ThemeBooklet 048

For Endtime-Disciples - Part 3

An access to the currently translated complete work of Bertha Dudde – 1891-1965 – including her autobiography, an introduction to the work, lots of hints and clarification, all the downloads (in various languages), with offers of writings by different publishers (printed books, theme booklets etc.), and printable PDF-versions of all texts (revelations) You find here, a selective list with all her books You find here.

God's directives and instructions for His endtime servants

BD 7900                received  25.05.1961

Light ....
Radiance ....
Wisdom ....

All those of you who want to work for Me, who want to participate in the redemption of the as yet enslaved souls, all those of you who want to serve Me during the last days before the end, listen to Me: The mission for which you voluntarily placed yourselves at My disposal is very important .... It requires much love and patience for your fellow human beings, it requires effort and perseverance and a helpful heart which recognises people’s hardship and would like to improve it .... And it requires great love for Me, because a person wanting to be of service to Me will only enter into My will if he totally hands himself over to Me and thereby also receives the strength to accomplish his mission. The goal is to convey to people the truth which can only come forth from Me and which is absolutely essential if the redemptive work is to be successful .... because the human being can only become aware of his own state when he receives the truth, because only then will he recognise the purpose of his life on earth and only the pure truth will enable him to gain a correct image of Me as his God and Creator, his Father of eternity. Humanity suffers great spiritual adversity, being kept in spiritual blindness by the prince of darkness they spend their earthly life in a lightless state, i.e. they don’t know the truth, they come to wrong conclusions and only regard life on earth as an end in itself .... There is such a pressing need for supplying the truth that I will bless every person who offers his service to Me, because I can only convey the truth through you to people who do not shape themselves in a way that they can receive it directly .... I need you to accept the truth from Me Myself and to carry it into the world .... However, only a few are capable of receiving the direct transfer of My Word which can claim to be truthful knowledge .... which provides people with clear understanding, with the knowledge they need in order to live an appropriate way of life that helps them to attain perfection on earth .... However, first they must be encouraged to live a life of love, because without love they will be unable to recognise the truth of subsequent knowledge .... Love comes first, and then love will also guarantee the understanding for all correlations, for My nature and My reign and activity .... This is why only a loving human being can accept this truth from Me .... I can only convey ‘truthful knowledge’ if the prerequisites have been met for receiving it directly .... But where this can take place, those of you who want to serve Me should congregate and accept the light which you shall then carry into the world .... Understand that it is truly light which is emanated by Me .... that it also contains radiance, that is, it will also be clear and understandable to those to whom you want to pass it on if only they are of good will .... Then I will also speak to these human hearts Myself through the Word you impart upon them and they will recognise it as My Word because it gives evidence of itself ....

Safeguard this Word from all impurities, do not mix it with human thoughts, emphasise it as My direct emanation of love and only ensure that it will be distributed .... For people’s spiritual state is such that only My direct address can still have an effect, that only the strength of My Word is still able to affect people’s hearts and lead to a change in their nature. After all, people also want to be allowed to use their intellect .... they also want to recognise wisdom when knowledge is presented to them as the divine Word .... They don’t want empty phrases but they also want to deal with the subject matter rationally, which is only possible if the pure truth from Me is presented to them .... For this reason I convey this knowledge to you humans, for this reason I inform you of My eternal plan of Salvation, this is why I try to clarify the meaning and purpose of earthly existence and to explain all correlations, so that you will be able to believe if you are of good will .... Hence I kindle a light in you Myself and only instruct you to serve Me as bearers of light by distributing this light and to keep fetching the knowledge from where I Myself send it to earth, where it is received by a tool which I recognised as being suitable for receiving the truth from Me so that it can subsequently emanate the light .... so that it will disperse the darkness the prince of darkness has spread across people. And by its bright and radiant shine you will also be able to infer the source of the light, for that which is emanated by the ‘Eternal Light’ Itself must also disseminate illumination and be recognisable as divine emanation. It must be profound divine wisdom, a knowledge which testifies to My love, wisdom and power and which comprehensibly informs you about My reign and activity so that you humans can convincingly speak of ‘divine truth’. And if you, My servants, want to do redemptive work then you should spread this divine truth, you should pass it on to your fellow human beings, you should impart the light upon others and thereby dispel the night which is no-one’s friend .... You should help to improve people’s spiritual state, to ensure that they can all be affected by the strength of My Word, which will truly not remain ineffective ....


BD 8846                received  27.08.1964

The working of the spirit exceeds a scholar’s knowledge ....

Anyone who truthfully wants to serve Me must also endorse the truth to his fellow human beings .... for he receives it through the voice of the spirit. This is a privilege he cannot value enough, since he is thereby in possession of the pure truth which no-one can take away from him. And to know the truth means to be so illuminated that the darkness is unable to harm him. What could be more pleasing on earth than to partake in the light, to be illuminated by the light of mercy which bestows brightest realisation upon a person? .... And it is his task to share this with fellow human beings, to kindle a bright light in them as well and also to dispel the darkness they are burdened with. Yet you will also encounter resistance all over the place, for only those people who request the truth from Me themselves are willing to accept it, whom I can therefore approach and speak to through you. And I know their hearts, I know that they yearn for the truth, and come to meet all those who will not reject you. Nevertheless, only a few will possess the full truth, for spiritual arrogance is far too obvious in the world. The kind of education that you experience will only rarely find credence. Instead, people think that they will only discover the mysteries through study, and thus they will be granted more credence; and the problem all over the world consists of the fact that only those who have far less knowledge than you feel called to educate their fellow human beings because they don’t draw their knowledge from the source. The purest form of truth can only come forth from Me Myself .... And neither have I ever required the study of spiritual issues. Everything concerning your spiritual life comes under My jurisdiction and I distribute the pure truth to those who appeal to Me Myself in their desire to receive it, and they will be taught correctly and their knowledge will far surpass that of a ‘scholar’. However, if I instruct a bearer of truth to use his spiritual knowledge and educate his fellow human beings, then I will also make sure that you will meet those you are intended to instruct and you will find willing listeners in them .... Consequently, your mission is of greatest importance and you must not allow yourselves to be held back by those who are unappointed, because I consider those ‘unappointed’ who do not believe in your task, who oppose such obvious proof of My working with their unbelief, but who assume a teaching task for themselves which they are not entitled to as long as they have not received the truth from Me Myself, which always necessitates a life of love. Only then will they also become enlightened, but in that case they will no longer oppose you, they will only ever find additional information which clarifies their knowledge and will accept what you offer to them, for then they will recognise the divine origin and be delighted with an explanation where they hitherto were still unable to see clearly, and they will be grateful that they, too, can refresh themselves at the source of the truth .... that they, too, may draw from the living water and that this source has opened itself for them ....


BD 4315                received  27.05.1948

Spiritual debates are necessary for clarification ....

Do not let any opportunity pass you by when you can be active for Me and My kingdom, when you can speak about that which My spirit reveals to you. Questions will be raised which only you will be able to answer, and a multitude of opinions will be voiced, but you will be able to uphold only the right ones with conviction, for only you know the truth, only you are taught by Me and therefore need not fear any objection to the contrary since, on account of your knowledge, you will recognise every wrong point of view. However, your task consists of providing the impetus for spiritual debates, of not being afraid to speak, of always regarding yourselves as My servants who avidly work for their Lord, and of always being mindful of your mission. If you are inwardly impelled you should give in and do what your heart tells you to do, and if you desire to speak, then speak, for then I Myself will urge you to do your spiritual work. It will always be My will that you should mention My Word from above, it will always be My will that people should exchange their thoughts regarding spiritual questions, and I Myself will always give you the impulse for this and pave the way for you, that is, I will direct people’s thoughts to problems which I Am willing to explain. Thus you may always be certain that I Am present during all spiritual conversations and that I will guide your thoughts in the right direction and enable your mouth to speak and provide your intellect with the correct power of judgment. Therefore you can talk freely and you will always speak according to My will, for you are merely My tools through which I express Myself. But don’t be hesitant and remain silent when it is necessary to talk. And you will be successful; your discussions will greatly contribute towards clarification and encourage people to voice their opinions which will always result in My light beings’ intervention by trying to exert their influence. Then you will have ploughed the field first and distributed the seed which is to yield good fruits ....


