ThemeBooklet 014

Suffering and Healing - The Cause, Purpose & Blessing

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Why must I suffer? - Purification Through Adversity.... The Soul Matures Through Suffering

BD 0579                received  11.09.1938

Diversity of earthly existence ....
You would pray for suffering ....

You see, My child, in the world of your parents you accepted a destiny that allowed you to mature considerably and your earthly life was rich in experiences which stimulated your thinking, and the way to ascend could be revealed to you more easily. Although people’s circumstances of life are often even more difficult and with far greater poverty and aguish but then their souls are even less mature and can only purify themselves in such hard conditions; and thus people’s burdens are as different as are their results. Before its incarnation as a human being each soul longs to utilise its embodiment as quickly and as successfully as possible and therefore inhabits a body which has a predetermined difficult fate. On the other hand, many souls must go the path of purification which requires other circumstances of life .... which leads to their goal sooner through an easier and more pleasant existence but where other dangers have to be fought which the soul has to overcome.

This is arranged by the Heavenly Father in His wisdom even if people on earth can’t yet understand it and often become indignant about the uneven distribution of earthly wealth. But He Who knows all, Who understands every deficiency of the soul and would like to see the same perfection in everything also knows to offer the right help and only places upon each human being what is necessary for the benefit of his soul. Every day is a step closer to happiness .... so take care that you climb one step after another .... and not step back ....

You will eternally thank Me, your Creator, for every sorrow that I have put upon you and will praise the wisdom of Him Who created you and Who wants you to be near to Him forever .... You should always know that the Father does not want to lose even one of His children and that He cares for every being. And this care often necessitates methods which seem hard to you, since you cannot imagine the magnitude of the calamity that threatens you .... if you could fully understand you would pray for suffering only to avoid this adversity, but you must live your life without knowledge of your situation and strive to ascend of your own free will and in order to achieve the highest reward ....


BD 0373                received  11.04.1938

Purpose of suffering - Trials ....
Lethargy of the spirit ....

Many things in life discourage the human being .... it is like a bond which binds the heart of such a person. Time and again doubts in the goodness and mercy of God arise when grief and suffering occur too often .... and yet they only give you an inner maturity which otherwise would take much longer to achieve. And since your earthly life only lasts a short time it is necessary that such depressing or painful occurrences must take place frequently and sometimes one after another so that you may derive blessings from them, that you look upon your life earnestly and carefully and that your desire turns more and more away from the world and its attractions, which are a serious danger to you. Life often seems unbearable for the individual, sometimes such an earthly child tires and loses heart .... it drifts without making any effort to change this discouraged existence. And yet it would be so easy for you as soon as the right attitude towards God shows you the way you have to go. But consider the many seemingly insurmountable obstacles in your life .... would you have escaped from them if you had not been given help from above every time ....

But you do not always recognise this help as sent from above, yet every occurrence is a flow of God’s grace .... whether good or bad .... it always has the same purpose: to have a refining effect on you, My earthly children. If you can see in every test a means of improvement then you will also recognise your own shortcomings and failures, and with this recognition comes the quiet will to overcome them .... Then every trial has already served its purpose .... and therefore you must realise in every difficult situation that they are necessary to achieve a higher degree of maturity .... that they are steps on the ladder which leads the soul to perfection, so to speak. A life without struggle would only mean to stay on the same level, however, the battle against oneself is far more difficult to carry out than the battle against enemies who approach the human being from outside.

Every awakening from the lethargy of the spirit is a step forward .... the alert human being will remember his spirit and not let it starve, for lethargy is a relapse and cannot be called ‘enlivening’ in any way, it will defeat every urge to be active and can never have a beneficial influence on the soul. Therefore do not be alarmed when life’s difficulties seem hard to bear .... if they make you aware of your shortcomings and you fight them then they will disappear again in not too long a time, for the Lord only allows such trials until they have served their purpose and improved the heart of the human being. Because it is not His will that you should suffer except that through this you are made worthy of everlasting joy ....


BD 6987                received  07.12.1957

Process of purification through strokes of fate ....

No matter how your earthly lives shape themselves, they are determined by My Will in order to give you ever more opportunities for your souls to mature. But you will only become psychologically fully mature if you faithfully accept My Will, if you humbly bow down and completely subordinate yourselves to Me .... Then you will also experience My obvious help in every earthly and spiritual adversity. The aim of life is the spiritualisation of your soul, the purging of all impurities which still cling to you, so that it can be completely permeated by My divine light of love when it leaves its earthly body. This purification, however, will not take place if the human being’s earthly existence passes by without any struggle .... unless the person lives an exceptionally loving life. Then the layers will disintegrate and the soul will have achieved its goal at the end of its life.

But often it will still have to accomplish this process of purification through suffering and adversities, through personal struggle. And since My wisdom knows this, My love always takes care to help it to mature. Consequently, you will not be able to live your earthly lives in constant calm, storms will rage around you, and often enough you will be despondent as a result of your fate .... And yet you need not be afraid, you will be able to overcome everything by merely joining Me even more firmly the harsher you are affected by fate.

I Am mindful of everything and you are never alone, even if you are earthly entirely on your own, even if you believe that you have been abandoned by all people .... I will truly never leave you, and to be united with Me compensates you a thousand fold for the loss you suffer or have suffered. But you also always have to recognise Me Myself in every happening that comes your way. If I Am your first and last thought you will be strong, no matter what happens to you.

But if you distance yourselves from Me by complaining and grumbling and rebelling against your fate, then you will also get steadily weaker and the adversity will burden you ever more .... because then there is no other available means for Me to win you back, to make you bow down to My will again .... I truly only have your best interests at heart, and nothing will happen to you without My will or My permission. But in constant contact with Me it will be easier for you to carry your burden .... And then everything that at first looked like an inextricable tangle will be beautifully resolved.

And the soul will have achieved a great benefit if, during the greatest difficulties, it has not severed its bond with Me.

