ThemeBooklet 027

Freedom of Will - Part 1

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The human being's will distinguishes him from the animal - Why do we possess free will? Destiny and freedom of will - Task on Earth

BD 6991                received  11.12.1957

Free will caused the apostasy ....
Deification ....

Only perfection came forth from Me .... for profound love and supreme wisdom created everything and nothing was impossible for My power. Hence I was also able to externalise beings of supreme perfection which, as My images, were very pleasing to Me. They were created as miniatures of Myself and it made Me extremely happy to allow these creations of Mine to create and work in an abundance of light and strength in order to also bestow upon them the same pleasure of finding happiness in their created works. All beings were therefore permeated by the necessary creative strength which enabled them to be likewise creatively active. However, they were more or less only the ‘implementers of My will’, since with the strength of love flowing to them the beings were also imbued by My will, thus they would only ever have remained My ‘creatures’ had I not externalised them as completely free beings, with free will, which they were able to display in any direction. Only this made them supremely perfect, but it also enabled them to lose their perfection .... As long as they were governed by My will they would never have lost their state of perfection, free will, however, provided them with this opportunity, just as, on the other hand, it also enabled the complete deification of the ‘created’ beings .... so that they, like children, were able to partake in My activity and creating of their own free will and yet with Me and in absolute accord with My will. Then the highest goal will have been reached which I had intended when I created beings in My love and My power .... For then the being can no longer lose its perfection and can be described as infinitely happy. But it would have been possible for every being, as there was no reason to turn away from Me when it was able to make use of its free will. It was perfect and only needed to use its will to remain in this perfection .... The explanation that it became imperfect and fell was due to its awareness of strength and light, for it wanted to prove that it was full of light and strength. And thus it misjudged My love, which bestowed everything entirely selflessly upon the being in order to make it happy. Just a single arrogant thought was enough to cloud the light of realisation and this was followed by increasingly more wrong thoughts, which turned its will in the wrong direction because it was free.

It is difficult to make you humans understand how it is possible for a perfect being to fall in the first place .... because perfection always signifies light as well, i.e. complete realisation .... But precisely the awareness of its abundant strength made the being consider the strength within itself more than the light, and the abundance of strength made it easy for it to become arrogant, which instantly clouded the light. Like Myself the being was constantly able to externalise new creations and it began to displace Me, the primary source of strength .... It no longer wanted to acknowledge its relationship of dependency on Me and once it had embraced this thought it also lost track of the dreadful consequences resulting from its direction of will. However, a free being externalised by Me must also have the freedom to be able to change its nature .... for perfections should not denote a state of compulsion for the being, otherwise it truly couldn’t be called to be in My image. But the being will indeed always keep this freedom of self-transformation; consequently, from its freely chosen and created state of imperfection it can also attain supreme perfection again and thereby reach My intended goal that it becomes and remains My child. I would never have been able to create such ‘children’ for Myself because the divine characteristic of free will has to become active by itself .... so that that the living creation in its perfection as granted by Me was able to want to remain in it voluntarily or .... if it failed this test of will .... had to acquire the degree of perfection again which it once forfeited of its own free will .... Anyone who can grasp this enigma will also understand My eternal plan of Salvation and he will know that only infinite love and wisdom was able to devise such a plan, because I want to prepare a fate for My created beings which signifies supreme happiness forever .... And My love, wisdom and might will pursue this goal until it is reached, until all spiritual beings having emerged from Me can create and work by My side in supreme beatitude, as intended by My plan of eternity ....


BD 6114                received  19.11.1954

Living creations becoming children of God ....

It pleased Me to furnish you with all your abilities .... but the development of these abilities is left up to you .... I created you with all the aptitudes to shape yourselves into gods .... but you have to make use of these aptitudes. For I gave you free will which must now strive for that which is My plan: your transformation from living creations into children .... This is something I cannot accomplish by virtue of My power as then free will .... the characteristic of divinity and perfection .... would be excluded. Thus all prerequisites for ‘becoming God’s children’ are in place, only free will has to step into action now .... thus you yourselves have to want to shape yourselves into My children, you must accomplish the deification of your nature yourselves. And for this purpose you were given life on earth. You were created in perfection and able to use your free will from the start, which belonged to a perfect being as well .... You, who are embodied on earth, misused your free will, you did not use it in a positive but in a negative way .... even though, as perfect beings you had full realisation which, however, was not allowed to impede your expression of free will .... You voluntarily chose a different lord and turned away from Me .... in other words .... you voluntarily forfeited the perfection which characterised your divine nature by not resisting ungodly thoughts and cravings, by taking pleasure in them and thus excluding the principle of love .... the epitome of perfection .... and you thereby also distanced yourselves from Me, the eternal Love .... Your free will managed to do this, for the abilities bestowed upon you would have sufficed fully to deify yourselves .... You could just as easily have voluntarily allowed yourselves to be governed by everything of a noble, good and perfect nature, you could have given your love to Me and striven towards Me as a Father with all your senses .... and you would have demonstrated that you were and wanted to remain perfect, divine beings ....

Thus you fell of your own free will which subsequently had to accept the consequences: to reach from the abyss, under far more difficult conditions, the previous pinnacle again .... Sooner or later you will have to pass this required test of will, therefore you had to travel an infinitely long path because you had sunk so infinitely low as a result of your own fault. Yet I helped you out of this abyss because in your weakness you were incapable of achieving it on your own .... However, I constrained your previously free will in order to prevent you from falling back .... You took the path through the works of creation with your will bound until you reached the stage of a human being .... But now you have been given back your free will and must face having to take the test of will again .... the same task is expected of you all over again: to deify yourselves voluntarily, and that is only possible if you transform yourselves into love .... if you change your inherent selfish love into unselfish neighbourly love .... if you make the principle of love the guiding principle of your intentions, thoughts and actions. You have the ability to do so but you must develop it yourselves .... And with the right will you can certainly succeed and then you will have reached the goal, if only by making a long detour, after an infinitely long time .... However, it is possible for you to fail and once again not pass the test of will, then you will have to linger for an infinitely long time in a state of imperfection and far away from Me again .... I will always offer you the opportunity to reach your goal, nevertheless, your will is free and this determines the length of time until you reach perfection.


BD 6166                received  16.01.1955

Freedom of will ....
Divine order ....
State of compulsion ....

Throughout an infinitely long period of development your soul attained a degree of maturity which permitted its embodiment as a human being so that now, as your real Self, it is aware of itself and able to live its life on earth of its own free will .... admittedly with a task yet not forced to accomplish it. You humans ought to know what free will means for each being .... you ought to know that free will must be left to you because it is the attribute of divine living creations .... During your previous time of development this free will was indeed constrained but only because you had forfeited your divinity yourselves, because you voluntarily strove away from Me, your God and Father of eternity .... and thereby became ungodly .... So I bound your will in order to enable your return to Me .... By constraining your will I was merely helping you so that you would be able to use your freedom of will in divine order again, which was impossible in your previous state of development. Your will once took the wrong path .... I directed it again according to My will .... The spiritual beings took the path of My eternal order in a state of compulsion. Yet it was not intended for them to stay without free will forever because they should become divine beings again, as they were in the beginning, which also irrefutably requires free will. Your existence as a human being is therefore granted to the spiritual being for testing its will .... The past sin of having misused free will must be recognised in a state of free will and through using the will correctly, deification must be attained again .... The being must voluntarily strive towards higher spheres, just as it had once voluntarily fallen away .... Thus, free will is the explanation for many things which seem incomprehensible to you humans .... Although I can certainly always help you and do so in every way .... however, you must accomplish the transformation of your nature into divine living creations yourselves, otherwise you would never be able to attain the degree which is the requirement for deification .... Because I want to gain children, I don’t want to equip creatures without will with abilities which they must use according to My will .... My goal is to surround Myself with children who are able to create and work freely, whose will is in total accord with Mine but nevertheless free .... My goal is blissfully happy living creations full of light and strength which strive for their happiness, their light and their strength of their own free will and which, for this purpose, must go through earthly life as human beings in order to pass their test of will .... whom I will certainly always support but never influence forcefully because this would render eternal freedom and beatitude impossible .... I let you keep free will yet I always help you to use it correctly and it will always be possible to arrive at your goal. This is why earthly life is of momentous significance for you, for it decides your state in eternity, which you create yourselves of your own free will ....


