ThemeBooklet 127

Test all Things and keep what is Good - Part 2

An access to the currently translated complete work of Bertha Dudde – 1891-1965 – including her autobiography, an introduction to the work, lots of hints and clarification, all the downloads (in various languages), with offers of writings by different publishers (printed books, theme booklets etc.), and printable PDF-versions of all texts (revelations) You find here, a selective list with all her books You find here.

BD 1134                received  12.10.1939

Faith is the first condition for truth ....

Regardless how conscientiously a person endeavours to know the truth, its certainty is not guaranteed as long as his striving is not based on profound faith. Without the latter, everything presented and accepted by people is interspersed with error .... In contrast, the slightest thought in faith will also result in purest truth. And then a person should pay attention to the abundance of thoughts flowing to him, if he, in faith of God, deliberates on any subject .... In a manner of speaking, he will be grasped and most profound knowledge will be imparted to him, and he can be assured that it will be purest truth, for this is the fundamentally inherent way of thought transference that a person questioningly turns to the teaching enabled beings when merely a thought desiring clarification arises in him. The only way for a correct instruction is the questioning desire, which will be instantly answered. Who is the only one to clarify all things? Only the divine Creator Himself, and He does this by giving the beings of service to Him the task of informing every living creation of what they desire to know. Every person’s train of thought is the result of a more or less strong will for truth. For God Himself is the truth .... If a person desires the truth with complete faith in God then he also desires God Himself. This desire of the person’s spirit for God also establishes the connection with the divine spirit, and thus the spirit in the human being will be instructed by the divine Spirit Itself and can therefore only receive purest truth .... However, where, vice versa, the same desire prevails but without faith in God, the Deity cannot make contact with the person’s indwelling spiritual spark and thus the adversary avails himself of the opportunity of transmitting his will to the person and leads him into error and wrong thinking. The inner link with God safeguards every communication .... anyone who calls upon God, opens his heart and listens to the answer will only be able to hear absolute truth, for God is willing to give wherever a faithful heart requests divine gifts, and truth is always and forever a gift from above ....

Truth can only come from above but never arise from the abyss .... And thus people are wise to consider the divine Lord in every question, for truth can only be provided by the One Who is Truth in Himself .... And again, no earthly child will appeal for it in vain, since the Father in Heaven will always guide His children into truth .... Hence the spiritually perfect beings must also manifest themselves as bearers of truth to those who want to receive truth .... they must not encounter any opposition if they want to express themselves and this, in turn, requires profound faith in God again, in spiritual strength and their transfer of thoughts to the human being. Faith is therefore the first condition without which a truthful conveyance of knowledge is unthinkable .... Once a person has found this simplest of solutions, whereby his correct thinking is guaranteed, he will neither be tormented by doubt nor downheartedly and hesitantly scrutinise such transmissions for their truth .... but he will unconditionally accept what the spirit imparts to him, since his attitude towards God assures him correct thinking after all .... By comparison, a person who constantly longs for worldly things will not desire truth .... He instinctively feels that worldly pleasures and the fulfilment of cravings cannot be the purpose of earthly life .... but does not want to admit to it, and thus he also shies away from strictly searching for truth in all aspects of life, and precisely this deliberate avoidance of truth results in the fact that the prince of lies gains power over his soul. The eternal Deity can send little help to such a soul since the same opposition will also result in the same evil influences again, because God, the eternal Truth Himself, wants to be acknowledged and therefore faith is the first condition in order to attain the truth ....


Scrutinising the truthfulness of the Holy Bible

BD 2203                received  05.01.1942

Book of Books ....
Lamp without oil ....

A lamp without oil is but an empty vessel which does not serve its purpose; it does not emit any light because it lacks the food which the light must constantly receive. Even the Holy Scripture must be judged as a mere book as long as it has no true light-spreading effect, that is, as long as it does not result in spiritual enlightenment .... The Holy Scriptures can truly offer the most profound wisdom for someone who, with absolute faith and a God-inclined heart, desires to draw wisdom from it, thus, as soon as the human being himself proves his hunger for light through this desire. Then the Book of Books will not merely be an empty vessel but become a source of light instead .... The human being’s wisdom will increase because he desires food for his spirit and this nourishment turns his inner light into a bright flame whose radiance shines far and wide and can illuminate the darkest night. The Word of God is blessed with His strength and those who may receive the Word from God directly will therefore also constantly be permeated by God’s strength. And this strength also flows to a person who accepts the Word with the same depth of feeling where it is made accessible for all people, as long as he desires to accept divine wisdom, as long as his one and only desire is light. For God will satisfy every hunger for His Word, He will give where the desire is present. Thus, the heart must long for spiritual nourishment, then it will be offered in the form of knowledge, for every Word in the Holy Bible will then become clear to the person and this knowledge will please and satisfy him. But how often does a person only read the written Word without allowing it to talk to his heart .... how often does he lack the sense and understanding for what he reads because he fails to pray for the grace of understanding, and then the Book is of no greater value than any other book which merely serves the purpose of passing time. But then the lamp is lacking oil, it is without light and merely an empty vessel which fails to fulfil its purpose, for it does not emit light and therefore cannot illuminate a person’s heart either. The Word of God comes to every person who desires it, for God Himself is the Word, and He reveals Himself in the Word in many different ways to anyone who strives towards Him .... He gives him the truth mentally or brings people together and speaks through them, or He addresses them through the Book of Books. But the willingness to receive the divine Word must always be present so that his desires can be granted. Then the spirit of God will always be at work, regardless of how and where the human being receives the divine Word, because the spirit of God can only take effect when the human being’s hunger for spiritual nourishment, for light, is evident. This also excludes all error, for even where the latter had occurred through human will, the spirit of God will so guide the person’s thoughts that he understands it correctly and thus his knowledge will correspond to the truth. Then his knowledge will resemble a light which brightly shines in all directions and sends its radiance into the darkness. And he may draw upon this knowledge at all times and everywhere .... The spirit of God is always willing to distribute knowledge; wherever a heartfelt desire exists the heart will be nourished, for it is God’s will that the human hearts shall become brightly illuminated. It is His will that His Word shall not just be read or listened to on the surface but that it should penetrate deeply, so that it will remain as spiritual knowledge and will be the soul’s wealth in eternity one day ....


BD 7103                received  26.04.1958

Wrong interpretation of the Scriptures ....
The working of the spirit ....

You humans often interpret the Words of the Scriptures according to your need .... The spiritual meaning of the Word does not correspond to the aims and plans you pursue, and you interpret the letter which can have various meanings. Consequently, many errors were spread among people who nevertheless tenaciously hold on to them by always referring to passages in the Scriptures. It has become almost impossible to expose and eradicate these errors, because the spiritual darkness keeps deepening the closer the end is approaching. Even so, precisely these errors are the cliffs which can cause people to fail, who strive to find the truth yet then start to doubt and finally use the same doubts to oppose everything written in the Book of Books .... If they are strict seekers of truth, then they will find the truth, if only by different means than the usual, through the proclaimers of God’s Word .... However, if they lack the necessary earnestness for truth, they will easily be satisfied with those errors in order to completely detach themselves from believing or from religious doctrines, which nevertheless can correspond to truth. This is the great danger inherent in every misguided teaching .... Wrong interpretation of the Scriptures can be assigned to the influence of God’s adversary as well, for he also tries to instigate much confusion within the circles of people willing to believe, and, if he can exert his influence on their leader, he will have succeeded in causing immense darkness. Many Words of the Scriptures are indeed encrypted, that is, their meaning is not self-evident to the human intellect, they can be differently interpreted and will only be correctly interpreted when the person’s spirit has awakened and wants to ascertain their meaning. It is God’s will that people should read every Word with complete sincerity, with the desire for truth and in contact with Him .... so that God Himself can speak to them, and then He will truly educate and enlighten them correctly. But since God’s ‘supposed’ representatives usually allow their intellect to speak first, since they study and ponder in order to discover the meaning of the Word, its spiritual meaning will remain concealed from them until they are in closest contact with God and appeal for His spirit .... And the spirit of God will instruct them correctly, but it will always reveal the same to people. No person should deem himself capable of understanding the Word of God by himself .... by merely using his intellect .... and no person should deem himself entitled to interpret it without God’s support ....

No person ought to believe that performing formal prayers is sufficient in order to ensure divine support for himself. God expects more .... He expects a life of love which shapes the heart into a receiving vessel for the divine spirit, because He can only unite with ‘love’, and because His spirit can only take effect in a person who has shaped himself into love .... And from this it is evident again how an interpretation can be assessed in relation to truth .... Even the sharpest intellect is incapable of ascertaining the truth where a way of life makes it impossible for God’s spirit to manifest itself, for the working of the spirit cannot be replaced by intellectual activity. So many misguided teachings could not have been spread in the world had this basic rule always been observed that ‘thorns cannot yield any fruit ....’ And precisely those people who were great helpers for God’s adversary distinguished themselves most with interpretations and translations of the Scriptures, although the results only revealed themselves at a later time, because they led to divisions and disputes and caused ever more confusion. And it is only possible to tackle such errors again with the pure truth from God, the transmission of which, therefore, also necessitates an awakened spirit. But only people who live in love and offer the indwelling spirit the opportunity of igniting a light in people’s heart will accept such corrections .... However, only the truth results in blessings .... Every error is an obstacle on the way of ascent. For this reason the pure truth should be proclaimed emphatically by those who receive it from God Himself. For this is the task they were given at the same time as they received the truth, because only truth is light and only truth leads to beatitude ....


BD 8054                received  03.12.1961

Is the Bible completed ....

How misguided you are to assume that with the Scriptures, the Book of the Fathers, My Word has come to an end .... that I Myself have set a limit in so far as that I now do not communicate anymore, that I do not speak to people any longer .... Who gives you the authority to make such an assumption? .... Who will deny Me to speak time and again as Father to My children? Who gives you the right to make the assertion that the Bible is sufficient on its own, that you humans need no other Word? ....

Those of you who reject every new revelation are still confined in the darkness of spirit .... And in this darkness you will not understand the Bible either, thus it is still a closed book for you because you do not understand the spiritual meaning of the letters, or you would also find the references concerning My continuous revelations in this book and the working of My spirit would be comprehensible to you .... But as long as your spirit is still unenlightened you cannot grasp the meaning of the Word which I Myself spoke to My disciples while I lived on earth .... You humans would be unfortunate if you had to content yourselves with a book which can no longer be checked by you yourselves for changes in its contents .... if you were not repeatedly offered the pure truth from above as a guiding principle as to whether you yourselves are living in truth ....

Those of you who only accept the Book of the Fathers have not yet penetrated ‘the Word’ yourselves, you have only read it intellectually but not allowed the spirit within you to speak, who instructs you and explains to you the spiritual meaning of the Word .... You adhere to the letter and do not understand its meaning .... And when I Myself want to guide you into truth you deny My activity, and you suspect My servants of associating with My adversary .... you question My will and the power to speak to those who devoutly offer their service to Me and who are thus also able to hear My voice within themselves ....

And you stubbornly hold on to your opinion that My Word is concluded with the Scriptures, which you acknowledge as the only book through which I have revealed Myself .... And that is your loss, because by rejecting My Word from above you prove yourselves to be mere dead Christians, because living Christianity is an ‘activity of love’, and this would result in your spiritual enlightenment and thus also in an understanding for My exceptional help in times of spiritual hardship ....

Then you would also comprehend the Bible words, the promises, which I Myself gave to you and which point out that I will reveal Myself to those who keep My commandments .... So how do you intend to interpret My promises, if you deny every ‘New Revelation’? .... Do you want to call Me a liar when I announce My ‘comforter’ to you who will ‘guide you into every truth ....’ How do you understand these Words which have to come to pass, because every promise I gave to people during My life on earth fulfils itself .... And why do you not want to believe? Because your spirit is arrogant, because you lack inner life, spiritual awakening, and thus you believe that you are able to determine and limit Me and My activity as it suits you .... But you are mistaken, even if you believe that you have acquired knowledge through your studies which entitles you to reject My Word from above .... You are spiritually arrogant and therefore you can never receive a revelation from Me yourselves, because I only bestow My grace to the humble, and you are lacking this humility .... And thus you still walk in darkness, and you will not be able to penetrate it since you avoid the light which could give you insight if you wanted to step into its radiance ....

My love for My living beings will never end, and hence I will never fail to speak to you humans wherever the conditions to do so are met. And My Word will always sound in those who are of good will, to whom the Father can speak like to His children and who have a living faith in Me. And to them I will give evidence of Myself, and My Own will recognise My voice because I can be present with them .... I can reveal Myself to them as I have promised ....


BD 8963                received  15.04.1965

Do the Gospels correspond to truth? ....

The question occupying you is understandable if you wish to know the truth. The fact that changes had occurred everywhere cannot be denied, because I do not exert force on a person’s free will even if he himself implements changes, partly as a result of wrong translations, but partly also caused by the use of language which differs everywhere and also promotes various interpretations. Even the transcripts of the original text diverge from each other were you to compare them, but they do not distort My teaching, they describe My Words as I had spoken them, because these Words of Mine are and will remain everlasting. But now you desire to know who has been instructed by Me to record My divine teaching of love, as well as My way of life, and I can only reply to this that John .... My favourite disciple .... had the direct order from Me and thus also complied with this task. However, My disciple Matthew, having been likewise capable of writing, also left scripts behind in which he mentioned more factual events, hence he was an equally faithful servant, yet minor discrepancies occurred in his transcripts which, however, cannot be explained such that every scribe saw the same events differently, instead, it concerns multiple events, for I have often done the same. Even so, this Gospel is still hidden from you and was replaced by a disciple of the same name who was impelled by the spirit of God, just like the evangelists Luke and Mark, who only during later years wrote down what they had heard about Me and My act of Salvation. You can rest assured that they were influenced by My spirit, otherwise they would never have attempted to tackled such work .... And it will indeed be possible for every spiritually awakened person to recognise these minor discrepancies, which had slipped in later, but he will always be able to keep to My direct Words, since I protect ‘My Word’ from being changed. Admittedly, you can also interpret these Words of Mine wrongly, which indeed you have done, thereby giving the spoken Word a different meaning, but a spiritually awakened person will always recognise them as being wrong.

