ThemeBooklet 070d

Return to God - Part 4

An access to the currently translated complete work of Bertha Dudde – 1891-1965 – including her autobiography, an introduction to the work, lots of hints and clarification, all the downloads (in various languages), with offers of writings by different publishers (printed books, theme booklets etc.), and printable PDF-versions of all texts (revelations) You find here, a selective list with all her books You find here.

Following Jesus - 2

BD 8633                received  02.10.1963

People don’t know about their immense spiritual hardship ....

You humans are not conscious of your hardship, yet this calamity cannot be described to you pessimistically enough, so that you will endeavour to remedy the situation yourselves, for you can do so providing you muster the firm will. But first you have to recognise this adversity yourselves .... You ought to know that you have reached the end of an eternally long process of development through the earthly creation, that you had to suffer indescribable torments during this time and that you now, as a human being, are able to end this state of torment and enter the spiritual kingdom as a free being of light .... You ought to know that it is your last opportunity to free yourselves from every physical shell, but that you now also have to lead an appropriate way of life as a human being otherwise you will fail and the whole preceding path has been in vain .... You ought to know that you, in that case, will fall back into the deepest abyss again and have to cover the path through the creations in appalling agony once more, constrained in matter ....

You humans live your lives irresponsibly; it does not occur to you that you are on earth for a purpose .... you do not concern yourselves in any way with such thoughts and don’t recognise a spiritual reason for your existence .... you do not look for a God and Creator, from Whom the creation as well as you yourselves have originated, you live indifferently and .... most importantly .... you live without love. Only love can take you to final perfection, only love guarantees that blissful fate in eternity, since you only need love to attain the last goal: the final release from matter. For although you will enter the kingdom of the beyond after your physical death you will nevertheless not be able to detach yourselves from earth, and then you can still descend further and get banished into matter again. But you can also be caught unawares by the end while you are still on earth, and then you will return to the abyss without fail, from where you had worked your way up already .... And you will have to bear this awful fate once more, for I cannot digress from the law of eternal order, even though My love belongs to you and will never ever abandon you .... But I cannot bypass My justice which is equally part of My perfection.

Time and again I call to you: Take stock of yourselves .... you are travelling the last short stretch of the path. Don’t take the wrong path which will inevitably lead to the abyss, but join Me and cover your earthly path holding on to My hand .... Consider the possible cause and purpose for your earthly existence, and truly, I will illuminate you in this respect because I want you to follow the path to your Father’s house, because I long for your return to Me and would like to spare you the terrible fate of a new banishment .... Realise the fact that you are in tremendous spiritual danger and try to change it, for it is entirely due to your will to fulfil the task on account of which you were allowed to embody yourselves as a human being .... But you have to liberate yourselves from worldly longings; you should not look at your earthly life as an end in itself but always recognise it as the means to an end ....

And it will be possible for you to live an expedient way of life if only you endeavour to live a life of love .... Then you will have escaped the risk of failure in this end period, then you will recognise ever more clearly why you are living on earth, and you will always make the effort to fulfil the will of your God and Creator, you will enter into a father-child relationship, and then the Father will take hold of you and draw you to Himself and never ever let you descend into the abyss again. Listen to My admonitions and warnings, change your way of life, and try to conclude the infinitely long earthly path in order to enter the kingdom of light and bliss after your physical death. And if you muster this determination then you will also truly receive the strength to do so, for I will help you until the end so that you will attain life and not fall prey to death again ....


Enduring earthly hardship and suffering

BD 7495                received  06.01.1960

Carrying the cross ....
Following Jesus ....

To live as My disciple also means to humbly carry the small cross that is imposed on you humans for the benefit of your soul .... Following Me is associated with taking the path to the cross as well which, however, will be bearable for each one of you because you can always call upon Me to help you carry your cross .... And you will not appeal in vain .... I will take your cross from you or ease your burden; I will not let you carry more than you are able to endure ....

But you have to at least accept a small burden or you would not take up ‘My discipleship’ which, after all, is of utmost benefit for your soul ....

To live as Jesus’ disciple is a really great advantage for the soul, for then it will endure much suffering and thus improve itself while still living on earth, it will enter the kingdom of the beyond purged and thus will have already purged itself of much which would only be an obstacle to beatitude, for the soul has to be purified if it is to wear a garment of light, and thus enter into the kingdom of light. And one day it will be grateful to Me that it was allowed to rid itself of its impurities whilst still on earth, but this also entails travelling the path to the cross, carrying the small cross with which I burden every human being who wants to be My true disciple, who wants to accompany Me on My path to the cross and remove part of his guilt of sin himself while on earth. He will find forgiveness of his guilt, all sins will be remitted to him, for I died on his behalf on the cross, but his soul’s state can vary in its degree of light, and in order to render the soul translucent all impurities have to be removed, it has to clear away what it is capable of removing itself, and thereby it will only increase its own degree of light which it otherwise has to acquire in the beyond through deeds of love for the souls who are in need of help ....

The soul will indeed find forgiveness of sins through the Redemption of Jesus Christ, and that means that it will also enter the kingdom of light; but the varying abundance of light depends on the work the soul performs on itself, which happens through deeds of love and endurance of suffering. That is why every soul is burdened with carrying a cross and therefore it should not fail. It has to carry it patiently or appeal to Me for relief, and I will truly not leave it without help .... As soon as you turn to Me the burden will become perceptively less, for I want you to call Me since I, as the bearer of the cross, always want to walk by your side in order to support and strengthen you when the burden appears to become heavier for you .... Then, by all means, you may look for the One Who wants to take the weight off you, Who will place the burden upon His Own shoulders in order to release you from it .... Yet you should not dispose of the cross entirely if you want to be true followers of Jesus, for He carried the heaviest cross on your behalf because he had accepted all of humanity’s guilt of sin and carried it until the end of His path .... It was often too much for his strength as a human being but He carried it for love of humanity, which He wanted to redeem from the consequences of all sins the human race languished in. And thus you, too, should carry your cross with love for Me in Jesus Christ until the end of your earthly life, and you will gratefully realise the advantage your soul has gained by ‘following Jesus’ when it enters the spiritual kingdom with an abundance of light and freedom, because it will have already removed all burden of sin during its path to the cross, because it enters purified through the gate of eternity into eternal life ....


BD 4876                received  08.04.1950

Christ’s path to the cross ....

Anyone who wants to follow Me will walk a lonely path, misunderstood by his fellow human beings as was My share, too, despite the love I gave to fellow people. Anyone who wants to follow Me will have to accept his cross just as I did, although My eternal love will not let anyone’s cross become as heavy as that of the man Jesus .... He will have to carry it, yet he can ease his burden at any time if he calls upon Me for help. Then I will place the cross on My shoulders and carry it for him, and with Me everything gets easier, with Me he no longer walks on his own, I will empathise and share his suffering and joy at all times; he can always follow his earthly path in silent togetherness with Me, and therefore he will find his cross bearable and humbly submit to his destiny .... I took all of humanity’s suffering on My shoulders as I walked along facing crucifixion and endured unspeakable physical pain. I walked the arduous path that ended with death on the cross for everyone who wanted to follow Me one day. I suffered indescribably as a human being so that people’s suffering would be lessened. I participated in all of humanity’s suffering and carried the cross on its behalf. And anyone who loved Me followed Me .... There were only a few, compared to the whole human race on whose behalf I died, only a few shared My pain, they suffered with Me and for Me. They, too, carried their cross because they followed Me, since their love for Me made them feel all their suffering twice as much. Yet their love was like balm on My wounds which were inflicted on Me by pitiless people; their love increased My will to suffer on behalf of humanity and to bring help to them through My crucifixion. Many followed Me on the way to the place of execution yet only few sympathized with My pain .... Many people live on earth but only few are My disciples .... I died for all people on the cross but only few accept My sacrifice and make use of the attained blessings. Only few people follow Me and yet, only by following Me can they become blessed. Everyone should take his cross upon himself and remember My sacrificial walk to Golgatha, which was almost too difficult for a human being to bear and made Me fall .... But the love of a person came to My aid when I had almost failed as a human being and I made the sacrifice, I emptied the cup of suffering completely ....

And if you humans have to suffer remember My Words ‘Whoever wants to follow Me let him take up his cross ....’ You should know that all suffering you humbly endure in My will is taken into account as a path to the cross which signifies redemption and liberation from all guilt for you .... You should know that you are living on earth in order to release yourselves from guilt, the magnitude of which cannot be estimated by you as human beings, for which I have indeed died in order to lessen it but which every one of you also has to remove, as far as it is within your power, if you want to take part in the act of Salvation which was started by My love with My crucifixion. You humans were only given a small cross to carry because I have taken the heaviest weight from you, but you cannot remain entirely without suffering in order to keep going towards the One Who wants to help you at all times, Whom you should follow so that you will become eternally blessed ....


BD 5282                received  27.12.1951

Jesus came to the weak, sick and needy ....

I came into the world for the weak, sick and needy, for the strong and healthy did not require Me, they found their own way, at least they believed they could, and only when they went astray did they recognise their weakness and called for Me .... when their own strength did not suffice to master their lives. All those who call for Me, who need Me, are weak and their souls are ailing, and all those will be helped by Me, because by calling for Me they acknowledge their distressed state, from which they hope to be rescued by Me. All you humans are weak and ill, and good for those who recognise it .... However, those who feel strong and healthy are in a bad way, for they cannot be helped .... And there are many who believe that they don’t need help, there are many who are convinced of their own strength and very easily use the strength of the one who wants to gain them for himself, who increases their arrogant belief and therefore gives them strength, but not without a service in return .... He wants the soul and in exchange gives the body what it wants ....

I, however, Am the physician of the sick and weak, I Am the comforter of the sorrowful and the hope of the disheartened .... They all come to Me and they will not ask in vain, I agree to help them all even if they do not experience it immediately. But in that case I also know why, and yet you are not abandoned, for no one who calls to Me for help from the bottom of his heart will ever call to Me in vain. Come unto Me, all you who are weak and heavily laden, I will refresh you .... Thus I have promised you My help, and so you will certainly receive it .... Always remember this when you are confronted by hardship, when you feel physically or psychologically distressed, when earthly life is a heavy burden to you, when you need help. Then remember that I once and at any time came to the poor, sick and weak and only await your call to reveal Myself to you, but that I want to be called upon, so that you freely recognise your weakness and ask for Me, your physician and helper, that your call demonstrates your faith that I can and will help you .... and I will never allow this faith to be destroyed ....


BD 7217                received  29.11.1958

Trials in old age ....
Love and patience ....

I quite often have to admonish you to persevere with love and patience until the end of your life. These trials cannot be prevented if you want to reach the final pinnacle. And you consciously started your course of life with the resolve to complete it in order to achieve a degree of light which will turn you into blissfully happy beings. And as long as this path has not come to an end the trials will not end either, the triumph over each one signifies time and again yet another step of ascent. But you don’t have to be at all afraid of the last stage of your earthly progress, for you have formed a bond with Me and that means that I always walk beside you, even though you occasionally think that you are alone and abandoned by Me, Who is nevertheless even closer to you the more desperate the situation is in which you find yourselves.

And therefore you should always remember that love and patience have to be practiced by you at all times, that deeds of love give you the strength to achieve or overcome even the most difficult situation, that patience will give you inner strength, that it is a solid defence against the adversary who above all wants to unsettle your patience in order to create conflict and agitation in you .... a state in which he can then work more easily and successfully. Remember that you can master everything with patience, then you will be his master, and then you will also very soon sense My presence, although I had never left you.

If, however, your life proceeded completely uneventfully, without any tests, without any upheaval, your development would come to a halt and the remainder of your earthly life would be a waste of time, which you would regret one day in the kingdom of the beyond. For every person will naturally find it more difficult towards the end of life, consequently their spiritual achievements will be far more valued, after all, they require greater will and effort than is the case with more robust people who are still in the midst of their vitality .... And remember that every day that is still granted to you on earth is a blessing, for you can work towards your salvation and will only be able to appreciate its value when you have entered the kingdom of the beyond. I surely know that it is an effort for you, and I will certainly also reimburse you with the just reward .... whereas you could not expect anything special if your earthly life proceeded uneventfully and did not require you to use your will or to demonstrate your faith. And when the last day comes you will thank Me that I granted you the blessing of a long earthly life, for then you can also assess the wealth you had been able to gather, providing you used the time on earth well. No matter what happens to you, I Am close to you .... Always remember this, then love and patience will prevail in you when you are tested by suffering and have to prove yourselves. But do not give your soul’s enemy the right to control you by inwardly objecting and losing your patience .... for that is his weapon, to deprive you of your composure and to influence you, frequently with success. But if you stay calm and full of patience and humbly accept your fate then he cannot touch you, but I can be even more effective and truly will not leave you in hardship and distress, providing you always pass such tests and hand yourselves over to Me in complete trust of My help ....


BD 6987                received  07.12.1957

Process of purification through strokes of fate ....

No matter how your earthly lives shape themselves, they are determined by My Will in order to give you ever more opportunities for your souls to mature. But you will only become psychologically fully mature if you faithfully accept My Will, if you humbly bow down and completely subordinate yourselves to Me .... Then you will also experience My obvious help in every earthly and spiritual adversity. The aim of life is the spiritualisation of your soul, the purging of all impurities which still cling to you, so that it can be completely permeated by My divine light of love when it leaves its earthly body. This purification, however, will not take place if the human being’s earthly existence passes by without any struggle .... unless the person lives an exceptionally loving life. Then the layers will disintegrate and the soul will have achieved its goal at the end of its life.

