Book 54           NR.  4680 – 4803

received by  Bertha Dudde  between 30.6.1949 and 24.12.1949

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BD 4700                received  28.07.1949

Hearing the divine Word ....
Thoughts ....

Only through the inner Word are you able to receive clarification about questions which cannot be answered by earthly scientists. An appropriate Authority regarding spiritual questions certainly exists, yet people rarely take the path to it. For this reason a truthful answer will also rarely be received which can only be provided by the One to Whom nothing is unknown, Who knows everything, Who also wants to impart the knowledge to humanity which enables people to recognise Him. Hence God manifests Himself through the Word and anyone who wants to hear it must gain God’s love, he must make Him well disposed towards him by doing everything God requests of him .... then God will come so close to you that you will be able to hear His voice, for He expresses Himself through His Word, He makes Himself known to you, He speaks to you humans in easily understood language, He speaks through your heart to your intellect and deals with every question you voice or consider in your thoughts. He responds to you .... His Word is therefore a sign of affinity from Him to you, for you will only be able to hear His Word if you unite with Him either mentally or through activity of love .... And as long as the earth has existed God has always spoken to people in this way, however, until now He was more easily understood, whereas now His language is only seldom appreciated. These few people, however, are considered by Him to an unlimited extent. He wants to explain and substantiate everything to them so that they will be able to impart the knowledge they gained in this way to their fellow human beings for their souls’ salvation. And in order to stop them from doubting further He allows them an insight into His eternal plan of Salvation, and thus He ignites a light for them which will never ever let them descend into darkness again .... He approaches those people in the Word who are willing to let themselves be taught. And thus the Word will forever remain the bridge between God and people which, however, can only be entered by a person if he withdraws himself from the world, if he avoids the broad roads which seem more attractive to his eyes and entice him to take them .... He can only perceive God’s voice in solitude, i.e., he must avoid the world and let his thoughts wander into the spiritual kingdom. Then he does what he should do initially: He makes mental contact with God, he enters into a dialogue with Him, he presents Him with questions which move him by allowing his thoughts free rein .... And these thoughts are already emanations from the spiritual realm. For the human being is unable to produce anything by himself.

The intellect is certainly capable of receiving and processing the thoughts which flow to him, yet the thought itself does not arise in the person, instead it touches his heart, but it flows from the kingdom which lies beyond earthly spheres .... The thought is a spiritual product, thus a strength which takes on a specific form as soon as it is received by the intellect, thus the intellect is influenced by the heart to become active by shaping the influx of thoughts and giving them a certain order. The intellectual activity consists of retaining the thoughts which touch the heart as waves and cannot find a response if, due to the bustle of the world, a person’s will only uses his mental activity for worldly things and pays no attention to spiritual currents. However, if the person seeks solitude and turns his back to the world, his heart will be touched and beneficially affected by spiritual currents and eagerly accepted by the person. Due to this willingness of reception the Word shapes itself, that is, the person becomes sensibly and clearly aware of what God Himself wants to tell him. Thus he hears His voice in his hearth, the thought waves are received by the heart and conveyed to the intellect, and the person as such is able to rationally take possession of the received spiritual information and also understandably explain it to his fellow human being. This process is in fact simple and uncomplicated, it is just not understood by a worldly person because he does not appreciate the soul’s sensations and therefore also only tries to explain mental activity purely organically. Yet the actual source of the thought is unknown to him and a relevant explanation not acceptable to him because he does not acknowledge anything of a spiritual nature, he only acknowledges what he is able to see or touch. But God continues to provide evidence of forces which human intellect is unable to explain and provides the information about everything through His Word .... Anyone who allows the Word of God to speak to him will have comprehensive knowledge at his disposal, for nothing will remain unknown to a person who allows himself to be taught by Him, and therefore the human being is able to broaden his knowledge, he can delve into everything and get any information he desires. For God does not impose any restriction on a person as soon as he gets in touch with the Giver of knowledge and truth and allows himself to be taught by Him .... as soon as he believes that God Himself speaks to him through the heart ....


BD 4705                received  05.08.1949

Thirst for knowledge ....
Unlimited knowledge ....

The field of knowledge is boundless. And even if you believe that you have been exhaustively taught by Me it is nevertheless merely minimal knowledge although it is sufficient in order to instruct your fellow human beings in turn and to impart a glimmer of realisation to them. Yet you could constantly receive new knowledge, time and again you would be given new information in all fields, time and again you could broaden your knowledge, and the questions and answers would have no end. But it is entirely up to yourselves as to how deeply you want to penetrate the fountain of wisdom .... The aspirant’s desire will always be fulfilled and therefore you, who are being trained for teaching work, will time and again be stimulated through spiritual discussions, so that through your conversations you discover gaps in your knowledge in order to kindle your thirst for knowledge which subsequently can be satisfied. I want you to ask questions so that I Am able to answer you, it is My will that you take an active interest in conversations of a spiritual kind, that you don’t merely listen but allow your heart and intellect to be impressed, then elucidating knowledge will be imparted to you which will satisfy you and make you grow in wisdom, faith and strength .... The deeper you penetrate spiritual knowledge the more convincingly you will be able to believe and the closer you will come to Me and receive strength from Me directly. The fountain of knowledge is inexhaustible and the field which only I can open up to you is unlimited .... Even if infinite time passed by you would never reach the end because My creation is infinite and because that which is perfect must also be forever boundless. Knowledge pertaining to spiritual subjects can therefore never be completed; all the same, what you humans need to know, what is absolutely essential for the soul’s maturing, can indeed be offered to you to a limited extent, yet it depends on your free will as to whether you want to add to this extent or whether you are satisfied with what I give to you .... Time and again I say to you that you will receive an answer to every question, time and again I invite you to ask questions in order to stimulate your thirst for knowledge and time and again I offer you the opportunity to be mentally very active so that I can instruct you again in accordance with your will.

However, don’t consider your knowledge to have reached an end, don’t believe that you are already in possession of all knowledge. For it is an infinite subject your soul can still negotiate if it has the will to do so. Yet the knowledge you receive from Me is certainly sufficient in order to motivate a fellow human being in turn to believe in a God of love, wisdom and omnipotence .... And anyone who accepts this knowledge can already call himself indescribably wealthy, for it is the truth, and a tiny grain of purest truth can offset a vast amount of knowledge which is interspersed by error and is more likely to obscure the human being’s spirit .... Pure truth alone is invaluable spiritual knowledge which merits the term knowledge. Only pure truth is illuminating, whereas teachings interspersed by errors will always leave gaps, they are concepts which often seem incomprehensible or incredible to a person who seriously desires to become knowledgeable. True knowledge, however, provides explanations for everything, because it is offered by Me, the Giver of truth. But true knowledge will time and again also give rise to questions; it will constantly inspire you anew to ask questions, so that it should increase and awaken the desire for more knowledge in a person. Inner desire presupposes enlargement of knowledge, this is why I welcome every thinking and questioning person who wants to be taught by Me. And although he does not voice the question I nevertheless answer him through My instrument which I use as a mediator between him and Me in order to express Myself .... Hence, you humans can receive extensive knowledge, no incomprehensible subject need exist for you if only you seriously strive for truth and enter into mental contact with Me. However, I require your full attention, otherwise you will be unable to hear Me, otherwise I refuse to answer although you asked a question yet without seriously expecting an answer, which you demonstrate with your thoughts, which are truly not hidden from Me .... ‘Ask, and it shall be given to you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you ....’ However, My prerequisite is a serious searching, an appealing thought and an expectation of My answer by listening within or by listening to a mediator .... but then you will be instructed, you will be able to receive unlimited knowledge which completely corresponds to the truth ....


BD 4707                received  07.08.1949

Traditional faith ....
Conventional faith ....
Misguided teachings ....

It is extremely hard work to change people’s traditional faith, the conventional faith, into a living faith, because they do not yet understand the word ‘faith’. They have adopted the word traditionally without being aware of its actual deep meaning and rather adhere to external practices and customs than to the core which constitutes the teaching of Christ.

They may have indeed listened with their ears to everything in relation to Jesus Christ as the divine Redeemer and describe this knowledge with the word ‘faith’. They only mean by this that they do not object to this knowledge or reject it as improbable. But they have neither explored the details of the Christian teaching nor are they at all aware of the significance of the act of Salvation. Hence they refrain from forming an opinion of what they are being taught which, however, is necessary in order to gain a living faith, i.e. to gain an inner conviction for every religious doctrine.

But only living faith can lead to eternal life, because all kinds of conventional faith are unsuitable to transform the soul.

And everything is a conventional faith as long as the person is not overcome by a deep desire for pure truth. Because only this desire prompts him to think about the imparted spiritual knowledge which is then followed by inner conviction or by conscious rejection if he cannot find inner conviction, or living faith.

And this elimination of wrong from right has to take place. Error has to be separated from truth otherwise people cannot find a correct concept of God, Whose essence is of such perfection that everything which testifies of Him also has to be perfect. However, false teachings will never reveal God’s essence but forever mirror a distorted image of God. But as long as the people wanting to instruct other people .... do not know the difference between conventional and living faith themselves, as long as these people have not gained the knowledge of truth themselves, precisely by forming an opinion with divine help thus having achieved a living faith, they will not convey the right faith to the learners either. This explains why countless people may well call themselves religious yet are far removed from it .... why error is therefore widespread and truth is only of little interest, why human beings accept much as truth which, with sincere will, they certainly could recognise as error. But they keep to tradition, for generations they thoughtlessly and unreservedly continue to adopt the same distorted teachings which initially were given by Jesus Christ in their purest form to the people and which only became clouded and distorted due to a lack of own thinking and thus deviations were ignored. Moreover, people became duty bound to accept religious dogma unconditionally, so that they did not feel responsible and thus their faith became increasingly inflexible and a dead faith cannot result in spiritual progress.

People’s attention should be drawn to their lifeless state, and thus living faith has to be preached all the time. They have to be advised that they may not call themselves believers as long as they only accept traditionally adopted spiritual knowledge without having made it their own, thus being able to uphold it with innermost conviction and not just with their mouth, and that this also necessitates intellectual contemplation. Then the veil will fall from their eyes, then heart and intellect will occasionally refuse to accept something, and only then will the truth be made known, which will then make the person joyful and turn him into a diligent supporter. And then the human being will be able to believe actively and have freed himself from formality, only then can his soul mature and only then can he be a member of the church which Jesus Christ founded on earth ....


