ThemeBooklet 070c

Return to God - Part 3

An access to the currently translated complete work of Bertha Dudde – 1891-1965 – including her autobiography, an introduction to the work, lots of hints and clarification, all the downloads (in various languages), with offers of writings by different publishers (printed books, theme booklets etc.), and printable PDF-versions of all texts (revelations) You find here, a selective list with all her books You find here.

Following Jesus - 1

BD 4544                received  18.01.1949

‘Follow Me ....’

Follow Me and the goal that has been set for you since the beginning will be reached by you on earth already. You have to make the effort to live a life of love which will bring you very close to the One Who is eternal love Himself. And if you now bear My life on earth in mind and for the sake of the act of Salvation appeal to Me for reinforcement of your will, you will also find it easy to live in love, for I will help you and constantly provide you with opportunities which enable you to live up to your will to love if you feel the urge to do so.

My life on earth was only a practical application of selfless neighbourly love. And the result was the unification of the Father, the Eternal Love, with Me, so that I could use His strength and might, His light and wisdom like My own possession. I was permeated by His spirit, by His strength and by His light .... And thus everything was possible for Me since God Himself was working in Me. As a human being I demonstrated that it is not impossible to be filled by the divine spirit, that thus every human being is able to work the miracles and signs I performed, that the human being can shape himself such that he, as an image of God, can utilize all powers and thus also accomplish whatever he wants.

Follow Me .... all of God’s strength is at your disposal, He does not impose any restrictions on you, He gives without measure, and you may use everything He wants to impart because He loves you .... Follow Me .... live a life of selfless neighbourly love and you will become perfect and be able to constantly enjoy God’s love and blessing. I speak to you as a human being, just as I walked on earth as a human being, Who equally had to attain divine strength through a life of love, and Who was also only able to accomplish the unification with the eternal Deity through love ....

I will show you the path which you only need to travel in order to then also recognise the truth of My Word. Let yourselves be urged by Me onto this path, don’t offer Me any resistance, try to do kind-hearted deeds and your strength will increase, your will to love will be stimulated, for love itself is strength and if you practice it, whatever you give will also flow back to you again as strength .... Try it and let My Words touch your hearts, let yourselves be called by Me and follow Me .... I Am the voice in the wilderness of your life. Everything around you threatens to wither away if you don’t irrigate the arid area with the divine flow of love .... if you don’t develop all good instincts through love and increase the strength within you. Do not let My call go unheeded, take notice of it and bear in mind that I don’t demand anything impossible from you, for I Myself as a human being had set an example for you as to what love and a human being’s will are capable of achieving .... Follow Me, and you will be and remain blissfully happy for all eternity ....


Serving with love

BD 8436                received  11.03.1963

The correct way of life is not enough to mature fully ....

If you consider that only deeds of love take effect on your soul after the death of your body and that all earthly intentions, thoughts and actions will not result in any kind of benefit for the soul in the spiritual realm, you truly would not live your earthly life so indifferently .... And even if you faithfully fulfil the duties earthly life demands of you, even if you do everything in everyday life in order to live a correct life in the presence of people .... each and every deed is without value for what alone is everlasting .... for your soul .... as it cannot take any earthly acquired possessions along, all earthly knowledge stays behind, all earthly treasures and every person’s reputation is worthless if the soul enters the kingdom of the beyond deprived of spiritual possessions. Only spiritual aspirations and actions of love yield everlasting spiritual treasures for the soul ....

And people are so often conscious of their own importance just because they are leading a correct way of life even though they only have their earthly actions or a certain amount of order in their living conditions in mind and fail to consider that the purpose of earthly life is a different one than improving their physical well-being .... they fail to consider that a human being’s every activity has to be supported by love, that it has to be motivated by love if it is to be of value for the soul after the death of the body. And if you now observe all the things that are done and said by you or in your environment, and how seldom they are caused by love, then you have to admit that everything is in vain and only serves your attainment of earthly purposes. And you would be shocked if you could feel your soul’s deprivation as physical discomfort, for then you would never be able to enjoy your life again .... Yet your soul is unable to express itself so obviously because then you would only strive to live a different kind of life due to selfishness so as not to feel this daily and hourly discomfort, and then such striving would also be worthless. But you should consider what value every earthly attainment has for you, since you know, after all, that your stay on this earth won’t last forever .... But you don’t believe in the continuation of the soul’s life after death, and that is why you are so half-hearted and disregard your soul. You believe that you will cease to exist at the moment of death and one day will bitterly regret that you have not made better use of the time on earth; you will regret not having loved more, which each one of you can do, since a tiny spark of love smoulders inside of him that he only needs to kindle .... Every human being can also experience for himself the benefit of a deed of love done to him by a fellow human being .... And thus he could benefit his neighbour too, it would certainly not be to his disadvantage, for the inner satisfaction of his action would inspire him into ever more actions of love and his selfish love would decrease at the same rate as his love for his neighbour grows ....

No human being suffers a loss, for whatever he gives out of love he will receive a thousand fold in return on earth or one day in the spiritual kingdom and then be exceedingly blessed, because the time on earth when he should thus rise above himself is only very short, whereas the soul in the spiritual kingdom can eternally enjoy the riches it has acquired on earth. People live indifferently, eagerly undertaking earthly work, eagerly increasing their earthly possessions, using all their energy of life for entirely negative actions, because they constantly just create transient values .... Their soul’s immortality however .... is not taken into account by them, they do not take loving care of it, it has to starve and then enter the kingdom of the beyond in a miserable state where it only finds what its love as a human being on earth has provided for it .... And if this life were without love then the soul would be without light and strength and would approach a painful fate, for only through deeds of love is it able to mature on earth ....

And therefore people should not say ‘After all, I am not doing anything evil ....’ The human being has to do good deeds born of love in earthly life, only then will he be able to enter the kingdom of the beyond without self-reproach even if he has not yet achieved a high degree of love, he will surely be able to attain it in the beyond providing that the light has been kindled so that the soul will not enter the spiritual kingdom in complete darkness ....


BD 8032                received  04.11.1961

What is love? ....
Changing selfish love into neighbourly love ....

And time and again you are reminded to live a life of love. For love is the strength that redeems you, love is the path which leads to Me, love is My fundamental element, and therefore anyone who lives in love is intimately connected with Me, because he inevitably draws Me, Who is love Himself, close to himself .... But what does it mean to live a life of love in accordance with My will? ....

You should change selfish love, which is your nature at the beginning of your incarnation as a human being, into selfless neighbourly love, that is, you have to change the demanding, wanting-to-own love into selfless, giving, wanting-to-please love, which alone can be called ‘divine love’. For My adversary knew how to change this divine love within you into the opposite, how to instil the desire for anti-divine things, he knew how to arouse longings in you humans which you sought to fulfil; he has lowered selfish love into your heart, and you have to try to change it again during the time of your earthly life into divine, selfless love.

And thus you should practice unselfish neighbourly love; you should think less about yourselves and take a personal interest in your fellow human beings’ fate instead .... You should make people happy and emanate sincere love, for only this love is divine; it is the love which connects us again in time and eternity. For this reason people’s attention should repeatedly be drawn to their earthly task of shaping themselves into love; time and again they should be reminded of My commandments of love, and at the same time they should be informed of the effect a life of love has for the human being’s soul, they should also be given the reason why I require love from people .... it should be explained to them that they had fallen into the abyss because they had rejected My love, because they had left My order, because they had placed themselves outside of My flow of love and thus also turned their nature into the opposite. People have to be instructed of the fact that strength of love also guarantees ‘life’, whereas without love the being is dead albeit it lives an illusive life as a human being .... They should know that they live on earth in order to acquire eternal life for themselves, and that eternal life also requires a degree of love which necessitates a conscious struggle against selfish love. The human being should know that the ‘love’ I want should only ever be understood as the selfless, giving and wanting-to-please love. And if he now aims to change his nature into love he will then also soon experience the effectiveness of divine love .... he will learn to understand everything, he will become enlightened, he will emerge from spiritual darkness, he will arrive at the ‘understanding’, he will be permeated by My spirit and be able to teach, for his inner realisation will give him the ability to transfer it to a fellow human being, although he, too, first must have reached this enlightened spiritual state due to his deeds of love in order to muster the understanding for it .... in order to recognise the conveyed knowledge as truth.

Love has to result in a clear spiritual state, otherwise the fulfilment of My commandment of love will only ever be feigned by words but the evidence will fail to materialise itself. Love comes first, love is the Divine, love is the fire which irrevocably will also radiate light .... Thus wisdom has to be recognisable where true love is practised, so that a person’s reasoning is correct, so that an inner light is kindled within him and he then will also speak with wisdom, because the spirit in him expresses itself, because I Am able to speak through him Myself and My Words are truly light and life and provide evidence of most profound wisdom. And thus the effect of a life of love has to be identifiable, for ‘whoever remains in love remains in Me and I in him ....’ and thus My spirit works wherever I can be, and this expresses itself such that you will truly no longer doubt My presence ....


BD 8584                received  10. - 11.8.1963

Love for God is demonstrated through neighbourly love ....

I always keep telling you the same: take care of your fellow human being in his adversity .... help him, irrespective of whether he suffers spiritual or physical distress; practice unselfish neighbourly love and you fulfil the purpose of your existence. For you only demonstrate your love for Me when you give love to your neighbour, who is your brother. I Am a Father to all of you; I long for your love which should apply to all My living creations who have emerged from Me. Your fellow human beings very often suffer hardship, and it will mainly concern spiritual difficulties in which you should help them, for earthly difficulties come to an end but spiritual adversity continues and will always require help, regardless of whether they are on earth or in the kingdom of the beyond.

Spiritual adversity largely consists of unkindness and therefore the soul’s imperfect composition which, however, should mature in earthly life through love .... Hence, if you love your neighbour it can awaken reciprocated love and encourage the other person to change his nature if he wants to emulate you, if you are an example to him by living a true life of love .... Giving love is the greatest help .... but you should also make the Gospel known to your neighbour, that is, you should also describe his Creator and Provider as a God of love Who is everyone’s Father and also wants to be called upon as a Father ....

You should only ever try to impart spiritual knowledge to your fellow human being, and you will help his own maturing if you offer everything to him with love. Yet you should also support your neighbour in earthly adversity and thereby likewise inspire reciprocated love, for love is strength in itself and will never remain ineffective unless your neighbour still completely belongs to My adversary, then he will reject you and not experience the results of love either. And you yourselves will only ever mature through actions of love .... consequently every opportunity should be used by you to act with love .... And notice should be taken of every hardship suffered by your fellow human being, you should not pass him by indifferently and leave him in distress, for then you are heartless yourselves and do not fulfil your earthly purpose which solely consists of accepting your fundamental nature again, of becoming the love you were in the beginning.

The commandment of love will always be the first and most important one, and the Gospel which teaches to love God and you neighbour will always have to be proclaimed to people .... However, you will never show love to Me Myself if you ignore your neighbour, no matter how strongly you are moved by your emotions .... True love for Me can only be expressed in loving activity for the next person. And thereby you also prove your love for Me. But anyone who is half-hearted and indifferent in his love for his neighbour will never feel true love for Me, for how can a person love Me Whom he cannot see, if he ignores his brother whom he can see ....

In the last days the love between people has grown cold, and therefore they are also very distant from Me Who, as Eternal Love, can only unite with a person through love .... And this is why the spiritual adversity is so great, for to be heartless also means to be without faith, without knowledge and without strength ....Furthermore, it means to still be subject to the power of the one who is devoid of all love and who will always stop people to act with love .... but who also wants your downfall by keeping you away from Me. And he is the one you have to resist, you have to try to contact Me and will only ever attain this through loving activity .... For this reason I say ‘What you do to the least of My brothers, you have done to Me ....’ I Myself consider your love for your fellow human being as love for Me ....

How else would you be able to demonstrate your love for Me? ..... If you believe in Me that I, as a Father, grant love to all My children, then you also have to return My love as children, and then you also know that all you humans are regarded by Me as children, that you are all the same .... living beings who had originated from Me, and you have to love one another and move towards Me together .... But one also has to carry the other, you have to protect the other from suffering harm, you have to help him in all kinds of difficulties, you have to stick together and establish this true relationship between brothers and then strive towards your eternal Father together. Only then will you have the kind of love for each other which I require of you humans, because you are the same in your fundamental substance .... because you came forth from the divine strength of love.

And once the relationship between you humans has changed, once all your thoughts and actions are determined by love, your will also become more perfect, you will become again what you had been before: living creations permeated by love which only ever work for each others beatitude .... For where love exists there also has to be a receptacle for this emanated love, irrespective of whether I Myself as the primary source, or you as terminals of My strength of love re-emanate this love .... there always has to be a vessel into which you can radiate your love ....

And thus on earth this vessel is your fellow human being .... the person next to you to whom you give your love, which you yourselves receive from Me .... For you cannot give anything that you wouldn’t have received from Me first .... I nurture the spark of love in you such that My love enlightens you consistently more and inspires loving actions, and this work will apply to your neighbour again, for you will be inclined to be constantly of assistance once My love is able to enlighten you.