So if you know that you are allowed to unhesitatingly accept all Gospels as being conveyed by My spirit, as long as you merely assign different periods of time to the process of the transfer, then the Gospel of John was the first one given by Me, because John more or less witnessed everything and was therefore able to describe it in greatest detail. However, the other Gospels can also be unreservedly believed. For they do not contradict each other, merely in the course of time minor changes have occurred which, however, are insignificant and recognisable. If the translators keep firmly to the original text, if they don’t change the words according to their linguistic usage, it can also be assumed that the Gospels will remain pure, but the latter should be avoided because it can completely change the meaning. And even the ‘expositions’ require an awakened spirit .... worldly studies, even if they are of a spiritual nature, are to no avail .... And time and again such ‘expositions’ arise which deviate from correct thinking, and so many a passage exists which is purely interpreted in a human way, whereas it should only be understood spiritually .... and this always ever concerns passages where clarifications were given .... On account of people’s free will I cannot prevent this, nevertheless, wherever possible I protect the Word I have spoken during My life time on earth, so that those of you who want to know the truth may find the right explanation .... For such questions will only be asked by a seriously-minded person who is not satisfied with scriptures of unknown origin and whose questions only prove that he loves the pure truth and therefore also Me Myself, Who is the eternal Truth ....


Scrutinising revelations

BD 4169                received  17.11.1947

Divine revelations can be accepted without scrutiny ....
Love ....

A divine revelation should and must be taken seriously, otherwise the recipient is not worthy of it. Various possibilities to solve earthly problems certainly exist, earthly things can be viewed from various angles, an earthly problem can be answered in different ways, depending on the human being’s attitude, however, in a spiritual respect there is only one truth, there is only one solution, and this solution is given by God Himself to those who desire it and are worthy of it. And despite the worthiness, the transmission of truth through revelations of the spirit is a very special grace which must be acknowledged, just as that which God imparts to people through revelations is beyond all doubt and may therefore be accepted without any examination. And, indeed, as soon as God Himself is acknowledged as the source of spiritual revelations his communications are no longer doubted. Yet it is precisely the source of spiritual revelation that is frequently questioned, and then the human being will not be entirely convinced that the content corresponds to the truth. However, the Word speaks for itself, and it speaks in a language which can certainly be understood by all those who live a life of love .... Kind-hearted people, who develop increasingly higher, can also affirm the content of the proclamations, for they grasp the truth and are on the right track with their thoughts, nothing will seem implausible to them, instead, they accept every Word and arrange their life accordingly. Yet a person who lacks love will find it more difficult to believe unconditionally. God’s working is incomprehensible to them, and neither can they completely appreciate the content, for love is the key to truth, love is indispensable if the human being wants to penetrate the truth through his acceptance of divine revelations. They can only be advised to practise acting with love, for only through this they will understand everything and disperse every doubt. Through love he will make contact with God and can subsequently also be instructed by God Himself. Then he will know the truth, he will be allowed to receive profound knowledge, it will be easy for him to believe, since the truth speaks for itself, and the Word of God will always be pure and unadulterated truth, because it originates from the One Who is the eternal Truth Himself ....


BD 8050                received  28.11.1961

Doubting the transfer of pure truth ....

Anyone who wants to fulfil My will, will also only ever work according to My will. Nevertheless, it is a matter of sincere resolve, for I Am not satisfied with words which do not arise from the heart, which are only voiced by the mouth or which flow forth from the intellect .... For the will must utterly belong to Me, then the human being will have completely submitted himself to My will and will no longer be able to think and want anything other than that which corresponds to My will. However, the adversary will always attempt to gain this will of yours for himself, he will constantly try to tempt you anew by means of the world, he will try to loosen your bond with Me, in which case there is a risk that he will intervene in your thoughts .... which, however, will impel Me to send My angels so that they will build a wall around you, so that they will mentally influence you and assuredly push him aside because your innermost intention applies to Me. I Am aware of every human being’s attitude and therefore also know who so totally hands himself over to Me so that I can trust him with an extraordinarily important task in the end time: to accept the truth from Me and to spread it .... Truth can only come forth from Me, and it can only be conveyed into pure vessels, because everything of an impure nature would prevent the working of My spirit in the person and because the truth from Me can only be conveyed through My spirit to earth. Therefore, understand that the receiving vessel must be clean and that the human being must voluntarily be willing to be of service to Me .... Don’t you believe that it is possible for Me to recognise a person’s state of soul and to know who is capable of such a task? Do you think I would arbitrarily work in a person who cannot show the preconditions which make the transfer of the pure truth from above possible? If it is My will to bring the truth to you humans because you urgently require it, should it not be possible for Me to choose an appropriate tool which serves Me according to My will? Why do you deny Me the power to protect this tool from error? A tool to which I assign the task to receive the pure truth from Me and to spread it? .... Do you think I would keep urgently calling for the spreading of that which is conveyed from above to earth were it not the guaranteed pure truth which My last disciples shall carry into the world? The fact that people I have not chosen also appoint themselves makes your objections understandable; nevertheless, you should make clear whom you accept as true ‘Word recipients’ .... Indeed, you are entitled to conduct this examination if you carry it out with My support solely with the intention of serving the pure truth .... In that case, however, you will also recognise the true tools I have chosen for Myself, for anyone who desires the truth may receive it, he will identify where the truth is which originates from Me. Yet don’t believe that you can accuse every tool of ‘influx of error’, for every such suspicion merely proves to Me that you doubt My love, wisdom or power .... Have I Myself not given you the promise to ‘guide you into truth ....’ And should that not be possible for Me in your opinion?! When I recognise the necessity to convey the pure truth to humanity, then I also truly know the right ways and means, and I know the right hearts which completely hand themselves over to Me and My will, which I can choose for this task of being mediators between Me and people .... so that those who desire light shall become enlightened. Believe that everything is possible for Me .... Believe that Love wants to help you come out of darkness into light, and believe that I know how this can happen .... and accept with complete faith what you are offered by My love, wisdom and power ....


BD 8460                received  06.04.1963

Two different kinds of revelations cannot be true ....

I cannot make concessions where it concerns the transmission of the pure truth. Understand that only one truth can and does exist and that this comes forth from Me, since I alone know everything and therefore only I can convey the knowledge to those who possess a profound desire for truth and make heartfelt contact with Me, who thus make themselves worthy and suitable to receive bright light. And neither will I speak to people with two tongues by teaching different things to different people .... For truth is eternally unchanging and will not allow previously misguided human thinking to impose limitations on it either. I will always provide you humans with clarification if you have fallen prey to such mistakes. And therefore I must criticise where My adversary has already prevailed, and I must openly highlight misguided mental concepts .... And I will do so as soon as divine revelations are conveyed to Earth .... For only because of their complete concurrence will you be able to scrutinise the origin of such revelations yourselves. But it would also utterly contradict My wisdom were I to instruct people differently, by adapting My instructions to their hitherto thinking, if it is wrong .... The truth must uncompromisingly expose misconceptions, because only the truth will benefit the soul, because only the truth is the path leading to Me. And people who are closely connected with Me through love will always be gladdened by the pure truth and willingly forego misconceptions .... Hence, a caring person will feel impressed by the truth and easily recognise that he was hitherto wrongly instructed .... For the error .... that is, My adversary .... is unable to hold someone captive who hands himself over to Me, he will therefore easily be able to let go of wrong thoughts and unhesitatingly accept the truth. But what is one to think of revelations which obviously keep within such humanly established limitations?

I certainly want to convey My Word to all places, I want to reveal Myself to all people, but in order to do so I need completely empty vessels .... people who are not so entrenched in wrong concepts that they do not voluntarily relinquish or doubt them .... If I want to reveal Myself to a person then his doubts that he is in possession of truth must impel him toward Me, requesting that I grant him spiritual enlightenment .... Only then will I be able to enlighten him, but never as long as he is still bound and unable to inwardly release himself from misguided teachings .... My revelations require an empty vessel which I can subsequently fill .... And then I will clearly emphasise that which does not correspond to the pure truth from Me .... For I cannot utter two different kinds of spiritual knowledge and will not veil anything, but instead disclose everything, because you humans are in need of light in order to find and travel the right path to return to Me into the Father’s house. Hence, whatever concurs has been conveyed to you humans by Me, once the prerequisites exist which allow for My revelations .... And if contradictions are found then you must be cautious and seriously scrutinise them, for I Myself cannot make any concessions which contradict the truth. Yet I want to win all people over before the end, and therefore I also want to show the right path to those who are still being misguided, and truly, anyone who completely devotes himself to Me will receive clarification, and he will find his way out from a thicket which is inextricable for the half-hearted and indifferent person .... My adversary has so much control over people that he has turned them into fanatics who no longer allow anything else .... be they members of ecclesiastical organisations or sects or of the various schools of thought .... It is precisely the fact that they are incorrigible when My messengers want to inform them of the pure truth, that demonstrates their bond with him who does not allow clear thoughts to arise in them, but instead impels them to fanatically advocate misguided teachings .... And then it will be difficult to win them over to the pure truth .... even those of good will allow themselves to be deceived because the adversary appears by the same token and is determined to make people spread wrong spiritual knowledge as divine activity .... yet I will always protect those people from believing it who fully consciously hand themselves over to Me and only ever appeal to Me for the truth .... Even so, all of you should be on your guard, for the adversary has many tricks at his disposal in order to hold on to his followers, and he will fight the truth until the end, until I Myself put a stop to his working and place him in chains again because the time of the end has arrived ....


BD 8724                received  13.01.1964

Scrutinising the origin of a revelation ....

Time and again I will ensure that the truth is granted to you as long as you merely desire it. You can receive a wealth of knowledge, as I have promised, yet you must give occasion to it yourselves by requesting it from the One Who alone can distribute the truth, for you cannot gain realisation against your will. And only truth enables you to attain the state of realisation, the possession of true knowledge .... If error is offered to you, then you must recognise it first before you reject it, and this also involves your sincere desire for truth. However, it is very difficult to recognise the error in a world of darkness, in My adversary’s sphere who takes action against all light .... And yet, it is possible for someone who strives towards Me consciously, who recognises a purpose of existence in his life on earth and desires an explanation about everything, for he will take the path to Me, Whom he recognises as the origin of himself, as Creator of everything visible to him. Thus he establishes the connection with Me through questioning thoughts and thereby is on the right path to truth, which only comes forth from Me, the Eternal Truth Itself .... Dense darkness has been spread across Earth by My adversary’s activity, people’s thoughts are totally confused and neither can they find their way through the darkness if they don’t receive truthful explanations for everything. Wrong thinking however .... error .... results in the fact that people don’t grasp the meaning of their life and thus do not comply with their task on earth so that, at the end of their earthly existence, they will have made no psychological progress whatsoever. It is My adversary’s intention that they shall not find and take the path to Me and to eternal life. You humans have no idea how much harm you do to your soul if it lives in error, if it does not recognise Me correctly, if it holds a completely wrong concept about My nature and therefore cannot love Me .... which, however, is necessary in order to join Me again ....

And so I will convey the pure truth to you over and over again and only require your free will to take possession of the truth. This forms the basis for My revelations which are repeatedly conveyed to Earth because you human are in urgent need of them .... The Book of the Fathers has lost its significance to you, it certainly also contains truth but must be read with an enlightened spirit in order to be recognised as truth .... And since the end is imminent I provide you with clarification in the most comprehensive and simple way. I no longer speak to you in metaphors but reveal everything which, until now, seemed incomprehensible and veiled to you, for I know that there is not much time left and you should make good use of this short time. You should draw the strength from the pure and unadulterated truth coming directly from Me to work at improving yourselves and attain such firm faith that you will persevere until the end, that you will prevail in the final battle of faith, but only the truth will facilitate this, which shows you your relationship with Me so that you will hand yourselves over to Me with absolute trust, so that you, like children, will take refuge in your Father and He will draw you to Himself with loving mercy. Hence, I transmit My Word to Earth, which guarantees you purest truth because without truth you cannot become blissfully happy .... Nevertheless, you humans will always dispute amongst each other as to who has the truth, and everyone will want to claim this right for himself, despite the fact that everyone endorses different spiritual knowledge .... For this reason the origin of the spiritual knowledge will have to be established .... Intellectually acquired knowledge has not originated from Me, for I only express Myself through the spirit which rests in every person’s heart, which needs to be ignited and thus makes contact with the eternal Father-Spirit .... Who will then guide the human being into truth, as I have proclaimed. And only knowledge which can show this origin will correspond to the pure truth, it will lead you humans towards beatitude if you desire and accept it of your own free will and thereby make direct contact with Me with a request to teach you everything you need to know. Nevertheless, you can rest assured that I will never fail to enlighten you humans and to impart pure truth upon you, because I know the danger you are in when you walk through the dense darkness, since every misguided teaching is darkness for your soul. Then you are still controlled by the prince of darkness, who will do whatever it takes in order to withhold the truth from you because he knows that he will lose you as soon as you learn to recognise and love Me as a result of the truth .... For then you will strive towards Me consciously and I will embrace you and never ever let you go again ....