Especially in these final days before the end people are at great risk of forgetting about Me in their hunt and rush for worldly goods .... And if I want them to remember Me again then I can only employ such means which will shake their very way of thinking, by using hard blows of fate I have to put them into a situation of wit’s end, so that they then will remember the One, Who alone is able to help them. For their souls are still wrapped in dense layers, they have not yet done much to purify their souls, that is, they neglect to do unselfish deeds of love, and a different process of purification is therefore necessary to make the soul transparent enough for just a little bit of light, for which it will be extremely grateful to Me one day ....

And no person is exempt from experiencing misfortunes, because I love all human beings and want to help them find their way back to Me one day if they are still distant from Me, or to encourage a closer unity with Me whereby they can receive increasingly more strength to improve their souls and to achieve full maturity while still on earth. For I want them to pass over with a degree of light already, so that they will be spared the agony of darkness in the kingdom of the beyond; I want that their earthly progress should not have been in vain ..... And for this reason you humans should only ever see My will or My permission in everything that happens to you and humbly submit yourselves to My will ....


BD 4672                received  18.06.1949

The soul matures through suffering ....
God’s care ....
World and God ....

Whatever serves to benefit your soul has been foreseen since eternity. Therefore you can regard every difficult and upsetting, joyful and edifying experience, which only aims to achieve your psychological maturity, as having been imposed on you by Me. And if you consider the course of your life from this point of view then nothing should bother, burden or frighten you .... for all is for the best .... Every experience enables you to mature, you can derive benefit for your souls as long as you always recognise Me as the One Who allows it to happen, and remain in contact with Me by constantly glancing towards your Father above, Who wants to shape you into His children on this earth.

Fear and worry are unnecessary if you hand them over to Me and ask for My help. You are never alone if you allow My presence next to you, if you do not want be alone and never exclude Me from your life, if you leave your thoughts, needs and actions entirely to Me, if you let Me take care of them, so that I will guide you and you are merely the executor of My will. You could travel your earthly path carefree and without worry if only you would always walk with Me .... Yet the world frequently stands between you and Me and separates us, the world is close to your eyes, and you neglect Me even though you want to belong to Me. The world is still too important to you, you do not realise its triviality because you are still involved with the world. However, as soon as you are able to value Me above the world, as soon as you are able to put Me first, the world will no longer burden you, it will not disturb you, you will be able to cope easily and be master of everything that approaches you on a worldly level.

Make the attempt, let Me take care of you and entrust yourselves to My protection and care with complete faith. First fulfil your duty towards Me by living in accordance with My Word and working for Me and My kingdom. Then you should also inform other people of My will by always reminding them of their true destiny, by motivating them to improve their souls and by passing on My Word, which you have received from Me and which will enlighten them where they are still in the dark. Draw your fellow human beings’ attention to the fact that I Am in charge of all people’s destiny, that nothing happens to people without meaning and purpose, that higher development is the purpose of every experience, and that everything is bearable if I Am approached for help, acknowledged as Controller and Creator of eternity and prayed to for My Fatherly care. Caution them not to forget Me for the sake of the world, then every individual person’s earthly path of life will be easy and safe and his soul will derive benefit from every experience. For I only want your soul to mature when you have to go through suffering, but you can make it bearable for yourselves if you take heed of My Word and always allow Me to walk with you. For I Am your Father and only want the best for My children ....


BD 3610                received  22.11.1945

Cause, purpose and aim of suffering ....
Awareness ....
Transience ....

Worldly minded people are so far removed from the truth that they are unaware of how much strength they can draw from faith and a heartfelt bond with God, and thus they only ever take notice of world events and do not realise that this wrong attitude towards God is the cause of every world event which results in human suffering. And as long as human beings lack this insight, the state of suffering cannot change either. Time and again the suffering will merely adopt different shapes, so that the diversity of their hardship and sorrow will eventually make people understand that a power other than human will is behind the sorrow, that human will alone is not the cause but that the will of a higher power simultaneously steps into action, and that they will develop a certain opinion about this higher power. The knowledge of pure truth explains everything; it makes the immense hardship comprehensible because its cause, purpose and objective are identifiable. Change is only possible when people adapt themselves to the purpose and objective, i.e. when they try to solve the cause of sorrow and hardship which, however, is and remains incomprehensible to the worldly minded person as long as the world is his priority, as long as he provides his body with all privileges and starves the soul.

The knowledge of truth can only be given to the person who detaches himself from the world, for if the knowledge is conveyed to the worldly minded person he will not recognise it as truth and reject it. Thus increased suffering will put him into a situation which will make him receptive to truth .... by learning to understand through suffering and hardship the worthlessness of worldly goods and reducing the longing for those same goods .... The desire for truth will increase accordingly, providing he is not influenced by negative forces who completely confuse his reasoning and attempt to divert him from the truth, who incite hatred in the person the more the world and its joys disappoint him. But such people will not find the connection to God on earth anymore, and every means employed by God is in vain. Nevertheless it is an advantage for the human soul to recognise the transience of earthly values while it is still on earth, where it can learn to despise them and is no longer excessively bound by them to earth when it departs, even if it enters the beyond with a low degree of maturity. In that case, overcoming matter in the spiritual kingdom will not be quite so difficult and the process of higher development in the spiritual kingdom can progress faster once it has finally started. The soul will then accept the truth more readily in the spiritual kingdom, it will not oppose God as much as on earth.

Consequently, the fate of the departed souls is not as hopeless if intense suffering on earth had made them aware of the transience of earthly possessions even if they lose their earthly lives as apparent victims in times of hardship. And thus even suffering and hardship caused by evil human will is of benefit for the souls who are still very distant from God, hence God allows human beings to rage against each other of their own free will until He Himself commands an end when it fulfils His plan of eternity. And as long as people live in ignorance, as long as they do not want to hear the truth, He will allow them to mature through their own actions and experience untold perils and suffering, because this is what they want and therefore they are the instigators of their own suffering ....


