Book 57           NR.  5022 – 5135

received by  Bertha Dudde  between 17.12.1950 and 22.5.1951

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BD 5023                received  18.12.1950

Characteristic of truth of the proclamations: Love, grace, mercy ....

If you know that I Am speaking to you, you will believe .... if, however, you are troubled by doubt, you will also doubt that I Am the Giver of what you receive. Therefore it is so important to conduct an examination first, that is, to pay attention to the characteristics which verify Me Myself as the Provider. The spirit within advises you correctly if you allow it to take effect with every examination. It will point error and untruth out to you when these occasionally accompany the truth due to the influence of evil forces. Call upon the spirit within for help and advice, that is, make contact with Me, the Father-Spirit of eternity, as soon as you desire clarification. The most reliable distinguishing features of the primary source of truthfulness are My mercy and love, which will always be mentioned. My loving and merciful nature lets none of My living creations fall as long as there is still a possibility for salvation. Nevertheless I respect the free will of these living beings and adjust Myself to it. This is why My proclamations seem improbable to you when they seem to be earthly, but, coming from the spiritual kingdom, they are indeed presented to you as truth. As soon as I Myself Am presented in such proclamations as an infinitely kind Being, not evil forces but beings of light which know the truth are portraying the events in the beyond in an understandable way to you, because as human beings you will never have a correct idea of the spiritual kingdom, since it far exceeds your comprehension. I will truly protect all people who try to find Me and are voluntarily devoted to Me from becoming entangled in a web of lies which might harm their souls. I Myself come close to anyone who seeks the truth, as I Am the Eternal Truth Itself, but I nevertheless address a human being in an understandable language, which they will also recognise as truthful in the kingdom of the beyond, even if they grasp different concepts there which can only exists in the spiritual realm and can only be portrayed to you humans on earth in comparable metaphors. Nevertheless they correspond to the truth and can therefore be viewed as being conveyed to people according to My will, as long as the one characteristic is not missing .... that I Myself Am always recognisable as love, grace and mercy, as the Father Who seeks to gain His children .... Then you need not be afraid of falling prey to error, for it will be I Myself Who conveys these proclamations to you from the spiritual realm, because I know when they benefit your soul’s salvation ....


BD 5024                received  20.12.1950

‘Whoever loves his life shall lose it ....’

The will to live means guaranteed victory over death .... Admittedly, you cannot prevent bodily death, but even physical death can be the transition into life if the human being’s will is strong enough for him to gain eternal life. This will to live has My approval, even though I said the Words ‘Whoever loves his life shall lose it, and whoever loses it will gain it ....’ Anyone who only thinks about how he can preserve his physical life will very soon realise that he is completely powerless and taken from this earth without being able to oppose it. Thus it is not this kind of will to live which will enable someone to be victorious over death ....

The soul’s true life has to be desired, and the human being’s will has to use all its strength to acquire it, then there will be no more death for the person for eternity, then he will live in light and strength and be able to be constantly active for his own happiness. Then he will have truly conquered death, and the soul’s separation from its body will be an awakening into new life, unburdened by the physical shell, free from all matter and yet with an inconceivable abundance of strength. This is the life people on earth should learn to love and only endeavour to gain one day, then they will long for their death, then they will want to relinquish their earthly life for the sake of true life in eternity. But people are still far too attached to their bodily life, they fear to lose it, they love earthly life and therefore will lose it and their fate will be death.

And again, not physical death is meant by this but the death of the spirit, into which the earthly life-loving soul will descend without fail. This death is worse than a human being can imagine, for he will then have lost himself, he will have lost his earthly life and his soul will be without light and strength, totally helpless and in profound darkness .... Spiritual death is an indescribable torment for the soul because it is conscious of itself, thus it is aware that it was not obliterated at the moment of death but continues to exist in an agonizing condition. The desire for pleasing activity can only ever be fulfilled by the living soul, for this requires strength which is only inherent in a living being, whereas a being without strength is dead.

However, what the human being accomplishes on earth with his inflowing energy of life need only consist of worldly activity, which will certainly increase material commodities but they are worthless in the spiritual kingdom .... Or it can consist of spiritual activity, which will produce everlasting treasures and thus also guarantee a life in eternity. And for this reason, the human being’s will should seriously strive towards eternal life, so that he then utilises his energy of life for the acquisition of spiritual strength .... then he will be victorious over death, then eternal life will be certain for him and he will not taste death for eternity ....


BD 5026                received  22.12.1950

Spiritual influences, questions - truth ....

A person’s heart is often moved by unvoiced thoughts which he himself is not entirely conscious of but which are obvious to Me at all times. I try to respond to them in the form of thoughts but only after a person seriously occupies himself with the question as to whether My answer can mentally flow into him, prior to this it is not possible. And therefore I require mental communication with Me, I require a trusting dialogue with Me, the presentation of everything the person is concerned about in order to answer him in an easily understandable way. The human being has to intellectually consider everything arising from his heart, then a clear responsive thought will come to him, likewise gained through his intellect, and he will understand what was previously unclear to him, he will feel that he received advice from Me and all doubt will perish, for he turned to the right Source Which enlightened him. He has to conduct all his mental activities with My support, then correct thinking will be guaranteed. However, it is far more difficult to impart knowledge to a person who is mentally inactive, knowledge, which is completely unfamiliar to him and of which he therefore cannot form an opinion in order to attain an answer. This requires the complete exclusion of all mental activity, because then forces will be at work which affect the spirit in the person, for which the physical organs are not required. These forces are, in fact, also in direct contact with Me because they effectively only pass on what they receive from Me. Hence they establish contact with the spiritual spark in the person, they effectively exclude the organic person and transmit a flow of spiritual currents into the person’s soul. These spiritual currents affect the spiritual spark and establish its connection with the eternal Father-Spirit ....

Thus the spiritual influences originally come forth from Me, even if they are imparted to you through beings of light.

And such spiritual influences always signify thoughts of truth and clear realisation. I don’t want to keep you humans in darkness about anything, I want to illuminate your innermost being, as soon as this is your own will. I want to make the eternal truth known to people because they can only become blessed through the truth. But it only ever concerns the life of the soul .... which shall be attained through the truth, not earthly-material life, for this life has to be lived by you as I recognised from the start to be expedient and successful for you. Therefore the instructions, which I impart to you Myself or through beings of light, will relate to your spiritual development, thus they should be considered by you as a Gospel, a teaching originating from God, which leads back to God again. A person who takes his spiritual progress seriously will therefore only ask spiritual questions in his thoughts, he will lead a second life alongside his earthly life, which will certainly show itself in his earthly life because his thinking, intentions and actions will betray his spiritual attitude. Whilst he therefore takes care of his spiritual life I will take care of his earthly life .... which I will arrange appropriately in order to further his maturing. In fact, the human being’s wishes quite often diverge from My will .... I don’t always let life proceed as he would like, yet I truly know best what will help him reach perfection. Then the human being will speak to Me often and desire an answer that pleases him .... Yet he should only be spiritually-minded and leave Me to take care of everything else. The light that has been kindled in him shall shine far and wide and not only illuminate one person’s destiny .... it radiates from the spiritual kingdom to Earth and emits a bright shine. Light, however, is knowledge .... thus knowledge is conveyed to earth which has everlasting value, which is and must be helpful for all people or it would not be light from above. This is conveyed to you by forces of light on My instructions, and since it comes forth from the eternal Source only truth can flow to you. Consequently, with every examination you humans must consider whether spiritual thoughts or earthly questions are expected to be answered, if you become doubtful. You are only intended to spread spiritual knowledge amongst your fellow human beings, and this is imparted to you in all truth. However, earthly questions can also be answered, yet generally this answer only benefits the questioner and not another person, this is why someone who wants to be instructed from the spiritual kingdom is no longer paying attention to the world and is therefore a suitable recipient for spiritual gifts, which he then should distribute in order to help his fellow human beings ....


BD 5027                received  24.12.1950

Christ’s descent to earth once and now ....
Act of Salvation ....

At the time of My descent the same hardship prevailed on earth as can be found amongst humanity now, for it lived in the same profound spiritual darkness as it does now. I took pity upon this state and in order to help people I came to earth Myself. I came as Saviour, and a path out of darkness into light existed for people which I Myself showed to them. All they had to do was to emulate Me and their spiritual adversity would be over .... I came as Saviour and released them from Satan’s chains who had caused their immense spiritual hardship and from whom they lacked the strength to escape. The path I told people to take was possible for them to travel for I Myself went ahead of them as a guide. I Myself knew the path for I, too, had to take it beforehand, because I had embodied Myself within a human shell and therefore only expected from people what was possible for them to accomplish .... I took the path of love, and this path has to be taken by everyone who wants to awaken from the spiritual kingdom to the light of life, who wants to release himself from My adversary’s chains, who wants to be redeemed from sin, which was the cause of humanity’s profound spiritual hardship. I came as humanity’s Redeemer into the world which, without My help, would have got lost in darkness. And I accomplished the act of Salvation for time and eternity, for the past, present and future .... therefore also for present day people, who experience the same spiritual hardship and require urgent help if they don’t want to decline further and plunge into the abyss as a result of My adversary’s doing.

For the danger is far greater now because people are not granted much time anymore, the time of grace allowed for the redemption of the human race will expire soon .... Humanity is facing the end of a developmental period, it is approaching a significant chapter, it has to make its final decision, to choose life or death .... The only options will be continued existence or to perish completely, that is, a life according to divine will or physical and spiritual death if the human being fails to make the right decision .... And once again I come as Saviour in need, at first spiritually, according to My promise that I will reveal Myself to those that love Me and keep My commandments. To those I reveal Myself in the Word and inform them of the approaching end. But then I will come again in the clouds, just as I once ascended to heaven .... I will come and, when they are in greatest distress, will help those who followed Me, who have taken the path of love I preached by fetching them into My kingdom, away from the earth whose only remaining inhabitants will be devils in great numbers. I will come as a Saviour again, yet My arrival will be the conclusion of My act of Salvation on earth, because I will have died on the cross in vain for anyone who has not recognised Me by then, he has not accepted My act of Salvation and will remain in My adversary’s bondage for an incredibly long time to come. For he and his followers will be bound into matter, and spiritual death will be the fate of all those who refuse to acknowledge Me because they voluntarily submitted themselves to his influence, they ignored My act of Salvation and will therefore languish in the bondage of darkness due to their own fault ....