But often it will still have to accomplish this process of purification through suffering and adversities, through personal struggle. And since My wisdom knows this, My love always takes care to help it to mature. Consequently, you will not be able to live your earthly lives in constant calm, storms will rage around you, and often enough you will be despondent as a result of your fate .... And yet you need not be afraid, you will be able to overcome everything by merely joining Me even more firmly the harsher you are affected by fate.

I Am mindful of everything and you are never alone, even if you are earthly entirely on your own, even if you believe that you have been abandoned by all people .... I will truly never leave you, and to be united with Me compensates you a thousand fold for the loss you suffer or have suffered. But you also always have to recognise Me Myself in every happening that comes your way. If I Am your first and last thought you will be strong, no matter what happens to you.

But if you distance yourselves from Me by complaining and grumbling and rebelling against your fate, then you will also get steadily weaker and the adversity will burden you ever more .... because then there is no other available means for Me to win you back, to make you bow down to My will again .... I truly only have your best interests at heart, and nothing will happen to you without My will or My permission. But in constant contact with Me it will be easier for you to carry your burden .... And then everything that at first looked like an inextricable tangle will be beautifully resolved.

And the soul will have achieved a great benefit if, during the greatest difficulties, it has not severed its bond with Me.

Especially in these final days before the end people are at great risk of forgetting about Me in their hunt and rush for worldly goods .... And if I want them to remember Me again then I can only employ such means which will shake their very way of thinking, by using hard blows of fate I have to put them into a situation of wit’s end, so that they then will remember the One, Who alone is able to help them. For their souls are still wrapped in dense layers, they have not yet done much to purify their souls, that is, they neglect to do unselfish deeds of love, and a different process of purification is therefore necessary to make the soul transparent enough for just a little bit of light, for which it will be extremely grateful to Me one day ....

And no person is exempt from experiencing misfortunes, because I love all human beings and want to help them find their way back to Me one day if they are still distant from Me, or to encourage a closer unity with Me whereby they can receive increasingly more strength to improve their souls and to achieve full maturity while still on earth. For I want them to pass over with a degree of light already, so that they will be spared the agony of darkness in the kingdom of the beyond; I want that their earthly progress should not have been in vain ..... And for this reason you humans should only ever see My will or My permission in everything that happens to you and humbly submit yourselves to My will ....


BD 6277                received  06.06.1955

Strokes of fate ....
The Father’s love ....

My care pursues you with never changing love, for I don’t want your downfall but your happiness .... I want your salvation from darkness and your admission into light. This is why I will not throw you into misery and hardship for any other motive than to aid your ascent, because you still languish in darkness and cannot muster the strength to ascend on your own. But My methods and their effectiveness are unknown to you, and you are easily inclined to believe that I Am cruel .... Yet believe in My love and believe that My action is only ever motivated by love, that with every event I only ever intend your beatitude .... Only I know the outcome of such events, only I know which path you would have followed without My strokes of fate .... and only I know when such a path will lead you astray. And what I then allow to happen to prevent it is only ever based on My love and will have beneficial results even if this seems incomprehensible to you humans.

Thus, the last days before the end urgently require painful interventions on My part, and they will repeat themselves many a time, My hand will increasingly have to solve problems and there will be much suffering and mourning, but souls will also be rescued, people will be evidently directed to the One Who holds everyone’s fate in His hands .... even though they will then only fear Him since they will be unable to love Him .... but they will acknowledge Him, they will believe in a God and Controller of heaven and earth .... And this belief can show them the way forward if they are of good will .... My love belongs to the smallest creature and I alone safeguard all life so that one day it will enter the stage of free will and be able to fulfil its last task on earth .... But how much more will I look after those who have already reached this stage so that they do not regress and will not have walked their earthly path in vain ....

But I also recognise the obstacles on every person’s earthly path. And I know whether a human being will rise above this hurdle or whether he is in danger of failing .... And therefore I pursue him with My care and pull him back or continue to guide him onto another path .... But I will never want his downfall .... Besides, you should know that I Am always a considerate Father .... and that My Fatherly care is truly more valuable for the earthly human being than any person’s care for his fellow human being ....

You should always hold on to this when you doubtfully question yourselves as to how I can allow children to become orphans, families to be deprived of their provider, the most precious possession to be taken away from people .... I can give comfort to everyone, I can take all worries from them, and I Am a Father to all who are lonely and abandoned .... yet they have to find their way to Me .... And this is what I intend, that they establish a relationship with Me in utmost adversity .... For of what use are words which confess faith in Me if they are not turned into action, if people don’t come to Me when earthly suffering threatens to depress them .... The living faith will be a true support for people .... but a dead faith will awaken one doubt after another about God’s love and omnipotence .... And every human being is confronted by hours of intense hardship .... Then they shall take their path to Me and I will truly help them in their distress ....

I Am the only One who can take but also give. And if you humans know this then you should also believe that I can heal the wounds I have inflicted on you for the sake of your beatitude .... believe firmly and without doubt that not everything you regard as good and useful will always lead to beatitude .... My ways are often different but they will certainly lead to the goal. Always come to Me in this belief, and you may then experience My love because you believe in Me ....


BD 7184                received  07.08.1958

Painful teaching methods ....

You will become increasingly more aware of how urgently you need help, which no human being on earth can provide for you. For you will be overwhelmed by such an obvious impact of forces which only I will be able to stop .... be they natural or fateful events which human help cannot resolve but which have to happen to you humans if I still want to win you before the end. You will hear increasingly more often about accidents and natural disasters, and as long as you are not affected yourselves they sadly all too often will pass you by without having particularly affected you. And yet they could suffice to make you think, and you could be spared the same fate yourselves.

But your indifference often forces Me to let the same hardship and misfortune happen to you as well, because I only want to achieve that you appeal to Me for help .... that you turn to Me in your adversity and learn to recognise that there is only One Who can and will help you if you ask Him to. As long as your daily life proceeds without specific incident your indifference is frightening .... towards Me as well as towards your fellow human beings in distress. If, however, you are affected yourselves then you will wake up and take stock of yourselves. And yet, one day could be as peaceful as the other with the right attitude towards Me, if you would enter into a Father and child relationship with Me, which would assure you of the Father’s constant protection .... Therefore, don’t be surprised if time and again you humans are rudely awakened by most significant events .... don’t ask yourselves why a God can be so cruel but know that your indifference and obstinacy prompt Me to use these very methods which appear cruel to you, and yet are only intended for your own good. What you find almost impossible to believe will happen, and time after time catastrophes will claim great numbers of human victims. And if you consider the approaching end you will also understand everything. Yet how few believe in this end, and how great is the number of those whose unbelief forces Me to use other methods in order to still save them before this end. And therefore you should at all times be prepared for surprises which will only ever trigger dread and fear .... they cannot be prevented because I don’t want to let go of those who have not yet entered into a relationship with Me. And they have to be dealt with firmly. But even the most severe suffering and most dreadful experience can be a blessing for them providing they take the path towards Me Who then will also want to give evidence of Himself, so that they will learn to believe in Me and My love for them ....


BD 8113                received  01.03.1962

Love and suffering purify the soul ....

Love should be the driving force for all your deeds and failings .... then you will always do My will, you will work with love and thereby also attain the strength needed by your soul for your path of earthly life. The soul is meant to mature fully, that is, it is meant to push away all impurities it is still burdened with, it is meant to become translucent so it is able to accept My love’s emanation of light which signifies strength and bliss for the soul. But My ray of love cannot penetrate it if the soul is still surrounded by dense layers, by impure longings and instincts, by all kinds of vices, by low characteristics such as pride, anger, vindictiveness .... by any kind of unkindness ....

The soul has to try to free itself from all these faults and longings, and the means for this are love and suffering .... The impurities dissolve through deeds of love, but the soul will also be released from them through suffering, and it can be ever more illuminated by My love and mature until it has become completely translucent, and then it need not fear death anymore, because then it can enter the kingdom of light, because its earthly progress has not been in vain since it has reached its goal on earth: the transformation of itself into love .... And therefore you will understand that My commandments of love are of utmost importance, that they have to be fulfilled, that your life on earth has to be a life of love if it is to be successful for you. You are only on earth for the maturity of your soul which, at the start of its incarnation as a human being, is still without love .... although I have provided it with a spark of love which can ignite and change the soul’s still imperfect state until it is close to perfection .... But the person also has to muster the will to live a life of love .... He has to listen to his inner voice which constantly urges him to act with love .... He has to perform deeds of love or his soul won’t change but will keep its lowly attributes and is then in danger of entering the kingdom of the beyond in a completely immature state, which means, that it will still have to go through torments of purification there in order to be able to enjoy happiness one day ....

Only love will release it from all impure attributes, only love will crystallise it and it will push all impurities away from itself .... or it will have to accept much suffering during its earthly life which can also mature the soul, because this calms it down and gradually also ignites the spark of love within itself, and then love and suffering work together and achieve the soul’s maturity. And the human being should always reject his selfish love and give love to his neighbour .... Then he will change quickly, for only unselfish neighbourly love is the true, divine love which I demand, which the soul has to change into by itself during its earthly progress as a human being if it wants to attain eternal life. And therefore My divine commandments of love always have to be emphasised as the most important, for only love has the redeeming strength, only love will be able to achieve the soul’s transformation .... Only through deeds of love will it mature and become bright and clear, so that My emanation of love will find no more obstacles, so that I can then make it blissfully happy as in the beginning .... because through love it will find union with Me, which is its purpose and goal of earthly progress ....


BD 8594                received  23.08.1963

Painful means can lead to faith ....

If only people would believe in a God of love Who wants to make them happy. Yet in view of the immensely harsh conditions which strike people time and time again, in view of the harsh strokes of fate and all kinds of disasters, people cannot muster the belief that every adversity is also a work of love by Me, because I know by what means a person can still be saved and achieve beatitude .... Less painful means have no effect on you .... and if I speak to you with gentle Words you won’t listen to Me, and yet you have to be persuaded to turn to Me, and when all painless means are in vain I have to use painful means so that you will think of Me, ask for My help and then receive it, so that you will then be able to recognise a God of love. You all could truly hear My loving Fatherly Words which merely inform you of My will, and as soon as you fulfil this will your life can then proceed calmly and yet successfully .... But if you ignore My gentle Words I have to speak more clearly to you, because My love will not abandon you, because I will try everything to win you for Myself in order to awaken you to a life which will last forever. For you belong to Me, you merely stay away from Me yourselves, but I want you to return to Me of your own free will, and whatever you encounter in form of suffering and harsh strokes of fate are only ever means which I recognise as successful and which I use because I love you and will never let go of you, no matter how long you oppose My love.

Therefore don’t be surprised that hardship and sorrow will increase, for you are approaching the end and I still want to save souls from the fate of a new banishment, which is only possible if you acknowledge Me as God and Creator, if you call upon Me in desperation believing that a Power exists Which can help you, from Which you had originated .... And you should believe that your distress will truly diminish, that you will clearly feel My help. And then you will also be able to recognise Me as a God of love, for your bond with Me will inwardly enlighten you about Me.

But many disasters will still happen on earth in the forthcoming time, and only those who have already found Me will recognise therein helpful means intended to lead people out of spiritual adversity, the others, however, will doubt or completely deny a God of love, for they are so attached to the world that they have no contact whatsoever with the spiritual kingdom, with the kingdom that is not of this world. They are purely worldly minded, and they scornfully reject every reference to God .... until they themselves experience adversity and can’t see their way out .... Then I will come very close to them again, I will let the thought of a God Who is able to help arise in them, and then the great danger can encourage them to turn to this God .... Thus all sorrowful events, all disasters and other fateful blows will become explicable to you, for they are no coincidence but destined by Me or My permission, so that souls will still have means of help granted to them which should let them find Me .... But if their hearts remain hardened then only a natural event of immense proportion can make people stop and think, but even this will not compel them to believe, for totally obstinate people will not want to recognise and acknowledge a higher Power even then, but in that case they are completely subject to My adversary and their soul’s fate of a new banishment is certain. However, as long as the earth still exists in its present form I will try to persuade people to change their will, and I shall still use many means which you will not find compatible with the love of a God. But I know what benefits every single person, I know the state of his soul, and accordingly I will affect him.

But you humans are fortunate if you are convinced of a loving God and Father .... Then you will calmly accept everything, whatever comes your way .... no matter how severely it affects you .... and only ever take refuge with Me, and I will truly not disappoint you. For a devout person will always receive My help, because his faith enables unusual influences. But true faith arises from love, and love also strives towards Me, the Eternal Love .... The human being establishes a solid bond with Me, and he will never distance himself from Me either. He has passed the last test of will on earth; he has voluntarily chosen Me and separated himself from My adversary for good .... And this is all I try to achieve as long as the human being still lives on earth. For I want him to be able to enter his true home again, to be able to enter the kingdom of happiness and beatitude, where all suffering has come to an end and where he then will find everlasting life ....


BD 5904                received  16.03.1954

Blessing of suffering ....

Sooner or later you all will realise why you had to suffer on earth, and you will be grateful to Me if it brought you the success that you would never have achieved without suffering .... I would truly not let you suffer without reason, yet My love recognises the effect of suffering on you and thus makes use of it, even if you are often incapable of recognising My loving care. But believe that every stirring of your heart is known to Me, and that I therefore handle especially My Own seemingly harshly, because I want to give them even more blessings in My kingdom, which they are guaranteed to inhabit when their physical end has come.

