Book 10-13           NR.  0443 – 0636

received by  Bertha Dudde  between 31.5.1938 and 23.10.1938

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BD 0444                received  31.05.1938

Forgiveness of sins .... I.

Take stock of yourselves and recognise your sins .... And if you transgressed, appeal to the Lord for forgiveness and His grace .... only that is pleasing before God. But if you believe that incessant prayers will reach God, which do not arise from deep within the heart .... if you believe that the Lord only forgives those who deem themselves to be closer to the Lord in their life due to privilege .... who have devised a scheme by which all sins will systematically be absolved within a specific time .... the Lord will teach you otherwise .... Through the Saviour’s divine love you acquired the right to be able to release yourselves from your sins if you recognise them in your heart of hearts .... genuinely regret them and at the same time implore the Lord and Saviour for His divine mercy to release you from these sins .... and then firmly decide to avoid these sins for love of the divine Saviour. Everything a person recognises to be wrong must also be abhorred by him in his heart, and this, in turn, will result in his intention to avoid sinning again. If he confides, like a child, his serious intention to his Father that he will never want to sadden Him by committing such wrong again ....if his abhorrence gives rise to profound remorse and the intention to improve himself .... then the Lord will lovingly draw the remorseful sinner to His heart and forgive his sins. However, customs and traditions have been established in the world by which a person can quite automatically be absolved from his sins .... And thereby an even greater evil and sacrilege on the human race has been promoted. For the absolution of sins became a truly faith-destroying bad habit because it occurred in such a way, that the sincerity of heart was indeed mentioned as being essential... but that the least of the sinners made an effort to enter into complete contact with the Lord .... that all formal conditions were in fact observed but that the actual act of the remission of sin left people under the impression of having complied with their duty .... even though the person’s heart had not yet fulfilled the conditions needed for the forgiveness of sin through the Lord. And thereby a misguided teaching became increasingly more prevalent which, in its basic principle and intention, is indeed good and noble but merely gets people into the habit of performing a dutiful action whose profound depth is not understood seriously enough and yet is so infinitely essential for humanity’s salvation of soul ....


BD 0445                received  01.06.1938

Forgiveness of sins .... II.

No human being is given the means to redeem himself from his guilt of sin .... he will always require the divine Saviour’s love for this. Neither has a person himself the power to forgive other people’s sins .... only if he acts in his ministry as a representative of the eternal Deity on earth and the other person’s heart is utterly sincere, that is, if the latter appeals to the heavenly Father for forgiveness in complete realisation of his sin. Hence, the earthly child’s will is only ever the decisive factor, and the action of God’s representative is merely a symbolic sign of the act of grace .... Therefore, the act of confession of one’s sins will therefore also always be utterly useless, even if a duty has apparently been fulfilled, if the same confession of sins is not sent to the divine Father in a most heartfelt prayer for forgiveness at the same time. And, alternatively, such a remorseful confession of sins to the Father will also result in true forgiveness of this sin without this ceremony. People are often no longer aware of how distant they are from the actual Deity, even though they comply with all expectations imposed on them by the church on earth .... Something that should be a sincerely heartfelt requirement has become an entirely mechanical act .... And thus, such compliance with duties cannot always result in the same blessing .... People’s hearts must find God, the intimate contact with the Creator and Redeemer must be established first, then the Lord will provide His earthly children with an abundance of grace, so that they will come ever closer to Him and soon no longer want to live without their Saviour on earth. However, the person must take the first step .... everyone knows when he has sinned .... And just as he has found sin by himself, he must also find inner reflection .... if he recognises his sin, he will also learn to abhor it, and then follow remorse and the wish to be released from the guilt .... but in that case his prayer for forgiveness will come from the heart and will also reach the ear of the One Who alone redeems all guilt on account of His great love ....


BD 0480                received  23.06.1938

God’s messengers and their work ....

