Book 79           NR.  7462 – 7548

received by  Bertha Dudde  between 24.11.1959 and 14.3.1960

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BD 7462                received  24.11.1959

Fear is insufficient faith ....

It is My will that you should not be afraid but only ever believe in a loving and almighty God and Father, Who will not leave you in distress. Fear, however, is insufficient faith. Fear does not know God’s love and omnipotence Who wants to be your Father .... For as soon as you believe that I love you like a father loves his children you will also be convinced that I will not let anything happen to you, no matter what the enemy of your souls will do to you. My protective Fatherly hand is always ready to intervene when it means providing help for My child in need. And you are in need when you are afraid, be it physically or spiritually .... you are in need when you are anxious and despondent because you lack the strength of faith that nothing can happen to you as long as you turn to Me and appeal to Me for protection and help.

Yet even if your own common sense keeps telling you this, your heart nevertheless remains scared and sad, and this is where you have to improve matters yourselves .... by establishing your bond with Me as intimately as possible, with your eternal Father Who is just waiting for you to come to Me in heartfelt prayer and confide your worries to Me. I require this sincere devotion to Me in order to provide your heart with the inner calm that is still lacking in you. You have to come to Me with your every concern and in a completely childlike manner appeal to Me for help .... And I will listen and answer your prayer because I love you like a father loves his children. But you often find it so difficult to approach and discuss matters with Me .... you so often remain distant and struggle to cope with your worries although it would be so simple to burden Me with them and free yourselves of them ....

You have a loving Father Who would like to arrange a pleasant earthly life for you if only you would grant him the right to do so by forming a heartfelt bond with Me as a matter of course .... Anyone who is connected to Me will truly no longer suffer hardship; but difficulties arise as soon as you loosen the connection, because I do not tie you to Me but long for your voluntary devotion to Me .... And this is what you should demonstrate through heartfelt love and personal communication by confiding your worries to Me and appealing to Me to take them from you .... Then all you have to do is wait and it will happen as you wish .... all your worries will be taken from you. And you need not even fear if you are besieged by the powers of darkness, for they cannot harm you as long as your will applies to Me, as long as you yearn for Me and the final unity with Me .... And therefore you should only ever question your deep-down desire, and if it applies to Me you can also firmly trust in the fact that My longing for you will not allow Me to abandon you, that I will protect you from every difficulty wherever it may come from .... I want to own you one day and will not allow you to go astray as long as you yourselves also aim for and strive towards Me .... That is why every worry and apprehension is unnecessary .... You belong to Me and shall remain My Own eternally ....


BD 7463                received  26.11.1959

Who was embodied in Adam? .... I.

You will always be directed correctly by My spirit and mentally guided into truth. I have given you this promise and it will come to pass as soon as you want to be instructed by Me Myself through the spirit. For My spirit in you is My share, it therefore knows all that which you would like to know .... In the beginning only supremely perfect spirits existed, for My tireless spirit of love created them for its own happiness. This spirit of love yearned to receive the same love in return, It yearned for a like-natured being, and possessing it initiated the act of creation, insofar as that this being came forth from Me first. From then on I wanted to share with it the bliss of creating, because it is extraordinarily blissful for a perfect being to time and again create through its will and strength the same beings in all magnificence and constant urge to love, which thus resulted in creating. And My first-created being, Lucifer or the bearer of light, experienced the pleasure of creating in the same way, and it was inconceivably happy .... I allowed it complete freedom, for it was devoted to Me in profound and purest love, I did not limit its creative power since My strength of love constantly permeated this first-created being and because its will, too, was entirely free but nevertheless utterly concurred with Mine, because its love for Me shone brightly to the highest degree .... Consequently, only like-natured, supremely perfect beings were able to emerge from this bond of love .... beings, which were true images of Me Myself, just as the first-created spirit had been in the beginning. When the division of his will started, when Lucifer, in full possession of strength and light, began to compare himself with Me .... when his love occasionally lessened and a certain amount of selfish love broke through, it also occasionally lessened the bright shine of his nature and this affected the beings as well. Nevertheless, these beings had been created through his will and thus My permeation of strength, they equally still emerged in supreme perfection but now and then also started to direct their will wrongly, since it was and remained completely free in all beings which arose from our mutual will and strength. The beings took on the nature of their creator but since My strength of love was their fundamental substance they were also divinely natured; they were perfect because nothing imperfect can emerge from Me and My strength, however, free will is part of a perfect being and this was able to develop in every direction.

Thus it cannot be said that the beings were forced to conform to their creator’s nature, because the strength from Me, which was always involved in the creative process, always guaranteed that, after the first being was created, nothing inferior would emerge from its creator’s will .... because free will is bestowed upon every being and this required every being to experience its own test of will. And this free will resulted in the fact that the fall into the abyss also included beings which emerged from us first, whose intense light of love should never have allowed for it but who misused their free will just as Lucifer, the bearer of light himself, whose exceedingly magnificent nature should never have come to fall because he possessed brightest realisation .... But for this reason, his fall has to be condemned even more just like the fall of those first beings .... just as, the other way round, the later created beings stood firm and detached themselves from him when they were allowed to use their right of self-determination and chose their Lord .... And one of those fallen original spirits was Adam, whose soul was entitled to embody itself as a human being due to its maturity but this nevertheless did not protect him from falling for a second time .... because once again his free will failed .... but not because he was too weak to make the right decision .... He wanted to be greater than God .... That was his original sin and it was the renewed sin in paradise .... And I wanted to create children for Myself who see their Father in Me and after whose love I longed, because My immeasurable love constantly desires reciprocation .... This love was the basis for My whole act of creation, the creation of all original spirits and later of earthly-material creations, because I want to attain this love one day, if only after an infinitely long time .... Time and again I try to make you humans understand the magnitude and profundity of My love, yet as long as you have not become love yourselves, as long as you have not shaped yourselves such that My strength of love can permeate you again as in the beginning, you will be unable to comprehend the depth of My love .... However, you should know that you are able to touch My heart, that I will fulfil your every wish, that I guide you into truth and bestow light upon you because I know that only light causes happiness, because light originates from love and you possess all My love, even if you are unable to feel it .... But time and again I will provide you with the evidence of it ....


BD 7465                received  28.11.1959

Who was embodied in Adam? .... II.

You can come to Me in every adversity, whether you are troubled by earthly or spiritual matters, for I love you and gladly want to grant your wishes: My spirit of eternity impelled Me to create .... My love was greater than great, My wisdom unsurpassed and My power infinite .... Love, however, was strength Which wanted to become effective, Which wanted to express Itself, It wanted to create things which, in turn, gave Me an abundance of pleasure. Unable to give Itself away My love looked for a vessel to pour Itself in, that is, It created Its own vessel, since apart from Me nothing existed which could have caught My immense flow of love in order to experience its bliss. And from within Myself I externalised this vessel as a like-natured being, as My image. The fact that the same creative spirit and creative will was just as inherent in this being as in Me Myself was inevitable or it would not have been in My ‘image’. It was actually My will that the being should feel the same bliss of the ‘creative’ act, and therefore countless similar natured beings came forth from our mutual strength of love of will .... a creative act which can only be hinted at to you humans but not explained in-depth .... But now you must distinguish between My living creations, which emerged from My strength and the beings will, and the first-created being, which My love alone externalised from Me .... This being, Lucifer, had the right to be regarded as a God-like being until it fell .... I had placed it by My side and merely required it to acknowledge Me Myself, that is, to acknowledge that I created it out of My strength .... and it would have remained the most blissful being which could have created and worked next to Me as a true image which was entirely permeated by My strength, with the exception that due to this permeation of strength it was dependent on Me .... However, this would have been a dependence which the being would never have needed to feel, had it continued to share the same will and the same profound love as Mine .... It did not comply with My request, it refused to acknowledge Me as the source of strength and thus descended into the deepest abyss .... It also took many followers along .... beings, which our mutual love and strength and will had created. The path My first-created being takes is entirely its own choice .... The path of the spiritual beings he pulled down into the abyss with him is subject to My will, that is, I prepared a path for these fallen beings on which they can and will return to Me, their Creator and Origin of eternity.

Lucifer, too, would have been able to take the same path, which I, in My wisdom, recognised as being successful, however, I once created him as a completely free being and as a completely free being he has to take the path of return independently .... He was in My image, he was not in a state of dependence on Me, because Love would never have allowed for a lessening of strength on My part .... He was My image whose free will I respect, regardless of how wrongly directed it is .... I will not force him in any way, and I will wait until he voluntarily starts his return to Me .... But as yet he is far from it .... And if it is said: Lucifer incarnated himself in Adam, then it relates to the evil which can be found in all fallen beings .... His satanic spirit, thus everything opposed to God, must go through the embodiment as a human being, and thus Adam, i.e. the embodied original spirit within him with all its evil instincts and inclinations, also had to take abode in the human form in order to discard this satanic spirit, in order to completely turn to Me again, Whom he, as a human being, was certainly able to recognise as his God and Creator of eternity. Even Lucifer would have had to take the path through matter, through all creations, should a human form be available for the purpose of a continued re-transformation towards Me .... For his still utterly untamed spirit would have burst every form, as indeed was the case when he entered the first form in order to test it .... It only consisted of soft and compliant matter which would have been unable to contain My first-created being’s untamed spirit .... whereas Adam’s original spirit had already sufficiently matured so that he felt comfortable in this form up to a point and he would certainly have been able to resist the temptations Lucifer employed in order to regain the fallen brother who was fast approaching the goal. Lucifer was My adversary, and he still is and will remain so until the very last spiritual being he pulled down with him into the abyss starts on the path of return to Me .... Only then will he, too, change his mind and voluntarily hand himself over to Me, but it will still take eternities until this goal is reached ....


BD 7469                received  02.12.1959

Infinitely long fall into the abyss ....
Path of return ....

