Book 80           NR.  7549 – 7672

received by  Bertha Dudde  between 15.3.1960 and 12.8.1960

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BD 7549                received  15.03.1960

Disbelief in an end ....

There is not much time left until the end .... even if you believe that the announced end will be in the distant future .... you will be surprised how the signs will increase and the point in time you live in will become only too evident. But everything will always proceed within the framework of natural progression, and that will raise your hope time and again that the end is still far away. However, your will shall remain free until the last day, for you cannot reach your goal by force which consists of establishing your bond with Me, of voluntarily raising your hands to Me and thereby acknowledging Me, Whom you did not want to acknowledge until now. Earthly life will therefore make great demands on you, you will have to endure many adversities and always have the opportunity to turn to Me .... But everything will take place entirely naturally, although the awakened person will recognise it as the last signs before the end.

And if I repeatedly proclaim that you are shortly before the end .... that you are only granted a little time longer on this earth, then you should take this declaration very seriously and not always relate it to the future in line with people’s point of view .... You ought to understand the words as they are given to you, you ought to take them literally, and you will do well by doing so .... For the time is close at hand when the earth will be cleansed and a new earth will arise again .... But regardless of how urgently I speak to you, you don’t want to believe it, and I cannot provide you with any other evidence that My Word is truth than that you will soon be shocked by a natural event and that you then can equally surely count on the end. Yet do you know whether you will survive the former or fall victim to this natural event?

Hence you should likewise consider it an end, for many people will thereby find their demise, and their life will not last much longer anymore. So don’t be thoughtless and prepare yourselves, even if earthly life around you shapes itself as if only progress and prosperity exist .... Just one day, and everything will have disappeared and fallen prey to the destruction of natural forces, and the survivors will be presented with dreadful sights, because it is My will that they should come to their senses and still use the remaining time of grace they have left until the end. For everything I announce to you humans through seers and prophets will come to pass word for word, and you will soon experience the truth of My Word, and blessed is he Who accepted My Word and then found his path to Me, for in great adversity he will always find a way out, he will manifestly experience My help which I have promised to all of you who call upon Me ....

For this reason I speak to you, so that you can appeal to Me for strength in advance and then in utmost distress, when you will only have My help to rely on .... you will receive it, for I do not forget My Own .... Therefore take care that you are counted amongst My Own ....Call upon Me in times of need, and I will answer your prayer ....


BD 7556                received  22.03.1960

God’s act of creation and goal ....

The act of creation was the result of My love .... both the creation of the spiritual beings in My image as well as all earthly-material creations after the apostasy. My love wanted to give itself, it wanted to find itself again in the beings made in My image, which essentially were miniatures of Me. I was impelled by My infinite love to place such beings next to Me in whom I could find Myself again and to whom I could give My unlimited love. The fact that these beings fell away from Me was known to Me from the start and I did not prevent them from doing so, because it was their free will and because only then was it possible for Me to have ‘children’ next to Me instead of ‘living creations’, which was the goal of My act of creation. It will certainly take a long time until the deification of My living creations has been achieved, yet time means nothing to Me, but the goal I set for Myself has also been the cause of the various earthly-material creations, for they are the path which the once fallen spiritual beings will have to travel in order to return to Me, from Whom they once came forth. And even if this process of deification requires an infinitely long time until the being has undertaken it of its own free will .... one day it will nevertheless be able to create and work next to Me and then be indescribably happy. Yet in the meantime it will have to pass through many seemingly endless phases in constriction and torment .... at first in solid matter and then in the plant- and animal world until it has reached the stage of a human being, where it enjoys a certain amount of freedom but not the kind of freedom which had been its original state.

However, it can attain this freedom as long as it lives as a human being on earth. Since the being emerged from My love, and thus its fundamental substance is love too, it need only allow itself to be illuminated by Me and thus direct its hitherto averted will back to Me again .... Then the being, which had become disfigured due to its wrong resolve, will change back to its fundamental nature of love again .... And then it will also deify itself in line with My eternal plan and I will have achieved My goal: My living creation will have voluntarily changed itself into My child and is incomparably happy .... But this re-transformation into love is always subject to free will. And in the stage of a human being this free will can also turn in the wrong direction again without being prevented by Me .... Hence such a process of re-transformation can also take an eternity, because free will is never interfered with and therefore the being determines the duration of its wretched state itself. Nevertheless, it is able to reach its goal in one developmental period and it will be supported in every way to reach its goal. For My love pursues the being because it is a living creation that had emerged from My love. Thus you humans can see what an important factor free will plays in your earthly life, which is not subject to compulsion, neither from My nor from My adversary’s side .... And thus My only endeavour is to teach you to recognise the significance of your free will so that you will then direct it appropriately. I can only ever influence you to direct your will correctly but not force you, just as My adversary is unable to do, but he can influence you just the same in order to gain your will for himself. However, you must make your own free decision and blessed are you if you take the right path, if you find your way to Me and strive for unity with Me again, from which you once voluntarily detached yourselves .... Blessed are you if you, in this earthly life as a human being, succeed in reaching the goal during one period of Salvation .... that you will become free from every form and thus be able to enter into eternity as free and fully enlightened beings of light when your existence on this earth has come to an end ....


BD 7563                received  30.03.1960

Neighbourly love ....

You will always benefit when you look after a neighbour in need .... because you will always be fulfilling My will which is expressed in My commandments of love for God and your neighbour. But you should practise love for your neighbour of your own free will, you should feel prompted from within, only then will you kindle the spark of love in you, and only then will your soul mature. Your every thought, word and action has to be based on love if it is to have a spiritual effect, or you will only ever accomplish earthly duties without the slightest gain for your soul ....

It is always just a matter of love .... of the inner urge to do good, to help where it is needed, to please and bring joy to where the opportunity presents itself .... it is a matter of the person’s inner nature which should become completely absorbed in its love for Me and the next person, which overcomes all selfish love and is completely imbued by love, so that I Myself can be present in him and thus work in him through My spirit. Then the human being cannot be anything but good and will always live in unity with Me, then the earthly world can no longer tempt him but in thought he will always be in the spiritual world since the spirit in him determines his every thought and intention.

But as long as a person’s thoughts are held captive by the world it will not be possible for him to develop love in himself, for then the world will still appeal to his selfish love and this will be satisfied first, which will always be at the expense of the next person. In that case he has to be noticeably confronted by his fellow human being’s suffering; he has to see a lot of misery in order to motivate himself to help and to enable the spark of love within him to ignite so that he feels the benefit of a good deed. Hence much tribulation has yet to be experienced on earth, because love has grown cold amongst people, because My messengers of love are hardly ever appreciated and thus the spiritual hardship, which can only be remedied by love, is also extensive.

People’s lack of love is spiritual hardship which always entails earthly hardship too, therefore the latter will continue to increase in the last days in order to still touch human hearts and awaken in them merciful neighbourly love. However, only a few people will escape this spiritual adversity, for selfishness is gaining the upper hand and that also means that worldly love will become ever more widespread, that people will become enslaved by matter and in their pursuit of it also prepare their later fate, that they will again become matter which they had already surmounted in the past.

And there is only one way out from this banishment, and this way out is and remains love .... Not even My love can release you from the commandment to practise love, for love is the first law, and without love no one can become blessed ....


BD 7569                received  05.04.1960

Self-awareness of the original spirit ....

Every original spirit regains its self-awareness when it lives as a human being on earth and recognises itself as a human being. Then all small particles of soul, which once were dissolved for the purpose of return through the creation, are gathered together in him again, and then the being is able to acquire the degree of maturity which it originally possessed as a created spirit, which it had renounced and now has to regain in order to enter the spiritual kingdom as a spirit of light. And thus every human being is an embodied original spirit, a once fallen being, My eternal love’s product of creation, which merely had left Me of its own free will and therefore also has to return to Me again of its own choice.

But the human being does not know what he was, what he is and what he should become again .... He first needs a certain level of maturity before he can receive and understand this knowledge .... He certainly recognises himself as a human being soon enough but not as a spiritual being that is to fulfil its purpose, and since he only recognises himself as a human being living on earth, his thoughts are more directed towards the world. And this usually prevents spiritual awareness which he will only experience when he turns away from the world towards the spiritual kingdom. Then it is possible to inform him about his real purpose, and then he will be able to accept and adjust to it voluntarily, which will certainly result in his full spiritual maturity. However, once he has accepted it he will also be happy at the thought and the certainty to belong to the original spirits, which I externalised as living creations and which are returning to Me as children, and as human beings are therefore approaching their perfection.

And only the human will needs to be good, because then it focuses on Me of its own accord. The human being asks for his God and Creator and this will is already the right decision, it has passed the test of will which confronted the original spirit as human being on earth. Life on this earth does not last long but it can fully suffice for a person to spiritualise himself so completely that he acquires the degree which results in the childship to God, i.e. which returns the original spirit into the state of perfection again. On account of his will he has achieved the highest degree himself and can now stay in closest proximity to Me where the direct emanation of My love is assured to him .... even though every original spirit will be able to ascend ever higher once he is allowed to enter the kingdom of light, provided the right decision of will was made on earth. And every original spirit is ecstatically happy when he becomes aware of the infinitely long path he had travelled in order to achieve the greatest abundance of light, in order to be immensely blissful .... And he will sing My praises and give thanks and glorify Me eternally, he will be and remain My child which will never leave Me again, which will create and shape in accordance with My will for its own happiness ....


BD 7571                received  07.04.1960

Development of the soul ....
Original spirit ....

Spiritual substance matures during every developmental period, and one period can in fact suffice for the spiritual substance to progress through the creations to the point that it is able to embody itself as a human being and successfully pass its last test of will .... But several such periods may be needed for this spiritualisation of hardened soul-substances if resistance is so strong that its higher development is too slow and the existence as a human being carries an added risk of the soul descending into the abyss again. For free will, which is tested during the stage as a human being, is decisive.

But prior to this, free will is constrained .... Although the hardened spiritual substance is no longer subject to God’s adversary’s will due to this process of development through the creations of earth .... the individual substances are nevertheless unable to use free will, instead they are controlled by God’s will, that is, their process of development takes place in a state of compulsion, they are subject to God’s will, Who assigns a task to all spiritual substances within the works of creation. By accomplishing this task within the law of compulsion they gradually progress, i.e. their resistance lessens; they carry out a helpful function and are able to slowly reach the state when their free will can be returned to them. And this process of development requires constant changes of the external shape .... it is a slow ascent, it is an integration with the laws of nature and therefore a submission to God’s will, if only due to a certain amount of coercion which, however, only helps to relieve the being and one day is meant to provide it with the freedom to think, want and act using its own will again.

And this process through the works of creation cannot be avoided if the spiritual being is to return to God again, from Whom it had distanced itself to such an infinite extent as a result of its apostasy that it would never be able to overcome this distance of its own strength, and would never be released by God’s adversary to return either if God did not remove the spiritual substance from him for the very purpose of banishing it into matter, into the creations on this earth. God’s adversary is entitled to the fallen spirits because they had voluntarily followed him into the abyss .... But God has the same right because the beings emerged from His strength. Hence God is justified in removing them from the adversary’s control, but in return the latter was given the right to influence the soul again when it lives on earth in the stage as a human being. And to this end the spiritual substance must have attained a degree of maturity again when it is able to use its will in order to freely decide which lord to choose.

But God cannot place the spiritual substance into this state instantly, it has to cover the process of ascent in the same progressive stages as it had descended, it has to relinquish its resistance slowly, as it cannot forcibly be broken. And this requires innumerable changes of form, through the world of rocks, plants and animals to the human being .... Every change of external shape also lessens its resistance, for the being has been of service in a state of compulsion by which it gains increasingly lighter forms .... But the sin of apostasy from God is so vast that the distance from Him is therefore vast as well, which means that untold changes of shapes are needed to reduce this distance in order to come closer to God again, when only the last free decision of will is required for the last form to fall off .... for the being to return to the Father again from Whom it had originated ....

And this whole process of development within the creations of earth is a continuous battle .... The spiritual substance tries to burst the external shape because it experiences it as a constraint, but each time it also experiences the rupture of the form as a relief irrespective of its level of maturity .... And this is why the struggle, which you humans are able to observe in the animal kingdom, only seems cruel in your eyes, whereas time and again every animal experiences the change of its external shape as a relief. For this reason God permits or even wants the weaker to succumb to the stronger, the stronger to terminate the life of the weaker and, in a manner of speaking, is thereby even able to serve the spiritual substance to continue its development. Therefore, as long as the being is subject to the law of compulsion everything is determined by God, its end as well as its new formation .... However, as soon as the being has reached the stage of a human being and has received its free will again, God withdraws His will .... And then the human being is given laws which he has to observe if his earthly life is to be successful .... On the one hand he is tied to the laws of nature, and on the other hand he is informed of God’s will, to which he has to submit if his development is to progress and reach a conclusion, for the goal is to become free of every external shape and to enter the kingdom of light as a free spirit .... to return to the Father’s house, to God, from whence the being once originated ....


BD 7573                received  11.04.1960

Bond with God ....

And during hours of psychological adversity the bond with the spiritual kingdom should be sought, your thoughts should turn away from earthly matters and seek refuge in the spirit; the human being should always bear in mind that he does not live for this world and that all earthly worries will fade away if they are compared to the fate of the soul, which requires far greater care. And you are all in a state of psychological adversity when you are influenced by God’s opponent, who makes every effort to disturb your inner calm, who intends to cause discord, who wants to stop you from making contact with God, who creates a restless existence for you by trying to deprive you of your inner peace, who keeps you tied to the world .... He wants to prevent you from establishing the bond with the spiritual kingdom, and precisely because of this you should sincerely entrust yourselves to all beings of light, you should appeal to the heavenly Father for His protection and then hand yourselves over to the guidance of all benevolent beings, which will certainly protect you from the adversary’s influence. You are quite often subject to psychological adversity, for all conflicts in life are suited to disturb your inner composure, and then the soul will be put under pressure by the enemy ....

However, you can confront him by instantly placing yourselves at the side of your God and Father and appealing to Him for His protection against all threats by hostile forces. He has promised you this protection if you choose Him as your guide and companion on the path and trustingly hand yourselves over to Him. Only the bond with Him as well as with all virtuous forces of the spiritual kingdom protects you and provides you with the strength which can resolve your psychological problems. And as soon as you succeed in forming an ever stronger bond, your earthly life will become increasingly more peaceful, for then you will also turn to Him with even the slightest problem and He will always be willing to help. However, as soon as you loosen the bond, the psychological adversities will increase even more, for God’s opponent avails himself of every weakness in order to apply his influence. But the beings of light merely wait for you to show the right attitude towards them, for you to appeal for help from God, then they will be allowed to help you and are always ready to protect you from the enemy. You just should not place your trust in yourselves and your strength alone .... You are incapable of dealing with the cunning and trickery the enemy of your souls is using, but in unison with the enlightened spiritual beings you are strong and able to offer him resistance. And you are surrounded by many beings of light, they merely wait for your call, because they may only intervene if your will deliberately turns to the spiritual kingdom from which you expect help. And this help is assured to you, for the heavenly Father does not leave His children in the adversity of soul, as soon as the child’s thoughts merely turn to the Father and it confides its distress to Him. Then he will instruct all his messengers of light and love, and they will act according to His will ....


BD 7579                received  17.04.1960

Easter ....

