I speak to you                          through  Bertha Dudde

0863    on  14.4.1939

Spiritual influence

Direct connection

Thought transmission ....

To influence the thinking of people requires great love and patience on the part of the spiritual beings assigned to do so.  The more distant people are from spiritual problems, the faster they reject sudden thoughts which are the expression of those spiritual forces and hastily turn again to such thoughts which refer more to their earthly life.  Thus, the spiritual power has little influence on such people. ....

It is their duty to work only in the spiritual field, to transmit only purely spiritual thoughts and teachings to the people, and just these meet in most cases with certain rejection.  And therefore it must be administered with greatest love and patience of this office, if any success is to come to light.  A spiritual being cannot always express itself in direct connection from the beyond to earth and is therefore also only rarely heard consciously.  Thought transmission, however, is much more difficult to carry out, because the human being often resists, because he just rejects spiritual instruction for as long as he does not deal with it consciously.

The thinking man often asks questions to the Deity and may also receive the answer at any time, but in another way than is usual among humans, and it requires faith and trust in God to accept this answer, which comes to him in the form of thoughts, also as Divine answer.  Who really desires the truth, to him also the truth will come .... And who recognizes highest omnipotence and love in God, he will not doubt that an answer comes to him from above, from where alone enlightenment can come to man.

Many things are so simple and only document the intimate love of the heavenly Father for His children.  But the human intellect picks up everything in such a way that the simple can no longer be recognized properly.  Man then tries to fathom in the most circumstantial way what can be explained to him easily and comprehensibly, if he would only pay attention to his thoughts, which truly give him the right answer in the quickest way.  For the spiritual power uses the receptiveness of the earthly child - i.e., it is immediately ready to give and to work, where the smallest question concerning spiritual matters also betrays the will of man to reach the truth.

The spiritual beings welcome it with exceeding joy when they can be active and are allowed to instruct a truth-hungry heart.  Only, what is revealed to the people in thought, will rarely be spread as pure truth .... Many a man forms a judgment on the basis of this thought-influence, which also corresponds to the truth, he will however very rarely be able to transfer these his thoughts, which are supposedly the product of his own brooding, to other people as truth, because man also puts down all thinking as unreliable, thus can the expressed revelations never be produced as a proof of truth.

Only in the direct connection from the beyond to the earth lies a possibility to give a credible proof to the unbelievers, i.e., also only if they seriously ask for the truth.  And such a proof for mankind should become this work, everyone should be able to take a look at it, who carries the slightest desire in himself for the Divine truth.  And if he recognizes that a human being's ability and knowledge is not enough to continuously write down such announcements, he will himself recognize a higher power from it .... he will now also feel more and more the spiritual influence of spirit-beings who are well-disposed towards him and will also be guided into the truth, because it is his will which demands the Divine truth ....

Published by Friends of the New Revelation of Jesus Christ – Further information, study of all publications in online and offline versions, eBook editions of the complete works with thematic issues, PDF editions for books and thematic issues, full text search function in the complete works  and much more. On the Internet under:   www.bertha-dudde.info/english/index.html  and  www.gottesoffenbarung.de

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