The willingness of an earthly child to receive God’s Word has the effect that God’s messengers agree to help at all times; thus all who are willing to serve God unite within a short time .... The work on the other side as well as on earth is solely intended for those souls who are still misguided and walk the wrong way .... The Lord prepares every admission and gives to the children according to their spiritual ability .... Everyone with the interest of earthly human beings at heart takes part in this association between the earth and the beyond .... They all have loved-ones left behind on earth or have a bond with them by virtue of God’s will and are now constantly striving to guide them onto the right path. This is a very difficult undertaking as long as the human being believes that he can walk alone. Every misguided soul’s desire for help will be granted gladly and willingly .... every soul’s pleading prayer will be heard and every struggling soul will be given assistance. God’s messengers are capable of doing much because God’s will is working through them .... And thus you, too, shall receive all the help you desire because all the beings surrounding you endeavour the same .... to work for the Lord and Saviour .... to lead souls to Him and to save countless souls from hardship and anguish. Wherever your work serves the same purpose you will be supported whenever you pray .... with every proclamation one more message from above has been passed on to you .... every single message will have a beneficial effect on earth .... and its contents will always serve to awaken hearts and bring light into the spiritual darkness .... There are many such straying souls on earth, all are invited by the Lord .... and all will be given the information about the eternal Deity but only few desire the light. These few should be approached with as much love as possible so that they may find the right path and remain willing to continue on it as long as they live on earth. Every moment is light that guides your thoughts to the Deity .... And every path is right when you take it with the will to reach God. The will alone is sufficient for God to send His messengers to meet you .... then, always following the voice of your heart, you can no longer go astray. You don’t know how much easier earthly life will become when you have found God .... and how little you fear death afterwards .... because there will be no more death for you .... you will indeed live in eternity when you live and die within the Lord .... then death will only be a transition into eternal glory where you may see God face-to-face ....


BD 0491                received  30.06.1938

Caution regarding doubts ....
Loving admonition ....

You, who are My children, should always remain devoted to Me, and thus I will bless you and bestow My grace upon you so that you will live for eternity .... Yet you, My child, will always be protected by Me in every adversity .... since the will to turn to Me sprang forth from a pure heart, and in this union with your Creator the strength will constantly grow for ever new activity, for realising the whole truth and for being of service to Me. Always enter into contact with Me with a joyful heart and all difficulties will fall away from you, after all, I Myself Am guiding you and will not let you tire in your striving. Nevertheless, be cautious of all doubt, this is a danger you must always recognise .... for nothing will last for long which doesn’t have My blessing .... Doubt, however, is apt to reduce My blessing if you don’t fight against it. I have so many teachings in store for you and only wait for you to become strong in faith .... Always remember that every doubt is an obstacle to reach Me and you will overcome it because you want to be with Me .... I constantly convey the knowledge of things to you which are far removed from others, and every proclamation shall strengthen you .... yet if you allow doubt to enter your heart you will diminish the strength flowing to you from such proclamations. Therefore, meet all doubts with the firm conviction that you will be helped by your Saviour. Don’t let them arise in you but suppress them with all your strength of will for they deprive you of the greatest blessing .... your profound contact with your Saviour, and this is what you must wholeheartedly strive for .... Nothing must be too difficult for you to become worthy of this bliss, for it will release you from all burdens and will make you abundantly happy. The love of heaven takes uninterrupted care of the earthly children who work for the Lord .... no enemy will have power over you unless you concede it to him yourself. Draw comfort, strength and faith from the teachings of the Lord .... and being thus strengthened you will overcome whatever stands in your way .... You will emerge victoriously from such inner battles because your Saviour stands by your side and protects you in every walk of life ....


BD 0495                received  05.07.1938

Sun systems ....
Fire-spewing mountain ....
Eruptions ....

