Book 81           NR.  7673 – 7797

received by  Bertha Dudde  between 14.8.1960 and 14.1.1961

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BD 7673                received  14.08.1960

Warning about communicating with the beyond ....

It is My will that you should turn to Me in heartfelt prayer before you make contact with spiritual beings, because it depends on this heartfelt prayer whether the contact with the spirit world will be beneficial for you. Heartfelt prayer protects you from beings who cannot benefit you since they are not yet enlightened themselves .... But you yourselves do not know whether the souls of the deceased called by you have already entered the kingdom of light, for even if they confirm it you cannot know whether their statements are credible. Hence you should approach such contacts with the spiritual world very cautiously, because you yourselves already have to be in a spiritual setting which deters all evil, so that nothing can touch you and you are only taken care of and taught by beings of light. Dealing with the souls of the deceased is always very dangerous because you humans do not know which sphere they occupy. Although such conduct is not a sin if you are motivated by your love for these souls, but you yourselves won’t gain anything and are more likely to lose if you thereby come into contact with dark spheres and receive misguided teachings or messages which are not beneficial for your soul.

Consequently, I strongly warn you against such dealings with the spiritual world for your own sakes ....

Irrespective of what you are told by this world .... it will never match the profundity and wisdom of My Word, which is transmitted to you humans by My love from above and conveyed to you by messengers of light, if you are not able to receive it from Me directly .... I Myself want to be your friend and teacher, your brother, Whom you can approach with any kind of question, be it earthly or spiritually .... And I will always answer you if you desire it. I will tell you that you have to take the path to Jesus Christ if you want to achieve beatitude. And thus you yourselves should inform the souls of the dead too and direct them in thought to Him, Who is everyone’s Redeemer from sin and death .... For even these souls will have to find him first before they can be admitted into the kingdom of light. You cannot provide a greater service of love to these souls but to proclaim the Gospel to them in thought, the divine teaching of love, which I preached Myself in the man Jesus in order to show them the path of return to Me, into the Father’s house. You have to want to help the souls of the deceased, you have to give to them .... and not accept instructions from them, irrespective of what kind they are.

The knowledge about the future is withheld from you by Me, thus you should not raise questions of this kind to them ....

However, you should always desire spiritual knowledge, but this cannot be given to you by these souls. Nevertheless you can always ask Jesus Christ, the divine teacher. He will lovingly enlighten you and always call you to Himself to appeal to Him for forgiveness of sin, to follow Him, in order to be guided by Him into the kingdom of light and bliss .... But without Him you cannot become blessed .... You should remember this, and if it is your will to live in accordance with My will then you will also live up to everything Jesus had taught on earth, what He expressed in His commandments of love for God and your neighbour: Then you will live in love yourselves and recognise where light can be found .... then you will be able to discern the value of spiritual communications and endeavour only to contact the spiritual world of light which can then transmit clarifying instructions to you. For you yourselves always determine the degree of light which you find yourselves in .... But be warned that dealing with spiritual beings is dangerous if you do not know the degree of maturity of the souls you are questioning .... Always remember that you should give to these souls, for they all will need your intercession in order to ascend, thus you should give it lovingly for their, as well as for your own, salvation of soul .... And then you will receive as you give yourselves ....


BD 7675                received  17.08.1960

Scrutinising spiritual knowledge ....

Anything you receive in the form of spiritual information needs to be scrutinised by you first, otherwise you won’t know whether you receive truth or error, in which case the spiritual knowledge will be of little use to you. And you can only ever make this test after heartfelt prayer for spiritual enlightenment and by comparing it with the divine Word which is conveyed to you from above. Only when they recognisably correspond to each other can you unhesitatingly accept and dwell on it. But this correspondence must be recognisable, otherwise it is not of divine origin and you may reject it. Anyone who thus turns to God Himself for support by appealing to Him for enlightenment of thinking need not fear being deceived, for his thinking will be guided such that he will notice every contradiction and recognise it as error. But the adversary works with much cunning and trickery and does not shy away from shrouding himself in the garment of an angel in order to delude people, for he is an enemy of truth. He knows that the truth shows a correct image of God and motivates people to love Him. And that is what he aims to prevent and therefore provides a distorted image of God, Who can only be feared but not loved. And the first thing you should watch out for is whether God’s love is clearly recognisable or whether God as a merciless judge merely awakens fear in people. In that case, such teaching can be safely rejected as not coming ‘from God’ ..... Then the adversary’s activity manifests itself so clearly, that it is not difficult to clarify it. God is a God of love and of mercy .... He wants to be recognised as a Father, thus love must also be plainly evident, and he may not be portrayed as an avenging or punishing God. If, however, God’s love is doubtful, then the spiritual information, which portrays God such that love cannot be recognised, should also be doubted. Yet you should not accept any spiritual knowledge without scrutinising it, for God’s adversary exerts his influence wherever he can, and often he especially tries to deceive the bearers of truth, so that they themselves begin to doubt the truth, which is exactly what he intends. He hates the truth because it reveals him and his activity and because the truth invariably leads back to God, which he tries to prevent by using every available means. And it will always be and remain a battle between truth and lie, between light and darkness ..... God’s adversary will always try to influence a person such that it can be difficult for him to differentiate between truth and lie, but a sincere prayer to God for spiritual enlightenment will always protect him from accepting or supporting error. For if the strength from God is desired it will also be effective, it grants the human being a brightly shining light .... for God is love and love does not deny itself .... God Himself protects His living creations from the darkness if they desire to be enlightened ....


BD 7677                received  19.08.1960

Calling upon the vineyard labourers ....

Anyone who expresses his willingness to do vineyard work will be accepted, because there is never enough work that can be done for Me and My kingdom. And people will always be assigned their place according to their ability to do justice to the task requested of them. At the time of My life on earth I chose My disciples Myself because I was aware of their inner life, of their sincerity of love and their desire for truth. And I will always choose My disciples Myself who shall carry My Gospel into the world during the last days before the end. However, there are only a few who wholeheartedly hand themselves over to Me, who have already overcome the world and are willing to serve Me when it comes to spreading the truth. For it is primarily a matter of introducing people to the truth, that is, of conveying truthful knowledge to them about Me Myself, Who lived on earth in Jesus and accomplished the act of Salvation. It is primarily a matter of proclaiming the name of Jesus, His divine teaching of love and His suffering and dying on the cross. If people don’t want to go astray, then they must have found Jesus Christ on earth, because it will not be so easy for the soul to find Him in the kingdom of the beyond. Yet without Jesus Christ they cannot enter the kingdom of light and attain beatitude. Hence, it is crucial that My vineyard labourers proclaim Him on earth and draw their fellow human beings’ attention to their Saviour and Redeemer .... And in order to be able to proclaim it they must first have been instructed in the pure divine truth themselves. Thus it also includes the fact that My spirit can work in those whose subsequent work for Me in the vineyard shall be successful. And My spirit can only work when the necessary prerequisites are in place: profound love for Me, which expresses itself in merciful neighbourly love, living faith and desire for truth, which can only flow forth from Me to them if they are willing to spread this truth. Then I Myself will be able to instruct them, thus, as Master I can enable My servants to convey the truth to their fellow human beings, to inform them of My reign and activity, of My nature, which is love, wisdom and omnipotence in itself, and of My eternal plan of Salvation, which will also reveal to them the reason and purpose of their life on earth. They will be able to inform their fellow human beings of My will, which they must fulfil in order to become blessed. And they will proclaim My teaching of love and admonish their fellow human beings into shaping themselves into love .... because their degree of bliss solely depends on this, when the soul enters the kingdom of the beyond after the body’s death. My servants can only work for Me if they can do justice to the task of spreading the truth .... They must be in possession of truth themselves, thus they must have received it from Me, if they want to perform real vineyard work .... But then they will also have been chosen by Me to go out into the world as My disciples during the last days and to proclaim the Gospel to people.

The hallmark of My true representatives on earth is the fact that they were guided into truth by Me Myself, that they say the same on My behalf as I Myself would have said to people when I still lived among them in the flesh, like I did during My life on earth. Therefore, anyone who receives My Gospel himself is My true disciple. And ‘My Gospel’ is the true doctrine of Salvation: the knowledge of the purpose of existence .... the knowledge of the original sin and the apostasy from Me .... the knowledge of My eternal plan of Salvation to guide My living creations back to Me and to happiness despite the immense original sin .... but this first requires the knowledge of Jesus Christ and His act of Salvation. Only when a person has complete knowledge of what constitutes the ‘plan of Salvation’ can he be a true disciple for Me .... He must be able to explain the correlations, he must know about the immense guilt of the living creations which originated from Me in all perfection and yet became imperfect of their own free will .... Only when a teacher knows everything himself will he also be able to teach successfully, and only then can he be sent into the world by Me in order to proclaim the Gospel to people. Therefore, a disciple chosen by Me must possess great knowledge himself so that he can accomplish his task .... And there are not many who let themselves be taught such that I can guide them into truth through My spirit .... there are not many who can be initiated into My plan of Salvation, even though the desire has arisen in many to hear Me, to perceive My voice within themselves. Nevertheless, I address all those who wish to be addressed by Me and I give what they are capable of receiving. And, at all times, My Word, My speech, will be a blessing for them and often also fall on ground which can yield good fruit for Me .... And so, everyone who is willing to serve Me shall be allocated an activity according to its success, but the sphere of My labourers’ activity will always differ depending on the seeds I distribute to them .... depending on the knowledge they received within through the working of My spirit .... And everyone can work with it according to his ability and he will be blessed by Me .... for many are called but only few are chosen ....


BD 7680                received  22.08.1960

The bliss of return ....

You should know that no greater bliss exists for Me than to watch you, My living creations, develop into children who recognise their Father and wish to be united with Him .... This bliss is inconceivable for you because you were not able to assess My immense love when I created you and this love will never diminish until it has found final union with you once more, that is, until you have returned to Me again of your own free incentive .... Love is My fundamental substance, love is the strength which created everything, it is love which assures your continued existence and infinite love wants to make you blissfully happy for all eternity .... Hence you emerged from love as perfect creatures, since everything I created could only be perfect. And yet you were ‘created’ beings which could not have been anything else but perfect when they came forth from My hand. However, I was not satisfied with this degree of perfection. I wanted children next to Me which voluntarily would strive towards ultimate perfection, but in that case they could also shape themselves into imperfect beings if this is what they wanted. And countless beings misshaped themselves into this imperfection when they deliberately distanced themselves from Me and reversed all divine characteristics into the opposite. This was not My will, nevertheless it happened with My permission, because I knew that the retransformation into perfection was possible for the beings and that this regeneration will be accomplished one day, if only after an infinitely long time .... But the beings which manage to achieve this act of regeneration become what I Myself was unable to achieve with My power: their Father’s true children, who thus become as perfect as their Father in Heaven is perfect .... who voluntarily strive back to Me and make Me extremely happy when I can draw them to My heart as My true children, when they have and will remain united with Me for all eternity .... It is an exceedingly happy state for Me to watch these children of Mine take a step at a time towards the goal of unification with Me .... even if this return to Me necessitates an infinitely long time .... I know that one day it will come to an end, that no being will remain distant from Me .... I know that the work, which started with the beings’ act of apostasy, will continue with absolute certainty, even if the being’s free will occasionally makes it fall back .... even if eternities pass by until this free will changes and longs for Me. Nevertheless, My love will not stop helping the being to come up from below .... Time and again My love will come to meet the creature and My yearning for union will constantly increase and will indeed find fulfilment one day, just as the creature will long for Me one day and strive for unification. But then the being will be eternally happy .... Therefore it is of little significance for Me as to when this union will take place, because for Me a thousand years are like a day .... but I know for a fact that it will take place one day and I only seek to shorten the time of return to Me for My living creation’s sake, but I will not precipitate it if the being’s will is still opposed to Me. However, once My children feel the bliss which results from our union they will be incapable of understanding why they opposed Me for so long, for their love for Me will also come fully aglow and the being will never want to separate itself from Me again. Only then will the beings grasp what love is .... then they will know that nothing that emerged from Me can disappear and that everything must indeed be of highest perfection in order to be permanently united with Me, in order to endure My presence, in order to create and shape beside Me, as I have planned from the very beginning .... And the Creator will be blissfully happy with His living creation .... the Father will be inconceivably blissful with His child ....


BD 7681                received  24.08.1960

‘I Am with you always, even unto the end of the world ....’

I will send you the comforter, the spirit of truth ....’ Every one of you has the inherent ability to hear the voice of My spirit, for a part of Myself, a spiritual spark of My divine spirit of love, rests within yourselves and will always be able to make contact with Me, through it My Word will radiate into you, for this spiritual spark is an emanation of Myself which will strike you effectively if you are prepared for it. As long as you stay isolated from Me this spiritual spark will remain silent .... If you unite with Me, then the spiritual spark will be in contact with Me too and can impart to you the light and strength which comes forth from Me; it will be able to convey to you the pure truth from Me and by receiving this truth enable you to gain realisation and thus step out of the darkness of night into the light of day. I Myself promised you when I lived on earth that I would not leave you by yourselves anymore .... that I will always be with you until the end of the world .... I pointed out the working of My spirit in you, which will guide you into truth .... but which would only become possible after My crucifixion, because prior to it the soul was still burdened by the original sin which made it impossible for a bond between the human being and Me to become so intimate that he would hear My voice within himself. First redemption through Jesus Christ had to take place, which reversed the separation from Me .... The human being had to completely consciously acknowledge Me in Jesus Christ .... thus he deliberately had to have taken the path of return to Me, which then also resulted in the emanations of My strength of love, which assured that he would hear My Word if he wanted to, if he therefore consciously opened himself and thus activated the spiritual spark in him to unite itself with the eternal Father’s spirit. For it only requires an earnest will to enter into My will, it requires the acknowledgment of Me Myself Whom the being once refused to acknowledge, and it requires a life of love for My spirit to express itself as I promised.

Physically I was unable to remain with you humans but I gave you the consolation of sending you My spirit and thus of always staying with you until the end of the world. And this promise has to be taken seriously, you can always be and remain aware of My presence, you need only have the will for Me to be present with you and to establish a bond with Me in thought, in prayer or in kind-hearted activity .... In that case you will always be able to hear Me, for I Myself Am in you, and the spiritual spark will never lose contact with the eternal Father spirit .... it is merely unable to express itself if the human being is not receptive of his own free will, if he does not carefully listen in order to hear what My spirit imparts to him through the spiritual spark. And thus it is always up to the human being himself to ignite the spark in him, to provide it with the opportunity of expressing itself by appealing to Me Myself such that I might be present with him and teach him and guide him into truth according to My promise .... And I will truly stand by his side as a comforter; I will guide him into truth and will give evidence of Myself through My Word .... I will be ‘with him always, even unto the end of the world ....’


BD 7687                received  01.09.1960

End and Rapture ....
Paradise of the new earth ....