BD 8835                received  02.08.1964

About speaking in tongues ....

You should educate your fellow human beings in all truthfulness, and therefore you first have to receive the truth from Me Myself. I told you many times already that the truth will bring you enlightenment, that you will not stay in the dark, that you will be able to understand everything. And thus you are given an explanation about the various ‘gifts of the spirit’, which you can even notice yourselves in those who possess them. You will have to admit that unusual abilities exist when a person has the gift of healing the sick .... you will not be able to deny the gift of prophesy either .... just as remarkable knowledge will be obvious to you too .... They are all things which are unusual in people, powers are manifesting themselves in a person which are undeniably divine activities for the benefit of the souls. But you ask Me in particular about the ‘gift of speaking in tongues’ .... You have already received the simple explanation from Me that this gift is a special sign of a most heartfelt bond with Me, explained such that I speak through a person who talks to people of different nations and they hear him in their native tongue, so that everyone believes that he speaks to them in their own language. This gift is a most obvious sign of My working .... just like the ‘outpouring of My spirit’ upon My disciples .... when all people present heard them speak in their mother tongue .... Thus they were speaking in ‘foreign tongues’ .... and not that a person speaks an incomprehensible language and then believes to be permeated by ‘My spirit’ .... This is a complete misinterpretation of the Scriptures which certainly speak of the blessed feeling of an inner bond with Me which motivates a person to praise My Being, but it takes place in quiet prayer uttered by the tongue .... and not by the mouth.

I ask you in all seriousness: what point would there be in a prayer articulated with the mouth in an incomprehensible language, if it needs interpreting? .... Am I Myself not able to speak to you in a clearly intelligible way? I want to give you light .... why should I use an interpreter who first has to be enlightened by My Spirit too in order to be able to give you light. I Am an unambiguous and true God, and I really have no reason to offer you a muddle of words which needs to be translated by another person. Especially this portrayal of speaking in tongues encouraged people to seek this gift desperately, and thus sects arose whose members assemble as Pentecostal community in order to acquire this gift due to wrong understanding .... Whenever I speak to people I will always give them light, but I do not speak to those who express themselves confusingly and need an interpreter, who is equally incapable of spreading light. I ask you, why should I speak to you in a language you don’t understand? You misunderstand the words in the Scriptures, as far as they can be regarded as My Word .... for even the ‘letter’ added to My Gospel contains errors. Words have been added which were (are) not ‘My Word’ and even those are misinterpreted by you, and thus you cannot escape from error. But precisely these words form the basic teachings of those supposedly permeated by the ‘spirit of Pentecost’ .... And they confuse people because they do not rely on the pure truth which I Myself convey to earth, in fact, they are hostile to it .... They do not accept this pure teaching and this, in itself, should already be evidence for you that they have built on wrong principles. Anyone who is so convinced to be permeated by My spirit that he speaks in ‘foreign tongues’ also has to be able to translate it himself in spirit and in truth, since it is not My will to confuse people’s spirit but to enlighten it. And this translation has to agree with the spiritual knowledge which I convey to earth from above, or you can reject it as error. I will give light to all of you, and you should not resist this light, for the gift of grace offered to you from above is immeasurable, and yet the error is equally enormous so that I have to be active Myself in order to help you become enlightened again .... And blessed is he who accepts the light that shines for him ....


BD 5627                received  15.03.1953

Fight with the sword of the tongue ....
Truth ....

Take up the fight against everything that is spiritually opposed to you, fight with the sword of the tongue, for it is a holy battle .... you are fighters for Me and My kingdom. And whatever is spiritually opposed to you when you represent Me and My Word before the world is directed against Me. My pure Gospel shall be proclaimed to people, this is why I sent My disciples into the world to teach all nations .... Only through the pure Gospel, only through the truth, were they able to acquire the kingdom of God, for the truth proclaimed Me and showed the path to Me. As soon as the truth gets distorted the path to Me also gets uneven, I can no longer be properly recognised and people’s goal becomes indistinct and will not longer be aspired to .... If the path to eternal life shall be shown to people again, then the truth must pave the way to it first, people must be able to clearly and distinctly recognise Me, only then will they strive towards the right goal again, they will be able to reach Me and attain beatitude and everlasting life ....

I Myself Am the way, the truth and the life .... And you, whom I have chosen and educated as My disciples in the last days, you know the truth, you have received it from Me Myself, and you also know how dangerous error and lies are and how much spiritual adversity people suffer who are not instructed in the truth. This is why error and lies are My great enemy and also yours who live within the truth. And this is the enemy you shall fight .... Time and again I give you this task that you shall argue for Me and My teaching, that you shall fight with the sword of your tongue. Although you will find many enemies who will support their wrong doctrine with conviction, yet you will also be able to counter their misguided teachings with the pure truth and win every time, providing they are not obvious followers of the prince of darkness and don’t really want light and truth, that they don’t fight for what they had accepted as right but only for themselves and their power.

Your sword will truly be razor-sharp, for you will be able to refute everything that is wrong, the Words will be put into your mouth, My spirit will guide you, thus I Myself will be at your side as your commander-in-chief and the truth will be victorious indeed but can also cost the enemy many victims who would rather perish than abandon their error as not to lose their power. They are not interested in the pure truth; instead, as My adversary’s representatives they rather aim to darken the light with which they are confronted. Consequently they will be the victims of this battle which, however, has to be fought out at the end of this time, for the prince of darkness will finally declare war on Me, he will try to dethrone Me with lies and defamation. And then you shall face up to him, I want to speak through you to those who are controlled by My adversary, and I also still want to show them the path which leads to the goal, to eternal life which, however, can only be taken by means of the truth ....


BD 7599                received  14.05.1960

Admonition for all vineyard labourers ....

The waves of unrest trying to take hold of you, My servants on earth, will keep rising, and you will go through all kinds of problems and yet, you must remain faithful to Me in all problems of body and soul .... Always remember that you are living at the time of the end .... And this end time will still bring you a great many surprises of various kinds. But one thing is certain, you should faithfully keep to My revelations, to My Word, which comes to you from above. For even in this respect My adversary will try to cause much confusion by aiming to intersperse the truth with serious errors, and he will be successful because people often lack the spirit of discernment .... because they often lack an awakened spirit. However, they can pray for the gift of discernment, for I will truly not let a person live in error who sincerely desires the truth. And I will certainly convey to you the knowledge you need in order to successfully accomplish your vineyard work for Me and My kingdom .... for this reason it is not necessary for you to adopt unfamiliar spiritual knowledge you have not received from Me. But you should pay attention to what happens around you, to what is going on in this world and to people’s actions, because thereby you will recognise the activity of the one who is raging during the last days because he knows that he does not have much time left. And thus I tell you time and time again that you should leave the control and guidance to Me, because I know where and in which way a person who is willing to work for Me is a faithful labourer .... And I will truly assign his work to him, he will not need to search for the work he should do for Me. However, it is My adversary’s activity to keep confusing people’s thoughts, to rush and irritate them, to deprive them of their inner calm, to turn people against each other and to destroy all good relations .... My adversary also exerts his influence by diverting people’s eyes from purely spiritual processes and directing them towards the machinations of immature spirits which avail themselves of ensnared people in order to cause trouble .... Follow your path steadfastly, be willing to serve Me as faithful servants and always wait for where I will deploy you for your service .... And I will guide you .... but do not act independently, instead, let Me arrange everything, because I know the success or failure, I also know My adversary’s activity and can only ever advise you to turn to Me, to hand yourselves over to Me and not to act overzealously, because all agitation is My adversary’s work, but you can only find inner calm in Me. If you let Me be your guide and constant companion, everything will work itself out in such a way that you need only follow your inner urging and you will be acting in a righteous and good way before Me and thus serve Me in truth as My labourers in My vineyard. But do not allow yourselves to be influenced by strange forces. And you will always have to fear a strange force if you lose your inner calm. Everything requires its time, and even the activity of evil forces is permitted by Me so that the extent of people’s resistance to them can be tested. When the time is right I will confront them with My strength and then you, My servants, will know that you are working and acting for Me. And therefore there is only one thing to do: trustingly hand yourselves over to Me and appeal for My guidance, then you will be called to service which could be a success for Me .... You should not tackle things of your own accord without having received instructions from Me .... but you should at all times be ready to serve Me, then you will be guided such that you can accomplish your vineyard work well, that you can save souls from their final downfall .... that you therefore will be diligent labourers for Me during the last days before the end ....