BD 8593                received  21.08.1963

Suffering spiritualises soul and body ....

You only need to enter My flow of strength, that is, you only need to fully consciously submit yourselves to Me and open your hearts to My illumination of love and My strength of love will become active in you, yet your soul will always experience this influx of strength more than your body and subsequently advance spiritually again. Remember that the body is meant to help you achieve this but that immature spiritual substances are still inside of you, for you are not perfect yet. And these immature substances require your help in order to mature on earth as well. Your help consists of entrusting these spiritual substances to Me by asking Me in silent prayer to impart strength to them. My adversary often tries to prevent your spiritual work by using these unspiritual substances to bother you physically or psychologically .... But you should know that your prayer on behalf of these still immature spiritual substances within you will always be successful, and therefore you should appeal to Me for My help and protection from all attacks by My adversary. And believe that nothing is impossible and that I can also take unusual actions if you have this strong belief .... Then these immature spirits will have to leave you, if they do not allow themselves to be calmed and spiritualised by you, but they forfeit a great blessing which was granted to them in the privilege of being allowed to join you in order to also reach full maturity in your physical shell, in your body. Keep reminding them of this blessing and try to persuade them to accept your will and to mature like your soul, so that they can shorten their process of development if they take your advice to heart. Yet whatever suffering you can bear accept it humbly and patiently, for it will surely mature you and one day you will even thank Me for the suffering you had to endure.

However, if, due to your submission and patience, the immature spiritual substances also reach maturity, then you will attain a high degree of maturity on earth, so that you will be close to perfection when you have to relinquish your earthly life. But My strength is always at your disposal and it is truly sufficient for the spiritualisation of the substances which are at the beginning of their development; yet you should consciously request My strength and let it radiate into your heart .... you should pray to Me, your thoughts should look for Me and only ever desire My presence .... You should yearn for My ray of love which I will gladly fulfil .... You only need to give yourselves to Me and be willing to receive the flow of My love’s strength, which always requires heartfelt contact with Me. If you become absorbed in thoughts which only ever involve the spiritual kingdom, your God and Creator, then you are also ready to receive My flow of strength, then you will open your heart and I can illuminate you again as in the beginning when you were blissfully happy in burning love for Me. My love for you has remained the same, only your love has diminished but shall reach the same degree again which gave you unspeakable pleasure in the very beginning. And therefore you must come to Me yourselves and I will always be ready for you, I will give you what makes you happy and permeate your body and soul with My strength of love, which then will also lead you to full maturity, to final perfection. In association with Me you will no longer be able to suffer, even if it seems like that to your fellow human beings. A close union makes you insensitive to all pain, then My strength will be stronger, and it will permeate you .... either resulting in your body’s complete recovery or .... if your hour has come .... in your painless passage into the spiritual kingdom, for if you are intimately united with Me you will also have attained your goal on earth ....


BD 5282                received  27.12.1951

Jesus came to the weak, sick and needy ....

I came into the world for the weak, sick and needy, for the strong and healthy did not require Me, they found their own way, at least they believed they could, and only when they went astray did they recognise their weakness and called for Me .... when their own strength did not suffice to master their lives. All those who call for Me, who need Me, are weak and their souls are ailing, and all those will be helped by Me, because by calling for Me they acknowledge their distressed state, from which they hope to be rescued by Me. All you humans are weak and ill, and good for those who recognise it .... However, those who feel strong and healthy are in a bad way, for they cannot be helped .... And there are many who believe that they don’t need help, there are many who are convinced of their own strength and very easily use the strength of the one who wants to gain them for himself, who increases their arrogant belief and therefore gives them strength, but not without a service in return .... He wants the soul and in exchange gives the body what it wants ....

I, however, Am the physician of the sick and weak, I Am the comforter of the sorrowful and the hope of the disheartened .... They all come to Me and they will not ask in vain, I agree to help them all even if they do not experience it immediately. But in that case I also know why, and yet you are not abandoned, for no one who calls to Me for help from the bottom of his heart will ever call to Me in vain. Come unto Me, all you who are weak and heavily laden, I will refresh you .... Thus I have promised you My help, and so you will certainly receive it .... Always remember this when you are confronted by hardship, when you feel physically or psychologically distressed, when earthly life is a heavy burden to you, when you need help. Then remember that I once and at any time came to the poor, sick and weak and only await your call to reveal Myself to you, but that I want to be called upon, so that you freely recognise your weakness and ask for Me, your physician and helper, that your call demonstrates your faith that I can and will help you .... and I will never allow this faith to be destroyed ....


BD 0839                received  31.03.1939

Blessing of deformity ....

The human being has to undergo an involuntary yet very beneficial test of life if he, due to his external appearance, is unable to enjoy earthly pleasures, i.e. if the opportunity of undivided enjoyment of life is taken from him due to some kind of deformity and he is forced to give up earthly joys. He could then be in great danger to think of his Creator in bitterness or even reject Him completely because the will of a Deity who, in his opinion, imparts gifts to His earthly children unfairly, is incomprehensible to him. However, if he remains faithful in spite of his misfortune, spiritual progress will be possible for him much sooner since he will find it easier to resist the world and its temptations and in absence of worldly pleasures will be far more able to occupy himself with spiritual problems, which will lead him to the state of maturity much sooner. Consequently, such human beings often achieve the right understanding of their life in a short time .... They no longer demand complete fulfilment in life and patiently await the time when their earthly existence comes to an end, convinced that only then true life will begin and that their time on earth will have an appropriate effect in the beyond.

Hence, a deformed person on earth has a certain advantage in as much as the denial of worldly pleasures is easier for him than for a well proportioned person who is constantly confronted with the temptations of the world, but only if he contributes towards it himself, that is, if he, in submission to God’s will, accepts his imposed destiny and thanks his Creator that He had given him life. If such a human being is spiritually active he soon will no longer consider his body a misfortune but consider spiritual life a desirable goal. He will always strive to increase his spiritual knowledge; he will also love his fellow human beings and not grumble at his fate or even fight God ....


