Fight against matter in the hereafter .... help from above .... |
B.D. No. 1045 August 9th 1939 |
Those souls are entitled to enter the kingdom of peace who have cultivated a purely spiritual relationship in earthly life and have therefore fulfilled all preconditions for a life of bliss on earth. Everything that dedicates itself to the spiritual never has to fear an agonizing state in the beyond, for it has consciously separated itself from the earthly world .... and therefore need not fear to be in close contact with matter again, as is the case, however, with completely imperfectly departed souls or souls that are still too attached to earthly things. These have not yet become completely free from matter, and since their love is therefore still for matter, they will also have to endure the same struggles and trials in the life beyond in order to attain final liberation from it. Although all matter only exists in the imagination of such a soul, the battle is precisely to overcome it, and thus the soul suffers as it did on earth due to its greed for the possession of everything that was desirable to it on earth and will not release the soul's senses again until it has fought down all desire within itself and thus become free, i.e. has overcome matter. The state in the hereafter is not very enviable. The soul is continually tormented by the urge for possessions, it is, as on earth, unfree as soon as a desire arises in it; it also believes that it has complete right of disposal over everything material and is thus incredibly domineering and selfish as long as it is not in realization. And again, this realization cannot be imparted to the soul if it does not willingly lend a hand itself, i.e. if it shakes off everything that bound it on earth and is willing to give in return. The only possibility of complete liberation is again only the prayer of a person who remembers the soul with love or the love of the souls approaching it from above. These try to make the soul understand how little value the collection of earthly goods has for the soul in the beyond .... When this is presented to it in such detail, many a soul is still able to free itself from its tormenting shell, for the so longingly desired earthly goods ...., which in truth do not exist at all ...., are wrapped around the soul like shackles and weigh it down and burden it indescribably, and it will not feel the beneficence of the help granted to it by higher spiritual beings until it willingly renounces all earthly goods. Countless souls still languish in the bonds of matter .... countless beings have to atone bitterly for wasting their hearts on earthly trinkets, on worldly goods, and only when they realize that everything that seems attractive to them only exists in their imagination, only when they sense that true bliss in the beyond can only be attained by sacrificing or surrendering all earthly desires or earthly possessions, will the soul find the right connection between things and gradually approach the right realization. But then it progresses quickly; but before it has reached the right realization, its state is a pitiable one and it is extremely grateful for every help that is brought to it by loving people or higher spiritual beings, and that is why man should always remember these souls in prayer ....
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