BD 4708                received  09.08.1949

Irresponsible experiments are the reason for the destruction of earth ....

The divine world order cannot be revoked; nevertheless human determination can challenge it, but only to its own disadvantage. Laws exist which human intellect will never be able to ascertain, for they not only affect the natural properties of earth but also form the basis of continued existence for other creations, hence they are impenetrable for the human intellect and have to be accepted, that is, they must not be ignored if opposite laws are not to come into effect, which were likewise given by divine wisdom, thus intending to maintain the eternal order.

A certain degree of creativity is indeed granted to humanity, and research in all directions can likewise be embarked upon. However, as long as the human being is not yet in full possession of spiritual strength he is subject to limitations both in regards to knowledge as well as to the exploitation of earth forces which are always active and must be utilized in definite conformity to law, in some sort of orderliness. If this lawfulness is ignored, if these forces are activated contrary to law, then the effect will be disastrous and total destruction of all matter will be the inevitable result, which human will is unable to bring to a halt. For then other creations, other celestial bodies which interact with these forces, will exert an influence and thus will be affected. People will no longer be able to observe these effects as they, without exception, will fall victim to such destructions, apart from those already in possession of spiritual strength who will be taken away from the endangered vicinity of earth by God’s will.

Such a process will take place and thus signify the end of this earth. Human will is arrogantly resolved in wanting to investigate forces and through experiments thus will activate forces with said enormously destructive effect .... For the motives for these investigations, which will result in this unimaginable outcome, are not honourable. Hence God will deny them the blessing which rests on activities that aim to benefit fellow human beings. Besides, they will be contravening divine natural law in so far as that they conduct experiments at the risk of human life, that they use human beings as test objects who have to sacrifice their lives. This is a sin against divine order, against the love for God and other people, as well as a sin against humanity which thereby is doomed for destruction. For the knowledge of those conducting such tests is far from sufficient and thus they will be undertaken prematurely which, however, is known beyond doubt. And such irresponsible experiments cannot be tolerated by God, hence they will have repercussions for the experimenters, who will achieve nothing else but total destruction of all material creations on earth, thus a shattering of matter which, however, in the spiritual sense means a disintegration of every form and a release of the spiritual substances bound therein. Thus people will trigger this final act of destruction on earth, and the whole of humanity will be destroyed due to the fact that craving for fame, excessive need for recognition and greed for material possessions are turning people into reckless speculators, who nevertheless are not ignorant of the fact that they will endanger their fellow human beings and still conduct their tests. Previously gained experiences will already have provided them with enough cautions and warnings in order to refrain from them, consequently their action is a sacrilege which God will not leave unpunished ....


BD 4710                received  10.08.1949

Spiritual exchange of thoughts ....

You can gain incredibly much in an exchange of thoughts with spiritually inclined people if you desire the truth, for then knowledgeable spiritual beings will influence your thoughts by participating in your conversation and will interact informatively. Admittedly, you will then look upon your thoughts as gained by your own intellect when they are, in fact, transmissions from the spiritual realm, thought currents, which you received and subsequently enter and are retained by your consciousness. Spiritual exchanges of thought will always concur if both partners strive spiritually and possess the same degree of maturity, or it will be a matter of questions and instructions, if their degree of maturity differs. Yet such conversations are always beneficial, both for the knowledgeable as well as the uninformed person, because they always result in new realisations, precisely because of the participation of the beings of light which, in most instances, also initiated such conversations, for they bring their protégés together on earth, the souls which are entrusted to them, so that such conversations can take place and be influenced by them. However, if the debaters oppose each other, then controversial issues will often ensue whose solution is also the light beings’ work which can occasionally result in defeating the opposing partner. Moreover, discussions of a spiritual nature stimulate people’s thinking and this is of greatest benefit for the soul, for then it will form its own opinion of every spiritual question and only then can and will it debate with intense interest. But anyone who avoids every spiritual conversation also prevents the beings of light from carrying out their caring work, he remains inaccessible to every spiritual instruction and will never broaden his knowledge, because he does not communicate and therefore can neither accept what is right nor relinquish what is wrong ....


BD 4720                received  22.08.1949

Shield of faith ....
Trust ....
God’s protection ....

I Am giving you a genuine gift, and in realising it you should be joyful. How can the world possibly harm you if I stand before you as a shield and let nothing harm you? Hence, take your stand behind the shield of faith and you will be protected against all attacks by those with ill intentions. I will always stand by you, always ready to protect you whenever you are in danger. And this belief has to be so certain in you that you thereby banish all fear and distress. I Am with you and hold on to you so that you will not get caught in the undergrowth, in the many worldly obstacles to which you fear to succumb. Just look up and call to Me in thought, then you will never walk alone but always in My company, able to live untroubled until the end of your days. Although the world will still badly bother you it should not cause you fear, for I Am stronger than the world, and if the world pesters you though I want you to be at peace, then it will be unable to harm you. Therefore, be joyful and happy and despise the world, that is to say, ignore it and what emerges from it. My kingdom will compensate you for what the earthly world denies to you, and to dwell in My kingdom is truly more desirable, for it will not disappoint you.

I Am also Lord over this earthly world and control your earthly life too, but you should leave this concern entirely to Me and not burden yourselves with it, because the state of your soul is far more important and you alone have to improve it. I can put your earthly life in order for you but you will have to shape your spiritual life in accordance with your will. And in order that nothing shall stop you from improving your soul I will take care of your body and all it requires to maintain and fulfil its earthly task. And because I make this promise to you, you can truly commend yourselves to Me, every experience will be for the benefit of your soul. Therefore I only expect your complete trust in My assistance and you will be helped with every problem you have. For nothing is impossible to Me, and all threads in eternity are controlled by My will, in wisdom and greater than great love .... always for the benefit of My living creations, for whom I want to prepare an eternally blissful fate .....


BD 4723                received  25.08.1949

Immortality of soul ....
Wrong doctrine ....

You need truthful explanations because misguided teachings darken your spirit and portray My creative will and creative spirit wrongly to you. They show neither My love nor My wisdom and thus prevent you from igniting the flame of love in your hearts which would bring you closer to Me. Wrong doctrines can lead to non-belief, wrong doctrines can destroy all faith if they are not corrected, and therefore I want to enlighten you time and again for your own sakes, since you can, after all, only become blessed through faith and love.

What is the use of any teaching which questions the immortality of the soul? The soul is something spiritual, whereas the body is physical .... The body can certainly die, that is, pass away and disintegrate in its substance, but the soul, the spiritual essence, is immortal. It has to continue, it will merely leave the body as soon as the body has served its task as a cover for the soul on earth. It will leave the physical external form in order to continue its process of development in spiritual spheres, to steadily increase its maturity if it has reached a certain degree of maturity on earth or, if its course of life was unsuccessful, to either remain in the same state of total immaturity or to descend into darkness, depending on its will, but always in spheres which should be understood as being outside the earthly-material world.

Thus, the soul will in fact experience a state of death, but this should not be understood as obliteration, it is merely a state of complete lack of light and strength, a state of helplessness, yet it will always be conscious of its existence. The soul will never lose its awareness of existence, it can merely mean either the epitome of beatitude or inexpressible agony for the soul, which is always consistent with the way of life the person had lived on earth. Hence the soul’s life corresponds to its life in the flesh on this earth. Consequently, the deeds of the flesh determine the soul’s fate and the place of residence after its death, and the day of death is the human being’s Judgment Day, after which it will arise into a life of light or darkness ....

The soul is something spiritual which can never ever cease to exist, it cannot be temporarily extinguished either but it will live eternally, with the exception that an existence in darkness cannot be called life but is spiritual death, yet neither can it be called a state of rest. A rest until Judgment Day is a wrong concept, because inactive souls experience this as personal torment, whereas a soul’s true life is activity which, however, necessitates a certain degree of maturity, which a soul can easily attain on earth if it is of good will. The souls stay in the spiritual kingdom and can nevertheless always be in the vicinity of earth. They are merely outside of the physical world, thus they are no longer tied to a material form but are free spiritual beings if they are enlightened, otherwise they will be in a state of darkness, because complete lack of strength signifies constraint for them. But the soul can never die; it will merely escape its body, which thus will have completed its earthly life ....


BD 4724                received  27.08.1949

The catastrophe and its consequences ....
Love for the neighbour ....

You are all returning to the condition of the most primitive lifestyle, for only by that it is possible to get you to serve in love for the neighbor, which alone can redeem you. To all people is now given the opportunity to work in love but the free will is decisive as to how far the opportunity is utilized. And thus mankind is out to again create improved life conditions and just according to the will of the individual with just or unjust means at that, for there will be just a few serving but most of them letting themselves be served and at the expense of the neighbors to again attain prosperity, even though for a short time only, for very soon the end will follow.

But the preceding to the end is set from eternity. A partial destruction of inconceivable extent affecting vast areas of land and demanding countless human lives. So, for these people then the end has come, however, as a result of that their souls will enter the beyond yet. The last hour for this world has not yet come where also the portals to the spiritual kingdom will be shut. But to the survivors is yet granted a last reprieve, an exceedingly hard earthly life that may still be called a time of grace though, that yields an increased maturity to many who are still of good will.

The great happenings [actually] should get all people thinking and have them seek contact with God but there are just a few who draw an advantage for their soul from that by entrusting themselves to their Creator and Father from eternity and asking Him for mercy and help. And to all those help shall be granted. For the misery will be big and so general that help from the outside cannot be expected. Only mutually people can help each other and in this love for the neighbor they will be strongly supported from above; they will be able to manage jobs that are actually beyond their strength. Yet the will to help will bring them extraordinary supply of strength, the will to help will have a blessed effect also on themselves so that the helpful person receives spiritually and physically what he/she is willing to pass on, and thus one’s own need is removed by that as well. The power of faith and love will visibly appear and every person can ease one’s lot by readily remembering one’s neighbor and not just one’s own need. It’s for the sake of reviving love this great need comes upon you because only love can redeem you, and it continuously keeps cooling off the closer it is to the end . And whoever is still capable and willing to love won’t be crushed down by the need but they will overcome it by virtue of one’s love for the neighbor.

