I speak to you                          through  Bertha Dudde

1167    on  8.11.1939

Prayer ....

And so you should remain in prayer, because you are weak little children who always need the Father's help.  And your concern should always be to prove yourselves worthy of His help, because what the Father in heaven does to you, He does out of love for you.  If you want to possess His love, you have to prove to Him that you are His children by complying with His will ..... And for this you need strength, which you should implore in believing prayer.  And therefore prayer is the first rung up; the earthly child is able to do everything if it takes it's refuge in prayer, because the Father Himself has given you the promise with His words: Ask, and it will be given to you .... knock, and it will be opened to you ....

Every call coming from the heart reaches the Father and will also be heard, if it is useful for the salvation of the soul of man.  The power of prayer is so great, that unimagined spiritual strength is sent to the aid of the earthly child and every request is granted, if it lies in the will of the heavenly Father.  But only the prayer sent in humble request and childlike trust to the Father can be heard .... prayer must reflect the right relationship to God ....

As a child presents it's request to the Father, so the asking earthly child should come with every request to Him in Whose power alone it lies to fulfill every request.  Prayer is the conscious connection with God ..... For prayer also presupposes the belief that a higher power has all authority and that God loves His creatures.  It proves that the creature recognizes it's Creator .... prayer establishes the right relationship between both, and it proves the desire of the earthly child to the Father of the universe.

And so, if you ask and present your request to the Lord, you confess yourselves to the primordial Spirit - Who is your origin, and you enter the bridge which leads to reunion, because prayer is the first step to the Father .... prayer is the only possibility to reach from the depth to the height, because through prayer, power and strength are imparted to the earthly child to begin the work on itself, on it's soul, and thus to bridge the gap which separates it from the Father .... And if man has to endure struggles, no matter what kind, prayer is always the refuge to Him who can put an end to everything difficult .... If you pray rightly, i.e. in spirit and in truth, your supplication will be heard, so that you may become strong in faith in His love and omnipotence ....


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