The work of return is taking its course according to My eternal plan of Salvation. One stage after the other has to be covered, no stage can be arbitrarily missed out, everything takes its course according to My eternal order, the return will happen in the same way as the fall from Me had once taken place, the only difference is that this descent proceeded into infinite emptiness, whereas the return continues through all kinds of works of creation and thus the ascent is guaranteed, because My wisdom and love deem it to be advantageous. Nevertheless, it will take an infinitely long period of time before this work of return is concluded, before the fallen being may inhabit the earth as a human being again, in order to take the last step towards perfection .... These periods of time are so infinitely long that you humans are incapable of comprehending them. However, the fall into the abyss took even longer still, from the point of view of time .... But no concept of time and space existed then, to the spiritual beings which fell away from Me everything was endless .... since due to the ever greater distance from Me they also became increasingly more atrophied, thus the absence of strength of love caused a feeling emptiness and desolation, which they had never known before . And in this state all realisation began to wane, the spiritual being’s thinking became confused, the beings were no longer capable of giving account to themselves as to what had happened, ever more darkness surrounded each being until it was no longer aware of itself and its substance became hardened .... until all energy of life was gone .... Only then did I take care of them again .... Only then did I let Creation arise from these no longer self-aware beings, whose spiritual substance had thus hardened and which I therefore reshaped into all kinds of different creations ....

Hence, Creation had once been the strength I emanated as a being, which was merely reshaped for one purpose: that it should serve Me according to My will, because it once wanted to dominate and as a result of this sin fell into the abyss .... Through being of service it should ascend again, albeit in a constrained will yet with the certainty of reducing the infinitely long fall downwards .... Through its service in the state of compulsion it was intended to reach step by step higher spheres again .... up to the state in which it was also meant to be of service but of its own free will, without being forced into it by Me .... for only then will it be able to take the last step to reach perfection, for it will only use its own free will correctly if it is of loving service of its own accord. The path the once fallen spirits have to cover is infinitely long but their path has been delineated by Me .... Although during the last stage as a human being there is a risk of failure, but the final test of will cannot be avoided, it has to be taken in free will, and therefore it is possible that the human being will fail .... but this will not stop Me from implementing My plan of Salvation which applies to the return of all fallen spiritual beings. One day I will reach the goal and I will do everything possible so that the human being as such will not take the path across earth in vain, but I will not force him, because his every action has to be voluntary and because he must voluntarily be of loving service if his path is to gain him success so that he, at the end of his life on earth, will be liberated from every form ....


BD 7470                received  03.12.1959

Taking stock of oneself and contact with the spiritual realm ....

You should quite often abandon yourselves to thoughts of eternity, you should leave the earth and everything relating to it behind you at times and mentally occupy yourselves with the fact that everything is transient after all and question what you should do in order to gain everlasting possessions which will last for eternity. Furthermore, you should consider your relationship with God, whether it is the relationship of a child with the Father or whether God is still far away and out of reach for you, to Whom you only rarely turn to with the right kind of prayer. You should take a seriously critical look at yourselves as to how you conduct your life .... whether it complies with God’s will which is, after all, known to you: whether you live a life of love, true to His commandments .... An introspection like that will always be a blessing, even if you can only spend a short time on it but every spiritually directed thought will be taken hold of by the beings of light and answered accordingly and you will always derive spiritual benefit from it. But you should not only consider the world and its demands. For its commodities are transient and will only serve your sense of well-being for a short time but they will not bring you spiritual achievement. However, the time is approaching its end and you all still have to do much work to improve your souls, that is, you have to discard your own faults and weaknesses, for which a continuous battle needs to be waged and the strength it requires should constantly be requested from God. Therefore, you should pray ceaselessly, i.e., always direct your thoughts heavenwards and present all your worries and concerns to the Father and appeal for His blessing. Whatever you do, be they spiritual or earthly tasks, shall be done with God’s blessing, and they will always benefit your soul, for God only requests your bond with Him in order to convey His strength to you which you require for the work of improving yourselves. And a constant bond with Him requires you to frequently dwell with your thoughts in the spiritual kingdom and a conscious turning away from the world. Every minute you withdraw into silence, every thought you send upwards, is one step higher to the goal, which you will then also surely reach. You should not just live an entirely unspiritual life, for then your earthly life will be a waste of time and will not result in spiritual achievements ....

However, your bond with Him will detach you ever more from the world and tie you to the spiritual kingdom, into which you will withdraw even more frequently the more insistently the world approaches you, which soon will no longer attract you, because once a soul has entrusted and joined God He will hold on to it. But it always involves an inner battle, for the world keeps the person captive with its enticements and attractions and it requires a serious will to resist these temptations and to be content with spiritual possessions, the true value of which cannot be judged by a person for as long as he lives on earth. But one day he will be happy about the treasures he acquired on earth, one day he will know that they alone are of value and that only the soul with spiritual treasures at its disposal can consider itself happy, for it will be able to work with them in the spiritual realm after everything of an earthly nature has fallen away from it and it has to relinquish all transient possessions of the world. Then it will be wealthy and blissfully happy, a worldly person, in contrast, will stand deprived and lonely at the gate to eternity, for the possessions he acquired on earth do not follow him into eternity and he will have no spiritual possessions to show .... For this reason you should think often of death and your spiritual state, and try to gain spiritual possessions on earth, which one day will constitute the degree of light and bliss when your soul leaves the body and enters the kingdom of the beyond ....


BD 7475                received  11.12.1959

Indications of disasters ....

Soon it will become obvious to you how transient everything is that belongs to the world, because you will hear more and more often about destruction by the forces of nature, about all kinds of accidents and disasters and the unexpected deaths of many people .... And no-one knows whether and when they might have to suffer the same fate, no-one knows when their last hour will come. Yet each person knows that they cannot take anything along into eternity .... Therefore they should let-up in their earthly striving, in their chasing after all sorts of earthly possessions, for when the hour of death arrives they must leave everything behind .... Time and again you will be reminded of this through unforeseen instances when belongings have become worthless through sudden cases of death and all kinds of misfortune. But these are all signs of the Eternal Deity’s mercy which are to remind you to remember your own death as well .... All these are signs of His love, which only ever wants to advance your soul’s salvation and which would like to help you take stock of yourselves and change your way of life. For everything you do for the world, everything you only do for your earthly life, merely provides you with transient goods; but the spiritual goods you offer your soul will gain you spiritual possessions again which will follow you into eternity, even if you are suddenly and unexpectedly recalled from your earthly life. For spiritual possessions are everlasting, they cannot be taken away from you and will make you very happy in the kingdom of the beyond one day .... Nevertheless, regardless of how often the transience of all earthly things is pointed out to you, you never ever try to mentally assign such destinies to yourselves but go on living as before, and time progressively moves towards the end; a limit has been set, both for the individual person as well as for all people, which no-one can ever determine but which might be the next day for him, because every individual person is in God’s hand. People should always remember this and live as they would were they to know the day. Every day they should be willing to leave the earth; they should constantly increase their spiritual wealth and always defer their earthly desires, they should live in awareness of eternity and not just for the moment, since plans for the future can never be made with certainty, thus they should rather count on an early death and prepare themselves for eternity than spend every day merely striving and craving for earthly possessions, for these are and will remain transient and won’t gain the soul any advantage. However, only the soul will survive, it cannot perish, and to make sure that its fate will be good, the human being should provide the soul with that which will help it progress towards happiness: .... The human being should only ever accomplish works of love, in that case he would truly take better care of his soul than he is able to do for his body. For the latter will be preserved as soon as the human being considers his soul first, but soul and body need not fear death, which otherwise will always be dreaded by a person and scare him as long as the human being on earth does not bear his actual purpose in mind. Yet anyone who takes care of his soul first is no longer afraid of death, to a certain extent he is prepared every day and death will not take him by surprise, instead he will merely consider it a much welcome change of location ....


BD 7480                received  17.12.1959

‘Death, where is your sting ....’

And your end will be a blissful one if you die in Me, in your Saviour and Redeemer Jesus Christ, Who has promised that you will not taste death if you have a living faith in Me .... Then I will come and take you to Me into the spiritual kingdom, and your hour of death will just be a change of environment .... Your soul will exchange earth with the spiritual kingdom and be indescribably happy, for all heaviness will fall away and it will trustingly follow Me with burning love, because it has recognised Me as its Redeemer, Who is waiting for it at the threshold to the spiritual realm. Why are you afraid of death? .... Through My death on the cross and My resurrection I have taken the sting out of death, I have bought you life with My blood, and this life you will then take up and never ever lose again.

As long as you live on earth you dread your hour of death .... and regardless of how it may appear to your fellow human beings .... your faith in Me in Jesus Christ will give you a happy ending, even if it seems otherwise to your fellow men, for I alone Am also Ruler over death, and I know whom I can grant eternal life .... And he need not fear death and its horror any longer, for I died the excruciating death for him, so that My Own will be spared, who follow Me and thus want to be and have been true confessors of Jesus Christ on earth.

Take My Words seriously and believe that I Am also a Lord over death and that I can ward off all horrors from someone who has become My Own through his faith and love. And even if his body seems to suffer .... I determine the degrees of pain, and truly, My love will not give the person more to bear than he is able to carry and as is necessary for his soul. This is why I was able to convincingly say ‘Death, where is your sting; hell, where is your victory ....’ For I remained victorious over the one who had brought death into the world, and I will truly let My Own have a share in this victory, which I gained over the price of darkness .... I will grant a happy hour of passing away to those who hold on to Me and remain faithful even in times of struggle and of hardship, for I will also give them the strength to endure and to prove their loyalty for Me. And the greatest victory on earth is to follow Me in firm faith until the end, and this faith will be bestowed upon you by your love which alone brings forth a living faith.

Therefore, you who endeavour to live a life of love need not fear the hour of death, for it will only mean an entry into another world for you, and you will gladly leave earth and exchange its domain with the kingdom of light and blissfulness. You will cross over in peace and harmony of soul, you will not have to pass through any darkness but in a garment of light may enter the kingdom which belongs to Me and promises you glories which you have never seen or experienced before. For if you have found Jesus Christ He will lead you into His kingdom Himself .... into the kingdom which is not of this world ....


BD 7482                received  20.12.1959

God’s love and justice ....

