I speak to you                          through  Bertha Dudde

1428    on  20.5.1940

Use of the spiritual currents ....

Repetitions ....

There are relatively great difficulties under which a connection from the beyond to earth comes about, if the receiving part does not use the spiritual currents which favor easy communication.  The currents are unfavorable  when all spiritual forces turn to God and receive in exceeding love and power from God .... when the connection with the most perfect being takes place and therefore nothing imperfect is allowed to approach the beings standing in the light, because the power-supply from God would extinguish everything imperfect by the unimaginable fullness of light.

The process of imparting Divine power to the imperfect beings, however, requires an envelopment of the light-being, for it is the not yet mature spiritual in man that is taught, and it cannot bear the shining light of the spiritual teacher without danger.  But every teaching being in the hereafter stands in the light ..... Imperfect beings are not given the office of a teacher in the hereafter.  So, if the Divine light-bearers instruct the earthly child, they have to approach him veiled ....

But the receiving of Divine power lets the light-being shine in highest fullness of light.  And the light penetrates every envelopment ..... So the beings have to move infinitely far away from the earthbound being.  The term "far" is not to be understood as a spatial distance, but the distance must be increased .... the spiritual power going to the earthly child, must be decreased ..... And this is now expressed in the difficult reception of the messages, which is even heightened if the receiving person does not ask for it with all of his senses.

Conversely, however, the light-beings can work extraordinarily successfully, if they are allowed to reduce their distance.  A child hungry for reception can stand closer to the light, the desire for the light lets a stronger fullness of light be harmless, and if the light-bearer has again put on a corresponding spiritual cover, he can more easily get in touch with the spiritual in man, and this makes itself felt in unhindered reception of the Divine Word.

And so the power from God is able to work in varying strengths.  Certain currents are always to be observed, which are also often recognizable by an increased will to receive and effortless absorption.  But in order to be worthy of Divine grace even in bright currents, man must expend all his will to ennoble himself.  He must avoid everything that could hinder the spirit in it's high-altitude flight ..... He must escape from earth without hesitation and thus be able to receive the strength from God in increased measure.

Now Divine Love seeks to guide the spiritual upwards, and therefore the light-bearers are eager to continuously impart light and power to people, so that the receiving earthly child is not discouraged by vain listening to the Word from above.  Therefore the beings on the other side, which are willing to serve and love, are instructed to repeat messages ..... These beings can only convey what is given to them as an order.  They cannot therefore give something to the people on their own authority, which would be against the will of the light-bearers and therefore against the Divine will.

And such repetitions are always offered when Divine Love's Spirit unites with His beings .... or the will to receive or the desire for the transmissions from above is not exceptionally great.  But an earthly child standing in most intimate love, whose heart only longs for the Divine gift, is taken up into the circle of light, but lovingly protected from excessive fullness of light, which would harm him ....


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