On earth you cannot imagine the beatitude I want to provide for you .... But I know how a soul has to be in order to endure this beatitude, only I know how it can attain this quality, and only I know the right means and therefore also use them .... and I do this because I love you and know that your will strives towards Me. But also bear in mind that the soul in the human stage is not yet crystallised enough, that it would not endure the abundance of My emanation of love, that it therefore still has to go through suffering in order to become totally purged .... You should know that the soul’s layers were not the fault of your earthly way of life, but that it came to earth already surrounded by thick covers, the dissolution of which is now every human being’s task .... Doing deeds of love to a large degree will considerably aid the removal of the soul’s impurities, and profound suffering helps where the strength of love is not yet powerful enough .... But you will feel inexpressibly happy when your soul is able to rise freely and permeated by light into the spiritual kingdom after your earthly death .... Then you will have overcome all difficulties, all earthly suffering, and an eternity of supreme happiness lays ahead of you ....

Although every day of suffering seems long to you, and yet it is but a moment in time compared to eternity. At times you deem your suffering to be unbearable, and yet I give you no more to carry than you can endure .... and you can always turn to Me, to Jesus Christ, the bearer of the cross, with an appeal for help when your burden seems too much to bear for you .... Take up your cross and follow Me .... Would I, as the man Jesus, have spoken these Words if it were impossible for you to endure the cross placed upon you? But He Himself also offered you His help with the Words ‘Come to Me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest ....’ And true to His Word He will always give you strength .... For your Saviour Jesus Christ knows you, He also knows that you are willing to follow Him, and He will grant you strength and grace as long as you live on earth ....


BD 6763                received  16.02.1957

Loving help for fellow human beings in distress ....

You shall help and comfort those who suffer earthly or spiritual hardship. Then you will truly exercise neighbourly love and also awaken love in your fellow human being. The last days cannot pass people by without sorrow and adversity for they are the last means used by Me to win them over for Myself. I want to speak to every human heart by way of such adversity, and if they hear Me, if they recognise My voice in their distress and then turn their heart and ear to Me they will have taken a step forward, they will have entered the path which leads to ascent. But there are still untold people who keep their heart and ear closed to Me .... And you should speak to these and direct them in their adversity to Me, where they will find true comfort and help ....

You are already helping them by not ignoring their distress, and this help will be gratefully received .... You should believe that only love is the correct remedy, that love heals wounds, that love soothes pain and that no human being is immune to a deed of love. And thus, every deed of love will awaken reciprocated love in another person, and only in this way can souls be won. Souls only mature through love, and if a soul is capable of love, then suffering, too, will result in great blessings, for then the soul will purge itself of all impurities and let every ray of love take effect on it .... Therefore you should talk to all people whom you know to be in difficult situations, who endure much suffering and are without hope and despondent. Comfort them and refer them to Me .... Don’t leave them to their pain, so that they won’t feel lonely and despair .... Every kind word is soothing to them, and compassion lets them feel their pain less intensely .... Provide them with earthly and spiritual comfort, so that all suffering will have a beneficial effect on their souls .... For you all still have to face much adversity and misery, you will all still experience situations when you will be grateful for comforting advice, for all kinds of assistance.

In the coming time one person will have to depend on the other, and where people don’t support each other the hardship will appear almost unbearable unless they turn to Me, Who will never leave a person if he calls to Me. And that is all I want to achieve, that people establish such a heartfelt bond with Me that they will never feel lonely and abandoned but always know that their Guardian and Helper is next to them, and that they then will no longer feel their adversity as harshly and as bitterly as the person who is still distant from Me. Every adversity is endurable for a person who takes refuge with Me, but you, who want to serve Me, can work as mediators between Myself and them .... you can show them the way to eliminate their distress, and if you do it with love you will also be successful.

Don’t let your hearts harden, don’t ignore your fellow human beings hardship, look around yourselves and you will see much adversity, and your help will always be comforting to others. But you all can help, for the right kind of help consists of kind-hearted thoughts, kind-hearted words and of actions that your love asks you to do .... True, compassionate love for your fellow human being in distress will always let you find ways and means to ease their hardship, and spiritual guidance is frequently of greater value than earthly assistance, for you thereby open the door to their hearts for Me, and once I can enter them Myself they will also be comforted and gladly carry their cross for their soul’s sake. And then their adversity will have been a blessing, for then they will have found their way home to the Father, I will have won them for eternity ....


BD 8680                received  21.11.1963

Following Jesus: Bearing the cross ....

You will always cross the bridge to the spiritual kingdom if you follow Jesus, the divine Redeemer, Who established this bridge for you humans and walked the path before you. He Himself bridged this broad gulf between the earth and the spiritual kingdom through His act of Salvation, He walked the most arduous and painful path to the cross and thereby built the bridge into the kingdom of light .... which can be crossed by every human being and will always lead to the right goal ....

The path of following Jesus has to be taken, that is, just as He had accepted all suffering out of love for the wretched human race so the human being, too, has to take the path of love and suffering, he has to endeavour to follow Him in order to purge his soul .... even though the human being Jesus had taken all guilt of His fallen brothers upon Himself and thus the immense original sin is redeemed through the crucifixion, through the act of Salvation .... His soul can only get cleansed and purified through love and suffering, and it has to accomplish this purging while still on earth if it wants to achieve the degree of light which guarantees its happiness. For the human being lives on earth in order to free his soul from all impurities, from all vices and longings, weaknesses and bad habits, which still cling to you as a result of your past apostasy, which it should and will be able to shed if it patiently travels the earthly path in suffering and makes an effort to live a life of love. For love is the most assured means of purification, love dissolves all impurities and layers which still burden a soul. And suffering .... humbly endured .... is likewise suitable to crystallise the soul, which then has become receptive to light and translucent when it enters the realm of the beyond.

For this reason Jesus spoke the Words ‘Whosoever will come after Me, let him take up his cross ....’ No human being will be entirely spared suffering, even if the weight of burden varies with each person. Yet earthly life is not the ultimate fulfilment, it is only ever a preparatory stage for the true life in the spiritual kingdom .... And any load the soul is still burdened with on earth can only raise its beatitude in the beyond, providing it is humbly endured as God’s will. Thus the human being shall take the path of following Jesus of his own free will .... He himself has to want that his soul should attain greater maturity on earth, he consciously has to decide to follow Jesus, he also has to acknowledge His act of Salvation and make use of it for himself. For no earthly existence, no matter how sorrowful, will ever help the soul to perfection if the human being does not acknowledge Jesus, if he does not make use of His act of Salvation and its blessings, if he does not believe in Him and the fact that it was God Himself Who accomplished the act of Salvation in the man Jesus. Then his earthly path can be as wretched as anything, he will not derive any benefit from it for his soul, for then he did not voluntarily ‘follow Jesus’ ....

However, the more you humans are filled with love the less you will be weighed down by suffering, for love is the best means of release, the fire of love will dissolve the soul’s every layer, it will melt away everything that is unclean and hardened, love will achieve the soul’s purification within a short time, and the extent of suffering can be reduced where love is already dealing with the soul’s purification process ....

And therefore the human being will have to be of service to a large extent in order to express his love thereby, for love impels people to be active, and as soon as it thus unselfishly applies to another person the human being will constantly perform labours of love, and then he will travel the path of following Jesus, Who time and again was likewise impelled by love to accomplish helpful acts, Who aimed to alleviate his fellow human being’s suffering and distress and used remarkable strength in order to help his fellow human beings.

And thus a constant willingness to help will be a path of following Jesus, because it demonstrates love, which can only ever have a beneficial effect, both for the provider as well as for the one who accepts the help .... For love is the most Powerful, the Divine, which has to lead to the soul’s perfection without fail, which has to purge a soul and make it receptive to light .... love is the final objective on earth, because it leads to unification with the Eternal Love, because it restores the original state of the created being and therefore also has to guarantee supreme bliss, which the being then finds in closest unity with its God and Father of eternity, from Whose love it once had emerged ....


Listening to the inner voice

BD 3968                received  03.02.1947

Turning inwards ....
Detachment from the world and its matter ....
Achievement of truth ....

The greater a person’s desire for truth the more deeply he will penetrate it. To God, as the Giver of truth, nothing is hidden, and therefore He also knows and answers every question moving a person’s heart; and thus you humans can easily increase your knowledge if only you let God, the Eternal Truth, speak to you, that is, if you attentively listen to your inner voice, which will always instruct you correctly. You have to look for the answer within yourselves, you should not expect it to come from outside, then you will be instructed directly, and you can be certain that it will be utter truth. Hence you should take notice of what He says to you:

Do you want to serve Me or the world .... do you want to gain My favour or do you want to attain other people’s admiration? Your will alone determines your actions and innermost thoughts, and therefore a spiritual rebirth will only ever be possible when you are moved by the utmost desire to be in contact with Me, when you look for Me and completely withdraw from the world in order to unite with Me.

But how can you detach yourselves from the world since, after all, you have to live in it and see yourselves faced by earthly obligations which you should not neglect? How can you establish the heartfelt relationship with Me while you constantly live amongst your fellow human beings and are thus time and again required by them?

Only through turning inwards, through a withdrawal into seclusion which, however, can take place everywhere and at any time depending on your will, and which will proceed more sincerely and unhindered the less external impressions a person receives. A most intimate contact with Me requires detachment from all matter, for I Myself, as pure eternal Spirit, exist outside of matter, even though matter itself is My emanated solidified strength, yet it is always situated at a certain distance from Me.

Anyone who wants to look for and find Me first has to turn his will away from matter, but since he nevertheless still lives within matter, since he has a physical body, he has to withdraw into his innermost being .... Then he will find Me, and the complete detachment from matter will take place when the physical eye is shielded from every external impression, when it is closed and no longer receives physical images, for they are reflected in a person’s soul and disturb its silent contemplation and union with its spirit. Spirit and matter are opposite concepts and will always remain in opposition to each other, and since I Myself as a pure Spirit want to be active within you, you first will have to achieve this inner separation from matter and then you will come closer to Me, but you will never be able to establish a close contact with Me as long as your eyes and senses are held captive by external impressions ....

I want that you only desire My presence, that you have no space for anything else in your hearts, and that you muster the will to relinquish all earthly things for My sake and the sake of My presence, that you mentally detach yourselves from everything opposing Me .... And all matter is spirit in opposition to Me .... I also want human customs to be avoided where possible, for they distract from an inner composure if they are not thoughtlessly observed, or they will be automatically performed and are then equally worthless. Anyone who sincerely looks for Me first has to sever his contact with the world, and everything that is not spiritual belongs to the world, that is related to earthly matter, that is taken in by the human being’s physical senses, thus everything that keeps the soul captive, that prevents it from uniting with the spirit within itself. Only when this detachment is accomplished it is able to talk to Me as it is My will, so that I Myself can work in the human being’s heart with My love and grace.

And I truly favour the silent, profound worship; it can never be replaced by external customs and actions which automatically affect the human being’s thoughts, which have to distract him from what is essential, from the purely spiritual contact with Me. I look into every person’s heart and truly don’t require any external evidence of your love for Me, and depending how you approach Me you will be considered by My love and grace, and you yourselves determine the extent. Although you will not act wrongly by performing external ceremonies, by observing human customs, but you harm yourselves by reducing the flow of My love and grace yourselves as long as any other thought but Myself still finds room in your heart. You should approach Me in spirit and in truth, then My eyes will look upon you favourably .... and then you will feel the blessing of such intimate contact in yourselves, then you will feel My presence and be happy .... And yet you will remain profoundly humble in your happiness, because you will be aware of the extraordinary grace that is bestowed upon you by the fact that I take abode in your hearts, and humility will increase the amount of grace ....


BD 5753                received  24.08.1953

Listening to God’s voice ....

You should listen to Me, and I will always speak to you such that you will also be able to recognise My love for you .... Everything around you can and will change .... but My love for you remains the same, it pursues you whether you are far away or close by, and it constantly seeks to influence you, that is, to awaken reciprocated love in you, which signifies your ultimate return to Me. And if I can address you, if you listen to Me, you will open your heart’s door to Me, and then the full strength of My love can be effective, then I can ignite a fire in you which cannot be extinguished anymore, because My love is so powerful that its fire dissolves all resistance, that it takes hold of the person’s nature and changes him completely .... that it shapes the person into love. I desire contact with you, this is why I speak to you ..... If you listen to Me willingly then you will establish the connection with Me, and then I can revive what is dead, I can give true life to you who are still dead while you are far away from Me. My Words shall change this dead state, for My communication is a ray of love that intends to awaken you to life.

If you then give Me the opportunity to lower My ray of love into your heart, if you make it possible by willingly listening to My Word, you will soon feel the effect in yourselves, you will become aware that you are no longer alone .... you will, as it were, sense the presence of a benevolent being to Whom you will give yourselves without resistance, for My ray of love has the effect that it lowers your resistance when I have the opportunity to speak to you, and you will listen to My Words carefully. And you will always listen to My Words if you withdraw into solitude for a short period of time, if you collect your thoughts in prayer or quietly think about yourselves. Then you always give Me the opportunity to speak to you, albeit you won’t recognise My voice at first but merely believe that you hear your own thoughts ....

