Book 52           NR.  4420 – 4547

received by  Bertha Dudde  between 27.8.1948 and 24.1.1949

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BD 4429                received  07.09.1948

Antichrist ....
Brutal laws ....

A visible power will control you which will refuse to acknowledge an invisible Power .... And this power will provoke your last test of faith, for it will be fighting against Me and will also want to educate you into becoming My adversaries. And this is why you will require your entire strength of faith in order to resist it. Many will bow down under the sceptre of the ruler promising them golden mountains but will demand the surrender of all faith in return, of all spiritual knowledge, the acknowledgement of his power and sovereignty and the denial of an eternal Creator, of a loving and righteous God, Who will call people to account one day for their will, thoughts and actions. And thus he will oppose Me, and although the last battle will not last long it will be very difficult for My believers because they will be placed under inhuman pressure which will make professing Christ incredibly difficult for them. Yet the knowledge of the pure truth, My obvious help and the hope of My coming and life in paradise on the new earth will give you the strength to persevere and to defy every onslaught on part of the worldly authority. You have My Word that I will not let you remain in adversity, you can be firmly convinced of that. I know My Own and will support every one of them if only they rely on Me, if only they believe in Me. But the one who will come will dazzle people with his intellectual sharpness, his comprehensive knowledge, with his easy-going conduct towards other rulers, and they all will grant him the right of organisational activities with the ultimate goal of displacing all spiritual schools of thought.

For he will try to portray spiritual striving as the wrongly applied energy of life, which should be used for the construction and improvement of earthly requirements. And he will find followers everywhere, who will acknowledge him and likewise proceed against all spiritual work. And thus My servants on earth will have a difficult time. At first the intention will be to take all means which enable you to be spiritually active away from you, but you will also be individually persecuted and will have to give account to the earthly authorities about your convictions and activities. Furthermore, you will also be plunged into earthly hardship as a result of laws which seem, and indeed are, extraordinarily hard and brutal for the believer if I was not going to manifestly stand by you and sustain you by spiritual means. And you will feel My obvious help, you will sense that I Am with you and know the hardship of every individual person which I will remedy when the time is right. The Antichrist will come and with him all the signs of the approaching end. For as soon as the battle of faith commences you can be certain that the end will not be long in coming, because the battle of faith will be waged with such severity and so brutally that I Myself will have to come in order to rescue My Own from deepest distress and lift them up into the realm of peace .... And then the last Judgment will happen and My adversary’s power will be broken for a long time ....


BD 4433                received  15.09.1948

Final battle ....
Frankly professing Christ before the world .....

War will be declared on everything of a spiritual nature during the last days before the end. Thereby you will recognise which hour has struck on the clock of the world and that the day is drawing to a close. Then you can expect considerable commotion as a result of the rigorous measures taken by the worldly authorities. You will be beleaguered with questions and threats about your attitude towards Christ and faith in general. They will not shy away from watching you, from eavesdropping on your conversations and will take you to court for your words and actions. That is the time when you must profess Me openly and speak without fear about how you think and feel about Me. This open admission is what I require as evidence of your affiliation with Me. I Myself certainly know how you think and feel in your heart; nevertheless, it is a final battle in which a separation of the goats from the sheep shall take place. And this final battle must be openly conducted so that the battle itself becomes evident, so that the opponent’s guilt clearly emerges before the world in order to push the undecided into a decision due to the believers’ as well as their enemies’ conduct. The battle will only last a short time and will happen everywhere, albeit in different ways. Heartlessness will always fight against love, the material world will mock and intimidate the spiritual world, two camps will be distinctly recognisable wherever the teaching of Christ has been accepted and where the divine teaching of love is the principle of what is preached to people and what they are required to believe. For this reason the apostasy from Me will be clearly discernible in the whole world; but where the Christian teaching of love is widespread the battle of faith will proceed extremely ferociously, and that will be the end. At this time you humans have no idea how the forthcoming events will proceed and, therefore, it seems incredible to you; nevertheless, it will happen as I proclaim to you through My spirit, and the time is so near that it would scare you were you to know the day and hour of destruction .... And yet you should not worry, for your loyalty to Me will also assure you My full protection and supply of any strength so that you will be able to stand firm, and the knowledge of it will make you confident and strong in faith, so that you will survive the time, particularly since I will shorten the days, so that you will become blessed ....


BD 4436                received  19.09.1948

Relinquishing the world ....
Fulfilment of earthly duties and the blessing of God ....

What does the world offer you? If you really think about it, it only offers things which make your earthly life more pleasant for a short time but which have no lasting value. And if you consider that you could be called from this earth any day then you work, from a worldly point of view, just for one day, because tomorrow could already be your last day. But even a long earthly life cannot be compared to eternity and it is simply unwise to provide for oneself for this limited time and not to consider eternity. But not until you occupy yourselves with thoughts about life after death can you know that you are chasing after illusive possessions and then you will understand the spiritual aspirations of those who don’t see the earth as an end in itself but as a means to an end. And then you too will strive for the truth, for enlightenment and for Me, Who can impart all that to you.

But one thing you should not fail to do: to appeal to Me to become your support and adviser, that I should take care of you and continue to guide you during the course of your life, that you choose Me and for My sake relinquish the world, i.e. that you have no great expectations to live a life of external comfort but that you, deep inside of yourself, live your life with Me, away from the world. This detachment is imperative, just as it is imperative that you take notice of the pure truth which, when you receive it externally, worldly people cannot offer you. If you entrust yourselves to Me I will walk with you and also ease your earthly labour because no one who works for Me and My kingdom shall be harmed. You shall indeed do your duty, that is, take up your position that has been allocated to you but who blesses your worldly labour if I don’t?

You cannot automatically enforce your success and if My will opposes it you are helpless even though you are laboriously and constantly working. Alternatively, I can favour your work and help you to accomplish it. I do, however, ask that you accept My gift from above, that you give it your whole attention and help to pass it on. Then you can live completely carefree because I will take care of every problem. First carry out your spiritual work and everything you do to accomplish your earthly allocated task will be blessed, because I truly provide better for you than the earthly world .... But I will not change My prerequisite that I as Father, will give you, My children, everything that you require spiritually and earthly ....


BD 4441                received  24.09.1948

The magnitude of the work of destruction ....

You people cannot yet imagine the extent of the act of destruction by the will of God to take place, for it will outdo everything that there happened, ever. Countries and oceans will change, rivers will leave their shores and thus there are scenes created according to which people assume to be moved into other areas and by that an indescribable chaos arises already because people can’t find each other anymore. Restlessly they will wander around until strong-willed people show up, trying to create order and look after the weak people. The misery will be so big that love only will bear it and wherever one will intercede for the other there will soon an ease and help be felt that will obviously be granted from above.

Whoever now turns to God and calls upon Him with all of one’s heart, help shall be granted to the one, for now God with His love and omnipotence shows Himself so clearly to the point that it will be easy for the weak believer to attain a solid faith and this time is a time of grace for the unbeliever where, in light of the phenomena that are based on the strength of faith, one can still easily change. These phenomena will make everybody think but only the one willing to believe will reap the benefits from it whereas the others always just talk about an accident and bitterly face the severe misery, decline a Creator or condemn His actions. The size of the disaster cannot bring them to their senses, they try to find a natural explanation for everything and spiritual connections they reject altogether. In respect to the experiences of the neighbor they remain hard and insensitive and are not afraid to improve the condition for themselves at cost of the neighbors who are too weak to defend themselves.

Distress will be everywhere where God has spoken and He will speak wherever there is a most severe spiritual need so that the survivors will receive a warning signal for the purpose of utilizing the time until the end and also that people of the countries not concerned come to their senses in view of the catastrophe that is too enormous to be left without attention. For all mankind will get into the grip of fear the natural disaster might repeat itself and cause a complete destruction of the earth. Well, actually, this is going to happen but not immediately after the natural disaster.

Fear from that is but salutary for many since, in fact, the thought of a sudden passing away and the life after death becomes vivid and might bring about a change of one’s life style. The world will want to intervene with help yet won’t be able to do so to the extent that would be required. Nevertheless, every one person willing to love and to help will be blessed by God because the great misery comes upon people for the purpose of softening their hearts and to do justice to their proper task, to act in love on earth for the sake of gaining maturity of one’s soul. As long as people just seek supply for themselves they remain in self-love and don’t get ahead spiritually. The need of their neighbors, however, can let their actions in love become active and that’s when they fulfill the will of God and their earthly duty as well. And then the most severe need is a blessing and it fulfills its purpose.


