Bertha Dudde


ThemeBooklet 034

Childship to God






If you don't become like little children - What is childship to God? - Who can attain childship to God? - - Prerequisite for childship to God

2882 – 14.09.1943

Childship to God .... Severe trials ....

3352 – 30.11.1944

Childship to God .... Tremendous suffering on Earth ....

3908 – 19.10.1946

Blissful spiritual beings require process of development on earth for childship to God ....

4995 – 06.11.1950

The Father’s concern for His children .... Childship to God ....

5099 – 03.04.1951

Childship to God .... Conditions ....

5155 – 21.06.1951

The right Father-child relationship .... Free will ....

5222 – 29.09.1951

Knowledge about goal and purpose .... Childship to God ....

5264 – 02.12.1951

Transformation of nature .... Deification ....

5490 – 18.09.1952

The human being’s task on earth .... Childship to God ....

6800 – 07.04.1957

Father-child relationship with God ....

7109 – 02.05.1958

God’s gift of love and grace .... Attaining the original state ....

7165 – 14.07.1958

The right Father-child relationship ....

7627 – 20.06.1960

Unification .... Blissfulness of the images of God ....

7907 – 01.06.1961

Becoming God’s ‘children’ .... Childship to God ....

8093 – 02.02.1962

Ultimate goal is union with God ....

8367 – 31.12.1962

Childship to God is the object of life on earth .... The Word of God ....

8673 – 14.11.1963

True church service requires a Father-child relationship ....

8793a – 29.03.1964

Do ‘non-fallen’ spirits attain childship to God? ....

8793b – 30.03.1964

Do ‘non-fallen’ spirits attain childship to God? .... (Supplement regarding no. 8793a)

8980 – 23.05.1965

Severe suffering can result in childship to God ....

Bertha Dudde short biography

Who was Bertha Dudde?






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