BD 7918                received  13.06.1961

Scrutiny of spiritual knowledge ....

Contact Me when you are presented with spiritual knowledge for scrutiny, so that I will guide your thoughts into the right direction and give you the ability to form a correct judgment. For your intellect is incapable of making spiritual judgments; it requires an awakened spirit to guide your thinking into the right direction, and thus I Myself, the eternal Father-Spirit, must always be able to establish contact with your indwelling spiritual spark if your correct thinking is to be guaranteed, if your scrutiny for the origin of spiritual knowledge is to be accurate. The intellect cannot conduct such an examination and, were it to do so, there would be no guarantee for truth, for truth comes forth from Me and it will only be recognised by those who establish contact with Me, who appeal to Me for enlightened thinking and who therefore will not accept anything but the truth. And so you humans should not value your intellect too highly, for as soon as it concerns spiritual spheres I want to be approached directly, otherwise the ‘truth’ would only ever be the privilege of those people who possess a highly developed intellect .... But My condition for correct and truthful thinking is different: I expect from you humans the love which awakens your spirit, which enlightens your thinking, which is a direct bond with Me, the Eternal Love Itself. A sharp intellect, however, is no guarantee for a life of love .... A sharp intellect without love can also be used by My adversary, and then truthful thinking can never be expected because the influence exerted by My adversary will always be against Me in order to undermine the truth which exposes him. Understand that only a person living a life of love is wise .... for he lives within divine order and is thus enlightened, he has gained realisation, the knowledge of the pure truth. So, of what use is a highly developed intellect to a person if he lacks love? He will not be able to offer you truth, as My adversary’s tool he is more likely to lead your thinking astray, since the former will always intervene where a person’s life opposes the divine order, where the principle of love does not predominate .... Love protects him against this influence, love characterises him as a divine living creation, love testifies to the bond with Me and therefore also always to correct thinking, and thus he will also always know the truth, he will be capable of forming a correct judgment when he scrutinises spiritual knowledge, and he will reject all false spiritual information .... The degree of love therefore determines to what extent the human being knows the truth and not the amount of externally received spiritual knowledge, which will remain lifeless knowledge as long as the spirit is not yet awakened through love. The reason why so much error exists in the world and why error is far more likely to be accepted than truth is because people lack the ability to make correct judgments and therefore readily accept anything they are offered by people with great mental ability who are deemed ‘competent’ to scrutinise spiritual knowledge for its truth. You must always approach Me directly for help, you must always appeal for My support, if you don’t want to fall prey to error .... Always appeal to Me for spiritual enlightenment, for correct thinking and for recognising the truth .... And your desire for truth will guarantee your correct thinking, for I want you to know the truth; I also want you to pass a correct judgment when it is requested of you .... But I always want to be recognised and approached as the origin of truth, for only I can impart it to you through those whose spirit is awakened because they live a life of love ....


BD 8562                received  18.07.1963

Truthful knowledge can lessen resistance ....

Regardless of what earthly objections you encounter, firmly hold on to the fact that you are working on My behalf even if they call you fantasists and deny your direct bond with Me, your God and Creator. They are unable to understand as long as they have not established this bond themselves, but those of you who have already attained it shall not let yourselves be shaken by them, for they still belong to the world, while you already aspire to the spiritual kingdom, which is not of this world. People will often be so distant from Me that they will ridicule your faith in My presence .... But you hold visible proof in your hands .... you are in possession of My Word, which has not come forth from any other source but from Me directly, for you will be able to prove to them that you have not received it through any other means than through the working of the spirit in you .... Anyone who listens to you will be able to verify the truth of this statement, but anyone who instantly refuses to listen is and will remain completely uninformed, and thus he will forfeit a great gift of grace because he fails to make use of it and, without blessings, he will never be able to become blissfully happy. Every person must dare to take the step from the earthly into the spiritual kingdom, only then will his understanding grow, he will look upon everything with different eyes, then he will allow for a second life beside the purely earthly life and only then will his earthly life gain in significance, because then he will have a goal he consciously wants to reach. Yet it will become increasingly rare for a person to form a serious opinion about the spiritual knowledge you offer to him, usually they won’t even listen to you in the first place but instantly reject any kind of spiritual discussion, they find everything inconvenient which might awaken in them the slightest sense of responsibility, they are so deeply involved with the earthly world that a spiritual kingdom seems doubtful to them and therefore they do not want to deal with spiritual subjects either. Nor can you provide them with proof unless you prove that your knowledge is something unusual so that they will have to believe that people are directly addressed by a God and Creator, yet they will only be able to gain this faith if they are of good will themselves, because no person will ever be influenced against their will .... For this reason nothing else can be done for the salvation of such unbelieving souls than to repeatedly draw their attention to the actual purpose of earthly life and to stimulate their mental activity. And I will always support your efforts through destined interventions, so that people will have to face up to situations in life when they will find themselves helpless and thereby must learn to recognise a higher Power above themselves .... so that for the time being they would have to deal with other thoughts than purely with the earthly world. Then they will also be more accessible to spiritual conversations. Nevertheless, it is a great blessing if such people are confronted by a true messenger .... appointed by Me Myself, for then he need not search in the first place, instead, the truth is carried to him, and with good will realisation would come much easier to him. For the truth will not fail to have its desired effect, it will be easily understood and also please a person who takes possession of it.

And thus it will only ever be your task to inform your fellow human beings of My working on and in yourselves, so that they will first reflect on it and then can be inwardly taught by the world of light .... so that they will start to think about it and subsequently may always approach you for confirmation, because you advocate the same spiritual knowledge which is mentally offered to them by the world of light .... always providing that they desire the truth .... that they not only thoughtlessly accept what is presented to them but that they only want to recognise and accept what is right .... If someone bluntly rejects you, let him be, but take care of those who are undecided and only need to be introduced to the right knowledge in order to accept it. No greater means of help can be offered to people anymore than the transmission of My Word from above .... For this contains the strength which will also impress those who are still spiritually weak, who merely require an impetus in order to gain faith .... and who will surely receive this impetus if they are given an explanation as to why they live on earth .... A truthful reason for their earthly existence can tear down a person’s every resistance and make him receptive for additional knowledge. And you, My servants on earth, can at all times provide your fellow human beings with this truthful knowledge and they will not be able to disregard it .... However, you must always give them the opportunity to pose questions, which you will then answer correctly. The truth will always be effective; it will be understood by those who seriously ask you with the will to find the right answer. Nevertheless, those who lack this will won’t believe you and thus the work of leading them to the spiritual path will be unsuccessful. And if you, who possess the pure truth, cannot succeed, then it will definitely not be possible for other people who know too little themselves to instruct their fellow human beings. And time and again I will still make use of the means which can be successful, such as severe strokes of fate, diseases and suffering, in which they can recognise their own helplessness and turn to the Power Which they must acknowledge above themselves .... I will react to the slightest thought of Me and truly, it will only be in your best interest, for it is not My will that even one person should go astray, instead, it is My will to give everyone the life which lasts forever ....