A blissful fate in the paradise of the new earth is awaiting those of you who will stand firm during the last battle of faith, who will remain faithful to Me until the end. It will certainly still be a difficult time for you but you will be able to prevail, for you will receive an exceptional flow of strength from Me, you will be so evidently taken care of by Me and My love that you will patiently accept all difficulties and profess Me and My name before the world. You and your strength of faith will also lift those of your fellow human beings’ who are still of weak faith. They will recognise My might and strength if only a person has living faith in Me. But you should not stay with Me for the sake of reward, instead your love for Me should motivate you to resist all hostilities by the adversary. And you will indeed possess this love in view of the distinct help, the love, which I Myself will prove to you .... Then burning love for Me will arise in you and nothing will be able to frighten you anymore, nothing will be able to separate you from Me, Who is and wants to remain your Father, Who wants to transfer you as His children into the paradise of the new earth .... and Who therefore will help you until the very end. And I will shorten the days for the sake of My Own .... This promise shall be your comfort when you look at the chaos around you, when you are subjected to persecutions which originate from My adversary and affect all those who believe in Me. Don’t let yourselves be misled by the promises of those who don’t want to acknowledge Me .... don’t let yourselves be deceived by their apparent good living standard and don’t desire it yourselves, for My adversary and his followers will not be able to enjoy it for long .... Everything will cease to exist on the Day of Judgment, and only you will survive this day and be allowed to enter the kingdom of peace when I will carry you away before their very eyes.

And so that you will remain strong in your resistance, so that you will remain loyal to Me until the end, I will fortify you in every adversity of body and soul .... And I will also visibly come to you, if your strength of faith and your love allows for it .... I will provide you with such remarkable strength and comfort that you will be firm enough to resist and that you will also live through the short time without incurring the slightest damage to your body and soul .... For My power is truly great enough to protect you in every adversity and danger. Therefore, if you are unusually put under pressure for the sake of your belief you can count daily on My coming .... Then you will know that the Day of Judgment is not far away anymore, and then wait in love and patience, for I have promised My help to you and I will rescue you from all distress. You don’t know how close you are to the end and the day and hour will remain a secret to you as well; but pay attention to the signs which proclaim the end to you .... and you will realise that you are living in the twelfth hour and that time flies. This is why you should make use of it to the best of your ability and always remain in contact with Me so that you will constantly receive strength and increase your strength of faith and your love for Me .... I will truly save you from destruction if only you have the will to belong to Me, therefore I will also give you the strength to prevail until the end or I will recall you before, so that you will not fall prey to My adversary in your weakness .... For as soon as your will applies to Me I shall no longer leave you to My adversary but take hold of you and draw you up to Me .... Yet blessed is he who experiences the end, who will remain loyal to Me and profess Me before the world .... I want to endow him with the delights of paradise, I want to transfer him onto the new earth when the Day of Judgment has come .... and all adversity and suffering will be over for him, he will live in peace and beatitude and I Myself will be with My Own, as I have promised ....


BD 7690                received  03.09.1960

Message to the formal Christians ....

You humans only have one way to achieve maturity of soul on earth: you have to live in love. I repeatedly tell you that you can only become blessed through love. Time and again I have to present My commandments of love as a priority to you, because there is no substitute for a life of love, since nothing can help you achieve bliss if you do not live up to My commandments of love .... Hence you can do what you like .... you can zealously observe the laws decreed by people .... you can comply with all regulations which are supposedly necessary .... but your spiritual development will not progress one iota if you disregard love. Consequently, in all your undertakings you should consider carefully whether you are motivated to do something by the love within you or whether you merely comply with ‘commandments’ which were given to you by people and which are in no way related to a ‘labour of love’ ....

You should always carefully think about the reasons of your thoughts and actions and attach no importance to anything devoid of ‘love’. Particularly people who feel denominationally committed apply My commandments of love half-heartedly .... They give their sole attention to traditional customs, they fulfil ‘duties’ which, they are told, are important, but by doing so they do not further the maturity of their soul .... and yet they should know that the maturing of their souls is the only reason for living on earth .... But I keep emphasising that a life of love is absolutely necessary to achieve it, that nothing else will substitute unselfish works of love. Irrespective of how eagerly they perform the commandments decreed by people, they will not be able to accomplish the slightest progress for their souls .... Therefore, everything you humans do is worthless if love is not the determining factor.

And when you say ‘Everything in honour of God ....’, how can you honour Me if you do not love Me? And how can you love Me if you ignore the hardship of your fellow human being who is, after all, your brother? How can God’s love be in you if you lack compassionate love for other people by which alone you prove your love to Me? You live a wrong life if you feel committed to denominational customs and traditions, to ceremonies and implementations of duty, you are wasting the energy of life which is given to you by Me for gaining spiritual strength on earth, and this can only be acquired by deeds of love ....

You humans, do take earthly life seriously, do not live so indifferently that you won’t even consider whether your God and Father can be satisfied with your mere fulfilment of formalities .... Consider what I Myself might ask of you if I stayed with you again as a human being, if I walked across your earth again as a human being .... Do you think that I could feel pleased that you humans exist in a dead faith, that you only mechanically perform things which can never be of any value in My eyes? How do you humans imagine your God and Father to be? How can you humans reconcile My wisdom with what you have built, with what you believe to be the ‘church of Christ’ ....? How could I find pleasure in traditions and customs, in activities which are presented to you as ‘My will’? I can and will only take pleasure in those carrying out works of love .... I will only ever acknowledge things that have their basis in love, and souls can only mature fully when the human being transforms himself into love, when he fights the love of self and becomes absorbed in unselfish love for his fellow human being .... Because you are lacking love and should acquire it again while you live on earth .... You have to live a life of love or your life on earth will be in vain and you will never reach you goal ....


BD 7691                received  04.09.1960

The spirits’ and the adversary’s resistance ....

Spiritual death can last for an infinitely long time but one day all souls will come to life .... For I will not rest until all spiritual beings have returned to Me; I will not cease illuminating that which is dead with My love until it eventually gives up its resistance, until it begins to stir and the first signs of life become visible. But it will take an infinitely long time until this work of redemption has been accomplished, for countless spiritual substances still languish in their solidified state, and eternities will yet pass by until these hardened spirits will be able to start on the path of higher development, because their resistance to My illumination of love is so strong and I will not break it by force. And My adversary will also remain in this opposition to Me for an endless time .... I will not forcibly break his will either but one day he will return to Me voluntarily and only a return like this is of value to Me, because I want to have children and not living creations which are forced to comply with My will, which lack the love that a child will offer Me. The fact that My work of return will extend throughout eternity is of no great significance to Me because time does not exist for Me, since a thousand years are as one day to Me .... And the greater the past resistance was the greater will be the bliss of having returned to Me, for Myself as well as for the entity .... the fact that it will have to suffer immeasurably during its time of apostasy from Me is due to its own will, which I do not break forcibly. These are inconceivably long periods of time for you humans which can only be made comprehensible to you by the concept of eternity.

You should know that one day it will come to an end, that the spiritualisation of all created beings will be accomplished one day and even My adversary will return to Me again, because that which emerged from My strength of love will never be able to go astray forever. And the fact that My adversary will also be redeemed one day, that he, too, will return to Me as the prodigal son, goes without saying, because I Am love and love never relinquishes anything but constantly seeks to attract reciprocated love. It would not be reconcilable with My perfect nature were I to let something forever go astray which had come forth from My hand .... And therefore you may believe with certainty in a total redemption of the spiritual beings; you need not harbour the least doubts or you would doubt My love which, however, is part of My nature, which is supremely perfect. Eternal death does not exist, but death can last for eternities .... because these times are incomprehensible for you as long as you are still in the state of imperfection .... But they are not limitless .... The concept of eternity can only be applied when all spiritual beings have reached the state of perfection again, for then the being will never ever lose its life again .... it will never again have to fear death. However, everything in the imperfect state will always be subject to limitations. And thus the state of death will also come to an end for the spiritual being, because My eternal plan of Salvation intends to bring that which is dead back to life, but the being itself will determine the time it takes and thus eternities may pass until it decides to give up its resistance. For although My strength of love seeks to illuminate that which is dead .... it remains ineffective as long as the opposition does not diminish, which will nevertheless happen one day with irrefutable certainty. And then it will come alive .... For sooner or later all fallen spirits will return to Me and then remain with Me forever ....


BD 7693                received  06.09.1960

Jesus’ resurrection and spiritualisation ....

You can confidently accept it as truth that My body simultaneously spiritualised itself with My soul, that I was therefore able to arise from the dead because nothing of a physical nature remained in the grave which might have had to continue the process of development. During My life on earth I had also become master over My body, I had spiritualised all substances, that is, as Jesus, the human being, I had handed them over to My Father of eternity; nothing existed in My body which resisted the Father in Me, and I did not suffer the agonies on the cross for My sake .... for the sake of spiritualising My body .... but only in order to atone for humanity’s sins with it. However, My body was still humanly inclined so that it felt and endured the immense pain .... Nevertheless, after I had accomplished the act of Salvation for the human race with My death on the cross, I also wanted to provide you with the evidence of My spiritualisation which resulted in My resurrection from the dead .... Thus body and soul were able to arise because they had achieved the act of spiritualisation and nothing was capable of keeping this spiritual being in the grave, for the spirit penetrates everything, even the most solid matter. This spiritualisation of the body was certainly possible for Me because I was completely imbued by love and because love dissolves every impure substance, for .... where love is present .... nothing of an impure nature can persist, because love guarantees a unification with the Eternal love, since it consumes everything, only leaving the pure spirit behind, which thus can unite itself with the Primary Spirit of eternity. I remained in this love, and if you humans likewise shape yourselves into love, you will also be able to spiritualise your body, you will place all material substances into the right order and all inherently bound spiritual substances therein will turn to Me as the Eternal Love and give up all opposition, which had once hardened its substances and had been the cause of its banishment into matter. But this spiritualisation of the body will only be achieved by a few people while they are still on earth, nevertheless, it is possible. Then the body will also be able to arise at the same time as the soul, it is just that it will not often be perceptible to you humans because it is not necessary for your salvation of soul to experience unusual things which are generally not comprehensible to people.

However, the fact that I Myself have risen from the dead, that My body stepped out of the grave as well, can be believed by you, for My life as a human being truly was such that it was possible for the body’s spiritualisation to take place, that nothing needed to remain behind in order to go through a further phase of development. I had found unification with the Father of eternity .... I was completely pervaded by Him, I no longer lived outside of His nature, I was merged with Him for all eternity. But the ‘nature of God’ cannot be made understandable to you, for He is a Spirit Which permeates and pervades everything .... He cannot be personified, nor is He visible, He is strength and light on such a scale that it would consume everything had it not shaped itself to a high degree of love, which was in Me during the time of My life on earth as a human being. And therefore this light and strength was able to infuse Me completely without having to perish, but also My spiritualised body maintained its form despite the abundance of divine spirit, so that I remained visible to the beings which face Me with a high degree of maturity .... The Great Spirit of eternity, Which permeated the whole of the universe had manifested Itself in a human form .... I had became visible for My created beings in Jesus Christ, for I Myself Am also a Being which you will only understand when you yourselves, full of love, have entered into union with Me .... And then you will also grasp the problem of My resurrection, the spiritualisation of body and soul and My complete merger with the Father-Spirit of eternity .... Only then will you understand the unity of Jesus and the Father .... Only then will you be totally united with Me and you will recognise Me Myself, your God and Father of eternity, in Jesus Christ .... For He and I are One, and he who sees Me also sees the Father ....


BD 7697                received  11.09.1960

Proclaiming the Gospel ....

Every opportunity where My Gospel can be proclaimed should be used, for time is flying by and everything should still be done in order to lead people towards a living faith in Me, in order to announce the near end and to inspire them to prepare themselves for this end. I will therefore bless every meeting which serves to accomplish vineyard work, dwelling amongst My Own and enlightening their spirit I Myself will speak through the mouths of those who want to serve Me, and the souls which move within spiritual spheres can only ever gain from it. My teaching should be carried to all places because people repeatedly need to be told to fulfil their true purpose of life on earth by eagerly working at improving their souls so that they can be accepted in the kingdom of light and bliss one day. The world has no spiritual possessions to offer but if you bring the Gospel to them, they will be offered everlasting possessions which will follow them into eternity, for as soon as they comply with My Gospel their souls will mature and enable them to enter the kingdom of light and bliss after their physical death. The proclamation of the Gospel is, at the same time, also the proclamation of Jesus Christ’s act of Salvation .... and people must be informed of this, for without Jesus Christ they cannot become blessed. This makes the work in My vineyard extremely important, many fallow fields shall still be reclaimed .... many hearts shall still be made receptive for the seeds I distribute to you, My labourers on earth, and which can truly bear the most magnificent fruit if the ground has been cultivated and nurtured, if it has been well prepared in order to accept the seed. Your work, My servants on earth, consists of repeatedly bringing My Word to those people who want to accept it .... of constantly drawing their attention to My love and grace which manifests itself in the direct passing on of My Word .... You should speak wherever possible, that is, place yourselves at My disposal so that I Myself can speak through you. My Word will have great strength and occasionally also soften hearts which were still disinclined towards Me but which cannot resist My address. And I will bless you for this, for evening has come and it won’t take long for the night to fall from which there will be no awakening in the morning .... because the time people where granted for striving towards perfection has come to an end. For this reason you should also keep announcing the end and admonish your fellow human beings to be diligent in making sure that their souls will not go astray; you should tell them time and again that they are facing a turn of events in the world, even if they don’t want to believe it .... You should announce the forthcoming natural disaster and the subsequent end .... so that they can still make an effort in the final hour, so that they will learn to believe if they pay attention to the sign of the times. Therefore you should be busy servants for Me, for I still want to address people as often as you enable Me to do so .... Bear in mind that your fellow human beings are suffering great spiritual adversity and try to help them .... Preach the Gospel to them, preach to them about love, time and again give them My Word, and I will be with you with My blessing and with all those who do not close their hearts if I want to speak to them through you ....


BD 7698                received  13.09.1960

The voice of conscience ....

You are guided into perfection and need My support for this, because you once relinquished all your strength and became weak, lightless living beings which had to remain in the abyss until My love took hold of them and helped them to ascend again. Although you now have acquired a certain level of maturity it is not enough to guarantee the path of ascent which you still have to cover during your earthly life. You need My strength and guidance for this. And if you are conscious of your weakness, if you look around for help, then I Am already by your side just waiting for your request for help .... but you have to make this request to Me of your own free will because I will not force your will by any means whatsoever.

Yet I Am always willing to give you the help you ask for, just as I will always provide you with strength as soon as you desire it. And in order to awaken this desire within yourselves I occasionally will let you feel your weakness and darkness particularly strongly. This is only a sign of My love for you because I want to win you for Myself, because by this means I want to persuade you to voluntarily ask for My help. And for this reason you have to believe in Me first ....

The knowledge of a God and Creator will certainly be passed on to you, which you only need to accept and think about and with good will you can also believe it. You can rest assured that I will help you to acquire firm faith if only you have the will to think and act correctly .... if only you will listen to your inner voice which will always guide you correctly.

And My voice will express itself in every person as their voice of conscience .... but it can be heard or ignored, which is entirely up to the person’s own will. Hence their voice of conscience will inform the human being of right and wrong; the voice of conscience will teach him about the fundamental law, about love, because as a human being he knows exactly what gives him joy and a sense of well-being and what causes suffering and misery .... Therefore he can also behave towards his fellow human being such that it serves his well-being and protects him from physical harm .... And thus love can arise in him, and due to his love the light of knowledge will illuminate him too ....