And your activity of love for your neighbour demonstrates to Me that you accept My rays of love, that you open your hearts and grant entrance to Me and My love .... it demonstrates to Me that you are committed to Me in love again or you would keep your hearts closed and I would be unable to work in you. And you will always mature providing you don’t lead a one-sided life but always consider your fellow human being and take a personal interest in his physical and psychological circumstances, providing you try to lead him on the path to Me and also support him in earthly adversity if he approaches you and requests your assistance. You are living together for the purpose of mutual maturing. And you will always be given the opportunity to carry out actions of helpful love .... You just have to be of good will and allow yourselves to be guided always in view of Me, your God and Creator, Whom you acknowledge as a Father and to Whom you show the love of a child .... Then you will love each other as brothers and benefit each other .... And then your soul will mature on earth and achieve its goal: through love it will unite with Me, the Eternal Love, and then will be blissfully happy forever ....


BD 8711                received  30.12.1963

The bond of love shall connect everyone without distinction ....

Only love will always and ever lead you to perfection .... And this love has to flare up deep within your heart, it has to fill your whole being and motivate your every intention and action, then you will come ever closer to perfection, then you can say that you are reborn, for you have changed yourselves into your fundamental nature again. But only few people achieve this high degree of love while still on earth, yet I already accept their will as evidence of love .... the will to reach Me, the desire for My presence, always proves their love for Me already ....

You humans are unable to muster this burning love for Me and all created beings, which deifies you on earth already, you live in a world devoid of love, and that also has an effect on those who themselves are willing to love but who, due to recurring unkindness, are inwardly inhibited from loving actions which, however, would awaken reciprocated love. And yet you should carry out this work on the soul, you should even love where you are hated, and you will rise above yourselves and become capable of ever greater love. And you may well believe it, it is possible for you to do .... if only you always appeal to Me Myself for strength where you are too weak yourselves.

There is no special merit in loving something that is good and beautiful .... Yet to show love to a person who treats you badly or has many shortcomings and faults is far more difficult but also far more commendable, and then your degree of love will rise indeed and you will draw ever closer to Me, the Eternal Love. In order to be able to do this you have to open yourselves to My ray of light .... you have to appeal to Me to soften your hearts, to work in you Myself as soon as you cross the path of people who don’t mean well or who do not appear amiable to you. Consider the fact that all human beings are My living creations, that I want to regain all people as My children, that you all have the same Father, but that not all people have achieved the same degree of maturity which they should and would be able to achieve on earth. But the bond of love should connect all of you, for only by way of love can you also help these less mature people to achieve a higher degree of perfection, for no ray of love sent forth by you will be without effect, it will always have a beneficial effect on the soul which is still surrounded by dense layers.

You are able to show love to such persons if only you consider the poor quality of their souls, which still have to struggle and fight for a long time until they are spiritually fully mature. And if you .... as soon as you are confronted by such a person .... immediately remember Me and My emanation of love, which is available at all times and only wants to be seized by your hearts .... thus just a brief call to Me in Jesus is enough for Me to illuminate you and enable you to love your fellow human being, whom I do not send without reason to cross your path, for he as well as yourselves should mature through such meetings, which you inwardly dislike ....

You should never put your own interests first, you should never ask whether such meetings are beneficial for yourselves but always take notice of the other person’s situation and try to help him, for would I let something happen to you that would be harmful for your soul? Love should glow ever more brightly within you, and My ray of love will always flow to you .... But if you consider to evaluate a human encounter and take earthly measures to avoid it then your action, at that moment, is not in contact with Me and you cannot expect any help from Me either.

Everything you encounter in earthly life only happens to you for the sake of maturing your soul, and you should not avoid it but handle (meet) this with the use of My strength, and you will be able to derive rich blessings for yourselves as well as for your fellow human beings. You are truly able to develop a high degree of love in you if only you call upon me mentally and appeal for My flow of strength, thus for My illumination of love, and open yourselves to receive it. And therefore it also requires that you do not exclude Me from your thoughts .... And this is the key, it is the only explanation you need to reach your perfection still on earth .... For as soon as your thoughts constantly embrace Me the flow of My strength of love also has to affect you constantly, and then I can always be present with you too .... My presence, however, gives you the evidence of your union with Me, which is only ever achieved by love. Hence love could totally deify you on earth already, yet as you are rarely able to raise it to a high degree you will also have to suffer and through suffering dissolve the soul’s cover .... Still, no matter what happens to you, everything is well considered and will only ever be in your best interests as soon as you are willing to return to Me and enter into final union with Me, which will guarantee you eternal life in blissful happiness.


BD 4357                received  28.06.1948

Marriage ....
In the presence of God and before the world ....

You have to find each other in love otherwise a union is not blessed by Me. Marriage is togetherness; it is a living together in most heart-felt harmony. Marriage is a state which cannot be lawfully created but its prerequisite is always profoundly unselfish love which, once it is kindled within the heart, can never be extinguished again. Because the right kind of love unites the hearts, it is not a physical love which looks for fulfilment in the intoxication of senses, it is not a demanding love. Ever-giving and happiness-imparting love is the foundation of a marriage which is blessed by Me.

Marriage is a sincere community of two people whose hearts feel pure love for each other .... A marriage like that cannot be undone because true love can never cease. And this marriage will take place as soon as two people commend themselves to Me for the blessing of their bond. Then they are husband and wife before Me and they shall remain together until death separates them. Anyone who gets married in this way will always have a sense of belonging to the other person even if external circumstances separate them. My blessing will rest upon them because the most sacred feeling, having its source in Me, was the cause of the relationship, which is the primary condition for a marriage intended by Me .... But pure love is rarely to be found on earth these days, although marital bonds are nevertheless still formed. This is not against My will because humanity should reproduce itself, given that countless souls are awaiting their embodiment in order to cover their last stage of development in the world of matter. Hence the marriage between two people has to be given an externally recognisable form, a structure which incorporates certain laws, obligations and rights. Without them people would contravene My necessary order too easily and thereby jeopardise their children’s correct education which, however, is of utmost significance for their spiritual development. The legal form of the marriage ceremony is therefore in accordance with My will, but whether My particular blessing rests on it depends on the degree of mutual love between both husband and wife, whereas it depends on My blessing whether a wedding ceremony is being conducted before people or in My presence.

If a marriage ceremony is conducted for other reasons without deep mutual love, then the relationship will certainly be valid before the world, and I would not withhold My support if it is requested, but it is not a marriage in the true sense of the word which is pleasing to Me, it is not the state of union wanted by Me which, due to love, becomes an act of happiness that will be blessed by Me. Because the giving principle will always be predominant in the presence of pure love, consequently I, Who Am love Itself, will never be excluded from a marriage like that, and My spirit will govern the people and work in those who step before Me as husband and wife and ask for My blessing ....


BD 7149                received  20.06.1958

Responsibility of parents and children ....

You start your earthly existence as a human being in complete ignorance. The soul is still shrouded in spiritual darkness because it first has to reach a state of self-awareness before it can get started with dissolving its dense surrounding cover. It can already do this without having received particular knowledge, for it can express its good feelings at a very early age even though it does not act in relation to a certain amount of realisation. But the human being always has to be cognisant of himself otherwise his thoughts and actions could not be appraised. Such a child develops its spark of love early on; it is good, because it is motivated to do so from within .... whereas another child in the same state of self-awareness gives in to bad impulses within itself, even though it feels a slight sense of wrong doing inside itself. In both cases one cannot as yet speak of realisation, but the spark of love is placed into every human being, and children’s initial behaviour is therefore only different because their souls react differently to inner urges, but every child is nevertheless conscious as to whether its behaviour is good or bad .... once it has reached the stage of self-awareness.

And now the child slowly receives knowledge too .... it gets acquainted with the laws of order, that is, it begins to understand increasingly more, and it will also experience the effects of good or bad on itself .... it is taught the concept of good and bad, and again people will react differently as they grow into adults, depending on whether they kindle the flame of love in themselves and allow themselves to be influenced from within. And accordingly their realisation will either grow or the soul’s initial blindness will remain, for the knowledge given to the person from outside need by no means become realisation, rather, it only becomes it when the human being’s love brings the knowledge to life .... Knowledge can certainly satisfy the intellect, yet it will always merely be a deceptive light without strength to illuminate the human being’s soul, and therefore the soul continues to stay covered by layers. The human being, however, will be held accountable from the moment he is aware of himself, from the moment he is able to hear the voice of conscience .... thus, when his perception of good or bad has awakened within him, which can happen sooner in one and later in an other child, but which is a prerequisite for its responsibility of its actions. Yet the weakness of a soul which has to give up its earthly life at an early stage is always taken into account. The degree of maturity as well as the knowledge the human being was given so far will always be considered. For complete realisation cannot be applied as a criterion, since this can only be gained through love.

The human being, however, is assessed according to his love, and this can be ignited into a flame in every person, but the spark of love can also be stifled, and that always also indicates adverse thinking and doing, which appear as soon as the person becomes conscious of himself as a being which can use its will and does so in line with its soul which is wicked and unwilling to love and which will also close itself to any given knowledge .... thus ‘realisation’ does not stifle this bad inner instinct. Only when a child can be influenced to do something good can this wicked compulsion disappear and the voice of conscience express itself more noticeably again, too.

For this reason parents carry an extra large responsibility, they should do everything to awaken love in the child, they should encourage it to carry out small helpful tasks and thus cultivate a sense of helpfulness in the children and stifle their excessive selfish instincts .... For as soon as the spark of love has been kindled it will also spread, and the soul will no longer be shrouded in darkness, the heart will become enlightened by itself, and then the child will already think and act consciously which will soon also result in the light of realisation, once it is given the appropriate information .... For love is everything .... and every human being is capable of love, because God Himself has placed into every human being a spark which is part of Himself in order to lead him from the state of death back into the state of life ....


BD 6703                received  01.12.1956

One shall serve the other ....
Bargaining products, occupation ....

Every human being’s task is to help his fellow human being, for this reason I endowed people differently, conferred various abilities on them, gave them different degrees of strength and also shaped their circumstances so diversely that the right co-existence between people also necessitates a mutual exchange of the gifts which are at everyone’s disposal.

And thus everyone shall give to the other what he has and what the other is missing .... Each person shall be of service to the other .... because it is the human being’s task in earthly life to redeem himself through helpful neighbourly love .... On the one hand I indeed demand unselfish neighbourly love but on the other hand this love should also be correctly acknowledged and rewarded in a just manner. And thus every occupational activity can also contribute to the attainment of the soul’s maturity if the person always strives to be of service to his fellow human being, if he carries out his work with love and thereby wants to please .... if he doesn’t merely follows his occupation for the sake of payment.

In this way people’s co-existence will always be beneficial and also guarantee a state of tranquillity and peace and a certain lack of worry as long as I Am included .... thus love for Me and other people is clearly being fostered. For then everything will fall into place by itself because people live their lives in divine order. However, people have now left this order completely, for their every thought and intention only intends to increase their earthly wealth, and whatever they do generally lacks love for other people whilst material desire is very dominant .... It no longer is a mutual service but rather a wanting-to-enrich-oneself at the expense of the other person. And the attribute of almost every occupation is that it is purely regarded as an income and not as a helpful balance where needed by fellow human beings. Every person’s work has become a bargaining product to a greater extent, and even the work for Me and My kingdom often lacks unselfish love .... even this work is frequently considered an ‘occupation’ that is only carried out for the sake of income.

And where material thoughts and inclinations predominate, no spiritual blessing, no spiritual progress will be accomplished, and this, too, explains the spiritually low level which is experienced by humanity in these last days. People’s thoughts only revolve around matter, and thus My adversary uses his every influence on them, for the material world is his world, and all matter is spiritual substance which is well below the human being .... and this is what people are striving for. If they could detach themselves from matter, then helpful love would express itself and peaceful harmony could be recognised on earth too, and people would comply with their real task on earth. Yet love has grown cold amongst people, and therefore My adversary has great power, and the greed for material wealth keeps growing the nearer it is to the end. Yet people who unselfishly consider their neighbours and put their strength at their disposal will be doubly blessed .... Although they won’t acquire earthly riches their spiritual wealth will be immense and remain when all worldly things have vanished. For no-one will be able to enjoy his possessions for much longer, and woe to those who have no other but earthly riches to show .... their desire for matter will be fulfilled .... They will become matter themselves, and an infinitely long time will pass before they will get released again from their hard constraint, which they nevertheless had endeavoured towards of their own free will and therefore shall also receive according to their will ....


BD 6360                received  20.09.1955

Social contributions ....

How often do you humans rely on the fact that you will receive help, and how often is it possible for you to offer it in turn, for no-one can rely on himself alone, everyone needs the help of his fellow human beings, just as everyone gets into situations to help another person. Yet people endeavour to achieve complete independence from their neighbours and also to rid themselves from giving help .... They try to lawfully regulate what should be a voluntary service of help, and everyone tries to derive the greatest possible benefit for himself again from this regulation .... What would be extremely highly valued for every individual person’s soul as unselfish neighbourly love is changed into an involuntary duty, and there is no benefit for the soul as long as all voluntary activity of love is excluded.

According to human estimation all earthly hardship could be averted from people in this way, and this is no doubt also the intention of those who feel responsible for people’s serious difficulties since they cannot be concealed and burden the latter .... And as long as unkindness prevails amongst humanity even these endeavours are a blessing in as much as people will not perish in misery .... Nevertheless, it cannot solve people’s spiritually low level, for this requires activity of unselfish neighbourly love .... People have to be touched by other people’s hardship to kindle the love in them .... There has to be the kind of adversity amongst people that will stimulate a kind-hearted person into actions of love .... Help can be rendered in every respect to a fellow human being through words of comfort, through caring sympathy, through active assistance .... Yet human life, above all, relates to the overcoming of matter .... the transformation of selfish love into selfless neighbourly love.