I always enter your thoughts since you are, after all, pursued by My love which always tries to embrace you when you become silent and turn your vision inwards. In that case you listen, and then I can speak to you .... And the more consciously you practise this turning away from the world and looking within, the more willingly you open the door of your heart to Me and the more clearly will you hear My voice, which answers your questions or instructs you such that your love for Me flares up, because you will recognise Me as a God of love as soon as you listen to Me, as soon as you turn inwards and your thoughts turn towards Me ....

I always want to speak to you, yet rarely do you listen to Me .... But if you seek solitude by turning your thoughts inwards you will hear Me speak, even though you will not immediately recognise it as an expression of My love, because the intellect cannot grasp as yet what the soul has already felt or comprehended. Yet My communication will ever more consciously become an indescribable blessing for you and all those whom you inform of the fact .... that the Father speaks to His child as soon as the child wants to hear the Father ....

And you all can establish this bond with Me, you all need only listen carefully in order to hear Me, and I merely want to stimulate you to sharpen your spiritual ear, to practise listening to spiritual communications by often withdrawing into solitude and longing for My presence. Then I will be with you and speak to you .... Then I will come to you Myself in the Word, and then you will also know that I love you and want to gain your love as well ....


BD 7698                received  13.09.1960

The voice of conscience ....

You are guided into perfection and need My support for this, because you once relinquished all your strength and became weak, lightless living beings which had to remain in the abyss until My love took hold of them and helped them to ascend again. Although you now have acquired a certain level of maturity it is not enough to guarantee the path of ascent which you still have to cover during your earthly life. You need My strength and guidance for this. And if you are conscious of your weakness, if you look around for help, then I Am already by your side just waiting for your request for help .... but you have to make this request to Me of your own free will because I will not force your will by any means whatsoever.

Yet I Am always willing to give you the help you ask for, just as I will always provide you with strength as soon as you desire it. And in order to awaken this desire within yourselves I occasionally will let you feel your weakness and darkness particularly strongly. This is only a sign of My love for you because I want to win you for Myself, because by this means I want to persuade you to voluntarily ask for My help. And for this reason you have to believe in Me first ....

The knowledge of a God and Creator will certainly be passed on to you, which you only need to accept and think about and with good will you can also believe it. You can rest assured that I will help you to acquire firm faith if only you have the will to think and act correctly .... if only you will listen to your inner voice which will always guide you correctly.

And My voice will express itself in every person as their voice of conscience .... but it can be heard or ignored, which is entirely up to the person’s own will. Hence their voice of conscience will inform the human being of right and wrong; the voice of conscience will teach him about the fundamental law, about love, because as a human being he knows exactly what gives him joy and a sense of well-being and what causes suffering and misery .... Therefore he can also behave towards his fellow human being such that it serves his well-being and protects him from physical harm .... And thus love can arise in him, and due to his love the light of knowledge will illuminate him too ....

Every human being can learn to think and act correctly because the delicate feeling expressed by the voice of his conscience was given to him by Me. As soon as he takes notice of it, his nature, which at the start of his incarnation as a human being was still greatly steeped in selfish love, can change into love for other people. This then will guarantee a strong, living faith in Me, his God and Creator, and then he will soon recognise his Father in Me, Who loves him and wants to draw him close to Himself .... And he will strive for this bond of his own free will. I will be able to guide him into perfection, because I will grant help to every human being, I will leave no person in weakness and ignorance, I Am and remain his guide for the duration of his earthly life as long as he does not oppose Me, as long as his will consents to being influenced by his voice of conscience .... which will always happen when the soul is willing to achieve the purpose and goal of its life .... Then the human being can always be certain that I will do everything on My part to help him achieve perfection, that he will never be left to himself and that he will accomplish his goal without doubt ....


BD 6421                received  10.12.1955

Heartfelt contact with God ....
Inner voice ....

You should listen to your inner voice after a heartfelt prayer to Me, then you can also be certain that you are on the right path, for then it is My voice which will be speaking to you, advising and guiding you as is right for you. Someone who contacts Me more frequently, who won’t do anything without having commended himself to Me, who always enters into dialogue with Me and asks for My blessing, will also do what is right, because I then will guide him Myself and always convey the right thoughts to him, so that his way of life consequently complies with My will too.

Yet this is questionable when you exclude Me from your thoughts, when you deem yourselves able to do everything yourselves, when you live your life without God .... then I often have to let you fail, so that you will take the path to Me again because you realise your weakness .... Irrespective of how powerful you seem to be, how abundantly you are endowed with earthly abilities, it will not influence your earthly life, instead it will take place according to My wise judgment, and therefore you will often find yourselves in situations where your own abilities will not get you anywhere, where you have to take refuge with Me in order to overcome them ..... Although even then you can still refuse but you would do well to take the path to Me ..... For I Myself thereby entice you to contact Me, Whom you would otherwise forget ....

And thus there will still be many difficulties in store for you, and you all should ask yourselves why your God and Creator allows this to happen to people .... You should not believe that only people’s actions alone create conditions which appear almost unbearable .... You should also think of the One Who is Lord over heaven and earth .... and Who allows this to happen. And you should ask yourselves why I allow such things to come over you .... I could divert at any time what is caused by human will, or by virtue of My might reverse its effect .... I could and also will do so where I Am called upon with sincere faith for help in this adversity .... But I nevertheless allow people to experience great hardship because they should take the path to Me, which they haven’t walked for a long time already .... Without Me they will lapse into utter weakness, but with Me they will be able to overcome even the most difficult situation, and this is what people should experience .... My Own as well as those who make the attempt to appeal to Me in utmost distress. For they will be helped, often miraculously ....

But the former, too, will realise that they are completely without strength because they rely on themselves and don’t believe they need Me .... I want to reveal Myself to people, for their benefit but also for their downfall .... For anyone who even then doesn’t want to recognise Me will be lost for an infinite time .... Don’t rely on your own strength, it will not suffice for what will come your way; turn to Me beforehand already and appeal to Me to give you strength .... I will not deny it to anyone who thinks of Me in the hour of need. But blessed are those who always carry Me in their heart .... They will not need to fear the approaching time of hardship, for I will protectively keep My hands over them, and no matter where they go, they will be escorted by guides guarding them and smoothing their every path ....

But there will be a storm .... which will devastate everything, it will awaken many sleepers and fearfully make them wonder whether they will be able to escape it. Yet whatever happens .... it is My will or My permission in order to give those on the wrong path a last opportunity of return .... They all can still turn to Me in the last hour, and they will truly never need to regret it .... For I accept everyone who tries to approach Me. I will extend My hands to him which he only needs to grasp for Me to be able to draw him to My Fatherly heart .... For you cannot become blessed without Me .... That is why you should take the path to Me, Who wants to provide you with everlasting beatitude ....


BD 4378                received  17.07.1948

Inner voice difficult to hear ....
Turmoil - silence ....

You will always hear My voice if you hand yourselves over to Me and, with a desire to hear My Word, attentively listen within. I have always given you this assurance and will never withhold with My gift of grace if you sincerely desire it. Yet as long as My voice is not audibly heard by you but only affects you mentally and thus requires full attention and seclusion from the world it will depend on yourselves as to whether you will hear it. This is why I draw your attention to the forthcoming time which will make such great demands on you that only the strongest resolve will be able to manage to withdraw itself and listen to My voice in seclusion. The adversity of the forthcoming time will often deprive you of your inner tranquillity, even though I will help every labourer to fulfil his task if he is willing to serve. I Am always close to you and if you, despite utmost distress, stay aware of My presence, you will always hear My voice too, for then your faith will be stronger than your earthly hardship, which you will banish anytime. Yet I want to draw your attention to the fact that you can expect considerable turmoil which will restrain your every thought with the effect that it will be difficult for you to make contact with Me .... But then read My Word, draw strength from My Word, and you will noticeably feel that I Am close to you ....

Keep trying to retreat within yourselves and, in seclusion, listen to the voice of your heart, and you will succeed if your will and your desire for Me is powerful. But first draw strength from My Word, use the time, don’t become half-hearted and indifferent but believe that great danger lies in wait for you, that you will be shaken out of your worldly tranquillity and that a large world event is in the making. Always rely on My help and you will never call to Me in vain, for I will answer you who, as My children, call upon the Father in your time of need ....


Psychological work

BD 6625                received  18.08.1956

Consider the time after death ....

One day you all will have to lay down your earthly body and your soul will be assigned another abode .... Not one of you will escape his fate, everyone can expect his physical death with certainty. Thus you know that your life on earth is limited and that no-one can prevent his body’s death when his hour has come .... Yet in spite of this certainty you live your life on earth as if it would never end. You always plan and work for the future without knowing whether you will still experience it. You don’t take this into account but it is a fact; you only create and work for your short life on earth which does not last. You yourselves, however, will not perish, your soul stays alive even after your body’s death, and your soul is your real Self .... Hence there is, in fact, no death for you, only a change of location ....

If you think about this very seriously then you will act prudently by taking care that this said later location will make you happy. Then your concern will include the time when you no longer live on this earth but continue your life in the kingdom of the beyond which, however, is created corresponding to your conduct on earth. You would all be more diligent if you believed this. The more you worry about the upkeep of your body, the less you believe that you will go on living. You cannot receive evidence for this because your earthly life must not be determined by fear which, however, would be triggered in you, who do not strive to ascend voluntarily, by the certainty of a continuation of life after death. Voluntary aspirants are indeed certain of it, they believe .... but precisely because they strive to ascend. And a striving born out of fear will not lead to perfection. Therefore it cannot be proven to you humans that there is life after death. But everyone can awaken the belief in it himself simply by seriously considering it and wanting to do what is right.

People’s attention will therefore be ever more obviously drawn to the fleeting nature of what they value too highly. People are snatched away in the midst of their lives, and from this everyone could learn to regard his life, too, as a gift that could be taken away from him any day .... And he would only have to pursue the thoughts arising in him in the event of a fellow human being’s sudden death .... He would only have to pursue the departed soul into infinity .... He would only have to think more often of him, who did not cease to exist but merely changed his abode .... And truly, hands would extend to him from the spiritual realm to draw him up.

Yet even if the human being lacks the certainty of life after death he should nevertheless expect the possibility and time and again visualise this possibility when other people die and question what his own fate might be if he were to be called away suddenly. For as long as the human being cannot prove that there is no continuation of life after death .... which will never be possible .... he should always make provisions. And he will never regret if he, on earth, not only considers his body but also his soul, if he gathers a few spiritual treasures on earth which then will help him to advance in the spiritual kingdom. Then the soul will reap what the person has sown on earth, and blessed is the soul which has made provisions on earth for eternity ....


BD 7153                received  25.06.1958

Man’s conscious work of improving his soul ....

Nothing should prevent you from carrying out the work of improving your soul, for this alone determines your fate in eternity. And no-one can relieve you of this work; no-one can do it for you. And therefore every day your soul hasn’t made any progress is lost, even if you just carry out a single deed of love .... it helps your soul to mature. Every day that has only satisfied your selfish love, that has only benefited your body, is a lost day, for as soon as the soul had to starve the day was lived in vain. And yet you could easily progress, for you are offered many opportunities where you can prove yourselves, where you can carry out this said psychological work .... opportunities, where you have to defeat yourselves, where you have to fight against longings or all kinds of bad habits, where you can please with kind deeds, friendly words or helpful acts, which always result in spiritual advantages for your soul ....

Time and again opportunities will arise when you can enter into heartfelt communication with your God and Father in order to derive a blessing for your soul .... And time and again you can listen to the Word of God or read it and thereby provide your soul with very special help by providing it with nourishment which enables it to mature. And no matter how lucrative your days will be for you in regards to earthly profit, a good deed, no matter how small, is deemed far more valuable, for it results in profit for the soul which it can never lose again. But it cannot keep what the body receives; they are just borrowed goods which can be taken away again at any time. And therefore you can also cause daily damage to your soul if you burden it with sin .... if you lead a bad way of life and add many additional sins to the existing original sin, which only your soul will be answerable for one day, because it is immortal. Hence you should not spend your days thoughtlessly, you should thoroughly consider what you are doing, and you should try to take more care of your soul than of your body, for the soul is your real Self which has to travel the path across earth in order to mature fully, in order to attain perfection, which it can only achieve on earth. But this also necessitates your will with which you consciously have to fight against weaknesses and all kinds of faults ....

Consequently, if the human being wants to become perfect he will also have to request the strength to live in accordance with God’s will, that is, to accomplish deeds of love .... which then will surely be granted to him. He has to live life consciously, always aiming to perfect his still imperfect nature, and make every effort to do so. Then he will be impelled from within to act with love .... he can’t help himself but do kind deeds, and thus he will also be able to progress spiritually every day .... And then he will not let himself be held back by worldly enticements either .... For once he is serious about accomplishing his goal of achieving perfection he will always put his work of improving his soul first, and then he will also always receive help from the spiritual beings guarding his earthly life .... who time and again try to influence his thoughts such that he thinks, speaks and acts in accordance with God’s will .... For the only purpose of earthly life is the maturing of his soul which, however, is rarely recognised, and therefore the soul’s fate is often an unfortunate one, albeit due to its own fault, for the human being is time and again informed why he lives on earth .... if he doesn’t want to believe it, his soul will have to pay for it one day by taking the darkness across into the kingdom of the beyond, with which it had come to earth as a human being ....


BD 3661                received  19.01.1946

Psychological work ....