BD 8143                received  05.04.1962

Free decision of will ....

The infinitely long path of your development through the creations of earth is coming to an end if you travel the last short stretch of the path as a human being in the right direction .... if you strive towards Me Myself and thus consciously accomplish your return to Me when you pass the final test of will on earth .... when you make the right decision, thus dispose of your opposing will towards Me, from Whom you once originated. Then you will truly have accomplished your work of transformation, as ‘My living creation’ you voluntarily became My ‘child’. You have surmounted the deepest depths and ascended again to the highest peaks. Although as humans you indeed travel the last short stretch as self-aware beings, you have no recollection of the endless time of your preliminary development and of the awful torment this path meant for the spirits which were once created as free beings .... As a human being you will remain ignorant of your previous life and your actual purpose of earthly life until you have voluntarily looked for and found the connection with Me, which now reveals knowledge to you that will also impel you into serious striving for your final state of perfection. This knowledge can certainly be conveyed to fellow human beings too, so that they will live their earthly life more responsibly .... but it will rarely be believed as long as a person does not make contact with Me by way of thoughts, prayer or actions of love .... Since evidence of his previous existence cannot be given to him he will not gladly want to accept what he is told about his soul’s path through all works of creation .... through the mineral, plant and animal world. This is why his sense of responsibility for his life on earth as a human being is small. But since it concerns the free decision of will he must find the path to Me himself .... He must learn to recognise Me and for this he will receive help in every way. For he can think, he can use his intellect, and even if it does not necessarily reveal the truth to him .... he can nevertheless use his intellect to also think about a God and Creator to Whom he owes his existence.

If such thoughts affect him he will also somehow or other form an opinion of them .... And the direction these thoughts take is up to his free will. However, as soon as he merely takes the possibility of an infinitely long previous time of development into account it will already be of benefit for his soul, for such thoughts will not leave him again and he will question the actual purpose of earthly life, then he can also be certain that many an explanation will be conveyed to him mentally .... which he will accept and also make him consciously strive to fulfil his purpose of earthly life. The human being certainly comes into this world without any kind of knowledge but I will always make sure that a small glimmer of realisation shines for him, that he will always encounter a light on which he need only kindle himself in order to recognise the path he should take in order to ascend. The fact that he is not forced in any way does not exclude that he won’t have ample opportunity to make a free decision, and the beings of light which look after him will also help him gain realisation by way of providence .... yet always without coercion. But life on earth as a human being is of greatest significance since it can, after all, result in the final completion of the souls’ path through matter and enable them to pass into the kingdom of the beyond as free and unburdened spirits .... However, the human being can also fail his final test of will and enter the beyond in an unredeemed state .... But even there it is still possible for the soul to find and call upon the divine Redeemer Jesus Christ and to ascend gradually. But it can also live an entirely unspiritual life on earth and be banished again into matter, that is, it will have to take the same path of development through the creations of earth once more, which is so appalling and requires such an infinitely long time again that I will truly support people in every possible way in order to protect them from this dreadful fate of a new banishment. In the end, however, it is the human being’s will which decides .... And therefore I keep trying to influence the will such that it will turn to Me by itself .... For then his soul will be saved even if it is not yet fully mature when it finishes its earthly life as a human. But its will has chosen Me and that also signifies the right decision and thus a passed test of will. Everyone should listen and think about it as soon as he is informed of his development and his task on earth .... He should merely take the possibility into account and it would truly already be beneficial for him, for wherever possible the beings of light which guide him through earthly life will intervene and try everything in order to make him use his will correctly .... so that he can finish the path through matter, so that he will seek and find Me and then also be saved for all eternity ....


BD 7348                received  28.04.1959

Free will ....
Opportunity for ascent ....

Your will is not subject to compulsion, neither on earth nor in the kingdom of the beyond, that is why it is so difficult for you to arrive at perfection because spiritually you may not be influenced such that you effectively will be forced into implementing actions which will benefit your soul. Everything is based on free will, even though many people would much rather doubt than acknowledge this, but it is nevertheless the most important factor in earthly life and will remain so in the beyond. For against his will no human being will be able to become blessed, against its will no soul will attain enlightenment, otherwise all spiritual beings would have been redeemed by now. But free will is part of the being created by Me or I would have created something imperfect and that can never happen. The being was in My image, it was an emanation of My fundamental nature and anything ‘divine’ is unthinkable without free will. Free will was the cause of the being’s apostasy from Me .... free will is also the basic condition of return to Me .... No side .... neither Mine nor My adversary’s side .... will be able to forcibly influence a being into wanting and acting in a particular direction .... The being freely determines its own will and can only in this way attain perfection one day, but it can also remain far away from Me for an infinitely long time.

And if you humans think about this then you will also understand the battle on earth, for good as well as evil forces try to pull you over to their side by striving to influence your will with notions which you should take up by yourselves. Both directions, the light as well as the darkness, would like to win your will over for themselves, but neither can force you, in the final analysis it remains your own decision and therefore you can only be influenced by being informed of teachings, of My Word, of all pros and cons and then you will have to decide as to whether or not to accept these notions. And this free will concerns your innermost attitude .... and not always that which you actually do. You can also be prevented from implementing your will, but the innermost intention and thinking are decisive for the direction of your will, and accordingly your will affects your soul and promotes or prevents its perfection. But free will is a divine attribute, it identifies the human being as a being which once originated from Me, which I created as a totally free entity that was not intended to be different than its Creator and which would also have remained in this perfection had it not misused its free will .... but for which it had to have the capacity or the being could not be called ‘free’. This is why the process of returning the spiritual beings is a work which will extend through eternities, because freedom of will is the crucial factor, since the being will never be forced to decide for or against Me .... It has to remain completely free. However, greater than great will be the bliss of the being which voluntarily finds its way back to Me one day .... which turns its will in the right direction so that it will return home to the One from Whom it once came forth in all perfection ....


BD 5648                received  11.04.1953

Earthly destiny corresponds to will ....

I Am a Father to all of you, and thus it will also be understandable to you that I grant My Fatherly love to each one of My children and that I have the destiny of each one at heart, that I Myself lead every child by the hand until it is able to walk on its own, until it has matured into a being that is like Me, until it is so closely united with Me and thus thinks and acts according to My will. Every being’s development was delineated an eternity ago .... but this does not mean that it has to follow this process without will, rather, My wisdom recognised the process which corresponded to the being’s will and offers the greatest opportunities to guide it to Me. I foresaw both the resistance as well as the lessening of resistance in every being and My plan of Salvation adapted itself to this will. The being lacks the past memory of the blissful state at the beginning as well as of its fall into the abyss .... Consequently, its will can make a completely free decision as to the direction it takes, it is not influenced by Me in any way. Yet My love and wisdom always placed the being into circumstances conducive for its change of will .... It can very easily make the right decision but is not forced to do so. I Myself will never complicate a being’s process of development because My love for that which emerged from Me is infinite and because this love only ever yearns for the return of the beings to Me, thus I will always make it easy for the being to find the right path to Me. I also foresaw the failures an eternity ago, I foresaw My living creations’ renewed apostasy from Me, which time and again requires ever new opportunities in order to reach My goal one day. But even these failures are taken into account and won’t hamper Me from implementing My salvation process .... they merely prolong it and demand more effective means, and sooner or later they will certainly lead to the goal ....

Therefore, the way a person’s destiny on earth turns out always corresponds to My eternal plan of Salvation, since I have also known his will for eternity and always take effect according to this will, thus earthly life approaches the person as is favourable towards changing his will and turning it towards Me. As the Father of My children, I also truly know their every nature and must therefore treat each one of My children differently in order to win them over for Me, in order to gain their love .... For it is My goal that they grant Me their love and therefore I won’t compel them but will allow them their freedom, since compulsion can only result in obedience out of fear but never in obedience out of love. However, I yearn for My children’s love and therefore never lose patience, even if My plan of return takes a long time .... I will always take My living creation’s will into account, yet one day it will freely choose Me, one day its love for Me will break through, My living creation will subordinate its will to Mine, it will ask for My love and My Fatherly love will draw the child to itself and never ever let go of it again ....


BD 7277                received  08.02.1959

God’s plan of Salvation is based on the human being’s free will ....