The human being should let go of what is desirable to himself in order to give it to a fellow human being who is in need of it .... This is why wealth is unevenly distributed, precisely in order to motivate this will to give, since a person can learn to overcome matter at the same time and thereby make the greatest gift to himself by detaching himself from material possessions in order to alleviate a fellow human being’s hardship .... Only what is voluntarily relinquished will reap a rich reward for a person, for only free will demonstrates love, whereas all other contributions a person has to make are entirely devoid of love, indeed, they are more likely to harden a person’s heart as he suppresses in himself the will to give in the belief of having done enough for other people’s well-being. Yet no matter how much people try to ease economic poverty in this way .... the human being will still be affected by hardship in other ways, on the one hand for his own benefit, but on the other hand in order to move a fellow human being’s heart into providing help .... in order to touch it, so that the spark of love ignites, so that love will not grow completely cold amongst people ....

And precisely those people with very hardened hearts are frequently affected by non-material problems, so that they have to take a different path if they are to be helped: their pleasure of earthly possessions will be taken from them .... what they did not want to give to alleviate other people’s hardship they will then no longer be able to enjoy themselves .... Material belongings will now lose their value, and blessed is the person who deals with this in the right way .... who now voluntarily relinquishes it in order to give it to needy fellow human beings .... Blessed is the person who ultimately acquires his fellow human beings’ love as a result of good deeds, which alone will follow him into eternity .... Then his hardship will not have been unsuccessful for his soul ....


BD 4096                received  03.08.1947

Serious admonitions about Christian neighbourly love ....

Recognise your weaknesses and try to resolve them .... don’t become impatient when you should put yourselves into another person’s position, and be lenient .... don’t hurt his feelings, and take the commandment of love seriously when your neighbour needs your active help or encouraging words .... Don’t provide any reason for argument but kind-heartedly try to find agreement, take My example, I Who approached all people with a loving heart to win them over. And thus you, too, should always try to win the other person’s heart; you should leave nothing undone that could awaken love, for full understanding of the other person’s weaknesses can only manifest itself in love. And thus each one of you should do this to the other, leave no opportunity unused to please with a kind word or a loving action, for if you avoid hurting your neighbour, if you give him inner peace, you will do a truly Christian deed of neighbourly love which will benefit you, for you will thereby strengthen him physically and spiritually. He will be placed into a state of love himself, he will feel love in return, and he will not fail to put his love into action. He will lessen his selfish love ....

Be patient and gentle, meek and humble, and your life will become easier, for love is the best weapon against animosity, and love forgives and endures, it gives and makes happy, it unites hearts, it heals wounds and will never be without understanding of the other person’s weaknesses and faults and will finally triumph nevertheless, for love is strength which achieves whatever it wants ....


BD 3920                received  01.11.1946

Following Jesus ....
A life of love and self-denial ....

Anyone who is not as gentle and patient as Me, who does not practise his discipleship by discarding all attributes which conform to My adversary, who does not persistently strive for virtues that are the hallmark of a divine being, will hardly reach the goal of finding unification with the eternal Father Who is pure love Himself and Who can only unite with living creations which, like Him, have become love. My life on earth should serve you as an example, for as a human being I was subject to the same temptations as you because I had to take the only path which could lead a soul into perfection ....

Like you, I had to fight against all longings of the flesh as well as against all attributes of an ungodly being or My life could not have served you as an example if I had been born without all human flaws and able to bypass the test of My will. I had to experience the depths of earthly life, i.e. I had to have the opportunity to voluntarily refrain from the same physical sins and avoid all incentives for them .... I had to fight against carnal longings and thereby strengthen and prepare the soul in Me to unite with the spirit. The sinfulness in My surroundings often sorely tested My love and patience, yet I wanted to remain gentle and whole-heartedly humble without exalting Myself .... And I took pity on My fellow human beings’ weakness for not resisting temptations, and My love intensified .... I wanted to help those on the ground unable to get up by themselves .... For being human Myself I knew a person’s weakness, and this knowledge increased My kindness and patience.

Being human Myself I was at all times able to put Myself into the situation of a sinful person’s soul even though I Myself was without sin, even though I Myself, by virtue of My will, had remained victorious over all temptations of body and soul. Yet I took the strength to do so from love, and every person practising love will also muster the strength and resolve to fight against his faults and weaknesses, and he will also be victorious, for love itself is strength .... And therefore, every actively loving person will also practise all virtues which denote a divine being: he will be gentle and patient, merciful, peaceable, humble and just .... For if he meets a fellow human being with love his thoughts are loving too, and he fights all weaknesses and faults with ease. Follow Me .... live a life of love and self-denial like Me and you will release yourselves from all sinful longings, you will not become subject to sin yourselves, you will bring yourselves into line with the nature of eternal love and already find union with it on earth, and the attainment of your goal will be certain for you. Hence, like Me, you too have to take the cross upon yourselves at all times, and you should not become impatient, for if you sincerely appeal for My help I will help you carry it, and the more willingly the soul carries the cross imposed on it by the Father’s love for the sake of its full maturity, the sooner it will deliver itself from earthly longings.

Follow Me and take My life on earth as an example, and you will never become subject to sin again, you will release yourselves by virtue of your determination and love, you will become free and infinitely happy beings, equipped with all divine characteristics, you will be full of light and strength in the spiritual kingdom and live blissfully happy in eternity ....


BD 7563                received  30.03.1960

Neighbourly love ....

You will always benefit when you look after a neighbour in need .... because you will always be fulfilling My will which is expressed in My commandments of love for God and your neighbour. But you should practise love for your neighbour of your own free will, you should feel prompted from within, only then will you kindle the spark of love in you, and only then will your soul mature. Your every thought, word and action has to be based on love if it is to have a spiritual effect, or you will only ever accomplish earthly duties without the slightest gain for your soul ....

It is always just a matter of love .... of the inner urge to do good, to help where it is needed, to please and bring joy to where the opportunity presents itself .... it is a matter of the person’s inner nature which should become completely absorbed in its love for Me and the next person, which overcomes all selfish love and is completely imbued by love, so that I Myself can be present in him and thus work in him through My spirit. Then the human being cannot be anything but good and will always live in unity with Me, then the earthly world can no longer tempt him but in thought he will always be in the spiritual world since the spirit in him determines his every thought and intention.

But as long as a person’s thoughts are held captive by the world it will not be possible for him to develop love in himself, for then the world will still appeal to his selfish love and this will be satisfied first, which will always be at the expense of the next person. In that case he has to be noticeably confronted by his fellow human being’s suffering; he has to see a lot of misery in order to motivate himself to help and to enable the spark of love within him to ignite so that he feels the benefit of a good deed. Hence much tribulation has yet to be experienced on earth, because love has grown cold amongst people, because My messengers of love are hardly ever appreciated and thus the spiritual hardship, which can only be remedied by love, is also extensive.

People’s lack of love is spiritual hardship which always entails earthly hardship too, therefore the latter will continue to increase in the last days in order to still touch human hearts and awaken in them merciful neighbourly love. However, only a few people will escape this spiritual adversity, for selfishness is gaining the upper hand and that also means that worldly love will become ever more widespread, that people will become enslaved by matter and in their pursuit of it also prepare their later fate, that they will again become matter which they had already surmounted in the past.

And there is only one way out from this banishment, and this way out is and remains love .... Not even My love can release you from the commandment to practise love, for love is the first law, and without love no one can become blessed ....


Change of will and character

BD 5303                received  26.01.1952

Purpose of earthly life: Change of will and character ....

You humans have to go through a process of revival or you will be unsuitable for the spiritual kingdom, for the spheres of light. This means that you humans, the way you are in earthly life, don’t have the necessary maturity to reside in the kingdom of light. You need a completely different attitude in order to become an acceptable occupant of the spiritual kingdom, and you are meant to achieve this state on earth, which is indeed possible. Hence you have to go through a certain process of transformation, and you have to undertake it of your own accord.

Your character cannot be forcibly changed, thus your state at the end of your earthly life is determined by yourselves, and corresponding to your willingness to change your soul will leave your body .... either receptive to light or still surrounded by dense layers which cannot bear any emanation of light .... But who knows this, which person ponders this when he is informed of it and takes changing his character seriously? ....

Every person has to refine himself, he has to discard faults, weaknesses and bad habits and teach himself humility, gentleness, peacefulness, patience, compassion; every person has to shape himself into love in order to combine all these virtues within himself, then he will have shaped himself such that he can be admitted into the kingdom of light, then his nature will be deified, then he will have adjusted himself to My fundamental nature and thereby will have enabled Me Myself to enter into union with him, for everything that had separated us will have been consciously removed. The transformation of his character is the path which leads to Me, he will have achieved his earthly goal and discarded the last heavy cover as soon as he leaves his body in order to then live eternally as a blissfully happy spiritual being. Only then will the real life begin .... Let these words come alive in you: Real life begins for you when you enter the kingdom of light .... Everything prior to this has only been the ladder, the preparation time for the actual life which, however, has to be acquired during this preparation time. You humans eagerly and undauntedly work for earthly life since you consider this alone important, and you regard it as an end in itself. Yet you do not consider the actual life because you do not believe in a continuation of life after the death of your body.

Oh, you are fools .... Your purpose of life is an entirely different one than just working for your body’s well-being. You are informed of this time and again yet you don’t believe it, and therefore you don’t change your character either, and that is your downfall .... For if you are not suitable to enter the kingdom of light, but I neither can nor want to destroy you since you originated from Me, you will have to carry out your transformation elsewhere, and that can also mean a great fall and a gradual ascent corresponding to My eternal plan, if the opportunity of attaining maturity in the beyond is not available to you .... Sooner or later you will have to undertake this change of character in the stage of a human being, not even My love can release you from this. The stage of a human being is, however, the final stage in an incredibly long process of development through all creations on earth. As a human being you will have to accomplish a conscious change of will and character if this process of development is to reach a successful end with your physical death on earth .... Then your earthly course of life will irrevocably come to an end ....

Nevertheless, progress can continue in the spiritual realm, the soul can still recognise its wretched state in the spiritual kingdom and try to improve itself, but this necessitates much help from the beings of light or through human intercession. But the being can also slide down again into the deepest abyss because it did not recognise and try to change itself .... Then it will have to accept an appalling fate in order to join the process of change after an infinitely long time again, when it has to prove itself once again ....


BD 0765                received  31.01.1939

Love ....
Hate ....

Behold, My child, I come to meet with open arms those of you who want to accept My gifts. Your heart’s yearning will convey My love to you, My love for you demonstrates itself in your desire for Me, and this will also be your state in the beyond, you will constantly long for Me, and My love will grant you fulfilment without end. Behold, I placed love into your heart so that one day you should delight in beatitude when your love will be fulfilled. But I also placed the opposite impulse into you because you can only attain a state of beatitude by overcoming this impulse, and thus your endeavour on earth should especially apply to the fight against hate, the feeling of intense animosity, for hate poisons your soul in a very destructive manner .... hate destroys everything that is created by love ....

A person with a feeling of hate in his heart will never ever be able to achieve perfection, for hate is part of evil after all .... Hate is so disastrous and so unspeakably depressing for the soul .... it is the worst evil .... it is the enemy of every good attitude .... it is a vice which quells everything good and noble .... it is the origin of sin .... A heart having succumbed to hatred is incapable of any noble feeling .... Where hatred rules no virtue can be exercised. Humility, gentleness, forgiveness and mercy .... these are completely alien concepts to a heart controlled by hate; for the person has no knowledge of love at all, and this is necessary, after all, if he wants to live in a virtuous, good and God-pleasing way.

The appalling effects of hate can be recognised by the person in the beyond .... how it has distorted the soul of someone who was under the influence of hate in his earthly life. If only people would consider that the opposing power gains complete control over a hating earthly child so that it will find it ever more difficult to withdraw from this power and its influence, that it will also find it ever more difficult to find its way back to love again, and that such a person cannot be rescued by any other side unless he genuinely strives to liberate himself from the power of evil. As long as he does not withdraw from this influence with the firm intention to apply love it will be extremely difficult to become free. It is certainly understandable that the human being is often virtually pushed into a feeling of hate when he looks at and reviews other people’s heartlessness and observes their injustice and apparently successful conduct, but he always has to remember that there is a God in heaven Who will repay every iniquity in due course .... He also has to counter this with the fact that Jesus Christ even lovingly forgave those who were to blame for His death, and that a feeling of revenge at no time got the upper hand in Him, but full of love, He only ever responded to the earthly children’s conduct with understanding and compassion. Love should, after all, defeat hate, and therefore the children on earth likewise have to make an effort to stifle the feeling of hate when it begins to arise in the human being .... and only ever repay it with love even if the temptation to feel most bitter hatred against the oppressors of people is too strong. Most people err since they deem themselves extremely superior and believe that they have to express their power over their subordinates in a very blatant way, yet the individual should not respond with hate, instead he should resolve to educate the other person with love.

He should first consider his own soul which should be protected from the danger of hate, its struggle is at times so dreadfully difficult, yet overcoming this most detrimental attribute for the soul will lead to perfection, for then love will have triumphed over the opponent .... Hate will have been rendered harmless and destroyed by the strength of love, and the soul will be grateful for such effort since it will have been released from bitter anguish ....


BD 1869                received  30.03.1941

Sense of justice ....
Judging one’s fellow human being ....