Every human being can learn to think and act correctly because the delicate feeling expressed by the voice of his conscience was given to him by Me. As soon as he takes notice of it, his nature, which at the start of his incarnation as a human being was still greatly steeped in selfish love, can change into love for other people. This then will guarantee a strong, living faith in Me, his God and Creator, and then he will soon recognise his Father in Me, Who loves him and wants to draw him close to Himself .... And he will strive for this bond of his own free will. I will be able to guide him into perfection, because I will grant help to every human being, I will leave no person in weakness and ignorance, I Am and remain his guide for the duration of his earthly life as long as he does not oppose Me, as long as his will consents to being influenced by his voice of conscience .... which will always happen when the soul is willing to achieve the purpose and goal of its life .... Then the human being can always be certain that I will do everything on My part to help him achieve perfection, that he will never be left to himself and that he will accomplish his goal without doubt ....


BD 7699                 received  14.09.1960

The spirits’ process of development ....

You have passed through the entire creation .... This is a significant statement which you will only understand when you recognise My plan of return, My plan for the spiritualisation of all immature spiritual substances, when you know about the circumstances which are the reasons for your process through creation .... For only as a human being will you be the first created entity again which you were when I created and externalised you from Me .... Your past desertion from Me into the deepest abyss resulted in your disintegration, so that you passed through creation as countless individual substances.

These were embodied in the works of creation and had to comply with their task in order to gradually proceed on the path of higher development, thus to achieve the return of the spirit .... the transformation of its nature .... in accordance with My eternal plan of Salvation. For every work of creation has its task which consists of a function to serve. Through constant service in the law of compulsion the spiritual substance repeatedly sheds its external form and can embody itself in a new external form and continue like this until it has achieved the necessary maturity to embody itself in a human being. This process of development through the creation of earth irrevocably leads to maturity since it happens within the law of compulsion.

My will is the decisive factor, and in accordance with this will everything fits in with My laws and accomplishes full maturity, even if it requires an infinitely long time until a certain degree is reached when the individual substances have gathered again and then, embodied as a human being, the original soul goes through its final earthly process in order to complete its spiritualisation. But this process through creation cannot be arbitrarily stopped or substituted by another process .... It has to be taken by every being which wants to return to its source and ascend from the deepest abyss to the pinnacle and become perfect again, as it was in the beginning. For the physical creation only emerged as a result of My will, because I recognised it as a way by which My living creations, who had totally distanced themselves from Me, could approach Me again.

Creation itself comprises the fallen spirits which had solidified into spiritual substance that was subsequently transformed by My will into the most diverse forms, to whom I assigned a task and a purpose: to gradually bring the spiritual substance into maturity and to offer this spiritual substance ever new external forms in order to acquire ever increasing maturity .... in order to finally strive as a self-aware entity embodied in a human being towards the ultimate objective .... to consciously look for and find unification with Me and to complete the concluding return to Me .... The only purpose of every work of creation is to shelter spiritual substance, whose ascent to Me is predetermined and which, due to My will, will also achieve this gradual ascent because it fulfils its serving function, if only under the law of compulsion, and through service releases itself from the form time and again.

But eternities will still pass before all minute particles of the last spiritual being will have gathered again .... and then My opposing spirit Lucifer will also turn to Me once more of his own free will, because he will be utterly weak after all of his created beings have left him of their own accord, who then will strive towards Me because they recognise Me as their Lord and Creator .... Only then will My adversary recognise his complete helplessness, and he will long for strength and light again, he will long for My love which once had made him extremely happy, and then he will also willingly open himself for My illumination of love and as My son return to Me again ....


BD 7702                received  17.09.1960

John 14 ....
‘I will not leave you comfortless ....’

I will not leave you comfortless .... I will look after you as a Father and provide you with the evidence of My Fatherly love .... It is not My will that you should go on living on earth without guidance, that you are defencelessly left to My adversary’s mercy who will instantly approach you when he discovers that you are abandoned. I love you because you are My children who once emerged from Me and left the right path, albeit voluntarily, but I will nevertheless not withhold My love from them. And My Fatherly love will only endeavour that you return to your Father’s house again .... For this reason I will assume your guidance, providing you do not obstinately oppose Me, that you willingly allow yourselves to be guided by Me. But in that case you will be under divine care and nothing can happen to you, you need not feel as orphans who are alone in the world and are therefore often in danger as well. It is My love that I gather My lambs so that they will not stray all over the place, that I coax and call them as a good Shepherd Who does not want to lose even one of his sheep. My sheep know the voice of their Shepherd, they follow Him and He will lead them home, He will protect His flock from the enemy, who approaches time and again in order to cause confusion and to scatter the little sheep wherever he can. Then My coaxing call will ring out because I won’t abandon them to My enemy .... I will pursue those who have lost their way or are in danger of falling into the abyss .... For I do not want to lose any one of My sheep because I love them .... And thus no-one need be afraid of being abandoned, for I take care of everyone who suffers adversity, who is alone and depends on help .... I Am close to all who merely think of Me, who entrust themselves to Me in their distress .... And, like a good shepherd, I will treat all those who have distanced themselves from Me and who shall be guided back with coaxing calls of love to their origin .... ‘I will not leave you comfortless ....’ This is My promise to you, and thus you can confidently count on My protection, you can always avail yourselves of My help, for you know that there is One Who wants to be and remain your Father for all eternity .... And you should entrust yourselves to this Father, regardless of what troubles you. Then He will take you by your hand and safely guide you through all difficulties, He will give you strength to surmount all obstacles, He will even out your paths so that you will safely reach your goal, so that you will find Me and stay with Me forever. For all of you are My children who once left the Father’s house but who shall return again and can only achieve this with My help .... They need not feel helpless, for as a loving Father I furnish My children with strength so that they will be able to travel the path to their true home .... so that they will return to Me, to their Father of eternity ....


BD 7703                received  18.09.1960

Gifts of the spirit ....

You will have to mention the gifts of the spirit if you want to explain the remarkable abilities which express themselves in a divine sense and which are also recognised as divine by everyone who is spiritually inclined himself. For I Myself promised these gifts to those who aspire after them and fulfil the conditions required by Me for the ‘working of the spirit’. My spirit manifests itself in various ways, always depending on the degree of the soul’s maturity and the task given to a person who receives a gift of the spirit. There are many different gifts .... but it is always an unusual activity for which a person is gifted .... an activity he could not perform as a mere human being. He needs My support for this, he has to acquire My strength, which will then take effect in a person as the gift of healing, or the gift of prophesy, or the gift to receive the truth from Me and spread it in My name .... or, the gift of oratory inspired by Me, so that I Myself can speak through the spirit, but using the mouth of a person who received from Me this gift to hear Me.

And when you draw people’s attention to the different gifts I mentioned, also through the spirit, they will have to recognise that you not only possess a special ‘ability’ .... which admittedly could also be given to you as a talent by your Creator .... but that you gained this ability through spiritual means, that it cannot be given arbitrarily to anyone who cannot show that he fulfilled the condition to receive it. And such an ability can even less be gained academically. People are indeed called and could all spiritually shape themselves such that they could receive a gift of the spirit .... but not all are chosen, precisely because they do not recognise their calling and therefore do not strive for spiritual gifts either .... On the other hand, however, only these gifts are the evidence of a spiritually-inclined way of life, of a person’s specific degree of maturity and love, because My spirit can only work in him when he has attained this degree of maturity. After all, if people never find out that everyone can gain a gift of the spirit, they will not believe the messages from above to the extent they deserve, for they cannot explain them properly and therefore doubt every unusual manifestation of the spirit.

Indeed, people even go as far as to deny spiritual gifts as divine activity altogether and condemn everything unusual as being associated with Satan .... And yet they thereby only give evidence of their own poverty, for where the working of My spirit can no longer by recognised there is no sign of ‘My church’ either, of the church which I Myself founded on earth. ‘My Church’ only exists where the working of My spirit is evident, because My spirit testifies to My presence, and because I will always be present where people sincerely strive to progress spiritually and are thus able to receive or show a gift of the spirit. And therefore it will only ever be of benefit when you mention the gifts of the spirit, when you proclaim My Gospel .... when you remind people of My Words ‘I shall pour out My spirit over all flesh, and servants and maidens shall prophesy ....’ Everyone of My promises will be fulfilled, and thus also this one .... Hence every expression of unbelief should only ever be countered with My promise, and people should know that My working will become particularly evident during the last days, and that then everything will also come to pass as it was announced in Word and Scripture ....


BD 7705                received  20.09.1960

False prophets ....

Let Me tell you that you will be increasingly more exposed to assaults by My adversary as the end is approaching, because he uses his power in truly satanic ways, and particularly against My Own who want to serve Me and whom he believes he can still win over for himself. But you merely need to be watchful, because you will always recognize his conduct, you will always know who is hiding behind the schemes which disrupt or entirely prevent your spiritual work. Because it will be confirmed that many false prophets appear under My banner, that they will try to belittle My Words and My information concerning the approaching end. It will be confirmed that people are easy prey, that they would rather believe these false prophets than you, because these will always give them the hope that they are approaching a bright future, that they do not have to fear the future, that their worldly efforts will be successful and that an end to this world is thus unthinkable ....

And in that case you will know that you are dealing with false prophets, and then you will have to remain strong in faith and believe what I had proclaimed and continue to proclaim to you, that the time has been fulfilled and that you humans are in great danger if you do not prepare yourselves for the end such that you need not fear it. Anyone who lives righteously and just, who has found Jesus Christ and completely gives himself to Him, anyone who recognizes Me Myself in Him and thus calls on Me in Jesus when he is in distress will survive the dangers of the last days and emerge unscathed. He will live to see the new earth and its paradisiacal life, and his faith will indeed become a blessing to him, because he will not fear the end anymore, he will hold on to Me and thus endure until the end and be blessed, as I have promised ....

But My adversary will rage and try to influence My Own until the end .... You should know this and not allow yourselves to be misled. However, he has his followers, and they will do his bidding and spread misguided teachings amongst people who completely oppose My Word, which is brought to you directly from above, My Gospel, which you may nevertheless believe totally. You should merely examine what is offered to you from elsewhere whether it corresponds to My Word .... since whatever is contrary to it also shows that it has originated from My adversary, and you can unhesitatingly reject those as false prophets who offer you spiritual knowledge which exclude an approaching end, which promise you humans a long existence on this earth yet .... You are on the threshold of the end and should prepare yourselves, and you would do well by doing so since then you would not need to be afraid of it. Because then the time will come which had also been proclaimed to you .... then a happy and blissful life on the new earth will come, but only for My Own who believe in Me and who defend their faith until the end .... Because everyone who perseveres until the end will be blessed .... they will live a wonderful life in the paradise of the new earth ....


BD 7708                received  24.09.1960

True neighbourly love: Passing on the divine Word ....

You cannot accomplish a greater work of neighbourly love than unselfishly distributing My Word, the Gospel, which your fellow human beings have to know in order to travel their earthly path successfully. Spiritual work is not valued by fellow human beings because they don’t generate earthly success, yet as soon as you are spiritually active, expect no earthly rewards and only impart to your fellow human beings what I Myself offer you from above .... you are truly doing works of neighbourly love which extend into eternity, for they are helping the souls to mature, they can prepare them for entry into the kingdom of light when the soul discards its earthly body and has to leave everything behind .... Then it will have spiritual possessions to take across into eternity. You shall provide and bestow upon others just as I have bestowed upon My disciples the bread of heaven, the water of life .... This is the greatest gift of love which you can give to your fellow human beings .... it is true neighbourly love if you unselfishly carry out the tasks which are necessary to pass on My Word, for I Myself want to address people through you, since they are unable to hear My voice directly.

People are suffering great adversity, for they only use their earthly life to acquire earthly profits and yet shall consider their soul, which ought to mature during their earthly life. Whatever you therefore undertake in order to lead your fellow human beings onto the path of faith .... whatever you undertake on My instruction in order to proclaim the Gospel to them is selfless neighbourly love and blessed by Me. You yourselves are not yet aware of the great gift which you are receiving from Me every day, you are as yet unable to estimate its value and its significance or all of you, who know about the working of My spirit, would eagerly distribute what is sent to you by My love and grace.

You don’t realise that you are able to scatter seed which can bear glorious fruit .... you should not leave the seed unused, and you should always rely on My help, for where you get into difficulties My angels and guardians are ready to help and protect you, so that you can just do your spiritual work in order to bring help to those who won’t find the right path without you. For there are still many I want to address through you, and to do so I only require your will to be of diligent service to Me .... I accept your service, for I Am only able to speak through a human mouth, given that people’s state is already too unspiritual as to speak to them in any other way, and their freedom of will has to be upheld. Yet you shall derive strength from the fact that I promise you My support as soon as you are just willing to take care of your neighbour’s spiritual adversity. There is not much time left, and the Words I speak to you will sound increasingly more admonishing; however, you only need to entrust your will to Me and then you will also conduct yourselves in accordance with My will. And everything will sort itself out if you commend yourselves to Me with complete trust and only ever let Me reign.

Thus, all of you who are of service to Me, accept My blessing and work tirelessly in My vineyard, for the day is soon over and the night is approaching .... a turning-point is coming earthly and spiritually, the time of the harvest is coming .... the day of Judgment is approaching .... But first I still want to win souls over for Me, and you shall help Me and consider your neighbour with love .... You shall work for Me and My kingdom, you shall proclaim My name in the world and testify to My working in you, so that people will be able to believe and become blessed ....


BD 7709                received  26.09.1960

God’s love ....
Last days ....

You all ought to make use of My love, you ought to know that you have a loving Father Who takes care of you and also grants you joys if they help you to become perfect. My love for My children is never-ending, and all of you who strive towards Me are My children, if you want Me to be your Father. And My love will never stop giving itself away, it will give you everything you need in an earthly as well as a spiritual way. And thus it is up to yourselves to make use of My Fatherly love, you need only open yourselves and allow yourselves to be spoken to by Me and surely, you will not remain empty-handed. For I still have much to say to you, because time is coming to an end and because everything will come to pass as it is proclaimed in Word and Scripture. And you shall inform your fellow human beings of this .... although you will not often find receptive hearts which want to listen to you and believe you.

Nevertheless, the adversity of the time demands mentioning what will shortly come to pass .... And anyone who believes shall be saved, anyone who does not believe and does not prepare himself for the end will perish, i.e., he will meet his judgment when I establish My eternal order again .... when the end of this earth has come. And you humans approach this time with giant strides. And even My love cannot delay the end, because My love includes all spiritual substances, even those spirits which are still bound and shall start or continue their evolutionary process. The fact that people generally fail and make no use of their earthly life in order to mature their souls is their own fault, their free will, and consequently the reason why I cannot divert from My plan of Salvation and leave the still unredeemed spirits in pain. But I will truly still do everything possible to help people find a way out of their spiritual adversity .... I will keep talking to people through you and refer them to the time which lies ahead of them .... I will come to them openly as well as secretly and allow them to recognise Me so that they cannot say that they have not been warned.

