I speak to you                          through  Bertha Dudde

0601    on  2.10.1938

Words from Father

God's teaching

God's children ....

So you, My children, see everything on earth summarized in a doctrine which is not very convincing to you and you are not able to make it your own, because in listening to this doctrine alone, wisdom can never be imparted to you, but first you must try to get rid of all earthly thoughts which are completely apart from My doctrine and which also can never be brought into harmony with it.  Everything that is from God also presupposes a Divine attitude ..... But what is of the world, will always only condition worldly thinking, and thus all Divine gifts are without deep effect on the human heart as long as it is not received with spiritual striving.

The more insightful his thoughts turn to the pure teaching of God, the sooner man is also able to live according to this teaching, and as soon as My word is also followed by action, it has truly come alive and is of such power that you also recognize it as the pure Word of God ..... That you can never resist this teaching and accept it in your heart without reservation, that you serve Me with all love and are thus spiritually reborn to My infinite joy.  For who has found to Me, is received by Me with joy, and his share is light from the eternal Light.

As children of God, you remain eternally close to Me and work with Me and through Me continuously according to My will ..... And so I guarantee you fullest entry into My glory, if you only accept My teaching and never turn away from it, whatever may threaten you from outside.  You dear little ones do not consider the great danger you are in if you separate yourselves from Me ..... My love will always and forever seek you and point you to the only way of faith in Me, your Lord and Saviour.

Oh hear My voice .... Do not let yourselves be beguiled by the world, which only robs you of your time, which should be dedicated to the work on your soul .... The hand of God guides you all and again to where you hear My voice .... Give in to the urge of your heart and stay where I call you .... because I will touch your heart that you also feel My nearness, and when a quiet thought arises in you that you are protected in My care .... when you feel that your heart wants to lean towards Me, then know that I speak to you and offer you My love .... know that now the Father desires you and wants to receive you as His children into His kingdom.

And turn away from all earthly desires .... let all your thoughts and aspirations be for the return to the Father's house .... turn your prayer to Me, and I will refresh you with My word and refresh you with My grace .... I want to give you all My love and draw you to Me, and your whole earthly life will be easy if you only use it to fulfill My will, to keep My commandments and to come close to Me. .... My love will take hold of you with all power, and you will be blessed in this love already on earth and one day in eternity.


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