The human being has to have an inherent sense of justice or he would be unable to pass judgment on apparently heartless conduct. Anyone who deems himself so exalted that he will not tolerate any objection because he believes himself infallible will never think righteously either, for he does not allow others the same rights he claims for himself. A substantial difference has to be made between people. Anyone being strictly critical of himself and his actions will also always make an effort to judge other people fairly. However, anyone who only looks for faults in his fellow human beings and believes himself without error will regard all conduct from a superior point of view, and thus his judgment is wrong.

Every human being can err; every human being can make mistakes .... Yet he has to know himself, then he can fight his faults and improve himself .... But anyone who does not recognise a fault in himself will not strive for perfection either.

When he acts unkindly he will not be aware of it, he will not hold himself to account and is incapable of judging his actions fairly. He lacks a sense of justice; he will always consider his own actions beyond reproach but try to demean his fellow human being for the least mistake. It has to be clear to the human being that he has no right to accuse a fellow human being of a degrading action as long as he does not live up to a high moral standard himself. He should always consider his own shortcomings if he wants to criticise the failings of other people.

But someone with an inherent sense of justice will not hastily judge someone else, for he will try to put himself into the same situation and then also understand the failings and faults of the other person. However, in order to be able to do so he has to be truthful, he has to see things as they are .... he should not rate himself too highly and underrate his fellow human being, for then he will apply a different standard to his own faults than to the other person’s faults, and that excludes all righteous thinking and judgment.

It is exceptionally valuable to firmly call oneself to account, then the human being will stay true to himself and not do his fellow human being an injustice out of selfishness by unfairly condemning his conduct and putting himself above the other person. And thus the human being should first look at himself and his behaviour before he criticises his fellow human being and elevates himself as his judge ....


BD 3723                received  21.03.1946

Detachment from earthly possessions ....

Offer everything that is dear to you on earth as a sacrifice to Me and you will receive what My love bestows on you in abundance and what will make you already supremely happy on earth and later in eternity. If you want to receive you have to be willing to give first; but if you cling to earthly possessions, the wealth of the spiritual realm will be unattainable to you. However, earthly possessions include everything that gives you earthly pleasure, that you consider desirable for your physical needs. You have to gladly and voluntarily sacrifice everything you love on earth to Me, those things that cannot follow you into the spiritual kingdom, in order to receive everlasting riches which will follow you into eternity .... Although you will certainly make sacrifices you will nevertheless exchange them for something incomparably better; it is just a temporary pain of detachment which will soon be followed by a blissful certainty that you will only then own true wealth which is of eternal value.

And if I thus take everything away from you, you should not get disheartened and doubt My love and mercy, My protection, which I nevertheless grant to you even if you don’t recognise it. I will only take from you in order to give even more back to you, and if you voluntarily let go of what is dear to you, your body will also receive what it requires. Just your heart should detach itself from everything, for the abundance of My grace needs a place which is devoid of all kinds of earthly longings. Whatever you sacrifice voluntarily need not be taken by Me forcibly, yet the detachment from it has to be carried out if you want to grow in strength and grace, in maturity of soul and spiritual riches, which constitute your wealth in eternity. And thus you will thereby also recognise that I Am only motivated by My love when I take from you, My believers, what belongs to the earth, because I want to make you receptive for My love’s spiritual offering; you will learn to understand that I cannot work in you to the fullest extent as long as your love does not belong to Me alone but also applies to the commodities of the world. Consequently it is a blessing when I try to set you free from this love and take from you what you find difficult to give up willingly.

Sacrifice everything to Me, try to detach your hearts from all worldly things, and you will soon feel the blessing of your willingness to make sacrifices, for thereby you will draw Me to you, Who no longer finds any obstacles to work abundantly in you. For you will no longer have the time to overcome earthly longings slowly; you will have to detach yourselves faster and therefore also more painfully, yet it will always be beneficial for you if you submit to My will, if you humbly accept your fate and don’t pine after earthly possessions, for the easier you can detach yourselves from them the more receptive and willing is your heart for spiritual gifts, and these will compensate you a thousand fold. For you will only recognise their true worth in the afterlife, in the spiritual kingdom, and then you will be profusely happy if you enter it with a wealth of spiritual possessions and are able to work with them for your own happiness ....


BD 6286                received  16.06.1955

Fight against longings and passions ....

Deaden your every longing and you will mature in the shortest possible time .... If you have the will to become perfect everything that is still pulling you down into the abyss has to be overcome .... and this concerns all longings and passions which still adhere to you from the time of your preliminary development .... and which still cause you so much trouble because My adversary influences you through these instincts and longings and thereby intends to prevent your return to Me .... But these instincts and longings are an obstacle for your union with Me, because they are ungodly attributes which a perfect being cannot have .... and which therefore first have to be overcome before the union with Me can take place.

The human being has to fight against every craving for material things, for this always involves a greed to own something which belongs to My adversary’s realm, which therefore merely serves to satisfy the senses .... regardless of what it is .... As soon as a person’s physical senses delight in it they are longings which find earthly fulfilment .... This includes everything that provides the person with a sense of physical well-being, if it is actively pursued by the person himself and therefore lacks the foundation for spiritual endeavour: the realisation that all earthly things are transient.

I will also endow people with earthly possessions and their earthly life, too, will be blessed and offer them everything, and that in abundance, as soon as I recognise their spiritual aspiration, as soon as their love applies to Me and I Am their first goal .... Then My love will give to them abundantly, and even their earthly life will be blessed and offer them everything because it will no longer harm them, since it will not captivate their senses. However, as soon as a human being still has a powerful desire for earthly pleasures, possessions and stimulation he has to fight it, for these longings are My adversary’s weapon which frequently help him to be victorious. Nevertheless, the human being will not become unfit for life on this earth, his strength will grow but he will utilise it differently .... He will want to work spiritually and only find satisfaction therein .... yet instantly slow down if he sets his sights on the world again and sees something that he desires to own ....

This is why ‘the kingdom of heaven suffers violence and the violent take it by force ....’ Earth is the kingdom of the fallen spirits, it is My adversary’s realm .... Anyone who seriously thinks about this will also know that everything desirable in the material world always requires the payment of tribute to him and that everyone who pays this tribute also belongs to him .... He will also know that there cannot be any compromises between Myself and him, that I want you completely and that a human being who still has his eye on My adversary’s kingdom will hardly reach Me ....

You should not allow yourselves to be captivated by the world, you have to exercise self-control with the things that still appear desirable to you, and you then seriously have to suppress your cravings for them, you ought not to give into them, but you may enjoy without reservations what I bestow upon you Myself .... You may be pleased with what you receive without having greedily aspired for it .... what My love gives to you because you belong to Me, because you have recognised the purpose of earthly life and are now willing to be of service to Me ....

But be content with it and stifle every arising craving and always recognise in it a trap set by My adversary to win you back for himself .... Without an inner struggle you will not be victorious over him, but if your endeavour applies to Me then you need not fight any longer, then the world will no longer attract you, then your yearning will aim towards heaven .... then matter will have lost its power over you, then you will learn to despise it .... it will have to be of service to you because you will have become its master ....


BD 8281                received  24.09.1962

Danger of arrogance ....

Anyone who takes My Word ‘You are all sinners ....’ to heart, will also remain profoundly humble, he will not become arrogant nor judge harshly, for the knowledge of not yet being perfect himself will always make him bear in mind that he is a weak individual who needs My strength and support, and with a humble heart he will come to Me and appeal to Me for both .... In contrast, the character of someone sure of himself and his worth will betray pride, he will raise himself above his fellow human beings, and this arrogance will show itself in contempt of the other person, in unkind judgment and in the opinion of having superior knowledge and therefore no need of further instructions, be they of an earthly or spiritual nature .... the arrogant person will always believe himself to have attained the degree which entitles him to look down on his fellow human beings.

And arrogance is truly part of My adversary which made him fall into the deepest abyss, for he exalted himself above Me, his God and Creator, and he drew a vast host of created beings along with him into the depth. Much of this arrogant spirit still adheres to these fallen beings when they have to carry out their last test of will as human beings. Arrogance is a rather worrying sign of imperfection which the person then has to fight against in earthly life until he has attained profound humility towards Me, and then he will no longer show off to his fellow human beings either but will have full understanding of their failings, because he will recognise his own shortcomings himself.

But the right relationship with Me requires profound humility, and as soon as the human being recognises himself as sinful and admits to it, he will also take refuge in Jesus Christ and appeal to Him to deliver him from it .... Humility will make him call to Him from the bottom of his heart and he will find mercy before His eyes .... for ‘I bestow My grace upon the humble ....’ And no one can deem himself to be perfect for as long as he lives on earth .... He can only possess a higher degree of awareness, but precisely this will make him consistently more humble, because he recognises the greatness of his God and Creator and the infinite love this God and Creator bestows upon His living creations, which will certainly make the living creation indescribably happy but it will not make it condescending.

Arrogance is still an indication of insufficient knowledge, for the adversary tries to obscure the light, the adversary still has a share in the human being who is assured of himself and his worth .... You all still have to fight very much against this evil, for time and again My adversary will breathe a sense of loftiness into you, time and again he will know how to find a weak spot where he is able to awaken self-deceit in you. And therefore you all should be on your guard and try to nip every sense of arrogance in the bud, for you should always remember that your Saviour and Redeemer Jesus Christ has taken the path of most profound humility, precisely in order to atone for your fall caused by pride .... You should bear His torments and suffering in mind which this atonement demanded of Him .... And you should know that your path across earth is the result of this fall into the abyss caused by pride.

The return to Me can only take place on the path of humility, and the earthly path should lead you to the realisation that you are weak, helpless beings who require My loving support in order to ascend again, and who only ever have to ask Me for My assistance if they want to travel the earthly path successfully. But the person whose spirit is still arrogant is still distant from Me and thus will hardly find Me. For true love, which includes his neighbour, cannot develop in him correctly since in his arrogance he will stay away from the person to whom he should give his love. And since the human being can only mature through a life of love the arrogant person will not make any spiritual progress but remain on the same level, if he does not sink even lower because My adversary still keeps him captive.

Therefore fight against this evil and exercise strict self-criticism, then you will discover faults which will make you feel small, and you will come down from the throne you have erected for yourselves by incorrectly assessing your worth .... Humility alone will make you mature, then you will receive blessings in abundance from Me, I will take care of you Myself, for you come closer to Me when you are humble, and your prayer to Me will be heart-felt and devoted, and I will grant your request and draw you to Me as My children, for then you finally have separated yourselves from My adversary, who became My adversary because he exalted himself over the One from Whose strength he had emerged ....


Living faith

BD 8289                received  02.10.1962

God demands faith in His immense love ....

You have to have strong faith in My love in order to understand that whatever happens is beneficial for you and your soul and that you cannot go astray if you humbly accept whatever comes your way. Irrespective of how arduous it seems to you .... I know what you are capable of enduring and I will support you if you trustingly rely on My help. The assurance that you have all My love should let you take your earthly path fearlessly, for nothing can happen to anyone who feels secure in My love, no matter how much external pressure he is under .... For I know everything, I know the strength of your faith, and this alone determines the extent of your hardship.

The fact that you may know of this now, that I instruct you Myself and enlighten you about My nature which is love, wisdom and might, should already demonstrate My love, for I want to guide you into profound faith, because strength of faith will overcome everything. Then you will no longer be apprehensive, then you will always recognise your Father in Me, to Whom you can entrust yourselves like children and whose infinite love will do everything for His children in order to help them on their earthly path and to make them happy in eternity .... It is My love in which you have to believe .... For this love will not let you fall, and it directs and guides you and imposes an earthly fate on you which can result in your complete deliverance if only you want it. And this love died for you on the cross, with its sacrifice on the cross this love bought your freedom from the adversary who was entitled to you because you once followed him voluntarily .... A father’s love, however, will not leave his child at the mercy of his enemy and adversary; rather, it will fight for this child and rescue it from his control .... Hence this great love is yours, and thus you also have the guarantee that one day you will be free from the power of the one who was responsible for your fall into the abyss ....

And now that you live as a human being on earth you shall also know that the Father’s love follows His children and that you, too, belong to those whose freedom was bought by His love and that it wants to regain you, you shall know that you should also give your love to your eternal Father, so that He can already make you infinitely happy on earth and one day in eternity. If you therefore believe in My infinite love you will also lose all fear and apprehension, all weakness, because you will always know that nothing detrimental can happen to you, because a loving father protects his children from everything that could harm them. The certainty of possessing the Father’s love makes you feel free and cheerful, for you entrust everything to Me and are in no doubt that He will help you in every adversity.

A person with such profound faith will, by virtue of this faith, also closely unite with Me and be able to work remarkably on his fellow human beings by providing them with the kind of help which otherwise would exceed human ability or strength, for in close unity with Me he will take My strength himself and thus work with Me and I through him .... For My love knows no limits, yet your faith often erects limitations itself when it is not strong enough .... And, again, the strength of faith is the result of a life of love, for only love leads to a living faith, that is, ‘Whoever lives in love lives in Me, and I in him ....’, and thus there cannot be any doubt in the person, he is aware of My presence and also knows that My love is limitless and bestows unlimited strength on the human being too, if he wants to use it for deeds of love again ....

Anyone who is able to believe in My infinite love has only achieved this because he lives a life of love himself, and he has also passed the last test of will on earth, he has consciously returned to his eternal Father, for he wants the Father’s love which draws him to Itself. Nevertheless, I often have to let the human being experience severe affliction in earthly life so that he will look for Me, so that he will faithfully entrust himself to Me, request My help and in receiving My help also recognise My love. Only then will he give Me the love I demand, which unites the child with the Father again .... And then the earthly life will have brought him the success which was the purpose for his earthly path: that he voluntarily unites with Me again, from Whom he once voluntarily separated and became wretched .... But My love wants to prepare everlasting beatitude for him, and sooner or later it will achieve this objective ....


