state instantly, it has to cover the process of ascent in the same progressive stages as it had descended, it has to relinquish its resistance slowly, as it cannot forcibly be broken. And this requires innumerable changes of form, through the world of rocks, plants and animals to the human being .... Every change of external shape also lessens its resistance, for the being has been of service in a state of compulsion by which it gains increasingly lighter forms .... But the sin of apostasy from God is so vast that the distance from Him is therefore vast as well, which means that untold changes of shapes are needed to reduce this distance in order to come closer to God again, when only the last free decision of will is required for the last form to fall off .... for the being to return to the Father again from Whom it had originated ....

And this whole process of development within the creations of earth is a continuous battle .... The spiritual substance tries to burst the external shape because it experiences it as a constraint, but each time it also experiences the rupture of the form as a relief irrespective of its level of maturity .... And this is why the struggle, which you humans are able to observe in the animal kingdom, only seems cruel in your eyes, whereas time and again every animal experiences the change of its external shape as a relief. For this reason God permits or even wants the weaker to succumb to the stronger, the stronger to terminate the life of the weaker and, in a manner of speaking, is thereby even able to serve the spiritual substance to continue its development. Therefore, as long as the being is subject to the law of compulsion everything is determined by God, its end as well as its new formation .... However, as soon as the being has reached the stage of a human being and has received its free will again, God withdraws His will .... And then the human being is given laws which he has to observe if his earthly life is to be successful .... On the one hand he is tied to the laws of nature, and on the other hand he is informed of God’s will, to which he has to submit if his development is to progress and reach a conclusion, for the goal is to become free of every external shape and to enter the kingdom of light as a free spirit .... to return to the Father’s house, to God, from whence the being once originated ....


BD 9015                received  14. - 15.7.1965

Pre-Adamites ....

Long before the first human beings lived on earth, who were equipped by God with free will and intellect, human-like living creations whose task it was to make the earth habitable for the succeeding human race already existed. They did their work instinctively, i.e. driven by natural law .... in order to sustain themselves, they gathered fruit, harvested field products and built dwellings for themselves .... they did everything which instinctively was of benefit to them.

Yet they could not be held accountable for their actions, for they were not yet embodied by a soul which contained all the minute particles of a fallen original spirit. These beings were already very much like human beings, they had the same bodily form, yet they were neither self-aware nor able to communicate with each other, only their desire for self-preservation was strong and they often lived to a great age. In a manner of speaking they were of service to creation by contributing towards changing the earth’s surface which became ever better prepared as a suitable abode for the needs of human beings. However, these beings were not yet given a task, they merely served the still imperfect original spirits as a final opportunity to mature, which they then were to continue as a human being with free will and intellect.

Hence these prehistoric people .... the Pre-Adamites .... could not be considered real ‘human beings’, for their nature, their appearance and their every activity was more in line with an animal, which is still far behind in its development, only the form was similar to a human being. This is why later people named these living creations prehistoric-man, but which could not be compared to the human being in possession of free will and awareness, which he was also meant to use intellectually in the right manner.

Nor can it be said that the human being evolved from this Pre-Adamite, since the human being was a new creation which God only externalised after many of the first original spirits awaited their embodiment. The prehistoric being was one of many creations which all had to serve their purpose of preparing an abode for the later appearing human being that would guarantee him a carefree earthly life. The Pre-Adamites were those human-like beings which could not be held responsible because they lived instinctively, like animals .... who lived on earth long before human beings .... who were not self-aware and could only live in groups .... who thus could only be found where human beings would later settle, for whom they prepared the specific area with their consistent activity. This was the beings’ innate characteristic and expressed itself by cultivating large areas of fields, by systematically sowing essential substances and by harvesting such stretches of land .... They did this entirely unconsciously, resulting from a natural instinct of self-preservation .... They fought each other and the stronger won. And thus they also contributed to the fact that constantly new spiritual beings incarnated themselves, if only for a brief period of time, to prove their strength, when more or less strong impulses asserted themselves which gradually weakened the longer they lived and then also slowly attained the maturity which enabled them to enter their final embodiment as a human being.