You need never fear Me as a heartless Judge Who mercilessly condemns you even if you deserved it. Although My justice must manifest itself with every judgment, My love will nevertheless have a mitigating say and never pitilessly condemn you because it cannot help itself but to forgive, to rectify and to place a healing hand on wounds a person has inflicted upon himself through his sins. For the soul has caused all calamities, all pain, all hardship and suffering itself, and it is not that I have judged it because of that, but it has condemned itself of its own free will, it has created the state itself it now finds itself in. And My justice prohibits Me from lifting it out of this self-created appalling situation if it does not desire it for the sake of Jesus Christ .... It is certainly condemned but it has chosen its own condemnation .... It should always be recognised that I Am not a ‘punishing’ God Who thus imposes such punishments upon the sinner as atonement for his sins, but that this state of punishment was voluntarily striven for and entered into by the sinner and that I, on account of My justice, cannot give him a better fate than the one he has chosen for himself of his own free will. I take pity on the hardship such sinful souls find themselves in and My love would truly like to create a better fate for them, yet once again it is a matter of free will, which neither My love nor My justice will infringe upon .... The soul itself must want to escape its hardship and it must .... because it is too weak on its own to accomplish its will .... call upon Jesus Christ for strength and help .... This is the only path the soul can be shown, then My mercy will manifest itself and, for the sake of Jesus Christ, all sins will be forgiven. If, therefore, a last ‘Judgment’ is spoken of, it should not be understood as an act of punishment by Me, which might question My mercy or make My infinite love appear doubtful .... Rather, it should be understood as establishing the order, as straightening-out the wrongly directed state in which humanity in particular but also all bound spirits find themselves in during the last days, when people, through My adversary’s influence, run riot and live in a completely God-opposing way .... Then My merciful love will intervene again and put everything right .... but it cannot provide the soul, which has failed as a human being, with a different fate from the one that it has voluntarily aspired to. This is indeed a judgment but not one based on My wrath, instead I banish the spirits back into a physical shell with profound compassion, because justice prevents Me from providing these spirits with a blissful fate .... Yet one day this fate will be theirs too, one day free will shall also make these spiritual beings inclined towards Me, and then I will be able to seize them and permeate them with My love without it being rejected .... For although My love is infinite .... justice is also part of My Nature, and this will come to the fore when the time is fulfilled ....


BD 7485                received  24.12.1959

Christmas ....

All the angels in Heaven were jubilant and rejoiced when I descended to Earth in order to redeem humanity. They knew that their fallen brothers would forever have been irretrievably lost had I not taken pity upon them, had I not searched for and found a way which enabled them to return to Me .... And the thought of knowing that their fallen brothers were saved again, after an infinitely long time of anguish in bondage by the hostile power, made them very happy. I took pity on the human race which was incapable of releasing itself from this power, which was in dire need of help, which needed a Saviour to make amends for their immense guilt, Who would accomplish the act of atonement for the human race, being powerless to do so themselves .... And I sent My Son to earth .... I Myself descended to earth in order to redeem humanity and had to achieve this in a human form in which I Myself took abode in order to accomplish this act of Salvation because as ‘God’ I was unable to suffer, thus I would not have been able to remove the guilt which obstructed the path to heaven for people. For this reason the boy child Jesus came into the world, in whom sheltered a soul of light which subsequently prepared for Me the human abode as a place I could dwell in to be able to accomplish the act of Redemption for the human race.

All the angels in Heaven hailed Me when I entered the shell of the small boy child Jesus, when I humbled Myself to deepest lowliness and fully permeated the boy child Jesus with My divine spirit, so that many different miracles happened at the time of His birth. All events in nature and with the infant itself indicated the extraordinary mission which had to be accomplished by this infant, and the people around Him also recognised the light which shone forth from Him; they knew that this light came from above and shone brightly. And they thanked Me on their bended knees that I had sent them the Saviour Who was to release them from utmost adversity .... For those who were devoted to Me with love also felt their spiritual distress in the midst of the heartless world, which was My adversary’s realm .... And in the midst of this sinful world I embodied Myself, I encountered sin and heartlessness and had to prove Myself as the human being Jesus in the midst of this world .... I had to stem My abundance of light and adapt My soul to the sphere it lived in .... in a manner of speaking I had to let go of the ‘light’ .... but I did not let go of the ‘love’ in Me .... This flared up extremely intensely for the suffering brothers who had fallen so low. And this love gave Me the strength I needed in order to be able to accomplish the act of Salvation as a human being .... Love made Me descend to earth, and love impelled Me to spiritualise My body completely, so that body, soul and spirit became as one and thus were able to completely unite with the divine love Which sheltered within Me, Which had chosen My body as an abode in order to suffer and die as a human being on behalf of the sinful human race; in order to remove its guilt and to open the gate into the kingdom of light again, which was and remained closed for all beings due to their apostasy from Me .... until the day of My crucifixion, of My great act of mercy, which opened the gates again and cleared the path into the Father’s house .... to Me and to eternal life ....


BD 7486                received  25.12.1959

Responsibility in earthly life ....

As soon as you take the path across earth you will exist in undreamt of heights, compared to the abyss you found yourselves in after your apostasy, after your fall into deepest darkness. Truly, only a few more steps have to be taken by you, compared to the infinitely long path you have covered already .... You only need to take a short stretch of path ahead of you in order to reach the goal that was given to you an eternity ago: to be permitted to stay in close proximity to Me as a child of God, to be able to blissfully enjoy the glories of heaven, to be intimately united with Me as it was in the beginning. You are close to your perfection when you may enjoy the grace of the final embodiment as a human being .... and after a short time of testing your will can enter this very kingdom of glory which I promised you when I said ‘Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love Him ....’ You can reach your last goal in this very short earthly life, compared to the time which lies behind you ..... But you can also fall abysmally low again .... you can return to the places you left an eternity ago with My help in order to travel the path of ascent. If you consider that the long path of your preliminary development might have been futile, that you will have to take the same, infinitely long lasting path again .... if you consider that you will be forfeiting My kingdom and its magnificence for the sake of short physical pleasures by allowing your soul to starve in favour of your body .... then a great sense of responsibility should make you strive twice as hard in order to reach your goal while you are still on earth. You should do whatever it takes in order to attain My kingdom and its glory, in order to escape the fate of a renewed banishment and to conclude your process of development, so that you will be released from the form and able to enter the kingdom of the beyond .... Only a few more steps need to be taken and you will have succeeded.

Gather all your strength once more and don’t regret the difficult ascent .... comply with My Words, do whatever I say to you, try to fulfil My will, and you will thank Me forever that time and again I convey this serious admonition to you in order to protect you from a repeated fall into the abyss. I incessantly appeal to you and try to awaken your sense of responsibility; strength will continually flow to you through My Word, My love is constantly striving to help you to progress, so that you will cover the last short path with My support, so that you will not become too weak in order to complete your pilgrimage .... Time and again I will guide you to a source from which you will be able to draw from My water of life to gain strength and vigour on your pilgrim’s journey .... Time and again I will make you aware of the agonising state of a renewed banishment, only to encourage you to follow your goal, to establish the bond with Me and to venture the last short rise at My side, which will surely not be in vain but will truly lead to the goal as long as you make a serious effort to reach this goal. It is not My will that your earthly path should have been futile, it is My will that you should soon be able to enjoy total freedom in light and strength .... I want you to return to Me as My children, to desire with all your heart to escape the abyss and to belong to Me, Whose children you will have become once you have overcome the abyss. I want to know you as blissfully happy, I want you to work in light and strength and freedom, so that you fulfil the purpose that was designated to you from the very start but which presupposes your change from a ‘living creation’ into a ‘child’ of God, which you should thus accomplish in earthly life. This is why I constantly speak to you and exhort you to heed My voice. And I will pursue you with My Words until the end. For I don’t want My living creations to be wretched. I want them to become and remain blissfully happy forever ....


BD 7490                received  30.12.1959

The soul’s fate after physical death ....

After death you will enter a completely different world than earth, but you have the possibility on earth to shape this world such that it will make you happy and you will gladly replace your life on this earth with it. For you can acquire a kingdom of light and beatitude for yourselves if you live an appropriate way of life on earth, if you readily accomplish your psychological task and gather possessions for the spiritual kingdom. Then the world which you enter will truly be a kingdom of bliss, you will not stop rejoicing and marvelling and would never ever want to return to earth again, if this were at all possible.

Thus you yourselves create the world which will receive you after the death of your body .... And therefore you should live responsibly on this earth. For you can also enter a dark and barren kingdom where you will be miserable and which you nevertheless will be unable to leave at will, since your free will aspired to this kingdom while you lived on earth. This, too, was your own affair; it was your own will, for your way of life on earth was such that your fate in the spiritual kingdom could only result in torment and constraint, in darkness and weakness.

Yet either way you will enter a different world, a spiritual kingdom, where all earthly goods will be lost to you, where you will only find what you had spiritually acquired for yourselves on earth. And therefore it is a dreadful state for souls which had not acquired any spiritual goods at all, which had only tried to obtain earthly goods and therefore entered the kingdom of the beyond entirely destitute, where it will then be extremely difficult to attain spiritual possessions, albeit it is not impossible. For the world they occupy now is comparative to their state of soul .... It can mean that the soul continually wanders through dry and barren places where it can’t find anything at all to satisfy its hunger by which such souls are constantly tormented .... which can only be satisfied with gifts of love .... with a supply of strength obtained through loving intercession for such souls.

This is why a soul can already be called blessed if it is followed by kind thoughts beyond the grave and if it has done good works that follow it into eternity .... But poor and needy are the souls which have not earned their fellow human being’s love, which are followed by unpleasant thoughts and have to suffer them far more than you humans on earth can possibly imagine. Therefore, always let kind thoughts follow all deceased into eternity, take pity on them and help them find their way out of the first darkness, never leave them alone but often remember them kindly, it will make them feel good and they will experience it as a flow of strength, as a little help on their path of ascent, which they can only travel if this help is granted to them.

The soul creates its own fate which will await it in the kingdom of the beyond, and in order that it will be a beautiful and pleasing one you shall work for it while you are still on earth, you shall acquire spiritual possessions and always carry out deeds of love, for such deeds will follow you into eternity and amount to a spiritual wealth with which you can work for your own and other souls happiness .... with which you can increase your bliss at any time and impart strength to other souls so that they, too, will walk the path of ascent and be able to become blissfully happy one day .... even if this path of ascent will require a lot of strength and effort, but with good will it is nevertheless possible to progress if they receive help from their spiritual friends and from people on earth who always remember such souls in their prayers ....


BD 7493                received  03.01.1960

Reference to the end ....
Renewed banishment ....

