Bertha Dudde 1891 - 1965  
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BD 3403 13.1.1945

Divine wisdom surpasses human wisdom ....

A divine revelation outweighs every seemingly profound human wisdom, for it is purest truth and therefore irrefutable. For if God expresses Himself through the voice of the spirit, then all error is excluded. But God reveals Himself through an earthly child which is intimately united with Him, which believes in Him and establishes contact with Him through loving activity and desire for Him, as soon as a person is therefore active in love and intimately asks Him for enlightenment, thus also lives in faith that God can and will express Himself. If He is sincerely asked for it, God will not deny Himself to him either .... Then He speaks to him through the inner voice, and then these revelations are to be believed, they are to be accepted as truth because they are of divine origin.

And then the human being draws from the original source of wisdom, and understandably he will surpass every earthly wise man in knowledge. But only the person who desires the right, the divine wisdom, will recognise it as wisdom ..... And therefore it will never be possible to argue about the value of divine revelations, because an incomprehending person who neither seeks to penetrate the truth nor leads a way of life which can earn him such, is completely incapable of judging what is presented to him.

So divine revelations are neither credible nor incontestable for him, indeed, they rather appear to him as little wise, and it cannot be argued with such people but will always prevail as long as the listeners are also of the same spirit, i.e. without faith in a God to Whom everything is possible and without love which only awakens to life where faith is still dead. It is wrong to try to introduce divine revelations to these people, for they would always contradict and also influence their fellow human beings in such a way that they would reject it before they had seriously taken a stand on it.

Therefore it is of no value to initiate people who are completely without faith, who therefore have no spiritual striving whatsoever and only live exclusively in the world. Knowledge can certainly be presented to them, but never the origin of knowledge, before he is put into a thoughtful state by the knowledge itself and desires light and truth. Only then can he be informed where to look for the source. And only then will he also recognise the profound wisdom that shines forth from the divine revelations. And he will no longer be satisfied with earthly knowledge, he will strive for spiritual perfection in order to be able to receive God's revelations himself, as He has promised.

But despite this, the Word of God, which guides His love for earth, shall be carried on, nevertheless human wisdom shall be displaced by wisdom from God, for this will break through, because everything divine will continue to exist while the human will pass away. Yet the Word of God will only be recognised in all its wisdom when people voluntarily open themselves up to it, when they look for the reason in God's love and use His omnipotence and wisdom to explain His extraordinary working, thus when they believe that God, in His love, wants to help people who are outside of the pure truth, and He is also able to do so ..... Then His wisdom will be recognised and His revelations will be gratefully received as an extraordinary gift of grace ....



* Translated with



   A new call

The is looking for translators.

Dear friends of the Revelation of God to Bertha Dudde,

for your information: Unfortunately, only a little less than a third of the work has been translated into English so far. So there is still a lot to do.

Therefore we are looking for translators who would like to help us to continue translating this work into English.

As a native English speaker with a love and understanding of these revelations, you have the right qualifications to help further translate this great work and participate in its dissemination. Your possible cooperation is expected with pleasure.

If you are interested, just contact us. Contact offer



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