Bertha Dudde 1891 - 1965  
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BD 3393 5.1.1945

"Work and create while it is still day ...."

Work while it is day, for the night is coming when you can no longer work .... You are still in the midst of the time of grace, you are still in the midst of your vitality and you can use it for your soul's salvation. No limits are set for you as yet, for My strength and My grace are at your disposal without measure. And therefore you can continue to move in the light, you can strive for the light when it is dark around you, and you can intensify the dull glow of the light so that it brightly illuminates your surroundings.

It is still day for you, if you only want to walk in the light and not in darkness of your own free will. But even this day will come to an end, and all who have shunned the light will sink into the night of death, and from this night there will be no more salvation for eternity. You will want to escape from it and will not be able to, because the night will last until the new day dawns again, and this night will seem eternal to you. For you knew the light and did not approach it ....

Now I call to you: Use the end of the day, work in love, and kindle the light in yourselves so that you will no longer need to walk in darkness. Take My light which shines for you in abundance, kindle your weak little light on it and carry it to Me, to the eternal fire, so that the flame of love will flash over to it and your own light will be increased in its brilliance and all darkness around you will be banished. For light alone is life .... work and create, so that you may gain the life of the soul .... be active in love and acquire the right to stand in the midst of light, to walk freely in the bright day, outshone by the sun of the spirit, and finally enter the eternal light, the spiritual sun, into spheres where you are surrounded by light and in constant bliss.

But darkness is death; he who dwells in darkness is powerless, because no ray of light reaches him who has strength in himself. And when night has fallen it is too late to create and work, for I have set a goal for you, a limit of the redemption period until which you are entitled to the freedom of your will. And until the end of this period there is still a day which everyone can use to make his state of soul full of light. But when this time is over then sink into deepest night what has not used its will in the right way. It will be dead and lifeless because I will withdraw all strength from it, and its will will be bound again because it has abused its freedom, and night will surround the being .... darkest night, which is exceedingly agonising.

Only a few heed My call, only a few take My words seriously to create and work as long as it is day. But no human being remains on earth without warning and admonition, who needs them .... I want to bring light to everyone, yet I will not force anyone who prefers the night to accept the light. And thus he must also accept the consequences of having rejected a divine gift of love .... For My Word is the light which sends a ray into every person's heart if it is opened to him. My Word admonishes to work with love, and every person has already heard this Word .... Yet whether he follows it, whether he works and creates with love on earth, is up to him .... But soon the day will be over and night will envelop all those who have not heeded My Word ....



* Translated with



   A new call

The is looking for translators.

Dear friends of the Revelation of God to Bertha Dudde,

for your information: Unfortunately, only a little less than a third of the work has been translated into English so far. So there is still a lot to do.

Therefore we are looking for translators who would like to help us to continue translating this work into English.

As a native English speaker with a love and understanding of these revelations, you have the right qualifications to help further translate this great work and participate in its dissemination. Your possible cooperation is expected with pleasure.

If you are interested, just contact us. Contact offer



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