BD 5028                received  25.12.1950

Battle of faith - Immense adversity - Professing Christ ....
Saviour ....

Remain in constant faith in your God and Father, Creator of Heaven and of Earth and Ruler of the spiritual kingdom in Power and in Glory .... remain in faith in Him even in greatest adversity and profess Him before the world .... This is demanded of you humans and requires much strength, especially during the last days before the end. And only those people will endure who request the strength for it from Me and constantly accept it through My Word. You will all still get into great difficulties, you will be put under a lot of earthly and spiritual pressure to change your mind and to deny Me. Even you, who are faithful, will still have to pass tests of faith, although they are expected of you more for the sake of your fellow human beings than for your own sakes. You will manage to struggle through because you already have much strength, because you are in contact with Me and will not break this contact off, because I hold on to you with My love which you feel and return with all your heart. Nevertheless, you cannot be spared these tests of faith, after all, your steadfastness is intended to make your fellow human beings realise where you receive the strength from and how effective it is because you believe in Me. It will be like it was when I came into the world, where faith in Me was even lacking in those who were considered to be their fellow human beings’ teachers and who, through their way of life, betrayed their shallow faith in a God of love, omnipotence and wisdom.

The same lack of faith will be in people now and those who are determined to make them deny God completely will find it easy and meet with little resistance, since people’s faith is lifeless because they live without love. They don’t believe in a God and Creator of eternity and even less in a divine Redeemer, Jesus Christ, in His act of Salvation and are therefore under the control of the one who wants to wrestle the souls from Me for good. He will not succeed for My love will not even let go of the lowest fallen souls. And therefore I allow Satan to do whatever he can think of in his hatred and delusion .... I allow it because I want to commence a new period of redemption as soon as there is no more hope that people will change on this earth. And thus he will rage until he goes too far, and you humans will experience the consequences and full force of his hatred, for he will fight those of you who belong to Me and wage a brutal battle.

Nevertheless, you should fearlessly anticipate this time, for I, too, will work extraordinarily, but with love and not hatred. And love will triumph, I will come to you as your Saviour when you are in greatest distress, but I predict this adversity time and again so that you will not waver in your faith but realise that everything will come to pass which I announced to you through seers and prophets, through My disciples of the last days, who work in My name in order to convey strength and comfort to you when you are in desperate situations. I Myself will always be close to you and this certainty will give you strength, and you will prevail until the end even in the staunchest battle of faith, I will fight by your side and victory will be ours ....


BD 5029                received  28.12.1950

The powers of the heavens shall be shaken ....’
Reversal of natural laws ....
Rapture ....

The gift of grace from above is strength from heaven; it comes from the spiritual kingdom of light, from heaven, in contrast to the expressions of strength from below, which originate from hell. Beings from the kingdom of light thus become unusually active as soon as the pure Word of God can be conveyed to people by way of God-serving and helpful people’s will on earth who are receptive to the transmission from the spiritual kingdom and who accept the spiritual gifts .... The powers of heaven are moving .... they will be exceptionally active during the last days before the end. This explanation must first be given concerning Jesus’ Words about the signs of the end and His second coming. He made a powerful statement, for He announced changes which, according to His Words, signify a reversal of natural laws .... His Words always had a spiritual meaning, yet in the last days a second meaning will come to light apart from the spiritual meaning, for inconceivable natural phenomena will also take place, which the human being will be unable to explain by virtue of his intellect. They will run counter to divine natural law but are in principle only humanly unknown natural laws again, and these events are described by the Words ‘The stars shall fall from heaven .... The sun shall be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light ....’ Scientists and the like will be unable to provide an explanation for this, they will be unable to throw light on the matter because their knowledge fails them where divine strength is at work. No-one will be able to fathom these natural laws because they only come into force at the end of a period of Salvation and the disintegration of physical external forms has become necessary. They are unnatural phenomena and yet intended in God’s eternal plan, consequently part of His eternal natural law, which is completely incomprehensible to people who are as yet spiritually unenlightened.

Nothing is impossible to God .... hence He will always be able to be active and achieve everything, even outside of natural law; or else His omnipotence would be limited. Nevertheless, His activity always moves within divine order, for it is impossible for the human being as such to judge this; it would, however, be presumptuous to doubt it, because this would also doubt God’s wisdom. And since God is Eternal Love Himself He will always implement His will such as it is necessary and good for His living creations, which He wants to gain for Himself. Things will happen before the end which you humans cannot possibly imagine as yet. And this can only be vaguely indicated to people with Words which announce unusual, indeed, almost incredible events. Even so, the Word of God is purest truth and will come to pass when the time is right. Then the strangest changes will occur in the cosmos, yet this present human race will only be able to observe them in the beginning; the end will not be experienced by them apart from a few who will be taken away and be able to watch the process of destruction of this earth and their inhabitants .... The old form and composition of earth will have ceased to exist, but the new earth will only shelter spiritually awakened people who will know the reasons for all events at the end of the earth, however, they will also know about God’s power and glory, His greater than great love but also about His righteousness ....


BD 5039                received  11.01.1951

Love of the world - Satan’s followers ....
Love of God - Overcoming matter ....

Only a person desiring to reach God lives a spiritual life, whereas a follower of Satan lives a purely worldly life on this earth, even if he seems to be a representative of God. Overcoming the world also means overcoming Satan, who is lord of the material world insofar as that the still immature spiritual substance bound in matter belongs to him, even though his power over it was removed from him. It is certainly still part of him because it shares his spirit yet it is inaccessible to his influence while it is bound in its form. Nevertheless it is his means in order to draw people .... the souls which have to make a decision between God and him .... over to himself. For the human being, who starts off spiritually immature, desires that which the world presents to his eyes. Yet he should rise above it .... Then he will belong to the Father of eternity but Whose kingdom is a spiritual one. Therefore, anyone who loves the world and its pleasures, who strives for material goods and only lives for their acquisition, belongs to God’s adversary and also gives him authority over himself. But anyone who strives for God is no longer attracted to the world, he has surmounted the world, otherwise the desire for God would not have awakened in him. Consequently, turning away from the world is also a sign of a voluntarily aspired affiliation with God.

Satan uses the world to entice and therefore has a means of attraction which most people fall prey to because they love the world. Love of the world and love of God are not possible at the same time, and love of the world and neighbourly love will also rarely be found together as the latter would indicate a lessening of the former, and thereby you recognise the followers of God and the followers of God’s adversary .... And as long as a person still pays attention to worldly possessions and still yearns for them he will be unable to find inner peace, the peace of soul. For peace of soul comes from God, and God is only with someone who turns his back to the world. The human being is certainly placed into the world and has to fulfil his earthly task, and that will also force him to keep in touch with the world. Yet it concerns the desire of the heart, it concerns the innermost attitude towards the world’s treasures which will completely lose their appeal if a person is imbued with the need to strive for the spiritual kingdom and its treasures. In that case he will indeed continue to exist in the world yet only to fulfil the duties which earthly life imposes on him. The world, however, will no longer attract him, and that is the sign that he has overcome the world and with it its lord, that he has detached himself from God’s adversary so as to be able to establish contact with God. No-one can serve two masters, and his desire clearly demonstrates to which lord a person is of service .... The earthly world and the spiritual kingdom are so far apart from each other that what a human heart desires is easily distinguished. And Satan can never dominate a person who, through his will, has already been taken possession of by God ....


BD 5041                received  14.01.1951

Achieving beatitude - Free will ....
Wolf amongst sheep ....

I truly only have but one goal, to give you humans beatitude .... But your blessedness first and foremost necessitates that you should want it yourselves. Try to understand that this is not up to My will but solely up to your own free will.

And this will is also sought by My adversary, who does not want to let go of you but cannot hold on to you if you want Me. Thus you can understand that and why he afflicts those people who strive towards Me, whose will has in fact already chosen Me but whom he wants to regain. Beatitude is only possible in unity with Me, which will be achieved without fail once a person has made his decision in My favour. Anyone who desires Me is no longer at risk, but as long as he lives on earth he will be confronted by all kinds of temptations, because My adversary will not stop fighting until then, even if he is unsuccessful.

My adversary works with cunning and force indeed; nevertheless, his spirit is dark or he would recognise the futility of his endeavour. I want to give you beatitude .... and by directing your will towards Me you humans give Me the right yourselves to draw you towards Me. But Satan, realising that you are lost to him, will not give in because he underestimates the strength of My love, since he believes that he can still wrest from Me what nevertheless belongs to Me. His method is to cause confusion, to plant doubts into people’s hearts and thereby shake their faith in Me. Yet, again, only your will is the decisive factor. If it belongs to Me then you will soon recognise his deception and turn away from him. What was incomprehensible will become clear to you, and you will liberate yourselves from his power, he cannot hold on to you because you strive towards Me. Hence, anyone who wants Me will reach his goal indeed, irrespective of Satan’s raging during the last days before the end.

