ThemeBooklet 070e

Return to God - Part 5

An access to the currently translated complete work of Bertha Dudde – 1891-1965 – including her autobiography, an introduction to the work, lots of hints and clarification, all the downloads (in various languages), with offers of writings by different publishers (printed books, theme booklets etc.), and printable PDF-versions of all texts (revelations) You find here, a selective list with all her books You find here.

Our Future - 1

Indications of the end time

BD 8535                received  20.06.1963

The Revelation of John ....

Everything concurring with My Word can be accepted and upheld by you as truth. And thus you will also know how to judge the mental concepts presented to you .... For this is what you, who are directly instructed by Me, must be able to do .... For you are required to reject everything that is wrong and advise your fellow human beings not to accept it.

Part of spreading the pure truth from Me also includes denouncing error as coming from the adversary and to protect yourselves as well as your fellow human beings from his influence. He equally makes use of human vessels in order to succeed, in order to undermine the pure truth, for he causes confusion amongst people who no longer know what to accept. But as soon as you recognise that My adversary is at work it is also your duty to take action against it. And therefore I want to provide you with an explanation which yet again can only be given to you by the One Who knows everything, to Whom nothing is hidden and Who is able to impart this knowledge through the spirit:

Many things are hidden from you humans which only I can reveal to you. And I have always informed seers and prophets of events which were still in the distant future. However, according to people’s state of maturity My predictions or visions were usually veiled and always required an awakened spirit to summon the right understanding for it. And since many prophesies related to the last days before the end they also remained incomprehensible to people, because I Myself wanted to lift the veil when the time was right. The visions they saw were even concealed from My seers and prophets, and they described them partly impelled and partly enlightened by My spirit, which also let them behold and report things which were in the distant future. And thus records exist and were preserved until now which proclaim the visions of My disciple John .... records, which will be explained in the last days before the end and which previously were meaningless to people and consequently not understood by them. Yet they have a profound meaning, they merely depicted what My disciple who had received the spiritual vision had seen but who was unable to interpret his visions himself because it would not have been beneficial for him or his fellow human beings, since the whole time of development was still ahead of them, which was meant to be utilised through Jesus Christ’s Salvation .... but knowledge of the visions’ significance would have stifled all spiritual impetus .... thus it would have restricted free will. For I knew that My adversary’s activity would take on immense proportions at the end of a period of salvation, and that humanity’s spiritually low level would be so widespread at the end that the precise knowledge of it would have been damaging to people.

But I allowed My disciple to spiritually foresee all these manifestations of the end, yet in an awakened state .... when he recorded his visions .... he only saw images he didn’t understand himself .... which thus was My will ....

You cannot fail to recognise Satan’s activity in the last days, yet you humans have no idea of the immense spiritual disaster his activity will wreak on all human beings .... My disciple saw the clearly evident state of affairs in the last days as well as My adversary’s activity which was the cause for the terrible vision, which showed his activity figuratively and which only remained veiled to people because they would have abandoned their spiritual endeavour in view of the failure and My adversary’s supreme control.

But John also foresaw the fall into the abyss and My adversary’s captivity, and for that reason the disciple’s vision was intended to be preserved, for one day they will understand everything, if only in the spiritual kingdom when their spiritual state results in their realisation. And thus you know how to evaluate messages which are allegedly from above and yet originate from below .... You know that everything contradicting My Word is erroneous spiritual knowledge and particularly highlights My adversary’s activity in the last days, who wants to cause confusion wherever possible and who avails himself of My name as a disguise in order to be believed ....

Be vigilant and don’t allow yourselves to be driven into darkness .... when a bright light is shining for you which very clearly shows the path to Me, Who still wants to save all those people before the end who have the will to let themselves be saved. Look for Me in all sincerity and, truly, I will not let you fall into My adversary’s hands, I will enlighten your thoughts if only you sincerely ask Me for the pure truth .... But then you will receive it through your heart, so that the intellect need not be involved, for My adversary avails himself of the intellect as long as the heart does not reject him.

You fully consciously have to break your connection with him who wants to corrupt the world .... You have to closely unite with Me and appeal to Me for My protection against his influence .... And truly, your prayer will be granted as soon as it is sent up to Me in spirit and in truth ....


BD 6936                received  05.10.1957

Statements by seers and prophets ....

Listen to what the spirit of God proclaims to you: the seers and prophets are chosen by Me Myself because they have to fulfil a great and important task .... informing people of the forthcoming Judgment of the world and admonishing them to prepare themselves for it. These seers and prophets don’t use their own words but merely pass on what My spirit tells them. Thus, in a manner of speaking, you receive a direct proclamation from Me Myself, I merely have to use a mediator in order not to compel your thoughts and actions. You therefore can believe it but are not forced to do so. You will believe it if you acknowledge the gift of vision and prophesy in these mediators; you will reject it if you doubt their mission. But I want to make it easy for you to believe them, I will visibly emphasise their mission by allowing the announced events to happen which precede the Judgment .... I will make sure that these announcements will be spread, that many people can be informed of them and that they then will experience the evidence of it, because everything will happen as I predicted through seers and prophets. Although I warned people .... when I lived on earth .... to beware of false Christ’s and false prophets and pointed out that My adversary’s emissaries will also wreak havoc, I now caution people once again not to get caught in his nets of lies and to believe his intrigues, for he is active and through remarkable accomplishments, through physical works of wonder, is trying to awaken in people the belief that the ‘powers of heaven’ are expressing themselves ....

But precisely his remarkable activity during the last days also gives rise to My countermeasure which consists of using methods that revive a weak faith again or let a lost faith arise anew. And this cannot happen in any other way than through pure truth, which comes forth from the source of truth but must reach you humans through mediators because you are unable to receive it directly yourselves.

And thus I present to people what lies ahead of them. And the people I have chosen to mediate between Myself and you humans can be acknowledged by you as genuine prophets whose words you should believe. I Am also prepared to demonstrate that they speak on My instruction and inform you of what is to come by very soon making the first announcements come true. For the most important task of these seers and prophets is the announcement of the end, which is of utmost importance for you humans and which you thus should await being prepared. And for this you are still granted a period of time which can suffice to save your souls from ruin.

And so I will not hesitate much longer, I will confirm My seers’ and prophets’ mission, I will let their proclamations be followed by action .... Prior to this .... before the end .... I will shake the earth and show Myself to all people through a natural event which time and again has been announced according to My will. For I gave them the instruction Myself, they only spoke as My instruments, as My representatives on earth who should admonish and warn people on My behalf. You must not deem yourselves safe from events which testify to a higher Power, you should dread them and believe that My Word is truth, that I Myself speak and have spoken to you through them and that you are therefore definitely approaching an extremely difficult time, if My grace will not call you back beforehand. You are facing the end of an era, and in this certainty you should live your life accordingly .... always in view of a sudden end which, however, need not be feared by anyone who consciously improves himself, who pays more attention to his soul than to his earthly body, for he will not lose anything but only gain ....


BD 7203                received  06.11.1958

Rejection of the divine Word in spiritual arrogance ....

Anyone who rejects the Word of God in spiritual arrogance when it is offered to him through My servants on earth will be seriously accountable for it one day, since it is not spiritual inability to be able to recognise something bright but it is a rejection due to dishonourable motives supported by My adversary’s influence. ‘Spiritual arrogance’ excludes all scrutiny, spiritual arrogance is an obvious sign that the person is subject to dark influences, for spiritual arrogance is the distinctive mark of the one who opposes Me because he refuses to acknowledge Me. Spiritual arrogance of the first-fallen spirit resisted and rejected the light which permeated him, therefore utter darkness engulfed him. Hence the human being will remain in spiritual darkness when he arrogantly rejects the light again, when My grace wants to emanate it in order to provide a glimmer of enlightenment to his heart .... But the reason for refusal is important, for it can also be rejected due to other reasons which cannot be as condemned as this very arrogance of a human being.

And one can speak of spiritual arrogance when a person believes that he needs no further instructions, that he has sufficient spiritual education, when he overestimates his own knowledge and therefore believes not to need additional information. However, even then the human being should still be prepared to examine what he is offered. If he still maintains his will with conviction and rejects it again then his verdict will not be as severe, then he lacks judgment due to spiritual blindness .... If, however, he omits all scrutiny then the human being’s blatant rejection will repel My offered hand of grace and the responsibility will hit him hard one day, for one day he will realise the truth, and then it might be too late ....

No one can be forcibly persuaded to accept My Word but everyone will sooner or later have the opportunity to seriously deal with questions of doubt, for I place such doubts into the hearts of those who are not yet on the right path. All people should, in fact, form an opinion about such questions, they would only derive benefit from it, for they will certainly receive clarification providing they genuinely desire it. But then it will show whether the person seriously desires the truth .... for it will indeed be offered to him. Spiritual arrogance, however, will instantly reject it because this is My adversary’s will and his determination will be fulfilled by those of like spirit.

Arrogance caused the fall of the former being of light, and arrogance is therefore also his supporters’ nature which unmistakably characterises them as his followers. And a big step has to be taken, the human being’s nature has to seriously try to change itself .... the person has to step down from arrogance into humility and thus completely detach himself from My adversary and approach Me with utter humbleness .... Only then will a light shine into the person’s heart, and only then will he be able to recognise the precious gift of grace which My Word represents to every person and his soul’s salvation. Only then will he gratefully accept what the Father’s love offers to His child .... Then he will hunger for food and drink yet also be constantly satisfied by My love ....


BD 8691                received  03.12.1963

The adversary’s activity will not be prevented ....

Though I Am ruler indeed over heaven and earth and no being shall be capable of opposing Me, yet I do not contest My adversary’s right within the domain which is his kingdom: the terrestrial world which harbours everything that still belongs to him and where he can exercise his influence when the developing spiritual essence has reached the human stage .... Then he will pursue this spiritual essence .... the human being .... in every way in order to prevent his development and to pull him down into the abyss again, from where he had worked his way up by means of an infinitely long process .... Then he is, in fact, lord over his world ....

And this explains why I allow so many disasters, why I don’t intervene where the adversary’s activities are so clearly apparent .... He has a right to you humans because you once followed him voluntarily into the abyss; and he also exercises his right in order to dominate you. But you can resist him yourselves since you possess free will. And you do not lack strength either, if only you ask Me for it. But My adversary’s activity will not be prevented by Me. For the physical world is his share .... even all matter, over which he has no control, is part of him because it harbours the fallen spiritual substance, which is only temporarily beyond his control due its constraint in matter. But as soon as it lives on earth as a human being he can exercise his power over it again without being hindered by Me .... And he truly makes full use of it ....

Yet in Jesus Christ, the divine Saviour, he has a very powerful opponent indeed .... And every human being can turn to Him in order to be liberated from the enemy of souls. For Jesus is stronger than he is, and He delivers every soul from his power which simply appeals to Him for it and with its prayer demonstrates its faith in Him and His act of Salvation, which thereby also acknowledges Myself, Who in Jesus Christ became a human being in order to redeem all fallen spirits. Thus the adversary’s power on earth is great indeed, and yet in Jesus Christ he finds his Master .... And regardless of how much control he has over people, in Jesus Christ they nevertheless have a Redeemer and Saviour from his domination .... Thus the human being cannot expect that I, his God and Creator of eternity, will curtail My adversary’s activity, that I will prevent him from carrying out disgraceful actions, because I will not, by any means, remove his right to influence a person in order to hold on to him .... The human being himself, however, does not have to tolerate it, for he can always turn to Jesus Christ and ask for His help to be released from his prison guard, to become free from the power to which he, however, will succumb without the help of Jesus Christ.

How often do you humans say ‘Why does God allow this? ....’ I do not prevent My adversary’s activity because you once accepted his domination yourselves and he is still your lord today if you don’t want to free yourselves and approach Jesus Christ for salvation from him. But I also know what serves you and each individual soul best .... I know the nature of every individual soul, I know what it needs in order to mature fully, and even the dark world has to be of service to Me, for I also know how to direct the effects of the dark forces’ actions such that they will be successful for people’s souls who are willing to get released from his power and strive towards Me.

And this is always determined by the person’s will, since this is free .... As long as the spiritual substance is still bound within the works of creation My adversary is unable to influence it; but in the human stage he has the right to do so because it involves the being’s free decision which the adversary wants to win for himself. Hence he takes advantage of every opportunity, and the human being is at his mercy the further away he is from Me, the less often he establishes contact with Me, or: As long as he does not acknowledge Jesus Christ by seeking sanctuary with Him in his distress, he is at the mercy of the opposing power, which nevertheless is determined by his own free will.

I certainly have the power and can prevent anything, including the adversary’s activities, but then the human being’s life on earth would be in vain, where he has to freely choose between Me and him. But you humans should also understand that and why difficult tests are given to you, that and why he often causes you extreme distress and I don’t stop him, because you yourselves do not turn to Me for help and this is the real purpose of every adversity, which I therefore allow so that you will find your way to Me ....

Yet you can rest assured that I will not leave you on your own and will help you if you try to get away from him and trustingly flee to Me and thereby also acknowledge Me as your God and Father .... when you call upon Jesus for forgiveness of your guilt and for deliverance from the enemy, who also fights in order not to lose you .... Yet truly, My might is greater, and if you call upon Me in spirit and in truth you will indeed get released from him and your earthly life will not have been in vain ....