The whole of the solar system is also in accord with the great work of Creation. Were you to envision all the sun systems, your intellect would truly be unable to cope, for these dimensions would surpass the human being’s thinking ability. You deem the measurements of Earth alone considerably more extensive than you can rationally take in. Yet the Earth can be called tiny compared to the size of the smallest sun systems. But countless such sun systems exist in the infinite space which differ in their dimension, composition and kind from each other, yet in their final purpose they all serve the same objective .... of furthering the steady higher development of the beings which, having emerged from God, separated themselves from God and shall return to God again. Every solar body is an infinitely enlarged similar work of creation as Earth .... Only a few people can understand that the sun can be compared to a fire-spewing mountain .... However, this comparison will only be understandable if one considers the fact that the Creator very wisely also designed the interior of such a mountain so that it can be the abode of countless beings .... and that the activity of these beings consists of producing endless eruptions through which the whole composition of the mountain undergoes constant changes again .... so that a proportion of beings can shed their cover again and open up their path to other regions on and above the earth. Consequently, such eruptions happen with the Creator’s full approval, and the activity of anyone who loses his earthly life due to such occurrences is limited and they will move on to a different opportunity for development. The solar worlds are likewise creations which the Lord has placed into space for the purpose of constantly new arising heavenly bodies. Every sun is continually active. In its interior rage unimaginable forces whose elementary power continuously throws parts of their interior into space, these are seized again by spiritual beings and shaped into entirely independently active heavenly bodies which are equipped with everything that is required by the living creations which are intended to live there again. However, each of such heavenly bodies will always be in a certain connection with the sun from which it had emerged. Just as the mass thrown out by a fire-spewing mountain always falls back to the earth’s surface again due to gravity .... so will the released matter from the sun always remain within the vicinity of this sun due to this sun’s gravitational pull .... and will also be constantly nourished by this very sun with light and warmth, without which no heavenly body in the universe would be able to survive. Merely the purpose of each world will vary, insofar as constantly different living conditions will also result in constantly different achievements, and such an abode is precisely what is required by those spiritual beings which, in a certain sense, need to continue their development .... which are sent there by the Creator of Heaven and Earth in realisation of what they are lacking. The universe is endless .... countless spiritual beings exist .... and thus time and again the opportunity must be offered to all of them to attain their set goal .... Space is infinite .... infinite is the power of God .... and infinite is His love for His living creations .... For this reason everything has been created out of God’s love and power ....


BD 0548                received  16.08.1938

Admonition to unite ....
Peacefulness... Love ....

You, who are in contact with each other on earth, should learn to get on together .... you should respect and love each other, you should share your worries and make an effort to muster mutual understanding, all of you are, after all, your Father’s children, all of you are a small part of the eternal Deity and therefore you are all the same living creations of His love .... And if you deem yourselves entitled to consider yourselves better than another you will hardly be pleasing to God, for it will become a stumbling block for you on your path to perfection. You must establish a relationship with each other which corresponds to God’s will .... You will truly reap far more love where you sow love, and every heart you meet with love will lovingly turn to you. It may mean overcoming yourself each time, yet the advantage for your soul is extremely valuable. Neighbourly love should be cultivated and never be neglected or even disregarded, for your own strength will grow to the same extent as you consider your neighbour. Therefore, don’t let discord arise between you, live in love and strive to balance everything with love, and don’t offer the other person any reason for unkindness. Your whole nature should become pure love; hence, you must also take care to always give love in order to receive even more. And judge not, so that you will not be judged .... Time and again you should bear these few Words in mind if you run the danger of making judgments about your fellow human beings .... Everyone has faults and weaknesses, and many don’t even recognise themselves and therefore treat others arrogantly, yet anyone who practices gentleness will also approach such fellow human beings with the greatest patience and peacefulness and leave the responsibility of judgment to the Lord, for He alone will make sure that these, too, will recognise His power and bear the last burden of their lives with profound humility .... Yet you yourselves only ever ought to fulfil your task with greatest love, which consists of uniting with each other .... of overlooking another person’s flaws and only aiming to serve the Lord in everything you do, so that you will establish a relationship which only serves the purpose of proclaiming the kingdom of God to your fellow human beings .... and all your efforts will be successful if you only ever make true love your driving force. If you make an effort to give love, it will fall on good ground and awaken love in turn .... yet love can never thrive in discord but provide the evil power with ever more influence .... For that reason, try to abstain from all unkindness if you want to unite yourselves with the One Who is true Love Himself ....


BD 0579                received  11.09.1938

Diversity of earthly existence ....
You would pray for suffering ....