How can I be healed? Surrender to Jesus Christ.... Savior.... Redeemer.... Healer

BD 6084                received  20.10.1954

Serious Words from the heavenly Father ....
Physician ....
Medicine ....

What I administer is a truly beneficial medicine for your soul which enables its recovery and makes it suitable for eternal life in beatitude. Yet what good is it to you if you don’t use it, if you indeed know its healing power but don’t utilise it .... what is the use of listening to My Word if you don’t live accordingly .... if therefore the strength of My Word cannot take effect on you? You have a most effective means of healing but don’t put its effectiveness to the test; you seek advice from Me as your soul’s physician but don’t follow My instructions and thus cannot get better although you are under the care of a good physician .... You don’t want to live up to My advice and therefore remain in a miserable state, and your soul’s hardship remains undiminished .... it has to suffer because you deny it help. And the soul’s suffering results in earthly adversity, for thereby I want you to think about the fact that your way of life is wrong, that it puts your soul at risk and that it ought to beware not it lose its life ....

Yet I can only ever offer you what will help your soul .... If it doesn’t accept My medicine it will remain sick and in a wretched state and unable to enjoy the spiritual life .... This is why hearing My Word will not benefit you greatly as long as you don’t make any effort to live accordingly .... for you will only receive strength when you put My Word into practise by fulfilling My commandments of love. Only when you carry out deeds of love on earth will you be permeated by My strength of love yourselves, and that also signifies your soul’s recovery, it signifies a state of life in strength and light .... I would like all of you to attain this and therefore seriously admonish you to take My Words to heart and act accordingly .... I caution you not to treat your soul’s life carelessly but to straight away provide it with the strength it needs to get well again .... I exhort you to ask Me for help if you are unable, if you are too weak, to accomplish your will .... I will provide you with the strength if only you turn to Me with complete confidence, if you call upon Me with your heart and confess your weakness .... For I Am always your Physician and Helper Who will never leave you at the mercy of your fate but wants to save those who are ailing in body and soul ....


BD 5358                received  09.04.1952

Strength of love ....
Healing the sick ....
Performing miracles ....

A person with love also has strength and will be able to do anything, if he does not lack in faith. Love certainly activates faith but faith has to be awakened first, that is, the person first has to think through what he is supposed to believe, then love will also give him strength, so that he will no longer doubt and thus also be able to accomplish everything. Thus love is the most valuable quality, for it makes all things possible. But you humans do not appreciate the power of love .... You could perform miracles, you could heal the sick, you could banish every worry, truly nothing would be impossible if you would develop the love within you to utmost perfection and believe in its strength. And thus it is not a gift I bestow on you when you are able to do everything but it is the result of your strength of love, it is the natural consequence if you acquire My strength through love. Hence you should not systematically aim to acquire such gifts .... to heal the sick, to perform miracles etc .... because it is not an ability you can learn, you only have to increase your love, you have to strive for spiritual perfection, which then demonstrates itself in such abilities ....

Only love will accomplish everything. Anyone who completely shapes himself into love and thereby also acquires convinced faith draws from Me Myself, he feels himself as My child, as part of Me and therefore cannot think other than that his every deed will succeed because I Am by his side. But his love has to arise from his heart, it has to completely permeate the human being, it has to make him happy to give what his fellow human being needs. True love is totally unselfish, it no longer wants anything for itself, it constantly gives and is dominated by the principle of giving, and yet it provides indescribable joy .... And this kind of love can accomplish anything it wants to happen, which, as a result of its profundity, emerges as a surge of emotion in the person .... A strong, living faith places its hope in Me to fulfil its request, and it will not ask in vain .... A human being can avail himself of My strength too and accomplish the same, but only if he is permeated by love. Then I do not give him the strength but he has acquired it himself through deeds of love, and that gives him the right .... He has returned to his original nature, he has not taken something unlawfully but has become what he was in the beginning, permeated by light and strength, for love in itself is light and strength, consequently the human being has to be permeated by light and strength if he has love. Hence, it is only necessary for you humans to shape yourselves into love in order for you to accomplish everything like gods; and that you will only want what corresponds to My will goes without saying, because love is also the source of wisdom and cannot do anything other than what is My will ....


BD 5966                received  25.05.1954

Healing the sick ....
Signs and miracles ....
Evidence of faith ....

I know My Own and I know their will, and corresponding to this will I call them to work for Me and My kingdom. Hence the kind of activity in My vineyard as well as My servant’s nature differ, for everyone carries out the work which corresponds to his nature .... everyone serves Me in accordance with his ability, and I accept the service of anyone who is of good will and strives towards Me. Besides, human hearts are different too, thus the fields in My vineyard need to be treated in different ways and only I can make this judgment, Who knows the slightest stirring of a human heart which shall be used for a successful work of redemption.

I Am as recognisable in a storm as in the quiet rustling of a gentle breeze, the mightiest elements give evidence of Me and the softest breath bears witness to Me .... I Am always the originator, the source, the foundation .... Sometimes I Am barely discernible and at other times distinctly apparent but always recognisable by someone who wants to recognise and try to find Me .... And I always express Myself in accordance with people’s needs, depending on their adversity and their ability to change .... What can result in a complete change of will in one person may well leave no impression at all on another, on account of which he will need greater evidence of My existence, which will then be given to him by My love in order to save him. But I Am also present where no external signs confirm it .... I Am just as present in the heart of a person who bestows his love and will on Me, and I will influence him gently and quietly, for he will need no obvious proof of My presence, he is aware of it and feels My nearness so clearly that he has the heartfelt relationship of a child to the Father and thus already owns everything he needs for his earthly way of life .... an unshakeable faith in Me and My love, which enable him to live in accordance with My will.