BD 7672                received  12.08.1960

Vast distance from God .... End ....

The fact that people have distanced themselves from Me to such an extent is an obvious sign of the times, for thereby they hasten the end themselves since earthly life no longer fulfils its purpose .... that people look for and find unification with Me .... Their earthly existence was only given to them for one reason: to take the last step of return to Me, to eliminate the distance they once had created themselves through their apostasy from Me.

In earthly life they are now granted the final opportunity to understand their wrongdoing which made them fall into an abysmal distance from Me ....As a result of My love and grace this distance has already been so reduced by way of the path through the works of creation that they have now reached the point of return to Me which, however, has to occur in free will, and therefore the once fallen spirits were granted the short time of earthly life which fully suffices in order to reach the final goal .... the union with Me.

Yet people fail to consider the purpose of their earthly life, they look at everything with earthly-minded eyes, they don’t decrease their distance from Me, in fact, they are more likely to increase it because they lack love and this always signifies a vast distance from Me. And thus the time has come where earth is no longer serving as a place of spiritual education, where it is missing its purpose .... where it has become pointless for the human being to live on earth because he only uses his stay wrongly and is far more inclined to extend his distance from Me. And this means that the human being’s soul is in utmost danger to be banished into matter again, to descend into the deepest abyss once more. And therefore a large transformation is about to happen to you humans to enable the earth fulfil its purpose again: helping the soul to attain maturity.

Hence present-day people hasten the end of the old earth themselves, for I want to restore the old order and let the earth become a place of education for the spirit once more which, however, necessitates disintegrating and reshaping the creation, including those people who do not recognise the meaning and purpose of earthly life and just live a purely material life without taking their souls into consideration. And regardless of what I will still allow to happen until then, it will no longer lead to a change in people except in a few who will find Me in the last hour, and whom I also want to save from the downfall.

People no longer believe in Me with a living faith, and a dead faith cannot awaken the souls to life. For people live without love. They no longer take notice of their fellow human beings’ hardship, they just feel great love for themselves and this love drives them back into the adversary’s arms again, and so they steadily widen their distance to Me, given that love alone establishes the unification with Me and heartlessness merely proves their remoteness from Me. Hence the time which separates you humans from the end gets ever shorter .... whether you believe it or not ..... It is the lawful consequence of humanity’s heartlessness which only the very change into love would be able to revoke but which can no longer be expected on this earth.

Earthly life is purely a matter of the soul becoming fully mature .... yet no-one is aware of this task incumbent on him apart from the small flock of My Own who, although they will be unable to stop the transformation of this earth, will nevertheless inhabit the new earth as root of the new human race. Their fate will be an exceptionally glorious one, which people should truly regard as the most important to strive for in these last days .... yet it is never believed and no person can be forced to believe it. However, time and again you shall be informed of it, for I will let My voice be heard until the end and remind and warn all people, and until the end every person will still have the opportunity to change himself .... to strive for another goal but purely the material world .... And blessed, who still uses the short time to change his nature to love; for he will not have to fear the end because then he, too, will belong to My Own who will be protected and saved by My strong arm ....


BD 7549                received  15.03.1960

Disbelief in an end ....

There is not much time left until the end .... even if you believe that the announced end will be in the distant future .... you will be surprised how the signs will increase and the point in time you live in will become only too evident. But everything will always proceed within the framework of natural progression, and that will raise your hope time and again that the end is still far away. However, your will shall remain free until the last day, for you cannot reach your goal by force which consists of establishing your bond with Me, of voluntarily raising your hands to Me and thereby acknowledging Me, Whom you did not want to acknowledge until now. Earthly life will therefore make great demands on you, you will have to endure many adversities and always have the opportunity to turn to Me .... But everything will take place entirely naturally, although the awakened person will recognise it as the last signs before the end.

And if I repeatedly proclaim that you are shortly before the end .... that you are only granted a little time longer on this earth, then you should take this declaration very seriously and not always relate it to the future in line with people’s point of view .... You ought to understand the words as they are given to you, you ought to take them literally, and you will do well by doing so .... For the time is close at hand when the earth will be cleansed and a new earth will arise again .... But regardless of how urgently I speak to you, you don’t want to believe it, and I cannot provide you with any other evidence that My Word is truth than that you will soon be shocked by a natural event and that you then can equally surely count on the end. Yet do you know whether you will survive the former or fall victim to this natural event?

Hence you should likewise consider it an end, for many people will thereby find their demise, and their life will not last much longer anymore. So don’t be thoughtless and prepare yourselves, even if earthly life around you shapes itself as if only progress and prosperity exist .... Just one day, and everything will have disappeared and fallen prey to the destruction of natural forces, and the survivors will be presented with dreadful sights, because it is My will that they should come to their senses and still use the remaining time of grace they have left until the end. For everything I announce to you humans through seers and prophets will come to pass word for word, and you will soon experience the truth of My Word, and blessed is he Who accepted My Word and then found his path to Me, for in great adversity he will always find a way out, he will manifestly experience My help which I have promised to all of you who call upon Me ....

For this reason I speak to you, so that you can appeal to Me for strength in advance and then in utmost distress, when you will only have My help to rely on .... you will receive it, for I do not forget My Own .... Therefore take care that you are counted amongst My Own ....Call upon Me in times of need, and I will answer your prayer ....


The end of a Salvation period

BD 8085                received  22.01.1962

Predetermined intervals of time as periods of Salvation ....

To Me a thousand years are like a day .... to Me it is truly irrelevant when you return to Me, how long you remain distant from Me, for I know that you will return to Me one day for sure and then be united with Me forever .... But you yourselves will suffer immeasurably during this time of separation, for only the union with Me is beatitude .... And I love you and therefore would like to shorten your time of wretchedness for your own sakes .... I don’t want you to suffer; nevertheless, in My wisdom I recognise the blessing of suffering for you, because it can encourage you to hasten your return to Me, because it can change your attitude and your will. Yet I shall do everything within My power to shorten the duration of your resistance without, however, affecting your free will. For your will itself determines the duration of your distance from Me, and I shall not compel it .... Therefore, although time is irrelevant to Me, the intervals of time in My plan of Salvation which were designated for the development of the souls are nevertheless determined .... that is, the timing of My plan of Salvation is fixed and will be upheld according to My love and wisdom ....

Periods of Salvation are planned which are limited, thus time and again new opportunities of development present themselves .... in wise anticipation that the ever new resistance on part of the fallen spiritual world in some respect will also necessitate a new Judgment .... or, that the lawful order, which the opposing spirits totally disregard and thereby prevent all higher development, will need to be restored again from time to time .... These fixed intervals of time are thus ‘periods of Salvation’, which irrevocably will be observed by Me and therefore signify the end of an old and the beginning of a new developmental period, the time of which cannot be ascertained by you humans but which nevertheless can be irrefutably expected by people in times when spiritual progress is no longer discernible.

But it is also part of My eternal plan of Salvation that such knowledge is and will remain unverifiable for people .... For the beginning and end of the various ‘periods’ are so far apart that people lack all knowledge and only the spiritually awakened accept such information as credible .... To Me a thousand years are like a day .... But you humans experience this time as immeasurably long, and you could shorten it for yourselves if only you would seriously strive for your deliverance from the form, which you are indeed able to achieve in your earthly life as a human being .... For all means of help are truly at your disposal, only your will cannot be forced to change your nature into love .... Yet this change into love must be carried out, and you only need a very short time to achieve it .... If a developmental period comes to an end without you having reached your goal, then your fate can be an infinite extension of your state of being distant from God, which is indeed extremely agonising for you but only motivates Me to create ever new possibilities for you .... for the still God-opposing souls .... in order to further your development .... For I know that I will achieve My goal one day, and a concept of time does not exist for Me .... everything is the present for Me .... even the past and the future ....

You won’t be able to understand this as long as your thinking is still limited. But one day you will understand it and will even find it incomprehensible yourselves that you had resisted Me for so long .... For the unification will irrevocably take place one day, and that also means immeasurable beatitude, in which all past suffering has faded away, in which you only recognise My love with praise and gratitude which pursued you even into the deepest abyss and did not rest until it had reached its goal ....


BD 8345                received  02.12.1962

New redemption period ....

No major spiritual advancement can be expected on this earth any longer, only a few more people will find and walk the right path which leads to Me .... back to the Father’s house. There will certainly be people everywhere making every effort to work for Me and My kingdom, supporting the doctrines of the various ecclesiastical organisations with sincere dedication for Me .... They will have the good will to guide the human being into truth and are successful too when My spirit can work through them as soon as they preach for Me and My kingdom.

But only few people take the development of their soul seriously, whose faith in Me also includes the belief that they have a responsibility towards Me and who therefore consciously live their earthly life. However, most people are and remain indifferent, even if they are confronted by the most powerful speaker .... They simply dismiss everything spiritual with a superior smile, because people consider it a fantasy and unreal and are therefore not captivated by it either. But for the sake of the few the work shall still be done eagerly, because to have saved only one soul from its downfall, to have prevented it from a repeated progress through the earth’s creations, is such a tremendous accomplishment that no effort should be spared, since every soul will eternally thank its saviour to have guided it onto the right path.

Many people apparently revert back to faith .... But greater still is the number of those who fall away and carelessly sacrifice their faith in Me and who do not acknowledge Jesus Christ’s act of Salvation as an act of atonement for the whole of humanity either .... And precisely because the belief in Jesus Christ is increasingly declining, spiritual hardship is getting progressively worse. This will finally lead to the disintegration of the earth so as to prevent an even deeper descent into darkness, which shall be accomplished by releasing the spirits which belong to My adversary and confining them again in the material creation.

Time and again I tell you that this earth cannot expect a spiritual change for the better, that a new period of redemption will start and that this, at the same time, will be a spiritual as well as an earthly turning point, because nothing which lives and exists on, in and above the earth will remain, but everything will be transformed, a new earth will emerge, and this new earth will start again in lawful order, so that the development of all spiritual substances thereon will be safeguarded and the process of return within this lawful order will continue.

My eternal plan does not depend on whether you humans believe this or not, but those of you who do not believe My statements will be surprised how soon the day will dawn when the first revelations fulfil themselves: when you may yet witness a last sign from Me which shall confirm all revelations of this nature .... Especially those people who deem themselves intellectually superior to their fellow human beings deny such last day revelations and thus also doubt the truth of My Word, which is transmitted to earth directly from above .... Yet who else could make such a specific prediction but He Who has every power at His disposal and Who is Lord of all the forces of heaven and earth? ....

You can indeed accept His Word to be true and certain, for I do not merely speak but also substantiate every event to be inflicted on you by My love, wisdom and power, because this is necessary for your souls which should still call for Me in the last hour before the end. My predictions are not intended to achieve anything but to stimulate your sense of responsibility, by believing that you are soon approaching the end and by asking yourselves whether and how you can stand before the eyes of your God and Creator .... You should not believe those who deny an end, who want to awaken in you humans the expectation of changes for the better .... for a spiritual renaissance on this very earth that only requires a different human generation which observes My will .... On this earth no such human generation will be found anymore, because the decline of spirituality is continuing, and this alone will result in the end of this earth’s era.

For the earth is meant to be a school for the spirit, but people’s thoughts are dominated by matter and therefore they themselves will become matter again too, which they desire above all else. By doing so they completely forget God Who gave them their earthly life for the sake of a specific purpose .... And people do not fulfil this purpose, even the earth itself does not fulfil this purpose any more, because divine order has been completely reversed, the earth has become My adversary’s kingdom who wants to prevent the higher development of all spiritual substances ....

And you, who still believe in humanity’s spiritual turning point on this earth, are spiritually deluded, you have no inner enlightenment, you are merely directed by your human intellect to make accusations and to deny divine revelations and to portray them as an expression of the opposing spirit. Otherwise you would know yourselves which level humanity has arrived at, and you would do better to be quiet, if you yourselves cannot believe in an end .... than to expose your lack of awareness by allegations which oppose My predictions .... Because you too will have to be answerable for this, since you are, after all, preventing people from evaluating their failed life and thus from a return to Me, which will have to take place before the end if the soul is to be saved from the appalling fate of repeated captivity in the creations of the earth ....


BD 8387                received  20.01.1963

Indication of the many adversities before the end ....

Earth will still experience much adversity, but only ever people directly affected will derive a psychological benefit from it, if they are not entirely hardened .... Yet their fellow human beings are not impressed by it for long and therefore they, too, will be affected in other ways, for I have truly many teaching methods at My disposal which I have to use if I don’t want to let people go astray and completely lose them to My adversary. For it is like a disease that they rather comply with the will of the one who wants to ruin them than with Mine, Who only wants to help them achieve beatitude ....

My Words and admonitions bear little fruit and they have to be struck more severely if their thinking is to change and turn to Me. Only adversities which they are unable to master themselves can push them towards Me .... only the kind of desperate situations which make all help seem impossible can induce them to pray, to call upon Me in spirit and in truth. And if they are not entirely hardened, if they still have a glimmer of faith in an almighty and loving God and Creator within themselves then they will indeed call upon Me, and I will give evidence of Myself to them, because I Am only interested that they believe in Me with a living faith. For only a living faith will give them the strength for resistance during every earthly tribulation. Since it is the time of the end, the time of affliction will not stop either and time and again will affect people in different ways, and then a living faith will be of great help, for their trust in Me lets people bear everything more easily and confidently wait for help.