And I rebuilt the Temple again as I had promised .... I arose from the dead on the third day, and My body also left the grave because it was My will that people should take notice of My resurrection. They did not believe in life after death and I wanted to provide them with the evidence that it had also been possible for Me to conquer death so that they would believe My promise that every person who believes in Me will arise into life. For this reason I let the body in its spiritual state arise from the grave, I appeared to My disciples who were able to see as well as touch Me because they should believe that I arose from the dead as I had previously announced. But only those whose spiritual state permitted it were able to see Me, for I was no longer physically among them, instead, body and soul had spiritualised themselves and therefore were only visible to those who were able to behold Me with spiritual eyes because I had opened their spiritual vision. And this, on the other hand, was the reason why people doubted, that they argued and voiced the suspicion that My body had been unlawfully removed .... just as even today My resurrection on the third day is still doubted by those who do not understand the soul and body’s process of spiritualisation. People do not believe in a resurrection of the soul and yet, all people will experience the same process, when their body dies, of the soul leaving the body and entering the kingdom of the beyond, for it cannot die, but its state can be entirely different depending on its way of life. Had the latter resulted in maturity, the soul would arise into life .... to a new life in the spiritual realm .... My soul was fully matured, it had united with the Father-Spirit of eternity and during earthly life also knew how to influence the body to adapt to its desire, so that the body would already have attained the spiritualisation of all substances on earth and thus was able to arise after death with the soul, of which I provided the evidence on the third day. Yet even this process can only be believed because it can no longer be proven. But anyone who is spiritually awake, who knows of the human being’s purpose and goal on earth, also believes in My resurrection on the third day with convinced faith, for he will be informed by My spirit which, after My resurrection, also illuminated My fully mature disciples who had spiritual vision, because it was My will and because they were already prepared such that the event of the outpouring of the spirit, My ascension, no longer signified a coercion of will. Therefore only a few individual people were able to behold Me after My resurrection and I strengthened these individuals for this unusual event. They saw Me .... and I wanted it this way, because My disciples were meant to go into the world in order to proclaim My Gospel and because they were to bear witness of My resurrection on the third day. However, I did not appear to the unbelievers, for they would not have been able to endure My abundance of light which would have illuminated their spiritual darkness. But anyone who hears My Gospel, who believes in Me and My act of Salvation shall also be able to believe in My resurrection from the dead, and it will indeed be possible for him to believe it because the spirit in him, which emanates from Me, educates him in the same way and grants him a living faith. He will not require any other evidence, inwardly he will be completely convinced that his soul will arise into life, consequently, he will also live his life on earth consciously, he will strive towards unity with Me, he will keep to Jesus Christ and in Him enter into contact with Me Myself .... he will strive spiritually and constantly try to live up to My will .... and he will not need to fear death because he will know that he will arise into eternal life ....


BD 7581                received  19.04.1960

Spiritual low level necessitates upheaval of earth ....

You will not experience a spiritual renaissance on this earth anymore. A low level has been reached which almost cannot be surpassed because people merely exist with worldly intentions. They do not consider a spiritual life nor do they ask themselves whether they fulfil their real earthly task, because they cannot recognise any other earthly task except to serve their physical wellbeing and to enjoy life to the fullest .... Only few people start their daily activity with spiritual thoughts, and only these few live their earthly life consciously .... They sense that the human being is not on earth merely for the sake of earthly life. They think about it, and since they are of good will they gradually come to understand the purpose of their earthly life. But there are only few of them, and a person will hardly ever succeed in guiding a fellow human being on the same path and convince him of his true destiny. And thus one can speak of a spiritual low level which necessitates a change, which involves such breakdown of creation that it inevitably has to result in an earthly and spiritual turning point.

There have been many times indeed when people lived without God, where much injustice happened and satanic activity was plainly evident. But this situation has gone too far, almost all people now lead a superficial life, they no longer think about it, they have no sense of responsibility, they grow up without faith or merely conform to conventional faith, which is entirely worthless for the development of the soul. And they are also swayed by error, by wrong thinking, they are far from the truth and cannot find it either because they are without love .... And the reason for humanity’s ailment is that love has grown cold .... that people are no longer able to believe in a God and Creator, Who is love, wisdom and might in Himself and to Whom they will have to be accountable for their conduct one day .... They lack love and therefore also awareness, they are spiritually blind and walking towards the abyss. The end will come without fail because order has to be established again if higher development, which is the purpose for people’s life on earth, is to continue.

Whatever can be saved before the end shall be saved, because God’s love will help wherever the smallest measure of will for good exists. However, it would be wrong to rely on people changing their attitude towards God and faith, it would be wrong to rely on a spiritual change that supposedly will take place on this earth. Because people grant God’s adversary too much power, and he truly uses it well. Hence one day his activity will have to come to an end, God will have to take his power from him, his era will have to be brought to an end, and that will also involve impounding his followers as well as himself so that his evil actions will be over for a long time. It will also necessitate a breakdown and transformation of the creations which shelter spiritual substances on earth, which in turn necessitate a new creation .... the formation of a new earth, so that the spiritual development can continue .... And God knows when the time is right for this, He knows when humanity has reached its lowest level, when a transformation of earth and all its creation is necessary and, furthermore, He will keep to this time in accordance with His plan of eternity ....


BD 7584                received  23.04.1960

Serious examination of spiritual knowledge with God’s support ....

No person is denied the right to draw his own conclusions, but he should also know that intellect alone is no guarantee for correct thinking, irrespective of how keenly developed it is. This, in particular, applies to the assessment of spiritual knowledge for which no evidence can be produced. Whether or not such knowledge is truth can be assessed by a person as soon as he turns to God Himself for enlightened thinking .... otherwise he would be unable to examine it or form a correct judgment. But every person also has the right to reject what he cannot accept, providing he is of good will and examines it without bias. He should not blindly believe, he should think about what he is expected to believe, and he should pray for God’s support to do so, he should know that the spirit within instructs him. This also demonstrates the right kind of desire for truth, and thus the truth will be given to him and he will also be able to recognise it as truth. For much is given to people as truth which nevertheless frequently contradicts itself, and then it is up to the person himself to ascertain the truth. But anyone who believes that he can figure it out with his intellect alone can expect to get even more entangled in error, because the intellect is influenced by the adversary of truth, by the prince of darkness, who will do anything to divert people from the truth and provide them with misconceptions.

However, the human being can protect himself by turning to God, by appealing to Him for the recognition of truth. For this reason no one can raise the objection that he is unable to form a correct judgment about truth or error .... As soon as he makes contact with God, as soon as he appeals to Him for enlightenment of spirit he will emotionally recognise whether he should turn to or ignore the spiritual knowledge given to him .... And he will always have the inner certainty of judging correctly because he has not formed his own judgment but God has enlightened his thoughts. But the good will to recognise and to do what is right always has to be part of it .... A rational person, however, will not scrutinise in himself what he is inclined to accept or reject .... He only uses his intellect which, however, takes a different direction, it does not consult God Himself but deems itself qualified for an examination. And it will frequently get it wrong because God does not want to be excluded and because truth comes forth from Him alone.

Yet neither should an examination be omitted because the person allegedly does not feel qualified to make a correct judgment .... For one day he will have to be answerable, and he will not be able to justify himself on account of other people’s judgment which he accepted without hesitation because it was expected of him .... He should attain a living faith and that requires deliberation of what he is taught. Only the living faith will be valued by God, a dead faith, a conventional faith is, however, as good as no faith at all ....

And thus you humans will repeatedly have the opportunity to express your opinion about this or that teaching, about the spiritual information imparted to you, and you do well to turn to God Himself, for He, as the Eternal Truth, will make the truth available to you, He will place it into your heart, so that you will be able to form your own judgment, and that this judgment will also correspond to the truth. You should not just trust in your strength alone, for as soon as God cannot take part due to your will, due to your prayer, someone else will take part and he will make use of your intellect .... Then you will distance yourselves increasingly more from the truth, because he will not rest until he has achieved his objective ....


BD 7590                received  29.04.1960

Limitation of knowledge ....

Your intellectual knowledge is subject to limitations .... Yet by way of inner enlightenment through the spirit you can gain unlimited knowledge, and this particularly applies to spiritual matters, it applies to knowledge which cannot be verified, which concerns everything of a ‘non-earthly’ nature .... For this knowledge can only be received from God Who distributes it in accordance with His wise judgment. Sharp as a person’s intellect may be .... he is unable to fathom spiritual domains, for God has reserved Himself the right to enlighten the person who asks Him for enlightenment and who also fulfils the conditions that make him worthy of an answer. But precisely this spiritual knowledge results in the person’s true understanding, which lifts him out of his state of darkness into the enlightened state of his original existence. Earthly knowledge is only of some value for the duration of earthly life, whereas spiritual knowledge remains forever.

As long as a person lacks this spiritual knowledge he lives in spiritual darkness. But he can gain this knowledge while he lives on earth ..... he can achieve a state of awareness, he can receive clarification about things which his human intellect is unable to explain. He can transcend the limits of his intellect and gain knowledge which will please him and which he can take with him into eternity .... This knowledge is conveyed to him by God Himself through the spirit, providing he sincerely desires it and has fulfilled the necessary conditions: a 1iving faith in God, which he has awakened to life through deeds of love .... a sincere desire for truth and an inward listening in heart-felt contact with God, Whose Word he desires to hear. Living faith is necessary for a human being to believe that a direct communication from God is possible and listens for it .... And he will receive an answer .... God Himself will guide him into truth, God Himself will teach and explain to him whatever he wants to know. For God speaks through the spirit to the spiritual spark within the person, because spirit can only be heard by spirit.

And this divine spirit knows everything without limitation, only the human being himself limits the spirit due to his will .... due to the degree of his love which also determines the degree of realisation he will gain .... He can penetrate the most profound knowledge concerning the reign and work of God and His plan of Salvation, he can learn about everything which explains to him the purpose and meaning of creation and human existence, he can arrive at the most enlightening knowledge and thereby regain the degree of enlightenment with which he was originally blessed .... He can, in fact, find solutions to spiritual problems which human intellect will never be able to solve, and his knowledge will never be restricted by God unless the person limits himself as a result of insufficient love or adverse will .... which usually does not happen once a person could be taught by God’s spirit .... For God does not set limits, but human will is free and is always respected ....

Even so, there is no evidence for spiritual knowledge unless a person accepts the working of the spirit in himself as proof, which is indeed absolute proof to the believer, but it will not be accepted as proof by the unbeliever. For that reason spiritual knowledge cannot be conveyed academically, for even if it were passed on from person to person, the other person would lack the conviction that this knowledge is the truth, as long as he, in turn, does not meet the conditions required by God to receive spiritual knowledge. Hence, everyone has to acquire enlightenment for himself, or at least desire it and turn to the right source; but no one should believe he can gain this knowledge with his intellect alone, because God Himself is the primary source of all light .... because a human being can only gain true comprehension by way of God, Who could think of nothing better than guide people into truth, conveying true knowledge to them, and thus lead them from a state of spiritual darkness into the light. For light alone is beatitude, and to gain enlightenment is purpose and goal for every human being on earth . .


BD 7591                received  30.04.1960

Renewed banishment is the result of spiritual death ....

Spiritual death necessitates banishment into matter, that is: a spiritual being having succumbed to death, which remains in a lifeless state, must be engendered into hard matter again in order to slowly return to life. As long as there is still a small spark of life within the spiritual being everything will be attempted in order to guide it further towards life, and this can certainly be successful so that the being will then be spared being banished into matter, and it will nevertheless slowly come alive, if only after an infinitely long time. But there is also a possibility that the being will become completely paralysed, that it will descend ever more into the abyss .... which many souls in the beyond allow to happen .... Then the spiritual substance of this being will be dissolved and once again placed into hard matter .... into the creations on earth. And it will have to travel a tremendously painful path in order to come back to life again.

And people on earth can similarly descend in their spiritual state in the last days; they can keep striving towards the abyss of their own free will, they can completely commit themselves to the lord of darkness and, as his followers, descend into utmost darkness themselves .... And then it will also be necessary to dissolve the souls into countless minute particles and to place them into the creations again, they will have to take the path of higher development through untold forms once more until they awaken to life all over again ....

And this low spiritual level has occurred; during the last days spiritual death is unmistakable and everything is being done on earth as well as in the beyond in order to stimulate individual sparks of life, in order to strengthen existing life and to prevent it from falling prey to death. For it is a time of infinite torment which the spiritual being will have to endure if it is banished into matter again. And God’s love and mercy also applies to what has descended to the lowest point and wants to protect it from this fate. However, where the spiritual being’s free will opposes Him God’s plan of Salvation has to be carried out, after which a renewed banishment into matter will be unavoidable.

Were people to have precise information about this they would truly do everything in their power in order to escape spiritual death .... But they do not accept the knowledge of it, they don’t believe in a continuation of life, they don’t believe in a justification before God and neither do they believe in a God and Creator Who will demand accountability from them one day ....

Their ‘Ego’, however, cannot cease to exist anymore and its abode will be appropriate to its state, and although it will no longer be conscious of itself in a state of death it will nevertheless feel the agony of its captivity, since it was originally created as a free spiritual being. Even so, in its lifeless state it cannot be placed where life exists because it had voluntarily chosen a state of death and its will was subsequently complied with. Free will, however, is a state of beatitude and the bound state is a state of torment .... And as a human being the soul chooses its own state.

And God’s love and wisdom allows it to keep its freedom but helps the human being in every conceivable way to attain eternal life .... just as He will grant His help again through a banishment into matter so that what is lifeless can awaken to life again one day. And God’s love applies to all once fallen spiritual beings, it also follows them into the abyss and helps them ascend again .... but it is particularly active during the time when the being has regained its self-awareness and free will .... during the time as a human being .... so that it will then change its initially still dead state into a state of life. But the human being’s free will remains untouched, it will be respected, and this free will determines whether the being will lose its external form for good or whether the form will become solid again .... so that it will return into hard matter once more. Then the being will have fallen prey to spiritual death and it will take an infinitely long time until it once again receives the grace of embodiment as a human being where it can acquire life for itself ....


BD 7596                received  07.05.1960

Serious warning about the end ....

Consciously receive My Word as your Father’s loving speech and listen to what I want to say to you: You are living in the last phase of this earth, it is you who live in the last days, it is you who can still experience the spiritual turning-point if your state of maturity allows you to persevere to the end. The time of the end has irrevocably come, regardless how implausible you deem this to be. For the day is predetermined in My plan of Salvation and it will be adhered to because the time is fulfilled. There will be no more delay, for the adversary’s activity is getting out of hand and his actions will always be brought to an end when he exceeds the boundaries of his authority .... when he has influenced people to the point that they lose all faith in a God Who one day will hold every individual person to account as to how he has lived his life. The human being is supposed to choose his Lord during his lifetime on earth, he is supposed to choose Me and reject My adversary and thus he must also be informed about both powers who want to possess him and fight for his soul. This knowledge is crucial for making a decision.

My adversary, however, tries to suppress this information and he succeeds because people, due to their attitude and their will, leave themselves open to his influence. And he takes advantage of it in a way which surpasses his authority by far: He influences people to take violent actions against the believers, against everything that is to be understood as belief in a God and Creator .... Most of all, he tries to induce people into eradicating the belief in the divine Redeemer Jesus Christ. He will unleash the final battle of faith and, in a manner of speaking, force Me to put an end to his activities in order to save the few, who want to remain loyal to Me, from eternal ruin. And this time is near and therefore also the end. By repeatedly announcing this to you through My Word I only intend to make you realise the significance of the time you are living in, you should be aware of the gravity of this time and take care not to fall prey to My adversary’s artful temptations, for he influences people in an appalling manner in order to make them abandon their belief in Me and is very successful. And if I Am now counteracting his actions by speaking to people Myself in order to enable them to have faith in Me or to strengthen their faith, then this, in itself, is already an explanation for My Word from above, which truly ought to convince you, for My love for you humans motivates Me to help you in a time of momentous spiritual hardship, which can let you go astray for eternities and which I therefore would like to stop from happening to you.

