Bertha Dudde 1891 - 1965  
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BD 3150 5.u.6.6.1944

End of the redemption period ....

You humans already have an incomprehensibly long time of development behind you, and now you are close to the end of a period which was given to you for completion. Life on earth as a human being is the conclusion of a period of development, but now everything is drawing to a close, for the earth in its present form will not remain. It undergoes a total transformation because the human race, which currently inhabits the earth, no longer fulfils its developmental task and thus the earth in its present form has become purposeless and therefore undergoes a reshaping so that new abode possibilities are created again for the spiritual, which leaves the earth unfinished and is therefore banished again into the creations of the new earth. The endless long time of development before the embodiment as a human being will then have been in vain for it if it fails in the last stage.

The infinite love of God has still given the beingness the possibility of development in the beyond so that it can still mature there, even if under far more difficult conditions than on earth. But now a period of redemption is coming to an end, and this also means the end of the opportunities granted to the beingness in the beyond to mature. For the people of the last days will no longer have the degree of maturity to be accepted into the spheres of the beyond at the time of their demise, unless God's mercy calls them away before then, in a time of greatest adversity and tribulation, which will earn them the recognition of an eternal Deity before they pass away.

But the last ones are completely turned away from God, they are hardened and not accessible to any instruction, therefore they are no longer capable of improvement. And these are deprived of any possibility of higher development by taking away their bodily life and by binding the essence in them anew in the solid form. What this means can only be understood by those who know of the endless long path through creation which the essence must cover. And even he cannot even begin to imagine it until he has entered the kingdom of light and knows about his own course of development.

However, the beingness has been granted an abundantly measured time of redemption by God, but it has not used it to come closer to Him but to increase its distance. And for such beings there is no longer any ascent on this earth but only a constant regression, the end of which has to be banishment into the solid form ..... People are now so ignorant and unteachable that they don't recognise the end time, that they don't think about where the spiritual low shall lead to, because they reject everything spiritual and only pay attention to their earthly life.

And an end has to be put to this state, humanity has to be forcibly pointed to this end for the time being. And if this, too, is unsuccessful, it will go towards its downfall, i.e., earthly, the earth and with it its inhabitants will experience a total process of change, in that the earth will completely reshape itself in its external form and people will likewise face a total external change of form .... that their fleshly cover will fall away from the being and a solid matter will now enclose it again, which will take away all freedom of will and it will now be bound again for an infinitely long time.

Although this is presented to people, they do not change their way of life because they do not believe and, due to their loveless life, are immersed in complete spiritual night and in completely wrong thinking. The human being can only attain knowledge through love, and if he lacks it he is blind in spirit and inaccessible to every concept. Yet God constantly admonishes and warns people, and if they were to pay attention to the times and their events, to the voices which preach love to them, they would also become suspicious and think about these signs. But Satan has them in his grip and they themselves do not have the will to break away from him. And that is why the end inevitably comes, because the redemption period has expired in a short time ....



* Translated with



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Dear friends of the Revelation of God to Bertha Dudde,

for your information: Unfortunately, only a little less than a third of the work has been translated into English so far. So there is still a lot to do.

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