Bertha Dudde 1891 - 1965  
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BD 3653 11.1.1946

Think and act justly ....

I demand righteous thinking and righteous action from you, for this arises from a loving heart. If you give to your neighbour what you claim for yourselves, the love of your heart will drive you to do so, and thus you will fulfil My commandment to love your neighbour as yourselves. And you will constantly have the opportunity to do so, although you will also be exposed to temptations, for My adversary will also work on you undauntedly and try to kindle your desires such that you will not want to deny yourselves what you deem desirable. Yet the more earthly goods appear appealing to you, the more you should remember My commandment of love .... Pray of what you possess and relieve your neighbour's distress; think and act justly, i.e., do not let those who possess nothing go hungry, but put yourselves in their position where you would be grateful for any help.

Think and act justly .... You are all brothers, you are all children of one Father, and you should share every gift among yourselves, for this is true love, which delights the Father's heart and which will bless you a thousandfold. And if you give, do not measure anxiously and fear that your supply will be less ...., for as you measure out, so shall it be measured out to you ..... I, your Father of eternity, always give to you according to your will to give, for I want hardship to be alleviated, I want people to be able to develop their love, I want to stimulate them into loving activity, and I truly do not leave in hardship those who disown themselves in order to help their fellow human beings ....

I want My blessing to be evident to you, that you recognise Me Myself as the giver of everything you need; yet I also want you to distribute as I distribute to you ...., that you consider those in need and thereby practise love, that you don't claim what My love offers you for yourselves alone when the hardship is clearly recognisable around you. Think and act justly .... Seek to alleviate the adversity with love in order to awaken reciprocated love, for only when people realise that your activity of love will earn them My blessing can the earthly adversity improve, because then the purpose of the adversity will have been achieved .... a change in the human being towards love which corresponds to My divine order and also results in an orderly earthly life.

And thus your thoughts and actions shall always be guided by the love of the heart, then your way of life will correspond to My will, then you yourselves will mature in your soul, then the earthly adversity will be alleviated, for then love will reign, and where love is I Myself Am, as I will always dwell where My commandments are fulfilled, which only demand love for Me and for the neighbour ....



* Translated with



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Dear friends of the Revelation of God to Bertha Dudde,

for your information: Unfortunately, only a little less than a third of the work has been translated into English so far. So there is still a lot to do.

Therefore we are looking for translators who would like to help us to continue translating this work into English.

As a native English speaker with a love and understanding of these revelations, you have the right qualifications to help further translate this great work and participate in its dissemination. Your possible cooperation is expected with pleasure.

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