Even though your free will alone is decisive I nevertheless take pity on your ignorance, your misguided thinking and indifference, and by talking to you I try time and again to shake you out of your apathy and motivate you to think. Believe that you will be in great spiritual peril if you don’t abide by My Word and fight against your enemy .... Believe that you have the strength to do so, that you need not fear to succumb in the battle against him .... Just change your will. Direct it towards Me if you want to find God and I will let Myself be found by you. But if you are indifferent My adversary will gain the upper hand over you, and then you will be lost for an endless time. This is the danger you find yourselves in and I know that you need exceptional help, yet I cannot determine your will, I can only ever speak to you again and warn and admonish you, I can only ever give you My merciful love and inform you of what is to come, of the time you are approaching .... I cannot do anything other than lovingly speak to you time and again, so that you may recognise a God and Father, so that you will believe in Him and loyally abide by this faith. But the end will come irrevocably, for My Word is truth and fulfils itself, and the hour of the end has been predetermined since the beginning of time .... Hence accept My Word in your hearts and just desire to become blessed .... And I will not leave you, I will give you strength to persevere until the end .... I will be a powerful protection and shield for My Own and support you when you have to profess Me before the world ....


BD 7597                received  08.05.1960

Living faith ....
Awakening of life ....

Awakening into true life begins when the human being makes conscious contact with God, when he acknowledges a Being above himself .... when he thus believes in this Being and tries to join Him, that is, when he feels a relationship between the higher Being and himself and would like to continue this relationship. In that case the spiritual spark in him has already come alive and is trying to influence him from within to strive towards the eternal Father-Spirit. The spark of love has already ignited itself, thus he will always feel inwardly urged to do deeds of love, although at first they will only consist of being kind towards his fellow human beings .... But love will always be recognisable or the life in him would be unable to arise. And now this life is making itself noticeable, it is effectively a second life within himself, independent from his actual physical life which every human being experiences even if the spiritual spark in him is still dormant and he is thus spiritually dead. But only this second life gives the human being real satisfaction, for then he will be associating with God through directing his thoughts towards Him and through prayer .... And this person will not forget his God either, because God Himself will hold on to him and prevent the person from succumbing to death once more ....

Nevertheless, a distinction has to be made between the intellectual knowledge of Him and the living awareness of a higher Being, for anything taught can be forgotten again, it can be rejected at a later time; it has not yet brought the soul to life .... The latter knowledge, however, can lead to a living faith if the human being is of good will .... And then he will never lose the life again once it has come awake in him. And it can arise from the moment the human being is able to think. For as soon as he is willing to love his thinking will be guided correctly, and then he will seek the bond with God, with a Being to Whom he can give himself with confidence. For the human being feels his own inadequacy, he feels that he needs a Guide and Protector because he is aware of his weakness .... And therefore he looks for the Being from Which he expects help in every situation of life .... It happens unconsciously at first but it makes him very happy if he can believe in such a Being and has entered into contact with Him. This is the plain and simple faith which can be gained by every child but which is alive in him and not the result of teachings, which the child can certainly accept but which do not bestow the inner conviction upon him. For this conviction involves the child’s willingness to love which brings the spiritual spark within itself to life. And everything else will then be induced by this spiritual spark, which time and again will stimulate the person’s longing for the eternal Father-Spirit until the person quite consciously establishes the bond through heartfelt prayer which then, however, will absolutely guarantee the Father’s care of the child and will never again let it descend into spiritual blindness, into death.

This is why the passing on of religious doctrines is not sufficient; although they will not be rejected they won’t necessarily bestow ‘life’. Only love manages to attain true life, and this alone motivates the children to think about the religious doctrines and look for the Father, Who will also let Himself be found .... And then the spiritual spark within the person will constantly urge him towards the Father-Spirit. He will feel inwardly pushed to bond with Him; he will feel inwardly pushed into kind-hearted activity and prayer. And both will initiate the unification with Him, which is the purpose and goal of earthly life .... both will awaken the human being into eternal life, into a life he cannot lose anymore because it is the spiritual life which has nothing in common with earthly life. And then the human being will have found his God, the child will have found the Father and surrendered itself to Him forever .... And from now on the human being cannot die again; he will live eternally ....


BD 7599                received  14.05.1960

Admonition for all vineyard labourers ....

The waves of unrest trying to take hold of you, My servants on earth, will keep rising, and you will go through all kinds of problems and yet, you must remain faithful to Me in all problems of body and soul .... Always remember that you are living at the time of the end .... And this end time will still bring you a great many surprises of various kinds. But one thing is certain, you should faithfully keep to My revelations, to My Word, which comes to you from above. For even in this respect My adversary will try to cause much confusion by aiming to intersperse the truth with serious errors, and he will be successful because people often lack the spirit of discernment .... because they often lack an awakened spirit. However, they can pray for the gift of discernment, for I will truly not let a person live in error who sincerely desires the truth. And I will certainly convey to you the knowledge you need in order to successfully accomplish your vineyard work for Me and My kingdom .... for this reason it is not necessary for you to adopt unfamiliar spiritual knowledge you have not received from Me. But you should pay attention to what happens around you, to what is going on in this world and to people’s actions, because thereby you will recognise the activity of the one who is raging during the last days because he knows that he does not have much time left. And thus I tell you time and time again that you should leave the control and guidance to Me, because I know where and in which way a person who is willing to work for Me is a faithful labourer .... And I will truly assign his work to him, he will not need to search for the work he should do for Me. However, it is My adversary’s activity to keep confusing people’s thoughts, to rush and irritate them, to deprive them of their inner calm, to turn people against each other and to destroy all good relations .... My adversary also exerts his influence by diverting people’s eyes from purely spiritual processes and directing them towards the machinations of immature spirits which avail themselves of ensnared people in order to cause trouble .... Follow your path steadfastly, be willing to serve Me as faithful servants and always wait for where I will deploy you for your service .... And I will guide you .... but do not act independently, instead, let Me arrange everything, because I know the success or failure, I also know My adversary’s activity and can only ever advise you to turn to Me, to hand yourselves over to Me and not to act overzealously, because all agitation is My adversary’s work, but you can only find inner calm in Me. If you let Me be your guide and constant companion, everything will work itself out in such a way that you need only follow your inner urging and you will be acting in a righteous and good way before Me and thus serve Me in truth as My labourers in My vineyard. But do not allow yourselves to be influenced by strange forces. And you will always have to fear a strange force if you lose your inner calm. Everything requires its time, and even the activity of evil forces is permitted by Me so that the extent of people’s resistance to them can be tested. When the time is right I will confront them with My strength and then you, My servants, will know that you are working and acting for Me. And therefore there is only one thing to do: trustingly hand yourselves over to Me and appeal for My guidance, then you will be called to service which could be a success for Me .... You should not tackle things of your own accord without having received instructions from Me .... but you should at all times be ready to serve Me, then you will be guided such that you can accomplish your vineyard work well, that you can save souls from their final downfall .... that you therefore will be diligent labourers for Me during the last days before the end ....


BD 7601                received  16.05.1960

Contact with inhabitants of other worlds ....
‘In My Father’s house ....’

Countless heavenly bodies circle the universe, and they all have the task of helping immature souls reach maturity .....

So now you can understand the Words: ‘In My Father’s house are many mansions ....’ And every star receives the souls whose state of maturity is suitable to its conditions; in other words, the potential for maturity differs on every star and the souls are placed accordingly. But the living conditions, too, are always different, because the stars’ nature and consistency vary. A detailed description cannot be given to people on earth because much would be incomprehensible to them and requires spiritual knowledge in order to be understood. But for all souls, whatever their degree of maturity, suitable stars exist for maturing, where souls of good will are able to ascend. For even there the spiritual beings’ free will is taken into account, even there spiritual constraint is not applied, although the respective living conditions constrain the beings to the extent that they have to accept them or they could not survive in their world. And everywhere the beings will receive a light which reveals the purpose of their existence .... Whether they accept and utilise the light is up to them but it is decisive for their ascent. And all these works of God’s creation are ‘mansions in the Father’s house ....’

Hence all spiritual essence will one day achieve the degree of maturity which will enable it to exchange physical creations with purely spiritual ones .... which you humans are unable to perceive with your physical eyes. Because everything that is visible to you are creations which shelter beings which are still immature, since perfected beings are active in the kingdom of light and no longer require ‘visible’ creations for their abode. But the distance between all these works of creation is vast and they are not within reach of each other either .... The inhabitants of all these worlds are tied to their planet, to the star on which they live .... They are only able to change their abode after reaching a certain degree of maturity, and not arbitrarily but in line with God’s fundamental law .... to which all His creations must submit, including the beings who are allocated to them. It is therefore foolish to assume that the inhabitants of these worlds could arbitrarily depart from them and approach other worlds without fearing their own destruction. Because the living conditions are different on all stars and these cannot be excluded arbitrarily. However, during the last days even such plans are being worked on.

(17.5.1960) God’s opponent takes advantage of people’s gullibility by feigning that they can have contact with inhabitants of other worlds and that these, for apparently good reasons, also want to make contact with the inhabitants of earth. He intends to undermine the belief in an end of the old earth and thereby prevent people from preparing themselves for this end .... But people should be informed that earth is a planet on its own which has no connection with other worlds, and that any connection with other worlds can only be spiritually established .... Hence the human being is, in fact, able to make contact with inhabitants of advanced worlds, with the kingdom of light, by way of good and appealing thoughts for help at times of spiritual hardship .... which will then be given to him spiritually .... but that it is not advisable for him to call on beings on other stars whose spiritual degree of maturity and their ability to offer spiritual help is unknown to him. Physical help is definitely out of the question, as God’s adversary would like people to believe that these beings could exert their influence on the inhabitants of earth before a final destruction. Only God can provide the right kind of help when the time arrives which is feared by you humans, and if you believe it He will grant this help to everyone who asks for it.

And He truly has enough angels who exclusively comply with and implement His will, and they will also take care of people when the hour comes .... But God’s adversary has found fertile ground in people’s gullibility onto which he can sow many bad seeds. People would rather accept his misguided instructions than pure truth, which shows the value of his seeds. Because error is always accepted over truth, the human being will always seek to gain advantage from error and reject the truth, which does not promise him any profits. The end is near, and it will come without fail .... Every teaching is wrong which questions an end or provides people with a way out that does not correspond with God’s will .... For God Himself will lead everyone out of danger who entrusts himself to Him, who takes refuge with Him, who belongs to His Own who need not fear an end ....


BD 7603                received  20.05.1960

God’s blessing should be requested ....

Don’t fail to appeal for My blessing in whatever you start, for thereby you demonstrate that you have chosen Me as your leader, that you don’t want to do anything without Me, that you thus want to be in contact with Me .... And this assures you of My blessing and My guidance wherever you go .... And believe that you need not fear any setbacks if you have appealed for My blessing beforehand, that this request will truly protect you from failure .... for even what you possibly consider failure will then, in truth, only benefit your soul. You should only ever think of Me, that is all I expect of you; but you often exclude Me from your thoughts, and then you always run the risk that My adversary will intrude and influence you unfavourably.

I want to caution you of this, otherwise you make your earthly path more difficult, because you can have a far easier life if I Am and remain your constant companion .... And time and again you have to request My assistance, for the bond with Me is necessary in order to be protected from My adversary who will not stop bothering you. He has much power during the last days before the end which only you can reduce, for your will and thoughts when they are turned towards Me are a substantial shield in the battle against him, it is the best weapon you can use to oppose him, since then you will call Me to you, from Whom he takes flight and thus lets go of you too.

He causes much confusion even amongst My Own, because he will put everyone belonging to Me under extreme pressure by squeezing between people and turning them against each other. And then you only need to make contact with Me and he will set you free. For you and your will are the decisive factors as to whether he can take possession of you. This is why you don’t need to be afraid of him, because he is completely powerless if your will applies to Me and thus you give yourselves to Me with complete confidence and appeal for My protection. But he has great power over you if you walk alone, without Me and My illuminating guidance. Then he can be effective in his domain, and he does so in truly satanic style.

This is why I keep telling you, do not start anything without first appealing for My blessing, and thereby proving to Me your resolve to be connected with Me, and you truly will finish your day’s work with My blessing, it will be successful, you will walk along calmly and with inner peace, you will no longer be a target for him, for I will be walking by your side, and he will take flight from Me, because he cannot bear the bright radiance of My light that surrounds you now ....


BD 7604                received  21.05.1960

Forerunner ....
Knowledge about previous incarnation ....

You, who live on earth during the last days in order to be of service to Me, should not lose yourselves in assumptions as to whose spirit you embody. I have spread a veil across things which are not conducive to your earthly life and your mission. This is why the knowledge about your former incarnation on earth is withheld from you. Let it suffice you to know that I provide everyone willing to be of service to Me with great strength and grace and that, precisely because the adversary’s activity during the last days is so powerful, it also requires powerful spirits of light in order to counteract and stand up to his activity where redemptive work is carried out on earth. And these spirits of light must remain profoundly humble in order to accomplish their mission, because pride, or arrogance, in particular offer the adversary the best opening for an attack and might therefore undermine this mission. And all people are in danger of falling prey to this, his very attribute and arch-evil .... For this reason such opportunities are not supported on My part, instead I only ever try to influence the human being to remain profoundly humble, because then he will also be able to resist My adversary and not get caught up in his nets of lies. And it is not helpful for a person to know about his previous incarnation .... or he would receive this knowledge the moment he starts his work for Me and My kingdom ....

But one person will know about it, it will not be concealed from him, because he has to accomplish the most demanding task in the last days: as My forerunner to announce Me, as a voice in the wilderness to proclaim My coming in the clouds and to pay for his mission for Me with his life .... This knowledge, however, will not burden him because he will be a supremely powerful spirit who consciously undertook his last embodiment on earth in recognition of the urgency of his task, which he shall be willing to accomplish out of profound love for Me. He is one of the few who seal what they proclaim with death .... He has the strength to do so because he loves Me Whom he once did not quite recognise, who indeed had to give up his life for Me once before but who is willing to die a thousand deaths on My behalf .... who therefore also travels this final earthly path in awareness of his mission and his origin. But he will only be certain of this when his final mission begins, when he .... having previously lived in utter seclusion .... steps into the limelight, when his heartfelt bond with God suddenly enlightens him about the task he has to accomplish on earth .... Then he will proclaim Me with fiery zeal, he will do whatever it takes to refer people to the end and the last Judgment; he will speak frankly and boldly against the rulers whose power he does not fear, instead he will publicly denounce them because he recognises them as emissaries of Satan, against whom he openly campaigns.

And this will be My last sign, for he will appear during the final stages, during the time of the battle of faith, which will be waged shortly before the end. Regardless of what you hear earlier .... his time of activity will not start until this battle of faith erupts, when the lights will shine brightly to point people to the path which all people shall take .... And he will be the brightest light which will shine where you least expect it .... his radiance will outshine everything and therefore also be recognisable by all who don’t shun the light .... But be patient and wait until then, and don’t entertain false assumptions in advance .... For you will often still be misled by My adversary who wants to divert your vision in order to stop you, who are willing to serve Me as loyal servants, from your own missionary work. Don’t let yourselves be deceived .... you will very clearly recognise when the time has come where such extraordinary things will happen that I, too, will have to intervene extraordinarily in order to help My Own. For My adversary’s actions will shake their faith as well if they don’t firmly adhere to Me and hand everything over to Me in confidence of My right guidance. And then you shall also feel My will within your hearts, so that you no longer need to ask what you ought to do. My will shall be within you, you shall not be able to act against My will, and you will also know that your actions are merely fulfilling My will. Time and again I say to you: don’t be hasty, wait until I call you, until I place My will into your heart, for your premature actions can also destroy what has been laboriously built up before.