BD 4448                received  02.10.1948

The audible Word and conditions ....

You need to pay attention to the slightest emotion if you want to hear My voice within yourselves. For this reason the transmission of My Word can only take place if you are in complete seclusion from the world. Although you are still living in the midst of the world everything around you can nevertheless subside into nothingness, it can stay completely unnoticed by you, if you direct your thoughts inwards and look for Me. Then you will observe different spheres to the earthly one, then you are already in the spiritual realm, your soul has lifted itself across while the body remains on earth but without having lost the connection with the soul. Anyone who succeeds in dismissing all worldly thoughts and concentrates will soon hear gentle Words in his heart, and the more the soul has detached itself from the body the clearer they will sound, that is, the more the soul strives towards the spiritual kingdom where My Word originates from, where I Am Myself amongst the beings which educate you on My instructions, if the teaching does not directly come forth from Me. The world certainly does not want to admit that God speaks directly to people, it finds it implausible because the world, that is, worldly people, will never be able to hear this gentle voice since they only take notice of their body’s demands and what it achieves. The soul is an implausible concept for them, they do not acknowledge the soul and therefore do not accept what the soul receives from the spiritual kingdom and wants to impart to people on earth.

They don’t believe it because they also lack the will to live up to the conditions which enable them to hear My voice. They don’t mentally detach themselves from the world but constantly strive towards it so that they have no time for turning inwards, thus they never lead an inner life without which, however, My Word cannot possibly be heard. I do not approach people from outside but meet them in their hearts .... Although I also work so evidently that it is externally visible to whom I Am present, who receives strength from Me .... but only ever where a life of love is being lived, where I can enter a heart because I Am called upon in the heart. I only manifest Myself where an earthly child firmly believes in Me and loves Me with all its heart, and both are feelings of the soul which are unrelated to the body as such. Thus anyone who wants to hear Me must come to Me and I Am not in the world but in the spiritual kingdom, even though My will is also in charge of the world but only to win worldly people over to Me, to entice them away from the bustle of the world into seclusion in order to make those possessions desirable for them which alone are of value for eternity .... Withdraw into solitude and listen within and you will clearly and distinctly hear Me if you pay attention to every thought, for as long as you don’t perceive the audible Word in you which needs a particular maturity of soul and most intimate contact with Me .... However, I reveal Myself to everyone who fulfils My will and desires to hear Me ....


BD 4455                received  09.10.1948

Gathering spiritual treasures on earth ....
Regret in the beyond ....

Anyone who has not gathered spiritual treasures for himself on earth and thus enters the gates of the beyond empty handed is one of the poorest in the spiritual kingdom. I would like to spare you this fate because you will experience bitter regret when you look back and see the many missed opportunities. Poverty in the spiritual kingdom is so depressing and hopeless that it will torment you and completely paralyse your will, as a result you will hardly be able to deliver yourselves from this painful state. And yet it is so easy to acquire spiritual possessions on earth if only you thought of Me and desired to speak to Me. Merely this desire guarantees receipt of My Word in different ways .... You will always be shown where you can receive My Word if you do not accept it from Me in your thoughts, that is, if you cannot recognise My voice in your thoughts.

However, it is certain that you will feel the inner motivation to do kind deeds as soon as you contact Me in thought and thus intend to get in touch with Me. I announce Myself by prompting you to love because only then can I enter into complete union with you. Thus, first of all I inspire you to actions of love, and this directly through the inner voice or through external advice and reminders by the deliverers of My Word who only preach love. If you listen to them and follow the Word then you will also gather spiritual possessions and acquire riches which will remain with you eternally, which cannot be taken from you on earth or in the beyond and which will increase in the same way, even when you constantly share them. To enter the kingdom on the other side blessed with such possessions is truly most desirable as it assures your eternal life in the spiritual kingdom, a life of activity which can only be called enjoyable and will be felt by you as a great blessing.

But those who enter completely empty handed will find it very difficult to acquire spiritual wealth even though it is not entirely hopeless. Even there the gospel will be taught to the soul but, like on earth, it is not forced to accept it; like on earth, acceptance depends on its will which, however, is extraordinarily weakened and cannot make the right decision without the help of additional strength. And this input of strength in turn depends on the will of the soul to use it for deeds of love .... or on the loving intercession of a human being. For that reason you cannot have enough compassion for these poor souls who urgently require your help because they neglected to gather spiritual treasures on earth to make their state in the beyond a happy one. Their poverty is great but people do not listen to My Word, they do not believe and therefore enter the kingdom on the other side poor and with darkened spirit ....


BD 4457                received  11.10.1948

Proclamation of the end ....
‘You only have but a little time left ....’

Only a little time remains for you and you have to sincerely prepare for the day when an act of destruction will take place like it has not been experienced before. And even though I keep announcing this to you over and over you are opposing My word with doubts and are therefore lukewarm with your work of your soul. And you’ve got but little time left. But I cannot get your attention in another way than through My word; if you do not believe it you will be startled when the last signs will appear. It’s true I will forewarn you once more a short time prior to it but to those words, too, you won’t lend any more credence than to the previous announcements because My forbearance irritates you, because you cannot understand I tarry for the sake of the souls yet to be saved, even though the time has elapsed long ago. Some few are to be saved yet; to those I will spare the endless long walk of a re-embodiment [into matter] on the new earth and that’s why I’m patient and tarry.

However, the last period of grace will come to an end, too; therefore take My words seriously that you’ve only got a little time left and you will regret every day you do not make proper use of for your soul. And, surprisingly quick, a change in the world events will take place and a few days will suffice to put you into a completely new situation. And that’s when you ought to remember My words and to put the spiritual ahead of the earthly because the worries about the latter is irrelevant, since you cannot retain anything for yourselves that I do not want to retain for you and it is up to My will and might to physically protect and take care of you. Just think about your soul, wherever the need is provided to you be helpful and willing to give and get into intimate contact with Me in order to receive the strength to hold out and to do justice to all requirements of life. Receive continuous strength from My word for in it you’ve got a source of strength by which you can refresh yourselves and that will never run dry. Always be ready for Me and I will not leave you no matter what may come your way.


BD 4462                received  16.10.1948

The ability to hear God’s voice ....
Conditions ....

You are only able to hear the voice of the spirit if all your thoughts and intentions apply to Me alone, if you thus completely detach your thoughts from the earthly world. This does not imply that you should not perform your earthly duties or totally withdraw into solitude. For this does not correspond to My will, but in the midst of the bustle of the world you should look for the opportunity, and you will indeed find it, where your soul disassociates itself from the world, where you can briefly detach yourselves from all earthly thoughts, hence where your soul lifts itself into spheres which are unrelated to Earth, where I Am the focal point of your thoughts, feelings and inclinations, where it looks for and wishes to speak to Me. Everyone can establish such short contacts with Me if he wants to, he can even turn his thoughts towards Me for a few minutes during his earthly work, and I will pay attention to every thought and impart My Word to him; and if a person mentally remains for a longer time in My kingdom, if he takes the time to hold an inner conversation with Me and pays attention to the thoughts flowing to him as a reply, he will develop the ability to hear My voice, and it will soon sound to him like a gentle but clearly pronounced Word in his heart. You all can develop this ability within yourselves; however, it requires complete detachment from the world .... Nothing externally must affect the human being if he clearly wants to hear the voice inside. For this reason it also takes considerable strength of will to withdraw from the outer world and not to allow any part of this world take effect upon oneself .... I must be desired and be able to completely permeate his heart, otherwise I cannot be present to him and he will not be able to hear Me either. No-one can serve two masters .... When I speak everything else must be silent, and anyone who shall possess My love, which manifests itself in the Word, must also grant Me his love and willingly detach himself from all worldly matters, for My gift is precious and must also be appropriately appreciated ....


BD 4465                received  19.10.1948

Supper ....