Still, there will be great sorrow everywhere. People will get torn apart, they won’t have contact with each other anymore and everyone is now offered the opportunity to devote all one’s energies for the ease of the surrounding plight. And man can accomplish a lot if just calling upon God for support and having a desire of help for others. But whoever makes use of one’s neighbor and tries to take advantage of his need for one’s own self will, at the end, be counted to the ones to be swallowed up by the earth at the last day. He will be counted to the ones to be damned because they turned into true devils and will have to share his [satan’s] wages, who will be put in bondage and be again banned in the new earth for an endless long time.


BD 4726                received  28.08.1949

‘My sheep know My voice ....’
Resistance ....

The way you consider My Word is the way I consider you. For it is the Father’s voice speaking to you which you have to know if you love Me, that is, if you keep My commandments. Anyone to whom My Word is made accessible will accept it if he loves Me, or he does not love Me if he rejects Me, that is, he does not fulfil My commandments, he does not live in love for God and his neighbour, otherwise he would recognise My Words as the Father’s voice. Thus it will also be understandable to you that I bless those who accept Me in the Word yet withdraw My blessing from those who reject Me, for they will not be able to say that they acknowledge Me although they reject My Word .... My sheep know My voice .... and anyone who recognises it will also vouch for it, he will speak on behalf of My Word and not be afraid to pass it on. For what child would not give credence to the Words of the Father .... I came to My Own and they did not recognise Me .... And today I come to My children again, yet they pay less attention to My voice than ever because they do not have the right relationship of children to their Father, because they grant the world more rights and don’t have much time for Me anymore. And yet they call themselves religious.

However, I don’t acknowledge their faith because I don’t notice any love in their hearts otherwise they would desire Me or My Word or attentively listen to the gentle sound of My voice wherever it can be perceived .... But I don’t acknowledge anyone as My true child who suppresses My voice for the sake of the world, for although the Fatherly love embraces all His children it also wants to be reciprocated by them. Love Me and keep My commandments, then you will also feel that My Word is Fatherly, then no resistance will arise in you and you will joyfully profess Him to your fellow human beings and ensure the spreading of the Word .... However, if you lack love it will not affect you and you will reject it as a nuisance, which is evident within your heart and also in your conduct, and then you will also reject My love which comes to meet you in the Word and through the Word gives you the evidence that the Father speaks to His children and wants to be listened to by them .... Seriously examine yourselves as to whether you are children of the world or children of your Heavenly Father, and remember My Words: My sheep know My voice .... and don’t be faithless, but believing ....


BD 4728                received  29.08.1949

The antichrist’s scourge ....

The Antichrist’s scourge will be wielded harshly over all who profess Me, just as it was wielded over Me before My crucifixion as a human being. Yet I will repel it from My Own, I will seize it Myself and instead let it affect those who are enslaved by Satan. His raging will certainly be sorely felt in the ranks of My Own, yet as long as they are covered by the shield of faith he will be unable to cause them much harm, for once again I will safeguard them against anything that is done to My Own. However, they recognise the reign of the Antichrist and that the end and with it their hour of deliverance will soon have come, and this knowledge gives them the strength which lets them endure anything. You will not have a peaceful time for much longer, hour after hour and day after day trickle away and the time My spirit has announced to you comes ever closer .... Earth is facing a powerful tremor with indescribable consequences. And even if you doubt .... you cannot stop it anymore and soon will have to make a decision for or against Me .... This decision will be demanded by the one who opposes Me and who will continue to oppose Me for an endless time to come.

He will arrive prior to Me and appear on this earth, and he will take possession of someone who wholeheartedly belongs to him, i.e., he will express himself in all his power and strength through the latter. People will join him in droves, they will admire him and voluntarily submit themselves to him .... they will be dependent on him because he exerts his influence on them as a human being and impresses them with his words and actions. He will be successful because they will all surrender to him of their own accord, and thus he will wield great power and use it against Me .... against all of those who believe in Me and profess Me .... He will fight against Me and thus also wage the battle against My Own, who will nevertheless remain loyal to Me until the end .... The time of the Antichrist has come and accordingly he will soon make an appearance, and then you will know that the end is near .... For he will only reign for a short time, and because he knows that he won’t have much time left anymore he will open hell and release all that is evil which will cooperate with him in a shocking manner .... Yet the hour of his fall into the abyss has been determined since the start, and so it will come to pass as is proclaimed in Word and Scripture ....


BD 4731                received  01.09.1949

Experiments towards the end of the earth ....
Activating forces ....

There is a set limit to how far people can go in their conduct towards what My creative spirit has brought forth. Thus, as soon as they presumptuously want to change natural creations, every one of which was given its purpose by Me, then people’s attitude towards Me becomes irrational, they underestimate My wisdom and My might, believing themselves able to dismiss both and thereby sin against Me Myself as well as against what I have created. And then the limit I have set will be transgressed, and thus humanity will destroy itself, because their scholars will draw the wrong conclusions and the consequences of their experiments will be disastrous. People believe that they have the right to explore everything I kept hidden from them in recognition of their immaturity for such knowledge .... The earth in its core is and will remain inexplorable for people until the end. Furthermore, forces of gigantic power are kept bound by Me in the earth’s core so as not to endanger the earth’s continued existence, only that eruptions ensue from time to time to allow these powers a brief outburst in order to give spiritual substances capable of development the opportunity to take shape above the earth and thus start their path of ascent. These forces unleash themselves with My approval, and therefore their effects are intended in My eternal plan of Salvation.

The extent of an eruption will always be limited when it happens in accordance with My will, but human determination will never be able to stop it, human will can never be the cause of it since no-one is able to explore cause and effect. Yet in the last days people will presumptuously penetrate the earth deeply for reasons of research in order to release unfamiliar energies with the intention of utilizing them profitably, and won’t consider the fact that they lack the knowledge and intellectual capacity for such experiments.

Hence they will have no respect for My works of creation, they will penetrate an area which is quite naturally closed to them and wanting to investigate it can be called an impertinence, from a purely earthly point of view. But from a spiritual point of view it will mean entering the territory of the lowest spirits whose banishment I recognised as necessary and which will then therefore be unlawfully invalidated by people, that is why revoking My eternal order will have unimaginable consequences.

Their manipulations will aim to utilise earth forces against which every resistance gives way, and which therefore can be used for all experiments. But people won’t consider that these forces are capable of disintegrating everything within their reach .... they won’t take account of their power against which human will and intellect are futile. They will open locks which can never be closed again once they have been breached, for the area people want to enter is unfamiliar to them and they don’t know its laws .... The earth’s core cannot be researched in this way and every such attempt will backfire, not just on the researchers but on the whole human race .... For the limits I have set may not be exceeded according to My eternal order, which always favours progress but never destruction, and thus its infringement also has to have the opposite effect!

Satan himself will put these thoughts into the people of the last days, he will urge them to undertake this plan, for he knows that the destruction of creation will end the spirits’ progress, which is his endeavour in his blind hatred against Me and all spirits striving towards Me. Yet even this plan, albeit evil, will be an inadvertent service .... he will fall in with My eternal plan of Salvation .... A new earth will arise where the development will continue, whereas everything satanic will once again be banished into its creations ....


BD 4733                received  07.09.1949

Tolerance ....

Tolerance on a spiritual level is inappropriate when it involves defending the truth, highlighting misguided teachings and combating lies. Then a straight path has to be followed, no concessions can be made against one’s own conviction as soon as a human beings works on My behalf and thus is also instructed in the truth. Truth, however, is and will always remain the same, and if I educate a person Myself, then he will also be able to intellectually justify what he represents as truth to his fellow human beings. If then the other person’s opinion does not agree with this explanation, then the advocate of My truth should not be tolerant and give in or accept the other person’s opinion against his innermost conviction. Such tolerance would be the same as a denial of what the bearer of truth has received from Me. For he recognises the error and will not contradict it.

As soon as people’s opinions differ they don’t all have the truth, and only that person’s opinion is correct, who has received the truth from Me Myself, who thus, after heartfelt prayer, is firmly convinced of his mental concept because he was taught by My spirit. This, understandably, presupposes that the person believes in Me, keeps My commandments and desires to know the truth. This person can consider himself to have been educated by Me and also be able to convincingly uphold his ideas to his fellow human beings. Anyone who is clearly recognisable as a bearer of truth, who receives his knowledge through the unusual process of the inner Word, can justifiably reject every other doctrine and denounce it, for it is his duty to uphold the truth he has received from Me directly. Tolerance towards someone who thinks otherwise makes him unworthy of the immense gift of grace he receives from Me, for he does not value it if he does not support it.

Hence, a bearer of truth should never be accused that he is intolerant towards supporters of misguided teachings, for only truth will result in people’s spiritual progress. Only truth will lead to Me, to eternal life in bliss, and only truth results in knowledge and thus means light for the being that is embodied as a human being on earth. Therefore it would be wrong to let a fellow human being live with misconceptions due to consideration in order to be regarded as tolerant. It would be an admission of personal uncertainty and doubt of the truth the person is expected to uphold. Furthermore, it would be half-hearted work for Me and My kingdom, which would entitle other people to doubt the mission as well as the source of the spiritual knowledge, which is not being as eagerly endorsed as a divine gift of grace should be endorsed. For this reason I choose strong-willed people as bearers of truth for Myself, who are also able to represent My Word intellectually and who neither fear the world nor My false servants. And I choose courageous fighters who will fight on My behalf with the sword of the tongue wherever the truth is being distorted ....


BD 4740                received  16.09.1949

Responsibility for accepting misguided teachings ....

It is very difficult for people to disassociate themselves from knowledge they were taught from an early age on and which they therefore do not want to renounce as misguided. They accepted this knowledge without thinking about it and since their education is not their fault they cannot, at first, be held responsible for accepting wrong doctrines. Nevertheless, as soon as they are able to use their intellect themselves it is their duty to scrutinise whether this spiritual knowledge is true. And they will have to be answerable as to whether they used their intellect as soon as they were able to do so. They should not accept all spiritual values as truth without scrutiny, neither will they be able to justify themselves on the basis that they have received this knowledge and are therefore innocent if they had endorsed it during their earthly life. They forget that they are responsible for their souls. They forget that I do not punish them but that they punish themselves, that is, that they remain in their state of imperfection, which can never result in their bliss .... but that I cannot release them from this state because their redemption requires their active free will which they, however, did not use correctly or they would have used their intellect to examine these spiritual doctrines. They remained passive. To a certain extent they allowed themselves to be imposed upon by something which they could just as well have rejected if they had wanted to.