Where unbelief is so strong that Words alone will not suffice I will help with signs and miracles .... Yet this can also turn into a judgment for people if they lack the will to change themselves .... But the faith of the sick and unhappy merely requires an incentive in order to grow so strong that it will profess Me before the world .... Therefore I can reveal Myself in My might and glory to the sick and unhappy, for most of the time they have already been purged by their illness and their souls can recognise Me easier if I come close to them .... The sick don’t deny Me entry to their hearts, and if My Word is preached to them the effect on them is so powerful that the strength of My Word already has a beneficial effect, and they will get healed because they believe.

But unbelievers witnessing it and thereby gaining faith will first have to let it come alive through love .... And then it will depend on their degree of love how their faith will take effect, but their responsibility will be the greater if an obvious demonstration of My working will leave them unimpressed, so that they will have to believe after their experience but won’t change their way of life as a result of their knowledge .... Therefore, don’t wish for too obvious demonstrations of faith, for then you will receive an extraordinary grace which will also oblige you extraordinarily .... But if they are bestowed upon you then make use of them and take advantage of this grace in order to achieve a higher degree .... in order to then also speak on behalf of Me and My name before the world .... in order to be loyal labourers in My vineyard, whom I will bless for working for Me and My kingdom ....


BD 8508                received  25.05.1963

Bearing suffering for fellow human beings ....

I will also give you an explanation as to whether you can bear suffering for your fellow man or whether every person must bear the burden himself which was assigned to him for the salvation of his soul .... You humans must consider that your soul is supposed to mature fully during your earthly life, that all still immature substances should spiritualise themselves, which happens through love or suffering, for this dissolves the layers which still prevent the light of My love from radiating into the soul. And at the same time such substances of the body which are still immature are also a problem for the human being by causing him all kinds of diseases and thus, with patience, love and in submission to My will, they should be calmed and therefore spiritualised which is, after all, your real earthly task, to help your soul towards the greatest possible level of perfection. And this spiritualisation of soul and body must be accomplished by every person himself, this work can never be done by someone else on his behalf, and one day he will be grateful to Me that, by way of suffering and adversity, I helped him gain perfection. Consequently you can understand that you should not really try to avert anything which can benefit your fellow human being’s soul .... If, however, love is impelling you to offer yourselves to Me asking to bear your fellow human being’s suffering then I will not stop you in your love .... It will be temporarily taken from the person and placed upon you, and thus you raise your soul’s maturity because you are willing to accept more suffering and are motivated by love to do so.

One has suffered for all of you in order to release you from the immense suffering you would have had to take upon yourselves as penance for your guilt of sin, which was the reason why earthly life is a valley of tears and suffering for you humans .... But now all you humans can turn to this One Who will also take your suffering upon His shoulders and help you carry it .... Whose substituted atonement was accepted by Me and to Whom you should go if your suffering weighs you down, and he will help you carry it or take it from you depending on what is best for you.

However, the love of a fellow human being who is willing to suffer on your behalf is very highly valued, and this love will also guarantee you a flow of strength, for love is strength which will noticeably affect the sufferer .... And if someone offers loving intercession for you who have to suffer, the strength of this love can so permeate you that you will no longer feel the degree of suffering .... that your pain and agonies temporarily disappear, and your souls benefit from the strength of this love .... and thus mature and become less sensitive to pain .... The degree of love always determines the benefit the sufferer derives from such a prayer of love for him. And since the maturing of the soul is the purpose of earthly life and there are many possibilities to achieve this, it should be recognised first and foremost and not be prevented. True love, however, knows why a person has to suffer and will help him endure and make it easy for him to accept God’s will .... And then I will take the cross from him and his soul will have moved a step forwards again ....

Love and suffering help the soul to reach the goal .... If a person still has a low degree of love then greater suffering often occurs in order to hasten his soul’s purification .... But this purification of soul can never be achieved by another person’s conscious suffering on behalf of the former. Every soul is responsible for itself, and every soul has to reach its own maturity, which happens through love and suffering .... And the degree of suffering depends on the degree of love. I will certainly answer the prayer of someone who offers himself to bear suffering on behalf of a fellow human being because he loves him .... I will let him partake in the pain which he then has to endure. Yet he endures it for the purification of his own soul .... he indeed relieves the other person of the suffering for the sake of love, yet it serves him for his own perfection, whilst his fellow human being must likewise take care of himself and his psychological state of maturity, even if he is temporarily released from his suffering. No labour of love remains without result, yet where and how it takes effect remains My decision, Who knows every person’s state of maturity and whom I will always consider accordingly .... And I give to every person what he is able to bear, and it is enough that he calls upon Jesus, the bearer of the cross, if he deems his burden too heavy for him .... And as long as the human being lives on earth he has the option to reach the goal of perfecting himself through love and suffering .... through following Jesus ....


BD 6508                received  22.03.1956

Surrender to Jesus ....
Saviour and Physician ....
Redeemer ....

Your burden of sin due to your past apostasy from Me has turned you into imperfect and therefore unhappy beings which can only be completely happy again when they are released from their great guilt of sin, when they have atoned it themselves as far as it was possible during the time prior to their embodiment, and when they subsequently allow themselves to be redeemed by Jesus Christ, that I therefore can erase all guilt because they have handed themselves over to the divine Redeem Jesus Christ, in Whom I embodied Myself on earth .... For then they will return to Me again, from Whom they once had distanced themselves .... Then they will voluntarily acknowledge Me as their God and Father of eternity .... And then they will also be infinitely happy as they were in the beginning .... Hence I require you to surrender to Jesus Christ, for your dedication to Him also demonstrates your will to return to Me. But do you humans serious about taking refuge under the cross and receiving forgiveness for your sins? Are you approaching Him, Who is your Saviour, your Redeemer and your Brother, with absolute faith? Do you in all honesty want to make use of His grace which He had acquired for you on the cross? Do you speak words in spirit and in truth? Or are they just empty phrases when you profess Him?