Scrutinize yourselves and recognise your weaknesses .... and then strive to overcome them. This is psychological work, that you try to shape yourselves into human beings who remain within My order, who live in accordance with My will and thus shape themselves to love. Because every weakness, every mistake, every bad habit has its source in unkindness and selfishness. Gentleness, peacefulness, humility, patience, mercy and justice are signs of love for other people; if you lack any of these signs you are not filled with love and need to actively work on yourselves. But in order to do so you have to recognise your weaknesses and faults yourselves and this requires honest analysis, serious reflection and correction of your relationship with Me and your fellow human beings. You have to acknowledge Me as Father and every man as brother because you are all children of one Father. And you children should love each other, then you will find My favour, because then I Myself will be able to stay with you, My children.

However, every bad habit prevents Me from doing so and this is to your disadvantage because without Me, without My presence, you will remain weak and imperfect and will not be able to achieve your goal on earth. Your goal is to become perfect, to change yourselves into love and to change your nature into the original state that you once abandoned voluntarily. For you are only happy in your original state and as long as you are far-away from it your fate on earth as well as in the spiritual realm will be insufficiency, ignorance and weakness. I, however, want to lead you back to happiness and thus constantly caution you to aspire towards it; that you start the work of transforming your being; that by observing your inner self you learn to become aware of how little your thoughts and actions correspond to My will because you are still selfish. And therefore you have to make an effort to change this imperfect state, practicing love wherever and whenever an opportunity presents itself. Because you can only become happy with love, you can only master your faults and bad habits with love.

And if you cannot feel this love within yourselves as yet then use your intellect to shape yourselves into righteously thinking people .... be gentle and peace-loving, humble and patient and try to bring help to your fellow human beings .... and the feeling of love will awaken in you, it will make you happy and encourage you to perform loving deeds. Then you will no longer be moved by your intellect but by your heart, then you will be on the right path. Therefore observe yourselves, meditate and seriously ask yourselves whether you think and act righteously, and your heart will answer you .... And I Myself will come to your aid, providing you genuinely ask yourselves this question, I will give you strength to carry out what you seriously want, and the work on your soul will advance successfully, you will find it satisfying yourselves, submit to My will and continue your ascent as soon as it is your will to become perfect ....


BD 6730                received  07.01.1957

Conscious psychological work ....

I want to find a permanent dwelling within you so that I will be able to associate with you like a father with his children .... Only then will the original relationship be restored which you had with Me when I created you. But I can only take abode in your heart when you have purged and adorned it for Me yourselves, for I can only stay in a place of absolute cleanliness, where no impurities remain, for these prevent My presence as they are part of My adversary, who has to be totally expelled from you to enable My being there.

And thus your earthly task only consists of preparing your heart such that it can serve Me as an abode .... However, fulfilling this task requires your determination and therefore also your desire for Me which thus prompts your will to accomplish this work consciously: to purify your heart from everything that could prevent My presence. Even just the will to be united with Me is extremely highly valued by Me, and it will also provide you with enough strength to accomplish your intention .... You will recognise where you have to intervene, what you have to do in order to shape yourselves such that I can take abode in you .... You will realise that you still have many faults and imperfections, you will recognise all vices and longings as obstacles to My presence and then endeavour to repel what displeases Me and change everything which is degrading into virtues .... thus you will carry out conscious psychological work because you are attracted by the goal: to be eternally united with Me. Thus your love for Me must have been kindled in you already, and this love impels you towards Me and also gives you the strength to change your nature, which you certainly realise as ungodly and not in accordance with My will .... Consequently, everyone who recognises himself as imperfect can also be certain that I will help him to change .... However, people are in a bad way if they fail to discover any imperfections in themselves, if they are convinced of their worth, if they don’t find it necessary to improve themselves and therefore will never be able to receive Me in their hearts, because they suffer a rather sizeable evil .... pride, by which My adversary has firmly anchored himself in their hearts.

Anyone who, in profound humility, recognises himself and his unworthiness will appeal to Me for strength and help and for mercy .... And I will help him and even draw him to Myself with burning love and compassion .... But anyone who does not recognise his low, imperfect state, will never call upon Me either. He travels his path through life and is and remains conscious of his worth. But he walks without Me .... for as soon as he would feel My proximity his arrogance would leave him too .... But he is unable to feel Me, because I cannot come near him since he so obviously displays My adversary’s characteristic .... And thereby he pushes Me back; he lacks humility, which alone is regarded and showered by Me with a wealth of grace. As long as you live on earth you are all still afflicted by imperfections and faults, which therefore necessitate the conscious work of improving your soul if you want to receive Me Myself in your heart, if you want to unite yourselves with Me and experience the intimate Fatherly love yourselves .... But the resolve to attain Me and to change for My sake is enough for Me to provide you with so much strength and grace that you will indeed be able to accomplish this work of transformation, because I Myself long for your return to Me and will therefore help every human being who of his own accord also aspires to return to Me ....



BD 6374                received  10.10.1955

‘Whatever you ask the Father in My name ....’

And you will truly receive whatever you ask for in My name .... You have to call upon Me in Jesus Christ .... Only someone who acknowledges Me, the divine Redeemer Jesus Christ, who recognises his God and Father in Him and thus prays to the ‘Father’, will find his request granted, for he will be guided by My spirit to the One from Whom he once originated .... Whoever does not acknowledge Jesus, the Son of Man, as the heavenly Father’s representative .... whoever does not believe that I embodied Myself in Jesus the human being, will not send a prayer to Me in complete trust either .... even if he doesn’t deny a ‘God’, but instead his belief in a God and Creator was purely acquired and did not come alive in him .... For a living faith is the result of love, but love also acknowledges Jesus Christ as God’s Son and Redeemer of the world, Who merged with His Father of eternity .... Thus he will no longer separate the Redeemer Jesus Christ from the Eternal Deity, he will have been enlightened by his spirit that He and I are one .... And his prayer will always be granted, for he will only ever request something I can give to him without damaging his soul .....

You humans will only be able to understand the true meaning of My Words if My spirit can work in you .... My spirit, however, can only work in you if you allow it to do so, if you, through a life of love, provide it with the opportunity to express itself to you .... But then you will accept My Word as if it was directly spoken to you, for then I will address My children and with My Word will also simultaneously give them the understanding for it .... And then you will be able to consider yourselves blessed, for your soul will receive light .... it will begin to understand, it will mature, for then you will also do everything I ask of you. You will comply with My will and shape yourselves increasingly more into love, and your soul will perfect itself while it is still on earth ....

Call upon Me in Jesus Christ and first of all pray to achieve this perfection on earth .... And truly, you will not make this prayer to Me in vain .... For hearing a spiritual request is most pleasing to Me, a spiritual request will be fulfilled, because the Father won’t deny His child anything and because the human being already demonstrates his childship by appealing to Me for help to become perfect .... And always pray that you become and stay aware of My presence .... Then you will constantly walk your earthly path in company with your eternal Father, then you can never go wrong, then you will mentally dwell increasingly more in spiritual spheres and your progress will be assured. You could achieve so much if you remember My Word and conduct yourselves in accordance with My Words .... if you ‘ask the Father in My name ....’

Earthly and spiritually you cannot make an inappropriate request, I will always grant your wishes, for I made this promise to you and I keep My Word. Call upon the divine Redeemer with Whom the Father united Himself .... Call to God in Jesus Christ .... Then you, too, will belong to the redeemed, then you will have penetrated the mystery of God’s human manifestation .... For unredeemed people completely lack the belief that I embodied Myself in the human being Jesus .... But you demonstrate this belief when you ask ‘the Father in My name’ ....


BD 7603                received  20.05.1960

God’s blessing should be requested ....

Don’t fail to appeal for My blessing in whatever you start, for thereby you demonstrate that you have chosen Me as your leader, that you don’t want to do anything without Me, that you thus want to be in contact with Me .... And this assures you of My blessing and My guidance wherever you go .... And believe that you need not fear any setbacks if you have appealed for My blessing beforehand, that this request will truly protect you from failure .... for even what you possibly consider failure will then, in truth, only benefit your soul. You should only ever think of Me, that is all I expect of you; but you often exclude Me from your thoughts, and then you always run the risk that My adversary will intrude and influence you unfavourably.

I want to caution you of this, otherwise you make your earthly path more difficult, because you can have a far easier life if I Am and remain your constant companion .... And time and again you have to request My assistance, for the bond with Me is necessary in order to be protected from My adversary who will not stop bothering you. He has much power during the last days before the end which only you can reduce, for your will and thoughts when they are turned towards Me are a substantial shield in the battle against him, it is the best weapon you can use to oppose him, since then you will call Me to you, from Whom he takes flight and thus lets go of you too.

He causes much confusion even amongst My Own, because he will put everyone belonging to Me under extreme pressure by squeezing between people and turning them against each other. And then you only need to make contact with Me and he will set you free. For you and your will are the decisive factors as to whether he can take possession of you. This is why you don’t need to be afraid of him, because he is completely powerless if your will applies to Me and thus you give yourselves to Me with complete confidence and appeal for My protection. But he has great power over you if you walk alone, without Me and My illuminating guidance. Then he can be effective in his domain, and he does so in truly satanic style.

This is why I keep telling you, do not start anything without first appealing for My blessing, and thereby proving to Me your resolve to be connected with Me, and you truly will finish your day’s work with My blessing, it will be successful, you will walk along calmly and with inner peace, you will no longer be a target for him, for I will be walking by your side, and he will take flight from Me, because he cannot bear the bright radiance of My light that surrounds you now ....


BD 8738                received  28.01.1964

What kind of prayer will be granted ....

I Am available to you whenever you call for Me .... Every heartfelt, pleading thought gets through to Me, every sound the heart utters is heard by Me and I will always turn towards you, for the child’s voice penetrates and will always reach the Father’s ear. And then I will be ready at all times to help if you need it, or I will provide you with spiritual strength if you ask for it .... I draw close to you and listen to your plea, because I rejoice in pleasing My living creations, in providing My children with what they need and request from Me. No call to Me in spirit and in truth will ever go unheeded and remain unanswered, every heartfelt prayer to Me will benefit you, and your souls will mature. Your call to Me should just not be a mere empty prayer .... And precisely this requirement is often lacking, for people were taught a kind of prayer that will never be able to penetrate My ear .... They often pray together reciting words they were taught and which never express the feelings of their hearts but which are and remain empty words that had better remained unspoken.

A heartfelt prayer has to rise up to Me from the heart and must be the result of an intimate union with Me, so that the child will then speak with Me as with its father .... And even if it only stammers without using well-formulated words I will nevertheless understand this stammering and value it as a child’s loving call to the Father, and I will listen and respond to it .... A prayer to Me is a bridge you can cross any time, yet this path is rarely taken .... because ‘prayer’ has become a mere formality, a recital of words whose meaning are not considered and which usually also obstruct deep devotion .... heartfelt thoughts .... of Me. And then the human being deprives himself of a great blessing, because he does not utilise the strength of prayer .... since no strength can flow to him if he does not find the intimate contact with Me which, however, does not need many words, it just needs an utterly receptive heart for Me ....

In prayer the door of you heart should be wide open so that I can enter it Myself and permeate you with light and grace. Hence you have to be with Me in thought with all your love, your heart has to be completely devoid of all other thoughts, and then you should enter into a silent dialogue with Me and entrust all your cares and wishes to Me or .... if you don’t come to Me with worries .... you should assure Me of your love, and for this you truly need no prayer events, no organised campaigns, no mass prayers .... unless a special request causes several people to ask for My help together, but even then it should take place silently and inwardly, for every external expression disturbs the inner contact, and the person will be unable to turn inwards such as to completely feel My presence ....Time and again I have to draw your attention to the fact that your customary prayers will not achieve much with Me, because I only take notice of the feelings in your heart and not the words voiced by your mouth, regardless how many people participate in such prayer .... This will always be abhorrent to Me, because it merely demonstrates your lack of sincerity to speak with your eternal Father, and because you even expect help from such prayers which, however, you will never receive, and thus you start to doubt the love and might of a God again when you don’t feel any help. You can achieve so much with a silent and sincere prayer arising from your heart, because I will never fail to hear it but take pleasure in it and will always be ready to respond and prove to you that the Father’s love and might wants to make you happy. You cannot show your intimate dedication to Me better than by your heart’s silent dialogue with Me, for you are unable to do this thoughtlessly ..... as a mere formality. And then every word you say to Me will sound child-like and trusting, you will establish in truth a child’s relationship with its father, and the child will achieve everything, because the father’s love does not deny itself and constantly wants to please the child. But as long as people believe that their formal prayers will persuade Me to help them they will have little success and therefore also time and again doubt a God Who, in His love, is always ready and by virtue of His power able to help .... This faith, however, is a prerequisite for Me to pour out the abundance of My grace over all people, and this faith also requires a living union with Me which will only ever be entered by love, and therefore the loving person achieves everything with Me ....


BD 8589                received  18.08.1963

Prayer for strength and grace ....
Pride ....
Humility ....