The fact that people are answerable for their souls means that they have to recognise their guilt, that they have to realise that their wretched position was their own fault and justly identify and admit their own neglect, thus they cannot unburden themselves at the expense of those who instructed them wrongly. Indeed, these teachers, too, will one day have to be accountable according to their guilt, yet someone who accepts misguided teachings will not be exonerated from guilt, since I have given the human being intellect which he should use for the salvation of his soul first. Anyone who seriously wants the truth will make an effort and find it too. And every instruction offered to the person has to be reviewed if it claims to be true. Thus the human being is duty bound to compare the spiritual knowledge imparted to him with those teachings, and the right will shall also yield the right results. Yet the state of his soul after his death depends on the person’s attitude towards the truth conveyed to him by My will .... full of light or darkness .... For only truth gives light to the soul, whereas error keeps the soul in darkness in which it had languished at the beginning of its earthly course of life as a human being but which it could have escaped had it used its will correctly ....


BD 4742                received  18.09.1949

Reminder to work diligently for the kingdom of God ....

You should tirelessly work for Me and My kingdom .... then you will fulfil your earthly task in accordance with My will, and then you will also master your earthly life, you will not need to be afraid that you cannot meet your worldly responsibilities, for earthly life will merely be secondary when spiritual life becomes more important.

Work diligently for Me and My kingdom, that is, try to inform your fellow human beings about My activity with you, try to instruct them of the truth, and draw their attention to the end and the signs of the time .... Take an interest in your fellow human being’s state of soul and explain to them how vain and insubstantial worldly goods are, how people merely strive for worthless commodities and give scarcely anything to their souls because they don’t know about their earthly task. Tell everyone whom I send your way. You have been instructed of the truth by Me and thus are capable to work as representatives of the truth amongst your fellow human beings. I have given you a rewarding task which will have beneficial results for you as well as for your fellow human beings, for the achievements won’t just apply to earthly life but to eternity .... Fulfil this task with enthusiasm and do everything that furthers the distribution of the truth you have received from Me. Don’t become indifferent in your work for Me and My kingdom but know that parched and starving souls everywhere are awaiting nourishment, which you should give to them with My gift from above.

And by remembering them you will be practising neighbourly love, for their souls require the sustenance from heaven, they need food and drink to strengthen themselves for their path of ascent. Work tirelessly, for time is short and requires diligent work in My vineyard, the souls suffer hardship, they are starved because too much attention is paid to the body’s requirements and thus the soul’s requirements are forgotten. Therefore help these souls, draw people’s attention to the state of their souls, to a sudden end and their fate after death. Use every opportunity for spiritual conversations and thus motivate people to think about it. And then you will be doing the work for which I have employed you as labourers, and I will bless you, now and in eternity ....


BD 4744                received  20.09.1949

‘I will destroy the wisdom of the wise ....’

‘I will destroy the wisdom of the wise, and will bring to nothing the understanding of the prudent ....’ and will give true knowledge to those who have no earthly knowledge but are devoted to Me in love and faith .... And the world shall recognise that in this knowledge a power reveals Itself Which the world wants to deny. The worldly wise shall be taken aback, and I also call those people worldly wise, who have received their spiritual knowledge academically, who have acquired it intellectually, but have not asked Me Myself for it .... Worldly wise I also call those representatives of My teaching who, although they support it, lack sufficient faith to confidently defend My every Word and therefore do not allow the working of My spirit within them either ....

The knowledge they possess will not make them happy, but what I give to My children who desire to hear My Word due to their living faith will also give them great joy, since they recognise it as a gift of grace offered to them by My Fatherly love. Anyone who appears wise before the world and allows his intellect to speak, is and remains ignorant and I shall disregard him .... However, when a heart secretly admits My presence then I will be active and become evident through enlightening this person’s spirit, so that he becomes wise and prudent and capable of throwing light onto things worldly intellect and wisdom are unable to fathom. And I will always work unnoticed, although I will then make sure that even those, whose heart is still inclined towards the world, can also take notice of the truth.

For I want to draw their attention to the fact that they should not seek wisdom from the worldly wise, but that wisdom chooses to present itself in a modest apparel in its quest to contact people. Wisdom does not abide where there is pomp and splendour, for it is divine, it originates from Me and selects a worthy vessel, which is spiritually prepared and does not need worldly merits to be chosen by Me as a bearer of truth. The wisdom of the wise will not find the key to truth, the intellect of the prudent will not seek it in the belief to possess it already .... The key to wisdom, however, is and remains love .... which can ignite to a blaze in the heart of a simple, uneducated person, and such a heart will attract eternal truth which will then make itself audibly known in his heart and guide him into truth .... Then the person will recognise God, love Him with all his heart and erect an altar to Him, he will share his abundance of divine gifts with other people, he will convey profound wisdom and brightest knowledge to all those who are willing to accept it. And thus all who listen to Him will be wise, for they are taught by God Himself, they receive My sermon and will already be blessed on earth and afterwards in the spiritual realm ....


BD 4746                received  22.09.1949

Prayer in spirit and in truth ....

A heartfelt thought of Me, a short prayer sent up to Me in spirit and in truth, is pleasing to Me and will be granted, just as I will always draw close to those who communicate with Me in thought, for I feel in contact with them because they try to find Me in absolute truth and therefore I can also let Myself be found by them. Formal prayers, however, are not pleasing to Me because they kill the spirit, they become monotonous conversations I can never listen to, since only the lips speak to Me and not the heart, hence these words will not reach Me because they don’t arise from the heart but are merely uttered by the intellect. Anyone who wants to be heard by Me need not voice any words, I know how he feels in his heart, what he thinks and feels, yet only his conscious direction of thoughts to Me makes Me inclined towards a person, who thus recognises his Father in Me and believes that I will help him. He will be helped .... whereas a prayer can last forever without being successful.

In that case it will be a lip-prayer which I condemn because it can never be heartfelt, because it is not a prayer in spirit and in truth but only a formality which lacks all inner feeling. Communal lip-prayers are an abomination to Me, they literally make it impossible to establish such heartfelt contact with Me since each person will, understandably, have different thoughts, just as each one has different problems which, however, are not touched upon, thus the prayer is everything else but a confidential dialogue with Me which I, however, require in order to be able to grant the petitions. For only the intimate dialogue with Me expresses a person’s faith, the confidence of assured help, which is the prerequisite in order to be able to grant people the help. And therefore you should withdraw into your closet if you want to pray, you should withdraw within yourselves and allow for My presence with heartfelt thoughts which show your love for Me .... Then you will pray as is pleasing to Me and then your prayer will surely be granted ....


BD 4747                received  25.09.1949

Sign of the near end: spiritual decline ....
Apparent state of peace ....

A sure sign of the approaching end is the spiritual decline amongst people. Only rarely will you find people whose soul’s spiritual development is most important. Time and again you will be able to notice that people’s thinking and activity are purely determined by the earthly world, that their thoughts and intentions solely apply to material commodities and that they lack all desire for spiritual knowledge. And once you recognise this you will also have to admit that My intervention will be necessary, or you don’t believe in Me and the correlation between Me and My living creations. But again I draw your attention to the fact that the philosophy of life will change sooner than you think .... The commotion of the world will even let My Own occasionally question the truth of the announcements; they certainly want to believe yet worldly people and their opinion make them waver. However, I will protect them from falling away from Me .... I will appear unexpectedly and provide the evidence of proof to those who are dear to Me due to their will but who are still weak of faith. But since the world has no connection with the spiritual kingdom, since the degeneration amongst people is becoming ever more evident and the small circle of My Own will very soon be isolated from the world and its attitude to life will only be met with ridicule and contempt, the worldly event will help to fortify the faith of My Own, while worldly people will start to take notice if they, due to My love and grace, had been informed of My announcements of the near end through you, My servants.

I Myself will speak where your voice is being ignored. But you, who want to be My Own, continue to strengthen your faith ever more .... Withdraw from the world so that it cannot influence you; live quietly for yourselves and be of service to Me in Word and action; work in seclusion so that the world will not pursue you if it can be avoided. Time presses towards the end and every person’s destiny is determined by his will. Don’t deceive yourselves by the apparent state of peace, it is not a permanent condition but very soon will start to get cloudy and suddenly turn into a battle of immense importance .... Everything will be in uproar, the powers will fight each other earthly and spiritually and necessitate My intervention. Then a few people will still attain realisation and join the circle of My Own. And they all have My promise that I will help and protect them during the last days before the end. I will be with all who want to be with Me, and they will be aware of My presence and therefore be strong of faith, so that even in the fiercest battle they will persevere and remain faithful to Me until the end ....


BD 4748                received  27.09.1949

Astrology ....
Destiny in the stars ....

Only what is relevant for the redemption of the spiritual substance, hence only what provides more or less detailed knowledge about My plan of Salvation and thereby also testifies to Me and My fundamental nature, should be regarded as given by My spirit. Knowledge outside this framework, which neither awakens in people the belief in My love, wisdom and omnipotence, nor promotes the individual’s maturity of soul .... furthermore, knowledge which contradicts Christ’s teaching such that it negates the human being’s free will, which thus would leave the person at the mercy of his destiny without his own will .... finally, knowledge which believes that it can reveal a future veiled to people by My wisdom .... is not the working of the spirit and therefore not in accordance with My will. Rather, it is My adversary’s means to divert people from true knowledge and to mislead them. People will never be able to ascertain or calculate how an individual person’s destiny unfolds itself, all such claims are wrong conclusions or conjectures. They could certainly be coincidentally accurate but then never on account of calculations or influences from specific stars; instead a person’s destiny always corresponds to My plan of eternity which is based on the human being’s free will.

In the great space of creation myriad stars are indeed visible to the people of this earth, but these stars do not exert an influence on people, which can be understood by anyone who considers that countless stars are moving within their designated orbit, that this regularity has been recognised by My wisdom since the beginning of eternity to be good and right, that all stars support living beings for the purpose of higher development and that their destiny is also determined, but it will never be affected by other stars. The inhabitants of earth can only physically sense atmospheric currents which appear in the proximity of certain stars but they have no bearing on the destiny of an individual person.