BD 7951                received  27.07.1961

Faith ....

You all have to acquire a much firmer faith and that means that you have to love even more, because love brings forth a living faith .... Performing labours of love creates a direct bond with Me, Who is eternal love .... It should be self-evident that you can no longer doubt or have a weak faith when you are connected to Me because then I Am the guarantee Myself that your faith won’t be destroyed .... And although your will to believe can be strong .... but you must have an equally strong will to do works of love .... Love has to be the inner driving force of all your intentions and actions, then your faith will be firm and steadfast .... you simply will not be able to doubt anymore but will be sure of what you should believe. And this convinced faith will fill you with joy and give you inner peace because then I Am with you Myself, because your deeds of love draw Me closer to you without fail, because ‘those who love are in Me and I Am in them ....’ Love unites us permanently and love gives birth to an unwavering, living faith. And when you pray for a firm faith then you have to pray for a strong will to love at the same time and you will achieve a firm faith indeed.

I repeatedly give you this information because you are approaching the time when you need a firm, unwavering faith to remain resolved until the end .... If you have this faith nothing can upset you, no matter what happens, because then you know that I will help you and thus you are giving yourselves into My hands with blind faith .... And then I Am indeed always willing to help, I will not leave you at times of physical or spiritual distress because your willingness to love, your way of life, has made you My Own already, you have joined Me again and I Am now able to work in and through you.

A firm faith is the best guarantee you can have because it gives you inner peace and calmness during all earthly events which I can avert from you or reduce their effects because you have faith .... And thus you should always pray: ‘Father, help me to do works of love and let my will to love become ever stronger ....’ And the will to love will grow at the same rate because love guarantees My presence and My presence guarantees help at all times of distress .... Love also guarantees the recognition of all correlations and hence the understanding for everything which, in turn, contributes to the strengthening of faith. Love is everything .... and if you have love you are also filled with strength from Me and this strength enables you to do unusual things when necessary, when love is the driving force that makes you want to help .... Then you have the faith that moves mountains .... and then you won’t fear whatever happens to you. Because then you are connected to Him, Who is Lord above all, Who can command the elements to spare you and Who wants to prove Himself as your Father .... Who loves His children and will not leave them to become victims of destruction .... Ask Me every day for the strengthening of your faith and the will to love, as this is a spiritual request which I certainly will fulfil because love and faith are necessary for your perfection ....


BD 7462                received  24.11.1959

Fear is insufficient faith ....

It is My will that you should not be afraid but only ever believe in a loving and almighty God and Father, Who will not leave you in distress. Fear, however, is insufficient faith. Fear does not know God’s love and omnipotence Who wants to be your Father .... For as soon as you believe that I love you like a father loves his children you will also be convinced that I will not let anything happen to you, no matter what the enemy of your souls will do to you. My protective Fatherly hand is always ready to intervene when it means providing help for My child in need. And you are in need when you are afraid, be it physically or spiritually .... you are in need when you are anxious and despondent because you lack the strength of faith that nothing can happen to you as long as you turn to Me and appeal to Me for protection and help.

Yet even if your own common sense keeps telling you this, your heart nevertheless remains scared and sad, and this is where you have to improve matters yourselves .... by establishing your bond with Me as intimately as possible, with your eternal Father Who is just waiting for you to come to Me in heartfelt prayer and confide your worries to Me. I require this sincere devotion to Me in order to provide your heart with the inner calm that is still lacking in you. You have to come to Me with your every concern and in a completely childlike manner appeal to Me for help .... And I will listen and answer your prayer because I love you like a father loves his children. But you often find it so difficult to approach and discuss matters with Me .... you so often remain distant and struggle to cope with your worries although it would be so simple to burden Me with them and free yourselves of them ....

You have a loving Father Who would like to arrange a pleasant earthly life for you if only you would grant him the right to do so by forming a heartfelt bond with Me as a matter of course .... Anyone who is connected to Me will truly no longer suffer hardship; but difficulties arise as soon as you loosen the connection, because I do not tie you to Me but long for your voluntary devotion to Me .... And this is what you should demonstrate through heartfelt love and personal communication by confiding your worries to Me and appealing to Me to take them from you .... Then all you have to do is wait and it will happen as you wish .... all your worries will be taken from you. And you need not even fear if you are besieged by the powers of darkness, for they cannot harm you as long as your will applies to Me, as long as you yearn for Me and the final unity with Me .... And therefore you should only ever question your deep-down desire, and if it applies to Me you can also firmly trust in the fact that My longing for you will not allow Me to abandon you, that I will protect you from every difficulty wherever it may come from .... I want to own you one day and will not allow you to go astray as long as you yourselves also aim for and strive towards Me .... That is why every worry and apprehension is unnecessary .... You belong to Me and shall remain My Own eternally ....


BD 8503                received  20.05.1963

God requires a living faith ....

Only ever believe in Me with a living faith, that is, don’t be satisfied with words or other people’s assurances but closely unite with Me in thought and speak to Me like a child speaks to its father, plainly and simply and full of childlike trust; always let Me walk beside you as your friend and brother, and tell Me everything that inwardly bothers you, always appealing for My assistance to help you reach perfection while you are still on earth. You should no longer lead a single life, you should always request My presence and feel it too, for every sincere thought draws Me to yourselves, and if you establish this bond with Me yourselves then strength will always flow to you as well, which you can use for deeds of love again .... thus through love you join with Me ever more closely. Hence anyone who does not exclude his God and Creator from his thoughts is also daily and hourly under His Fatherly care, and his earthly life will always proceed such that it will benefit his soul .... For anyone connected with Me in thought already leads a spiritual life, and his soul will constantly ascend ....

But how many people spend their lives without considering their God and Creator, they only ever entertain earthly thoughts and just anxiously worry about their physical wellbeing .... And although they call themselves Christians because they belong to a religious organisation they only occasionally establish a relationship with Me, and this is not sufficiently alive in order to generate spiritual achievement .... Much has become a formality which, however, is only of value if it is carried out with a living faith, just as prayer is not what it should be .... a child’s heartfelt dialogue with the Father; instead people are satisfied with empty words which don’t come from the heart and are merely voiced by the mouth.

I, however, Am a living God, everything has to be truthful before Me, and therefore I want a living contact established by you with Me, but this also guarantees higher development and leads the soul to the goal. For would I leave a child or consider it poorly, be it spiritually or even earthly, once it has made heartfelt contact with Me, to whom I Am truly the Father it can unreservedly trust? But where this intimate bond is missing there still exists a broad gulf, the human being looks for Me in the distance, he speaks of Me as a Being Which is unattainable to him and Which he indeed acknowledges because of Its might which he cannot deny in view of the creations, who also admits to Its wisdom which is demonstrated to him through the creations, but who does not know anything about the love of a God Who wants to be a Father to all living creations because he has not spent serious thought on the Being Who had brought him into existence. And as long as I Am merely the distant God for people they will live their earthly life without spiritual achievements, for they lack the flow of strength to travel the path of ascent which, however, requires the living creation’s heartfelt connection to Me in order to enlighten him.

This is why every human being will achieve his goal if he is able to establish this close relationship with Me, if he expresses a living faith in Me through a constant desire for My presence .... And such desire will be granted by Me, and forthwith the person will no longer walk any path alone, I will always guide him, I will always direct his thoughts, and because I no longer meet any resistance the person will also completely enter into My will and improve himself ever more. Where I have found the entrance into a human being’s heart My adversary will have lost his power, albeit he will still try everything to win him over for himself again, but My strength, which the human being constantly receives due to My presence, will resist him.

Just let your soul come to life, which will always happen when I can take effect on it Myself, when I can illuminate it with My strength of love, and you always enable Me to do this through a heartfelt bond with Me .... Then you will ask for Me, and the danger will have passed that the adversary can take possession of you, who will take flight from Me and is unable to besiege you so long as I Am present in you .... And you will soon not undertake anything, nor walk anywhere, without having asked for My blessing, and then you can also be certain that I will walk by your side wherever you go, that I will mentally instruct you and let My strength and light flow to you in abundance .... Yet all this is not possible when a person only mentions his God and Creator with his mouth without being inwardly urged to establish contact with this God .... His earthy life will not bring him much spiritual success unless he still changes his thoughts and actions, so that he will learn to recognise Me and then believes in Me with a living faith ....


BD 5726                received  18.07.1953

Strong faith ....
Following Jesus ....

Follow Me and you will attain an ironclad faith .... A person’s faith cannot come alive until he lives a life of love, until he takes the path I took Myself on earth, the path of unselfish neighbourly love .... You can certainly also acquire intellectual faith, that is, by way of logical conclusion gain a rational conviction of Me as Creator and Provider or of the One Who had allowed Himself to be nailed to the cross for you .... then you will also believe, yet such faith is not of much use to you .... it is merely a statement of facts which, admittedly, cannot be proven either but nevertheless will no longer leave you in doubt .... But what is a living faith?

A faith which lives and demonstrates or affirms its life through extraordinary works .... A faith which believes itself capable of doing extraordinary things in the firm realisation of also achieving them with My support .... A living faith demonstrates its strength, without doubting it takes My help for granted, and such faith enables the human being to achieve things which are regarded as miracles and yet are only the results of a living faith. And such faith can only be gained through a life of unselfish neighbourly love as I exemplified on earth, because love is the strength which achieves everything. Anyone who lives in love receives so much strength from Me that he wants to somehow put it into action, as a result of his activity of love he also feels My presence, and this realisation lets him bring about everything he is prompted to do by his heart ....

Love and a living faith cannot be separated; this is why love should be preached to people first, so that they will attain this living faith, for intellectual faith is no substitute for living faith, since it will fail as soon as people are faced by great hardship, it will shrink, the human being will be of little faith in the true sense of the word, perhaps even giving up his faith because it lacks the strength of love. Fighting for and trying to attain a firm faith means doing ever more labours of love, to overcome oneself and change selfish love into unselfish neighbourly love .... This necessitates fighting against all longings, but his struggle will bring him great rewards, for anyone with a living faith no longer knows fear, worry and doubt, he feels safe and secure in Me in Whom he believes, he no longer feels lonely but takes every step with Me, Who lives in him and Who acts and works with him in every way .... Anyone with a living faith is victorious over life and death, for God’s strength is at his disposal, he is in such close contact with Me that he will also always make use of My strength and achieve everything because he believes ....


Desire for truth

BD 8519                received  05.06.1963

Truth is light ....
Darkness the result of heartlessness ....

He who seeks will also find, yet intellect alone will never be able to differentiate between truth and error .... His will to possess the pure truth has to come from the bottom of his heart, and then his heart will be able to separate truth from error ....

There is widespread error in the world which means that one can indeed speak of dense darkness, for truth alone is light .... And it almost seems as if the truth would no longer be able to prevail but be overwhelmed by darkness .... But time after time it will penetrate again as a ray of light and enlighten a person who yearns for the truth. Yet it cannot be attained purely intellectually, otherwise clever people would indeed always have to have the truth and a less gifted person would be shut off from all light .... But coming into possession of the pure truth is determined by a different factor ....

A heart has to be willing and able to love, then the light will ignite in the human being by itself, and then he will be able to distinguish truth from error .... He will avidly accept the truth and reject every inaccuracy. The fact that the earth is engulfed by profound darkness is due to people’s heartless way of life .... Heartlessness is the equivalent of spiritual darkness .... Only love is the light which bestows brightest realisation, love awakens the human being’s spiritual spark to life, and love emanates the light of wisdom. And thus someone with a heart that is willing to love will not fall prey to error either, his thinking will move within the truth for he is already connected to Me through love, and then the light ray of My love can enter his heart and tell him everything he desires to know.

And only a loving person will actually ponder whether he is thinking correctly, whether he receives the truth or has fallen prey to error when he is offered spiritual knowledge .... For a heartless person couldn’t care less whether his thoughts are right or wrong .... Yet only the human being who recognises and accepts the truth will be happy, for the truth will set him free and only then will he find the right purpose in his earthly life .... Only the truth will inform him about the meaning and purpose of his earthly existence, the truth will always provide inner peace, and he will find the goal worth striving for which he believes he has recognised in the truth ....

Through truth the person will also come close to Me, he will recognise and strive towards Me, and he will regard every error to be against Me and reject or fight it. His earthly life, too, will only appear worth living to him when he has received truthful knowledge about all correlations and the human being’s correct relationship to God, his Creator and Provider, and he will strive towards Him in the knowledge of finding beatitude which, as a human being, he is as yet unable to experience. Earthly life will also only appear meaningful to him when he is truthfully instructed about everything .... Darkness, in contrast, cannot make a person happy, and every misguided teaching is spiritual darkness which can never please a person but should be penetrated by a ray of light, which denotes truthful knowledge ....

The person requesting truth is rich indeed, for he will receive it without fail, because I Am truth Myself and every wish for Me will be granted .... Nevertheless, it is very difficult to bring light into the profound spiritual darkness in which people live at present, precisely because people are blind and no longer able to even see a ray of light .... Their eyes have been weakened by deceptive lights and can no longer perceive a soft ray of light .... And they chase after these deceptive lights and get caught in ever greater darkness .... But they cannot be forced to accept the true light, being in darkness they have to yearn wholeheartedly for a ray of light, then they will also be illuminated from within and be so pleasantly touched by it that they will want to escape the darkness. And time and again I let the light shine to earth and I also know who desires the truth .... and truly, he will receive it, but first it has to be preceded by a genuine desire for it ....