Thus human-like beings had already existed long before the first human beings, but they cannot in any way be related to the real human beings. They were comparable to them in their external shape but they existed like animals .... in their instincts as well as in their manner of procreation, which evolved in line with their soul-substances, and were one of the many works of creations which disappeared again after they had completed their earthly task, thus the beings no longer required such creations, and they subsequently became extinct like so many creations which earth had sheltered for a while in order to make place for new creations ....

But it cannot be said that the modern human being evolved from these prehistoric creations, rather, he was and is a new creation, endowed with free will and intellect, which then had to prove itself, thus he also received his self-awareness again. To what degree the Pre-Adamites could also use a certain amount of intelligence merely depended on the degree of maturity of their embodied soul-particles which, however, were unable to think and only expressed their intelligence through their active work, thus unconsciously .... This activity nevertheless produced the greatest works of wonder, as can often be seen in nature that paths were created for these beings to reach one another, that they created gorges and underground passages and thus created the first prerequisites for the human race so that the latter could then live the right kind of life when the time had come for the first original spirits to embody themselves as human beings .... The more people spread, (original spirits awaited embodiment), the more the prehistoric beings began to disappear which, however, only ever happened in stages, until the human race began to populate the earth and their probationary period began, when every once fallen original spirit had to prove itself, and therefore the human being has to be equipped with self-awareness, intellect and free will in order to travel the path across earth which will lead him again to the Father from Whom he once originated.


BD 7699                received  14.09.1960

The spirits’ process of development ....

You have passed through the entire creation .... This is a significant statement which you will only understand when you recognise My plan of return, My plan for the spiritualisation of all immature spiritual substances, when you know about the circumstances which are the reasons for your process through creation .... For only as a human being will you be the first created entity again which you were when I created and externalised you from Me .... Your past desertion from Me into the deepest abyss resulted in your disintegration, so that you passed through creation as countless individual substances.

These were embodied in the works of creation and had to comply with their task in order to gradually proceed on the path of higher development, thus to achieve the return of the spirit .... the transformation of its nature .... in accordance with My eternal plan of Salvation. For every work of creation has its task which consists of a function to serve. Through constant service in the law of compulsion the spiritual substance repeatedly sheds its external form and can embody itself in a new external form and continue like this until it has achieved the necessary maturity to embody itself in a human being. This process of development through the creation of earth irrevocably leads to maturity since it happens within the law of compulsion.

My will is the decisive factor, and in accordance with this will everything fits in with My laws and accomplishes full maturity, even if it requires an infinitely long time until a certain degree is reached when the individual substances have gathered again and then, embodied as a human being, the original soul goes through its final earthly process in order to complete its spiritualisation. But this process through creation cannot be arbitrarily stopped or substituted by another process .... It has to be taken by every being which wants to return to its source and ascend from the deepest abyss to the pinnacle and become perfect again, as it was in the beginning. For the physical creation only emerged as a result of My will, because I recognised it as a way by which My living creations, who had totally distanced themselves from Me, could approach Me again.

Creation itself comprises the fallen spirits which had solidified into spiritual substance that was subsequently transformed by My will into the most diverse forms, to whom I assigned a task and a purpose: to gradually bring the spiritual substance into maturity and to offer this spiritual substance ever new external forms in order to acquire ever increasing maturity .... in order to finally strive as a self-aware entity embodied in a human being towards the ultimate objective .... to consciously look for and find unification with Me and to complete the concluding return to Me .... The only purpose of every work of creation is to shelter spiritual substance, whose ascent to Me is predetermined and which, due to My will, will also achieve this gradual ascent because it fulfils its serving function, if only under the law of compulsion, and through service releases itself from the form time and again.

