Bertha Dudde


ThemeBooklet 043

The Transformation of Earth






The destruction of all life on Earth as a result of evil human experiments - Reason and explanation

8609 – 07.09.1963

Reason for the work of transformation ....

5383 – 06.05.1952

Serious admonition .... The final phase of the earth ....

4984 – 17.10.1950

Accountability on the Day of Judgement .... Redeemer Jesus Christ ....

8026 – 25.10.1961

Spiritual low level is the reason for the disintegration ....

4320 – 01.06.1948

The present time will lead to the end ....

8066 – 21.12.1961

2 Peter 3:10 .... The day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night ....

3950 – 02.01.1947

Reason and forces of earth’s disintegration (Nuclear energy) ....

6812 – 22.04.1957

Indicating the end of an era ....

8748 – 09.02.1964

The end of a period of Salvation is assured to you ....

8112 – 28.02.1962

Purification of earth ....

5398 – 23.05.1952

Last judgment ....

8304 – 20.10.1962

Destruction of Earth ....

7754 – 24.11.1960

The transformation work of Earth ....

6052 – 14.09.1954

Last Judgment .... Act of love and righteousness ....

8624 – 23.09.1963

Destruction of earth is the result of experiments ....

4731 – 01.09.1949

Experiments towards the end of the earth .... Activating forces ....

6081 – 17.10.1954

Success at the end of an earth-period .... Scientists ....

7630 – 23.06.1960

The final work of destruction ....

5655 – 19.04.1953

Total disintegration of the earth .... Spiritualisation ....

6799 – 06.04.1957

‘Judgment’ .... The Word Itself will pass judgment ....

6864 – 03.07.1957

Earth is a place of perdition .... Devils ....

6828 – 12.05.1957

Reason for the destruction and new creation .... Hell - banishment ....

3560 – 27.09.1945

Knowing the time of the end ....

7040 – 11.02.1958

Messages concerning the continuation of Earth are more likely to be believed ....

6689 – 13.11.1956

The near end should be mentioned time and again ....

6882 – 30.07.1957

End Prophecies .... Are you My Own? ....

Bertha Dudde short biography

Who was Bertha Dudde?






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