And anyone who thus professes Me, who tries to fulfil My will, can also rest assured that he belongs to My Own, that I grant him My love, that I will protect and take care of him until the end of the world .... until the battle has come to an end which is still to come to you humans: the battle of faith, which will be provoked by My adversary because he will rage amongst My Own until the end in order to make them desert Me again. His goal is to destroy the remaining faith which still exists amongst humanity. But this faith is by and large rather weak, and that is why I want to strengthen it by means of My direct communication, so that the faith will become firm and persevere unwaveringly when My name is confessed before the world. Whomever I can address Myself to .... be it directly or through My messengers, will gain a living faith and no threats will frighten him, because he has recognised his Father and cannot let go of Him anymore.

But anyone without a living faith will surrender it for the sake of earthly things, and he will even lose his life to My adversary .... he will be like a reed waving in the wind and blessed is he if he can still lift himself up with your help, if he allows himself to be taught by you and still finds his way back to Me in the last hour. For I will accept anyone who still comes to Me in the last hour, because I don’t want you to go astray, because I want to grant eternal life to all of you. This is why My Word shall still be eagerly spread, this is why I want to address you time and again, I want to speak through you to people Myself who usually open their hearts to Me voluntarily. But you can knock at their heart’s door on My behalf, and if I then come Myself and they open their door to Me I will also speak to them Myself and they will be very happy. For My love will never stop, and anyone who gives his love to Me will receive gifts in abundance from Me, I will make him very happy in a spiritual and earthly way, for then his soul cannot be harmed anymore, then it will be devoted to Me and will never be able to detach itself from Me either .... For its love applies to Me and is warmly reciprocated by Me, and it will be and remain blissfully happy forever ....


BD 7714                received  29.09.1960

False spirits ....
False prophets ....

I have chosen you as My servants because I foresaw that your inner will is good and also strong so that you will assert yourselves where it concerns endorsing the truth. For much is offered to people as truth and yet it did not originate from Me .... And if My servant therefore recognises this he must not remain silent but speak up, he must confront this error with the pure truth .... then he must show that he is My representative on earth and that he is in My service. Thus he must profess My name before the world, he must wholeheartedly support what he has received from Me Myself because I had chosen him to work for Me as an apostle in the last days. And whoever has been placed by Me into this office will also receive the strength from Me to speak in My name .... And he will work like an apostle of truth and expose My adversary, who has also chosen his instruments in order to cause confusion within My ranks. And therefore hear what My spirit proclaims to you: the time until the end is but short yet the day of the end has been predetermined for eternity .... And wherever you humans will be, you shall all be informed of this forthcoming end, because I will still send very obvious signs to follow which can be observed everywhere and which will also occupy people’s thoughts. However, precisely these signs will provoke the most conflicting opinions because then My adversary’s activity will start to emerge which confuses people’s thoughts, for one person will no longer understand the other, everyone will pursue different goals which he will be unable to relinquish, and only a few will be spiritually awake and come to the right conclusions .... And then many false prophets will appear ....

And this is what I want to caution you of, do not believe every spirit which wants to talk to you and especially not those which deny the end, which cannot believe that an end of this earth is reconcilable with My love .... And then be careful and sincerely pray to receive the truth. Do not believe every spirit which tries to express itself through people who willingly accept it, and counter every such teaching with My pure Word which sounds from above because you humans shall live in truth .... For only through truth can you reach the goal. And there are many spirits amongst you which do not speak on My instructions, but you can identify them by the fact that they argue the end, that they object to the revelations proclaiming a near end and that they meet the messengers with hostility. The time is fulfilled, and especially during the last days many false prophets will yet arise and try to invalidate the pure truth from Me. And they will perform extraordinary feats to make you believe in them, but it is not My spirit which speaks through them, it is not My strength which works in them .... they are adverse forces which rage everywhere and, being followers of My adversary, are also endowed with strength because they are enslaved by him and affect people of this earth in his will. And then you, who want to serve Me, shall loyally stand by your Lord, you shall defend the truth, you shall not let yourselves be misled, for you know that you speak in My name, and you will also receive the strength from Me, for then I Myself will speak through you. And thus, where My pure Gospel is proclaimed that is where the end of this earth will also be announced and that people are quickly approaching this end and therefore should prepare themselves for it. And where your speeches meet with resistance that is where you will also clearly recognise My adversary’s activity, and you shall separate yourselves from them and not preach together, for they are not My representatives but Satan’s emissaries, who is particularly active wherever the light establishes itself .... And he will not succeed in extinguishing the light, for I Myself emanate it down to earth and illuminate the hearts of My Own so that they will clearly realise that they are being addressed by the Father, Who is the light of eternity ....


BD 7720                received  05.10.1960

Dangers of psychic reception ....

And time and again I admonish you to love, because only love will awaken the spirit within you to life so that it can manifest itself. You ought to know that the spirit’s manifestation is of incalculable value for you, because then you will receive My Word in all its purity since I Myself will be able to speak to you through the spirit. You should know that love activates spiritual powers in you which you have always possessed but which lay buried within you since your past apostasy from Me. Thus the higher you ascend through love the more these spiritual forces will develop again and your nature will change once more into the original being that you were at the beginning when you were still in My image .... supremely perfect entities which were able to be creative and active like Me for their blissful happiness .... You relinquished love of your own free will .... and must voluntarily strive for love again, you must open yourselves to My illumination of love so that My spirit will flow into you again, and thus all past abilities will awaken to life and you will enter into active communication with Me once more. However, I also want you to know that My adversary will try to influence you in the same way; he, too, would like to express himself through you and could succeed if you submit yourselves to him. Then he will be able to take possession of you and transfer his will onto you, then you will also be able to speak but what you say will be a jumble of thoughts which will lack all clarity, and you will not benefit from it. And therefore I seriously caution you against submitting yourselves in weakness of will to spiritual powers which misuse you; I warn you against psychic communications which you humans often cannot distinguish but which always denote a danger, which cannot be called the working of the spirit but are simply messages from different spheres of the spiritual world and only rarely guarantee the pure truth. Even people who are still far removed from love are able to receive psychic communications, for as soon as they submit themselves in weakness of will to a spiritual power they will be possessed by it, and they won’t offer any resistance if these powers come from the lower spheres of the spiritual world. But anyone who ignites the flame of love within himself will inevitably establish contact between his spiritual spark and Me, the eternal Father-Spirit. And this person can only pass on truth, he actually receives My Word, he is addressed by Me directly and can only be taught the truth ....

And I would like to warn all of you through this Word that you should not believe every spirit, that you should turn to Me Myself and only appeal to Me for truth. You should not ask questions, you should not desire to know that which My wisdom keeps hidden from you, you should not ask these spirits about earthly matters .... You should only ever trustingly come to Me with all your concerns and I will truly answer you through your heart .... if only you pay attention to your thoughts, your inner impulses and intentions .... Then I will speak through your heart to you and you will truly not need advice from spirits of whom you don’t know to which sphere they belong, for they disguise themselves well, and you will often consider them good spirits, whereas in fact they only cause confusion and try to stop people from their direct communication with their Father of eternity. I so gladly want to speak to My children .... but I can only do so if you shape yourselves into love, because only love can speak to love. Hence you should all come directly to Me and, by just sincerely uniting with Me and listening attentively, you will also hear Me Myself within you .... you will be able to enter into a dialogue with Me and even problems you entrust to Me will clearly resolve themselves. And if you live a life of love My voice within you will become increasingly clearer, for then the spiritual spark within you will be addressed by its eternal Father-Spirit and audibly reveal itself to you. But don’t think that you will receive My communication in a roundabout way if love is not within you as yet. The working of the spirit and psychic receptions must be distinguished from each other .... Admittedly, each time a spiritual force is at work but just as there is light and darkness, the forces of light will also always have to fight against the forces of darkness .... Light is where love can be found, and therefore love alone determines the degree of truth which forms the basis of these spiritual messages .... And love approaches Me directly, since I Am Eternal Love .... Love resists communications which do not originate from Eternal Love Itself. And Eternal Love wants to be in direct contact with you .... I want to be addressed by you yourselves so that I can also speak to you Myself. And that is the ‘working of My spirit’ within you, which I constantly announced to you with the Words ‘I will send you the comforter, the spirit of truth ....’ Love is everything, and only through love can you unite yourselves with Me. And I want to receive this love from you and truly, you will be guided into all truth ....’


BD 7722                received  08.10.1960

About the forerunner ....

Time will tell how much strength rests within My Word .... for hearts will feel addressed by Me and flare up with love for Me Who reveals Himself as a Father, because I want to be united with My children and therefore send My ray of love into the hearts of those who are of good will. Yet it entirely depends on this will as to whether people recognise the Father’s voice. The least amount of resistance will diminish the strength of My Word, and this resistance occurs in a person who is still without love. Then he will not let himself be addressed by Me, and then My Word remains without effective strength, then it will sound no different to him than a human word and he will reject it.

However, My children listen to My Word, and thus I instruct My children: Free yourselves from misguided ideas by appealing to Me directly for truth and enlightenment of your thinking. You try too soon to penetrate areas which I still keep closed to you .... you come to conclusions which are nevertheless fallacies .... you think about things which cannot be revealed to you as yet .... You rack your brain about the forerunner’s fate and arrival .... And you come to the wrong conclusion. For I have told you, you will recognise him .... and that means that you will no longer have to ask but know who he is when he appears.

But until the time for his activity has come you don’t need to look for him or suspect him to be one of your fellow human beings .... for he will come from where you least expect him. He is not a child of the world, he lives like any other human being yet his thoughts and wishes concern Me although he is not aware of his mission yet. But his spirit will brightly enlighten him about his mission and himself when the time is right for his appearance. And I tell you that it will still be some time before this happens .... He will be so illuminated that his light will radiate in all directions and that all of you, who want to be of service to Me, will warm yourselves in his light when the time of the spiritual hardship comes, when the last phase before the end begins: when the battle of faith erupts .... Until then, however, don’t believe every spirit who deems himself to know more about it, for if this knowledge were necessary I would instruct you of it Myself. But handle with care what comes to you through human mouth and don’t let yourselves be deceived, for the ‘spirit of God’ does not contradict itself, and you should scrutinise yourselves where My spirit is active, because I don’t compel you to believe and it is up to you which spirit you accept as true.

I have indeed announced the forerunner to you and that he will come again as a voice in the wilderness before My second coming, but he is yet to appear because a short time still has to pass when diligent work should be done for My kingdom, and because you would set yourselves a time when his appearance should be obvious .... I still keep the time of his arrival veiled, for then My coming will also be certain, then the end is close, for he will only be active for a short time on earth which, however, will suffice to shock people out of their deadly rigidity. And the purpose of his coming is to save those who are still undecided .... To strengthen those who want to remain faithful to Me .... and to announce My coming .... And although this time is not far away, a few short phases have yet to pass .... but then what was proclaimed to you in Word and Scripture will be fulfilled ....


BD 7726                received  15.10.1960

Tiny spark of divine spirit in the heart ....

And My name shall be glorified before the world .... For you shall recognise Who reveals Himself to you by the effect it has on you and within you, you shall feel it in your heart when you are being addressed by Me and then consciously praise and thank Me because you recognise Me. The measure of My love is boundless and will never run dry, time and again the spring of love and strength will open and pour out over you and many times you will be able to sense your Father’s presence .... It is My grace which I pour over you because you, like infants, are still weak and need My help. And if I thus reveal to you that I dwell within your midst then stay in silent worship and hand your hearts over to Me. And I will accept everyone and with loving care lead them to perfection. And you will start to live in heartfelt unison with Me .... for you have found your way home to the Father Who is inside of you because you have prepared an abode for Him, you opened the door of your heart when I knocked with a desire to enter. When you entered this earth as a human being I came to you, I placed a tiny spark of My divine spirit into you, a tiny spark of love, which was intended to grow into a flame and unite with the fire of My eternal love again .... Hence there is a small part of Me Myself in you when you embody yourselves as human beings on earth which establishes a connection with Me but of which, however, you must first become conscious by looking for contact with your God and Creator of your own free will, which will already exist because you have the will to be in contact with your God and Creator. This tiny spark of God in you characterises you as a divine living being if you allow it to break through. And it can break through in you if you change your nature into love. For you once changed your nature of pure love into the opposite; you adopted My adversary’s nature who is totally devoid of love and thereby distanced yourselves from Me. All the same, you were the children of My love, you came forth from My love and I will never ever let go of you or hand you over to My opponent because I love you far too much. However, you would never find your way back to Me again if I did not provide you with a minute spark of My divine spirit for your life on earth, because this tiny spark of spirit shall guide you towards Me, it shall push you to Me, it shall prevail over the body and draw the soul .... your real Self .... close in order to unite itself with the spirit and thus also accomplish unity with Me, the Father-Spirit of eternity. And this spiritual spark lives in you but keeps silent until you, through your will, set it free to communicate with you .... And then I will manifest Myself in you .... Then you will have fulfilled your purpose of earthly life and your life will just be a constant prayer of thanks and praise, for then your nature will have changed itself into love again, since without love My tiny spark of spirit would not have been able to come alive .... But once My spirit can make itself known in you it proves that I Am present in you Myself .... it proves that the child has found its way home to the Father, that it has overcome the wide gulf which kept it separate from the Father for eternities .... that it is now illuminated by My strength of love as it was in the beginning ....


BD 7728                received  21.10.1960

Implementation of the plan of Salvation ....

My plan of Salvation is so clearly presented to you that you will also be able to recognise My infinite love therein, that you need not doubt a God of love even when you have to include the final work of destruction in the plan of Salvation.

Could I ever do anything that is not motivated by My Love? .... But you humans are unable to assess everything, and yet My eternal plan of Salvation should explain to you what your intellect would rather refuse to accept. Only My infinite love determines Me to implement the plan of Salvation, which My wisdom recognised to be right and which will be carried out by My omnipotence at the predetermined time. And you humans should not believe that you can change My decision .... for it no longer concerns the sole deliverance of humanity, but a phase of development for all spiritual substances will start again, which will lead into a new period of Salvation ....

It concerns the reintegration of all spiritual substances and a separation of the spirits which have already acquired self-awareness and which consequently will also be placed to where they belong in relation to their maturity. In the course of a period of Salvation there have always been short periods of time when I had to intervene in the form of various kinds of judgments .... Time and again people have been warned and admonished, and depending on their willingness to improve, these judgments could be deferred or cancelled. Time and again My love intervened and tried to guide people onto the right path .... before My justice expressed itself .... But the duration of a Salvation period is limited, and it would truly have sufficed to redeem the souls completely had people’s will used it for this purpose. Yet one day even this limited time will come to an end, and the constrained spiritual substances in the creations will have to be considered again, which must and want to take the same path of development in order to get released from the form sooner or later.