But eternities will still pass before all minute particles of the last spiritual being will have gathered again .... and then My opposing spirit Lucifer will also turn to Me once more of his own free will, because he will be utterly weak after all of his created beings have left him of their own accord, who then will strive towards Me because they recognise Me as their Lord and Creator .... Only then will My adversary recognise his complete helplessness, and he will long for strength and light again, he will long for My love which once had made him extremely happy, and then he will also willingly open himself for My illumination of love and as My son return to Me again ....


The human being

BD 8235                received  09.08.1962

Did the human being evolve or was he a new creation? ....

There can be no contradictions in the spiritual knowledge you receive from Me Myself, which My spirit has imparted to you who are of service to Me and who have the task to pass on the pure truth from Me to your fellow human beings, to spread My Word which should enlighten you. Because I want to shed light onto the spiritual darkness in which people live and especially when you desire an explanation yourselves:

It took an infinitely long time for the creation work ‘earth’ to become what it is now .... a creation which should enable people to achieve final perfection. And during this infinitely long time the original spirits, having been dissolved into the tiniest of particles, passed through countless works of creation in order to evolve ever more. The solidified spiritual substance gradually became alive, as you have been told several times already. It covered the infinitely long way in a state of compulsion, i.e. all creations fulfilled the purpose and task given to them by Me .... no constrained being could make its own decisions but gradually matured .... Forms were created for spiritual substances of all degrees of maturity aspiring to ascend; the forms of the mineral, plant and animal world were infinitely diverse, and they all were brought to life by the minute particles of the fallen original spirits, which progressively united and finally became smaller and larger living organisms. On leaving their forms they united again and finally were embodied into forms which already rather resembled the shape of a human being.

The whole lengthy course of development was subject to My law, in other words, all events in this creation which emerged through My will took place in accordance with natural law. As a result of their fall into the abyss the original spirits had lost their self-awareness. However, one day they should regain this self-awareness again and embody themselves in the last form as a human being, in order to then bring the path of higher development to a close. The final forms in the compulsive state therefore became increasingly more human-like but they had no self-awareness as yet, they acted instinctively in accordance with My will .... although they already performed functions which resembled those of a human being .... However, they were unable to think, they lacked reason and free will and were therefore not accountable. They were impelled into action by spiritual intelligences, just like every spiritual being still constrained within the form was subject to supervisors, who likewise transferred My will onto the constrained spiritual being through natural law. And then came the time when free will could be returned to the matured original spirits by which they then should be tested as to whether they wanted to return to Me or remain with My adversary .... And for those original spirits I created the form of the human being ....

All works of creation, especially the ever larger created living beings, originated through My will, in as much as My thoughts took shape .... And for this reason these living beings were represented in the most varied forms, yet every form was different .... There were the most diverse species bearing no resemblance to each other, which continued to reproduce themselves but always remained the same creatures .... When the first original spirits had attained a level of maturity which required the form of the human being, My will once again brought forth a work of creation which was truly a work of wonder in the whole of My creation .... This being was structured incredibly intricately; it was created in accordance with My will so that it could fulfil its earthly task ..... a being which I ‘created’, but which did not ‘evolve’ from the already existing human-like creations .... Because it was intended for this form to shelter an original spirit, a being which was once externalised by Me in My image and which was to become what it used to be once again .... And therefore it had to be equipped with intelligence, free will and self-awareness, and these did not gradually evolve in the animal-like beings but they were given to the human form when the original spirit took possession of the first form .... and they will always be given to every human being as part of his soul when, as divine breath, it gives life to the human being at birth ....

Afterwards people indeed reproduced themselves again in accordance with My law of nature but they will always remain the same living creations as the first human being, Adam, was. They will not change into other living creations, but any change will always purely be an act of the soul which at first can still be disinclined towards Me and during its time as a human being achieve highest perfection .... The human body, however, will remain as I created it when Adam’s soul took possession of it .... Although the act of creating earth with everything in, on and above it, with all dead and living creations, certainly required an infinitely long time, but at the same time a phase of higher development had come to an end for the fallen spiritual essence when the minute particles of an original spirit had gathered again and the last process of return to Me began ....