My work of returning the fallen spirits is based on My eternal plan of Salvation and according to this plan of Salvation everything will run its course over infinitely long periods of time for which you humans lack all concepts. My plan of Salvation has been designed again in love and wisdom and My power implements it, consequently, one day I will reach My goal .... that all fallen spiritual beings will start the path of return to Me into the Father’s house. Yet the implementation is not determined by My will alone, but the free will of the beings, which were once created in all perfection despite which they fell away from Me, decides the length of time this said return to Me requires, thus every single being determines for itself how much time its process of development, its return to Me, will take. Therefore, My plan of Salvation is also based on the free will of each individual being .... which is a fact that is inconceivable for you humans but which I deemed to be essential if one day I want I to be surrounded by truly free and totally devoted children to Me, because this is the purpose and goal of My eternal plan of Salvation .... I knew each and every being’s will from the beginning, both as original spirits as well human beings later, when the original spirit has had to prove itself and once again can decide of its own free will which path it wants to take .... I knew your direction of will and was able to design My plan of Salvation accordingly, which includes your every thought and expression of will and is based on these accordingly. And truly, it was planned such that every being can cover its process of development with ease, because I will always helpfully stand by its side when it is at risk of making a wrong decision. Time and again it will be able to make a choice but not be forced to make the right decision, yet his destiny will affect a person such that the right decision will always be closer at hand, that inwardly he will be urged to take the right path but that this urging may never be felt as compulsion.

My love applies to every individual being, and whatever I can do to shorten its course of development until the final return to Me will certainly be done by Me. And thus no person will ever be able to say that his situation in life forced him to make an opposing decision .... My wisdom is truly beyond all doubt, and thus I foresaw all opportunities which served a person to make the right decision and based My plan of Salvation on this. Admittedly, I also forever know the direction of every individual’s will but during his time on earth as a human being I do not want to know it, and thus the human being can nevertheless make a free decision, for precisely because of his wrong will I let destiny so affect his life that he has every opportunity to change his will, and My side will eagerly support him in this .... for ‘there is joy in My kingdom over one sinner that repenteth ....’ This should be understood as a complete change of will which is indeed intended in My plan of Salvation but does not definitely determine this said plan of Salvation. You are completely free during your life on earth, and even if I know .... you are by no means bound, because originally you were entirely free beings and this freedom will not be taken from you as soon as you live on earth as self-aware beings again or even when you enter the kingdom of the beyond .... No force of any kind is exerted on you, and what or how you are was created by yourselves. But My plan of Salvation also plans an assured and final return into the Father’s house .... However, the day will come .... it is just that the time it takes can be brief but also very lengthy, and this is taken into account in My plan of Salvation, always in consideration of your will, which is free and cannot abide any kind of force. But the fact that you will reach your goal one day is certain, and it is equally certain that a thousand years are like a day to Me, that no law of time exists for Me .... You yourselves, however, are still subject to this law, your imperfect state keeps you bound to the law of time, and that is extremely painful for you, for your distance from Me is a painful state which you immeasurably prolong again if you don’t unite with Me .... if you have not achieved your return into the Father’s house as yet. I would like to protect you from this long state of torment, therefore I will urgently admonish you time and again to use your will correctly, that is, to subordinate yourselves to My will, of which you are repeatedly informed. Receiving My Word and thus the knowledge of My will is part of My plan of Salvation, which will be implemented with love, wisdom and might .... but you will always be at liberty to consider it according to your own will. Consequently, the length of time you require for your return differs considerably but it can already be over for you at the end of your life on earth and can finally have resulted in freedom, light and strength, if you strive for it yourselves and make every effort to desire My help for it .... for this striving is already the correctly directed will which safely lets you reach your goal ....


BD 7213                received  21.11.1958

State of responsibility ....
Receptive hearts ....

You passed through countless stages .... Thus you are looking back on an infinitely long path of development, on a time span which you are unable to measure because you are incapable of grasping such infinitely long periods of time. Still, they are behind you now or you wouldn’t live on this earth. Although a retrospection of the time behind you would certainly make you better understand the importance of your life on earth, it would not help your soul as it would only travel its earthly path driven by fear if it were able to remember the past and became conscious of the endless agonies it previously had to suffer during the time of higher development. Nevertheless, the fact cannot be denied that you had to live through such a period of development and that this period has almost reached its end now .... But the latter is determined by yourselves .... The gravity of your earthly progress rests in the fact that you can end an infinitely long lasting state of torment or prolong it again endlessly .... that you shape your future destiny yourselves during the time of your life on earth. For an infinitely long time you could not be held to account, since during that time you had to live according to divine will, you were subject to the law of compulsion, you were subordinated to the law of divine order and had to act according to God’s will. And in this law of compulsion you moved upwards again to the point that the embodiment as a human being could take place. But now your life is no longer free of responsibility, for you determine its course and the success of your free will yourselves .... And this time is only very short and every person could live it expediently and gain the highest possible perfection from it, for all means are given to him, nothing impossible is expected of him, instead, he is helped in every way, his weakness and imperfection are in every way accounted for, so that all means which enable his soul’s full maturing in free will are at his disposal. However, he is expected to rise above himself .... A personal effort is expected of the human being which neither another person nor a spiritual being of light can provide for him .... otherwise there would truly be no unredeemed soul on earth anymore, because the love of these beings would already have redeemed everything that is still wretched.

The final perfection, however, must be accomplished by the person himself .... And he can certainly do it, for God’s love is so great that it pours unmerited blessings over all his living creations in order to fetch them back into the Father’s house, in order to win them over for Himself and to save them from the adversary, who had held them captive for an infinitely long time. But His greater than great love cannot work unlawfully .... it must, in order to become effective, find open hearts into which it can flow unimpeded. And this ‘opening of the heart’ must be done by every person himself, free will has to become active, the person must consciously desire God and His illumination of love, then he will also become voluntarily receptive to the divine flow of love, and then there cannot be any other way but an ascent to higher spheres, to the light, to God, for the love of God is so strong that it will draw everything to itself that does not resist. The very short lifetime on earth is intended to achieve the human being’s return to God, it is intended to eliminate the resistance, the human being is meant to overcome himself, since at the start of his embodiment as a human being he is still in opposition and strongly holds onto God’s adversary who uses every influence in order to reinforce the person’s opposition. And this opposition consists of the fact that the human being nurtures selfish love, which totally contradicts the love of God and which is like a closed door which does not allow anything through it, because selfish love believes itself to be self-sufficient and thereby only proves its own arrogance, which is part of God’s adversary. Humility, however, recognises its Lord and God .... a humble heart pleads for mercy and widely opens its door for the One Who wants to favour it with His love .... The point of earthly life is that the human being should relinquish his resistance, which irrevocably ties him to God’s adversary .... that his free will seeks his God and Father and appeals to him for grace. Then it will truly be granted to him in abundance and his life on earth will not be in vain, for divine love will flow to him in profusion, and since love is light and strength, the soul must become bright and strong and mature during its lifetime on earth, regardless of how short it is compared to the infinitely long time before. A receptive heart is the guarantee that it will attain perfection, for where the love of God can shine darkness can no longer exist; there will only be light and happiness, the entitlement of perfection, the entitlement of beings who voluntarily attained perfection on earth ....


BD 8418                received  21.02.1963

Grace of the act of Salvation: fortified will ....

Time and again you need advice, My admonitions and warnings, My instructions, in order to lead that kind of life which results in such maturity of soul that you will be able to enter the kingdom of light. And I will not stop conveying these instructions to you through My Word, I will help you in every way and also steer your destiny of life such that your will can turn around and enter into My will so that you will constantly ascend in your spiritual development. Yet living up to My commandments of love for God and your neighbour always remains paramount .... for then your own thinking will be right and you will always take the right path .... the path to the cross .... It will not be possible for you to completely enter into My will by your own efforts, because your will is weak since it is still determined by My adversary as long as you are not released from him, as long as you are still enslaved by him .... And this fetter can only be severed by Jesus Christ, Who died for your freedom on the cross and thereby also acquired for you the blessings of a reinforced will. Through His crucifixion He redeemed the immense guilt, the consequence of which is your bound and weak will .... If you are therefore released from this guilt the weakness of will is surmounted too, and through Jesus’ redemption you also possess the strength to live your way of life according to My will. Your entire earthly life is at a standstill as long as you have not found the One Who will deliver you from the adversary’s power, as long as you don’t acknowledge Him as the Redeemer of the world, as the Son of God, in Whom I Myself became a human being, and appeal to Him for help, for with this call you acknowledge Me Myself again, to Whom you once denied your acknowledgment and thereby fell into the abyss, into your wretched state. Without Jesus Christ you will never be able to return to Me, without Him your earthly life is futile, for as long as your original sin is not removed from you, you will remain distant from Me, and neither can you be happy, you remain weak and unenlightened beings whose state is painful, because you once originated from Me in light and strength and freedom and lost light, strength and freedom because of your past apostasy from Me ....

