Wonderful proofs .... Unbelievers have the same purpose .... |
B.D. No. 0331 March 14th 1938 |
God sends you His Spirit, and in the embodiment of this Spirit in your heart, the divine will lays the foundation for new wonderful proofs of His oversized love for people. Whoever once comes into possession of this divine grace can receive the fullness of divine teachings even for an unforeseeable time, without the divine Spirit ever exhaustively depriving Himself .... But in a number of years the proofs of such extraordinary testimonies of love on the part of the Lord and Saviour will be so widespread that even the worst enemy will be taken aback and will no longer look for an explanation on shallow ground ....
Only then does the effort and perseverance of the servants of God begin to bear rich fruit, and the Word of God will be welcome to those who seek their God in their hearts and strive for an intimate childhood in God .... The Lord places the crown of His love on everything that has been commanded so far and will give the unbelievers even more proof of His omnipotence and goodness .... Where man himself is confronted with incomprehensible things, there the sluggish thinking will be shaken .... there he will be made aware of a supernatural power in a conspicuous way, and then he will try to intellectually solve the riddle, but he will not succeed.
But these apparent teachings will still have an unspeakably beneficial effect on many earthly children, and many a one will willingly let himself be led by the divine Father's hand over to the right path. Because this is the purpose of the miracles which God works on earth for the salvation of mankind, and by this you will always recognize the Spirit of God, which wants to take possession of every man's heart ....
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