And from all directions you will hear reports about all kinds of accidents and disasters, and then you should always remember that I thereby only intend to change people’s hearts, that nothing happens to people without reason and purpose, whatever it may be. And I often have to use such means which are unrelated to human cause, to human failure, for they are not meant to recognise their fellow human beings’ shortcomings or sinfulness but identify Me Myself as the originator of conditions which put them into hopeless situations .... For they ought to call upon Me and not expect help from their fellow human beings who are unable to provide it. People have only one means of rescue left, and that is that they establish their bond with Me themselves, for the end will irrevocably arrive and the preceding time of adversity can only be endured by people who closely unite with Me and therefore can also always be certain of My help. For I love you humans and want to help you .... I have the power to do so and thus Am able to help you .... I only want you to appeal to Me yourselves, to take the path to Me, so that you will be saved and need not fear the final end .... For you will need much strength to withstand all onslaughts by My adversary, and you constantly should accept this strength from Me .... Yet this necessitates the sincere bond with Me which assures you a sufficient flow of strength and enables you to victoriously cope with all challenges.

And the closer it gets to the end the more subject will you become to adversity and sorrow, because there is not much time and My obvious intervention is necessary by which you can still escape the worst fate .... the banishment into matter, into the new works of creation on earth. This fate is so appalling that all earthly adversity seems small in comparison if you could assess the whole extent of the former. But you may not decide to change as a result of fear and dread and so cannot receive a complete overview, you can only ever be told about your fate, which you may or may not believe .... However, one day you will be grateful to Me when you, as a result of large earthly disasters, were spared this appalling fate ....

The time for the people of this earth is irrevocably coming to an end, and this also explains the harsh strokes of fate they will suffer .... But since love has grown cold amongst people their sympathy is not far-reaching either .... Only when people are affected themselves will such disasters and miseries cause them to stop and think and for once turn their thoughts spiritually to the One Who is Lord over life and death, over heaven and earth, Who is the Originator of all creation, to Whom everything is possible, Whom you humans only have to call upon with complete trust in order to receive assured help and thereby also the evidence of Himself, so that your faith will become a living one .... You could lessen the extent of your suffering yourselves if only you would revert to the faith you humans have lost, for the increasing disasters are due to the fact that the spiritual low level has been reached, that people have neither faith nor practice love and therefore live in complete darkness .... But they have to learn to recognise a God and Creator, they have to believe in Him and His infinite love, and then they will also be permitted to experience this love in every earthly and spiritual adversity ....

Yet even the harshest strokes of fate will often fail to change people, and therefore they cause the downfall themselves, they themselves contribute to the fact that the earth will be destroyed and a new one prepared, for it is intended to serve the souls for higher development. And this spiritual task has become impossible since people are getting worse and therefore everything has to be arranged anew, everything that has stepped out of it has to be brought back into lawful order .... that thus a work of transformation will be carried out on earth in accordance with the plan of eternity ....

Yet My loving care will still apply to all human beings until the end .... I will still use every method which promises success in order to reduce the number of those who will be banished into matter, so that they will be able to repeat their process of development from the abyss to the pinnacle which, although dreadfully agonising, nevertheless wrests the spiritual essence from My adversary’s hands or it would never be able to return to Me ....


BD 8717                received  06.01.1964

Further indication of disasters and war ....

The forthcoming time will burden you extraordinarily, for world events will enter into a new phase, the restlessness amongst nations will increase, each one will consider the other as the enemy and nothing is seriously done to establish peace even though all people are longing for it. But materialism is the driving force of all plans and undertakings, and everyone aims to gain the greatest advantage, yet no one is fair in his thoughts and intentions and motivated by good attitudes while misfortunes increase fear and unrest, for God Himself still tries to make Himself known to people, since only the belief in Him and His might is the right counterbalance for all adversities and afflictions which you humans are approaching.

Consequently, there will also be more natural disasters, so that a higher Power will be acknowledged, for whatever people do will only ever deepen their hatred for each other but not lead to spiritual reflection. The heartlessness will take on shapes which will soon be unsurpassed, and the state of people warring against each other will therefore become ever more determined, there will be anything but peace amongst people although the great conflagration has not erupted yet but will not fail to materialise. People themselves live their lives indifferently and only few spend thought on the fact that this state of affairs cannot continue for long. Yet the people in charge are generally spiritually blind .... there will be much talk but these are just empty phrases which are not followed by actions. For the earthly hardship will not be remedied where it is clearly recognisable and since the commandment of neighbourly love obviously remains unfulfilled the spiritual state cannot be good either, although they live in earthly prosperity and apparently do not have to go without anything .... The souls, however, go hungry, and yet people are unapproachable for spiritual instructions which would provide the souls with the right nourishment.

People should look around themselves open-eyed and be seriously critical of their own lives, then they will learn to understand and be able to observe the forthcoming events with the right realisation which, although they have always been announced, only now become more significant in view of the serious difficulties of those who are directly affected by it .... Yet these are the last days, and since people no longer have any faith it requires especially severe strokes of fate in order to disturb them, so that a few will find their faith in a God and Creator again to Whom they owe their existence .... in order to make them think why and for what reason this God and Creator has created them .... It is a matter of life or death for you humans, of infinite beatitude or torment and anguish, of brightest light or absolute darkness .... And thus, anyone who wants to be happy and eternally live in light has to fulfil his God and Creator’s will, he has to try to discover this will and then live a life of love for God and his fellow human being .... If, however, he does not believe in a God then his whole earthly life is pointless, he will constantly contravene the law of divine order, and revoking the laws of divine order will always result in chaos, and you humans are now irrevocably approaching this chaos ....

And it will not just affect you spiritually but the earthly world will also be completely turned upside down, time and again you will receive news about natural disasters, accidents and other calamities, for there will no longer be any harmony and peace in a world which is devoid of all love and faith .... But whoever among people has found the path to God, who endeavours to fulfil His commandments of love, who hands himself over to Him in spirit and in truth, who prays to Him and appeals for His protection, will also surely receive it, for these people belong to His small flock who will persevere until the end, who will not let their faith waver, who will stay together and carry God deep within their hearts and who will therefore be lifted up in the end if God does not recall them to His kingdom sooner, if it is His will ....

Again and again your attention will be drawn to what lies ahead and comes ever closer to you, even if you are of little faith .... you will be unable to prevent it, and you can, with absolute certainty, stand up for what is announced to you, for the point is that people should be told that everything has been taken into consideration in the Plan of eternity, that everything is dependent on God’s will Who, however, proceeds in His wisdom and love in order to accomplish the work of return to Him, and will also achieve the goal one day ....


Human interference in nature's ecological system

BD 6855                received  21.06.1957

Pollution of air - water - food ....

Every human being may expect from you what you expect from him. You should give justice to everyone just as you demand the same from them. You should not apply different sets of standards and believe that you have greater rights than your fellow human being in those instances where you are beneficiaries of what has freely been bestowed upon you by Me. .... what you have not acquired yourselves but what is at the disposal of all people equally .... meaning those spiritual and earthly riches which My love and My creative will always place at your disposal.

This includes all gifts which you receive from My hand .... which you cannot produce yourselves, which are present without your involvement and which contribute towards your continued existence .... which are necessary for your natural life and which may not be taken away from any human being if his life should not be endangered. These are the life preserving elements to which every human being is entitled and which may not be taken away from him by other people or the offence against My eternal order has far reaching consequences which not only affects the guilty people but also the creations and can even result in their termination.

You will understand this by merely asking yourselves what elements of life you require and imagine their diversity .... when you experience air and water and their composites and effect on yourselves, which give the human being complete health but which can also result in illness and destruction of the body’s organs when, due to human will, contamination of air and water occurs that causes incalculable damage .... And the sinfulness of people already shows itself in the fact that they are not afraid to pollute these particularly important life preserving elements such that it brings about life threatening damage to their fellow human beings .... And just as every human being holds his own life dear he sins when he reduces his fellow human being’s most essential necessities of life, when he plays a part in jeopardizing the life of other people .... In addition, ‘endangering life’ also includes when the soil, which produces nourishment for human and animal life, becomes deprived of its natural quality; when, by the use of artificial agents, the designated land for cultivation takes on a different quality, the products of which now also contain substances that are by no means beneficial for the human body. Human beings are interfering with natural law, what’s more, they want to improve, that is, they portray My creations as imperfect, they want to increase the soil’s yield and are using the wrong methods for that .... since they need only ask for My blessing to achieve truly blessed harvests as well ....

Another sin in this respect is the harvesting of fruit before it has ripened .... when, because of greed and materialistic thought, harvesting takes place in advance of the natural process of ripening and when, as a result, the human body is forced to fight against as yet immature substances .... which is not a merely physical but also a spiritual matter which is frequently unknown to you. But all this is integral to the disregard of My law of eternal order. The human being damages his fellow human, he does not treat him fairly and he contributes towards the steady increase of chaos on earth because only an earthly life lived within lawful order can have the right effect for body and soul.

Every human being has the right to have the order of nature upheld because I made creation for the whole of humanity and not just for one human being. Every person requires clean air, clean water and good food for his physical life and no human being is entitled to cause harm to another that he wouldn’t want to be caused to himself.

But during the last period before the end there is no more consideration for the life of other people, all kinds of unscrupulous experiments take place, and always just because of ambition, greed or hunger for power, which endangers all healthy life. Thus he who wants to destroy all living creations to release the constrained spirit within in the mistaken assumption that it will then belong to him again, is triumphant .... All people who act in opposition to divine order have handed themselves over to him, they follow his suggestions and ignore My commandments which require love and justice ....

Everyone just thinks of himself and his own advantage, and the fate of other people leaves him untouched. The life of his fellow human being is no longer sacred to him, otherwise it couldn’t come to what is to be expected with certainty: that the life of all human beings will be gambled with because the divine laws of nature will be overthrown .... because one day the elements will forcefully break through. Human beings themselves will be the cause of this because they sin against divine order, against My commandment to love God and their fellow human beings ....


BD 1888                received  14.04.1941

Decline of vegetation ....
Storms - Tempests ....

It is by no means by chance that the earth’s surface vegetation has changed as far as it involves stretches of land where human will and activity played a determining part. This particularly applies to forests or tree plantations which have fallen prey to human destructive will, which will not remain without influence on the climate as well as the condition of the soil.

Such deforestation represents a great danger to humanity if it takes place before its time, that is, before the spiritual substances in the plant creations have sufficiently matured to animate the next form. For these prematurely released spiritual substances don’t leave the place of their interrupted stay without claiming appropriate compensation by pestering the spiritual substances in their vicinity and, in their unconstrained state, frequently express themselves undesirably, from which they are not prevented by God either. Thus people in those areas will have to suffer extraordinary storms and devastations which will also severely impair the growth of the entire plant world. But where there is very little vegetation other disorders also manifest themselves. The water conditions leave much to be desired, that is, the absence of a constant supply of water turns the earth’s soil into sand. And thus such stretches of land can become barren and desolate, and although people believe they have no influence over it they are nevertheless the actual cause of whole stretches of land becoming barren and excessively dry.

The danger is now that this will not be recognised and that people will thoughtlessly sacrifice constantly more areas of land to their greed for profit, for this is usually the reason why whole areas waste away. If the human being destroys creations for the sake of earthly gain it is a deliberate acknowledgment of the evil power. For the sake of money and monetary value he interferes with the divine plan of creation which gave everything its function and not least of all the whole world of plants on the earth’s surface. But such interference also has to have an appropriate effect, albeit these consequences are not so immediately recognisable but require a certain length of time.

Storms and tempests will alarmingly increase, floods will make plant cultivation difficult, and this will result in a decline of vegetation and simultaneously restrict the spiritual opportunities of development for the substances which want to take abode in the plant world corresponding to their degree of maturity and are thus prevented from doing so, which will result in constantly new storms and tempests ....


BD 7423                received  05.10.1959

Only God is Lord of Creation ....
Star ....

Since eternity celestial bodies circle the universe on paths specified by the divine Creator and which will also be upheld in the plan of creation according to His will. And it is an impossible beginning wanting to alter the specified course of a celestial body, to divert a star from its course trying to guide it onto a different one than was destined by the divine Creator. And it is equally impossible to stop the course of a star, to limit the duration of its course, thus to prevent it in some form or other from travelling its path .... This has to be said to all those who believe that they, with their own inventions, will be able to establish a different order in God’s work of creation .... who believe that they will be able to fit human products into the divine work of creation, who assume that such experiments can be sent into the universe without harmful consequences ....

I Am still the Lord of the cosmos .... and I will also reply appropriately to every intention of infiltrating My work. Another attempt will be made, and more will follow as long as people are not stopped .... And I will allow it to happen, but I will answer when the time is right. For not much damage can be done anymore by people’s advance into space .... because the time has run out which humanity may still reckon with. And all the experiences they still want to gain will no longer be of any use for I will put a stop to it Myself ....

But I will respond in the same way, for this reply will also come from space which they try to enter, and all their inventions will be unable to repel or redirect the star which will put them into extreme danger themselves. And thus it is up to Me how long I will tolerate humanity’s activity, but I will only tolerate it up to a point, I cannot profess to approve of experiments which have no spiritual purpose and only boost people’s belief even more to be or to become master of the universe.