Always bear in mind that people’s faith is still too weak, that they occasionally need a lighter fare so as not to harm their souls .... And to these you should only preach My Gospel of love but not present them with teachings which they are unable to grasp. And this also includes the knowledge about the incarnation of spirits of light, because they often lack belief in the soul’s continuation of life altogether. It is not always appropriate to announce the appearance of the forerunner prior to My second coming to such people, yet if they accept My Gospel of love they will also learn to believe and recognise him when he appears, because he will be preceded by grave events and a ‘separation of the spirits’ will then be recognisable .... people, who are either for or against Me and therefore exhibit corresponding spiritual understanding. Not much time will pass before all these Words will be understandable to you, and then you will no longer ask but know that My coming is imminent, because you will recognise the one who was My forerunner during My time on earth and who will be it again, as it is proclaimed in Word and Scripture ....


BD 7609                received  28.05.1960

The end will come unexpectedly ....

And unusual intervention by God will take place when the time is right .... This has been announced to you over and over again, yet you doubt it, because the time I still grant to you as a reprieve seems too long for you; however, you fail to consider that I regard time differently, that a short extension of time is irrelevant in view of the magnitude of My intervention, in view of the overwhelming act of destruction which this intervention as well as the forthcoming end will mean to humanity. You forget the fact that you were nevertheless only granted a short time of grace but that even the longest period of time will one day come to an end and that you should, therefore, expect every day that My announcements will fulfil themselves. And this is how you should also look at your life, always thinking that every day could be the last day for you. One day, when you no longer live on earth in the flesh, you will realise how short your whole lifetime on earth has been. And then you will also understand the urgency of My admonitions and warnings, for only then will you realise that your concept of time on earth is different from that in the spiritual realm. However, you should already recognise this while you are living on earth and therefore accept My admonitions and warnings, you should not doubt even if you think it takes a long time until My intervention will take place. It will nevertheless come unexpectedly and cause tremendous adversity to those people who are not yet so united with Me that, in their distress, they simply take refuge with Me.

The day will come unexpectedly, like all big natural disasters of a similar kind, which you humans are unable to prevent or evaluate in advance .... Even so, it will come without fail .... I will repeat this time and again with all urgency, because it is necessary for you to prepare yourselves for it, for you to believe and always live your life in view of this natural event. For no human being will know whether he will belong to the survivors, no-one will know where the event will take place and which countries will be affected by it. You all should count on it and be thankful to Me if it passes you by. For in that case you will still have to fulfil the task of carrying out labours of love for those affected unfortunate people and of showing them the path to Me, so that I can comfort and uplift them and lead them out of all adversity. For truly, nothing is impossible for Me, and an intimate prayer can avert much suffering and hardship, wherever it may be. This is why I repeatedly come in the Word to you, so that you can draw strength from it in advance and calmly face whatever will affect you. And time and again I say to you: take care that you belong to My Own, who will find refuge and protection with Me, whom I will strengthen over and over again and to whom I will impart extraordinary strength to work for Me and My name. And then the end will not be far away anymore. And you should all prepare yourselves for this end and learn to believe ever more firmly what is proclaimed to you through My Word .... For everything will come to pass when the time is right ....


BD 7611                received  30.05.1960

Separation of the spirits ....
The end of an earthly period ....

The path as a human being through earthly life is the once fallen original spirit’s last phase of development on this earth .... it is the conclusion of the time this spirit was granted for its higher development, it is the conclusion of the period of time during which the original spirit is able to attain perfection again if it makes good use of the last phase, the stage as a human being, if it turns its will in the right direction during this time. Thus it is able to achieve its goal of entering the kingdom, from whence it originated, in a completely spiritualised state again; it is able to return to the light, to the Primary Source of eternity, to the Father, from Whom it formerly emerged as His living creation. But although this earthly life is short, compared to the infinitely long period of time of preliminary development, the great risk nevertheless exists that the human being will misuse his will again, that he will not strive to attain his perfection but descend into the abyss again .... And since this is his free will he cannot be prevented from doing so, just as he, vice versa, cannot be forced to turn his will correctly. Hence it is a matter of testing his will for the second time, and he has to pass this test as a human being or his course through earthly life will have been unsuccessful .... which might also result in a renewed banishment into matter if he is not granted the last grace to gradually ascend in the kingdom of the beyond under far more difficult conditions than on earth. This possibility still exists for as long as the earthly period has not yet been concluded because the realm of the beyond is still open to the souls which depart from this earth in an immature state. Yet the gates to the beyond will close as soon as this period of Salvation comes to an end and a new one starts again .... For the end of an old era also means the complete separation of the spirits, it means a reintegration of all spirits into external covers or creations which correspond to their degree of maturity.

And for the purpose of a renewed banishment hell will also spew out everything during the last days, then every possibility to advance further in the kingdom of the beyond will also be over, on account of which considerable redemptive work is still carried out in order to still save souls from below from a repeated banishment into matter. Substantial sifting will take place in the beyond and on earth. And if people on earth would consider how far they have already progressed and how near they are to attaining their perfection they would truly muster all their strength in order to still make good use of the time they have left until the end .... Yet no matter what is said to them they take nothing seriously; they don’t use the time in order to reach their goal and the last grace of their embodiment as a human being is passing them by ineffectively, for even all other means of grace bestowed upon them during this time are either not accepted or used incorrectly, and an infinitely long process of development is coming to an end without have reached the right outcome for the human soul .... for the once fallen original spirit, which is intended to return to God .... However, people can only be admonished and warned, and that happens to a large extent through the divine Word which God’s greater than great love conveys from above to people on earth as an exceptional means of grace .... And all people will be addressed by it and need only open their heart and ears in order to feel the strength of the divine Word and to assuredly ascend. Thus every human being has the option to obtain strength for himself, he only has to be of good will and strive to fulfil the purpose of his earthly life .... He must live the short time until the end of his life consciously, he must want to comply with the will of the One Who had given him his life, he must hand himself over to Him and appeal to Him for strength and grace. Then he will also reach his goal, for this appeal will always be granted to him, and God will bless everyone who turns to Him for strength and grace, and his earthly path will not have been in vain ....


BD 7613                received  01.06.1960

The Father speaks to His child ....

You all are able to listen to My voice within yourselves and it will speak to you .... Yet how rarely do you humans establish such an intimate bond with Me and keep constantly thinking of Me. How rarely do you give Me the opportunity to speak to you by consciously entrusting yourselves to Me in order to talk to Me personally, by withdrawing from the world and involving yourselves in thoughts solely of Me. You do this so seldom because you don’t seriously believe that you will be able to hear Me, that I will speak to you like a father speaks to his children. You have not yet established the relationship of a child to its father, I Am only ever the distant God to you, Whom you dare not address and Who therefore cannot talk to you like a father to his child .... But you can try it at anytime .... You only need to withdraw from the world, you only need to quietly enter into contemplation and take the path to Me in your thoughts .... You need only wish to hear My voice and your desire will be fulfilled when you listen attentively and observe the thoughts which arise in you more distinctly, because the more intimately you are giving yourselves to Me, the more you will desire to hear Me. For I will answer you .... because I do nothing more gladly than talking to My children who are now bound to Me by a strong bond of love, the Father’s love to His child. And if you would make this attempt more often, you would be delighted by the inner peace permeating you, for you would feel My nearness and in this nearness you would also know yourselves to always be protected. Every one of you could attain this blessing of My communication, even if he is not conscious of the fact that it is this intimate contact with Me which provides him with inner tranquillity. But soon he will not want to miss these hours which he gives to Me, which he spends in quiet contemplation, and his soul will mature, for he will never be without a flow of strength when he has looked for and found Me.

Every thought of Me is a blessing .... All people should avail themselves of this and time after time turn to Me in thought, for then he will have already addressed Me and I can answer him if he listens to this answer, that is, if he waits quietly and then takes notice of his arising thoughts. Then he draws Me to himself, and thus I can always be with those whose thoughts are with Me .... They induce My presence themselves, and My presence always has to be of benefit for your souls. Hence you should often give yourselves the blessing of My presence, for it requires your will to withdraw from the world and lift yourselves into spiritual spheres, where you will always be when your thoughts are with Me. And then your soul will truly not suffer anymore, for it will be strengthened by Me Myself, Who has access to it now, Who can now speak to and give it what it needs to fully mature during its time on earth. For I want that it should achieve perfection while it is still on earth, and as soon as I can influence the soul directly its perfection will also be guaranteed. And therefore I want to be able to address it directly, yet your will has to decide that you will intimately devote yourselves to Me and desire to hear Me .... Then I will surely be with you and I will talk to you like a father to his child whose love I want to win forever ....


BD 7618                received  07.06.1960

Where did evil come from? ....

You cannot assess to which abysmal distance the once-fallen spirit has sunk as a result of its opposition to Me, his God and Creator of eternity. He knew Me, he possessed an abundance of light which excluded all deficiency of realisation .... throughout eternities he received the evidence of My love and strength; he knew he had come forth from Me, that I had created him; he was inconceivably happy to receive My strength of love and he used this strength according to his will, which continuously augmented his bliss .... And yet, he left Me .... He rebelled against Me, rejected My love and plunged into bottomless depths .... He, whom I once created in My image, became My direct opposite .... And now you humans pose the question as to how this could have been possible; after all, the first being, the bearer of light, was created in all perfection, as nothing imperfect can come forth from Me .... This question can only be answered in that perfection knows no limitation, no restriction; it was able to move in any direction without being prevented from doing so. Free will is an imperative part of perfection .... perfection includes the fact that everything has the rightful measure but this also means that free will can exceed the rightful measure and that the rightful measure will thereby be revoked .... Lawful order is the rightful measure in all things. Consequently, if free will diverts from the lawful dimension, disorder will ensue, a state, which no longer corresponds to My will, to My eternal order. Hence something initially divine, something good, changes into something non-divine .... into something opposing God .... And this is therefore the concept of ‘sin’ .... On the other hand, it must be possible to exceed the ‘rightful measure’, otherwise free will could not become active, but it can just as well remain within eternal order. It is therefore indeed possible that a being created by Me can entertain wrong thoughts and intentions because it has free will .... but it is never pushed by Me Myself into wrong thinking and wanting, because it would be impossible for Me, the most perfect Being, to ever have a wrong thought, hence the allegation is wrong that evil is also inherent in Me .... Nor did the being I externalised have anything evil in itself when I created it .... everything it possessed was the lawful measure so that it did not have to fall ....

However, because the thoughts and intentions of the perfect being were unlimited, it was also able to go beyond the rightful measure .... it was able to lose itself and step out of the eternal order. But this spiritual confusion of the being could only occur when it turned away from Me, when it prevented My Word from sounding in him, for My Word was unable to give or demand anything else but perfection .... My Word would never have induced the being into leaving My eternal order, but once the bond with Me became loosened and the being no longer listened to My voice, it was also able to think and want in the wrong direction, because this option was open to it on account of its decision of will. Yet ‘sin’ .... the wrong will .... was at all times external from Me, I was only ever able to think and want in lawful order. I Myself was perfect, I created perfect beings and these remained perfect for as long as they upheld their connection with Me, but which they were also able to sever as a sign that they possessed free will. But this bond with Me guaranteed right inclinations and thoughts .... detachment from Me resulted in wrong inclinations and thoughts. For the being aspired towards something external to Me .... Lucifer, the light bearer, put himself in My place, although he recognised Me as the primary source .... The beings which came forth from both of us put Lucifer in My place, even though they, too, possessed the light of realisation .... Hence they deliberately carried out the separation and no longer moved within the right order, they no longer possessed the rightful measure, instead, the negative now predominated .... whereas in lawful order the positive prevails. In other words: perfection was being lost and something imperfect emerged from this change of will, which expressed itself in a negative way and thus distanced itself increasingly further. Something outside of Me also went outside the lawful order, because lawful order can only be in Me, the most perfect Being, and because everything that does not correspond to this order is evil .... therefore sin. And so the answer to the question as to whether I carry evil in Me is clear. Nothing evil can exist in Me or I would not be perfect. And evil is always that which steps out of this perfection and turns the rightful measure around, which thus revokes the eternal order, which is the fundamental principle of My nature. However, as evidence of its divinity I had to give free will to every being, and this had to have the option to change itself in any direction .... And thus the being itself created evil when it rebelled against Me, when it left the eternal order, when it wanted to use its strength negatively and work against Me .... when it distanced itself from Me. And for the sake of My ultimate goal .... for My living creations to become ‘children’ .... I did not prevent the being, nevertheless, it could just as well have remained with Me, it did not have to become sinful and fall, it could have voluntarily remained perfect and enjoyed supreme bliss, nevertheless, it voluntarily forfeited it.


BD 7618a                received  11.06.1960

Where did evil come from? ....

However, it cannot be denied that the human being has evil within himself, for he does not live in lawful order as yet, he is still outside of Me and must first have entered the order of eternity again in order to then, as a perfect being, also have cleansed himself of everything evil, in order to be a divine being again .... My image. But, on the other hand, it cannot be said that at the birth of a human being evil has been implanted in him by Me either, for this does not correspond to truth; instead, the soul, which now animates the body, is an aggregation of tiny immature particles which are not moving within lawful order as yet and have to enter this order during their existence on earth .... It is still distant from Me when it embodies itself as a human being and shall unite itself with Me. Free will, which the original spirit once possessed, should strive towards unification with Me once more, it should liberate itself from all negative thoughts and will indeed only allow positive thoughts to arise in him the more the human being strives towards Me and seeks to unite with Me again. In that case he will push everything evil out from him, he will try to keep the order, he will find the ‘rightful measure’ in everything .... He will be good again just as he was in the beginning. Evil is only external to the Divine, it is the ‘disobedience to God’ .... But I cannot be disobedient to Myself .... My fundamental nature is love. I can only ever give and provide happiness, but I cannot force the being to accept My gift .... It must also be able to reject it because it has free will. However, as soon as it rejects My love, it opposes Me and places itself outside the circuit of My flow of love. And then the positive turns itself into the negative .... From then on the state of the being is such that it starts to want and think wrongly and distances itself ever further .... The process of return gradually reduces the vast distance; however, as long as the being has not voluntarily looked for and found the final proximity to Me it still harbours wrong thoughts which are .... because they are against Me .... evil and should be changed into the opposite during its human existence. And if the human being voluntarily seeks unity with Me, then he will reject every wrong thought, he will look for and only want the good, the Divine .... He will want to become again what he was in the beginning .... My image, My child, which is and will remain united with Me for all eternity ....


BD 7622                received  15.06.1960

Following Jesus ....
Patiently bearing the cross ....