Be mindful of the fact that you can always request My blessing, for yourselves as well as for your fellow human beings and all souls in the spiritual kingdom .... Your plea for a gift of grace is always an act of humility if you request it for yourselves, for you thereby acknowledge your weakness and in this weakness ask Me to strengthen you. And a person feeling weak will always approach Me with humility, and I bestow My grace upon the humble .... And if you request grace for other people, for another human being or for souls in the beyond, then it is an act of selfless love, for you want to help those who are weak in spirit, you request strength for these equally weak souls and then, for the sake of your love, I can give them strength. But it is always a spiritual request that you ask of Me, and truly, it will also always be granted to you. And you will only ever ask Me with a humble heart, you admit your weakness and know that strength and grace can only come from Me, and thus you confess your imperfection and desire to become perfect by requesting My support ....

And if you now consider that you once deserted Me because you deemed yourselves strong and didn’t believe to need Me and My strength any longer, then you will also understand that you had voluntarily deprived yourselves of your perfection .... But you are embodied on earth as a human being for the purpose of returning to Me, and this return has to take place in reverse order to the apostasy from Me .... You had been arrogant and believed to have abundant strength .... Now, however, you have to recognise and confess your weakness with profound humility by appealing to Me for a gift of strength ....

Since you once turned away from Me of your own free will you have to appeal to Me for grace, for a gift you don’t deserve, which you had arrogantly thrown away yourselves .... But believe Me that I very gladly grant such an appeal for strength and grace, for I Myself want you to attain perfection and be able to join Me again in order to receive blessings which only the unity with Me can provide .... Just your admission of unworthiness and weakness motivates Me already to bestow a wealth of gifts upon you .... Therefore you can ask Me time and again for a gift of strength and grace .... It is a spiritual request which I will grant without fail, for My bliss consists of constantly providing My living creations with the strength of My love to enable their progress and to come ever closer to Me. For you won’t be able to do so by yourselves as long as you are not exceptionally kind-hearted and thereby acquire strength for yourselves.

But a prayer in spirit and in truth for a gift of grace and strength is an absolute guarantee for its receipt, for time and again I stress: I bestow My grace on the humble, for only a humble heart will ask Me for it. And time and again I assure you that this request will be granted, since you, after all, thereby admit your wish to come close to Me, and thus you already pass your test of will on earth: your voluntary turning towards Me from Whom you once turned away in arrogance and imperiousness .... However, anyone who asks is neither arrogant nor imperious, he submits himself to Me, and due to his humility I can now also give to him abundantly, and truly, no-one will go without if he approaches Me with this plea, which I very gladly listen to and also grant ....

Once this thought of requesting strength and grace from Me comes alive in you, then you will also acknowledge Me as your God and Creator Who wants to be your Father, you are already in contact with Me, which is always demonstrated by a heartfelt prayer, irrespective of what you ask for .... But strength and grace are spiritual possessions which I will never withhold from a praying person, because they prove his humility, and I will always bestow My grace upon the humble, as I have promised ....


BD 8955                received  15.03.1965

Only prayer protects from the adversary’s activity ....

The closer it gets to the end the more violent is My adversary’s activity, and you all will feel it, for no day will pass by without causing you unrest or tasting his treachery in other ways. And nothing else helps but your prayer .... your connection with the One Who is his Lord too, Who defeated him through His death on the cross. A heartfelt prayer will re-establish the inner peace which he wants to deprive you of. For his power will be defeated when you turn to Me, no matter how much he strives to agitate you. The battles against him become increasingly fiercer for he will not let up pushing you, and time and again I have to tell you that only prayer will protect you from his activity. For then you demonstrate that you are looking for Me and want to be released from him, and then I can use My power against him, I can prevent him from continuing his harassments since then your own will gives Me the right to deal with him.

But in the last days his rage becomes ever stronger, and yet he will not succeed with My Own, with those who desire Me with all their heart and call upon Me for My protection. And whom else would I rather protect than My Own, who always want to be in contact with Me and have offered their services to Me? You just should believe that I also have power over him, that you are not defencelessly left at his mercy and that you will have the strength to repel his every intrusion. And you should draw this strength from My Word, you should always engross yourselves in this Word and you will be surrounded by light which he, however, avoids and you will be released from him.

And don’t allow yourselves to be held captive by the world, for then he can enter secretly and entice you with its goods ....

Then he will also have a certain amount of power over you which you won’t recognise since he is able to deceive you. However, in that case I cannot help you, for you hand yourselves over to him and forget about Me, and then you will have to struggle for your inner bond with Me, only then will you realise what it means to have detached yourselves from Me, for once he owns something he holds on to it. But I won’t let anyone fall who seriously desires Me, he will just have to struggle considerably in order to get back to the same level he had previously been on ....

Make sure that the adversary will not gain power over you and call on Me in your ordeal, for I Am always willing to help you if your call comes from your heart. Just don’t let the world get the better of you, for then you will be served by the one who is lord over this world, and all I can do is wait until you find the way back to Me ....


Spreading the Word of Jesus

BD 4507                received  11.12.1948

‘Where two or three are gathered together in My name ....’

And I Am with you when you speak My name, as long as your thoughts intend to reach Me. Then I Am in your midst .... Believe this and become aware of My presence when you speak of Me, and imagine that I knock at every heart’s door and request entry, and that you should not reject Me if you want to gain My favour. You should be receptive when I want to talk to you through Word or Scripture, through thoughts or My servants on earth who bring you My Word. For if you accept My Word you accept Me Myself in your heart, if you comply with it you take Communion with Me, for then you will live in accordance with My will, which I will reveal to you through My Word .... with love, and through your deeds of love you will unite with Me, you will establish such a heartfelt bond with Me that you will hear Me when I speak Words of love to you and thus provide nourishment for your soul when I give you the bread of heaven, My flesh and My blood .... when I come to you Myself in the Word ....

Let Me stay with you often, let your thoughts drift to Me and hold frequent spiritual conversations, so that I can always be present with you, for I gave you this promise Myself: Where two or three are gathered together in My name, there I Am in the midst of them. And wherever I Am you can only benefit, for I always hand out My gifts because I love you, My living creations, and want to make you happy. And the amount of My gifts of grace can be determined by yourselves, you can receive much, just as you can reject My love by turning your attention to the world .... by interrupting your spiritual conversations and focussing on worldly interests .... I let you do as you please and don’t force you to listen to Me, yet you deprive yourselves of much wealth. I can only give you as much as your free will accepts, I certainly offer you My grace but I won’t impose it on you, yet you will lose My presence when you turn away from Me, for I want to be desired in order to give Myself. Nevertheless, I won’t stop .... time and again I will send My messengers to prepare the path for Me, and I will follow them if you if you are willing to receive Me .... And thus you can always make use of My grace; you can always be My guest just by remembering Me and ignoring the world. For truly, I will give you better things than the world can give to you .... Therefore, don’t let Me knock in vain but listen to My voice and follow it, let yourselves be invited to take Supper with Me and be My guests, so that I can refresh you physically and spiritually with food and drink ....


BD 7809                received  27.01.1961

Selfless vineyard work ....

And you were given the task to spread My Word which is conveyed to you from above by Me .... I truly want to smooth the way for you, I want to help you take My Word to wherever people hunger and thirst for it. For I know whose hearts will not reject My Word when it is offered to them. And thus you only ever do the work which you are capable of doing and should know that I Myself will arrange everything else that serves the distribution of My Word. For this much is certain, I do not convey My Word to earth without purpose, even if it occasionally seems to you that the spiritual information does not fulfil any real purpose ....

You should only patiently and with perseverance cooperate and carry out the work which has to be done by people, because I cannot affect all people directly and therefore need you to serve Me as mediators; for not all people would allow Me to have a direct effect on them, and yet they, too, shall receive My Word in order to enable their souls’ maturity. And time and again opportunities will arise when My remarkable work with you can be mentioned; there will be receptive hearts who recognise that it is an extraordinary gift of grace and gratefully offer to assist in My vineyard, and whose willingness to help is gladly accepted by Me. For only love will achieve spiritual success. Therefore don’t believe that you can attain such where this love is missing. Don’t believe that I will give My blessing for an undertaking that clearly betrays the spirit of worldly interests ....

My Word shall speak to the heart, and I can truly find other ways than the way people in the midst of the world want to take .... For they are not interested in My Word, they are still worldly minded, and therefore they will not contribute towards the spreading of My Word which shall have a liberating effect from the world .... The human hearts which shall accept My Word must have conquered the world already, just as My fellow workers on earth must have overcome the world in order to be able to work for the benefit of their fellow human beings. Thus worldly minded people cannot be accepted as labourers in My vineyard, for they will never work in accordance with My will but pursue their own interests, since they are driven to do so by the lord of the world, to whom they still belong. But I have enough means and ways to achieve My objective even without such ‘assistants’. Love always has to be part of it if success is to be achieved, and love will also recognise My Word as an invaluable gift of grace and therefore also support it.

And thus you will also recognise your true fellow workers who gladly offer their help, and you will not hesitate to accept their help; and you will also know that My blessing only rests on your work when all of you carry it out with love and don’t expect any worldly benefits from it .... For as you receive it you shall also pass it on; as My love has an effect on you, your love, too, should have an effect on your fellow human being. And this happens when My Word is unselfishly distributed, which is conveyed to you from above and, as the most valuable gift of grace, shall impart help and strength to people in their spiritual adversity during the last days, so that they will endure until the end ....


BD 7531                received  25.02.1960

Distributing the divine Word ....

You shall proclaim My pure Gospel .... There is great spiritual hardship amongst people who no longer hear My pure Word because they don’t believe, because their faith is not alive or it would enable them to understand My Word wherever it is offered to them .... For if they requested it with a living faith then they would also truly receive the Word such that they could understand and draw strength from it. But people lack this living faith, just as the messengers lack the strength of spirit which would enable them to accept My Word directly from Me, or even allow Me to speak through the messengers to people Myself. For only the Word that is conveyed by Me has the strength to penetrate a person’s heart and become effective. And thus you should mention everywhere that My Word is sent to you directly from above and that it can truly give you the blessing of the Gospel if you accept it gratefully and are not just hearers but true doers of My Word.

You should proclaim My Word wherever the opportunity presents itself, for people have to know about My Gospel, they have to know about My divine teaching of love, they have to know My will in order to live on earth accordingly, in order to fulfil My commandments of love and always use My Gospel as a guiding principle for their way of life. For only then can a change of character occur in the human being, only then can he shape himself to love and fulfil the purpose of his earthly existence. Hence I convey My Word from above to you humans time and again, hence I use every opportunity to reveal Myself to a human being in order to get access to all people through him, in order to inform everyone of My will and My commandments.

And whatever you humans can do in order to spread My Word, in order to carry it into the world, should be done by you, and your fellow human beings’ attention should be drawn to the extraordinary grace bestowed on people by receiving My Word. You should acquaint them with the living God with Whom you should associate, Who wants to be accepted into your hearts and Whom you have to approach by yourselves if you want to unite with Him. You should inform them that I Am people’s eternal Father and also want to be acknowledged by them as their Father .... You should encourage them to acquire a living faith and thus proclaim the commandments of love, the fulfilment of which will awaken in them a living faith and their spirit, so that they then will strive towards Me of their own accord and establish the union with Me because their nature has changed into love, and love thus strives towards love .... For it is the Eternal Love which reveals Itself to you humans, it is the Eternal Love Which longs for Its children, it is the Eternal Father Who bends down to you in order to inform you of His will. And the messengers of My Gospel will be blessed; they will experience My grace and My protection as long as they live on earth and also one day in the spiritual kingdom, for they have been faithful servants to Me who will receive their reward ....


BD 4742                received  18.09.1949

Reminder to work diligently for the kingdom of God ....

You should tirelessly work for Me and My kingdom .... then you will fulfil your earthly task in accordance with My will, and then you will also master your earthly life, you will not need to be afraid that you cannot meet your worldly responsibilities, for earthly life will merely be secondary when spiritual life becomes more important.

Work diligently for Me and My kingdom, that is, try to inform your fellow human beings about My activity with you, try to instruct them of the truth, and draw their attention to the end and the signs of the time .... Take an interest in your fellow human being’s state of soul and explain to them how vain and insubstantial worldly goods are, how people merely strive for worthless commodities and give scarcely anything to their souls because they don’t know about their earthly task. Tell everyone whom I send your way. You have been instructed of the truth by Me and thus are capable to work as representatives of the truth amongst your fellow human beings. I have given you a rewarding task which will have beneficial results for you as well as for your fellow human beings, for the achievements won’t just apply to earthly life but to eternity .... Fulfil this task with enthusiasm and do everything that furthers the distribution of the truth you have received from Me. Don’t become indifferent in your work for Me and My kingdom but know that parched and starving souls everywhere are awaiting nourishment, which you should give to them with My gift from above.

And by remembering them you will be practising neighbourly love, for their souls require the sustenance from heaven, they need food and drink to strengthen themselves for their path of ascent. Work tirelessly, for time is short and requires diligent work in My vineyard, the souls suffer hardship, they are starved because too much attention is paid to the body’s requirements and thus the soul’s requirements are forgotten. Therefore help these souls, draw people’s attention to the state of their souls, to a sudden end and their fate after death. Use every opportunity for spiritual conversations and thus motivate people to think about it. And then you will be doing the work for which I have employed you as labourers, and I will bless you, now and in eternity ....


BD 7437                received  26.10.1959

Answer to questions ....

Observe all questions arising within you and watch your thoughts corresponding to these questions .... but prior to such thoughts you should always enter into a heartfelt dialogue with your eternal God and Father .... As soon as you contact Me in thought or in prayer and commend your guidance to Me, as soon as you consciously present your questions to Me, you will also receive the answer, for I want you to become enlightened about all issues that occupy your mind. And thus I want you to know that you never need to fear acting against My will as long as you hand everything over to Me .... as long as your will predominantly wants to work according to My will. Then I will also bless everything you undertake in this resolve.

