I speak to you                          through  Bertha Dudde

0866    on  16.4.1939

Sunday Sermon


Power of nature

Knowledge and faith ....

"Blessed are those who seek My love .... to them I will reveal Myself ...." Thus says the Lord, and at all times causes His voice to sound audibly to man for the salvation of their souls.  And those who pay attention to His voice, will draw living water as often as they ask for it, and in the hour of need and tribulation they will be strengthened bodily and mentally by the love of the heavenly Father.  And so the Lord always and at all times gives you His grace and does not allow anyone who trusts in Him to be without help.  He knows all hardships, and He knows the hearts of those who suffer .... He will refresh them according to their worthiness .... He will not abandon His own and will always dwell near them.

He will let the sun shine on the righteous and the unrighteous, and He will also make His Word accessible to all people on earth .... but only those will feel the blessing of His Word who accept it in faith and love for the Lord .... who in all humility plead with Him for His mercy .... who confess their weakness to Him and ask for strength .... who long for Him in all love and commend themselves to His goodness and mercy.  Divine love is close to them and is their constant refuge and protection, and His children will never be abandoned, for He knows them and lovingly guides their fate so that they can find the way to their eternal home and one day enter the Father's house ....

In fullest unity, all good spiritual forces pursue only one aim: to lead all spiritual imperfections to perfection, and it is therefore their eager striving to first give them knowledge of God's omnipotence, love and goodness and of the destiny of the earthly being and it's relationship to the Creator.  Only when the earthly being has understood this, the work can begin of a slow transformation regarding materialistic thinking. ....

And therefore the faith in a Deity must be awakened in man first, in order to be able to build on it only then, because where faith is missing, every teaching pointing to eternity, is invalid and given to man in vain.  Those who stand in faith, recognize an eternal Deity as a power in direct connection with man, to Whose will they are completely subject.  And this faith is the first condition for all further striving.

Who understands the Divinity to be a force of nature expressing itself in unchanged lawful order - by which also man come into being, having no determined fate and work - his thoughts cannot be influenced in such a way that he forms his life with regard to eternity, to his life after the bodily death.  And that is why it is the first task of the spiritual world on the other side to instruct man in the right faith, and this requires unbelievable effort and patience in a time when mankind has created a teaching for itself, which tries to explain everything which the whole creation contains, in a purely natural way.

And overzealous scientific research is the death of faith.  People think they know and therefore no longer need faith .... but they believe that they have understood everything through science, and therefore they have the wrong faith .... Because this faith is of no use, but it only confuses all human thinking, whereas the pure, childlike faith in an eternal Creator as a controller of all existing, then also introduces man to knowledge and does not leave him in error.

The more God-connected man tries to remain on earth, the brighter spirit will also look at creation, and deep faith only gives him the confirmation of what he recognizes as truth, because he is offered proofs of another kind than human science can give .... Proofs that only strengthen the faith, but seem little tangible to him whose faith is still weak .... Deep faith is the first condition, and only then can man work on himself to reach the highest perfection ....


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