Scrutinising schools of thought

BD 2091                received  30.09.1941

Danger of accepting established traditions ....
Examination ....

It is incomprehensible when a person supports a traditionally adopted teaching which would barely stand up to serious scrutiny. Only someone hungry for truth scrutinises every teaching and will indeed be successful insofar as that he will be able to differentiate between misguided teachings and the truth and correspondingly decide for or against existing doctrines. He will accept what he recognises as truth and retain it as a precious possession. But he will also disassociate himself easily from that which seems untrue to him, he will consider it worthless and thus he will not hesitate to give it up, to reject it. And only then will he value the doctrine and be imbued by it. And since it came alive in him he will stand up for this teaching, whereas traditionally adopted teachings are lifeless possessions, for they are accepted and kept due to some sense of duty. The person dare not voice his own opinion and strictly adheres to the teaching people imparted to him. Such a doctrine cannot lead to spiritual maturity in a person, for only that which he recognises as truth refines his nature. But in order to recognise the truth of a teaching the person must weigh up all pros and cons. If this is his serious will, he will recognise the truth and his work will begin .... to enlighten his fellow human beings as well. However, a person can only endorse that teaching which he himself regards to be true. Hence he must have examined it first before he can pass a teaching on. A certain sign of the value of a teaching is when it can be imparted to a fellow human being with complete confidence. If a person is so penetrated by it that he is capable of imparting a teaching understandably and acceptably then it can also be assumed that he has seriously examined it himself, for he cannot explain something that is still unclear to him, nor would it stand up to serious scrutiny and would therefore be discarded by himself as worthless. Thus, when it is being discussed, the battle of words will be won by that person who had formed an opinion about a doctrine and thought about it himself. He will find it easy to inform his fellow human being because he will have mastered the content of what he wants to pass on, whereas an adopted doctrine becomes more a game of words, because it cannot stand up to closer inspection and is therefore not suitable to be passed on. In that case people can only ever adhere to the wording of a teaching; however, the meaning of the wording causes confusion among people, just as, vice versa, the imparting of a teaching which was recognised to be true will lead to bright light and realisation in a fellow human being. This is why the acceptance of traditional religious doctrines must be warned against time and again, for they offer little or nothing at all to people. But something that should make people happy must be equally acceptable for all people, provided they are permeated by the desire for truth and see in it a mission to pass on what is imparted to them. They are fully capable of differentiating between truth and lies, thus a thoughtless acceptance of established traditions will be out of the question ....


BD 3328                received  13.11.1944

Concord of spiritual results ....
Truth ....

The thoughts and words of all those who are enlightened by the spirit of God will be in complete concord, for they are all educated by God’s spirit and can endorse the same truth, because they received the latter from God through His spirit. But the concord of thoughts does not depend on people belonging to the same school of faith, they need merely spiritually be on the same path, i.e., their life must correspond to God’s will by actively practising neighbourly love. This awakens the indwelling spirit to life which can subsequently instruct them, that is, guide them into truth. But people who are spiritually awakened by the spirit of God will mostly pursue different goals than those which are generally required by ecclesiastical organisations. They will not keep to external formalities so much but make the heart of the matter, Christ’s teaching of love, their guiding principle of life, hence, they will live their life according to this teaching of love, although in their obedience to the church they belong to, they also fulfil its laws. But the fulfilment of ecclesiastical commandments does not help them to become spiritually awake, only the fulfilment of the divine commandments, which require love, does that, this is why someone not belonging to an external church community but living a life of love can also be spiritually enlightened. For he belongs to the church of Christ, which comprises the community of believers, to the church which was founded by Christ with the Words ‘Thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build My church ....’ This community of believers can be composed of the most varied ecclesiastical organisations, for there will be truly devout people who practise love in each one and in whom the spirit of God can work. But they will be of like mind, they will endorse the same direction of thought, muster the same understanding for spiritual problems, strive towards the same goal, because the spirit of God guides them into truth, and this can never contradict itself. And the hallmark, the characteristic of the church of Christ, rests in the fact that all members are of like mind, but that they do not advocate externally acquired spiritual knowledge imparted to them by fellow human beings; instead, they have received the truth themselves from within, for even externally imparted mental information must first become a person’s possession through the working of the spirit before he can endorse it. However, earthly ecclesiastical organisations demand unconditional acceptance of teachings which were conveyed to them from external sources; they devise a code of belief the rejection of which they portray as sin, thus people are not permitted to voice any opinion.

This is not faith .... it is not spiritually attained mental knowledge, which can be endorsed with full conviction if the person has not formed an earnest opinion of it first. The spirit of God can therefore not work in those people, since due to their lack of serious deliberation they do not provide it with the opportunity to answer their questions, to instruct them and to correct errors .... Hence the working of God’s spirit is made impossible; it cannot express itself because it is not approached for an explanation. Therefore, such people will also agree in their opinions and thoughts, nevertheless, they only dutifully repeat what is demanded of them but do not uphold personally gained thoughts which were born in them of their profound desire for pure truth .... Thus it is not their own mental knowledge but is adopted from other people and therefore not their own spiritual spark’s working .... Yet the working of the divine spirit is also credited to results which are far removed from truth, because people have no idea when and where the spirit of God is able to work .... because they associate the working of the spirit with a person of reputable position or distinction .... The spirit of God works wherever He wants .... but only where a heart willing and capable of love allows for this working, where God’s prerequisites are fulfilled in order to be able to impart the pure truth to people through His spirit .... And these prerequisites can be fulfilled by all people, irrespective of which school of thought they belong to and what position they hold on earth .... Consequently, the truth can only be found where the spirit of God is at work, but it will always concur. As soon as different spiritual results and thoughts emerge, this cannot be considered the working of the spirit, and then there must be an investigation into where the preconditions had been disregarded. For the spirit of God always instructs people in the same truth, which is eternal and unchanging .... but which will, time and again, be conveyed to earth in purity where people, through a selfless life of love, awaken their spirit, which will then instruct them from within ....


BD 3366                received  13.12.1944

New school of thought ....
Human work ....

It will be the object of those who no longer recognise God, due to their heartless way of life, to coerce people into a completely new school of thought. They reject the old belief and will try to replace it with new teachings, their intention will be to confuse people’s thought by seeking to disprove everything and, through objections, will awaken their doubts in order to introduce them to the new school of thought, to recruit them for it with guile and force. Because they do not shy away from achieving their aim by unfair means, they will rigorously proceed against people who remain faithful to their old belief and honour those who do their will and promote the spreading of the new teaching. These teachings are the work of human beings, they incorporate neither wisdom nor love; the aim of these teachings is to de-spiritualise people, to make people get the wrong idea about the purpose of earthly life, they do not originate from the spiritual realm but deny all spiritual concepts and only accept worldly goals.

And these teachings are offered to people in such a way that no one may evade their influence, that daily life will more or less depend on the acceptance of these teachings so that people will have to make the serious decision to accept or reject them. This school of thought will find approval everywhere because it takes people’s worldly attitude into account which is the key factor for most people, because humanity is becoming increasingly materialistic and has completely turned away from the spiritual kingdom. They accept what they are given by people but do not recognise spiritual gifts as such, they laugh at or mock God’s Word and reject any truthful explanation.

On the other hand, human structures and human ideas, which heartless people are trying to spread, meet the approval of most, and thus a school of thought will evolve which completely contradicts the pure truth. This is a school of thought which has nothing in common with Christ’s teaching since Christ’s teaching of love will be frowned upon. Since love is not taught first and foremost it will grow cold and wisdom, which is unthinkable without love, will also come to an end. People’s thoughts will be ever more misguided, fewer and fewer people will take refuge in God as the source of all wisdom and it won’t be possible, therefore, to give the pure truth to them anymore either. Nor will the truth be recognised any longer while error will assert itself, since humanity will no longer be able to distinguish truth from error due to its heartlessness. And thus it will allow itself to be encouraged and descend ever deeper into a state of ignorance. There will be spiritual darkness for humanity and no one will want to see the light .... And for this reason the adversary will have an easy time .... The battle against faith will be carried out on all levels of society since unkindness dominates everywhere and prevents people’s perception. However, human work will not last .... It will disintegrate, like everything that is not of God, after it has triggered an enormous chaos, because these things do not survive for long and will therefore be eliminated by God Himself when the time for the end has come ....


BD 4786                received  23.11.1949

There is only one truth ....
Feeling of heart ....

You are certainly free to join any school of thought, yet you must always remember that there is only one truth, that, because different schools of thought also teach different doctrines, only one can be true, therefore an examination should never be avoided, which anyone can carry out if he earnestly wants to. Truth is guaranteed where divine revelations are conveyed to earth; therefore they can always be used for comparison. And truth only exists where it agrees with the teachings of the divinely imparted Word. However, if a direct revelation is not available for comparison, then it is absolutely essential to appeal to God for assistance, in which case the human being will surely make the right decision, that is, he will either decide or reject what he is duty bound to believe by a school of thought .... Sincere desire to know the truth and a prayer to God in spirit and in truth assures him that he will correctly recognise what is truth and what is error. And his heart will either encourage or warn him against joining a school of thought, but he must also pay attention to his feeling and not act against it. No spiritual organisation on earth is devoid of error, because the pure truth, which originally motivated the founder to advocate it and to win fellow human beings over, will be changed by people time and again. This is why every seeker in all schools of thought will experience doubts, and for good reason, so that he will pursue the truth himself, and, through earnest deliberation and in connection with God through prayer and kind-hearted activity, awaken the spirit in him, which will then instruct him truthfully and guide him into true knowledge. A person can therefore find the truth in any spiritual movement providing he genuinely wants it. A blind person needs to entrust himself to someone sighted, and since only God can see they must be a spiritually awakened leader instructed by God, who can offer true support to the blind, who will guide him and also help him gain his vision if it is wanted by the blind himself. However, a blind leader will not be very beneficial; he will also lead everyone entrusted to him astray as long as he has not gained the ability to see of his own will. But a person who has not drawn his wisdom from divine revelations is a blind leader .... a blind leader is someone who has received his knowledge from likewise poorly sighted people again and thereby did not become enlightened but travels his path in the same darkness as before. God takes care of everyone who desires truth. Lack of knowledge, error and a dark spiritual state can only be found where the desire for truth does not exist because this is the prerequisite for God, as the Giver of truth and as the eternal Truth Himself, revealing Himself to a person, for anyone who desires it will be offered the truth ....


BD 5546                received  02.12.1952

Spiritual compulsion ....
Doctrines ....
Truth ....

Spiritual freedom must be maintained, the human being may not be forced to think in this or that direction, he must remain at liberty to join any school of thought, only then will My will be complied with, for it concerns the free decision of will, which every person must make by himself without having been influenced in a compelling way. For this reason I will never ever sanction compulsory faith which expresses itself through dogma, which inhibits people’s thinking and denies them any possibility of testing and of choosing .... Thereby the human being is impelled to think in a specific way and comes to completely wrong conclusions if the preconditions are wrong .... He can hardly find the truth which is only gained by a person who seriously desires it. The truth is made accessible to a person in earthly life because he is capable of thinking and only his will makes the decision as to whether he thinks correctly. He might well think correctly but he must always be active himself, that is, he must form his own opinion about everything that is presented to him from outside, and that requires his own intellectual activity and, even more importantly, his desire for truth, i.e. the will only to accept the right information. This will is absolutely respected by Me, it is always complied with because I, being Truth Itself, also want to make Myself accessible to My living creations. But I can never convey the truth to a person who does not want it, who only ever accepts what he receives from external sources. Every person must examine for himself, for error might just as well have been presented to him as truth, and the person is responsible for what he decides to accept. It is a mistaken objection to say that the majority of people are incapable of scrutiny .... The intellect alone is not decisive but the will to think correctly certainly is, in which case the person’s intellect will also form a positive or negative opinion, because I Myself will intervene if he desires to know the truth. By comparison, highly developed intellectual thinking can easily fall prey to error if only the intellect is inclined towards the pure truth without involving the heart and will ....

Consequently, it is wrong to accept knowledge without examining it, to acknowledge teachings and to decide on a spiritual direction without scrutiny .... which already follows from the fact that not only one school of thought exists, but that ever new offshoots verify that an examination must take place as to which school of thought the truth can be found in. For every advocate of his school of thought has used his intellect to choose it but has no guarantee that it is the truth if he does not seriously deliberate on it and calls upon Me for support through My spirit .... Anyone who chooses this path can be certain that the pure truth will be conveyed to him, and he will also be able to endorse it as such with inner conviction. However, every individual soul is responsible for its decision, and the result will be according to its will .... But as long as people are pushed into a specific direction of thought, as long as individuals deem themselves called to present knowledge to their fellow human beings which they want to be accepted as truth but which they would reject themselves were they seriously to examine it .... so long people will be in a dreadful state, for only truth helps the souls to mature fully, they can only find their way to Me through truth and only through truth can they be released from sin and its consequences, for the truth comes from Me and leads back to Me again. But that which is not from Me, that which can be recognised as error with proper scrutiny, comes from My adversary, and he will really not help you to gain beatitude, he will not guide you to Me, he will try to push you aside, to darken your spirit and to make you dependent on him .... Only truth will make you happy, and you will only receive the truth if you appeal to Me Myself for it, if you are serious about receiving the truth from Me .... But this always presupposes your own action and no-one can bear the responsibility for you, no-one can relieve you of the decision which you must make yourselves for the sake for your soul’s salvation ....


BD 8615                received  13.09.1963

Wrong portrayal of God ....
Error ....

