Bertha Dudde |
ThemeBooklet 067 The Adversary's Cunning and Trickery |
Doubt, Temptations, false Christs, and earthly possessions
Activity of love .... Duty .... Disguise of light ....
Doubting divine revelations .... The adversary’s cunning ....
The adversary tries to prevent the recognition of the Deity ....
Falsification of the divine Word ....
Spiritual hardship greater than earthly .... The adversary’s activity ....
About the doctrine of re-incarnation ....
Wrong portrayal of God .... Error ....
The spirit of lies and its instruments ....
Temptation in form of earthly amusements ....
Satan’s activity ....
Eternal order is love .... Satan’s activity ....
Destructive will of God’s adversary .... Bound spirits - Human being ....
The adversary’s influence of will .... Destructions ....
The adversary’s mask ....
The guise of piety .... Satan’s activity ....
Satan’s disguise .... Figure of light ....
Satan’s work as an angel of light .... (Fatima)
Deceptive works of the adversary .... (UFOs)
About the UFO convention ....
Serious warning against psychic receptions ....
The adversary’s activity behind a mask ....
False Christ’s .... Signs and miracles ....
Satan’s disguise where light is conveyed to Earth ....
False Christs’ and prophets ....
Battle of light against darkness at the end ....
Antichrist .... End ....
Antichrist - A saviour? .... Anti-spiritual activism ....
Harassing the bearers of truth through God’s adversary .... God’s help ....
The adversary’s increased activity against light bearers ....
The spirit of love protects against temptations and God’s adversary ....
Bond with God ....
Scrutinising spiritual knowledge ....
Taking refuge in Jesus .... The adversary’s activity ....
‘Watch and pray, lest ye enter into temptation ....’
‘Deliver us from evil ....’
God’s protection from the adversary’s temptations ....
Who was Bertha Dudde?