Admittedly, at times he will be difficult to detect, for he frequently sneaks in disguised and takes hold of the most fleeting thought that could serve his purpose. He works with much cunning and force and people, who are not fully instructed in the truth, are used by him as tools because error itself grants him the cover he needs to conduct his battle from there. Pure truth will not let him arise, since he will always be recognised by those who live in truth. However, even the slightest error will grant him access, and then he will cause utter confusion, like a wolf that breaks into a sheep pen generates fear and terror. Yet even then he will still be unable to cause harm if My sheep take flight to Me, to their shepherd, Who protects them from all danger. Thus, again, only the will is decisive, and as soon as it is turned towards Me, Satan has lost all power over a person. Thus you should know that you will always be on the right path when I Am your goal, that you can neither fall nor trip since I Am walking with you because I Myself want to help you gain beatitude. Therefore, do not fear any adverse power but trust only in Me, your God and Father of eternity, hand yourselves over to Me and strive towards Me .... Then your will shall belong to Me and truly, I shall not let you fall into My adversary’s hands, who wants to alienate you from Me. My love will seize you, and the strength of My love will also conquer him, since nothing can resist My love forever ....


BD 5048                received  24.01.1951

Explanation and reason for an arduous destiny ....

An arduous destiny on earth will profit the salvation of your souls. For every day brings you closer to the end and the end is near. And do you know whether you will experience the last days? Do you know that you won’t be called back before the end and that your earthly life might only last a short time yet? Always consider that tomorrow could be your last day and that you will then be grateful to have reached that particular degree of maturity which entitles you to enter the realm of light. Consider that earthly life is only the means to an end and that it won’t last forever. Everything is temporary, joy and sorrow, desire and pain. Only the soul is immortal and its suffering should be reduced. Therefore the body has to suffer as long as the soul lives on earth. Those who are spared suffering on earth cannot expect a painless hour of death because the soul will still have much ballast which it will take across into the spiritual realm. Yet the agonies in the beyond are considerably greater and can often last an endless time if a soul is hardened and thus will find little help.

People still have to endure much adversity because time is passing swiftly and rapidly bringing the end. Only the soul which has been purified by grief and suffering will have the strength to resist during the last days .... because such a soul can receive My strength, while a soul within a dense cover cannot be touched by My emanation. For this reason the human being should look at each day as a gift of grace and be grateful, he should use his time well since he does not know when it ends, because one day he will regret every day which has not brought him spiritual progress. Suffering and love mature the soul and therefore you human beings must patiently endure what is given to you as this is in your best interest; everything My will inflicts on you can lead you to perfection ....


BD 5049                received  25.01.1951

Many paths - One goal ....
True members of the church ....

Complement each other but do not separate; walk together but do not take different paths if you all have the one goal to reach Me, to behold My countenance and to be blissfully happy in eternity. You should know that I assess every single person according to his inner nature and that I do not reject anyone even though he may not turn to Me, for he is an erring child which only requires My grace and mercy and not My wrath. Hence I will also help all misguided people and gently push them onto the right path which leads to Me. Every person is considered differently, yet this should not lead you to believe that he would therefore be unable to reach the goal. Anyone who merely asks for Me will also be pulled up by Me. Therefore do not fight against each other but fight together in the last battle on this earth. Then there will only be one troop for Me whose commander-in-chief I Am .... who believe in Jesus Christ and therefore have His name imprinted on their forehead .... I only take notice of one thing, and that is of importance, namely to what extent their faith is alive .... the fact that they profess Jesus Christ with their mouth does not yet include them in the group of My Own, but the fact that they are true Christians who live a life of following Jesus and have thereby attained a living faith is decisive in order to be included in My small flock whose shepherd I Am.

And as long as the congregations fight each other they lack this living faith, because then they will also lack the understanding of that which I regard as the church founded by Me. True members of this church of Mine understand each other even if they belong to different denominations and schools of thought, true members try to find each other and are happy to have found themselves, and true members are in innermost contact with Me Myself because they desire My Word and also recognise it as the right food and drink. True members of My church are not offended by outward appearances and attach no importance to them either, but they are permeated by love for Me as well as for their neighbour, consequently their spirit is awakened and instructs them correctly, so that they recognise each other and have nothing against each other anymore. Then they will strive to ascend together, and if the way up is difficult one will help the other, for then they will approach an elevated goal: they will return to the Father’s house and I will come to meet them and show Myself to them, for I will draw near to anyone who genuinely desires Me, I will approach them as a friend and brother and draw all My children to My Fatherly heart, never ever letting go of them again ....


BD 5061                received  12.02.1951

Explaining the various characters of the Word-recipients ....

My child, accept My Words without objection and allow them to take effect on you .... A task has been assigned to you which can only be accomplished by a human being who establishes contact with the spiritual kingdom with heart and mind, who thus takes the state of people’s feelings on earth into account but desires the spiritual realm himself, and this is necessary in the last days before the end where people have broken off almost all contact with Me, where faith in a spiritual life and a spiritual future is almost entirely lost. I know of humanity’s desperate situation and, in order to provide it with help, will have to resort to means which promise success without impairing free will. Thus one such means is the transmission of the pure truth from above through receptive mediators, but who can also be called mediators insofar as they gain easier access to people’s hearts due to their personality. They shall, after all, win those over who are still distant from Me .... You should really consider that people striving towards Me are already within a sphere where My working is easily recognised but that people who are still distant from Me are outside of this sphere and that it is therefore necessary for someone to have access to both spheres in order to speak as they understand it and yet also about that which has originated from Me. I know why I chose you for this mission because I know the human hearts which first scrutinise everything intellectually before they accept it as their own, and whose intellect should therefore not be ignored in order to be able to influence the souls successfully. The redeeming work for such people is considerably more difficult yet not hopeless, for My grace works where it finds an open ear so that My gift of grace can also touch the heart. Thus it is My will that My working shall also be mentioned where the world is still exerting a strong influence.

During the last days proclaiming My Gospel in the hitherto usual way will reap little success, if it is not entirely impossible. People who live in the world and are also in touch with worldly people are not as quickly rejected if they speak on My instructions than those who have little contact because their spiritual sphere is already so different that worldly people cannot put themselves in that position and are more likely to feel repelled than attracted by it. These spheres are formed by emotions, which therefore can be good or bad, full of love or lacking love. It is always a person’s character which shapes the sphere in which his soul is subsequently moving. However, if I assign a mission to a person who wants to be of service to Me, then I Myself will form the type of sphere surrounding him which corresponds to this mission, in which My willing servant can then be successfully active for Me and My kingdom .... which, however, is not to say that I avail Myself of a person who lives entirely outside spiritual spheres, since he would be unable to work in My name, but I spread a veil across the light which would break through too brightly and radiantly and which would cause precisely the kind of confusion amongst worldly people which would interfere with winning one of them over. I select people for such a mission who have voluntarily become My Own, who were seized by My love and who I can now use as a tool in the last days before the end. I Myself work in and through them .... And this shall be your explanation to the question why all people don’t have the same emotions and nevertheless an abundance of strength becomes effective which is not obvious .... For I look into the heart and know a person’s will, to which degree he is turned towards Me, and according to this will is his calling for My kingdom ....


BD 5062                received  12.02.1951

Re-incarnation ....

You are given a light from above where it is still dark within you. And My messengers are instructed to make the light accessible to all who desire it. Whatever contributes towards the enlightenment of spirit will be conveyed to them, so that they will indeed be able to distinguish between truth and error and always recognise the One Who is truth Himself. You, My earthly children, are destined for the greatest bliss I can prepare for you; but the degree of beatitude will always correspond to your will, for this is not determined by Me. Utmost bliss, however, also makes utmost demands on your will, for in order to achieve childship to God, which assures you the Father’s inheritance, you have to be perfect too, just as your Father in heaven is perfect. I expect much of you earthly children, but I give infinitely more still. What I expect of you is complete subordination to My will and transformation to a high degree of love. For the degree of bliss in eternal life can differ considerably, it always depends on the degree of love you kindle and activate within yourselves.

Hence this activity of love determines the degree of maturity and therefore also the degree of bliss, so it follows that childship to God requires a life of utter love on earth, so that the human being’s nature will be changed into love, into My image, into My true child, for whom I have prepared all delights, as I have promised. The soul’s childship to God has to be the result of a single life on earth, because this high degree of maturity cannot be achieved in the kingdom of the beyond anymore, albeit even there a being will still be able to attain an undreamt of abundance of light. Nevertheless, a being of light can, if it re-incarnates in the flesh on earth for the purpose of a leadership mission, acquire its childship to God, but this necessitates an extremely sorrowful and difficult earthly life as well as a redeeming activity on earth, which was the reason of its repeated embodiment. Only beings with a high degree of light will undertake a repeated incarnation on earth, but purely for love of misguided human beings, whom they want to help in times of greatest spiritual hardship.

Alternatively, every light-receiving soul in the spiritual kingdom can also be called blissful to a degree, and this bliss suffices to trigger its will into helping beings who still languish in darkness, whose condition they know and want to remedy. No soul of light lacks this willingness to help, because receipt of light presupposes love, and love constantly wants to express itself. Every loving deed in the spiritual kingdom increases the beings’ beatitude, and such a being will never ever desire to return to earth, after all it recognises a vast sphere of activity for its strength of love and also feels the ever increasing abundance of light and happiness. But no being will be returned to earth against its will, since this would contravene My divine order. Beings of light, even of a low degree, do not harbour this will, only exceptionally elevated spirit beings descend to earth in oder to carry out the above mentioned mission. As soon as a soul has but a modest degree of awareness it also knows about the opportunity of further development in the spiritual kingdom, for then its love has been kindled or it would still be completely in the dark .... But if a soul is still spiritually blind then its desire to return to earth might surface, but never for the purpose of spiritual maturing, it is only drawn to earth by its desire for matter which I, on My part, will not comply with .... For this desire can be more easily overcome in the kingdom of the beyond than on earth, and without the surmounting of this desire there will be no light, no spiritual progress.