And this existence on earth as a human being also required a new work of creation by Me, a form which could do justice to all demands in order to take the last test of its own free will. And thus the human being can consider himself a special creation by Me, because he is the only being on earth with the gift of intelligence, reason and free will .... the marks of divine origin. He is therefore also able to recognise above himself a God and Creator Who gave him life, and therefore he can also achieve final perfection on this earth if his free will genuinely strives for it ....


BD 8243                received  17.08.1962

Informing the soul about earthly life ....

As soon as you ask Me a question I will answer and instruct you, so that you understand correctly and all ambiguity is lifted: The earthly progress of a human being’s embodied soul .... of the once fallen original spirit .... is a difficult test of its will which is as free as it was when the original spirit came forth from Me. For it is fought over by two sides and it alone will determine the outcome of this battle. Spiritual guardians will always stand by its side but they may not interfere with its free will .... And at the same time countless adverse forces endeavour to cause the human being’s fall once more .... However, it is possible for him to master the latter by unwaveringly turning his will towards Me and thereby constantly receiving strength to resist and pass his test of will.

But since the original spirit is still completely without knowledge at the onset of its incarnation as a human being; since, due to its apostasy, due to its rejection of My light of love, it has deprived itself of its light, knowledge and awareness, it has to be instructed, and this takes place from outside and from within .... through My spiritual spark inside of him which ceaselessly urges it into doing kind deeds, and then also imparts an inner light to the human being. In addition, I will always direct a human being’s circumstances such that he will be able to learn from them, because time and again spiritual guardians will influence his thoughts to take the right direction, to muster the will to turn to Me, and then I will be able to work exceptionally in him Myself. Thus I take every care that the original spirit will be able to reach its objective as a human being during its earthly existence once it has expressed its will to undertake this final test of will as a human being. But no soul .... no original spirit .... having passed through the creation in the state of compulsion .... will be forced into this final incarnation .... The state of compulsion comes to an end the moment all small particles of an original spirit have congregated again, and from this moment on this original spirit will be free once again, it will not be subjected to coercion, neither from My nor from My adversary’s side .... It will be able to determine its own fate. During the time of its higher development from the abyss its resistance to Me will have diminished to a point that it will then be fully mature in order to live on earth as a human being, yet it will have to accept this gift of grace voluntarily .... And therefore it will also be informed of its earthly destiny .... As a result of My permission the original spirit realises that it is not yet at home where glories await it, and it wants them .... But it also realises that only the development as a human being will lead it back into its lost home .... It also knows that it will have to occupy a form again, and this knowledge can still delay its life as a human being .... But as a rule it will readily accept the embodiment as a human being and feel strong enough to pass its final test of will.

But it should make its own free decision and therefore it is shown its earthly progress by observing itself in various situations and, believing itself able to overcome them with ease, is thus also willing to travel the final path in the form .... However, I know every single original spirit’s degree of maturity, and I Am able to let it visualize its earthly progress like a vision, I also know how this dream-like occurrence affects the individual soul and Am able to induce its embodiment into the human form accordingly, which only becomes a living being when the original spirit has taken possession of it.

You humans should believe that everything is possible with Me, that I Am even able to touch a completely blind spirit with a spark of light to enable its vision for a few moments .... and that these moments suffice to activate its will, which the original spirit is able to use again once all its substances have reunited .... You should also know and believe that I do not require any length of time and yet My will brings forth what I consider necessary .... And this expression of will by an original spirit to accept the human form is necessary, for it has left its constrained state and should now also freely decide to accept its earthly progress as a human being. But the human being’s physical body only becomes viable when the original spirit has occupied it as a ‘soul’. Only then will the person be guided by his guardian angels, he will be gradually familiarised with knowledge, and will then have to mature as a human being first before his free will and intellect can rationally express themselves .... It is the last process of development on this earth which can give complete deliverance to the original spirit providing it takes notice of the small voice within, of the inner urge which is the manifestation of the divine spark placed by Me into the person ....