He is truly your Saviour and Physician, He is the Redeemer from sin and death, He is the vessel which carried Me, and thus His might and strength was limitless .... And this man Jesus is and will remain the Eternal Deity, for I chose Him to enable Me becoming a visible God for you since I Am but Spirit from everlasting to everlasting. And if you call upon Him you call upon Me .... And I listen and will grant your request, since I gave you the promise through Jesus Christ ‘Whatever you will ask in My name, that will I do ....’ Trust these Words with complete faith and don’t hesitate to commend yourselves to your Saviour and Redeemer, so that I can give you the evidence that I will keep My Word .... You must always remember that I give you the occasion for every prayer in spirit and in truth Myself, that I want you to come to Me in every adversity of body and soul .... And thus take this step to Me, consider My Words, let them penetrate them deeply into your heart and believe without doubt, for My promises are truth, but you determine their fulfilment yourselves.

I carried all your sins on your behalf, I took upon Myself all suffering and adversity which you would have had to carry as penance for your original sin .... And every person’s life can be free of worry and suffering if he hands his sin over to Me Myself, that I might also have carried his guilt on his behalf. Yet he must pray with absolute faith, he must know that I don’t want people to suffer .... but that I cannot avert his suffering contrary to My eternal order if his faith is still so feeble that his call won’t reach My ear, if he still doubts My love or My might .... I can help all people and want to help all people. And if your faith is a living one then make use of My assurance and hand yourselves over to Me .... You first requirement is a living faith in My act of Salvation, you have to be convinced that I have carried all your sins, that I have taken all your suffering upon Myself and died on the cross so that you can be free of them. Only then will all your doubt disappear, only then will you entrust yourselves to Me with complete faith, and only then can I take your suffering from you and redeem you from sin and death. For only then will you have accomplished your return to Me, only then will you acknowledge Me in spirit and in truth ....


BD 7042                received  14.02.1958

Healing the sick ....
Proclaiming Jesus Christ ....

Once someone has gained convinced faith in Me he will never ever lose it again, even if he is repeatedly confronted by temptations, weaknesses of faith, which everyone is subject to for as long as he lives on earth. But time after time he will take the path to Me again, Whom he has recognised as his God and Father of eternity. But there are people .... and they are the majority .... who don’t believe as yet, who are still far removed from realisation because they are still very distant from Me. And every so often I grant such people special consideration in order to help them to believe. And these are the people who, through extraordinary actions, through healing the sick or different kinds of miracle-working shall be motivated to think about it .... yet always in combination with devout people .... so that I can first provide the evidence of Myself and My strength to those who believe and thereby encourage their fellow human beings to also seek contact with the One Whom they can recognise in these unusual occurrences.

And thus, many sick people are often simply chosen instruments who, through their faith, allow My working in them and at the same time help their fellow human beings to gain faith, for I will never let My strength become effective in a complete unbeliever, this is why the healers’ spiritual vision can also distinguish whether faith healing can take place or not. This is why cures will not always happen, even if one of My spiritually awakened healers is at work .... because healing the soul is a priority, yet the healing of a complete unbeliever would more likely result in the soul’s death than in its life .... This is also why faith healers are often attacked by worldly people who believe they can justify their attitude by the fact that not all healings are successful, that flaws become evident which, however, are precisely due to the said reason.

Consequently, the subject of ‘miracle healing’, too, remains a disputed one; people can believe it but they are not impelled to do so .... However, every believer will leave the result to Me, for his faith in Me also gives him the assurance that I will do whatever benefits the human being’s soul .... In the last days, however, the signs and miracles will increase for it will be necessary to verify the strength of Jesus’ name, so that His act of Salvation will be observed and unbelievers will still find Him before it is too late. And so .... wherever the divine Redeemer Jesus Christ is proclaimed .... many marvellous things shall yet manifest themselves .... Anyone who believes shall also serve Me as a witness so that My strength can become effective in him .... Anyone who has faith shall entrust his body’s ailments to the proclaimers of Jesus Christ, so that I can demonstrate My might and strength through them and also help those who are still weak in faith or who have no belief at all in the divine Redeemer Jesus Christ .... For in view of the end you all should know that I will work in extraordinary ways and that I will make use of those who are strong in faith and in love ....


BD 6844                received  03.06.1957

The right physician and the right medicine ....

Time and again you humans will receive what helps your soul’s recovery, but it will only ever be offered to you, you will not be forced to accept it. And therefore many souls will remain ill and weak because they ignore what I constantly offer them in My Love: My Word, which is the best medicine for the critically ill soul. Your soul is already ailing when it begins its earthly life and shall take the path across earth in order to achieve complete recovery. But it can also leave earth again in the same state of weakness, in that case, however, it will still have to struggle for an infinitely long time until it achieves what it could easily have achieved on earth .... complete well-being, a state immersed in light and abundant strength, which makes it indescribably happy.

I Myself lived on earth as a human being in order to give you an example as to how to live a correct way of life on earth .... I knew all the weaknesses and shortcomings of a human being and have shown you how you can reach your goal despite your weakness and imperfection .... I instructed you, hence I spoke to you Myself, I offered you on earth the medicine by which you can be healed. Admittedly, I returned again into My kingdom but time after time My Word is made accessible to you, for I Myself speak through the mouth of My servants, My disciples, who speak on My instructions .... I Myself descend to you humans in My Word, I Am present with you in My Word, because I took pity on you when I saw your ailing and weak souls, because I know that you need a physician Who can heal you because He knows your condition and keeps the right medicine ready. Yet only rarely do you turn to this physician and thus remain in your weakness and cannot recover. And even if I speak to you, you don’t listen and the short time of your life on earth is passing by without having made any spiritual progress.