For My love also applies to these still constrained spiritual substances .... My plan of Salvation includes all once-fallen spirits .... And this is what you humans have to remember when this plan of Salvation seems to you incomprehensible and not compatible with My love. A reintegration of all spiritual substances has become necessary and humanity, too, has reached a spiritual low which demands an end, a disintegration of the creation and of those people who have not found the way to Me and will not find it anymore either ..... Therefore you should believe that I in My wisdom recognise and have recognised this since eternity, that I knew the human beings’ will and state of maturity in the last days and correspondingly established My plan of Salvation, which will now truly be implemented when the time has come. Every day is still a blessing, since it can be used for the return to the Father. Every day can still help the soul to mature, and therefore you should even now recognise every day as a gift of grace and be thankful for My love, which will certainly help you until the end, until the last day has arrived .... But that it will arrive is certainly true, for My Word is and remains eternal truth ....


BD 7730                received  23.10.1960

Spiritual superiority is not spiritual arrogance ....

Spiritual superiority should not be confused with spiritual arrogance .... If I guide a person into the truth, if he is taught by My Word in order to be a suitable teacher again for his fellow human beings, then he may also confidently endorse his knowledge because it originates from Me, and then he can also rest assured that he will have received the pure truth and that this truth has to be rated higher than human knowledge, which was merely intellectually acquired and which, without the working of My spirit, is no guarantee for truth. Hence, one can never speak of spiritual arrogance where it concerns advocating the truth from Me, which the person receives from Me directly. Then any restraint would be wrong if the opportunity presents itself to inform people of My spiritual knowledge. You just should not ‘cast your pearls before swine ....’, i.e., you should not speak where you clearly recognise My adversary’s spirit, because the truth will not be recognised there as such and every conversation will be in vain. But anyone who is taught by My spirit shall also mention the working of My spirit and frankly and determinedly stand up for My Word. He will certainly be able to do so, for as soon as he speaks on behalf of Me and My kingdom I Myself make use of him and speak through him, and then you really won’t be able to say that an arrogant spirit speaks through him.

Once a person has been guided into truth by Me he will also be enlightened himself, he will recognise all correlations and able to speak about them. And if he is sure of the truth of his knowledge because he was taught ‘through the spirit’ then he will also be self-confident and able to refute wrong opinions or provide good clarifications, in which case he can’t be called ‘arrogant’, rather, his spiritual superiority should be recognised and acknowledged; the truth he imparts must impress the listener and also give him the inner conviction that it is I Myself Who speaks to him through a human mouth. And since I know My light bearers’ will I can also distribute the gifts of the spirit such that they will be valued .... For this reason I choose My own servants and give them the task to pass on the pure truth .... And anyone with good intentions will recognise the truth and gratefully accept it .... anyone with good intentions will be brought together with the bearers of truth so that he, too, shall be guided into truth, depending on his will. And you should always remember that I only give My grace unto the humble .... That an arrogantly spirited person would never ever be able to receive a gift of grace from Me because only a profoundly humble heart is receptive for it or you would have to discard everything said to you .... but after serious examination you won’t be able to do that. Spiritual superiority is only the complete certainty of knowing the truth, and I expect this from My bearers of light, or they would be unable to confidently uphold the truth from Me towards their fellow human beings .... It is necessary for light to be brought to people who live in spiritual darkness ; it is necessary to illuminate the path of ascent for them, for you humans will not go forward on dark paths but you will continue to strive towards the abyss. For this reason I will repeatedly convey light to you, and blessed is he who accepts it .... blessed, who takes the path which will be shown to him in the light of truth ....


BD 7731                received  26.10.1960

God’s human manifestation in Jesus ....

The greatest mystery for you humans is and will remain My human manifestation in Jesus Christ .... Even if it is explained to you in a comprehensible way, it will nevertheless remain a secret for you, because My Being cannot be made completely understandable since you always want to personify a thinking being. Thus, you imagine a ‘spiritually tangible’ God as something ‘limited’ and also assign this to Jesus, the human being Who, in a manner of speaking, unites two beings within Himself. However, this concept is not right, for My Being is inscrutable, it is the all-pervading and all-encompassing strength which knows no limitation and yet is intelligent and endowed with a will.

It is impossible for you humans to imagine My Being because you are finite, because you have not yet attained the perfection which removes every limitation. Nevertheless, you, too, are carriers of this strength, you are merely permeated to a limited extent by the strength which, however, Jesus harboured in all fullness because He was perfect, thus He had, through a life of love, deified Himself on earth .... No limit for the influx of divine strength existed for Him, He was completely permeated by it .... thus My fundamental nature, the divine strength of love, was in Him, and so I Myself was able to be in Him, Whose shell had so shaped itself that it enabled a complete permeation of it without being consumed by My strength.

And thus it can be said that it was ‘God’ Who merely had made Himself visible in the shell of the man Jesus because, as the source of strength, I could not be visible to any being since no being would have survived had it been able to look into the enormous fiery sea of My love .... Consequently, I had to create a limitation for Myself, I had to choose a form which could be visible to you humans and completely permeate this form .... However, the form nevertheless remained what I Myself Am for eternity .... the highest and most perfect Being .... The form served the highest and most perfect Being as an abode for the sake of My living creations which desired to behold Me. And yet, they will never ever be able to fathom My nature because it is and remains inscrutable for all created beings, for everything that once emerged from Me.

Wanting to personify the Eternal Deity is a misguided notion, for I Am not a limited Spirit, I Am all things .... I Am the strength Which permeates everything, Which pervades the whole of infinity, Which maintains all beings and creations and safeguards their continued existence .... And yet, I Am a Being Which acts in wisdom and love, Which uses Its will and can think in supreme perfection, thus love and wisdom always determine Its thoughts and omnipotence carries out everything.

The fact that the once created beings desired to behold Me was the cause of their apostasy .... But it was not possible for Me to be visible to these beings because they would have ceased to exist in view of the abundance of light and strength which would have had to be revealed to them .... Even so, I wanted to satisfy My children’s desire, I wanted to visibly present Myself to them and I did so in Jesus Christ, in a human shell, which first had to spiritualise itself in order to absorb the abundance of My of light and strength .... The shell had to become the same spiritual substance which is My fundamental nature for eternity as not to perish when I Myself permeated the form ....

Hence nothing human stayed behind, everything was spirit from Me and thus Jesus was God .... I had become a human being, but only in order to accomplish, as a human, the mission of redeeming your original sin. Nevertheless, nothing of Jesus the ‘human being’ stayed behind, through His life on this earth He had deified Himself, He had completely merged with Me, His Creator and Father of eternity .... My fundamental nature had manifested Itself in Him .... The eternal Spirit which permeates everything had assumed a visible shape in Jesus .... And thus I became visible to all My children who mature to a point that they can bear to see Me, that they may behold Me from face to face ....


BD 7732                received  28.10.1960

Love and suffering purify the soul ....

And you will truly follow Me if you bear your cross with patience and submission to My will. I certainly carried all of humanity’s sins on My shoulders when I walked the path to the cross and thereby relieved you from the immense burden of sin you would have had to carry on account of your sins .... I knew that it was too heavy for you, that you would never have freed yourselves from this huge weight. And thus I carried it on your behalf .... But you must know that you still have a low degree of maturity of soul as long as you have not fanned your love into brightest radiance. And this is what you humans are lacking, even if you strive to live your life according to My will. For this reason I give you the opportunity to raise your soul’s maturity through afflictions, which are the right kind of purification means for the soul, so that it becomes increasingly brighter and translucent and able to enter the kingdom of the beyond in a purified state when its hour has come. Love and suffering purify the soul .... I say this time and again, and thus I also tell you that you need the suffering, because the love in you has not yet reached the degree which lets the soul become so crystal clear that My love can permeate it without meeting with any resistance. Your life will not last long anymore, and one day you will be grateful to Me that I helped you to spiritualise your soul through afflictions, through adversities and suffering, through all kinds of ailments .... Just do not rebel against your destiny, accept everything from My hand and always remember that I want to help you attain perfection as far as it is still possible on earth. You can still cast off many impurities from your soul and thereby enable it to blissfully pass over into an abundance of radiant light, because the soul will have been prepared such that it can absorb this abundance of light without having to fade away. Although you can all certainly be redeemed from your guilt of sin because of the forgiveness which, for the sake of Jesus Christ, is assured to you if you appeal to Me Myself in Jesus for it .... but the degree of light which subsequently will make you happy can vary and thus the bliss you enjoy will also differ .... depending on the soul’s transparency and perfection, depending on the work you have done on earth to improve your soul. So if you are negligent despite your good will My love will help you by repeatedly creating opportunities for you to raise your soul’s maturity .... by burdening you with a small cross which you should carry with patience and submission .... so that you occasionally suffer in order to promote your psychological task, to dissolve the impurities and to let your soul emerge from the suffering so bright and pure that it has also become receptive for high degrees of light and in truth can enter the kingdom of light and bliss. For life is short and one day you will thank Me for the path I made you travel on earth when the soul has gained the maturity which allows for a high degree of illumination of light and which will make you inconceivably happy .... Therefore take your cross upon yourselves and follow Me .... for sooner or later your path will end and then you will be overjoyed ....


BD 7734                received  30.10.1960

Unselfish distribution of the Word ....

When you take part in the distribution of My Word you should only be motivated by your love for Me and other people. You should want to carry out the task I have appointed you to do, and you should try to lessen the other person’s spiritual need which has prompted Me to endow with you with gifts of grace abundantly, so that you share these where I cannot take action Myself. Your work for Me and My kingdom should only ever be inspired by love. Then success won’t fail because love is a strength which is never without result. Although your spiritual work will be ridiculed by people who have no faith whatsoever because it is incomprehensible to them why someone should work without material gain .... but then you can be even more certain of My blessing which rests upon every selfless labour in My vineyard .... You have not understood the value of My gifts of grace until you regard them as spiritual values which alone can result in spiritual success. Only then are you useful servants to Me who do not serve their master for their own benefit but who seek to increase his profit .... And this consists in the acquisition of souls for the celestial kingdom.

One day you too will have to discard your body and you cannot bring your earthly possessions into My kingdom .... And yet you can enter it richly blessed because spiritual possessions follow you into eternity, which were disregarded on earth by those who did not become aware of the meaning and purpose of earthly life. They have acquired earthly goods for themselves on earth and consequently have already received their entitled reward for their actions and way of life. But they will have little to show for at the gate of eternity because they took no notice of spiritual wealth. Those of you who want to work for Me and My kingdom should disregard earthly gain, only love should motivate you to do your work .... You should look around you and recognise the spiritual poverty in humanity’s life .... You should want to help in the knowledge that humanity is approaching the abyss, and you should work untiringly because this is necessary in view of the end.

Then you will also understand why you become isolated from the outside world which can distract your attention from the task you should fulfil .... You will understand that time and again I will seek faithful servants to take part in the work, who want to bring the gospel to their fellow human beings, because people ought to hear My Word which I repeatedly send to them through you .... And you will understand that I will knock on every door, that I send you before Me to announce the Lord, Who wants to come Himself, Who wants to take abode with them .... Since they cannot yet hear Me Myself you have to go before Me so that I can speak to them through you, because they badly need to be informed of Me, of My love, which wants to save them too before the end. And thus everything should be done to inform people that I work through My spirit in the heart of every human being who is of good will .... You should tell them with love and kindness of Me and My actions, you should bring them My Word which I have blessed with My strength, and you should not tire to take care of your fellow human beings’ spiritual poverty by helping to spread My Word .... And I Myself will lead the people to you, I shall bless every selfless work done by you for Me and My kingdom ....


BD 7736                received  02.11.1960

About abstinence and asceticism ....

Whatever motivates you to practise abstinence .... you should not weaken your body with it, for I gave it to you so that your soul should attain maturity in it and it is your duty to maintain your soul’s vessel for as long as you live on earth .... You will understand that a weakened body is unable to fulfil the task it was allocated by destiny, and I really don’t want you to render yourselves unfit for the work you have to accomplish on earth. Yet neither does your spiritual development depend on self-denial, on your withholding from your body what it needs in order to stay alive, what is beneficial to remain healthy. Earthly life makes demands on you which you must comply with in order to be useful members of society .... And you need strength for this, which you must repeatedly replenish by providing your body with the right amount of sustenance and refreshment .... However, you should not exceed the amount, since it is truly not beneficial for you .... But neither should you let the body starve and thereby weaken it .... For this is not My will, Who created you in line with natural law, i.e., I did not provide the body with functions which keep it alive and going for no reason, as far as it is My will. You should respect My wisdom which created the human body this way as you require it to be a vessel for your soul in which it ought to achieve its earthly task: to attain full maturity for the spiritual kingdom ....

However, remember to abide by natural law, too much as well as too little is wrong, you should be moderate in all things and not make the body unfit for its task through excessive self-denial .... just as, vice versa, every overindulgence is bad and can spiritually damage the soul. And therefore you should merely keep to natural law, live a simple and modest life and always request My blessing ....And it will not do you any harm, nothing will influence your spiritual maturing, your body will not become prematurely weak and you will even be spared illness, if you don’t sin against natural laws .... if you also acknowledge your body’s spiritual task and help it by keeping it healthy and not denying it what it needs for its existence .... And only pray that you will always recognise the right measure .... that your love for the body will not be greater than your love for the soul; pray that I will always give your body the strength to achieve its earthly task. And if you thus endeavour to comply with My will then no illness will frighten you again, for then you will know that even this shall merely help to spiritualise body and soul .... But don’t try to achieve this spiritualisation through asceticism as it contradicts natural law and can even result in a healthy body falling ill, but then it will be self-inflicted. Overcome all cravings which do not help to sustain the body .... fight against them, then you will live in the right way and your soul, too, will be able to become fully mature .... Yet all excess is a disadvantage for the soul, for a certain amount of spiritual pride or ambition motivates the person to accomplish something extraordinary for the sake of his soul’s maturity. But just as I created the body that is how it should serve you .... what the body requires by natural law it should also receive .... Then it will accomplish its task as a vessel for the soul and help it achieve maturity, and the body will make good use of the time it was allocated by My will on earth ....


BD 7737                received  03.11.1960

Signs of the last days ....

You, too, will be addressed by Me in an extraordinary way .... You should pay attention to the signs you see in the sky and on earth, for all great events are often foreshadowed. Thereby you will be able to identify the hour you live in, because the precise time cannot be given to you or you would not be able to continue living on earth, since you would die of fear and prematurely end your own life. Therefore you need never believe those prophets who inform you of the time when the Judgment will happen .... These are false and merely confuse people’s thoughts. But pay attention to the signs which I have announced to you time and again. For, before the end, a battle will yet ensue for the sake of My name and you, My servants on earth, will be called to account .... This is a certain sign that the last day will come soon afterwards, for I said ‘I will shorten the days ....’ because this battle will be waged with such brutality that I must appear personally in order to put an end to it. And I will come .... You need not fear this battle because I will furnish you with great strength for the sake of those who are still weak or undecided and to whom you shall serve as an example, so that they will still find the path to Me. And then My power will manifest itself, and My wisdom will truly do what is right in order to turn the earth into a place of education for the spiritual beings again .... For the time has come to an end, a new era will start for the human beings who, as the root of a new generation, I will remove from earth before the end .... Then a paradise-like state will exist on earth again where all people will live in love and in the right love for Me, so that I can dwell in the midst of them as I have promised those who will persevere until the end, for they will be blissfully happy .... But the fact that a time of adversity must first come to pass on earth is unavoidable because a few shall still be saved .... they shall still find redemption through Jesus Christ, hence prior to it His name shall still be proclaimed throughout the world .... However, the time of affliction has started already and the world is yet to see great hardship .... Nevertheless, My Own recognise the time and abide by Me and I will truly strengthen them and support them whenever they threaten to weaken .... I Myself will be on their side and lead the way as their commander-in-chief, therefore they will indeed remain victorious in the last battle because they will make use of My strength and anticipate My coming .... And they will stand firm until the end .... Anyone whose strength is fragile will be recalled by Me before, because he shall not fall prey to My adversary .... But you should always appeal to Me for an intensified influx of strength, you should only ever stay in contact with Me and this difficult time will pass you by as well and My coming will deliver you from all adversity. You will be able to enter the kingdom of peace, the new Earth will receive you in all its splendour and glory, and you will start a new life in and with Me, as I shall dwell in the midst of you as I have promised ....