And you shall be My guests who I invite to Supper. I will nourish you and quench your thirst with delectable sustenance for the soul, I will spiritualise your body so that its substances can also partake when the soul is being refreshed, so that it will mature faster, because this is possible with those people who consciously strive towards Me and desire to hear My Word. Be My guests and come to Me gladly to take Supper with Me at My table... I will prepare you a meal of heavenly food with delectable manna which will provide you with strength and spiritual nourishment for your soul. I won’t deny you anything you desire, I Am always ready for you and lay out the table with delectable food because I love you and, as My guests, want to provide you with everything that pleases you. However, you should come gladly and yearn for Me, you should accept My invitation with a grateful heart and prepare yourselves for a dignified reception .... You should adorn yourselves in My honour as Host, don’t remain standing outside but step into My house and thereby profess that you are invited guests with a right to be fed at the table of the Lord, who belong to Him, who are His friends and who He therefore treats as a good host would by entertaining his friends and offering them the most delectable gifts as often as they want to receive them. Anyone who replenishes himself at My table will never ever go hungry and thirsty again and yet always return to Me full of desire, yearning for My presence and accepting from My hand what My love offers to him. For he will constantly draw refreshment from it, in his constant feeling of fulfilled desire he will be blissfully happy and desire Me without end. And so My Word will flow to Him incessantly, the bread of heaven, which secures eternal life for him. Come to the table of the Lord, delicious sustenance awaits you, take Supper with Me, let Me give you flesh and blood to enjoy so that you will be filled by strength .... Accept My Word and listen to Me when I speak to you, recognise Me as the most loving God and Father of eternity, as your friend and brother, and receive from My hand what My greater than great love offers you .... All of you, come to My table so that I can provide you with the food you need for your soul, so that I can feed and refresh all those who hunger and thirst for My Word, for My flesh and My blood ....


BD 4468                received  24.10.1948

Power of the divine Word ....
Antidote to suffering ....

My love for you is infinite and I will grant your every request, but occasionally it happens in a way that you do not immediately recognise it as such, nevertheless, one day you will realise how well I take care of you. The last days will bring a variety of perils and suffering because you will have to mature quickly or you will not pass the last and difficult test. You will experience constant distress and should always bear in mind that everything comes from Me, that I know of your hardship and misery but that they are also a blessing for you. Therefore do not fear and complain but remain devoted to Me in love, just as My endless love belongs to you, too, and wants to make you happy .... You should sample the power of My Word and soon you will recognise that you have an effective antidote against all suffering, fear and sadness. I have blessed My Word with My strength .... Why do you not use it? Why do you not accept strength when you are in danger of weakening in your earthly battle and lose heart? Why do you not give yourselves to its invigorating effect? You constantly receive evidence of My love for you, you are in the midst of immense grace, and yet you are of so little faith and fickle, so timid and weak. What else could I offer you that is better than My Word?

If you did not experience earthly hardship and worries you would not be able to hear My Word, because the world would hold you captive and stop you from heartfelt contact with Me. And therefore you should obediently accept this hardship when you receive My Word as compensation, because My Word is a great treasure for you which you merely do not know how to get. Let Me always speak to you in My Word, take refuge in Me in the Word, contemplate the expression of My love and you will feel a marked influx of strength. You will no longer feel weakness, fear and oppression and will have no more doubt .... you will master earthly life in full strength and honour and praise My love and grace, and then you will be active labourers for Me in the last battle on this earth. I bless your willingness to serve Me but you should also activate it by doing what I ask of you. Time and again I remind you to accept My Word within yourselves because I want to give you the strength of My Word, because I want to help you but need your free will to do so if you are to derive the right benefit from My help. You have to struggle yourselves because it is the only way you can arrive at faith, the profound faith that you will need in order to be loyal servants to Me on earth. What you receive from Me, what you write down, has to be considered by you in your heart, it has to come alive in you, so that you can endorse My Word with conviction, so that the effect is not lost on your fellow human being and he feels the strength of My Word in himself. You will always receive help in your need, and the more you fulfil My will the sooner you will receive help .... However, it is My will that you should contemplate My Word more often so that you become conscious of My presence and believe .... And as soon as you have profound faith the fulfilment of all your wishes will also be certain ....


BD 4484                received  11.11.1948

The doctrine of the Trinity of God ....

You have the gift of being able to use your intellect and you ought to use this gift. In an earthly respect your life compels you to do so and you readily comply with this compulsion. It is the most natural thing in the world for you to think about everything you encounter, to explore and ponder and thus intellectually enhance your earthly knowledge. But only rarely if ever do you use your intellect in order to acquire spiritual knowledge of your own inner accord. You certainly allow yourselves to receive it from external sources and accept it without using your intellect, without scrutinising or thinking about it. But you don’t assimilate it with your intellect and thus you don’t use the latter, or you misuse it by drawing entirely wrong conclusions because you accept the spiritual knowledge you receive without examination. But He Who endowed you with intellect will also hold you to account as to how you have used it.

Countless people live with misconceptions because they don’t think about doctrines which should motivate their scrutiny because, in the form they are presented to people, they are simply unacceptable .... Admittedly, you reject all scrutiny with the remark that you, as human beings, are incapable of making a correct judgment, and you are right insofar as your intellect alone is not enough for this. Yet each and every time this has to be countered by the fact that enlightenment by the spirit can and always must be requested in order to truthfully explain the most difficult problems, and that God will never deny His assistance to someone who seriously wants it. And thus it is also possible for a human being to get an explanation for questions which the intellect alone is unable to answer. But the less a person believes that he is incapable of making a correct judgment the more it is necessary to appeal to God for assistance. This is more advisable than to accept doctrines which a person finds difficult to accept, for whatever a person wants to endorse as truth also has to be completely explained to him, on account of which teachings from above are constantly conveyed to earth which bring light into the spiritual darkness. And darkness is wherever the truth is being displaced or veiled, where misguided teachings are spread and upheld by people as truth. And this darkness shall be penetrated by light .... Lies and error shall be displaced by the truth, it shall be exposed where people are wrongly instructed, because only the truth leads to eternal life and only the truth is divine, whereas misguided teachings are God-opposing ....

And so it is essential to throw light on a doctrine which, mixed up and completely distorted by the enemy of souls, has found approval amongst people, and precisely because the latter did not use their gift of intellect and accepted without inspection what they were offered: the doctrine of the Trinity of God .... This doctrine is completely incomprehensible, that is, it cannot be rationally grasped and understood, it is an unacceptable explanation of the eternal Deity because it is absurd, since the human being who is professing it is not allowed to think about it anymore or, if he thinks about it, cannot admit to it .... Wanting to place the eternal Deity into a strictly-limited form is a sign of those people’s imperfection who accept this teaching. Every form is a strictly-limited concept but God’s Being is limitless because it is something profoundly perfect. Hence something supremely perfect cannot be divided either, for perfection is a state of spirit and something spiritual can never be divided into three parts .... thus one can never speak of a three-person God because it is an inconceivable concept which will lead to completely wrong points of view about the Deity’s nature. God the Father .... God the Son .... and God the holy Spirit .... these concepts do not justify the assumption that three persons have united themselves as the eternal Deity, hence that these three amount to one God, whereas the nature of God can be made comprehensible to people if the three concepts are explained such that the ‘Father’ is love, the ‘Son’ is wisdom and the ‘Spirit’ is strength ....

And this alone is the correct explanation which is the foundation of the doctrine of the Trinity of God, yet due to misunderstanding it was wrongly interpreted and resulted in the misguided teaching that the Deity consists of three persons.

The spirit of God, the partial concept of God’s Nature, can never be personified; it cannot be limited to a form in line with human ideas, it is an infinite abundance of light and strength which is directed and used by an exceptionally strong will of love. The light is God .... the strength is God .... and the will of love is God .... one is not without the other, everything Divine incorporates this Trinity within Itself; it is the sign of perfection if love, wisdom and strength are inherent in a being, in which case it has become an image of God. Yet it is only ever one Being .... not a form but something infinite, spiritual, which requires no form in order to exist and which would burst all forms if they had not spiritualised themselves first, so that they were able to contain love, wisdom and strength in abundance without ceasing to exist.