As human beings you should express your will again by striving towards Me and your original state, and this will only be possible if your willpower gets strengthened through Jesus Christ’s redemption, if you turn to Him with an appeal for forgiveness of your sin, if you want that He also shed blood for you .... You don’t know how extremely significant your acknowledgment of Jesus and His act of Salvation is for you, for you don’t realise that by calling upon Jesus Christ you call upon Me Myself and you thereby already testify to your will to return to Me, for Jesus and I are One. In Jesus the Eternal Deity manifested Itself for you, My living creations, so that you are able to behold Me since I, as a whole-of- infinity-permeating spirit, could not be visible to you and therefore so completely permeated a form that My created beings were subsequently able to behold Me face to face .... You will never be able to understand this mystery, yet you shall know that you cannot bypass Jesus Christ and understand that time and again I will inform you through My Word that this human manifestation of Mine in Jesus is the greatest evidence of love that your God and Father has given to His living creations, and that faith in ‘God’ can never exclude faith in ‘Jesus’ because I can only be conceivable to you in Jesus. And since I expect your acknowledgement of Me in your earthly life, since this acknowledgement is the purpose and goal of your entire earthly progress generally, you must acknowledge Jesus, Who is the embodied Deity Himself and Who redeemed your original sin in order to facilitate your return to Him .... For this reason nothing is more important than to inform people of this and to admonish them to love, so that they will become enlightened and subsequently also fulfil the purpose of their earthly life .... And in order to make this knowledge in all truth accessible to people I convey My Word to earth directly, for truth is the light which shines into your hearts and which will also accomplish your regeneration into your original nature, for only through truth will you learn to recognise and love Me, only truth will illuminate the path which leads to the cross, and you will find redemption from sin and death ....


BD 7369                received  22.05.1959

Redemption requires free will ....

I merely want your assurance that you want to listen to Me, and from that moment on your life will be focussed on your goal, for then it will be in My hands to lead and to teach you such that you will reach your goal. I cannot have a decisive influence on your earthly life as long as you have not voluntarily given Me this assurance, but I can instantly take your destiny into My hands as soon as this assurance has voluntarily taken place. If you understand that it concerns the battle for your soul between Me and My adversary, whom I have to grant justice insofar as that I won’t forcibly take from him what belongs to him .... then you will also understand that I first require this assurance for you to become and eternally remain My Own. It is only this free will which entitles Me to exert My influence and help you in the battle against the enemy of your souls, who will not cease fighting for you as long as you are not yet completely devoid of weaknesses and flaws, which identify you as his followers. Thus he has still power over you as long as you cannot detach yourselves from him completely, that is, as long as the adversary’s characteristics are still within you: faults, weaknesses, cravings and all kinds of vices, which are his inheritance since his apostasy from Me. As to whether your detachment from him will take place one day depends on your will .... for this reason I died on the cross for you as Jesus, the man, thus I redeemed you from his power. Prior to this it would have been impossible for you to withdraw from his power, since you had handed yourselves over to him as a result of the original sin and he would never have released you from his control. However, I paid for this sin with the crucifixion .... Consequently, the whole of the spiritual world would have been redeemed from that moment on if I did not respect the free will of those beings who opposed Me .... For every being’s will is free and it can stay with the lord of its own choice.

Therefore, My adversary’s followers can remain with him, and their will shall be respected, I will not forcibly snatch any being from My opponent which belongs to him and does not express the will to be released from its present lord. Hence, such a being will remain unredeemed even if it takes eternities before it desires to be delivered from him .... These beings are unredeemed despite My death on the cross .... But as soon as its free will turns to Me, as soon as the being in the state of a human, when it receives its free will again, deliberately turns away from My adversary and towards Me, thus as soon as it wants to become and remain My Own, My act of Salvation comes into force and I .... Jesus Christ and Father of eternity .... take possession of this person and start to release him from My adversary, which happens according to his strength of will to fight against his faults and weaknesses. And he can constantly request this willpower from Jesus Christ, and he will do it, too, because he believes in Him. The belief in Jesus Christ and His act of Salvation is the prerequisite for the person to appeal to him for the blessings of the act of Salvation. This is why an unbeliever cannot find redemption, for Jesus Christ Himself must strengthen the person’s will to release himself from the adversary. However, I will never ever leave anyone once he turns to Me voluntarily, and he can take his redemption as guaranteed, for I will tirelessly fight for him and through transferring strength to him will help him release himself from his faults and weaknesses. And time and again I will influence his thoughts, thus never exclude him from My loving care, consequently no person will remain unredeemed whose will strives towards Me, who tries to fulfil My will and deliberately withdraws from My adversary. I only require the human being’s will, I only require the acknowledgement of Jesus as Son of God and Redeemer of the world in Whom I Myself accomplished the act of Salvation for people, in order to then be able to grant them the blessings of the act of Salvation which consist of strengthening the human being’s will, of being able to receive the strength to achieve the re-transformation into love. And I only ask for a constant bond with Me so that the strength can always flow across to you and you can do justice to all spiritual and earthly tasks which are expected of you time and again in this earthly life. Only the direction of your will towards Me decides whether and when your redemption will take place, but in this way it is certain that it will happen, otherwise My act of Salvation would have been accomplished in vain, but this would have to be called the greatest misguided teaching if someone were to advocate it. Jesus Christ has redeemed all people, but only those who want to be redeemed will partake of the blessings of the act of Salvation .... But anyone who wants will indeed become blessed, because his will entitles Me to snatch the soul from My adversary because I have paid the purchase price for it with My blood ....


BD 7762                received  02.12.1960

Strengthening of will and supply of strength through Jesus ....

I must always remind you to consider that you are too weak on your own to release yourselves from your physical shell for good. First of all, you cannot muster the will to release yourselves from My adversary because he keeps your will in a weakened state and, by yourselves, you lack the strength to turn it to Me Whom you fail to recognise because you are totally unenlightened .... Thus, the will needs to be strengthened first and this can only be done by One: Jesus Christ, the Redeemer of the world .... for through His death on the cross He acquired the blessings of a stronger will for you. As a result of your past apostasy from Me you had completely handed yourselves over to My adversary’s control, who would never set you free again had I not, in Jesus Christ, bought you back from him through My act of Salvation. If you therefore don’t want him to be entitled to you anymore, you are able to release yourselves from him but you need strength to do so .... First, you need a stronger will and then you also need the supply of strength to put your will into action .... You must turn this will towards Me and subordinate it to Mine which, in turn, means that you must live according to My will. And it is My will that you integrate with the law of divine order, that is, that you live a life of love. However, your state of embodiment as a human being is not a state of strength and light .... You are weak creatures which still live in spiritual darkness, which are unaware of their original state, of their relationship with Me and of the meaning and purpose of their life on earth. You will never be able to arise from of this imperfect state, you will never regain the original state, without My supply of strength which, because of Jesus’ act of Salvation, is abundantly at your disposal, because I Myself died for you at the cross in the man Jesus in order to help you remedy your weakness, in order to illuminate for you the path to Me and to guide you across all obstacles, if this is what you want. And in order for you to want this, you need only avail yourselves of the blessings of the act of Salvation .... You need only pray to Me in Jesus for strengthening your will, for all measures which enable your ascent .... and I will grant your prayer .... Every prayer you send to Jesus Christ for your salvation of soul will be granted, and no person can go astray who, with faith in the act of Salvation, entrusts himself to Him, appeals to Him for forgiveness of his sin and for support to reach the goal, the release from his material shell, which is the result of his past apostasy from Me .... And every such prayer will be granted, for you acknowledge Me Myself again in Jesus Christ, Whom you once refused to acknowledge and thereby plunged into the abyss .... But you will not accomplish this work of redemption yourselves, you will never have the strength to detach yourselves from the adversary, you will forever remain in his power if you are not helped by the One Who shed His blood for you .... if you don’t take the path to Him and thus also to Me, Who will truly release you from His control ....