But the end is at hand, and during these last days people will still try many things which only demonstrate their godlessness, their spiritual arrogance and their spiritual poverty. Various experiments will still be conducted which will contribute considerably towards the disintegration of the earth, the final work of destruction and thus the end of one period of salvation which has to make place for a new one, if My living creations shall not completely be lost.

But you humans, who voluntarily belong to Me, don’t allow yourselves to be impressed by it all no matter what happens .... Always remember that the Creator of heaven and earth will not let Himself be displaced and that He will clearly show His might without people being able to prevent Him from doing so .... I watch and wait .... until the day has come which is predetermined since eternity .... For the time is limited which My adversary uses such that people .... because they belong to him .... will do everything he wants .... but which they will nevertheless not succeed to achieve ....


BD 8457                received  03.04.1963

Only God is Ruler of the universe ....

Another sign of the approaching end is that people will continue to make ever new attempts to penetrate the mysteries of creation but never in a spiritual way by which alone they can receive an explanation .... They intellectually try to ascertain what is still concealed from them, they undertake experiments to explore what exists beyond earth, they want to discover natural laws and only make use of them again for the sake of earthly profit .... They exclude Me Myself, the Creator and Provider, the Ruler of the universe, and believe that they can conduct unauthorised research of creations which exist outside of earth ....

They will carry on with their experiments despite the fact that they fail time and again because it will never be possible for people to occupy other planets without losing their lives .... But even then I will still respect their determination; I will not stop them so that they will recognise the futility of their projects themselves. And although they will believe that they can interfere with My creations they will lose sight of their own intellectual limitations ....

They could gain unlimited knowledge by spiritual means but only the souls would benefit from this, people, however, only look for earthly advantages and for this reason will not chose the path which could lead them to correct understanding .... But all their attempts will fail and only ever cause harm to people who will offer themselves as test objects .... Humanity’s place is and remains the earth .... just as all other celestial bodies are self-contained. The beings who occupy every star, be it the earth or other celestial worlds, are subject to the natural laws I decreed to every star. They will be unable to cancel any of these natural laws or associate with beings from other planets, and any attempt will be paid for with their lives, because it is presumptuous to ignore My laws, common sense alone should tell them to refrain from such experiments. This is already a sign of the approaching end, it is a sign of total disbelief in a God and Creator, or they would not dare to destructively interfere with His creations in the belief that they will be able to create works which travel at speed through the universe .... They will be dead works without purpose and goal .... they will only prove how presumptuous people are on earth and how dark their spirit is despite their most astonishing calculations .... which will nevertheless be wrong as they will have to experience time and again.

People already intervene in all existing laws of nature, yet never for the benefit of their fellow human beings, they only cause physical and spiritual damage, for with their experiments they also change their natural living facilities, they poison the air, the water and thus the purely physical living conditions, but with their godless actions also cause immense damage to the souls which will never be able to mature on earth in such great distance from Me, their God and Creator .... This great distance, however, is demonstrated by them, for only satanic influence determines their thinking and doing, only Satan provides them with these thought, because he himself tries to exclude Me and exerts a thoroughly negative influence on people.

The attempt to reach stars beyond earth cannot and will not ever be blessed by Me, but until the end I will still show mercy to those whose souls have not yet completely fallen prey to My adversary .... otherwise every attempt would soon be doomed. But I fight for every soul, and as soon as they turn to Me in heartfelt prayer at times of earthly difficulty I will also help them and let them seemingly succeed, yet always with the aim that people should find their way back to Me and let go of their intentions when they have to recognise that they are dependent on a higher Power, Which can never be understood by their intellect but nevertheless will be grasped by the heart ....

You will still hear much more and perhaps even be surprised by the feats people are able to accomplish. But you should know that they receive their strength from My adversary who, like Me, tries to create works amongst My creations which he himself is unable to do and therefore uses the will of people, whom he can easily influence since they have little or no faith at all .... Yet they are his final attempts, for his time will have run out and he will instigate his fall into the abyss himself, for when he has caused utmost confusion amongst people I will put an end to his activity, and nothing will remain of the works which people accomplished under his influence .... Everything will disintegrate and I will once again restore order on earth, so that it can continue as a school of the spirit and fulfil its purpose in accordance with My will ....


People's spiritual decline

BD 6588                received  04.07.1956

Logical reasons for world events ....

It is difficult for worldly people to believe what you, My servants on earth, proclaim to them on My instruction .... It seems so unreal to them that they would much rather portray you as fantasists than to take your words to heart and to count on their likelihood. For what you are telling them does not fit into the plans they make for themselves in their earthly life .... The belief of it requires a complete change of thinking from one area to another .... and they don’t see the need for it. They live and want to enjoy their life. And therefore they first fulfil their selfish love and a dark spiritual state is the result. They grow increasingly darker within themselves and My kingdom moves ever further away from them instead of being taken by them as their possession.

And yet, I cannot leave them to their fate, time and again I approach them and also inform them increasingly more often through seers and prophets what will await them .... And thus their calls of admonition and forewarning are even heard in the midst of the world in order to direct people’s attention to an area which they would otherwise not enter. Nothing else can be done for their deliverance but to address them Myself through My servants, since this is the most natural way of revealing Myself as it will not compel them to believe and yet it is occasionally successful.

The indications of the end and the natural catastrophe preceding the end will be repeatedly made known to people in various ways, both in relation to proclaiming My Gospel as well as to the world events which should make those people think who avoid the messengers of My Gospel but who shall also be addressed. Where My Word is still heard the connection with Me still exists or is not yet broken, and it is easier to make the coming events believable to them, because My Word has always indicated an end of this earth and referred to the signs which announce such an end ....

But it is difficult to approach people who have disassociated themselves from religious organisations and let the world or earthly success become their only purpose in life. I would also like to address those, and where I Am unsuccessful through My instruments on earth I can only let worldly events speak to them: accidents, disasters and natural destructions can still influence their thoughts, and then it is possible that they will also try to relate such thoughts to the announcements of a near end, which they will also hear about even if they are servants to the world. And in the forthcoming time there will be no shortage of voices who intend to arouse people from their sleep on My behalf. I also still want to win those who completely stand apart but who are not interested in religious doctrines .... yet nevertheless willingly listen to a clear explanation about the meaning and purpose of creation as well as the human being’s task in life .... and who therefore have to be given a logical reason if they are to be lead to believe in a higher Power Which rules the universe with wisdom and love ....

My means and ways are manifold, and thus I also need servants on earth with various dispositions who therefore can be called upon to carry out various tasks in My vineyard. And I truly place all labourers in the right place where they can work successfully .... But they all just have the one purpose: to inform people of the approaching end, for believers and unbelievers alike shall know that they live in the last days of grace, which they should and could use well so that they need not fear the end. And they all shall also be informed of what I want to achieve through various worldly events, through exceptionally sorrowful happenings, through illness and adversities .... For it is only My love which allows this to happen to people so that they will still mature fully or find Me before the end ....


BD 8026                received  25.10.1961

Spiritual low level is the reason for the disintegration ....

A considerable spiritual decline is noticeable, for people pay little attention to events which happen on the spiritual level .... They just observe worldly events and the effects of these on their physical life, they merely entertain earthly thoughts and have no contact whatsoever with the spiritual world. Rarely, if ever, are their thoughts directed towards the kingdom that is not of this world .... They only believe what they can see and doubt all spiritual happenings. They don’t believe in Me or they would try to make contact with Me, their God and Creator of eternity .... They consider everything spiritual as unreal and thus don’t investigate it, and if they get drawn into conversations about Me by their fellow human beings they don’t want to know and even frankly admit their disbelief. They have no spiritual links because they are held captive by earthly matter and thus by My adversary, to whom they belong and from whom they do not intend to dissociate either.

Hence the considerably low spiritual level, which is the reason for the end of the old earth, the end of a period of Salvation, which requires the disintegration of the earthly creation. For the earth shall be a place of education for the soul which lives on earth embodied as a human being. But the spirit within the human being is no longer taken notice of, the human being considers his earthly life an end in itself and no longer does justice to his actual task, he does not comply with his task on earth. He ignores the spiritual development of his soul .... He lives in complete ignorance of his earthly task and will never gain any knowledge of it either since he refuses to be informed of it. He rejects every explanation or instruction given to him by faithful people and cannot be forced into realisation because this contradicts My love and wisdom ....

And therefore I will use other methods before the end in order to motivate the few, who are not entirely enslaved by My adversary, to make them think .... These methods will, in fact, be very painful because people have to be severely affected by fate in order to come to their senses and take the path to Me. For they will get into serious difficulties in which they can no longer expect earthly help .... And then it will be possible that they will remember the Power Which had created them .... Then it will be possible that they will call to this Power from the bottom of their heart .... And then I will truly hear their call and also answer their prayer, and I will reveal Myself to them through obvious help, through saving them from their adversity. Yet I will take no notice of words merely voiced by the lips .... However, a heartfelt prayer, a prayer in spirit and in truth will be granted by Me, because I still want to gain every soul before the end so that it will not go astray again for an infinitely long time ....

People’s spiritual decline is the cause for considerable and harsh strokes of fate which still have to befall humanity in order to change their thoughts, as far as this is at all possible. The fleeting nature of earthly possession will still bring many a person to his senses and prompt him to seriously consider the state of his soul. Yet their will shall always remain free, and they have to take the path to Me entirely uninfluenced .... But their deliverance is guaranteed if they take this path, for it only concerns their soul’s salvation and not their physical well-being ....

It only concerns their acknowledgement of Me, that they believe in Me, which they should demonstrate by their appeal to Me in spirit and in truth .... And they will be saved from ruin, they will be seized by My loving Fatherly hand and wrested from My adversary’s clutches, who has no authority over people’s free will and shall lose his claim on this soul. And every human being will truly be blessed who still professes Me before the end .... who takes refuge with Me in his adversity and then allows himself to be seized by My love. For I will not let him fall, and he will thank Me eternally that I have fought for his soul until the end, that My love left no stone unturned in order to win it forever ....


BD 8277                received  20.09.1962

Signs of the last days ....

You can rest assured that everything I have announced through seers and prophets will fulfil itself, for the end moves ever closer and by the signs of the times you will recognise the hour you live in. Time and again the objection is raised that the end was always dreaded during bad times and yet the earth continued to exist .... that even My disciples had counted on My early return and that they, too, had been mistaken .... And likewise they don’t want to listen and believe in My present proclamations. And I repeatedly emphasize the fact that one day the future will become the presence and that you humans have now arrived at the lowest spiritual point which necessitates an end of this earth which, however, should only be understood as a total transformation of the earth’s surface and not the destruction of the earth as a work of creation. For this earth will continue to fulfil its task in the universe, it will continue to shelter people for the purpose of maturing their souls .... Yet first it has to be made suitable for this again.

My Word is truth, and if I send you My Word from above, if I explain My plan of Salvation to you so that you will also know all correlations, then I actually only intend you to faithfully accept My warnings and admonitions and change your attitude towards Me accordingly .... For you should think further than just your daily life, you should think of what lies ahead of you since you know for certain that you will have to die and cannot prolong your life for even one day, that you therefore depend on the Power which had called you into being .... You should seriously deliberate these thoughts, and it will not be to your disadvantage, for then I will also help you to think clearly and to consider the idea of an end, and what this end means for each one of you. If you believe in a God and Creator Whose love called you into being then you will not be so worried when you are made aware of a near end, for then you will know that this God and Creator also holds your destiny in His hands, that you only need to commend yourselves to His love and grace in order to be safely lead through the approaching time .... And the references relating to it won’t frighten you, instead you will merely join your God and Creator more closely, Whom you recognise as your eternal Father.

Yet the unbelievers will be badly affected, and to those apply My constant prophesies of a near end, for they can still change themselves during the short time they have left. Just pay attention to the signs of the time, for I have already announced those to My first disciples .... But by now you are at the start of the time of affliction, you hear about wars, about earthquakes .... accidents and disasters are increasing .... you can observe changes in the universe, and you also see how people behave who have degenerated and believe that they can interfere in My creation, who let themselves be driven to God-opposing experiments which will not end well ....

Notice the frame of mind of people who indulge in worldly pleasures, who are harsh and unloving and don’t consider their neighbour’s hardship .... Pay attention to the lack of faith, to their attitude towards Jesus Christ and His act of Salvation, and you will know that you are already living in the midst of time which precedes the end. The battle of faith, too, will flare up with such cruelty you would not think possible. And this spiritual low level will draw the end closer and has already reached the degree which would justify My intervention, but I will not divert from the day that has been determined in My plan of Salvation since eternity .... But neither will I postpone this day, for in My wisdom I also realised when the time is right for the work of transformation to take place ....

And therefore I will let My voice be heard until the end announcing the approaching end, and happy is he who listens to this voice and prepares himself .... happy is he who wants to belong to My Own and remains loyal to Me until the end .... For I will provide him with exceptional strength, he will stand firm and need not fear the day of the end ....


World conflagration

BD 1103                received  21.09.1939

Deposing the earthly power ....

The spirit of anyone giving the world reason to live under constant threat does not demonstrate the love he should harbour within himself. Rather, it is the tribute of evil paid by the person spreading discord and controversy amongst humanity. People are supposed to cultivate love and peace and all should be like brothers to each other .... In its place bitter enmity is taken into homes which ought to shelter peaceful people; and a whole nation will be unworthy if the citizen of a country lives in spiritual bondage .... Enslaving those who should be treated like brothers is not sanctioned according to God’s will.