Such a form was the human being Jesus, Who was chosen by God as the carrier of the entire abundance of love, wisdom and strength in order to serve people as a conceivable Deity so that they can believe in an Essence Which, being of supreme perfection, is nevertheless in connection with imperfect people, His living creations. But this form was purely physical, it was effectively only at the disposal of physical onlookers because the spirit requires no form in order to be able to be seen .... The idea of Father, Son and holy Spirit as three separate entities .... even with the addition that they are one .... is misleading, because people will then be at risk of implementing a separation by calling upon every part individually and will thereby increase the consciousness of each of the three parts, thereby losing the right, truthful sense of the one God to Whom alone they should turn in every earthly and spiritual adversity.

Even the man Jesus, Who lived on earth as an individual being in order to accept the abundance of God within Himself, became one with Him, which was evidenced by His ascension, because the body had completely spiritualised itself and all substances were able to join the eternal Deity and thus there no longer existed two separate beings who were perfect but it was only one Deity, Which was love, wisdom and strength in supreme perfection. God the Father, God the Son and His Spirit, which permeates the whole of infinity and implements everything that is determined by His will. It is the eternal Deity’s Nature which is being characterised by the concepts of Father, Son and holy Spirit. Wisdom .... the Son .... comes forth from the Father of love, and the all-permeating strength implements what is decided by the Father and the Son. God is all-powerful and exceedingly wise and loving .... This concept is more understandable and solves the problem of the triune Deity in the simplest way, and only spiritually blind people are unable to grasp or acknowledge this uncomplicated solution because they are misled by spiritually blind leaders who are unenlightened and refuse to let themselves be taught ....


BD 4488                received  17.11.1948

Heaven and hell ....

I will not let anyone who gives himself to Me as My Own fall ever again. But anyone who remains in opposition to Me is in great danger of losing the strength of My love completely and becoming hardened in his fundamental substance, an extremely agonising condition which I would like to prevent. This truth, which has not been concealed from humanity from the start, resulted in the concept of ‘heaven and hell’, of a blissful and a wretched condition, which in people’s imagination is a limited space, until ultimately the real truth .... the condition .... became less important in their imagination and only the place remained, visualised by fantasy in every conceivable way. This gave way to many misguided thoughts so that the truth is now completely distorted and the human being no longer has any knowledge of what heaven and hell really mean.

Life and death are heaven and hell .... Busy, joyful activity in the most brightly radiating light is life .... Weakness, helplessness and deepest darkness are death .... And every condition can continually increase in both directions until the final aim, blissful union with Me or deepest descent, infinite distance from Me, has been reached .... Inconceivable is the bliss of the former, inconceivable is also the torment and suffering of the condemned, who languish for eternities and have no strength for redemption. It is these souls you should consider ....

It is a misguided teaching that there is no salvation from hell, that these souls are eternally condemned by Me .... It is not I Who condemns them but they themselves who have chosen damnation, not I Who pushed them into the abyss, but they themselves aimed towards the deepest point. However, My love leaves nothing so far away forever and therefore there is even salvation from hell, since I died on the cross for these beings too and accepted their guilt, because My love is greater than My wrath, than My justice. Even hell will have to let go of its last victims, i.e. even the hardest matter will be disintegrated one day, freeing the spirits within for the purpose of ascending to life .... Because hell, as you humans imagine, does not consist of an eternally blazing source of fire, it is not a place which contains the condemned. Hell is an indescribably agonizing condition, a condition which starts on earth when people do not acknowledge Me, hence they disassociate themselves from Me and remain without the strength of My love. They certainly continue to live their physical life without Me and as yet do not feel the weak condition, which their distance from Me entails, as torment, but as soon as their bodily life is over the agony starts: the consciousness to be completely without strength and yet to exist ....

It is still possible at first to let go of the resistance if the soul listens to the advice of knowing beings, but these opportunities are rarely valued and the soul descends ever deeper, the distance to Me gets ever greater and the weakness increases until the final hardening takes place .... the new banishment into most solid matter ..... Then an infinitely long developmental period will have passed unsuccessfully for the spiritual substance which was once bound in matter and then set free as a human being in order to voluntarily strive for shedding every physical restraint. That it has failed is his free will because I truly do not withhold direct admonishments and warnings. But hell has a far greater attraction than heaven .... and the human being strives with utmost zeal towards matter again which the soul had long overcome. And therefore it is also his fate .... matter will once again be the shell for the spiritual substance which had failed its final test of will.

Hell has opened its gates wide, and countless souls will enter the darkness voluntarily ..... Hell will triumph, i.e. its prince will have, as far as numbers are concerned, great success, but I will extort all these souls from him by placing them into the new creation again, and at the same time remove My adversary’s every power over these beings by banishing him into the center of earth .... that is, he will be given the hardest cover as a constraint, which he will be unable to leave again until the will of humans gives him power once more, by people desiring material goods and increasingly distancing themselves from Me again. Then he will fight for the souls again and this contest will be permitted so that the souls can prove themselves by choosing between Me and him, because without the right decision no person can achieve blissfulness ....


BD 4492                received  21.11.1948

Communion ....

Eating the bread and drinking the wine is a token of what you should be doing in order to become blessed .... You must consume bread and wine, that is, you must give nourishment to your soul, by ingesting the bread of heaven with its strength, by accepting My Word and withdrawing the strength from it, hence, by feeding your soul with the sustenance offered to you from above by My love. Thereby I wanted to explain to you that the soul needs as much nourishment as the body and that it must be fed in the same way as the body, by consuming bread and wine. Yet the consumption of nourishment for the soul at no time depends on an external consumption of bread and wine .... This was merely a comparison intended to illustrate to My disciples what they needed and what they should offer their fellow human beings in order to attain bliss. It solely concerns the life of the soul, and the fact that the soul does not require physical bread and physical wine is clearly self-evident. However, I have only ever had your spiritual life in mind, I only wanted to ensure your soul’s life and therefore will not demand external formalities where nourishment for the soul is instead sought in all sincerity. Your hunger and thirst for My Word is, by itself, enough in order to be satisfied by the bread of life which comes from heaven, which in truth is My flesh and My blood, which assures the soul’s survival, which permeates it with strength and thus provides it with eternal life .... The external intake of bread and wine can never provide nourishment for a person’s soul if he has no heartfelt desire for My Word, if he does not want to be fed by Me with the bread of heaven. For only he will come to Me and take communion with Me. He will let Me speak to Him. He feeds the soul with nourishment which sustains it and makes it happy. Consequently, anyone who merely enjoys actual bread and wine cannot claim that he is My guest digesting sustenance for his soul at My table. Only people’s half-heartedness towards My Word made it possible to produce this misunderstanding of My Words and action, for as soon as the human being makes a serious effort to attain life for his soul, he will automatically understand the meaning of My Words, and then no person will ever be satisfied with merely performing an external act .... which seems to every thinking person a figurative comparison, which in fact it was .... The fact that the people of My church also maintained the external formality in the beginning was justified, insofar as in their heartfelt unity they always envisioned My presence, that they really congregated in remembrance of Me and together accepted My Word .... And I was in the midst of them and filled them with My spirit, thus they were My guests in truth with whom I took Communion .... I broke the bread and offered it to them ....

The heard My Word within themselves .... And they practised the same, they also distributed the bread .... they informed each other about what I revealed to them through the voice of the spirit. The first disciples understood the meaning of the external symbol, yet those who followed them already started to pay greater importance to the external symbol and this is how it remained, and only a few grasp the deeper meaning and take Supper with Me, because only a few connect with Me inwardly so that they have desire to hear Me Myself, that My Word is so delectable and precious to them as to make them hunger and thirst for it, so that I can invite them to take communion with Me, that I can distribute the bread of heaven and refresh them with the wine of truth for the salvation of their souls. Anyone who is so intimately connected with Me always lives in ‘remembrance of Me’, he will always allow Me to be present no matter where he is and what he does, thus I will also always be present with him as a guest at every actual meal, he will always remember Me and desire to feel My presence through My Word .... He will be so imbued by love for Me that he will also tell his fellow human beings and he will share what he owns, spiritual and earthly gifts, because he will feel impelled into actions of love as soon as he is inwardly in contact with Love Itself. Then his soul will constantly receive nourishment and also distribute it constantly, he will constantly communicate, he will stay in communion with Me and also be conscious of My presence .... Do understand, you humans, the act of Communion is not just a matter of a moment which is only carried out by the external consumption of bread and wine; understand that I expect more than merely a temporary commitment. Your heart must be completely prepared for My admission, an act of cleansing must have preceded it which only requires a life of love, and a loving person will also desire a sign of reciprocated love, he will desire to hear Me Myself speak .... and thus he will distribute first in order to receive from My hand a delectable gift in return .... My Word as nourishment for the soul is indispensable for him. And if he desires it he will indeed be fed, he will eat My flesh and drink My blood .... I will take Supper with him and he with Me ....