BD 7038                received  09.02.1958

God’s or the adversary’s entitlement over the soul is determined by the person himself ....

You will never master your passions and weaknesses by using your own strength, for My adversary’s strength, who propels you into these feelings, is stronger and you will always succumb if you don’t appeal to Me for help, if you don’t call upon Jesus Christ for strength and to support you against your enemy. He will hear even the faintest call for help and you will be helped without fail. But also bear in mind that the adversary will not instantly slow down in his struggle for you and your souls .... Time and again he will try to influence you in the same way, over and over he will try to inflame your cravings and passions anew, this is why you will have to repeatedly fight him again and each time turn to Jesus, Who is the only One who can help you. You can only release yourselves from the lord who still has control over you during your earthly life by calling upon another Lord for protection. And I Am waiting for this call, for then I will also be entitled to snatch you away from him, because I bought this right as Jesus, the man, through My sacrificial death. But you must understand this correctly .... I Am truly not lacking the power to deprive him of his rights, however, I will not use violence against the one who emerged from Me first, whom I still love and whom I also want to regain through the path of love .... He must recognise that I Am superior to him and he can only recognise it when he sees how one being after another voluntarily releases itself from him and desires to come back to Me .... I will not force any of his followers in this way, I will not deny My adversary his rights, because his adherents once acknowledged him voluntarily as lord, and I will only use My entitlement for the being if it calls upon Me in Jesus Christ and through its call once again recognises and acknowledges Me as its Lord.

Anything that does not voluntarily turn to Me I will leave to him, thus his power depends on the once fallen beings which live on earth as humans and during this time should make a decision for their Lord .... for or against Me .... For this reason My adversary will use all his influence during this time to tie you to himself, to disclose all your bad qualities, to awaken all craving and to develop anti-divine sentiments in you. Then it is up to you whether you succumb to his influence or muster the will to release yourselves from him. And since you are too weak on your own you need help, which, however, is at all times at your disposal if only you call upon the One Who died for you on the cross in order to pay the purchase price to the adversary for your souls. Therefore, because of My death on the cross force is no longer exerted when I liberate you from him. I Am merely perfectly entitled to fight for your souls as well, to help you if you ask Me for it. And with My help you will assuredly be able to undo all shackles, you will free yourselves from every weakness, for as soon as you are willing to detach yourselves from My adversary you enter My sphere of light and strength again and whatever you want will also happen .... But it will not be a one-off battle, for time and again My adversary will try to pull you back into the abyss .... And since earthly life is purely about your decision of will, your will must also prove itself again and again, but you will find it increasingly easier the more sincerely you unite yourselves with Me in Jesus Christ, until he finally surrenders the battle and realises that he has lost you to Me forever .... And for this reason you humans should not worry or become disheartened if you are repeatedly approached by temptation, for you are not without support providing you only want to belong to Me. Only your will decides which lord takes possession of you, and by merely handing yourselves over to Me in Jesus Christ just once you will never ever detach yourselves from Me again, you will also resist every temptation since then you will fight the enemy of your soul with My strength and therefore always be victorious .... because Jesus Christ fights by your side and My adversary will truly have to admit defeat to Him ....


BD 6484                received  25.02.1956

Voluntary bond with God ....

Everything that encourages your bond with Me will help you attain perfection. For this bond with Me gives you the strength to comply with My will and the fulfilment of My will also assures your soul’s full maturity. A soul which never lets go of Me can experience joys and suffering, it will always join Me more closely and has then already passed its test of earthly life, it has wholeheartedly granted Me its previously opposing will, it returned to Me voluntarily and has completely detached itself from My adversary. Once I have become a person’s purpose in life, earthly life will no longer exert a detrimental influence on the soul even if it gets completely involved in the field of duty it was placed into in earthly life. Every human being can establish the union with Me on earth already without becoming unsuitable for the requirements demanded of him, he will indeed be able to master them as long as he creates and works with Me and My strength constantly flows to him. Spiritual aspiration need not signify failure in earthly life, only that worldly people can’t be convinced of that because they need an excuse when they are confronted by their spiritual shortcomings .... The earthly life of a person who has wholeheartedly handed himself over to Me is extraordinarily blessed, because as long as he lives on earth I will truly not withdraw the strength from him to work in an earthly way. However, his spiritual striving must come first, I must be his purpose in life, he must always draw the strength from Me and never approach earthly work on his own, for then it will seem so difficult to him that he has to turn to Me .... because that is what I want ....

Your purpose of earthly life is your return to Me of your own free will. For this reason everything in life will approach you such that you can feel prompted to turn to Me .... And whatever happens then will be beneficial if you thereby establish the bond with Me. I cannot visibly cross your path and more or less force you to follow Me, but I must nevertheless use such means by which I can achieve this very goal. And adversity is truly an effective means to make you realise your own lack of strength and to motivate you to send a cry for help to Me .... which I will gladly grant in order to entice you to come ever closer to Me. But you can believe Me that I will hold every adversity at bay as soon as you have become My Own, as soon as you make such close contact with Me in your thoughts that I can constantly walk beside you. You tie the tightest bond through love .... For if you are lovingly active you are working with Me, the Eternal Love Itself. Therefore adversity will often be the impetus for loving actions .... You can appeal to Me for help, but you can also help your fellow human beings yourselves .... And then you are always united with Me, and every contact assures your spiritual ascent. You will live your life successfully if you can no longer imaging your life without Me .... Then you will truly have won everything, then you will be seized by My love which will provide you with everything you need, both in a spiritual as well as in an earthly way .... Then your life on earth will be richly blessed, for you will want to motivate your fellow human beings into joining Me, driven by My strength of love you will also draw their attention to the purpose of their earthly and in their adversity show them the path to Me .... For with Me you achieve everything, but without Me you remain weak and immature and your soul will be unable to perfect itself ....


BD 7359                received  09.05.1959

‘The kingdom of heaven suffereth violence ....’ I

Remember, you humans, that you only live for a short time on this earth but that your soul, which is your real Self, is everlasting, and then it will also be understandable to you that you must provide for your well-being in eternity and not for the short time of earthly life, which can end even faster than you would naturally assume. For not one of you can be certain that he will live to see the next day and everyone must take into account the thought that they might be suddenly recalled from this earth one day. If you seriously thought about it you would also become conscious of the great responsibility you have taken upon your soul, thus for yourselves, during this short time of your life on earth. And you would ask yourselves how much you have done already for your soul’s benefit .... For this is a question you should really seriously asks yourselves for once, it would truly only be a blessing for you if you thought about this for a little while. You can create incomparable riches for your soul if only you are of good will; you need only ever make an effort to live a life of love, to love God above all else and to consider your neighbour like a brother and help him when he is in trouble .... Nothing more is expected of you from God than this love for Him and your neighbour. And if your will is good then you should ask yourselves to what extent you comply with God’s will in your daily life and you will still discover a lot that is not according to God’s will if you look at your way of life critically and honestly.

For the human being still loves too selfishly, he loves himself more than his neighbour and yet he should give the same love to him that he grants to himself. And that requires a person’s firm will, the will to attain perfection and to submit himself to God’s will. But the kingdom of heaven suffers violence, and only the violent take it by force .... The will must be strong and assert itself, then the human being uses force in order to attain the kingdom of heaven .... But then again, Jesus gave people the promise ‘My yoke is easy, and My burden is light ....’ And that, too, is right, since a person who is willing to love will find it easy to fulfil God’s commandments, he need not use a lot of force, because love is in him and love is strength, so that he will acquire the kingdom of heaven for certain, because he no longer lacks firmness of will through his life of love .... And just for once you should seriously think about the extent to which you still have to use ‘force’ or whether it has already become your nature to help your neighbour with love as a matter of fact .... In that case you will also know what you require, for then you will first have to appeal to God for strength in order to be able to comply with his requirements, because it is still difficult for you .... However, you will receive it, and what initially is a great effort becomes easy and will no longer be experienced by you as a burden .... You will not be under a yoke which you deem difficult to bear. You will not experience a burden because through love you will constantly receive strength from God and then easily attain maturity of soul, which it needs to live the real life in light and strength and beatitude .... But prior to this you must give account to yourselves so that the hour of death will not take you by surprise and your soul will not have to enter the kingdom of the beyond in a poor and wretched state .... For no-one will know when his hour has come ....


BD 7370                received  23.05.1959

Free will and self-awareness ....