The conformity to law in the entire universe, the eternal order which can be seen in My creation, is certainly sufficient evidence of a guiding power .... But the same order also takes place in the process of development of the beings, for whom creation as a whole came into existence in the first place .... The fact that these creations have a certain influence on the development of spiritual beings is correct, but only in as much as that they provide the latter with the opportunity for perpetual transformation and therefore gradual ascent. However, in the stage of free will people are confronted by events the way I, in My wisdom, deemed them to be beneficial for the being. The fact that all life on Earth takes place with a certain regularity causes people to come to wrong conclusions .... they interpreted this regularity in line with their own ideas and concluded that they relate to the destiny of the human being. Yet these investigations do not correspond to the truth by any means and are not approved by Me either, for I will always accept the human being’s free will, even though I have determined his fate since eternity ....


BD 4752                received  02.10.1949

Worshipping the mother of God ....

All your spiritual questions will be answered, as this will help to provide clarity where truth should be distinguished from error. However, you always have to meet the condition of being interested in the pure truth, for when you are governed by the desire to have an already existent point of view confirmed you are unable to receive pure truth. You have to request it and be willing to accept the right answer .... The mother of My earthly body was destined since eternity to be the childbearer of humanity’s Saviour. She possessed a soul of light which incarnated on earth for this sublime mission, thus she was pure and perfect compared to her earthly sisters. Nevertheless, she still had to experience an arduous life in order to attain supreme bliss in the spiritual kingdom, to become a true child of God, to achieve complete union with Me. By fulfilling her mission she had certainly earned the right to be regarded the holiest being in the spiritual kingdom, since due to her path of suffering on earth she had become an image of God. Her love for Me had placed her into a state of suffering which also spiritualised her body. And thus she was a shining example of a mother bearing profound sorrow over her child. However, the divine worship shown to her by people is not in accordance with My will. She certainly had been the mother of My earthly body but in the spiritual kingdom she is a being of light which, full of love and wisdom, wants to help you humans attain light and, as a result, beatitude.

Beatitude in the spiritual kingdom is only possible in unity with Me .... but a soul can only achieve this unity with Me through conscious aspiration and a heartfelt bond with Me. Thus I have to be the only worthwhile thought on the mind of someone who wants to achieve beatitude .... He has to try to find the bond with Me voluntarily, uninfluenced by spiritual powers, because .... were it allowed, every person would feel their influence, since their love for the people they want to help is immense. The soul deserted Me voluntarily, it has to return to Me voluntarily .... Any influence by the beings of light would be a restriction of free will. The act of free will is the will’s voluntary inclination to turn to Me, which expresses itself in the conscious association with Me, and this endeavour will be supported by the beings of light in every way. But the worship of any being of light is a wrongly directed will. The beings of light live in love for Me, they constantly honour and praise Me and never want to accept an honour by people for themselves, because they recognise in Me the Being which is most worthy of worship and in their humble love for Me reject any honour for themselves, as they feel that I alone deserve it. Anyone who is aware of the light beings’ true relationship with Me, whose love for Me has kindled into brightest fire, will also understand the erroneous thoughts of people who show such worship for the mother of God, as takes place. They will understand that it cannot be in accordance with My will, because people effectively create a second God for themselves, a being to whom they show adoration and honour, which it does not want to accept, since the human being should only ever strive to establish the relationship with Me in order to achieve his goal while he is still on earth ....


BD 4756                received  08.10.1949

Predetermined earthly life ....
Whims of destiny ....
God’s love ....

Every earthly worry comes to nothing if you believe in Me. As soon as you acknowledge a Controller of earthly fate you must also be certain that this Controller knows all requirements and that He has taken them into account when He, in His wisdom, determined every person’s earthly life. Hence, everything that comes upon the human being has its cause, its reason and its purpose. The purpose is always the attainment of psychological maturity which, however, can often proceed without opposition. Oppositions are all those disagreeable moments which the human being briefly describes as whims of destiny. Consequently, a person will also have to endure what he rationally condemns because it doesn’t suit him. It is, however, necessary for a person’s higher development and it will always go away again, it will effectively put itself right through My will, although the person is usually of the opinion that he has personally contributed towards removing that which seems unpleasant to him. Everything takes its course according to My eternal decision, and if you thus consider that every happening in your earthly life has been predetermined to the finest detail, that even your physical end has been planned from the start, you must realise that you cannot change anything and that therefore every worry is unnecessary, since everything will have to happen according to My will. And if you believe in My love and wisdom you will also know that everything is good for you, because you, as My living creations, also possess My love and this love determined your course of life in order teach you to become My true children. And so you need only hand yourselves over to Me, thus humbly endure whatever I send to you, then no worry will burden you, because I will take it from you when you no longer need it, and because nothing that comes upon you will last forever but will soon be resolved again. And if your suffering lasts longer, then it is necessary for your soul and it would only be detrimental for you if I removed your sorrow prematurely. Believe in Me and trust Me, and if you are burdened by a problem then confide it to Me .... My love can turn everything away from you and will indeed do so, because a father will always give to his child such that it will be happy. Yet then you must really come like children to the Father .... you must believe in Me and grant Me all your love .... Then the goal will have been reached on earth and you will neither require distress nor suffering in order for your souls to mature fully ....


BD 4757                received  09.10.1949

Body, soul and spirit ....
Explanation ....

People cannot understand the relationship between body, soul and spirit, which makes it difficult to explain to them the working of the spirit. The spirit is in opposition to the body, whereas the soul finds itself between both, thus it effectively has to side with either the body or the spirit but it can never pay attention to both. In the beginning of embodiment as a human being the soul is totally attached to the body. Hence it endeavours to fulfil the body’s every desire, that is to say thought, feeling and will .... the human soul .... are wholly focussed on the body which, still consisting of matter itself, also seeks to unite with matter. Thus the person will long for material possessions because they epitomise the body’s satisfaction. Therefore the spirit will not come into its own, the soul ignores the spirit’s demands, the spirit cannot find acceptance because the body is still stronger and completely occupies the soul, thus dominating its thoughts and aspirations. However, the soul can also recognise the worthlessness of earthly things, it can consider its bodily wishes to be unimportant, it can demand more of earthly life than mere material goods .... then the spirit comes into its own .... Then it will express itself and be listened to by the soul. The soul will start to move in a different direction, it will no longer ask for the body but strive for spiritual values. It will accept being taught, that is, it shall willingly accept what the spirit conveys. Indeed, it will feel happy and pay consistently less attention to the body, or it will try to incline the body to do what the spirit demands of the soul .... to renounce earthly matter in exchange for spiritual knowledge. Now the spirit will be victorious over the body. Both spirit and body try to win the soul for themselves. And as soon as the spirit has succeeded in displacing the desires of the body, it is the stronger ....

But what is meant by spirit? .... The spirit is the Divine in the human being; it is that which identifies the human being as God’s living creation, the spirit is the bond which connects the human being to the eternal Father-Spirit. It is the human being’s realisation that he will always be in contact with the Father of eternity. The human being only recognises himself as God’s living creation when the spirit becomes active, until then he will merely be conscious of himself as a living being who wants whatever life has to offer. But once the human being recognises himself, the world will no longer mean anything to him. Then he will search for higher values, then his thoughts will be directed towards the spiritual kingdom, then he will try to make contact with the One Who gave him life, then his thoughts will be right and his wishes and actions in accordance with divine will. Then the spirit of God will be working within the person. The soul subsequently will give itself to the spirit to be guided and taught so that body, soul and spirit unite at last and seek unity with God, because the human being’s spirit constantly strives towards the Father-Spirit to Whom he is, and remains, inseparably joined for eternity ....


BD 4758                received  11.10.1949

Re-incarnation ....
Beings of light - Mission ....

I will never let you fall prey to error if you want to know the truth. And where you lack the right knowledge, where you have the wrong idea, I will enlighten you Myself, because I do not want you to think wrongly. Although you only live for a short time on this earth as a human being, it is not too short to enable you to achieve beatitude. During your life on earth you are able to change your nature completely. You are able to entirely discard your selfish love, which was strongly developed in you at the start of your earthly life, and change it into unselfish love for other people, and thereby acquire a degree of maturity which will allow you to enter the spheres of light and thus be blissfully happy ....

Yet the degree of beatitude in the spiritual kingdom varies considerably, depending on the extent to which the soul’s state is receptive to the rays of light which affect it directly, which have their origin in Me and thus require My presence. Hence, it signifies unity with Me, and that can only happen with a being that has shaped itself into love. Therefore the degree of love also determines the degree of happiness .... The human being is certainly able to attain this degree of love while still on earth and depart from it as My true child. Then his fate will be infinite bliss.

But it is also possible for him not to achieve this perfection and yet shape his soul on earth through deeds of love such that it becomes receptive to light. In that case he will have passed the test of earthly life by having turned his will towards Me, and he will have proven it through labours of love. The kingdom of light will now accept his soul, which subsequently will be able to develop further. However, it will never be able to reach the degree that can be achieved on earth by a person who seriously strives for perfection. For his soul will be seized by Me and My emanation of light will find no resistance, because the soul became crystallised through love and thus My love is able to permeate it completely.

And now you will understand that this degree of beatitude requires the prerequisite of just one earthly life, or there would be less merit, thus the reward would also have to be reduced. You will understand that unification with Me has to take place voluntarily and with utmost effort on earth already, and that this bliss is My gift in return for absolute devotion to Me, which I will also reward with My undivided love. It therefore follows that it would be an act of injustice on My part if I gave the same reward to souls who did not make use of their earthly life in the same way ....

Every human being has the same opportunities to achieve maturity. All means of help are at his disposal, he is able to request blessings, that is, utilise any amount of blessings, and with correct use of will every human being is able to reach the goal of becoming perfect, because he is only required to shape himself into love, and love can be practised by every person if he wants .... I truly do not expect anything unattainable from you humans, since the help of Jesus Christ is available to you after all, which so strengthens the right will that it can be put into practise. You humans could all become blissfully happy if only you wanted to .... Consequently, the right will has to be rewarded accordingly; the soul has to be rewarded differently in the spiritual kingdom than a soul who was negligent in its self-discipline during its earthly life, who did not take its endeavour for perfection seriously. A soul like that will have, understandably, attained a different degree of light, even though it can also be called blissful, because it has lifted itself out of darkness, out of the state of complete ignorance, because it will have become a recipient of light, albeit to a lesser degree ....