BD 4493                 received  23.11.1948

Death of a worldly ruler ....
Turn of events ....

When you hear of the death of a worldly ruler you have arrived at the point you can call the beginning of the end. Then the world will turn into a place of fire, flames will blaze high, unbridled hatred will rage and humanity will be gripped by horror as it sees no escape from the inevitable peril.

And then I will urge you to speak, for whilst everything is in uproar great calm will take hold of you as you clearly realise that the time of My appearance is drawing near, and thus you proclaim it to those who will listen to you. People see themselves surrounded by enemies on all fronts and are therefore without hope for a peaceful solution. Hence those without faith in the only One Who can help will suffer immense fear.

Consequently they will only focus on world events .... People will anxiously attempt to provide for themselves as they see the approach of great earthly hardship; they will anxiously try to secure worldly goods and prepare for escape even though it seems hopeless to them. Only the faithful remain calm, and then I will use these to encourage their distraught fellow human beings who despair in their unbelief. I attempt to bring Myself close to them once more, I let My servants talk to them and through them I Myself speak words of love and encouragement. I warn them against escape and not just to consider their physical well being; I demonstrate the futility of their intentions and admonish them to persevere and put their fate in My hands; and thus everything takes it course ....

The fire is kindled and people will not extinguish it anymore, I will put it out Myself by opposing it with other elements, by confronting those Myself who want to tear each other apart .... And My voice will sound from above .... The earth will experience a natural disaster which will tear the fighters apart; they will be faced by a power which neither can match .... The process will only take hours but it will create a completely new situation in the world, totally changed conditions and an initially uncontrollable chaos, utmost earthly hardship and unspeakable grief and adversity amongst people.

Yet you all must endure this, for the end is approaching and many opportunities for purification still need to be created since all people have a shorter lifespan now and need to mature in the shortest possible time .... The end is near and as soon as this point is reached you also can, without doubt, soon expect the last day and the Last Judgment, so that may be fulfilled what has been proclaimed in Word and Scripture ....


BD 4498                received  28.11.1948

The ability to receive divine wisdom through the heart ....

Divine wisdoms have to be sought deep inside the heart, for mere human intellect will neither be able to explain nor understand them if the heart is not involved in it. For this reason divine wisdom can only be received by people who live a profound inner life, who often withdraw into solitude, that is, who stop thinking about the world, about earthly worries and earthly plans, who enter into contemplation and try to fathom the kingdom which is beyond the earthly world. Such people are rewarded by God by granting them insight into the most concealed things, by allowing them to behold His sphere of activity, by informing them of His plan of eternity and by giving them at the same time the comprehension of understanding everything and of grasping the correlations. He tries to reveal to them the greatest mysteries, although the human being’s intellectual capacity is insufficient to receive a comprehensive explanation as long as he does not have the degree of maturity that allows him to be permeated by the light of wisdom. Yet with the person’s continuing development his intellectual capacity will improve and it is therefore indeed already possible to penetrate profound mysteries on Earth, and thus to take possession of divine wisdom, however, it will only be comprehensible to those who receive it, whereas another person will not know what to make of it because he has no understanding of the correlations between all works of creation with the eternal Creator.

Nevertheless, the more mature person should make an effort to also inform his fellow human being, because the knowledge can encourage another person’s spiritual striving and because light shall be brought into the darkness which is spread across humanity, which lives in total ignorance of spiritual truth and no longer recognises its purpose on Earth, just as it is unaware of the individual person’s final goal, which should be eagerly aspired to during earthly life. The question ‘Why do we humans exist?’ remains open to most people, they don’t even make an effort to answer it or to look for a suitable answer. They often pose this question but they never seriously desire an answer or listen to those who answer them, for they only ever let their intellect speak but never their heart .... that is, they don’t take any notice of their feelings which would be a clear answer for them. They drown out the voice of the heart and completely turn towards the world, hence they are incapable of receiving divine wisdom which necessitates a withdrawal from the world. And thus the world will remain dark and without light, since only a few people can receive enlightenment through the inner voice. But these few will be and remain happy, for they will take divine wisdom over into the spiritual kingdom where it originated from, while the others will enter the realm of the beyond in profound spiritual darkness because they failed to look for the light on Earth ....


BD 4507                received  11.12.1948

‘Where two or three are gathered together in My name ....’

And I Am with you when you speak My name, as long as your thoughts intend to reach Me. Then I Am in your midst .... Believe this and become aware of My presence when you speak of Me, and imagine that I knock at every heart’s door and request entry, and that you should not reject Me if you want to gain My favour. You should be receptive when I want to talk to you through Word or Scripture, through thoughts or My servants on earth who bring you My Word. For if you accept My Word you accept Me Myself in your heart, if you comply with it you take Communion with Me, for then you will live in accordance with My will, which I will reveal to you through My Word .... with love, and through your deeds of love you will unite with Me, you will establish such a heartfelt bond with Me that you will hear Me when I speak Words of love to you and thus provide nourishment for your soul when I give you the bread of heaven, My flesh and My blood .... when I come to you Myself in the Word ....

Let Me stay with you often, let your thoughts drift to Me and hold frequent spiritual conversations, so that I can always be present with you, for I gave you this promise Myself: Where two or three are gathered together in My name, there I Am in the midst of them. And wherever I Am you can only benefit, for I always hand out My gifts because I love you, My living creations, and want to make you happy. And the amount of My gifts of grace can be determined by yourselves, you can receive much, just as you can reject My love by turning your attention to the world .... by interrupting your spiritual conversations and focussing on worldly interests .... I let you do as you please and don’t force you to listen to Me, yet you deprive yourselves of much wealth. I can only give you as much as your free will accepts, I certainly offer you My grace but I won’t impose it on you, yet you will lose My presence when you turn away from Me, for I want to be desired in order to give Myself. Nevertheless, I won’t stop .... time and again I will send My messengers to prepare the path for Me, and I will follow them if you if you are willing to receive Me .... And thus you can always make use of My grace; you can always be My guest just by remembering Me and ignoring the world. For truly, I will give you better things than the world can give to you .... Therefore, don’t let Me knock in vain but listen to My voice and follow it, let yourselves be invited to take Supper with Me and be My guests, so that I can refresh you physically and spiritually with food and drink ....


BD 4518                received  19.12.1948

Humbly enduring fate ....

I have instructed My angels to intervene where human will does not succeed. For it is time that people find themselves a way in order to escape the imminent disaster. But I will help them if the urgency is not recognised, and thus coincidences will emerge which are nevertheless only My providence, which thus influence the individual person’s destiny. People don’t know that they are in constant care of the beings to whom they have been entrusted, who determine every individual person’s life in accordance with divine will, who thus intervene in their lives on My instruction. But I nevertheless do not interfere with free will so as not to force the human being’s will who should freely decide or profess what is good. And he need not do anything else but accept his destiny without resistance and without grumbling or complaining. For I know what is beneficial for everyone and what condition the human being’s soul needs in order to mature and take this into account. And thus all events will intertwine and thus create a new situation which is entirely beyond anyone’s calculation. But then you should also recognise My working and be grateful that I look after you by placing beings of light by your side to care for you, or you would become unsuitable for spiritual work and unable to help your fellow human beings. However, I gave you a mission and thus handed you into the care of My angels which will do everything for you as long as you work on My behalf. My will alone decides, and this truly in a way which is good for you. And so you should stop worrying and calmly and cheerfully continue on your path of life which time and again will bring you sunshine and will never be too difficult for you to travel as long as you entrust yourselves to Me, as long as you push towards Me and work for Me and My kingdom ....


BD 4519                received  21.12.1948

Tabernacle ....