But during earthly life My adversary has the same claim on him, and he will also try to assert it .... The human being is at all times subject to influences from above and below, however, he himself has to decide who will gain power over him. And this is his final test of will, that he consciously strives towards Me as his God and Father, and no-one can make this free decision for him, nevertheless, he is granted assistance in every way because I, too, long for his return and, like a truly good Father, will guide My child by the hand if only it will reach out for it and allow itself to be drawn by Me .... For I want all My living creations to become blissfully happy, and I have truly taken all possibilities into account in order to achieve this very goal of Mine ....


BD 5125                received  5. - 6.5.1951

Process of development ....
Law of compulsion ....
Stage of free will ....

Nothing is without purpose and goal .... Everything in existence was created by God and brought to life to fulfil a purpose. Consequently, everything also has its function; it has to serve in some way or other in order to fulfil its purpose. Even the smallest work of creation, the smallest living being, has its task which it has to comply with and effectively is forced to do so, because every creation is subject to natural law, thus it is unable to act unlawfully.

Nevertheless, even an accomplished task in the law of compulsion is effectively a service, for it will always benefit another work of creation, it is necessary for the emergence and preservation of same. And thus, nothing in the entire universe is without purpose, or was created for no reason.

The final purpose and destiny, however, is the liberation of the spiritual substance, towards which the whole of creation contributes in accordance with God’s wise plan of eternity. The whole of creation only came into being for the purpose of liberating the spiritual substance, and every single work of creation complies with this destiny in the law of compulsion.

The human being, however, is an exception, he is indeed God’s work of creation too, nevertheless, his thoughts, will and actions are not subject to the law of compulsion. The external human being, the physical body, is still subject to the law of compulsion, because this consists of spiritual substances which are still at the beginning of development. His soul, however, enjoys a certain amount of freedom, it is able to develop in line with its own will, thus God has not subjected it to this law. All the same, even the soul’s development, its release from the constraint of earthly matter, depends on its will to occupy itself in a helpful manner .... thus, again, service is the actual purpose of its earthly life. And since it is not forced into a helpful activity, love has to develop within itself, which is the most certain impulse for helpful activity.

What occurred and was achieved during an infinitely long time in the law of compulsion shall now experience its culmination as human being, but of its own volition. The human being should serve with love in order to become completely liberated from the constrained state, which the soul regards as a limitation and restriction of its original abundance of strength and light .... The human being’s soul can reach this goal on earth if it has the sincere will to do so, yet it does not have to attain it, because God gave it freedom of will to enable its free decision for Him or His adversary, who caused its loss of freedom and from whom it therefore has to liberate itself. Loving service is the key to liberation from this infinitely long captivity .... What the spiritual substance had to do in line with God’s will during the long path through all of creation, it should now, in the final stage, do of its own volition .... it should serve because of love .... Thereby it demonstrates its divine origin, for love characterises the divine being and it shapes itself again into its original nature, it accepts again what it had voluntarily abandoned due to arrogance. As soon as the human being serves with love his offence against God will be cancelled, he will have left the state of sinfulness and will have found his way back to God, from Whom he wanted to distance himself .... (had distanced himself) he has recognised his childship and desires to enter into the right kind of relationship with the Father, and through love he will become a true child of God ....

Yet it all has to take place in free will, and this is his test of earthly life which he absolutely has to pass. The human being is able to reach this goal since he will receive help from God in every way, but he may also have completed the infinitely long process of development in the law of compulsion in vain if he, instead of progressing in the stage of a human being, comes to a standstill or even slips back. Then he will misuse his free will again .... he does not use the many opportunities at his disposal to reach the goal, and then he will also have to accept the consequences .... a repeated path through all of creation. One day he will surely reach his goal, but it is up to the being itself to decide the duration of its captivity, for God gave it free will which He respects so that it can become perfect ....


BD 7413                received  20.09.1959

Stage of self-awareness ....