But every human will is free, and if he turns to the light he will truly not need to regret it .... If, however, he seeks darkness he will perish in darkness, for it will only ever lead into My adversary’s domain, whereas truth will lead to Me Who can only be reached through truth, for truth gives you humans a clear idea of what you need for your soul, and thus truth is the path that leads to Me and to eternal life .... Truth is the light that emanates from Me and enlightens the heart of every person who lives with loves and wants to unite with Me, the Eternal Love .... He will reach his goal, permeated by light he will return to his Father’s house ....


BD 7584                received  23.04.1960

Serious examination of spiritual knowledge with God’s support ....

No person is denied the right to draw his own conclusions, but he should also know that intellect alone is no guarantee for correct thinking, irrespective of how keenly developed it is. This, in particular, applies to the assessment of spiritual knowledge for which no evidence can be produced. Whether or not such knowledge is truth can be assessed by a person as soon as he turns to God Himself for enlightened thinking .... otherwise he would be unable to examine it or form a correct judgment. But every person also has the right to reject what he cannot accept, providing he is of good will and examines it without bias. He should not blindly believe, he should think about what he is expected to believe, and he should pray for God’s support to do so, he should know that the spirit within instructs him. This also demonstrates the right kind of desire for truth, and thus the truth will be given to him and he will also be able to recognise it as truth. For much is given to people as truth which nevertheless frequently contradicts itself, and then it is up to the person himself to ascertain the truth. But anyone who believes that he can figure it out with his intellect alone can expect to get even more entangled in error, because the intellect is influenced by the adversary of truth, by the prince of darkness, who will do anything to divert people from the truth and provide them with misconceptions.

However, the human being can protect himself by turning to God, by appealing to Him for the recognition of truth. For this reason no one can raise the objection that he is unable to form a correct judgment about truth or error .... As soon as he makes contact with God, as soon as he appeals to Him for enlightenment of spirit he will emotionally recognise whether he should turn to or ignore the spiritual knowledge given to him .... And he will always have the inner certainty of judging correctly because he has not formed his own judgment but God has enlightened his thoughts. But the good will to recognise and to do what is right always has to be part of it .... A rational person, however, will not scrutinise in himself what he is inclined to accept or reject .... He only uses his intellect which, however, takes a different direction, it does not consult God Himself but deems itself qualified for an examination. And it will frequently get it wrong because God does not want to be excluded and because truth comes forth from Him alone.

Yet neither should an examination be omitted because the person allegedly does not feel qualified to make a correct judgment .... For one day he will have to be answerable, and he will not be able to justify himself on account of other people’s judgment which he accepted without hesitation because it was expected of him .... He should attain a living faith and that requires deliberation of what he is taught. Only the living faith will be valued by God, a dead faith, a conventional faith is, however, as good as no faith at all ....

And thus you humans will repeatedly have the opportunity to express your opinion about this or that teaching, about the spiritual information imparted to you, and you do well to turn to God Himself, for He, as the Eternal Truth, will make the truth available to you, He will place it into your heart, so that you will be able to form your own judgment, and that this judgment will also correspond to the truth. You should not just trust in your strength alone, for as soon as God cannot take part due to your will, due to your prayer, someone else will take part and he will make use of your intellect .... Then you will distance yourselves increasingly more from the truth, because he will not rest until he has achieved his objective ....


BD 8733                received  23.01.1964

God Himself is the source of the revelations ....

Time and again you receive the assurance from Me that you will be able to come into possession of the pure truth providing it is your sincere will .... For you may rest assured that it is indeed possible for Me to convey the truth to earth, because I have the power to do so .... You may also believe that I Am motivated by My greater than great love to bestow upon you the pure truth because you can only attain eternal life by way of truth. And although I determine which conditions have to be fulfilled in order to receive the truth I will surely also know Myself which human being can and wants to fulfil these conditions .... And thus I will also choose the right vessel for Myself through which I can transmit the pure truth to earth. Therefore you need not doubt every communication from the spiritual kingdom and presume that it is interspersed with error, and you will also be able to examine each one with My help, that is, by invoking Me Myself to enlighten your spirit if you want to make this examination.

But what would happen to you humans if there was no possibility for the pure unadulterated truth to get to earth? .... As long as you acknowledge a God Who is truth Himself you can also ask for and expect to receive the truth from this God, because He is a God of love, wisdom and might .... Who wants to win you back and also knows all ways and means to reach his goal, and Who also has the power to accomplish what love and wisdom decide. But you humans have to believe in Me, your God and Creator Who, as Father, wants to give you everything you need in order to mature and become blissfully happy.

And the most important thing is the truth, which every human being can and will receive if he seriously desires it .... But if you doubt that pure truth can be given to you .... if you always fear the influence of opposing forces, then you truly also deny My love, wisdom and might and give supreme control to My adversary .... which he has indeed over people who do not genuinely strive for Me, who thus still grant him power over themselves .... And it has to be clear to you whether your desire for the pure truth is genuine and heartfelt .... you also have to know that your intellect alone is unable to scrutinize it .... You have let your heart speak, and this will clearly tell you what you may accept as truth .... for your intellect can still be full of wrong ideas which you don’t want to give up .... In that case, however, you cannot speak of a sincere desire for truth either .... You have to completely free yourselves from your previously socially acquired knowledge and only desire the pure truth from Me .... And then you will truly get everything back that corresponds to the truth .... You will become particularly distinctly aware of all correlations, and only then will you blissfully feel that you are in possession of the truth .... Much spiritual information is spread as truth which cannot lay claim to such, and therefore everything has to be examined. Your intellect alone, however, is unable to do so, yet as soon as you are in intimate contact with Me and desire the truth I will be able to enlighten your intellect, and then you will also think in accordance with the truth and be able to make a correct judgment. But what would it look like on earth if the transmission of pure truth from above would not be possible? .... In that case I could not demand responsibility from anyone of you, then the adversary would be in full control over you, and you would never have the opportunity to find Me, to love and to unite with Me, for all this would be prevented by the prince of darkness. My light, however, also penetrates the darkness, My light shines from above down to earth, and truly, every person may enter into this illumination ....

But light will only ever be spread by the truth, and therefore you can always be certain that I .... being Eternal Light Myself .... will also emanate it in form of My Word, which is purest truth and will be conveyed to those who thus sincerely desire the truth .... This is the condition I make, for whoever desires the truth desires Me Myself, he allows Me to be present in himself, since then he is also full of love for Me because his will applies to Me. He tries to escape from the adversary, the prince of darkness, and with it also from all error which he recognises as the adversary’s doing .... I truly will not withhold the truth from anyone, for the human being should return to the light again, to brightest realisation and thus enter his original state in which he was immensely happy in the beginning ....


BD 6467                received  04.02.1956

The truth reveals God’s perfection ....

What you need to know in order to successfully accomplish your mission will always be conveyed to you as soon as you intend to use it for your spiritual work and therefore request it from Me. If I give you the task to defend Me and My name, to proclaim My teaching of love and to speak of My love for you, then whatever you tell your fellow human beings also has to make this love of Mine identifiable .... You must always be able to recognise My divine nature, whose attributes are of supreme perfection, and never let doubts arise in you, you should never declare something which causes you to doubt My perfection .... Even a seeming contradiction has to be explainable with your knowledge, so that you will always testify to the perfection of My nature when you instruct your fellow human beings. Yet this can only ever be achieved by the truth, whereas every misguided teaching will be a distortion of My Being, an image which will not characterise Me as a perfect but as an imperfect Being, and therefore you humans can already make your own test and unhesitatingly reject as wrong whatever causes you to doubt the perfection of My Being .... whatever makes My love, My wisdom or My omnipotence appear to be doubtful ....

I want you to recognise Me as your most affectionate Father of eternity, Whose wisdom is unsurpassed and for Whom no limitations of power exist .... I want this because you can only love a perfect Being and because I want to gain your love .... Therefore I will always give you humans a true light, and I will throw such light on every misguided teaching so that you can recognise it as misguided, otherwise you would eternally remain in the dark and withhold your love from Me because you don’t know Me. For that reason I transmit the truth to you Myself because it is only rarely still to be found on earth .... for that reason I choose a way to speak to you Myself, since no untruth can ever come forth from My mouth, and because you then need not fear that My Word has already become distorted through human will, which can be influenced by My adversary ....

My direct Word from above guarantees you absolute truth, because I want that truth shall be imparted to you and because I Am truly able to let My will take effect. And anyone who nevertheless still doubts that I Myself transmit My Word to you humans should thus test whether the imparted spiritual knowledge reveals a God of love, wisdom and omnipotence, whether it testifies of a supremely perfect Being ....

And you will not find anything therein which could cause you to doubt .... But now also compare them to the teachings you so far have heard and upheld as ‘truth’ .... and the God portrayed to you will demonstrate many human failings .... He will present himself to you as a punishing, unjust and barely loving God, whom you certainly fear but never will be able to love .... who does not appear to you wise and powerful in his imperfection, because the correct explanations can never be given to you since I reserve these for Myself, and I distribute the truth where the foundation for it has been established in a person’s heart, so that he can hear My Word directly. And if you humans believe in a God then you also have to be convinced of His nature’s perfection. And this faith, this conviction, is what I want to bestow upon you through My Word, so that the truth will make you happy and you then also learn to love Me and have the desire to unite with Me .... Only the pure truth will let this desire arise in you .....

But I want you to approach Me voluntarily .... Hence I can only achieve this through the transmission of the truth which will reveal to you My Being, which in itself is love, wisdom and omnipotence in absolute perfection ....


BD 9013                received  12.07.1965

Which messages guarantee the truth ....

Even with My immense love I cannot accept you into My kingdom as long as you still oppose Jesus Christ’s act of Salvation, since thereby you close the gate into the kingdom of light yourselves, into which Jesus Christ alone is the gate. By rejecting Him you also reject Me Myself, since He and I are one. Only when you understand that I .... the infinite Spirit of Eternity .... became visible to you in Him will My love be able to make you happy again, for only then will you acknowledge Me in Him, your past sin of apostasy from Me can then be forgiven and you will allow yourselves to be illuminated by My strength of love again as in the beginning .... The fact that you humans lack the understanding for precisely this great act of compassion by Jesus Christ is also an indication of the forthcoming end, for the adversary has done his job well .... He has succeeded in spreading an impenetrable veil particularly across My human manifestation, for he wants to prevent you from becoming redeemed, and therefore the time has come to put an end to his activity.

All over the world spiritual movements become apparent which deviate from the truth, for the adversary also asserts his influence from the beyond over people in order to mislead them. And many people give credence to all these messages because they originate from the spiritual realm .... But the fact that My adversary can even there still exert his influence on beings who spread untruth and try to transfer it to people on earth, and often also take the opportunity to irritate people, is again due to the fact that they do not turn to Me Myself for truthful clarification .... And therefore I can only ever say: Don’t believe messages which do not emphasize Jesus Christ’s act of Salvation, for they are misguided, even if they contain partial truths .... But especially the redemption through Jesus Christ is of such importance that you can thereby judge the credibility of the received messages, and you should not be content with information which does not completely convince you, precisely because the most important information .... the information which guarantees your entrance into the kingdom of light .... is withheld from you.

But how can you decide what is truth and what is error if you are not instructed by the One Who knows everything and can also truthfully explain it to you? Even the activity from the kingdom of the beyond towards the people of this earth cannot be prevented by Me due to people’s free will, but time and again I inform them Myself of the right way to attain the pure truth .... Yet even this working of My spirit in the human being is only the result of the prior redemption through Jesus Christ. And for this reason My adversary exerts great power from the beyond as well, because he repeatedly thwarts this ‘redemption’ and keeps people in the dark about the true nature of Jesus, because he wants to stop them by every means to find redemption through Him while they are still on earth, and therefore also influences those beings who have always resented the thought of redemption and who thus also convey misguided teachings to earth. The fact that I, at all times, endeavour to uncover this error through beings of light .... that I repeatedly also transmit the pure truth to people through them, is used by you as an opportunity to merge such truthful explanations with wrong spiritual information. And because you lack the ability to differentiate it is frequently possible for true messages from the kingdom of light to be amongst wrong teachings which, in turn, make the recipient doubt the credibility of all messages.

Yet one thing is a definite characteristic of wrong information: the fact that My human manifestation in Jesus and My act of Salvation is not mentioned or even disputed .... And thereby you can always measure the truth, for a truly spiritually awakened person knows what to make of that, for people are being deliberately mislead, and then the value of the light beings’ proclamation is reduced, since they could not prevail because people lacked the desire for pure truth .... In that case Jesus Christ’s act of Salvation truly would have been comprehensively explained to them, which would also have stopped the adversary’s activity .... For the fault rests with the human being himself if he believes all messages from the spiritual realm just because they have originated from there, but doesn’t know that the adversary is still able to exercise his power even there and only the will to be protected from error can prevent him from it. Then he will be unable to impart wrong messages, for the desire for pure truth also guarantees its receipt.

And this is what you have to know, then you can confidently believe the Words which are conveyed to you by My spirit, for I Am the Eternal Truth and only pure truth can come forth from Me .... But this is characterised by the element of Jesus Christ’s act of Salvation, and only who believes this will never be able to err again, for the Eternal Truth has made Itself available to him, it has revealed Itself to him and guided him into truth as It had promised to you ....