BD 5226                received  04.10.1951

Spreading the Gospel ....
End time disciples ....

Spreading the Gospel is the task for which I employed those of you who were willing to work for Me. Spreading the Gospel means taking the truth to people in the same way as it originates from Me. However, I Am faced by an adversary who will always fight against the truth. And therefore he will also fight against those who want to advocate the truth before the world. My disciples will therefore always encounter opponents, people who are enemies of the truth and who make an effort to demean it, hence to denounce it as untruth. It will often not be easy to discard their points of view since My adversary fights with great cunning and dexterity, he knows where a person still offers room for attack and he knows that his starting point in order to be successful has to be .... lack of knowledge, the inability to differentiate between truth and error. And since I know his intention and how he works I have personally educated fighters for Myself, whom I was able to completely instruct in the truth and whose intellect is equally sharp that they are able to logically refute every contention wherever necessary. They will not remain unmolested by the enemy of truth, because he is especially at risk of being unmasked by a bearer of truth since the latter works with My strength. There is immense confusion among people, they no longer recognise My pure Word, they try to interpret My Word according to their own will and discretion and increasingly divert from the truth because intellectual thinking only ever results in greater confusion and leaves the heart as the doorway to wisdom closed. My Word is no longer known to people, for this reason I want to convey it to them anew; it shall be offered to them by My chosen ones, by disciples who I instructed and introduced to the same knowledge as My disciples when I lived on earth. Time and again it is offered to people by My great love in order to enlighten them, because their realisation grows constantly weaker in the darkness they live in. The spoilt Word has not much strength left and only a few are capable of finding the true meaning of My Word when it is offered to them.

And so I present the eternal truth anew to those whom I instruct for the sake of their later teaching ministry, so that they can pass on what they received from Me Myself to their fellow human beings in its purest form. But these servants of Mine who shall instruct their fellow human beings must completely subordinate themselves to Me .... They must not listen to what people say, they must only pay attention to My Word and also uphold before the world what they have received from Me, from the spiritual kingdom. They must possess strong faith and a firm will, and this will must solely relate to Me .... Then they will be suitable for the teaching ministry and truly carry My Gospel into the world. However, the closer it gets to the end, the more vehemently the wall of your faith will come under attack .... For even if a person is clearly taught by God, worldly people refuse to acknowledge it and Satan’s working can even be recognised where merely a hint of light from above might have spread brightness .... He also tries to cause confusion among the ranks of My Own and therefore I caution you to be careful, so that he will not be successful and extinguish the tiny light .... Anyone who spreads the Gospel in My name will be protected by Me from error once he has been chosen by Me for this mission; but someone who elevates himself to a teacher without having been called by Me because he lacks the ability for it, will hardly recognise Satan’s working and then run the risk of looking upon error as truth. During the time of the end Satan will have great power which I shall not curtail, but which you humans can invalidate yourselves if you turn to Me in your heart and choose Me as a fighter against him .... Then he will be unable to mislead you since you, being brightly enlightened, will recognise what is truth and what is error ....


BD 5951                received  07.05.1954

The end time disciples’ faith without proof ....

I expect you, My end time disciples, to possess strong faith, a faith which convincingly professes Me before the world. This can only be done by people who are in heartfelt contact with Me, because only this contact will result in strengthening their faith to the necessary degree, whereas other people will easily abandon Me because they will find it difficult to have faith at a time which is so far removed from My lifetime on earth that only very little positive evidence can be produced about My life and death, about My life on earth and My path of suffering .... Hence a person must have particularly strong faith if he wants to profess Me before the world. My disciples, at the time of My life on earth, saw Me, they lived with Me and witnessed countless miraculous works; they were able to hear Me every day and were taught by Me; they were enlightened about everything so it was easy for them to believe in Me and My mission .... Yet, despite the obvious evidence of My Divinity, they also failed occasionally .... However, after My death they were so permeated by My spirit that they were able to fulfil their task of carrying the Gospel into the world and therefore also advocated Me with conviction .... But what is the situation with My end time disciples? They were unable to see and experience anything, they do not witness My visible presence, they must simply believe what they were told about Me .... Nevertheless, My end time disciples are not without strength and they, too, recognise My working, I also reveal Myself to them in spirit .... which precisely presupposes the heartfelt bond with Me .... I consider them to an exceptional degree because I expect an exceptional faith from them and take the fact into account that their only foundation was imparted knowledge in order to arrive at a convinced faith and that they therefore require exceptional support if they want to accomplish their assigned mission .... of proclaiming My Gospel to people during the last days before the end. I expect much of these last disciples of Mine, for they must solely believe in the Word, they must bear up to all counterarguments which portray My life on earth and My mission as implausible .... They must only believe .... But I bless them for this and tell them again: The last will be the first .... for their mission is a significant one, since it is, after all, essential to still save souls before the end, to introduce these to Jesus Christ as well, so that they will not pass away from this earth unredeemed .... They must stand up for Me, for their Father and Redeemer, they must profess Me before the world when Satan runs against the bastion of faith with all his might .... Then they must prove themselves and their faith in Me, then they must loudly profess My name in public, because this name alone is the power to eliminate Satan’s activity and to render him harmless .... I expect a strong faith from these last disciples of Mine, yet they are not alone in the battle against the enemy .... I Myself will be with them, because their faith allows Me to be present and thus they will be victorious .... and all those who follow My disciples and likewise profess My name before the world ....


BD 5266                received  06.12.1951

World clock ....
Final hours ....

I want to inform those of you who believe in Me and have personally experienced My working that the world clock will soon run out, that the last hour will strike almost immediately and that My coming is imminent. People do not give credence to My relevant proclamations and only a few attach importance to them. Nevertheless, I keep telling you time and time again: The Day of Judgment is near and every person’s life is at risk. However, I do not refer to your mortal life, instead, your spiritual life is at risk, for if you are unprepared when the day comes upon you, you will succumb to spiritual death and this is far worse than mortal death which only affects the body. You are only minutes away from the Day of Judgment and although I use a different measurement of time .... the time will pass by at a frightening rate and the end will arrive alarmingly soon. My faithful followers will feel it and, with increasing eloquence, draw their fellow human beings’ attention to the Day of Judgment, but they will still not find any credence even when it becomes obvious that Satan is raging with all his might .... when the signs of the end are unmistakable and constantly increase .... The human race will cling to the world and refuse to believe that it will come to an end; even My voice from above will be ignored by them and that will be their downfall. Nevertheless you should speak to them and inform them of My admonitions and warnings even if they don’t want to accept anything. They shall be warned so that no-one can say that they did not know anything .... because I Myself still want to draw every individual person’s attention to it through personal indications, signs and events which affect him directly. Everyone shall be addressed by Me, even the greatest sinner and scorner of an eternal God .... They shall all still receive My grace beforehand so that they will not go astray if only they listen and make use of My gift of grace. And everyone will find the confirmation of My servants’ Words, everyone will be forced to think about it .... but the result will be determined by his own will. But then the last Judgment will come without fail .... so that what I let seers and prophets proclaim to this day will come to pass. Yet woe to those who ignore My every admonition and warning .... Woe to those who have rejected My gifts of grace from above and live an irresponsible life on earth. My Word is truth and must come true, and thus you humans can expect this day with certainty, regardless of whether or not you are prepared .... Once the world clock has run out everything on earth will come to an end and I will only fetch My Own into My kingdom, My Own, who believe in Me as the Creator and Father of eternity and also courageously profess this faith before the world. The secular world, however, is a part of the one who will be bound again and, with him, everything that still adheres to him .... they will be judged on the last day and their fate will be profound darkness ....


BD 5002                received  19.11.1950

Light beings embodied as human beings ....
Disciples of the last days ....