You humans are conscious of your Self .... And this is the indication that you are intelligent beings, i.e., that you are able to think and are therefore beings who came forth from God, created in His image and therefore also aware of yourselves. But from this time until your present life on earth you spent an infinitely long time deprived of your self-awareness, a time, when you indeed also animated the works of creations as something spiritually tangible but this spiritual substance was not conscious of itself because it only ever passed through these works of creation as a small component of a once self-aware being. Only after all the small parts had come together again the being embodied itself as a human being and then also entered the stage of self-awareness once again, in which it now has to accomplish a task.

Hence, as a human being it carries a certain amount of responsibility for its development because it is intellectually capable of recognising the pros and cons of everyday life, thus it is able to assess the effects of its conduct on the human being’s real Self .... the soul. As long as the being was not aware of itself during the preliminary stages it did not have to shoulder responsibility either, and it was subject to the law of compulsion .... it implemented what God’s will had assigned it to do. It behaved according to instinct, i.e. it was guided by spiritual intelligences which influenced the spiritual substance within the works of creation such that it performed the activity it was destined to do.

This, however, is different in the stage of a human being when it has self-determination, when it thinks and acts, when, as a self-aware being, it has complete freedom of thought, will and action .... And now it should consciously think, want and behave in accordance with God’s will, it is no longer determined by God’s will but its own will should decide and always in view of self-awareness, for the human being perceives himself as the determining factor, he is aware of himself .... He is no longer subject to unknown influence but chooses the direction of his will according to his own liking, and he also knows that he will have to be answerable to how he directs it.

This differentiates the human being from the animal, which is already far advanced in its development but which, until its final incarnation as a human being, will always remain a being that is subject to the law of compulsion and incapable of self-determination, irrespective of how intelligent it appears to be. It has not yet regained its self-awareness and therefore not reached the final stage of embodiment either. But it will reach the final stage, for every soul will sooner or later accept its path of earthly life when it embodies itself as a human being and is conscious of its ego.

But the fact that the human being is a self-aware being should also make him conclude that his Creator and Designer, his God of eternity, cannot be an intangible spirit but that He, as the supremely perfect Being, is equally intelligent and has free will otherwise living creations which demonstrate such evidence of divinity could not have emerged from Him. For from the human being .... the created .... it is also possible to infer to God, the Creator. The highest Being has to be self-aware too, just like the human being is self-aware, only to the highest perfection, because the human being is still undeniably an imperfect being. But, despite his imperfection, he has self-awareness and only this renders the human being a divine being, which was created in His image and shall become as perfect again as it once was when it had come forth from God.

‘Consciousness of Self’ is the greatest miracle of the work of creation ‘Man’ .... People should consider the fact that they would live an empty life without this self-awareness, which gives every person his personal hallmark in the first place: to recognise himself as an intelligent being and to be able to make his own free decisions, because the human being is able to think about himself and integrate into the framework of creation in awareness of his ego .... in awareness of determining for himself what his ‘ego’ wants .... Self-awareness is an obvious mark of Divinity, for it is a sign of belonging to a kindred Being Which brought him into being .... even if the being as a person is a mere distortion of what God once created .... but he received his self-awareness and therefore is also able to shape himself again into the original being he was in the beginning. In the stage as a human being .... in the stage of self-awareness .... the being is able to achieve whatever it wants, even if God now and then restricts its opportunity of implementation, but it is capable of planning and thinking, always being its own starting point, always experiencing itself in the centre of all happening because it knows it exists and will not lose this consciousness again either. For this reason, however, it will also be held to account one day in regards to how it dealt in earthly life with the great blessing of knowing that it is a self-aware being which was designed by a Creator in order to be able to recognise itself and to voluntarily establish the right kind of relationship with its Creator ....

The faculty of thought belongs to self-awareness and only this can yield the right kind of fruit, but free will always has to be active too, which equally belongs to a divine living creation .... And this free will has to utilise all divine gifts properly, then the being will take the right path during its earthly life as a human being which will, without fail, lead to a retransformation and it will return into its Father’s house in all perfection, just as it once had come forth from there ....


BD 8936                received  16.02.1965

In the state of compulsion progress is guaranteed ....
But as human being? ....