And so I have to speak louder .... As a conscientious physician I must also undertake painful interventions in order to save your souls from certain death .... Remember this when you experience things which appear cruel to you, which you are unable to reconcile with the ‘love of a God’ .... Remember that I do not force you to listen to Me but, if you refuse, I will speak to you such that you will have to hear Me .... Remember that even the most painful intervention is only based on My love for you. But if you give Me the opportunity to speak to you just once by thinking about the One, the Almighty, Who controls everyone’s fate, then great danger will already have been averted from you. Then you will have entrusted yourselves to the Physician and Helper to some extent, and then He can also administer the right medicine by speaking to you and giving you instructions which, if you follow them, will surely save you from death.

I only want that you spend thoughts on Me, for only then will I be able to gain access to you, because then you will voluntarily open the door of your heart to Me through which I can enter and give you what you urgently need. And because I don’t use any coercion I use other means which can direct your thoughts to Me. All distressing events, all kinds of misfortunes and even natural disasters are such means used for My living creations who hardly ever think of Me and their actual task during their earthly life, I pity them, for their ailing souls will still have much sorrow to bear if they do not strive for recovery while they are still living on earth. For I Am a God of love Who wants to see all His living creations be happy but Who also always respects His creatures’ free will and thus leaves the shaping of its future fate to the soul itself ....


BD 4626                received  01.05.1949

Saviour of body and soul ....

You should bring all your cares to Me, for I Am truly the greatest Saviour and able to take every ailment from you, Who is able to grant health to your body and soul and bestow you with an eternally indestructible life. Even though you are required to use earthly medications, without My blessing the objective of these medicines will be defeated; whereas I can also bless the sick person to become healthy in accordance with My will without external remedies. And I will do this as soon as I recognise that his suffering is no longer necessary, as soon as it has achieved its purpose and contributed towards the purification of the soul. For the sickness of soul is related to that of the body. You humans have no idea what a large factor physical illness plays in the soul’s higher development and how grateful the soul will be one day that it was allowed to take this path in the flesh, and a much shorter path of earthly life resulted in its greater maturity.

Therefore, when you suffer you should only ever pray ‘Father, your will be done ....’ Then I will do My part just as you do yours, I will come to you as Saviour of body and soul and your recovery will be ensured. Bear your fragile body for the sake of your soul’s strength and know that it will find it much easier to develop and look for unity with the spiritual kingdom if its body does not offer resistance, which it always does in a healthy state. Then the soul will be beautiful when it leaves its physical shell .... But in order for you to become conscious of My presence and My work, the healing process will happen quickly if you completely devoutly expect the miracle, if you thus believe that nothing is impossible for My might and strength and that My love is always intended for you and therefore also wants to help you. Firm faith is the best remedy which will never fail .... Bring all your cares to Me and you will be set free from them, but come with a strong, unwavering faith and I will not let it be destroyed ....


BD 6290                received  21.06.1955

Strokes of fate ....
Remedies ....

The wounds I have to inflict on you if I don’t want you to fall into everlasting death are truly not an expression of wrath, of lack of love, nor are they indications of just punishments for your transgressions .... They are merely remedies to remove ailments which you have caused yourselves and which are needed in order to restore the health of your soul .... It was your own fault that you left the eternal order or your fate would be one of pure happiness and beatitude. Believe Me, I would much rather grant you blissful happiness but you yourselves make it impossible for Me as soon as you leave My order .... however, I will use everything to lead you back into divine order again so that I can make you abundantly happy once more. The more hardship and sorrow, misery and illness are evident on earth the greater are the offences against My order, and by looking at this adversity you humans can see how low you have fallen, for I would truly rather make humanity happy than let unfounded tribulations befall them in order to restore My eternal order again .... And although the individual person believes himself to be a lesser sinner than the misfortune he has encountered .... you humans don’t know the correlations or the extent of a misfortune’s effect .... nor do you know who will be helped to mature in turn as a result of the individual person’s fate .... You also don’t know what you have voluntarily offered to endure before your incarnation as a human being .... I, however, know everything, and I truly will not impose upon you a greater burden than you are able to bear ....

Furthermore, I offer Myself as a cross bearer if your cross seems too heavy for you .... Unfortunately you don’t very often take advantage of My help, and thus you complain about your burden and frequently protest its weight .... You were motivated by love to offer yourselves to bear a burden of the cross .... But in earthly life you don’t know why you, who believe to belong to Me due to your will, have to suffer .... Yet I want you to travel your path silently and without complaining even without knowing the cause, I want you to humbly accept your cross, I want that you always submit to My will in the recognition that the One to Whom you submit yourselves is a God of love and that everything you receive from Him will be a blessing for you ....

Therefore, don’t object to your destiny whatever comes your way .... don’t complain and grumble if you want to belong to Me but always rest assured that it is only for your benefit .... that it always signifies help and a restoration of My eternal order .... rest assured that one day you will realise it and be grateful to Me that I allowed you to take this arduous earthly path with its misfortunes but also with My love, which is the reason for everything that affects you, because it only ever wants you to become blessed ....


BD 7071                received  22.03.1958

A child’s prayer to the Father ....

Express your wishes to Me in all simplicity and you will find a listening ear. Humility of heart will always enable you to find the right thoughts and words, and thus your prayer will be that of a child to its Father which is certain to reach His ear. And I will truly help you .... but you must leave it up to Me how I do this, for My love for you is so great that I only ever have the best in mind for you, that I always want to give you, My children, more than you ask for. And since I, in My wisdom, recognise how I can best make you happy, I also act in accordance with My wisdom. So you should indeed pray to Me, because I can only take effect within you when you have united yourselves with Me .... But after such heartfelt prayer in spirit and in truth you should leave everything else to Me, and everything will happen as is good for you. No prayer to Me will be in vain, even if it is not immediately fulfilled. And time and again you should seek to unite with Me in prayer .... And truly, you will derive great blessings from it, for every contact with Me also assures that My flow of strength will pour into you and comfort your soul even if your body cannot feel it. But it will also affect the latter for it strengthens its spiritual substances and enables them to resist .... you will, so to speak, also physically be conquerors, you will be protected from My adversary’s intrusions, which was purely achieved by your prayer to Me.

