Bertha Dudde 1891 - 1965  
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BD 3369 16.12.1944

Striving of the adversary of God to alienate men from Him ....

Spiritual development is so extremely important in earthly life and yet is mostly disregarded, and this is the work of God's adversary whose endeavour is to prevent people as much as possible from thinking about their actual purpose in life. Only active reflection leads people to the goal, it brings them to recognise their task in a short time. But as soon as the demands of the world approach him in such a way that they fully occupy his thinking, God's adversary has achieved his goal of dissuading him from every spiritual thought, and now the human being will not do the least for his soul because he is not aware of its need.

For in order to work on his soul he has to know that it is in a defective state, he has to imagine the cause of it, he also has to know about the consequences and recognise the former in a wrong earthly change .... . Only then will he strive to change himself and thus tackle the work on his soul. But God's adversary tries to prevent all this by placing earthly life in the foreground and using every opportunity to entice the human being with what belongs to the world. And the human being all too willingly accepts worldly temptations, he allows himself to be lured and follows him by striving for the pleasures and goods of the world, by allowing himself to be completely captivated by the world.

A person who still takes a liking to the world will never seriously ponder the meaning and purpose of his earthly life, he will never cultivate his inner life but only ever pay attention to the external; he will enjoy life to the full and not miss any opportunity to help the body to enjoy itself, while he will not think about his soul at all, and therefore he can never develop upwards as soon as he pays too much attention to the world, for this is part of him who wants to corrupt the soul, who believes he can diminish God's power and strength and therefore also seeks to distance the human being from God.

And humanity willingly follows him, it does not resist, it does not refuse, but does everything the adversary of God demands, and he believes himself to be over-strong in his power. People's will itself increases this power, the human being hands himself over to God's opposing power where he should offer resistance and can do so if he raises his thoughts to God and requests the strength from Him. For often enough it is held up to him what he should do and what he should refrain from doing, often enough his own task in life is presented to him and he is encouraged to think about it ....

If he does not do so, it is his fault, for God truly does not lack opportunities where the human being can come to recognise his task in life. If he lets these opportunities pass he will have to answer for them, just as, conversely, he will receive grace upon grace if he strives to fulfil his task in life of his own accord and raises his thoughts to God. For God takes hold of every outstretched hand which appeals to Him, but just as He never forces the human being's will to incline towards Him if he strives towards His adversary ....




* Translated with



   A new call

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Dear friends of the Revelation of God to Bertha Dudde,

for your information: Unfortunately, only a little less than a third of the work has been translated into English so far. So there is still a lot to do.

Therefore we are looking for translators who would like to help us to continue translating this work into English.

As a native English speaker with a love and understanding of these revelations, you have the right qualifications to help further translate this great work and participate in its dissemination. Your possible cooperation is expected with pleasure.

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