You demonstrate that you follow Me when you patiently accept the suffering which My love places upon you so that your souls will mature. Always remember that I requested you to follow Me with the Words ‘ .... let him take up his cross and follow Me ....’ I certainly want to help you carry your cross but you should not try to throw it away completely, you should always consider that you can remove many impurities from your soul if you patiently carry your cross. I will always give you the strength for it if you ask Me, for I Am always close to you if you live in My discipleship on earth. And you don’t have much time left .... Therefore you will have to endure increased suffering because I want to help you attain a degree of light while you are still on earth which will enable you to enter into beatitude when your end has come. But always remain in contact with Me through loving activity, prayer and constant thinking of Me, for then I will always be able to be close to you and you can safely follow your path even if you have to carry a small cross. However, a steady life in carefree tranquillity would not be beneficial for you unless you were so extraordinarily lovingly active that your soul’s process of maturing would be successfully accomplished .... But you are all still too half-hearted in your kind-hearted actions and therefore gain too little for your soul, and thus the suffering must contribute towards your purification process. And always remember the terrible suffering I have taken upon Myself on your behalf .... You yourselves would have had to endure this suffering on account of your guilt of sin and you would have been incapable of doing so. This is why I accepted the guilt on your behalf and suffered indescribably because I love you and wanted to endure the suffering on your behalf. Then your cross will seem small to you, you will gladly carry it because you want to follow Me, and you will safely enter through the gate into the kingdom of light because I pave the way and open the gate for you so that you will be blissfully happy. Accept your cross, that is, patiently and for love of Me carry all suffering which burdens you, but which is needed for your maturity of soul, for one day the soul may take pleasure in the light, one day the cross it had to carry will seem an easy one. Let Me walk by your side, then I will help you carry and you will not feel the burden so much. And I Am with every person who calls upon Me in thought, I only wait for this call because I cannot take effect in you against your will despite My love for you. But I will never leave you alone and even the cross placed upon you is proof of My presence, because I thereby gently admonish you to follow Me, Who took all of humanity’s suffering upon My shoulders and walked the path to the cross with it. Therefore be patient, no matter what weighs you down, My love will strengthen you, My love will relieve you from the cross when the time is right ....


BD 7624                received  17.06.1960

Countless evidence of God ....

I make it easy for you to believe, if only you wanted to, for I furnish you with such obvious evidence of Myself and My working so that you would easily be able to recognise Me and consequently could also gain a convinced faith. I give evidence of Myself through creation, through everything surrounding you .... And I give evidence of Myself through My Word which rings out to you from above and is conveyed to people who are willing to believe .... For the will to do so must be present first, then the human being will also be able to believe. The will to believe opens his eyes, ears and heart .... and he will be able to see, hear or perceive countless pieces of evidence of My existence, because I will reveal Myself to a human being of good will .... because I will come close and make Myself known to him. Hence no person can say that it is impossible for him to believe .... but it is merely a lack of willingness, and no human being can be compelled. In that case his will is still utterly opposed to Me, for the denial of a Deity is proof that the person is still totally entrenched in the original sin, that he has not abandoned his past opposition to Me, and then his will cannot be forcibly broken either.

Even so, I constantly try to attract his will during his earthly life by repeatedly revealing Myself to him in the most diverse ways, so that he can always recognise Me by merely changing his will. Faith in Me can be gained by every person, because he lives in the midst of My creation and the works of nature frequently affect him, which he only needs to think about. Admittedly, an opposing will always tries to find different explanations about the miracles of creation rather than the existence of a spiritually tangible Creator of eternity; yet as soon as his own will becomes less important other thoughts will be able to arise in him and he can consider it possible for a higher Power to be the Originator and Controller .... And I will always endeavour to influence the human being such that he can achieve this realisation.

During the last days before the end faith will continue to dwindle, and even My revelation will not achieve very much, precisely because of people’s will, which cannot be coerced. However, I will not stop speaking to people from above, because My Word has the strength to change a person’s thinking if he allows it to take effect in him. For it does happen, albeit only rarely, that complete unbelievers hear or read My Word and feel touched by it. However, every soul is important to Me and I will not slow down trying to attract each individual soul. And by way of fate I also cross the path of people who do not want to believe, by allowing them to meet with serious difficulties so that they can turn to an overwhelmingly powerful Being with an appeal for help .... Yet I must always grant complete freedom to their will and therefore I can only ever aim to influence this will, which indeed will be done by My love and mercy for as long as the human being lives on earth ....


BD 7625                received  18.06.1960

God’s justice demands atonement ....

Every injustice has to be atoned for by the sinner .... This is demanded by My justice. And this sin has to be removed on earth or in the beyond and when a soul, burdened by sins it had committed on earth, enters the spiritual kingdom, it can take an infinitely long time until it has removed this guilt of sin .... Yet it is unable to make amends for the original sin of the past apostasy from Me in the kingdom of the beyond, because the original sin is too great for the being to remove it itself, whether on earth or in the spiritual kingdom. Nevertheless, even a soul still burdened by the original sin is demanded to make amends for sins it had committed on earth, and for these alone it might have to endure an unspeakably difficult and agonising fate, because My justice demands compensation for every sin.

Yet My infinite love has taken pity on all sinners .... it has redeemed the guilt of sin, it has made reparations for it, it has accomplished the act of Salvation on behalf of sin-burdened humanity, and it also paid for the original sin, so that the souls will be able to enter the spiritual kingdom truly redeemed when they have to leave the physical body. I have made the atonement Myself in the human being Jesus through My bitter suffering and dying on the cross, through an act of compassion which only love was able to accomplish. And thus even the greatest sinner can be released from his sin and enter the kingdom of light, provided he accepts Salvation .... provided he voluntarily approaches Me in Jesus Christ and for the sake of the crucifixion appeals to Me for forgiveness .... Yet this path to the cross has to be taken in free will, otherwise the human being places himself outside the act of Salvation, otherwise he does not belong to those for whom My blood was shed as atonement for humanity’s guilt of sin.

You will only be able to appreciate the great importance of the act of Salvation if you consider that it depends on you yourselves what kind of fate you will sooner or later experience in eternity .... if you imagine that immeasurable suffering will await you because you have sinned and do not accept the mercy of Jesus Christ Who wants to release you from your guilt of sin .... if you consider that you yourselves will not even in an eternity be able to redeem your immense sin and therefore have to linger in unspeakable torment and darkness for eternities .... and if you consider, that you can also be released from your own guilt by just handing yourselves over to Me in Jesus Christ .... if you walk with your guilt of sin to the cross and appeal to Me in Jesus for forgiveness. You have to answer for every sin and make amends, and you all have sinned in your earthly life ....

But you all can also find forgiveness; you can become free from your guilt and enter redeemed into the kingdom of bliss by just turning to Jesus Christ, to the divine Redeemer, Who has served Me Myself as a cover, because My love wanted to accomplish the act of Salvation for you humans and this could only take place in the external shape of a human being, Who took all sins upon himself, Who suffered and died as a human being and Who shed His blood out of love in order to help His fellow human beings and release them from spiritual adversity. You need only direct your path to Him, you need only entrust yourselves to Him in your spiritual hardship, confess your sins to Him and ask Him, that He might also have shed His blood on your behalf, so that you will be released from you guilt of sin, so that you will be able to enter the spiritual kingdom when the day of passing away from this earth has come for you ....

And He will accept you, He will wipe out your guilt of sin, for He has satisfied My justice .... He has endured the suffering and pain which you should have endured and which you cannot be spared if you leave the earth unredeemed, without Jesus Christ .... Admittedly, you will still be able to call upon and find Him in the kingdom of the beyond, and even then you can still be redeemed, but the path is long and difficult and you often lack the will to do so .... Yet without Jesus Christ the gate to the kingdom of light remains locked for you, without Jesus Christ you will never be able to become blessed ....


BD 7627                received  20.06.1960

Unification ....
Blissfulness of the images of God ....

The final aim of your earthly life is the union with Me .... You should have found unification with Me by the time the hour of your death approaches, you should pass over into the other realm without fear and dread, you should only change your abode and move into your parental home which you had left eternities ago .... You should have found your way home to Me and be happy again, as you were in the beginning. This is the purpose and goal of your earthly life, and to arrive at this goal should be your constant ambition, since it is achievable for you. I Am not demanding the impossible from you. You are My children, you came from Me and it has to be your natural ambition to return to the Father, because your Father’s love draws you and because, after all, you were originally created in My image .... The unity with Me, therefore, has to be more in accordance with your whole being than the distance .... For this reason you have never been happy being so far away, and you cannot be happy again until we have been united, because being united with Me also means being enlightened by My love again, which is equal to unimaginable bliss. You are My creations and belong irrevocably to Me ....

You deserted Me due to your misguided will and misguided thinking .... But as soon as your will and thought are in the right order once more you will also look for unification with Me, you will do everything to decrease the previous distance and indeed succeed during your earthly life because I long for this unification Myself and therefore will help you too .... because My love pulls you and you cannot resist this love when you have accepted the right order again ....

And you can expect a truly marvellous fate indeed when you have united with Me .... The realm of light is once again open to you, you can work in strength, light and freedom in accordance with your will which, however, is also My will .... You will be able to enjoy the kind of pleasures you have never dreamt of .... you will see and hear what your eyes and ears have never seen and heard on earth for I have prepared immeasurable happiness for those who are Mine, who love Me and therefore have united with Me forever. Because love embraces Father and child with a heartfelt bond .... love, which should be kindled within you during your earthly life and which then radiates through the human heart, establishes a connection with Me as Eternal love .... the human being can then accept his original essence again and becomes what I Myself have eternally been: love ....

And thus the human being who has transformed himself into love once again has to be inseparably joined to Me, he has to be enlightened by My love as he was in the beginning, he has to be so close to Me that we are completely merged by love, and therefore his return to Me must have occurred, which was always the purpose and goal of his earthly life .... And this relationship can no longer lead to a return to the abyss .... The being has passed its test of volition, it has transformed itself from ‘God’s living creation’ into ‘God’s child’, it has achieved perfection on earth, it has regained all qualities and abilities which it once had renounced due to its desertion from Me .... And I have achieved My goal .... My eternal plan of salvation has been successfully completed by that being, i.e. what I could not ‘create’ has nevertheless been achieved by this plan of salvation: God-like beings .... Children, whose own free will and not My omnipotence, has turned them into perfected beings .... Only now have I proper ‘children’ who are My images in every way .... who can create and work by My side and within My will and yet use their own will which, however, completely corresponds to Mine because this is intrinsic to perfection.

You humans can achieve this goal because I Myself long for the unification with you and truly will do everything to guide you to the goal if your will submits to mine .... if you willingly accept My guidance, if you fully and consciously strive for unification with Me and live in love on earth .... Then every gesture of love shall bring you closer to Me, then you will allow My presence within you, and then union has to follow because ‘whoever lives in love lives in Me and I in him ....’ Consequently, love is the bond that locks us together and then is eternally inseparable ....


BD 7629                received  22.06.1960

Sincere desire for truth guarantees truth ....

Understand that it only requires a sincere desire for truth in order to be able to receive it .... Yet this sincere desire is rarely to be found, even though every person claims to strive for truth. But this, too, is just something people say without spending any thought on it, given that the desire for truth ought to arise from deep within the heart and not leave the person again .... he should dread nothing more than falling prey to error, and therefore he has to approach Me in his heart and appeal to Me to impart the truth to him. And it will be given to him .... If, however, the human being has received knowledge and holds on to this knowledge without ever having checked that it is true, then it will also be difficult to offer him the truth if it does not correspond to his knowledge, for he will refuse to let go of his knowledge in exchange for the pure truth .... In that case he lacks the inner desire for truth, and he will also be incapable of examining it because he fails to make contact with Me, because he fails to appeal to Me for spiritual enlightenment in order to be able to form a correct opinion. This is why it is not always possible to convey the pure truth to earth, this is why so much spiritual information is assumed to be true although it cannot lay claim to it. And yet it is endorsed as truth .... especially if it originated from the spiritual kingdom, if people believe that they definitely have received the truth. But since the recipient’s sincere desire is a prerequisite for the conveyance of truth, the ‘origin from the spiritual kingdom’ does not always guarantee the truth of what is transmitted to earth .... rather, it necessitates serious examination. And this has to be conducted with Me, with My support.

For the spiritual kingdom also shelters beings of darkness or imperfect beings which still uphold the incorrect knowledge they have taken across from earth and which they just as eagerly endorse in the kingdom of the beyond as they have done on earth. The human being is unable to detach himself from what he loves even in the spiritual kingdom. And that is significant for his process of development, since it can last eternities until such a soul has liberated itself, until it finally starts to accept the truth. But it can influence people in the spiritual kingdom detrimentally if it finds willing people to whom it can mentally transmit wrong information or through statements made to people who consider themselves mediums who consciously establish contact from earth to the spiritual kingdom. Such contact can and will only be beneficial if the human being is governed by the sincere desire for truth and always appeals for support through My spirit .... Then there will be no risk, then the person will build a firm wall around himself which ignorant beings cannot overstep and only the world of light will have access to him, which will truly only impart the truth from Me because it works on My instructions and because it is My will that you shall be taught the pure truth ....

And everyone should examine himself as to what extent he wants the truth .... He shall fear error and always pray to Me for protection from it and his appeal will be granted, for I Myself want you humans to live in truth; I Myself want you to receive it, hence I will also provide you with the opportunity, always assuming that the same will for truth is inherent in you which is your certain protection from misguided spiritual information, from erroneous thinking and wrong interpretation of what you are offered. For the truth-desiring human being will also have the right power of judgment, because I convey it to him at the same time as the truth and therefore he is also able to examine the value of the spiritual information. I Myself Am the Truth, I Myself want to enter into contact with My living creations and thus I also want My living creations to live in truth .... And I will protect them from the influence of beings which try to spread error and disguise themselves as beings of light in order to deceive you into becoming victims of misconceptions. The close bond with Me also guarantees correct thinking, correct instruction, it guarantees you the transmission of truth through the spirit .... For the spiritual spark inside of you is part of Me, and it will truly instruct you correctly .... You should all endeavour to be directly taught by your spirit so that you won’t need to abide by transmissions from the spiritual world which you cannot verify because you don’t know the spiritual state of those who receive such channelled messages .... for there is always a great danger of interference by beings who lack realisation .... But wherever My spirit is at work you will know that I speak to you Myself and that I really impart the truth to you because I want My living creations on earth to live in truth .... because only through truth can they attain Me and therefore also bliss ....


BD 7630                received  23.06.1960

The final work of destruction ....

The final work of destruction will be caused by people’s own will, nevertheless, I shall not hamper this will .... firstly, because it is free and shall also have to justify itself, and secondly, because I based My plan of Salvation on this free will in a way that it will benefit the continued development of the spiritual beings .... I truly do not determine people’s wrong inclinations and actions; I only let them have absolute freedom which they, however, misuse by interfering in the laws of nature, by experimenting with forces which they cannot fully control as yet and whose effects they therefore don’t know. But it is their fault that they conduct experiments for the wrong reasons, that they are not motivated by thoughts of love to carry out their intentions .... And for this reason their guilt will have such terrible consequences .... For it will result in an act of destruction to which everything living in, on and above the earth will fall prey .... For although the planet as such will remain the entire surface of earth will nevertheless become changed, and that will also mean the destruction of all life and all works of creation on this earth which constrained spiritual substances. And thus, these spirits will receive their freedom for the time being, they will be able to escape from their form regardless of the degree of maturity they had reached. But they will not keep this freedom .... For they will have to continue their path of development and therefore will be placed into new forms. And in order to make it possible for the spiritual substances still bound in the creations to continue with their development I shall allow the wrong will of people who will cause this work of destruction, but the human race itself will perish as a result of this wrong will, for only My Own will survive the final destruction, and there will only be a few ....