BD 6252                received  07.05.1955

The task to spread the truth presupposes receipt of truth from God ....

You should speak in My name for Me and My kingdom .... You should say the same to people as I would say to them Myself if I visibly lived amongst them .... you should instruct them truthfully like I Myself have done during the time I lived on earth ....

If I give you this task then I also have to provide you with the possibility to accomplish it .... And if I expect you to impart the truth to people then I also have to give you the truth, so that you will be able to work in accordance with My will for Me and My kingdom. But therefore you can also be certain that whatever I give to you is the utter truth, otherwise I could not demand of you to proclaim the Gospel in My name. And thus you can confidently regard yourselves as My instruments, you can repeat with utter confidence what you receive from Me through the spirit, you can stand up for the truth with conviction, you need not trouble yourselves with doubts or you would have to question God’s love, omnipotence and wisdom if He could not protect you from error.

I have initiated you into My eternal plan of Salvation .... I gave you knowledge of My reign and activity, of your purpose of existence, of the reason and goal for everything in existence .... I tried to make you understand that My love constantly cares for all living creations .... I have introduced you to knowledge that you cannot simply dismiss as implausible because all correlations were revealed to you with profound wisdom .... And this knowledge alone can already be regarded by you as evidence of extraordinary activity .... you can also believe everything, because it is offered demonstrating My love to you far more comprehensibly than the knowledge acquired by human intellect which, however, lets doubts arise in My love, wisdom and omnipotence .... But I have only conveyed the information to you for one purpose: to distribute it amongst people, so that they learn the pure truth which originates from Me and which should be passed on to them unaltered .... I Myself, Who is Eternal Truth Himself, give this instruction to you .... And I give to you in abundance, I provide you with extensive information which you should pass on, and you truly need not accept ‘additional knowledge’ from elsewhere .... I therefore caution you not to combine My pure truth .... the spiritual information you receive from Me .... with spiritual information not imparted to you by Myself, for there is a great risk that the pure living water will be mixed with harmful embellishments .... Pass it on again as pure and adulterated as you received it from Me, for you are drawing from the spring of life, a source has been opened up for you which lets the most delectable gift flow out: direct strength from Me, My Word, which originates from Me directly and affects your spiritual ear. Thus I Myself bring the living water to you which fully suffices to awaken people to life and to keep them alive ....

I truly know what is necessary and helpful to you, and that is also what I will convey to you .... Keep to this and only this .... then you will speak in My name and proclaim the pure Gospel to your fellow human beings .... And you will always be blessed by Me ....


Mental contact with God

BD 7613                received  01.06.1960

The Father speaks to His child ....

You all are able to listen to My voice within yourselves and it will speak to you .... Yet how rarely do you humans establish such an intimate bond with Me and keep constantly thinking of Me. How rarely do you give Me the opportunity to speak to you by consciously entrusting yourselves to Me in order to talk to Me personally, by withdrawing from the world and involving yourselves in thoughts solely of Me. You do this so seldom because you don’t seriously believe that you will be able to hear Me, that I will speak to you like a father speaks to his children. You have not yet established the relationship of a child to its father, I Am only ever the distant God to you, Whom you dare not address and Who therefore cannot talk to you like a father to his child .... But you can try it at anytime .... You only need to withdraw from the world, you only need to quietly enter into contemplation and take the path to Me in your thoughts .... You need only wish to hear My voice and your desire will be fulfilled when you listen attentively and observe the thoughts which arise in you more distinctly, because the more intimately you are giving yourselves to Me, the more you will desire to hear Me. For I will answer you .... because I do nothing more gladly than talking to My children who are now bound to Me by a strong bond of love, the Father’s love to His child. And if you would make this attempt more often, you would be delighted by the inner peace permeating you, for you would feel My nearness and in this nearness you would also know yourselves to always be protected. Every one of you could attain this blessing of My communication, even if he is not conscious of the fact that it is this intimate contact with Me which provides him with inner tranquillity. But soon he will not want to miss these hours which he gives to Me, which he spends in quiet contemplation, and his soul will mature, for he will never be without a flow of strength when he has looked for and found Me.

Every thought of Me is a blessing .... All people should avail themselves of this and time after time turn to Me in thought, for then he will have already addressed Me and I can answer him if he listens to this answer, that is, if he waits quietly and then takes notice of his arising thoughts. Then he draws Me to himself, and thus I can always be with those whose thoughts are with Me .... They induce My presence themselves, and My presence always has to be of benefit for your souls. Hence you should often give yourselves the blessing of My presence, for it requires your will to withdraw from the world and lift yourselves into spiritual spheres, where you will always be when your thoughts are with Me. And then your soul will truly not suffer anymore, for it will be strengthened by Me Myself, Who has access to it now, Who can now speak to and give it what it needs to fully mature during its time on earth. For I want that it should achieve perfection while it is still on earth, and as soon as I can influence the soul directly its perfection will also be guaranteed. And therefore I want to be able to address it directly, yet your will has to decide that you will intimately devote yourselves to Me and desire to hear Me .... Then I will surely be with you and I will talk to you like a father to his child whose love I want to win forever ....


BD 7448                received  06.11.1959

God demands deliberation ....

Don’t close your hearts when you hear My call but listen to what I want to say to you: Take account of yourselves and you will know what you are lacking if you have not yet come alive, so that My spirit can teach you from within .... You all could be imbued by My spirit because the spark of My divine Father-Spirit rests within you, within every human being .... irrespective of whether it is kindled or left to die down .... it is within you and only requires a small glimmer of love to ignite and become a bright flame .... Have you already given this spark in you the opportunity to ignite? Then it should also spread a small light, and in this faint gleam of light you would recognise things which would not have been visible to you before ....

I speak to those who are still living in spiritual darkness, who do not know the correlations which motivate your God and Father to give you knowledge through His spirit .... I speak to those who do not think .... For serious deliberation would have to give rise to doubts and questions in you, since your spirit is still dark and you have not yet kindled the light within yourselves. But do you reflect on this?

Consider the inadequate spiritual state of those who, without doubt, believe themselves to be at the top and yet are so blind that they cannot be ‘leaders’. Consider whether a God and Creator, Who is love, wisdom and omnipotence in Himself, would disregard that everything which should testify of Him reveals love, wisdom and omnipotence .... And where do you find love, wisdom and omnipotence in the religious doctrines offered to you which are spoilt or purely human teachings? .... You need only think about it more deeply and you would come to the sudden realisation that the Great Spirit of eternity, the God of love and wisdom, will not make such demands on you which ecclesiastical commandments specify. He solely requires you humans to fulfil the commandments of love for God and your neighbour .... And just by meeting this requirement you will already receive light because you will then awaken the spiritual spark within you which will guide you into every truth .... (John 14, 15-26) But where are you looking for truth?

In distorted spiritual knowledge, in misguided teachings and in doctrines which distinctly demonstrate spiritual coercion, even though I only ever take notice of people’s free will, because the human being can only attain perfection through free will .... Have you ever considered that all these doctrines and humanly decreed commandments prevent people from attaining beatitude? That they usually defer the only divine commandments of love towards God and other people for the sake of these humanly decreed laws and still believe in living in accordance with divine will on earth? Have you ever thought about the spiritual decline that can occur and has already occurred in people who do not think for themselves and do not form their own relationship with their God and Father so that He may instruct and guide them? .... Why do you always make a human establishment more important which cannot claim to be the church founded by Jesus Christ? ....

There are, in fact, people with a living faith amongst you, whose spirits have been awakened and who thus belong to His church, but the church founded by Jesus Himself does not consist of an organisation which is a distinctly human establishment .... It is the ‘community of true believers’, who can indeed be found in all organisations but whose premises are entirely different than you believe. And if you live with love then the spirit within you will also instruct you, and clear-sightedly and quick of hearing you will observe everything which you still defend and adhere to while you are still ‘unenlightened’. I, however, as your God and Father, only judge a person by his inner state, by his life of love, by his realisation; but the human being himself should not oppose the light when it is given to him .... He should be pleased and willing to ignite the flame of life for his soul himself, since My love always approaches you in the form of a light because only light beatifies, and because truth alone is the light of eternity, and truth only ever originates from Me Myself, Who is truth since eternity ....


BD 7981                received  01.09.1961

Mentally directing the will towards God ....

Every thought which turns to Me is an acknowledgment that you belong to Me, a flickering spark of love striving towards the fiery ocean of Eternal Love. It demonstrates that the test of will of acknowledging Me again as God and Creator, as it was in the beginning, has been passed .... I will not leave you in eternity, even if you yourselves voluntarily keep away from Me .... For you belong to Me, you are a tiny spark of My strength of love which I emanated when I gave you life. And one day this strength of love will flow back to its original source again, because this is the law of eternity .... But I care that your free will .... the mark of divinity .... is your reason for returning to Me. And it makes Me indescribably happy when this change of will, after your past apostasy from Me, has been accomplished, when you as a human being .... during the stage of free will .... turn your thoughts to Me .... Then I will take hold of you and draw you continuously closer to Me, and I have the right to do so because you will be trying to unite with Me again of your own free will ....

You don’t realise how much strength flows to you when your thoughts apply to Me, for every thought is a bond with Me which enables the influx of strength; a contact which enables Me to permeate you with My strength of love, which spiritualises you and makes you the blissful beings again that you once had been. You have the option to receive My guaranteed influx of strength at any time .... you have a very reliable way to receive My strength by merely directing your thoughts to Me .... For you only turn to a Being Which you acknowledge, and I only want this acknowledgment from you in order to provide for you again as before, in order to permeate you again with My strength of love. When you think of Me you consciously open your heart .... you surrender every resistance that had kept you apart from Me, and then My love can take effect on you again, which ignites in you like a spark of fire and also lets your love flare up for Me. Hence it incorporates an immense blessing if you lift your thoughts up to Me time and again ....

Admittedly, the world will often prevent you from doing so, and anyone who is subject to the world will only rarely and with difficulty turn to Me, if at all .... But once you have voluntarily granted Me the right to take possession of you again because you have voluntarily accomplished to break away from My adversary then you can also be sure that I will enter your thoughts time and again, and it will be increasingly possible for you to mentally stay in contact with Me .... until you can always sense My presence close to you, until you no longer start anything without Me. And then you will consciously fulfil the purpose of your earthly existence, then you will already be in close contact with Me even though you still live on earth, and I will not leave you again, I will always walk by your side, I will take abode in your heart and you will feel My presence and be very happy ....

Therefore, always stay in contact with Me even if the world will not yet release you completely .... As long as you still have to live in the material world you will also have to fight against its temptations and attractions; but once you have established the connection from you to Me, the material world can no longer harm you, then you will look for Me even more, because you will not be able to find true happiness in the material world after all but only ever in your heartfelt contact with Me .... And then My love will draw you to Me, then I will gladden you with My presence .... For then your will belongs to Me, as it has turned to Me entirely willingly, and you will have become and will stay My Own for all eternity ....


BD 6859                received  28.06.1957

Blessing of mental communication with God ....

Anyone who listens to Me when I speak to him takes the reliable path of ascent .... And I speak to all those who receive My Word, who in turn accept it from those who question Me in thought and who thus also may regard the thoughts they receive as My Words. You cannot think wrongly once you have acknowledged Me as the source of truth by directing your thoughts to Me, once you want to know the truth. Nor can you take misguided paths anymore once you appeal to Me for guidance .... But you must willingly offer Me the opportunity to speak to you, and that always happens when you mentally occupy yourselves with Me, your God and Creator, for every thought of Me calls Me to you, and I follow this call.

You should often occupy yourselves with Me in thought, because this means that your heart is receptive for My communication and because you can only ever gain by this, for then you will also constantly receive the strength to do what I ask you to do, what My communication conveys to you as My will. You have to establish the connection with Me yourselves, because you had once isolated yourselves from Me .... You need not do anything else but think of Me without a will of resistance .... I Am always willing to meet you as soon as I recognise in your thoughts the resolve to make contact with Me .... And then you are truly protected from taking misguided paths, since now that I can speak to you I have also gained influence over you. Thus it is truly not difficult for you to acquire an immeasurable amount of everlasting riches in earthly life, as this is the result of your mental bond with Me.

It is completely impossible to leave Me empty-handedly, it is completely impossible that I will not make use of such a bond and remain silent in you, for I Am only waiting for such quiet moments when you make contact with Me, when you enter into conversation with Me or approach your God and Creator with questions, and I will certainly answer you again in the form of thoughts, if I cannot speak to you directly through the inner Word. This is why every person has the opportunity and the right to communicate with Me, and every person will receive as much as he desires. Even if nothing is visibly given to the body, the soul can still receive unlimited riches for itself. I want to speak to you, and I will speak to every one of you who thus is willing to listen to Me, who wants to hear My voice .... You all should avail yourself of this assurance, you should excel yourselves and devote every free minute to Me, and you would truly use your time on earth well. Then the connection would be established ever more frequently, because you would desire Me from the bottom of your heart, Whom you now recognise as your Father and constantly wish to be spoken to by Him. And you will also gladly comply with everything, you will fulfil My will because you have already adopted My will as your own, because the constant bond with Me also results in a constant submission to My will and because you have become enlightened as to Who I Am and what kind of relationship exists between us .... Think of Me daily and hourly, never exclude Me from any undertaking, constantly let Me be present with you by mentally calling Me to you .... And you will truly not take the path through earthly life in vain, you will grow and mature and reach the goal .... You will join Me once more in order to never ever separate from Me again ....