Nowadays addressing people in a remarkable way is not very successful, irrespective of whether I speak Myself from above or through you, My servants on earth .... People do not want to hear what would benefit them spiritually; as a result they reject everything which could disturb their worldly pleasures. In contrast, those who have already received information and knowledge about the things they now hear in total clarity from you can be inspired to greater spiritual activity .... But the world itself will make sure that people are informed about unusual things in the universe, and then there is still time to draw their attention to the spiritual correlation, the success of which again only depends on people’s will, for no human being shall be condemned, no human being shall become subject to compulsory faith, which is always a danger when they are offered obvious proof where faith alone should speak.

Humanity is so faithless that it never accepts prophesies as being true, and therefore it is also unwise to convey such prophesies to them .... On the other hand, open-minded people should be informed about what is made known through seers and prophets .... Then these will do what they can in order to enlighten people, for they can easily pass on and convincingly present to their fellow human beings what they know themselves .... And then there is still enough time to form an opinion about it. But every single person will feel in his heart how he should conduct himself towards his fellow human beings, and he will speak when he feels inwardly urged to do so and keep silent when an inner voice prevents him from speaking .... It is always My will that you contact Me and attentively listen within, and you will clearly and distinctly hear My will ....


BD 7528                received  22.02.1960

Spreading the Gospel ....
Jesus Christ ....

Every person who proclaims the Gospel to the souls .... who tries to bring My Word consisting of the divine teachings of love to his fellow human beings, contributes towards their redemption .... Everyone who reminds his fellow human beings to love proclaims this Gospel when he simultaneously teaches that these are the most important commandments I have given to people, and when he informs them of the results of fulfilling these commandments. Everything that contributes towards educating people to love is already redemption work, because the human being redeems himself through love alone and because love has to be practised in order to thus enable the salvation of one’s own soul .... For love will always seek contact with Jesus Christ, the divine Redeemer, Who only now can bring true redemption to the person believing in Him ....

The human being has to find Jesus Christ without fail because redemption without Him is impossible .... And thus every person renders redemption work if he points or leads his fellow human beings to Jesus Christ .... This is vineyard work, it is a spreading of the seed .... which is the divine teaching of love .... into the human hearts. It is a conscious effort performed by a person for the benefit of his fellow human beings’ souls.

Anyone who has found Jesus Christ himself, who has found redemption from sin and death through Him, will then not grow tired of proclaiming Him to his fellow human beings and will also help him to become redeemed .... anyone who has found Jesus Christ will not rest until his fellow human being has found Him too, and thus he will keep talking about love and inspire his fellow human being to also take the path of love which has Jesus Christ as its goal .... He will not rest until the other person has also found deliverance from sin and death.

As long as the human being is still distanced from the divine Redeemer Jesus Christ his love has not yet become powerful in him, for this love knows and acknowledges the divine Redeemer and cannot help but proclaim Him .... And he who has found Jesus Christ can’t help himself but to proclaim His Gospel of love to everyone he comes into contact with .... He will be constantly active on His behalf and thereby lead many souls to Me, for he makes My Word accessible to them, which is the task of everyone who receives My Word himself, who desires it and to whom I therefore speak .... irrespective of whether this happens directly or through reading or hearing My Word. For it is always Myself Who speaks to you humans if you desire to hear My Word .... This is why proclaiming My Gospel is extremely necessary, and everyone will be blessed who accepts this mission of helping to redeem his fellow human being’s soul, of making the knowledge accessible to him of how and why he has to be redeemed if he wants to become happy one day ....

Anyone who lives with love has found Jesus Christ and the light of realisation shines in him .... but anyone who is not yet redeemed has to be educated, the image of the divine Redeemer Jesus Christ has to be brought home to him and he has to be reminded to turn to and appeal to Him that he, too, should find redemption through Him and His act of Salvation .... And therefore every person spreading My Gospel throughout the world is blessed, for he leads long lost souls to Me who will find salvation through Jesus Christ Himself, Who has redeemed him, too, with His blood ....


Striving for the Childship to God

BD 8673                received  14.11.1963

True church service requires a Father-child relationship ....

Many people believe that they think and act religiously, but they lack the right attitude towards Me .... They certainly think of Me as their God and Creator, but not as their Father, and thus they do not establish the relationship of a child to its father. As a result they will not confide in Me in prayer either, they only see the distant almighty God in Me to Whom they are subjected as human beings, and Whom they rather fear than love .... because they are still unable to recognise My true nature.

And again it has to be explained that the degree of a person’s love determines his correct attitude towards Me .... that love will recognise the Father, Who is love Himself, and that the human being will then strive for Me with love and call to Me as My child. Only then can one speak of a person’s ‘religious’ way of life, because this way of life will lead back to Me for sure. But as long I Am still a person’s distant God and Creator Who, due to His might, will have to be feared, there is little prospect that the person will approach Me with love. He will merely fulfil, as a matter of formality, things which are demanded of him by his church. He is only motivated by his upbringing to conduct himself accordingly but this will not guarantee a change of his inner being, which is the purpose and goal of earthly life.

Consequently, if you humans experience heavy strokes of fate they are only intended to make you come alive, to forego mere formality and start thinking more about God, Who created you .... to start pondering why you are living on earth, and then voluntarily surrender yourselves to the power to Which you owe your life: because your indifferent attitude about Me will not result in your spiritual advancement .... However, if you seriously want to know what your God and Creator requires of you during your earthly life you are certain to find out. First of all you should ponder the nature of your God and Creator, and the urge to act with love will be aroused in you .... because this is My voice with which I Am speaking to your conscience and initially make Myself known to you.

By following the voice of your conscience you will come closer to Me, and then you will also establish the kind of connection with Me which corresponds to the relationship between a child and its father .... My gentle voice will always direct you towards actions of love which will bring you the light of knowledge and with it an understanding of My nature, Which is love Itself .... Then you will leave ‘empty formalities’ behind and become alive in your essence and actions. You will no longer perform formal acts but begin to lead a second life next to your earthly life .... You will have set out on the spiritual path, since due to your new life of love you will be inwardly driven towards Me.

And thus you know that everything which tends towards love, is taught by love and is the activity of love, is good and acceptable to Me. For love is the indicator of truth and also the indicator of a person’s spiritual maturity who, as My representative, wants to lead his fellow human beings to Me. As long as he has no love himself, his ‘preaching’ will be without strength too; it will be a formal, lifeless service without benefit to anyone because I Myself Am distant to him, since only idle words are spoken which can never reach My ear. Only the close relationship with Me established through love will make your thinking, willing and actions come alive. Only then will you come to life yourselves, because as long as you are without love you are still dead.

And thus, taking part in a ‘church service’ is always just an external formality, and there can be no question of My presence as long as you humans only believe in a God and Creator but do not find the right attitude towards Me .... First you have to come to the Father as children and trustingly talk to Me, only then can you be sure that I Am close to you. And then your faith will also have come alive, because a ‘child’ will always endeavour to fulfil its father’s will. It will no longer just comply with external formalities but desire My presence with all its heart, which it will certainly also receive.

I only want you to come alive, to abandon useless habits and customs which you were taught to observe, but which are and remain completely worthless for your soul. You will only be able to love Me when you recognise Me as a Father, and only then will you fulfil the purpose of your life on earth .... Only then can you mature, which is always achieved by love alone ....


BD 7907                received  01.06.1961

Becoming God’s ‘children’ ....
Childship to God ....

At no time ever will I withdraw My love from you, even if you voluntarily stay away from Me ..... one day you will return to Me again because My love will not abandon you. And I will always also give you the evidence of My love, I will take care of and provide for you when you live on earth as human beings, because I want to gain your love which will unite you with Me again as in the beginning. Thus you should never doubt My love .... But your love determines the degree of your proximity to Me, it solely depends on your love whether and when the unification with Me will take place. And you demonstrate your love to Me by the degree of your neighbourly love, which you should constantly increase if you want to become perfect. And that, in turn, necessitates that you completely relinquish your selfish love, that you strive to become engrossed in love for your neighbour, that you unselfishly help your neighbour .... Then you will come ever closer to Me, for with every deed of love you draw Me to yourselves, you ascend with every deed of love and establish the bond with the Eternal Love .... Then I can be in you Myself, My love will be able to permeate you as in the beginning, you will have become and will remain My children for all eternity ....

And your purpose of earthly life is that you, who once came forth from Me as ‘living creations’, shape yourselves into ‘children’. Since you took the path through the abyss and became completely devoid of love as a result of your past apostasy from Me, it is a difficult task to shape yourselves of your own free will into love again.

It requires a strong will which has to be put into action. The strength to do so repeatedly has to be acquired through love or requested from Me through heartfelt prayer .... Hence it is not enough just to make declarations of love to Me, but it also requires deeds of love in order to receive this strength, but then it also results in a steady move towards Me.

As soon as a person voluntarily opens his heart in order to allow himself to be illuminated by the strength of My love his heart will be ever more willing to love, and one day he will achieve his objective: he will attain the childship to God as soon as his life is an uninterrupted activity of love in utter unselfishness ....

But only few will achieve this degree of love on earth, because a person’s own Self still comes first, because it requires great effort for the human being to give up all wishes and longings for the sake of the next person; since the soul has to purify itself completely during its earthly life, and this requires a high degree of love and frequently a considerable measure of suffering too, so that the soul is entirely purged when it departs from this earth. Then they will have matured into true children of God and have already found unification with Me on earth, they will have shaped themselves of their own free will into ‘children’, which I could not create for Myself .... But anyone who seriously strives for this, who time and again in profound humility pleads for My blessing, who already feels like My child, will not slow down in his endeavour and reach his goal ....

But he has to be filled by love for Me, not by the desire for utmost beatitude .... and his love for Me will then also constantly heighten the degree of neighbourly love .... However, he only demonstrates his love for Me through his neighbourly love .... I want to teach you all to become My children, and all of you should also feel as if you were My children, otherwise you won’t establish the right kind of relationship with your Father of eternity, from Whose love you emerged. You just should not forget that you are on earth in order to become My children, and that you therefore constantly have to make an effort .... But once you are My children then I can and will take you from earth, because then you will have achieved the goal for which I created everything .... utmost perfection in free will ....

I repeatedly have to bring this difference home to you in order to motivate you into utmost striving, for as long as you walk across this earth My adversary also has an influence on you, and as long as My adversary can still influence you he will also know how to stop you from becoming completely engrossed in neighbourly love, because as long as unspiritual substances are still in you, your body still has earthly longings, your selfish love has not yet been entirely conquered, and the human being still has to fight against these. But completely rising above them also ensures him a high degree of love, and then the unity with Me can take place, then the Father will draw His child to Him and will never ever leave it again ....


BD 8980                received  23.05.1965

Severe suffering can result in childship to God ....

You were told several times already that you can only attain childship to God if you surrender to Me with love and also humbly bear the sorrow which you have to experience in order to purge the soul from all impurities, so that, on entering the kingdom of the beyond, you can be completely permeated by My light of love, for every ailment, every suffering the human soul still has to endure on earth dissolves the layers, and then the full light ray of My love can touch the soul, because it has relinquished all resistance ....

Therefore, don’t be discouraged by a difficult earthly life but believe that it will be a blessing for you which fully offsets all suffering, and be patient, for the reward will be greater than great and the time of the human being’s suffering on earth is but short compared to the glorious fate awaiting the soul throughout all eternity. This is why you should gladly accept a life of suffering; you should know that such an earthly life is imposed on you by My immense love so that you soon will be able to reach the goal set by Me since eternity. For what follows your earthly life cannot be explained to you, it is the most magnificent fate which is only destined for My ‘children’, who will be invested into all the rights of the Father, able to work like Him .... without difference, because they have attained the highest goal.

Yet even for these very children I Am unfathomable, that is, they incessantly strive towards Me .... they long for Me and their longing will always be fulfilled .... And the essence of their bliss rests in the fact that they will never cease yearning for Me, that they thus can never be entirely satisfied because I Am and remain eternally unfathomable. For this reason you have to take the most difficult conditions in earthly life upon yourselves, you will be tested time and again, and you have to remain steadfast even in utmost suffering and always know that only your great love for Me and your neighbour can alleviate your suffering, but that you are incapable of such love which could entirely eliminate suffering .... and thus should be grateful that you are allowed to bear sorrow as it only serves to perfect you. I did not say to you without reason ‘Take up your cross and follow Me ....’ For I knew that only a path of utmost suffering will result in your childship to God, because as human beings you are incapable of the love that also leads to childship of God, and also because earthly life is too short unless you accept suffering at the same time.

Therefore, do not ask why I let a human being suffer .... Rather, think of the benefit of suffering, bear in mind that it dissolves all layers which prevent the soul from receiving the full illumination of love .... and that it is always just a temporary state which is then replaced by eternal happiness, for which you would have accepted even more suffering if only your physical strength would allow for it. Thus you who have to suffer so much should remember that it is the longing for ‘children’ which motivates Me to put you into this state .... and that you yourselves will be grateful to Me one day for all the adversity you had to endure in earthly life.

