Doubting God's Revelations .... Elements of nature ....

B.D. No. 4020

April 9th 1947

You so urgently need to receive My Word and yet hardly ever believe it .... You constantly allow yourselves to be beset by doubts as to whether My servants convey the truth to you. You reject that which seems unacceptable to you and which is nevertheless inevitable according to eternal decree. I introduce you, whose spirit is awakened, into My plan of Salvation so that you shall recognise the time of the end and can also draw your fellow human beings' attention to the end. I indicate the signs to you and ever since the start of this period of Salvation have also predicted the consequences of the low spiritual level in order to give you the opportunity to prepare yourselves so that the end will be a blissful one for you.

Yet My announcements are not taken seriously, thus I keep revealing Myself time and again, and not just through the Word which comes forth from Me and testifies of Me, but I also want to be recognisable to those who won't give credence to My Word, who do not let themselves be instructed through My servants on earth and who therefore also view my predictions with utter disbelief. I want to approach them in a different way, I want to reveal Myself to them as Lord of Creation Whom no human will can bear up against .... I want to confront them with the Power which human will cannot break or defeat .... I want to talk to them in a language which is loud and clear, I want to speak with a voice of thunder and the elements of nature will obey Me and testify to Me. And this will be the last Word of admonition I speak in order to then let events take their course until the end. And this last expression of My might and strength will be a blessing for all of humanity, yet it will only be effective for a small number of people, since anyone who does not acknowledge Me will see nothing unusual in the huge natural disaster but merely look at it as an act of nature even if he agrees that he has no control over this act. And yet, I will not deviate from My plan of eternity and will continue to announce time and again that I will reveal Myself through a natural disaster of an extent which the world has never before experienced. Why will I do this?

Time is pressing towards the end, people live life half-heartedly and are lethargic .... they don't realise the gravity of the time and shall therefore be woken up, I Myself want to approach them, for in their acute physical distress when they are facing death the thought of the Creator will nevertheless arise and a few will still find and take the path to Me .... And for the sake of these few what is proclaimed in Word and Scripture will be fulfilled. Countless people will indeed lose their lives and enter the kingdom of the beyond in an imperfect state, yet I will be a merciful Judge to them and value the last sacrifice they offer Me with their early death by providing them with the greatest opportunities to achieve maturity in the spiritual kingdom and granting them support in every way. Nevertheless, I will speak through nature without fail, and all of you will bear witness to it and be able to convince yourselves of the truth of My Word which comes pure and plain from above, because it is My will that you shall not experience something so powerful that it would have to shock everyone's way of thinking if they just have a little faith in a Creator and Preserver of heaven and earth. But anyone who is united with Me should not doubt My Word, for I express Myself through My servants on earth and want My Word to be passed on and accepted as pure truth and all doubt to be banished from the hearts of My Own, because I Myself speak to you and will never allow My Word to be passed on interspersed with error to people of good will .... who want to be of service to Me and are therefore hired by Me as labourers in My vineyard during the last days before the end ....



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