Don’t think that I keep My ears closed if a prayer isn’t immediately granted .... I hear My child’s call and Am always willing to help .... yet I also know what is the most effective help, and this is what it will receive. For I always know its state of maturity, I know what it still needs to become perfect, and I will only ever do what draws this child closer to Me for sure. And once it grows in realisation as a result of its life of love it will also know itself what it needs and thus leave everything to Me alone, it will certainly pray to Me but then also patiently wait until I grant its prayer. Yet you should not stop praying either .... for you come so close to Me in prayer that the spiritual bond is tied again, as it was in the beginning .... And especially this bond proves your change of will, and the return to Me has actually already been accomplished, you just have to let yourselves be nourished by My strength time and again so as to enable your nature to change too, so that it becomes again as it was in the beginning. Kind-hearted deeds and heartfelt prayer accomplish this retransformation, and you cannot be asked to do so often enough .... And then you will also understand that you will have to keep getting into difficulties, be they of a physical or psychological nature, so as not to let up in prayer .... in order to look for the bond with Me which will provide you with the strength to achieve this change.

And if I ask you ‘to pray continually ....’ it was certainly not meant that you should carry out lip-prayers for hours on end .... but that you should always be mentally in contact with Me, you should turn to Me in all affairs of your daily life, which merely requires a heartfelt thought .... and you should always be lovingly active .... This is what I consider true prayer, whereby you demonstrate your will to Me and also establish the unification with Me, which is the purpose and goal of your earthly life. And you can certainly come to Me with the smallest request, for the more intimately you associate with Me the more I can repay your trust .... you just ought to leave it up to Me how I grant your prayer; but you can rest assured that your prayer will be fulfilled .... No prayer sent up to Me in spirit and in truth will fade away unheard by Me. And as soon as the prayer is a spiritual request you can also expect its fulfilment with certainty, for if you pray for maturity of soul, for help in spiritual hardship, your bond with Me will also be established again and you can be touched by My ray of love, which always signifies that your appeals have been granted. No human being, whose soul’s salvation is so important to him that he wants to achieve it, will remain weak .... and since I Myself yearn for My child I will also always help it in its ascent to Me .... I will do whatever is of greatest benefit for My child and its soul ....


BD 4082                received  11.07.1947

‘With God nothing is impossible ....’

Where all earthly help fails God’s love is often clearly revealed, which makes even the seemingly impossible happen so that people will learn to believe in Him and love Him above all else. There is no limit to God’s power, what He wants will happen. Thus there is nothing that would be unattainable because with God everything is possible. And so people frequently suffer unnecessarily throughout their earthly life, for if they want to be able to achieve extraordinary things they need only ask God for help. He can always help, and He will always help. But they can only acquire this faith by practising neighbourly love, because every good deed establishes the connection with Him thereby ensuring the acceptance of strength which, being God’s emanation, also has to lead back to Him again. And thus a person must learn to believe, and he will be able do so if he genuinely strives to ascend.

In the last days before the end the most amazing things will happen which seem to be supernatural but are merely the result of a person’s will and his strength of faith. In this rests the whole explanation for everything that seems incomprehensible to you but which is, in fact, only the result of a right way of life before God. Hence it is not enough that people formally call themselves Christians, that they profess the church they belong to, if they don’t exemplify their Christianity and, by their way of life, demonstrate that they belong to the community of believers who represent the true church of Christ. Living faith and active neighbourly love is required in order to activate the strength of the spirit. But then the human being has extraordinary strength at his disposal, because he is permeated by God’s strength which has no limitation. Therefore a person can accomplish exceptional things with God’s strength, just as God can also manifest Himself by providing the kind of help which appears to be supernatural, because it frequently happens when no further hope for help exists. With God nothing is impossible ....

Time and again a person should remind himself of this in every difficult situation, then his faith will become so strong that there will be no more hardship for him. Through his attitude towards God, through his profoundly firm faith in His help, he will banish every adversity and thus calmly face every difficulty. And then God will certainly help him since he will never let a strong faith be destroyed. With God nothing is impossible .... He can accomplish whatever He wants, and He will accomplish everything if His children call upon Him as their loving Father and trust in Him without reservation. Then He will provide for all their needs and help them in all earthly troubles and difficult situations. For He is a God of love, and love will always give help because it wants to bestow happiness ....


Bertha Dudde short biography

Who was Bertha Dudde?

Bertha Dudde was born on 1. April 1891, as the second oldest daughter of a painter, in Liegnitz, Silesia. She became a dressmaker and began to receive pronouncements from God through the ‘Inner Word’ on 15. June 1937.

“In a clear dream I was moved to write down my thoughts after devout prayer. Understandably this often gave way to doubt and inner conflicts until I was convinced that I was, myself, by no means the initiator of these exquisitely gracious words; but instead it was the spirit within me, in other words, the love of the Heavenly Father was obviously responsible for them and introduced me to the truth”.

“I was given knowledge of the spiritual world which far exceeded my elementary school education. I received and receive this knowledge as a dictation in a state of complete consciousness; I write down everything I am told in shorthand, in order to then transfer it word for word to clean copy. The procedure does not take place in a state of compulsion, for example in a state of trance or ecstasy, but in an absolutely level-headed frame of mind. However, I have to want it to happen and then I can receive these dictations voluntarily; they are neither bound by time nor place.

“Now I only have one wish, which is to be able to make these gifts of grace accessible to many more people and in accordance with the will of God Himself to be allowed to do much more work in His vineyard.”

(Quotations from an autobiography from 1959).

Bertha Dudde died on 18. September 1965 in Leverkusen, Germany.

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