It has been amply proclaimed to you humans that you are approaching difficult times, time and again you have been admonished and warned to stop and change your conduct into a God-pleasing way of life .... Time and again it has been pointed out to you that your soul will be in great danger if it suddenly has to give up its earthly life and enter through the gate to eternity .... Imminent Judgment has been announced to you, the spiritual and earthly upheaval of earth .... your attention has been drawn to the renewed banishment on the Day of Judgment. You have been exhorted to eagerly work at improving your soul in order to avert this fate of a new banishment from you .... But you listen to it and yet do not seriously believe that everything that has been predicted might come true .... You have no faith, and without faith you don’t have the right sense of responsibility towards your soul, which suffers dire adversity .... For only a few more days remain which, however, would be enough to provide it with a certain degree of maturity if this were seriously aspired to. People lack faith and even the believers harbour slight doubts when the near end is being mentioned to them .... even the believers don’t want to accept unreservedly what they are told about the end, although it comes from above. And you must keep your freedom of will, you may not be coerced, and so the days pass by without any achievement for you as long as you do not willingly strive to attain spiritual maturity. Yet then you will no longer doubt that which you were foretold .... As soon as you spiritually strive of your own accord everything you were expected to believe will also become a certainty for you. Then you will also be able to confidently inform your fellow human beings as to what time it is and that the end is near ....

Only someone who is convinced of it will also be able to proclaim the near end with conviction and everything else which humanity is approaching. Only a few are certain that the end is near, for they recognise the signs of the time and are able to recognise it because they look at everything from a spiritual point of view and thus also consider that the time of the end has come. You humans should pay attention to the signs which were announced long ago. Then you will also realise the hour in which you live and it should not be difficult for you to believe in an end and in everything that is associated with this end. Whether you like it or not, you don’t have much time left .... Only, the believer will still endeavour to draw a spiritual benefit from this information, whereas the unbeliever will not even utilise these last days, which he will bitterly regret one day, if he is not granted a renewed banishment, which is such a dreadful fate that the human being should do everything in his power in order to avoid it. This is why he will be informed of it time and again, the knowledge will be conveyed to him as to what will happen to the souls which fail during their earthly life and which will no longer be admitted into the kingdom of the beyond because the time has come to an end .... This knowledge should motivate them to eagerly work at improving their soul. But only a few people believe in it, and proof may not be given .... For this reason countless souls are at risk of losing their earthly life and, at the same time, having their substances dissolved again for a new process of development through the creations of the new earth. They would still be able to avert this danger from them during the last days but they must voluntarily work at improving themselves, they must .... if they think that they cannot believe .... consider the possibility that it is true what they are told and subsequently live accordingly, and they would gain a considerable plus for their souls and not get lost when the day of Judgment has come ....


BD 7494                received  04.01.1960

Love is life itself ....

Only in love will you find true life ..... Love awakens you into life, and love maintains your life forever .... For he who lives in love lives in Me and I in him, and since I Am Love Itself and the Life of Eternity, everything that loves must also be alive .... My fundamental nature has to be in everyone who practises love .... You will have escaped death forever once love has awakened you to life, for then you will also have escaped the one who brought death into the world because of his heartlessness. Anyone who has love is also alive .... Life, however, is constant use of My strength, life is constantly requesting this strength and using it in accordance with My will. Thus no human being who loves and is therefore alive can be inactive any longer, for he will always use the strength permeating him in line with My will, which is also his will, because love and life always signify union with Me .... And therefore it is possible for the human being to attain his soul’s full life on earth already if he makes an effort to live in love, if he unites with Me and constantly receives strength from Me, which then also reveals ‘life’ .... a state of constant blissful activity.

This person will never ever need to fear death again for he has overcome it, even if the person seems weak and incapable of earthly activity in the eyes of the world, but his soul is no longer constrained, it is free and can work and create in freedom which, however, will always have a greater spiritual effect than an earthly one, for this relates to the true life .... Life on earth can nevertheless be a state of death if it only describes the body’s degree of life, which can decline on any day so that the state of death will then overcome body and soul and life will be eternally lost. It is the life of the soul which should be taken care of, and this happens purely through a life of love which provides the soul with strength and thus endows it with true life that lasts eternally. Love alone provides you with such life, and your soul will be happy to have emerged from the state of death into the state of life, where it then can and will be constantly active because the steady influx of strength no longer allows for further inactivity or immobility, because it works and is effective in My will and this work consists of helping those souls to salvation who are still in the state of death and, due to their weakness, require help. This work is accomplished by the soul even if the body is oblivious of it, for it carries out its own activity which is independent of the body but which will not let a soul rest once it has come alive through love. Only love is true life ....

If, however, you work for My kingdom you will not lack love either, and you need only ever try to increase your strength, you need only ever practise love so that ever more strength will permeate you and then you will be able to work consciously and unconsciously for the benefit of the souls who suffer hardship because they have not yet found the true life. All work carried out by you on such souls are indications that you have found life yourselves, and every such effort will also be blessed, for life brings forth new life again, and what you save from eternal death will bear witness of you and your life, for you would be unable to do anything if you had not found life already through the union with Me and My constant influx of strength into you .... You are alive and will live forever .... And you will work in accordance with My will and therein find your own bliss while still on earth and also in the spiritual kingdom ....


BD 7495                received  06.01.1960

Carrying the cross ....
Following Jesus ....

To live as My disciple also means to humbly carry the small cross that is imposed on you humans for the benefit of your soul .... Following Me is associated with taking the path to the cross as well which, however, will be bearable for each one of you because you can always call upon Me to help you carry your cross .... And you will not appeal in vain .... I will take your cross from you or ease your burden; I will not let you carry more than you are able to endure ....

But you have to at least accept a small burden or you would not take up ‘My discipleship’ which, after all, is of utmost benefit for your soul ....

To live as Jesus’ disciple is a really great advantage for the soul, for then it will endure much suffering and thus improve itself while still living on earth, it will enter the kingdom of the beyond purged and thus will have already purged itself of much which would only be an obstacle to beatitude, for the soul has to be purified if it is to wear a garment of light, and thus enter into the kingdom of light. And one day it will be grateful to Me that it was allowed to rid itself of its impurities whilst still on earth, but this also entails travelling the path to the cross, carrying the small cross with which I burden every human being who wants to be My true disciple, who wants to accompany Me on My path to the cross and remove part of his guilt of sin himself while on earth. He will find forgiveness of his guilt, all sins will be remitted to him, for I died on his behalf on the cross, but his soul’s state can vary in its degree of light, and in order to render the soul translucent all impurities have to be removed, it has to clear away what it is capable of removing itself, and thereby it will only increase its own degree of light which it otherwise has to acquire in the beyond through deeds of love for the souls who are in need of help ....

The soul will indeed find forgiveness of sins through the Redemption of Jesus Christ, and that means that it will also enter the kingdom of light; but the varying abundance of light depends on the work the soul performs on itself, which happens through deeds of love and endurance of suffering. That is why every soul is burdened with carrying a cross and therefore it should not fail. It has to carry it patiently or appeal to Me for relief, and I will truly not leave it without help .... As soon as you turn to Me the burden will become perceptively less, for I want you to call Me since I, as the bearer of the cross, always want to walk by your side in order to support and strengthen you when the burden appears to become heavier for you .... Then, by all means, you may look for the One Who wants to take the weight off you, Who will place the burden upon His Own shoulders in order to release you from it .... Yet you should not dispose of the cross entirely if you want to be true followers of Jesus, for He carried the heaviest cross on your behalf because he had accepted all of humanity’s guilt of sin and carried it until the end of His path .... It was often too much for his strength as a human being but He carried it for love of humanity, which He wanted to redeem from the consequences of all sins the human race languished in. And thus you, too, should carry your cross with love for Me in Jesus Christ until the end of your earthly life, and you will gratefully realise the advantage your soul has gained by ‘following Jesus’ when it enters the spiritual kingdom with an abundance of light and freedom, because it will have already removed all burden of sin during its path to the cross, because it enters purified through the gate of eternity into eternal life ....


BD 7496                received  07.01.1960

Jesus as leader ....

Where is your path leading to if you have not chosen Me as your leader? .... This is what you should ask yourselves time and again and desire nothing other than My becoming your leader, to Whom you can entrust yourselves and safely walk by His hand through earthly life. And truly, you will always be led correctly, you will not take wrong paths and distance yourselves from the goal, you will always take the right paths by which you can reach the heavenly kingdom, for then you will be travelling the path to the Father’s house, to your eternal home. But you have to request My leadership .... I won’t impose Myself on you, I will not try to influence you against your will to take or avoid these or those paths .... I want to be asked to be your leader always and everywhere .... I want you to appeal to Me that I should guide and lead you across all uneven paths, and I want you to entrust yourselves to My guidance without resistance, that you will follow Me on the path which I precede in order to guide you to the eternal home. For only one path is leading to it, which is steep and requires exertion, it necessitates strength, a firm staff and support for your safe passage ....

Just let Me always be your leader and you will soon be incapable of going wrong, you will not need to worry that the path will lead you astray or become impassable for you and your failing strength .... If I precede you, you can follow without worry, for I know the best way to the goal, and I will truly shorten the path for you, clear it of all obstructions, carry you across all obstacles and always take you by the hand so that you will reach the goal safely and without harm. But you have to entrust yourselves to Me without reservation, you must not hesitate or fear to be guided wrongly, for you will never be able to find a better leader than Me in earthly life, regardless of how many loyal friends you find amongst your fellow human beings, but they nevertheless don’t all know the path of ascent which leads to Me .... And this is why you should always just keep to Me, but then don’t worry any longer, for once you entrust yourselves to Me I will reward your confidence and take you into My protective care on your earthly course of life. And you will barely notice your progress, for walking next to Me also means receiving My strength, being able to hold you by My hand and thus effortlessly covering the ascent, on account of which you live on earth. For this path has to lead upwards. As long as you walk on even ground, your path is not the right one, since your goal is up above and accordingly it also requires strength, which you can always receive from Me if you have chosen Me as your leader for your earthly course of life.

Yet this life is hard if you walk alone or give My adversary the right to join you, who will know only too well how to embellish the path and fill it with temptations, so that you won’t notice that it does not lead upward but into the abyss .... Then you will be in great danger, for you will prolong your path of return to Me or make it entirely impossible, for I cannot be found below, and the path that is leading through lovely meadows, which is easy and travelled by the children of the world, is not leading to Me but inevitably into the abyss, from where it is incredibly difficult to ascend and will take an endlessly long period of time again. Nevertheless, you have to choose the leader yourselves; you need only ask Me to assume guidance over your earthly life, and I will be with you and displace the other one, when you wants to join you. For if you call upon Me as your leader you will also be relieved from all responsibility, then I will act on your behalf and direct and lead you on the right paths, so that you will safely reach your goal: that you will return to Me in your true home, that you will enter into your Father’s house where I Am waiting for you in order to unite with you again for all eternity ....


BD 7499                received  13.01.1960

Scrutiny of spiritual knowledge ....
Calling upon the spirit ....