The soul in the spiritual kingdom is able to ascend to ever greater beatitude, for the constant emanations of light it receives will increase its degree of light. This explains why a re-incarnation on earth for the purpose of full maturity would be unnecessary as well as pointless, since the soul’s past memory has to be taken away and only free will would be decisive once again, which could just as well fail. In that case, the already achieved degree of light would be at risk; whereas in the spiritual kingdom the soul will keep what it has already achieved and is able to work with it most successfully. The return of a being of light to earth for the purpose of a mission is an act of utmost love and mercy, because every liberated soul finds life in the flesh intolerable once it has but a glimmer of knowledge.

A being which departs from earth so immaturely that it will find itself in utter darkness, will indeed stay close to earth, but it is usually unaware of its lost physical life. It has an immense craving for earthly possessions, yet to return a being like that to earth would truly be neither wise nor loving, for its will would never endeavour towards higher development, because the greed for matter needs to be overcome. This is far more difficult on earth than in the spiritual kingdom, where the being is able to recognise the insubstantiality of matter, and disassociation from it already signifies the beginning of its ascent. A being with a faint glimmer of awareness is extremely happy in its spiritual state and will never long for the restraint of earthly life again.

But to possess a faint glimmer of awareness means to possess a small amount of knowledge that corresponds to the truth, and this possession makes the being very happy already, because it is able to work with its spiritual wealth .... thus it is urged by love to share its possession with needy souls.

However, every deed of love increases the influx of light, it increases knowledge and intensifies beatitude. Such a being will never surrender its free spiritual state in order to return to earth because it realises that it is able to ascend in the spiritual kingdom and that its work is needed ....

When, by comparison, a being of light incarnates on earth, it is an act of utmost love and mercy, which already needs a high degree of love, for it involves helping misguided people living in utter darkness who require exceptional help so as not to descend into the abyss. Such an incarnation can result in the childship to God .... the highest degree of perfection which, however, can only be gained in earthly life; for the soul has to take the same path in the flesh with all temptations by the powers of darkness. It enjoys no privileges as a result of its former maturity, merely a total descent into the abyss is impossible since it is protected by spiritually mature souls who will indeed help but not force its will. As a human being it has to struggle and fight and has no past memory. It has to live a life of love in order to then serve its fellow human beings as a guide. This soul’s earthly fate will be far more difficult yet it will reach the goal, because its earthly progress was motivated by love, and love is strength which conquers everything, which achieves everything. And since it signifies the unification with Eternal Love Itself it will also always find support from Me ....


BD 4768                received  28.10.1949

Collapse of ecclesiastical organisations ....
True church ....

The last days will be preceded by a time when My Word and everything referring to Me as Creator and Provider will come under attack. People will intend to destroy the faith in a Deity, which thus will signify an open battle against everything of a spiritual nature. Ecclesiastical organisations and their supporters will be affected most, because measures will be taken against every externally identifiable representative of My kingdom and My teaching. As a result, I will awaken messengers of My Word outside of these organisations, who are called by Me to spread My teaching, for they are in possession of the full truth and therefore also suitable teachers for their fellow human beings in the last days. For it will be necessary during the last days before the end to strengthen people’s faith or to awaken it, because only then will they start to think about the reliability of teachings which were passed down to them through tradition. And they will realise that I Am not with those who only associate with Me through the church, who believe themselves privileged due to their affiliation to a particular church ....

Indeed, I love each one of My children, but if a child does not fulfil the Father’s will by not using its bestowed gift of intellect and thereby activates its intellect and heart in order to know when it is doing My will, to recognise when false prophets pretend to be My messengers, the child will distance itself from Me and only find its way back to Me with difficulty. They, too, constantly receive My Word from Me, I constantly approach them by trying to give them the information directly, that is, by sending them My messengers to enlighten them, yet they do not accept instructions and can therefore no longer be excused if they stray onto a wrong path. However, once people lose their church due to My adversary’s actions, only people who are truly devout and so intimately connected to Me that I can always be close to them, will not falter. They will not be affected by the harsh measures and brutal laws, for they know where to find the true church of Christ and will merely defend My Word with ever increasing eagerness, even though they will not be safe from the pursuits of those who fight against everything that is related to faith.

All of you, however, will still have to make your decision, and only your inner conviction that you know the truth, which is proven to you by the Word I conveyed to you Myself, will then give you the strength to offer resistance. Then you, and all those who listen to you and want to serve Me, will use all their power of persuasion, and nothing will disturb them, for then they will know that they only need to wait a short time until they will be happy. They will know that everything external can certainly waver but not the church which Jesus Christ founded on earth .... the true church, which cannot be overcome by the gates of hell. Nevertheless, untold people will lose their faith, they will find it incomprehensible that I will not protect the church they regard as ‘founded by God’, and they do not call themselves to account as to whether or not they are members of the church founded by Me, because they are not allowed to think about it.

And thus, something that people regard as invincible will fall apart. It will collapse like a house of cards because it is a human structure that cannot last. Yet My Own will not be overcome, they will have the strength of faith that offers resistance because it finds My support. They will receive the strength from Me because they firmly believe in Me and therefore belong to My church which cannot be overpowered by the gates of hell. However, it will be a difficult time to which I will refer again and again in order to remind you, who belong to Me, to prepare yourselves, to constantly accept strength by receiving My Word and through deeds of love ..... The time of battle is close at hand and then you must be forearmed .... you have to stand firm when those who hold on to an external belief fail, who deem themselves living in truth without ever contemplating what they are expected to believe. They will waver and fall away, but you should stand firm and provide the evidence that an inner, living relationship also results in a living faith which will provide you with the strength to endure to the end ....


BD 4773                received  05.11.1949

Reformers ....

There have always been people who desired truth and were close to Me in profound love, who very soon realised that the pure teaching which originated from Me has been spoilt, because those who wanted the truth also recognised the error and digression from the pure truth. A person who loves Me knows that My Word is divine but he also recognises all misguided teaching as human work because love for Me and desire for truth sharpen his intellect and perception. And therefore error has constantly been fought against, i.e. time and again human beings have tried to correct what was wrong and consequently appeared as reformers, being met with hostility by those who could not detach themselves from error and defended it as God’s Word. And I was always with them in as much as that I joined them in the fight against error, thus I Myself spoke through these humans to everyone who listened to them. And there were always people who avidly absorbed what the former conveyed to them, who acknowledged and eagerly supported it themselves.

Thus every reformer found his followers which resulted in the ‘division of the church ....’ i.e. the church which claimed to have been founded by Me experienced frequent changes because it insisted on holding on to doctrines which were recognised to be wrong and its parting members followed their own school of thought by forming another church, which again claimed to be My church. The founders of this church were indeed enlightened by My spirit since they looked for the truth for love of Me. However, their followers did not always seek or require the truth, instead their dislike of the first church made them follow the second. And now it is the same again: Only the human being who seriously seeks and requires the truth will find it, for I will reveal Myself to him and he will always know of My teaching which I preached to people during the time of My earthly life. My spirit will always enlighten people who, in their desire for pure truth, pray for the enlightenment of spirit ....


BD 4774                received  06.11.1949

Significance of the era ....
Christ’s embodiment on earth ....

A highly significant era, which had started after the Flood and is effectively unique, is now coming to an end. For God Himself descended to earth during this era to show people a safe path, because they were failing, because they were no longer aware of the significance of their earthly progress as human beings and had made pointless what could have been extremely successful .... because they did not utilise their earthly life for their souls’ higher development. God embodied Himself as a human being on earth during this time; He took on flesh and thus lived as a human being amongst people. He accomplished what people so far had been unable to achieve, He detached Himself from human nature and voluntarily strove towards God. It is wrong to assume that the Divine in the man Jesus protected Him from human failings and human emotions; on the contrary, He had to resist them particularly vehemently and yet was victorious, because love gave Him strength and because His will was exceptionally strong through love.

Hence, he provided humanity with the evidence that it is possible to develop oneself through love into a God-like being, which is every human being’s task and therefore the meaning and purpose of earthly life itself. He provided the evidence as a human being and the Deity united Itself with Him, because Jesus, the man, had shaped Himself into love. This act, therefore, took place in accordance with divine resolution during this era, and the entire universe participated in it ..... All human beings before and after God’s human manifestation on this earth share the blessings of the act of Salvation, which was accomplished by the human being Jesus on behalf of all beings in eternity. And yet, even this era will now come to an end, because humanity completely ignores Christ’s act of Salvation and therefore does not apply for help in order to fulfil the purpose of earthly life. There is no other option for this human race since they reject the best way, that is, they ignore it. Thus an extremely important era will come to an end and yet its significance is not recognised.

Nevertheless, the act of Salvation remains effective, likewise, the blessings of the act of Salvation will not ever become ineffective; Christ’s teaching, the pure Word of God, will be everlasting and taken across into the new age, even though the old earth will disintegrate, in as much as the entire earth’s surface will be transformed and none of the creations on the old earth will remain. Jesus Christ, the Son of God and Redeemer of the world, will remain the epitome of spiritual development, His divine Word will then also be taught again. It will be made accessible to the people of the new earth through personal contact with the spiritual world of light, as well as with God Himself, Who will stay as Father amongst his children who will have taken the path of Christ and thereby have also changed themselves into love. God, the Eternal Love, will interact with them like a father with his children. And these human beings of the new earth had their beatitude purchased by Jesus Christ through His blood, through His death on the cross ....


BD 4775                received  07.11.1949

Voice of the spirit is truth ....
Jesus Christ’s teaching ....
Inner voice ....

What you are told by the voice of the spirit has to be acknowledged as spiritual truth, for the spirit does not err but, as part of God, knows everything and also informs the soul of what it needs to know. Therefore, if you let the voice of the spirit speak in you, you will hear God Himself, albeit always providing that you desire to hear God. Only your desire for God decides whether you may hear His voice. God, however, loves His children, and anyone who longs for Him is His child, thus He will also communicate with those who want to hear Him. Therefore a person, who is serious about receiving the truth, will truly not ask God in vain .... God will reveal Himself to him, but He will do so in different ways because people often lack the knowledge and faith that God Himself will speak to people. Consequently, they do not listen carefully to His voice within, and thus God will bring His Word in other ways to them so that the person may partake of the truth, which is always upheld in His Word. But only in His Word should you humans search for truth.

