Bertha Dudde 1891 - 1965  
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BD 3342 23.11.1944

Power of love ....
Power of the divine word ....
Offering the divine word with or without love ....
Request ....

Only he who directly receives strength, be it on earth or in the spiritual kingdom, can give strength, for the giving of strength is only a consequence of receiving, but this in turn is the effect of a life of love. A work of love can therefore also donate strength because God Himself expresses Himself in loving activity, thus a transfer of strength also takes place. This is to be understood in such a way that only good deeds have a beneficial effect, even if this is not immediately recognised, but that a person who is intrinsically unloving and whose actions are not based on love can never ever be a blessing. He can indeed seemingly possess great strength himself but this is only increased life force which flows to him from God's adversary because he is in bondage to him, but it is not divine strength which enlivens, spiritually promotes and leads upwards.

This strength is only supplied to people by God, and this strength can therefore only be gained through loving activity, through a direct connection with God. Likewise, spiritual strength can only be transmitted by people who are capable and willing to love, because only such people are recipients of strength. And it follows that the strength of the divine Word only becomes effective when it is offered to people in love, otherwise it remains a dead Word. It is different, however, when a loving person desires the Word of God from the bottom of his heart and turns to God for the supply of truth and strength from God.

Then the transmitter of the Word can be a silent instrument of God, then God Himself conveys His Word through it to the desiring person and it will be received by him as a source of strength. For then it is God Himself Who distributes His gift, as He can also convey it to the human being through the Scriptures, which, however, only come alive when a loving, truth-desiring person asks God for it. The receiver and the giver must stand in love if the power of the Word is to become effective ....

A gift which is offered without love is only a form which is not enlivened by the spirit, it is something dead which understandably cannot awaken to life and also does not generate counter-love. Because the human being cannot receive strength through his lack of love he is also incapable of giving it away, and thus the state of powerlessness is everywhere where love is not cultivated. But lack of strength is also darkness .... Light is missing where there is no transmission of strength through loving activity. And light is knowledge .... Thus the state of lovelessness must at the same time be a state of ignorance, a lack of knowledge which corresponds to truth. And therefore unkindness has also expelled the truth, and it can only be regained through loving activity ....

But the truth is the pure Word of God which is conveyed to the person who is active in love, and he will also be permeated by strength and be able to distribute light and strength again. And if love for his neighbour impels the person to spread the Word of God he will also be able to present it vividly, and then it will also awaken his fellow human being to life, for this is the power of the divine Word, that it will not leave an impression if it presents love. And that is why God's servant himself must stand in love if he wants to be successful in the vineyard of the Lord. He must recognise the spiritual hardship on earth and want to help people, then he will receive the strength to shape his Words such that they are understandable and acceptable to people.

Then the inherent strength of the divine Word will flow into the listener, it will increase his willingness to receive, his understanding and again his activity of love .... he will follow the divine Word and he will make considerable spiritual progress .... And only love can achieve this .... Without love, however, every work is unsuccessful for his spiritual ascent. And this is why so much work on earth is in vain. For even those who feel called do not recognise the necessity of loving activity and the powerlessness of the Word which is offered without love. And this is why God calls His servants on earth to Himself, to whom He repeatedly demonstrates the strength of love which results in inconceivable blessings and which therefore may never be switched off if the human being tries to achieve spiritual success, for only love redeems, and only love leads to God ....



* Translated with



   A new call

The is looking for translators.

Dear friends of the Revelation of God to Bertha Dudde,

for your information: Unfortunately, only a little less than a third of the work has been translated into English so far. So there is still a lot to do.

Therefore we are looking for translators who would like to help us to continue translating this work into English.

As a native English speaker with a love and understanding of these revelations, you have the right qualifications to help further translate this great work and participate in its dissemination. Your possible cooperation is expected with pleasure.

If you are interested, just contact us. Contact offer



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