You ought to think about what you are expected to believe, you ought to examine it, and always call upon God for help that He may enlighten your spirit, that He may give you the understanding and the right power of judgment in order to be able to distinguish truth from error. You should not believe blindly, don’t accept everything presented to you as truth, for God’s adversary is diligently at work because it is in his interest to undermine the truth, to intersperse the truth with error and to lead people into thinking wrongly .... And so it is understandable that it must be checked, for an examination must be made wherever two different opinions are endorsed, because both together cannot be true if they deviate from each other. But you are incapable of conducting such an examination by yourselves as long as you only use your intellect, because the latter can easily be controlled by God’s adversary. First, your spirit must be awakened and then you will not find it difficult to examine spiritual knowledge. Therefore you should always pray for an enlightened spirit first, for bright and clear thoughts and judgment of what you are expected to believe. And you will soon become aware of the fact that not many teachings will stand up to serious scrutiny as soon as it is conducted with a call upon God for illumination .... You will discover contradictions, misguided interpretations, indistinct concepts will confuse your thoughts and distortedly portray the image of God, your Creator and Father of eternity, you will not always be able to reconcile love, wisdom and power with what you are being taught, with what you are expected to believe. And any teaching which casts doubt on any one of these .... love, wisdom or power .... is wrong .... You should always apply the yardstick that God’s nature may not be portrayed distortedly if a doctrine lays claim to truth. However, God’s adversary will always aim to present God in a way that it will be difficult for people to grant Him all their love. Therefore he will make an effort to distort God’s nature, to portray an unclear image of Him and, particularly, let God’s love appear to be doubtful, because people will then stop believing in God and refrain from doing what is the most important in earthly life: to establish a bond with God, which can only be established through love. Everything that is suitable for making you doubt God’s love is the adversary’s activity. And every doctrine portraying God as a merciless Judge Who only wants to punish His living creations is therefore his work .... even if God’s justice is mentioned. God’s love outweighs everything, although God’s nature will always and forever be perfect and, as a result, justice will never be excluded in everything God does or allows to happen. Yet a true doctrine will never exclude God’s love, consequently, one can never speak of eternal damnation either because this contradicts divine love .... Hence the criteria for the credibility of a doctrine can therefore always be applied in relation to what extent God’s love, wisdom and power the doctrine represents .... And this scrutiny can be carried out by a person at any time with God’s support; it is just that the intellect should not deem itself capable of it by itself, for this still forms different judgments for as long as God’s adversary can still influence it, and he will always interfere where the bond with God, the eternal Father, has not been established as yet .... but which will be established when the human being sincerely calls upon Him for enlightenment through the spirit. After all, this is a matter of truth, and everything shall be done so that you humans gain possession of truth, but you must participate through your will to know the truth .... In that case you will also turn to God of your own accord with an appeal to help you to make a distinction between truth and error and to separate them .... and you will live in truth for as long as you walk with God ....


BD 7501                received  17.01.1960

‘I will pour out My spirit upon all flesh ....’

If you are being addressed by Me, My spirit will descend upon you, My eternal Father-Spirit will make contact with the spiritual spark in you, which remains inseparably as one with Me and is merely an emanated spark which shall return to Me, which shall repeatedly unite itself with the Father-Spirit again. If you are being addressed by Me you will be imbued by the fire of My love, the spiritual spark in you will ignite and spring into action .... It comes alive in you according to its fundamental element. And then a spiritual exchange can take place, that is, spiritual insights can be conveyed to the person, for My spirit is all-knowing, there is nothing it does not know, nothing is unclear to it, it is as knowledgeable as I am and also emanates its knowledge as I do .... It is My spirit which is speaking to you, it is not a second part of Me, it is I Myself Who speaks Words of love and wisdom to you. For you are My once emanated strength of love, you are spirit of My spirit and therefore also always in contact with Me because the strength of love cannot separate itself from Me, only you, as created beings, can keep yourselves distant from Me .... but it is only a distance which exists in your consciousness which, however, on My part cannot remain like this forever, because your fundamental element is the same as I Am: strength of love will forever be in contact with the source of strength. And this contact becomes a reality when you hear Me, when My spirit descends into an open vessel and thus permeates the human being so that he will be able to hear My voice. Then the distance between the human being and Me will be repealed, he will have moved near to his God and Father again, he will let the spiritual spark in him become a flame and this will leap back again to the fire of the Eternal Love .... The tiny spark in the human being finds its path to Me, and the connection is also established by the human being’s will, it exists forever and can never be broken. But it concerns the conscious contact .... This should be aspired to by the human being so that the distance will be repealed, a person should want to be in contact with Me which then enables the working of My spirit, then My spirit will be able to ‘pour out upon all flesh ....’ And that will very evidently happen during the last days before the end: ‘My spirit will pour upon all flesh, servants and handmaidens shall prophesy ....’ For people only rarely establish the connection with Me now, so that I must evidently manifest Myself through the spirit by choosing people for Myself who are not opposed to Me, who prepare themselves as a receiving vessel for My spirit so that I can pour My spirit into them and then speak through them to humanity for their benefit and spiritual advantage. It is necessary that I speak to you humans ....

You should all listen to My voice, and you should all take stock of yourselves, consider My Words, live accordingly and thus prepare yourselves for the end which you cannot avoid because the time has come to an end. I pour out My spirit upon all flesh .... This has been announced to humanity in advance, hence you should not find it difficult to believe in My working of this nature .... You should realise that the time I referred to is upon you, that I will speak to you through servants and handmaidens who, on My instructions, shall inform you through their prophetic spirit. For they will predict future events, they will remind you of My predictions and you will be unable to deny that My spirit will pour itself out again, that these proclaimers do not speak their own words but voice that which is revealed to them by My spirit. I need them as mediators who are to bring My Word to you humans in all purity and clarity again, I need them to speak on My behalf, because My Words are necessary to warn you of the dangers you are facing if you don’t take stock of yourselves and change. For all you humans go on existing without love and thereby become slaves to My adversary .... You must change yourselves into love, then you will take the path to Me and be saved from the downfall. But you don’t have much time left, consequently My voice sounds ever louder, and I speak to you ever more frequently through the mouth of My servants and prophets; I only ask of you to believe those who keep receiving the flow of My spirit because they shall speak on My instructions .... And you will not regret having complied with their admonitions by listening to them and by merely making an effort to live according to the Word which sounds to you from above through My servants, which is your Father’s voice of eternity and shall also guide you back again to Me, from Whom you once came forth and distanced yourselves of your own free will .... Heed My Word from above and know that it is the working of My spirit, that I want to help you and therefore avail Myself of these servants and handmaidens by pouring out My spirit so that I can speak through them to all of you .... so that you will not approach your ruin when the time has been fulfilled ....


BD 7507                received  24.01.1960

Is knowledge necessary on Earth? ....
Commandments of love ....

No knowledge needed for the maturing of souls shall be withheld from you. This is why My Gospel is proclaimed to you, the divine teaching of love, since you need to practice love first in order to be able to actually understand the additional knowledge you receive pertaining to My loving care for your souls’ salvation. Thus My Gospel first proclaims My two commandments of love for God and your neighbour, and if you live up to these you will also become receptive for additional information, for then your spirit will come alive and it will instruct you from within; that is, it will grant you the understanding even if the knowledge, which originated from Me, is given to you by outside sources. Love, however, comes first, and no amount of extensive knowledge will be of use to you if you don’t possess love, in that case you can be called spiritually dead. On the other hand, a person who lives a life of love won’t need extensive knowledge .... He will mature through his way of life and suddenly attain realisation when he exchanges the earthly world for the spiritual kingdom. Nevertheless, spiritual knowledge is also beneficial on earth if it is correctly utilised, if the human being wants to penetrate spiritual correlations, if he would like to get the right idea about My reign and activity .... For then he will learn to love Me ever more and constantly desire to increase his knowledge, because instructions which come forth from Me arouse his spiritual appetite. And thus you humans are being addressed by Me, because only I, as the Eternal Truth Itself, can convey knowledge to you which corresponds to the truth ....

And I know where My Word is taken to, where it will meet the right understanding again .... and I know where love is being practised and who tries to live according to My will. And thus they will receive knowledge which is appropriate to their maturity of soul, to their desire for truth and their conduct. And each person is at liberty to use this knowledge at his own discretion .... he can make use of it by passing it on or think about it in great depth himself, and he can increase it if he strives for it diligently and with good will. Then he will receive constantly more spiritual information, and he will gratefully accept the gifts from My hand because his soul will be maturing and his knowledge will be growing .... For a dead spirit does not desire to know anything about the spiritual kingdom. Nevertheless, no-one should feel depressed if he does not have a lot of spiritual knowledge to show for. As long as he lives on earth according to My will, as long as he fulfils My two commandments of love and thus tries to shape himself into love he will become illuminated with lightening speed as soon as he enters the spiritual kingdom, and then he will be and remain blissfully happy, for he will also understand in a flash and realise all correlations most clearly .... But he must live according to My will, for no-one can be spared the fulfilling of My commandments of love, they are the most important in earthly life, they are the foundation of My Gospel, which is conveyed to you time and again, regardless of by what means. By merely taking the commandments of love to heart and aiming to comply with them you will also fulfil your task in life and help your soul to mature. And this Gospel can be presented to you in all places, you merely need to accept it with the will to hear Me Myself, you must desire and recognise Me Myself in My Word and become receptive when My Word sounds within you, when I address you in order to inform you of My will .... For My Gospel, the good news and doctrine of Salvation, will only ever inform you of My will, which consists of motivating you into being lovingly active and of showing you the effects of a life of love, so that your soul will mature and you will become blissfully happy .... Then the knowledge, which those of you who desire it and which you now may receive, will also make you happy .... You will learn to love Me increasingly more, you will also learn to look upon the next person as My child and your brother, you will love him too and thus slowly change your nature into love, which is and will remain your earthly task of life until you have become perfect, until you unite with Me in love and thus remain united with Me for all eternity ....


BD 7514a                received  04.02.1960

The strength of the Word ....
Daily work of improving the soul .... I.

