Insight and inability .... work of love without knowledge of the value .... |
B.D. No. 0564 September 1st 1938 |
And you will be immeasurably rich in experiences, and your knowledge will cover areas which all earthly intellect cannot reveal to you, for you are active as spiritual beings yourselves in contact with the divine spirit .... At the moment of reception no earthly matter prevents you from receiving spiritual things from spiritual regions, and thus you will also remain active in spirit yourselves, providing that you do not fall back through your own fault. Insight and inability are two factors which are in conflict with each other, and yet a person can attain full insight without actually having the gift of being able to clearly judge something which is beyond his knowledge. A living representation of the spirit of God can hardly be given to people, but a person will then feel this spirit of God within himself, provided he only fulfils everything that is required to awaken the inner spark of life. By forcibly tearing himself away from the earthly, the spirit slumbering in the human being breaks through the shell surrounding him and awakens to life .... i.e., it now works powerfully in the human being. The mere persistence of thoughts in the spiritual realm is the soul's greatest helper, for now spiritual forces flow inexorably towards the soul and allow the spirit's activity to become ever more active, and a human child who surrenders to every impulse which leads closer to the eternal deity remains untouched by dark power and completes his career on earth with the right success .... that the soul has become the receiving vessel of the divine spirit and such unification of the spirit with the spirit of God is the final goal of life on earth. All earthly endeavours are as it were dead ways for the soul, not the slightest of such work benefits the soul, only what love produces in man can be of use to the soul .... Faith in the strength of such good works can be the cause of inner transformation, for if the human being practices them he will unconsciously receive the strength and grace to continue this activity of love and the soul will also have found a connection to the spiritual world. What it now does without actual knowledge of the value of such works of love is reserved for eternity, and one good deed will soon be followed by others, for he who has love will never lose it and will shape himself even without the realization of spiritual truths. However, the person who consciously strives to ennoble his being will work on himself much more diligently and .... mind you .... feel a significant relief in earthly life through the conscious utilization of the good spiritual forces, which has both spiritual and physical effects. Existence on earth remains a struggle for every human being, but since support is granted by the eternal deity it should also be requested and utilized as far as possible, because from now on the spiritual beings will take care of the support of a requesting soul .... whereas the one who walks through earthly life without all spiritual knowledge has to struggle far harder and has to generate such a strong strength of love within himself in order to be able to likewise provide the soul with the necessary help in earthly life .... And if the path is now smoothed for you humans so that you can easily attain the kingdom of heaven, then consider this well and investigate and ponder what could be the reason that the heavenly father carefully looks after you and wants to protect you from failures and wrong paths .... and only recognize His infinite love therein, which embraces all human children, and know that this love can never ever end and that it is eternally valid for you, His creatures .... and that this love is constantly courting your soul .... so that it may find its way back to Him, the all-father of light .... eternal love Himself ....
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