The thorny path to the eternal home ....

B.D. No. 1106

September 22nd 1939

I will protect the one who desires to stand in truth from all error .... And he who trustingly abandons himself to Me so that I may lead him, his steps will never go astray, for I watch over him and prevent him from going astray. And now hear My voice: The path to the eternal home is like a steeply ascending footpath that leads through undergrowth and thorns .... He who bravely and powerfully overcomes all obstacles will safely reach his goal and rejoice in his ascent, for now that he has reached the end, all the difficulties of the path lie behind him, but before him lies the most magnificent view of all the land that lies beneath his feet .... And he will revel in the pleasure of being able to take in the picture that now presents itself to his eyes after his arduous ascent. And the same will happen to an earthly child at the end of its days if it has chosen Me as its guide and has travelled the thorny path of life by My hand. There are indeed many paths through earthly life, and they are often easy to walk and bordered with ornamental shrubs of all kinds, and they entice the traveller to rest and promise refreshment and rest to him who walks these paths, but he will never reach his destination .... For such paths certainly lead far from the goal, and in his restlessness and sluggishness, man does not regocnize where he is heading and moves further and further away from the right path, which, although arduous and difficult, inevitably leads to the heights. And this alone is the certainty that you have found the right path when you are weighed down by suffering, which are the thorns and undergrowth on the path to your eternal home. Whoever disregards these and courageously continues on his way will easily overcome all subsequent obstacles .... Only you must not shy away from them, you must not seek the comforts, but your mind must be simple and uneducated, then the path upwards will not seem difficult to you .... Everywhere along the way My messengers wait and support the traveller who wants to tire and is looking for a place to rest .... For such is only a danger for the one striving upwards. The path must be continued undeterred in joyfulness of heart and driven by the desire to see Me at the end of the path .... And all distractions must be avoided, all resting places inviting rest must be shunned, for they make the spirit of man sluggish and unwilling to make the arduous ascent. Yet without overcoming oneself, without renouncing all comforts, it is impossible to reach Me, and again My love draws every being upwards if only it is willing and does not resist Me .... And so I also advise you again to patiently bear your little cross, not to become weary, even if the path seems difficult to you, and to always trust your lord and saviour with a bright eye and a believing heart, Who holds everyone's fate in His hands and considers people as it is necessary for them .... And My love protects you and all My little children from missing the right path, I guard all My little sheep and carry them carefully over insurmountable, difficult paths, so that they reach the heights, the eternal home, undamaged ....



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