Many misconceptions are widespread in the world and people do nothing in order to gain the pure truth, they are indifferent towards everything which is, after all, the most important thing in earthly life: to inform themselves about the spiritual kingdom, about their God and Creator and His will ..... And even though I mentally influence them time and again, the truth cannot penetrate the error since, due to the misconception, I cannot be recognised as a supremely perfect Being, and I Am usually portrayed to people as a punishing Judge, as a God of wrath, who merely has vengeance in store for everyone because they are sinful. As a result, they don’t strive for such a God either and a distance remains between Me and the human race which should, in fact, be reduced in earthly life and finally completely disappear. And everything I send upon the human race through providence to make them think and turn to Me is more likely to be regarded as evidence that no God exists, for they are unable to reconcile a God of love with the fact that people must suffer. They are unable to recognise Him because they are instructed entirely wrongly, because they don’t know the reason for their human existence and the purpose of their life on earth as human beings. They could certainly be taught correctly but they won’t accept anything because they still harbour an inner resistance against Me as long as they don’t practise love .... Love, however, has grown cold, people are governed by selfish love and therefore by the one who instilled this love in them, who is and will continue to be My adversary for an infinitely long time. Consequently, only error will come forth from him, whereas I will convey the truth to people .... Yet the human being always determines for himself as to whether he accepts error or truth .... neither My adversary nor I will exert force on him. But because of the human being’s immature nature My adversary will be far more successful, particularly during the last days before the end, when error will dominate and the truth will only be accepted by a few people. For many schools of thoughts and ecclesiastical organisations openly endorse the error as truth .... whilst the followers of the truth will only be those people whose will is seriously inclined towards their God and Creator and who, as a result of this will, enter into contact with Me and receive the truth from Me Myself. As long as people still doubt My greater than great love, wisdom and might, they will not know the truth as yet.

Thus, misguided teachings originate from My adversary and he will always portray My nature in a distorted way in order to prevent people from loving Me .... He will describe Me to people as a being which must be feared, and they will never strive for and hand themselves over to such a being. But all I want is My living creations’ love, therefore I must convey the pure truth to them, in which they can also recognise Me as a supremely perfect Being Whom they will then love in return. Error leads people into completely wrong thinking .... For it is a most blatant error if they are told that I demand practices and rituals from them, that they can thereby acquire beatitude, because people are never assessed by Me according to their fulfilment of earthly decreed commandments, instead, only love is of value before My eyes. And this love, which I Myself taught when I lived on earth, is certainly taught as well but it is not emphasised as so important, or those who believe that they live according to My will would practise it more. For countless people conscientiously comply with their religious duties and yet live a life without love .... This should make all of you think, the fact that these people are subject to great misconception against which the truth can hardly prevail, for they will not let go of their error which they could, however, recognise as error if they first fulfilled the commandments of love, for then they would become enlightened, because love would kindle a light in them. However, were these commandments of Mine fulfilled first and foremost, there would truly not be so much misery in the world, as can be recognised by every person, no hatred and enmity would exist between nations, it would be calm and peaceful, because this is the result of a life of love .... Instead, the whole world is in turmoil and clearly controlled by Satan which, in turn, is the evidence that the error is spread throughout the whole world and that the truth finds little acceptance with people, for the error is officially acknowledged and endorsed as truth .... Only love alone incorporates truth, everything else which is endorsed as being important yet does not include love can only be error, because it comes from My adversary who will always keep people from loving activity so that they will not recognise the truth, so that they will be unable to recognise Me Myself and offer Me love, which simultaneously signifies their release from him. Believe it, you humans, that spiritual darkness is spread across you, that your thinking was led astray, and accept the pure truth when it is offered to you by My messengers, as they impart spiritual knowledge to you which originated from Me Myself and which will kindle a bright light in you, because in the truth you will recognise Me and My nature and the love, which unites you with Me again, will flare up in you. Just test everything that is given to you as truth as to whether it will stimulate you to be lovingly active, and accept that .... But don’t waste your time with external practices and rituals which cannot be regarded as loving activity and which are therefore also completely worthless for your soul, for I take no notice of such conduct, I only take notice of what love impels you to do, for this alone benefits your soul for eternity .... Just contemplate the state of the world, how all of people’s intentions and thoughts are purely concerned with earthly possessions. But the only purpose for your existence on earth is to prepare yourselves for the spiritual kingdom .... Hence your thinking must be going in the wrong direction, and this is My adversary’s doing. And therefore, as long as you live wrongly, your thinking is misguided; you are far removed from the truth .... consequently, I will try to convey the truth to you time and again .... and blessed it he who accepts it when it is offered to him ....


BD 8990                received  06.06.1965

Various schools of thought ....
There is only one truth ....

In every school of thought you will find something that corresponds to truth, yet you will encounter far more misguided points of view and therefore you must examine everything and establish its origin .... not everything can be endorsed as truth. The vast number of existing different schools of thought all deviate from each other. And this alone should make you think, for there is only one truth and this originates from Me directly. Pure truth, however, will only ever be gained through the working of the spirit in the human being, for this reason it is imperative to establish first where My spirit was able to take effect and thus also has taken effect. Then the contents must concur with My direct message from above .... But who can claim to have the working of My spirit in him? Who has the guarantee that pure truth is received by him and conveyed to him? This question is clearly answered to you: Anyone who, without having any previous knowledge, attains knowledge from within himself about My eternal plan of Salvation, about the meaning and purpose of his existence, about My reign and activity throughout the whole of infinity, anyone who can substantiate everything and knows all correlations .... is enlightened by My spirit, and his knowledge corresponds to the full truth against which the contents of every spiritual movement must be examined, and every teaching which contradicts this knowledge can be rejected .... This certainly provides you with the opportunity to subject the knowledge you have attained until now to scrutiny, but who makes use of this indication in order to take possession of the pure truth himself?! Each school of thought refuses to let go of its own point of view, and thus a vast number of erroneous teachings were able to slip in through My adversary’s influence, although every spiritual movement contains a grain of truth as well. However, they all agree not to accept anything which really is the truth! .... For precisely this process of the ‘working of the spirit in the human being’ is alien to all schools of thought, and so only rarely do people believe that I make Myself known to anyone who fulfils the conditions I attached to it. This condition requires the human being to live a life of love, because love unites him with Me and, as a result, I Myself can speak to him .... This condition could be met by any human being and he, too, would know the truth and think correctly. And all those who comply with My easy commandment will also be convinced that the truth is conveyed to them when they receive such gained knowledge through ‘the working of the spirit’. Yet their number is small precisely because people lack love .... Consequently, being members of any kind of spiritual movement will not benefit you if you diligently advocate its teachings .... you are nevertheless spiritually dead for you do not recognise the truth, which alone can advance you on the path towards ascent .... And as long as you are unaware of the actual purpose of your earthly life, the knowledge you possess is wrong and can never lead you to higher spheres. This can only ever be achieved by love, which all of you can practise but are unwilling to do so because your selfish love is still too strong and thus the truth still remains inaccessible to you, i.e., you don’t recognise it as such .... And you will live in error, just as you will enter the spiritual kingdom with this error, where it is far more difficult to release yourselves from it, for you will not accept the truth over there either, even if it is offered to you. It therefore always depends on your degree of love as to whether your thoughts come close to the truth, and this is why you need only ever be given the teaching of love so that your thoughts will be right, so that My spirit will be able to express itself in you, so that you will recognise and accept the pure truth which will assuredly guide you upwards towards your perfection .... For darkness will always fight against light, yet the world belongs to the prince of darkness and only the person who detaches himself from him can enter My kingdom. And I will truly help everyone to recognise Me and the truth ....


Scrutinising psychic communications

BD 6468                received  05.02.1956

Dangers of psychic communication ....

Much is presented to you humans as truth which was received in a mediumistic state from the spiritual kingdom .... And you frequently support this information with confidence because you are convinced that you cannot be wrongly educated from this world .... And especially these teachings can cause you considerable disadvantage, because you are then no longer able to receive the pure truth. Psychic communication always necessitates utmost caution .... this has to be said to you time and again. Because the recipient’s environment is rarely so purged, so permeated by light, that negative influences cannot intrude .... Only then can pure truth also be conveyed by mediumistic means. But the thoughts of people who surround the recipient also affect psychically made statements. The recipient himself has surrendered his will and is now controlled by an unknown will. Only extreme integrity of his outer circle keeps everything unspiritual at bay .... However, as soon as a hitherto accepted wrong thought emerges in someone in this circle, he attracts beings who instantly want to intensify his error, since they are now able to enter this environment .... which is not possible when all participants are wholly inspired by the desire for purest truth and completely submit themselves to God and all that is light. But this commonly shared will soon abandons psychic reception, because people will then consciously approach God for clarification, for truth .... and it is no longer necessary to surrender the will, to enter into a state of trance, because God will certainly grant such sincere request for conveying the truth and will choose a servant from this circle to whom He can transmit His Word in a conscious state ....

On the other hand, not every mediumistic message can be discarded, since beings of light occasionally also use this opportunity to contact people, in the hope that one day they will be able to establish the heartfelt contact which facilitates the conveyance of absolute truth. But these psychic messages always have to correspond to God’s Word, which is received in a conscious state. However, differences of opinion will frequently arise because mediumistic messages are equally highly valued. The messages of the beings of light will always concur with each other, they will always proclaim the truth from God .... And each deviation has to be seriously examined as to whether and to what extent the environment or the medium himself had an already preconceived opinion which contradicted the consciously conveyed Word. There is only one truth, and this comes forth from God Himself, even though it is transmitted by beings of light .... And where there is truth there is no contradiction .... But there are many different opinions, and there are different sources used by people ....

Yet only one source is the fountain of life, which God has made accessible ..... He Himself pours His spirit into the human hearts who prepare themselves as a vessel for the flow of spirit .... This preparation is conscious work, it is the work of improving the soul .... it is a transformation to love .... which is the prerequisite for the working of the divine spirit ....

But a person can receive psychic messages even when he has not achieved this transformation, simply by handing over his own will and allowing himself to be seized by an unknown will .... And the quality of this unknown will is determined by the degree of maturity of his own soul and the souls of people in his surroundings .... Every spiritually revived person will oppose mediumistic reception because he recognises the inherent danger and because a spiritually awakened person is always permeated by a profound desire for truth. However, a medium with a high degree of maturity will soon be able to receive the messages consciously, and these will never contradict the pure Word of God, which flows forth from the fountain of life made accessible by God Himself. Beware if you discover contradictions, and examine the source of the teachings which contradict themselves. And if you want to know the truth you will also receive clarification .... when you ask God Himself for help, when you submit to Him every doubt, every question, and always just want to be taught correctly and able to support Him and the only truth .... the truth from God ....


BD 8416                received  19.02.1963

Difference between the ‘working of the spirit’ and ‘psychic’ receptions ....

You should always bear in mind that the truth is intended to be distributed everywhere, therefore I must convey it to earth in all places, and this is always possible as soon as a person fulfils the requirements which the ‘working of My spirit’ in a person are based on. First, the willingness to be of service to Me has to motivate a person to enter into heartfelt contact with Me, and he will indeed be accepted as a labourer in My vineyard, since he is living a life of love otherwise he would not offer himself to Me as a co-worker. Hence, love is likewise the precondition that I can choose him as a suitable vessel into which My spirit can pour. Another requirement is the strong and living faith that I speak to My child as a Father, when it desires Me to speak .... And a further indispensable prerequisite is that he is permeated with the desire to be taught the absolute truth and that he therefore turns to the Eternal Truth Itself in order to receive it .... Now you will say that you humans are meeting every one of these requirements and that I should therefore be able to give My Word directly to many people .... Consequently, you will also gullibly accept messages from the spiritual world although they cannot be rated as the ‘working of the divine spirit’. For many people have an overwhelming urge to make contact with the supernatural world, and since all of you humans are surrounded by inhabitants of the world beyond, you will surely find it understandable that they will also make use of every opportunity to make contact with you in order to express themselves to you.

It is indeed difficult for you to recognise the difference between such communications from the spirit world and the genuine ‘working of My spirit’ .... Yet the one thing I want you to consider is that I merely want to assist your soul to become perfect on earth .... and that therefore the contents of My imparted spiritual knowledge through the working of the spirit will be the Gospel of love .... furthermore, that you, in order to find redemption on earth from your original sin, need to receive the knowledge about Jesus Christ and His act of Salvation .... about the cause and spiritual reason for His mission .... and about My human manifestation in Him .... And you need to be enlightened by Me about your origin and your goal and about My eternal plan of Salvation, through which I will one day reach the goal I set for Myself when I created you .... This extensive knowledge can only be conveyed to you through the ‘working of My spirit’ in you, and therefore only those people can claim to be true Word-recipients whom I have initiated Myself either directly or through My messengers of light, through perfect beings in the spiritual kingdom which absorb the light ray of My love and forward it on My instruction. And thus everyone believing himself to receive My Word should first seriously question whether he received this knowledge from Me, whether he can state with conviction that he was ‘initiated’ by Me into the truth, into a knowledge which was previously still unknown to him .... The information about My plan of Salvation can only be conveyed to people by Me directly, for anyone who only accepts it intellectually from other people will not understand it, even if it corresponds to the truth, because it requires spiritual enlightenment in order to comprehend it .... And I certainly convey this knowledge to earth in a clear and fully understandable way in all countries on earth, and it will totally concur, because only pure truth can come forth from Me and this will never contradict itself .... And the recipients of such extensive knowledge should do everything in their power and try to distribute it.