Take notice of what Jesus taught during the time of His earthly life and accept it as God’s Word, for the voice of God spoke through Jesus, the spirit of God was working through Him, and therefore everything He taught was purest truth. Hence you should always keep to His sacred Word; you should accept it in your heart as God’s Word through which He wants to guide you into truth, if you sincerely appeal to Him for truth. He will give it to you, He will always convey it to you in the manner you are receptive to .... yet you will also always be able to listen inwardly for the divine voice, and if you practise this in the firm belief that He will reveal Himself to you as His children, you will soon hear His tender and soft voice inside yourselves. You will catch yourselves holding quiet conversations with your Heavenly Father, and then you should regard it as His Word, as His voice, which speaks to you Words of love and wisdom. And you may always believe these Words, since the will and desire for truth and the conscious endeavour for God also ensure the working of His spirit, and you will receive the truth from God Himself, Who is eternal truth ....


BD 4777                received  10.11.1949

New banishment of the spirits ....
Salvation in one era ....

The most severe punishment for any spiritual being that has already lived embodied as a human being on earth, is to be placed into hardest matter. Countless creations are proof that untold beings have to start their process of development again. As long as there are spirits in need of development, material creations will also exist to serve as carriers for the spiritual substance and, due to their usefulness and different external forms, depending on their shape and more or less hard substance, will enable it to develop. As long as these creations do not cease to exist the spirit is not yet released either.

It is possible for the spirit to evolve from hardest matter to a human being in the course of one period of Salvation. This opportunity is available .... But it requires the surrender of resistance within a specific length of time, which is just as possible but very often fails due to the spiritual substances’ obstinacy which is so God-opposing at first, that an eternity can pass until its resistance is broken or has lessened. And this resistance is demonstrated by creations which, to the human eye, appear to remain unchanged, often throughout an infinitely long time .... creations, which effectively form the earth’s crust, which have to be forcefully dissolved through divine will if the spirits are to be provided with an opportunity for higher development. Consequently, one period of Salvation does not suffice for this spiritual substance.

Nevertheless, at the end of this era it can sense the turmoil in the universe and then will surge towards a new transformation of its own accord. The resistance to God will decrease because it senses God’s enormous strength and might, and God will take its needs into account and at the end of an era will dissolve all creations. This signifies a turning point for the spiritual substances which had been bound in inactivity within the earth through an eternity. The spiritual substance will now be willing to be of service and will subsequently be placed into an external form which, at first, will only permit minimal activity. Thus the process of development above earth begins and will, with certainty, also lead to the embodiment as a human being, albeit only after a long period of time.

This is an additional explanation about the forthcoming final destruction of earth which is part of the eternal plan of Salvation, and even though many people’s lives will fall victim to it, it will nevertheless be a release for the spiritual substance which ardently awaits its new transformation ....


BD 4781                received  14.11.1949

Reunion in the beyond in a mature state ....

Souls in the spiritual kingdom recognise each other when they have the same degree of maturity and at a certain degree of maturity are receptive to light, which thus gives the ability of spiritual vision; whereas souls in darkness are unable to recognise each other, although they had been associated on earth. In that case they are in fact able to perceive beings and interact with them but identification is out of the question, for they no longer have physical characteristics, and spiritual vision requires a certain degree of maturity. But an enlightened soul is able to locate and approach a soul it had known on earth, it just will not be recognised by the latter. For this reason enlightened souls are able to help, but under cover, so that their emanation of light will not forcefully influence the imperfect beings. Therefore, souls having departed from earth in an immature state will meet and be approached by helpful souls in the spiritual kingdom because they had been connected by love when they were still on earth. Nevertheless, the soul has to be voluntarily receptive to their instructions and advice. It can be guided to the right path, but then it will have to walk it by itself ....

Whereas two souls with the degree of maturity that renders both receptive to light, even though of different intensity, have the ability of spiritual vision and will recognise each other with indescribable joy. They will then join to work together, complementing and teaching each other and always communicating with love, which delights the soul immensely. Thus there is a definite reunion in the spiritual kingdom, but it can take considerable time until a soul has entered the spheres of light and only then will it meet its loved-ones again, realising that they had often already been close as its advisor and guide on the path of ascent. The bliss of meeting again is indescribable and compensates for much suffering that the souls had to endure in the beyond before they came to the light. But with the help of a light-soul’s love the goal will definitely be reached, for love is the strongest power that can still help the unredeemed, which will also ensure its entrance into the spiritual kingdom, into the kingdom of light and bliss ....


BD 4783                received  19.11.1949

The Lord’s visible appearance ....

I want to give those of you who are My Own a sign before I intervene in world events for the sake of saving erring souls. I want to provide you with the evidence that all My announcements will come true, and I want to reveal Myself to each one of you in a different way. Nevertheless, a vigilant person will know that it is I Who approaches him, even though I choose a form for Myself which adapts itself to its environment, which will not give the impression of being unusual. I want to come to everyone who wants to be of service to Me and ensures the distribution of My Word. I personally want to come to you in order to strengthen your faith, so that you can endure the following events calmly and collectedly and will be able to assist your fellow human beings. For you, My servants, must remain calm and level-headed in the general turmoil in order to provide consolation and help where the adversity is great and help is needed. Anyone who recognises Me straight away will feel blissfully happy in My presence and accept every Word from Me as a gift of boundless love, and his heart will equally come aglow with love, My strength will flow into him so that he could accomplish anything if he wanted to. However, not everyone will recognise Me straight away, yet some will sense that a special person is speaking to them whose Words they accept as absolute truth. And only in the end will they recognise Me in a flash and cheer and, if I have left them, glorify Me as I will nevertheless remain as an indelible image in the heart of the one I delight with My presence. Thus they will find Me in their heart again even when I Am no longer physically visible to them, so that they will constantly be able to draw strength from it and diligently accomplish the work for My kingdom after I have spoken from above which will result in acute adversity for people. Then much work will be in store for My Own and I Myself will help them, I Myself will speak through My Own to all those who want to hear Me and give credence to the Words of My Own. I will speak to them, and you will testify to Me, you will mention My appearance and with lively Words express what you feel for Me in your heart.

You will win many over, since in view of the great adversity people will be grateful for every explanation, consolation and help. You will work for Me and My kingdom because you feel impelled by Me, Who dwells in your heart and Whom you will never lose again once you have seen Him. I will never ever let go of that which has become My Own, this is why I will come to My Own during the last days before the end, and they will recognise Me because love will tell them who I Am. And their bliss will accord to their degree of love when they behold Me. Anyone who looks into My eyes will be overcome by an incomparable sensation of bliss, so that he will recognise more than a mere person in Me. Admittedly, someone who is weak in faith and love and nevertheless wants to strive towards Me, will not instantly recognise Me, yet My Words will touch his heart and kindle the fire of love in him. Then he will recognise Me, sometimes only after I have left him and am no longer physically close to him. I Am among you as a human being, yet I only choose a cover for Myself so that you can see Me and dissolve it just as quickly again in order to be invisible to you. And thus I want to give strength to all of you, so that you will remain faithful to Me and persevere until the end. It will necessitate immense strength, which you will be unable to muster by yourselves. However, I know My Own and will no longer leave them to My adversary. Therefore, have faith and always expect My help. The greater the adversary is, the closer I will be to you, and you will behold Me physically. But then you will know that the hour is near when I will reveal Myself to all those who do not want to believe and are unaware of the approaching end. Then the time I allocated for people’s redemption will soon have run out .... and be followed by the day of the end and with it the last Judgment, as it is proclaimed in Word and Scripture ....


BD 4786                received  23.11.1949

There is only one truth ....
Feeling of heart ....

You are certainly free to join any school of thought, yet you must always remember that there is only one truth, that, because different schools of thought also teach different doctrines, only one can be true, therefore an examination should never be avoided, which anyone can carry out if he earnestly wants to. Truth is guaranteed where divine revelations are conveyed to earth; therefore they can always be used for comparison. And truth only exists where it agrees with the teachings of the divinely imparted Word. However, if a direct revelation is not available for comparison, then it is absolutely essential to appeal to God for assistance, in which case the human being will surely make the right decision, that is, he will either decide or reject what he is duty bound to believe by a school of thought .... Sincere desire to know the truth and a prayer to God in spirit and in truth assures him that he will correctly recognise what is truth and what is error. And his heart will either encourage or warn him against joining a school of thought, but he must also pay attention to his feeling and not act against it. No spiritual organisation on earth is devoid of error, because the pure truth, which originally motivated the founder to advocate it and to win fellow human beings over, will be changed by people time and again. This is why every seeker in all schools of thought will experience doubts, and for good reason, so that he will pursue the truth himself, and, through earnest deliberation and in connection with God through prayer and kind-hearted activity, awaken the spirit in him, which will then instruct him truthfully and guide him into true knowledge. A person can therefore find the truth in any spiritual movement providing he genuinely wants it. A blind person needs to entrust himself to someone sighted, and since only God can see they must be a spiritually awakened leader instructed by God, who can offer true support to the blind, who will guide him and also help him gain his vision if it is wanted by the blind himself. However, a blind leader will not be very beneficial; he will also lead everyone entrusted to him astray as long as he has not gained the ability to see of his own will. But a person who has not drawn his wisdom from divine revelations is a blind leader .... a blind leader is someone who has received his knowledge from likewise poorly sighted people again and thereby did not become enlightened but travels his path in the same darkness as before. God takes care of everyone who desires truth. Lack of knowledge, error and a dark spiritual state can only be found where the desire for truth does not exist because this is the prerequisite for God, as the Giver of truth and as the eternal Truth Himself, revealing Himself to a person, for anyone who desires it will be offered the truth ....


BD 4794                received  07.12.1949

Leaders’ and teachers’ way of life is decisive for truth ....

It is of utmost importance for you humans to be informed of the truth and that you therefore join a school of thought which upholds the truth, whose leaders and teachers are educated by God and thus enable the working of the spirit within themselves. And by the way of life of those who claim to be the representatives of the truth from God you will always be able to recognise the degree of truth, and thus you will at all times know how much value can be ascribed to their teachings. Therefore you should first pay attention to the attitude the leaders and teachers of a school of thought have towards the divine commandments, towards the commandment of love for God and their neighbour. Don’t let their speeches alone deceive you, whether they put into practise what they teach is the only crucial factor and places people into the service of God. For a way of life according to God’s will makes the human being an aspirant for the spiritual kingdom and therefore he will think correctly, for a person who fulfils God’s commandments recognises the truth and his power of judgment is considerably enhanced through the enlightenment of his spirit, which becomes effective as a result of his loving activity. A person whose way of life corresponds to God’s will can always be believed, and if he then endorses a specific school of thought he will also work for God and His kingdom, because God will never let a person become guilty of a lie if he strives towards Him and wants to advocate the truth.