Yet this always presumes firm faith in Me, faith in life after death and faith in My infinite love, then you regard every happening as a return of the once fallen spirit to Me .... with the goal of childship to God, which I cannot achieve in any other way but by means of the path across earth. And if you have this faith then you will also patiently endure every suffering, you will only ever see one purpose in it and accept everything that you, as a human being, cannot change anyway, but you will humbly bear it as imposed on you by My wisdom and love in order to guide you to the highest goal.

But only few will reach this goal, yet they can nevertheless be happy if they don’t (even those people can be happy who don’t) enter the kingdom of the beyond entirely without light, for they will still be able to enhance their degree of light there. They will also be able to rise ever higher and experience infinite beatitude but they will no longer be able to achieve the ‘childship to God’ which necessitates a life on earth .... Nevertheless, they will be able to repeat this life in order to fulfil a mission, and even then will not be spared all kinds of suffering in order to achieve utmost maturity .... in order to enter the spiritual realm as the Father’s true child, in order to then be able to eternally create and work at His side, in accordance with His will and yet in all freedom, as it was His intention from the start ....


BD 6796                received  01.04.1957

‘Whoever remains in love ....’
Strange gods ....

Whatever causes you to form a bond with Me is a blessing for you humans, because the goal of your earthly life is to revoke your separation from Me which you once voluntarily endeavoured towards yourselves .... thus uniting with Me again of your own free will. And whatever helps you to do so is therefore good .... Hence the will to reach Me is decisive for achieving your goal on earth, and this determination also includes that you live a way of life that is pleasing to Me, for being of sincere will you will never want to sadden Me again, you will never delight in sin if your will and your love are intended for Me.

But the connection with Me can only be achieved by practising love, because where love exists I Am present Myself. ‘Whoever remains in love remains in God and God in him ....’ Without love there can be no bond with Me, no matter how loudly and eagerly the mouth would like to affirm its will for Me. Only love is the evidence of this, for love and I are the same, and acknowledging Me and fulfilling My will is the same as working with love ....

You humans should know that no-one can and will approach Me if he lives without love .... Only love connects us, and love demonstrates the rejection of My adversary and return to Me .... With your fall into the abyss you turned away from Me and rejected My love, thus you also became completely heartless. Your change of will on earth therefore has to consist of your desire to be illuminated by Me again and of igniting love in yourselves again which will unite you with Me once more.

The more sincere your determination, the more you will think of Me, of your God and Creator of eternity, Who wants to be recognised and loved by you as a Father. And soon your thoughts will be engrossed in Me, for then I will not leave you again, I will not release you anymore, I will constantly court your love because love is the most solid bond between us which cannot be undone again by any hostile power.

I want to own all your love .... you shall not have any other gods beside Me .... you should not strive for anything else with the same love, for whatever you endeavour or love in your innermost being that is your God .... irrespective of whether it concerns honour and fame, earthly possessions or even the people you love .... You must not value anything more than Me, I want to be to you the highest and most desirable Being in heaven and on earth. I want your whole heart, and as long as you still share it, the bond with Me is not yet established, for whatever fills your heart stands between Me and you ....

Every person’s will is free, he can turn wherever he wants, but the goal on earth will only have been accomplished when he turns to Me. But there is great danger in the fact that the human being considers many things desirable and that My adversary places everything before his eyes to prevent him from forming this heartfelt bond with Me .... and that he also brings additional gods close to the person just to divert his thoughts from Me, for they are all strange gods permeating a person’s thoughts if I Myself Am not the essence of his innermost thoughts ....

Therefore you humans should seriously scrutinise who or what moves you most, you should ask yourselves whether you are as close to Me as a child is to its father, whether the connection with Me is your first and only goal .... and you should push everything from your thoughts which stands between Me and you, you should give Me first place in your heart and make no concessions whatsoever. For your return to Me can only take place through the unification with Me, and you have to seek and find this of your own free will, because no-one else can establish it on your behalf ....


BD 4994                received  05.11.1950

The Father’s concern for His children ....

You children of this earth are My problem children, for you go your own way and don’t feel drawn to the Father nor listen to the Father’s voice which lovingly wants to regain you. The path you take leads far away from the goal, and thus I worry about you because I know where this path is leading to. Yet as My children you also have free will or you could not be My children. Free will is part of the state of perfection which you initially enjoyed, therefore I cannot forcibly bring you back to Me but only ever give you love which, once it touches your heart, will drive you back to Me.

But how often do you humans prolong your time of separation from Me yourselves .... And how often do you even exceed your appointed redemption period .... And then you once again will have to expect an agonizing state which, however, is not imposed on you by My wrath but by My love so that you will attain the goal.

Once again you humans face a turning point, the end of a period of time which was granted to you for salvation. I get increasingly more concerned about you since the short time left to you could still be used to help redeem you, you can still be released from the oppressive constraint if you would want it yourselves, if you would commend yourselves to My guidance without resistance. The time of grace will expire soon, the result of your resistance will soon make itself known, and you will have to bear the consequences of having made your own way without listening to the Father’s voice. It clearly speaks to everyone, for I speak to you through all happenings, your whole earthly fate is the expression of My love; suffering, hardship and sorrow are Words of love from Me to you to remind you that you are My children who separated from the Father and should find their way back to Me again. And only something that inwardly stirs and discourages you drives you back to Me, with Whom you will find protection and help in every adversity ....

You have to come to Me yourselves, just as you separated from Me yourselves. And for this reason suffering and hardship will increase until the end, since they are the only means which can still result in success, since you don’t listen to My gentle words of love in your heart and since My affectionate persuasion remains ineffective.

You travelled a long way until you became human beings .... Don’t let this path have been travelled in vain, take advantage of your last available opportunities to make the decision in the state of free will with which you will become your Father’s true children again .... Don’t let your short remaining time pass by without changing your will, that is, without turning it in the direction where most faithful Fatherly love waits for you. Time flies and you are approaching a dreadful fate if you remain opposed and don’t find your way back to Me, for My plan has been predetermined since eternity .... A new period of Salvation will start because everything has to take the path of higher development, so that all of My love’s children will get the opportunity to come close to Me of their own free will .... to return to the Father’s house which they had once voluntarily abandoned ....


BD 7847                received  10.03.1961

Only love will achieve the return ....

I want to guide you into beatitude .... consequently I will also do everything that will put you into the state of maturity when you yourselves have the will to become blessed. Love, however, guarantees this state of maturity, love guarantees happiness, because love signifies unification with Me and then I can also give you the bliss caused by My emanation of love. Thus time and again I encourage you through My Word to do kind deeds, I arrange your earthly fate such that you will have many opportunities to serve with love .... I try to ignite the spark of love in you which spreads and seizes everything with its glow. You can only become blessed through love because it was your original state, since you once came forth from My love and therefore were love yourselves in your fundamental substance .... And you were happy in your original state since you were closely connected to Me and thus constantly received My emanation of love which could only be bliss.

The fact that you changed your nature into the opposite of yourselves, that you rejected My emanation of love, that you turned towards the one who was devoid of all love, has made you wretched too .... But you are My living creations, and My infinite love will not allow you to be eternally wretched, for love wants to bestow happiness, love wants to know happiness and make happy .... and My love will never end .... Thus, as long as you are wretched because your nature is still imperfect, since it has not changed back into love, I will pursue you with My love and thus never leave you to yourselves .... and consequently you cannot be lost forever. But you can prolong the time of your wretchedness yourselves, you can let an infinitely long time pass by without endeavouring to change your nature, and you provide the evidence of this in your earthly life or you would make use of this short earthly life in order to regain your state of blissfulness.

And therefore I often have to intervene harshly, I have to bring the immense earthly hardship home to you which could prompt you into lovingly assisting your fellow human beings, and I have to let you experience such hardship yourselves so that you feel for yourselves how soothingly another person’s kind deed can affect you, and thereby you will become motivated yourselves to reciprocate such actions of love .... For only love can achieve a change of your nature, only love will put you into the original state again where you are happy. Yet My love takes all your weakness and faults into account, My love knows your imperfection, your weakness of will and former resistance and yet reveals itself to you anyway, it will help you time and again during earthly and spiritual hardship in order to gain your love too .... For then you will be saved for all eternity.

And if you always just open your eyes and look around yourselves during your earthly life you will be able to recognise My infinite love which is intended for you, My living creations. For everything around you was only created for you, creation emerged for the sake of your return, you experience your existence as a human being for the sake of your return, and for the sake of your return I reveal Myself every day through happenings and experiences of all kinds. For I don’t want to leave you in wretchedness, I want you to recognise Me in earthly life as your God and Creator, as your Father Who loves you and to Whom you shall belong again as in the beginning ....

And truly, one day you will be blessed again, one day you will push towards Me full of love, one day you will return to Me as children into your Father’s house .... And I will always help so that you won’t delay this return due to your own fault .... but I will always leave you your free will which is part of supreme blissfulness since it is the evidence of your divinity. And therefore you have to become active yourselves, you have to live in accordance with My commandments of love, you have to improve yourselves and shape your nature into love, you have to fight against selfish love and engross yourselves in unselfish neighbourly love .... Yet without love you cannot become blessed ....


BD 6610                received  31.07.1956

Proclaiming Jesus’ teaching of love is urgently needed ....

My Gospel shall be spread throughout the world .... I gave this instruction to My disciples while I still lived on earth, and I give My disciples of the last days the same instruction today, for it has become more necessary than ever to convey to people My Gospel, the Gospel of love, which is unfamiliar or no longer taken seriously by everyone, even though it is well known. People have distanced themselves from Me because they no longer live in love, thus I cannot be with them either. And a life without love will result in certain death for you .... Hence it has become imperative that people be informed, that My teaching of love is proclaimed to them again, that the danger they are in is brought home to them if they fail to live according to My commandments of love, and what they will achieve if they shape themselves into love ....

My teaching of love has to be proclaimed to all nations of this earth, and therefore I send My disciples into the world again .... The teaching material I give to them and which they shall distribute is exquisite, so that people can once again be taught in the same way which I preached on earth as the man Jesus in order to bring salvation to people from their lifeless and constrained condition.

More than ever it has become necessary to emphasise the divine teaching of love, for it is observed far too little. What should be normal for people such as loving each other like brothers and doing for each other what is customary amongst brothers is no longer known to them, everyone just thinks of himself, and everyone regards his fellow human being as his enemy rather than his brother .... There is no community which unites with love, unselfish neighbourly love has almost disappeared but selfish love has grown ever stronger, and therefore people are at great risk of delivering themselves to death and having to linger in this sleep of death for eternities again .... but which they can escape if only love is kindled and practised in their hearts once more. For this reason I repeatedly prioritise love, I Myself constantly preach love; the essence of My Word, which is transmitted to you directly from above, only ever consists of love which motivates Me to help you, and which has to be practised by you, too, if you want to remedy your soul’s hardship, if you want to wake up to life and not ever lose this life again.

And I awaken servants for Myself everywhere .... disciples, which I instruct again as during the time of My life on earth, disciples, to whom I proclaim My pure Gospel with the instruction to pass it on, because I know that people have to be informed of the Gospel of love, of their earthly task to deliver themselves from their bondage and darkness through unselfish love. For although people know My commandments of love they nevertheless speak of them thoughtlessly, they don’t consider them in their hearts and act accordingly ....

And therefore their attention needs to be drawn to them again, time and again they have to be spoken to and stimulated to act with love, they have to be told that they can only become blessed through love because only through love can they come closer to and establish the unity with Me, which has to take place without fail in order to be happy. And thus there is no other mission more urgent than this: to proclaim My teaching of love or to revive it again with reference to the One Who suffered for love and died on the cross. For all people have to be informed of Him Who exemplified to them a life of love, Who was motivated by love to endure utmost suffering and an excruciating death in order to save humanity from the night of death ....

People shall only be taught to look after their fellow human beings with unselfish love, to approach them like brothers and to treat them like brothers .... Only that guarantees their own salvation, but a heartless way of life inevitably drives people into My adversary’s hands, who is devoid of all love. Yet until the very last day of this earth My messengers will still preach love, until the last day they, as My disciples of the end time, will proclaim the Gospel of love, for only the person who accepts it will escape the end and experience My love and mercy to the same extent as he has practised it himself ....


Bertha Dudde short biography

Who was Bertha Dudde?

Bertha Dudde was born on 1. April 1891, as the second oldest daughter of a painter, in Liegnitz, Silesia. She became a dressmaker and began to receive pronouncements from God through the ‘Inner Word’ on 15. June 1937.

“In a clear dream I was moved to write down my thoughts after devout prayer. Understandably this often gave way to doubt and inner conflicts until I was convinced that I was, myself, by no means the initiator of these exquisitely gracious words; but instead it was the spirit within me, in other words, the love of the Heavenly Father was obviously responsible for them and introduced me to the truth”.

“I was given knowledge of the spiritual world which far exceeded my elementary school education. I received and receive this knowledge as a dictation in a state of complete consciousness; I write down everything I am told in shorthand, in order to then transfer it word for word to clean copy. The procedure does not take place in a state of compulsion, for example in a state of trance or ecstasy, but in an absolutely level-headed frame of mind. However, I have to want it to happen and then I can receive these dictations voluntarily; they are neither bound by time nor place.

“Now I only have one wish, which is to be able to make these gifts of grace accessible to many more people and in accordance with the will of God Himself to be allowed to do much more work in His vineyard.”

(Quotations from an autobiography from 1959).

Bertha Dudde died on 18. September 1965 in Leverkusen, Germany.

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