You should understand that I cannot abide in a limited, specially designed vessel, in earthly matter, in certain places at certain times, but that I Am wherever a heart has developed love. Only a loving heart can claim to harbour Me, to be blessed by My presence, for My fundamental substance is love and thus I can only be where love manifests itself.

But a material vessel can never be the holder of My eternal spirit .... This assumption is only the result of thoughts by spiritually blind people who have the wrong idea of My Being, which indeed permeates infinity and is thus omnipresent but it will never be contained in a limited vessel, as people are being taught. What is humanity thinking of the eternal Deity .... This belief demonstrates spiritual poverty and how far people are kept from the truth by misinformed teachers ....

How can a spirit that controls infinity make its abode within a material form, which .... as the spiritually awakened person will know .... contains spiritual substance that is still on a very low level of development .... When I credit a person’s heart with My presence then I Am contacting the spiritual essence in its final stage of development, I Am effectively permeating the soul, the human being’s spirit, with the strength of My love, the expression of Myself .... And the influx of strength increases in accordance with the willingness of a person to love and thus fills the entire heart. Then I Am present in the person Myself; I will take possession of him just as he in turn will harbour Me within himself in abundance. Why should I dwell in a vessel which is still dead, which, in fact, is part of the spiritual essence opposing Me ....

My presence would cause any shape to melt if the strength of My love were to flow through it, and every thinking person will recognise the absurdity of this idea and reject such doctrines. However, human beings are very foolish, they will not let themselves be taught but hold on to what they are told to believe. They are holding a dead object in excessive veneration, which they themselves credit with contents supposedly representing the supreme and most venerable Being. A pure human heart capable of love is the only temple in which I Myself will dwell, and therefore I need not be sought in particular places at certain times and in a particular form .... Instead, every human being should prepare himself to become the vessel I want to occupy. Every human being should shape his heart into love, then I, the Eternal Love, will take abode in him, then he will be able to love and revere Me everywhere and at any time, I will always be present in him because My spirit will unite with his, because I Am in him Myself ....


BD 4520                received  22.12.1948

Unmistakable sign of spiritual low level: Rejection of the divine Word ....

It is very telling that you, My servants on earth, find little interest when you bring My Word to people as a gift from your Lord .... You, who are spiritually awake, who make contact with Me in thought and through actions of love, you know and believe that I speak to you Myself, thus you offer My Word as the Word of God .... Consequently you must also realise how far people have distanced themselves from Me, that only very few regard Me Myself as the originator of the Word, that people do not believe that I Myself talk to them directly and therefore do not accept the teachings either. They do not recognise the voice of the Father and Creator since eternity. This is an unmistakable sign of people’s spiritual low level.

What you, My representatives on earth, give to them is rejected, and what is given to them instead by those who call themselves My representatives even though they are not called by Me, is accepted as pure truth and advocated with zeal which, however, is wasted on errors and lies. Anyone who knows the pure truth also knows the spiritual darkness of those who reject My Word even if they deem themselves to be eager servants. They have not yet recognised Me and want to bear witness of Me .... They want to lead My flock and don’t know the right path themselves, they want to teach and are ignorant themselves, and at the same time they are so arrogantly minded that they do not let themselves be taught even if I confront them Myself in the Word. Hence, if they do not recognise My Word they will not recognise Me Myself either.

And thus it follows that the time of the end has arrived, because humanity cannot be guided back to Me by anything if it does not take notice of My Word from above. There is no way I can speak to people Myself other than through your mouth, and My Own, i.e. those who strive towards Me of their own free will, who often lift their thoughts to Me, will also recognise My voice. They will know which one of their fellow human beings belongs to My Own, because those who reject My Word and therefore Me Myself are My adversary’s children even though they call themselves My servants, because My chosen servants recognise Me and My Word and are therefore closely united with Me, whereas the others will increasingly distance themselves from Me if they do not accept what I offer them as a special gift of grace ....


BD 4521                received  23.12.1948

Cosmic changes ....

Where cosmic changes become known, which indicate a forthcoming natural disaster, you can also be sure to detect My working in people through prior signs, all kinds of admonitions and warnings, through clairvoyant visions by especially devout people, and through increased influences by the beings of light on those whose will is devoted to Me and whose appropriate way of life enables their contact. Where natural events occur more frequently people are also more open to My warnings, and there is usually also the motive for frequent changes in the creations of nature as a result of such natural events, because the constrained spiritual substances strive towards higher development and will reach maturity faster where people are more compliant. Yet in accordance with My eternal plan of Salvation My direct influence through the natural elements will now also affect creations of nature where this is otherwise rare .... The spiritual forces, which have already been constrained for an infinitely long time, are pushing for liberation and will meet My approval ..... There, too, it will be announced what is to take place in nature. People will be made aware of it although they are not interested in My admonitions and warnings, in My advice. Cosmic changes will also become apparent and could make everyone think; seers and prophets will arise whose gift of prophecy makes them feel duty bound to mention what they see or hear through spiritual contact. But in view of free will and belief everything will take its natural course, and even cosmic changes will be scientifically explained and therefore won’t worry people.

However, although every happening, every process in nature, can certainly be explained in natural terms it will always have a spiritual reason and explanation, and it is more important to take notice of this than of the purely natural one, because you cannot stop or lessen the natural consequences with your knowledge, but you can utilise spiritual consequence for your benefit and thus calmly face the natural consequences .... You will be in control of them when you believe, when you have derived the spiritual benefit from your knowledge .... Then you will also be in control of nature .... Do you know what that means? To be able to stop even the elements of nature willfully, which is also My will if you are sincerely united with Me? And the liberated spiritual substances will also acknowledge you as master .... you will also be the ruler over matter and it will willingly subordinate itself to you. You cannot appreciate its profound meaning as yet but when you have reached this degree it will also become clear to you what you can achieve with My strength, which will then be at your unrestricted disposal. Yet only few people will reach this degree of maturity due to their profoundly steadfast faith in Me and My love, and their unlimited surrender to Me .... But My power and glory will reveal itself to them and they will proclaim Me throughout the world .... Moved by My spirit they will always and forever speak on My behalf because they will soon no longer be part of this world and close to their perfection ....


BD 4523                received  24.12.1948

Signs of the end ....

The signs which precede the final end are unmistakable yet only of significance to someone who looks at them from a spiritual point of view, because they take place within the framework of natural law and will therefore only be recognised as the previously announced indications of the end if people themselves believe in an end, thus if they are inclined to associate everything that is created with the Creator and all happenings with His will. Consequently, they find it easy to believe in God’s reign and activity, they also know that nothing happens by itself but that everything is governed by God’s will. But then they also know that the Book of the Fathers has to be believed, which had announced an end ever since the beginning of the epoch of Salvation. These predictions were confirmed and repeated by Jesus Christ Who effectively brought one stage of this epoch to an end and started a new one, but always with reference to the end, to the conclusion of a long period of Salvation, which is now coming to conclusion. To ensure that this period of Salvation will be successful for the souls He Himself accomplished the act of Salvation, thereby enabling them to quickly mature into spiritual beings which no longer required a material earth.

However, the act of Salvation was not made sufficient use of. Hence the earth can not yet be excluded as a place of redemption for the spirits, it merely needs to arise reshaped again if the redemption of the constrained spirits is to progress .... Thus, first it will have to be destroyed and dissolved in order to let something new emerge from it. The fact that this developmental phase is limited is understandable, for God has always granted the souls a specific length of time to release themselves from the form, which is tied to His laws of eternal order. This time has now ended and as a result the signs must show themselves too, for God will never leave people without warning or admonition, so that they can still make full use of the last days for their souls. Even the longest period of Salvation will end one day .... Yet only the believer will deem this to be true, and this is why only the believer will recognise and pay attention to the last signs .... he will know that he is living in the last days and that he seriously has to consider his soul ....


BD 4525                received  27.12.1948

‘Thou art Peter, the rock ....’
Living faith - the church of Christ ....