During the final period of development as a human being you are able to freely want and usually also act as you wish, because it is intended that you prove yourselves during your existence on this earth. It is not an arbitrary process, just as final success is not dependent on My arbitrary use of power, instead you humans determine the result of your soul’s earthly progress yourselves. For the soul’s maturing is the decisive factor, because the body is transient and only serves the soul during its short lifetime on earth in order to attain maturity. Hence the human being must be informed of the fact that it is up to him as to whether and how he uses his time on earth to become psychologically mature. And thus he should not rely on being granted a random act of grace on My part without his contribution .... he should know that he can receive unlimited grace but that it always depends on his will as to whether these blessings will take effect in him. For I can show him the heavenly kingdom quite plainly and even extend My hand to him so that he can reach it .... if it is not his own will to attain the heavenly kingdom all My gifts of grace will be futile, for they don’t compel his thoughts and actions but make it easier for every person to think and act correctly. First, free will has to become active, and the attitude of this will determines the success of earthly life .... Therefore no human being will be able to say that the direction of his will was predetermined, because this will is free.

The will is the human being’s innermost instinct, which was placed into him by Me, which is inherent in every self-aware being. Thus, the once-created spirits in My kingdom were able to enjoy their free will for as long as they were self-aware beings .... However, they lost their self-awareness when they plunged into the abyss of their own doing. For they distanced themselves from Me and this ever increasing distance also signified the hardening of the spiritual substance, which I subsequently shaped into creations of the most varied kinds. All these works of creation are in a state of ‘bound’ will .... The spiritual substances bound therein are not conscious of themselves as they are only parts of a once fallen original spirit which, by progressing through the various creations, shall return to Me again, which is deprived of its self-awareness until all the tiny particles have come together again and are allowed to embody themselves as a human being on Earth. Then it will also receive its free will back .... and the being will be able to freely want and think again and cannot be prevented from aiming its will in any direction. And no-one will be able to dispute the fact that his thoughts and his will are free, although he is frequently unable to implement both. However, it concerns the will, not always the deed, which can indeed be prevented through My will or My permission, but this will never rules out the actual will which tried to cause an action .... And you should watch your will .... hence every thought should make you question whether it is in harmony with My will. Your will should only ever be inclined towards Me, then it will be good. If it is your will to live in order to please Me you need no longer be afraid of not fulfilling your purpose of earthly life, for then you will always think and want what is right, then your soul will desire to regain its past state, it will subordinate its will to Mine and will have passed the test of earthly life when it may leave the earthly body in order to enter the kingdom of the beyond ....


BD 4553                received  30.01.1949

The human being’s imperfect state corresponds to his will ....

The fact that I gave you your earthly life does not justify the assumption that I placed you in the imperfect state which is causing you problems on earth. Every one of you is shaped according to his will, that is, not according to your will on earth as a human being but according to the characteristic of your will prior to your embodiment as a human being. Despite the fact that your will was not striving towards higher spheres I have given you the opportunity to nevertheless attain a certain degree of higher development by constraining your will, so that you were able to be actively of service in the state of compulsion which thereby reduced the vast distance from Me. Afterwards I released your will, which is shaped differently in every individual person, depending on his inner opposition to Me. And you humans are shaped according to this will of yours on earth, equipped with different physical abilities, traits and feelings, so that you have the greatest possible opportunity to mature fully during your life on earth, for the option of entering the spiritual kingdom at the end of this physical life is open to everyone. Thus I did not give you flaws and weaknesses, but you yourselves brought them along in misguided love, otherwise you would be able to discard them instantly were your love not wrongly directed. None of you sufficiently consider the fact that you possess free will and that this free will is the cause of your embodiment on earth. In the past the spiritual beings sinned of their own free will, and of their own free will they must recognise their sins and make amends for them by consciously striving towards Me, against Whom they had transgressed. You humans on earth have almost reached the goal, for you are already considerably closer to the state which once was your fate before your apostasy from Me. However, your will decides the final achievement .... You must try to master all faults and weaknesses, vices and cravings yourselves, for you do not lack the means for help, the grace and strength from above. Yet if you love yourselves the way you are, you will never reach the final goal. Know yourselves and try to change .... for one day you will have to give account as to how you have used your short lifetime on earth. My love offers you every opportunity to mature full but it always respects your freedom of will ....


BD 9026                received  03.08.1965

Total dedication and complete submission of will ....

You shoulder great responsibility during your earthly progress, the burden of which, however, you can place upon Me if you decide to hand yourselves over to Me with all your strength and soul. In that case you will be free from every responsibility in the knowledge that I will guide you, for I will direct your every step such that you will inevitably end up with Me, that you therefore quite freely subordinate your will to Mine and have thereby passed the test of will, which is the sole purpose and goal of your earthly life. Completely entering into My will relieves you from all responsibility, for then you will only be able to live according to My will, your actions will be good and righteous, you will voluntarily fulfil the commandments of love for Me and your neighbour, the adversary will no longer be able to harm you and your earthly path will proceed entirely according to My will so that there will be no danger that you can travel it unsuccessfully. Just place yourselves totally into My hands and through your dedication you will become My Own completely, then you will no longer have to fear the world, earthly matter will leave you unaffected, you will only use it according to My will by causing it to be of service to you and at the same time providing it with the opportunity of advancement .... You should all take this simple path, the path of devotion to Me, for then I will always be prepared to release the chains, for as soon as you hand yourselves over to Me with complete faith and love Jesus Christ’s act of Salvation will be understandable to you and you will take the path to Him, thereby recognising Me Myself as your God and Creator, as the Redeemer from all bondage. You need never fear becoming subject to My adversary again, for his control over you will be broken from the moment of your total dedication to Me, your decision will have been in My favour, you will turn away from him and quite deliberately strive towards Me.

From this time on the adversary will no longer be able to deprive Me of My entitlement to you, all your love will belong to Me, and this and My love will never ever be parted again. If you take this path on earth to Me, if you know that you call upon your God and Father in Jesus, Who sacrificed Himself for you on the cross in order to redeem your past sin .... and if you are subsequently released from the adversary, then you have taken the right decision, you have accepted the emanation of love again without which blissful happiness cannot exist. And your fate will be far more glorious than before, when you indeed emerged from Me in supreme perfection but nevertheless were My creations, whereas now you have matured into My children, which I was unable to create, I was merely able to give you all the abilities to achieve this of your own accord .... And I would like to make it easy for you and merely need your total dedication to Me, then I will even out your every step so that you no longer need to bear responsibility, so that you only ever need to think and act as I make you feel in your heart, and then you will be happy because I Myself guide you and direct your thoughts. In that case you certainly act of your own free will but this will very clearly subordinates itself to Me and thus you can only want and act correctly. For the second time you will have come forth from My hand but in a way that you wanted yourselves and your free will helped to become that which could not emerge from Me in the beginning. Bliss on both your part and mine will constantly increase, for you will be offered splendours in My kingdom which you would never have dreamt of, for ‘eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which I have prepared for them that love Me ....’


BD 7081                received  02.04.1958

God’s blessing ....
Plan of Salvation ....
Change of will ....

My hands rest upon you with My blessing, you will feel it and sense an inner peace. For My blessing is a gift of strength, My blessing is the help you need in spiritual and worldly adversity. Thus be comforted wherever you may go, for I escort you, I walk next to you and you will safely reach your goal. Someone who only has Me at heart need not fear any downfall, I carry him through difficulty and danger into a safe haven. I only want to win you over, your heart and your will .... I only want you to lift your eyes up to Me so that you turn to Me again, just as you once turned away from Me. And I see what goes on in your heart, even if your mouth remains silent, if you outwardly give no sign of your affinity to Me .... But I will not let go of My hand again, I will always try to strengthen your bond with Me until you have finally entered into union with Me, until the goal has been reached that was set for your path of earthly life .... Nevertheless you should know that his direction of will is left up to each person .... You are not compelled to think one way or another; your thoughts will always remain free even if you are forced into specific actions .... For were I to forcibly influence your will you would be Mine already, since this power is truly at My disposal; however, it would neither make Me nor you so happy that you could praise yourselves blessed forever .... Yet a free decision of will for Me assures the most blissful fate, and that is what I want you to have. As long as you have not attained knowledge of My eternal plan of Salvation you cannot grasp the implication of such free decision of will either.