Anyone who neglected to acquire a tiny spark of understanding on earth, which thus assumes deeds of love, will also be in profound darkness in the beyond, and to return him to earth would not be an act of mercy but an infringement of My eternal order, which pursues constant progress and excludes any kind of regression due to My will. However, in this case re-incarnation would be an unfair compensation for the soul’s failure on earth, it would not be love and mercy on My part but a huge burden for the soul, which would have to accept the responsibility for a second time without any guarantee of achieving its goal. And it would not achieve its goal either, for repeated embodiment would understandably present it with far greater demands in order to balance the exceptional privilege, whereas its will would once again remain free .... Thus it would have to undergo a test of will twice, which would mean the same as if I would double a person’s life time on earth and thus bypass an existing natural law .... Also, having failed on earth once, a soul would be constrained and its will weakened by My adversary again, since the path to Me, to the divine Redeemer, is blocked by Satan by means of the world, since it will have desired it as well as matter and will receive what it desires .... Only the being’s will is decisive at all times, but this very will is not interested in embodiment on earth once the soul has but a glimmer of knowledge.

However, a soul which is still lost in utter darkness will not be allowed to re-incarnate because My wisdom knows of the danger and frequent futility of a repeated earthly progress and My love does not support regression but only advancement. My eternal law is development and progress .... I only encourage opportunities for higher development which, admittedly, could also be unsuccessful but then only due to the being’s will. Regression can only be caused by the being’s will, never by My will. Individual instances of re-incarnation to earth happen for a special reason but do not justify the assumption that every soul will be able to return to earth deliberately once it has completed its path unsuccessfully or with only slight success.

Yet the fact that the soul repeatedly incarnates itself is certain, because it has to continue its higher development in the kingdom of the beyond and this always necessitates that it carries out its designated activity in a new embodiment on one of the countless creations which all serve as places to mature for the spiritual essence. But activity and tasks are of a different nature than on earth and cannot be explained to you humans either, merely the principles of redemption and maturity always consist of loving service.

Countless possibilities are at My disposal to beneficially influence the souls which had departed from earth in a still immature state. Life on this earth had promised exceptional success which, if unused, can never be made up again such that the beings can re-incarnate on earth any number of times; this is why the teaching of re-incarnation is misleading; thus isolated, justified instances should not lead to the assumption that every soul will re-incarnate on this earth, which would be far more detrimental than advantageous for the soul. The soul’s free decision of will has to be made on earth, and with the help of the divine Redeemer Jesus Christ it is certainly possible to do so during one earthly life .... Anyone who rejects Him has forfeited an exceptional grace and has to struggle in the beyond until he acquires the understanding and still accepts His help over there.

Jesus’ death on the cross is of such enormous significance for the salvation of all souls that it only requires the human will to become redeemed, but a will that fails also has to accept the consequences: indescribably difficult higher development in the spiritual realm or descent into the abyss, with the result of a repeated path through the whole of material creation .... a re-incarnation of undesirable consequence .... a tormenting state of endless duration until the human state has been reached again, which will then gives him a new opportunity to make his free decision of will. No being will be lost forever, but the time it takes to achieve beatitude is determined by the human being’s will itself. Yet the law of eternal order will remain, for it is based on My wisdom and love which will never change ....


BD 5063                received  14.02.1951

Individuality of each soul ....

When My creative will became active My wisdom also realised the accomplishment of all that which My love and strength had created; I saw the fallen spiritual beings’ process of development as well as the partial relapse into the abyss, I saw a countless multitude of originally created beings fighting each other in the universe. I saw satanic actions everywhere in the spiritual kingdom and in the earthly-material creations .... I saw the rise and fall, I saw the constantly changing shapes and My wisdom recognised most clearly that the huge redemption work will be successful one day, which delighted My love and thus My will was incessantly active. I foresaw the achievement an eternity ago .... yet I also saw the countless originally created spirits which would remain opposed to Me and need an infinitely long time before they surrender to Me without resistance. But this did not trouble Me for time does not exist for Me, if only I reach My goal one day. Yet the plan of redemption for these spirits remaining in opposition to Me considerably deviates from the one for the less hardened spiritual beings, for the former require several infinitely long periods of development until their final redemption, and each one signifies a different process of redemption than the preceding one. For the sin keeps increasing the more often free will is misused, and the final stage as a human being also provides the spiritual entity with awareness, because I endow him with intelligence by virtue of which he can distinguish between right and wrong. Before a human being’s soul can be formed the individual soul substances must effectively have travelled through all creations, the soul will have gathered all minute particles which once belonged to a freely spiritually creating original entity, and this original entity receives, as a human being, the self-awareness again which it no longer possessed during the preliminary stages of development. Then the soul will continue to remain a self-aware individual entity in the spiritual kingdom, although it will then work and create in unity with equally mature souls .... It will recognise itself for what it once had been and is incredibly happy in this self-awareness. But the final test of earthly life can, although it is not too difficult, also be failed; in that case My work of redemption has not been possible during one course of development and the being will have to go through a second and far more difficult process of redemption, it must once again take abode in new material creations, the soul will be dissolved again into untold minutely small particles and, depending on its nature, engendered into various shells once more and the path of higher development will start anew.

A soul which deserts Me as a human being increases its sin many times over and must therefore also suffer considerably more than during the individual developmental stages of the previous period. Yet even then My infinite love will be at work again in order to help this soul to ascend, so that, at the end of its earthly progress in the law of compulsion the re-assembled soul can incarnate itself in a body of flesh with the purpose of passing its final test of will on this earth. Although at a later state of maturity this soul can undoubtedly look back upon an entirely different earthly progress than that of the period before, nevertheless it remains the same spiritual being but will only recognise itself as such when it reaches the specific degree of light when it receives its past memory again. Every soul entering the spiritual kingdom after its physical death remains what it is and can continue to ascend constantly higher and, in unity with equally mature spiritual beings, bring happiness to countless beings on earth as well as in the spiritual kingdom; but it always remains the same being and will never lose its self-awareness again. If, however, it descends into the abyss, its thinking will become confused, it no longer recognises itself and if it descends to the lowest point it can also harden into solid matter again, thus starting the process of development in new creations on earth once more. The being only recognises itself during a specific degree of maturity, and this degree of maturity has been attained as soon as the soul is permitted to embody itself as a human being, on account of which the human being is in clear possession of self-awareness which the soul will not lose again unless it descends into profound darkness again, where it can no longer recognise itself for what it is and what it had been. I will collect every spiritual being again which once went astray, I want to regain it in the same condition as it once came forth from Me. I want to draw completely free, supremely perfect angel beings burning with love to My heart and I will achieve this goal even if takes eternities, for My love, wisdom and might is without bounds and My creative will shall never end until even the last spiritual being is redeemed and has become My child ....


BD 5069                received  22.02.1951

Prayer in spirit and in truth ....
Pious gestures ....

I take no notice of pious gestures; they are, after all, merely outer ostentatious covers which are intended to conceal the heart from onlookers. Anyone who truly sincerely thinks of Me and speaks to Me with simple, unembellished words considers every ceremony, every external movement or gesture to be strange; the heart does not need it, it takes the straight path to Me and exclaims its distress or its love and adoration of Me and I hear every thought which rises up to Me from the heart. But where an inner feeling is meant to be outwardly recognisable too much value is placed on other people’s opinion, since I Myself have no need of such external testimonies and without them a person’s heart lies openly before Me. In that case you only want to convince your fellow human beings of an apparently intimate relationship with Me, and thus you don’t approach Me with an undivided mind but place too much importance on other people’s judgment. But, in addition, your prayer will also lack depth of feeling, for heartfelt contact with Me lets you forget everything around you but also makes every external gesture seem absurd and derisive.

Therefore, as long as you still outwardly portray what should only move you within you still have not found heartfelt union with Me in your thoughts, which does not allow for external actions, because then you will be so completely seized by Me that you will forget the world around you, that you will be true children of your Father whose love for the Father leaves no space for anything else. You should certainly not forget your fellow human being and always have an open eye and ear for his problems, you should not carelessly ignore him if he comes to you full of grief; you should not neglect him, not be arrogant towards him but humbly stand by him with patience and compassion and do everything in your power to help him for love of him. However, if you desire to enter into heartfelt communication with Me your thoughts should only apply to Me, and nothing of an external nature should disturb or identify this heartfelt bond .... For I want to be prayed to in spirit and in truth and this should happen in private, where no-one is a witness of the communication of heart between Father and child .... And all pretence should fall away from you, for I Am the Eternal Truth and also want to be called upon in all truthfulness ....


BD 5072                received  24.02.1951

Overcoming matter ....
Awakening of the spirit ....

Anyone who is materially-minded and allows matter to dominate his thoughts too much can hardly become aware of the spirit within himself which is in complete opposition to matter. Thus anyone intending to awaken the spirit within him must first have overcome matter, that is, he should no longer be its slave but have become its master. It should no longer control him, he must be able to easily let go of it and thus give it away himself by sharing his material possessions with his needy fellow human being whom he can help by providing him with earthly-material possessions. This process of loving activity towards one’s fellow human being is necessary in order to bring the spirit within alive, because the person will thereby shape himself such that My spirit can become effective in him, since the spiritual spark within is inseparably connected with Me, its eternal Father-Spirit. Understandably, the divine element within the human being, in order to express itself, must respond to something divine, because a connection between perfection and imperfection is impossible. Love, however, shapes that which is imperfect into a divine being. Without love My spirit is unable to make itself known in a human being, the person’s love, however, becomes active towards a fellow human being and thus the former also demonstrates his love for Me and can subsequently also receive My manifestation of love. My strength can flow into him and express itself in the working of the spirit.