You see, My child, in the world of your parents you accepted a destiny that allowed you to mature considerably and your earthly life was rich in experiences which stimulated your thinking, and the way to ascend could be revealed to you more easily. Although people’s circumstances of life are often even more difficult and with far greater poverty and aguish but then their souls are even less mature and can only purify themselves in such hard conditions; and thus people’s burdens are as different as are their results. Before its incarnation as a human being each soul longs to utilise its embodiment as quickly and as successfully as possible and therefore inhabits a body which has a predetermined difficult fate. On the other hand, many souls must go the path of purification which requires other circumstances of life .... which leads to their goal sooner through an easier and more pleasant existence but where other dangers have to be fought which the soul has to overcome.

This is arranged by the Heavenly Father in His wisdom even if people on earth can’t yet understand it and often become indignant about the uneven distribution of earthly wealth. But He Who knows all, Who understands every deficiency of the soul and would like to see the same perfection in everything also knows to offer the right help and only places upon each human being what is necessary for the benefit of his soul. Every day is a step closer to happiness .... so take care that you climb one step after another .... and not step back ....

You will eternally thank Me, your Creator, for every sorrow that I have put upon you and will praise the wisdom of Him Who created you and Who wants you to be near to Him forever .... You should always know that the Father does not want to lose even one of His children and that He cares for every being. And this care often necessitates methods which seem hard to you, since you cannot imagine the magnitude of the calamity that threatens you .... if you could fully understand you would pray for suffering only to avoid this adversity, but you must live your life without knowledge of your situation and strive to ascend of your own free will and in order to achieve the highest reward ....


BD 0599                received  30.09.1938

Depression ....
Spiritual and physical apathy ....

Pay attention to every depression affecting you and always regard it as the means used by the Lord in order to submit the soul to His will. Behold, you humans would yield to a certain amount of spiritual sluggishness without a second thought were you not subjected to moods which affect your thinking. To discover the reason for depression in order to resolve it can only ever be spiritually beneficial, for the human being’s task is to be constantly active so as not to diminish in his vigour, and this applies both to the body as well as to the person’s spirit. Once the state of diminished vigour has occurred, spiritual as well as physical activity is likely to wane and this would always signify a decline, which divine wisdom seeks to prevent, providing the earthly child willingly complies with every encouragement and prevention. The danger of such a decline is too great to be overlooked; on the contrary, it must be fought by using all available means, which therefore very wisely happens by subjecting a person to depressions which, in turn, give cause for reflection and exert an invigorating effect on body and spirit. Someone who always regards and understands such depressions as a revival for spirit and body will derive utmost benefit from them .... He will monitor from which side he is at risk and protect himself even before the state of inertia occurs .... This is how the Lord protects His Own from weariness and at the same time combines it with an educational purpose .... of increased vigorous activity .... with thoughtful introspection as to how small and inadequate the earthly being actually is, and in so doing the human being regains his inner humility when he is at risk of losing it. Divine wisdom must frequently intervene if the soul’s improvement is to progress steadily. You humans are so weak and without perseverance .... Were it left up to you alone, without the support of divine grace, any progress would be hard. Nothing in the world lasts forever .... eternal alternation and alteration keep everything continually active. The spirit must therefore also be constantly stimulated and God deals with this in a manifold and frequently changing way. Yet always bearing the benefit of the children on earth in mind and taking care of them according to their need, often in painful but also in uplifting ways .... However, the only decisive factor is the effect the events or feelings exert on the human being’s spirit. A person rarely succeeds in overcoming all hurdles in life with the same ease .... Many a time his strength will leave him and then visible help must come from above, but it frequently expresses itself such that it is not gladly welcomed .... that is, in the shape of emotional depressions which so burden the earthly child that it will try to master them and thereby liberate itself from the impending danger of inertia. Then it will try twice as hard to fulfil God’s will .... it will aim to attain a state of inner peace again and can only achieve this through increased activity. Consequently, every depression, if it seems to burden the earthly child, also includes a certain blessing providing it is recognised as such ....


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