The will to serve Me links the human being to My flock of disciples who I instructed to proclaim the Gospel. Every person wanting to work as a labourer in the vineyard of the Lord is welcome by Me, because many reapers are needed during the time of the end. I only value free will and assign to everyone work they are capable of doing. Hence, I do not reject anyone because I need all of them. The work first of all consists of spreading My teaching of love, and this mission is extremely important because during the last days people will thoughtlessly spend their lives entirely without love. Understandably, someone who is to spread the truth must live a life of love himself, otherwise his words would have no effect on his fellow human beings. Hence I can only use people as labourers in My vineyard if they observe the commandment of love for God and other people themselves, because only those people are capable of accepting My instructions, but in fact, only those people voluntarily offer to be of service to Me. The first condition to be a suitable worker in My vineyard therefore consists of activity of unselfish neighbourly love, and I also grant My special love to such a person who lives a life of love himself .... I regard him as My child, for it has recognised Me as its Father and wants to serve Me obediently .... For this reason, every person can regard himself as My child who places himself at My disposal for spiritual cooperation, while the others are indeed My living creations which I love and never want to lose but which must prove themselves as My children first by fulfilling My will. Consequently, I send My children to their brothers and sisters who have not recognised their Father as yet and let them be taught by the former .... which is a mission of such importance that I will always work together with My children in order to save souls from their eternal downfall. Children who have already found Me shall also show the path to the others, so that these, too, can experience the bliss of My presence, which equally turns them into My children. During the time of the end even light beings must descend to earth in order to help people, because they are extremely strongly influenced by the opposite side and people are too weak to offer resistance. These light beings embodied as human beings possess strong souls which strive towards Me, even though they lack the past awareness of their origin. They will always strive upwards and will never let themselves be influenced by low forces; nevertheless, as human beings on earth they wage a battle with them but will emerge victoriously. Powerful psychological strength often suggests a soul from above, yet the soul is not aware of this, otherwise its mission would become less important, which must always be and remain a free decision of will. The soul might well suspect it as a result of increased knowledge, yet for the soul’s own sake this fact will remain hidden from it until the time of complete spiritualisation, shortly before its demise, when, during a spiritual vision, it will recognise its origin and will long to return, full of yearning, to where it will be blissfully united with Me again. Such an incarnated being of light can be of great benefit on earth due to its spiritual strength and its love for its fellow human beings, however, as long as it lives on earth it is just a human being who, like any other human being, has to go through a process of development in order to be able to increase its spiritual powers, for he shall be an example for his fellow human beings who can attain the same powers as him, if they are willing to do so. A person on earth can even muster these light beings’ greater willpower by availing themselves of the blessings of the act of Salvation, on account of which precisely this teaching is diligently endorsed by those who are to proclaim the Gospel. Jesus Christ as the divine Redeemer and His teaching of love shall be proclaimed to people, and for this I need My servants on earth, so that all people will find the strength to strive towards ascent and release themselves from their tormentor who wants to plunge them into ruin if they are not being helped. For that reason I will bless every person who wants to help these souls, who serves Me as a servant in My vineyard, who, as a spiritual assistant, spreads light in the darkness of night in which people walk without reaching the right goal. And spreading light means instructing people in the truth, which I Myself impart upon those who thus want to be of service to Me ....


BD 5941                received  25.04.1954

Faith in Jesus Christ ....
Doubting Thomas ....

Only your faith in Jesus Christ can lead you humans towards consciously working at improving yourselves, for only when you believe in Him will you also accept His teaching of love and make an effort to live in accordance with this teaching .... Consequently, anything that is done in order to lead people to faith in Jesus Christ will have My total approval and is blessed by Me .... Jesus must be proclaimed, His act of Salvation must be clearly emphasised so that people will find the path through Jesus Christ to their God and Father of eternity. The end is near and humankind is far, far removed from the One Who sacrificed His life on the cross for everyone in order to save them from ruin .... Anyone who does not unite himself with Him will go astray, that is, the prince of darkness will retain his power over him and the heavenly kingdom will remain closed to him, for Jesus Christ is the gateway to eternal beatitude .... The end is near and countless people still don’t know Him or refuse to acknowledge him .... Only I know what this means for the vast number of souls who live thoughtlessly without Him and who die without him and perish .... it is no longer possible by natural means to lead them to Jesus Christ. Hence I would have to let My living creations go astray were I to leave it to natural processes which make absolutely no impression whatsoever on people. But I know the few who belong to Me and stand up for Me and My name before the world; I know that a small circle of people recognise Me in Jesus Christ who I now use as tools for the strength and power of the One Who people refuse to recognise. I let them preach the Word of the Lord .... I let them proclaim the doctrine of Jesus Christ and confirm their Words with extraordinary deeds so that they will be believed. But for this the proclaimers require extremely strong faith and the kind of love which will provide them with the strength in order to also work miracles in My name .... It is always I Myself Who performs these miracles, nevertheless through My servants, because it is My will that people shall take notice again of their Saviour and physician Jesus Christ, so that they will remember and learn to believe in His act of Salvation, His crucifixion and His resurrection .... The fact that I will reveal Myself once more before the end through My devout servants on earth is an act of love and mercy by Me; people shall be helped once more to find faith in Him because then they will also have found faith in Me in order to never lose it again.

Even if their faith has not brought forth the right fruits as yet, because it can only become a living faith through a life of love, the knowledge of Jesus Christ will nevertheless have reached a degree which will allow for further progress, even if the soul is prematurely recalled without having found total redemption on earth as yet .... It knows Him and calls upon Him in its adversity, and since it calls upon Me Myself in Jesus Christ I will also be able to help the soul .... Nevertheless, it is incomparably more valuable if a person has found faith in Me in Jesus Christ through My Word .... if he believes it and does not require miracles in order to be convinced of the truth of My Word .... Blessed are those who have not seen, and yet believe .... But I also helped the doubting Thomas to attain faith. And so I also help the many unbelievers today if they are not ill-willed, and I prove Myself to them as God as soon as a person stands up with fiery zeal for Me and My teaching, in order to increase the number of believers before the end and in order to also gain those people to whom the act of Salvation is still insignificant and who are therefore in great danger that the gates to the kingdom of light will remain closed to them for an infinitely long time .... I take pity upon their fate and accept the will and love of those who want to help their neighbour, and I bless their intentions by granting them the strength of healing and of performing miracles in My name .... For it is My will that My name shall be revealed and the blessings of My act of Salvation shall clearly manifest themselves. It is My will that people shall voice the name of Jesus Christ with profound faith so that I can enter into contact with them .... in order to let My Word be effective again and to make people realise the tremendous importance of acknowledging Jesus Christ as the Son of God and Redeemer of the world, in Whom I manifested Myself so that I can be a visible God for you .... I want to save you humans for eternity, and therefore I Myself will still come to meet you in the final hour .... For the end will soon be here ....


BD 3736                received  05.04.1946

Disclosure of attitude ....

People will reveal their innermost attitude when you bring the Gospel to them in times of severe earthly hardship, when you offer them My Word for comfort and help. Many a person will reach for it like a drowning man who grasps the last rescue anchor and draws the strength he needs from My Word in order to overcome earthly hardship. While others will behave indifferently or negatively, ridicule the bearers of light or even threaten them. Because the immense hardship will remove any disguise, and people who previously still pretended to believe will show their true character and then part with all faith, they will condemn earthly life and curse Me as Creator and Ruler of heaven and earth, if they inwardly still believe in a Power which is strong and yet allows this hardship to happen. And they are the ones who belong to My adversary, who knowingly declare war on everyone who acknowledges Me, because their curse against Me, which they need not voice yet frequently utter in their dark thoughts, will fall back on them and completely drive them into My adversary’s hands, who will openly use them for actions against Me. And they, too, need to be forced by harsh conditions to express themselves; they, too, have to openly declare their attitude and become aware of what they believe in. This disclosure of attitude will happen when you preach My Word to them which testifies of My love, which teaches and intends to foster love. The test I expect of people is difficult and yet it cannot be bypassed in view of the end which you are approaching faster than you think.