Selfless neighbourly love will only ever be practised by someone who has become master over matter, in which case the spirit is able to work in him. As a result I Myself enter into heartfelt contact with him because his spirit is part of Me. Do you now realise what you win if you release yourselves from matter? Do you realise the triviality of earthly goods if you gain Me by letting go of them? You give little and receive infinitely much in return .... the most precious becomes your possession .... My love, which pours into your hearts and grants you riches beyond measure .... Material things are indeed given to you as a test of your will, yet you can use them for beneficial activity .... you can relieve much hardship with it and thus be lovingly active on Earth. Then matter will provide you with spiritual possessions because you use it for doing kind deeds, then it will simply be the means in your hands used in order to attain spiritual treasures, yet only if you give it away, because material and spiritual possessions can never be acquired at the same time as long as the person still allows his heart to be held captive by matter. It has to be conquered, and that is your task on Earth if you want to awaken the spiritual spark in you and thereby also establish contact with Me, if you want to give Me the right to dwell in your heart. But then you will have won everything, then you will only work for the spiritual kingdom, then you will have passed your test of earthly life, for once I have taken abode in you I will not leave you again; then you will be permeated by My spirit and become aspirants for My kingdom which is not of this world .... Then you will return into the Father’s house, to Me, from Whom you once came forth and Who will not rest until you have become His Own forever ....


BD 5076                received  02.03.1951

Hardship of unbelievers on entry into the beyond ....

You all should help with the redemption of misguided souls. Everyone who believes in Me and thus also in the soul’s life after death, should try to convey this belief to his fellow human beings, too. Then he will do a work of merciful love for others, for he will save such souls from death. If you knew how much easier the souls’ fate will be if they have but a glimmer of faith when they pass from this earth, you would do anything to kindle this spark in yourselves, and the stronger it is the brighter will be the soul on entry to the kingdom of the beyond. Anyone who has faith himself should not rest until he has won his fellow human being over to the faith. He should work diligently and will thereby acquire a great reward, for the souls he has gained will thank him a thousand fold.

To soothe spiritual hardship is a true labour of love, the effects of which will extend into eternity. And spiritual hardship is experienced by all those people who lack faith, who are not convinced of an utterly perfect Being, who do not believe that they will be accountable to a Judge at the end of their earthly life, who thoughtlessly live in the world ignoring their task of developing their soul and who have not reduced their guilt of sin, which was the reason for their earthly life, but even increased it, because they fell prey to My adversary who wants to corrupt them forever. These human beings suffer severe hardship, yet their fellow human beings’ love is able to help them. Participate in Christ’s act of Salvation and try to enlighten your fellow human beings, since you know of the great love and mercy of the One Who has created you.

Do not portray Me to them as a punishing God but as a loving Father Who recalls His children into the Father’s house which they had voluntarily left. And help them to regain their faith, then you will acquire a substantial reward for yourselves, for you will accomplish a work in My vineyard which I will truly not leave unrewarded since I, after all, will regain My children, for whom I long and whose love I constantly invite. Help Me to regain these children, so that I can make them eternally happy with My love ....


BD 5077                received  02.03.1951

The Lord’s return ....
Present time ....
Witnesses of the new earth ....

You all shall be witnesses of My power and glory, you shall live to see My return, partly in spirit and partly in the flesh, for the time is coming to an end and it will come to pass as I have always and constantly proclaimed. You shall experience My return and bear witness of it in the paradise of the new earth .... For I will move those who remain faithful to Me onto the new earth, where they shall also proclaim My Word as they do now on My instruction .... I know who is suitable to do so and know full well how to protect My servants from the destruction, I will endow My disciples of the last days with extraordinary strength to enable them to successfully attend to their office, so that they will courageously fight all those who are hostile to Me and who also extend their hatred to My Own. And not one of them will pass away from earth until his mission has been accomplished. The last on this earth, however, shall be the first on the new earth, where their task will be the same .... To proclaim My Word, albeit in a different manner, for it will be gladly and longingly accepted, it will be recognised for what it is .... as the Father’s evidence of love, Who wants to give pleasure to His children.

They will all recognise My voice when I speak through you to people. For they will have all passed their ordeal on this earth and remained faithful to Me. Hence their reward will also be substantial and pleasing, a harmonious life in the paradise of the new earth, which no person can yet imagine but which is granted to them so that My might and glory will manifest itself. And I Myself will be in the midst of them .... I will come in the clouds to bring them home and stay with them, because due to their demonstrated loyalty during the last battle of faith they will have become My children. For they will fearlessly confess Me, they will testify of Me without having seen Me. For this reason they will also be allowed to see Me in full glory before the very end. And what I proclaim will fulfil itself .... I will return, and you will live to see it ....

You do not yet believe that the time is so close at hand, that you will have to experience the horrors of the last days, and that this earth will be destroyed with My permission. You do not yet believe that the proclamations by seers and prophets concern the present time and that you humans of this time will experience significant things which no person can imagine, for this earth has never yet exhibited such. But humanity will soon watch the events with horror and bewilderment which will make an early disintegration of earth believable, and then it will rapidly progress towards the ultimate end. Yet My chosen people will survive the time because it is My will, and because even this time shall have its witnesses who will be selected to speak of it, so that My might and glory will become evident amongst the human generation’s descendants on the new earth. For it will have to be preserved as tradition for the descendants, because even then a time will come again when sin will be prevalent and I will be ignored. Then their testimony shall warn and remind people what fate will await those who completely forget about Me .... Then they shall be told about the downfall of the old earth and the Last Judgment which decided over life and death, over happiness and damnation ....


BD 5082                received  10.03.1951

Fellow labourers in Christ’s work of Redemption ....
‘Go ye therefore, and teach ....’

The work you accomplish for Me and My kingdom always involves participating in Christ’s work of Redemption. It is a continuation of what Jesus, the man, started on earth, it involves the spreading of the Gospel on His instruction and leading people to Him, the divine Redeemer Himself, and therefore it is a return to Me, the origin of all that has been created. This participation in the redemption work is so important and so extremely beneficial because influencing people directly from above has become impossible. Hence mediators, who are in contact with the spiritual kingdom as well as with people on earth and are thus able to convey the spiritual knowledge from above to them, are required to spread the Gospel .... This is the task of those who want to serve Me, who place themselves at My disposal as co-workers and whom I therefore send into the world with the instruction ‘’Go ye therefore, and teach all nations’, i.e., speak wherever the opportunity presents itself, inform them of Me and My direct working in all of you whom I send to cross your path .... Take your work seriously as there is not much time left. And I Myself will smooth your every way so as not to hinder your work, so that you will always have the opportunity to work on My instructions for the benefit of your fellow human beings. So far you can only do the groundwork, for the hour of your public activity has not come as yet. However, you should even do this preliminary work conscientiously and diligently, and you should always want to do it, then you will also have the strength and opportunity to work for Me. For many people are hungry and live in want, they thirst for nourishment for the soul, and I Myself direct all threads and convey the bread of heaven to those who desire it. I give in abundance .... Hence you, too, should strive to distribute the delectable gift to those who do not approach Me directly and need to be fed by you if I don’t want to let them perish. This is the redemptive work which, in a manner of speaking, makes you Jesus’ fellow labourers, His followers and His helpers, for countless souls suffer great adversity. Whatever you do in order to spread My Word will be blessed by Me and will result in copious reward, even if, from an earthly point of view, it is not obvious to you. You must more or less feel like My labourers who only accomplish the Lord’s will. But you will feel My will in your heart, and whatever your heart urges you to do, you should instantly comply with, for it is My voice which speaks to you, which impels you to work for Me and My kingdom. Do not fear earthly hardship or earthly disadvantage but always trust that I know your every worry and will remedy it at the right time. Anyone who works for Me is most reliably taken care of, it is just not obvious so that the work for Me is not done in a compulsory fashion but voluntarily instead if it is to be successful for eternity .... Someone who expects reward is not suitable for redemptive work which only requires profound love for Me and his fellow human being if it is to be effective. You don’t have much time left, therefore you should ever more eagerly fulfil My will, which will forever consist of carrying My Gospel into the world .... of instructing those who lack knowledge and enlightening those who are misguided. For only the truth will have a redemptive effect, and therefore you should spread the truth which I convey to you humans from above because I love you and want to deliver you from the bondage of darkness ....


BD 5085                received  16.03.1951

I need you ....
The Custodian’s concern for His servants ....

I need you .... The adversity on earth is huge and can only be solved with your assistance, because I cannot influence people’s souls with My omnipotence, instead, their free will must be stimulated and you should assist with that. There is immense adversity and I only have a few fellow workers on earth who want to steer this spiritual hardship. But these few are under My guardianship, they are cared for by My Fatherly love and will never be without protection. If you knew how I value your spiritual work you would no longer have the slightest doubt about My paternal care for you, you would not worry for a moment but, with complete confidence, always expect help in earthly adversity. Since you should constantly do your spiritual work I will also make sure that you can accomplish it, since the help for many souls depends on this work of yours, which cannot be taken to them by any other means. This work for Me and My kingdom is very carelessly carried out on earth, for only rarely is the full extent of the spiritual adversity recognised. Only a few people possess realisation, only a few people know the meaning and purpose of life on earth and the meaning and purpose of Creation, only a few people are therefore capable of instructing their fellow human beings of this information and thus only a few people can be true proclaimers of the Gospel, because it is absolutely vital for this mission that the proclaimer possesses the knowledge himself. You can therefore assume that I exceedingly carefully watch over those who are suitable for this proclaiming ministry, because they have received this knowledge from Me Myself. Teachings which are already spoilt are not entirely effective as a means of rescue for the misguided souls, they can only profit from the pure truth, only the pure truth is the means to remedy spiritual hardship. And once a person has become a bearer of truth through his will and his love for Me, he will be a faithful fellow worker whom I truly don’t want to lose, because I would not like to lose the many still misguided souls either but want to regain them before it is too late .... I need you, My fellow workers on earth, and I keep telling you time and again that I educate My bearers of light on earth Myself, because they are to restore the kingdom of God among people on My behalf, but that these bearers of light are in My service and, thus, will also be looked after by their Lord in every way. Consequently, anyone who works for Me need not fear any earthly worries, anyone who works for Me should also hand himself over to Me with complete faith, he should look up to the Father like a child and always be certain that he will also be guarded like a child by the Father. And the strength of his faith will give him peace, even in every earthly adversity, which I will solve when the time is right ....


