Incorrigible .... Curse of Mammon .... Love ....

B.D. No. 0610

October 9th 1938

It is My most holy will that from now on, only one name rules the world empire .... no power of the world shall be able to boast to have power over the earth and it's inhabitants because My love will stand by all. Only where the urge downwards is so strong that My love is rejected, there the darkness shall hold it's harvest, because these are not worth mercy, since they spurn My hand, which wants to save them from the abyss of hell. All resistance would have to break through My love all-power, and only beings of truly devilish mind, spurn this love. What is incorrigible, must bear the consequences of the rigid mind and remain banished from Me forever.

Behold Mammon and it's danger .... It contaminates mankind, and it gives itself into the hands of evil, and nothing can save it from this but love. As soon as a loving heart approaches such a lost soul and dedicates itself to it, the power of evil is diminished, and deep love wrests this soul from darkness. And therefore only love can be the true helper in such trouble, only love is the overwhelming power which wrests the souls from the adversary and leads them to the light ..... And this power is so strong that it will triumph over all power of evil.

Wherever your weapon is love, you are victorious against the enemy, and where My love calls you as fighters, an army will arise, so strong and powerful that the enemy will tremble, that in his ranks, confidence is shaken and the power is broken. For even if hatred is strong, love is far more powerful .... Where hate destroys, love rebuilds .... Where hate wounds, love is healing power .... and where the kingdom of God is to be destroyed by the hatred of the enemy, there love will build it up and fortify it, teach God's Word and spread it .... Love will sacrifice where hatred consumes, it will know no other goal than to serve God. And so love will overcome everything because it is the power out of God. The more intimately you love Me, the stronger I will penetrate you ....

I will draw everything to Me so that the world with it's efforts will be put to shame and the enemy of light, pushed into the utmost darkness, will not be able to harm those who have not yet completely fallen prey to him. For I want to meet them with My love, and if they recognize Me, they will willingly follow Me and escape the snares of the adversary ..... For no-one resists the power of My love .... and this love lasts forever and does not let any of My beings perish, which only hold the smallest spark of God's Spirit in them ..... My love grasps these and draws them to Me .... And from the power of evil I want to redeem all souls, because My love does not want that what once was light from the eternal light, would be lost forever ....



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