Those who arrogantly dare to put laws into place which restrict personal freedom .... and this purely to push through a preconceived idea, will soon discover that they went to too far and that destiny will reverse itself for those who believe themselves to be in charge of it. Admittedly, at first it will appear as if the worldly power is successful but not for long, for all signs of the time point towards the end of the period when force comes before mercy. And even so, if it remains unfeasible that the weak gain respect on earth, then it is permitted by God’s wisdom so that God’s righteousness, His love and His Omnipotence will clearly manifest itself one day .... for He will intervene when the time is right .... You must let Him rule alone and He will arrange everyone’s fate such that it will be bearable for the individual and with God’s blessing and help bring his life to the right conclusion.

And now get ready to receive a revelation, the meaning of which you will not be able to understand today, and yet it shall be explained to you: Hence the Lord will have to forcibly intervene in the spiritual chaos, and the world will already anxiously evaluate the scale of the eternal Deity’s intervention. And therefore it is it is permissible that a troubled nation’s ruler will first have to taste the miseries himself before he gets severely affected by world events. As yet he will still enjoy the height of his fame, as humanity continues to cheer him on, but once he has fallen no one will speak to him or on his behalf, for in times of hardship and most bitter adversity humanity forgets that it also owes him certain advantages, and thus it will come to pass that in the forthcoming time of hardship on earth a general uprising will be planned and implemented against the authorities, which will cause many a person’s downfall, who saw himself in a leading position .... And the soul will make a decision .... it will let itself be guided by its sense of righteousness, it will recognise the mistakes and shortcomings but also the intention of those who long for an improvement of the whole situation and will content itself with less power in order to protect humanity from further calamities .... For the incredibly embittered people will demand their rights and request the removal of the one who brought such indescribable misery over humanity.

And the hour will come when rich and poor, young and old, high and low will recognise how much power this ruler had exercised and how level-minded those had been who had not let themselves be deceived by appearances .... And once this change of direction has taken place the earth will only remain as it is for a little longer, in order to then receive a completely new appearance as a result of a huge disaster, admittedly not everywhere but noticeably in all countries which were united by the world conflagration and which contemplate mutual destruction. And this will be a dreadful day followed by a dreadful night, for the Lord waits with utmost patience, but if it is ignored events will take place on earth and affect everyone .... according to merit .... For God’s justice will not leave anyone on a throne who does not warrant his status .... and likewise elevate those who have always been faithful to Him, not for the sake of earthly reward but for love of the divine Creator .... Everyone’s fate has been determined since eternity, and the Lord is merely implementing what is proclaimed in Word and Scripture, so that humanity may recognise the truth of these predictions and take them to heart ....


BD 4001                received  17.03.1947

Prediction ....
Apparent burying of the hatchet ....
Last phase ....

World affairs are determined by higher laws, even though human will plays a large part in it. The eternal lawgiver Himself directs and rules everything and His eternal plan takes the consequences of human will into account. And thus the hatchet will apparently be buried but the fire is not yet extinguished, it continues to smoulder, only to suddenly flare into a mighty blaze with devastating effects.

And it will come to pass what was foretold by the voice of the spirit. A new chapter of life is dawning for humanity, and good for those who do not regard earthly life too highly, good for those who have recognised the world of appearances and are not its slaves; good for those who know the meaning and purpose of life, who have set themselves a higher goal than the mere fulfilment of worldly lusts and pleasures .... They will take up the struggle for existence which the ensuing time entails .... They will be and remain victorious.

Humanity will enter into a new phase, a difficult struggle will arise for the individual, he will have to endure severe worldly adversities and will spiritually survive the greatest battle, the final conflict of faith, which will precede the last days. This will irrevocably come to pass as it is told, because time has run out, and the spiritual low level dictates a halt. Judgment day will stop the development of all spiritual substance on earth in order to enable its continuation on the new earth.

Humanity will soon enter this last phase, and the well-informed, the spiritually knowledgeable person will recognise its beginning by the progress of world events. Because world events first have to take their course, the fire has to be aroused anew for hardship to reach its highest pitch in order to justify God’s intervention .... in order for God Himself to rebuke the fighters by seizing their weapons from their hands and causing an immense disaster to come upon all, so that all people will turn their eyes towards the nations where God has clearly spoken. Because He will identify Himself, He will speak a language which can be understood by everyone who wants to understand. He will also reveal Himself to the believers, He will be with people in spirit, He will be working with them and give strength to those who are full of faith. For they will need His presence, they will need His help, because the time of hardship will affect them too and the fight against all believers will intensify as the end draws near.

The last phase will only be of brief duration but it will be a great burden to people and only bearable with God’s help. Yet everyone who lives in and with God, who loves Him and keeps His commandments, will survive the battle because he will never be alone. He will sense God’s presence and always be able to draw strength from His Word, which He, in His love, will convey to the people so that they remain faithful to God and persevere to the end ....


BD 6970                received  16.11.1957

Calm before the storm ....
Illusion of peace ....

And even if it seems to you as if you are approaching a period of peace, you should not let yourselves be deceived .... it is only the calm before the storm and sooner than you think there will be changes in the face of those who speak of peace but start to throw the torch amongst the nations of this earth. The lull is dangerous for you because you get drowsy and in this state only value your earthly existence .... Therefore, I will continue to disturb people from their tranquillity in order to keep them awake. And thus much more will happen still, time and again people’s attention will be drawn to accidents and disasters of all kinds. In addition to the apparent progress and earthly prosperity people will also have to take part in such events where human strength does not suffice to avoid them. They should learn to realise that no-one is safe from such blows of fate, no matter how secure his earthly life appears to be.

Do not be fooled by the world situation which seems to calm down, for they are all deceptive machinations, and you might get a rude awakening if you trust this calm and ignore every caution that points to the end. The change will come suddenly, and then you all should be prepared and thus believe that the turning point will come. You will be able to observe many signs of the last days, but at the same time My adversary will throw sand into your eyes too .... For he does not want you to believe in an end, to take serious stock of yourselves and change. For this reason he also influences his servants to make people believe that they are approaching a new, glorious future in peace and joy. And he succeeds, for people will always rather believe what they can observe themselves than what is proclaimed to them from the spiritual kingdom. In any case, they rather want to believe in a beautiful and happy future for themselves in an earthly sense than in an end of this earth.

But I will not stop warning and cautioning you, for it does not merely concern the few years of your earthly life but it concerns eternity .... And My admonitions will become increasingly more urgent the more an evident ‘calm’ spreads across the earth .... the more people accept a seemingly peaceful existence and forget their good intentions, which they might perhaps have already taken due to the constant references to the approaching end. By using the world My adversary will once more extend his tentacles to people, and it requires a strong faith not to fall prey to his power.

For this reason I will draw your attention time and again to what still awaits you .... Don’t let yourselves be deceived .... My Word is truth and will come to pass, and My Word tells you of an approaching end, which is preceded by a distinct intervention by Me, a natural disaster on an huge scale .... And this catastrophe will surprise the believers of peace, and even then they could still turn around and take the short path until the end in constant striving for perfection ....

But this catastrophe will cost untold human lives .... And how do you know whether you are not amongst them? Whether it is not already too late for you, who live indifferently and with future hope and allowed yourselves to be dazzled by the prince of this world? Therefore you should always remember My Word when you hear about people’s sudden death, about misfortunes and all kinds of human suffering. I thereby want to remind you all of a sudden end, I want to turn your attention to the Power Which can destroy everything you fabricate, and Which can ruin all your plans .... Unite yourselves more with this Power .... find the path to Me, entrust yourselves to Me and appeal to Me for right guidance, for protection and mercy, and believe that there is only peace in unity with Me .... that you will be deceived when earthly peace is promised to you. For humanity no longer lives such that it can have a peaceful earthly existence, it no longer strives for spiritual development and therefore has also lost the right to live on this earth ....


BD 4493                received  23.11.1948

Death of a worldly ruler ....
Turn of events ....

When you hear of the death of a worldly ruler you have arrived at the point you can call the beginning of the end. Then the world will turn into a place of fire, flames will blaze high, unbridled hatred will rage and humanity will be gripped by horror as it sees no escape from the inevitable peril.

And then I will urge you to speak, for whilst everything is in uproar great calm will take hold of you as you clearly realise that the time of My appearance is drawing near, and thus you proclaim it to those who will listen to you. People see themselves surrounded by enemies on all fronts and are therefore without hope for a peaceful solution. Hence those without faith in the only One Who can help will suffer immense fear.

Consequently they will only focus on world events .... People will anxiously attempt to provide for themselves as they see the approach of great earthly hardship; they will anxiously try to secure worldly goods and prepare for escape even though it seems hopeless to them. Only the faithful remain calm, and then I will use these to encourage their distraught fellow human beings who despair in their unbelief. I attempt to bring Myself close to them once more, I let My servants talk to them and through them I Myself speak words of love and encouragement. I warn them against escape and not just to consider their physical well being; I demonstrate the futility of their intentions and admonish them to persevere and put their fate in My hands; and thus everything takes it course ....

The fire is kindled and people will not extinguish it anymore, I will put it out Myself by opposing it with other elements, by confronting those Myself who want to tear each other apart .... And My voice will sound from above .... The earth will experience a natural disaster which will tear the fighters apart; they will be faced by a power which neither can match .... The process will only take hours but it will create a completely new situation in the world, totally changed conditions and an initially uncontrollable chaos, utmost earthly hardship and unspeakable grief and adversity amongst people.

Yet you all must endure this, for the end is approaching and many opportunities for purification still need to be created since all people have a shorter lifespan now and need to mature in the shortest possible time .... The end is near and as soon as this point is reached you also can, without doubt, soon expect the last day and the Last Judgment, so that may be fulfilled what has been proclaimed in Word and Scripture ....


The situation prior to the natural disaster

BD 8104                received  17.02.1962

Reason for the catastrophe ....

In the last days before the end I pour a large measure of grace upon humanity .... For I know of their weakness, of their spiritual darkness and their inclination for the earthly world, their craving for earthly possessions, honour and fame .... I know that they are held captive by My adversary and in their weakness are incapable of releasing themselves from his power. And I try to help people in various ways since everyone requires support in his spiritual hardship. And I also know what each person needs and therefore consider everyone according to his attitude towards life itself or towards Me. For I want to win every single person for Myself.

But people don’t know that My adversary keeps them imprisoned when they desire earthly possessions, since they are oblivious to the true purpose of their earthly existence. Consequently they don’t try to escape his control either. And people who cling to material possessions with heart and mind have to be helped by Me in a special way which, however, is not recognised by them as help .... I have to deprive them of their belongings, I have to let them get into situations where they learn to recognise the fleeting nature of all earthly things, I must make them realise their own vulnerability so that they will remember Me in their helplessness and consciously approach Me for help .... For I want them to find Me, Whom they have not found in the world and will hardly be able to find either .... This is a manifestation of Myself which affects people painfully but they cannot be aroused from their indifference in any other way ....

And yet, even this manifestation is a blessing in the last days, for a heartfelt prayer to Me and its fulfilment can direct the human being towards Me so that he will not leave Me again, so that he will ask for My guidance from that moment on and hand himself over to Me .... And then I have won him over and saved him from the adversary, who has lost his power over him. You humans will only ever see the destruction in every kind of natural disaster and make thoughtless judgments as long as you are not affected by them yourselves .... Yet nothing happens without My will or permission, and you should always bear this in mind when you hear about unexpected events threatening people’s life and property, when people are powerless and only able to help according to their meagre strength .... But I know every individual person’s will and also the possibility of leading erring souls onto the right path to Me .... And truly, I will take care of every individual who prays to Me in spirit and in truth and appeals for My help .... And the time of the end justifies such events which human will is unable to prevent if they had been taken into account by My will .... You humans will often still be subject to the fury of natural forces and only rarely recognise therein My loving care for those whose souls are at risk .... I only want to help you release yourselves from My adversary which initially happens when you send a heartfelt appeal to Me and thus acknowledge Me as your God and Creator .... and then recognise the transience of things which still belong to My adversary. Try to let go of your desire for earthly matter, for all sorts of possessions .... For you will always receive whatever you need when you join Me and recognise your real earthly task and aim to comply with it ....

But don’t let yourselves be shackled by My adversary who so temptingly portrays worldly goods to you that I have to intervene Myself by showing you that you can lose them at any time if this is My will. These interventions are painful but they can be a blessing for you .... And the One Who takes away from you can also always give to you. And He will help anyone in distress if he hands himself over to Him in complete faith and appeals for His help .... But always recognise My will in every natural event, for My will is truly determined by love and wisdom and thus everything is a blessing for you as long as you find the right attitude towards Me and realise the true purpose of earthly life .... then you will come ever closer to Me and know that everything I allow to befall humanity is a gift of grace .... For it is the time of the end ....


BD 2340                received  19.05.1942

Divine justice ....
Intervention ....
Disaster ....

Divine justice will become apparent by the very event which is destined to humanity in the forthcoming time, for the countries whose leaders start the blaze that will extend all across earth will be severely struck. The blame of these countries shall be revealed by the approaching event which human will can neither avoid nor lessen. All people on earth shall recognise that God’s justice leaves nothing without punishment and that He intervenes once the measure of injustice has been reached.