The majority of people, however, are already so distant from Me that their spiritual fate is already decided, for they have reached the lowest point which excludes further development on this earth .... On account of their profane state they will give rise to the end of the old earth, and thus it will come to pass as people want it themselves: everything will be changed yet only in line with My eternal law of order .... People will indeed initiate it, yet I Myself will determine or direct the consequences according to My eternal plan of Salvation, which was based on people’s wrong will so that all wrong thinking shall nevertheless still yield right results .... For I will direct the consequences according to My will, admittedly it doesn’t correspond to people’s will but it serves the spirits’ continued development. And that is My plan, of which I inform you time and again so that each one of you can shape himself according to this plan while there is still time, for each one of you can still belong to those who will be saved at the end .... each person can still shape his nature such that he will belong to ‘My Own’ .... But he must believe and live a life of love, he must turn his will to Me, and I will accept him and grant him the strength to achieve the work of transformation on himself .... Then he need not fear the end either, regardless of how threatening world events seem to evolve .... I protect My Own in every adversity and danger, I help them in an earthly and spiritual way, for My Own shall become strong in faith and therefore noticeably experience My help .... And time and again I announce this to you humans so that you can prepare yourselves if only you are of good will to live in order to please Me .... For the end will come without fail because the time granted to you is over ....


BD 7634                received  27.06.1960

The true home ....

The spiritual realm is certainly an entirely dissimilar region to the earthly realm and it requires a strong will to strive for the former realm while the human being still lives in the midst of the world .... They are two entirely different kingdoms and one kingdom totally seems to exclude the other. However, the more seriously a person wants to enter and stay in the spiritual kingdom, the more real it will become to him and the stronger he will feel that the spiritual kingdom is his actual home, that the earth is merely something transient which the human being simply has to pass through in order to reach his true home. But on the whole the spiritual region will seem unreal to a person and time and again he will have to fight, he will have to exert force in order to mentally escape the world for a short time and to drift over into the spiritual world. Nevertheless, he will succeed if this is his serious will. Yet one thing must be present in him: the desire for God and, as a result of this, a life of love .... In that case the human being’s soul will already be grounded in the spiritual kingdom, for the right kind of love comes from God and leads back to Him, Whose kingdom is not of this world. However, the human being must possess the right kind of love, the love for God and his fellow human beings .... As long as the human being is still dominated by selfish love, he will be more in touch with the earthly realm and a ‘spiritual’ world will seem implausible to him, this spiritual world will be distant to him and also cannot entice him to seek contact with it. Hence, the degree of love will be the decisive factor as to how real the spiritual kingdom seems to a person, to what extent it dominates him and how strongly it will influence his thoughts .... But he can become convinced of it, he can live more in the spiritual realm than in this world if his love for God and his fellow human being has been kindled in him. Then the human being will also convincingly advocate this spiritual kingdom to other people because he will be utterly convinced of it himself, and he will also always mention what he inwardly feels .... He will portray the spiritual kingdom as the only kingdom worth striving for and try to motivate his fellow human beings to likewise strive for this kingdom and to relegate the secular world as worthless into second place .... always regarding this secular world as transient and paying more attention to that which is everlasting. A person who remains in contact with the spiritual kingdom and makes it the goal of his endeavour on earth is far more likely to find inner peace .... The human being will never find complete happiness in the earthly world, for he will also discover the transience of this world and his life will remain unsatisfied if he only ever longs for earthly possessions and is content with fulfilling his earthly wishes, because his soul feels that it needs something different in order to be happy. His soul will not content itself with what the world can offer .... It will only be able to feel truly happy when it is offered possessions from the spiritual kingdom. Only then will it have entered the region of the spiritual kingdom, only then will it have found its true home, only then will it acknowledge the spiritual kingdom as its home and only then will it know that this kingdom is real and that it cannot be taken away from the soul again once it has arrived at home, once it has found its way back to the Father’s house from which it once had originated ....


BD 7637                received  30.07.1960

Clarification regarding the working of the spirit ....

If you want to be addressed through My spirit you must keep My commandments .... You must live a life of love .... For My spirit is part of Me and only speaks when the human being unites with Me through kind-hearted activity, so that his spiritual spark can be addressed by Me, by its Father-Spirit of eternity. But I promised you that I will reveal Myself to the one who loves Me and complies with My commandments .... And I keep My Word, every promise will come true providing you live up to the conditions I linked to it. In order to be able to hear Me through the voice of the spirit, you must be so closely united with Me that your spiritual spark can perceive My Word and pass it on through the heart so that you can hear what the spirit says to you. The fact that your indwelling spirit can be addressed by its Father and be understood by you is a very simple and understandable process .... but almost no-one is interested in this process .... It is rejected as the working of unclean spirits, it is even denied by those who pretend to serve Me .... It is denied because they themselves have not yet enabled My spirit to speak to them .... And they have not enabled it yet because they are lacking faith and love .... Their belief in such ‘working of God in a human being’ through the spirit is completely missing, and therefore the human being makes no attempt either even though it would be possible for him were love kindled in his heart .... In that case My spirit cannot express itself, for such an audible manifestation always presupposes the belief that My love for you humans is so great that it reveals itself .... People’s relationship with Me must be such that I can speak to them like a Father to My child .... And a child will trust its Father completely and expect to be addressed by Me. Only then will I be able to speak and My child can hear My voice.

The ‘outpouring of the spirit’ has become an incomprehensible and implausible concept for people, they no longer understand what they are to make of it, otherwise they would not reject the Word you humans receive from above through My spirit, otherwise they would extremely jubilantly and with profound gratitude listen and comply with it .... But the outpouring of the spirit cannot be proven other than that the human being shapes himself into love, that he establishes the heartfelt relationship of a child with Me and, with utmost faith and trust, patiently listens to hear My Word, because the spiritual spark in a person strives towards the Father-Spirit and thereby induces My presence in the human heart .... and My presence must always have the effect that I speak to a person with Words of love and comfort, and with Words of wisdom impart knowledge to him which only the spirit in a person can receive from the spirit of God. While living on earth I have time and again promised people that My spirit would be with them when I would no longer be amongst them .... I clearly and distinctly announced the working of My spirit with the Words ‘I will send you the Comforter, the Spirit of truth, which will guide you into all truth and will remind you of everything I have said to you ....’. And when it manifestly brings you the truth, you reject what is offered to you .... because you don’t understand My Word, you don’t think about what these Words might mean. And therefore you do not correctly understand the outpouring of the spirit upon My disciples, or you would not doubt but instead believe .... However, I linked it to the condition ‘He that hath my commandments, and keepeth them, he it is that loveth Me .... and I will love him, and will manifest Myself to him ....’ You no longer live a life of love, otherwise you would clearly understand these Words of Mine and unhesitatingly accept My Word, which I convey to earth ‘through My spirit’ .... Then you would make the effort to shape yourselves into a receiving vessel for My spirit, you would .... providing you believe in My ‘working in you’ .... strive for it, because then you will also be guided into all truth, as I have promised. However, you don’t pay attention to the Words I spoke when I lived on earth .... you don’t pay attention because they are incomprehensible to you; and they are incomprehensible to you because you no longer live in love, which would assuredly develop your understanding .... And thus, reading the Scriptures will be of no great avail to you if you don’t have love within you, which opens up your understanding in the first place. For this understanding .... the right way of thinking .... is also the working of the spirit in you, but this is only possible in a heart full of love. First you must keep My commandments and thus live in love, only then will I be able to reveal Myself to you through My spirit. You humans have lost the knowledge of this, which is proven by the resistance of those who came together in ecclesiastical communities or organisations, who rely on the ‘Book of Books’ and yet don’t understand its contents properly .... and they must first be instructed by My spirit before this understanding can be given to them. Only then will they be able to believe that I will send you humans ‘the Comforter, the Spirit, which will guide you into all truth ....’


BD 7638                received  02.07.1960

‘The measure you give will be the measure you receive ....’

And you will receive the same measure you give to your neighbour .... you will receive to the same extent as you are willing to give, you need never suffer hardship if you share your possessions with your fellow human being in need .... And I will bless you at all times, because you will be acting according to My will by merely being lovingly active. You should know that your reward in heaven will only be small if you only selfishly consider yourselves on earth, if you get as much out of life as possible without considering your neighbour; in that case you will have received your reward on earth already, then you will receive earthly possessions which are transient because you aren’t acquiring the love which can follow you into eternity .... Yet you should give with love, the prospect of reward should never motivate you to be lovingly active, for then true love will be missing which turns your offerings into true gifts in the first place. And you will receive the measure you give yourselves .... You will receive in a spiritual and earthly way according to your will to give and be able to travel your earthly path richly blessed and never suffer adversity. The reward you receive in the spiritual kingdom for your way of life will make you very happy, for every deed of love results in light and strength in the beyond, with which you will subsequently be able to work for your own blissful happiness .... I Myself will give to you, just as you gave to your neighbour .... except that My gifts are boundless, that I give an abundant measure, that My love for you will reflect your gifts a thousand fold and that you therefore will not suffer deprivation, neither on earth nor in the spiritual kingdom. Hence you can gather immense wealth for yourselves on earth, which will follow you into eternity .... if only you always let neighbourly love speak, if you take notice of the other person’s adversity and try to reduce it. And this adversity can be spiritual as well as earthly ....

If you ease his spiritual adversity, your spiritual gain will be great indeed, for then you will be providing for yourselves for eternity and one day the soul will be grateful to you for what you offered it. Earthly adversity will come to an end because the human being will not live on earth forever. Spiritual adversity, however, is persistent and can last for an infinitely long time if the soul does not receive help to release itself from it. And since I send you an unlimited amount of spiritual knowledge, you should also pass it on and thereby please your neighbour, who will experience spiritual adversity for as long as he does not know the truth, as long as he has not found the path to Me and seriously thinks about his purpose on earth. You can help him to do so, then you will truly have carried out an act of Christian neighbourly love, for which you will be richly rewarded one day, for then you will have worked on My behalf, you will have tried to attract your neighbour to Me and allowed Me Myself to speak through you, which will never be without blessing for you and for your neighbour. For every person suffers adversity who has not yet actively approached Me, and every person shall be offered the opportunity to establish a heartfelt relationship with Me, his God and Creator of eternity .... For I want to be a Father to him and I want to be recognised by him as his Father .... and if you help him with this and thereby return My child to Me, your work for Me and My kingdom will be blessed. And I will give to you as you give to others, and you will never go short, neither in a spiritual nor earthly way, for your Father in Heaven grants you gifts in abundance, because He loves you ....


BD 7641                received  05.07.1960

Requesting strength for the approaching time ....

As yet your life is not over, you can still make unlimited use of blessings, you are still being offered My Word from above and have a certain amount of spiritual freedom in order to spread this Word, in order to live up to it yourselves and to feel the strength of My Word, for you are not prevented from kind-hearted activity, you can speak and act according to your will .... you can work in My vineyard and be active for Me and My kingdom. And you should be conscious of this grace .... For one day the time will come when you will be prevented from working for Me and My kingdom and when it will be made difficult for you to live according to My will. By that time you shall have gathered enough strength in order to persevere, even if the enemy takes action against you, for then you will offer him resistance, because it is My strength which will take effect in you and because he is unable to resist Me. For this reason you shall gather much strength in advance and draw this strength from My Word, for I speak to you so that you will become strong in faith and love, as well as full of strength, and will easily survive the approaching time of adversity. And thus you shall be lively, active in love and with a living faith, and nothing can cause you harm, no matter what happens. For then you will be closely united with Me, and the certainty of My presence provides you with inner peace and complete lack of worry, the conviction of My presence will not let anxiety arise, and all difficulties will pass you by, even though for the sake of the human race they cannot be prevented. And regardless what the days will be like .... They are still final blessings for you and your salvation of soul ..... For the soul can and still will mature, if only your will is good and directed towards Me. Then I will take care that it will not fall prey to the enemy, I will take care that it will gain strength and always offer resistance when it is put under pressure by him. But you should still use the days remaining to you until the end, you should pay no attention to physical hardship but only ever consider the soul, for its salvation is at stake, and for the sake of its salvation My gifts of grace will increase as well and will not stop until the end. But you must be told that you don’t have much time left until the end .... You must be told that you ought to believe and prepare yourselves for the end, otherwise My Word will touch your ear in vain and you won’t utilise the exceptional gift of grace. And even if you find it difficult to believe .... call upon Me for strength and be willing to live and think according to My will .... and I will support you and provide you with strength, I will guide your thoughts correctly, so that you will not go astray when the end has come .... Simply direct your thoughts to Me and you will not go lost, for then you will also learn to believe the closer it gets to the end. Make good use of your remaining time, gather strength by appealing to Me in prayer for it and be helpful .... and you will be able to await the end calmly, for I Myself protect and guide you, I Am present to you who love Me and you will not lose your way ....


BD 7642                received  06.07.1960

Living in divine order is fundamental law ....

You are unable to revoke the divine laws but you can act against them .... Yet the latter will never be beneficial for you, for only the human being living within divine order is fulfilling God’s will, and only this person can become perfect as long as he lives on earth. But to obey divine order means to live a life of love, for love is divine law .... Love is God Himself, Who is the most perfect Being in infinity. Thus, without love there cannot be perfection, and since bliss and perfection belong together, no human being can be blissfully happy without love. But people can also ignore this law, and this was done by the beings when they deserted God and plunged into the abyss .... thus they had acted against divine order but were nevertheless unable to repeal love itself .... they just were no longer able to stay within the cycle of this love and therefore they remained without love themselves .... Their will turned against the divine law, their will rejected God’s illumination of love, that is, they stepped out of the divine order, they became heartless themselves and thereby also violated divine law .....

They fell into sin .... for everything which opposes love is sin and therefore also opposes God Himself. And the logical result of the apostasy from God was therefore an unhappy state, because the being absolutely has to live in divine order if it wants to be happy, that is, it constantly must be able to receive and give love, for love is the fundamental law of eternity, which is and forever will remain the first divine law.

You humans can enter into the divine order again at any time if you make love the basic principle of your lives, if you only ever allow your thoughts and actions be determined by love .... Then the past state of blissful happiness will soon be granted to you again, for then you will live according to divine law, then you will fulfil God’s will, and then you will also unite yourselves again with the Lawmaker of eternity, with God, Who is love Himself. And your character will be the same as it was in the beginning .... God’s emanated strength of love, which is now forever merged with God, but as an individually self-aware being it is able to enjoy the inconceivable happiness which it is given by the Eternal Love Itself.

If the being contravenes the divine order it will only ever harm itself but never be able to revoke the eternal law. It will only ever get into a wretched state from which it can only be released if it is willing and makes the effort to enter into divine order again. And this is the meaning and purpose of earthly life, for the soul .... the once fallen being .... at the start of its embodiment as a human being is not within this order, but always outside of it. However, it can attain the state, it can completely submit itself to divine order again, and the soul can completely change itself to love and also have submitted itself to divine order. And then the being will be happy again as it was in the beginning, for if it is love in itself it will also correspond to God’s fundamental nature and unite itself again with Him, from Whom it once had originated ....


BD 7643                received  08.07.1960

Natural event and chaos ....

There will be unprecedented chaos after My intervention during which you will have to prove yourselves. Yet regardless of what will happen, you can always count on My help. Life will be bearable for you if you live it with Me, if you keep hold of My hand and walk every step with Me .... But the fact that there will be chaos is certain, even if it seems incredible to you at this moment in time, even if you cannot imagine its nature and magnitude. For it is the time of the end, it is My very last wake-up call, you will still have to experience the final great upheaval so that those of you humans who still walk different paths take the path to Me .... so that you still make good use of the short time which will then still be granted to you before the end. The chaos after My intervention through natural forces will be indescribable and you will need much strength in order to persevere. However, you can always appeal to Me for this strength, you can make sure to receive it through kind-hearted activity, you will never be helplessly left to your fate if only you are willing to help your fellow human beings and ask for My help to do so. I let this natural disaster befall you for the sake of your spiritual hardship, it is intended to make you think about the value of earthly life if it is lived in a purely worldly way.