BD 7742                received  11.11.1960

About the UFO convention ....

One thing is certain: I will protect My Own in the hollow of My hand when the end has come .... I truly have enough angels to whom I can entrust My Own, whom I instruct to build a protective wall around them. And thus you can all know yourselves protected in My care, come what may. Therefore I want to caution you not to abandon yourselves to and expect help from beings whom you suspect to be outside of My spiritual kingdom .... who thus have not yet reached the perfection of beings of light to implement My instructions .... I want to warn you about looking for contact with inhabitants from other worlds, which you can only establish spiritually but who cannot offer you the guarantee of imparting truth to you. Time and again it has to be said that only ‘perfect beings’ may and are able to carry out tasks which guarantee you protection and assistance ....

Beings who have not yet achieved this perfection will always still reside, for the purpose of their development, on such works of creation to which they are bound by natural law .... Thus you have to distinguish between beings of light who accomplish My will on My behalf and dwell with Me in the kingdom of light, and beings who are still constrained, who have not yet achieved complete spiritual freedom as long as they still live on all kinds of celestial bodies for the purpose of spiritual maturing. You should not rely on mediumistic messages from those worlds which are and remain unreachable for you humans on earth and vice versa. Do not count on help from those worlds when the end of the earth comes in accordance with the eternal plan .... For I Myself will protect and rescue My Own from their adversity, because only I know who belongs to My Own .... Do you believe that you will be rescued by merely mustering sympathy for these dwellers of other stars?

What misconception do you suffer from, you lack all clear understanding of My plan of Salvation, which will certainly be implemented when the time comes. And would I not inform you of it Myself if it were My will that you should entrust yourselves to these beings whom fellow human beings want you to believe in? Since I convey the truth to earth I would not withhold this information from you if it were true .... Yet you rather doubt My Words than the reports which are passed on to you through My adversary’s influence. And I want you to know the truth .... I repeatedly want to assure you that My Own will be protected and that innumerable angels will take care of them, because they comply with My will and also have the strength to help you. And therefore it will not require earthly means of help, for My love, might and wisdom will become clearly evident at the end, albeit My working will and can then be contrary to natural law because My Own believe that everything is possible and the unbelievers will be devoured by the earth ....

But I do not require My Own to believe in appearances or reports which come to people by means which do not correspond to My will .... Why don’t you contact Me? Why do you call on beings whose degree of maturity you cannot estimate? .... Why do you entrust yourselves to these beings and believe that they will protect you when the last day of the end has come? I only require your faith in Me in Jesus Christ, and anyone who intimately unites with Me Myself in this faith truly will not need visible or invisible helpers, for My angels with an abundance of strength and might will constantly stand by his side and always act in accordance with My will. And he will not want to establish contact with inhabitants of other worlds whose degree of maturity is unknown to him either, for this can only take place by way of mediumship which, due to its great danger, should not be taken by you humans. For you are truly able to hear Me Myself if it is your will and you ask Me for the truth .... And then you will surely be instructed truthfully ....


BD 7744                received  13.11.1960

Selfless distribution of the Word ....

Thus step into the circuit of My flow of love and let yourselves be instructed by Me: It is a tremendous gift of grace which you may receive from Me, and this gift of grace flows to you undeservedly. It is, so to speak, the evidence of My infinite love for you, who became sinful of your own will and shall return to Me voluntarily. And in view of the near end I truly try everything in order to make this return possible for you, to change your will and to provide you with the strength to take the path of ascent, which will lead you back to Me. You humans have not deserved this grace as long as are you still deliberately turned away from Me. And yet I convey it to you because I love you. I choose a suitable instrument for Myself which is willing to accept My Word directly and to forward it to its fellow human beings .... This, therefore, happens from My side in order to still gain all of you who defected from Me and to a large extent still are .... But now your task starts by making the right use of this great gift of grace .... And this involves first of all the unselfish distribution of that which is granted to you by My love. Thus you should do the same as I do: let My flow of grace pour into the vessels which open themselves .... You shall give what you receive, just as I give to you .... out of love. Most of all you should remember that it is spiritual knowledge that is imparted to you from Me, and that this spiritual knowledge must never be utilised in a material sense. It is self-evident to anyone who recognises Me and My love in this unusual gift of grace that it is only possible on a spiritual level to convey My Word to its destination, to the souls which require nourishment, which shall be addressed by Me so that they will obtain the blessing of My Words .... so that they will find and take the path back to Me into their Father’s house. And thus you will also understand that no earthly interests of any kind may devalue this gift of grace. You have a Father Who is wealthy and can also share His wealth with you .... Who can and will also provide you with earthly blessings if only you serve Him selflessly.

As long as you have not understood this truth, you are not suited to distribute a divine gift of grace, and then you should keep your hands off it because you will only desecrate what your God and Father gives to you in His love and because it will not be a blessing for you either, because I don’t support what contradicts My will .... I will never give My blessing to such an undertaking as soon as it entails an earthly desire for the goods of this world. It is My will that you should be of selfless service to Me and have given you the promise that I will take both earthly and spiritual care of you providing you only ever consider your salvation of soul the most important issue. You merely prove your unbelief if you worry too much about your earthly life, for then you will not primarily consider your soul’s salvation .... for I have said to you ‘Seek ye first the kingdom of God .... and all these things shall be added unto you ....’ And if you now even receive a gift from heaven, which should truly demonstrate My love as well as My presence to you, then you should also forego all earthly considerations .... you should let yourselves by guided by Me and only ever try to fulfil My will .... However, the distribution of My Word from above is necessary, and for this reason I convey to you this serious Word of Mine which you should heed .... Entrust yourselves to Me entirely and believe that I will not let you, who are willing to help Me selflessly, get into difficulties .... but also know that you reduce the value of My gift yourselves if you associate it with earthly expectations which I will never fulfil but which might impair the spreading of My Word with the result that the blessing from above will fail to materialise. And thus you should first realise what an unusual gift of grace you receive from Me .... Then love and gratitude will overwhelm you and only then will you be true vineyard labourers for Me, for you will also know that My blessing will accompany every work you do and that you will work successfully for Me and My kingdom .... And then you will experience an abundance of blessings, for My love will have seized you and escort you until the end .... And then you will serve Me forever and be blissfully happy ....


BD 7754                received  24.11.1960

The transformation work of Earth ....

In My plan of eternity the day is determined which signifies the end of this earth, which both earthly as well as spiritually entails a total change. And My plan will irrevocably be carried out, for I foresaw humanity’s low spiritual level from the start, and thus the plan of Salvation is devised such that it will time and again include new developmental eras, as My love and wisdom foresaw this to be good for the spiritual beings which are intended to advance in their maturity .... Thus one developmental period comes to an end and a new one will start again .... The end of the earth can never purely be regarded as a work of destruction. It also must be realised that the still bound spiritual substances also need help to continue their development and that therefore the creation of a new earth has become necessary, which first requires the disintegration of the old works of creation on earth. But I will not let anything come upon humanity without announcing it in advance so that they can prepare themselves for it, so that they can still do what it takes in order to avoid the dreadful fate of a new banishment, which will meet those people who fail, who exist without faith in Me and who therefore have not used their life on earth to liberate themselves. Time after time I announce the end to people, and again and again I point out the signs which reveal the last days .... time after time I warn those people who carelessly and thoughtlessly live from day to day and through seers and prophets refer them to the near Judgment, for the day of the end was set from the start because I foresaw that a spiritual change for the better will not happen anymore and because people’s low spiritual level requires an end.

And thus all references, all prophesies, concerning a near end should only ever be considered to be loving gestures of admonition and warning by which your God and Creator would still like to save you before it is too late .... I truly don’t want your downfall, I want you to live forever and still obtain this life on earth. But you don’t take any notice of what I let you know and have predicted since the beginning of the epoch .... You transfer all these announcements into the future and don’t take into account that one day even the future will become the present .... And the time has come when My Word is fulfilling itself, when My plan of Salvation is being carried out .... And no matter how much you doubt when the near end is announced to you .... it will take you by surprise because the time has come to an end. Even if a thousand years are like a day before Me .... this day will also come to an end, just as the thousand years will pass by, and you are standing at the verge .... It is you who will experience the end if I don’t recall one or the other of you prematurely for their own sake .... You should always bear the near end in mind, you should live as if every day is your last, as if you will have to justify yourselves the next day. And you will truly do well by turning your thoughts heavenwards, by considering the spiritual life more than the earthly one .... for then you will not need to dread an end either, you will calmly look ahead to whatever approaches you. But you will also believe that the end of this earth has come .... You will recognise the signs of the time and appeal to Me for strength .... and you will certainly be saved from ruin ....


BD 7756                received  26.11.1960

End of a period of salvation and start of a new one ....

There will be no spiritual change during this period of Salvation anymore. People have lost faith in Me, and even if My Gospel is spread throughout the world there will only ever be a few who accept it; yet increasingly more will fall way whose belief was just a conventional faith and who only need an incentive in order to cast it completely away when a decision of faith is demanded of them. Only a small flock of people have a living faith, who establish the contact with Me in their hearts .... only a few people associate with Me like children associate with their father, who therefore also always experience My evident help when they encounter difficulties and who thus will also passionately endorse Me because they are inwardly convinced, thus have a living faith. And this number will not get much larger ....

The battle of faith, however, which will be waged everywhere and the beginnings of which are already noticeable everywhere, will merely reduce the number of the faithful, for then everyone will be willing to surrender Me for the sake of earthly gain, and they won’t muster the courage to fight for Me because they are lacking living faith. And thus the earth will ultimately no longer fulfil its purpose of serving the souls to attain spiritual maturity .... Most people’s earthly progress is in vain because it does not lead to the souls’ maturity, which is the reason why they live on earth .... Nevertheless, the spiritual beings’ development has to continue .... And therefore the earth will have to be restructured so that it will be able to be and remain a place of education for the spirits, as it is intended to be ....

Consequently, this period of Salvation will come to an end and a new era will start. New creations will shelter the spiritual substances whose development was prevented .... which necessitates a dissolution of these creations so that the bound spiritual substances can be set free and placed into new forms again .... And so people, too, ought to take an impending end into account and those who failed on earth will have to be banished into creation again, into the hard matter on the new earth. And if people cherish the illusion that humanity’s spiritual attitude might still change on this earth, that they will come to believe in Jesus Christ and His act of Salvation and in this belief live a different way of life with spiritually orientated intentions and aspirations, then it will remain the wishful thinking of a few people which will never materialise. For My adversary is in authority which people themselves had granted him; and his activity will so get out of control that he will have to be bound .... and for that reason alone an end will have to come, so that his activity will be stopped or no-one would be able to become blessed anymore .... And this time has been referred to ever since the beginning of this period of Salvation; and no matter how far away these announcements seem to you humans .... one day even the future will become the present, and that has to be said to you time and again. This is why a spiritual change must come, however, not on this earth anymore but in a world of peace and happiness .... A new developmental era will start with spiritually highly evolved human beings, whom I will remove from this earth due to their loyalty of faith and lead back to the new earth again .... And then a spiritual change will have taken place and people will live in peace and harmony again .... in constant contact with Me, their God and Creator, and the blessed beings in My kingdom. For then love will reign again on Earth, My adversary will no longer be capable of influencing the people on the new earth, for he will be bound for an infinitely long time .... until people themselves loosen his chains and enable him to exert his influences once more. But prior to that there will be a long time of peace and happiness ....


BD 7758                received  28.11.1960

Jesus’ Words on the cross: ‘I Am thirsty ....’

I thirst for your love .... and when you remember the Words I spoke on the cross ‘I Am thirsty...’ you will know that it was not simply a physical longing but that My soul was thirsting for My living creations’ love .... that the ‘Deity’ in the man Jesus spoke, since now the act had been accomplished when I was waiting for death on the cross .... I thirsted for your love which was to bring you back to Me after I had redeemed the guilt of sin for you. For first you had to revive love in you in order to recognise and acknowledge Me Myself in Jesus Christ and thus knew the reason for the act of Salvation, for only love was able to reveal this knowledge to you, only through love were you able to recognise Me .... Jesus the ‘human being’ had voiced these Words on the cross but He was already united with Me and thus they were God’s Words which arose from the tortured body, and these Words are to be understood as I explained them to you .... that the Deity yearned for the love of Its living creations .... Jesus the human being was not aware of having spoken these Words, and I expressed Myself such that people only understood the earthly meaning of the Words, because they would not have grasped that the Deity had permitted this superhuman suffering which, however, was the atonement for the original sin on account of which I had descended to Earth. The reason for people’s immense guilt was due to the fact that they had once rejected My love and had become heartless themselves .... And I longed for the love of these beings which Jesus’ crucifixion returned to Me provided the being itself is willing. And precisely this willingness presupposes love .... Once I possessed people’s love they also came back to Me of their own free will and were able to do so, because the act of Salvation was accomplished for the whole human race. And if you consider Jesus’ Words on the cross in this way, then the love He longed for should impel you to Him, in which case you show your love for Me for which I have yearned since your apostasy from Me .... For ‘love’ brought you into being, ‘love’ gave you the test of will because you were intended to become even more than I was able to ‘create’ for Myself .... because you were meant to become My ‘children’ .... My love pursued you into the abyss in order to help you come up again, and My love accomplished the act of Salvation for you .... And in return you should only grant Me your love .... you should love Me with such depth of feeling which only a child can feel for its father. When I sacrificed My life on the cross for you, your guilt was atoned for and your return to Me became possible, My sacrifice of love was able to ignite your love in you, you were able to recognise it as such since you were no longer held captive in darkness because I had brought ‘light’ to you: .... My divine teaching of love, which showed you the path to Me and compliance with which signifies the re-transformation of your nature into love, will subsequently result in your lasting unification with Me and thus also the fulfilment of My yearning for your love ....


BD 7762                received  02.12.1960

Strengthening of will and supply of strength through Jesus ....