BD 8737                received  27.01.1964

The bond with God ....
Adversities and suffering ....

And if you succeed to closely unite with Me in thought by longing for Me with a loving heart, then I will be present to you too, because your love for Me attracts Me tremendously, and I will never deny Myself to love. My presence, however, always assures you an influx of strength albeit it is only felt by the soul, but it will steadily mature and become ever more perfect because then I will no longer exclude it. Then you have demonstrated your free will to belong to Me again, then you have passed your test of will which is the reason why you live on earth as a human being.

Yet only few people occupy themselves with Me in thought, and if they do then only at certain times, and a process which should be deeply internal in order to result in spiritual success always just becomes an external formality. Only few people think frequently during the day of the One Who is their God and Creator and Who wants to be acknowledged and called upon by them as Father .... The world and its demands leaves people almost no more time for inner reflection, their thoughts are taken up by earthly affairs and worries, and regarding spiritual considerations utterly pointless and without value they completely exclude them, therefore they are never able to notice the divine blessing which rests on their daily activities .... Only when they are troubled by worries they occasionally think of the One Who is powerful and able to help, and then it is already a considerable achievement if they turn to the One with a silent appeal, for then they have to establish the contact with Me as soon as they send a prayer in spirit and in truth to Me up above. But mere lip-prayers will not reach My ear, for they lack the heartfelt contact which ensures that their plea will be granted. And yet, adversities and suffering are the only means to turn people’s thoughts to Me, adversities and suffering can cause hours of inner bonding with Me, and then they will always attain a benefit for their soul since no connection will remain without an influx of strength, and this influx of strength will always have a spiritual effect.

Blessed are the people who often raise their thoughts to Me, who don’t have to be prompted to do so by adversities and suffering first but whose love impels them to unite with Me, who only find true comfort and true happiness of heart in the close relationship with Me .... blessed are those who have already detached themselves from the world to a degree that they find time for spiritual thoughts, that they communicate with Me because they feel the urge to enter into contact with Me .....

For these will be constantly pulled by Me Myself and their souls’ maturity will be assured. The separation between the beings and Myself, which they once undertook voluntarily, is now annulled by the voluntary bond with Me which is evidenced by every heartfelt thought, every prayer and every deed of love .... for now, in the human stage, the being has changed itself back to its original state again, which also signified an innermost bond with Me .... And I will try everything in order to awaken in people the desire for a bond with Me, I will step into every person’s path Myself, or I will answer the call for help of those who are suffering in order to give evidence of Myself and My love .... I come to meet every person Myself with My love but I cannot force him to accept it .... They have to accomplish the return to Me completely of their own free will and entirely voluntarily appeal to Me for strength and love (light) and My presence .... But then I will never ever leave them again. Then their earthly path is truly not in vain, for My strength will constantly flow to them so that the soul will already attain a degree of maturity which will guarantee it a blissful life in the spiritual kingdom. And it is truly easy to gain the certainty of a blissful fate after death, for the heartfelt bond with Me is the right relationship I want My child to establish with Me, and a father will always want to make his child happy .... He will constantly give to the child what it needs, and thus He will also convey to the soul what it needs to mature: light and strength and grace .... Only the contact has to be established first which ensures that My emanation of light and grace can flow across. Then the human being will safely reach his goal on earth .... he will acquire for himself eternal life in absolute bliss ....


BD 7129                received  24.05.1958

Call daily upon the name of Jesus ....

With Me and in My name you shall start every day, deal with every undertaking and thus fulfil your daily tasks, and you can also be certain that your work will be blessed, be it earthly or spiritual activity. But as soon as you walk alone, that is, without having asked for My assistance, you will do a lot of pointless work, you will have to struggle with difficulties or it will not always be successful. Just a heartfelt thought of Me will already assure My assistance, and if you consciously call upon Me for My blessing and support then everything will turn out just right by itself, and you will be able to calmly carry out your day’s work. You should always know that you are besieged by dark forces which are able to access you if you fail to surround yourselves with a protective wall by calling upon My name, by appealing to Me for blessing your work. And once they have gained access to you it will be far more difficult to repel them again than it would be if you had refused access to them from the start. For they weaken you will, which can only catch up with what it had neglected to do by summoning all its strength: by calling to Me for help.

The battle for your souls is constantly fought, and your victory is often made difficult by these dark forces, but this is frequently up to yourselves, because you can request unlimited strength and should always do this through heartfelt prayer for My guidance, My protection and My blessing .... This is why you should never start your daily work without Me, you should call My name in your heart, appeal for reinforcement of your will and completely hand yourselves over to Me .... Then I can protect you from your souls’ enemy, then you will be surrounded by countless beings of light who will refuse to admit him, then you will cheerfully and free of worry carry out your daily work in the awareness of strength and inner peace. And then nothing will be able to upset you anymore because you know that I Am always present and arrange everything.

The inner bond with Me is the best guarantee for bringing all your plans to fruition, be they earthly or spiritual affairs, for then I Myself can always influence you and your thoughts and direct your actions such as is right and beneficial for you. Yet as soon as you isolate yourselves from Me, as soon as you loosen the connection, different thoughts transmitted by My adversary will begin to dominate you and deprive you of your inner calm, they will worry you and leave you open to bad forces which will continue the work of inner disintegration and discord, so that even your daily work will not be blessed and your soul will be at risk of being captured by him.

And again, you can only release yourselves from this danger if you take refuge in Me, for I Am ready to help you in your spiritual difficulty at all times. But without Me you cannot free yourselves from him and his influence, without Me you are too weak and therefore at his mercy. However, you can avoid all such pressures if you hand yourselves over to Me and My protection time and again, if you always appeal for My blessing, if you commend your physical and spiritual wellbeing to Me and never neglect to call upon My name .... and thereby openly acknowledge Me in Jesus Christ .... Then you will be erecting a wall which My adversary will not be able to pull down, for he will take flight from Me and My name, and thus he will also let go of you if you just faithfully speak My name in every adversity and danger ....


BD 7376                received  27.06.1959

God wants to be the subject of your thoughts ....

No matter which path you want to take, it has to aim towards Me or you will go astray. If you are inclined towards the world you will hardly ever direct your heart and mind towards Me, and then you can be sure that the path you are taking is wrong. But if you turn away from the world your thoughts will most certainly drift into spiritual realms, you will mentally occupy yourselves with things which are beyond the earthly world, you will want to discover what is still hidden from you because you will yield to the light beings’ influence, who try to steer your thoughts into the spiritual kingdom and will always succeed when the human being looks for Me ....

I have to be your goal, you have to mentally occupy yourselves with Me, and then you will surely take the path which leads to Me. And thus you humans can only ever be cautioned to be wary of the world .... Not that you should escape from the world into which you were placed by providence to test your will. But you should not dedicate yourselves to it with heart and soul, you should learn to control it, you should do justice to the demands it makes on you for sustaining your earthly existence, nevertheless not grant it more rights than necessary .... You should master the world and not be its servant .... And thus destiny can make a variety of demands on you, yet you should not exclude Me from your thoughts, you have to let Me guide you and determine your every thought and action. And I will truly do everything to gain influence over you if you are of good will. But a person whose will belongs to the world will go astray, he will have a different goal, he will be completely taken in by the world and never get away from it.

Therefore I will cross everyone’s path time after time, and often painfully so, if he ignores my gentle admonitions and warnings and has hardly any or no connection to Me. In that case My Fatherly hand will often have to deal with him harshly, I will often have to make him painfully aware of the transience of earthly things, I will have to take from him what his heart desires, and I will often have to forcibly divert his eyes from the world without, however, forcing his will, which has to make its own choice after all. But he cannot become happy without Me, and this happiness concerns his eternal life, the state of his soul after his physical death. If he has not found Me on earth already he will scarcely achieve unification with Me, even though it is still possible in the kingdom of the beyond. But the goal has moved infinitely far away if he has concluded his earthly life without Me and then laboriously has to be guided in the beyond, where it is far more arduous than on earth, to find Me. But anyone who looks for Me on earth will find Me, since I will come to meet him Myself and not leave him again until he has united with Me. For I Am and remain the goal That has to be attained if you humans want to become blessed ....


BD 3740                received  09.04.1946

‘Do this in remembrance of Me ....’
Last Supper ....

Strength, wisdom and life originate from Me .... And thus I have to be recognised as the source of strength and light, and the connection with Me has to be sought in order to attain life through the receipt of strength and light. Hence I must be able to find Myself again in you, that is, light and strength or the knowledge of eternal truth and its subsequent abundant strength have to be in you .... My spirit must take effect in you .... and thus I Myself must be able to work in you, only then will you be alive, but you will never ever loose this life again. Then you will be united with Me, and this union is the true Communion .... The union with Me is indispensable or you could neither receive strength nor light, since the unification with the eternal primary source has to take place first if the flow of My love is to be transmitted across into the human being’s heart.

But in order to establish this unification the will to receive something from Me is required first. The will, in turn, necessitates mental activity, thus I have to be recognised by the person’s heart and intellect as the source and therefore the provider of what he desires, and he has to mentally endeavour to reach Me .... Only this activates the will and fulfils the conditions which lead to unification with Me. The activated will is equal to an act of love .... But this is essential, and thus My commandment of love can never be bypassed by those who truly want to communicate with Me, who want to unite with Me ....

Distribute gifts, offer food and drink to your neighbour, help him in his spiritual and earthly hardship, give to him as I have given to you, refresh your fellow human being’s body and soul, have mercy on the weak and sick, comfort the sad, lift up the discouraged, always and ever alleviate hardship, and always do so with regard to Me Who exemplified the earthly path to you .... Share everything you own with the poor .... Then you will fulfil My commandment of love and thereby the first condition of unification with Me, for only when you have shaped your heart to love will I be able to unite with you, otherwise a union with Me will be impossible, regardless of how many external formalities you observe which have no effect on the state of your heart (your soul).

I want to give you life, give you strength and light in abundance, yet this will never be possible as long as you don’t activate your will, as long as you don’t practise love .... But I instructed you Myself on how you should practise this love and constantly admonished you to follow Me .... Remember Me and My teaching, then you will conduct yourselves accordingly, and you will truly become vessels for My spirit, thus you will enable the part of Myself to take effect in you .... You will draw Me to yourselves through your actions of love, and thus you will unite yourselves with Me, the primary source of strength and eternal light, and therefore you can also receive unlimited light and strength .... knowledge and might ........

The union with Me has to be accomplished first through actions of love, only then can I be present in you Myself .... even in spirit, and only then can I nourish and refresh you with spiritual sustenance, with flesh and blood, with My body in the spiritual sense .... For I Myself Am the Word, thus I offer you the Last Supper when I convey My Word to you, which is spiritual nourishment for your soul. You can indeed also accept this nourishment without prior activity of love, but then it is not a Communion, not a union with Me, for then it is not yet the Last Supper, but it can lead you to it if you don’t just accept the Word with your ears but also with your hearts and live accordingly .... Only the activity of your will, the action of love, establishes the spiritual union with Me. However, these activities of love consist of giving, of constantly passing on and sharing what you own, of what makes you happy yourselves in order to also please your fellow human being who is in need of it. And if you don’t practise this, if you don’t try to follow Me in this, you cannot be nourished at My table either, you will not be able to take the Last Supper with Me, because you exclude yourselves as My guests, because then I will remain inaccessible to you until you have changed yourselves to love, which is and eternally will be My fundamental substance.

If you accept the Last Supper in the form chosen by you humans it will always just remain an external act which only has a profound spiritual meaning when your heart is filled by deep love which, however, should not just move you emotionally but has to find its expression in works of unselfish neighbourly love. For whoever remains in love remains in Me and I in him .... This Word of Mine is also the foundation of the Last Supper set up by Me .... You should always bear My way of life on earth in mind and follow My every example .... And as you give you shall receive, spiritually and earthly; you will, providing you are in close unity with Me through love, be nourished and strengthened at all times.

Constantly carrying out works of love in remembrance of Me .... and thereby establishing the certain union with Me, which guarantees you the receipt of My Word, of My flesh and blood .... that is the profound spiritual meaning of the words ‘Do this in remembrance of Me ....’ which all of you will certainly understand if you have the sincere determination to ascertain the spiritual meaning of My Words ....


Bertha Dudde short biography

Who was Bertha Dudde?

Bertha Dudde was born on 1. April 1891, as the second oldest daughter of a painter, in Liegnitz, Silesia. She became a dressmaker and began to receive pronouncements from God through the ‘Inner Word’ on 15. June 1937.

“In a clear dream I was moved to write down my thoughts after devout prayer. Understandably this often gave way to doubt and inner conflicts until I was convinced that I was, myself, by no means the initiator of these exquisitely gracious words; but instead it was the spirit within me, in other words, the love of the Heavenly Father was obviously responsible for them and introduced me to the truth”.

“I was given knowledge of the spiritual world which far exceeded my elementary school education. I received and receive this knowledge as a dictation in a state of complete consciousness; I write down everything I am told in shorthand, in order to then transfer it word for word to clean copy. The procedure does not take place in a state of compulsion, for example in a state of trance or ecstasy, but in an absolutely level-headed frame of mind. However, I have to want it to happen and then I can receive these dictations voluntarily; they are neither bound by time nor place.

“Now I only have one wish, which is to be able to make these gifts of grace accessible to many more people and in accordance with the will of God Himself to be allowed to do much more work in His vineyard.”

(Quotations from an autobiography from 1959).

Bertha Dudde died on 18. September 1965 in Leverkusen, Germany.

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