For there is more at stake than the short time of your earthly existence, it concerns eternity, it concerns something that exceeds your comprehension as long as you cannot be placed in a state of realisation by My spirit, which enlightens you also in regards to that which so far was incomprehensible for you. Even if the knowledge of it were conveyed to you, you would nevertheless not understand it as long as you have not established a bond with Me .... But you can rest assured that no human being who sincerely desires it is denied this realisation. What once threw you back, what once deprived you of this realisation, what turned you into imperfect beings, was solely caused by your apostasy from Me, by your deliberate separation from Me .... although you will never ever be able to disconnect yourselves from your God and Creator. Therefore it only requires you to deliberately turn towards Me again in order to lead you back to the light of realisation, to strength and to your once perfect state. For this reason I only seek to achieve redirecting your will towards Me. You will indeed only be truly happy again in your conscious bond with Me .... I, too, long for My children who once left Me as a result of their conceited thinking, this is why I incessantly pursue them with My love and try to persuade them to return to Me .... nevertheless, I often use means in which you humans are unable to recognise the love of a Father for His children .... And yet, it is love .... a love which wants to make you immeasurably happy and which only ever tries to reach the goal that the child will find the path to the Father in order to remain with Him forever ....


BD 7051                received  28.02.1958

Destiny corresponds to free will ....

Everyone has to take the path marked out for him, even if he believes that he is able to determine his own destiny or to change its course .... For I have taken account of his will in My plan of Salvation, consequently, all events approach him such that his will can become active in a way that he believes he shapes his own destiny. Freedom of will is frequently doubted by you and yet it is every person’s possession, for I will never force him to want something different .... But precisely this will of his is known by Me forever, therefore it is easily possible for Me to shape his course of life according to his will without enslaving it. Besides, it concerns his soul’s development and this can successfully proceed even in the most diverse circumstances of life. For all happenings in life approach a person such that it can impress the soul, that it can look for and find the bond with Me .... which is the ultimate goal of earthly life in the first place. The reason why the human being often has to overcome difficulties, why he often can speak of a difficult earthly fate is only because it is intended to help him establish this bond with Me and I know full well what is best suited for this. Even if a person believes that he can arbitrarily reshape his life he can nevertheless not revoke My eternal plan of Salvation and determine his own destiny, for regardless what he does in earthly life .... he has no guarantee that his plan will succeed and continue, he will always have to take unforeseen circumstances into account, he will never be master over his earthly life and have to acknowledge a stronger Power Which intervenes and will often shatter his plans.

Every human being knows that he is subject to strokes of fate, he knows that, by using his earthly knowledge, he can certainly make contingency plans .... but he also knows that he has no certificate of guarantee for the success of his plans and that even superior intelligence and the best position in life do not guarantee complete success for his plans or the continuation of what he has achieved so far .... But once again I emphasise that even such efforts have been foreseen by Me and must find My agreement if they are to succeed .... For such efforts need not be futile for the human being’s soul, and as soon as he merely acknowledges a higher Power Which can prevent him from receiving, but also give him Its blessing, the soul will have won, and the earthly success or loss he is granted will run accordingly. The human being’s will remains free .... even if his life proceeds according to destiny, even if the person is seemingly motivated or prevented during his course of life. Admittedly, a complete unbeliever will always assume that he shapes his life according to his will and only the believer will recognise My guidance and My will in everything, and yet he knows that he has to use his will as well in order to derive a benefit from every situation in life. For this reason you humans should not be dissatisfied with how your earthly life proceeds, for it will truly always be most appropriate for the benefit your soul. But you must also remember it and always try to make contact with Me by joining Me for better or for worse .... Then your life will have been successful, regardless of what it might have brought you, for the union with Me must be established by your will, which is and will remain free, because you are My living creations, thus of divine origin ....


BD 6621                received  14.08.1956

Enforced actions are worthless for eternity ....

What you accomplish under duress does not lead to bliss. Regardless of what you do, it has to arise from a degree of love in you, you must do it voluntarily for love if it is to result in a spiritual blessing for you, if it is to lead you towards perfection. This is why the fulfilment of a commandment can never help you attain higher development unless the commandment of love is fulfilled, which I Myself have given you as the most important and exclusive commandment but which cannot be counted as a lawful commandment, precisely because love is something that is free which does not abide compulsion. Thus you must indeed live in love in order to become blessed .... This is what I want to achieve through My commandment .... However, acts which are accomplished without love are hardly the ‘fulfilment of My commandments of love’. For I did not command you to accomplish acts but to practise love, and love cannot be forcibly demanded, love must be a matter of free will and arise from the heart. And thus I can count everything that is done under compulsion as worthless for eternity, even if they are actually good works which .... were they based on the right love .... could provide the soul with supreme possessions. If, however, the accomplishment of good works without love is already worthless for eternity, how much more worthless is the fulfilment of laws given to you by people. Only what you freely do of your own accord is valued by Me according to your degree of love, but I will never look at what you do in order to comply with the duties expected of you unless you also do it because of love for Me and not because you are obeying an order.

You must always make this difference and know that the value of every deed and every thought rests in love alone, but that everything else is worthless if it lacks love. If you therefore seriously examine your thoughts and actions you will soon find out whether you have gathered riches for yourselves or whether have you so far remained poor .... And you will also recognise that I could never have been the originator of commandments which should be complied with as a matter of duty and whose fulfilment is strictly observed .... You will also recognise the invalidity of requirements I cannot have demanded because they signify a certain coercion for the human being which, however, does never correspond to My will. I only value what is done by free will, for I only gave free will back to you in the stage of a human being because you are meant to put it into practice. You shall determine your fate in eternity yourselves, and in order for you to use your will correctly you must also be instructed correctly .... The latter is the only task I asked of My disciples when I lived on earth, and which I have always asked My representatives on earth to do: to teach and to proclaim My will to people .... However, at no time ever did I give the order to establish laws and, under threat of temporal or eternal punishments, force people to keep them .... The consequences of a true life of love as well as heartless conduct should certainly be presented to people, but that should be more than enough .... But people should not be frightened with threats of eternal punishment into conscientiously doing everything that is demanded of them and thereby more likely stifle than arouse the love in them. All spiritual compulsion is to be condemned for it prevents people from making a free decision. The soul’s life in eternity can only be gained through love alone; love, however, does not abide coercion otherwise it cannot be called ‘love’. This is why every person should pass judgment on himself as to whether his thoughts and actions are determined by love or whether they merely comply with laws which were supposedly decreed by Me .... I require nothing else from you other than love for Me and your neighbour .... but which you must grant Me of your own free will .... Only then will you fulfil My commandment and can become eternally blessed ....


BD 5741                received  07.08.1953

Change of will in freedom ....
Perfection ....

The distance from Me cannot be reduced by My will, instead, your will must accomplish this alone, for My will did not disown you, instead, you left Me of your own free will; you rejected Me and thereby created a gulf between yourselves and Me which you will now have to bridge yourselves if you want to come back to Me. I Myself will welcome you with open arms again if you return into your Father’s house. But I will never bring you back to Me against your will, because I Am less interested in possessing you than in your love for Me, which will subsequently change your will so that you return to Me voluntarily. However, a return to Me signifies unlimited bliss, and thus you can and must create your own state of happiness, it cannot be given to you by Me if the prerequisite that your will is turned towards Me does not exist. I Am willing to give you everything, I will truly not deny you anything you desire .... yet it is not possible for Me to enslave your will since then I Myself would have to contravene My law of eternal order, for My living creations were created in My image, these beings had to possess free will because they emerged from Me in perfection .... and anything that was externalised by Me in perfection can certainly become imperfect of its own will yet not through My will, hence it was able to turn its will away from Me, but I cannot now enslave the free will and thereby remove from My living creation the evidence of its divine origin. For I Am perfect and therefore do not contravene My eternal order .... Hence I cannot prevent people from sinning and leading a wrong way of life, I cannot force them to believe in Me and even less force to them love Me, thus to return to Me again .... I can only do everything which might, yet does not have to change their will, otherwise no distant being would truly exist any longer but neither would there be a free and happy being of perfection. Free will is the fundamental law of eternity .... and it is also the fundamental law in every being created by Me .... You humans must accept this explanation for the conditions on Earth which seem so imperfect to you and which only the human being’s free will can change. What My power can accomplish has already been achieved by My love; however, where the freedom of your will must be preserved only you can become active yourselves, and My love will grant you every support, it is, after all, My own will that you should return to Me. And even if eternities pass by before you strive towards Me of your own free will again, I will nevertheless never guide you back forcibly, because it is My will that you shall attain your original state of perfection once more, because it is My will that you, as My children, voluntarily surrender to Me in love ....