And this can always be used as a guideline for proclamations from the supernatural world, for as soon as they fail to impart to people the profound knowledge of My eternal plan of Salvation they do not originate from Me but are expressions of those spirits which are not yet entitled to teach because they are not yet permeated by the light which they should forward on My instructions. It is particularly important to know in which way such messages are conveyed to a person, whether he, in a fully conscious state, mentally or audibly hears clear Words or whether a spiritual being speaks through the mouth of a person in a psychic state, who surrendered his will and is therefore unable to test which spirit takes possession of him. This examination must always be carried out first, for although truthful messages can be received in a psychic state too, such momentous and extensive knowledge which provides complete clarification about My eternal plan of Salvation will never be conveyed to people in this way .... Then partial truths may well be imparted but to the same extent misguided teachings can also slip in, such as the wrong description of the Deity in Jesus, Whose correct portrayal is, however, of utmost importance. And as soon as people are taught wrongly, especially in this respect, they still live in error and every error has a disastrous effect on the human being’s soul. I don’t keep clarifying this time and again for no reason, because Jesus Christ’s act of Salvation and My human manifestation must be fully understood by you humans .... For the purpose of your existence on earth is that you will be free from all guilt when you pass into the kingdom of the beyond. And only if you possess a truthful explanation about this act of Salvation by Jesus Christ will you consciously take the path to the cross, you, who once denied Me your acknowledgement, will consciously acknowledge Me again of your own free will ....

But precisely as long as this problem of My human manifestation is not yet solved by you, you will still live in spiritual darkness .... And if you are now being taught by those in the spiritual realm which are instructed by Me to teach you and to convey My Word to you, then these beings of light will first of all provide this significant knowledge, and thereby you will also recognise the working of My spirit in you .... Then you will not need to be afraid of being used by other spiritual forces, which certainly will also disguise themselves and claim to be your guides and yet do not have the knowledge themselves as to be able to enlighten you. However, you humans don’t know how My adversary influences people as well as the still immature beings in the beyond, and you don’t know that he will try everything in his power in order to undermine the pure truth and to make people believe that they know the truth. Their skilful disguise will cause much harm, because people allow themselves to be used and are far too gullible themselves .... For they lack the right judgment, and they confuse the transmission from the supernatural spheres with the ‘working of My spirit’, which irrefutably grants truth to those who are instructed by Me to spread the truth throughout the world. And you should accept this truth and comply with My will, you should not just be listeners but doers, and then you will no longer need to doubt and question but know that you possess the truth ....


Scrutinising prophets

BD 2566                received  29.11.1942

False prophets ....
Test the spirits ....

The Lord warns you to ‘Take heed that ye be not deceived by false prophets ....’. He thereby wants to remind you to test everything first before you accept it as truth. ‘Test the spirits whether they are of God ....’ Consequently, prophets will also emerge from the darkness who assume the right to spread their teachings in the world as truth. Then it will be up to people to scrutinise their sermons. And they will certainly be able to do so if they want to know the truth and appeal to God for enlightenment. For God gave them an indication as to what to look out for; He announced to them in advance that false prophets, false spirits, will express themselves. But they will deny Christ, they will not acknowledge Him as the Son of God, as the Redeemer of the world, they will doubt Jesus’ divinity and therefore not live in love, for love recognises and professes Jesus Christ. And thus you will recognise false prophets by the fact that they act entirely without love, even though they seek to win people over for themselves with sweet words and enticing speeches. They promise to save the world and want to deprive it of its faith in Jesus Christ, they want to seduce you and of whom the Lord cautions you. They preach love yet their actions are completely devoid of love and their words are deceptive and hypocritical; it is not the spirit of God which speaks through them but the spirit of the one from below instead .... However, where Jesus Christ is professed in the world, that is, where the spirit of God expresses itself, you should listen to it .... For it will preach the same love which revealed itself to the world in Jesus Christ, it will show you the path to God, it will teach you the love which alone will lead to God .... it will try to impart the blessings of the act of Salvation upon you and constantly refer you to Jesus Christ, the divine Redeemer, Who came into the world in order to take your sins upon Himself through His death on the cross. Jesus Christ came in the flesh; He took the path on earth in order to show you how you can liberate yourselves from the bondage of the world, from the adversary’s bondage .... He took the path on earth for your sake, for your Salvation .... You ought to follow him and to this end you must acknowledge Him .... Hence you can recognise a true prophet by the fact that he will lead you to Jesus Christ, in that case you can give credence to his words, for the spirit which testifies to Him is the spirit of God .... Yet reject the voice of the one who opposes Christ, for he speaks on behalf of God’s adversary, who wants to lead people into sin and guides them towards their ruin .... Test the spirits to see whether they are of God .... However, if God sends His servants to you who testify to Him, then listen to them and comply with their teaching, for they are His representatives through whom He speaks to you Himself so that you will find the right path to Him ....


BD 4675                received  24.06.1949

‘That day and hour knoweth no man ....’
False prophets of the last days ....

No seer and prophet will ever be able to predict the time of an impending judgment, for this is not permitted by God due to being detrimental for people. For this reason no person will ever be able to predict the day when a judgment comes upon people. Nevertheless, their attention shall be drawn to it, and so God proclaims through a human mouth, through seers and prophets, as soon as a judgment is approaching. The announcement of a judgment on its own should therefore be believed, but if a definite time of the judgment is given, the prophecy can rightfully be dismissed as wrong .... In that case false prophets will have appeared which need not be listened to, for such announcements are generally made for the sake of earthly advantages and then you must be cautious. However, if God avails Himself of a person in order to inform humanity of His eternal plan of Salvation, He will not merely inform him of His intention, of the forthcoming judgment, but He will also provide him with the general knowledge which makes the necessity of a judgment comprehensible to God’s servant, so that he can convincingly substantiate these prophesies to his fellow human beings. But regardless of how determinedly he will stand up for the truth of the proclamations, he will never be able to state a precise date, because God reserves this right for Himself. Nevertheless, each such proclamation can be accepted as absolute truth, and time and again the Book of the Fathers will confirm that the announcements completely correspond to it, consequently, the fulfilment of these announcements can be expected with certainty and the forthcoming judgment taken as established fact, even so, humanity shall remain uncertain as to when God will manifest Himself; however it shall always be prepared, otherwise the announcements conveyed to people by God’s love would defeat the purpose and the judgment would befall humanity suddenly and unexpectedly ....


BD 5778                received  28.09.1953

False Christ’s and prophets ....

In the last days the pure truth will be particularly attacked, which is the work of Satan who, being God’s adversary, wants to undermine the truth by confusing people’s thoughts so that they cannot recognise the truth as such any longer. And his methods and tactics are so well devised that even people whose will does not oppose Me often do not want to see the situation clearly .... but who could see it if they sincerely only wanted the truth. Especially during the last days true and deceptive lights will flash at the same time, and a genuine will for truth is necessary in order to be able to differentiate between them, because it will be difficult to understand the matter .... Because many false Christ’s and prophets shall arise, as was foretold .... which is also a sign of the end time .... From this follows that they will fight in the same manner, that they will therefore present themselves as messengers from above, that they will speak the words of Christ and foretell the future to people .... but that they are representatives of the one who fights against the truth .... to lead people astray so that they cannot recognise the truth anymore. Thus you don’t always have to search for these false Christ’s and prophets outside of spiritual life since even the representatives of misguided teachings within the ecclesiastical organisations are false Christ’s and false prophets .... everyone offering vague, misleading explanations has to be included, as well as all those who try to prevent the pure truth from being given to people, hence all those who adhere to distorted teachings and restrict people’s freedom of thought by withholding from them what could have a clarifying effect ....

Everything that is untrue is the work of false Christ’s and prophets, and to make a distinction irrefutably requires the sincere will for truth, which also has to be willing to surrender what the person has always endorsed .... if it does not comply with the truth. Hence you humans can only protect yourselves from the actions of God’s adversary during the last days before the end if you place yourselves into the safe hands of God, Who is eternal truth .... if you pray to Him with sincere will for truth that He should protect you from error and then open your eyes and ears .... Then you will emotionally recognise what you should accept or reject .... Then false Christ’s and false prophets will not be able to dazzle you with a deceptive light .... Then the rising of a soft glow in your heart will give you reassurance that you live in truth, and then you will also maintain this truth with conviction and support its cause during the last battle on this earth .... and you will be true defenders of Christ ....


BD 7841                received  04.03.1961

The adversary’s disguise as a spirit of light ....
Miracles? ....

Your thinking is utterly wrong if you look upon the adversary’s machinations as divine miracles, because they can be recognised as soon as you humans are of good will and subsequently also desire to think correctly .... For the sign of My working consists of the fact that everything testifies to love, wisdom and power; consequently, you need only investigate as to whether love, wisdom and power can be recognised when you are informed of such alleged miracles .... My adversary also disguises himself in the form of light, he appears as a spirit of light and confuses gullible people who are looking for sensations and therefore also accept anything unverified. You should not believe blindly, each one of you should examine and keep that which seems acceptable to you after serious scrutiny. So if phenomena are reported to you which supposedly are My ‘divine’ activity, you should know that I do not work in unusual ways in order to lead people to faith, because a living faith can only be gained through kind-hearted actions and any other faith is of no value before Me. Why should I therefore offer you unusual phenomena and what would be My purpose for it? You can find out anything you need to know from My Word, its transmission is certainly an extraordinary gift of grace but it does not oblige anyone to believe who does not live a life of love .... But it shall stimulate you into kind-hearted activity, and then your faith will become firm and alive. A spiritually highly mature person will occasionally be able to experience spiritual visions, but he will find it very difficult to describe to his fellow human beings what he had seen .... In that case one cannot speak of ‘unusual phenomena’ which originate from Me .... Yet My adversary often works by dazzling people and thus creating an illusion of things which are only perceived by people akin to him, who are not in heartfelt contact with Me, their God and Father of eternity .... This can only happen if people think the wrong way and thereby prepare their own foundation for wrong images .... if they themselves are willing to confirm inaccuracies by testifying to them .... Their lack of earnestly requesting the truth leaves them open to any error, and then it is easy for My adversary to build upon this error and to increasingly confuse people’s thinking more and more so that they see and hear what he feigns to them because they want to see and hear it. Don’t believe that I try to prove or reveal Myself to those who do not shape themselves such that I can reveal Myself to them .... but even then it does not happen so obviously that it would compel someone into believing who has not reached a specific degree of maturity .... And ask yourselves whether people advocating unusual experiences or phenomena can be credited with this maturity .... because only the masses will let themselves be deceived but fully matured souls will never experience My adversary’s obvious activity .... Anyone who believes blindly gets more and more caught up in Satan’s web of lies, for he has an easy game with them .... But if you seriously desire the truth, he will not be able to deceive you, then you will recognise him regardless of what he does .... For his activity emerges from darkness and only increases the darkness .... However, where I Am at work there is light .... and there can only be light where love is present. And this light of love can only emanate from Me, but it will also illuminate and penetrate the darkness .... Therefore, look for light, try to escape the darkness and turn to Me as the light of eternity .... And you will easily recognise where My adversary has intervened, for neither My love nor My wisdom nor power can be recognised there .... His activity will be clearly recognisable, as he will only ever fight the light and therefore also the truth ....


BD 8521                received  07.06.1963

False Christ’s and prophets ....
Characteristic: Salvation ....

A strong light casts a deep shadow .... So especially where My pure Word is emanated to Earth, much error will also be conveyed to it, for My adversary seeks to extinguish the light from above or to obscure its radiance. This also explains his attempt to mislead people with seemingly similar gifts, that he deceives people with transmissions from the world of darkness and tries to offer them in the same format but which clearly betray his counter activity, for it distracts people from that which is most important: from the pure truth about Jesus Christ and His act of Salvation .... The redemption of souls through Jesus Christ is precisely what he wants to prevent in order to keep his followers, whom he regards as his power. Much spiritual knowledge will be offered and everyone will claim to have ‘received it from above’ .... because My adversary does not shy away from disguising himself as an angel of light in order to confuse people’s thinking. And I cannot stop his approach; after all, people themselves grant him this right. For it is mainly the desire for unusual experiences which offers My adversary the opportunity to intervene and to provide them with spiritual information which is worthless, if not perilous, for the human soul. Many people have a very strong desire for extraordinary experiences and are therefore not critical enough with themselves .... If they turn to Me with an earnest will for protection from erroneous thinking, if they are really interested in the pure truth, they will certainly also be protected and My adversary will be unable to exert his influences over them, because I Myself will place the inner resistance into their heart .... But mostly they have initiated the communication with the beyond and are themselves incapable of verifying as to whether they receive truth or error .... And the spiritual beings in the beyond make use of this attitude by providing people with messages which they accept unchecked as truth, and thus My adversary can constantly intervene. The fact that he is solely interested in intensifying the darkness and in obstructing people’s path to Me .... that he will do everything in his power to prevent people from becoming redeemed through Jesus Christ, can be easily understood in view of the approaching end. Such connections with the spiritual world are therefore established in all places and people would rather accept this spiritual knowledge than the pure truth conveyed to them from My side.