God gave people free will which is now so abused that it requires retribution, so that righteously thinking and behaving people recognise the hand of God and despise what is sanctioned by the former. The conflict of nations will have spread wide and far and the fire will not be easily extinguished. As a result, God will end this blaze Himself by removing people’s opportunity of continuing the struggle through a natural event of unimaginable extent. He will render powerless what previously was strong and mighty, and He will prove that His will and His might are stronger. And anyone who is not yet completely enslaved by God’s adversary will also recognise where he has gone wrong and make an effort to lead a righteous way of life ....


BD 8781                received  16.03.1964

Cosmic changes ....

It is an unusual event which I announce to you .... you will think that you are mistaken yet time and again experience the same .... earthly tremors which are not caused by eruptions but always occur when the earth stands in a certain constellation to the stars .... so that the tremors can be anticipated on a regular basis and will not fail to happen.

They will be barely perceptible and hence disturb few people, yet the investigations by scientists will give rise to apprehensions of the worst kind. Furthermore, as the phenomena intensify they will also unsettle indifferent people once they realise the threat to earth from other heavenly bodies, because having left their path the latter are moving towards earth and time and again form a constellation which triggers these very effects.

In view of the approaching end people shall still be aroused from their calm, they shall remember their Creator and think about their own transience and the fact that they have no guarantee of passing into complete oblivion after their physical death; they have to be reminded of the end of their lives and also of the fate which will await them if they believe in the continuation of their soul’s life. The last days will exhibit so much that is contrary to nature, given that people’s activities and thoughts are already unnatural and result in consequences of the worst kind .... People presumptuously and beyond their authority undertake explorations of the universe .... They disregard natural laws and yet, their actions and intentions will not be prevented, the repercussions, however, will fall back upon themselves. Nevertheless, the end moves ever closer, and if people are yet to be helped by taking stock of themselves and becoming aware of their great responsibility then an unusual activity on God’s part will also have to be shown to them, even though it is still up to their own free will to take notice of it and adjust accordingly.

And such unusual activity will be experienced by humanity in the forthcoming time. It will not be caused by people but takes place in the cosmos, in a region which is entirely subject to the Creator Himself, which now seemingly slides into lawlessness, and yet even this event is integral to the plan of returning the spirits, since it is capable of leading to a change in many people because it is too extraordinary .... but without compelling them to believe, for the unbelieving person will not even take the trouble to find an explanation since he lives utterly irresponsibly.

And people’s spiritual state in the last days has already sunk so low that even extraordinary natural events would not make them believe, consequently even these methods can still be used for the benefit of undecided people who need strong motives to seriously reflect on it and aim their will into the right direction. For whatever can still be done in order to keep the souls from the fate of a new banishment will be done by God, Who loves humanity and does not want them to go astray .... But every time He manifests Himself in the manner it was announced there will be fatalities, otherwise people would not allow themselves to be impressed and mutually accuse each other of self-deception .... For the effects will vary from place to place, and it will take scientists a certain length of time before they succeed in finding the right explanation, but then the signs will repeat themselves with ever increasing frequency and provide people with the evidence that something is happening in the cosmos which they cannot counteract themselves.

And thus they are also subject to the periodically recurring consequences until, finally, the huge natural event will take place which will demonstrate God’s might and greatness to people who believe in Him and who will also be protected in every adversity. Yet although people are repeatedly informed of an approaching end, although the preceding natural disasters are repeatedly pointed out to them .... they won’t believe nor change their way of life in the slightest, they do nothing to prepare themselves, they live in the world and love it, and look at the world as their God .... And therefore they will remain attached to matter when the end has come .... Yet everything is determined in the divine plan of Salvation and nothing will come to pass that has not already been taken into account since eternity ....

And thus even this unnatural event will take place according to divine will, and the day for this is also predetermined and will be upheld .... Nevertheless, you shall be informed in advance so that your faith may be strengthened, because everything will come to pass as was said before and because you will ever more recognise the truth of what is conveyed to you from above .... For you ought to establish the connection between God and the world, with your fellow human beings who live without faith or thought .... Admittedly, you will only be able to speak about it after the initial occurrences have taken place since prior to that no-one will want to listen to you .... you will only find open ears and hearts after a tremor has happened which will make people wonder and only then should you speak, and then it will depend on people’s willingness as to what benefits they will draw from these events ....


BD 4359                received  01.07.1948

Luminous phenomenon before the catastrophe ....

My intervention will be preceded by a major spiritual campaign, which will be intended to fortify the faith of My Own and will be a final indication of the forthcoming natural event. My heavenly messengers will be instructed to show themselves to My Own in the shape of luminous phenomena which clearly and distinctly can be seen in the firmament so that all self-deception is excluded, and My Own will detect the same phenomenon whereas unbelievers will see nothing and ridicule all references to them as fantasies.

And this will be the last sign .... Then you will be able to safely prepare yourselves for the hour of My manifestation through the elements of nature. Then let go of all earthly things and just take care of your souls .... Then receive My Word with complete devotion, let Me speak to you in the Word and form a deep and heartfelt bond with Me so that I can be present with you in utmost hardship which will befall you very soon afterwards. Then just take care of those around you who fearfully observe the changes in nature, briefly explain it to them and refer them to Me, speak of Me as a God of love Who looks after every person and excludes no-one who calls to Him for help ....

And then wait for Me, don’t be afraid when My voice resounds with such force that people will tremble .... Stay calm and collected and know that nothing will happen to you if it is not My will, and that I have promised you My protection if you unite with Me in prayer. Then I will be present with you and you will distinctly feel My closeness .... And then that which I have proclaimed to you through My spirit will be fulfilled .... For My Word is and remains eternal truth ....


BD 1153                received  30.10.1939

Natural phenomena ....
Temperature ....
Star ....
Predictions ....

Time flies and people don’t change their mind; untold souls will perish, unless the Lord still offers them His love in the last hour, when He will bring the horrific destruction of all worldly things home to them .... And therefore pay heed to days which will significantly differ from the usual time of the year. The lower the sun stands the brighter will be its shine and extraordinary heat will astonish people .... This will give rise to all kinds of assumptions .... People will look forward to the approaching time partly with cheerful confidence and partly with anxious reservations, and the human being will be inclined to acknowledge supernatural activity.

Yet only few consider their relationship to God .... They don’t realise that God Himself wants to direct their thoughts to Him, they don’t even try to look for a connection between Him and the extraordinary natural phenomena .... Indeed, they very quickly get used to it and don’t derive the slightest benefit for their soul. For if only they would pay attention they would understand the call from above. But if they do not consider their relationship with the Creator, they remain earthly minded and don’t accept any spiritual gift. And all these extraordinary natural phenomena are expressions of spiritual activity by powers which are subject to God and willing to serve Him. More spiritual currents will emerge and make themselves known to people in various ways, and yet people will not spend much thought on them, for the power of darkness has tremendous influence and fights against all spiritual recognition .... it tries to weaken the Divine, consequently humanity will only ever pay attention to earthly events and remain indifferent to God’s activity in nature, even though people clearly will be beneficially affected by them. Just a small number see God’s hand reaching out to people and try to enlighten their fellow human beings, but they only acknowledge physically perceptible benefits and not an instruction from above that intends to cause a change of human thought. And in this time of well-being, caused by the sun’s extraordinary effect at an unusual time, an event will take place which should even make spiritually blind people think ....

A star will separate itself from the firmament and change its path .... This star’s radiance will far exceed all others, it will shine brightly at night and approach earth so that this appearance, too, is unusual for people and yet at the same time demonstrates that the Creator of heaven and earth is in full control and thus also dictates the movement of stars according to His will. Once this star becomes visible, humanity will be getting ever closer to the spiritual turning point .... It is offered so much spiritual assistance that it really only needs willpower to accept this help, yet it grows ever more obstinate, its thinking becomes ever more deluded .... And the time is not far away of which the Lord said on earth that the world will be turned upside down if the human being closes his heart to all spiritual issues.

The light will also shine where it is avoided, for the light’s radiance will be so bright that it penetrates everything, and even the spiritually deluded person won’t be able to avoid seeing, but he wants to reject it anyway, and thus in the end he will be consumed by the light .... For everything bright, light and clear banishes darkness .... And the light will defeat the darkness in so far as darkness has to retreat once the light of truth breaks through. And lies and illusions will crumble but truth will last for all eternity ....


BD 4371                received  11.07.1948

Signs before the catastrophe (Anxiety of people and animals) ....

People will be seized by immense anxiety shortly before I appear through the forces of nature. The event will announce itself such that people and animals will feel nervous and inwardly sense that something is about to happen in nature. Strange behaviour amongst animals will be particularly apparent, they will attempt to flee in a certain direction and suddenly turn back as if driven by an invisible power. And this behaviour will cause apprehension in people who realise that imminent danger is approaching against which they cannot defend themselves.

And thus everyone will worriedly wait for what is to come. And you, My servants on earth, should make good use of this time for it will be a short reprieve when people will still listen to your words because they will be looking for an explanation for the unusual sensations experienced by people and beasts. Then draw their attention to My Word, prepare them for My appearance and refer them to Me so that they will take refuge with Me when the hour has come that I will speak. At the same time you should unite with Me in thought so that you may be strong and able to support those who are unbelieving or of little faith.

You have to prove yourselves and will be able to do so if you call to Me in advance and in the hours of greatest need. I will draw your attention to the signs in advance and give you the opportunity to observe your environment so that you will see that everything I told you will come to pass, that an oppressive feeling and restlessness will burden people, the cause of which you know and thus you will be able to speak effectively where necessary. And once again you will experience a situation where the person who lives in love will believe you, whereas the heartless person, although listening to you, will derive no benefit from it. Until the hour comes when I will speak from above .... And there will be raging and gusting in the air, no one will take notice of the other any longer but only be concerned for his own life. Every person will try to escape but hear the same raging and gusting from all directions and, depending on his attitude to Me, he will be affected by the event .... he will stay alive or be killed by the natural disaster, as My wisdom has recognised and determined since eternity ....

Even though it is seemingly calm and there are no recognisable signs as yet .... do not believe that you are safe because the day of the natural event will come without fail, and the unbeliever will be able to see it for himself, if he still has time to think about it .... I have spoken and revealed it to you through My spirit, and I will speak through nature with a voice which can be heard by everyone. Anyone who does not believe the first voice will have to hear My voice from above .... But even then he will be at liberty to witness it as a mere play of nature or remember My predictions and believe that I want to reveal Myself so that you, who do not acknowledge the voice of the spirit, should hear Me. And blessed is he whose life is spared as he will still have a short time of grace at his disposal which he will be able to use to make up for what he has neglected up to then, in order to prepare himself for the end, which will soon follow the event in nature ....


The natural disaster

BD 6405                received  18.11.1955

Changes in the constellations ....

You will experience a series of events at short intervals which will greatly disturb you since you will be unable to explain them, and hence you will fear powers against which you cannot defend yourselves. Nor will you be able to find a correct explanation because it is My will that each one of you shall take all eventualities into account and adopt an appropriate attitude .... because I want each one of you to still derive a benefit for yourselves, that is, for your soul .... Where faith is entirely absent people will be particularly apprehensive, whereas the believers will more or less abide by Me and know that they are protected in My care.

Nevertheless, the cosmically generated phenomena will lead to much public debate so that every person will spend some thought on them himself and also discuss it with other people. At times worldly interests will be less important, yet once these appearances have passed worldly people will enjoy the pleasures of the world even more eagerly and only a few will retain impressions which will result in reflection and even to a change of attitude .... until the same cosmic events repeat themselves and trigger new anxiety .... For the scientific community fears a serious threat to planet earth .... since the mysterious changes in the galaxy have never been observed before and may pose a considerable risk to earth. And people’s opinion regarding the assessment of effects will vary considerably ....People will carelessly brush it aside and, without a second thought, enjoy their lives; others will take entirely futile precautions, while others still will withdraw within themselves and mentally come to terms with their God and Creator .... And I allow everyone his free will, I only ever try to encourage people to think correctly, to pay attention to the human being’s true purpose .... so that they will find peace in Me and then can be led by Me for the salvation of their souls ....

But what will happen? .... The zodiac will change .... Stars will be moved into other orbits with new positions in relation to earth .... and thereby stars never observed before will become visible, one of which will emerge as a direct threat to earth as a crossing with the earth’s orbit will be feared .... No-one will want to believe that this will happen, and no-one will believe that natural laws can change, but you humans are facing the end .... You yourselves are preparing something that will have even worse effects, for what you undertake will endanger the whole earth ....

What happens due to My will is, however, just a sign of the end, it is a serious warning for you and I only grant you such obvious signs of a higher Power’s existence so that you can turn to it and thereby also avert a real danger if you, that is your soul, make correct use of it. But what follows afterwards will affect the whole earth and everything living on it ....

And this is why I will manifest Myself in advance in an unusual way yet without forcing you to acknowledge Me as the Initiator of what will have a huge outcome, yet will not affect the whole earth. For I know all natural laws and their effects, I also know how to avert any happening or lessen its effect .... But what I allow to happen will always serve your deliverance, it is intended to drive you to Me, it is intended to let you humans recognise a ‘God’ in Whom you should take refuge because He is your Father .... It is the last sign before the end .... It is the final attempt by My love and mercy to save what can still be saved ....