BD 8753                received  14.02.1964

Free will must accept spiritual knowledge ....

Wherever you have the opportunity to clarify spiritual matters, make use of it and you can always be assured of My support. For nothing approaches you accidentally, everything is ordained by Me as I recognise it to be useful and beneficial for people’s souls. Much error must still be clarified and I know which people are of good will. I try to convey the truth to these so that they will begin to understand and don’t pass on their misunderstanding to their fellow human beings’ detriment. But I can only ever take effect where people’s will applies to Me, so that no further opposition exists towards Me as God and Creator, for such opposition obstructs all avenues and prevents a person from accepting what is conveyed to him as truth. I Am a God of love, wisdom and power and yet committed to My law of eternal order. I cannot infringe against this law Myself because I Am a supremely perfect Being, consequently, this eternal law was also devised according to My perfection. And thus I cannot, by virtue of My power, enslave a created free being by imposing My will on it .... And by virtue of his free will the human being can know the truth but also believe the most blatant error without being hindered by Me .... However, the slightest will to know the truth will assure it to him, because I have the power to do so and because I recognise the will and thus arrange everything such that the person is guided into the truth.

Everyone willing to serve Me, thus everyone who works in the sense of enlightening his fellow human beings, must be spiritually awakened himself, that is, he must have an intimate mental bond with Me and through loving activity so deepen this intimate bond that he thereby establishes contact with Me, thus enabling My influx of love which demonstrates itself in the form of transmitting the truth. Only when he has the truth himself can he pass it on to other people, and then I will bless him and truly provide him with an abundance of spiritual thoughts, and he will not need his intellect as much if he listens to the voice of his heart. He will let himself be more guided by his feeling and can still very successfully accomplish his work because he can always be certain of My support when it concerns that light shall be carried among people. You must just allow yourselves to be guided without resistance, that is, comply with all inner instructions which you experience as your own but which will always be caused by My will, which gives you the right thoughts. I can use anyone who merely feels the inner urge to possess the truth and to pass it on as a suitable labourer in My vineyard, for he will only ever work according to My will which he feels within as his own desire and, therefore, which he would like to live up to. And I will smooth his every way and also guide his thinking right .... Yet there are only a few who seek enlightenment and approach the source of light, there are only a few who are not satisfied with the spiritual knowledge they receive from outside, who try to get to the bottom of everything and are in heartfelt contact with Me .... Therefore the truth can only rarely be conveyed to earth from My side, nevertheless, it will be spread because the light prevails and will time and again shine for those who want to leave the darkness. And the deeper they penetrate the truth the stronger their inner urge to enlighten their fellow human beings is, and then a person will be a true worker in My vineyard, for he will tell people on My behalf what they should and indeed could know if only they opened their hearts to let bright light shine into them .... And even though there are only a few they will nevertheless not work in vain, for the effectiveness of the strength of light should not be underestimated .... And therefore just pay attention to My guidance and also accept every happening as divine providence, for I alone know people’s hearts and I alone know what their souls need in order to mature fully ....


BD 5751                received  21.08.1953

Free will ....
God’s will ....
Divine order ....

I cannot force you humans to respect and be active according to My will .... I can merely time and again inform you of the fact that only compliance with My will signifies a life within divine order and that actions to the contrary will result in misery for you. And I truly do not fail to draw your attention to the consequences of a wrongly inclined will .... You are beings with intellect and free will, however, your will remains wrongly directed as long as you don’t make correct use of your intellect. I do not force the will yet I repeatedly try to stimulate the intellect to deliberate on My will, which I revealed to people .... for if I expect you to enter My will I must also make My will known to you. And no-one can really claim that this will of Mine is unknown to him, for it was also placed into his heart .... The human being can sense My will in him as it inspires him to do what is right and warns him against evil thoughts, intentions and actions .... Yet I also send My messengers to people who shall bring My Gospel to them .... who shall proclaim My will which only consists of loving God above all else and their neighbour as themselves ..... which thus means, that a life of love will always be a life in divine order and the fulfilment of My will .... However, the less people mentally try to adopt My will, the less attention they pay to the inner voice, the more necessary it becomes to proclaim My will, My Word, My Gospel to them .... to bring My teaching of love to them, for they exist in a hardened or numbed state, caused by the influence of the earthly world. And from this state they must lovingly be aroused, they must be informed of the great danger such a state signifies for their souls .... they must be guided into divine order again, which can still be achieved if a person, who moves within divine order himself, lovingly takes care of his fellow human beings, if he makes an effort to make My will known and My Word accessible to them. People should not merely be shaken up from their sleep of death, but the path to life should be shown to them with kindness .... For people are blind and no longer find it by themselves .... And only those who resist, who don’t want to let themselves be guided, should continue on their own paths, for they have free will and must also justify themselves for it one day. Yet as long as a human mouth is capable of speaking he should preach with love and thus, as My representative, proclaim My teaching of love, and people will not be able to say that they had no knowledge of My will. I don’t expect the fulfilment of My will without informing people of it, and as long as the Earth exists I will send My messengers into the world in order to spread My Word. For this Word of Mine does not force the human being’s will but it can turn it in the right direction and save the person from the night of death ....


BD 5738                received  04.08.1953

Spiritual progress through self-denial ....

Achieving a considerable advancement in your spiritual growth also demands a considerable amount of self-denial, a strong will and firm faith. You will hardly make progress if you don’t eagerly strive for it, if you conduct yourselves indifferently when you actually should fight, be it against your own cravings or against everything that obstructs your soul’s maturing, you must always bear the goal in mind in order to spur yourselves into constant struggling and striving, you must not deceive yourselves by estimating yourselves higher than your maturity of soul permits, you must be severely critical of yourselves, since only when you have recognised your faults and weaknesses will you tackle them. This requires a strong will, but it will always be strengthened through calling upon Jesus Christ, for this reason you also need to have a strong faith at your disposal. You can achieve anything with His help, including great spiritual progress, rising above yourselves and constant increase of your strength of love, which then will also accomplish whatever you strive for. Yet you will not take a single step forward without struggle, without loving activity and without prayer .... For loving activity and prayer guarantee your union with God and thus an already large advancement upwards, because coming closer to God is the goal you are intended to reach, so that every battle will subsequently become easier and always result in victory. What you yourselves cannot possibly achieve becomes possible through loving activity and prayer .... And therefore you will always have these two fail-safe means if you are serious about achieving spiritual progress, you need only muster the will to turn to God in prayer and attain His love through loving activity .... In that case you will not go short, then you can be certain of success and only your depth of faith determines how long it will take to reach your goal .... And you need only appeal to Jesus Christ to strengthen your faith and will, you need only avail yourselves of the blessings of His act of Salvation, which will remedy every weakness and also promise success. For He gives strength to all those who call upon Him because they believe in Him ....


Bertha Dudde short biography

Who was Bertha Dudde?

Bertha Dudde was born on 1. April 1891, as the second oldest daughter of a painter, in Liegnitz, Silesia. She became a dressmaker and began to receive pronouncements from God through the ‘Inner Word’ on 15. June 1937.

“In a clear dream I was moved to write down my thoughts after devout prayer. Understandably this often gave way to doubt and inner conflicts until I was convinced that I was, myself, by no means the initiator of these exquisitely gracious words; but instead it was the spirit within me, in other words, the love of the Heavenly Father was obviously responsible for them and introduced me to the truth”.

“I was given knowledge of the spiritual world which far exceeded my elementary school education. I received and receive this knowledge as a dictation in a state of complete consciousness; I write down everything I am told in shorthand, in order to then transfer it word for word to clean copy. The procedure does not take place in a state of compulsion, for example in a state of trance or ecstasy, but in an absolutely level-headed frame of mind. However, I have to want it to happen and then I can receive these dictations voluntarily; they are neither bound by time nor place.

“Now I only have one wish, which is to be able to make these gifts of grace accessible to many more people and in accordance with the will of God Himself to be allowed to do much more work in His vineyard.”

(Quotations from an autobiography from 1959).

Bertha Dudde died on 18. September 1965 in Leverkusen, Germany.

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