I must always remind you to consider that you are too weak on your own to release yourselves from your physical shell for good. First of all, you cannot muster the will to release yourselves from My adversary because he keeps your will in a weakened state and, by yourselves, you lack the strength to turn it to Me Whom you fail to recognise because you are totally unenlightened .... Thus, the will needs to be strengthened first and this can only be done by One: Jesus Christ, the Redeemer of the world .... for through His death on the cross He acquired the blessings of a stronger will for you. As a result of your past apostasy from Me you had completely handed yourselves over to My adversary’s control, who would never set you free again had I not, in Jesus Christ, bought you back from him through My act of Salvation. If you therefore don’t want him to be entitled to you anymore, you are able to release yourselves from him but you need strength to do so .... First, you need a stronger will and then you also need the supply of strength to put your will into action .... You must turn this will towards Me and subordinate it to Mine which, in turn, means that you must live according to My will. And it is My will that you integrate with the law of divine order, that is, that you live a life of love. However, your state of embodiment as a human being is not a state of strength and light .... You are weak creatures which still live in spiritual darkness, which are unaware of their original state, of their relationship with Me and of the meaning and purpose of their life on earth. You will never be able to arise from of this imperfect state, you will never regain the original state, without My supply of strength which, because of Jesus’ act of Salvation, is abundantly at your disposal, because I Myself died for you at the cross in the man Jesus in order to help you remedy your weakness, in order to illuminate for you the path to Me and to guide you across all obstacles, if this is what you want. And in order for you to want this, you need only avail yourselves of the blessings of the act of Salvation .... You need only pray to Me in Jesus for strengthening your will, for all measures which enable your ascent .... and I will grant your prayer .... Every prayer you send to Jesus Christ for your salvation of soul will be granted, and no person can go astray who, with faith in the act of Salvation, entrusts himself to Him, appeals to Him for forgiveness of his sin and for support to reach the goal, the release from his material shell, which is the result of his past apostasy from Me .... And every such prayer will be granted, for you acknowledge Me Myself again in Jesus Christ, Whom you once refused to acknowledge and thereby plunged into the abyss .... But you will not accomplish this work of redemption yourselves, you will never have the strength to detach yourselves from the adversary, you will forever remain in his power if you are not helped by the One Who shed His blood for you .... if you don’t take the path to Him and thus also to Me, Who will truly release you from His control ....


BD 7764                received  04.12.1960

Jesus’ last words on the cross ....

I always want to give to you what you desire. You only need to take notice of your inner voice and it will instruct you truthfully, because I want you to live in truth and gain a clear understanding: My crucifixion has brought salvation to you humans, it has redeemed your past guilt of sin .... As the human being Jesus I took extreme pain upon Myself, and a most bitter death was My fate .... However, since I was unable to suffer as ‘God’ I took abode in a human shell which was capable of suffering and which also mustered the will to suffer on behalf of His fellow human beings in order to satisfy My justice, in order to open up the path to Me for His fallen brothers. Yet His will was free .... He was not impelled by the Deity within Him to accomplish the sacrifice He wanted to make for Me .... although love .... Which was Myself .... was the cause for which He mustered this will .... Yet I Myself never coerce the will of a human being and neither does My love. However, anyone who has love can’t help himself but emanate it. And thus, the human being Jesus, too, radiated love and thereby only wanted to please humanity. Hence He only ever wanted what would help people to become blissfully happy. The will of the human being Jesus was free .... yet He had completely subordinated Himself to Me and My will. Consequently, His will could not be different to Mine. For the love in Him was so powerful that it had merged with the Eternal Love, with Myself .... Thus I Myself was in Him, and I Myself achieved in Him the act of Salvation ....

And yet, the human being Jesus had to take the final decision Himself when He undertook the most difficult journey .... the path to the cross. And even though I, the Eternal Love, was in Him, My divine Spirit withdrew, that is, Love .... the spirit .... no longer urged Him into action; it kept quiet and apparently left the human being Jesus to struggle on His own .... And this was the most difficult of all, the fact that the man Jesus felt alone in His suffering and nevertheless walked the path until the end .... He was not alone, for I would never have been able to separate Myself from Him again, Who had become one with Me .... But I no longer expressed Myself, because the atonement of the original sin necessitated an extreme amount of human suffering and torment which the human being Jesus had readily taken upon Himself, and therefore the sacrifice of atonement has been the work of the most merciful love that was ever accomplished on earth. And these pains lasted until His death on the cross and made Him proclaim ‘My God, my God, why have You forsaken me ....’ I was in Him but I did not speak, yet it was only the body which suffered until His soul recognised Me again, when He called ‘It is finished ....’ and ‘Father, into Your hands I commit My Spirit ....’

The body suffered until the end and I had to withdraw Myself during these hours or His already spiritualised soul would have rendered the body insensitive to pain, because My spirit is unable to suffer. And the human being Jesus had already attained the spiritualisation of soul and body as a result of His way of life on earth .... But the purpose and objective of His earthly progress was the redemption of the guilt of sin, which was only possible by way of an excessive extent of suffering and pain .... Hence the ‘Deity’ withdrew and left the ‘human being’ Jesus to His tormentors, who truly carried out the most shameful work on behalf of My adversary, because Jesus Himself wanted it this way .... For His soul had offered of its own accord to descend to earth in order to make the sacrifice of atonement for His fallen brothers; it had offered to take on flesh in order to accept these said immeasurable pains and torments because only a human being was capable of suffering. And I accepted the sacrifice since it was, after all, made by ‘love’ .... which may never be rejected. And ‘love’ stayed in Him until His death, even if It no longer allowed It’s strength to take effect .... Thus I Myself must have been in Him too, even if I remained silent at the end so that the act of Salvation could find its culmination: that a human being allowed Himself to be crucified for His fellow human beings .... that He truly made a sacrifice which I accepted as an act of atonement for the whole human race .... No ‘divine strength’ alleviated the sacrifice for Him, for ‘Love’ Itself remained quiet, although it had taken complete possession of the human being Jesus ....

And this, too, is a mystery you humans are as yet unable to grasp .... The man Jesus had to taste the greatest suffering: to feel alone and abandoned. And precisely this suffering redeemed the sin which every being had burdened itself with when it left Me, Who had given them all My love, which they rejected. The human being Jesus had to experience this suffering, and therefore He spoke the words ‘My God, my God, why have You forsaken me ....’ Yet you humans will never be able to understand the magnitude of the act of Salvation as long as you live on earth. Nevertheless, one day it will strike you with a sudden, blinding realisation and you will praise and worship Me without end .... For this act of Salvation applied to all of you, you all may participate in the blessings of the act of Salvation, and as a result of the act of Salvation the path was opened for all of you to return to Me ....


BD 7767                received  09.12.1960

Fulfilment of divine promises ....
Truth ....

You are guided into truth by My spirit .... Since I spoke these Words to you humans Myself it must therefore be possible for you to live in truth and thus you cannot say: No one knows what and where the truth is .... You just have to seriously think about the problem of how you can arrive at the truth. A truth exists which is irrefutable, which comes forth from Me as the ‘Eternal Truth Itself’ and which will never change. And you have to approach this primary source of truth yourselves by wanting to get hold of the truth from its origin .... from Me Myself .... I know everything, I know all correlations, nothing is concealed from Me, and I also want you, as My living creations, to know everything .... I want you to become as illuminated as I Am .... I want you to know where you came from and the goal you ought to reach. Your fellow human beings, however, are unable to inform you of this unless they have received this knowledge from Me.

However, many people claim to be knowledgeable and also try to convince their fellow human beings of what they have acquired through intellectual study. But their intellectual conclusions do not correspond to the truth as long as they have not approached Me directly for enlightenment of their thoughts .... as long as they have only applied their intellect .... And then the justifiable objection can be raised: No human being knows what and where the truth is .... But God knows and therefore also the person to whom God imparts the truth .... And I have told you that My spirit will guide you into truth, and My Word is and will remain truth ....

But far too little attention is paid to this Word of Mine, the great promise I thereby gave to humanity is not being recognised .... For they have no interest whatsoever to be instructed in the ‘truth’ but unreservedly accept everything as truth that is presented to them by their fellow human beings, or they reject all credibility of it. And that signifies a major spiritual decline. For every person must possess spiritual knowledge, and therefore everyone should want to have the right spiritual knowledge. This determination alone will take him closer to the truth, for I will not let a person live in darkness if he desires to become enlightened .... I will intervene Myself and direct his thoughts such that he will start to search and take the path to the right source .... I Myself will offer the truth to him, if not directly then through My messengers, which he then will also recognise as My messengers, for I only require the desire for truth in order to be able to distribute it, because I want people to live in the truth, because I want them to be instructed through My spirit, if only they are of good will. But then a person will no longer doubt the truth of what is imparted to him by My spirit, and he will also remember My Words ‘But the comforter, which is the holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you ....’

Hence you also have a criterion insofar as that you will hear the same Words from Me through the spirit which I spoke to people when I lived on earth .... And thereby you can recognise who speaks to you and then also believe with conviction that it is I Myself Who makes His promise come true, Who instructs you through His spirit .... And it will remind you of many a Word I spoke to people Myself. And then you should also seriously consider every one of My Words because they are God’s Words which will never pass away, even if heaven and earth shall pass away .... And if you thus believe these Words of Mine unreservedly then you will penetrate the truth ever deeper, for then you will live accordingly, and you will experience the effect that you are not just hearers but doers of My Word .... You will experience the effect of love which is preached to you through My Word time after time and which will grant you enlightenment, so that you will grow in realisation, so that you will attain the knowledge again which you had lost .... so that you will completely live in truth again because you have entered into association with the Eternal Truth Itself .... Which guided you into the right knowledge, as I promised you ....


BD 7770                received  12.12.1960

Cause and origin of creation ....

Your human existence is the result of your earlier apostasy from Me in the spiritual kingdom. It has been explained to you many times already that you yourselves were the cause of the emergence of the earthly creation through which you, as creation’s crowning glory, shall once again achieve your original state which you once had voluntarily surrendered. I brought every kind of earthly creation into existence because of you, for I searched for and found a way for you to return to Me, and this way is the progress through the earthly-material works of creation. The last stage of this earthly progress is your human life .... And now you have to start your voluntary return to Me again, since you once parted from Me voluntarily. Because you are divine beings by origin who, as a sign of their divinity, possess free will. Your life as a human being gives you the opportunity to prove your divinity .... it gives you the opportunity to direct your free will towards Me and thus also to unite with Me again .... Then the earthly creations have served their purpose, they succeeded in achieving the work of return in accordance with My plan of eternity. And thus you have to view all creations as the result of your transgression against Me but also as your means of learning to acknowledge Me again .... you have to recognise creation as an expression of My love for you which I did not want to lose. You should know that My supreme wisdom recognised ‘creation’ as the most reliable means of winning you back .... And one day you will be able to see the progress you made through the creations for yourselves and be tremendously grateful for the mercy My infinite love bestowed unto the souls which otherwise would be lost .... Then the creation will no longer be a constraint for you, rather it will be such immense proof of My love that you yourselves will want to take part in the work of creating in order to give the spirits even more opportunities to return to Me for good ....

Just as love motivated Me to create, so will love not let you rest either, and then you will use the strength, which flows from Me to you, in accordance with My will: you will create and design for your own blissfulness .... But this requires a certain degree of maturity which you can acquire during your earthly life already if you use your free will correctly and direct it towards Me .... Then your soul will return to the original source of light and strength from whence it once originated, and then it may also receive light and strength in abundance, then it will be able to create and work with Me and be happy. And thus, on the one hand the works of creation are a constraint for the immature spirit, but on the other hand they are an opportunity for the free spirits to work lovingly and help the unredeemed souls .... On the one hand they are judged spirits themselves, and on the other hand they bring freedom to the spirits because all creations have to comply with their instructions to serve, thereby enabling the constrained spirit within to achieve freedom .... The redeemed spirit of light knows this and in its love is constantly active by forming new creations in accordance with My will, by taking part in creating, because it knows My eternal plan of Salvation and wants to help with the work of returning all spirit essence to Me. Hence the creation may well be considered My adversary’s realm because it contains the unredeemed spirit .... however, he himself cannot influence this spirit during the time of its constraint .... while the world of light protects this spirit and time and again can help it to become free.

Yet the human being has to fear his influence again. But he need only use his will correctly, he need only direct it towards Me and I will take care of him and truly release him from the hands of My adversary. However, he has to pass this test of will himself .... neither I nor My adversary will force his will in either direction, he has to prove his ‘divinity’ himself by asking for the light, from whence he once originated ....


BD 7778                received  21.12.1960

The adversary oversteps his authority ....

The adversary’s activity will be stopped once the hour has come when I will judge the living and the dead .... One day this Judgment has to take place again, after all, everything has left its order and therefore the spiritual beings’ higher development is no longer guaranteed. Humanity no longer resists My adversary’s activity, it is completely enslaved by his will, and he abuses his will such that even My followers will find it difficult to remain with Me .... He oversteps his authority by trying to completely displace Me from people’s memory and thus he will find many followers who implement his will: to wage open battle against faith. And you humans live on earth in order to choose between two lords, hence you must also know about both lords .... He, however, aims to prevent the knowledge about your God and Creator, he tries to deprive you of all faith and his method of force is to impel the earthly authorities to rigorously fight against faith and thus against My Own who profess My name before the world. And therefore he will not have much time left, for he will be bound on the Day of Judgment. If you humans are thus able to observe this beginning, if you see how the battle against faith will openly erupt then you can also consider with certainty that the last days of the end have come, for then he will overstep his authority and will inevitably be doomed to be judged. For he has great power and he misuses it .... But I will put a stop to him so that not all people will succumb to him, so that My Own will be able to remain faithful to Me until the very end. As yet you can still observe his activity and keep away from those who follow him; you, who want to be My Own, can still come together and strengthen and comfort each other, but once My adversary enters into the last battle on this earth you will have to withdraw, you will no longer be able to speak openly, because then you will be treated with hostility by the world and those who belong to the world ....

But then it will be important that you profess Me openly .... And you need not be frightened either, for My strength will flow to you so that you will be able to remain faithful to Me, so that you will cheerfully profess Me and manifest your strength even more .... I predicted this time to you and it will come to pass as it is proclaimed; you will find that you will encounter ever more opponents, that the hatred against those of you who proclaim My Word will become greater, and then you will be well advised to avoid the enemy, so that you will not deliberately expose yourselves to danger .... Then you should be as wise as serpents and as harmless as doves .... but you should not betray Me .... But who else but Me would be able to give you strength, who else but Me could protect you and lead you out of all adversities again? My adversary will also be bound by Me when the time is fulfilled, and his activity will come to an end .... And you can rely on the fact that I Myself will take care of you when the time of the end has arrived, when you have to make your decision which lord you want to acknowledge. For he will be unable to topple those who want to be My Own, because I Myself will fight by their side and he is truly no match for My power. And he will be bound for an infinitely long time again along with his followers, so that an era of peace will start again for people who can no longer be harassed by him. However, this time of peace will on be on the new earth, because first order will have to be established again, first the spiritual beings will have to be ‘judged’ .... Only then will higher development continue, only then will there be peace again in heaven and on earth ....


BD 7780                received  24.12.1960

The light descended to Earth ....

