Changes in creation .... disasters needed ....

B.D. No. 1010

July 18th 1939

In infinitely long times many a change has taken place in the whole of creation. For the original form was banished spiritual substance which, however, detached itself from this form in the course of the millennia, thus God's work of creation also had to constantly change in order to bring the spiritual substance the release from the form .... This reshaping of the originally created again has the consequence that a spiritual work can already be recognized from it, because life is everything that changes .... but there is nothing in the universe that retains its form in an unchanged way; it can certainly remain in the same form for thousands of years, but this will never remain a permanent state. Everything in the universe must change, for only in this way does it fulfil the purpose of providing a home for the spiritual, which is to form itself upwards. And if now all these creations have the purpose to be carriers of spiritual substances, then inevitably all destruction of form must have a favourable effect on the spiritual that enlivens it .... it must be the ultimate purpose of matter to be dissolved in order to liberate the spiritual within itself. Thus every apparent work of destruction will only be welcome in a spiritual sense, even though it entails the greatest earthly disadvantage. And after every destruction of any matter the spiritual must escape from it and thus join the people on earth in an unbound state or else take up residence in the new .... i.e. earthly shell which serves the soul's progress .... earthly shell to which he is entitled. And therefore every new emergence in nature will bring countless spiritual beings to maturity, and especially the smallest, most inconspicuous creations have to fulfil tasks which are not expected of them .... It is generally said that the God of love cannot be so cruel as to abandon whole stretches of land to destruction .... yet these people completely lack the sense for the fact that countless beings thank their creator for every such catastrophe which releases countless spiritual beings from their long banished state, and that the whole of creation only exists for the purpose that these beings have continued opportunities to stay and that such often arise through destruction of all kinds .... that therefore all catastrophes or other natural events which result in the destruction of the earth's surface are welcomed with immense joy by the spiritual beings who have been in captivity for a long time and who now have to start and live through a new epoch of their life on earth ....



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