And anyone who does not prove himself in the days of hardship, who does not find the path to Me, is without faith, even if he says otherwise. The strength of My Word will touch many true believers and ease their distress, but anyone who opposes you when you bring them My Word reveals his inner being, and this is neither receptive nor willing to receive, and thus he will not feel the strength of My Word either. Hence you will be subjected to dreadful persecutions, you will be threatened and then have to stand firm against your enemies .... But I tell you even this in advance so that you will not doubt My Word, so that you will remain strong even then, because you will know that your work for My kingdom will have completely different results, which always correspond to the inner thoughts of the person to whom you proclaim My Gospel. And if Satan has already taken possession of a human soul he will also show his true nature, he will ridicule and insult Me and you, as My messengers, too .... But then do not fear, as I will be with you whenever you work for Me and My kingdom, and I will protect you even against the worst and most hostile attacks .... But then move on and do not stay with those whom you clearly recognise as My opponents .... Continue to carry the light, My divine teaching of love, to those who need strength and support and who will be grateful to you for offering them My Word. And do not let your enemies deter you because My Word also aims to expose people’s inner attitude, so that they will openly express their opinion about My gift and thus also about Me, Who thereby wants to urge them to make a decision before the final end arrives ....


BD 7916                received  11.06.1961

Explanation for the unusual knowledge ....

Broad fields of knowledge will be opened up to you when you receive My Word from above, for I Myself will introduce you to knowledge which cannot be intellectually acquired by you. You, who should teach your fellow human beings, must first be instructed yourselves in everything that you humans need to know. But you should also be able to refute every objection when it comes to defending the only truth, when rational people try to undermine the spiritual conclusions .... Then you should be able to explain all correlations, and thus you first have to be guided into profound spiritual knowledge which can only take place through My direct Word .... For I can only address you directly if you, through a life in accordance with My will, have shaped yourselves such that My spirit will be able to pour into you, and only then will you also understand what is imparted to you as profound knowledge .... on account of which the same knowledge .... if it is passed on from person to person .... will only be understood and recognised as truth by someone who lives a life of love and has awakened the spirit within himself.

The spiritual information is comprehensive, yet it will always be imparted to you as you require it in order to first become fully mature yourselves and to then carry out the mission which you have accepted of your own free will .... And in view of the approaching end, broader knowledge has become necessary; My plan of Salvation has to be presented to people so that they will recognise the significance of their earthly lives and do whatever it takes to escape the fate of a renewed banishment .... And this plan of Salvation covers the development of all created beings, the origin, present state and goal of everything that came forth from My strength of love. The knowledge is extensive and new to many people, for so far it has not been necessary to inform them of it. Yet the time of the end requires that this information is now conveyed to people, so that they will live more responsibly .... And thus they shall also know about their previous infinitely long earthly process which they already covered as soul-substances .... This knowledge, too, was strange to them and therefore they can only accept it with difficulty. Nor will they be coerced into believing it .... yet mentally they can form their own opinion and derive benefit from it ....

However, no human being can ever intellectually attain knowledge which concerns My reign and activity .... which explains My Being, which substantiates everything, even the forthcoming event, the transformation of earth, the spiritual and earthly turning-point .... Such knowledge can only be imparted to you from above, from Myself .... It can only be conveyed to you through the ‘working of the spirit’ and thus should also be recognised as an exceptional grace, which will still be granted to you in the last days .... And you humans should also understand that I Am only motivated by My greater than great love to inform you of everything in order to effect your voluntary return to Me, that you recognise My love and respond to it .... You should understand why I demand the spreading of My Word ever more urgently, why I would like to give this remarkable information to all people ....

This knowledge can only be conveyed to earth when certain conditions are in place. But wherever this is possible, that is, where people look for clarification, this is where they should acknowledge My direct activity and accept the gift of grace which can help their souls attain maturity during the last days before the end. For then they will truly receive knowledge which is presented to them by Myself and which also exposes every misguided teaching that was able to assert itself in the darkness of the spirit but which can no longer resist the bright light of truth .... The correct knowledge, which I offer you in My love, provides you with information and clarity, and it truly requires no further verbal human addition, it requires no further explanations added by human intellect .... My Word from above is offered to you in all clarity; it is comprehensible to everyone and provides you with the right concept of Me and My Nature, of My reign and activity ....

My Word from above guides you into truth, as I have promised, and should be distributed because all people shall know about My eternal plan of Salvation, because all people shall know about the end .... about the total transformation of the earth, which is intended by My plan of Salvation and will truly be carried out when the time is fulfilled ....


BD 3731                received  31.03.1946

Teaching activity in times of adversity - Last days ....

A concerted effort must be made by all those whom I have appointed to preach My Word in times of greatest earthly adversity. People will be needed in all places to proclaim Me and educate their fellow human beings, because great adversity will be everywhere, people far and wide will be disheartened and no longer able to understand anything if they lack all knowledge about My reign and activity, about the purpose and reason of what is imposed upon them, for as long as their goal is unknown to them they will not know the means of attaining this goal either. For this reason I will dispatch My servants to places where their efficiency is needed, where I know there are receptive hearts which are willing to listen to My Word. Each one will be able to be effective within his circle, the size of which will vary depending on the teaching ability of My servant on earth, who will then fully consciously take up his office of working for Me and My kingdom. Consequently, no-one should be hasty but, instead, wait patiently until he receives his call, until I Myself instruct him perceptively through his heart .... because everything will first have to take its course according to My will .... My Own certainly need strength of faith in view of the adversity which will be apparent everywhere, which will seem unbearable for many people and which I will nevertheless allow to happen in order to gain their hearts. My Own are aware of the purpose of the adversity and shall convey this knowledge to their fellow human beings, and thus I also allow the adversity to give My Own the opportunity to influence their fellow human beings through the strength of their faith, which makes everything easier to endure and to overcome. I will support My Own as soon as they call upon Me and therefore their adversity will always be bearable, for time and again there will be a way out where no human help seems possible. But they shall be of service to Me during this time, they shall speak on My behalf and mention My love, wisdom and omnipotence, they shall profess Me before the world and advise their fellow human beings to adopt the right attitude towards Me, which alone will ensure them protection and help .... They shall teach and proclaim My Word wherever possible but especially during the time of great adversity, which will precede My intervention on earth and will continue afterwards. Wherever you see great adversity you will know that your action is needed and your concerted activity will not remain unsuccessful if you are strong in faith yourselves and always and forever carry Me in your hearts. Then the hardship will not frighten you, even though your eyes and ears will witness it daily .... For you will know why I allow it to happen, you will recognise its necessity and the blessing every person can derive from it. And therefore every one of you are needed for spreading My teaching, and every one of you will be able to work according to his ability but always assured of My blessing, because I need robust labourers for My vineyard at the time which will pave the way to the final end ....


BD 5082                received  10.03.1951

Fellow labourers in Christ’s work of Redemption ....
‘Go ye therefore, and teach ....’

