Ludendorff’s death ....

B.D. No. 0232

December 20th 1937

‘Ye shall know them by their fruits .... ’ My dear child, if you are of good will you must also listen to the inner voice admonishing you. You won’t always find it easy, yet your constant effort will take you to the goal .... Despite all temptations you must succeed in approaching all living creations with love .... leave the judgment as to who deserves love or not to the Father. You shall be blessed by Him, and you will never regret it .... nevertheless, you must always remain pure of heart and if you find it difficult, then pray. You humans have no idea how easily you can fall .... evil is constantly lurking around you and tries to enter your thoughts, in that case the human being is pulled back and forth and easily loses his bond with God .... Take pity upon every being and appeal to your heavenly Father that He, too, shall take pity .... The guilt is great .... yet God’s love is greater .... Behold, my child, we advise you like this so that you will free yourself from the idea that your judgment is right .... Anyone who has concluded his life with faith in God is also entitled to the Father’s merciful love, and do you know whether God’s voice has not entered his heart? .... Behold, the Father takes continuous care of the earthly children .... It is incumbent upon His will when they complete their lives, and the love of heaven wrestles for every soul until the very end. Anyone who still commends himself into God’s hands will receive His blessing. For this reason you should also approach the Lord with good will and pray for each other and you will emerge victorious from the battle with the opponent. Understand the Lord’s Words correctly: Whatever you did for the least of My brothers, you did for Me .... and if you can rise above yourselves and love your enemies, you will offer this love to your Lord and Saviour, for it is His will that you shall love each other, and the Lord looks into your heart. You shall think of the poor souls without looking at the person .... you shall grant them the grace of prayer .... you shall leave judgment in the Father’s hand .... Only the opponent can entirely disassociate himself .... for God is love, and for as long as the Lord lets His children live on earth the opportunity for realisation is given to the earthly child .... Many a struggle with hostile forces will certainly seem to last forever, yet the power of love is stronger. God, in His love, has therefore wisely arranged that, in the hour of death, the human being sends his thoughts back to the time of his youth and childhood and these impressions often enlighten the spirit instantly .... he recognises the Deity’s working and, if he leaves earthly life with this knowledge, he will not be hopelessly left at the mercy of evil forces .... Consequently, do not deprive this soul of love .... don’t let it go short, for it will suffer badly enough as soon as it becomes aware of its situation .... The Lord will give you strength to overcome yourself.



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