BD 6324                received  03.08.1955

Approach of a star ....

Open your hearts wide, be ready to receive My light of love from above and listen to Me: A sure sign of the approaching end is the visible appearance of a star which will move into the direction of your earth and yet takes a peculiar course .... it will often withdraw from your sight and then suddenly appear again, because it will be accompanied by impenetrable nebulae which every now and then will disperse only to condense anew ....

You humans will experience something previously unknown to you as the effect of this star upon your earth is such that you will become alarmed because you fear that the earth could fall victim to this unknown star which will cause perceptible disturbances on earth which are, however, inexplicable to you. Some people on earth won’t allow themselves to be shocked by anything that happens to them .... but who will now lose their composure because they can see themselves as well as the whole earth at the mercy of natural forces which they fear because they are unable to defy them.

And for the sake of these people ‘are the powers of heaven moving ....’ I particularly want to address these people in order to achieve that they will entrust themselves to a God and Creator as soon as they realise that they are completely helpless .... What human will initiates .... no matter how dreadful its effect .... does not upset such people, yet they will become small and weak when they see themselves at the mercy of natural forces. And then it is possible that they will take refuge to Him, Who is Lord of all creation .... then it is possible that in their greatest need they will find Me .... This natural spectacle will cause enormous turmoil amongst people and the fear will not be unjustified either because, regardless of the strange phenomena accompanying the star, it will steadily move closer to earth and a collision will appear inevitable according to the calculations of those who discovered and followed its course. But I predicted long ago that ‘I will send you an enemy from the sky ....’, that a natural disaster of immense proportions lies ahead of you which will precede the final end .... i.e. the complete transformation of the earth’s surface .... and which will result in countless victims .... Time after time I draw your attention to it, and My Word is truth and will come to pass .... Yet you are informed of it beforehand so that you humans may become aware of My will and My power .... because you should know that nothing can take place without My will and that nothing happens without meaning and purpose .... that My thoughts are with those who are entirely without faith but whom I nevertheless don’t want to lose to My adversary ....

And for that reason you humans should know what lies ahead of you so that you may find faith easier when in your great need you think of Him, Who is Lord of heaven and earth .... of all stars and worlds and to Whose will everything is subordinate .... You receive knowledge of this in advance because it can help you find faith if you are of good will .... A disaster will come over you .... but for every one of you it can also be a blessing if he gains life for his soul in that way, even if he should meet with earthly death .... if he calls upon Me in his need ....


BD 1081                received  04.09.1939

Cloud formation in the sky ....
Christ’s suffering and death ....

God, Lord of heaven and earth, will give you a visible sign to testify of His power and glory .... This has been preordained since eternity and will be revealed so obviously that you will marvel at this expression of divine omnipotence and love.

Insubstantial though this little cloud in the sky may appear; it nevertheless harbours a life comparable to that comprising your being. And God will guide this life in accordance with His will too and will therefore arrange this cloud-formation with wise intention in such a way that the Lord’s suffering and death can be easily recognised, and you will identify the One on the cross Whom the world wants to deny .... you will either be seized by horror or shout with joy, depending on whether you reject Him or harbour Him in your heart. The latter will pause in prayer whilst the former, being distant from Jesus Christ, will want to forget this image. And this is what the Lord wants .... He wants to give human beings a sign of His mercy and love to assist their faith .... to either resurrect faith in Jesus Christ as Saviour of the world if they have lost it, or to cause the same to grow into unyielding strength. And humanity will yet again try to disprove this wonder of divine love; it will interpret it as an appearance formed by chance and without meaning .... and will want to dismiss divine providence.

Yet, defying all human explanation, the formation in the sky will remain unchanged for the entire world to view .... And thus even the people whose opinion prohibits any belief in mystical phenomena will become thoughtful. The time has come when humanity can be offered unusual appearances without coercion into faith, because humanity’s thinking has become so dispassionate that they will explain every appearance rationally, i.e. intellectually, no matter how curious it is, denying all spiritual intercession by unknown powers ....

And thus humanity’s free will is no longer endangered by such appearances .... indeed, scientific explanations are far more acceptable than a statement that the formation is a sign from above. And again, only those who aspire towards God and are living in love will recognise this visible act of the eternal Deity; and therefore, once again, the grace of divine love will be presented to people which only few will recognise as such.

The Lord will briefly stop natural law and precisely this should make the scientist think, but when the desire to recognise pure truth is absent even the stars can leave their usual path and the sun lose its shine, it would not bend the hardened will of the human being, he would simply try harder to ascertain the laws of nature and thus ultimately deviate further still from true knowledge. Hence this sign, extraordinary as it may be, will indeed be a direct gift of grace but only for someone whose heart recognises the wonder of the appearance or starts to think about it. However, someone who makes no use of this gift of grace, who coldly views this phenomenon in the sky without any attempt to draw his conclusions will merely regard it as blind chance of an exceptional nature. His heart is not yet compassionate and therefore not yet receptive for deeper wisdom either ....


BD 3571                received  08.10.1945

‘My voice will resound from above ....’

And My voice will resound from above .... It will be mighty and people will have to listen to it even if they otherwise pay no attention to Me. Depending on the state of their souls they will either willingly or unwillingly have to raise their eyes towards heaven. For they will find themselves exposed to a force they can no longer avoid. Admittedly, it will only touch the hearts of a few, yet these will have been helped even if physical help fails to materialise. But as the rule, fear and worry about physical life will predominate and My voice will not suffice to accept it and return to Me despite utmost hardship and affliction. They will not want to realise that My voice applies to those who are still distant from Me and, being obstinate-hearted, they will only try to save themselves and yet will be powerless against the forces of nature.

They will lose all footing, for the ground will sway, a roaring storm will fill the air and everyone will have to rely on himself as no-one will be able to help the other. And My voice will resound from above .... I will speak with a voice of thunder and all elements of nature will obey My will, they will speak on My behalf and testify to My might. I will manifestly confront people and won’t force them to believe, for it will still be up to them to accept natural forces but to deny Me as the Being Which also governs the natural forces according to His will. And thus the final means of teaching before the end will not force people to believe either, even though it should speak clearly enough for Me and can also be recognised by people of good will not entirely enslaved by My adversary who wants to separate them from Me forever.

What I have proclaimed through My spirit will fulfil itself .... The earth will tremble and the elements of nature will cause incalculable damage and claim countless victims. Yet this has been determined since eternity, because even this occurrence is a means of help used by Me in order to still win people over to Me, since other forms of adversity and distress are not enough to let them find their way back to Me and I have to brandish a sharp rod over the hardened human race. And it is absolutely true that I will not rest until I have regained all My living creations. And thus My love, which wants to save them from their downfall, will never end even if this love is not recognisable in My activity. Yet anyone who takes notice of My voice will also feel My love and he will be grateful to Me for all eternity ....


BD 1538                received  25.07.1940

Sequence of the catastrophic event ....

The teachers in the beyond always try to help you in the same way and seek to make you more receptive, yet your heart is not always willing to receive, creating obstacles which make the reception more difficult. Undivided attention has to be paid to the gifts of heaven and all earthly thoughts avoided, then the thoughts of the friends in the beyond will find easier access.

Divine love sends messengers to you who shall reinforce your willingness to receive. They bring you a revelation that describes in an understandable way the sequence of the catastrophes which shall decide the life and death of each individual person.

Only few people take notice of the signs of the coming time. They are indeed surprised about obvious changes or irregularities in nature but nevertheless dismiss it carelessly. They don’t recognise therein an expression of God’s will but merely put it down as a coincidence. And thus, to begin with they do not pay any attention to these manifestations when the natural event approaches. People will first be made aware of the advancing tempest by whirlwinds. This will happen so suddenly that men and animals will find themselves in great difficulty for they will barely be able to manage against the violent storm, and this will be the start ....

Every now and then violent earth tremors will be felt and the sky will grow dark, a thunderous roar will be heard which will be so dreadful that it sends people and animals alike into panic so that they try to save themselves by escaping. Yet the darkness will stop them and as their distress becomes intense, the roaring grows ever louder, and the earthly tremors ever more violent, the earth will open up and huge masses of water will break through from within the earth. And as far as the eye can see .... water and darkness and an indescribable chaos amongst people who realise their horrendous situation with utmost distress. The days before will be so glorious that people are to some extent light-hearted and the change will come so suddenly that no one can take earthly precautions, which will be entirely pointless anyway for no earthly power can defend against these elements. Only the devout person will feel the divine omnipotence now .... and entrusts himself to his Creator .... And although his heart will tremble and know fear when he sees the raging of the elements he will nevertheless wait patiently until help arrives, for he will continue to send his thoughts up to Him above.

Anyone who has grasped the meaning and purpose of life knows that now the time of decision has come for every individual person. And he will try to administer spiritual help wherever possible, he will comfort those who are miserable and refer them to God, he will help by kindling a small light in utter darkness .... For God will give them the opportunity to work for Him .... Those who have recognised Him and offer themselves to be of service to Him will be assigned a rich field of activity, and the seed will fall on good ground, for God spares those who look up to Him or find Him in greatest adversity ....


BD 8549                received  05.07.1963

Gathering strength ahead of the chaos ....

Keep drawing strength from My Word for you will need this fortification in the forthcoming time and should gather strength now, since you will be unable to collect your thoughts in prayer when My long-announced intervention will take place .... Whatever is decided by My wisdom and love will also be implemented, and every prediction which I sent to you so that the event will not take you unawares without warning will be fulfilled ....

You shall always remember it and try to set your heart free from all earthly longings .... You shall try to let go of matter, for one day you will have to give it up, and the less your heart clings to it the easier will be your loss, the less you will be burdened by My intervention .... Again and again I Am telling you to prepare yourselves for this period of unprecedented chaos when only your heartfelt bond with Me will give you the support to do justice to all demands. For anyone not directly affected by the disaster by losing his life will then have to lead a difficult existence, because there will be no ordered living conditions and you will be burdened by earthly adversities which you will be unable to handle on your own, without My help.

Time and again you shall accept My Word in your hearts and draw strength from it, you shall gain such strong faith from My direct Word that nothing will be able to unsettle you in the forthcoming time, that you will completely rely on Me and only ever wait for My help .... And believe that I will help you .... that just the heartfelt bond has to be established with Me which, however, can only be achieved by a person who is completely dedicated to Me and who will merely recognise the fulfilment of My predictions in the huge disaster and thus will even more devotedly wait for My help, which indeed will be granted to him. Then I will carry out the seemingly impossible on those who place their complete trust in Me.

And every human being should get used to the idea that the orderliness surrounding him will not continue, he shall believe that the earth will be affected by an unimaginably huge tremor, and that countless people will fall victim to a natural disaster .... the survivors, however, will experience extremely difficult living condition which require much strength and confidence in My help in order to cope with them. Then it will become evident where neighbourly love will be practised, for only there will My help be evident as well .... And anyone who is just anxiously concerned about himself and his well-being will also have to labour by himself and yet be unable to master his situation .... For you humans must learn that love is strength and that you will be able to achieve much if your actions are motivated by neighbourly love.

Time and again I refer to the time when a great chaos will befall you caused by a huge natural disaster .... because I still want to give you human a last sign of a Power Which is in charge of you .... But you, who receive My Word directly or given to you through My messengers, you shall constantly listen to My admonition, engross yourselves as often as possible in My Word and your strength will grow, even at times of extreme adversity you will not lose the connection with Me and then you will also always be certain of My help, for I manifestly want to help My Own to strengthen their as well as their fellow human beings’ faith so that they will establish and never again abandon the living bond with Me.

And don’t count on being spared, don’t believe that other, distant regions will be affected .... This disaster will be far-reaching and involves a large area, even though it will not affect the whole earth .... Consequently, the immense adversity will not pass anywhere without a trace, which you will only understand after the occurrence has happened, when My voice resounds in the world and you realise the dreadful effects .... the full extent of which will take a long time again to be assessed.

As yet you are still living in peace and are unable to imagine such chaos .... But I draw your attention to the fact that everything will come to pass what was announced in advance, I only want to influence you insofar as that you should do everything that will give you the strength to endure .... For I will not abandon you, who have submitted yourselves to Me and want to belong to Me .... And I will always provide you with strength .... Let Me talk to you time and again and draw strength from My Word and truly, you will be able to find Me even in utter suffering, and I will always be ready to help, I will always stand by your side and through you also bring help to those whom you lovingly try to take care of ....


The consequences of the natural disaster

BD 4633                received  10.05.1949

People’s fear ....
Natural disaster and its consequences ....

All disbelievers will suffer inconceivable tribulation when I manifest Myself through the forces of nature, for they will experience a spectacle of development by tremendous forces against which the human being himself will be completely powerless. People will be seized by mortal fear, and even My Own will be affected yet be miraculously strengthened by My help as soon as they lift their thoughts up to Me. The disbelievers, however, will have no support to hold on to and will be hopelessly exposed to the elements of nature. In view of death a few will call to Me in heartfelt need, and their call will reach My ear and denote earthly or just spiritual rescue, if their hour has come. Yet then they will still have gained their eternal life.