The work you accomplish for Me and My kingdom always involves participating in Christ’s work of Redemption. It is a continuation of what Jesus, the man, started on earth, it involves the spreading of the Gospel on His instruction and leading people to Him, the divine Redeemer Himself, and therefore it is a return to Me, the origin of all that has been created. This participation in the redemption work is so important and so extremely beneficial because influencing people directly from above has become impossible. Hence mediators, who are in contact with the spiritual kingdom as well as with people on earth and are thus able to convey the spiritual knowledge from above to them, are required to spread the Gospel .... This is the task of those who want to serve Me, who place themselves at My disposal as co-workers and whom I therefore send into the world with the instruction ‘’Go ye therefore, and teach all nations’, i.e., speak wherever the opportunity presents itself, inform them of Me and My direct working in all of you whom I send to cross your path .... Take your work seriously as there is not much time left. And I Myself will smooth your every way so as not to hinder your work, so that you will always have the opportunity to work on My instructions for the benefit of your fellow human beings. So far you can only do the groundwork, for the hour of your public activity has not come as yet. However, you should even do this preliminary work conscientiously and diligently, and you should always want to do it, then you will also have the strength and opportunity to work for Me. For many people are hungry and live in want, they thirst for nourishment for the soul, and I Myself direct all threads and convey the bread of heaven to those who desire it. I give in abundance .... Hence you, too, should strive to distribute the delectable gift to those who do not approach Me directly and need to be fed by you if I don’t want to let them perish. This is the redemptive work which, in a manner of speaking, makes you Jesus’ fellow labourers, His followers and His helpers, for countless souls suffer great adversity. Whatever you do in order to spread My Word will be blessed by Me and will result in copious reward, even if, from an earthly point of view, it is not obvious to you. You must more or less feel like My labourers who only accomplish the Lord’s will. But you will feel My will in your heart, and whatever your heart urges you to do, you should instantly comply with, for it is My voice which speaks to you, which impels you to work for Me and My kingdom. Do not fear earthly hardship or earthly disadvantage but always trust that I know your every worry and will remedy it at the right time. Anyone who works for Me is most reliably taken care of, it is just not obvious so that the work for Me is not done in a compulsory fashion but voluntarily instead if it is to be successful for eternity .... Someone who expects reward is not suitable for redemptive work which only requires profound love for Me and his fellow human being if it is to be effective. You don’t have much time left, therefore you should ever more eagerly fulfil My will, which will forever consist of carrying My Gospel into the world .... of instructing those who lack knowledge and enlightening those who are misguided. For only the truth will have a redemptive effect, and therefore you should spread the truth which I convey to you humans from above because I love you and want to deliver you from the bondage of darkness ....


BD 5085                received  16.03.1951

I need you ....
The Custodian’s concern for His servants ....

I need you .... The adversity on earth is huge and can only be solved with your assistance, because I cannot influence people’s souls with My omnipotence, instead, their free will must be stimulated and you should assist with that. There is immense adversity and I only have a few fellow workers on earth who want to steer this spiritual hardship. But these few are under My guardianship, they are cared for by My Fatherly love and will never be without protection. If you knew how I value your spiritual work you would no longer have the slightest doubt about My paternal care for you, you would not worry for a moment but, with complete confidence, always expect help in earthly adversity. Since you should constantly do your spiritual work I will also make sure that you can accomplish it, since the help for many souls depends on this work of yours, which cannot be taken to them by any other means. This work for Me and My kingdom is very carelessly carried out on earth, for only rarely is the full extent of the spiritual adversity recognised. Only a few people possess realisation, only a few people know the meaning and purpose of life on earth and the meaning and purpose of Creation, only a few people are therefore capable of instructing their fellow human beings of this information and thus only a few people can be true proclaimers of the Gospel, because it is absolutely vital for this mission that the proclaimer possesses the knowledge himself. You can therefore assume that I exceedingly carefully watch over those who are suitable for this proclaiming ministry, because they have received this knowledge from Me Myself. Teachings which are already spoilt are not entirely effective as a means of rescue for the misguided souls, they can only profit from the pure truth, only the pure truth is the means to remedy spiritual hardship. And once a person has become a bearer of truth through his will and his love for Me, he will be a faithful fellow worker whom I truly don’t want to lose, because I would not like to lose the many still misguided souls either but want to regain them before it is too late .... I need you, My fellow workers on earth, and I keep telling you time and again that I educate My bearers of light on earth Myself, because they are to restore the kingdom of God among people on My behalf, but that these bearers of light are in My service and, thus, will also be looked after by their Lord in every way. Consequently, anyone who works for Me need not fear any earthly worries, anyone who works for Me should also hand himself over to Me with complete faith, he should look up to the Father like a child and always be certain that he will also be guarded like a child by the Father. And the strength of his faith will give him peace, even in every earthly adversity, which I will solve when the time is right ....


BD 6731                received  08.01.1957

The vineyard labourers’ task ....

Every person’s task on earth is to place himself in a state which allows for heartfelt contact with Me in order to then be active as My labourer on earth and to participate in redemptive work by informing their fellow human beings of their task on earth so that they will not live their lives on earth as human beings in vain but that it will result in the soul’s freedom after an infinitely long time of constraint. And a person who has decided to be of active service in My vineyard shall also make every effort to perform the duty I have assigned to him. He should only ever wait for My instructions which he can feel within himself if he cannot hear them through the inner Word. For each person is assigned a position in which he can make best use of his strength. I need faithful vineyard labourers everywhere, diligent work shall be done for Me and My kingdom in all places, and wherever I kindle a light it should be carefully guarded so that it will not be extinguished and darkness spread across people who are in most urgent need of light. I will bless the silent, diligent work of every servant, such work will never be done in vain, because all sources of light, all places where work is done for My kingdom, are surrounded by souls which have already departed from earth but which need just as much help as the people on earth .... These souls, however, will generally stay where they had lived on earth, for they are repeatedly attracted by these places for as long as they are not yet mature enough to be admitted to wherever merely a light is shining for them .... During these last days there is great spiritual adversity on earth as well as in the beyond, because the act of renewed banishment must be feared by all souls which cannot obtain a small ray of light prior to this .... The beings of darkness have no idea of the fate awaiting them but they feel the turmoil in their spheres and are also called, time and again, by the beings of light or led to sources of light .... which I have made accessible for this reason. It is therefore the task of every servant in My vineyard to be fully committed to his duty and not to shy away from difficulties because I can and will resolve them as soon as I recognise My servant’s willingness to accomplish his task on earth. No insurmountable obstacles exist for Me, be they of a spiritual or earthly nature .... With My strength every servant in My vineyard will always be able to work successfully, for it will be bestowed upon the person who wants to use it for Me and My kingdom to benefit the unredeemed souls. And a vast amount of detailed work needs to be done .... for this incorporates the blessing .... So no-one should shy away from this effort and, least of all, those who have already started to work for Me and My kingdom .... who thus voluntarily offered their service to Me and to whom I have assigned their place .... Nothing happens by chance, nothing is determined by your own will once it is inclined towards Me .... But My adversary will want to hinder you, he will try everything in his power to keep you from your redemptive activity, and therefore you will have to fight against difficulties .... But do you doubt the fact that My power is greater, do you doubt that I will, time and again, find ways and means when it comes to being active according to My will? However, I also expect you to strongly believe in My help and your constant willingness of continuing the work which has already begun for Me and My kingdom .... You must fight but not let My adversary become victorious, then My blessing will also rest upon you and your actions ....


BD 5725                received  17.07.1953

Carry My Gospel into the world ....

Carry My Gospel into the world .... You don’t realise how necessary it is that people are taught, that they hear My Word and thus discover My will .... Although they know everything you make accessible to them as My Word, they no longer consider it My Word, they are simply empty phrases which they do not take seriously, consequently, they do nothing to improve their soul’s maturity, they live for the moment without thinking about the purpose of their life on earth .... And now you shall take My Word to them anew, they will certainly recognise it as the same Word but it will seem more alive to them because you will bring them a gift which you had received from Me Myself and which will no longer appear dead to them, instead, it will appeal to them as soon as you offer My Word with love. Carry My Gospel into the world .... This is the only possible way to acquaint people with their God and Creator, with their Father of eternity, Whom they must get to know in order to establish contact with Him themselves. You should inform them of Me, of My love for My living creations, of My eternal plan of Salvation and of the approaching end which shall not find them unprepared. You should bring them the truth, the knowledge you have received from Me which is intended to help people attain beatitude. Try to direct their minds to spiritual spheres and, above all, draw their attention to the divine Redeemer Jesus Christ; you should try to encourage them to look within themselves, to work at improving their souls, to strive for spiritual life, for the rebirth of their souls .... Try to convince them of the soul’s continuation of life and the responsibility they bear as human beings towards their souls, portray the soul’s fate after death to them and draw their attention to the fact that a Helper exists, that they should appeal to Jesus Christ for strengthening their will if it is too weak and, most of all, encourage them to be lovingly active .... Pass on everything I teach you Myself, and thus be true distributers of My teaching of love and work for Me and My kingdom, because people need explanations, they need My Word, and it shall be vividly offered to them, otherwise they will reject it and yet they cannot become blessed without My Word. Remember that time is running out, that your work does not allow for any delay, that you must work diligently because humanity is suffering great spiritual adversity. Remember that there is not much time left until the end and that you therefore must not be half-hearted or sluggish, but that you can also be certain of My blessing, of My support and constant instructions, that I will always and forever give so that you can pass it on again to those who are in need and depend on your help .... Therefore, be eager labourers in My vineyard, serve Me as faithful servants and guide people out of the darkness of night into the light of day .... Preach My Gospel of love to all people, so that they will attain life and become blissfully happy.