The world was held in bondage .... You should understand that no-one who stayed on earth, no-one who lived in Lucifer’s world which sheltered the fallen beings, was able to release himself from Satan’s bondage .... He kept everyone shackled and would never ever have released them either, for he was devoid of all love, he was purely motivated by hatred and opposition to Me, Who is eternal Love Itself and from Whom he, too, had originated ..... The world was held in bondage ..... and therefore I Myself descended to earth in order to sever these fetters, to break the chains, to help the fallen beings ascend again .... in order to deliver people from his power. My descent to earth was an act of greatest compassion, for this wretched state was people’s own fault, since they once followed him voluntarily. They existed in darkness and not even the smallest light would have been accepted by these fallen beings had I not taken pity on them and ignited a light in them .... in order to show them the path which leads to Me, back to their Father, Whom they had once voluntarily left. This is why the Light Itself came into the world ..... The Eternal Light embodied Itself in an infant in order to take the path as a human being on this earth, and the infant Jesus became My outer shell .... I availed Myself of the human form in order to accomplish the act of Salvation, in order to defeat My adversary in an open battle and to wrest those souls from him who had the will and the desire to return to Me .... I paid the purchase price for these souls, I sacrificed My life on the cross, I bought them from My adversary with My blood .... Thus I started the earthly path as a human being with the birth of the boy child Jesus, which already started in an unusual way because this human being called Jesus had to fulfil an unusual mission: to serve Me Myself as a shell, because the sinful human race would have been unable to endure Me in My abundance of light and thus the ’Light of Eternity’ had to enshroud itself. Nevertheless, exceptional light shone from the infant Jesus already, yet only visible to those whose loving way of life enabled them to endure the light and who therefore were permitted to come close to Me, for I knew who possessed this inner maturity and drew the few people to Me, who thus paid homage to Me as an infant like their king, for their clear souls recognised Me and prayed to Me.

My birth took place in seclusion for the abundance of spirit which permeated the infant Jesus at His birth caused the most miraculous happenings, and thus a few people were able to recognise that the announcements of many prophets were coming true, who had predicted the Messiah Who was to bring salvation to people in dire need. Those who still believed in a God and whose hearts were willing to love expectantly yearned for their Messiah and their hopes were fulfilled when I was born ..... But they were unaware of the fact that I Myself had descended to earth, they were unaware that their God and Creator laid in the manger before them .... although they were seized by sacred awe and felt drawn to the infant in the manger with their whole being. For My love shone forth to them from this infant and touched their hearts ..... And this was the start of My mission of giving love and of thereby awakening people’s love in return. I took the life as a human being upon Myself, I conformed to all laws of nature, I consciously travelled an earthly path whose goal had been the suffering and dying on the cross. And although the spirit within Me occasionally broke through and expressed itself I was nevertheless no more advantaged than other people, for I had to overcome the pestering of everything which was unspiritual in exactly the same way as is your task, for I wanted to exemplify for you a life as it complied with the Father’s will, Who was within Me .... I, too, had to shape and spiritualise My corporeal body such that the Eternal Love was able to take abode in it. And My way of life constantly offered Me the opportunity for that; after all, I lived My life as a ’human being’ because all of you humans were meant to follow My example by preparing your human body as a vessel for the divine spirit .... just as I had to do and did during My early years and during the years before My actual teaching activity .... And the Father took abode in the man Jesus, Who shaped Himself such that He served Me as a dwelling place, so that I, therefore, as Jesus the man, was ’full of the Holy Spirit’, so that I taught and performed miracles because the Father Himself was within Me .... Every person can achieve this if he only is of good will to serve the divine spirit as a vessel into which it can flow, and then every person will also be able to release himself from the adversary’s bondage, for as soon as he has entered into unity with Me in Jesus Christ, I Myself will loosen the chains and set him free .... For I lived on earth in order to redeem humanity ..... I brought people the light so that they will find and indeed be able to cover the path which leads back to Me, back into the Father’s house ....


BD 7781                received  25.12.1960

Jesus Christ’s act of Salvation ....

The return to Me was guaranteed as a result of My act of Salvation .... One day all souls will be able to stay with Me again, one day all beings which once had originated from Me will be permeated by My love again, as it was in the beginning, for with My sacrificial death on the cross I established a bridge from the abyss to the pinnacle, from the kingdom of darkness into the kingdom of light and beatitude .... My death on the cross paid for the extreme guilt which separated all beings from Me when they followed My adversary into the abyss ....

Until My arrival on earth an unbridgeable gulf existed between people and Myself which they had caused themselves but which they were no longer able to bridge by themselves since they were too weak, since the burden of sin pushed them to the ground and My adversary, too, prevented their every attempt to bridge this gulf. And thus I built a bridge by descending to earth Myself and only then made amends for the immense guilt .... by taking the burden of sin from people and shouldering it Myself I walked the path to the cross with it ....

What was impossible before has now become feasible: that people who are of good will shall follow Me and take the path of the cross, that they only abide by Me and never exclude Me again, that they want to belong to those for whom I died on the cross, and that they then find complete forgiveness of their guilt which enables their return to Me again into the kingdom of light .... I did not forsake people in their adversity, I came to help them, I took abode in a human being’s shell and accomplished in this human being Jesus the act of Salvation, for I wanted to start a path leading from the abyss to the pinnacle again ....

And My life on earth was a life of love until My death, for people lacked love and therefore I set an example to them, for only love is redeeming, because love is the law of eternal order and because .... anyone who returns to Me .... has to change his nature into love in order to unite with Me again, since I Am love Myself .... And thus the kingdom of light and earth were bridged when I descended to earth Myself. And you all have to cross this bridge in order to reach Me again, Who was unattainable to you because of your guilt.

But My love is greater than your guilt, and My love sought a way out, it tried to re-establish the connection between you and Me which was broken by you .... And thus I found a way: My love Itself made amends for the guilt and opened the path of return to Me. By then a connection had been established from the kingdom of light to earth, because a soul of light had descended to earth in which I was able to embody Myself; for this soul took on flesh .... the human being Jesus was born, Who then travelled the path on which all human beings can follow Him, which enables you to enter the kingdom of light and concludes your return to Me .... My love built this bridge for you, for My love took abode in this shell and walked the path of the cross for you, that is, it compensated for the immense guilt of your apostasy from Me which had created the unbridgeable gulf between the kingdom of light and darkness .... My love for you is infinite and wants to win you back again, My living creations. Yet My justice did not permit Me to accept you again without the redemption of your guilt. And thus My love has also made amends for the guilt on your behalf .... a human being made the sacrifice of atonement on your behalf, and I Myself was within this human being ....

What was impossible before My crucifixion became achievable through the crucifixion: that you were allowed to approach Me again, that you would be able to return to your true home again, into the kingdom of light, where you can be active again in light and strength and freedom as in the beginning. The path to Me was open, you could leave your guilt behind under the cross, you could hand yourselves over to the love and mercy of Jesus, your Redeemer, and He would then open the gate to beatitude for you, to the kingdom of light. But even this, your ‘deliverance’, is a matter of your free will, otherwise every soul would instantly return to the kingdom of light, but in that case My goal to prepare you as My children would not be achieved .... You have to take the path to the cross of your own free will, in free will you have to ask for forgiveness of sins, and in free will you have to desire your salvation and approach Me in Jesus Christ. And it will be given to you .... you will return to Me and be joyfully received by your Father, Who descended to earth Himself in order to set you free ....


BD 7783                received  30.12.1960

Consciously turning to God is passed test of will ....

The turning point of every individual person’s life has come when the person consciously turns to God, when he inwardly acknowledges him and enters into contact with Him .... when he prays to Him in living faith. Then the soul will have consciously started on the path of return to Him and can also, with certainty, reach its goal on earth of entering the kingdom of the beyond redeemed of its past guilt. Hence the human being must merely consciously turn to God and not just carry out certain formalities or customs or want to prove his faith in God with empty words. For God only evaluates that which arises from the human heart, neither words nor gestures can deceive Him .... However, a prayer in spirit and in truth will definitely reach Him, and then he will take care of the one who deliberately seeks contact with Him .... The conscious bond with God is therefore the spiritual turning point in the life of the individual, and the sooner it happens the more successful it will be; nevertheless, it signifies that the human being has passed the test of will he is expected to take during his earthly existence. Prior to this his life is a waste of time, for the soul does not gain anything while the human being still lives without God. And as long as a person does not have a living faith he still lives without God, for the academic knowledge about God conveyed to people is not a living faith as yet .... Only his conscious surrender to God proves his faith, and from that hour onwards the soul starts to live, that is, its thoughts, feelings and inclinations take place on a spiritual level, the bond with God has been established and He Himself takes care of the soul because it had found Him of its own free will. And again it must be stressed that only love is able to achieve this .... that the thoughts of a person who lives in love will take the right path, the path towards the Eternal Love, for love strives towards love. In other words: the Eternal Love draws a lovingly active human being close to Itself. And his faith will indeed come alive, the person’s thoughts will turn to the One Who had created him .... Who will take hold of him and never let him fall again, because his free will became active, for both love as well as faith prove that the will is inclined towards God and therefore they also prove the passed test of will on account of which the human being lives on earth ....


BD 7787                received  03.01.1961

Explanation about different Word-reception ....

I will truly not deny you My Word if you want to be addressed by Me, but you must always check and ask yourselves what you would like to know .... I will answer your questions if they concern spiritual thoughts and if this answer will be beneficial for you. For I certainly want you to know the truth but I will withhold My answer if the question is not based on pure motives. That happens if you want to use this answer to distinguish yourselves before your fellow human beings or if you intend to use this answer in order to impel them into this or that action. For I recognise every intention within a human heart, and even if he subsequently communicates with Me .... he will not be prepared enough that I Myself can answer him. Then no spiritual exchange will take place but the person’s intellect works out an answer for itself which he will then pass on as a ‘spiritual reception’. Every person will be addressed by Me if he fulfils the conditions: if he makes heartfelt contact with Me and appeals to Me for My Word .... And I will talk to him in accordance with his state of maturity, I will place the answer into his heart, I will direct his thoughts such that he will not live in error. But this assurance of Mine is also being misused insofar as that people contact Me for answers relating to earthly matters, insofar as they are incapable of differentiating between spiritual and earthly matters. I truly do not want to deny Myself to My children but neither will I divert from My conditions on which I based the working of My spirit: I want a profound desire for truth to be the cause of such questions which concern spiritual knowledge. Once you humans have reached the degree that ‘My spirit’ can work in you then you will also know that your Father directs earthly destinies as they will serve you best .... you will entrust yourselves to Me as your Leader and know that I will arrange everything for your own good.

Thus you will not expect personal instructions or assignments nor ask your Father for them. For with earthly questions you always run the risk of providing your own answers as you would like them to be .... Let Me take care of you and completely leave your guidance to Me .... And only make sure that your soul will mature, that it will become a vessel for My spirit .... Then hold private conversations with Me and let Me instruct you, i.e., initiate you into spiritual knowledge .... For My kingdom will only ever be the spiritual world, and from this world you receive spiritual teachings which intend to raise your soul’s maturity if you live your life on earth in accordance with these teachings. And the thoughts of anyone wanting to work for Me will truly be correctly directed by Me, he will need no advice from fellow human beings who may also advise him wrongly or pass wrong messages on to him .... Unite yourselves with your Father of eternity and pray to Him for right guidance, and you will feel My will in your heart and comply with it. And test all things and keep what is good .... No-one should omit testing the spiritual information given to him, for everyone should know that during the last days My adversary will work wherever he can in order to cause mental confusion .... but that he has no influence on those who form a heartfelt bond with Me and have appealed for My guidance. And he also knows to disguise himself well and to appear as an angel of light .... yet it can be recognised by all those who are looking for light and truth, for I will not let them walk in darkness .... I Myself will grant them light because they desire it ....


BD 7797                received  14.01.1961

What is the purpose of life on earth? ....

You have to know the purpose of your earthly life if your progress as a human being is to be successful and you want to reach the goal, if you once again want to become what you had been in the beginning .... You came forth from Me as supremely perfect beings, you were created in My image, endowed with all divine attributes, full of light and strength, and you were in constant contact with Me as your God and Creator, so that you were continuously able to receive light and strength from Me and thus were also indescribably happy. But your perfect nature also included free will or you could not have been called divine living creations. Consequently this free will had to open up two possibilities for you: to remain as perfect as I had created you, or to relinquish your perfection and change your nature into the opposite .... Thus you were meant to prove your ‘divinity’ by keeping the direction of your will in line with Mine, so that it totally merged with My will although it was completely free .... In that case, however, you also had to be capable of behaving to the contrary .... You also had to be able to fall away from Me as a sign of free will, if this was opposed to Me and My will.

I required My ‘created’ living beings to make this decision of will in order to be able to grant them even greater delights .... I required this decision of will of My first created being, the spirit of light, whom My greater than great love externalised and who, as My image, was intended to create and work with and beside Me in the spiritual kingdom. He had come forth from Me in supreme perfection, he was My image .... Yet one thing set him apart from Me: he received his strength from Me, whereas I was the source of strength Myself .... He certainly recognised this, for he possessed absolute realisation .... And so he was confronted by the test of will which required him to acknowledge Me as the source of strength from Which he constantly received his power .... However, his will and My strength had brought countless beings into existence, all of whom were of highest perfection, endowed with all gifts and free will which demonstrated their divine nature. And the awareness of having been the creator of all these beings made this first-created spirit, the bearer of light, arrogant, and in his arrogance he rebelled against Me.

Hence he did not pass the test of will but he voluntarily caused a separation from Me which, admittedly, was impossible to happen, because all created spirits would have perished in view of the fact that they are unable to exist without Me and My flow of strength .... but the bearer of light .... Lucifer .... deliberately turned away from Me, and therefore fell into the abyss, drawing with him a large number of beings which likewise were supposed to make a decision and deserted Me .... This occurrence, which took place in the spiritual kingdom, forms the basis of the ‘creation of the world’, of the countless different kinds of creations which I brought into being as the ‘path of return’ for the spirits, in order to guide all fallen spirits back to their origin again, in order to guide them back to Me, because they can only be happy again when they are united with Me, whereas the distance from Me signifies a state of utter wretchedness. I Am now trying to make this information accessible to you humans, for you are these fallen spirits which are on the path of return to Me and are approaching the goal. You had changed your once perfect nature into the opposite and became imperfect ....

Even as human beings you are still imperfect creatures, but you are able to perfect yourselves during your earthly life if only you fulfil My will, if you fit in with My law of divine order, if you live a life of love and completely change your nature into love again, as it was in the beginning .... Love reunites you with Me, but you have to accept it from Me voluntarily again. You must not resist it when My love wants to illuminate you once more; you have to do your utmost in order to fulfil your task in earthly life, which solely consists of directing your will towards Me, of surrendering to Me and striving towards Me with love .... Then profound knowledge will be revealed to you, the darkness within you will recede, you will achieve bright realisation, understand all correlations and leave the state of wretchedness, you will enter into union with Me and in this unity find the former bliss again which you once voluntarily relinquished but which belongs to every being that once originated from Me as a radiant image of Myself .... and which it irrevocably will become again one day, because this has been and will remain the goal of My creation: to educate ‘children’ for Myself who can create and work with Me in supreme happiness ....


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