I speak to you                          through  Bertha Dudde

1025    on  26.7.1939

Jesus' suffering on the cross ....

The greatness of the suffering of Jesus on the cross is not yet properly recognized.  The inconceivable love for His earthly children moved the eternal Divinity to embody Himself in a human being on earth, in order to make the until then unbridgeable gap between the Father and the children on earth passable, in order to show these children a way that leads to Him.  Now Divine love itself has built the bridge through the redemptive work of Jesus Christ ....

The Lord suffered so unspeakably on the cross as a human being, He tasted all the agonies of death of the cross, and this out of deepest love for mankind .... The love of which mankind was devoid, moved Him to die for this mankind and thus to bring it redemption from the deepest guilt of sin.  Words cannot express the pain and agony that Jesus endured on the cross.  He suffered inhuman pain, because His body was in fullest harmony with everything that was pure and clear, that was bright and light, through the union of the soul with the spirit .... And this body was dragged down by a dark force into the dark realm ....

Those who laid hands on Him were sinful, dark figures, driven to cruel actions by demons.  The fear of the pure soul, which had become love through and through, was immeasurably great and the touch by these demons working in hatred, was indescribably agonizing .... If a mere human being like any other would have to endure this death, the work of redemption would not have been of such importance .... But the agonies of Jesus exceeded those of a human being a thousandfold, because not only the body suffered in itself, but far more the soul, because it stood in the light and was deeply humiliated by the darkness.

No human being on earth can measure the full extent of the work of redemption; only in the state of light can he grasp the greatness of it and the unspeakable love that moved the Son of Man to take upon Himself the most severe suffering.  And mankind respects His death so little that it does not shrink from giving away the faith in Jesus Christ as Redeemer of the world.  And it is not aware of the immeasurable sin it thereby takes upon itself and how nothing else can offer it a substitute for this humanly greatest work of love which was sacrificed for mankind. ....


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