BD 8547                received  03.07.1963

God’s special care for His labourers ....

My special love and care is granted to all those of you who are active on My behalf, who work for Me and My kingdom. This assurance should eliminate all the worries you are occasionally prone to when you think of what is awaiting you. The time you are approaching will be difficult and yet, with the measure of strength you receive, you will not find it as hard as your fellow human beings whose contact with Me is not as heartfelt as yours and who will therefore be so weak that they will be in danger of being overwhelmed by the events. Each human destiny is known to Me since I Myself impose it upon every individual person, and since I certainly also know its consequences My help will be correspondingly. So, regardless of what happens to you, turn to Me at all times, take hold of My hand and let yourselves be guided and, truly, you will be able to overcome everything with ease and inner calm. For even then you shall still serve Me as proclaimers of My Word .... And during the time of adversity it is particularly necessary that you inform your fellow human beings of My working in you, of what is about to happen and of the Father’s love for His children .... They shall become convinced that I Am a God of love, then they will take the path to Me in their adversity and I can clearly provide them with help .... for if you can convince them that I Am a God of love, they will pray to Me in their heart when they appeal to Me for help. Then I will be able to help them without compelling them to believe .... But time and again I assure you, My servants, that I will not let go of your hand, that you will not be threatened by anything which seems to go beyond your strength .... You should only ever believe in My love, wisdom and power and, truly, this faith will be your strength and will also enable you to speak on My behalf to your fellow human beings .... Then you will serve Me and I will reward your service and protect you in every way .... I will also grant you physical strength when your work for Me is required, consequently you can approach the forthcoming events without worries and know that you will always be guarded by a loving Father to Whom nothing is impossible if He wants to help His children in their adversity.

The stronger this faith is and the more you entrust yourselves to Me, the less will you be affected by that which causes fear and trepidation in your fellow human beings .... Remember that everything is good, regardless of what happens, even if it does not look that way .... And everyone who listens to you will experience My protection when you inform them of My Word, when you proclaim the Gospel of love to them .... for everyone will suffer adversity in the coming time and only the strength of their faith will lead them through all tribulations .... They, too, will be seized by My love and be helped because they possess a living faith and thus pray to Me in spirit and in truth .... Only a close bond with Me will help every person to endure their fate, for then they will faithfully entrust themselves to Me and no longer impose limits to My power .... Then, and depending on the depth of their faith, I will be able work in extraordinary ways. Therefore, do not allow yourselves to become depressed by thoughts that you might succumb to your weakness .... What seems impossible to you today, you may experience yourselves in the form of remarkable help at the time of great adversity .... My adversary’s activity will assume exceptional proportions; he will achieve inconceivable things and thereby prompt equal countermeasures on My part. But I will expose him and open your ears and eyes, My servants, so that you will clearly recognise the artful trickery of the one who wants to corrupt you .... And you, too, will be suitably equipped for your encounter with him .... You will destroy his web of lies with the sword of your mouth; you will publicly denounce him and be protected by Me against his interventions .... for he will pursue you wherever possible. The signs for the near end will become progressively more distinct, just as My love will express itself consistently more obviously, because anyone who belongs to Me need truly not be afraid of anything. But anyone without a living faith will fall prey to My adversary and his deceptive work, he will let himself be misled and not recognise the danger he is in. Nor will he take any measures to come out of it and only great adversity can teach him to think differently .... Yet the person who utterly belongs to My adversary already will receive strength from his side. This person will also master the adversity with his support but instead totally lose his soul to him, who will not set it free anymore and thus his followers will be bound at the same time as him when the day of the end comes ....


BD 5567                received  31.12.1962

Impending turning point ....

You can announce a new era to all people, for you are facing a turning point .... And it is also My will that you, My servants on earth, will always mention this announcement of Mine, I want people to obtain the knowledge of it even if they do not want to believe it. Their thoughts shall be guided to the forthcoming event, to the time which will even strike an unbelieving person as abnormal. They shall learn about a vast change in their living conditions, a very clear reference to the end, which will follow soon afterwards. They shall learn of this change because it could revive their faith once it happens, if they follow world events and all the signs you foretold them will be clearly evident. A new time is approaching and I don’t announce it to you humans for no reason .... The path you are taking is still far away from Me; only rarely, if ever, do I play a part in your life. Nevertheless, I want you to come to Me, to call upon Me, to always let Me lead the way, and not live your life without Me .... This is why I call you time and again until you hear it so distinctly that you will heed My call .... For this reason My servants on earth shall inform people of what is awaiting them .... that everything will happen differently than they wish and hope for .... Soon the last phase before the end will start, soon the final battle of faith will erupt but it will be preceded by a powerful upheaval of the Earth which should make all people think and which will nevertheless only be recognised by a few as a final call of warning and admonition from above. You humans should believe that you will still have to travel a difficult path but, with My strength, it will be possible for you, therefore I want to offer you My strength in advance, even to those of you who do not believe in Me as yet .... Call upon Me in times of need and you will manifestly experience My help, but do not succumb to the forces of darkness, don’t curse and complain if you are painfully affected by that which will and must come without fail .... Think about it when a decision for or against Me is expected of you. Consider the fact that I can give and take but only ever give to you that which will benefit you for eternity. Don’t let yourselves be enticed by all kinds of worldly promises, you will lose everything again .... but what you acquire spiritually will remain with you and give you eternal pleasure. You are facing a change in the world .... you are approaching a turning point both in an earthly and spiritual way, you humans are at the centre of a momentous event; hold on to Me, your God and Father of eternity, and you will remain safe while everything around you will perish, for I Myself Am your strength and power, I Myself Am Lord over life and death .... Anyone who is with Me, who stands by My side, truly need not fear anything, for he will live in eternity ....


Bertha Dudde short biography

Who was Bertha Dudde?

Bertha Dudde was born on 1. April 1891, as the second oldest daughter of a painter, in Liegnitz, Silesia. She became a dressmaker and began to receive pronouncements from God through the ‘Inner Word’ on 15. June 1937.

“In a clear dream I was moved to write down my thoughts after devout prayer. Understandably this often gave way to doubt and inner conflicts until I was convinced that I was, myself, by no means the initiator of these exquisitely gracious words; but instead it was the spirit within me, in other words, the love of the Heavenly Father was obviously responsible for them and introduced me to the truth”.

“I was given knowledge of the spiritual world which far exceeded my elementary school education. I received and receive this knowledge as a dictation in a state of complete consciousness; I write down everything I am told in shorthand, in order to then transfer it word for word to clean copy. The procedure does not take place in a state of compulsion, for example in a state of trance or ecstasy, but in an absolutely level-headed frame of mind. However, I have to want it to happen and then I can receive these dictations voluntarily; they are neither bound by time nor place.

“Now I only have one wish, which is to be able to make these gifts of grace accessible to many more people and in accordance with the will of God Himself to be allowed to do much more work in His vineyard.”

(Quotations from an autobiography from 1959).

Bertha Dudde died on 18. September 1965 in Leverkusen, Germany.

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