You should draw the strength you are lacking from My Word. Consider that I speak to you Myself after all, and that this is truly an act of grace which can never be ineffective. Consider that I Myself illuminate you with My love and that you, therefore, should feel it as a flow of strength which is a truly great blessing for your soul. And you will feel physically strengthened, too, if you sincerely unite yourselves with Me .... And new blessings will flow to you time and again because I see your weakness, your spiritual and earthly failure during times of psychological hardship .... But you need not fear failure if only you always keep to My Word: ‘Come unto Me, all ye that labour and are heavily laden .... I will give you rest ....’ You will always find the help you require with Me. You only need to turn to Me with complete trust and time and again hear or read the Words through which I always address My children as a Father. Through these Words you will receive strength and your desperate situation will always resolve itself, you will be able to wait with perfect certainty until your help arrives. My Word contains the strength which will subsequently flow into you if you allow Me to speak to you, however, you must also be convinced of the fact that you are being addressed by Me. You should not read the letter of the Word but be wholeheartedly involved in it and listen to Me, and you will feel the effect of My Word within and on yourselves, as is to be expected, because everything coming forth from Me is strength and must also have the effect of strength. If, however, you still believe yourselves to remain unaffected then it is only due to the fact that you did not establish your bond with Me closely enough, and then you should only remember that My love is intended for you and you will feel this love in My Word and your soul will be strengthened ....


BD 7514b                received  05.02.1960

The strength of the Word ....
Daily work of improving the soul .... II.

Every day offers you the opportunity to mature psychologically, for you can make contact with Me every day through loving actions and heartfelt prayer, and every time you contact Me it enables My strength to flow over to you, which will always affect your soul beneficially .... And if you only make it possible once a day to receive a flow of strength then you can also assuredly expect your maturity to increase and your soul will have won, the day will not have been lived in vain .... And you always have the opportunity, both for loving activity as well as for a heartfelt dialogue with Me, and therefore your process of maturing need not come to a standstill, you can confidently and cheerfully continue on your path through life, for gaining a plus for your soul means a great deal in view of the near end, which precisely requires the increased work of improving the soul. And although you won’t physically perceive it, it concerns predominantly your soul, and this need not be left empty-handed, even if you did not greatly benefit in an earthly way from the day. However, you will also receive earthly strength if you earnestly appeal for it to your Father in heaven, for He is aware of all your problems and will gladly resolve them too ....

After all, you are My children, I take care of all your worries and difficulties, but I also expect your will to be aimed at attaining full spiritual maturity .... Every prayer leads to spiritual blessings, for yourselves as well as for the loved-ones you pray for. Therefore you will also at all times be able to carry out your psychological task, just as you will always be able to pray, by merely uniting yourselves closely with Me and mentally stammering words .... I hear and understand them and I gladly grant requests which a child sends to Me with confidence in My help. And thus no day need be lost for you, since you can always benefit spiritually, providing, of course, that you are of good will and want to belong to Me, because I Am addressing My children with these words who have already established the relationship of a child with its Father and are no longer apart from Me. The others, however, can let many a day pass by without seriously considering their soul, and they are in great spiritual distress. You may also pray on their behalf and it will be a blessing for them as well as for you, for all people shall find their path to Me, because beatitude can only be found in and with Me, because unification with Me is the first and final goal which all of you should reach. Always remember that I love you, that you are My children and I only long to be in constant contact with you which, however, must be established by yourselves. And if you confer your love to Me you confer your will to Me too, and then your thoughts will always be directed towards Me, and you will assuredly help your soul attain maturity, you will not live on earth in vain, because then every day will bring you closer to Me until you are united with Me forever ....


BD 7520                received  11.02.1960

New earth ....
Romans 8 ....

No work of creation on this earth will escape the huge upheaval; it will involve everything from hard matter to the plant- and animal kingdom up to the human being .... Everything will be affected by a work of destruction the extent of which will surpass anything that has ever taken place on earth .... Everything will be consumed so that one can truly speak of a new earth after the work of transformation has been completed. Thus all banished spiritual substances will first be released from their material form; but they will not be able to enjoy their state of freedom for long since they will be bound again in new creations according to their respective degree of maturity. This is why the new creations can arise in a very short time and don’t need a long process of development because the appropriately matured spiritual substances are already present and only require different forms so that the development can continue to progress on the new earth. And these new creations will be so diverse that it will truly lead to great spiritual advancement within far shorter time than on the old earth, for the spiritual substances will not be subjected to as much opposition as is the case in the last days during which evil forces noticeably exert their impeding influence everywhere.

And so the act of transformation will happen quickly but no human being will be conscious of it, for those who were raptured will be returned to the newly shaped earth but will be unable to estimate how long they had been absent from earth because they lacked all sense of time. But nothing will remain in its old form. And even the people themselves will not experience their earthly garment as burdensome .... to a certain extent they will already be enclosed by a more spiritualised form although it is still earthly-material substance, but they will experience no physical weaknesses and pain and will be able to live their life on the new earth in a state which truly can be called paradise. And this state will continue for as long as people live in close unity with God, for as long as they are in direct contact with the world of light and its occupants and completely live in accordance with God’s will. In time, however, a change will take place again when the prince of darkness will gain control over people once more; but that will not happen for a long time since the first generations will still be very intimately united with God, Whose power and glory they were permitted to experience, so that they would remain faithful to Him and constantly live their lives in His love and grace.

As a result the influence of people on all creatures will be most favourable too; people’s love will be felt by the spiritual substances in all works of creation and the more love they sense the faster they progress in their development and in this loving environment also abandon their inner resistance faster. It will gladly be of service and can often leave its form very quickly in order to occupy the next higher one, which considerably shortens the process of development compared to the previous period on the old earth. If only for the sake of this bound spiritual substance alone people should recognise God’s love in the act of transformation, for not only the human being requires God’ help but all creatures sigh for release .... The human being, however, has the opportunity to release himself from the form during his earthly life .... If he fails then it will be his own fault that he has misused his free will again and so he will also have to bear the consequences, for then he will only receive what he had aimed for himself during his earthly life .... since he only desired material things they will become his external shell ....


BD 7521                received  13.02.1960

Pure truth ....
The Word from above ....

You should only ever keep to My Word. And if you are given spiritual information from external sources then check whether it concurs with My directly imparted Word to you and reject what contradicts it. For what the spirit from Me has proclaimed to you is pure truth, which you can also endorse as pure truth at all times. You need not fear spreading error as long as you keep to what I convey to you from above. For since it is My will that the truth shall be spread amongst people I will also take care that you receive it, and I will only ever express Myself through the spirit where the guarantee is given that it will be received and also passed on without being altered .... And I know if and when this is possible, and this is where My spirit will flow .... I want you humans to live in truth .... But I also know how much My adversary is affecting you, who will always try to infiltrate the truth with error .... I know who desires the truth and where My adversary has little influence .... And thus I also know when the request for truth gives Me the opportunity to convey it to earth and in turn to pass it on to other people if only they have the will to serve the truth. I Myself proclaimed the Gospel to people when I lived on earth and they only received pure truth from Me, irrespective of what I taught them ....

Likewise purest truth is coming forth from Me again, and it merely requires a desiring and open heart in order to be received and evaluated as truth. But then it will also spread light, and the characteristic of truth is that the human being will subsequently grow in realisation, that he will gain the kind of knowledge which will illuminate him .... which only truth is able to achieve. Every error, however, causes confused thinking; it darkens the spirit and can never have pleasing effects. Anyone who desires the truth will also feel the blessing of the light .... anyone who lives in error is not aware of it but he lives in the darkness of spirit. However, no person will be able to say that the truth is unattainable, that it can never be accessible to people .... Everyone who seriously wants the truth and enters into contact with Me will be able to receive it. And it is now clearly imparted to you through My Word from above and you can always scrutinise it as to what extent the spiritual knowledge given to you by external sources corresponds to the latter in order to then also know whether you have the truth. For what I convey to you Myself cannot be anything else but the truth which you should keep in high esteem and never relinquish again, for it is an incredibly significant gift of grace which intends to resolve people’s spiritual adversity, which intends to place you into a state of light and strength and help your soul to mature, and which is offered to you by My great love so that you will not keep living in spiritual darkness.

My spirit descends upon you, it pours itself into an open vessel and time and again fills it anew .... My spirit gives you the truth that can only originate from Me and thus the spiritual information can also be confidently upheld as truth towards other people, because no untrue spiritual information can come forth from Me .... And that it comes forth from Me is repeatedly proven to you again by the fact that My human manifestation and My act of Salvation are constantly mentioned .... that I Myself, your God and Father, Jesus Christ, your Redeemer, draw close to you in order to bear witness to Myself. You can detect extraordinary activity and can therefore conclude that a spiritual power is at work .... And it will also be easy for you to acknowledge that this spiritual power is divine, since you are constantly only instructed to love and made aware of the fact that Jesus Christ ought to be your only and most important goal .... And therefore you can also believe what is conveyed to you through My spirit, for the Eternal Truth Itself draws close to you and instructs you .... because It wants you to live in truth ....


BD 7524                received  17.02.1960

Destiny conducive to reach full maturity ....

On My part you are offered every possibility for development, for your whole course of life is determined by Me such that it will provide you with constantly new opportunities to work at improving your soul. Time and again you are faced with opportunities where you must prove yourselves, where you must activate your will, where you thus have to form your own point of view and where it will then matter as to how you reconcile your actions and intentions with My commandments of love for God and your neighbour, which should be at the root of everything you do or don’t do. And your destiny is purely arranged such that you will be motivated to become lovingly active .... Time and again opportunities are created for you to consider your neighbour and thereby also prove your love for Me. My sole concern is to help you transform your nature, and therefore I will also always express Myself in a way which offers you possibilities to achieve this transformation. Your destiny is determined by Me, yet only ever in such a way that it will serve you for the best, that your soul can thereby mature fully if you are of good will, that is, if you intend to achieve perfection on earth. In that case you can only ever recognise My hand in everything you encounter, which guides you such that it will benefit your soul. And this is why you should also humbly accept what providentially approaches you .... This is intended in My plan of eternity, and this plan is truly designed in love and wisdom and will be implemented in love and wisdom, always for the sake of your salvation.

