Bertha Dudde 1891 - 1965  
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BD 3154 10.u.11.6.1944

Love for the unredeemed ....
Success ....

The love for all unredeemed should prevail in you as soon as you want to be active on earth for the kingdom of God. You must know that the souls have to bear a heavy burden if they pass immaturely into the kingdom of the beyond, and to help these souls while they are still on earth is the task of those who want to serve God. Furthermore, you must know that God's concern is always for these souls because He loves all His creations and that you also belong to those creations which He cares for in His love ....

Similarly, you should also give love and distribute it to all poor people in spirit because you thereby also demonstrate your love for Him by taking care of those on earth whom God seeks to win for His kingdom. Love of heart must determine you to do so, not that you take care of your fellow human beings' hardship for the sake of your own advantage. For only that which is born in the heart is valued, and you will only be able to work successfully if you awaken reciprocated love in people through your love and this reciprocated love can only bring redemption, for it is a step towards perfection.

Where love is absent the human being will not be successful in his spiritual work, for the activity of love confirms the truth of what you should impart to unredeemed souls. What you offer them with love will not fail to make an impression either, for love not only speaks to the intellect but also to the heart, and the heart decides whether and what it wants to accept .... Without love you cannot accomplish a work of redemption, neither on earth nor in the beyond.

All your actions and work should be supported by love, and if you want to remedy the spiritual hardship you must try to imagine the suffering state of an unredeemed soul after its earthly demise, and it must urge you to want to spare a soul this suffering. Hence you must lovingly help it to break through the spiritual darkness and offer it the Word of God, driven by the feeling to also give something that makes you happy to your fellow human being. You must also court their love through a noble, helpful nature and thus be eagerly active as God's servants on earth who want to prepare the way for their Lord so that He will be well received when He Himself comes.

Only love makes you suitable for this service on earth, without love you can only work with little success, for then your words will fall on dry ground if it is not first made receptive through love for the seed which shall yield delicious fruit. And therefore the Word of God can only be successfully spread by those who love it themselves, for even if the success is not immediately recognisable, the lovingly offered Word will not lose its strength as soon as it is seriously considered for a long time afterwards, for the lovingly imparted Word will also be received intellectually and can still exert its effect to make the heart receptive for it as soon as the human being's will is good.

In the end time it will be increasingly more difficult to bring salvation to the unredeemed souls because they themselves will offer hard resistance to every attempt of redemption by offering the truth. And yet you should not let up, mindful of the great hardship of these souls in the beyond. For even if they deny a continuation of life after death, they will one day stand at the gates of death and realise that their existence has not come to an end, they will only find themselves immeasurably miserable in a desolate environment and in a hopeless situation. And then these souls can only be helped through prayer so that they themselves will change their will and be given strength to work in love, for again only love is redeeming, love for the even more seriously suffering one whom the soul now wants to help ....



* Translated with



   A new call

The is looking for translators.

Dear friends of the Revelation of God to Bertha Dudde,

for your information: Unfortunately, only a little less than a third of the work has been translated into English so far. So there is still a lot to do.

Therefore we are looking for translators who would like to help us to continue translating this work into English.

As a native English speaker with a love and understanding of these revelations, you have the right qualifications to help further translate this great work and participate in its dissemination. Your possible cooperation is expected with pleasure.

If you are interested, just contact us. Contact offer



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