BD 5091                received  22.03.1951

Spiritual community ....
Working together ....

A spiritual community can convey many blessings, for it distributes My Gospel in Words and deeds. However, I do not call members of an organised association a spiritual community but only people who, in spiritual unity, strive towards the same goal of coming close to the truth and thus to Me and who therefore also want to lead their fellow human beings to Me. For organisations can also exist without truly spiritually striving members, and I only acknowledge spiritual aspiration as the right desire for Me. An association of people who seriously discuss spiritual topics, whose hearts silently love Me and desire a bond with Me, is a spiritual community which is pleasing to Me, My blessing will always rest on them and the very spiritual work they do will be blessed by Me. Wherever they are together I dwell among them and guide their thoughts in the right direction, I intervene in their conversations Myself by expressing Myself through a person who is particularly devoted to Me, who will then effectively instruct the others and also be acknowledged because the others will feel that I Am at work, because they will feel addressed by Me and will be convinced that what they hear is true. A spiritual community will always render Me a great service, for they will achieve far more than an individual person can achieve by only working for Me and My kingdom. Yet every individual person should try to gain followers for Me, every individual should strive to expand the spiritual community and always lead new labourers to Me because many reapers will be needed during the last days and the work that still needs to be accomplished before the end will require every effort. Together you can be very successful, for people will always look at a solitary person with distrust and lend little credence to his words. However, as soon as other like-minded people join him everything he says and does becomes significant. Therefore try to find like-minded people with the same striving to be of service to Me and to do redemptive work on earth during the last days before the end. By doing so you will gain very much yourselves but you will also gain new souls which you can lead to Me, which you can prepare for their mission of becoming co-workers for Me and My kingdom, to whom you can proclaim the Gospel so that they will pass it on to all those who suffer spiritual hardship. What is not possible for an individual person can be achieved by many; they will find it easier to be believed and will always be strengthened by Me, for I bless all who are of service to Me ....


BD 5092                received  Good Friday 23.3.1951

Christ’s suffering ....

Christ’s suffering on the cross cannot even be remotely made understandable to people on earth, since in their imperfect state they cannot comprehend what it means for a perfect human being to fall victim to sin, for people’s iniquity effectively triumphed over Him Who had not caused them harm. The spawns of hell made the enlightened soul of Jesus, the man, tremble, yet it did not defend itself .... It endured everything; nevertheless it was horror-stricken by so much dirt and evilness from people. It suffered indescribably, even far more than the body, by what it had to endure. The soul was surrounded by darkness and its light was unable to bear darkness; all the same, it did not flee because it wanted to drain the cup to the dregs in order to redeem humanity. It gave up its light, because otherwise that which the love of Jesus, the man, wanted to happen to it in order to offer God a sacrifice for humanity’s sins could not have taken place. Thus it allowed its light to become ineffective and found itself in the midst of darkness which tormented and frightened it tremendously and increased its suffering a thousand fold, for the suffering of the soul exceeded the physical pain, which can only be understood by a perfect human being. Jesus, however, was as perfect as His Father in heaven is perfect .... and yet it was still on earth in the midst of sin .... His kingdom was the kingdom of light, the earth was Satan’s kingdom, and in this kingdom the soul of light allowed itself to be violated. And the purest and most translucent Being Which ever lived on earth was horrified. It had to allow itself to be touched by hands it detested, because they extended from hell and took hold of it, it had to hear intensely hurtful words; it was effectively detached from its world and totally at the mercy of darkness, which had certainly been its own will for eternity in order to achieve the act of Salvation, yet it was nevertheless no less horrendous, for it was being terrified and tortured to the point of exhaustion .... This is why Jesus exclaimed: ‘My God, my God, why have You forsaken me ....’ At this moment in time it no longer remembered its mission, it only felt the separation from God, from light, for Whom it longed and for Whom it called in its distress .... It was the cruellest thing ever experienced by a person on earth, because He not only had to endure the body’s suffering but also because the soul had suffered considerably more still, which humanity cannot understand. For this reason no human being, regardless of how much he would have to suffer, will be able to reach the extent to which Jesus the man had to endure, Who already knew about it long in advance and in His human nature prayed: Father, if thou be willing, remove this cup from me: nevertheless not my will, but Thine, be done ....’ It was also the will of His soul, which had completely subordinated itself to God, to accomplish the act of Salvation and it accepted its fate, for its love for the suffering human race was greater than great, but likewise the guilt of sin was so immense that only the most extreme pain and suffering could count as a sacrifice of atonement, which therefore was carried out by Jesus the human being. Yet the depth of suffering was as immeasurable as His love, which made Him take all suffering of body and soul upon Himself in order to redeem humanity from eternal death ....


BD 5099                received  03.04.1951

Childship to God ....
Conditions ....

Nothing else can gain you childship to God than living a life according to My will, a life of love, an assimilation and integration with the eternal order, which is based on love. Becoming My child with all the rights of the Father poses prerequisites on the living creation which, as a human being, shall acquire this privilege, and these prerequisites may be easily fulfilled but, on the other hand, may also be incredibly difficult .... I expect people to fulfil My commandments, the transformation of their nature into love, so that everyone coming into contact with the human being can recognise him as My child. This commandment of love must be fulfilled; otherwise assimilation with Me, Who is the eternal Love Itself, is impossible. Yet this always applies to the innermost stirring of the heart, for the layers surrounding the still struggling soul will dissolve or harden accordingly .... and this heartfelt stirring must emerge in the human being entirely without force, then it is valuable, both for oneself as well as for the needy brothers, which must feel true love in order to value its strength. Love is the only means of redemption, love is the only path leading to Me and love must be practised by every person who wants to become happy .... I cannot digress from this condition of Mine because contact with Me can only be established through love and because this connection belongs to the state of childship to God. One is the result of the other, therefore also the fact that love provides light and strength to the one who practices it unselfishly. But light and strength are likewise part of My fundamental nature, just as both were possessed by you, My living creations, when you were still in a state of perfection. You were full of light and strength as long as you were permeated by love, but you lost them when love subsided. All these things are separate concepts for you humans .... light, strength and bliss .... yet they inevitably belong together, and a life of love, a compliance with My commandments, will return everything that you once lost back to you. And you can receive huge riches again if you adapt yourselves to Me as the eternal Love, hence, if you become again what you were in the beginning .... My children, who can delight in bliss because an abundance of light and strength dwells in them. The childship to God is the highest degree of bliss My living creations can acquire. I certainly make demands on you but they are not impossible to fulfil because I Am constantly by your side with My love and grace, because I do not expect anything from you which is beyond your strength; instead, I always adjust My demands to your spiritual state. Yet, as soon as you live a life of love, everything will come easily to you because love itself is strength and thus you can constantly increase your strength. Besides, through love you draw Me Myself to you, you draw the Father and the Father draws you .... And you will reach your goal for certain, you will become My children and take complete possession of My heart .... And I will not resist you, since I long for My children, they are the product of My love and I want to prepare immeasurable beatitude for them for all eternity ....


BD 5100                received  05.04.1951

Matter ....
Loss of earthly possessions ....
Free will ....

Everything you call your own on earth can be taken away from you if it is My will, and you cannot protect yourselves from it but have to accept it. But I constantly draw your attention to the fact that you should not grow too fond of earthly possessions because they do not last long. However, you can secure for yourselves spiritual riches which cannot be taken away from you and which you can constantly increase, particularly at the time of great adversity which will come upon you. Then you will be able to hand them out and those who allow themselves to be given treasures from the spiritual kingdom will receive many blessings. For they will help you attain eternal life .... Earthly goods cannot stop you from dying, but spiritual goods can indeed prevent your spiritual death. All worldly things will be ruined and you humans are likewise at risk of having to relinquish your physical life; then all your possessions will be worthless. If, however, you keep your life then you will be differently minded, for then you will realise the truth of My Word which constantly alerted you to this adversity. I know who will be affected by it through My will. Nevertheless, My intention is not to harm you but only to benefit your soul. I know where every person is still vulnerable and I have to inflict painful wounds on him which kill his desire for matter, which cure him from the blight of this world. Many will indeed regard it as a cruel and harsh fate, yet one day they, too, will know better and thank Me for forcefully intervening in their lives which otherwise would have continued without achievement for the soul.

I see how humanity becomes increasingly more immersed in matter, how it only works and creates in order to add to it, oblivious to the near end. It is a completely pointless waste of strength, for very shortly everything will disappear before your eyes which you humans so greedily desire .... And you let day after day go by without acquiring goods for your soul, day after day you turn your eyes to the world and don’t consider your soul’s fate after death, which is so close to all of you, from an earthly as well as a spiritual point of view. Yet I can only ever warn and admonish you again, but I cannot force you nor can I give you such obvious evidence of the truth I reveal to you that you would change because of fear in order to escape the calamity. You must want to become blessed of your own accord, you must spontaneously desire to be united with Me, your Creator and Father of eternity, then you will also voluntarily fulfil My will .... you will turn selfish love, the love for the world, into unselfish neighbourly love; then you will strive for spiritual values and need not fear the end or the loss of earthly goods, which the coming time of adversity will entail. I know full well what I want to preserve or leave to the individual person, but you don’t know it and shall prepare yourselves so that everything will be taken away from you and yet you will keep the everlasting wealth which can never be taken away from you .... Only attend to these possessions and you will at all times receive My kindness and mercy, My faithful care and Fatherly love, which always gives you what you need; which never leaves you, who want to belong to Me, in adversity .... This is why you never again have to dread the coming events, for you cannot lose anything anymore because you have gained everything ....


BD 5102                received  09.04.1951

School of the spirit ....