Nevertheless, I will not determine people’s free will but, time and again, I will provide clarification instead, and every sincerely striving person will recognise the truth and reject the error. I will repeatedly mention the characteristics to you, I will provide those of you who want to serve Me with the clear ability of discernment so that you can check yourselves and, in turn, also give clear instructions to your fellow human beings so that they, too, will be able to recognise the error and liberate themselves from it .... You can rest assured that no earnestly truth-seeking person will become entangled in the thicket of lies and error which My adversary skilfully knows how to cast .... However, anyone who accepts something without examination lacks a profound longing for truth and therefore cannot be protected by Me, for My adversary is equally entitled to fight for every soul so as not to lose it, because it once followed him voluntarily and he makes full use of this right of his during the soul’s human existence .... and only the human being’s own will can disable him .... You will still hear much about his activity and must pay ever more attention to everything happening around yourselves .... You should only ever ask for Me and My protection and I will truly not deny it to you .... I have constantly told you to beware of false Christ’s and false prophets .... And how often will the attempt still be made to lead you astray .... how often will the holiest of names still be used in order to give you a taste for error and untruth. But you .... if you are serious about the truth .... must pay attention to your innermost feeling which will always discard the error. And always commend yourselves to Me and My grace, for as soon as merely your will is inclined towards Me, My adversary will have lost all power over you. False Christ’s and false prophets will time and again tempt you until the end, but you are able to recognise them, for they will not emphasise Jesus’ act of Salvation and not try to encourage you humans to take the path to the cross in order to liberate yourselves from your guilt of sin .... Then you will also know that you are not truthfully being instructed and can safely reject everything you are offered by that side .... Precisely the lack of knowledge about the significance of the act of Salvation is the spiritual darkness, and this shall be penetrated by the light of the pure truth .... The act of Salvation shall be mentioned in all places with the reference that the salvation .... the forgiveness of sin through Jesus Christ .... is the most important thing which must be attained in earthly life in order to be able to enter the kingdom of light and beatitude .... And this knowledge is repeatedly conveyed to you through My Word from above .... But My Word will never be spoken where no clarification of it is given or where His great act of mercy is denied or trivialised .... Therefore, beware of false Christ’s and false prophets, for they only increase the darkness spread across the earth but they do not grant light ....


Scrutinising teachers and teaching material

BD 2800                received  06.07.1943

Professional missionaries ....
Academic knowledge ....

Every mission on earth with the aim of redeeming the bound souls is pleasing to God and thus has His blessing, but those who have accepted such a mission as their task in life must also endeavour to spread the pure truth. Not everyone can therefore carry out this work if he does not know the truth himself. And the human being’s will is once again the decisive factor .... it depends on the reason which impels him to tackle this work. His good will to be of service to God and to lead lost souls to Him will also grant him the pure truth which enables him to accomplish redemptive work on earth. This is why such an intention must first be preceded by the realisation of his own lack of knowledge, which prompts him to genuinely turn to God with an appeal for spiritual enlightenment. Only this fulfils the first condition for a profession, which must arise from the heart, but it must not be a profession in the sense of the word. However, the danger of the latter exists once a person deems himself knowledgeable due to academically accepted knowledge which nevertheless does not enable him to work as a teacher, because he does not recognise the truth as yet and therefore cannot pass it on either. In that case he will never be able to instruct his fellow human beings correctly. He will not be able to explain the purpose and goal of earthly life to them because he has no knowledge of the very first beginning and the ultimate goal of everything which must take the path across earth. He will merely strictly adhere to dogmatic teachings, which are certainly passed on again academically but which do not stimulate the soul’s activity and would be able to awaken its indwelling spirit. The human being merely accepts the knowledge intellectually but it fails to enter his heart and therefore does not achieve the soul’s transformation which, however, is absolutely essential for the soul’s redemption from its bound state. This academic knowledge can therefore never be enough for a mission on earth whose aim is the redemption of erring souls .... And thus it is also understandable why professional missionaries have such little success unless profound humility towards God and deepest love for their fellow human beings impels them to take up this office .... For only the latter are true servants of God whose work amongst people can be a blessing for them. True service to God solely consists of helping to redeem that which had emerged from God and separated from Him but which the eternal Love will never turn away from .... And as soon as a person sets himself this task in life and, in recognition of his own ignorance, desires God’s support, he will be of service to God. Then he will be able to fulfil his task conscientiously and successfully, he will fulfil his mission on earth and contribute towards the redemption of the bound souls .... Whereas the actual profession of a servant of God is no guarantee that he had first fulfilled the condition and thus he must also be denied the ability of being able to instruct his fellow human beings of the truth. Consequently, the redemption of these souls is questionable, because only truth can set people free, because only the pure truth is redemptive ....


BD 2894                received  24.09.1943

Suitability for scrutinising spiritual gifts ....

The result of inadequate research will always be negative when it concerns the scrutiny of spiritual products, since the will for rejection already predominates and this resolve is influenced by the opponent of truth. The will to advocate the truth once a person has realised it is absolutely essential for recognising the truth. Yet, precisely this will is lacking in him and, consequently, his reasoning power will be clouded and he will either be not suitable to examine or his judgment will no longer be reliable. Every serious examiner must undertake this task impartially; he must sincerely look for the truth and be willing to accept the recognised truth without prejudice. Then he will only reject that which he cannot inwardly affirm, and he will be supported by beings which want to help him know the truth and will guide his thinking correctly. For this reason, only people who do not follow a specific school of thought are suitable to examine spiritual results, otherwise their thinking is no longer unbiased, for the teachings intended to be scrutinised will clash with the doctrines of their school of thought and then it will require an exceptionally firm will in order to become completely free from the latter. And so the most convinced followers are often gained amongst people whose thoughts are not committed to teachings of a different school of thought, because they will scrutinise everything without resistance and subsequently also penetrate deeper into the spiritual information offered to them and consequently also recognise it as truth, because the truth speaks for itself as long as it is not interspersed by error which clouds a person’s understanding. Then the bearers of the pure truth and the followers of other schools of thought will, understandably, oppose each other, because the latter are convinced of their points of view and therefore don’t examine other spiritual gifts seriously enough but, on the other hand, always feel affronted as soon as they are confronted with views which were offered from the spiritual kingdom. There will only ever be individual people with the will and the ability to scrutinise spiritual gifts, and therefore only a few people will recognise the truth in them. Nevertheless, the attempt should be made everywhere to persuade people to examine the gifts from above, so that people will take notice of them and that it will awaken their desire for truth which can also train their ability to weigh up the different points of view against each other and then choose that which is right. Then it will still remain up to a person’s free will to form his own opinion of the spiritual gifts .... for he will not be forced by any means to accept or to reject them ....


BD 4534                received  07.01.1949

The right kind of teacher ....
Truth - Error ....

People must hand themselves over to a good teacher if they want to be taught correctly, so long as they don’t come to Me Myself for schooling. They could be instructed by Me directly at all times, yet they would lack the knowledge of this as well as faith. Consequently, they will have to receive the knowledge from somewhere else and need only make sure that the instructor knows the truth and is able to teach them correctly. Being instructed in the truth must be very important to them, therefore they must investigate the origin of the teacher’s knowledge; they should first clarify the relationship the teacher has with Me. Hence, they must first believe in Me as Creator and Father of eternity, they must inwardly acknowledge a Deity and make an effort to get to know this Deity. This is the first condition or hardly anyone would try to penetrate spiritual knowledge. A distinction must be made between people who allow themselves to be instructed and those who want to be instructed .... The first let themselves be pushed into a school without resistance, they let themselves be seized by teachers looking for subjects to whom they want to impart their points of view. The latter look for their own school in order to receive knowledge, and they are serious about attaining the truth. I will come to meet these seekers and guide them to the right teacher. However, since My adversary also wants to gain your soul he will not miss the opportunity to let representatives of error cross your path. Anyone who seeks the truth will also come across incompetent teachers, and therefore indications are given to you that you should conduct an examination in order to entrust yourselves to the right teachers and how you should do this. And again it should be said that your attention must first be drawn to the teacher’s attitude towards Me, whether he spiritedly advocates My Word or whether his lips merely pass My Words on, which is very quickly recognisable for the serious seeker, since the repeat of the living Word ignites the listener’s heart, whereas the lifeless Word is tiring and puts people off listening. Although someone with a hunger for truth can also derive some benefit from this dead Word, he will nevertheless feel dissatisfied with such teachings so that he will expect more, then he should give in to this longing and look for a different teacher. But teachers who inspire people’s keen debates, who repeat My Word animatedly and cause a positive response in people’s heart, whose bond with God can be recognised by their kind and loving nature, are true representatives of My Word and in possession of truth. You can trustingly hand yourselves over to them, they will teach you correctly and contribute to the fact that you will soon establish heartfelt contact with Me and thus can be instructed by My spirit directly, either mentally or through the inner Word. The origin of their knowledge might well be the same with both teachers, both might have gained the knowledge through study, and yet their teaching ability will differ and therefore their knowledge will also be either of purest truth or interspersed with errors, depending on their maturity of soul. For this reason you must always pay attention to the teacher’s way of life, to what extent the human being follows Christ, that is, to what extent he is permeated by love for his neighbour, which will characterise his entire nature and will always be recognisable, because love does not hide itself. Truth can always be found where love is present because it cannot be gained academically; instead, it can only be gained, recognised and taken possession of through the working of the spirit, which is the result of a life of love. And thus it can always be noticed whether a teacher expresses his own thoughts or merely words which have not yet found the right response in his heart and therefore cannot be repeated spiritedly. Test the teachers and choose a suitable teacher for yourselves, for you will come into contact with both. The right ones will lead you to Me, yet the others will not be prevented from approaching you because you can and should decide for yourselves if you seriously want to be taught the truth ....


BD 4968                received  16.09.1950

Test the spirits ....
Satan’s great power before the end ....
Doubts ....

You will experience ever more doubt and confusion thanks to My adversary’s incentive who wants to pull you away from Me and also prevent the pure truth from establishing itself as it will glaringly highlight his activity. He is therefore always keen to isolate My followers and representatives on earth, to stop their connection with people who want to educate them and introduce them to the truth. He proceeds with great cunning and in a disguise which even My Own find difficult to recognise. He spreads his poisonous seeds all over the place to render everything which is intended to have a life-giving effect incapable of living. He instils severe doubts in the hearts of those who work for God and His kingdom .... But anyone in doubt should turn to Me directly and I, as the eternal Truth, will help him at all times, for it is My will that the truth shall be spread and that everything shall be denounced which does not correspond to truth .... I can certainly impart the truth to you directly, however, as long as you are not receptive for communications from the spiritual kingdom you will be instructed through My messengers, and you should scrutinise their credibility, their faithfulness, that is, their way of life according to My will. Then you will be able to form a correct judgment, then you will be beneficially affected by the pure truth and you will recognise that which does not and never can come from Me. My adversary will put even the staunchest champions of faith under severe pressure with his weapon of deception and falsehood. He, too, pretends to be devout and devoted to God if he can thereby cause confusion. He does not eschew from using the mask he hides behind and presents himself as My representative on earth, yet it is easily recognisable for anyone who wants to belong to Me and is watchful. He can be recognised; consequently, not one of My Own needs to be afraid of getting caught up in his web of lies, as long as he genuinely wants to do what is right. He can only cause confusion in weak or undecided people who have not entirely escaped from his power. And he is only able to deceive them because they don’t take an examination seriously and don’t keep strictly to My Word, which always helps them to become aware.

Anyone who lives a life of love, who therefore lives up to My Word, cannot be deceived by illusive words of love, for My adversary will never preach unselfish love but always endorse that which will provide people with earthly success, even if the word ‘love’ is used as an excuse, for then selfish love becomes the driving force of action, which I never have preached nor ever will preach to people. The spirits which visibly or invisibly approach people must be tested, and they can certainly be recognised if the divine Redeemer Jesus Christ is mentioned to them .... if I Myself Am called upon in spirit and in truth for help with every serious scrutiny .... If complete clarification about Jesus, the Son of God, and His act of Salvation is demanded from these spirits they will have to speak up .... regardless of whether they are spiritual beings or embodied as humans. And every spiritual being which stands up for Christ and His act of Salvation, which acknowledges Him as the Son of God, is good and will never cause you harm. But if a being, be it human or spiritual, portraying itself as a saviour, as someone chosen by Me or as an anointed being designed to influence you, merely avails itself of Jesus’ name in order to make you listen to it, then it is an emissary of hell which can only mislead those who are enslaved by it or the weak, who merely expect from it and its propositions worldly-material improvements, therefore they should not be spiritually acknowledged as My messengers. My adversary has great power, especially during the last days before the end, but it will never be so great that it could be detrimental to you, My faithful followers, for if you live a life of love you will be spiritually enlightened and recognise Satan’s machinations .... However, many people are still captivated by him, and they themselves grant him the power he exerts over them. He will certainly still cause much confusion amongst people, yet My Own will not fall prey to him, and even the tiniest spark of desire for truth will find Me prepared to hand out My grace so that My adversary’s activity shall be recognised and abhorred. You, who are true yourselves, should therefore not fear his mask .... a heartfelt thought sent up to Me makes his influence ineffective and you will brightly and clearly recognise what is true and what is false ....


BD 5150                received  13.06.1951

Whoever is taught by God requires no further external knowledge ....

Whoever receives the remarkable grace of being taught by Myself, whoever receives and accepts this directly imparted teaching material certainly has no further need to find knowledge elsewhere, for I will completely satisfy him with the bread of life. He no longer needs to accept other spiritual nourishment; he no longer needs to draw from a cistern when the clearest water flows to him from the spring which is indeed far cleaner and better. However, if fresh spring water is not accessible people should gratefully accept the water at their disposal and carefully protect it from pollution .... Do you understand what I mean by that? I do not, in any way, want to scorn what has been sacred to you since ancient times, the Book of the Fathers, which shall never lose its value to people who, in good faith of Me and for love of Me, try to derive knowledge from it .... since it conceals profound knowledge, but it can only be found by someone whose spirit has come alive .... But when I instruct you Myself, I give you the teaching and the explanation at the same time, because I adapt all lessons to your degree of maturity, I give to you in accordance with your understanding. First of all I inform you of My will, since it is your task on earth to comply with it .... But I also reveal Myself to you as God and Father, as Creator of all infinity and as the most loving Father to My children, who ought to achieve the childship on earth and hence require help and support. The meaning of My Words has become incomprehensible to you, and thus I want to explain their meaning in plain and simple terms to you. Consequently I Am once again sending My gospel to earth as I had proclaimed at the time of My life on earth.