For you will lose all possessions, you will be forced into situations in which you will need a lot of help and will only be able to find this help with Me, for earthly assistance will be impossible. But I can and will help you as soon as you call upon Me in spirit and in truth, as soon as you merely send sincerely pleading thoughts up to Me to take care of you in your adversity. And the less selfish your prayers are the more you will experience My help. And then I will expect of My Own to speak on My behalf and also to refer their fellow human beings to Me, to try and strengthen their faith in My infinite Fatherly love and thus to work for Me and My kingdom, for then they will find receptive ears and hearts, although the majority of people will not listen to them .... But it is necessary to still win the few people for whose sake I let the disaster come upon earth. For every single soul is important to Me, I don’t want a single soul to go astray if it can still be saved, and I will also enable My servants to speak fluently so that they can be successful labourers in My vineyard. You must all gather much strength in advance because the hardship will be severe, but I assure you that you will be able to prevail if only you hold on to Me, and I will imbue every person with strength who thinks of Me in hours of greatest adversity .... With faith and trust in My help you will all be strong and conquer all earthly adversity. For you should only take the path to Me .... That is the sole purpose of My intervention, so that you do not go astray again for an infinitely long time when the end has come ....


BD 7644                received  09.07.1960

Spiritual death and renewed banishment ....

Spiritual death is the worst fate that can happen to the soul, for it will be unable to release itself from it once it has departed from earth. It exists, it is also conscious of itself and yet is entirely without light and strength, and this is a state of inconceivable agony. It inevitably leads to a renewed banishment into matter again unless people intercede so effectively on its behalf that it provides the soul with strength, so that it can change itself if it has the will to do so, that is, if it doesn’t directly resist it. As long as a soul is apathetic in this state, it can receive help from the enlightened spiritual world or through loving intercession .... But it can also be so hardened that it rebels with burning rage against the power which .... so it believes .... keeps it imprisoned. Then it will steadily descend further and harden into solid substance, which subsequently makes its ascent in the kingdom of the beyond impossible. Then it will have to travel the infinitely long path of higher development through the whole of creation again, for one day even this soul shall wake up to the life which lasts forever .... Countless people on this earth are in this danger of succumbing to spiritual death, for during the end time they do nothing in order to acquire this life. They live without love and therefore without God as well, they already harden their souls to matter on earth, for they strive towards it and fail to consider the spiritual life they are supposed to create for the soul while they live on earth. They bow to the one who is master of the earthly world and also strive for his goods .... And these cannot bestow life upon the soul but they certainly assure its spiritual death.

And if it enters the beyond in this lifeless state it will be in utmost danger, for heartless people rarely leave friends behind on earth who will send loving thoughts to them in the spiritual kingdom. And only these can save the soul, for every loving thought, every prayer full of love has an effect of strength on such souls, they are so effective that the soul changes and has the will to ascend. Then it will have escaped eternal death, it will no longer descend into the state which results in its renewed banishment. All you humans have no idea about the strength of love or you would make an effort to live a life of love .... And then you will attain life, for love itself is life, and it awakens everything that is dead back to life again.

If, however, you don’t use this strength, if you go along without love, your soul’s spiritual substance has no option but to solidify and thereby gets into a dreadful state, for then death will not lead to the souls transience, instead it will be a state of vegetating in awareness of its existence and of agonising helplessness and darkness. As long as you still live on earth you are incapable of imagining this state, yet you should do everything in your power in order to avoid it, for everything is possible for you on earth, you repeatedly have the opportunity to accomplish deeds of love on earth, and then the danger of death will be over, then you will have to awaken to life while you are still on earth and thus will also be able to enter eternal life, then you will have conquered death. And you are all able to live a life of love, for the divine spark of love is in all of you, which need only be kindled in order to never be extinguished again, because love always gives you new strength and you will inwardly be motivated to be active once you have kindled this spark of love in you. However, you cannot be forced to do so, but the dreadfulness of spiritual death can only ever be pointed out to you so that you will try to avoid this horror of your own accord .... For as long as you live on earth you have the strength to be lovingly active; but once you have entered the kingdom of the beyond you will be incapable of doing anything by yourselves, then you will be dependent on help and can consider yourselves fortunate if it is provided for you by people whose thoughts follow you with love .... Only love redeems, only love is strength .... and everyone should acquire love for himself through loving activity as long as he lives on earth, so that he will not succumb to spiritual death ....


BD 7647                received  12.07.1960

St. John 21, 25 ....

My Own will receive explanations from Me if they genuinely desire them .... My plan of eternity certainly conceals many things from people, because unlimited knowledge is always just a sign of advanced spiritual maturity or, for that matter, because knowledge increases as soon as love becomes more profound. And I know and have known for eternity which degree of love people will achieve and therefore mentioned no more during My life on earth than people were able to take in, since the understanding of most profound wisdom also depended on their degree of love. Nevertheless I mentioned many other things which were not imparted to people .... for there were also kind-hearted people in My vicinity who were able to absorb and understand deeper knowledge. Yet I always advocated one teaching, I conveyed the commandments of love .... I always urged people to live a life of love. And this teaching of love is still ‘My Gospel’ today which ought to be presented to all people of good will. For the human being’s degree of maturity entirely depends on fulfilling My commandments of love, and the human being’s degree of realisation in turn depends on the soul’s degree of maturity. Love guarantees truthful knowledge which can penetrate all depths. And the human being had also always received remarkable information the more his nature transformed itself to love and desired the knowledge .... Yet not many people wanted to know. They were usually satisfied with the knowledge handed down from person to person and which could be found in the Book of Books.

But knowledge .... the truth from God .... is inexhaustible, it cannot be limited because I, as the most perfect Being, know no limitation and thus do not limit a person’s knowledge either if he strives towards perfection and completely shapes himself to love. Then he will learn things which are not written in any book, and he may penetrate divine wisdom ever more and will never cease to be amazed .... However, it would be foolish to make such knowledge accessible to all people through books, for it requires a high degree of spiritual maturity to comprehend it, which too few people on earth posses. But it is possible to achieve, and this is why people should constantly be referred to My commandments of love, the fulfilment of which can indeed enhance their soul’s maturity. And although life on earth is short, it suffices for the attainment of a high state of maturity; and therefore every human being can depart from earth with a high degree of realisation providing he readily fulfilled these commandments of love .... for then I will reveal Myself to him in spirit, and I will place the right thoughts into his heart or convey to him the truth through the inner Word. And then he will exceed the knowledge to which he was academically introduced or which he acquired through intellectual reasoning. But he will also recognise that the Book of Books contains the truth because then he will read it with an enlightened spirit, regardless that alterations had occurred through human intellectual thought which, however, can only be detected and rectified by an enlightened spirit.

‘He who loves Me and keeps My commandments, to him I will come and reveal Myself ....’ And I shall truly guide him into truth and give him the right understanding for it. However, what is not absolutely necessary to know in earthly life and what was therefore kept hidden shall, in the last days, also be disclosed to all those who want to belong to Me and to whom I therefore reveal My eternal plan of Salvation. For they should become aware of the gravity of this time, they should know what lies ahead of them, and they should in all kindness be admonished and warned to consider the end and to prepare themselves for it .... And this is why knowledge is conveyed to people which they, depending on their degree of love, will either accept or reject .... They are not forced to accept it but they should think about it .... they should, because they no longer take any notice of the Book of Books, nevertheless receive My Word, which only teaches love again, but which provides people with a deeper insight into My plan of Salvation because the time of the end has come.

Now I can present knowledge to people which is no longer beneficial to them only because their faith is weak or has completely vanished, hence this information will purely be heeded by those of strong faith, who may therefore also gain an insight into My eternal plan of Salvation .... So I Am revealing Myself to them and inform them that what I proclaimed through seers and prophets ever since the beginning of this period of Salvation is coming to fruition, for sooner or later this period will come to an end and the future becomes the present. And anyone with an awakened spirit will also find full concurrence with the Words of the Scriptures, for whatever comes from Me is always the same and never contradicts itself. And just as the harvest is the conclusion of a farmer’s efforts, so I, too, will reap in the end and gather those whose souls have fully matured on this earth, and they will enter into life in the spiritual kingdom or on the new earth, as is recognised and determined by My wisdom and love. I will judge the living and the dead .... I will place everything where it belongs in accordance with its state of maturity, and this will also mean that many people who failed in their earthly life and descended into the state of death again will be banished into hard matter once more, from where they will slowly have to find their way back into life over an infinitely long period of time. For nothing shall be lost forever, and one day even the lowest fallen spirit will find the life which it will then never ever lose again ....


BD 7648                received  15.07.1960

God as a loving Father ....

For the majority of people I Am the distant, inaccessible God, providing they still believe in Me .... But they have no bond with Me, they look for Me in the distance, they indeed see in Me their God and Creator but not their Father .... they have not yet established the relationship of a child with its Father and therefore dare not address Me like a Father nor do they expect help because they exclude My Fatherly love and only see in Me a punishing God, a merciless Judge Who condemns them without pity if they don’t live in accordance with His will. People do not know about My greater than great love for them or they would approach Me trustingly and communicate with Me .... They don’t know that they came forth from My love and that My love belongs to them despite the fact that they became sinful .... They are still distant from Me and therefore cannot be permeated by My strength either, because then they would have to turn towards Me devotedly .... because they would have to seek My presence and muster the will to be accepted by Me as My child ....

And it is difficult to convey this knowledge to them .... for I Am and will remain an unattainable Being for these humans, Which stands sky-high above humanity and has little or no contact at all with them. They don’t believe in a correlation between the Creator with His living creation, they feel and are indeed isolated as long as they don’t lift the isolation themselves and try to join Me. I, however, want to be the Father of My children; I want to be close to people, so close that they will be able to hear Me. But this first requires the human being’s free will to be in contact with Me. The human being, too, must want to approach Me, he must abolish the vast distance between us himself by his very will to be in contact with Me. And this resolve can awaken in the human being if My love is proclaimed to him time and again, if I Am presented to Him as a supremely perfect Being Which is pure love and Which wants to give His great love to His living creations in order to make them happy. I must be presented to people as supremely perfect, and perfection includes an abundance of love for My living creations. Only when the human being can believe in My love will his love for Me ignite and he will yearn for contact with Me ....

And then he will also feel like My child and long for the Father in order to intimately communicate with Him. He will no longer feel any inhibitions, he will speak to Me like a child speaks to its Father, and he will also feel My love and therefore approach Me trustingly .... And then I can be present with him, then the vast distance will have been abolished, then the child will also be able to hear My voice because .... if it strives towards Me .... it has become love itself, which causes the unity of the child with the Father .... And as soon as you are able to portray Me to your fellow human beings as their God and Creator, as a most loving Father Who only desires to be united with His children again as it was in the beginning .... as soon as you present Me as a God of love, people will lose their immense shyness in regards to Me and trustingly turn to Me when they are in trouble. They will receive My help and then try to come ever closer to Me, for then they will be seized by My love and gently but steadily be drawn upwards. And one day the union will take place too, for once the human being has felt My love he will not detach himself from Me again but ever more eagerly strive towards Me, and the vast distance will finally have been overcome, with the human being no longer only seeing in Me his God and Creator but his Father, to Whom he will then take his path and with certainty also reach his goal ....


BD 7655                received  25.07.1960

Calling upon beings of light after prayer to God ....

In your contact with the spiritual world only your attitude towards Me determines whether your soul will derive benefit from it. For good and evil forces fight for your will wanting to exercise their influence over you, and you alone decide which forces will be allowed to approach you. The crucial factor is your direction of will, which always has to aim towards Me, if the beings of light working on My behalf are to be permitted to protect and instruct you.

Your constant bond with Me assures you their protection and care, and their influence on your souls will always be favourable and promote your souls development. For even these beings, which are full of love, are not permitted to influence you against your will although evil forces are also unable to do so .... this is why you are always protected from their activity when you closely unite with Me, when you appeal to Me for protection and help. Then I will be able to instruct My beings of light to watch over you, and then you will truly be safe. For the love of these beings is immense and they will do everything for you as soon as they see that your will applies to Me.

Hence you can always consider yourselves carried by their love as long as you uphold your bond with Me, which thus allows their unrestricted activity. And you can mentally connect with them as well; you can present your problems to them and request their protection, which they will very gladly grant to you. You should entrust yourselves to all good spiritual beings and keep all wicked spirits at bay. For that reason you may also ask the good forces for protection against evil forces, and they will form a barrier around you and deny entry to the latter. But you are at all times surrounded by spiritual forces, by those which mean well and those who try to harm you .... and also by spiritual beings which anticipate your help, which are weak and uninformed and feel attracted by your proximity, because they see your light and strive towards it, since they lack light themselves.

And in that case you should also ask the good forces for their support to teach and guide them, and to protect them from the advances of evil forces which try to influences these beings too .... You should only ever want to act virtuously and righteously and request help to do so, be it in earthly or spiritual difficulties, for beings of light are always ready to help those on My behalf who want to be My Own and make intimate contact with Me in prayer. Hence you can constantly send your thoughts into the spiritual kingdom, and you will always receive a reply from there, which you mentally accept and are thus also able to speak of a ‘life in and with God’ ....

Just don’t exclude Me from your thoughts. For I want to be your beginning and your end, you shall begin and end your daily activities with Me, and then all angels will truly look after you, they will support you with advice and practical help, for they love Me and are also full of love for you .... and therefore they will only ever accomplish My will. However, you can make this very will of Mine inclined towards you at any time, and you will already lead a blissful life on earth, for then you will live under My constant protection, since you will be safeguarded by all My angels on your path of life and they will protect you from all forces intending to cause you harm ....


BD 7656                received  26.07.1960

The soul will reap what it has sown ....

You should not entertain deceptive ideas that you can gather treasures for your earthly life because you will lose them faster than you had acquired them. I caution you not to strive after earthly possessions and get attached to them, and time and again I will show you the transient nature of worldly possessions. You spend much time and effort when it comes to collecting worldly treasures and rarely consider that you cannot keep them, that you have to let go of them when you leave this earth, but that they can also be taken from you by other means if this is My will. You only appreciate what belongs to the world and yet is temporary; but you ignore the eternal .... you only take care of your body and ignore your soul .... And thus you use your energy of life wrongly, you only use it for your physical well-being but inconsiderately prepare a wretched fate in eternity for your soul. Because during your earthly life you do not give to the soul what alone serves its perfection, you let it starve, whereas you excessively provide for your body without ever gaining from it. Because even your earthly life can end from one day to the next, and then you will enter the kingdom in the beyond poor and empty-handed and have to suffer much pain.

For once you should think about the fact that you yourselves have no control over your life, that your life on earth could be short and that death could approach you any day without you being able to prevent it. And you should think about the ‘thereafter’ .... but you do not believe that you are not obliterated at the moment of death, you do not believe in the soul’s continuation of life and that this life will then be in accordance with your life on earth and your concern for your soul’s salvation. And on account of this unbelief you live thoughtlessly and do not question the meaning and purpose of your earthly life. You are content when you get what you like on earth, when you provide the body with a sense of well-being and collect many earthly possessions for the future .... And you do not actually know whether you still have a future. However, you all know that you will have to die one day .... And this knowledge should make you want to evaluate your earthly life consciously. But you lack faith, faith in a God and Creator, Who will hold you accountable for your conduct on earth one day. And because you do not believe, you are indifferent.