Hence, disaster doesn’t actually exist for you, for although on earth it seems that way, spiritually it is nevertheless only an opportunity to achieve maturity for your souls, and it is only up to you as to whether such a disaster will benefit you, whether it will be a blessing for your soul. It all depends on the attitude of your will, whether it seeks contact with Me and holds on, in that case everything he does and thinks from then on will be a blessing for him. Everything that happens to a person according to destiny must have a good effect for someone who closely unites with Me, for he will not let go of Me and will also overcome every seemingly difficult experience, because I Myself will stand by his side through his heartfelt bond with Me. And thus his destiny will actually resolve itself and take a positive course as soon as the person merely is and remains in contact with Me. And the bond with Me is the purpose and goal of every event, but not everyone will establish it and therefore must often suffer for a long time before he takes the path to Me, Who can then relieve him from every burden when he entrusts himself to Me and appeals for My help. But he should always bear in mind that only his maturing on earth will be blessed on My part and that everything which comes upon a person is conducive to this maturing .... he should always consider that it is up to him as to how long such strokes of fate will burden him, and that he will release himself from them as soon as he enters into heartfelt unity with Me .... he should always remember that it only concerns this heartfelt unity, that he should return to Me, from Whom he had once voluntarily distanced himself ....


BD 7528                received  22.02.1960

Spreading the Gospel ....
Jesus Christ ....

Every person who proclaims the Gospel to the souls .... who tries to bring My Word consisting of the divine teachings of love to his fellow human beings, contributes towards their redemption .... Everyone who reminds his fellow human beings to love proclaims this Gospel when he simultaneously teaches that these are the most important commandments I have given to people, and when he informs them of the results of fulfilling these commandments. Everything that contributes towards educating people to love is already redemption work, because the human being redeems himself through love alone and because love has to be practised in order to thus enable the salvation of one’s own soul .... For love will always seek contact with Jesus Christ, the divine Redeemer, Who only now can bring true redemption to the person believing in Him ....

The human being has to find Jesus Christ without fail because redemption without Him is impossible .... And thus every person renders redemption work if he points or leads his fellow human beings to Jesus Christ .... This is vineyard work, it is a spreading of the seed .... which is the divine teaching of love .... into the human hearts. It is a conscious effort performed by a person for the benefit of his fellow human beings’ souls.

Anyone who has found Jesus Christ himself, who has found redemption from sin and death through Him, will then not grow tired of proclaiming Him to his fellow human beings and will also help him to become redeemed .... anyone who has found Jesus Christ will not rest until his fellow human being has found Him too, and thus he will keep talking about love and inspire his fellow human being to also take the path of love which has Jesus Christ as its goal .... He will not rest until the other person has also found deliverance from sin and death.

As long as the human being is still distanced from the divine Redeemer Jesus Christ his love has not yet become powerful in him, for this love knows and acknowledges the divine Redeemer and cannot help but proclaim Him .... And he who has found Jesus Christ can’t help himself but to proclaim His Gospel of love to everyone he comes into contact with .... He will be constantly active on His behalf and thereby lead many souls to Me, for he makes My Word accessible to them, which is the task of everyone who receives My Word himself, who desires it and to whom I therefore speak .... irrespective of whether this happens directly or through reading or hearing My Word. For it is always Myself Who speaks to you humans if you desire to hear My Word .... This is why proclaiming My Gospel is extremely necessary, and everyone will be blessed who accepts this mission of helping to redeem his fellow human being’s soul, of making the knowledge accessible to him of how and why he has to be redeemed if he wants to become happy one day ....

Anyone who lives with love has found Jesus Christ and the light of realisation shines in him .... but anyone who is not yet redeemed has to be educated, the image of the divine Redeemer Jesus Christ has to be brought home to him and he has to be reminded to turn to and appeal to Him that he, too, should find redemption through Him and His act of Salvation .... And therefore every person spreading My Gospel throughout the world is blessed, for he leads long lost souls to Me who will find salvation through Jesus Christ Himself, Who has redeemed him, too, with His blood ....


BD 7529                received  23.02.1960

Duration of returning to God ....

And even if the work of return will continue for eternities .... one day I will achieve My goal that everything I once had created and which had fallen away from Me will return to Me of its own free will and thereby ‘living creations’ will have become ‘children’, as it had been My plan since eternity. The duration of the process of return entirely depends on the spiritual being which, during its last test of earthly life as a human being, has to prove its will. And since free will so often fails because it cannot pass the final test, one period of Salvation is not enough, and time and again new developmental eras are required. And therefore one can speak of eternities until this process will have been accomplished one day.

Yet the processes of development are times of adversity and torment .... And for this reason alone I aim to shorten them for you, and My constant concern is to influence you such that you will preferably reach your goal during one such developmental process, during one period of Salvation .... that you will improve your nature and sincerely look for unification with Me, because then you will also be close to your perfection and close to the goal. To Me a thousand years are like a day .... I personally don’t mind how long you will take to return to Me, yet you are the ones who will suffer if you excessively prolong your time of return and thus also have to endure immeasurable agonies and adversities .... And since I love you I take pity on you, and only for this reason I try to win you over sooner, for only I know how much time lies behind you and subsequently also ahead of you, if you will fail in this earthly life .... I know your process of development and would like nothing better than that it should be finished when you leave your last form as a human being on this earth .... I don’t want you to suffer even longer; I would like to make you all blissfully happy in My kingdom .... But I will only be able to do so if you have shaped yourselves such that you are close to your original state. If this transformation has not taken place during your earthly life I cannot spare you a repeated process through the creations, and then it will take eternities again until you have to make your decision of will again as a human being on this earth. For only free will can take you close to the goal, even if My love for you is infinite I nevertheless cannot ignore your will and provide you with a fate which you do not deserve as a result of your will, which is still against Me and therefore you cannot be called perfect either. And fate corresponds to maturity .... or, only the will determines the fate of the soul, the once fallen original spirit, who shall return to his source by himself .... to Me, Who is God and Creator to all of you, but also your Father. One day I will reach My goal, one day you will return to Me again ....

But how much time it will take is determined by you yourselves in the stage of a human being .... Hence you are burdened by a tremendous responsibility during the time of your earthly life, and you should always remember this and do what I ask of you through My Word. For in My Word I Myself come near to you in your earthly life and inform you of My will. If you comply with it, you will also be close to your perfection, and you will still reach your given goal before your earthly life comes to an end. And then the dreadful torments and adversities will be over for you, and you will enter into My kingdom, which is a kingdom of light and bliss and which you will recognise as your true home. And I only would like to call on all humans: Take care that you will reach your goal during this earthly life, use your will correctly, and then you will live in accordance with My will, then you will also change your nature and become once more what you had been in the beginning .... beings, which are allowed to take pleasure in light, strength and freedom close to the Father’s heart .... beings, which are infinitely happy ....


BD 7530                received  24.02.1960

Conscious psychological work ....

No-one should reckon to have much time left for the work of improving his soul, for no-one knows when his last hour will come. The human being should live as if every day were the last he was given. He should busily work for the benefit of his soul .... He should not let any day go by without having performed a kind deed, he should support his neighbour with advice and help, he should think of his God and Creator and establish with Him the relationship of a child with its Father .... he should pray to his Father every day and commend himself to Him and His grace. He should entrust himself to Him and appeal to Him for His protection and guidance, he should make mental contact with the world of light .... he should only ever want to do what is good, and then he will, in fact, only do that which complies with God’s will. A person can greatly contribute towards his soul’s speedy maturing on earth if only he consciously works at improving his soul, i.e., by always keeping in mind why he inhabits this earth and then living according to God’s will by fulfilling the commandments of love for God and his neighbour. And he can implement this every day if he is interested in moving forwards in his development, that is, if he lives his earthly life appropriately. But he should not defer this work because he does not know how long he will live on earth .... This knowledge is withheld from him, and for good reason, or he would not be free in his will .... But he also easily runs the risk of carelessly deferring the work of improving his soul, always counting on the fact that there will still be plenty of time to seriously consider his soul ....

No-one knows when his hour will come, it can suddenly take you by surprise, and then you will feel bitter remorse when you realise in the spiritual kingdom what you neglected to do on earth. Many people enter the kingdom of the beyond totally unprepared, they made no spiritual progress at all, they neglected to do everything that might have resulted in this progress, they only lived on earth for their body but never considered the soul, which alone continues to live after the earthly body’s death. And therefore, it must suffer the consequences alone, either to linger in agony and darkness or to stray in utter bleakness through infinite spaces, poor and miserable and in severe distress. You are still living on earth and can spare your soul this dreadful fate, nevertheless, you must make use of your life and work daily and hourly at improving your soul, which can already consist of a spiritually directed thought, because then the beings of light will help you and time and again try to draw you into spiritual spheres, which they will also succeed in doing if you are of good will. You should often consider the hour of your death and you will increasingly overcome your fear of dying, for the more you work at improving your soul the less you will fear the hour of death, for then you will be prepared for it, you will live consciously and therefore fearless and aware you will approach the end, which is time and again proclaimed to you. But woe to those who live irresponsibly from day to day, for the day which ends their life will take them by surprise .... Woe to those who have never considered their soul and only ever attended to their body .... Regardless of whether they die before or live to see the day of the end .... their end will be a dreadful one, for their soul will have to bear the fate which the human being has prepared for it on earth ....


BD 7531                received  25.02.1960

Distributing the divine Word ....

You shall proclaim My pure Gospel .... There is great spiritual hardship amongst people who no longer hear My pure Word because they don’t believe, because their faith is not alive or it would enable them to understand My Word wherever it is offered to them .... For if they requested it with a living faith then they would also truly receive the Word such that they could understand and draw strength from it. But people lack this living faith, just as the messengers lack the strength of spirit which would enable them to accept My Word directly from Me, or even allow Me to speak through the messengers to people Myself. For only the Word that is conveyed by Me has the strength to penetrate a person’s heart and become effective. And thus you should mention everywhere that My Word is sent to you directly from above and that it can truly give you the blessing of the Gospel if you accept it gratefully and are not just hearers but true doers of My Word.

You should proclaim My Word wherever the opportunity presents itself, for people have to know about My Gospel, they have to know about My divine teaching of love, they have to know My will in order to live on earth accordingly, in order to fulfil My commandments of love and always use My Gospel as a guiding principle for their way of life. For only then can a change of character occur in the human being, only then can he shape himself to love and fulfil the purpose of his earthly existence. Hence I convey My Word from above to you humans time and again, hence I use every opportunity to reveal Myself to a human being in order to get access to all people through him, in order to inform everyone of My will and My commandments.