The human being’s will always has priority, and accordingly God will take care of him or He will turn away from him. The right will, however, is full of humility and obedience towards God; hence he will never try to stand out, that is, he will not want to achieve earthly advantages or honour and fame, no reputation or high office, he will only quietly and modestly serve God and for the sake of truth endorse the truth because he feels that only truth leads to God and due to his love for his fellow human beings he would like to lead them to God as well. The teachers themselves have to be educated by God .... Yet only love will gain them this extraordinary privilege, and therefore a person has to have love if his spiritual knowledge is to be acknowledged as truth, as directly received knowledge from God. Consequently, where you humans cannot detect love in a servant of God you should also reject his spiritual information, for it is not from above, it is Satan’s work of deception who, under cover of piety, tries to spread error and will always find good ground where love is missing. Test it and appeal to God for help to make the right judgment, yet do not accept without scrutiny if you don’t have the guarantee that the Word of God is imparted to you directly from above. Test all things you are offered, by appealing to God, and keep what is good .... This is God’s will so that His spirit shall become active in you ....


BD 4801                received  24.12.1949

Blissful condition of mature souls and the state of imperfection in the beyond ....

Blissful conditions have been prepared for you in My Father’s house. There you will find everything that gives you joy when your soul has become free from all earthly desires and ready for the spiritual kingdom. But you can only understand these blissful conditions, the joys for your pure, spiritualised soul, when you already strive for spiritual values on earth, when the earth and its possessions cannot attract you anymore. They are spiritual pleasures which give the soul unspeakable delight. They are pleasures which touch the feelings of the soul like earthly pleasures touch the body, bringing the soul great happiness because it no longer has any earthly desires. Like on earth, the soul will also experience beauty in the beyond and, like on earth, it will also experience feelings of happiness but far more profoundly. It will consistently long to increase its spiritual riches and this longing will indeed be granted. It can see and hear indescribable creations and will continually draw wisdom and strength from it .... It will move in the most delightful surroundings for which there is no earthly comparison because earthly creations are poor and barren in contrast, and therefore the human being lacks the imagination for the wonders of divine love which the Father allows His children to see. And since every being is in contact with like-minded souls the bliss will increase considerably and the light will become steadily brighter.

On the other hand, the state of the imperfect beings in the beyond can be described because it does not differ much from that on earth so that the souls still believe that they are living on earth, and this for a long time. Just as people on earth live for material things and cannot understand how spiritually aspiring human beings can withdraw from the world and still be happy, they also live in the spiritual world with the same desire for material things which will be granted to them but in a way that the achievement of their wishes cannot make them happy until, after a long time, they have become aware of the worthlessness of material things and begin to detach themselves from them. But the spiritual kingdom of light with its inhabitants will be closed to these beings .... It is another world of which they will have no understanding as yet nor could they exist there because the abundance of light would consume them. But disguised beings of light are always amongst them, who try to teach them and attempt to direct their will to liberate themselves from earthly lusts and to help them strive for something higher so that they also can enter, often after a long time, the kingdom of light. Souls with the same degree of imperfection can enter the beyond yet will need different lengths of time to mature fully .... it all depends on their hearts’ ability to love, which, sometimes will change faster in the spiritual kingdom than on earth, but they can also take a very long time to overcome their errors and bad habits. However, these immature souls are always faced with known concepts, while in the kingdom of light the soul will meet completely unfamiliar conditions where seeing and hearing result in blissful happiness and the wonders never end. Herein is the promise of Jesus fulfilled: ‘Eye has not seen and ear has not heard what He has prepared for those that love Him’ ....


BD 4802                received  24.12.1949

Christ’s descent to earth and reason ....

My descent to earth was necessary because people, My living creations, suffered immense hardship due to their own fault. However, My Fatherly love did not want to let them perish. Besides, My adversary revolted against Me insofar as that he totally controlled My creations, which his will certainly created but nevertheless with My strength, and was effectively denying them freedom of will by weakening My living creations such that they were no longer able to use their free will correctly, that is, in a way that was pleasing to Me. And thus I wanted to help My weak creatures in their desperate need .... This hardship not only applied to their earthly life, this hardship would last forever had I not come to help them. I felt pity for My living creations although they had turned away from Me of their own free will .... However, the fact that their will was so exceedingly weak as to be controlled by My adversary was merely the result of their lack of love .... Love is strength and fortifies the will to resist the assaults by the enemy of the soul. Wherever love exists there is no danger of falling prey to the adversary because the presence of love demonstrates My presence too. But at the time of My coming into the world people were entirely without love .... apart from a few to whom I came in order to help them in particular, so that their utterly heartless surrounding would not lead to their ruin. I descended to these few because they were under great pressure and called upon Me in their distress. Yet even their faith had become weak, no-one established the connection with their Creator and Father of eternity such that I was able to express Myself audibly to him. Where love did not exist, faith was missing and My opponent reaped a great harvest, for his activity even robbed the few of their faith in Me, in My love, wisdom and might .... And thus I Myself came into the world .... A human body received Me because I wanted to help people as a human being in order to provide them with the evidence that a person is able to approach and unite with Me if he strengthens his will through love and then deliberately fights the enemy of his soul, My adversary. My body was purely human but it was inhabited by a soul of light which, however, initially had no past memory at all until the unification with Me through love had taken place. Only then did the soul recognise itself and its mission. Jesus, the man, had united with Me through love, for love is strength, it is My fundamental substance, it is the Divine which permeates everything, hence it also shaped the human being Jesus into a divine Being Which was bound to be full of strength, might and wisdom.

Thus I entered the human form after it had shaped itself through love into an abode for the Eternal Deity. You humans will find it difficult to understand this enigma as long as you still lack love, yet where love exists there is also light .... that is where I Myself can work and enlighten your spirit .... I came to My Own and they did not know Me .... However, I wanted to reveal Myself to them and therefore had to enlighten them as to why they were in the dark, why they didn’t recognise Me and why they were in great danger. And therefore I instructed people through the man Jesus. I brought them My Word which they themselves were no longer able to hear but which was heard by the human being Jesus, since due to His love He allowed Me to be present in Him .... For My presence means that you humans can hear My voice. Hence, you can only hear Me if you change your nature through love, if your love allows for My presence ....

If love is within you, you are strong and no longer need to fear My adversary who intends to ruin you. I had to come down to Earth because you lacked this knowledge and I wanted to inform you of it again. And this is why I come to My Own again, for once again there is immense hardship, once again people don’t recognise Me, My adversary is firmly in control of them again and only a few call upon Me for help. And I grant their prayer and Am in the midst of those who want to be My Own. And I bestow My Word upon them .... except that I Am not physically amongst them but Am with them in spirit, as I have promised. However, I will return to Earth and fetch My Own into My kingdom .... For the adversary’s activity is getting out of hand, thus the time has come for him to be bound again, the time has come for the goats to be separated from the sheep .... It is the time of the end, of which it is written that I will come in the clouds to judge the living and the dead. Yet I will be present to anyone who remains in love, he will not need to be afraid of the last Judgment, I will be His Redeemer again from greatest adversity, the Saviour, Who will come from above when Satan believes that he has won his game .... And he will be bound in chains so that peace shall come upon those people who are of good will ....


BD 4803                received  24.12.1949

Incarnation of many light souls during the last days ....

The earthly world also helps the beings of light to reach perfection. For it offers the most opportunities for attaining childship to God, which even a being of light can only achieve by means of living in the flesh on this earth. In that case, however, their life on earth as a human being does not require the higher development in a state of compulsion, instead the enlightened soul can directly engender itself in the flesh in order to then pass its decision of free will, for which it will often be sorely tested. Time and again beings of light will descend to Earth, and many such incarnations will be especially granted during the last days before the end, since precisely this difficult lifetime on earth guarantees the highest degree of maturity, whereas erring people will also require spiritual leaders, which only people embodied by beings of light can become. Jesus Christ, too, was such a soul of light which accepted a great and sacred mission that made greatest demands on a human being’s will. His soul was certainly perfect when it entered this earth; nevertheless, this degree of light had no influence on the earthly life of Jesus the man, or it would have devalued His mission, the redemption of humanity. The conditions placed upon the human being as such were extremely difficult .... Like every other human being he had to overcome the body’s wishes and cravings, which were extremely strongly developed in Him and thus required extreme self-control and abstinence. His soul had to resist immense temptations, as a human being Jesus had to fight a constant battle against Himself during His younger years. And therefore His love, gentleness and patience had to be valued far more than those of a gentle and passionless person who does not need to overcome anything because little or nothing attracts him. The soul of light knew its mission from the start and travelled its earthly path when humanity’s hardship necessitated it ....

Thus Jesus came into the world at a time when people’s carnal sensuality had become rife and people needed to be given an example that and how it would be possible to exercise control over their carnal desires. Everything, even the most difficult, is possible with the strength of love .... Nothing exists which a human being who lives a life of love cannot overcome. Love itself is strength and thus can shape the free will to become incredibly strong so that everything is possible for a person. If, therefore, an extraordinary number of light beings are incarnated on earth during the time of the end, then they will all be given a mission which requires love and willpower. However, all these souls have the same in common: to spread the divine Word amongst people. For knowledgeable souls open up the knowledge to them on earth again, that is, it is brought back into their memory again, and they feel urged to pass the knowledge on to their fellow human beings who live in spiritual darkness. And thus the characteristic of those from above rests in the fact that they eagerly participate in the distribution of the divine Word, but, please note .... of the Word which has originated from the spiritual kingdom .... The teaching of love which Jesus Christ proclaimed on Earth was God’s Word spoken through Jesus and will remain it for all eternity. And this teaching of love should and must always be mentioned where a person wants to stand up for God. Thus embodied souls of light only find earthly happiness by spreading this divine teaching of love, and they are God’s true representatives on earth. Whatever is taught outside of this teaching is human work. No-one who supports this originates from the kingdom of light, instead his home is in the realm of darkness. And the souls of light will always desire to take action against such teachings which, in the last days, will happen very often ....


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