I don’t merely want to be present as God in your intellect, I want to live in your hearts, I want you to believe in Me with a living faith, and I want to teach you how you can arrive at this living faith .... not by means of much intellectual knowledge, even if you have taken it from the Book of the Fathers .... but only by means of a completely unselfish life of love. Your knowledge will become far more profound and your faith more alive when you fulfil My commandments of love for God and other people .... Then you will become knowledgeable and closely united with Me too, and you will also become able to educate other people in turn and inform them about the results of the right conduct in life. And then you will be My true followers on earth, you will be preachers after My will, because then you will draw all knowledge from within yourselves, then My spirit will guide you into eternal truth and you can make use of knowledge which you do not receive from an external source but always because of My grace. Then the fountain of life will have opened up for you, then living water will flow from the source of My love for your refreshment, and you should also offer the revitalizing drink to other people, so that they, too, can taste the pure clear water and never want to be without it again. All people could refresh themselves at the source of life yet only few will find it, only the few who are not satisfied with what is inexplicable and therefore look for truth. And since they approach Me Myself for revitalizing nourishment I will not refuse it to them. Take from the source of life, accept with a thankful heart the contribution of My love and appreciate the immense grace to be taught by Myself .... For you still will need much strength which you can always extract from My Word, which comes to you from above, because I have blessed it with My strength ....


BD 6728                received  04.01.1957

A teacher’s duty: to examine teaching material ....

It is a great responsibility to offer people spiritual information as long as it is doubtful whether it corresponds to the truth. Hence anyone, who believes that he is called to educate his fellow human beings, first has to arrive at the inner conviction that his teaching material is the pure truth. But he can only gain this inner conviction if he forms his own opinion first, if he seriously examines his acquired knowledge .... And, again, these examinations have to be conducted with My support, he must sincerely ask Me to enlighten his spirit, to guide his thoughts correctly, to protect him from misguided reasoning .... Only then will he be able to differentiate between truth and error, and only then is he a true servant to Me, a true messenger of My Word, who will now be able to work for the benefit of people on earth.

But anyone who unhesitatingly passes on spiritual knowledge which he has equally unhesitatingly accepted, is not in the right position. He is no messenger of My Word because he is not in My service but serves someone else, and his activity on earth cannot be blessed, for he acts irresponsibly towards his fellow human beings by leading them into error but asking them to believe him.

Everyone will now raise the objection that he believes to be true what he is teaching or spreading .... But it did not even occur to him that he, too, could have been given the wrong information .... And that in itself is blatant carelessness, it is a sin of omission, because he did not think about his spiritual information seriously enough .... When someone wants to work for Me then it is not unknown to him that I have an opponent .... It is not unknown to him that light and darkness oppose each other .... Thus he knows that the opponent’s work intends to darken the light, he knows, that he spreads error in order to refute the truth .... Consequently he has to guard himself from being taken in by error and to request My protection from My adversary’s activity, from accepting misconceptions .... And if he is serious, then I will draw his thoughts’ attention to misguided knowledge and he can be certain that his thinking will clarify itself. For I will leave no human being’s thoughts in error who prays to Me for truth.

But anyone who refrains from the latter and yet believes to dwell in truth, is mistaken .... Then he has to come to terms with his wrong information himself, but it is irresponsible to pass this information on, and therefore such a person burdens himself with much guilt, even though his listeners, too, have to do the same when they are instructed: to first ask Me Myself for truth and for enlightenment of thought in order to recognise it as truth ....

You humans examine every commodity for its value .... and thus you should also examine spiritual information and not accept it thoughtlessly and without hesitation. Something that does not correspond to truth will only be detrimental to you, it will never benefit your soul because it can only reach its goal through truth. Anyone who wants to be a teacher to his fellow human beings, first has to acquaint himself with what he wants to offer them, and he may and should only pass it on when he is sure of his teaching material, when he himself is convinced that it is the truth. And this conviction cannot be imparted to him academically, but he has to acquire it himself .... He has to desire the pure truth and turn to the Eternal Truth himself so that it can be bestowed on him .... Heartfelt contact with Me needs to be established in advance, but then he can confidently act as My representative, for he will only ever teach the truth when he wants to bring Me closer to his fellow human beings, and his work will be blessed ....


BD 8037                received  09.11.1961

Test all things and keep what is good ....

The will to serve Me is assessed. Then I will assign to a person the work he is capable of accomplishing and which will always be a blessing for him and his fellow human beings. But they, too, must pay attention to the inner instructions; they may not act according to their own will, which can easily happen if they want to be renowned for their activity and thus very easily endanger their vineyard work. The most profound humility and a feeling of personal inadequacy must always make them take flight to Me, so that they will hand themselves over to Me .... They must only ever strive to fulfil My will, and truly, they will feel My will in their heart and work accordingly. And everyone who wants to be of service to Me must examine himself in order to support Me and My kingdom convincingly .... For the vineyard work consists of sowing good seeds in the field of people’s lives: of proclaiming My Word wherever this is possible. And in order to be able to pass something on, the human must possess it first .... thus he first must accept the seed from Me Myself, and this requires willingness and a certain degree of maturity of soul. Only then will he be able to hear My Word within himself and carry this as the pure Gospel into the world. Where My pure Word can be conveyed to Earth this degree of maturity has been attained; the human being receives the right seeds which he can unhesitatingly spread according to My will .... But it will always be left up to you to scrutinise whether the spiritual knowledge has originated from Me Myself, whether the ‘working of the spirit’ in a person can be spoken of. And your heart must give you the answer, for you will feel when I speak to you, providing you sincerely desire the truth .... providing you want to hear Me. I will always express Myself such that your soul will profit from the information you hear. I will admonish you with kindness and mention My commandments of love, I will caution you not to waste your life, which will always happen if you live without love .... I will enlighten you about your purpose of earthly life .... I will emphasise Jesus’ act of Salvation and advise you to take the path to the cross .... I will dispel your spiritual darkness by kindling a light in you. And that means that I will convey knowledge to you which can only be imparted upon you by My spirit. Make the test as to whether you profit from it spiritually .... whether they are empty Words without meaning which leave you unimpressed, which any person can say, or whether they radiate wisdom .... For every Word which comes forth from Me Myself emanates My love and wisdom and touches the human heart such that it will escape the spiritual darkness, that it will kindle a light in his heart, that the human being will learn to recognise Me Myself in My nature, that he will receive an answer to the inner questions concerning spiritual spheres and which occupy him as a human being.

My spirit will always express itself when I Am able to address a person directly, and this spirit speaks to the spirit within the person, which is part of Me. This Word is received and conveyed by the recipient to his fellow human beings .... This process is something extremely significant; after all, it gives evidence of My presence to you if you hear My Word within you .... And because My Word is blessed with My strength, it will also have a powerful effect on the people to whom My messenger brings it .... But you should not forget that in the end time even this extraordinary activity of love of Mine will be feigned by My well disguised adversary in order to undermine My working .... that he, too, will try to express himself through suitable vessels and that he will be successful if a soul’s state of maturity does not permit My presence as yet but that the person will deem himself called to serve as a vessel, because forces in the beyond instilled such thoughts in him and he accepted them in spiritual arrogance and wrong judgment of his spiritual state. In that case I cannot speak through him; instead, My adversary, who often also hides himself behind My Word, will avail himself of him; for he will go to any length in order to achieve his goal .... to keep people in spiritual darkness. But you must always earnestly conduct this examination by calling upon My support, for you ought to test all things and keep what is good .... And you must always become enlightened; otherwise you cannot speak of a ‘divine’ Word .... And light signifies increased spiritual knowledge which corresponds to truth and which only I Myself, the Light of eternity, can convey to you ....


BD 8783                received  18.03.1964

A mediator’s introspection ....

One day it will be a blessing for you that you were able to bear up against temptations, that you took refuge in Me during every adversity and inner affliction and that you are once again allowed to test your will as to who should gain control over you .... I must allow all temptations to take place, for you only become victors by fighting, and every temptation is a test of your willpower to endorse that which you know to be the truth. Time and again deceptive lights will weaken your eyes, and time and again you will be thrown into inner doubts or questions, and then it will be up to you to whom you will turn in order to settle all doubts and to receive an answer to all questions, and blessed are you if you only ever turn to Me, your God and Father of eternity, Who is the Truth and wants to grant it to everyone who wants it. And time and again I have to tell you that the human being’s free will is the explanation for everything. It is not prevented from digressing from the truth, and every person is influenced by the spiritual kingdom according to his frame of mind .... And thus, his thinking will more or less correspond to the truth as well, and on the foundation of his thoughts he will add further knowledge .... and he cannot be certain as to whether it originates from the Eternal Truth. And, again, every individual person’s will is judged .... whether he wants to give something to his fellow human beings, whether he wants to help them and whether the reasons for his actions are good .... whether he is therefore kind-hearted and wants to please other people .... Accordingly, he will also think right .... He simply should not yet have created his own foundation on which he will subsequently build. It is therefore especially important to establish the origin of his thoughts, for the whole sum can end up wrong if a miscalculation had already slipped in at the very beginning .... This is why the pure truth is only ever guaranteed if it can pour into an empty vessel, if I Myself Am the source and let the flow of My strength of love pour into a vessel which has been completely emptied. Then I will be able to instruct a person from the beginning and misguided thoughts will be excluded, for they cannot exist alongside the pure truth from Me, they will be instantly recognised as wrong and will therefore not be accepted.

And every person has to subject himself to this introspection if he wants to work as a mediator between Me and the human race and convey the truth to them. The spiritual world has every possibility at its disposal of taking possession of a person, of subjugating his will and then of working through this person .... As to whether this happens in a positive or negative sense is determined by the person who hands himself over to spiritual forces so that they can speak through him .... And the degrees of maturity vary so much in the spiritual world that their messages, too, are entirely different .... You humans don’t always possess the necessary gift of discernment to have the guarantee of knowing the truth .... Therefore the world of light will always advise you to shape yourselves such that it will enable the ‘working of the spirit’ within the person, so that I Myself .... the eternal Father-Spirit .... will be able to express Myself through the spiritual spark in you. In that case you can be certain that only pure truth will be imparted to you. And I Myself will always inform you about the characteristic of the ‘divine working of the spirit’, which will enlighten you about Jesus Christ and His act of Salvation .... For all you humans will live your earthly existence in vain if you don’t find the path to Him, Who alone can release you from My adversary’s power .... Who alone can redeem the original sin, which consisted of your past apostasy from Me, and Who alone can grant you the strength to liberate yourselves through His acquired blessings on the cross to strengthen your will ....

One caused your downfall .... One can and will redeem you and lift you up to Him again .... And this One needs to be recognised and acknowledged as Redeemer of the world, in Whom I embodied Myself and accomplished the act of Salvation for people. And if the knowledge of this is not clearly and unequivocally made accessible to you then you are not taught by Me Myself and continue to remain in spiritual darkness until you have found the light which emanates from Me directly and fills everyone who merely opens his heart and accepts what I either directly or indirectly aim to impart to him. But he must want to know the truth from the bottom of his heart, then he will receive it and also completely understand what is offered to him from the spiritual kingdom. I cannot do anything else but convey My Word to you directly, which is purest truth. Nevertheless, you are at liberty to accept it or to acquire different spiritual knowledge which can appeal to you as well but which will always remain a deceptive light that has no effect on your soul. But as soon as you turn to Me with the serious request to illuminate your spirit and to give you the correct discernment between right and wrong .... you will not appeal to Me in vain, for I protect everyone from error who sincerely desires the truth but neither will I hinder My adversary, who will do everything in his power to confuse your thinking by presenting you with spiritual knowledge which is contradictory to the truth .... For he will fight the truth until the end, but until the end I, too, will send you the light which will strengthen your faith and make you blissfully happy ....


Spreading the truth

BD 2247                received  01.03.1942

Recognising the truth is a duty to advocate it ....

In a world of scorners and blasphemers the truth will hardly be able to establish itself, for they negate everything of a divine nature and therefore also the truth which comes from God. But every person who knows the truth, who thus recognises it, is nevertheless duty bound to advocate it, even towards those who always want to fight against the truth. To deviate from the truth with them would be the same as complying with the adversary of truth. The truth will always be fought, for it comes from above .... however, materialistically minded people only want to acknowledge that which comes from below, from the world, and that will always contradict the truth. If the truth is to be spread on earth its advocate may by no means love the world, nor may he fear people who want to prevent him from spreading the truth, instead, by completely renouncing all earthly advantages, he must rather be willing to sacrifice his life than to withhold the truth or speak contrary to his conviction. This requirement is indeed not an easy one to comply with; after all, a person’s physical life is still too valuable as to give it up for the sake of a truth which is not desired by fellow human beings and is more likely to be rejected. And yet it is expected by God as soon as He has deemed people worthy to receive the truth from Him. Recognising the pure truth is also a commitment to pass it on and to inform an uninformed person of God’s activity. And if people treat this gift with hostility the human being must not become intimidated and speak fearfully or keep silent, instead, he should even fearlessly stand up for the truth where the ruling power demands silence. It is, after all, God Himself he advocates .... And the informed person should never deny God which, however, he would do were he to divert from the truth, that is, were he to say something against better knowledge which does not correspond to truth or unquestioningly allows untruth to be spread when he recognises it as such. As soon as the human being denies God he becomes weak, on the other hand, if he endorses the truth, the flow of strength to stand firm against every hostile argument will come to him. And he will remain victorious over the scorners and blasphemers who only favour lies and will therefore always fight the truth ....