And whatever you humans can do in order to spread My Word, in order to carry it into the world, should be done by you, and your fellow human beings’ attention should be drawn to the extraordinary grace bestowed on people by receiving My Word. You should acquaint them with the living God with Whom you should associate, Who wants to be accepted into your hearts and Whom you have to approach by yourselves if you want to unite with Him. You should inform them that I Am people’s eternal Father and also want to be acknowledged by them as their Father .... You should encourage them to acquire a living faith and thus proclaim the commandments of love, the fulfilment of which will awaken in them a living faith and their spirit, so that they then will strive towards Me of their own accord and establish the union with Me because their nature has changed into love, and love thus strives towards love .... For it is the Eternal Love which reveals Itself to you humans, it is the Eternal Love Which longs for Its children, it is the Eternal Father Who bends down to you in order to inform you of His will. And the messengers of My Gospel will be blessed; they will experience My grace and My protection as long as they live on earth and also one day in the spiritual kingdom, for they have been faithful servants to Me who will receive their reward ....


BD 7533                received  27.02.1960

Standstill of earthly life ....

You start your life on earth without knowing the purpose of earthly life, you gradually become aware of yourselves and then you first have to be informed of the meaning and purpose of your existence. Yet this instruction by and large only concerns your physical welfare, and it can often take a long time before you become aware of a spiritual life .... before you consider your soul and its requirements. If, however, you are correctly instructed early enough, that is, if your attention is drawn to your spiritual development, then your soul will be able to prepare itself accordingly and assert its wishes, i.e. you can live a spiritual life next to the purely physical life and gain spiritual benefits for the soul .... However, a person who only pays attention to his earthly life, who only meets the body’s requirements and ignores his soul, will gain little spiritual success. Only when he becomes aware of the fact that there is a different purpose and goal than merely the physical welfare of the body can the beginning of a spiritual life be spoken of. Prior to that earthly life is just a standstill, lived in vain for the soul, for the human being’s spiritual development.

But every person has the opportunity to receive the information about the meaning and purpose of existence, it is just that he doesn’t always believe these explanations, in which case the soul will be considerably disadvantaged .... And then it can often take a long time until the person begins to understand the worthlessness of earthly ambitions and strives towards a different, spiritual goal. Nevertheless, it has to be left up to him in which direction he shall turn his thoughts and his will, yet he will always receive instructions and then it will depend on him whether these instructions will help him gain understanding, and whether he will derive a benefit from the information conveyed to him. He has to accept this information of his own free will, he simply has to want to fulfil the right purpose of his life .... Then he will also of his own accord turn to the Power Which He recognises above himself with an appeal for assistance, then he will be helped in coming to the certain realisation and subsequently live his life on earth consciously.

For the human being was given intelligence, he can think and mentally consider the pros and cons and thus make a decision, it solely depends on his decision as to whether he will only live an earthly life or strive spiritually as well .... And although it also depends on his will as to whether he thinks correctly he will nevertheless always be offered the option to arrive at the correct conclusion, he will not be left without help, for it is always possible for him to find and travel the right path, so that his life need not be a standstill but can result in complete spiritual development. However, in the final analysis his will is always the crucial factor, for it is free and its direction cannot be determined by any means. Yet everything will be done on part of God in order to direct this will such that it will turn towards God of its own accord, and then every support will be given so that the human being will reach the right goal ....


BD 7538                received  04.03.1960

Short or long lifetime ....

The time given to you for your earthly life is not long, compared to the infinitely long time of your preliminary development, the duration of which cannot possibly be estimated by you. And your earthly life can even be shorter if you are called back into eternity prematurely. Therefore you should eagerly consider your soul, you should provide it with as much nourishment as possible so that it won’t have to starve if it only lives for a short time on earth .... You should constantly provide it with ample food and drink and never rely on a very long earthly life, for you don’t know the day and hour of your physical death .... But your soul will also be able to mature in a short period of time if you are of good will and help it to mature. No-one can determine or know how long he will live, and precisely this lack of knowledge ought to encourage him into actively improving his soul, his way of life should be such that he can calmly consider every day to be his last without having to worry about his soul’s welfare.

And a great many people will lose their lives during the last days, for a large appraisal will still take place and many people will yet be recalled prematurely for the sake of their soul’s salvation, because they had neglected their psychological work but nevertheless shall not fall prey to the merciless fury of God’s adversary who would only draw them ever deeper into the abyss if these souls were not saved from him before. Especially people without spiritual aspirations don’t consider an early death and live irresponsibly although they cannot be called bad. God takes pity on them and wants to help them to develop further in the beyond, which will in fact be far more difficult but not impossible, whereas on earth the fate of souls who live without a sense of responsibility could easily result in a complete descent into the abyss. You are offered enough opportunities on earth to reach full maturity in your earthly life, but if you don’t take advantage of them you are not making the most of your life as a human being either, although it was only given to you for the purpose of your soul’s maturity. If you don’t use the grace of your embodiment as a human being and help your soul achieve final maturity then it is also irrelevant whether you live for a long or just a short time on earth. Yet even if you reach old age, earthly life can still be regarded as brief compared to the time of your preliminary development. Nevertheless, even a very short time on earth will suffice to fulfil your purpose on earth. And thus your maturity is not dependent on the length of your earthly existence but purely on your will of making expedient use of this existence.

Through the Word of God you are shown time and again the right path in order to achieve your soul’s perfection .... you are repeatedly reminded of the divine commandments of love, the fulfilment of which is the only purpose and goal of your existence as a human being .... And you can always practise love even if your life is short, your soul will derive a benefit if you live a life of love .... However, if you don’t keep these two commandments your life will be in vain and your responsibility even greater the longer you live on earth; in which case you can only be thankful if your life will be shortened and you still have the opportunity to develop further in the kingdom of the beyond, so that you will not go completely astray at the end of the day when everyone will be judged according to his efforts ....


BD 7540                received  06.03.1960

God’s care for the human being ....

First seek the kingdom of God .... For it is your task in life to find the contact with My kingdom so that this kingdom can receive you again one day when you leave the earth. This is, in fact, your only task, because everything else will sort itself out, if only you make an effort to do justice to this task. You were placed in this earthly world in order to look for the spiritual kingdom while you live in it .... But you were also given a glorious promise that you will be able to cope with this earthly world as well if you fulfil the condition of looking for the kingdom of God first .... In a manner of speaking, I promised you a reward which, by itself, should alone entice you to comply with My requirement, for as a result of My promise you are also spared the struggle for existence, the worry about your life, about your earthly life ....

You need only take care of your soul’s salvation, and I will take over the care for your physical well-being and sort out everything, which otherwise would demand a great deal of effort from you if you had to deal with it by yourselves. I will take over the care which earthly life demands of you as soon as you fulfil My requirement: to first strive for My kingdom and its justice .... i.e. if you completely hand yourselves over to Me because you recognise Me as your God and Creator, as your Father of eternity, because you recognise that true justice can only be found with Me, a life according to your soul’s maturity, and because you realise that this is why you should seek Me and My kingdom, which will then certainly be opened for those of you who hand yourselves over to Me with complete trust in My justice .... You should only live in the right way with a view of acquiring My kingdom .... You should strive for heartfelt contact with Me ....

However, don’t look for Me in the world, for My kingdom is not of this world, therefore you must turn your thoughts heavenwards, away from the world and its enticements .... you must think of My kingdom, your true home, which you once abandoned and to which you should return again. And you will not regret it if you follow My advice to strive for this kingdom, for you will also be relieved of all earthly worries and problems at the same time, because I will take care of these on your behalf and, in every adversity, I will truly look after you. I will provide for you in an earthly way like a father for his children, I will give to you what you need in everyday life, and I will also provide you with an abundance of spiritual wealth, for as soon as you turn your eyes to Me and My kingdom you will also receive gifts of grace from there and your bond with Me will grow increasingly stronger, earthly life will no longer be a burden to you, you will have what you require .... physically and spiritually .... For then you will have escaped from the danger of succumbing to the world and its demands, of completely becoming enslaved by it and thus you will also have escaped from the lord of the world by completely consciously turning towards My kingdom which will now be granted to you. First seek the kingdom of God, all other things will be given to you .... This promise shall encourage you to look for the bond with Me and My kingdom, for as yet you are often held back by earthly worries, which you take more seriously than the worry for your soul .... But I promise you certain help, I take all your worries upon Me, providing you first look for Me and My kingdom .... Therefore you can live your earthly life completely without worry, if only you would always remember My promise .... However, only a few people take these Words seriously but they are released from all earthly burdens, for I Myself look after them, and I will lovingly look after every person who only ever strives to gain Me and My kingdom. And he will certainly reach the goal, he will find Me and unite with Me. He will not live his life on earth in vain, he will be admitted to My kingdom and be very happy ....


BD 7543                received  09.03.1960

Comforting Words ....

I want to lead you through every adversity .... if only you entrust yourselves to Me, if you submit to My will, if you don’t resist Me with your own will or wrong actions. I will place it into your heart what you shall and shall not do, and you can always believe that it is My will, and you can at all times unreservedly do what you inwardly feel impelled to do. Time and again you will experience moments when you will seemingly lose your inner calm, but equally you will also find it again, for this, too, is part of your soul’s spiritual maturing process, that in times of distress it turns to Me for help, that time and again it seeks the bond with Me anew, as not to become indifferent to its psychological task. And this shall be a comfort to you, that I know all your adversities .... and that I will put an end to them when the time is right .... You don’t need to be disheartened once you have handed yourselves over to Me and My guidance; you can be assured that I will guide you well and that your every path is predetermined by Me Myself, that you thus can follow it and it will always lead you to the goal.

Yet your life cannot pass you by without struggle and suffering or you would not achieve any spiritual progress, but this is your reason for living on earth after all. However, I will always be your protection and shield; I will always take care that you will not break down under the cross with which I burden you for your salvation .... It will not be heavier than you are able to endure, and it will also be taken from you again when it has achieved its purpose: to gain your soul a degree of maturity which heightens its bliss when one day it can discard the body and enter the spiritual kingdom. The cross will be taken from you again as soon as the purpose has been achieved, for I will not let you suffer any longer than necessary, and I will also help you carry it when it seems too heavy for you at times ....

You can truly live your earthly life without worry and it will be endurable for you, you will be able to master it with My help, for you have granted Me the right to walk by your side as soon as you had chosen Me as your guide. And this shall always be your guarantee that you will not take any wrong paths, for I will prevent it because I love you and because you have turned to Me of your own free will. Just sacrifice to Me whatever weighs you down and it will be a blessing to you. But don’t allow yourselves to get depressed by minor disagreements which will confront you time and again but which are not long-lasting ....

Just renew your heartfelt bond with Me again, which is the purpose and goal of all earthly adversities, and you will soon experience a change, once again you will gladly and cheerfully go through life, you will be released from your burden and ever more learn to love Me as your Father, Who will protect and guide you through every adversity ....


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