You all have to complete the school of the spirit if you want to attain the eternal right to dwell in the spiritual kingdom as blissful spiritual beings permeated by light, who are able to create with might and strength in harmony with My will.

This school of the spirit is your earthly existence, which frequently is an unbearably heavy burden for you indeed, but which then can also result in greater success if you only strive with good will towards your spiritual perfection and do not allow the tribulations of life to depress you, if you do not regard earthly life as an end in itself but as a means to an end. You always have to remember that the period of time you live on earth as self-aware beings is but short, but that this short phase is decisive for eternity.

Bear in mind that you are expected to make the free decision of will during this short time on earth, and that you are only able to make this decision if you are influenced by two sides and one side becomes victorious over you .... This, understandably, will require a struggle which you yourselves have to settle as human beings. Thus, your spiritual perfection is entirely in your own hands but it will be supported by Me in every way, even if it is not obvious to you. After all, I want to win you over and not lose you .... Hence, you also have to be convinced that I will shape every human being’s fate such that he will be able to reach his goal, his spiritual perfection on earth, if his will makes the right choice. And therefore I also know the dangers he could succumb to and will avert them from him as far as possible which, however, does not exclude the possibility that he can nevertheless succumb to them by virtue of his free will.

But his destiny is always appropriate to further his highest possible perfection .... Earthly life is but a short episode, and even if it entails a most arduous destiny his suffering will not offset the beatitude which he can create for himself with correct use of his will. I do not deliberately abandon any of My living creations to their fate, I will always and forever look after each one, for I want the school of the spirit to be successful .... And if the person is always (consciously) mindful that nothing happens or is permitted without My will, which always aims to achieve spiritual success, then he will also always have the opportunity to enter into mental contact with Me to favourably dispose My will towards him, since I Am a Father to all My living creations, Who lovingly tends to His children if only a silent call reaches His ear, an appeal for help in spiritual or even earthly hardship ....

You are truly not alone .... Someone Who loves you is with you and only wants what is best for you .... Why do you not call on Him and confide your problems to Him? Do not allow earthly adversity to deter you from Me but allow it to push you towards Me, then it will truly no longer burden you so much, for I will help you carry the cross that destiny has placed upon you in accordance with My wise decision and in awareness of what serves your spiritual perfection ....

Then the silent submission to My will is already your correctly undertaken decision of will, then you will no longer be opposing Me but you will have relinquished your resistance to Me and acknowledged Me .... Then you will have completed the school of the spirit with utmost success and your end on earth will be an easy one ....


BD 5114                received  25.04.1951

‘I came to My Own and they did not accept Me ....’

I came to My Own and they did not accept Me, they did not recognise Me .... I Am rarely recognised by people when I approach them on the way, hence they either do not accept My offering as a divine gift or they pay only little attention to it. But I want to be recognised by people so that they can utilize My gift of grace properly and apply it for the benefit of their soul. I often knock in vain at the door of their hearts which remains closed to Him, Who brings the most beneficial gift, Who wants to give them a gift of incalculable value. They do not grant Me entry, they do not want to listen to Me and thus reject the most valuable gift although they are in urgent need of it. I came to My Own and they did not accept Me because they did not recognise Me ....

Many want to belong to My Own, many pride themselves about belonging to My church and yet do not know My voice when I want to gather them as a good shepherd and coax and call them .... They do not know My voice and stay away from Me .... But My sheep know the voice of their shepherd .... because I send to My Own Words of love from above, to those who open their heart and allow Me to enter as soon as I wish to enter. Only few recognise Me although every person would have the means to do so if they were willing to look for their eternal Father, because I would allow Myself to be found by them. But there is little longing for Me and thus they do not hear My Word either, which is the evidence of My Being and the visible proof of My love for human beings. And when it is made accessible to them by other people they lack faith and thus also comprehension for My love and mercy which give them the means to reach their goal on earth, to unite with Me by way of love.

It is easily comprehended by My Own who allow Me to speak to them and then make use of the gifts in accordance with My will. I can approach and reveal Myself to them and they will no longer doubt Me, they will accept Me anytime in their heart’s abode and hear My Word directly. They will contemplate My Word in their heart and proceed accordingly .... And they will also understand My Word which I spoke on earth, that My kingdom is not of this world.

Because they are now aware of the kingdom of God, they recognise the Father Who wants to come to His Own and Who is not acknowledged by people who live without love. But whoever lives in accordance with My Word has love within himself and is lead by it to realisation .... he follows My call because he has recognised Me ....


BD 5115                received  26.04.1951

Battle of faith ....
Fulfilment of promises ....

You will also have to assert yourselves in the world which will oppose and persecute you. That will be the start of the time of battle I announced to you and which will launch the final phase before the end. You will not receive any worldly help either, for those who want to help are too weak but those who are stronger are against you. Nevertheless you will have protection you can indeed rely upon .... because I Myself will be with you and will give you strength to prevail in the most difficult battle. Anyone who merely calls upon Me will experience My presence, for I will not leave My Own, although I will allow people to confront each other in battle. This final battle of faith must be visible because the spirits shall be separated .... because a separation must take place between My followers and the adversary’s followers, and even the last people must make a decision, who so far had shied away from an open avowal due to weakness of faith or fear. They shall take heart in view of the strong faith displayed by My Own, unless they completely fall away for the sake of worldly advantages which My Own must relinquish for the sake of their faith. This decision will only concern the inner life of the individual, yet is insofar significant because this decision will also affect earthly life and, therefore, many people will fail. For anyone who still values the world too highly, anyone who loves his life on earth, who still pays too much attention to his physical comfort, will hardly be able to prevail because everybody will have to give up everything if they do not want to relinquish their faith in Me and My act of Salvation. Many will fall away from faith because they will have to profess Me publicly. But anyone who knows the truth, anyone with advanced knowledge, anyone whose life of love also provided him with My strength, will remain faithful to Me until the end, he will freely and courageously profess Me, he will speak on My behalf and even still be able to convince those who are weak in faith and yet of good will .... And despite the greatest hardship imposed upon him by the enemies he will not feel the adversity so much because I will stand by him and provide him with everything he needs for body and soul. The enemies will not be able to harm anyone who puts his complete trust in Me, for what they take away from him I will return to him in a different form, yet always in a way that he will live for as long as I still need him on this earth. And My small flock shall testify to the kingdom of God and His power until the end .... and My promises shall come true so that a strong faith will be able to achieve everything and that My Own will receive what they appeal for in this faith. It will be a gruelling battle but My Own will survive it, for they have a commander-in-chief by their side Who will defeat every enemy, and anyone who belongs to His camp will be victorious and need no longer fear any opponent once the end has come, the Day of Judgment, which will separate the righteous from the unrighteous, the good from the bad, My Own from the followers of Satan .... the day when everyone’s reward will be in accordance with his works ....


BD 5123                received  03.05.1951

Distance from God is a wretched state ....
No separation ....

You can certainly revolt against Me but you cannot separate yourselves from Me, for you are a part of Me that can never ever get lost .... You, however, experience the distance like a separation and therefore think that you’ll be able to detach yourselves from Me; yet the chains connecting us are untearable, they are merely shorter or longer but inevitably keep us together. All resistance extends the distance from Me, but every deed of love brings us closer together and unites us. If you therefore distance yourselves by resisting Me then My adversary will intrude and place himself between you and Me. Thereby you won’t recognise Me anymore and comply with his will, for he lures you with that which you desire, with earthly goods which make My image grow increasingly fainter. Nevertheless you belong to Me and remain My possession, because I will not forfeit My claim on you. But My adversary and you believe yourselves capable of escaping My authority, yet then you will simply distance yourselves more and more from Me and find yourselves in a wretched state. For your distance from Me signifies a total lack of strength and light, it signifies the soul’s death, it signifies a state of darkness which will also always remain a state of wretchedness. You, however, don’t know the state of beatitude .... Hence you do not strive for it but content yourselves with earthly happiness which My adversary bestows upon you the more you turn away from Me. You don’t know the true life, the life of the spirit which gives you light and strength in abundance .... you don’t know the divine abilities you could possess were you associated with Me again ....

But I loved you from the very beginning and My love for you will not diminish; it wants to give and please, thus it also wants to lead you to the realisation of what you used to be, what you are and what you shall become again in order to be eternally happy. Yet whether you allow yourselves to be taught by Me is up to you, for I will not force any being to accept from My hand what makes it incredibly happy .... It can freely decide whether it wants to belong to Me or to succumb to My adversary’s influence. However, since My love for you, My living creations, will never end, I will also pursue your love forever, and I will do whatever it takes to help you achieve beatitude, time and again I will come close to you and let you feel My love until, one day, it will beneficially affect you and you will turn to Me in order to receive more and more love, until you love Me too and voluntarily pull yourselves away from My adversary and strive towards Me. Then My and your happiness will be infinite, then there will be no more distance between us, then we will be firmly united by the bond of love and never ever separate again, for once something has found its way to Me of its own accord I will not let it go again, I will not let it fall again and the adversary will have lost all power, it is and remains My Own for all eternity ....


BD 5125                received  5. - 6.5.1951

Process of development ....
Law of compulsion ....
Stage of free will ....

Nothing is without purpose and goal .... Everything in existence was created by God and brought to life to fulfil a purpose. Consequently, everything also has its function; it has to serve in some way or other in order to fulfil its purpose. Even the smallest work of creation, the smallest living being, has its task which it has to comply with and effectively is forced to do so, because every creation is subject to natural law, thus it is unable to act unlawfully.

Nevertheless, even an accomplished task in the law of compulsion is effectively a service, for it will always benefit another work of creation, it is necessary for the emergence and preservation of same. And thus, nothing in the entire universe is without purpose, or was created for no reason.