Anyone who wants to belong to My church must have a living faith, for I do not acknowledge a dead faith because it does not merit the description of ‘faith’. And thus you humans already have the right characteristic of My church as well as the explanation for My Words ‘Thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build My church ....’ My church is only based on the right faith .... But what is the right faith? .... Deeming something to be true which cannot be proven is your explanation. Nevertheless, this is not meant to be blind faith, not a thoughtless acceptance of religious doctrines, because this cannot give rise to a convinced faith. Even so, the human being must possess the inner conviction without proof .... This is the right faith or it would only be a play of words when faith is being talked about. Only a convinced faith is a living faith, and not blindly accepted dogma which is merely not rejected .... Peter possessed a convinced faith and this is why I referred to him as the rock which should be the foundation of My church. And time and again I will make this faith the condition for belonging to My church, for I Am not satisfied with those who only pay lip-service to a teaching but lack the inner conviction.

A living faith is a prerequisite, because the strength of faith will only become evident where the inner conviction exists. The fact that I expect more of people than a mere avowal with their lips should be obvious to every thinking person, after all, people could be presented with and expected to believe the most absurd teachings. But I made this impossible with My Words which specify a guideline to people .... Peter, the rock .... who shall be the foundation of My church. From this follows that you humans must therefore clarify your point of view regarding every doctrine, that you, in order that you can believe with conviction, will have to mentally form an opinion about it and thus, understandably, cannot accept every doctrine, that an erroneous teaching must be recognised by you, because you cannot gain the conviction that what you are expected to believe is the absolute truth. On serious reflection you will certainly be able to distinguish which doctrines correspond to the truth and which have to be rejected .... And thus you will also be and remain true followers of My church if you have a living faith, and I will bless you ....


BD 4531                received  04.01.1949

Coming in the clouds ....
Rapture .... End ....

And I will come to you to carry you into My kingdom .... Remember this promise during your hours of distress and wait for Me and My help, firmly believe that I will come as your Saviour when the adversity becomes insufferable. And don’t be afraid, for I Am stronger than the one who wants to ruin you. You should know that it would be easy for Me to destroy him; yet nothing would be achieved by this for his many followers would continue his work if they were not destroyed as well. This, however, is not acceptable, for that which came forth from My creative spirit will continue to exist forever, it cannot cease to exist because it is everlasting strength from Me. Nevertheless, I will rescue you from his power by banishing him and all those who are enslaved by him. You, however, will be led into the kingdom of peace where you will live as if you were in paradise, until I return you to the new earth which you then shall populate according to My will. No-one will believe this promise, this prophesy, for when I come in the clouds I will repeal the natural laws by lifting you up to Me in the flesh before your fellow human beings’ eyes who succumbed to My adversary. They will effectively experience something unnatural, which they currently don’t want to believe in.

But you, who are My Own, you know that nothing is impossible for Me, and therefore you also know that I can stop or revoke natural laws if it benefits My eternal plan of Salvation, thus you also know that there will be an end and that you are living in the last days before the end. Consequently you do not doubt this proclamation either, which I imparted to humanity at the beginning of this period of Salvation. You consider it possible, and you should firmly believe it, so that you subsequently will be able to survive the difficult time, always thinking and hoping for my assured help and My coming from above. Regardless of what evil people will do to you, don’t take offence, for they will receive their punishment which will be bitter indeed. They will see you being lifted up before their eyes while death is lurking around them and they will be unable to escape in any direction; they will be devoured by the earth and be granted a wretched fate on the new earth. You, however, will receive your just compensation, all hardship will have come to an end, you will live in freedom and with joy on the new earth amid a paradise, amid love and in direct contact with Me, Who will often stay amongst the people who have become love. And this is the end which was predicted by seers and prophets time and again, which was announced ever since the beginning of this epoch of Salvation so that humanity will believe. Yet no-one takes these predictions seriously, nevertheless, the day will come when all this will happen and the last Judgment will occur, as it is proclaimed in Word and Scripture ....


BD 4533                received  06.01.1949

Spiritual turning-point ....
Total transformation of earth ....

You can take it for granted that the world is facing a change, spiritually as well as earthly. The earth itself is approaching a total transformation, a transformation of its surface as well as extensive internal changes, and, likewise, people need to prepare themselves for a process that will have spiritual repercussions because all life on earth, human and animal, will cease to exist as soon as the reshaping of earth is under way. Thus it stands to reason that the entire transformation will have a spiritual foundation, that a new school for the spirit will be created which, however, will first call for the destruction of the former. Earth cannot continue to exist the way it is at present if it is not to circle through the universe amid other creations and heavenly bodies devoid of all purpose .... Change has to take place, and this act of transformation will be experienced by people to whom God has given the grace to use the final opportunities for achieving maturity. For God has blessed the last days of this earth’s existence by providing blessing upon blessing for people who could certainly reach full maturity by the last day. That the gifts of grace are ignored, that the majority of people do not welcome and thus do not accept them, is only proof that the last days have arrived.

Hence only few will be able to observe the final act of transformation because they accept God’s will and therefore also know of His eternal plan of Salvation. They will not be harmed by the process of transformation as they will be raptured before the last act of destruction of the old earth. And thus the change will merely affect them such that they will change their environment for a kingdom of peace until they are returned to the entirely reshaped earth as root of the new human race. Until the last day, however, others will still have ample opportunity to change and thus save themselves too. For as soon as their spiritual transformation has taken place, as soon as the soul has returned to God, Whom they had adamantly resisted so far, the souls also become aspirants to the kingdom of the blessed and need no longer fear the destruction of the old earth. No creation on the old earth will survive nor will any human being continue to exist who was not lifted to heaven by God’s love beforehand .... The complete destruction of the earth’s surface as a whole will also result in the demise of every creature, and the transformation of any soul capable of change will have been achieved by the hour of the Last Judgment. Hence it depends on the human being’s spiritual change whether he will survive the end of this earthly period and be permitted to re-inhabit the new earth as a child of God ....

All people will still be capable of change but only few will be willing, and thus the earth’s process of transformation will take place, given that people’s will shall no longer take the right direction and earth no longer fulfils its intended purpose. Earthly life is misused .... As a result, the whole of humanity faces a spiritual turning-point. However, it will not happen on the old earth and it will only consciously be experienced by a few people, whilst the majority of people will indeed enter an entirely different developmental stage, hence also be affected by the spiritual turning-point, but in a regressive sense ....they will lose their physical life and continue their existence in a completely different form .... ‘Life’ will have ceased to be and the state of ‘death’ will surround the spiritual essence because it will have failed as a human being, because it did not use its opportunity to change in order to redeem itself.

In the universe, however, the act of transformation will denote an entirely new period of redemption and the conclusion of an era which was extremely significant, because God Himself incarnated on earth in order to exemplify to humanity the change from a human into a divine being, which all people should accomplish. Earth, which carried His physical body, will now have to help the hardened spiritual substances, solid matter, to achieve redemption. Every living thing will have to experience a change of its external form; everything constrained in a form below the human level will have to be able to comply with the impetus for ascent. As a result of earth’s total transformation this will indeed be possible since the love of the divine man Jesus also encompassed the as yet unredeemed spiritual substances which He also intended to help with His act of Salvation. When this period of redemption comes to an end it will also mean the end for all creations in, on and above the earth. Then a continuation of development in the creations of the new earth can commence for all spiritual substances which still need to be redeemed and which, depending on their will towards God, will animate the various forms until their final salvation ....


BD 4534                received  07.01.1949

The right kind of teacher ....
Truth - Error ....