BD 5808                received  19.11.1953

Duty of distribution ....
Warning of unfamiliar knowledge ....

Nothing shall prevent you from supporting the truth you receive from Me Myself. And that which was not given to you by Me Myself should not become the subject of your conversations; you cannot convincingly advocate what I have not given you and only convinced speeches are successful and can result in blessings. The knowledge is inexhaustible .... yet for your earthly life you may only receive information you can make the most of .... And this is the knowledge I convey to you .... always in line with your thoughts and your soul’s maturity. I merely want you to live a right and appropriate way of life, hence I inform you of your task on earth and explain the reasons for this task in life. But you should know that you are bound creatures which, however, can release themselves from their bondage of their own free will .... So in order that you strive for and accomplish this release, I provide you with guidelines for your way of life. Your sense of responsibility needs to be aroused so that it will subsequently determine your thoughts and actions .... And, to this end, I truly provide you with comprehensive explanations .... Yet it will only ever be partial knowledge compared to the absolute realisation possessed by the matured soul of a light being in the kingdom of the beyond. Nevertheless, the information I give you encompasses all areas worth knowing, so that you are, in a manner of speaking, completely informed .... and always able to offer an explanation if you are approached for one by other people .... Even so, it would be unwise of you to indiscriminately impart everything you received from Me to fellow human beings who are not mature enough as yet and therefore won’t understand it .... You can only ever distribute what is needed by another person .... but this in absolute truth, because you offered your service to Me, and service to Me only ever consists of distributing the truth, because any error has far-reaching consequences .... The knowledge I impart to you first enlightens yourselves, so that you will indeed be able to distinguish whether the other person lives in truth or in error .... So if you discover misconceptions, you should oppose them with the truth because you are entitled to do so, because you are instructed by Me Myself and you can truly only receive truth from Me .... Receiving the truth commits you to passing it on .... this has to be said time after time .... Therefore, you can confidently pass on anything you understand, but do not speak about spiritual knowledge you do not understand as yet .... nor allow fellow human beings to instruct you about something I Myself withheld from you .... Hold on to My Word at all times and keep your ears closed to external teachings .... For if I have not informed you of these, I do not consider this knowledge to be of benefit for you .... I will answer your every question, especially if the knowledge is useful to work for Me again. But under no circumstances should you endorse your own thoughts as truth as long as they are not confirmed through My spirit .... And this is the case if you allow fellow human beings to influence you into accepting and advocating their mental knowledge .... I place the feeling for truth and error into My light bearers’ heart and they should always pay attention to their feelings .... they should always earnestly desire the truth and only endeavour to serve the truth, then they will also serve Me and their thoughts will remain free from error, they will be suitable servants for Me and work successfully for Me and My kingdom ....


BD 8534                received  19.06.1963

Holding on to misguided spiritual knowledge ....
Desire for truth ....

It remains an impossible venture to convey the truth to people who believe that they already possess it, for they are unapproachable and don’t accept anything, no matter how appealing it is offered to them .... They stubbornly hold on to the spiritual knowledge in their possession without considering whether it can lay claim to truthfulness. And the longer such spiritual knowledge continues to exist among the human race the harder it is to eradicate it, the darkness is so immense that no ray of light can penetrate it .... But since people deem themselves in possession of the truth, they will not appeal to Me Myself for truth either; consequently, it is not possible to convey truthful knowledge to them. And even if people debate the issue of truth and untruth at times, they only ever merely use their intellect and will therefore never reach the goal of recognising error and untruth correctly. The concept of the ‘working of the spirit’ in the human being is also incomprehensible to them. They only ever abide by the knowledge they accepted by way of education, which they believe to be true, and do not allow anything else to shake this belief .... And yet they are profoundly mistaken and don’t realise it as a result of their spiritual darkness .... Imparting the pure truth to such a person will remain unsuccessful until a messenger of My Word succeeds in shaking this person’s firm conviction, until he succeeds in clearly exposing the truth and in arousing the person’s doubt so that he will dwell on it and thus there is a chance that his thinking might become enlightened. Even then, this will only be possible if a person lives a life of love .... But since especially people living in error prioritise unimportant, humanly decreed commandments while the commandments of love are often set aside or are merely marginally taken notice of, they lack the love which would grant them spiritual enlightenment .... And thus only a person’s degree of love is decisive as to whether and to what extent he is receptive when purest truth is given to him .... Only a person who is willing to love will therefore feel affected by and be receptive for the truth, and only a person willing to love will accept My direct revelations and revise his present thoughts. In that case it will be a significant gain, for he will also advocate the truth wherever possible. Yet on the whole, all efforts of liberating people from erroneous thinking will be in vain, they will be unwilling to exchange it for the pure truth, they will resist the light and be content with deceptive light, which merely reduces their eyesight so that they are no longer able to recognise true light.

However, the truth does not establish itself forcibly, nevertheless, everything will be done to make it accessible to people, but where the resistance cannot be broken it will remain dark, because the people themselves offer resistance, which cannot be broken by force. And neither will large campaigns succeed in changing people’s thoughts, for every human being is responsible for himself, and regardless of what a person’s awakened spirit tries to explain, he will only ever be accepted where the ground has been prepared by a life of love, where the preconditions are in place for clear and correct thinking, for the recognition of truth. Therefore the error cannot be systematically eradicated either, every individual person must come to terms with it by wanting to know the truth. As long as this will, the desire for truth, is not present, every effort to teach people otherwise will be futile .... One can only ever try to motivate people to live a life of love, to explain to them the significance of love, that love is the only possibility for attaining beatitude and that all other actions and traditions won’t benefit the soul in the slightest if love has not been kindled in a person. And if a person takes this message of love to heart and makes an effort to perform selfless deeds of love, much will have been achieved already. Then it will no longer be hopeless that he will think clearly, for love will ignite a light in him, it will awaken the spiritual spark to life and this will successfully influence the person from within .... He will doubt, question and also receive an answer as soon as he genuinely desires it. Nevertheless, a revival will only ever gradually take place, because people are already too engulfed by the darkness of night and they lack the will to reach the light. The conviction of knowing the truth is the most effective poison the adversary could have administered to people .... And yet, people who want to escape his influence are not hopelessly lost .... However, they have free will and therefore they can only ever be preached love and, depending on their fulfilment of the divine commandments of love, their spiritual state will change as well .... They will be able to step out of the darkness of night into the light of day, they will realise the truth and will subsequently also want to release themselves from error, and My strength and grace will always help them to accept the truth ....


BD 8842                received  21.08.1964

Study does not guarantee spiritual knowledge ....

It is a broad field which is opened up to you through My Word from above. You are penetrating unfamiliar territory, you receive vast and extensive knowledge and can extraordinarily enrich yourselves with spiritual knowledge. Yet this also obliges you to pass it on, for the spiritual knowledge shall brightly shine wherever there are receptive hearts. For that which you receive is truth, even if it will time and again cause offence with those who value their intellect more than spiritual transmissions. However, as long as people are incapable of liberating themselves from traditionally-adopted spiritual information they will not be able to recognise the pure truth either. For whatever is gained by study is dead knowledge if the spirit of people acquiring such knowledge is not awakened. And therefore you will experience the biggest rejection where only the intellect was involved, where I Myself was unable to speak, because I speak to the human being’s spirit which maintains the bond with the eternal Father-Spirit. You will only rarely meet with understanding there but that should not stop you from speaking on behalf of the only truth, for no human being will be able to disprove it because I Myself convey this truth to earth and no-one will actually be able to contest My arguments. The fact that people interpret passages of the bible at their own discretion only reveals their error consistently more clearly, they just don’t want to admit to it due to their years of study. Yet of what use is this without the awakening of the spirit. And how much misconception has it already achieved .... And your task is to refute it, to expose all error and offer people the plain truth which they then are indeed more likely to accept than spiritual knowledge which can lay claim to ‘truth’. Hence, whatever you undertake in order to convey the information from above to people has My blessing and will certainly achieve its purpose, for many people object to the distorted doctrine and will be happy to have found an agreeable explanation.

Yet people who persist in holding on to the knowledge they gained through study will become your enemies, precisely because they lack an awakened spirit. Nevertheless, don’t let it disturb you for you are working on My instructions .... You proclaim the truth which alone originates from Me .... and you will truly surpass their knowledge, for you will be able to explain all those things which preceded the creation of the world and of the human being .... And this is really very significant, and you cannot be disproved. They can only reject it as implausible but they will be unable to offer a better explanation and reason for their existence on this earth. They will have to admit that they did not learn anything about this even through study .... but it was explained to people by Me Myself. You humans can’t possibly imagine that you .... who are highly educated .... are more privileged than people who are less intelligent when it concerns the achievement of maturity of soul .... You cannot possibly depend the ‘maturity of soul’ on your sharpness of intellect just because you were able to ‘study’ .... if you don’t awaken your spirit first, in which case, however, it would have pointed the error out to you. On the other hand, an uneducated mind can achieve spiritual awakening because it only requires love and this has to be put into practice in order to awaken the spirit to life. And anyone who lives this love cannot agree with misguided teachings .... He will know precisely where error has crept in and will wholeheartedly support the eradication of these misguided teachings. Whether you belong to this or that school of thought .... unless you first come spiritually alive your knowledge will remain dead knowledge which cannot emanate strength to the listeners .... This has to be said to all of those who reject My revelations on the basis of their worldly knowledge, which I cannot call otherwise because it was gained by way of study but which does not guarantee truth, which can only be obtained from Me .... from the primary source of truth ....


BD 6676                received  24.10.1956

‘Test all things and keep what is good ....’

Test all things and keep what is good .... I say this to those who are inclined to doubt, who don’t possess the ability to make correct judgments and are apprehensive about accepting spiritual knowledge which is offered to them in an unusual way. Accept it with a completely open mind, and then ask Me for enlightenment of spirit and reflect on what you have received .... And, for the time being, ignore what seems unacceptable to you because you are at present unable to understand it, and enjoy what, after serious examination, is credible to you .... I don’t expect you to have blind faith, I expect you to test the spiritual knowledge which is made accessible to you; you are meant to think about it, and it is better you reject what seems incomprehensible to you than accept everything unreservedly, for if you have not formed an opinion about such mental concepts they will not be of benefit to you .... But if you are serious and want the pure truth, then you will also clearly recognise the truth if My messengers offer you spiritual knowledge which has originated from Me. For this Word contains the strength to give life .... providing, however, that life is being aspired to.

Test all things and keep what is good .... Are these Words not contradicting the imposition of believing something without thinking about it? After all, I Myself leave it up to you what to believe when I Am asking you to keep ‘what is good’ .... I leave it up to you because I don’t demand blind faith from you humans. But why do you, who demand that ‘thinking about religious doctrines’ must be avoided, stop people from examining .... Are you not acting against My will? And are you also aware of the consequences such compulsion of faith will have on people? Time and again I emphasise the freedom of will, time and again I bring the individual person’s responsibility for his decision of will to the fore, time and again I caution against spiritual compulsion and explain to you what really matters in earthly life ....

And the Scripture, too, is giving you the evidence with these Words ‘Test all things and keep what is good ....’, which should make every person genuinely wanting to fulfil My will suspicious that they don’t coincide with the ecclesiastical laws and make him think .... After all, whose Word, whose teachings, are more credible? And you cannot imply any other meaning to these My Words but that you should form an opinion about every religious dogma. You are supposed to form an opinion of it, regardless of who presents spiritual knowledge to you, for even the pure truth coming from Me, which is conveyed to you directly from above, may be scrutinised by you, and I will not condemn you if you think that you cannot accept everything without hesitation .... You should only always seek advice from Me and I will give you the understanding of what you need for the maturity of your souls .... And if you still have a low degree of maturity, you will not be able to understand everything, but you yourselves determine what you are prepared to accept .... Test all things and keep what is good .... For by doing so you prove the sincerity of your attitude and your desire for truth. But anyone who accepts something without checking it is demonstrating his indifference, and he will never move within the truth either, because it is irrelevant to him. Yet this kind of attitude should never be promoted by a responsible person, people should be encouraged and not stopped to reflect on spiritual knowledge, for only then will it be beneficial and help the human being attain maturity of soul, since free will is being employed and its decision alone is important ....


Bertha Dudde short biography

Who was Bertha Dudde?

Bertha Dudde was born on 1. April 1891, as the second oldest daughter of a painter, in Liegnitz, Silesia. She became a dressmaker and began to receive pronouncements from God through the ‘Inner Word’ on 15. June 1937.

“In a clear dream I was moved to write down my thoughts after devout prayer. Understandably this often gave way to doubt and inner conflicts until I was convinced that I was, myself, by no means the initiator of these exquisitely gracious words; but instead it was the spirit within me, in other words, the love of the Heavenly Father was obviously responsible for them and introduced me to the truth”.

“I was given knowledge of the spiritual world which far exceeded my elementary school education. I received and receive this knowledge as a dictation in a state of complete consciousness; I write down everything I am told in shorthand, in order to then transfer it word for word to clean copy. The procedure does not take place in a state of compulsion, for example in a state of trance or ecstasy, but in an absolutely level-headed frame of mind. However, I have to want it to happen and then I can receive these dictations voluntarily; they are neither bound by time nor place.

“Now I only have one wish, which is to be able to make these gifts of grace accessible to many more people and in accordance with the will of God Himself to be allowed to do much more work in His vineyard.”

(Quotations from an autobiography from 1959).

Bertha Dudde died on 18. September 1965 in Leverkusen, Germany.

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