The final purpose and destiny, however, is the liberation of the spiritual substance, towards which the whole of creation contributes in accordance with God’s wise plan of eternity. The whole of creation only came into being for the purpose of liberating the spiritual substance, and every single work of creation complies with this destiny in the law of compulsion.

The human being, however, is an exception, he is indeed God’s work of creation too, nevertheless, his thoughts, will and actions are not subject to the law of compulsion. The external human being, the physical body, is still subject to the law of compulsion, because this consists of spiritual substances which are still at the beginning of development. His soul, however, enjoys a certain amount of freedom, it is able to develop in line with its own will, thus God has not subjected it to this law. All the same, even the soul’s development, its release from the constraint of earthly matter, depends on its will to occupy itself in a helpful manner .... thus, again, service is the actual purpose of its earthly life. And since it is not forced into a helpful activity, love has to develop within itself, which is the most certain impulse for helpful activity.

What occurred and was achieved during an infinitely long time in the law of compulsion shall now experience its culmination as human being, but of its own volition. The human being should serve with love in order to become completely liberated from the constrained state, which the soul regards as a limitation and restriction of its original abundance of strength and light .... The human being’s soul can reach this goal on earth if it has the sincere will to do so, yet it does not have to attain it, because God gave it freedom of will to enable its free decision for Him or His adversary, who caused its loss of freedom and from whom it therefore has to liberate itself. Loving service is the key to liberation from this infinitely long captivity .... What the spiritual substance had to do in line with God’s will during the long path through all of creation, it should now, in the final stage, do of its own volition .... it should serve because of love .... Thereby it demonstrates its divine origin, for love characterises the divine being and it shapes itself again into its original nature, it accepts again what it had voluntarily abandoned due to arrogance. As soon as the human being serves with love his offence against God will be cancelled, he will have left the state of sinfulness and will have found his way back to God, from Whom he wanted to distance himself .... (had distanced himself) he has recognised his childship and desires to enter into the right kind of relationship with the Father, and through love he will become a true child of God ....

Yet it all has to take place in free will, and this is his test of earthly life which he absolutely has to pass. The human being is able to reach this goal since he will receive help from God in every way, but he may also have completed the infinitely long process of development in the law of compulsion in vain if he, instead of progressing in the stage of a human being, comes to a standstill or even slips back. Then he will misuse his free will again .... he does not use the many opportunities at his disposal to reach the goal, and then he will also have to accept the consequences .... a repeated path through all of creation. One day he will surely reach his goal, but it is up to the being itself to decide the duration of its captivity, for God gave it free will which He respects so that it can become perfect ....


BD 5131                received  14.05.1951

Pillars of the church ....
Vineyard work ....
Labourers - instruments ....

I have drawn you close to Me due to sheer love .... I have known for eternity who has surrendered his opposition to Me and whom I can therefore use to serve Me as an instrument in the last days before the end. As yet you don’t know the hour of the end, I still spread a veil across the final things happening on this earth. Yet you, My loyal followers, shall be informed of My plan of Salvation; I will also let you know the time if necessary, so that you use the knowledge for the benefit of your fellow human beings without informing them of it, because the knowledge of the day and the hour would cause them harm, and thus I can only notify My most privy and loyal labourers and only in a way which will not restrict their faith and will. This is why I test My servants’ hearts in advance, but I also give them the strength to pass every test, and thus the few will emerge who, in the end, will have to render a great service for Me and shall also be capable of doing so. I know your hearts, I know your will and I Myself come to bring you what you desire .... light and strength. And thus you will become strong pillars of My church on earth which no earthly and spiritual power will be able to pull down because you will firmly resist those who want to attack its foundations. I will need strong-minded and staunchly faithful people at the end of this earth ....

And I know such people everywhere and prepare them for the final battle that will be waged against Me and everything of a spiritual nature. However, the preparation will take place by introducing them to My eternal plan of Salvation, in order to explain My reign and activity as well as all events to them for the first time and in order to thereby strengthen their faith in Me, which will afterwards enable them to work diligently and successfully in My vineyard. In addition I will convey light and strength to them, i.e., extensive knowledge which will qualify their work as teachers and also give them strength and inner conviction to prevail against all hostilities from the side of darkness. I will educate an army of strong fighters for Myself, but whom I will also sustain and support until it has completely fulfilled its task .... until it has gained victory over the enemy in the last battle on this earth. I know you and your will and bless you that you have submitted yourselves to Me, I take possession of you and will never ever let you go again .... I need you during these last days because I want to influence your fellow human beings through you, whom I will send to you so that you can carry out your vineyard work on them .... And because I need you I will also take care of you until you have fulfilled your mission, until the end has come, which is imminent for all of you. I want to pour out My spirit over all of you so that you realise which time you are living in and My spirit will let you know when the day will come which is proclaimed in Word and Scripture ....


BD 5132                received  17.05.1951

The working of the Spirit ....

The great secret of divine love is His spirit which is poured out on you. It is not possible for you humans to penetrate this secret until you are imbued by this divine spirit, for it is precisely this which enables you to think right, to think in all truthfulness, and only then will you begin to also vaguely understand divine love, then you will have a faint glimmer of realisation, for something Divine has touched you and kindled a light in you, because the Divine Itself is Light. The spirit of God is effectively the expression of Himself .... an emanation of His divine light of love into infinity, and depending on the state of maturity of the bound spiritual substance within His works of creation so will be the effect on it .... The expression of strength stimulates the spiritual substance which is still subject to the law of compulsion into constant activity, which takes place outwardly, i.e., it is visible to the human eye .... yet in the state of free will, when the spiritual essence is embodied as a human being, the effect of the divine emanation of strength is different .... Then it no longer affects the external, physical form but the spiritual substance bound within it, the soul of the human being, and thus awakens it to life, i.e., the spiritual strength impels the soul into an activity which promotes its perfection.

That is the strength of the spirit, the divine emanation of love, which irrevocably propels the soul towards God .... For it is light and strength, God’s infinitely effective flow of love which has to deify that which is touched by it. God pours out His spirit .... The person who opens his heart to him, who simply wants to be touched by God’s love, exposes himself consciously and voluntarily to His emanation of light, he enters His circuit of love, and God’s strength, His spirit, permeates him, and depending on the human being’s maturity of soul the abundance of the divine spirit will be recognisable in him. The less impurities are surrounding the soul, the easier it can be penetrated by God’s light which reflects with an overwhelmingly powerful brilliance back onto the whole person, who spiritualises himself increasingly more the more he allows the flow of divine light and strength to enter him. However, the spirit of God does not lose itself in infinity but actually draws everything to itself and thus unites the soul which exists outside of divine love with itself again as soon as the soul allows itself to be affected by it, hence, as soon as it turns towards the Eternal Love in order to receive Its gift. Then no distance will exist between the Creator and His created being anymore, then the strength of the spirit will have achieved the unity, then the spiritual spark which once emerged from Him will have been consumed by the fire of the divine spirit of love, it will have united itself with its Father-Spirit of eternity .... as an overjoyed being it will be in the proximity of the One Who is the Light and the Strength of eternity ....


BD 5135                received  22.05.1951

Spiritual reception or mental work? ....
Serious scrutiny ....

An endless abundance of spiritual knowledge can be conveyed to Earth without it being recognised by people for what it is .... For spirits are working in all spheres which want to communicate with people, and depending on people’s degree of maturity are either received or rejected. No spiritual being is prevented from expressing itself if people are willing to listen. Yet people will likewise be granted protection if they don’t want to be approached by evil forces. For force cannot be applied by the spiritual world, neither from below nor from above, and therefore it is always a matter of an individual person’s own free will what kind of spiritual information he receives. However, you should know that that spiritually awakened people, thus those who are in conscious contact with Me and appeal to Me for the pure truth, can never ever be deceived or wrongly instructed again .... For these people are surrounded by a protective wall of spiritual beings of light which only ever endeavour to deny entry to all impure spirits, because a spiritually awakened person belongs to the redemptive community once he has offered his services to Me and his redemptive work shall not be endangered by the darkness. But then it is a question as to what kind of mission the person intending to serve Me has and how far he has already penetrated the truth. A less informed person will be unable to grasp exalted wisdom, consequently he will not be able to judge its value either, to judge a truth which is as yet incomprehensible to him. In that case, however, his mission is not the same as that of a person who was instructed in the most profound knowledge should fulfil .... Furthermore, strict attention has to be paid as to whether ‘spiritual receptions’ or mental brain work are under discussion ....

You do well to remember that spiritual recipients, if they work on My instructions, will be spiritually protected from interference by impure spirits .... but that a person’s own thinking cannot be prohibited when he uses his intellect in order to formulate his will and therefore ‘spiritual reception’ does not takes place. This person can also have good intentions but he does not allow himself to be led, instead he takes the lead himself .... You humans should strictly criticise yourselves, your should remain profoundly humble and let Me work in you, so that you don’t offer the adversary any reason to affect you negatively. You are being educated by My spirit of love if your thoughts aim towards higher spheres. But then everything that still relates to earthly matters will have to be left behind, that is, you must completely exclude yourselves if you pose questions you want answered. Only then will those spiritual forces which impart absolute truth to you be able to step into action. Then pure spiritual thoughts will flow to you and you will be certain that you are being truthfully instructed. But if you take earthly impressions along the soul will still be influenced by the intellect, in which case the intellect can gain the upper hand, and according to its wishes you can be affected by thought currents which are not emanations from the kingdom of light and yet are considered such, this is why contradictory contents should always be critically scrutinised, as not to confuse you. You should learn to move within purely spiritual thought currents, you should only desire purest truth and only want to be spiritually instructed .... you should in profound humility desire to hear My Word .... then all earthly thoughts will step into the background, the beings of light will be able to take effect on you and educate you on My instructions. Then you will receive purest spiritual information whose content is consistent, and every one of you will think the same, because only one truth is sent from above to those who love Me and want to be redemptively active, who want to allow My working in them ....


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