But in the main, people will be senselessly scared, that is, they will be incapable of thinking of God, they will try to save themselves and face the same difficulties everywhere, for the whole of nature will conspire against them, all elements will be in tremendous uproar, water, fire, storm and light will leave their natural order and cause an unimaginable amount of devastation which will cost countless human lives. It will just be a short action but have extremely far-reaching consequences for all survivors, for only now will there start an earthly time of hardship which surpasses all previous experiences. People will have to change their way of life completely, they will have to make use of everything left to them, they will have to rely on themselves and cannot expect any earthly help for a long time, since they will be completely cut off from the world and contact will not be able to be established again in a hurry.

The magnitude of the disaster will be incomprehensible, yet I constantly draw your attention to the fact that you should not abandon yourselves to earthly possessions, that you should not consider them important and forget about your soul, as it entirely depends on its maturity how you will bear up to the aftermath.

Proclamations of this nature meet with little belief and yet should be taken extremely seriously, for they will fulfil themselves literally. And every day is still a gift of grace which you should utilize, not in an earthly sense but spiritually, for only your spiritual possessions are of lasting value. Nevertheless, I promise My protection and My help to all of you who believe and want to be of service to Me. Don’t let My Words depress you but know that everything, even the most difficult, can be endured if you hand it over to Me, if you ask Me to help you carry your burden .... I will not leave you and will help you persevere until the end ....


BD 8619                received  17.09.1963

Chaos after the intervention ....

I keep telling you time and again that you will experience an incredible chaos due to My intervention .... The forces of nature will get completely out of control leaving you unable to think; only My Own will be able to pray to Me, although these will only be desperate prayers by sending short, pleading thoughts to Me, but I will hear them and protect them from the worst. Yet everything will become disorderly and throw people into bitter states of adversity .... And this will already signify the end for many because they will lose their life although it is not yet the end of this world.

However, before the final end I will still try to rescue what will allow itself to be rescued .... I want to reveal Myself to those of weak faith so that they will call upon Me in their need and receive obvious help, so that their faith will be strengthened and they will still be helpful to Me when the earth’s last phase begins. And I assure you that it will almost be too much for the individual and only One will be able to give you strength and send you help if you call upon this One in utmost need ....

But you humans cannot be spared this intervention, for it is a last attempt to save the souls who are still without or of little faith. When they see no other way out people can nevertheless still remember their God and Creator .... a Power above them Which alone is able to help. Once the huge natural disaster will be over, the adversity will not end and the chaos will constantly increase. And then it will show where there is still a living faith, for this alone will master all adversity ....

Anyone with a living faith will completely entrust himself to Me and truly, I will not let his faith be destroyed. Time and again he will be helped, and he will also try to lead his fellow human beings into faith, and depending on their will and personal inclination to help they, too, will receive help, for the desperate situation will motivate actions of love and thus will have fulfilled its purpose of awakening neighbourly love which, again, guarantees that I will give people My love and the strength to deal with their situation.

You, who belong to Me and want to fulfil My will and be of service to Me, truly need not fear this time of adversity, for your constant bond with Me assures you My protection and a great extent of strength. Besides, I will also need you again to spread My Gospel of love, which will then be extremely necessary, for once again people will display their nature and only few will be helpful and assist their fellow human beings and they, too, will be helped time and again, of which they can be certain .... But, on the whole, ever greater selfish love will surface, and people will ruthlessly take what does not belong to them in order to improve their living conditions .... The aggressive person will prevail and want to ruin the weak. And this will particularly characterise this time of hardship and reveal that humanity is ready for its downfall. Nevertheless, My Own shall always rely on the fact that I know of their difficulties and will also remedy them for, truly, everything is possible for Me, and I will also take care of your earthly lives and provide the most remarkable help so that your faith will become ever more alive, and with the power of faith you will prevail over everything and yet cannot be overcome by your enemies ....

You may well believe that this time is approaching; after all, I Am still using all means of help to still win over souls who are not yet entirely enslaved by My adversary .... I also want to reveal Myself in My love and might to them as soon as their faith is a living one, for conventional faith will be completely abandoned since it was not a convinced faith, which remains steadfast during such earthly hardship. And all those who previously had revelled in an excess of earthly possessions will be bitterly affected by this hardship as the transience of earthly possessions is visibly brought home to them. And the effect depends on their souls’ maturity, they will either take refuge with God and appeal to Him for help or try using their own strength to succeed and that at the expense of their neighbour, because they lack love or they would take the path to Me.

This time of adversity will make great demands on you humans, nevertheless you will survive it with My help .... Therefore ask for it, and also appeal to Me in advance for the strength to be able to endure once the chaos starts. For you will be able to achieve much in unity with Me but you will remain weak and helpless if you rely on your own strength and presume not to need divine help .... For I Myself will be with everyone who calls upon Me in his adversity ....


BD 3709                received  10.03.1946

The servants’ mission on earth after the natural disaster ....

Whatever you hear through the inner voice is what you shall tell your fellow human beings when the time has come. For the mission you have to fulfil is to provide people with an explanation when they no longer understand world events and find it difficult to believe in a Creator of heaven and earth, in a loving Father, Who directs His children’s destiny on earth. Then stand up and instruct them, and inform them of My great love .... Don’t frighten them with God’s wrath and the Judgment, for they are not yet punishments but merely the teaching methods I use in order to save people’s souls. I Am not yet passing the final sentence but I won’t leave any stone unturned in order to avoid having to condemn the souls on the day of Judgment to eternal damnation ....

And thus you should try to explain to them that the period of Salvation has expired, that there is only little time left until the end and that this time has to be utilized for their return to Me. People will doubt My love, they will doubt My omnipotence when they see the immense misery on earth caused by people’s and, in the end, by My will, and anyone not of firm faith and informed as a result of his way of life will be in danger of falling away, that is, of abandoning Me completely, if he does not receive clarification.

Yet the magnitude of misery will also open their hearts and they will listen to you, and your Words will not go unheeded. And thus this time has to be particularly utilized, and you ought to speak as soon as you feel prompted from within to do so, for then it will always be My spirit which impels you to work for Me and My kingdom. And then inform them of the great spiritual hardship, make them aware of the fact that their bodies only live a short time but that souls live forever and thus their soul’s fate is paramount; remind them to act with love, remind them to take less notice of their own hardship and to treat their fellow human beings’ hardship with more empathy; inform them of the strength and blessing of neighbourly love, My constant readiness to help, and try to awaken or strengthen their faith. And you will not have to worry what you should say, for I will put all words into your mouth if only you want to work for Me, if you don’t refuse to fulfil the task I give you through My Word.

You will hear My voice within yourselves more distinctly than ever and then don’t fear any opposition, for I want you to work on My behalf and know how to shield you from those who want to prevent you from doing your work. Speak without worry, and don’t question whether your action corresponds to My will, for once the time for your activity comes I will take possession of you, and you shall follow Me without resistance, that is, you shall do whatever your heart tells you to do. And you will clearly feel it in your heart; it will be your own innermost desire to speak to everyone crossing your path and to draw their attention to the impending end which will come just as certainly as My intervention through natural forces, just as everything I have announced through My spirit will fulfil itself ....


BD 7331                received  10.04.1959

God’s exceptional help after the natural disaster ....

There will be indescribable chaos amongst people after I have spoken through the forces of nature, for they all will fear that the event might repeat itself and thus live restlessly and afraid amid the ruins caused by the elements of nature and yet due to My will, which had expressed itself therein. People will have to go through an appalling time, a time which was hardly ever experienced by people inhabiting this earth.

Yet it is the time of the end when everything takes place to an exceptional extent in order to still awaken people. But again, even the natural disaster will only make a few people think, whereas the majority of people will indignantly dismiss every belief in a God and Creator, Who allows such destructions to happen as can be seen by everyone. Yet no-one considers his own behaviour or how he should behave before God, before Me, to Whom they had merely paid lip-service without, however, having a living faith in Me or having made contact with Me .... And only a few will then turn to Me in their great distress, but these few will also visibly get a taste of My help, I will so obviously support them that it will strengthen their faith in a Power Which holds their destiny in the palm of Its hand. Everything only happens in order to let people find the bond with Me but only ever a few will derive a blessing from the forthcoming event, for humanity is already too enslaved by My adversary to turn to Me and appeal for My help. And therefore I cannot reveal Myself to them either, but I will most certainly do so with those who subsequently take refuge with Me in their adversity. The severity of suffering will let many pray more sincerely which makes the fulfilment of their prayers much easier for Me, because their belief in a God capable of help is evident and because they will then so beseech Me that I will truly come to help them in their distress. And then My servants will have ample opportunity to convey My Word to the people, who will so hungrily accept it as will rarely be found. The disbelievers, however, will be filled by even more hatred than before towards the preachers of My Word as well as towards those who visibly experience My help .... But they will not allow themselves to be converted, instead their unkindness will merely testify to their affiliation with My adversary and will clearly resist Me and My love, which also wants to win them over but cannot get through to them.

There will be much adversity and yet, it will not be hopeless, because I can always be approached in prayer with a request to improve matters and because I will grant a true prayer in order to reveal Myself to those who are not entirely enslaved by My adversary. But it has to be left up to people to call upon Me, and therefore everything has to happen within a natural framework, yet easily perceptible to people who still harbour a glimmer of faith and to whom I will reveal Myself so that their faith will not be lost but gain in strength and intensity. The occasion is ahead of you and cannot prevented by you since you yourselves don’t endeavour making the effort to change your ways, and since due to your disposition and activities you will bring the time to fruition .... because you yourselves will hasten the end as a result of your attitude and because the time is fulfilled which you were granted for the maturing of your souls ....


BD 3964                received  29.01.1947

Prediction of a swiftly approaching end ....
Weak faith therein ....

You know that you cannot expect a long life on earth anymore and that every day is a grace enabling you to mature fully if you make correct use of the time. You know this from My Word but your faith is not yet profound enough to be spurred into utmost striving, you doubt the truth of My Word as far as it relates to the approaching end. Nevertheless, you should eagerly work at improving yourselves, for the end is at hand .... Time and again I approach you with this admonition and warn you of half-hearted thoughtless living; time and again I call to you: Pay attention to My Word, engross yourselves in it and live accordingly.

You won’t know when your last hour has come, you don’t know how much time you have left until the end, hence you should live as if every day is your last. I always send you My obedient spirits to convey illuminating thoughts to you, to direct your mind to the spiritual kingdom, I send you My messengers on earth to inform you of the approaching end, to draw your attention to the signs of the last days and to awaken firm faith in you by imparting My Word to you which was transmitted directly to earth. And thus I constantly try to explain to you the gravity of the situation in order to enable you a blissful end, yet none of you take My Words seriously enough, your faith is still too weak to live appropriately even though your will is turned to My direction. And therefore I admonish you time after time: .... Engross yourselves in My Word, let the thought of a near end come alive in you, prepare yourselves for it, and place less importance on earthly things in view of the end, in view of the immense spiritual hardship which will even increase the closer it is to the end.

Use all available strength in order to grow spiritually, and fully entrust the care of your body to Me. Make use of the short time until the end, be constantly active with love, always draw strength from My Word, admonish and teach your fellow human beings to do the same and thus help each other to reach the goal on earth which I had given you, help each other to become perfect, for there is only little time left until the end ....


 Rev. 8, 6-12

Revelation 8, 6-12

And the seven angels which had the seven trumpets prepared themselves to sound.

The first angel sounded, and there followed hail and fire mingled with blood, and they were cast upon the earth: and the third part of trees was burnt up, and all green grass was burnt up.

And the second angel sounded, and as it were a great mountain burning with fire was cast into the sea: and the third part of the sea became blood;

And the third part of the creatures which were in the sea, and had life, died; and the third part of the ships were destroyed.

And the third angel sounded, and there fell a great star from heaven, burning as it were a lamp, and it fell upon the third part of the rivers, and upon the fountains of waters;

And the name of the star is called Wormwood: and the third part of the waters became wormwood; and many men died of the waters, because they were made bitter.

And the fourth angel sounded, and the third part of the sun was smitten, and the third part of the moon, and the third part of the stars; so as the third part of them was darkened, and the day shone not for a third part of it, and the night likewise.

(The Holy Bible, King James Version)

Bertha Dudde short biography

Who was Bertha Dudde?

Bertha Dudde was born on 1. April 1891, as the second oldest daughter of a painter, in Liegnitz, Silesia. She became a dressmaker and began to receive pronouncements from God through the ‘Inner Word’ on 15. June 1937.

“In a clear dream I was moved to write down my thoughts after devout prayer. Understandably this often gave way to doubt and inner conflicts until I was convinced that I was, myself, by no means the initiator of these exquisitely gracious words; but instead it was the spirit within me, in other words, the love of the Heavenly Father was obviously responsible for them and introduced me to the truth”.

“I was given knowledge of the spiritual world which far exceeded my elementary school education. I received and receive this knowledge as a dictation in a state of complete consciousness; I write down everything I am told in shorthand, in order to then transfer it word for word to clean copy. The procedure does not take place in a state of compulsion, for example in a state of trance or ecstasy, but in an absolutely level-headed frame of mind. However, I have to want it to happen and then I can receive these dictations voluntarily; they are neither bound by time nor place.

“Now I only have one wish, which is to be able to make these gifts of grace accessible to many more people and in accordance with the will of God Himself to be allowed to do much more work in His vineyard.”

(Quotations from an autobiography from 1959).

Bertha Dudde died on 18. September 1965 in Leverkusen, Germany.

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