But you can all be certain that the hour of your accountability will come and that your regret will be bitter when you find yourselves in great spiritual poverty in the kingdom of the beyond and eventually realise what you had neglected on earth due to your own fault. Because it is by grace that you were allowed to become embodied on earth, and not to have used this grace will be bitterly regretted by the soul one day since it will never be able to make up its neglect, although in the kingdom of the beyond it will also receive help to ascend from the abyss, but the circumstances are far more difficult than they are or were on earth. You should not live so thoughtlessly because the hour will come for every human being when he has to leave the earthly body and then the soul will enter the spiritual kingdom .... Although this hour can bring much pleasure and joy it can also bring great darkness and pain .... but always in accordance with the human being’s own will which he had demonstrated by his conduct during his earthly life .... He will reap what he has sown, he will enter the kingdom of light and bliss, or he will be received by darkness which will not release him again until the soul has changed its attitude and then, with loving support, it will walk the path of ascent ....


BD 7665                received  04.08.1960

Faith in God in free will ....

My strength of love flows into every human heart when it opens itself to receive it. And My strength of love causes the spark of love to ignite itself and the flame to leap towards Me, the Father-Spirit of eternity. And thus the path to Me is unimpeded, it was started purely by the will to be illuminated by Me and My love, in other words, anyone with a positive attitude towards Me, anyone who believes in Me and wants to stay in contact with Me, will also receive My divine strength of love. And then he will advance in his development, for this is the effect of My strength. Hence the human being first has to believe in a God and Creator and recognise himself as My living creation, for only then will his desire awaken to enter into contact with Me, and then he will open himself to Me, thus willingly allowing himself to be illuminated by My strength of love, for only this willingness is required for it to happen. But it is difficult for a person to be affected by this ray of love if he does not believe in Me, if he merely regards himself to be a product of nature and therefore never establishes a bond either, because he refuses to acknowledge a Being Which has created him.

An extraordinary occurrence could certainly allow him to gain faith in Me, yet he may never be compellingly influenced or his faith would be worthless. And all proof of My existence is compelling. Even My Word would be compelling evidence were I to speak to people directly from above, so that everyone would have to hear My voice and believe in Me .... Such faith, however, is of no value .... Yet My Word is conveyed to humanity all the same, I merely avail Myself of a human form and speak through it directly .... but I leave each person the freedom to believe or disbelief whether these Words are spoken by a supremely perfect Being .... Free will is always decisive, and faith can never be forcibly attained. And even if I Myself revealed the most profound wisdom to people it would nevertheless not suffice to persuade a person into believing in Me if he doesn’t want to .....

Alternatively, however, it is enough to give evidence of Myself to a person .... The human being can gain such convinced faith through My Word that no power of hell can take it away from him. For My Word is an illumination of love which can touch the human heart, which can trigger the love that grants him radiant enlightenment .... And then love will be pushing towards love .... Then a light will be kindled within the heart, the radiance of which dissolves all that is dark, which completely drives away the darkness .... which bestows a living faith upon a person, which is unshakable and withstands every onslaught that time and again is launched by hostile forces .... And thus it will always be up to the human being himself as to whether he allows himself to be touched by My ray of love, for he has to open himself voluntarily .... he has to want to enter into contact with Me as his God and Creator; he has to believe that he has emerged from the hand of a perfect Being and that he cannot sever the connection with this Being .... Then he will acknowledge Me, and only then will he look for Me and I will let Myself be found ....


BD 7666                received  05.08.1960

Instituted Words ....

It will always be beneficial for you when you are touched by My flow of grace, for nothing flowing forth from Me remains ineffective if it is willingly accepted. And a willing acceptance is guaranteed when you turn to Me in prayer, when you desire to be blessed by Me .... when you desire My Words. And thus it is My will that you learn how I want you to understand My Word, ‘Do this in remembrance of Me ....’ For you derived from this a practice in which you literally hand out bread and wine and by eating this bread and drinking the wine you are convinced of having accepted Me Myself in you .... But the correct meaning of My Words has not been understood by you. Yet precisely the acceptance of ‘bread and wine’ is very important, but I want My Word with its strength to be understood by this. You cannot become blessed if you don’t listen to My Word, the bread of life, the manna which comes from heaven .... You must let yourselves be addressed by Me, I Myself Am the Word Which became flesh for you humans .... When I lived on earth I distributed the bread of life open-handedly; I spoke to all people and nourished the souls of those who were of good will .... I gave them bread and wine, My Word which I had blessed with My strength .... I educated My disciples into becoming true proclaimers of My Word because they were intended to spread My Word across the world .... for all people need food for their souls, all people were meant to ‘eat My flesh and drink My blood’, My Word was to be made accessible to all people in the same way as it had come forth from Me Myself; they should receive purest truth, which only the Eternal Truth Itself was able to provide. However, My life on earth only lasted for a short time. And during this time I prepared My disciples for their teaching ministry .... And when the hour of My leaving approached, when I took Supper with My disciples before My arduous path to Golgotha .... I assigned them to their task .... I pointed out their mission to inform the world about Me, My teaching and also about that which was still ahead of Me and therefore said the Words, ‘Go ye into all the world ....’, I broke the bread and passed it to them as well as the cup with the wine .... and My disciples knew that I termed the bread and the wine as ‘flesh and blood, that I spoke to them figuratively and they understood that I expected them to take My Word to people, so that they would remember Me and never ever forget Me again. They knew that they were meant to distribute to their fellow human beings in the same way as I had distributed the bread and the wine to them .... And thus I undoubtedly inaugurated My disciples into the ministry for which I had educated them ....

However, at no time ever did I institute such a communion service as you humans have assumed from My Words. It had never been My will that you humans should perform an act and in so doing expect a result which, however, requires other prerequisites than merely the acceptance of bread and wine .... Understand that it was the instruction for My disciples to go into the world and to spread the Gospel .... To proclaim My Word to people which, in truth, is My flesh and My blood, the bread from the heavens, and which is and will remain indispensable for people who try to find union with Me and who will also have found it when I can speak to them directly, when My strength can pour directly into them and thus result in the unification which is the purpose and goal of life on earth. But the first condition is that the human being shapes himself into love, for he cannot accept Me Myself .... My Word, My flesh and My blood .... if he lacks love .... I Myself Am Love. I can only unite with love again. Hence it is not possible for Me to enter the heart of a person who carries out the external act, who digests the bread and wine but whose heart is utterly devoid of love .... For I do not understand ‘love’ as an emotional response which confronts Me at that instant, instead, I understand it as a quelled selfish love which expresses itself in neighbourly love, and which therefore also testifies to love for Me. This is a true union with Me in which I can speak to him, in which he is offered My flesh and My blood, My Word with its strength. Then the human being will constantly keep Me in mind, he will start and end everything with Me, he will always endeavour to live according to My will and take the path of higher development .... he will reach the goal, he will attain eternal life and beatitude ....


BD 7668                received  07.08.1960

‘It is finished ....’

The One who allowed Himself to be nailed to the cross on behalf of your sins has truly accomplished the act of redeeming humanity from sin and death. For I Myself dwelled in the human being Jesus, thus it was not a mere human being who accomplished an act which should only be judged in an earthly sense, but I Myself took pity upon the whole of humanity and atoned for its sin in order to enable its return to Me, which had become impossible for every single person because of the original sin, that is, the guilt of the past apostasy from Me and the fall into the abyss. It must repeatedly be emphasised that I Myself have offered the sacrifice in a human shell .... And it must be stressed that ‘Love’ made this sacrifice, but that I Myself Am the Eternal Love. You humans are unable to comprehend the full depth of this act, but you can be certain that it was not ‘human work’, even though the human being Jesus sacrificed His life on the cross; yet it only happened so that humanity would take notice and become aware of its enormous guilt, the redemption of which required an exceptional deed which was and will remain unique. Thereby the complete redemption was accomplished so that it only depends on the human being’s will to release himself from the guilt of sin which burdens him for as long as he does not acknowledge Jesus Christ’s act of Salvation. The act of Salvation has been accomplished for all time .... It need not be repeated, it covers the redemption of all once-fallen spiritual beings because I Myself attended to it, for the sake of My love I Myself wanted to remove the guilt and for the sake of justice I made amends for it. The enormous extent of suffering the human shell had to endure was sufficient atonement for Me .... However, the human being Jesus would have been unable to endure the extent of suffering by Himself had the Love in Him not enabled Him to do so. Time and again I stress that this act of Salvation is and will remain unique, because its redemptive effect will last for all eternity. As long as fallen spirits still exist, the divine Redeemer Jesus Christ will also be mentioned, and the acknowledgment of His act of Salvation will always liberate people from the guilt of their past apostasy from Me and, truly, no further sacrifice of atonement will be necessary because I Myself accomplished this sacrifice for all eternity .... Thus you humans should be satisfied with this explanation and not pay attention to satanically-inclined events which cannot be brought into harmony with My act of Salvation. For if ever My act of Salvation is described as incomplete, if ever people are shown a path to happiness other than the path to the cross, then the divine working of the spirit cannot be spoken of; then there will be forces at work which seek to prevent your redemption, which try to deter you from Me, Who wants to be recognised and acknowledged in Jesus Christ .... In that case you should be careful, for My adversary knows how to present himself in an angel’s garment of light and then you will find it difficult to expose him. But always call upon Jesus Christ, Who certainly recognises His enemy and adversary, and appeal to Him for protection. For He and I are One, and if you pray to Me for correct thinking and for protection in every spiritual adversity then you will no longer have to worry, for then you will be guided wherever you go, the ‘redemption’ will reveal itself in you .... and you will clearly and assuredly recognise which way you will have to take and where danger threatens you. I have redeemed you from all sins, for My crucifixion was the atonement for your guilt. And this act of atonement cannot be lessened by My adversary, nevertheless he will continue to try to influence you humans such that you become unsure and start to doubt Me as your Redeemer Jesus Christ .... For during the time of the end many false Christ’s and false prophets will arise and try to pull you onto wrong paths. Then you shall be strong in faith and know that you should only keep to Jesus Christ, because by doing so you acknowledge Me Myself and call upon Me as a Father in every adversity and distress of body and soul ....


BD 7669                received  08.08.1960

The soul consciously enters its embodiment ....

You start your earthly path entirely aware of what is in store for you and voluntarily give your approval .... But your past memory will be taken away from you again; otherwise you would cover your earthly progress under a certain amount of compulsion which would not be beneficial for your soul. Therefore you should not complain about this or that stroke of fate, for they are all merely the means which are intended to help your souls attain maturity and which, with the right attitude, will indeed lead you to perfection. Thus your will needs to aim in the right direction, this is the test of earthly life which you should pass and the reason for your life on earth. When you incarnate as a human being all obstacles seem easily surmountable to you, and you gladly take them upon yourselves because you realise that it is the last embodiment in a shell, that you can live in complete freedom after your earthly progress is over. And it is indeed possible for you to liberate yourselves from the physical form through this earthly life if you always appeal to God for support. Thereby the soul demonstrates that it wants to fulfil its purpose on earth, it demonstrates that it acknowledges God and desires Him or it would not call upon Him for His help. And then the soul will be able to overcome even the most severe strokes of fate, it will never have to bear them alone but receive much spiritual support, so that its earthly progress will also show periods of relief and it will always emerge from every test more mature. Yet without such trials it will be unable to progress in its development. It receives this realisation prior to its embodiment as a human being, and it does not refuse to take the path on earth.

If, however, it retained its past memory then its intention and actions would hardly be free, it would constantly act under compulsion as well as out of fear of what is to come, even if it weren’t granted complete clarification and knowledge of it. Nevertheless, as human beings you should know that you voluntarily accepted your earthly fate, and this knowledge should reassure you, insofar as that you should always remember that your complete liberation from the physical shell is possible, just as your earthly progress is destined too. You should be aware of the fact that you may always receive spiritual support, that God Himself wants you to return to Him and that He yearns for you, thus He will leave no stone unturned in order to make your return easier, and that you therefore need not fear anything which is destined to come upon you .... For with His help you will be able to surmount everything, with His help you will succeed in becoming master over His adversary who still keeps you enchained .... He has no more power over you if you desire God, Who is Father to all of you .... Who fought in Jesus Christ against His and your enemy and Who defeated him too. And you need only ever pray to Him for strength, He will always stand by your side, He Himself will provide you with strength when it concerns living life on earth successfully .... when it concerns overcoming everything that is difficult, that is imposed on you by destiny, so that you will mature fully while you are still on earth, so that you achieve liberation from every shell and will be able to enter the spiritual kingdom as free beings ....


BD 7672                received  12.08.1960

Vast distance from God .... End ....

The fact that people have distanced themselves from Me to such an extent is an obvious sign of the times, for thereby they hasten the end themselves since earthly life no longer fulfils its purpose .... that people look for and find unification with Me .... Their earthly existence was only given to them for one reason: to take the last step of return to Me, to eliminate the distance they once had created themselves through their apostasy from Me.

In earthly life they are now granted the final opportunity to understand their wrongdoing which made them fall into an abysmal distance from Me ....As a result of My love and grace this distance has already been so reduced by way of the path through the works of creation that they have now reached the point of return to Me which, however, has to occur in free will, and therefore the once fallen spirits were granted the short time of earthly life which fully suffices in order to reach the final goal .... the union with Me.

Yet people fail to consider the purpose of their earthly life, they look at everything with earthly-minded eyes, they don’t decrease their distance from Me, in fact, they are more likely to increase it because they lack love and this always signifies a vast distance from Me. And thus the time has come where earth is no longer serving as a place of spiritual education, where it is missing its purpose .... where it has become pointless for the human being to live on earth because he only uses his stay wrongly and is far more inclined to extend his distance from Me. And this means that the human being’s soul is in utmost danger to be banished into matter again, to descend into the deepest abyss once more. And therefore a large transformation is about to happen to you humans to enable the earth fulfil its purpose again: helping the soul to attain maturity.

Hence present-day people hasten the end of the old earth themselves, for I want to restore the old order and let the earth become a place of education for the spirit once more which, however, necessitates disintegrating and reshaping the creation, including those people who do not recognise the meaning and purpose of earthly life and just live a purely material life without taking their souls into consideration. And regardless of what I will still allow to happen until then, it will no longer lead to a change in people except in a few who will find Me in the last hour, and whom I also want to save from the downfall.

People no longer believe in Me with a living faith, and a dead faith cannot awaken the souls to life. For people live without love. They no longer take notice of their fellow human beings’ hardship, they just feel great love for themselves and this love drives them back into the adversary’s arms again, and so they steadily widen their distance to Me, given that love alone establishes the unification with Me and heartlessness merely proves their remoteness from Me. Hence the time which separates you humans from the end gets ever shorter .... whether you believe it or not ..... It is the lawful consequence of humanity’s heartlessness which only the very change into love would be able to revoke but which can no longer be expected on this earth.

Earthly life is purely a matter of the soul becoming fully mature .... yet no-one is aware of this task incumbent on him apart from the small flock of My Own who, although they will be unable to stop the transformation of this earth, will nevertheless inhabit the new earth as root of the new human race. Their fate will be an exceptionally glorious one, which people should truly regard as the most important to strive for in these last days .... yet it is never believed and no person can be forced to believe it. However, time and again you shall be informed of it, for I will let My voice be heard until the end and remind and warn all people, and until the end every person will still have the opportunity to change himself .... to strive for another goal but purely the material world .... And blessed, who still uses the short time to change his nature to love; for he will not have to fear the end because then he, too, will belong to My Own who will be protected and saved by My strong arm ....


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