In all My creations, whatever they may be, developmental progress takes place, even if you humans are unable to observe it .... Yet you should believe My Word that nothing will fall back again into a state that had already been overcome .... This can only occur in the human stage because the human being is at liberty to travel the path of ascent or slide into the abyss again. And if you consider that it took you an eternity before you were allowed to embody yourselves as a human being, if you consider the infinitely long path which one day had to lead you to this incarnation for sure, you would also feel responsible during this time on earth, which is truly just a short time compared to the length of time of previous embodiments through the most diverse creations.

And yet, precisely this time as a human being is decisive for your later fate. For prior to this you travelled the path across earth in the state of compulsion, you could do nothing else but comply with My will and had to progress without fail. But now your way of life is a matter of your own free will .... What you had to do during your preliminary stages .... to be of service .... is now up to you, you are no longer compelled but love should motivate you to do so, however, you have to kindle this love yourselves, then your service will be an easy one and your course of life will lead to further progress .... Hence it is most important in earthly life that you are informed of the significance of a life of love, that you know its effect and the danger of a lack of love, which could result in your setback and would be dreadful for you. In the past I pulled you up Myself because you were pursued by My love which time and again created opportunities so that one day you could embody yourselves as a human being. But now I have to withdraw My will from you, I have to leave it up to yourselves to aspire to further progress .... Although I have given you the wonderful gift of grace for your earthly life as a human being .... by placing into you a tiny spark of My divine spirit, a part of Myself .... you have to ignite it yourselves, which is your task in life .... I had to give you this spark of love or you would have completely fallen prey to My adversary again who now also has the right once more to fight for your soul, which was not possible for him before. And thus on the one hand you indeed have to expect his onslaughts but you nevertheless have a counterbalance .... My divine spark of love .... with which you can keep him at bay, against which he is powerless .... always providing that you yourselves nurture this spark within you, that you make full use of My gift of grace, for then you will safely attain the goal that was given to you for earthly life.

However, if you ignore this spark of love then you will be subject to his control, he will always pull you down further and be able to dominate you again since you would grant him this power yourselves. In that case, however, the whole of your previous earthly progress would have been in vain and I would be unable to save you from another fall into the abyss ....

For this reason it is tremendously important that all people know about the Gospel of love, that all of you know what consequences a life of love entail and also know that you are responsible for your earthly life yourselves. For I can do everything, I can provide you with all opportunities, I can direct your destiny such that you will be able to find Me, but I cannot force your free will. You have to make the final decision yourselves, and all blessings are at your disposal for you to use .... Nevertheless it is up to you whether and when you reach the pinnacle from where you will no longer be able to fall into the abyss ....


Bertha Dudde short biography

Who was Bertha Dudde?

Bertha Dudde was born on 1. April 1891, as the second oldest daughter of a painter, in Liegnitz, Silesia. She became a dressmaker and began to receive pronouncements from God through the ‘Inner Word’ on 15. June 1937.

“In a clear dream I was moved to write down my thoughts after devout prayer. Understandably this often gave way to doubt and inner conflicts until I was convinced that I was, myself, by no means the initiator of these exquisitely gracious words; but instead it was the spirit within me, in other words, the love of the Heavenly Father was obviously responsible for them and introduced me to the truth”.

“I was given knowledge of the spiritual world which far exceeded my elementary school education. I received and receive this knowledge as a dictation in a state of complete consciousness; I write down everything I am told in shorthand, in order to then transfer it word for word to clean copy. The procedure does not take place in a state of compulsion, for example in a state of trance or ecstasy, but in an absolutely level-headed frame of mind. However, I have to want it to happen and then I can receive these dictations voluntarily; they are neither bound by time nor place.

“Now I only have one wish, which is to be able to make these gifts of grace accessible to many more people and in accordance with the will of God Himself to be allowed to do much more work in His vineyard.”

(Quotations from an autobiography from 1959).

Bertha Dudde died on 18. September 1965 in Leverkusen, Germany.

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