People must hand themselves over to a good teacher if they want to be taught correctly, so long as they don’t come to Me Myself for schooling. They could be instructed by Me directly at all times, yet they would lack the knowledge of this as well as faith. Consequently, they will have to receive the knowledge from somewhere else and need only make sure that the instructor knows the truth and is able to teach them correctly. Being instructed in the truth must be very important to them, therefore they must investigate the origin of the teacher’s knowledge; they should first clarify the relationship the teacher has with Me. Hence, they must first believe in Me as Creator and Father of eternity, they must inwardly acknowledge a Deity and make an effort to get to know this Deity. This is the first condition or hardly anyone would try to penetrate spiritual knowledge. A distinction must be made between people who allow themselves to be instructed and those who want to be instructed .... The first let themselves be pushed into a school without resistance, they let themselves be seized by teachers looking for subjects to whom they want to impart their points of view. The latter look for their own school in order to receive knowledge, and they are serious about attaining the truth. I will come to meet these seekers and guide them to the right teacher. However, since My adversary also wants to gain your soul he will not miss the opportunity to let representatives of error cross your path. Anyone who seeks the truth will also come across incompetent teachers, and therefore indications are given to you that you should conduct an examination in order to entrust yourselves to the right teachers and how you should do this. And again it should be said that your attention must first be drawn to the teacher’s attitude towards Me, whether he spiritedly advocates My Word or whether his lips merely pass My Words on, which is very quickly recognisable for the serious seeker, since the repeat of the living Word ignites the listener’s heart, whereas the lifeless Word is tiring and puts people off listening. Although someone with a hunger for truth can also derive some benefit from this dead Word, he will nevertheless feel dissatisfied with such teachings so that he will expect more, then he should give in to this longing and look for a different teacher. But teachers who inspire people’s keen debates, who repeat My Word animatedly and cause a positive response in people’s heart, whose bond with God can be recognised by their kind and loving nature, are true representatives of My Word and in possession of truth. You can trustingly hand yourselves over to them, they will teach you correctly and contribute to the fact that you will soon establish heartfelt contact with Me and thus can be instructed by My spirit directly, either mentally or through the inner Word. The origin of their knowledge might well be the same with both teachers, both might have gained the knowledge through study, and yet their teaching ability will differ and therefore their knowledge will also be either of purest truth or interspersed with errors, depending on their maturity of soul. For this reason you must always pay attention to the teacher’s way of life, to what extent the human being follows Christ, that is, to what extent he is permeated by love for his neighbour, which will characterise his entire nature and will always be recognisable, because love does not hide itself. Truth can always be found where love is present because it cannot be gained academically; instead, it can only be gained, recognised and taken possession of through the working of the spirit, which is the result of a life of love. And thus it can always be noticed whether a teacher expresses his own thoughts or merely words which have not yet found the right response in his heart and therefore cannot be repeated spiritedly. Test the teachers and choose a suitable teacher for yourselves, for you will come into contact with both. The right ones will lead you to Me, yet the others will not be prevented from approaching you because you can and should decide for yourselves if you seriously want to be taught the truth ....


BD 4541                received  15.01.1949

Existence of God ....
Worldly scholars ....
Heart and intellect ....

The worldly scholar often finds it difficult to believe in a Deity because his intellect is forced to conclude otherwise due to knowledge which, however, does not entirely correspond to the truth. Simply a mistaken view concerning the evolution of the earth leads to wrong ideas, and then it is difficult to acknowledge an eternal Creator, a Being which could certainly be recognised by its expression of strength, but whose recognition is usually not wanted. Science attempts to prove everything. However, where this is not possible it does not admit its inability but simply refuses to acknowledge what is outside the scope of its research. And thus it is based on a wrong concept, and the path to the eternal Deity is ultimately very difficult to find, even if the will to do so exists.

All kinds of research activity should start by revealing God’s existence, which admittedly cannot be proven but which can be believed with complete inner conviction. Such research will then progress quickly and successfully. But to achieve this certain belief the human being, in spite of his keen intellect, has to disregard the latter for the time being and dedicate himself to the feeling of his heart, he has to leave all science to one side and, like a child, allow himself to be taught from within, i.e. he has to accept what his feeling imagines or wants as the truth. Effectively, he has to dream with open eyes. Then he will always find a Deity, Who directs and guides everything, and he will know that he is supported by It.

A human being’s innermost desire is and remains a strong power above himself; however, worldly intellect attempts to stifle this because it is also spoken to by the one who wants to supplant the Deity but who is unable to enter the human heart and instead attempts to influence the human intellect all the more. God expresses Himself through the heart, his adversary expresses himself through the intellect, unless the heart is stronger and persuades the intellect to be on its side. In that case it is also possible to recognise God intellectually, heart and intellect will aspire to the eternal Deity and then science will also build on a different foundation, it will draw different conclusions which will definitely not be false ones. Because once an investigation with belief in a Deity begins it will sooner or later achieve success and also come close to the truth, irrespective to which field it is applied. Then science and belief will no longer contradict but merely complement each other, and only then will knowledge be free from error, when it is in harmony with the belief in God as an omnipotent, wise and loving Being Which governs everything that was, is and remains in eternity ....


BD 4544                received  18.01.1949

‘Follow Me ....’

Follow Me and the goal that has been set for you since the beginning will be reached by you on earth already. You have to make the effort to live a life of love which will bring you very close to the One Who is eternal love Himself. And if you now bear My life on earth in mind and for the sake of the act of Salvation appeal to Me for reinforcement of your will, you will also find it easy to live in love, for I will help you and constantly provide you with opportunities which enable you to live up to your will to love if you feel the urge to do so.

My life on earth was only a practical application of selfless neighbourly love. And the result was the unification of the Father, the Eternal Love, with Me, so that I could use His strength and might, His light and wisdom like My own possession. I was permeated by His spirit, by His strength and by His light .... And thus everything was possible for Me since God Himself was working in Me. As a human being I demonstrated that it is not impossible to be filled by the divine spirit, that thus every human being is able to work the miracles and signs I performed, that the human being can shape himself such that he, as an image of God, can utilize all powers and thus also accomplish whatever he wants.

Follow Me .... all of God’s strength is at your disposal, He does not impose any restrictions on you, He gives without measure, and you may use everything He wants to impart because He loves you .... Follow Me .... live a life of selfless neighbourly love and you will become perfect and be able to constantly enjoy God’s love and blessing. I speak to you as a human being, just as I walked on earth as a human being, Who equally had to attain divine strength through a life of love, and Who was also only able to accomplish the unification with the eternal Deity through love ....

I will show you the path which you only need to travel in order to then also recognise the truth of My Word. Let yourselves be urged by Me onto this path, don’t offer Me any resistance, try to do kind-hearted deeds and your strength will increase, your will to love will be stimulated, for love itself is strength and if you practice it, whatever you give will also flow back to you again as strength .... Try it and let My Words touch your hearts, let yourselves be called by Me and follow Me .... I Am the voice in the wilderness of your life. Everything around you threatens to wither away if you don’t irrigate the arid area with the divine flow of love .... if you don’t develop all good instincts through love and increase the strength within you. Do not let My call go unheeded, take notice of it and bear in mind that I don’t demand anything impossible from you, for I Myself as a human being had set an example for you as to what love and a human being’s will are capable of achieving .... Follow Me, and you will be and remain blissfully happy for all eternity ....


BD 4547                received  24.01.1949

Retribution ....
Sin and atonement ....

The God of righteousness will redress everything, and thus the conduct of humankind will indeed find its atonement, but not always in the way you humans consider right. God’s wisdom recognises people’s weaknesses, their moral degree of maturity and the souls’ imperfect state, and thus He sometimes makes use of means which can also result in the opposite, because the human being himself is striving towards the abyss as long as he still expects advantage from it .... Consequently, he must first try to release himself from earthly cravings, otherwise the injustice will keep growing and God will have to balance things increasingly more, which signifies immensely difficult times on earth and an often unbearable fate in the beyond. For every injustice must be atoned for, unless the divine Saviour and Redeemer takes the guilt upon Himself and redeems it through His crucifixion which, however, presupposes total devotion to Him and the will to live a way of life according to His commandments. In that case, the human being will have already attained a level of improvement which assures him forgiveness of his sins. But anyone who does not believe in Christ’s act of Salvation must inevitably make amends for the guilt himself on earth or in the beyond. The world, however, is inconceivably entrenched in sin, consequently, the earthly adversity is likewise inconceivably immense and brings forth one iniquity after another. Someone who recognises and abhors it is no longer part of it yet he will suffer because of it, because every light-desiring person will experience darkness as pain. Yet the hour of Judgment is not far away anymore, retribution is inevitable, and therefore you humans should not doubt God’s justice .... Human will as well as Satan’s activity must be allowed free rein so that people will show their true instincts, so that a decision of will is made, which can be good or evil, and good and evil must therefore be seen in order to affirm or to abhor it. But don’t think that retribution will fail to materialise .... For sooner or later the day will come when every individual person will have to justify himself for his thoughts, intentions and actions .... and the closer it is to the end the more evident becomes the raging of the dark forces and thus also the onslaught against the righteous, who shrink back from the devils in human form and call upon God’s justice .... Retribution, however, will not fail to materialise ....


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